Grass Daddies Podcast - Grass Daddies Podcast Episode 40: Blue's Clue's [Feat. Trace Johnson and Ben Schmeling]

Episode Date: May 22, 2024

In this Episode of the Grass Daddies Podcast, Jake is joins once again by Ben and for the first time by one of his best friends Trace! The boys sit down and share stories about their first time smokin...g weed and Trace and Jake talk about a member of their class getting too high and puking in a dog bowl. SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grass Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Spencer's Instagram: @spence2018 Tik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I walk down the stairs, I look around the corner, he's laying on the ground, completely flat, not on a pillow, not on the couch, laying on the ground. His arms were at his side, facing away from me. I'm like, oh fuck, he's fucking passed out. He's dead. He's fucked up. Yeah. And I go like this, Trace.
Starting point is 00:00:19 And the moment the words came out of my mouth, he goes, yeah bro. Like he was dead awake. But he's motionless on the ground with his head to the side. He could have been dead for all I knew. So I'm like, Trace. Yeah, bro. Yeah, bro. I'm like, dude, what the fuck just happened?
Starting point is 00:00:47 Welcome to the Good Point Podcast. That's Cam. I'm Jake. I'm just kidding. That's not Cam. That's also not Cam. I am Jake, though, and this is the Grass Studies Podcast. As you guys well know, Cam is no longer with us. So,
Starting point is 00:01:03 he moved home. He's not dead. He definitely is still alive. He actually Snapchat me today, so I know for moved home he's not dead he's it he definitely is still alive he actually snaps out of me today so I know for a fact he's alive but trace doesn't know what's going on first of all guys this is trace lifelong friend of mine life partner of mine we've been through many ventures together. When you're that far into the woods and it's that cold, you got to do it. You got to do what you got to do. I don't want to know. Thanks for being on the pod. And also welcome back, Ben. You've been on a couple times. Hopefully we have no malfunctions this time
Starting point is 00:01:53 um the first time you were on we had some issues yeah my mic left the chat i think i think the computer got unplugged and then it died and we didn't catch it somehow but anyways thank you guys both for being on. Cam has officially moved back home. He is living in Gothenburg right now. He had to go up like a month earlier than they were supposed to for the sake of the job he's going to. Bailey, his girlfriend, will be following him and moving there in June like they planned. I'm filling you in on this for the first time, apparently.
Starting point is 00:02:25 I thought I told you, but... No, I did not know this. I'll give you the condensed version. So, basically, their rent got jacked up at their apartment, and they decided, well, this is the perfect time to try to move into a house instead. So, they're like, well, if we're going to move into a house, don't we want to do it back home? You know, we're getting, well, if we're going to move into a house, don't we want to do it back home? You know, we're getting married.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Eventually, we're going to start a family. So, they're moving back home. It sucks, but the show goes on. The podcast is not going anywhere. And we're in a bit of a transition period right now, so you might be seeing some new faces, some new guests, just so we can keep the ball rolling. So, with that being said
Starting point is 00:03:09 favorite sex position You didn't say it I thought you're oh, I thought you were implying That it's the ass Right right as we all know right anal ass ass What? Where'd you guys did did it shit some cans out or it did before i could even they were sitting on the table waiting for us they were they were actually it was already the fridge door was open yeah the fridge door was open so they walked out they crawled out you know about the magic mini fridge right yeah okay so i mean Okay, so, I mean, I'm thirsty. So, if you guys don't mind, this is going to, I swear to God, if this degrades the quality of the audio, I'm going to be so pissed.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Does it usually not run like this? It wasn't earlier. It's running a little bit stronger than I feel like it normally does. But would you kindly get me a beverage out of there? Okay, so it is half and half Twisted Tea on the menu. Yeah. Apparently, okay. Yeah, that's what the fridge says. I don't know what's in the bottom of that box.
Starting point is 00:04:23 There might be other cans in there. I sit on this side, so whenever the door swings open, Cam usually tells me what it is, and I can't see what's in there. It's half and half Twisted Tea. Thank you. Good point. Good point. I don't know if I've said that very much on the pod. Last week was pretty heavy.
Starting point is 00:04:43 I said good point a lot? I've worked it into my... Two or more to me is a lot for a saying. I say it almost every week. I've worked it into my vernacular. A lot of my common sayings are a result of Trace and I
Starting point is 00:05:02 Yes, we come up with ideas of things that we think are hilarious and then we just say them relentlessly. Yes, we do. So, do you want to know what good point comes from? What's the longest time you guys have spent together without sleep? The longest time we've spent together without sleep? The longest time we spent together without sleep? Yeah. I mean, probably over 24 hours.
Starting point is 00:05:30 I was going to say 24 hours. Just so awake at 8 a.m. and then you went to bed the next day at 8 a.m.? No. No. I'm imagining, because the only times I've ever done all night nighters, will you unplug
Starting point is 00:05:46 this? Oh! Sparks. The only times, nuh uh. Yeah, uh huh. It did not spark. You want me to do it again? No.
Starting point is 00:05:58 I believe you. The only times I've ever done all nighters is with Trace. Is that a fact? Not sexually. Because, you know. Okay, you're not answering my question. So, I'm imagining there was probably a time, because we went to school together, like on a Friday where we were at school together. Then we hung out after school and we pulled an all-nighter and then i probably left sometime around i don't know
Starting point is 00:06:31 nine or ten the next morning so probably 30 hours okay sounds about right so you asked that question why well if you have these weird sayings and like finish each other's sentences i just wondered how weird it got like it may have come as a result of sleep deprivation right where we were losing our minds like like uh derek and i when we i think it was it was well over 60 hours yeah and we were just we were just talking we were just saying different ways to say asbestos asbestos asbestos basically just and so if you were looking up different accents no saying it we were just sitting there gaming and we were just saying asbestos different
Starting point is 00:07:25 ways and we just bust out laughing i would love to be at some point scott luke's meeting right i i would have loved to be a fly on the wall in that room but like but like at hour mark 30 where you're where you're starting to dip into psychosis it was it was like we could go 24 to 48 hours pretty easily it was past 48 that we like were totally psychosis like totally our like hour four you're like hey derrick will you pass me the chips ahoy hour 30 you're just like i wonder what whale cum smells like and then hour 55 you were just like up against the wall sniffing it yeah oh it was way it was way worse than that yeah and you're like asbestos asbestos just like against the wall just like asbestos like Like you were summoning a demon or something. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Like Derek could come... Were you? You're like, no, that's exactly what it was. Derek could come in here right now and mispronounce asbestos, and I would bust out laughing, because that's just our inside. Because now it's an inside joke. Yeah. But that's the level of psychoticness that we were at,
Starting point is 00:08:44 that we've lived through, and now we just have that inside is that also the same time where you said you guys like just took an entire case of mountain dew to the face no that was only how long was that that might only been like 40 hours but yeah only four we only 40 we clean two 24 packs of mountain dew and and you're still here today with us oh yeah which is amazing those are the days so good point was from the other guys i don't know when i decided this because i had seen this movie a lot of times. But it just dawned on me one day.
Starting point is 00:09:27 When we're watching the scene. Where they come up to Will Ferrell. And they're about to get him to try to do the desk pop. Everyone knows about the desk pop. Everyone jokes and memes about the desk pop. But not everyone talks about how. When Rob Riggle is standing there. And isn't that his name?
Starting point is 00:09:43 Rob Riggle? I'm pretty sure. But they go. is standing there and, isn't that his name, Rob Riggle? I'm pretty sure. But the they go, a lot of the guys were talking and they're like, how come you've never done a desk pop? And Rob Riggle goes, good point. Okay. What do you mean, good point?
Starting point is 00:09:57 It just doesn't make sense. It just doesn't really make any sense, but it kind of does at the same time. How come you've never done a desk pop? Good point. Good point. I just thought that was so sense right it kind of does at the same time how can you know that's about a good point I just thought that was okay I just thought that was so hilarious that now we just say good point all the time I see whether it's in like the right context at all yeah it's very exciting like if someone was like like sometimes you'll be like shut the fuck up and I'll be like good point yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:10:23 that's a good example that's a good point yeah or you can be like, shut the fuck up. And I'll be like, good point. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good example. That's a good point. Yeah. Or you can be like, um, that lady, I figured we could do this today. Good point. Like that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:10:34 But that lady over there just ate shit on the sidewalk. Good point. Good point. See, that's where you, it doesn't make sense, but it kind of does. And it's just hilarious.
Starting point is 00:10:42 It's funny. Okay. You can ask the guys at work. I say it probably about 20 times a day. Ben, Brother Ben, he came up to me. One of my favorite things is after we have a backyard party or get-together, he'll come up to me candidly after the fact and be like, yeah, for whatever reason,
Starting point is 00:10:59 Cam was just talking in an Italian accent the whole night. And one time he came up to me, he was just like, yeah, Trace kept saying good point in times where it didn't make any sense. So now he always says good point whenever your... You should see if he watches the pod or even listens because now you should gaslight him
Starting point is 00:11:18 and be like, I've never heard Trace say that ever in my life. Well, we just went on like a 10 minute spiel about how it's like our biggest inside joke. Right. So, that's community knows that Brother Ben might not listen to this episode.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I don't know. And then, he would be like, yeah, Trace, or whatever. Just the next time he says something, just gaslight him and see what happens. Like, if he's like, says good point whenever I bring up Trace. Yeah. I'll just be like, why'd you say that?
Starting point is 00:11:50 I've never heard him say that. Trace says good point all the time. I'll be like. No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't. Never heard him say that. I don't even know what that's from. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Do that. Then he'll walk away and be like, good point. And then he'll turn around and look at me and I'll be like, what? You just said it. And I'll be like, no, I didn't. Just make him think he's going crazy he's on an r60. will you give me another piece he's wearing the mountain dew case as a hat it's like it's like the the middle school version of going on a bender. You guys were strung out, but not on drugs.
Starting point is 00:12:31 You were just strung out on gummy worms and Mountain Dew. Yeah. And GTA. Do you remember the Jolly Rancher Chewies? Oh, yeah. I almost choked Trace on one of those. Yeah. True story.
Starting point is 00:12:44 We'd get like 10 bags of that, and it was Mountain Dew and those Jolly Rancher Che those jolly how did you not just throw up there there's a point where you're like shaking almost uncontrollably and once you push through that you can barely grip the Xbox controller
Starting point is 00:12:53 oh yeah there's like a couple hours where your brain is telling you like sleep right now and you don't push through that you're good
Starting point is 00:13:01 like you can go almost endless if you don't sleep soon that picture frame on the wall is going to start talking to you. And it's not going to have anything nice to say. I feel like we...
Starting point is 00:13:13 Because we would do GTA missions or Black Ops 3 zombies and we would get missions done. We'd get really high rounds in zombies. No problem. No so no lateral no just pure sugar baby sugar yeah cups of it gallons of sugar probably oh my god um so mother's day is tomorrow um did you get anything for or i guess i should say did brie get anything from she did what'd she get her
Starting point is 00:13:45 um it's like this really nice brand of perfume oh okay and she paid for that with monopoly money i'm sure paid for that with hugs and kisses hugs and kisses even better yeah and uh i didn't get anything for my mom she's she's good undes. She has three other kids that can handle that. That's when you message your siblings and you say, what did we get her? Yeah. That you can throw my name on. Yeah, that was, it's kind of nice having a kid now because you kind of get out of all of the weird family Mother's Day stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:25 You're like, well, the only mom I really care about now is my wife. And all she wants to do is sit at home. So I'm going to do that. Right. And you and Alyssa are expecting. No. You're not? No.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I need to check my notes. I think we need to reset that teleprompter. See, I'm more of the kind of, like, I'm the guy that when Mother's Day or Father's Day comes around, I'm like, why don't you get me a gift because I'm the reason you're a mother. That's a good way of looking at it. That's a bait and switch. Without my existence, you wouldn't be a mother. So, really, I should get the credit.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Right. But then there's also Maggie. Then there's also the fact that like she pushed me and raised and i was 10 2 10 pounds 2 ounces when i was born i was just 9 14. okay i don't know what i was you can you can ask check me on that well at first when you said 9 14 i thought it was that joke about like when you joke about your height and you say, I'm 9'17". Or whatever. Yeah, I'm 4'4".
Starting point is 00:15:29 But ounces go up to 16 instead of 12. So when you said 14, I thought you were joking by going two ounces over. I was huge. But then I caught myself. I was two ounces. Stupid. Two ounces less than 10 pounds. So.
Starting point is 00:15:44 You were a big baby? I don't know. No idea? You don't know what you were? Do you So, you were a big baby? I don't know. No idea? You don't know what you were? Do you remember when you were born? Do you know? I remember the day, not the time,
Starting point is 00:15:52 but I have a picture in my parents' house of when I was a baby and it has the sun, like a sun with a smiley face and it reminds me of the sun from, uh, Teletubbies.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Teletubbies. Yeah. So that was my favorite show when I was a kid. That was probably a licensing agreement. They probably paid premium for that picture of you. I was actually the baby in the sun.
Starting point is 00:16:13 You were the Teletubbies baby. I wasn't. Squashes it right away. No, no, no. You cannot copyright claim me on that. I had no involvement in the teletubbies program um this sponsor uh this week teletubbies um five dollars a month i call the purple one i call the vacuum cleaner that was my favorite one and the baby's um okay which one which one
Starting point is 00:16:40 are you claiming the right one you suss like that yeah the red one was pretty soft the red one? You suss like that. Yeah, the red one was pretty suss. You look like a red Teletubby. You do. This subscription service that I'm making up as we go, are we obtaining Teletubbies or are we getting access to the Teletubby TV show? I now own the rights
Starting point is 00:16:59 to the purple Teletubby. So it'll come and do your own work for you? No, anytime someone quotes the purple one or takes a picture of the purple one, I get money. Or Halloween. Okay. That's kind of a weird subscription service that you just get lots of money. That's a licensing agreement.
Starting point is 00:17:18 You obtain them. But I'm talking about a subscription service. Because we're sponsored by Teletubbies no skip that so if they use if they use code grass code grass on i don't want that then they'll get okay i don't want any part of that okay never mind give me the licensing the tubbies so you're the right one okay from that last because it's yellow, green, purple, red. Yellow? Correct. That's right.
Starting point is 00:17:50 What did you say? Which they don't talk. Don't they not talk? They just go like... Yeah. They just make like humming sounds. This is a scary conversation, so let's change it. I own the purple one, by the way. Okay, you can own the purple one.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Don't they have names? Yeah. Like Bibby and Doobie and Gaga. Oh, I don't. It's not like that. Zippy. It's not like that. That's closely racial. That was very close. That was very close to being racist.
Starting point is 00:18:21 That would be a good... Names of Teletubbies. That's like one of those facts that like... Teletubbies is a 1997 hyphenation point fantasy hyphenation point five seasons that aired from 1998. That's like one of those
Starting point is 00:18:41 questions where it's like you're on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and they're like name... Which one of those questions where it's like you're on who wants to be a millionaire and they're like name which one of these is not the name or which one of these is like the Teletubby name okay right and then you're like I really wish I would have paid more attention to that
Starting point is 00:18:58 if you can get one of these I would be I would be shocked this is not where I thought this conversation would go but but we're about... Just really quick, one last thing. Okay, okay. I'm going to guess La La. Was that one of them?
Starting point is 00:19:10 That was one of them. No way! That was one of them. Are you fucking kidding me? That was, I guess. Can you... There's three more. Can you guess one?
Starting point is 00:19:20 Think of them, like, doing their opening thing. Their opening thing? Like dancing? Yeah. They say their names in the opening. Do they really? Yeah. My name's Lala.
Starting point is 00:19:32 I'm Guppy. No. When I tell you them, you'll hear the song in your head. Bubby. Because I saw it. No. Does it end in an E? There's got to be one that ends in an E.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Like Bibby or Gummy or Buffy. Kind of, yeah. I would say yes. Bibby. So it ends in an E or like an S? E. Do I need to keep this computer alive? As long as, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:01 And the letter E or E, like the sound. Sound. Sound. Sound. Bibby. Zimmy. Zippy. Lippy.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Snippy. Snippy. Pippy. Bibby. Am I, am I kind of in the ballpark with those? You're in the ballpark. Um, if, uh she starts with a D. She's kind of...
Starting point is 00:20:34 Dipsy. Dipsy. Dipsy. Dipsy? Dipsy. Okay. Tinky Winky. Dipsy.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Yes. Tinky and Winky. No. Tinky Winky is one. Oh, Tinky Winky. Tinky Winky. Tinky Winky. That's what I say, Tinky and Winky. No, Tinky Winky is one. Oh, Tinky Winky. Tinky Winky. That's what I say when I need to go poop and pee. Ready?
Starting point is 00:20:49 Okay. Do the song. I gotta go Tinky and Winky. Dipsy, la la, and then propholic. Propholic? Propholic. Propholic. Prophalic.
Starting point is 00:21:02 That sounds like a medicine. P-O. Propholic. Propholic. P-O. This episode is sponsored by Propholic. Propholic. Prophalic. That sounds like a medicine. P-O. Propholic. Propholic. P-O. This episode is sponsored by Propholic. May cause death. May cause death.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Tell me how you'd say it. May cause life. P-O-F-R-O-L-I-C. Let me look at it. Can you hear the song? No. No. No, I can't.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Tinky Winky Dipsy. La la. Po. Are you fucking the song? No. Tinky Winky, Dipsy, La La. Poe. Are you fucking kidding me? Tinky Winky, Dipsy, La La, and Poe. Frolic and play. Poe. Poe Frolic. His name is fucking Poe.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Do you not see the space? I did. I thought it was like Tinky Winky. May I have another tea, tea? Poe Frolic. It's Lala and Poe space frolic and play in the idyllic telecom land. Oh my god. Propholic. Propholic. I thought I was over here talking about how they were prophalicic all right so next topic um i don't know i mean i'm down to go for a while here if we end up making this a two-parter that's great because then i'll upload one for this week and then for next week if we end up only getting to about an hour then you guys are
Starting point is 00:22:20 getting you're missing a week it's worth the content and you're just we're missing a week. It's worth the content. And you're just, we're skipping a week and then uploading next week. But I really. Sorry. I really wanted to. Type one if I'm him, chat. So this is the Grass Studies podcast. And in the room with us today may be the Grass Daddy himself. Trace Johnson, everybody.
Starting point is 00:22:53 You all know what I'm talking about. 90 decibels. You all know what I'm talking about. Cheesies. When they say half and half, they really mean it. I wanted to talk about our first times smoking weed. When they say half and half, they really mean it. I wanted to talk about our first times smoking weed. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:13 If we have all smoked weed in this room, which I'm pretty sure we all have. No. Never in my life. Okay. Well, let's just hypothetically say, if you ever smoked weed, what you think it would have been like. My first time. My first time was with trace um this is true you started you came out the womb with a joint in your mouth with an unassumed weight and um you're like if you would have said what my weight was in grams, I probably would remember.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Yeah, yeah. Or asses. Okay. So I want you to go first, then you, and then I'll bring us home. Me? Yeah. Because mine's pretty funny. Because mine was not a good experience.
Starting point is 00:23:59 For both of us. The fact that you can't remember right off the top of your head is a little bit frightening. Okay. Or, I guess, the most memorable time when you were first starting out, if you can't think of one off the top of your head. I think the most memorable... So you don't even know if this was your first time or not? Definitely was my first time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:31 First time... I think i smoked ditchweed my first time okay so you didn't get high or no i think i threw up too which is which is impossible for me if you know you're like you're supposed to eat this, right? I just spit everywhere. Oh, God. So I have to, like, think. Take your time. I know it's hard. It was at this huge house. I think it was in Plattsmouth. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:01 On a lake. Lake Weed. Lake Weed. Lake Weed is pretty good, I hear. I was... I got dropped off at this party. So I wasn't even 16. You weren't even 16? Okay. Does this story get better?
Starting point is 00:25:20 Not really. No, I... You've had a lot of concussions huh uh doesn't remember if he's had a concussion i have um anyways we were out on a dock and we smoked out of a joint and it was really dry and i remember coughing just like horrible like my brain was like yeah like pulsing like throbbing yeah and uh do you think you were coughing from just like the amount of smoke inhalation or was it like the throat itch? I think it was both. Okay. Yeah, I mean, there's probably like eight of us out there. And it took everybody to get through that one joint.
Starting point is 00:26:17 So everyone was suffering? Yeah. Was it the first time for a lot of them? For a lot of you out there? At least half, yeah. So who required the weed? Was someone just like... I don't... I think it was a chick that lived... that, like, her parents lived there.
Starting point is 00:26:29 And they were like, I can get some weed for my older brother who is friend, has weed, we can smoke. Yeah. It was an early night. I think I went home at, like, six. Okay. But did you get stoned that night, or high? I don't think so. I think I was coughing too hard. Okay. I just couldn't, like, relax. Okay. Yeah did you get stoned that night or high? I don't think so. I think I was coughing too hard.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Okay. I just couldn't, like, relax. Okay. Okay. Yeah, that was... Because that's what they say a lot of the times. It's the first time you smoke weed, you're not going to get high. I didn't.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I don't... Yeah. And I'm... Didn't get high off the ditch weed. Didn't get high off the lake joint. No. Nope. It wasn't until a couple years after that i really got into it got into it got
Starting point is 00:27:08 into it heavy okay so okay we're talking we're talking we're talking wax and making no that that wasn't that was scary stuff for me the group i hung out with, I didn't trust. They didn't fuck around. I didn't trust any of those guys to get me real, like, wax or anything like that. Concentrated shit. Yeah. So it was just marijuana and cocaine. Yeah. That's a good combo.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Yeah. I think that's a band, marijuana and cocaine. Is it? No. Can be. Okay, go ahead, Trace. Yep. That was kind No. Can be. Okay, go ahead, Trace. Yep, that was kind of... That was fantastic, guys.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Thank you for sharing. Not at all. I realize it was really hard for you to open up. I mean, you were really struggling to get it out, but I'm glad you did. It's tough to think that far back. When you're starting off, when you're in middle school, I mean, it's tough. Like, shit, yeah. No, okay, so.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Do you remember? Yeah, I remember because the experience wasn't necessarily bad, but it was definitely a unique experience that you would have smoking a beer first time. So, I'm hanging out with a buddy from high school. Very good. And it's the summer, so we're going to be sophomores the next year. Okay, freshman going into sophomore year. And my buddy says,
Starting point is 00:28:34 I know a guy that can be here to deliver us. Now this buddy is who I think it is, right? Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Okay. Yeah. And so, anyway, so he hits up this guy, and for a little bit of reference, at Lincoln Lutheran we maybe had one African American classmate. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:58 So, not much experience. And this guy pulls up, and of course... Not much experience what? With African-Americans. You mean you personally interacting? Right, right. There was a few that went to rope. I was going to say you had, but have you seen them in movies? Yes. Yeah. I have seen them in movies. Anyway, we'll edit that out. Anyway. So we go up to him him my friend introduces me to him and of course what is ninth grade like 14 years old 15 years old 15 15 16 usually sophomore yeah so 15 year old white boy he goes to Lincoln Lutheran and tries to
Starting point is 00:29:39 shake his hand like a white man would name trace so you had So you had a failed dap. Yes. I was like this. And he was like this. And he was like this. Yep. And you're like. And I was like trying to shake his hand. And he was like Show me. Show me. He was. So. Dap him. Dap him. So yeah it was like this. And then he goes what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:30:01 I was like What the fuck are you doing? I'm like I'm Trace Johnson. he's like you're a narc he was like dap me up motherfucker and i was like okay okay he's like you dap me up but you're not getting anything so i dap him up my buddy says he can roll a blunt with the swisher sweet we have great great of course which became my favorite but But anyway, we're in the backyard. He's rolling it up. And he goes, oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:30:28 And I'm like, what? He's like, I kind of ripped the wrap. And I was like, is that going to be a problem? Obviously, I haven't smoked before. So is that going to be a problem? And he was like, nah, do you have any scotch tape? Oh, my God. I was like, of course I've got scotch tape.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Of course I've got scotch tape. Who doesn't have scotch tape in their household? You got any rubber bands? I gave him... I gave him the... We'll just take a two-picture like you're making a bacon wrap smoky. I gave him the scotch tape.
Starting point is 00:31:00 He tapes one ring around the part he fucked up on. And then we smoke it. Which was hopefully close to, like, the mouth end. I don't remember that part. I don't remember that part. Okay. But, so, we're smoking it, and it gets to the tape part, and, God, is it harsh. Like, I don't know what... It's crude oil.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Yeah. Yeah. Burning plastic and adhesive. It's crude oil. Yeah. Burning plastic and adhesive. It's crude oil. And I'm just coughing my lungs out. And he goes, don't worry, bro. This isn't always how it's going to be. And I'm just like, I hope not.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I'm just reassuring you. Yeah, just trying to reassure me. Were you at your house? Yeah, we were at my parents' house. Classic spot. Classic spot to smoke. Back patio. Even though my parents were 100% against to this day.
Starting point is 00:31:50 But anyway. You're talking about to listen. We smoked and we played NCAA until about like 3 in the morning. And I wasn't high, but I could tell. You didn't get high. No, I didn't really feel high. But he got high and we probably went through two full seasons of NCAA on the Dynasty in one night.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Seasons? Seasons. Oh, my God. Then we're in the national championship of the second season, and I look over at him because I notice his guy's not moving, but I snap the ball. He's fast asleep. I have to finish the rest of the game by myself, which I do, and then I went to bed.
Starting point is 00:32:27 10 v 11. 10 v 11. You've got to take advantage. Audible. Go around. Hope he's on the corner. You're just hitting B so he's an offensive lineman or something? You're reaching over and switching. I didn't do a single run
Starting point is 00:32:42 play after I noticed you were sleeping. You're like, let's get this shit over with. Right. Oh, man. Well, my first time smoking weed was with Trace. It was a doozy. This was an experience for both of us. And this was after I graduated high school.
Starting point is 00:33:08 And I've touched on this before um until I got to probably about the age 19 I was a stickler I was completely against drinking and smoking we you were still like my best friend I didn't have anything against you doing it I just personally didn't want to you weren't like the other kids in our class right that were judgmental pricks um so in a life event happened to me where i was hitting the it button and i was like i want to that was awesome i want to smoke weed um uh long story short it was because of a girl and I was trying to prove her wrong. We've all been there where I'm going to do something that she knows I would never do and hopefully
Starting point is 00:33:52 she sees like, oh my god, he's doing this for me because of this is how much I've affected him. It was a feeble attempt of trying to get them to see what I was willing to put myself through it was dumb in hindsight it didn't work it was dumb in hindsight um but i was like i'm gonna start drinking and smoking to prove it to this bitch um so um it was i had started drinking
Starting point is 00:34:22 a little bit and i was like okay and i was kind of trying to work up the courage to it a little bit and it was one night where our trace was coming over and i was like tonight's the night i want to try smoking weed and you're like okay i'll bring over some weed um so we were um doing our thing what we like to do was um we would play video games and get drunk. One night, we were playing Battlefield 1 with a 750 and Fireball. And we were like, we'll take a pull every time we get a kill. Which, it's not like Call of Duty where you're getting a kill every five seconds. It's a little bit harder to get a kill. I had a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Trace threw up. That was the last night I drank a fireball So this was kind of our theme And we were basically just drinking Whatever we could get my hands on And my parents happened to have Like a fucking handle Of Windsor
Starting point is 00:35:18 Canadian Windsor And you're wincing For good reason We would mix this shit with like grape soda Yeah and you're wincing for good reason. We would mix this shit with like grape soda. Nothing special. It was just to get it into our bodies. So, we got drunk.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Downstairs in the basement? No, I was in the living room cheersing my parents with grape Windsor. Going, you guys want to get fucked up and smoke some weed? My dad was like, shut up, the Red Sox are playing. I want to see if this horse wins. So,
Starting point is 00:35:54 we got drunk, which some of you may be ahead of me going, you're not supposed to get drunk before you smoke, which, you're right. But we did, because my reasoning was I was nervous about smoking and I wanted to get a little liquid courage in me again I didn't know what the fuck I was doing so we got drunk ahead of time and then
Starting point is 00:36:17 we went out I was like okay I'm feeling good I think I've got it in me to go get it in me so let's go out back and smoke so we go outside onto our back patio my friend's back patio and as we're going up trace goes this is blues clues which is what it was called he had the weed he said this weed's called blue's clues and i was like hello what does that mean are we gonna solve a mystery or is uh what's his name gonna come out and draw a little thing with his crayon anyways time to open the mail which trace had a green crayon which was i was like is this actually happening no he didn't but i was gonna say did i really the fact that he was willing to believe that that was true that was my halloween
Starting point is 00:37:01 costume it's awesome what was his name like fred no it was i. What was his name? Like Fred? No, it was... I think it was Fred. I don't think it was Fred. I was going to say it was like Pete. Look it up. Look it up. Andy, maybe? Pete?
Starting point is 00:37:13 Pete sounds right, but I feel like it's Fred. Fred from Loose Gloose. Or Carl. Okay, so... Steve. Steve! Steve. It was one of those basic names like Fred, Steve... Steve. Steve! Steve. It was one of those basic names like Fred, Steve, George.
Starting point is 00:37:31 So we go out back. We start smoking it. It's just a blunt. It's one blunt. Did you roll it there or did you already have it made? I rolled it in the patio. You rolled it back there, okay. Walking up the stairs.
Starting point is 00:37:48 We're listening to music. So I was basically... He's like, I've done this so many times. He was doing it with one hand as we were walking up the stairs and making himself a taco in the kitchen. Right, right. Yeah. That'll do her.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I was a little bit put off when you were going like licking it. I'm like, I'm about to put this in my mouth. I was like, can we just get some scotch tape? So from what I knew about smoking weed, I knew music was a big deal. Like what kind of music you're going to listen to because you're like, yeah, that can affect your high. What kind of music you're listening to. So I'm like, okay. listen to because you're like yeah that can affect your high what kind of listen music you're listening to something like okay so we were um we started smoking it and of course i was like snapchatting that girl showing her that i was smoking it again i was doing this for the wrong reasons
Starting point is 00:38:36 doing something to your body out of spite for another person is never a good thing no matter what you're doing no that's just a life lesson that everyone should take away from this stop trying to think of a scenario in which it would be a good thing because it's not unless you're like i'm gonna get yoked because this girl called me fat that's a good reason that is a good reason okay so so we got that covered but smoking weed and starting to drink not probably the best reason. So I'm like sucking it in and holding it and blowing it. Like... Throating it?
Starting point is 00:39:10 And I had... And it was holding it in your mouth? I was inhaling. Okay. And holding it in my lungs. Okay. He was holding it? He was holding it.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Oh, yeah. So people say you don't get high on your first time. You were getting high. I got high on my first time. Not getting high I got high on my first time Not only did I get high on my first time I got very fucking high on my first time My first time ever While I was drunk
Starting point is 00:39:34 On fucking Grape soda And Canadian Windsor So the high is starting to set in And we've got No problems by Chance the Rapper playing. Yeah. Is that one good? And my...
Starting point is 00:39:53 One more, then we'll try to start again. Okay. You don't want no problem with me. So, this song, it sounds like I'm in an empty football stadium, and I'm laying down on the 50-yard line, and it's just going like... And there's that choir in the background that was really tripping. Right, because there's multiple people singing at the same time. There's people in the background going like...
Starting point is 00:40:27 Don't they throw the speakers on that, too? So it's like left or right? I don't know. I don't know if they do that. But yeah, we were listening to the phone. I remember throwing my head back and going, I was like, You always make fun of me because I lean my head back and we're just like because the high was starting to set in hard I remember the sides of my body from my head
Starting point is 00:40:52 all the way down to my toes just the sides of my body were like fuzzy and tingling tingling hard I'm like and I'm like my whole body the sound of the music is fading in and out and it just sounds like like it feels like this on my body from the sides of my body yeah so i slowly get up and i'm like all right i was like all right bro i think we're i think i'm gonna do it back inside so i like slowly start walking over to the back door, and it felt like everything was in fucking slow motion. I slowly pull the door open, and I'm like, I'm faded. I'm fucking faded.
Starting point is 00:41:37 He was gone. We go back downstairs, and I'll tell you how high I was in a minute. We sat down on the chair, trace gets on his xbox and he's playing uh it was like nba live it wasn't 2k but it was a basketball game you're like i'm crossing these people up um i didn't say anything um and i was starting to get so high at this point that I was like, I was giggling a little bit. It wasn't a good high, though. I looked at Trace and I'm just like, I was like, are you sure this wasn't laced with PCP? Because I kind of want to eat your face off right now.
Starting point is 00:42:19 It was like my feeble attempt at making a joke. And Trace looked at me and he was like laughing. But then I was so high I was scared I was going to trip myself out Into thinking I actually wanted to eat his face So I was like Oh my god I started to freak out And then I started to feel sick
Starting point is 00:42:38 It was one of those Where as it was starting to set in As I got up I just took a pillow Because I knew it was starting to set in, as I got up, I just took a pillow. Because I knew it was going to be a while. I took a pillow with me upstairs and I just went and laid in the bathroom. And I was so, I was laying on the bathroom floor. I probably had the spins hardcore on top of being real high.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Like laying down on the ground with my eyes closed, I was, like, so high that, and I was so sick that I, like, I, but I was so high I, like, couldn't even get up to go to the toilet to puke, and I was, like, this is a miserable, horrible experience that's happening right now, and I was, like, I gotta i gotta like get my phone out and watch like some gmm or something to ease my brain but like i like looked down and i like started to reach for my phone in my pocket and was like i can't even do that it was too much blues clues it was too blue's clues twisted me up it crossed me over it shimmy shook me and high post faded me into oblivion. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:49 So eventually I was like, I got to move to the couch because I'm not able to get myself to throw up. I can't throw up. I go and lay on the couch in the living room and I was like, this is miserable. It was horrible. And I just wanted it to be over. And I was like, I hope I fall asleep so I can just sleep off this high and wake up and it'll just be over and my mind was racing so fucking fast that I thought like I I remember thinking in my head I could take the ACT right now because my brain is racing so fast.
Starting point is 00:44:25 I could just ace that shit because my brain is moving so fast. I could just think of everything at once. That's how my mind was just racing so hard. I don't know. Eventually, I did get up and I got the trash can. I was throwing up into the trash can. And we had tacos. We did. We had tacos tacos and I was like throwing up
Starting point is 00:44:47 little bits of taco meat this is already this is how high I was okay I had convinced myself that the little bits of taco meat were was weed and I was like oh my god maybe I accidentally like ingested some of it and maybe that's why I'm so sick and got so high because I accidentally like swallowed little bits of weed. Right. So I eventually passed out. I woke up. I remember waking up like this.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Like what just happened? Because I was like. The next morning. No, no, no. It was like a couple hours later. It was like 3 a.m. So you blacked out. It was like a couple hours later. It was like 3 a.m. So you blacked out. It was like 2 a.m.
Starting point is 00:45:27 I didn't black out. I eventually fell asleep. Passed out, whatever. I didn't black out. I wasn't that drunk. But eventually, I laid there long enough where I fell asleep. I slept off the high. The high went away.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Where I felt okay. A hundred times better than I did before i woke up was kind of like is it over so i got up from the couch i was like almost it was like the feeling that i had was so much better than i had before that i was almost like suspicious i like got up and i was like looking around like did that really just happen and i like walked over to the stairs this is the best part of the whole story i walked down the stairs because i wanted to check on trace like did he experience any of what i just experienced and i did blue's clues i walk down the stairs i look around the corner he's laying on the ground completely flat not on a pillow not on the couch
Starting point is 00:46:25 laying on the ground completely naked no oh fully clothed his arms were at his side and his head was on the ground like this
Starting point is 00:46:33 okay facing away from me okay I'm like oh fuck he's fucking passed out he's dead he's fucked up yeah
Starting point is 00:46:39 and I go like this Trace and the moment the words came out of my mouth he goes yeah yeah, bro. Like he was dead awake. But he's motionless on the ground with his head to the side. It's probably one of those things where you don't want to be asleep.
Starting point is 00:46:55 So you're like, I don't know. You're like in the very lightest of sleep. And then you hear something and you're like, yeah, I'm up. I'm up. I don't know. But he was laying on the side like this. Don't take advantage of me. He could have been dead for all I knew so i'm like trace yeah bro yeah bro
Starting point is 00:47:10 i'm like dude what the just happened and that's really all i remember but you're like yeah that was bad and so i always tell people for a seasoned vet to have gone through misery like that and say it was horrible and awful i'm like then i must have went through misery like that and say it was horrible and awful, I'm like, then I must have went through some shit. Yeah, and you were twisted. I was 100% I've never been able to drink and smoke. I was 100% twisted real bad
Starting point is 00:47:35 on my first time ever smoking. And you had a miserable experience too. You said you were throwing up. I was playing as Allen Iverson on NBA, and I was crossing people up left and right. And Jake went upstairs, and I thought to myself, I was like, man, did I really fuck him up?
Starting point is 00:47:59 Like, shit. Like, I felt bad. You felt bad. But I felt fine in the moment. Like, physically, I was fine. And then after probably another quarter went by I started feeling the spins and I was just like okay here we go and so then I grabbed the trash can that's right next to his TV stand or something I start yak and it did feel like ground beef was
Starting point is 00:48:21 coming back up like those tacos wanted to escape my person, either through my butthole or out my mouth. And unfortunately, it was the latter. And so then, yeah, I just threw it all up, and I couldn't even get myself up onto the couch. I just said, I'm sleeping right here on the floor. So was it from the spins, So was it from the spins or was it from or was it from being twisted? I think it was from being twisted because I think that was my first time being twisted too. So
Starting point is 00:48:55 it sounds like we experienced similarly the same thing you probably had a little higher tolerance for the weed at that point yeah but i don't know what happens when they mix that just makes it i think your body just goes into defense mode it's like we gotta purge this yeah yeah so you're not moving buddy right so maybe that's why you couldn't get off the ground and then you wanted to go to the mall the next day to get some bands. And Maggie drove us. And I was like, I don't know how bro wants to go to the mall right now. But I was along for the ride.
Starting point is 00:49:33 So I must have not had as bad of a hangover. I don't think I was really getting hangovers at that point. I was still pretty early in my drinking days too. And I hadn't gotten a hangover until that point as well. Go ahead. No. Okay. and i hadn't i hadn't gotten a hangover until that point as well yeah go ahead no okay um i remember i was working um for the grounds group for lps and the guy i worked with was he always gave me a ton of about everything he knew how to push my buttons um old guy middle-aged yeah he was probably in his 40s um but he gave me so much shit when i told him about it and he goes you smoke weed one time and then you go to the fucking
Starting point is 00:50:12 ball to buy vans like you're a stoner now and i'm just like i just wanted a pair of vans i don't know and you had owned a pair of vans before no No, you didn't? I thought you had the slip-on ones. That was my first pair of Vans, baby. Oh, okay, okay. The day after smoking weed for the first time. Now that I think about it, I didn't buy Vans until I smoked weed. Maybe there's something in there. I don't know. You just smoked weed.
Starting point is 00:50:38 But what are you trying to do? I got a nice pair of gray Vans. Mine were gray. You had some. Yeah. I thought you were going to say slip-ons. They were laced. Oh, my God. Did we get the same pair of Vansans. Mine were gray. Yeah. I thought you were going for the red. They were laced. Oh my god,
Starting point is 00:50:47 did we get the same pair of vans after we smoked weed? That's crazy. Yeah, because I wanted to fit in. Did you have vans
Starting point is 00:50:54 before or after you started smoking weed? Um, I think I, yeah, after I started smoking weed. No way! So he was 100% right.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Yeah, it's a thing. So he was right for giving me shit. Wow. Okay. I mean, he has no room to talk. Yeah, you should apologize to him. In his 40s, working for LPS, so. I mean, there was guys older than him.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Okay. Just hit him up. Hit him up on the blue and be like, yo, remember that time you gave me shit for buying bands after I smoked? And I cried in the pickup and be like, yo, remember that time you gave me shit for buying bands after I smoked? And I cried in the pickup and made you apologize to me. Really, I should have been the one apologizing to you. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Good point. Because I was the idiot kid that decided to smoke weed and think you'd be cool by buying a pair of bands the day after. And then we had Claire and Avery over to hang out at my parents' house. Like, we went back-to-back dates hanging out. Did we? Yeah, and I felt like fucking shit. I didn't feel great. I didn't feel great that day.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Yeah. Because they came over and I was like, I don't feel like drinking. Right. Or really doing anything for that matter. So, like, we were hanging out in the basement, I remember. And I was basically just laying on the couch on my phone. Just, like, waiting for them to leave. Honestly, yeah. And Claire listens to leave. Honestly, yeah. And Claire listens to this.
Starting point is 00:52:06 So Claire, if you're listening, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to get you out of there by any means, but... We were done. We were cooked. I was down for the count. If you are listening to this now, and you're now hearing that story that I just told you, now you'll know why, if you remember that day, why I was not really into it. But that was my first time to smoke weed have you had a bad
Starting point is 00:52:29 like really bad eye just like not twisted just about this yeah there was one time i was around with jake and we were living at the sumner house and this is when i made you like take those dabs not made you Yeah, you encouraged me and I was like fuck yes, I've been smoking dads for a while and so I Probably took like half a gram of wax which I know people do like grams of wax I but I did happen Graham and then video cuts and you don't see them in the hospital afterwards. Yeah. I was going to say, have you seen somebody personally do that though? No. That's what I'm saying. It's only on YouTube
Starting point is 00:53:11 where you don't see what happens to them after. Or you don't see them actually inhale. It's just like... But anyway... So Jake's encouraged me to take these dabs and I was feeling perfectly fine fine and then we go into the next room and jake's like let's watch scary movie too and the opening scene is of that little
Starting point is 00:53:34 girl who just vomits yeah did you really watch that yes and watching all that vomit go everywhere made me go to the bathroom and i was like like, I think I'm going to throw up. And I did throw up just, like, a little bit. Like, it really wasn't much. A little squirt. Yeah, but then I was in the bathroom for probably a good 30 minutes. A little mouth squirt. Yeah, once it comes back through the throat, there's no recovering.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Right. A little mouth squirt. Right. Would you say that's, like, the highest you've ever been or just the worst the worst high i've been higher than that but i mean i've been so how does that work like it just doesn't it just doesn't go you're right like there's a lot to the music and what you watch yeah um affects your high whereas really really, outside stimuli. Yeah, you can be just barely high and have just like...
Starting point is 00:54:28 I had one guy, he smoked me up, and then we watched this YouTube video where he was just strobing and spinning and shit, and I just was throwing up on myself. I laid back, and I was just throwing up in the air
Starting point is 00:54:44 and catching it in my mouth. And to find out that he wasn't inhaling at all. What a bitch. Is he acting high? Yeah. Should we tell the one story? Do you know what I'm
Starting point is 00:54:58 talking about? We won't name names. Does he listen to this podcast? No. Do I't name names. Well, right. Does he listen to this podcast? Fuck no. Oh, okay. Do I know him? I highly doubt it.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Yeah, you know him. Yeah, you know him. Here, I'll type his name, because I don't feel like I do. No, just give me the story. Let's just say he was in a band in high school and did some performances for our chapels. Oh, God. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Okay. Look at my computer. Okay. I got it. Okay. No. So. He hits me up out of the blue.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Yes, please. Out of the blue. I don't need to be the only one that talks. You had a good story, though. I made up my lacks of a story. Why did you think I went last? He hits me up out of the blue. Beauty before age.
Starting point is 00:55:52 And he's like, hey, I smoke now. Which is great. Which is fine. I smoke now. I smoke now. I didn't smoke before. I'm cool now. But I smoke now. He's taking those marble of blacks.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Yeah. So I know we weren't like that good of friends before, but now that I know that you're into that, I want to hang out with you. Right. And so he comes over to my parents' house because I'm like, sure, whatever. Like if this is something I can bond over with him. So that you can smoke me up and I don't have to do it in my very, very Lutheran household. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Comes over. do it in my very very lutheran household right comes over i'm we're smoking a blunt and he maybe gets halfway through the blunt and i'm over there too yeah jake was over there oh really i was over there hanging out with all of them okay my ex was there with me and so uh you guys smoke i don't yeah and so we were smoking we get halfway through through, he goes, I'm good on that. And I was like, okay, fair enough. Like if you just started smoking now, you probably can't smoke that much. And so I'm smoking. I think we were playing FIFA.
Starting point is 00:56:57 I think it was me and you playing FIFA. We were, we were watching something. We were. Yeah. We were all watching like a movie or something. And at one point he gets up. Yeah. He got up yeah he got up he was like we didn't know why no he said where's your boy okay okay and I said oh it's
Starting point is 00:57:11 upstairs you take it right into the hallway it's the first door on the left one so you get in through the hallway and he just opens the basement door shuts it behind him and my dog's wait wait wait wait i i'm sorry i want you to tell the story but i also i wanted i really want to tell from my perspective right because i didn't catch it right away oh okay okay i'm sorry this i have a problem with interrupting but i trace is like you were down on the ground You were down on the ground Me and Sarah Were sitting on the couch I almost said his name
Starting point is 00:57:52 Was sitting on the other couch He gets up and goes where's your bathroom Trace goes it's upstairs He walks out I didn't hear anything I'm still watching the movie The next thing I know Trace goes Is he throwing up And I'm like what And I look down at Trace thing i know trace goes is he throwing up i'm
Starting point is 00:58:05 like what yeah i looked down at trace and he's looking up like this like is he throwing up and i was like what and we get up and open the door and he's prostrated laying on the ground on the right on the other side he gas in it or was he like a newbie? He was like a newbie. Just a little rips. Yeah, a little rips. And he's doggy style at the base of the stairs into a dog bowl. That's crazy. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:58:54 And then the shotgun comes out. Really, that should have been Blue's Clues because he was at the dog bowl. Working, letting her eat. But then he asked for one of my t-shirts because he got some puke on his shirt. So I give him one of my old t-shirts. I'm like, yeah, whatever. You go.
Starting point is 00:59:17 And he's like, did he like sleep upstairs on the couch for a little while? He proceeded to go upstairs into the bathroom. I guess. Was he by himself or did he have a friend? No, no, no. He just came over. He just came over and invited him.
Starting point is 00:59:33 And you're like, this is Jake. He hangs out here quite a bit. No, he didn't go. Yeah, yeah. At one point, I went upstairs to check on him. Oh, yeah. Because I mean, we weren't laughing this hard just standing over and pointing right we were just like oh fuck like are you okay like blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:59:53 he ends up going upstairs in the bathroom and i stop and i go up and check on him at some point and he's just like sitting in the bathroom with just like his head against the wall like he's just in bad shape and i'm like are you okay he's like yeah i just gotta i just gotta lay it off wait wait this out and i think eventually i went up and checked on him a couple times because trace didn't give a and i was honestly kind of pissed like i was really yeah like you're gonna throw up my weed like that you like that just to out of the blue text me and be like i smoke now and i'm like okay come over here we'll smoke and then he smokes he can't and then yeah he can't yeah yeah he he can't
Starting point is 01:00:37 take the smoke he can't take the smoke yeah very literally i would kill people for less good point we got to get into that i I forgot. We're going to cut this. We got to get into that? And we're going to cut this right after this, and then we'll start a part two. Okay. You guys are welcome. Eventually, he moved to the couch, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:01 But he didn't sleep. And he just kind of waited it out. No, he eventually left once he felt good enough In my t-shirt Which you have to tell the rest of that Right right right now Yeah yeah yeah about the shirt Cause this is like my favorite
Starting point is 01:01:14 This is the best part of the story He's wearing my shirt And he takes it home obviously And then like a week Maybe not even a week, but he asked for his shirt back, and I low-key threw that bitch out. I threw that in the trash.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Like, once he left. Right. That's going in the garbage. Yeah, I was like, I'm not gonna wash your puke shirt for you. Right, right. I'm not gonna put puke in my wash shirt. And you're like, let me go look for it. Yeah. I don't know where it is yeah he texted me he's like can i get my shirt back and i was like let me look for it and then i just said
Starting point is 01:01:52 i can't find it i think i thought you hit i thought he hit you back a couple times like did you find my shirt yet and you're like oh no sorry i forgot i'll go look for it yeah you just let it fizzle out yeah he texted me probably like two or three separate traces the best at ghosting oh i can be why would you ask for a shirt back that's what i'm saying i was like bro i threw that shit out i didn't tell him but i threw that shit out right right i thank you guys for tuning in thank you thank you guys for tuning into this first part we're gonna keep this thing thing rolling, but we'll cut the video right here. So thank you guys for watching. If you decided I'm not going to listen to another fucking hour of these hooligans
Starting point is 01:02:31 and this is the last straw for you, then thank you guys for watching. You can follow us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Grass Studies Podcasts, Instagram, Grass Studies Podcasts. I don't even know if we're still doing the shaggy golf thing i don't think we've even gotten a fucking penny from it so thank you guys for watching until next time if you're gonna smoke don't drink before and responsible be responsible don't drive and do it at your parents house yes sir I want to talk about that too. Stay tuned for part two. Thank you.

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