Grass Daddies Podcast - Grass Daddies Podcast Episode 44: Royal Gorilla

Episode Date: June 11, 2024

The prodigal son returns! As the OG Grass Daddies sit down for yet another episode of epic proportions. Kam fills Jake in on his new job working for the city in Gothenburg where he deals with water breaks and teaches us all about water treatment plants and the "red fish-blue fish" he sees therein. Jake finally breaks his story about what happened to him in Vegas when he and his friends made a trip to a dispensary and things got a bit hazy... SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grass Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Tik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We get up and go inside because we're going to get their cart and leave. When we get up and we start walking inside, it starts setting in on me a little bit harder and a little bit harder and harder. Oh, fuck. So we're walking on this glass, along this glass thing, which feels like a quarter mile long. And I'm like, oh my my god i am fucking baked right now and i'm not enjoying it and my vision starts to go
Starting point is 00:00:34 what my vision starts getting blurry and i'm like i'm gonna fucking pass out welcome to the guess who's back back again camden's back tell a friend tell the fans podcast that's cam i'm jake and we are the grass daddy Hey he's still got it And I'm still hella far away from my mic I haven't learned anything He hasn't lost his touch yet Now we're rocking Oh golly good damn You've missed a lot I mean we've got some foam panels up
Starting point is 00:01:19 I'm skipping the less amateur part of this We're getting professional We've got some foam panels up That really don't make a difference, but they look cool. And, yeah, we're doing our best. We're balling on a budget still, but we're slowly making improvements. You know, that Shankit Golf revenue has really been putting the team on its back. When's the last time you even checked that? Forever ago.
Starting point is 00:01:44 You should check it right now let's see if we will it just will it tell you if we've had any we don't get sales but like if we get like a referral will it tell you like if someone uses the code um so while he looks that up um thank you guys for tuning into another episode episode Cam is back in town The boy is back in town It's not even logged in anymore It's not even logged in anymore Okay, perfect
Starting point is 00:02:15 Him and Bailey are back here Zero referrals Zero referrals, guys What the fuck I am severely disappointed in you all. I would have thought surely. Mother flubbers. I would have thought surely.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Surely. Surely we would have had some referrals by now. But as it appears, we've gone cattywampus. I don't know. We've gone cattywampus. So you are moving Bailey officially this weekend, right? Yeah. So you guys will officially be gone.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Together. Gone, gone, gone. Yeah. And then the just back of Lincoln Nebraska is just going to go. From you blowing it out? Yeah. We've been lonely. Me just slapping the long cock just
Starting point is 00:03:05 i really missed having you on um oopsie whoopsies i mean you know you know i thought um when you were on and it was just us that i interrupted you a lot yeah turns out it actually makes a difference when you've been doing this for a while, I feel, because people that I've had on as guests, I'm throwing a little shade, but I don't mean this to be mean or anything. When they're on, people that you would normally go, they're so funny in real life, when they get on the mic and they're in front of the camera, they kind of close up a little bit. And it's like, what are you doing? You're normally so funny, but they're a little... Isn't that weird, though you doing like you're normally so funny but they're a little you know like isn't that weird though see what you're saying it's so weird because our first episode we were the opposite because we were just like fuck it let's throw it out on the table let's just overshare as fuck well yeah and now we like dialed it back but i feel like in
Starting point is 00:04:00 the first episode it's it felt like we weren't talking to anybody. But now that we know we have consistent listeners, some people listen like every episode. Yeah. But like Trace, for example, not that it was a bad episode, but like knowing Trace in real life, you're like, this guy's fucking hilarious. Like, I can't wait to see him on the pod. But then he gets on the pod and it was like, this feels weird because we're just like having a normal conversation yeah you know so but having you back on um oh and the other thing too is i felt like i was talking so much because i was trying to carry at least the comedic portion of the show yeah and they were kind of just like having a conversation and i'm like yeah it's not wrong but it's i don't know well while we're on here i came up with a good idea yes let's go to keep going because i've been because i want to do the episodes but i can't
Starting point is 00:04:50 come down to lincoln all the time because gas is fucking expensive so i was like well we could throw in a guest here and there but what if we did like a thing where one time say you know every three four weeks i come down we record two, three episodes. Yeah. And then we can throw in audio-only episodes. Right. Or sprinkle some shit in. Do something like that.
Starting point is 00:05:12 And then it'll be more consistent with me on it because this is kind of our podcast. And everybody's like, where's Cam? Can I tell you something? Yeah. Listening back to us while you were gone, gone one made me miss you a little bit if we can play some somber piano music during this part maybe get a spotlight on me um but i was like damn like we're actually kind of funny we have like a good podcast like it actually flows and sounds like just my my my goal and my ambition for listening to our podcast and hearing what people have to say about it, like my friends, like people that listen.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I'm not like, how great is our podcast? Because I know it's not going to be able to compete with those top tier podcasts. My question is, does it sound like a normal podcast? Yeah. Like, something that someone could, like, actually listen to? Like, does it just sound normal? And they're like, yeah, it just sound like a normal podcast? Yeah. Like something that someone could like actually listen to? Like, does it just sound normal? And they're like, yeah, it just sounds like a normal podcast. I should start plugging my podcast at my new job.
Starting point is 00:06:11 You should. Because I do it to all our new summer help. You're like, you should. The free advertisement. No, seriously. I mean, like when you work at a job like ours where new people come in every year and you can maybe get like two or three subscribers every year, it's like, hey, take advantage. Well, our
Starting point is 00:06:30 summer help was just a bunch of, like, younger high school girls and they're definitely not going to listen to our podcast. Why not? They're not going to listen to two idiots talk and drink. What about those people who are listening right now? You're making it sound like anyone that listens is a fucking...
Starting point is 00:06:46 I don't know. You guys are all fucking imbeciles. You fucking rebel rouses. Anyways. I'm fucking thirsty. Okay, before you open that, I just want you to know that this is the 44th episode. Oh, fuck. So, I don't know what's in there but uh i just have a feeling that the
Starting point is 00:07:06 you call it beef is fucking me pal i just got a feeling that the magic mini fridge is gonna put the onion to it so all right well let's get right into the cooler oh fuck what is it oh god good darn what is it that i don't know what it is oh you want that one i don't know which one I don't know what it is? It's a faux loco. Faux faux. Oh, you want that one? I don't know which one. I don't know. I wanted this one.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I like the way all four locos taste. I don't. Let's go ahead and pick a swaller. Dude, I am... Bow. I am literally running on caffeine right now why i've gotten oh and while i see that notification okay perfect um you should be good because i didn't hear it bow bow so i stayed i think it was like monday or tuesday i stayed late because um like Midwest Turf was dropping off something or I was helping unload a mower that was broken or something or other but I'm delaying taking my first set
Starting point is 00:08:12 um but I stayed till like 4 4 15 and the next day Gabe came up to me in the office and he was like hey thanks for staying late yesterday and he prefaced it like he was going to say but and i thought he was going to be like you can't be milking hours like that or something even though i was helping so he was like hey thanks for staying late yesterday do that every day and i was like what and he's like stay late every day. And so I was like, I'm going to be getting lots of overtime. And he's like, I don't give a shit. He's like,
Starting point is 00:08:48 I don't care if it's you. So I was like, okay. So I was in overtime on Thursday. Damn. So all of today was on overtime and I'm tired. But the show goes on, put the onion to it.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And I'm sick. So drinking four locos like a doctor. Yeah. This four onion to it. And I'm sick. We're drinking Four Locos like a doctor. Yeah, this Four Loco, that's what I really needed. Now I'm not going to be sick tomorrow. I gave you the little thing. I love Four Locos. Me too. We're definitely going to need to house some Chipotle after this to fucking soak up this Bombardier.
Starting point is 00:09:25 We probably should have went and got the Chipotle first. I was thinking about it, but I was like, fuck it. Ride the lightning. Fuck it. So I do have a really good story to tell you, but it's probably going to take a little while. So let's just have somewhat of a normal episode. I feel like until about the halfway point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:44 And then I'll fill you in. And I got some cool shit I want to tell you about. I feel like until about the halfway point. Yeah. And then I'll fill you in. I got some cool shit I want to tell you about. I'll fill you up and fill you in. What? I said I got some cool shit. It's just all knowledge. Oh, you'll fill me up and fill me in. Drop some knowledge on me.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Pack it up, pack it in. Let this begin. Oh, well, I was telling all the girls. Dude, the coolest thing I've learned about my new job? Hold on. Anywho, right back into it because you know fuck sorry my my phone is low um and i could see on my mirror my fancy little setup i got so i can make sure see we would have lost it we would have lost it we would have lost it um cam bringing the
Starting point is 00:10:19 bad omens back for the technological difficulties What were you talking to the girls about? About the coolest thing I've learned at my new job. I got a tour through the waste treatment plant. Fill me in. It is. You know those, going through the waste treatment plant, you know those documentaries that you really, you find that are just, for some reason, just really satisfying? Like when you're on YouTube and you're trying to get to sleep and it's 11 p.m. And it's the big horse cock.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Yeah, and you're like, I got to be up in 30 minutes from tomorrow. But you can't stop watching it? Yeah, that's what this was. How does a horse impregnate a human? What were you going to say? Well, I went through a tour through the waste treatment plant. It's fucking sweet. So it goes through the system.
Starting point is 00:11:06 No. Because I thought it was really going to stink. Yeah. It doesn't smell that bad. You would think. It really doesn't smell that bad. Because, all right, I'm going to speed around this because it's a lot of information. Really fast.
Starting point is 00:11:18 You're good. You're good. I'm going to be talking a lot towards the end. It goes through and it gets all shipped out to the waste treatment plant. It comes up. So, real quick, fill us in on your new so your new job is oh i'm work for water sewer water sewer like gothamburg yeah so all the like water shit yeah okay water and then where your shit goes yeah i have to deal with that stuff too so You deal with a lot of shit. That's why we say it now. It's not see you later. It's not goodbye forever corn.
Starting point is 00:11:50 It's just see you later. But you get to see everyone's corn. Yeah, I've never seen so much corn in a fucking hole the other day. We had an 8-inch main, sewer main collapse, and it was backed up for a week. Oh my God. sewer main collapsed and it was backed up for a week oh my 500 gallons of shit and just like laundry water sink water all that shit and there was just a bunch of corn yeah it just floats the top it just looks like it literally looks like gold like it reminded me of gold rush oh my god but um but um we i went out to the waste treatment plant.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I got a tour of it, and it goes through this thing. It's weird, but this thing picks out all the hard objects in your shit. Okay. So toilet paper, corn. So like when you accidentally stick a butt plug up too far. Yeah. And then you pop it out. Exactly. Condoms that get flushed down the sewer.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Right. All that out. Exactly. Condoms that get flushed down the sewer. Right. All that shit. Yep. And it goes through it and does all that and then shuffles that out into a trash can. And then it goes out. And so what I was telling them is our system is on air. So they pump air into the water. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:04 The shit water and the reason why they do that is because they use organisms and bugs to break down shit and that's how our system does it but the guy was like if you ever fall in or somebody ever falls in when you're out here throw them the buoy and shut off the air as fast as possible i'm like why and he goes then you'll sink right yeah you don't float because you'll just sink to the bottom and you'll drown instantly. Right. And you, and you probably can't kick off the water cause it's not solid enough. Cause the water's broken.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Right. Well, yeah. Like you can't swim in it because it's so air. So you'll just sink. Well, yeah. And it's cause there's no buoyancy. Yeah. Like speaking of those like videos, have you seen those videos where like you take like like a you take sand and you like pump air through it and then like objects will just
Starting point is 00:13:48 like float around in it like it's water uh i feel like it's is it like i'm guessing it's kind of like that where like you're you're feeling air you're putting air in it yeah but you're putting air and water and so they're in the water so the reason why you flow is because you have air in your body right so you're matching so you're not buoyant yeah so there's no buoyancy so you'll just sink right to the bottom fuck and so imagine yeah it's fucking sketchy so it goes through there drowning to death in shit water and that that smells like laundry detergent. Your last meal's corn. Just corn. Take in as much corn as you can. Yeah, it literally smells like laundry detergent.
Starting point is 00:14:31 The other two tanks are the solids that sink and, like, the dead bugs that sink. And it gets shipped over to two other tanks. Those fucking reek. Oh, really? Yeah, it's fucking nasty shit. But, so then that goes through that, and it goes through all its filtration systems and does all that, and then it gets pumped out to this other building, and this other building just has like a little foot and a half wide canal that the water runs through.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Okay. And it's lined with UV lights, because UV lights don't kill E. coli. They neuter it so they can't breed. Oh. So then it goes through there, and then it pumps out into these – I can't remember what they're called, but it starts at the sea, and then it, like, pumps the water out, and these things spin. And then, yeah, it just gets pumped right out into the river. It's so funny that, like, it's interesting that you would think, like, the science and engineering behind a water treatment plant.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Like, people are just like, I shit in the toilet and flush it and it just goes away. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's like, well, it's got to go somewhere. It's so fucking cool. And I can't just sit somewhere forever. Something's got to be done to it yeah i like i told the guy that gave me a tour through there i was like dude my fucking jaw is just dropped like this is the coolest thing i fucking learned forever i'm like eventually i
Starting point is 00:15:57 would love to do this and so then they do like a little bit of tests they'll go and get like samples and they'll they have like their own little lab but they can't do any like major tests because it's not a certified lab but you can like look at your samples and they'll look at their samples and they got a huge list of their bugs that are good bugs and then they got a huge list of their bad bugs and they look through any elements yeah they look through a microscope and they see like their bugs and you can see the bugs in there. And they're like, oh, that's a good bug. Oh, that's a bad bug.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Wow. That's crazy. Yeah. They're using living organisms as part of the job. Yeah. It's like the world's weirdest zookeeper. Yeah. It's fucking cool, though.
Starting point is 00:16:43 So I call myself a grass farmer. You're like a shit farmer. Yeah, that's what those guys are called. Really? They call themselves shit farmers? Yeah. No way. We call the waste treatment plant the turd corral. The turd corral?
Starting point is 00:16:52 Yeah. That's fucking awesome. But, yeah, they're fucking, it's cool shit. But, yeah, that, so we had an eight-inch main collapse, and there's 500 gallons of any any gray water so so great so gray water gray water and black water right well it's anything so i thought gray water was like sink well yeah that's gray water and black so yeah it's just mixed it doesn't it's not it's like separate lines or anything it all runs together i guess i've i've heard like i'm thinking about like an rv yeah there's a black water tank and a gray water tank and your gray water is like your sink and
Starting point is 00:17:30 shower and your grit and your black water is like your toilet but i'm saying like black water it's 500 gallons of black water gray water and everything else just shoved in to pipe a lot of corn yeah a lot of corn and corn plug it's a might be a little tmi but we see a lot of corn. Yeah. A lot of corn. And. Corn plug. It might be a little TMI, but we see a lot of green fish, blue fish. Now, let me try to think what that is. Yeah, think about what it is. Or think about what a sewer rat is. A sewer rat? Yeah, sewer rat and green fish, blue fish.
Starting point is 00:17:59 A sewer rat, I would think, is just a rat. Nope. A big ass rat? No, it's just. Oh, a tampon? Yeah, it's just the like cotton of the tampon that they flush. Okay, so that's a sewer rat. Now a green fish, blue fish.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Does the color actually have to do with what it is? Somewhat, yeah. A green fish. They're not condoms, right? No, but we do see some of those. A greenfish. I haven't seen one yet, but. So it's something actually green?
Starting point is 00:18:31 Yeah. Greenfish, bluefish. Here. Just tell me what it is. It goes with the tampon, but they flush the plastics of their tampon. Yeah. So like the little blue, like the applicator. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:43 The applicator. The applicator. Yes. Let's get technical here i mean this is a family show yeah yeah so they jesus it's fucking kind of nasty right it was fucking nasty the other day when i bet because they absorb so much so i bet when they get in that water they probably get fucking huge they just like they just look like this is disgusting and they call them sewer rats because the tail oh my god but yeah anyways and then i had off the shit topic my job's really shitty not shitty but shitty but um my first fix at the city was a 12-inch water main.
Starting point is 00:19:29 12-inch Spicy Italian? 12-inch water main. And you think, I always thought, you know how difficult we think working on a golf course is? Like, oh my God. When you can't get the valve shut all the way? Yesterday, Spencer and I put on a fucking 3 inch compression coupling those things are monstrous we us yeah we work with some of that shit though but anyways a 12 inch i'm sure pales in comparison or ours compels in comparison to a 12 inch the biggest difference is is when you're working in a city on the water, you cannot take the water down
Starting point is 00:20:06 all the way. Right. Because if we shut the water off, we close all the valves all the way, we have to re-chlorinate the pipe. Re-chlorinate? Yeah, so we have to put chlorine in it and it has to sit in there and then you have to turn it on because if you get dirt and stuff in there, people can be drinking it.
Starting point is 00:20:22 So it's no longer safe. So you're dealing with a clean water line. Yeah, like you can't like slop any primer or anything but you you you don't even glue you use those fucking what are they called we have high maxes and um i don't know why i'm yelling uh fuck leak clamps so that's what we did on this so it's a big big ass like thin metal deal it has a shit ton of bolts on each side and it has a rubber deal on it and you like snap it together and zip yeah but just so as quick as you can yeah so what we found out with that was it's was a curb stop which is a curb stop is like water that comes to your house so your house has a curb stop out there right it's cool now because now i'm like i know most okay i got a really good
Starting point is 00:21:11 question for you but keep going okay so but curb stops and your services that come to your house are used like inch lines so you go from a 12 inch pipe to an inch line yeah what the fuck so we show that 12 inch just kind of like along the street that's like so that one like what do you think would be outside my house uh well i don't know how exactly big their systems are i'm assuming they're probably pretty big because there's a lot of houses and so bigger city. Yeah. So there's different, it's, it's the same when they were telling me this, it all goes together with the golf course.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Cause remember how Gabe was telling us the farther you get from the pump house, the smaller the pipe, because you got to restrict the flow and keep the, you got to keep the flow rate high. Yeah. And pressure, I guess.
Starting point is 00:22:01 But yeah, so we have the biggest pipe we have is right by the water tower it's a 16 inch and then it would say steps down from there but usually we're dealing six four once you get out of the new house developments it's like yeah four inches gets smaller six and four is probably our smaller ones six four but when i was six four so when i was doing this fix it's weird because i was on a golf course where you don't want any water coming out of the hole and they're like oh yeah this fucking stream that's eating out the wall in our
Starting point is 00:22:35 hole is just normal yeah like we literally stuck a shovel over it to deflect the water yeah i feel like i've seen videos of that like on instagram where it's like having the new kid put a fucking patch on and like they like take a thing and go boop and then just start like yeah 60 000 psi water jet just straight into the stratosphere and then he's got a fucking slide of thing over and bolted on okay go ahead so yeah so like you just just clamp it on and it's, you think, like, me with PVC and stuff, I'm like, man, I don't really want to wrench on this too hard. But you got to wrench on it because you have a shit ton of pressure. Yeah, you're probably ugga-dugging it, right?
Starting point is 00:23:15 Yeah, we put our big impact on, like, three and just. Yeah, you really put the onion to it. And then we take a breaker bar and fucking put our body weight on it. But, yeah. So, that was my first fix. Tor was pretty cool um i got a question for you because this is something that i thought about and so be political but this would be applicable to the conversation we're having okay and this may be different for gothamburg versus lincoln yeah because gothamburg is a little smaller than lincoln yeah because gothamburg is a little smaller than lincoln yeah in the mind of like a golf course guy i'm like we need to isolate a hole to fix this right yeah where are like the iso valves for like a city so is that what is how does that work like let's say
Starting point is 00:23:59 okay let's say let's say we've got a water break or something on my house, on my street, and the city's got to come in and deal with it. Where do they go and isolate? In the middle of the street. In the middle of the street? So have you ever seen... Not out of my house. What if it was the water main that was running along the street?
Starting point is 00:24:20 So they'll go out on the street, and they'll have their map. So actually, after this... I guess, how many isovalves are there typically in a city? Like one for every neighborhood, one for every... How do they break that up? It just depends. So the other day, we have a company redoing roads, and they're putting in new water mains.
Starting point is 00:24:38 And the water mains are going under the storm drains. So they have this big, like this in them. They go like this in them. Okay. They go like this under those. But the other day, in order to shut down what they had to work on, we had to shut five valves. Yeah. See, that's what I'm wondering. And where are those at in like in proportion?
Starting point is 00:24:55 Like, are they like a half mile away? Are they so hundred yards away? So typically it was depending on how it's done. So we went, so they're on a street here and we were like a block over. Okay. A block over. So they're fairly close usually. There's quite a few of them.
Starting point is 00:25:14 What are they? Are they like just like a gate valve? They're literally just like a big key. Like our big key at the golf course. Yep. Big square key at the golf course. Okay. And then the curb stops.
Starting point is 00:25:25 So a giant gate valve, basically. Yeah. And then are they just inside like a metal valve box, just like in someone's curb? Yeah. By someone's curb in their yard, usually? Yeah, there's most of our, like, okay, so the ones that are on the curbs. Or are they inside a manhole?
Starting point is 00:25:43 No, they're just in, I'll show you one we'll take a video and we'll put it on here so they know what we're talking about but they're just those little you have to remind me they say 25 minutes water yes like the little the that's the the little squares the little like circles circles okay or squares i don't know what they have here but those little circles square cat or circle cast iron yeah but the ones that are in the street or the valve the ones that are out here that say water on them they have a nut in the top that's your curb stop okay and those are just like little when you first said that i thought you were talking it sounded like curb stomp curb stop i'm pretty sure that's never mind we'll edit this out but i'm just that pretty sure that's what they're called. Never mind. We'll edit this out. But that's like, that's what feeds your house.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Yeah. So every house will have one of those. So if I wanted to put in an irrigation system, I'd have to turn that off. But I don't know where mine is. Mine's buried somewhere. We got a cool. Everyone has one, right? Every house has one.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Yeah. It's just a matter of finding it because obviously mine's buried. Well, it depends on how they built it too. Because like the other day, we had house that had was on two two or no separate curb stops but the curb stop for the house was behind it in two houses over really so it ran all the way to their house yeah but god you must be loving this shit because it's kind of like golf course irrigation but just on steroids yeah it's just a huge scale yeah and that just you must be like a hog and shit besides a flying shit hog and mud you know you think drunk you know you think
Starting point is 00:27:17 everybody's like oh yeah i got my muck boots on my feet are gonna stay dry well like that one hole i was in the first day i got there i was like yeah well at least my muck boots would keep my feet dry most of the time they're like no it's not i'm like well i know until you're in three foot of water and it's spilling over the top i'm like yeah i know but then when we were struggling getting that on i had my like fucking knees in the ground and i was just like this like waist deep in water i bet your bosses fucking love you because i know you're not afraid to get dirty and I bet you fucking one guy goes first time you had a fix.
Starting point is 00:27:50 You probably dove into that hole with a fucking 48 inch pipe wrench. You're just like, oh, fucking. And they're just like, what are you doing? You're just like, I gotta get this stopped up. That's just what I'm picturing. One of the guys that he works out the waste treatment plant. You're like, holy shit, that's a lot of corn. I thought you guys said this was a water line.
Starting point is 00:28:12 No, Cam, you're sitting in shit. But one of the guys. I'm not okay. You're just a stream of corn going up your nose. Maybe that's how you got sick. The other day we skipped lunch when we had that sewer deal i'm like just somebody go get me a colander i'll just dip it down in there we'll have course oh my god but that's like uh you've heard of twice baked potato have you heard of three times
Starting point is 00:28:40 baked corn fuck one of my well that's disgusting a guy i'm pretty like i talked to quite a bit he worked out the waste treatment plant when i got in the hole with him he looked at my boss and goes where the fuck did you find this kid at right because i was just like because you're probably a fucking legend already i was just like in the water i don't give a fuck if i'm wet i'm wet they don't make a lot of people like you you were you were like okay i was like a kid that played in mud and just never grew out of it yeah well i mean but like if let's say god was creating humans and let's say god was creating he's like all right what are all the categories of humans okay we've got we've got this guy who is an arborist we've got this guy who is a doctor this guy who's a lawyer this guy who's an accountant um now nope now let's make a just a blue collar worker um and he created you
Starting point is 00:29:51 like you're just like you were just designed to be like like like when cam first moved out there and he was still not quite into your job yet you're sending snapchats you're like yep i'm out setting fence yeah i just helped my friend build a fence i was i'm setting fence and it's dusk like you're just like immediately right into country boy blue collar work shit just like i gotta find a way to put bread on the table for me and my family like yeah like you were right into it like you were designed to just so that's why i'm saying your bosses probably were just like, oh, my God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:26 This kid was a fucking godsend. Whoa. Because you are always asking questions, always wanting to learn. I mean, it did not take long for you to move up at the golf course when you came to the golf course. I was listening back on podcasts to Trace and I where I was turning my head to burp. Yeah. And it was not quieter at all but you i feel like we're just designed um to be a blue collar worker yeah like it wasn't even a
Starting point is 00:30:54 thought in your head to go to college you were just like no i'm not letting the government take more of my fucking money oh i don't need to before we get too far i'll let my hands do the talking before your story gets over here i am which i think they said in the oj trial okay what were you saying i'm like what were you saying i was like so the other day man i might be a little bit buzzed i'm getting there a little bit but um the other day i was like man they go hey who wants to help lay sod i'm like i'm a sod laying motherfucker man i've laid a lot of sod until i showed up and they had like when they said who wants to lay sod you probably flipped the table over with your fucking
Starting point is 00:31:37 boner they had 10 pallets 10 pallets so they had like home dep Depot deliver sod? Of Tootsie Roll. 10 pallets of Tootsie Rolls. Yeah, like the sod length, they were like as long as this table and they were just all rolled up. 10 pallets. Okay. Did you get that phrase from me? A Tootsie Roll? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I just heard it on like a turf podcast. Fuck. Because I didn't hear that anywhere and i thought it looked like a tootsie roll and i said that once so i thought i invented that so they called so just say that you learned it from me and i okay okay yeah jake invented it yeah and the big ones the big ones are jelly rolls that is kind of funny though how i thought of that and i unknowingly said something that's like actually a turf phrase yeah because that's kind of funny it just looks like it but yeah we laid fucking like 10 pallets
Starting point is 00:32:30 of them and i was like this fucking sucks 10 pallets yeah because they just put a splash pad in and we sodded all the area around it splash pad like a plate for kids like a water splash pad yeah they just put one in and we had a sawed it sawed it and i was like around it this fucking sucks it was definitely the most sought i've ever laid in a day is your light still okay good yeah i just wanted to make sure and we did it we did it that's okay don't worry before noon but there was also like 10 of us. Dude, they soldered around the tennis courts. Fuck. I thought they were going to put like Gabe and Caleb and I were kind of like discussing because Caleb's like we're going to come in.
Starting point is 00:33:18 So Gayna was going to do the rough grade. Yep. Advantage Landscape was going to do the final grade. Yeah. And he was like, I'll bring in some like good top soil to do for the t-boxes yeah and he was like so where are the t's gonna be and gabe's like i don't really know what tom had envisioned and tom was like he was like well i talked to tom and tom said just get with gabe so gabe was like okay let's all uh try to figure out where we're gonna put t-boxes which doesn't sound like that big of a deal but it's like these are gonna be there forever now
Starting point is 00:33:51 we should i'm gonna have to go out there we should go out there tonight okay and look at it i want to see it okay we can uber out there in my truck with me driving um after we get chipotle um yeah so he's like yeah we'll probably put like four i-25s like around this t-box yeah they just put a whole bunch of pgps in because spencer and i you know i've been staying late yeah so spencer and i were like running head or we oh yeah so that head yeah remember that head we sent you snapchats of with the 16 risers on it yeah why didn't you just buy two foot riser um because reams only had a six inch so that was the longest they had what why didn't you go to site one well because it was 1 p.m oh and i had spencer with me oh so i
Starting point is 00:34:38 didn't want to like take too long and have tom be like that's a one-man job um tom if you're listening i love you he doesn't listen to this um they only had six inch risers so just put three of them on so um we got the the couplers right the thread by thread females um the metal ones and craig was like don't get the metal ones just get the past the schedule 80 ones but they didn't have any so i had to get those so i got one six inch and i'm like maybe it'll work and of course it was a oh so what they did was when they went and did the final grade they must have just not seen one of the heads so that head was for was the one that we... It was going to be a directional that waters just the Wedding Island.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Yeah. The Wedding Island. Yeah. Remember when they're like, we'll switch this one to a part circle. Yeah. Because they didn't want the water on the court. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:35 So it was that one. But they must not have seen it or whatever. So they did their final grading. And with Spencer and I dug down and with the swing joint fully extended, it was still like this far below grade. Jesus. And Gabe was like,
Starting point is 00:35:51 well, if we're going to go the, the, if we're going to go the length to take the, uh, to take the hunter head out, we might as well swap the Toro head, like put a Toro head,
Starting point is 00:36:00 which are a little bit shorter, as you know. So I'm like, Jesus Christ, we're're gonna be pushing it so we screwed our coupler on to the six inch riser with it in the bottom of the head and i stuck it down in there and it was still like this low and i'm like it's still low because i was i already talked to gabe about this ahead of time i'm like yeah i i don't even know if that's going to be long enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:26 And he's like, just stack them up. And I'm like, really? Like, is that okay? And he's like, there's no other way to do it. And I'm like, okay. So then, yeah, we put the other coupler on the bottom. Or we had, like, probably four-inch risers in stock in our irrigation room. And put that in there. And that was long enough barely like it was like right at the top of the sod yeah with both of those on so we moved it down a little
Starting point is 00:36:53 bit and yeah and okay so jesus christ can you tell them a little bit yeah it's fine this is what it's all for so i'm putting this up here though because i'm tired of fucking touching my leg so it's turning me on i'm bricked so i ran that head when we brought the water back up jesus christ let's finally get there and we found that that head was paired with a bunch of the pgps that were around there oh yeah and i'm just like oh god this is fucking great great irrigation install guys and like they did mp rotators for everything else and tom's like i ran those for 20 minutes last night and we get there this morning and it's like looks like they didn't even run so i was like, fuck. So, yeah. And then, like, along the tennis court shooting out, they have them, like, one-gallon nozzles in or something.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I don't know. They're just barely pissing out. So, I don't know. It's just a shit show. Tom's like, I don't know how they keep getting away with this. I'm like, maybe as the director of crowds, you should fucking crack the whip on these guys that are installing irrigation on your golf course. We fucking. Just throwing shade at my director.
Starting point is 00:38:11 So that's the other kind of sketchy thing we have to deal with. With what I do now is we have to really be careful with gas lines. Right. Natural gas lines. And we had another thing. We had a guy come in, mark a gas line. We dug with a Mini-X, and we dug down, and there was another gas line right here.
Starting point is 00:38:31 So we called him back over because we nicked it. But we didn't break it. But you hit it. You hit it, but you didn't. Yeah, so the older ones, they're a copper line encased in a plastic. So we fucking ripped the plastic off oh okay and so we called him back over and we're like is this live and he goes i'm 99 sure that that's abandoned but don't hit it but i gotta run because the company they're doing road work
Starting point is 00:38:59 in curtis they had a four inch main gas line in curtis and like break yeah like they fucking hit it with their x mini x and fucking just shattered what happens if that it just pours gas in the air like is it liquid or no it's just like vapor air it's like propane like air jesus christ and so they say like when they're like when they like. Put your cigarettes out. I'm just picturing everyone's chain smoking. When they hit like that shit. Black Hills Energy. You know.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They come in. They like come in full hazmat and they like swap the air and shit. With like Geiger counters and make sure it's safe. Because that shit is fucking. Deadly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:45 If you ever wanted to just off yourself, fucking natural gas. Cause you'll just go to sleep and you'll never wake back up. And it, right. There's, there won't be any signs of you breathing in natural gas besides the smell. But anyways,
Starting point is 00:39:58 so yeah, the company that's doing road work just keeps hitting fucking everything. Like they hit a three inch gas line the other day and three quarters of the town smelled like fucking gas. Great. Yeah, so yeah. Speaking of gas, do you want to hear my story? Yeah, tell your story because we said 30
Starting point is 00:40:16 minutes in. Alright, that's fine, that's fine. I'll try to do a shortened condensed version. No. Even though every single time I've told the story it's gotten a little Fuck it, Cam's back. We're doing a long fucking episode. Fuck you guys. Every time I've told the story it's gotten a little cam's back we're doing a long fucking episode fuck you guys every time I've told the story it's gotten a little bit longer because I'm thinking about becoming a stand-up comedian and I'm you know how I am I'm always in my head and I'm like talking to myself in my head and I'm like writing jokes and shit so I'm thinking in terms and I listen to so many stand-up comedian podcasts that I can't help it but just like when
Starting point is 00:40:44 I'm telling a story i put myself in their mindset where they're like writing yeah you know they're writing jokes yeah and they're like so i'm punching it up you know i'm yeah just thrown in the punchline so every time i tell the story i'm thinking like i'm taking in my audience you know my friends and family who i'm telling the story to yeah and i'm figuring out what gets a laugh and i'm like i'm gonna keep that yeah you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah god i'm so fucking i'm such a loser um so you i gave them a little bit of a hint okay but i did not tell them so they're hearing this story for the first time and i wanted to save this oh this is such a sweet moment because you have no idea what i'm about to tell you and they know what that this is going to be a genuine reaction
Starting point is 00:41:30 so as you know i went to las vegas yeah oh god i went to las vegas what stays in vegas what has done vegas stays in vegas are you feeling it too yes i haven't fucking ate anything today i came here right after fucking so i went to las vegas nevada nevada las vegas is fucking awesome jesus christ if i don't tell the story it's gonna take forever okay i went to las vegas right yep so i went with trace alissa um and a few i was the only groomsman that went um it was supposed to be it's like a vat it was supposed to be like a joint bachelor bachelorette trip slash mainly bachelorette except alissa didn't really have a lot of her bachelorettes come.
Starting point is 00:42:25 I don't know. It was kind of just like a trip. Yeah. Pre-wedding bachelor slash bachelorette trip or whatever. Just to hang out with like your good friends. Yeah. Right. So we went to Vegas and I'm just like, I was the only bachelor, you know, bridal party guy that could go.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Groomsman. Groomsman that could go. Yes. Groomsman. That shit. Thank you. Anyway. So it was me, Trace, Alyssa.
Starting point is 00:42:47 I need to preface this. And Alyssa's cousins. Now, when I say cousins, you're picturing someone our age. Now, Alyssa's cousins were like 50-year-old women. Okay. Who... Have you seen... This is gonna... I don't know if she's going to listen to this and be upset.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Have you? They're not the most fit. Okay. I'll say that. Okay. And there's three of them and they all kind of look the same. Okay. So they all kind of look like, Alyssa, I'm sorry, I got to say this because it's going to be funny. Have you ever seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where that girl eats the gum and turns into a blueberry yeah yes picture three of those just kind of
Starting point is 00:43:30 walking around with us okay 50 year old women okay i'm sorry alissa i'm painting the picture in my head so lost they kind of would join along with us when we were going to places but it was mainly just me tracing alissa hanging out okay for the most part i was kind of third wheeling slash it wasn't really like a third wheel you guys were just having fun right so um the first night this is the first night uh the first day we went to this place called area 15. It was pretty cool. Um, oh, and the other thing I need to preface is that I was not drinking that much. I had one beer at the airport. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:21 We got to this place called area 15, had one white claw there slash high noon. I don't remember after we got done with that after we got done with that which was like a two-hour process i had a mojito and then probably an hour later when we were at dinner i had two michael oboltras so i had a total of five beers five drinks throughout the span of let's say more than like probably 12 hours okay so i was not even buzzed yeah well honestly i feel like me in vegas i'd get fucking slammed you would think you probably really don't want to get slammed and you would think but the but but everything was so fucking expensive dude like at that bar that white claw got was probably nine dollars yeah for one twelve makes sense yeah it's fucking ridiculous so i'm already going on an expensive
Starting point is 00:45:12 trip where the hotel is how much and the fucking flight ticket is how much so i'm pacing myself we're at dinner and i'm exhausted okay we're eating dinner at like eight o'clock, which is 11, 10 p.m. Lincoln time. Yeah. 10 p.m. Yeah. And I work on a golf course. So I'm used to, I'm used to being asleep at nine 30.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Yeah. And we're eating dinner. Now this is where shit gets interesting. Shit goes off the hanger. You know Trace and Alyssa like to dabble. Yeah. In. Smoking the guns.
Starting point is 00:45:55 The other side of the grass daddies. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What I hope people don't misconstrue this podcast to be about. Yeah. When they see grass daddies. We don't smoke weed. Even though there's a zero turn as our logo so yeah you just eat it so uh so trace and alissa were like lettuce farmers so after so trace and alissa um were like looking up dispensaries. They were looking up dispensaries and they were like, after dinner
Starting point is 00:46:29 I think we're going to hit up this dispensary. Please tell me you smoked weed. We're going to hit up this dispensary and it's a dispensary that you can smoke at. It's like you can sample. Not sample. They're not like, here's a tiny roach you can sample. It's like a hangout zone
Starting point is 00:46:46 i don't remember the name of what they call it but basically it's this big ass dispensary probably it was probably a 10 minute uber from where we ate which was on the strip and um you can smoke there so dinner probably gets over around 10 o'clock maybe, which as a funny side note, when we got done with dinner, I don't know if this fucking waiter just had the jokes or what the fuck, but he took, there was like 10 of us. Yeah. And everything's expensive. And he takes a receipt and plops it right down in front of trace. And it was like 500 some dollars. And trace just goes.
Starting point is 00:47:27 And the guy walked away. And Trace was looking at him like. And he's like looking at me because I'm sitting next to him. And everyone was laughing because we're like. Oh he's pranking you. Like giving you the receipt for everyone's meal. Even though there's like going to be like four or five separate tickets. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:44 But what wasn't funny was that he he like walked by our table waiting on other tables like three or four different times and trace was like ah is he gonna bring us the real receipts or anyways did he bring the actual yeah we we had to ask him so i don't know if he was joking or if he was waiting for it but we were like can we get this broken up this and this and this and this and he's like yeah so anyways he's like trace was like i'm not paying this because it was like 550 bucks 550 dollars um so we dinner gets over at probably like 10 which is midnight lincoln time okay we go to a dispensary trace and elisa are like is it all right if we go there? Because again, like I said, I was tagging along with them for everything we did.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Yeah. Because it was basically just us three. Yeah. And I was like, yeah, I'm just along for the ride. It's not a big deal. Yeah. And in the back of my mind, I'm like, I would like to be sleeping because I'm exhausted and I'm an old man and I like to get to bed early.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Yeah. But I'm not going to worry about it. I'm not going to get all anxious on this trip. I'm in Las Vegas. I'm not going to get so OCD about my sleep. It's fine. I can sleep in tomorrow. It's not a big deal.
Starting point is 00:48:57 I said Jake was going to worry about because if he doesn't have a handle on things that are going on, if Jake doesn't have a handle on things that are going on, jake doesn't have a handle on things that are going on he gets a little uptight and grumpy right but but so i'm like yeah it's not a big deal i'm along for the ride so we go to this dispensary yeah we get we get to the dispensary and it's huge it's like this it's like a warehouse almost and it like is kind of like l-shaped like it goes there's this like front desk right here yeah there's someone there's a front desk at the dispensary and then it's kind of l-shaped it goes and there's like glass case like desk all the way along. And it goes this way.
Starting point is 00:49:45 And then it kind of goes this way. And then once you get all the way this way, there's a big door that goes outside. Okay. And it opens up and there's this big kind of courtyard. There's all these picnic benches and cornhole. And it's probably like 11 o'clock at this point. Close 1030, 11 o'clock at this point close 10 30 11 o'clock um and so there's there's this counter that you can just and it's it was so weird because there's a menu
Starting point is 00:50:15 and you can just order weed i mean it's so bizarre it's it's weird but that's kind of awesome though it's cool it's cool yeah but it's also weird that, though. It's cool. It's cool, yeah. But it's also weird that there's a menu that you can just be like, I'll have one weed, please. Yeah. But it's not like that. There's drinks, like edible drinks you can get, or there's all kinds of different strains. So it's literally like for people that don't drink, but they smoke. That's where you go and you say, hey, can I get me a couple weed cervezas, please? And then you just get so fucking high you have to call an Uber.
Starting point is 00:50:54 It was literally just like a weed bar. And so Trace and Alyssa had it all planned out. They were going to get a joint, smoke it, and then get a cart to take with them to smoke the rest of the trip because it was the first night yeah so we're looking at the menu and of course trey settles on the strain called royal gorilla that was the name of the strain or whatever it was a pre-rolled joint is it like does it it was 27 it was 27 which we still don't even really know what that means. 27% THC? Is that a lot? I don't know. People who know more about it will know.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Yeah, if any of you guys smoke weed, let us know because we want to know. So we go and sit down on this bench. And I kind of had it playing in the back of my mind. Like, I'm going to take one hit for the solidarity. Like, one little hit it's not gonna get me high it's not gonna hurt me and then i could be like i smoked weed with trace in las vegas it'll be tremendous to call joey diaz it's tremendous yeah so they're smoking the joint and i thought there would be more weed at the beginning and so i was like i'm gonna wait till
Starting point is 00:52:03 it gets down a little bit lower which as i come to find out the further down the joint you get it actually hits you harder which i didn't know but i had i thought you know it's kind of cone shaped there's like yeah it's fatter at the start yeah i was like i'm gonna wait because i kind of was like i'm gonna take one hit because there's been times where trace is smoking a blunt and i take one hit just for the fucking fun of it. Like, I don't even feel anything. Yeah. So they're smoking this joint,
Starting point is 00:52:29 and they get about halfway down, and I go like this, you know, and Trace hands it to me, you know, as a good stoner does when someone goes like this. He's like, time to pass. Yeah. Puff pass. Pass it to me, and I go like this.
Starting point is 00:52:46 And I pass it back. I cough a little bit. But I basically took two small little hits. Basically one hit. Okay. Okay? Okay. I'm picking up what you're putting down there.
Starting point is 00:53:00 So I'm sitting there with Trace and Alyssa. And I start to feel it a little bit. Yeah. And we're sitting there, and I'm like, they're talking to me and I'm kind of like, like I'm giggling a little bit and I'm like, I'm starting to feel it a little bit. Yeah. And I'm like, I'm like, holy shit. I took one little hit and I'm kind of feeling something from it.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Like that's crazy. And I'm like, I feel it a little bit. And Alyssa's like, I can tell, Like, I can see it in your eyes. Because I don't know if I was squinting a little bit or what. Yeah. And so they finish the blunt, the joint, the pre-rolled joint, the Royal Gorilla, which was like a blend of indica and sativa. And we get up and go inside because we're going to get their cart and leave. When we get up and we start walking inside, it starts setting in on me a little bit harder
Starting point is 00:53:53 and a little bit harder and harder. So we're walking on this glass along this glass thing, which feels like a quarter mile long along this thing. And Trace is getting help from this guy. This guy is helping him out. And then we walk kind of back because Alyssa wants to go get another water. And I'm like, oh, my God. I am fucking baked right now. And I'm not enjoying it because it starts setting on me so hard so fast it feels
Starting point is 00:54:29 like someone is pressing in on the sides of my eyes and my vision starts to go what my vision starts getting blurry and i'm like i'm gonna fucking pass out I'm like, I need to go sit down. Like, I can feel the waves of it coming over my body. Like, I can feel it in my arms. Like, were you getting, like, the sweats and chills and sweats and chills and sweats and chills? I was starting to get sweaty. You know, I can feel the chills going over my arms. Yeah, but you're sweating.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Like, you're hot. It's a horrendous feeling. Yeah. I'm like, I'm about to pass out. And I was like, I need to go sit down. Because I thought I was going to. My vision was starting to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:10 So I went and sat down. The moment my butt hit that fabric, I was like, I feel sick. So I was like, I need to go to the. I was like, where's the bathroom? And Trace was like, oh, shit, bro. It's over here. And at this moment, it kind of dawned on me. And I started to realize this.
Starting point is 00:55:27 I've smoked weed with Trace a couple times. Yeah. And I've learned that when I'm high slash too high, Trace's voice is less than soothing. So when I'm starting to get baked out of my mind and I hear Trace in the background going, oh, shit, bro. It just trips me the fuck out. Oh. And I've said this to him to his face. So don't feel bad for Trace.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I've said this to him to his face. I thought this was going the opposite way. That, like, you were just, just like his voice when you were high this his voice when you're high you just wanted like just punch him in the fucking face no i don't feel violent no like i just annoyed you or something it's because i realized that i'm super high and trace is super high and alissa is super high and this is my help yeah these are like there's no these are who i have to shepherd me through this ordeal it gives you like a like a offsetting okay imagine if you're super high and you're like i've got cheech and chong as my backup yeah that's what it's like so i go into the bathroom
Starting point is 00:56:41 it's it's that same anxiety if you go out like, say, like, well, I didn't have that for my 21st. But you go out and you drink like super heavily with friends. Right. You know? And you're like, all right, well, I'm celebrating a special occasion. So I'm going to get fucking hammered. And then I can see where that kind of sets in with like if you're going out and you're like, especially you, because you're like, you're the dad of our group. Right. Like if everybody else gets hammered around you, you're like, especially you, because you're the dad of our group. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Like, if everybody else gets hammered around you, you're like, all right, well, I can pace myself. But if you want to get. And I've got all their backs. Yeah, exactly. I can shepherd all these people. Yeah. I've got this. I've got everyone in my sights.
Starting point is 00:57:17 I've got everything under control. I can wrangle this all in and get everyone to safety. Yeah. And see, I've been learning. I've been learning from you. The block is fucked. Yeah, exactly. And that's why i've kind of been learning imagine a lion gets a hold of the shepherd's leg who's gonna save the shepherd yeah because like well right when i turned 21 i was kind of a deep reference everything like right when i was 21 i I'm like, I want to get fucked up. But then after that, I started like, you know, I really like to
Starting point is 00:57:48 now at this point, like, especially if I'm out, I like to have like a sense of like feel of where the fuck I'm at. Thank God. And like who I'm with. But I just could not comprehend how you and Spencer could be like, yeah, let's stay drink at 11 a.m. and not have any
Starting point is 00:58:04 food. I'm just like, what are you's stay drink at 11 a.m. and not have any food. I'm just like, what are you doing? See, and that's why you're fucking yourself over. Not talking shit on Spencer, but like I'm just saying like talk that shit. It's like if Spencer was ever like, hey, you want to go downtown? I'd be like, I'd probably be like, probably not. What are your plans? Because like I'm the same way. When I get fucking hammered, I want somebody that's going to be there that's going to be able to dial me back a little bit.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Shepherd you. But if I go out with Spencer and Spencer's supposed to be my guy that's supposed to be dialing me back. You're both sheep. Yeah. There's a lot of wolves out there. He's fucked up. So that's like you and Trace. You're like high as shit.
Starting point is 00:58:46 I'm high as shit. High as shit. I do have a shepherd, but the shepherd is also high. Yeah, exactly. And that shepherd's over here going, This shepherd doesn't know his way home. Yeah. So he's shepherding me.
Starting point is 00:58:59 He's supervising me. He's helping me, but he also... I can see where that uneasy feeling would set in. He doesn't have a staff, and he also doesn't remember where the gate is. Is it a lightning staff, fire staff, or... That's a meta reference for you guys that don't know that.
Starting point is 00:59:16 That was an awesome reference that deserved more laughter. I don't know what you guys are doing. Okay. I want to make sure... Jake didn't even laugh. I want to make sure my phone is plugged in. Okay. Go for it. Jake might be high because he's getting anxiety. That bench empty. Yeet.
Starting point is 00:59:31 All right. Take two. So, look how crooked my phone is. I don't care. We're off the rails at this point. No, no, no. Because it might uncharge it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:42 So, I go to the bathroom. Okay. Okay. I am out of my mind high all right i go and sit down on the stall and i'm just i sit down on the floor crisscross applesauce and i'm just staring at the tile on the ground because all the stimulation around me was fucking me up so you're just in a public place sitting on the floor i'm super high no i went into the bathroom yeah sitting in the stall the stall door is shut i'm sitting on it because i feel like i'm gonna throw up i feel okay yeah yeah yeah yeah all right the bathroom in case i throw up all right yep i got it i got the picture painted my head i'm like i take my
Starting point is 01:00:19 phone out and i'm like i'm like i'm so high right now I'm panicking a little bit. I've kind of been here before. But it sucks. I'm too high right now. I'm sitting in the bathroom. I might throw up. But as I'm sitting there and everything kind of quiets down, all the stimulation around me kind of quiets down, I start to feel a little bit better. Yeah. I feel like the high is subsiding a little
Starting point is 01:00:47 bit it's not but it feels like it is you sound like you're on like an acid trip it may as well have been dude i was fucked up so but like one hit two hits you. You said you hit. Two little hits. Two small hits. I would equate to one normal hit. Okay. All right. Yeah, one normal hit. All right.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Trace comes in a couple times, slides me a water bottle under the fucking stall, and he's like, are you okay, bro? Like, he feels really bad, but he's fucking baked. He feels bad, though. So, but that must say something about the weed, though. Because if him and Alyssa. I took one hit and it literally put me on my ass. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I'm sitting crisscross applesauce in the fall. That's what I'm saying. In Las Vegas dispensary. Yeah. In the New Woo dispensary. Shout out to New woo dispensary your fucking royal gorilla strain holy fuck you remember it you remember the dispensary do i remember it you said you just remembered the dispensary because earlier you said i can't
Starting point is 01:01:55 remember what the dispensary is called i said that yeah oh it was it's new woo new woo yeah anyways we're never gonna get there yep go ahead sorry i i'm starting to feel better and i'm like i think i'm getting better and i told trace call tell elissa to call the uber because i'm i'm good yeah i feel better now i think i can make it i just need to make it back to the hotel yeah she calls the uber um she calls the uber um trace is like all right the uber's five minutes away so i'm like okay i stand up walking out i'm feeling okay we're walking through the dispensary back out to the front door i'm feeling okay enough where i'm like kind of joking around with trace a little bit and i'm like imagine what if i just said to the front desk
Starting point is 01:02:44 person like have you ever got too high but in my mind at the time I thought it was hilarious but it fucking yeah like that probably takes him like seven joints to get high yeah exactly yeah um he's probably just like would you smoke and I'm like one hit anyways so we're sitting out there I'm standing there next to trace and elisa again they're baked they're talking to me it's not helping me at all we're waiting for the super to get here trace goes um trace goes i thought colorado he's like i thought colorado's weed was strong but god damn and elisa was like repeating what he said so she's like god damn like she like was so it was like echoing and i was just like, this is
Starting point is 01:03:25 tripping me out right now. I gotta, like, would you two shut the fuck up? I was not feeling good. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So the Uber's getting close, and I'm just like, I'm feeling a little bit sick again. Like, any time I started to feel too high, it, like, made me sick. So
Starting point is 01:03:41 I went and sat on the retaining wall and waited for the uber to get there um did you have a question do you think it was like any time like like okay so you said you pulled out your phone right but that is a thing that you've done time and time again i've noticed that when i'm drunk especially because it's like if i sit there if i sit there and i i but i think it's because i've done that time and time again first if i'm trying to get somewhere or do something i'm hyper focusing on it or like i'm focusing really hard on that it was more or less just like a safe place where i like felt like it was yeah and you could and you could you could just not focus as hard because you knew
Starting point is 01:04:22 what you were doing right first standing out on the street waiting for uber you're like okay well i'm in las vegas i was in an environment that was i was stuck with my own thoughts yeah exactly so i was tripping myself out i was tripping myself out i was like i kind of feel like i just it was just a recipe for disaster yeah i was to put it simply i was way too high yeah i was extremely high again one hit so i'm sitting on this retaining wall this is when the story gets good i was sitting on the retaining wall the uber pulls up it's this fat chick that pulls up in a fucking chevy cobalt i think now we have already established this when you're on a trip with i wish i was there when you're on a trip with people there's always a guy that assumes the role of the front seat uber rider yeah correct i'm that guy not only because i'm tall i need the leg room but also i'm
Starting point is 01:05:21 pretty good at diffusing the awkward tension in the fact that we're hopping in a stranger's vehicle yeah right i hop in the front seat i crack a couple jokes or whatever i diffuse the whole awkward tension i take the pressure off the people in the back i'll take that bullet i'll jump on that grenade and be the front seat guy okay so i'm that guy always and in this case scenario it's no different except that i'm literally seeing god so. And in this case scenario, it's no different. Except that I'm literally seeing God. So we hop in this clown car of a vehicle. And I'm 6'6". And this lady, I don't know what the fuck, if she hit the NOS boosters or what.
Starting point is 01:05:59 But she takes off and she is going 100 miles an hour through Las Vegas. The windows are rolled down. She's playing a Mike Jones song that's repeating the same thing over and over again on full volume seemingly. There's fucking motorcycles flying by me. I looked out of the corner of my eye and I saw some sprinklers and I was like normally I could appreciate that but I can't right now because I'm way too high. I can't even move my head. Okay. Because if I move my head like this it's doing the whole thing where it feels like a hologram.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Like my head is behind on a delay. That's how high I am. So I can't even move my head. So I'm just sitting there stationary in this tin can on four wheels that's flying through Las Vegas. Oh, yeah. They haul ass around vegas and it's starting to make me nauseous again there's way too much stimulation around me yeah um but this time there's nothing to make it better or make it subside that's when you just
Starting point is 01:06:58 look down into the dark so i'm sitting there i can't do anything except look straightforward except i did i was like looking at her phone i'm like how close are we to the hotel how close So I'm sitting there. I can't do anything except look straight forward. Except I did. I was like looking at her phone. I'm like, how close are we to the hotel? How close are we to the hotel? I don't feel good. This is fucking horrible.
Starting point is 01:07:12 I'm fucking way too high. I'm looking over. Eight minutes to Excalibur. Oh my God, I can make it. But I'm feeling sick. And it's getting worse and worse and worse. Mike Jones is going, back then it was doing well. Now I'm hot.
Starting point is 01:07:23 It was all on me. Like over and over again. For, it felt like two minutes straight. It was tripping me the fuck out. So you don't listen to that song anymore? It was tripping me the fuck out. It wasn't Fofo's I'm tipping song. It was just the song that that originates from called Back Then. Oh, I've never heard that song.
Starting point is 01:07:41 I'll play it for you. Okay. And I don't know if it was like on a Club Carrefour X type thing where it just was repeating longer or if I'm that high where it feels like it's going on for longer. But anyways, I'm tripping out. Okay. And I'm getting sicker and sicker and sicker. Now, whenever I've felt the need to get sick, I've always been in a safe place where i can get sick like if i remember like i'm gonna throw up okay i can make it to the toilet i'm gonna go yeah i'm gonna get sick i'm outside
Starting point is 01:08:14 you know it's not a big deal i've never been in a place yeah where i need to get sick but i can't i can't get sick right now i'm in an uber but i have to so it's setting in harder and harder the nausea are the girls home i think ben and spencer are here oh let me finish up no go ahead the nausea is setting in. Okay. It's about to happen. I can feel it. So I had the wherewithal to take my hat off because I knew my only option was out that rolled down window. So I take my hat off. Oh, fuck. And I'm like, I'm trying my damnedest to hold it in.
Starting point is 01:09:07 But it's getting worse and worse and worse. And I'm like, I can feel it coming. And the only way I can describe it is like spontaneous combustion. Because I'm sitting there and I'm like, ah! And I just fucking projectile vomit out the window of this Uber. Twice. No way. I go. And I just paint the side of her car.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Did you just like pay a cleaning fee? Just wait. Paint the side of her car. So I'm sitting out the side of the window like this. I didn't just immediately jerk my head back in and be like, Thor, I threw up. Because what are you going to say in this scenario? I'm now aware of the fact that I just projectile vomited out the window of an Uber.
Starting point is 01:09:56 That you just got greened out. That I have two people behind me also. What are they thinking? Did they see this happen? So all I'm doing is i have my head and shoulders out the window of this car and i don't move because i'm like i'm in a safe place right now there's not a lot of holes there's not a whole lot of stimulation yeah you just it's one constant it's one constant it's one constant noise the breeze kind of feels nice and if i need
Starting point is 01:10:21 to get sick again this is the place to do it right here out the window. I'm in a safe place right now. Yeah. But after a minute, I'm like, I had it in my mind. I was like, I'm just going to ride all the way back to the hotel like this, like a fucking golden retriever out this window. But at a certain point, the high and the weed and the paranoia kicks in. And I'm like, i've seen hereditary we don't want that to happen and for those of you that don't know
Starting point is 01:10:51 jesus christ dude i'm so paranoid right it's a bad high you know what happens when you get too high and it's a bad high i'm like i need to pull my head back in because yes i puked out the window of an uber and this is embarrassing but it's nothing to get killed over so i'm like i need to pull my head back in because yes i puked out the window of an uber and this is embarrassing but it's nothing to get killed over so i'm like i have to so i pull my head back into the uber and i'm sitting there like this i don't say anything to anyone i just sit there wait for us to pull in and also if you ever want your uber speed up, just fucking puke out their window. Because she's now going mock Satan. Mock Jesus? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:30 She was flying back to the hotel. And the thing I realized when I get back in the Uber is you can smell that I just threw up. Because it's like all over the top of the door. Oh, fuck. You didn't even get all the way out. Well, and I swear we were going on like a left bend so all the wind again she's flying so all the wind is whipping into the window their freeways are like 75 either way all over the side of her car all over the top of the door
Starting point is 01:12:01 we get back to the hotel eventually and i made the conscious decision to not say anything because i felt like just me going sorry for throwing up in your car i figured that would not make things better so right when she put it in park i just opened the door and got out and trace was like okay bro let's get you to your room. Because everyone's aware of what just happened. Yeah. And Trace said, as we're walking by the valets, they looked at her car like, because it's just covered in puke. And I'm wearing my Sasquatch Hawaiian shirt because I'm like, I want to look like a tourist. Like, I'm trying to be funny.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Yeah. And my hair's all wind beaten anden, and my collar's, like, flapped up against the side of my head, and I've got puke on the side of my face, and all, all down my arm, and these valet drivers are probably thinking just, oh my god, this guy just got the fucking hell beat out of him, because I'm walking into this hotel covered in puke, getting out of an Uber that's covered in puke getting out of an uber that's covered in puke so Trace takes me back to my room we go up the elevator and we're walking back to my room and it's probably a hundred yards like it's literally like the last room on the hallway and
Starting point is 01:13:19 Trace is like where is it and I'm like it's all the way down at the end of the hallway and he's like of course so finally get back to my room and i get back into my room i'd shower obviously shower and i lay in bed trying not to have a panic attack and i did end up throwing up again inside the hotel bathroom because it was like coming in waves like it was like i felt really high and then it would kind of go away a little bit and i felt really high again and it would kind of go away i'm not a weed entrepreneur once more but last time i threw up i i sativa and indica they indica they have like different looked it up and it says it's like a hybrid. Yeah, a sativa indica. They say indica is in the couch. Yeah, like indica is a downer and a sativa is an upper. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Like a sativa, if you're planning on going out, you want to smoke a sativa. Because sativa keeps your body going. Versus an indica makes you want to just lay down and just hang out. So, whatever I smoked, yeah that's probably that's probably why it was like waves that's probably why it was like waves dude i don't know but it was fucking me up and i was laying in my hotel room bed again it's probably midnight at this point okay i'm gonna so i passed out okay let me just finish the story yeah yeah and i got something i eventually passed out and the next morning i woke up and i felt like i had a weed hangover like i felt not high but i
Starting point is 01:14:51 was super anxious like the whole second day and like we were at breakfast the second day and the cousins are at breakfast ordering their fucking biscuits and gravy and for whatever reason them ordering their food and talking and shit was just like like, tripping me out, and I had to go to the bathroom, I'm like, I didn't know if I was still high, I'm like, am I still high? Like, I felt horrible, and I felt super anxious, eventually it went away, I talked to Trace and Alyssa, and she was like, so when you guys walked inside, I stayed back in the Uber, and I was like, so what happens now? And she was like, well, I'm done driving for the night and I'm going to have to get my car detailed. So she was like, if I report it, it's going to be anywhere from a 150 to a $250 pad charge.
Starting point is 01:15:43 And Alyssa was like, well, what if I just gave you $150 in cash right now and we kind of just kind of call it good? And she was like, okay, that's fine. So I was like, fuck yeah. When she told me that, I'm like, hell yeah. I'm a big fan of those sorts of back alley transactions. So I just Venmo'd
Starting point is 01:16:00 Alyssa $150 and now we got a good story! Yeah. But one more detail. What were Trace and Alyssa 150 and now we got a good story. Yeah. But one more detail. What were Trace and Alyssa thinking behind me when I was putting down an oil slick? I didn't find this out until our ride
Starting point is 01:16:17 home once we got back to Lincoln. Or once we were riding back from Omaha to Lincoln. Jake's taking fucking Mario Kart too serious. When we were driving from Omaha back to Lincoln my mom picked us up and i was telling her this whole ordeal yeah i finally was like what were you guys thinking behind you when this happened because like did you see it happen like i didn't know i was looking straightforward and i didn't know what they were thinking all i had was my thoughts like this is embarrassing like what is everyone thinking
Starting point is 01:16:42 trace was like oh i was looking out the window at all the pretty lights because he's baked i'm looking at all the pretty vegas lights and i didn't even and eventually i turned and saw you with your head out the window and i thought oh shit he must not feel very well and alissa who was directly behind me, said she thought it started raining. So, oh, God. Again, this is my help that I have these two fuckers. Yeah, you're nuts. One who's looking at pretty lights and one who thought it started raining when it was my puke. And Trace did say he was like, I did wonder why I felt a mist on my arm.
Starting point is 01:17:30 So they thought it was just fucking raining and meanwhile you're out the window. Dying. I'm out the window having the worst time of my life. You're just breathing the fucking devil. On the first night on my trip to Las Vegas and I'm visiting the devil. How'd the rest nights go just give me a quick summary good bad so i'll give you a quick summary the second day
Starting point is 01:17:52 i was like felt like i had a wing weed hangover or whatever yeah i didn't drink anything because i read that you should like hydrate and eat frequently small amounts frequently and like try to sleep and i'm like i can't sleep so i did not drink anything because i was like i do not want to dehydrate myself i need to recover from this and i was super anxious the whole second day but towards the end of the second day i started feeling better we went and swam in the big mgm grand pool yep that felt great and that was fun and by the third day i was back third day i was back baby okay and i had fun the third day that's really all i had fun the whole time jake was fucking back when i know jake is back that's when you know everything's fucking good because jake is fucking back my big jakey's fucking back i did have fun the whole time, but I was super anxious the second day, and I was like off and on anxious.
Starting point is 01:18:46 It was like the off and on high. It was like not high, but it was off and on anxiety. It was fucking weird. Okay, I'm going to be completely honest. Yeah, go ahead. Every time I've gotten blackout drunk, I get that same shit. It's horrible. It's not fun.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Do you think it's because of the thing of... Okay, so every time... Because my mind goes a mile a minute. Okay, my birthday. And it does not bode well when you get too high. After my birthday when we went bar hopping, I remember everything from that night, but it's like this much of it, this much of it.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Like my mind... Like small windows. Like my mind can't capture all of it, so I just take little snippets of it. Okay. And so, but when you'reets of it okay and so but when you're sitting there by yourself and you're like too embarrassed to ask anybody i'm just like did that really fucking happen and then i take another snippet i'm like fuck yeah that happened
Starting point is 01:19:36 yeah like i fucking hate that feeling i hate that feeling so much it's weird because weed is different than alcohol so i remember everything but i remember it being horrible yeah yeah but like it sucks with with alcohol you can just pass out and be like i don't really remember that but with weed your mind is racing so fast yeah but that's what i'm saying is though like was it like well you've never experienced that but that's like my anxiety the next day after like i've gotten blackout drunk or something like that it's always like that like i take like like i have like little snippets of the night i'm like oh did i really fucking see i've never got blacked out so i don't really but then my heart just races i'm like oh my god the people i was with last night i really put them through that so you're
Starting point is 01:20:23 more worried about the social aspect of it versus just the chemical anxiety in your brain. Yeah, I'm just, like, worried about what I did. Like, I don't really give a fuck what I did that night or what I drank. Like, that's my body. I just care about who I affected. I get you. That didn't really happen to me. I came to the third day.
Starting point is 01:20:42 I was just wondering if that's where the anxiety came from. You were, like, worried about that. happened to me i came to i was just wondering if that's where the anxiety came from was that you were like worried about that my anxiety was i'm laying in my hotel bed going how am i this high off of one hit yeah like you're like you know actually worried like was it laced is it laced you know this yeah this is gonna sound stupid but in my paranoid, super high brain, I'm like, am I allergic to weed or something? Why am I having this adverse of a reaction to one hit? Yeah. One hit caused this to happen.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Dude, you never smoke. I have zero tolerance, and it must have been some just really concentrated weed. You're in Vegas, baby. I inhaled it. Some people don't know how to inhale. It might sound dumb, but some people don't know how to inhale. They just suck it into their throat but don't actually breathe in their lungs and exhale it. So I legit got high, way too high, and that was the result.
Starting point is 01:21:45 That's a fucking hell of a story, dude. Now I've got a good story about it. It was $150 out of my pocket, but hopefully it's worth it. That is a story that lasts a fucking lifetime. Last a lifetime. We ran a little long, but go fuck yourself if you don't like that. Cam's back for this episode. We drank four locos because it was the 44th episode.
Starting point is 01:22:09 I slurred my words a little bit. It was the 44th episode. I got to pee so bad. I'm Cam. This is Jake. Thank you for tuning in to our Grass Daddy's Podcast. Before we end it, I do have one thing I want to say. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Go for it, and then I'll finish it out for you. I was talking to Scott. Scotty-ish. Okay want to say. Okay. Go for it, and then I'll finish it out for you. I was talking to Scott. Scotty-ish. Okay. At work. Okay. And he was like, I'm going to Vegas. And I told him about this, the very brief.
Starting point is 01:22:33 I basically just said, I got way too high off this weed at the dispensary and threw up out the window of an Uber. Yeah. And he's like, what? Like, he couldn't believe it. And I texted him the name of the dispensary and the i texted him royal gorilla because he's like i was like i would love for you to smoke it and tell me how you feel because i want to know what like someone else and he's like i don't smoke anymore but i used to smoke like every day back in the day and i'm'm just like, I would love to hear.
Starting point is 01:23:05 So I looked up Royal Gorilla on my phone and I saw an article that said it was the high queen of couch lock cannabis. That's an exact quote from the article I read. The high queen of couch lock cannabis. And I'm like, maybe me up and walking around was what fucked me up so hard. Because probably because your mind just like it was just setting in on me so hard when i needed to sit still see and i that's what it's the same thing i never did that many drugs well i never did any drugs but it but um i'm saying like i love i always always had like uh like not infatuation but i liked like whatever a stripper was like you want to snort some coke out of my ass i'm like fuck yeah baby
Starting point is 01:23:53 fucking i'm like but um like i've always like watched like documentaries on that shit and like there's there's a guy on youtube that like doses himself with like different kinds of drugs and like shows why do you think lean works you know what you're supposed to do on lean go to sleep no the reason why the reason why you get high is because you're avoiding going to yeah. Yeah, you fight going to sleep. You fight the urge to fall asleep, and then you trip balls. Yeah, exactly. So what if that's what you did? Because I went against what I should have. Because Indica is a...
Starting point is 01:24:34 Indi-couch. Indi-couch, yeah. It's your couch-locked cannabis. The high queen of couch-locked cannabis. I'll show you the article. What if they go like this, and they just... And the fact that it was a hybrid, too. Dude, I don't know. I'll show you the article. What if they go like this and they just... And the fact that it was a hybrid too. Dude, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:24:47 And so the reason... Have you finished this yet? The reason why I prefaced... There's a sip left in there. The reason why I prefaced with why I only had five drinks over the span of 12 hours was because I was not twisted. Yeah, everybody would say you're crossfaded. I was not because I wasn't even buzzed.
Starting point is 01:25:03 Maybe I was a little tired. But. Yeah. But whatever. It's like. Yeah. But all I know is that I got. I was in the clouds.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Maybe I was. Maybe I was in heaven back into this. Maybe we have to test her out again. I would love to see you smoke some royal gorilla we'll fly some in we'll get some imported from las vegas fuck it let's go to vegas baby i'm not smoking that ever again you don't have to again again you can be my shepherd you can't take less than one hit because less than one hit is zero hits and i took the minimal amount and got too high so all right well i'll take i'll
Starting point is 01:25:46 take however many you say but you got to be my shepherd and trace and elissa smoke that whole thing so their tolerance is fucking that's how i know anywho please thank you for closing it out thank you for tuning into the grass days podcast i'm cam this is Jake. I'm Chipotle. We are the Grass Daddies and we are on Apple Podcast, YouTube and Spotify and use our promo code at
Starting point is 01:26:15 I know you got a hole in your golf glove. I can see it from here. Go get you a two in the pink, one in the stink from shanky and use code grass. Motherfucker. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:26:31 All right. Thanks guys so much. I will be, I want to tune this in. Um, I'm going to be figuring out this whole situation so I can be on more episodes, but thank you everybody for staying tuned this was hands above better than any of those fucking lackluster guests we had on in your stead i don't
Starting point is 01:26:52 need the original grass daddy back on chopping it up with big jake himself anyways anyways we will figure it out i'm i'm really trying to figure this out i love just sitting here on the podcast fucking bullshit and talking to you guys and jake and but we'll figure it out we'll get we'll get it sorted but thank you guys for watching until next time if you're ever in the jungle watch out for that royal gorilla hey let's go watch out for that royal gorilla bang let's go until then keep your...
Starting point is 01:27:49 It's got to be something about weed. Come up with something about weed. Until next time... Until next time, keep your grass strong and your blunts rolled. This isn't like a... It makes sense. It makes sense. Wait sense wait wait wait until next time watch out am i gonna have to drive no no no yeah until next time
Starting point is 01:28:20 no hold on we'll cut this we'll cut this we'll cut this. We'll cut this. We'll cut this. I'm trying to think. We gotta make a bloopers. We have to make a bloopers fucking episode. Until next time, figure out what kind of grass daddy you really are. No, I don't... Maybe.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Okay, okay. I got one. Mow your grass tight and roll your blunts tighter. That's a good one. But I got one. I got one mow your grass tight and roll your blunts tighter that's a good one but I got one I got one no seriously I got one I got one ready I got one I got a good one
Starting point is 01:29:00 thank you guys for watching until next time if you're ever in the jungle watch out for that royal gorilla let's go

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