Grass Daddies Podcast - Grass Daddies Podcast Episode 41: Know when to hold em' [Feat. Trace Johnson & Ben Schmeling

Episode Date: May 23, 2024

In this episode of the Grass Daddies Podcast, we are joined once again by special guests Trace and Ben, who share a story about a party they were at that got busted by cops. Jake and Trace share their... excitment about their upcoming trip to Vegas and get some gambling advice from Ben. SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grass Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Spencer's Instagram: @spence2018 Tik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't want anybody here smoking my smoking. Right. But I don't care if they find out Trace has it. Yeah. I just, it was almost an assumption, like, oh, Trace got invited, like, everybody's got to live. That was every occasion in high school, was apparently I was just a walking weed dispenser. Some medicinal man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Johnson. I was just the witch doctor. And they thought I had the urge to heal them. Some people have to wear that badge. You got that urge? I wore that badge pretty well. Some people have to. Welcome to the... I need my money pronto. No, no. Get it in the morning like Alonzo No no no Rondo green got cheese like a nacho No too much Too much rib make it right too hard
Starting point is 00:00:51 Tell that bitch hop out walk the boulevard I need my money pronto Get it in the morning like Alonzo Rondo green got cheese like a nacho Bitch if you ain't got no ass Wear a poncho Head honcho throw a seat back Good podcast That's Trace that's ben i'm jake
Starting point is 00:01:09 and i'm a grass daddy trace is a grass daddy as we established on the last episode do you like grass oh yeah in what form all forms all forms of grass. Thank you guys tuning in for this episode. If you're not aware, we recorded, not a part one, just a kind of a part. First episode. First episode. We recorded another episode before this. Well, I'm not recording. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:01:39 He is. New cast episode. Second episode with the same guests. We had a great time in the last episode. Second episode with the same guests. We had a great time in the last episode. We haven't really moved a muscle, but I'm glad you guys came over last week when we recorded. That was great.
Starting point is 00:01:55 We all decided to wear the same outfits. We kept all the cans in the same spot. That's great. We like to keep the continuity going. I even have the same vape. Right right so people don't get confused right but now in Maryland oh good for you well hopefully it doesn't move towards us so thank you guys for tuning into this episode if you didn't watch the last episode then you missed out you should go watch it right now um it was a banger but we're going to keep this uh banger we're going to keep
Starting point is 00:02:30 this ball rolling and uh continue on because i have a couple more things i'd like to talk about um in the last episode we talked about uh weed good point stay off and and though why we say a good point right and this episode I really want to talk about a story that doesn't involve me so that I don't have to talk even though I'm on even though I'll probably interject you know yeah I'll interrupt you a lot okay just. I'll interrupt you a lot, okay? Right. Just so everyone's aware. Right. And somehow try to make it about me. No.
Starting point is 00:03:17 So, I went to high school with these two guys, and we go way back, further than I care to admit. But we're all collectively friends. I was kind of good friends with you and good friends with you. But I wanted you to share this story because this is kind of the one time where I wasn't involved with either one of you. And it was you two together. So that's really why I wanted you to tell this story. We didn't really have any intersect points. But did you kind of become friends with him because of me? Yeah, I would say so. And you kind of become friends with him because of me? Yeah, I would say so.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And you kind of became friends with him because of me? I would say so, yeah. I'm a big respect is earned guy. Oh, yeah. You don't instantly get it. Yeah, okay. So to touch on that really quick, I'm already interrupting.
Starting point is 00:04:00 To touch on that before you tell this, when I was like in sixth grade, because you're a grade above both of us, Trace and like, in sixth grade, because you're a grade above both of us. Trace and I are in the same grade. You're a grade above us. I thought you hated me. I didn't really know of you. I didn't know anybody in sixth grade.
Starting point is 00:04:15 But, like, I played. Well, you played in middle school football. Well, yeah. So we did play with him. But not in sixth grade. Seventh and eighth. Seventh and eighth, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:24 So, you know, and, like, my cousin not in sixth grade seventh and eighth seventh and eighth yeah yeah so um you know and like my cousin was in your grade so i remember i remember one day like in chapel you're sitting behind us and i was like talking i think i was like i said something to her and you were sitting nearby and you just said something smart aleck to me and i was like this guy does not like me and i wasn't like that guy's a dick i mean i kind of was like that guy's a dick but i also kind of understood you probably didn't like me just because i was an underclassman compared to you but then eventually like you said respect is earned you know being on the same football team together and me especially like my sophomore year.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Yeah. Absolutely. Once I, my sophomore year when I like was starting quarterback, I think it was really when you're just like, okay, like this kid isn't just some loser. Like he's actually got some gumption behind him and he's like, sure. Yeah. You know, so. Yeah. I.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I think you were just trying to ride my coattails as being starting quarterback, and you were just like, now I can. Yeah, I need to butter him up. You're like, now that he actually has a face and a voice in the program, now I can associate myself with him and not look like a loser. But before, you were a nobody, so I want nothing to do with you. Right? Correct. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Let's get that out there. You can't walk in the room and just expect... And I'm the same way. Expect bows. I'm honestly the same way. I'm a little different, actually. You're a little more accepting. If you've got a chill vibe, I'm going to vibe with that. Right. Right away?
Starting point is 00:06:00 Right away. Wow. That's probably why our intersect point at Ryan's house probably went so well, because it was... Oh, God. I wasn't going to name his name, but you've done it several times, so we won't say his last name. Yeah, his first name is actually a good one. No, I'm not. I'm going to say the N-word.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Knowledge. Well, let it fly. We'll edit it out. Okay. All right. So, do you want the full story? You want like a... Well, I don't want half of the story.
Starting point is 00:06:31 All right. So, it was Friday, May 30th. You don't know that. I woke up... You don't know that for a fact. ...that morning at like 9.15. Oh, God. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Starting point is 00:06:43 Do you remember that? I didn't eat breakfast. Okay? I didn't eat breakfast. Okay. I don't eat breakfast. I had a Jimmy Dean breakfast bowl. Of course he remembers, though. Okay. So, tell me the whole story, because I kind of remember the story, but not really.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I want it. I want it. I want some good detail. You want it? I want a good story. Give it to me. I want all of it. You want it? Every inch. Or do you You want it? I want a good story. Give it to me. I want all of it. You want it? Every inch.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Or do you want to interject? No, no, no. Tell it together. Tell it together. From both your parts. Well, okay, so I vaguely remember the start of it. But I remember the main events because that's something you've never heard of. I'll start with one. There was a party. There was a party. Okay. It was mostly my class.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Yes. I don't even know why I was there. But There was a party. Okay. It was mostly my class. Yes. I don't even know why I was there, but I was. Without me. Yeah. Nonetheless. Nonetheless. Yeah, that was kind of odd you were there. Right, though? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I don't even remember who invited me. Anyways, so we're hanging out in the basement. You had a way of just like... I guess so. ...showing up at... Well, I know a couple people wanted to get high that night so that might have been that might have been anyways so we're hanging out and um you came later like that party started like 5 p.m so you didn't't go together. You drove separate. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Okay. Yeah, that... Jesus, okay. You got there, what, 8 o'clock? 9 o'clock? Yeah, 8 o'clock. The sun was way down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:15 It was nighttime. Yeah. And you... It was dark out. It was dark out. Little sunlight. Full moon? No.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Full moon? It might have been. Remember how light it was at Messiah? Okay, I was joking, but that would be fucking crazy. It might have been a full moon moon it might have been remember how light it was at messiah yeah i was joking but that would be crazy it might have been a full moon it might have been it was it was pretty bright right right um right anyways so it was actually it was one of those parties where nobody was really doing anything there was no beer pong there's like drinking. So it was lame as shit. Lame. Right. People were coming in and leaving and coming back and leaving. Super wishy-washy.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Because he was like, if you're going to drink, go across the street and come back. It might have been something like that. There was people there early that were very against drinking and drugs. So let's go So, let's go to a house party. Is what their thought was. It was like the weird friend group. Like, hey, this guy's having a party. Or inviting... The popular girls? Or no?
Starting point is 00:09:15 No. Not even, really? No. It was a different group. The average Joes. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:22 The reject staple. Reject staple. Okay. I kind of have an idea. And anyways, Trace, was it almost right when you got there we left? No.
Starting point is 00:09:34 We were there for a little bit, hanging out and... Hanging out as in doing nothing. Was there even music? There was music. Like soft jazz on a gramophone yeah it was uh because i'm picturing like a bible study it was ryan playing the uh is it an accordion yeah yeah his accordion and he was wearing lederhosen yeah yeah i do remember that yeah
Starting point is 00:10:00 very erotic so we i don't even remember who approached who that we should go we should leave i was smoking a swisher sweet in the backyard just a swisher sweet not weed not weed just a cigar if you could even really call them cigars but then i remember you coming up to me and you wanted to smoke some with me and we did but it was my last one yeah it was my last one and people still wanted to smoke a little weed later and it was like your last blunt that you had made no just last sweet oh sweet oh yeah because it kind of seemed like it kind of seemed like nobody at the time wanted to but then people were like when are we going to smoke right like you tend to not just like walk in the door and just go,
Starting point is 00:10:46 I've got weed, everybody. Like you just kind of like engage the room. Not like everyone at Lakeland Living. But to me it felt like, oh, Trace is here. Like we about to get high. There's a pretty good chance that he's got some weed. In or near him. I have some, but I'm not sharing. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Because I don't want anybody here smoking my smoking right but i don't care if they find out trace has it yeah i just it was almost an assumption like oh trace got invited like and that's that's it that was every occasion in high school was apparently i was just a walking weed dispenser medicinal man yeah johnson i was just the witch doctor. And they thought I had the urge to heal them. Some people have to wear that badge.
Starting point is 00:11:29 You got that urge? I wore that badge pretty well. Some people have to. So, yeah. It comes with a cost. It was Trace's last one.
Starting point is 00:11:37 But you're a martyr. I was I was feeling the vibe and I like was like alright, everybody who's narc status is gone. So you guys waited out the narcs.
Starting point is 00:11:49 If we're going to turn this party up, no parents home, we'll host ourselves. We should get a little bit ahead of it. Go get some swishers, which we'll use to load up. This is probably nine at this point. An hour after I got here. You're like, Ryan's mom's at a Journey concert in Kansas City, so we got at least four more hours.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Could have been. I don't know. She wasn't very far away, I know that. She was out of town, but not out of state. Okay. She was in Waverly. So me,
Starting point is 00:12:24 trying to get my classmates like let's turn up i'm like let's go get some more swishers because we'll need them i was like trace you want to come with he's like yeah i'm about to bounce or we can go do this you're like if you ask me to do anything i'll more than likely say yes if it doesn't involve something gay. Right. Right. At a lame party. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:50 You could have been like, you want to go to McDonald's? And you've been like, you should have let off with that. We could go to a gay bar right now and I would have let off. Okay. Free drinks. Going on. So we go to the, was it the Easy Go? Yeah, the Easy Go on like 84th. What we just talked about the new casey's
Starting point is 00:13:06 the new casey's okay you know full circle and uh we go in we grab our shit we get out of there and we're driving back and we're like i would like one weed please one weed yeah and we we turn there's like a main street before you before you turn into Was that Pinky Winky or was that Poe? I don't know. Or Lala. That was Lala. So there's a main street
Starting point is 00:13:37 and he lives just right off this main street. So we turn onto the main street and we're about to turn into the neighborhood or like right off where his house is. And it's flooded with cops. Cops everywhere. When you say flooded with cops, how many cop cars? And don't exaggerate.
Starting point is 00:13:56 How many cop cars? We could immediately see four cars. At least four. At least four. Okay. Immediately. Immediately. But then we kept driving
Starting point is 00:14:06 and then we were like let's go around the block let's park you know away from the ruckus and there was more police down the block so like they were getting ready to like corner the shape yeah they thought it was like a huge house party yeah like they turned the gramophone up to 11. Yeah. All officers on site. All officers. Guns drawn. Guns drawn. No. Swat vehicle.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Tank. I saw them up on the roof. They're getting ready to rappel down. There's a guy in a ghillie suit in the bushes. So, like, we're acting super sus because we slow way down to turn and we see all the cops. We don't turn. We slowly drive down a block. were pretty suspicious the only vehicle that they needed to worry about it's like let's get as close as we can and act super suspicious yeah we're about to turn into
Starting point is 00:14:56 the next one more cops so then we're like we pull this weird ue and we dip out of there and we go what two blocks three blocks away and park and i'll let i'll let you take over what happened and then i i tell i tell ben i'm like bro my car is over there oh shit ben was like well i'm not going back. You'll have to walk. Yeah, he said, you'll have to walk. And I was like, there's only like two blocks I can do that. Like, I guess I'll just put this weed in a condom and shove it up my ass. Right. In case I get frisked. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Did you have it on you? I did have it on me. I didn't know that. Why didn't you just leave it in the car and then come back and get it? Because we were going to. This is panic mode. This is the right level of panic. Why didn't you just put it in someone's mailbox
Starting point is 00:15:46 and then drive by and grab it? We are adolescents. We are... Who expects to drive up to a house party you just left and be just surrounded by cops and some Project X stuff? Like, that...
Starting point is 00:16:02 There's no contingency plan. The lamest house party at the lamest you could have ever been to yeah was the music even allowed no no no no so you had to have gotten ratted out hard by just some fun neighbor nancy yeah a neighbor neighbor that's funny they're throwing a rager right i saw guns and so i walk i get back there and i leave yeah he leaves at this point when i get back there all the cops were gone the moment you touch pavement he's squealing tires yeah he was out and so i walk all the way back no biggie i see my car's there it's perfectly fine all the cops are gone i walk into the house to see
Starting point is 00:16:46 what the fuck just happened. And apparently one of the neighbors saw me smoking a Swisher Sweet in the back and thought I was smoking weed. And you're like, not yet. Not yet. I wasn't. And so I walk in and Ryan's just like, well,
Starting point is 00:17:02 mostly everybody left. And it was just me, Ryan, and one other dude. well, mostly everybody left and it was just me, Ryan, and one other dude. I don't even remember who it was. You guys want to smoke some weed?
Starting point is 00:17:10 Well, no. At that point, I was just like, someone, one of them, one of them was playing a video game
Starting point is 00:17:16 in the living room and I probably chilled there for another 15 minutes and then I was like, I can play my own video game at home. I'm a bounce. And smoke weed.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I don't need to get your achievements for you. Right, right. I'm a bounce. I don't need to get your achievements for you. Right, right. I've done that. And so, to this day, Ryan still blames me for that house party. Yeah, he blames me too. He said it.
Starting point is 00:17:37 You guys weren't even there. He got married. Believe it or not. Two years ago. And he brought it up again. Like like thanks for ratting us out and like you called the cops like on yourself even though his mom said who is like a state patrol dispatcher no uh yeah i didn't know that. So the neighbors, like, went. Because she, like, said, if there's anything, let me know. You know, if there's a party or anything, let me know. And so they, Ryan knows who called the cops.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And he blames Trace and I. Still. The guys who left to get what they wanted. Yeah. Yeah. What they were about to ask for. They were about to come up to us on their knees. Please, sir.
Starting point is 00:18:30 May we get high? May we share a blunt with you? Can we puff puff pass in the lavatory? I would really love to get high this one time. I just graduated high school. Just one hit is all I need. And all I need is a fucking kite. So, yeah,
Starting point is 00:18:49 Trace and I have that story forever. And that's the crazy part to me because I've run into three party busts. Busts? Busty? Busty? Busty parties. busts busts busty busty busty busty party um run into not been at like you're like i've been at i
Starting point is 00:19:14 mean i've been at the other two yeah yeah okay we were at andrew's one time and um the cops showed up. Oh, yeah, yeah. They just checked ID at the door, right? No, no. Because he wasn't 18 at the time. No, he was. Or he wasn't 21 at the time. Or he wasn't 21. No, he wasn't 21 at the time. They didn't come in.
Starting point is 00:19:36 That was the other thing that... He came to the door. The cop came to the door. Andrew answered. We were all sat down in the basement. I wasn't there yet. We killed the music off. and were like, shut up. Was I there?
Starting point is 00:19:49 Probably. You fucking lived there. Just making sure. Because I specifically remember Andrew coming down the stairs and going, I didn't get an MIP! Oh my god. Because the cop was just like, turned it down. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Yeah. He checked his ID. Ander proved he said who he said he was. Oh, okay. That's good enough. Because there was no alcohol in the open.
Starting point is 00:20:18 So that was the thing. But they could have said, we smell it on your breath. They could have, but maybe they didn't smell it on your breath. They could have, but maybe they didn't smell it on his breath. And that's not going to hold up. In court. Yeah, Andrew takes them to court and they lose their jobs. Anyways, the thing with Ryan's was the police.
Starting point is 00:20:36 They saw his Camaro and they were just like, we're not going to try this. The police helped themselves inside. Yeah. When? At Ryan's party. Oh, they just walked in. yeah ryan or whoever opened the door and they like walked in oh yeah yeah so which they technically can't do unless they see alcohol right they have to see it but they didn't see it till they till they got in yeah so if one can of
Starting point is 00:21:01 like bubble yeah and if they would issue MIPS at that point, none of those will hold up. Because they just And how can they issue it to any one person if it's just sitting on the counter? Anybody there. They can technically give it to anyone or everyone.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Yeah. Which is so sus. Yeah, that was the weird thing andrews i remember that one um what i said yep yeah i remember you inviting me to that party and i was on my way and you then called me and was like hey meet me at meet us at the Daily Ohms because the cops came and busted the party. And I was like, okay. Which the police do wonders to underage parties because all they have to do is show up and that will pretty much kill the party.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Right. Usually it's just we know about the party. Yeah. And we're- Turn it down and if it gets any worse, a lot worse things will happen for you. Yeah, we'll be back. A lot of the time they might circle the block and then... See if it happened.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Yeah. See if they turned it off or just went... Yeah, back up. And then they're in there. Because that's what happened in Gretna, that huge party. We'll turn it down, and then they doubled the volume. They thought they were in the clear yeah we journey left in there yes I'm fucking thirsty um hey um it's dropping icicles oh there might be a little more we kill
Starting point is 00:22:43 the case round of applause the studio audience is going crazy The last team. We killed a case. Round of applause. The studio audience is going crazy. I wouldn't call that a case. It's only 12. I think it was my senior year. There was thousands of kids. Thousands?
Starting point is 00:22:58 Where? At least hundreds. It was like... No, I'm talking like at least 800. For what? What are these hundreds? At a party? At a party.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Oh, okay. I thought you meant like in your grade. 800 people in a house. Well, it was like a... I should show you it on Google Maps. You must. I damn near seen at least 500 people at a house party god it was that's some movie type yeah yeah um well the police showed up and it was just one squad car
Starting point is 00:23:35 the one party we were at where i met that girl oh yeah that's my own driving the wheelchair yeah go watch listen to episode four and you'll know what we're talking about. There was at least 300 there, so I guess 500 is plausible. Well. With the ramps outside and everything. Okay. I'll show this to you for future reference. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It'll take me a minute, but the humongous house, there was like a guest house or something
Starting point is 00:24:03 with like three beds. Okay. Okay. A guest house or something with like three beds okay okay a guest house on the property on the property with a huge tool shed like tractors and all kinds of stuff so people were just on the property like backyard and everything it wasn't just in the house it was probably on like three acres okay acres okay that's that's's believe so that it's like a long ways to get to the house and the cops came in and it was like the sheriff and he's like hey you know we know none of you are of age so you need to like not not and yeah and they left and like five minutes later there was like probably five ten eight somewhere in there squad cars just coming to race it in like ants out of an ant hole that's
Starting point is 00:24:56 filled with gas i feel like everybody was running scattering yeah running like abandoning their cars and up and down like it was probably half a mile to this house from the main road and it's like double parked like there's no more driving through the middle because the like ditch was like super steep so you couldn't really pull off to the side so everyone's just abandoning their cars right Right. And just running. Like, just taking off. They're like, I'll figure it out. I just got to get away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I heard stories about people, like, people from Wahoo, like guys I played baseball with, they were talking about house parties that got busted. They would run out back into a cornfield late in the year when the corn was real tall. Oh, yeah, yeah. And the cops would come out in the backyard and be like, come out. And then hear a voice in the background just be like, fuck you. And they would hear like an ocean of laughter from people out in the backyard and be like come out and then hear a voice in the background just be like fuck you and then you'd hear like an ocean of laughter
Starting point is 00:25:48 from people out in the corner like that that'd have to be kind of creepy just like not knowing how many people are out there it's just quiet and you're trying to yell and then you hear a hundred kids laughing back at you that'd be fucking crazy ugh okay
Starting point is 00:26:03 um so um before we um move on before we came here i don't know we're moving on okay i think we told i think we did it we did a good job we did our due diligence that was a great story that was that was fantastic i'm glad thank you I'm glad you told me. I'm glad you're here. Thanks again for being here. Thanks for inviting me. Yeah, you're welcome. Yeah, good one. Okay, so we had something with... Uh, faux frolicking. Okay, so, um, before we came here, we picked up a third mic so that we could all be on here. Which one is it? Is it that one? That one. That probably sounded horrible. So we go to Best Buy. This was like a couple hours ago. We're standing in Best Buy. We're standing in the aisle. We're not having an issue.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Is this the house? Oh my god. It's this one. Oh jeez. This is the property. Okay, I don't know if you guys, I don't know how well you guys can see this, but... That's a big house. That is a big property. Were there people swimming? What time of year was it? It was May. It was May. Okay, well, might have been too cold.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I don't think there's anybody swimming. I think there's a couple people jumping in and jumping out and nobody was swimming. Like, I dare you to jump in, bro. No way, it's too cold. I think, if I remember right, they own one of these houses on the street too, so people were at that one too. That's just our backup house in case we just, in case the maid's over and we can't... In case the tornado's coming. Right. Yeah, in case a tornado destroys our house, we can just move to our backup house in case we just in case the maid's over and we can't in case the tornadoes
Starting point is 00:27:45 come right okay yeah in case the tornado destroys our house we can just go to our other house absolutely massive anyways so we're at best buy right so we're not having trouble with getting a mic and boom um we're just debating on which one we want to get because we ended up getting that one which is basically a slightly better version of what ours are but they sound pretty similar his sound quality might be a little bit better if you tune it right but if we tune it right which we don't really know how to do that well because that's a base unless he talks like a teletubby but um so we were kinky winky we were looking at like the booms and all of a sudden this guy i just hear a voice behind me just being like are you guys looking for a podcast
Starting point is 00:28:34 like i don't even remember really what he said but he basically was just like are you guys trying to get like another mic or and i look down at the mics and i'm like yeah i i thought this is where the french fries were no um basically he was just like this is this is what i'm talking about like you can't act like you're not pissed i wasn't he basically was just like, yeah, me and some friends, we have a podcast. And he's like, I was like, yeah, we already have two mics and booms. And we're basically just trying to get another one that's similar in quality so that everything sounds about the same. So we didn't have to sit right next to each other like we're going to kiss. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Right. And then I was like, I want a podcast from my car. And then he's like, yeah right and then i was like i want a podcast from my car and then he's like yeah he was like what are you guys planning on doing and he was just like i'm trying to record in my car and i was just like just to get him to fuck off like and he was like well me and my friends have like he didn't really laugh that much of the joke and he was like well me and my friends have. Like, he didn't really laugh that much at the joke. And he was like, well, me and my friends, we got this. He's like, what do you have? And I was like, well, we have two blue snowball mics, which is what these are.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Right. And I was like, that's pretty similar in quality. So I was looking to get that. Because we already have two and I just need one more because we're having a three-person thing. He's like, well, right. We're definitely having a threesome. And he was like, me and my friends, he's like, you should look into, like, we have this, there's this bundle you can get on Amazon. And it's four roads and, like, a podcast mixer.
Starting point is 00:30:15 And he's like, do you have that? And I'm like, no. He's like, well, it's a podcast mixer. And I'm like, how much is it? And he was like, $1,500. And I'm just like. Like, yeah, buddy, fuck off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:24 I don't have $1,500 to just drop on podcasting. He's like, are they, like, $1,500? And I'm just like... Like, yeah, buddy, fuck off. Yeah. I don't have $1,500 to drop on podcasting. He's like, are they like USB? And I'm like, yeah, they're like USBs. And he's like, okay, yeah, these are like DSLR or whatever the fuck they're called. I don't even remember what the... I've changed it. Every time I've said it today, I've said different forms of letters. I think you said SLT last time.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Yeah, I think I said STD once. It's a fungus. He basically was just like, I was like, I was like, yeah, I'd like to get, like, a podcast, like, a sound mixer at one point so we wouldn't have to have three different computers each recording one of the mics. Like, it'd be sweet if we could just plug them all in and, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:00 it compresses it and whatever and you can, like, adjust it and then record it. I was like, how much is your sound mix? And he's like, 800. And I'm just like... I don't even remember what I said at that point. I was just like, well... You didn't say anything.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Which then I took as, you're as mad as I am. So he kind of was just like, well, yep. I just thought I'd see if you... Just thought I'd throw in my two cents. He wasn't being a dick. He wasn't being like i know it all um he was he walked away we got the shit we were planning on getting hold on hold on do you know this guy isn't wearing best buy uniform like he doesn't even work there oh no no this wasn't a worker this was just a guy just a guy just a guy i guess I should have mentioned that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Yeah, what the fuck? That makes this whole story like, why do I care about what you have to say to me? Okay, okay, okay. Okay, okay. So we'll get there. We'll get there. So we get back here. We're testing out the mic.
Starting point is 00:31:57 We get everything set up. We're sitting down here. We're waiting for you to show up. Did you see Jaime there? No. No, he wasn't there? No didn't okay and you were just like did that guy piss you off and I was like no I I was I was mad I was that that interaction pissed you off and I'm like I mean he was just basically throwing out pointless information that I didn't
Starting point is 00:32:22 really need or want and and I'm just gonna let him talk and then he'll walk away and I'll just do what I was going to do anyway. It's like, it doesn't really bother me. And you're like, why not? Why didn't you punch him in the fucking face? And I'm like, because I'm not trying to catch an assault charge. But you basically said that pissed me the fuck off because he was, who asked, is what you kept saying. Yeah, who asked? You're like, you.
Starting point is 00:32:50 You are. Okay, so now we were saying, we'll see what Trace thinks about the whole thing. So what do you think about the whole thing? Okay, so I'm the type of person who doesn't really get mad very often. You're pretty laid back. You don't really give a fuck. So in this scenario scenario if it would have been a worker i would have probably listened to him a little better and been like oh yeah
Starting point is 00:33:10 you know like thanks for the advice but i think i'm still gonna go with what i came here to get but since it was a random person i i would have been pissed off i would have been like why the are you talking to me right now especially since since the idea... Okay, okay, okay. Yes! So the idea he was throwing out was, well, you can get a $1,500 set. Yeah. Which at that point, I'm like, well, no shit, buddy. If I had $1,500 to spend, I wouldn't be using fucking blue snowballs and three tutors.
Starting point is 00:33:39 It's someone who thought he was God because he dropped unlimited money on a podcast setup. He walked up. He's like, we have four roads, which are like $100 mics. Not that special. That's a $100 mic. If I had $1,500, I would not be buying that. I'd be buying like $500 mics. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Streamings. Right. Compressor or whatever. You can't. I am heavily on, if you're going to talk to me, you better know something. You better make it worth my time. Right. Okay, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:34:12 So if you're just talking to talk and you're trying to flex on your $1,500, allegedly. Like if he walked up and was just like, yo, you should go to Radio Shack because I have blue snowballs for $40. That would have been fine. Is Radio Shack still a thing? I saw one in Kansas. I saw one in Kansas. Didn't they use to be one in Lincoln? Yeah, there used to be quite a few here, but I don't think there is anymore.
Starting point is 00:34:37 They're in Kansas. It's like in the middle of nowhere. No, it's in Colorado. It's in Los Animas. Oh, I had to drive through Kansas. Did you say Los Animas? What the fuck is that? Los Animas, yeah. Is that a telecommy? Los Animas.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Los Animas. The Anima. Anyways, so if you're gonna talk to me, know something. Don't waste my time, okay? You're gonna try to flex. Don't just come up to me like did you know this exists yeah no shit it's like no i didn't but right so that that's not gonna get it that's what that's what pisses me off it's essentially like let's say you're an led expert you make your own leds you do led setups in people's houses all the time okay you go to best buy you
Starting point is 00:35:26 know the answer to the question okay but there was like an old couple that like i have no idea what kind of led would fit best for our project that's this and they say it out loud you know exactly what would work best yeah you go i'd do that one then Then you walk away. Right. Make it short and simple. You're an LED expert. Okay. You see somebody standing in the aisle 15, 20 seconds. They got some stuff picked out. Okay. It's not the absolute top of the line, but for someone who looks like they're just pretty much getting started.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Just like once in their bedroom or something like that. And not dropping huge amounts of money on it. Are you saying anything to them? No, probably not. That's what I'm saying. Probably not. That guy deserved a punch stick. A punch stick. He definitely didn't deserve
Starting point is 00:36:20 to be punched, but he definitely deserved that. Fuck you, buddy. I'm trying to do my own thing here. It's Saturday. It's Saturday. It's Saturday at Best Buy. I don't think it would have a thousand other people to bother. Go bother them. There's people standing at the refrigerator section, and they don't know
Starting point is 00:36:35 which one to get. Go bother them. Tell them which one you got. When we're standing there scratching our chins, he doesn't know what we're doing. But he doesn't know what we're even trying to buy what we're doing but he doesn't know what we're doing for all he knows we're confused and don't know what we're doing so but so go go on amazon because you're here at best buy go to amazon and buy what you need granted his podcast probably just got a hundred subscribers so he thought, I am an expert level podcaster, and I know what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:37:08 These guys obviously don't, because they're sitting there thinking. Right. So they don't know what they're doing, so I need to go up. This dude looked like the most average guy ever. Average Joe. So average. Goatee, almost red hair. God forbid.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Not glasses. Not glasses. But contacts for sure. Oh, okay. For sure. He wears glasses. Maybe an inch taller than me. He doesn't wear any glasses?
Starting point is 00:37:30 No, I'm just saying contacts for sure. Oh, I wasn't listening. Good point. But again. Good point. Again, it's like you're not a store employee. Once you say it, you're like, are you an owl? Because who asked? You're like trying to not a store employee. What did you say? You're like, are you an owl?
Starting point is 00:37:46 Because who asked? You tried to make a who joke somehow, but I don't remember what it was. I wanted to be like when he was talking, I'm like, who? And then he'd be like, oh, me and my buddies. Be like, who? Like, oh, me and my buddies. Asked. Oh, that was what it was.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Just drop that. Just drop that right in his face. Basically, he wasn't really hurting us. It's not like he was like, you should buy that. You should buy this. No, stop what you're doing and do this. Right. You all right?
Starting point is 00:38:22 What's happening? I paused it. I paused it for like half a second. Okay, that's fine. Are you still recording, though? I'm recording right now. Okay. Can I pee?
Starting point is 00:38:32 We're good. You need to pee? Yeah. Yeah, okay. That's allowed. That's the beauty of having three people, except I'm not sure how you're going to get out without fucking up your thing. Let's get skinny real quick.
Starting point is 00:38:44 As Lyle Zimz would say, get skinny. Get skinny. Get skinny through that hole. Fill the gap. Spill. That's what she said. I always fill it. Are you on your fourth?
Starting point is 00:38:54 I am on my fourth. Has he had four? I had four and you had four. It only looks like he has three, but the box is empty. Oh, no, wait. This is my fifth. Oh. Big man.
Starting point is 00:39:06 So, guys, we've got some exciting news Trace and I On Monday Are going to Las Vegas Are you excited? Oh I'm pumped So did Alyssa reserve
Starting point is 00:39:22 A Meow Wolf thing for you or did you do it? Yeah, she did everything for me. Must be nice. Yeah. I guess that's what happens when you get married. That's what happens when you have a partner who has seven concussions and can't remember to make reservations. You're the partner. I'm the partner.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Okay. Yeah. For those of you that don't know, Trace is engaged. Congratulations. I'm very happy for you. I'm going to be the best man because let's be honest. I am the best man.
Starting point is 00:39:50 I probably need to get cracking on my speech a little bit. I've thought about it a little bit. Oh, I'm definitely making mine short and sweet because I am terrible with public speaking. I've definitely been workshopping some jokes and shit like that. Oh yeah, I've definitely been workshopping some... Some, like, jokes and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Oh, yeah. I've definitely been workshopping some... some material, I guess I'll say, for my best man speech, but... You don't have to go that way. You can come around. We're still recording, right? I have the mirror. I set up a mirror up down here.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I set up a mirror up. Yep. I don't have a talk um if you're wondering if you're ever like for any of you watching on youtube if you're going like why does he keep going like this i was wondering i set a mirror up on the ground because in the past we've had issues with the cam my phone or my phone or cam's phone yeah stop recording so i set up a mirror because i'm smart like that that's angled up so I can look down and see if my phone's still recording. Okay. And last episode we got all the way through.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Pretty smart. Still going on the, yeah. Pretty smart. Yeah. I've only had like one concussion, so. Good point. But, Trace and I are going to Vegas. It's going to be pretty sick.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I hope. It's going to be very expensive. I hope I don't... Well... Unless we win some of that money back. I like how on our itinerary... Where are you guys staying at? Excalibur. Excalibur.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Is that on the strip? Yes. I made sure when I booked my room, I booked a room that has a view of the strip. Oh, really? Because I'm like, I'm gonna be a little bougie on this trip. It's a little bit more expensive per night, but you know what, I'm gonna treat myself a little better. You're not sharing rooms?
Starting point is 00:41:28 No. No, I'm sleeping with Alyssa. He's gonna sleep with his bride-to-be. I thought it was a bachelor party. No, we already did one of those, so... It's... so... why don't you go ahead and explain what your trip is gonna be like. Okay. And I'll shut my big fucking mouth.
Starting point is 00:41:44 We were gonna do this as a bachelor party slash bachelorette party and then do separate things in Lincoln. Well, we did our separate things in Lincoln and I asked all my groomsmen if they wanted to go. Well, only Jake said yes because everyone else was too poor. You know why?
Starting point is 00:42:03 No, I'm just kidding. Because I'm the best man and I'm also poor. This trip might put me in the negative. They're was too poor. You know why? No, I'm just kidding. Because I'm the best man. And I'm also poor. Because Trip might put me in the negative. They're not too poor. They just all work with me. So, besides Jake. So, like, they can't just afford to all drop what they're doing and come to Vegas.
Starting point is 00:42:17 I thought you meant they spend enough time with you where they're like, They're like, I can't handle this. God forbid I spend another four straight days with you. Exactly. you or they're like they're like i can't handle this god forbid i spend another four straight days with you exactly um but then her bridesmaids also could not come so we just decided to make it like a family and friends kind of thing yeah so who all is coming are your parents coming parents are coming my sister and her boyfriend are coming um that would be so funny that would be so funny how crazy would it be We check into our hotel rooms We come downstairs Into the casino
Starting point is 00:42:49 And he's just sitting at a blackjack table Or sitting at a slot machine Like hey guys I'd fucking lose my mind Never slots Why not? I got Okay here's the thing
Starting point is 00:43:00 I kind of want to sit at penny slot No Yes How long are you going to be Yes! Low risk, low reward. Three days. Three days, yeah. Four days. But we have a good, long itinerary that we're not...
Starting point is 00:43:14 It's not just gamble, eat, gamble, sleep, gamble. We get a lot of things. We are going to have bubblegum shrimp one of the nights. Are you going to see Criss Angel? What? Criss Angel? Mind Freak? No. yeah we are gonna have bubblegum for him okay one of the nights because i'm gonna see chris angel what christine mind freak no like the the magician yeah yeah no we're not doing this he worked at bubblegum shrimp no she's in vegas yeah he's not there while we're there
Starting point is 00:43:38 ah where is he i don't know where he's probably he's probably dead no he's not dead. He can't be killed. He's unkillable. Three days. And for my next trick, I'm coming back from the dead. Three full days in Vegas? Yeah. No. We get there Monday afternoon. Yeah, two full days.
Starting point is 00:43:55 We get there Monday afternoon. Okay. We're there all day Tuesday, all day Wednesday, leave Thursday afternoon. Yep. We're going to Topgolf. That should be fun. I was going to say, I like how... That'll slow the bleeding a little.
Starting point is 00:44:10 What? That'll slow the bleeding a little. Yeah, yeah. You think that we're just, the second we walk into a casino, it's just lose money, lose money, lose money, lose money. The first thing I'm doing when I get there is going to a dispensary. Right away. I watch this guy. We go to Casey's. Well, I'm not that guy to a dispensary right away. I watch this guy. We go to Casey's.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Well, I'm not that guy. We go to Casey's today. You! Oh, wait, you're telling a story about me. Yes. Go on. We go to Casey's. I love stories about me.
Starting point is 00:44:35 I'm parched. I need a drink. We stop at the Casey's. I highly recommend the one on O Street, so we swing in there. The one that used to be in Easy Go. No, no, no, no. That's the one on 80. There's probably nine Casey's on O Street, so we swing in there. The one that used to be in Easy Go. No, no, no, no. That's the one on 8.9. There's probably nine cases on O Street. No, the 27th and O one? No. That is also a Casey's
Starting point is 00:44:52 now. That's a Casey's now. The new one on O. 27th and O. Yeah. There's nothing dastardly on 27th and O. 33rd and O. No, it's 27th. It's further west. It might be like 25th and oh are you talking about the one we drove by the easy go that got rioted 20 oh oh 25th and okay okay yeah that's the
Starting point is 00:45:14 turnaround spot for cruising oh yeah that's uh it used to be an easy go yeah it's now that one is the casey's now brother i explained this whole thing how it was bought by Love's, and then Casey's. So all the Easy Go's turned into Casey's, which there was two. In Lincoln. In Lincoln. Yep. Anyways, so I'm parched.
Starting point is 00:45:34 I had a concussion. 90th and O. There's a brand new Casey's right across from SEC. East O. Unless you're going south. So right by the SEC. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm following. SEC? Easto. Unless you're going south and westo. Yeah. I'm following.
Starting point is 00:45:48 This guy sits down at the stool, puts six bucks in and just... Oh my god, six dollars! This guy's losing money hand over fist. Did he not say what do you think, we're just gonna blow through our money right away? It was six dollars!
Starting point is 00:46:04 I'm just saying. You've six crinkled ones. 25 cent bets. I'm there for the camaraderie of sitting there and hoping you get 50. How much did you leave with? Zero. Zero? Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I'll take minus six. If I go into Vegas and I'm minus 200, that's not that bad. That's really good. That's really good. I'm not a brainless idiot. I'm not going to take out a bank loan so I can bet $25,000. I'm not saying you're brain dead. I'm not saying any of that.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I'm just saying. Is there a mark coming? I hope not. When you're in Vegas. I will end this podcast right now you get in the green a little bit and then we get money right so like i want to get back into green so bad i'm willing to do anything money gets a little more fluid you raise your bets you get down and then you're like well i can just dig myself out because i was so far in the green before and then that doesn't happen and then you're and then i get back to zero i'm like i'm gonna stop or you are if you if you get in red and you get back to zero you're done for the weekend
Starting point is 00:47:15 that's it that's a huge win okay okay they also i'm prepared to do that they added another zero to the roulette table so now there's three different zeros. That's what my IT guy said at work today. Well, he doesn't know shit. He might not. I would never play at a roulette wheel. Is it still playing 32 to 1? That I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Or is it 31 to 1? It should be 31 to 1. Yeah, it could be. That would be. I would be. I think I've never been. I would bomb a casino if. Put them on the no-flight list.
Starting point is 00:47:56 What if this helped? Well, I've never been into a real casino. I haven't either. The only casino I've been to is the one in Lincoln, and it's just... Horse races. It's like a sauna because there's 1,500 slot machines, and that's it. Oh, I haven't been there since they made it a casino. I've been there.
Starting point is 00:48:14 It's only slot machines. Right. Until... That's it. I want to say this fall. They're adding table games. Table games, yep. Because the owner comes through word.
Starting point is 00:48:27 I won't say word. Cool. Are you playing slots because that's what you know? It's just fun. I think it's fun. You know how to play blackjack. You know how to play roulette. You know how to play craps.
Starting point is 00:48:42 I don't know how to play craps. I don't know how to play baccarat. Nobody knows. Roulette? Simple enough. Pick a number. Blackjack? Yeah, I get it. That's really all I need.
Starting point is 00:48:57 I'm not going to sit there and probably... We might go to the poker table. That's kind of lame because you're just betting against your public people yeah yeah yeah so in your money back but basically it's i'm going for the experience of gambling i'm not like going there that necessarily like i need to pay off my house right so i need to make money right yeah i'll tell you this too And this is what I was telling Cam the other day. One of the things I love about slot machines is the camaraderie element of it. All the degenerates around you.
Starting point is 00:49:34 All your buddies. I was going to say buddies. All your dudes around you while you're hitting the button. Even if it's fucking 25 cent spins. Right. If you put like a 20 in, you know, the highest payout it's fucking 25 cent spins right when you put a if you put like a 20 in you know the highest payout you can get is like 300 if you get the like jackpot on a 25 cent spin oh if i get 300 on a 25 cent spin i'm done right i'd be ecstatic but it's the camaraderie
Starting point is 00:49:59 of your bros being around you like rooting for you or rooting for the screen or everyone's like, oh, that one almost, you know, it's fun. Or if we were to get like my dad, you, me, and Isaiah on the blackjack table,
Starting point is 00:50:13 like that would be fun. Right. That would be fun. Even if we're I'd keep the bets nice and low. I'd keep the bets nice and low.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Who's sitting at one on that table? Who's sitting at one? You? I'm sitting It better be me. I'll sit on the left? You? I'm sitting... I'll sit on the right side of Jake. I suppose I could anchor.
Starting point is 00:50:30 I suppose I could anchor. Then Jake's going to mess up the dealer. Jake is going to mess up the dealer. But it's just all... I would anchor. You would anchor? Yeah. Maybe we should be the last.
Starting point is 00:50:41 The anchor is the one that can fuck it up for everyone else. Well, the anchor, essentially, if everyone's sitting at... The anchor is the one that can fuck it up for everyone else. Well, the anchor, essentially, if everyone's sitting at like... The anchor's the important one. Yeah, if everyone's sitting at like 16, 15s in there... And the dealer's got a face. And the dealer's got a face, and you know the next card is a low one or maybe a high one. And you give them a low one. You have to essentially bust the dealer. Right. And then feel like, no, I want high one. And you give them a low one. You have to essentially bust the dealer.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Right. And then feel like, no, I want another one. And then you're just basically guaranteeing that they get a face card to fuck everyone else. Then everyone's going to give you shit. Yeah. So essentially, if it's in a 4C, if you get a face, a lower, a face, you're going to get a face a lower a face you're gonna get a lower right if you don't hit like let's say you have 17 you don't hit on that lower the dealer's gonna get it and if they have like five or eight or something and you don't take that hit the dealer might get a 21 right yeah
Starting point is 00:51:42 so then the dealer's most. So then it screws everybody. Yeah, I've seen videos about people talking about being the anchor. Yeah, so that's where I would sit. And then all you do is, when these three are winning, then it's just like, here's 25 from each person or whatever. Oh, so you talk it out with your... It's like a gangbang. You're all trying to fuck the dealer and you try to help
Starting point is 00:52:10 Absolutely. You try to help the other people or they try to help you. I think you all split ships at the end. Yeah. You all split ships. I'm sad.
Starting point is 00:52:22 I think it was in... Was it in Oklahoma? Kansas? I can't remember I'm sad. I think we're recording a podcast. Was it in Oklahoma? Kansas? I don't remember where it was. Good point. It's a pretty good point. I was sitting anchor with none of my money left. And I think it was a five chair.
Starting point is 00:52:41 And I left with like $500. Because I was busting the dealer every time. And then they would just give me like 10 bucks or 15 bucks or whatever half of whatever they won they were just giving to me okay that seems well okay so basically so and we were probably we were running so i don't know. This isn't really answering your question, but to answer your question, the reason why I want to sit at like a penny slot is just if I'm in Vegas, I want to be gambling, but I don't want to be gambling too much. Gambling too much, yeah. So you need some time.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Exactly. I've got some free time. I'm not going to sit and watch a movie in my hotel room. I might as well gamble. Yeah, exactly. I've got some free time. I'm not going to, you know, I'm not going to sit and watch a movie in my hotel room. I might as well gamble. Yeah, yeah. It's fun. It's the camaraderie element of it of, I hope I win. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Even if I don't, it was fun. Right. Right. It's not fun, though, if you lose a shit ton of money. It's not. If you lose when you lose a shit ton of money, it's not fucking fun at all. If you lose a little money, but you lose of money, it's not fucking fun at all. If you lose a little money, but you lose.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Yeah, yeah. It was fun because I tried. I tried. Do you know who Josh, Andrew's cousin? Yes. Andrew's cousin? Yes. Okay. We would go to Council Bluffs.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Who are they playing? Cavs. Okay. Oh, easy. Easy. I got huge sports bets on Celtics. Huge. This podcast is sponsored by DraftKings.
Starting point is 00:54:10 I'm just kidding. We're not that big. We've got 27 subscribers. I am. Sleeper, man. We would go and we would take half of what we were going to gamble. So 200 or 400 or whatever. Wait, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:54:23 You would take half of what you were going to gamble? Yeah, so when you walk into a casino, you're ready to lose whatever you walk in there with. $100 a night is my limit. Okay, so you walk in there with $100. You're ready to lose that. Okay, you split it in half. Okay, so $50 now? $50.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Okay. You go up to a roulette. Place it on black. Put it on black or red. Or red. Black 11. I go black. Black take two roulette. You put it on black or red. Black 11. I go black. Now we're talking. And then if you win,
Starting point is 00:54:54 you take the casino money and you play with that. You play with the casino money. If you lose, that's your night. That's it. Well, I'm not doing that. You's it. Okay. So you essentially... Well, I'm not doing that.
Starting point is 00:55:06 You only lost... I'm not just going to go to Vegas and be like, nah, I'm not betting at all. I'm going to be in Vegas and once in my life. I didn't say, this is what you need to do. I said, when Josh and I go, this is how... But you went to like Kansas City. Yeah, we've been to Kansas City. A casino you can just drive to. I'm going to Las Vegas. Yeah, we've been to Kansas City. A casino you can
Starting point is 00:55:25 just drive to. I'm going to Las Vegas. I understand. I'm saying. Sorry, I'm getting fired up. Four twisted tweets.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Yeah, it's crazy. Someone can talk down to you at Best Buy and that doesn't even rat a page at all. And I explain how I gamble.
Starting point is 00:55:40 One of your best friends is giving you advice on gambling and you're just shutting it out. And you're like, why do you lose all my money? You're like, that's how I'm doing it.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Pennies! Pennies at a time! I'll lose it all, but pennies at a time. Right. It don't take me a long time to lose it all with pennies. So we would go, take half, put it on black. Most of the time we won. Most of the time we won. Most of the time we were game.
Starting point is 00:56:07 The odds are there. 50% of the time. Well, it's less every time. 48%. Yeah, 48. I'll shut up. Throw a five or chip on a double zero or zero. You know, if you're feeling it.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Feeling gay. Feeling gay. Feeling homo. Just pretend that zero zero is a butthole it's two buttholes that you can just interchange between and plug it yeah that'll be fun for you guys um i hope no i mean would you be though, if I came home and I'm like, yeah, I won $10,000. Minimum. On what? Gambling.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Gambling. But then you're saying you're just going to play penny slots. Like, if I'm, like, winding down. Oh, you're going crazy? What? At the end, you're going crazy? No, no, no. I'm saying I'll probably play blackjack some of the time. But if we, like, have free time where I have, like, a half hour to kill or something, I might just sit at a penny slot machine.
Starting point is 00:57:10 We're going to a restaurant in a half hour, so you can't get too committed into a blackjack game. Of course. So I'm going to sit at a slot machine. I want to make the most of my time in Vegas. I'm not just going to sit on my phone in my room. I want to sit at a slot machine, but I don't believe that's of my time in Vegas. I'm not just going to sit on my phone in my room. I want to sit at a slot machine. But I don't believe you got where the 20 grand came from. Usually.
Starting point is 00:57:39 If I fucked around, if I was up 5,000 and I fucking risked it all and put it on blackjack. Did I not, like, 10 minutes ago be like, the money starts coming in a little bit. You raise your bets. And then you get behind the eight ball. And then you're like, I can win this back. And you go deeper and deeper. I've been there. Okay?
Starting point is 00:57:55 Welcome to my life. I said if I was up. If you're up. You just said. I might be feeling it. I might be up a little bit. Raise the bets. Because I'm trying to figure out where your 10K came from he said did he not he said 10k i'm saying he's feeling it bets go up you're chasing that 10k now right you're chasing that 10k you're doing dollar 50 bets i hope you know
Starting point is 00:58:21 that i don't have realistic expectations of winning $10,000 in Las Vegas. That's good to know. I'll shut up. I just hypothetically said, and I threw out a number, what if I won a lot of money betting? Wouldn't that be cool? That'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:58:41 That'd be cool. Thank you guys for watching. I'm just... Vegas is a very... That'd be cool. That'd be cool. Thank you guys for watching. Vegas is a very like... I know. You look around. You look around. Even when you think you're up, you're not up yet. Yep. I haven't left the casino yet. Everybody's winning. You're like, well, if I want to win like that, I gotta raise my bets. You go, you get in that red fast. I think the rule of thumb is like, you're not rich if you're still in the casino. You're not rich.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Right. If you have all that money, if you're still in the casino, you don't have that money. The casino still has that money. You got to be on a plane home, baby. Right. Because there's slots in the airport. In the airport. I could see Jake just like sitting down. One more. One more. Your one's been away, maybe. Right. Because there's slots in the airport. I could see Jake just like
Starting point is 00:59:25 sitting down. One more, one more. Your one's been away, baby. I'm 100 up. I can make it 1,000. Right. If I was up 100 in the airport, I'm not fucking putting $100 in the slot machine. I'm fucking 10 in the 100 home. 10? If I was up $10? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Up 100. Up 100, are you putting 10 in? Putting 10? You're up $100. You cash out. You got the $100 in your hand. You're at the airport. I feel like I'm pretty good. You have two hours before your plane takes off.
Starting point is 00:59:53 I feel like I'm pretty good about, like, I have $100 cash. I am going to only put in $10, and if it doesn't work out, I'm walking away. I have the willpower to walk away. I will say that. Okay. I do. Okay. That's because you saw me put six ones in the slot machine once.
Starting point is 01:00:14 It doesn't mean you know my gambling habits. Listen, that laugh wasn't for you. That was laughing at myself. Okay. Because I can't. Okay, okay. I go until I double my money. So if I walk in there with $400.
Starting point is 01:00:27 But that's your expectation. That's the bar I set. I can walk in there with $400. I'm not leaving until I get $800. That's dangerous. I've left bottoming out at like $2,000 under. I don't have the liberty of being able to do that. I simply don't.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Did anyone else bet on Mystic Dan for the Kentucky Derby? I did not. What was their odds? I don't know. I don't know, but I won $169 on Mystic Dan on a $20 bet. He won by a nose. I have the video. Hey.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Won by a nose. I was at a boy. Congratulations. I'll have to. Are you putting that? Are you taking that to Vegas to gamble with? No, because... That's gamble money, baby.
Starting point is 01:01:09 The twins fires out. Not to call you guys out or anything, but I try to cash out, and they send you a check that won't come to you until 14 days. That's... In the mail? In the mail. To my parents' house. What?
Starting point is 01:01:24 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think that checks is ever coming. I don't know, but... Has it been 14 days? No. Oh, okay. The Kentucky Derby was this last Saturday.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Right. First Saturday of the day. I should have known that better. My dad loves horse racing. Good point. I really don't have any expectations about winning money
Starting point is 01:01:49 I have I've been like leading up to Vegas what's that you have $220 on the Celtics I won that one and then I put $100 on the Thunder
Starting point is 01:02:04 you won that one. Oh, you won that one. And then I put 100 on the Thunder. You won that one and I won that one. Thunder down under. Yeah, I won this one before. They're going to Thunder from down under. Okay. Oh yeah, that's the thing. In Vegas that we're going to. I was up to over $1,000 on a $55. What even is
Starting point is 01:02:19 Thunder from down under? What even is it? Do you want to guess? Is it like a bunch of guys that come out riding kangaroos and they have didgeridoos and they just start playing? That's a damn good guess. And then koalas are...
Starting point is 01:02:35 So there's guys riding kangaroos with didgeridoos and there's koalas riding the guys riding the kangaroos eating eucalyptus. No. Okay, what is it? It's a bunch of Australian men. Okay. So you were right.
Starting point is 01:02:49 I was close. And they do a strip show. Thank you guys for watching. It's been a great episode. Thank you guys for tuning in. I had a fucking blast. I almost reached across the table and swung on you for no I'm just kidding
Starting point is 01:03:06 just trying to get you to bet responsibly I appreciate it if you're going there to bet penny slots go there and bet penny slots until your heart's content that's all I'm saying don't let the scenes around you and the zero windows and you don't know what time it is
Starting point is 01:03:24 don't let that get to your head I mean I have an iPhone so you don't know what time it is, don't let that get to your head. I mean, I have an iPhone so I can look at what time it is. You let me know how that goes. It's going to be like the casino in Percy Jackson. If you can... I recognize that they're like black holes and they try to suck you in and make you lose all your money.
Starting point is 01:03:41 But like I said, I have pretty good willpower and i i literally cannot afford to lose a bunch of money so i have right i have like don't don't don't expect to win and that will set you leaps and bounds further right i'm i expect very prepared to lose three hundred dollars i'm very prepared to lose and And what I've been doing leading up to Vegas is like progressively taking a little bit, like I'll go to the gas station and get like $10 cash back and I've been setting aside a little
Starting point is 01:04:12 bit of cash to take with me to gamble with. Right. That's good. That's all I'm saying. I'm not... I can't go in there I'm not saying, hey take out a small business loan put it on the Bears to win the Super Bowl. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Who would do that? That's idiotic. Fuck you. Thank you guys for watching and thank you guys for joining me. Like I said, this podcast isn't going anywhere. I'm constantly striving to try to make it better if I can. So if you would like to subscribe, do so on YouTube at Grass Studies Podcast. Or if you are an audio only type of person, like maybe you're in your office and you're tired of your boss uh coming up to you and
Starting point is 01:05:05 telling you what kind of podcast equipment you should use then you can put your earpod in and listen to us on spotify or apple podcast on cheap mics on our cheap blue snowball mics that probably sound like we're talking from inside of a grain bin but we do our best to bring you guys low-key great sound quality actually we do our best to give you guys... That's low-key, great sound quality, actually. We do our best to give you guys an escape from the harsh realities of this world. At our expense... Have you ever sang in a grain bin? Have you ever sang in a grain bin? Can't say I have.
Starting point is 01:05:35 I almost drowned in one once, though. Drowning in corn. That's a good death. On that note... That me up. My hands are sweaty as fuck, bro. You don't want to touch me. On that note. That me up. My hands are sweaty as fuck, bro. You don't want to touch me. On that note, thank you guys for watching.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Until next time, put it all on black. Bang. I am strong enough to take these dreams and make them mine. Can you take me higher?

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