Grass Daddies Podcast - Grass Daddies Podcast Episode 30: From a 5.6 to a 7.1
Episode Date: February 23, 2024In this episode of the Grass Daddies Podcast, Jake and Kam find themselves in their element, sipping beers and shooting the shit. Jake challenges Kam to quiz him on the movie Hot Rod as he did to Kam ...for Stepbrothers, this will be featured in next week's episode so stay tuned! SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grass Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Tik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11
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in this episode of the grass daddy's podcast do you guys have a cherry down there
this weekend i'm going to help my grandma clean out her basement
it's not it's not a euphemism for anything that's just um okay what's the
oh okay you didn't shake it no okay no no no welcome to the with harms white hole pond i had to double down on that one i had to
really lay into it um podcast that's cam i'm jake and we are the grass daddies um you know that you
when people are sometimes talking and you're like predicting what they're saying you mouth it along with them did you know you do that no you didn't know you do that no it's awesome i wonder
if that picked it up but like i'll be saying something like i'll be quoting something that
we regularly quote and you're like you'll start like like you'll start mouthing it with me it's
very it's very cute at least i'm not like that yeah at least
you're not like me and i just interrupt and just say it because i want to hear myself say it
um welcome back to another fun would you just flub it when you just roof it
just roof it the whole time waiting for you to get here i was just watching hockey videos
i watched um penalty box moments there's a couple clips where it was like six guys in there and
they're just like i don't know if there's enough room in there for them all have you seen the one
where they just uh skate out they just the entire team that's on that shift just drops their gloves.
They just all start swinging.
What's it called?
A line brawl?
A line brawl.
And then there's just one dude that just drops his gloves,
just fucking decks the guy.
The guy falls.
He just runs over to, like, his teammate and grabs the guy that his
teammate's fighting.
He just starts.
I swear the best videos that exist on the
internet are fuck or hockey mic'd up oh yeah trash talk slash fights oh yeah oh my god you can choose
what hand i beat the shit out of you like the chirps are unlike any other sport if you need
any recommendation for something to watch if you're bored or need
something like i'm taking a shit i need to watch a quick 10 minute video look up hockey mic'd up
trash talk oh my god like there's there's one clip that trace and i always quote um this guy
he's just like had enough with another guy and he just skates up to him like doesn't like
chirp at him or see if he wants to start fighting he just like runs over to him and grabs him and
he goes okay now you gotta go buddy he just starts basically forcing him to fight him
the other thing i learned from that is while a lot of the players have very foul language,
the refs have equally foul language.
Like there's a clip where the ref,
these two players were arguing and the ref just had enough of it.
And he's like,
fuck both you guys.
You're both going in.
and I'm just like,
they're probably just old hockey players.
They're probably just trying to live up their fucking life of just being like,
maybe imagine the refs just fucking life of just being like. Maybe.
Imagine the refs just fucking.
The refs just go.
They just throw their whistles on the ground.
They're like, now you got to go, buddy.
Okay, buddy.
Now you got to go.
There was another clip where.
Like, they know, like, when certain players are young.
There's something special about the hockey community. Like all the players it's just different like all the players know certain things about other players like this one guy was
chirping about how the other guy just got to like the nhl and like didn't have a goal yet or
something like he was like giving him shit for that he's like he's like i don't even
know you did not want to hear anything from the rookie uh i follow uh i'm pretty sure his name's
i think it's daniel amesberry okay it's a guy with in the that's the guy that goes now you
can choose what hand i beat the shit out of you with oh Oh, yeah. But he's not in the NHL.
What's he in?
I don't really know.
It's like a minor league.
Oh, but he is a hockey player.
Yeah. I don't know if it's – I don't know exactly how the leagues work,
but, yeah, he's like an older.
Some kind of minor league.
And he was like in the king of their rink or something like that.
It's like literally what the show Lagoon is about, the second one,
where they just come out on the ice and they just beat the shit out of each other.
Oh, yeah.
They just have UFC gloves on instead of they just have UFC gloves on.
See, that's almost like I would compare that to like so what cam is referring to is or why don't you describe it
it's basically it's it's basically hockey but only the fighting yeah so it's it's essentially
they take a hockey rink and they pretty much shrink it down to like the center circle it's
a little bigger than the center circle but yeah they're
just on skates and it's just boxing with ice skates on and you're on ice pretty much so like
everyone knows one of the most exciting parts of hockey is the fight yeah and so
i don't know if i would like that or not because it's like, well, I know it's just fighting, you know.
There's something exciting about there may or may not be a fight.
It's like eating an Uncrustables.
Something leads up to it, though.
It's like eating an Uncrustables.
You don't have to work for it.
You just get the best part right there.
That's like walking up to somebody.
Or it's just like having sex with someone.
You don't even have to try it.
You don't have to take them on a date or kiss them.
You're just like, we're going.
Right, it's just sex.
We're going.
Because it's like just walking up to you and I just grab your sweatshirt.
I just fucking hit you.
Instead of just nobody just pissing you off or doing anything, it's just, all right, we're going.
But both people know it's happening.
They're both ready know it's happening they're both
ready for it yeah it's like it again the uncrustables probably wasn't that comparison
it's just the best part you don't have to bite through that stubborn crust um but no it is like
i feel like it's like a date just like a hockey game is like a date okay follow me you have to feel
them out first yeah you you know like it's a game you gotta play right um and there may or may not
be a fight which is the sex um but like there you don't know if it's gonna happen or not there may
not be a fight and when the refs
come over and break up the fight before it happens that's like what she's like yeah we can fuck when
we get home and then you get home and she falls asleep that's when the refs break up the fight
or like her brother her brother comes in the room or something there's just like hey
i'm also here and then and then when like yavi skirted the ref, that's like when her parents are home and you're not sure if you want to fuck.
And you go in the basement.
And then you're just bricked up and you're like, ah, I'm going anyways.
Fuck it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So dropping the gloves is taking your clothes off.
There you go.
Next time, next Stars game, I'll just be like, let's have sex here.
I don't think anyone will know what you're talking about.
Because it's only us.
It's a joke.
And also, if we were damn near close to getting kicked out of the last Stars game we went to,
running in there and yelling, let's have sex, is definitely going to get you kicked out.
Especially with how many kids there are there.
There's a lot of kids at those games.
Yeah, well, they're going to learn somehow.
I mean, well bailey and i
were getting married and she's on this uh facebook we're getting married until no she's on this
facebook like wedding deal and this gal was like how this gal asked how do i put on her invitations
that the music might not be suitable for uh kids ears and wonder
better friends one response was one response was if any kids are left unattended they will
be given a red bull and talk cuss words i feel like i don't know if your kids
if your kids aren't even allowed to hear a cuss word as a parent, you're just a pussy.
Like, just teach them.
Teach them this is not an okay word.
I don't know.
And, you know, you can't hold their hand through everything.
In kids nowadays, dude, you hear like fucking fifth graders just throwing shit out.
And it's like, uh.
Do you think the age of cussing is going down?
Like kids are cussing younger?
I don't know.
I guess it probably just depends on the household.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Gabe said his kids cuss, but he also cusses.
Yeah, but a lot of things are is I think a lot of it with nowadays was.
When I cuss, my dad was like, I'll wash your mouth out with soap.
And then I cussed once and I did it.
And then I kind of got used to the soap.
I'm like, hey, this ain't that bad.
I just started doing it. I did it. And then I kind of got used to the soap. I'm like, hey, this ain't that bad.
And I just started doing it. I can endure the soap.
I really got to say, fuck.
Versus like if he cussed in front of his dad, his dad would just beat the shit out of him.
That's true.
The punishment might be lessening.
Like nowadays, they're like, if you cuss, you only get 30 minutes on the iPad instead of two hours.
Nowadays, it's...
We don't even spank our children.
We're too scared to spank our children.
My kid didn't consent to me spanking them, so I can't.
Why don't we open up that whole...
What do we have here?
What do we have here that I don't know of?
I dare you to drink that whole thing. What do we have here that I don't know of? Geez.
I dare you to drink that whole thing.
I'll give you a crisp...
I'll give you a crisp dollar coin from my room upstairs.
If you chug that whole thing of grenadine.
I can never remember.
Are these twist-offs or not?
Oh, babes.
Took it from a 5, 6, to a 7, 1.
Oh, and I don't know if you guys can see this, but my wrists are like this from work.
We'll get to that.
Cliffhanger. For those of you that don't know or have never tried this um given that it's starting to get a little bit warmer out
um and we were kind of indulging in these last well really last winter into spring yeah um because
i saw this on a tiktok um this guy took bud light lime and put some grenadine in it and it makes it into like a
cherry limeade beer yeah it's delicious delicious you might think that's gross why are you putting
grenadine in a beer but you just put about that much you don't have to go crazy you don't need
to put you don't need to put a lot in there don't knock it till you dry it it's kind of but then i
kind of i put i kind of put my thumb on it i don shake it, but I kind of just jostle it around a little bit and then a little bit out top.
It's kind of like letting your girlfriend, fiance, whatever, stick a finger in your butt.
Don't knock it.
I'm just kidding.
The shaking up part or the tasting it?
The taste of it.
Because everybody, you know, like you were saying, people think.
Because I put my thumb over this and shook it and it went so i didn't know if that's what you meant like you said a lot
of people might be thinking oh well why are you putting grenadine in a beer and i said don't knock
until you try it kind of like does it turn this color too when she does it yes
do you guys have a cherry down there?
Did that clear your sinuses?
A little bit.
I was wondering if that would make you spew.
So, as Cam was alluding to and why his wrists look like he doesn't like himself.
The past couple days at work, we've just been splitting wood.
Chipping wood.
Chipping wood.
Grinding, chipping, splitting. Grinding the nail.
And my forearms are like yours too, a little bit.
But I'm keeping them covered
cause I don't want attention.
Uh, uh, we're getting canceled.
Um, my forearms are also cut up a little bit.
Um, and also I don't know if you guys have heard it a little bit yet.
Um, but cam's a little stuffed up cause he's got some allergies.
And grinding up wood and
shit does not well that's probably i'm guessing what caused well i started to get it oh really i
at first so at first i thought i was getting a cold which i still my beginning like i always get
a cold early spring and late fall which what you said was i think i'm getting a winter cold and i'm
like i think that's just called a cold.
You put the word in front of it when it's like summertime.
Summer cold.
Just the usual thing.
A cold.
It's an usual thing for me, but.
I think I'm getting a winter cold.
The allergies have definitely not helped.
But yeah, shredding up giant piles of dusty branches and organic matter.
You're just letting the pollen fly.
I mean, the dust coming off that thing.
And we were downwind of it.
I had dusty wood chips and shit up my nose.
Dude, I've been having some amazing bugs that's disgusting have you ever have you ever like after a day of being really dusty like i think i get it like if i'm
oh like if we're like if we're processing cores or something basically any day where i'm getting
a lot of dirt up my nose or dust up my nose. Because boogers are basically just dirt that your nose collected and trapped.
Oh, 100%.
When we were using the zero turn to chop up plugs.
Dude, that's not even the worst part.
Weren't you getting some amazing boogers?
The worst time I've ever had was we went to a Brantley Gilbert concert in Grand Island at the State Fair.
And it was like the dirt, you know, like where they warm up,
where they warm up like their horses,
and they ride their horses around like in the very back.
So the track, you know where the track's at?
It was in like a warm-up area for the horses.
So that dirt is just pulverized.
How big is it?
Was it not very big?
It might. Because what you're referencing at Foner is not how big is it was it not very big uh it might because what you're referencing at
fawner is not very big but i don't know if wherever you were maybe it wasn't in it but it's like
so you know where the like stalls the stables are yeah so it just a little bit north of that
is like a big open area maybe that's where they park their trailers that might be where they park their trailers where was this at at fawner park oh it was at fawner yeah it was like
right behind the racetrack oh like straight southeast of the racetrack sure but that dirt
is just like fine it's already dust and just like sandy and later on it started to get windy as shit and everybody's dancing
and it was just oh my god me and bailey got so sick after that and we were just fucking
it was like look like this mic just coming out of my nose i was like oh this is like black yeah it
was just oh yeah the past couple days i've had some pretty good boogers.
My girlfriend doesn't like when I flick my boogers, but I'm like, they're just dirt.
Maybe not just dirt, but in my mind they're just dirt.
I flick them onto my floor in my truck because it's like, I'm going to vacuum.
My truck is covered in sand from my work.
How's this any different?
It's just dirt.
I need to clean my pickup.
I think I might do that tomorrow.
I might go over to the car wash by Home Depot since you can do it yourself.
Oh, yeah.
Are you going to try that out? I really want to get all the dirt out underneath there that's caked on from our instructor.
So you're going to wash it?
I've gone there once it basically you like you put your card in and there's different settings like different shit will
come out the nozzle yeah like you can put it to like wax yeah like you can put the different
wax or rinse or wash or like a spot free yeah and i don't know it so a clock
goes and it'll charge you for your time but it might tack on additional if you put certain special
stuff through it but i mean i ain't worried but like you could get like the fact that you're
putting in the the labor i think is what knocks off some of the price because you can do a decent wash for like 10 bucks.
I like to wash it myself.
Versus going to a fucking...
I've always washed mostly...
I've always...
Because back home, we just had like that.
You just wash it yourself.
And I like to do that
because there's like certain spots on your pickup
that tend to rust,
like your cab corners and stuff
that you can really make sure are clean by yourself.
Versus you spend $20 to go through a fucking automated one.
And, I don't know.
It gets, like, 90% of it, but.
I hate when, but, like, when you don't wash it for a while, you get that dirt, and it, like, looks clean, but then you can see, like.
You know, like, dirt still on your paint yeah
see i've been having a vendetta against washing my truck because
where we are we have hard water yeah and it leaves fucking spots so it doesn't matter how clean it is no matter how no matter how clean it is you you it leaves spots
there's no dirt but it leaves spots and makes it look dirty and i've tried using microfiber towels
but those get those absorb and now it's wet and you're trying to wring it out and dry it before
the air dries because if it air dries
yeah before you can wipe it off then it'll leave spots you need to get a shamwow and you try doing
that and then i try going in like sections like i'm gonna do the hood dry it off real quick do
the side wash it dry it real quick like oh my god a shamwow you know what I hate? The worst thing is, especially if you have a pickup.
How big of a ShamWow can I get?
Like a 4x8?
You can probably get one this wide by the length of the table.
But ShamWows, you ring those out and they're almost dry.
Remember those infomercials with that guy with the little earpiece?
Uh-uh. Like the spokesman for shamwell i don't know what his name is but i don't think i've ever seen one were you not much of a big infomercial guy no i fucking loved infomercials
the only infomercials i watched were uh the flex seal ones well those became memes yeah i like them but like that's a lot of damage
let's make a boat out of flex tape yeah okay i think that's when like infomercials started
just like we know what we are now and let's just fucking push the boundaries but like back when
infomercials like took themselves seriously and were actually, like, pushing a product, where the infomercial, I don't know.
I think it was back on cable where it would be, like, a dedicated time slot for just this infomercial where it would be, like, 15 minutes.
And I'd just be sitting there like, oh, I need that.
Like, the Works GT string trimmer.
Oh, my God. I thought that was the best thing ever, and I need that. Like the Works GT string trimmer. Oh, my God.
I thought that was the best thing ever, and I needed one.
And I remember our neighbor down the street had one, and I was like, no fucking way.
Like, I was stoked that they had one.
I was like, I need to use that.
Can I use that?
Well, you know what we should do?
We should buy a boat, cut the bottom out of it, try to make a boat, and then sue them.
Because, because...
Okay, but I'm pretty sure at the bottom of the screen
it says, like, do not attempt.
I don't know. I don't know.
If it doesn't, we're definitely doing it.
We might need confirmation.
Because there was a guy that I'm pretty sure he won,
but he sued Pornhub because Pornhub did not have subtitles on their video.
He was deaf and he sued Pornhub for not having subtitles on their videos.
What would the subtitles just say?
Girl moaning?
Girl moaning.
Guy moaning.
Guy ejaculating.
I don't know.
Guy ejaculating.
It was so loud it made a noise?
Her pussy farts.
Queef. Would it just say queefing?
When I asked you,
is this what you were talking about?
What should we talk about today? You're just like, porn.
It just came to my head.
Do it fart.
But, yeah.
And then a guy tried to sue Red Bull because they didn't actually give him wings.
What the fuck?
So maybe we should just do that.
What's the guy off of fucking the Flex Seal commercial?
Phil Swift.
Now that's a lot of damage.
That's a lot of damage.
Fuck, what was I going to say?
And then them just poking a hole in a bucket and them just taking a piece of flex tape and just fucking.
I sawed this boat in half.
Oh, wait, let's see if I can get it to do it.
Oh, it got on my pop filter.
That was close. Oh, my God. He's going's gonna be like why does this smelling beer speaking of what
just happened oh wait real quick there was a guy speaking of um um this is kind of related
so apparently the streaker at the super bowl had did a 50k prop bet that there would be a streaker
and then took it upon himself to be the streaker and
fucking cashed in on it.
That's savage.
I think that's illegal.
That's savage.
Like, I don't know.
Like, one of the comments was like, if they find out that this happened, are they going
to, like, take it away from him?
And someone was like, they probably just won't make that a prop bet anymore.
Because, I mean, seriously.
Dude, Spencer was telling me that there's. Because, I mean, seriously. Dude, there...
Spencer was telling me that there's so many
stupid, like, things.
How is that legal? You can bet
on the time that the fucking...
is gonna take. The halftime performance.
Oh, I also watch a very interesting video.
Okay, okay, and this is what I have to...
This is the thing that I...
Anyone that has
an insider knowledge
of it,
what's restricting them from betting on it?
What if you're one of the
producers or in the planning
committee for it?
What's stopping you from being like, well, I know for a fact
it's going to be less than 23 minutes because we rehearsed it seven times we got it down to a fucking science
i don't know what if reba mcintyre's fucking daughter was like mom you have to sing longer
you have to elongate your national anthem to be longer than two and a half minutes because i have
100k bet on it yeah and if you do we can i'll cash in a million dollars and i'll give you half
yeah i don't know but i was i was watching a it was kind of a cool thing it was like a little
segment did you know that the halftime performers don't make any money. Like the extras? They, no.
Like Usher didn't make any money from the Super Bowl.
Because, so I guess this guy, which it was on the internet.
I don't know if it's 100% true.
But they give you like a million dollar spending budget.
Post Malone's, they gave him a million dollar spending budget post malone's they gave him a million dollar deal actually it might
have been it was either the weekend or post malone and they ended up spinning i was gonna say they
ended up spending seven million to make the show great what they wanted yes and they so they actually
put money in that's what i'm saying but the guy was saying because of like Justin Timberlake when he was on.
His deal was like not very many people were listening to him very much anymore.
But there's so many people that watch the Super Bowl that it is like a huge marketing thing.
I was going to say.
So they put the money in, but they make money off of it.
Right. marketing thing i was gonna say so they put the money in but they make money off of it right
because they because it's so televised people i mean there's a reason why it's a million dollars
or whatever to get a 30 second commercial he just because timberlake steel the guy was saying
after he performed he put in a lot of money and then there are so many different countries and everything else that his listening rate went up 200%.
There it is.
Because basically, I was going to say they probably have endorsements or brands where if they're wearing a certain brand of something on TV, they get paid from that company.
But really, the biggest brand that they're advertising is their own name.
Because, yeah, they go on there and someone goes oh i like this justin timberlake i think i might listen to him was that racist no um and so then they go on to spotify and they're just like oh i
really i want to buy some of his music they were saying i can't remember exactly the time but i'm
pretty sure it was 2019 that they said usher's last thing last album
came out 2019 and this motherfucker might have just made the move century a week the week of
the super bowl he released his new album so smart money moves and so all of his like see how sweaty he was? Yeah. Oh, my God. He was dripping.
So this is post-Super Bowl.
Congratulations, Chiefs.
I knew you had it in you.
Go, Chiefs.
Careful how you have your hand there.
I almost got you again.
It's very sad what happened at the cheese parade, though.
Our hearts and thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of that.
All of our listeners.
Violent, heinous thing that took place.
Did they even say what started it?
I think it was probably just people like, I want to harm others, and I have guns,
and this is going to be a public place
where there's a lot of people.
I could
be wrong. I don't listen to a lot of news.
I don't know.
Like Lena was like, you don't know what's going on
in Israel right now? And I was just like
I was
like, no.
I see there's a bombing happening
and I'm just like, wow, the world, what a world.
I'm like, as long as my friends and family are safe, I tend to not really care, which is probably not a good way to look at it.
Which, whoever the one, I can't remember, who was the one people that were over there in Israel?
I don't know.
We're not getting political on this podcast, though.
So, because we were joking on the last podcast, like, we don't know if the 49ers or the Chiefs are going to win because we recorded before.
But now.
That's the real reason why I wanted to drink this red.
This is the only red beer I will drink.
Because I do not like Bloody Marys.
Or shit like that.
I was driving to the post office,
and I realized... Oh yeah, let's talk about this.
I realized...
I was like sitting there, and I'm like,
why does it feel like every time we film
a podcast, or record a podcast,
I always am like,
absolutely, like I have a good, good
buzz going after
and I'm like
oh yeah
that's because we typically
drink six beers in an hour
what do you mean
we're only drinking
three a piece
that's nothing
but there's been
like some
where we definitely
drink at least
six a piece
well you're the one
that's like
let's get a four loco
let's drink a four loco
I'm just like
my god
four locos are fun.
And for the price.
They make me silly.
For the price.
Can't beat the price.
That'll be our new thing.
We got to contact Four Loko for our sponsorship of you make our podcast funny.
Imagine if that's our first sponsor is Four Loko.
Like probably an almost obsolete brand of alcohol.
And then their one terms of condition is we have to drink a Four Loko on every episode.
That's their one thing.
You can't support any other beer.
Fuck that.
Show me the check.
Show me the check first before we do any signing.
They just sent us an entire fucking pallet just full of horlogos.
I don't even want to think about that.
That sounds horrible.
So did you finally get your passport changed to be a male?
Yes, I did.
I think we talked about this a long time ago.
Not yet.
I sent it in.
I sent it in.
Let's see if they fuck it up again.
I need to get these bottle caps away from me because I'm just like playing with them,
like fidgeting with them.
So you're not a woman, correct?
No, I have a peener.
You have a peener?
No, no, no!
Okay, get... Oh, okay, you didn't shake it.
No, okay.
No, no, no!
You fucking idiot!
Oh my god, at least get it in frame you fucking dunce
you didn't just win the fucking oh my god you didn't just win the fucking daytona 500
it's a fucking it is a tuesday night and we're drinking
cherry lime made beers like absolute degenerates.
And you're over here shaking up your bottle like it's a fucking, like you won the Super Bowl.
And you wonder why I'm mean to him.
Maggie, you wonder why.
You're like, you're so mean to Cam.
What am I supposed to do?
When the last episode of Grass Daddy's podcast gets 34 views?
It got 10 views, actually.
Not even.
Anyways, that just led me into a...
Is it just because I gave you that shirt and you're like,
I can fucking get beer all over this and ruin it?
I don't care.
No, it didn't get anything on it.
I actually did not get anything on the shirt but i got it just on my
floor i got it in my face um hey shut up you have a fucking grimace shake on your stain on your floor
i don't know what you're talking about um follow me on follow me on tiktok at uh daddy lawn legs
i was if you want to see my grimaceace video. I was just watching an Instagram reel.
It was Saturday.
And so this waitress was waiting at a table,
and they all ordered bottles.
And there was, like, this many bottles in a row.
This guy walks up to the bar,
gets his drink,
drinks it,
and then, like, they have, like, the little bars, you know, like how Cappy's does, like, where the waitresses go up and get their drinks.
This guy walks by to every beer and just starts fucking.
Oh, my God.
What a fucking asshole.
I was like, what in your right mind possessed you to do that?
I don't think he was in his right mind.
Here, let me just fucking...
I think I got...
You sounded a little stuffy. I think
I might be sounding a little stuffy, too.
I must have one brewing up in there, dude.
There's gonna be a crazy one coming
out of there tonight. All that dust.
All that dust.
Dude, I...
Oh, did I... Have I told you the story about my dad's wedding
no so everybody else had their silverware and i did it and i wanted to make a toast so my sister
was sitting there with her beer in her hand i fucking smacked it and it shattered yeah so you
weren't trying to clink clink clink clinkink. You thought you would just do one big clink and it would get the message across.
No, and I thought it'd be funny to make a toast to them, but also fuck my sister over because then she had to chug her beer.
And I hit it too hard.
You don't say.
And the whole neck of the bottle just...
Did you know you can, like, if you fill a bottle, like, completely to the brim, you can slam the top of it and the bottom will bust out of it?
Let's do it.
We'll do it after this episode.
Corbin and I have done it before.
It's definitely a thing.
I hope so, because that's cool.
Something about if it's completely full and you slam the top of it hard enough, it, moves the liquid up and creates like a vacuum in the bottom.
But then since it's so full, it's like...
There's no place for the air to go?
Yeah, something like that.
And then the liquid slams back down against the bottom and then it just busts out the bottom.
We'll do it after this episode.
That's pretty cute.
I'll show you.
Are you good over there?
Yeah, I'm just sticky.
Well, that towel
was already sticky before you used it. I hate to
break it to you.
This is my room I come
into sometimes when I need some alone
time. When you spank your bank?
Not really.
Speaking of
spanking your bank, when are you going gonna get your ps5 uh i want to give a tax
return because i got just enough money back but he got a 500 tax return 500 even and he's from the
state no 579 i know i know i just think it's funny that you got 579 and you're like i got just enough
free money back but i'm gonna do this okay not i'm gonna buy
the digital virgin the virgin the digital version that's like 400 bucks i was unaware of that kind
of anime that that's like 400 bucks and then i'm gonna use all the rest of that money to buy
new games and another controller so well you should be able to re-download the games you own.
I know, I am, but I'm saying like...
Oh, like new exclusive next-gen games.
But that's not coming out until July.
All I know is once it comes out, I'm definitely missing a week worth of work.
If there was an option for a digital-only Series X,
I still don't know if I would get it, just because...
Now you can't watch movies on it.
If you get a digital version, you can't put movies in it and watch movies on it.
Well, that's alright. We still got Bailey's Xbox.
And I'll have my PlayStation 4.
That's a fair point.
Oh, yeah. That's true.
Yeah. But, the Series X... Oh, yeah, that's true. Yeah.
But the Series X,
I'm sure the PlayStation 5,
PS5, 2 is like...
And we don't have any disc movies either.
The only disc movies we get
is sometimes me and Bailey
will just be walking through Walmart
and we're like, hey...
I just like the versatility of being able to,
if I wanted to put a disc in,
I could put a disc in.
Oh, wait, I got a caveat for you.
For, like, Black Ops 2, I don't think there's an option to go in to, like, the marketplace and get it.
I think you have to put the disc in to install it.
Yeah, but not having those games for PlayStation.
But I might just get the disc cert one because of...
Because what if you want to... What if i want to play an old game that's like
six bucks at fucking gamestop exactly and what if you need it someday or want it someday for
whatever reason because what makes no sense is you can go buy a brand new disc game at gamestop
for like 10 bucks like i bought uh battlefield 2042 for bailey's xbox for five fucking dollars that's crazy brand new it
wasn't used it was brand new actually it might have been used i hope it was used for five dollars
but still you go into the fucking microsoft store or playstation store that motherfucker is like
35 bucks i'm like fuck that i'm just gonna go walk down the fucking
game stop so it had to be used i don't know i don't know how much a brand new one costs but
a disc i don't well everybody i think i think everybody they're so cheap because they have
so many copies because at first battlefield 2042 was fucking terrible but i do want to play that game again so i might get it for my playstation
so um in a previous episode uh i quizzed cam on his knowledge of stepbrothers quotes
and we've been discussing how we need to do it for me now we think we've narrowed down the movie we think we're gonna do hot rod because that is a movie
with a lot of good quotes funny crude it's so fucking stupid it's funny right which the premise
of it is an amateur stuntman that's trying to give his dad spoiler alert trying to give his dad a surgery to keep him alive so he
can kick his ass that's the whole point of the movie yeah and then he just goes out in the woods
and just and he utilizes the fact that he's an amateur stuntman to try to make money
to get this heart surgery but as many of you i'm sure know, classic, classic movie, hilarious movie, lots of good quotes.
I think that would be a perfect movie for you to pull quotes from to quiz me to test my knowledge.
Because the whole reason, it wasn't necessarily to test your knowledge of Step Brothers or my knowledge of Hot Rod.
It was kind of also to test our skills at quoting.
Yeah, it's fun.
Because I thought it was funny how...
I just think...
I just tend to think that your behavior is quite...
Funny to me.
I find your behavior very funny.
The fact that you'll quote something mostly right,
and me being like a quote nazi has to correct you and
you're like oh fuck that's what you do it's one word right but like my ocb quote nazi self has
to be like i can besides if i walk up to any one other person other than jake and i quote as many
quotes just barely wrong barely wrong with that movie they'll be like oh
my god this guy fucking must watch that movie like once a week and i'm like you you said and
when you're supposed to say the or something like that but i guarantee i can almost guarantee i will
nail every single question you ask me about that movie because I've seen it a lot.
A lot of it, I came down to it.
A lot of it, I think with Jake being a quote Nazi, is you always watch movies with subtitles on.
I just started doing that.
There is a lot of quotes that I've noticed in movies now that I started, like I've rewatched them with subtitles on and I'm like, I did not think that was what they said.
So I'll say this.
You're right and you're wrong.
You're wrong in the sense that I can hear when you start to do something,
I can hear the dialogue in my brain.
I can hear the cadence,
the way they're talking,
the way they're talking up and down.
So I can hear the actual delivery of the line so that I can like word for
word cadence for cadence,
recite it back to you.
I can hear it in my brain things however however you
are right in the fact that like ever since i've started watching movies with subtitles because
alina she likes to watch movies with subtitles i don't understand that why watch a movie and
fucking read i don't know i kind of like it. I don't know. It's definitely a personal preference.
Okay, but, like, I've watched, like, movies that I have watched a lot.
Like, I remember specifically watching, like, The Lord of the Rings.
Those are movies I've watched countless times.
And then whenever I showed them to Lena, we watched them with subtitles.
And I was like, that's what he fucking said?
That's what I'm saying.
Like, granted, like Gandalf, like he kind of talks like.
And they're talking with accents.
And sometimes there's action, like battle scenes happening where it's loud.
Where I thought he said this word word but he actually said this word
and there's also like different languages in that movie too but there are movies that i've
watched a lot of times and then watch with subtitles where i was like oh they didn't
say what i thought they said they said something different yeah But I guarantee you quiz me on Hot Rod and I will, if we're doing it out of 10, I will get 9 out of 10.
But, oh.
Or however many questions it is on an average 100 scale, I will get an A.
I guarantee it. Are you going to get me prizes? That's why I'm trying to, I will get an A. I guarantee it.
Are you going to get me prizes?
That's why I'm trying to...
I don't...
Alright, I'm putting you up to the task.
You might be the hardest person to shop for.
I'm putting you up to the task.
Next episode,
and I'm putting it on air,
so you have to do it.
Next episode, we will be doing
Cam quizzes Jake on Hot rod the movie teaser trailer
spoiler alert not spoiler alert i'm gonna fuck with you the teaser is going out now
on a piece of paper that'd be funny if you're going through to get quotes and you put the
quotes down wrong because you are bad at quotes, and I'm correcting you, like, actually he says this, but that's right.
Or how pissed would you be if I was like, yeah, I watched with subtitles on,
and I just, like, write, like, one word wrong, and you're like, no fucking way, man!
I'm so confident in myself that I don't remember the last time I watched it.
I will not watch it in preparation for this.
I'm that confident that I know how to quote it.
I will not.
I've watched that movie so many times,
I started listening to the commentary track on the DVD.
All right.
I do have something I want to add to this.
I want to take, I don't know the actor's name, but I'll look him up.
Andy Samberg?
I don't know actors.
The only actors I know is fucking Maxi Riot, all right?
And AJ Buckley.
And Will Ferrell.
Who is his co-star?
Who is Will Ferrell's co-star in Step Brothers?
What's his name?
I don't remember his name.
See what I mean? You don't even know his name?
Starts with a J.
Middle initial
I don't know. C. Middle initial.
I don't know.
John C.
You know your shit, man.
Proud of you.
I would know it.
Talk into your mic.
But I just don't know that shit off the top of my head.
I probably should.
But I think. I mean, to be fair, it's not like a life requirement skill to know who the co-star of Will Ferrell is in the Step Brothers.
It's like me.
I've watched a lot of movies, but you go, yeah, I've seen that movie.
It has so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so in it.
It's like, what the fuck?
Why do you?
Well, I'd like to think of myself as somewhat of a movie connoisseur.
I like movies when I, and, I am a super recognizer.
I don't know if all of you know this.
I can see an actor in a movie,
and I'll go, oh, that's so-and-so from this movie.
And then I'll look it up
to confirm that I'm right,
and I always am.
And then I see their name.
So that helps, obviously.
Are you good with names, though?
Like, if somebody tells you their name, do remember it oh no fuck no you have to be memorable but an actor of course i've seen
that actor in a lot of other movies i watch a lot of movies yeah like salt burn i actually forgot those actors' names, but the one, the guy who plays Felix is apparently Lena's celebrity crush.
Jacob, Jacob Da...
Jacob, yeah.
Jacob Da Something.
He's Australian.
He plays in, he was in... He's in so many movies.
And that's how you kind of get to know them.
He's in...
Drug Movie with Zendaya.
Drug Movie?
Drug Movie with Zendaya.
He's in a lot of Disney movies.
He's in that, apparently. That's's a show which i didn't watch yeah
um what did i say he was decapitated he's what did i say a lot of those movies but shows but
i don't know i don't really pay attention to the actors i just like the work they do have you the acting have
you ever watched fire country nope you should there are a lot of i'm horrible at watching shows
i don't watch a lot of shows i'm i'm more of a show person and there are a lot of movies that i'm
ashamed to admit that i haven't watched it's been I will say this
last year and this year
I've never
Fire Country
I didn't watch it at all
I'm like man that sounds good
one night I decided to start watching it
I started watching it and then I got all
caught up to where we
like where the new season started
and the season ender fucked with
me for like three days i was like sitting there and i was like so was it the actual end or was
it like a cliffhanger no it was just fucking like the worst cliffhanger ever and it was like for
three days i'm like almost a dick move cliffhanger where it's like yeah you're literally forcing me
to come back and watch it like no like it're literally forcing me to come back and watch it.
Like, no.
It was like, I have to come back and watch this because I have to know what happened.
For three days after I watched that last episode, I was laying in bed the night that I finished it.
And I'm like, there's no fucking way.
There is no fucking way.
I called my dad the next day at work.
I was rolling greens and i know
he's seen that and i'm like what the fuck is wrong with the show that amazing though when a show or
movie makes you like want to talk to someone about it and dude that's what i'm saying i've been on a
kick so i'm on yellowstone now which a lot of people i don don't know, they probably won't like Yellowstone, but, like, SEAL Team. Richie loves Yellowstone.
Oh, yeah.
I started Yellowstone, but I had this, like, little itch on my back.
This little annoying itch.
Like an actual physical itch?
No, no.
I had this little annoying itch.
So they have, like.
I was like, you should get that checked out.
They have, like, three other shows that is like the
ancestry leading up to the newest yellowstone and i kind of like i just it's like telling me like
dude just go back and watch it it's gonna be like older but newer shot but it's like in the past
i don't know it's just but like i watch the show seal team it's about these people that are navy
seals although a lot of the shows i watch that i really like have maxi right and i'm so shout out
to maxi right even though you won't ever hear this but who's he what is he in he's in fire country
and seal team okay that doesn't help me i'd have if i saw his face i'd be like he's i'll tell you
what movies he's the director i think i'm I swear to god he's the director of Fire Country
and he also acts in it
he's in
Bates Motel
cause like the other night
I'm like every show I've watched
with him in it I really enjoy
so you like him as an actor
I don't even know if it's like just because of him but like all the other shows i really like but so i was like scrolling through and
like he's in the house at the end of the street i've never seen that movie i haven't seen it but
there was like a fucking house at the end of the street laundry list of movies that i've never
thought of watching.
And I'm like, he's in that?
Or there was a couple shows or movies that I was like,
I've seen that like at least three times and I've never noticed him in it.
But, yeah.
Gotta open your eyes, man.
So I had Fire Country, SWAT, and SEAL Team, and they're all premiering, which, sorry, boys, but Friday nights I'm pretty busy now.
That's okay.
I got SWAT just premiered and Fire Country, and they're back-to-back.
That's okay.
So I'm busy until, like, 8, so 9.
That's okay.
The bars close at 2.
This weekend I'm going to help my grandma clean out her basement it's not it's not a euphemism for anything that's just um okay what's the
what's the um what's the main character the actor on yellowstone what's his name again
fuck because i this is a guy I always forget his name.
I forget his name, but I
just discovered that
a lot of the movies that I really enjoy, or a lot
of the shows I really enjoy, it's
Field of Dreams.
He's in the one movie with
the meme with the twister where he goes.
Wait a moment. wait a moment wait a moment so tell me the first letter i need something to get my k going k e kevin it's kevin costner yep kevin costner
so um do you remember that trend where you, secretly record your parent and tell them that a celebrity died to get their reaction?
Lena did that with Richie with Kevin Costner because Richie loves Yellowstone.
It was so funny.
We were at her grandma's or her grandparent's house on...
It was the day...
It was actually the day after where I got super fucked up in the hot tub
oh yeah because i was like sleeping on their couch i was so fucking hung over and i had afib
um she was secretly recording him he was kind of staying and often to the corner kind of watching
the tv there was some kind of sports game on i think and she goes she's like kevin costner died and he's
just like no like he didn't fall for it at all like i don't think he understood what was happening
he's like a motherfucker i would know like i don't know but he was immediately just like no that was
just a media thing that and but we're just like wait what is he talking about but he was basically just
like it was so funny i have a i have a question so your family like gatherings holidays is it like
a select group of people that are just like okay thanksgiving for instance it's like i've just finally grown into that position it's like
my grandpa my dad my uncle my brother we just everybody else is over there and they're like
talking and having fun we're just sitting on the couch just watching the fucking football game
we're like we're just like completely discluded until we want to do something and we're like all
right let's go do it like this isn't to be sexist or anything but it's like is it like the women are in the kitchen like making
food or they're just chatting while the guys are in the other room drinking and watching football
or is it like the kids are off playing and you're kind of in the i relate more to adults now yeah
and i'm hanging out with the older dudes
watching football.
Which I've always hung out with people
that are older than me.
And even when I was like
a little kid,
I was like,
I want to be where the grown-ups are.
Like, I would just like
hang around with them.
But now it's like,
it's usually Thanksgiving
when the Thanksgiving football game's on.
We'll eat lunch.
And then my dad and my uncle will go and they'll fucking fall asleep in my grandma and grandpa's recliner and then we'll
me and my dad and brother will just be sitting not me my grandpa and brother will just be sitting
there bullshitting but thanksgiving we have like a tradition which usually it we usually shoot like blue rocks every thanksgiving but
lately it's i think the weather is changing you think climate change is happening
or what do you know i don't i don't i don't believe in climate change
okay good thing lena doesn't listen to this podcast well or did you mean like this season
like i i think like nebraska's like the weather is getting a different climate
yeah like it's changing but no like
no no that's not what i meant. I totally walked you into that.
I don't believe in climate change.
What's the thing with the icebergs?
Global warming?
I don't believe in global warming.
I think Nebraska's climate is just changing.
I do think it is because when I was younger, I remember it was always super nice on Thanksgiving.
For what I remember.
It was always nice enough that we could keep our routine going.
That's kind of the American tradition is you play football on Thanksgiving.
Play football, shoot hoops, shoot blue rocks.
We were outside on Thanksgiving.
Now it's like, it could be snowing.
Well, I mean, it's the last Thursday of November, so it's like that fuck it could be snowing well i mean it's the last
thursday of november so it's almost december some years it might be warm and some years it
might be cold you could probably look back at the weather charts well it's actually no i i
re-intract my statement you what re-intract my statement that's just like an inside joke on this podcast
I just I wish we could get a cult
following so we could have cam bingo
where it's like
if cam ever says re-entract
if cam ever says if jake ever
interrupts cam if jake ever
oh my god if it was
if jake ever interrupts cam
they would literally be
hammered that's just a free space jake interrupts Cam. That'd be the free space. They would literally be hammered.
That's just the free space.
Jake interrupts Cam.
That's obviously, we already get that.
We should do a live Instagram and we should make our own bingo cards of us playing bingo,
but we're watching our podcast.
So we're just double dipping on an episode where we just post it again
technically and we're just reacting to us posting it again we'll just put like well yeah we can like
have them like i'm just but like i'm saying like we have our bingo cards and before we even watch
an episode because i i bet there's things that we will say that we don't think we do, but we do a lot.
And we should just put it on a...
Jake ever goes like this.
Jake adjusts his hat.
We should put it on a bingo card and then probably get like two 30 racks because that's probably what we're going to fucking need.
Cam raises his voice for no reason.
Jake is mean to Cam.
Jake interrupts, we'd be fucking slammed.
Well, that's just the free space, like I said.
It will happen.
I guarantee it's happened in every single episode.
So, you automatically get that space.
But, yeah, anyways, like I was saying, like, I don't know.
Like, a lot of some families play board games like all together.
Some families do like that.
Well, I'll kind of walk you through the average.
So it's pretty much always been the kids will go off and hang out.
And when we were all really young, the dads and uncles will play cards.
And I think the moms who are all sisters would kind of hang out.
Um, and talk, you know, not necessarily like they're in the kitchen making food for the men, but like they would hang out and talk.
Um, but, and, and everything kind of just like progressed as everyone got older like
where we used to run around outside and play hide and seek now we're playing xbox now we're
watching something yeah you know but all the like younger cousins all the cousins kind of hang out
um but then we've gotten to the point where now we're
starting to play cards too are you guys like a big how big is your family so my mom's side i think
there's 11 cousins um four sisters um um and four husbands. Well, cause like ours is on like my dad's side is my dad and my uncle.
So it's like not very big.
So they have two girls that are older and oh, and their sister, but their sister is
only has one girl and two boys but the two boys are just like just now getting into high school
so they're just kind of they're just on there so it's interesting when there's families where
there's like a huge age gap yeah between some of the kids ours are kind of like
like the oldest is probably 29
maybe the oldest is probably 29 right now probably come almost 30 and the youngest cousin
is like 21 but we're all like in between there within like a year some of us are in the same
year i'm one of like my mom calls us the quads that we were all born in 97 there's like four
of us that are all born in the same see i was there is like like now you say that there is
like a huge age gap because like that affects things uh I want to say. Because while one of you was your age.
Like the oldest was your age.
The youngest was a fucking toddler.
You're not hanging out with him.
My closest cousin is probably 24, 23.
Which is a couple years older than you.
Yeah, that's like my closest.
That affects the way, the dynamic of hanging out.
But now it's like...
And now that I think about that,
yeah, it is different because the only boys are like 15, 14, 15.
That definitely affects things.
The only boy cousins.
Because now you're getting to the point where you want to drink beer and play cards,
and they're still like, let's go play with Nerf guns.
Oh, they just said my grandma's in her bedroom and play video games.
They play Fortnite.
I walked in there on Thanksgiving and I was like, you guys fucking suck.
Jake and Cam mentioned Fortnite.
Stop it.
Alright, guys.
Thanks for listening.
This is...
Sorry for the late upload, but suck my dick because we still gave you one for this week.
And then, yeah, we'll have another one out.
Either we'll record...
I had a busy weekend.
We'll record it.
You gotta get on it. Because Monday we're uploading
Cam Quizzes Jake on Hot Rod.
And as far as
the prizes go, it doesn't have to be anything crazy.
Alright, I'll bring you a four logo.
What's your
obsession with getting me fucked up?
If you get 10 out of 10.
You're the kind of friend that someone
I'm like, I'll candidly go up to you and be like, dude, I'm drunk.
You'll be like, then you need to drink more.
He's that guy in the friend group.
Because I've always been that guy.
I've always been that guy getting fucked up.
So it's fun to get other people fucked up.
I'll take it for you.
I'll take it from you for you.
All right, I got an idea.
Now I'm just going to absolutely shaft you.
Well, one of your prizes was an apple and a Diet coke you get 10 out of 10 you get a four loco
and then i don't want that i'm gonna put all the i'm gonna put all the cool prices
less so then you're like yeah that's that's not a quote so you're like reverse fucking me
because you know i have to do good because of my ocd so then the top prize is
gonna fuck me over god damn it all right i guess we'll see what it is um until next time uh audio
only on spotify and apple podcast um can't finish your beer
look at you go
Code Grass on
15% off anything in the stores
have we literally gotten anything from it yet
I don't know I haven't looked
what if you look and we're at like 200 bucks
that'd be sweet
it's like a savings account that we don't know we have.
Until next time, thank you guys for watching.
Always rake your mulch.
Always rake your mulch.
And if you can't keep it in the pants, keep it in the family. I am strong enough to take these strings and make them mine.
Can you take me higher?