Grass Daddies Podcast - Grass Daddies Podcast Episode 31: Life is Short, Stunt it...(Hot Rod Quiz)

Episode Date: February 27, 2024

The title says it all! In this episode of the Grass Daddies Podcast Kam quizzes Jake on the very funny and very quotable movie, Hot Rod. But is Jake as big of a movie-line Nazi as he would have us all... believe? Listen in and find out!SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grassFollow us on Social Media!Youtube: grassdaddiespodcastInstagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillhamTik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I should have put that one in there. What does Dave typically say after every sales end? Man. Man. Pools are perfect for holding water, man. Dave, do you guys want some Kool-Aid? I want cherry to upset my stomach. Red.
Starting point is 00:00:18 All right, give me another white claw. Now nobody knows what the fuck we're talking about. Welcome to the My Safe Word is Whiskey podcast. I hope I didn't steal that from you. No. That's Cam, I'm Jake, and we are... The Grass Daddies. Welcome back to another episode of... The Stun Daddies. The Stun Daddies, I'm Jake, and we are The Grass Daddies. Welcome back to another episode of The Stun Daddies. The Stun Daddies, I like that.
Starting point is 00:00:50 We teased it in the last episode, and it has finally come to fruition. This episode, Cam will be quizzing me on Hot Rod, the movie Hot Rod. And if you haven't seen Hot Rod, go watch it right now and then come back so you can follow along or just listen. I didn't get you any prizes. You didn't get me any prizes. Great. So I have no reason to...
Starting point is 00:01:15 Thank you guys for watching. You can follow... Just kidding. I'm playing for the eternal glory of being known as the the quote god maybe I'll get you prizes tomorrow depending on what you win because we're going golfing tomorrow oh yeah
Starting point is 00:01:33 should be a rousing time um so when Zane was asking me about golfing he was like we can go to the fairways and I'm like I like looked it up and like I didn't want to be a dick and be like that's only a nine hole course I was like I'm pretty sure that's a nine hole course he's like it says 18 so I was like okay but I literally physically looked on the maps and I was like counting them on my phone and I'm like
Starting point is 00:01:59 it's probably just like nine holes that they have you play twice yeah and then he messaged me he's like you're right it's nine holes that you play twice but it's all right it's a fun little course it really is i haven't played it i played there a couple times is this it seems like it would be really compact like is are all the holes really close to each other some of them yeah but so the like beginning the first like three probably the first four holes are really close together like they kind of like wind like back and forth yeah and then so like you're probably playing if you're me you're playing your second shot on hole one from hole four yeah and then your second shot i'm excited for on hole three i'm really excited because there is one hole that is super tight but we're not we're not going there we're going to newmark
Starting point is 00:03:01 now oh really yeah oh he doesn't want to go to fairway because he thinks it's dumb that you are just playing two nine holes twice oh i thought we were still going there anyways bailey we're going to newmark um no he said but like yeah like the last couple holes one goes like there's a couple holes that go all the way around their pond and then you go like in behind like apartment buildings oh so there's even more chance of me breaking something or yeah no our tea time is at 145 okay at new mark which i like new mark i think it's pretty fun yeah this is a pretty fun course that is good um apologies for me being a little stuffy because whatever Cam gave me. I told you not to kiss me.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Well, I just couldn't help it. You know how you give me that look and I just can't say no. All right. I can't say no to those faces. All right, without further ado. I'm eager. I'm eager. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:02 We can jump right into it. I'm a little thirsty and I hear alcohol kills germs yeah so if i drink enough it'll just cure me right yeah yeah i'm pretty sure that's how it works so pull out lena's adorable little pink laptop there probably can now be seen oh i opened in the shot here. What is it? What's in there? White claws. White claws? I love white claws. Isn't it so, like, funny that the Magic Mini Fridge always gives us exactly what we want to drink? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:37 It's so bizarre. It's like I said. How bizarre. How bizarre. I just know it. Or it just knows it I just know it. Or it just knows it. Alright. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:50 So, for those of you that don't know, a few episodes back, I quizzed Cam. Well, we had... I more or less called Cam out and pointed out how he claims to know Step Brothers inside and out, and says he watches it every night, but then he would misquote it. So I said, I want to quiz you on it, and we ended up doing two separate runs. But now we're doing it for me on the movie Hot Rod, because we were trying to figure out a movie that you would do for me. We were thinking about maybe doing Grown Ups. or in jake's favorite movie is game of thrones no lord of the rings lord
Starting point is 00:05:30 of the rings lord of the rings but that's not a very comedic no it's got to be a movie with funny lines yeah like good quotes um so just recently i was like you know what movie would be perfect it's hot rod because we've both seen that. Very funny, quotable movie. So I've tasked you with making a quiz. Is there 10 questions? There might be a few more than that. Okay, okay. A few questions for no prize.
Starting point is 00:05:56 There's no stake here other than just having a good time and testing me out. And I did not watch it. I said in the last episode when we teased it, I was so confident that I said if it's on a scale, like a hundred scale, I would get an A. So the average of these. There is one, two, three, four, five, six. I forgot to split that one up. Ooh, a two-parter. A two-parter.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Three-parter. Three-parter. A three-part question. I'm actually really excited to see what you came up with here. Six. Well, the other one's a three-parter. So, yeah, it'll be about it'll be about 10 about 10 so i'm i'm guessing i'll get basically no less than one wrong yeah no more than one wrong and i also said
Starting point is 00:06:57 in preparation i would not watch it because i've seen it so much in the past i'm confident that i do not need to watch it. So, without further ado. Do you want an easy one or a hard one? Well, I don't know what would be considered easy or hard. Let's just start off with a quote. Let's just start off with a quote. Okay. I'm going to read a little segment of the quote, and you're going to finish it.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Okay. In this scene and I'm also not going to say who says it because you have to say who says it. So this is two points on the line or is it just well then if we're going to do two points from all
Starting point is 00:07:40 we could we could make like two points a question and then if it's got two parts in it then each one is worth one point so you guys are gonna hold me underwater for blank oh okay oh oh i i know i'm pretty sure i know what it is. Okay. And who says it? Start out with who says it. Andy Sandberg says it. He hops out of the van and goes, this is going to be an endurance test. And I think he says, you're going to hold me underwater for 40 seconds. That's 20 less than a minute.
Starting point is 00:08:17 You guys are going to hold me underwater for 40 seconds. That's 20 less than a minute. That is correct. I'm pretty sure that's what he said. That is correct. He specifically goes, that's the reason why I wasn't going to know, but I remember him saying, that's 20 less than a minute. I remember him saying that.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I like that one because that's something I would say. That's 40 seconds. He verifies that it's 20 less than a minute, 40 seconds. Okay. And then what I love in that scene is they hold him underwater, they click go and after five seconds he just starts violently thrashing they're just holding him down if there's any problem at all i will ring this bell oh my god we have to watch that movie
Starting point is 00:08:56 we have to watch this movie um neither of our girlfriends have seen this movie which is i think that's technically a felony i think it's technically a felony to not have seen this movie, which is, I think that's technically a felony. I think it's technically a felony to not have seen this movie. Yeah. Well, you guys can listen to this, and if it sounds interesting, hopefully this doesn't spoil too much. In Rod's big jump, big jump, how many buses does he try to jump oh um let's see
Starting point is 00:09:33 I don't want to puss out and ask for hints but I feel like I did give you hints on yours um I know it's more than 10 and it's definitely less than 20 i think it's like 16 my final but i'm i'm thinking i'm thinking of them saying it. He's going to attempt to jump 13 buses. 13 sounds right in my head. 12 doesn't sound right.
Starting point is 00:10:14 14. 15. 15 buses. He's going to attempt to jump 15 buses. 15 is my final answer. That is correct. Is it really? That is correct.
Starting point is 00:10:25 I'm jumping 15 buses tomorrow at the fairground. Hope you can make it. Fifteen buses. Wait. Did you really write it down, or are you just waving your arm around in the air? Oh, man. I told you. I told you.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Okay. When did Hot Rod come out? Let me look it up. okay when did hot rod come out i remember the first time we're at my cousin's house my sister and my cousin were watching it i was like oh is this that one movie like it was a long time ago august 3rd of 2007 2007 grossing only 14 million million. On a $25 million budget. They lost money. Oh, they lost money on it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Oh, fuck. I used to watch the... This was kind of the golden era for movies, I feel like. Holy shit, Wikipedia is fucking flaming them. Paramount Pictures releases Hot Rod on August 3rd, 2007. It was a box office failure. Well, in terms of the money that it got. I just remember, like, that's like right around when Step Brothers came out too, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:11:37 I can't remember. But I remember watching this movie so much. 2008. Right. Step Brothers came out. So a year after. I remember watching this movie so much 2008 right so a year after i remember watching this movie so much i started watching it with like the director's commentary because it was just another way i could watch it where it would just make it a little bit more interesting like a new way to watch so you watch this like i watch stepbrothers right so that's why it's perfect. Okay. In the scene where he's talking to this female.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Denise. Okay. Was that part of it? Yeah, you got one point. What's her name? Yeah. Okay. He states, I used to be legit. In fact, I was too legit. I was too legit to quit but now i'm not
Starting point is 00:12:29 legit i'm unlegit and for that reason i must quit right what what does denise say to that quote um i want to say she says you don't mean that yep that's correct i'm not legit i'm unlegit and for that reason i must quit you don't mean that and then she denise says you don't mean that what does rod say to her reaction he gives a peace sign he goes stay sweet stay sweet okay and then and then and then i know where this is going yes and then what happens he well so let me just paint the picture of this scene. Rod quits for various reasons. And his crew that he has around him is trying to get him to come back.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And he's trying to steer clear of the stuntman lifestyle and bring his life, I guess. Well, he's not bringing his life back together together but he's going out for some shopping and he has a shopping cart filled to the brim with just bottles of various alcohols and liquors um and while this interaction is taking place outside the store with the cart is still plump full and nothing is in a bag he's just walking down the sidewalk with the shopping cart full of bottles there's sad dreary music playing and he walks into the street and as he gets halfway down the crosswalk their van comes and just smokes him and him and the cart full of liquor just go flying. And it's a bunch of shatters. And then you just hear him go off screen.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Which, so speaking of the director's commentary there when that scene happens which the the commentaries with andy sandberg his brother in the movie and the other guy that's like only on screen a couple times because it's the lonely island trio you know um they were talking about that scene and they're like it's actually probably a good thing that you just got hit because all of that alcohol would have definitely killed you so they probably were kind of doing you a favor by just running you over with the car or something like that all right you don't mean that stay sweet cool you're such a cool ass I need to star the one was that one of the hard ones
Starting point is 00:15:33 no this one the next one I'm going to give you is hard bring it in certain movies like this they usually have stunt devils. Did Andy Samberg perform any of his own stunts in the movie? Any of his own stunts?
Starting point is 00:15:57 I guess it depends on what you would consider a stunt. Because there's parts in the movie where he's going through training and and he like jumps over traffic cones i know that was andy sandberg and i do know that he had a stunt double um i'm trying to think of especially watching the director's commentary if there might have been parts where they said stunts that he actually did um do i have to give a specific example no no just did he perform some of his own i'm gonna say yes there's probably there's probably some lesser ones that he did correct i didn't think about the lesser ones do you have an example of do you have an example of one of the ones he performed uh no but i can get like if he flips into like when he flips into the pool and doesn't make, not even close to making the jump.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Uh, here, I can pull one up. You'll need to borrow some of my snot rag here i'll just throw it to you great soundtrack to that movie too did not have a good spiral if you can wow you can think of an example, I can edit the clip in. In fact, I'm probably going to do what I did for the Step Brothers episode and edit in quotes. While Sandberg did as many stunts as he could, such as a pool jump scene, some of the more dangerous feats were achieved by a pro speaking to inverse the Lonely Island Trail.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I revealed that despite the Looney Tune mechanics seen on screen, not a single dummy was harmed or used in the Hot Rod production. Dummy? Yeah. So they were all live actors. Oh. Every single... Which is crazy to me.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Yeah. Like, I'm thinking of the forest scene. Yeah. The tumbling scene. And the scene where he gets hit by a car. Well, that might have been CGI to a point. But, I'm just thinking of some of the stunts. The scene when he jumps a bus.
Starting point is 00:18:39 15 buses. Well, but I'm pretty sure that guy was on probably cables. Probably. For the part where, you know. I don't want to ruin too much because if we do end up watching it. In this scene. How many is that? One. Two. And I'm perfect so far.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Three. Will you hand me a lime? Four. Five. Five of them. Five of five so far. 3... Will you hand me a lime? 4... 5? 5 of them? 5 of 5 so far. Okay. In this scene... Danger! Dave...
Starting point is 00:19:14 Dave... Dave states... Got him with a bench grinder. Pools, blank. I love this quote. got my bench grinder pools blank i love this quote so it's right before he does the endurance test probably one of the most pointless lines in any movie ever but this is a line from bill so they're getting ready for the pool scene um where he's doing his endurance test and bill hater dave is standing there next to danny mcbride rico and as they're have with their
Starting point is 00:19:55 garden hose filling the pool he just goes pools are perfect for holding water man pools are excellent for holding water that might be wrong i trust myself more than that i'm almost perfect i'm almost positive he says pools are perfect for holding water man here are you looking it up yeah look at the scene pools are excellent for holding water. If he says excellent, is that going to be considered wrong? I don't know. I guess by my standards, because I would correct you on that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Pools are perfect for holding water, man. I was right! Pools are perfect for holding water, man. Hmm. Okay. So whatever website you got it from I know more than they do it's one word but still
Starting point is 00:20:51 boom damn it boom thought you got me on it perfect perfect for holding water man um no shit okay okay okay for holding water. Bulls are perfect for holding water, man. No shit. Okay, okay, okay. Oh, this is fun.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Okay. Dead air. Dead air. dead air dead air don't blank blank dad blank blank don't blank blank dad blank blank yes rod says this um I gotta make it difficult. I gotta make it hard. Oh, okay. I know what it is. So, do you guys enjoy me giving the whole synopsis of the scene to incorporate the quote? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Because this is what your head goes through. This is when they break the news to Rod and Kevin that Kevin's dad, Rod's stepdad, has a bad heart. And, you know, his days are numbered. And Kevin's there on the ground holding his hand. And then Rod comes up and shoves Kevin out of the way and says, hold on, dad, don't die. Because he needs to kick his ass. No, the quote is... What is it? Blank, blank, dad, blank, blank? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Hold on, dad, don't die. Well, I guess we can't do that. We can't do that because if that is another quote in the movie then that would fill in all the blanks the one i have here is wait give me the other scene and i might be able to it might be able to do it the scene hold on dad don't die yeah hang on hang on let me let me look it up and get the scene i should have done this but um i'm trying to think of another is it when they're like fighting is it um blank blank dad blank blank um
Starting point is 00:23:17 because that works i mean and that's what I was thinking of. Yeah, here. Do you have the scene? Can you tell me the scene? Turn the volume down. It's muted. Just set up the scene for me, and I bet I can do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Rhodesian fighting sticks. Very, very lethal. Ah, Rhodesian. He, okay. In this scene that this quote comes from, he is giving kids autographs of i hate frank um and he says don't blank blank dad blank blank oh no dad's blank blank um i'm looking at the quote and i said it wrong um
Starting point is 00:24:27 blank blank dads blank Don't blank dads? Don't blank dads? Because they walk away and he goes, don't let your dads eat pie. Because he thinks his dad, well, his real dad choked on pie. Come to find out. You already said the quote, so I'm going to count gonna count it what don't let your dads eat pie don't let your would be three blank blank blank don't let your dads eat pie it'd be three blanks did i did i do it yeah okay so we'll count it okay so yeah because he's like
Starting point is 00:25:28 you go rod or whatever i hate frank or something like that yeah and then he goes they walk away he goes don't let your dads eat pie yeah so that'd be three blanks. Don't let your. But I said don't. Oh, don't blank blank? Yeah, don't blank blank. Oh, so you already gave me don't. Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Well, okay. Yeah, don't let your dads eat pie. There you go. Thanks, Rob. All right, thanks, guys. And don't let your dads eat pie. Either way. Okay. The dog walked itself home.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I love this. Do you want to do the blanks or do you just want me to say it? Just say it. The dog walked itself home, ate a pizza, and took a nap who says it the asian reporter is like trisha takanawa or something like that or no that's from family guy or is it the same thing it's the asian news lady it just says the the website i found it from just stated that it's news reader yeah it's like some asian news lady trisha talking now was from family guy who's also an asian news lady the dog walked itself home
Starting point is 00:26:53 ate a pizza and took a nap the dog walked itself home ate a pizza and took a nap there's outtakes of that where she says different things but i can't remember them off the top of my head but okay and i'm about ready to quote a quote from rico and what is going you have to say state what the scene was okay who am i supposed to build ramps for now? Well, it's outside of the store where he has all the liquor. And Bill Hader's crying and doesn't want him to leave. And he's like, I don't want to be friends, Ron. You can barely understand what he's saying.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I don't want to be friends, Ron. I don't even cry. Look at me. You're about to make tears come out of my face and then Rico's like who am I supposed to build ramps for who am I supposed to build ramps for now and then he walks away that's when Rob's quitting and they're getting Rod's quitting they're getting mad at him I love that scene who am I supposed to build ramps for now who am i supposed to build ramps for who am i supposed to build ramps for now uh i thought you there's a lot more rico quotes you could have pulled from oh yeah like we're just talking about i had a weird dream last night where there was a i had there was like a bunch of wizards and i had the only way i could beat him was
Starting point is 00:28:23 punching as hard as i can in the face. Then all the little wizard wives came out and just wanted me to have sex with them, which is kind of weird. It's like these pre-preparations before the scene starts. It's just random conversation between these side characters. I'm the quilt master. So you got the three-parter all correct. Bang. The last quote I have, or last question I have, this one's so hard.
Starting point is 00:29:00 This one's going to be hard? I don't know if you're going to be able to get this one. What is Rod's stepdad's name? Frank? You're being sarcastic. Don't be like Frank. Yeah, that was the end. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I think that was 10 with the three part. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 have it nine for no prizes 10 11 so it was 11 i put my money where my mouth was well it's there's so many more quotes you could have done but that movie that doesn't make it a quiz if it's the well-known, really funny quotes. Oh, yeah. Well, some of them were the well-known funny quotes.
Starting point is 00:29:53 I wasn't even going to put, I was too legit. Yeah, I would have destroyed that. But that's what I'm saying. Can you do the hand gestures he does, too? But now, I'm not legit i'm unlegit and for that reason i must quit i was too legit i was too legit to quit he's like doing hand gestures with it oh the girls are probably sitting here like, this movie sounds absolutely stupid.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I was thinking of things that you might quiz me on, and I don't know why my brain went to this one, but I'm like, he's going to ask me the name of the guy on the radio station, and I was trying to think of his name, and I couldn't think of it. Do they mention his name at all in that movie like when they meet him at the fairgrounds i don't know and then i was just thinking about when he shows him his tattoo of the boy urinating on a on a am or a fm because what's he he's trying to put am radio back on the map or he's trying to put fm radio back on the map so it's a kid peeing on an am radio and a color
Starting point is 00:31:12 television and then there's a fm radio up here on a little magic carpet oh yeah he's like yeah yeah yeah he's like he's also urinating on this. I've only seen this movie like twice. He's like, implausible, I may think, but I'd like to think he had sex the night before and a piece of fluid is blocking his urethra, allowing him to pee in two different directions. What a crazy, crazy quote. See, but that, this was a really good movie to do this,
Starting point is 00:31:42 and we could have fucking... Right along the same lines as Step Brothers, in my opinion. We could have done, like... You could have done a full entire hour-long podcast of quotes in this movie. Oh, just talking about, just mentioning quotes. Yeah, this movie's just so quote-filled. Should I quiz you on some quotes off the top of my head about hot rod and see what you know yeah i've only seen it twice oh you've only seen it twice yeah uh well then
Starting point is 00:32:10 then it might be i know like the very basic ones um so when they they you know that how they frequent that one stand that one little like where they get like it's it's like a little outside like diner type of thing where they go and they get drinks and yeah yeah um so remember when dave goes up and the lady reads off his name as voltron she's like why do you still call yourself voltron? Why does he say he calls himself Voltron? Oh. Such a good response. You still call yourself Voltron?
Starting point is 00:32:56 I don't know. I can't remember. He goes, maybe because it's super badass. What? Is it though? I'm trying to think. What happens in the scene after Rod quits? And what does Dave do?
Starting point is 00:33:17 Where he has to go to the hospital. Oh, he's building something. He's building something. And it flies off and hits him in his head, doesn't it? Well, yeah, but what happens before that? I can't remember. So he's recalling all this through memory, like saying to Rod what happened. Because Rod just gets a call in the middle of the night, andave's like can you take me to the hospital and then he basically was like he got off work because he works at like the he works at like the roller rink
Starting point is 00:33:52 right and then the guy comes up and he's like i have this acid but i can't do it and he's like i'll do it and he just like takes acid and he's like tripping balls that's what he says he's like, I'll do it. And he just like takes acid. Oh, yeah. And he's like tripping balls. That's what he says. He's like, I was tripping balls pretty hard, man. He's like, so I decided to get on my bench grinder and a piece of metal flew up and hit me right in the eye. And it's like lodged above his eyebrow, like in his eyebrow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:32 And then he has to go. What's super funny about that is because it's after Rod quits and he's, like, looking for direction in his life, he gets out of the car about to go into the hospital. And then he just, like, leans back in the window and just gives the most, like, heartwarming inspirational sentiment to him about, like, why he shouldn't quit and, and like what he's doing is so good like he's like you have the power to save your father's life and that's pretty special and then like it's the most heartwarming conversation i could just hear his voice for some reason that like nasally like yeah yeah yeah and then he walked and then he just walks away and then he like points at a trash can he's like hospital trash can sweet thanks buddy and just walks at the front door well and also he says take it easy mountain face because when they're on the way there he's like i'm not gonna lie you look like an eagle and have a mountain for a face. And he's like, that's probably the drugs talking.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Whoa, you just ran over a small bus. Really small bus. I didn't see one. We're definitely watching this movie after. It's so good. Oh, that's funny. Let's just start from the beginning, and I'll just recite the entire movie from start to finish. You just ran over a really small bus.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Man. I should have put that one in there. What does Dave typically say after every single thing? Man. Man. Pools are perfect for rolling water, man. Dave, do you guys want some kool-aid i want cherry it upsets my stomach red all right give me another white claw now nobody knows what the fuck we're talking about um yeah like like from the beginning of the movie the first line is
Starting point is 00:36:27 well it's like a cold open and he's getting ready to jump over like a milk truck or something like that on a bicycle right yeah on his pedal like semi it has an engine on it like a little motor also pedals. Like, he needs to get the power built up, and I guess the engine holds it there. I don't know how a pedal moped works. Yeah. Like, the pedals help power it up a little bit, I'm guessing. Well, I think the motor just helps, like, drive. So, like, your feet are also, like, doing something.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Like, it just lightens the work. It's like the new e-bikes oh you can like the new like electronic bikes they they double whatever power you're putting in oh like whatever power you're putting with the pedals say like it puts more in basically he doesn't have like a motorcycle or dirt bike he's got a moped with pedals and he's like you guys secure the ramp and they're like no we didn't have time but then he goes cool and then he goes and makes the jump well after he goes soul of an eagle because he has all these different like spirit animals that he's channeling before every stunt oh yeah yeah yeah and then it just cuts and then he and then he absolutely was not even close to making the jump.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Flips over the ramp. And then Rico just jumps up and goes, Oh, shit! And then they run over. They're like, Rod, you okay? And he's just throwing up. What about this jump would cause someone to throw up? Oh, it's such a stupid movie.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Oh my god, it's so fucking funny. How did it not... How did it not net any money? I don't know. I thought a lot of people liked this movie. I thought a lot of people knew this movie. Maybe it's for just absolute degenerates. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Well, maybe that's why we like it then. Mm-hmm. Oh, shit. I mean, it's got Bill Hader, Danny McBride. Yeah. Andy Samberg. I can't remember Frank, the actor who plays him. He's in Death Race.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Obviously, he's in other movies. I was going to say, I was going to just put... What was the actor's name of Frank? I would have got one there. You would have, because I couldn't think of his name. Ian McShane. Ian McShane. Will Arnett.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Will Arnett is in it. And the radio guy is a guy from SNL. So it's not like there wasn't any big name actors in it. And the radio guy is like a guy from SNL. So it's not like there wasn't any big name actors in it. Yeah. Any movie I think that Danny McBride's in it, I'd love. It's just so funny. He's in Pineapple Express. This is the end.
Starting point is 00:39:17 This is the end. It's so funny. The fucking demon with a giant dick. And then the laser comes down and cuts his dick off and the dick just falls and crushes a house or a building. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:31 This is my bitch. Holy shit, it's Channing Tatum. What's so funny about... Just slide right in that shit. What's so funny about This Is The End is that they're all like um not fourth wall breaking but they're all playing their real life self yeah so they're acknowledging the fact that
Starting point is 00:39:53 they're actors yeah because they talk about like like seth rogan and james franco were talking about how they should make a pineapple express too. Yeah. Like on a, like a camcorder during the movie. Like you see little scenes of it that they're trying to remake and Danny McBride is in it.
Starting point is 00:40:16 So he's like replaying his role. God, I hope I don't have cobra me too because then you're gonna get it because we kiss um so you know the but from this is the end the best scene in that movie is when danny mcbride just wakes up out of the bathtub. Yeah, like, how did nobody notice Danny McBride was there the whole time? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Because they're... And then he just walks down the stairs and just makes breakfast. That's the only food they have now. Yeah. Hey, you guys want some? Well, because they, like, realize they're in an apocalypse, and they start boarding up all the house and stuff. How did nobody see him? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:08 How did nobody, like... He just walks down the stairs. But then, yeah, he's like... Yeah. He's like... He's like, James Franco probably sucked a couple dicks last night. And they're just like, I didn't suck any dick. And he's like, James Franco didn't suck any dick.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Now I know you're lying. So, you know, in Hot Rod, the Richardson guy, the Asian guy, where he refuses to get out of the pool and he wants to join their crew the whole time. Come on now. No. Richardson. I don't remember him. You don't remember him? No't remember him no we gotta watch it well so you remember where they're trying to clear that little public pool because he's
Starting point is 00:41:53 gonna try to jump it and that guy is in the pool and bill hater is standing above him with the megaphone and he's like talking to him he's like come on richardson you're being a tool man and he goes there's no tool in this pool and he goes and he breathes into the megaphone and it's like so distorted so apparently that guy who plays richardson for the people that know what i'm talking about um apparently he was like andy sandberg's roommate at one point like he was kind of like a friend from his past and i just i just remember on the director's commentary he's like he would like to walk out like at inappropriate like fully naked at inappropriate times like if we had girls over or something, he would just like walk out in the living room or something just naked.
Starting point is 00:42:46 I'm like, oh my god. God. If I remember correctly, I think they said his name was Chester Tam. How good is my memory? Chester Tam! Richardson. That's all his name is, is Richardson.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Richardson. Because then at the end is, is Richardson. Richardson. Because then at the end he goes, we did it, Richardson! At the very end of the movie, after they, you know. And then he goes, Rod knows my name! Rod knows my name! When can they remember this? Then we need to watch it. I like the speech he gives before he does the jump. And he's like, I hope in some small way all your sons managed, all your dads out there, all your sons managed to jump them.
Starting point is 00:43:37 And then Richardson's like. I almost know this movie sickeningly too well like you would think I watch this every night before I go to bed but I just watch it so much in past years I don't know but I haven't seen it in a long time it's been a long time since I watched it I don't get how you can paint the entire it might it might have something to do with my super recognizer ability because lena was asking me she's like do you think you have a photographic memory and i was like no i think it i think it's my facial recognition whatever part of your brain walks into so okay here here we go psychology with jake aka what that mean what that means so
Starting point is 00:44:29 your brain either does short-term memory or long-term memory short-term memory is what's happening right now when we walk out of this room if i asked you about some of the things i said you wouldn't be able to remember because it's just your short-term memory you would remember that we sat down and had a conversation but you wouldn't be able to recall everything i said because so many words were said but certain elements you're going to put into your long-term memory so your long-term memory is what your brain decides is really important and locks it in so that you can recall it later um and the human brain what the ass is that so i don't know what you're saying but so like your brain technically has infinite storage if you put it something in your long-term memory you'll be able to recall it later
Starting point is 00:45:19 so when it comes to seeing someone's face I think my brain is just really good about putting people's faces into its long-term memory. So if I'm ever watching a movie, I can go, that's that guy that's in that movie because I can just recognize their face. Now, I think that also helps me with doing quotes. Maybe because I can see someone's face saying the quote that also helps me with doing quotes. Maybe because I can see someone's face saying the quote, that it helps me. But I've also seen Hot Rod so many times that my ability to recall all the quotes, basically that whole movie is locked into my long-term memory. Good thing you have infinite storage.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Yeah. Wouldn't that suck? Wouldn't that suck if your brain had, like, a finite storage, like a computer or a phone, and you had to, like, I don't know, forget certain things in order to make room for new memories? Wouldn't that suck? That'd be terrible. What do you think is your... Because you Because you would use like 8 gigabytes right now. Me? Yeah, with Hot Rod.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Your brain just uses up 8 gigabytes. Well, but no, it's 8 gigs that are already in there. Because I recalled it all. No, I'm saying like I'm saying like if we had like a limited storage, that entire movie would be just... It would suck that I have 8 gigs dedicated to Hot Rod in my brain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:54 It would kind of suck. It's definitely pointless. Unless I was like on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? And they were like, when Dave says to Rico pools are what? Finish the line. Pools are perfect for holding water, man. Correct! Regis Feldman's like
Starting point is 00:47:13 he wants to be a millionaire! What do you recall as your first memory? Do you have something that you've decided is like I think this is my first memory now the first thing i ever remember yeah if you think back and say what's the first thing i remember what's the first thing you remember there was a really bright light and then there was a slit
Starting point is 00:47:41 that opened up no you wouldn't remember that i think your memory typically starts which is a weird thing to think about did you i think it's around two or three years old is when you start to like anything before that you're not going to be able to remember did you know that when babies are first born they open their eyes but they can't see very far in front of them well again what's what's funny is that even if they could see it doesn't really matter well i guess it matters for survival but not memory they're not going to remember so it doesn't matter yeah no but i'm saying like when they open their eyes and they do like finally start seeing like when we're we're back seeing my niece and my sister's like yeah she just likes listening
Starting point is 00:48:29 to the tv she can't see that far huh well i guess probably has to do which is weird because the development of her eyes we can see so far wow that's crazy i mean because which the certain parts of the eyes that are pick up color and transmitted it to the brain may not have developed on yeah because how old is she four months old yeah but like when she was, like, really young, because the TV was, like, four foot away, and my sister was like, yeah, at this age, they can only see something that's, like, four inches in front of their face.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Because everything else is just blur. Yeah. I think. Damn. I don't know. It's weird. Yeah. Some cool shit.
Starting point is 00:49:21 I didn't know that. Crazy. I always say that my first memory is on my third birthday i remember coming into the kitchen and my mom was at the sink and she turned around and she said go put on your scooby-doo shirt for your scooby-doo party and i remember running upstairs and opening my closet and opening the shirts to find my Scooby-Doo shirt because I was having a Scooby-Doo party. I love Scooby-Doo.
Starting point is 00:49:51 I'm pretty sure that was my third birthday. When you're three, you're running around, aren't you? As a three-year-old, you can talk, walk and talk, running around. Because at like one yearold you can talk walk and talk running around because at like one year you can walk so yeah it's not out of the question because in three in two or three more years you're in kindergarten learning how to read so i wish i wonder if there's pictures kindergarten i don't know how to read i wonder if there's pictures of like my scooby-doo party and if it's like if there's documentation. I think it's kindergarten. I don't know how to read. I wonder if there's pictures of, like, my Scooby-Doo party and if it's, like, if there's documentation that it was a Scooby-Doo party on my third birthday. Because what's funny is, like, if I ask my parents. Your mom probably remembers.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Well, that's the funny thing. Maybe not. I might be like, did I have a Scooby-Doo birthday on my third birthday? And they might be like, I don't fucking know. Dude. I don't remember. Parents remember everything. Did your mom keep a bunch of shit when you were a baby?
Starting point is 00:50:46 Like, your first haircut? Like my foreskin? Yeah. I don't know. My mom still has all my baby teeth. All your baby teeth? Yeah, it's scary. And hair.
Starting point is 00:50:59 And it's a blunder. Why is it scary? Because your mom does too. Now, if they're like, this is your teeth from when you were a baby, and it's like a gallon bag full of human teeth, I'd be like, that's not just for me. That might be from a couple other people, and I only have one sibling. So, but if it's like a couple little teeth, then just be like, hey. Some parents just like to keep her. What is the tooth fairy's rate nowadays?
Starting point is 00:51:27 Because that might be worth something. Baby teeth from back in the day might have been worth a nickel back then, but they might be worth like a dollar or so now. I'm saying put that under your pillow. You might find a diamond under there. I don't know. The interest rate on human teeth. Talk in your mic.
Starting point is 00:51:47 My first two teeth that I actually lost were my two front teeth. So you were a... I had adult teeth. You were a goal post? Yeah. Hockey goal? My two adult teeth came in, and they were fucking huge, and the rest were teeth. Oh, so when the rest fell out, so you just had two buck teeth came in and they were fucking huge and the rest was huge.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Oh, so when the rest fell out, so you just had two buck teeth in front. Yeah, I looked like a fucking horse. My sister would call me horse boy. And she'd always tell me that I'd be good at bobbing for apples with those teeth. You could just hook into them?
Starting point is 00:52:21 Yeah. That, and she called me Moy. Monster Boy. Okay. And then she would... She would always give me wedgies so bad that they'd rip my underwear. Damn. How much older is your sister than you again?
Starting point is 00:52:41 28. She's 28 years older than you? No, she's 28. Oh. So she's 7 years older than you. Yeah, I think she's 28. She's 28 years older than you? No, she's 28. Oh, so she's 7 years older than you. Yeah, I think she's 28. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:53 She's 7 years older than me. Yeah, because my sister's 3 years older than me. So... 25. 25 um so but like with my sister she was four years four school years older than me so we were never in high school at the same time when i was in eighth grade she was a senior um but like there was a period where we would drive to school together once she could drive like she would drive us to school you remember listening to taylor swift on the radio she's like this is my shit probably i mean she would she would um yeah whatever she was
Starting point is 00:53:37 listening to or into at the time would obviously be playing um i think she she was going through a phase where she was talking to this boy that was um lived out in the country and was kind of like to hunt and so she was listening to country because she was trying to get in with that you used to with that lifestyle me yeah yeah i used to really hate country but now i now I don't hate it. Would you say it was when we started hanging out that you started liking it? I don't know. Because you made My Cousin's Hot playlist shortly after we started. Well, after we became good friends.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Yeah, I have a playlist called My Cousin is Hot, and it's just my country songs that I like. Like Jake said in the last episode, if you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in the family. Oh my god. Pools are perfect for holy water, man. It wasn't right after we started hanging out. I think it might have been... I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:40 It might have... I think... Well, it wasn't right after I got a truck. It wasn't like I got it. It wasn't like they gave me the keys and I went to start the ignition and I popped open the console. There's a fucking Kenny Chesney CD in there. I think it was like right when we were in the midst of. When we were in the midst of last winter last winter is when i started listening to country
Starting point is 00:55:09 music yeah so we've been friends for like a year or so before that anyways i think it was in the height of when we would come home from work and just drink beer and split wood. I think I just felt so, so blue collar that the country vibe was just flowing through me to the point where I was like, I'm going to start listening to country music. I don't know. I don't know. Your very first country song that you played all the time was Big Iron.
Starting point is 00:55:42 That's a great fucking song. It is. To the town of old. well it to be fair having a truck does help because if you have a v6 mustang and you're listening to country music no you're just not allowed to listen to country music you know what i mean it's like i feel like you couldn't hurt you couldn't really hear anything over your trumpet we're not here to criticize the fact that i had a mustang just the fact that i did have one it just it just is weird you know what i mean yeah having a truck and working hard and drinking a lot of beer with your buddies and splitting wood to make extra cash on the side just makes you feel some type of way yeah makes you feel
Starting point is 00:56:35 country country i don't i don't i honestly don't know what made me because i used to hate country yeah and then i think there was like i think maybe what happened was i was like there's actually some country songs that i do kind of like and aren't that bad and i like i was like maybe i'll just start a playlist and then i was kind of listening on shuffle and i was like well actually i like that song too and i like this song too and i'm like maybe i just maybe I'm just in denial. Like maybe I've always kind of liked country, but I'm just in denial. That's the best.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Well, there's different. Yeah. There's different like styles of country music. There's like really old country, which is like Johnny Cash, you know, and what's her name i guess i guess reba yeah dolly parton you know what's his name that sings big iron marty robbins marty robbins but then there's like the country i'm into is like kenny chesney um um the guy that just died toby keith i was gonna say keith urban but not that toby keith the our intro song um yeah our intro song but like and then there's like modern country i feel like like hardy i have a couple of his songs but like the actually i think your most played country song was probably the mockingbird and
Starting point is 00:58:16 crow for a while well i don't know if it's my most played song but but for a while that one kind of got me into it because it's kind of country and a little rock. Like indie rock almost. I don't know if you're giving me shit. No, let's get it started. See, but whenever you talk about me liking it, you have a wide, weird grin on your face. Almost as if it's stupid. Why is it so funny though? I think it's funny because
Starting point is 00:58:45 both you and bailey at one point when me and bailey first started dating i would always listen to country she's like country's so stupid i hate country we're not so you're laughing because you think it's an i told you so moment no i think i think there's a lot of people in this world that are like is that it averse to country music that i think they just say i hate country because one of their friends was like man i hate country but if they actually sit down and listen to it well so i mean there's still still when there's, there's a lot of copy and paste country songs. Well, there's. Where they're all singing about my truck.
Starting point is 00:59:30 It's like that with rap. And my woman broke my heart. And, well, yeah, I know. So, then it kind of depends on who you like as an artist, you know. Well, yeah. But if you're just listening to it to listen to it, you might be like, oh, these songs are all the same. Dude, I can't remember. Like, I don't.
Starting point is 00:59:49 The newest, like, rap that I've really been listening to is, like, Kevin Gates. Like, two phones. But that was, like, 2016, 2015. That's what I'm saying. That's, like, the newest that's like the newest rap because the newest raps is about the most the most modern the most close to date today that you've been yeah is all because anything beyond that you're like it's all the same shit well yeah but a lot of times we're selling drugs but a lot of times people don're selling drugs. But a lot of times, people don't even listen for the words anyways. They just like the music, the beat.
Starting point is 01:00:27 We're fucking hoes. We're fucking hoes out here. And that's what this kid in... We're selling drugs. We're gangbanging. We're fucking hoes in my fast car. Just the widest interpretation of modern rap.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Is it not, though? Everybody's like, well, all country is is about tracks and women and beer. I'm like, all music genres are kind of the same shit. Why do you think some songs blow up and some don't? Because some people are just not going to follow what the trend is about what is going on, which I'm not saying that I like. I don't know. I guess there's a few new rap songs here and there that I listen to or like kind of like,
Starting point is 01:01:16 but like, and I do a lot of it depends on that, but I do think a lot of it depends on people who gain a liking for an artist. So anything that they produce, they're going to listen to it. And then some hit and some don't. Yeah. Oh, man. I feel stuffed up.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Like me the other day. I'll stuff you. Except you snot rotted. Those grenadine beers through your nostrils. Yeah, and then I fucking... We just gotta pop bottles under one of our episodes. You're saying like, this is my house. Like, it's our studio, but I'd have to clean it up.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Because the moment it happened, you'd be like... Bailey, we gotta go. No, I'm saying like champagne bottles. For what reason? On our 100th episode? 100th episode. We're 70 away. This will be episode 31. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:02:18 100 episodes. Should we go watch Hot Rod? I'm actually willing to watch it now. Bailey, can we watch Hot Rod? Ooh, we gotta gro groan what time is it nine o'clock oh my god nine o'clock on a Saturday night we're all turning into old people aren't we I'm being a damn old person you're the youngest person in the room all right all right I put my money where my mouth was i aced the hot rod quiz you all saw you witnessed it um this episode's gonna be a lot of editing because i'm probably
Starting point is 01:02:53 gonna have i'll probably put on all the quotes got to got to um send me or i guess i'll be able to see it on there too legit so now people people understand. I'll definitely put it in. I'm unlegit. And now I must quit. Come on, Bailey. It's such a good movie.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Can we look at the runtime first? God, my nose. I've been everything. I'm like this in here. My nose and
Starting point is 01:03:17 all. Yeah, everybody was pulling me the last time for having stuffy nose. I aced it. Didn't get a
Starting point is 01:03:23 prize, though. So that's kind of sus. I'll buy you a beer tomorrow. Thanks. An hour and a half. A clean 90 minutes. That's 30 less than 2. That's 40 less than a minute.
Starting point is 01:03:42 You're going to hold them underwater for 40 seconds. That's 20 less than a minute maybe we'll do that what since fanny doesn't want to stay maybe we'll just we'll we'll go home and we'll start them at the same time start at the exact same time so dumb so then the girls have to call each other but i want to watch it with you in person all right we may have some convincing to do but thank you guys for watching and tuning in to this episode episode 31 it's been a real treat
Starting point is 01:04:09 I'm stuffed up I might go take some NyQuil and pass the fuck out audio only on Spotify and Apple Podcast follow us on Instagram at grassstudiespodcast I'm thinking about making a TikTok account and posting some shorts
Starting point is 01:04:28 so we can all go back and relive some of the fun moments we've had on this podcast. But, Cam, do you want to do your little plug? Codegrass at I know you guys don't use it, but. Guys, it's getting warm out. We're going golfing tomorrow. I actually, I think I lost my glove. it but guys it's getting warm out we're going golfing tomorrow i actually i think i'm i think i lost my glove so i might need to buy one and use our own code but they're pretty funny gloves
Starting point is 01:04:54 they say you suck on that hey so it's getting warm you've been dodging it on the middle finger you've been dodging it but i know you're about to go hit the links and you're gonna need a new golf club or a new club a club head cover so i'm not i'm not certain how it works because it reset after the year oh so i gotta figure out how to go back in because maybe well figure that shit out maybe nobody's bought anything in the month in January for golf. Well, figure shit out. But, yeah. Go to Shanky Golf. Use code GRASS and help us out.
Starting point is 01:05:30 And help yourself out by getting something quality. But until next time, pools are perfect for holding water, man. I was heading for the mountains I had saved so much for you And in the town I left behind me There was nothing left to do I knew that you were waiting For me to say you're not Cause I told you when I left When I come back you'll be my wife

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