Grass Daddies Podcast - Grass Daddies Podcast Episode 49: The Giant and The Snake [Feat. Spencer McClellan & Ben Holdaway]

Episode Date: July 29, 2024

In this episode of the Grass Daddies Podcast Jake is joined by former guests of the Pod Spencer and Ben. The Magic Mini Fridge throws a curveball and the conversation of liquor before beer soon turns playing drunk Mario Kart and learning about Andre the Giant's legendary drinking escapades. Jake then informs his two guests about a very unusual article involving a former NFL player and his special "gift" he had which he loved to flaunt in the locker room. SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grass Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Spencer's Instagram: @spence2018 Tik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I mean, they don't taste so bad. No. I mean, it's not like you're drinking dog piss. And they're light. Yeah. And I'm going for numbers here. I'm going for quantity over quality here. You're trying to set records out here.
Starting point is 00:00:15 You can drink 20 and be like, I could drive. You know? You're like, I shouldn't. I shouldn't, but I think I could. We may have to edit that out. We may. Welcome to the I'm Thirsty Podcast. I'm Jake and I'm a grass daddy and I'm being joined by not cam. Um, I am joined by, um, recent guests of the show,
Starting point is 00:00:47 or I guess I should say guest once before of the show turning guest Spencer and Ben. Thank you guys so much for being on here. Cam is still recovering. He, um, had his quadruple bypass, um, was in recovery. They had to go back in, in do some blood work and they found that he needed to have a full liver transplant he is now believe it or not in an iron lung those do exist oh man the last one actually yeah yeah well they had to rebuild it yeah yeah that one guy did you see the one guy it was like a video that It was like a while ago, though. It was like the video was like the last Iron Lung in existence. But it turns out there's two because Cam is in the other one.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I think they just dragged his dead body out of there and put Cam right into it. Yeah. A little swap. Yeah, a little swap out. They didn't even sterilize it. So sitting, I tried to say sitting and standing at the same time. Wasn't that neat? Shit. Standing in for Cam this week, we have Spencer and Ben. So sitting, I tried to say sitting and standing at the same time. Wasn't that neat? Standing in for Cam this week, we have Spencer and Ben,
Starting point is 00:01:51 and we're going to chop it up. We might even chop it up for a couple hours. Shit, good. Maybe bang out a couple episodes. See how long we can go. Do a little double here. Yeah, we might edge for a while and see just how long we can go before we have to. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Should have started early. you know what i mean um last time um put your mic a little bit closer me oh my god there you go you know but you know be comfortable or whatever but last time um what even happened oh yeah last time spencer um brought his laptop in completely dead yeah and um it is fully charged and charging move we were um we plugged it in and nothing was happening and we were like um does this charger work does this outlet work what is you know we were scrambling trying to figure out why your laptop wouldn't charge. And then everything online was saying, oh yeah, if you have a battery that's been dead for an extended period of time, there could be damage to it, or it might take a while for it to charge. So we were like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah, when did you say you bought it? Two months ago? No, I bought it last year, but I haven't really used it. Yeah, I think it's been dead since last year, and that was the first time you tried to charge No, I used it the first time I was on the pod. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because you... Yeah. And that was the last time it got charged, probably. I don't know if Courtney used it or not.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Remember it came on like halfway through it or something? Yeah, and we were like, yeah, we would have been... Like at the end of it? Yeah. Yeah, it was were like, yeah, we would have been. Yeah. Yeah. It was already dead. We were like, we would have been waiting for a while for that. So we ended up just setting up a mic on the table.
Starting point is 00:03:32 The sound quality wasn't horrible. It's a beautiful mic. It's going to be great. It's going to be crispy. He had talked last time. Especially if Ben moves his mic in front of him. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:03:41 But, and I might, and I may have to crack. Hey, you're in my studio. I feel like I may have to crack hey I think you're in my studio I feel like you're gonna slap me at any point here I might have to just come across the table at you
Starting point is 00:03:50 you're throwing your laptop around it's around it's wrapped around me oh alright we're good that was actually you weren't supposed to share that
Starting point is 00:03:58 I actually have these guys chained to the table so they have to record with me because I need to pump out content because I'm actually like this is like going on like two weeks since I put out a video so apologies for that.
Starting point is 00:04:09 I feel like I probably should address that. And you can back me up on this because we work together. Yeah. We had member guest last weekend. Yeah. So I didn't record. We were busier than fuck at the golf course with work.
Starting point is 00:04:27 So, I didn't get an episode. I mean, we were in overtime by what? Like Wednesday? Dude. It was insane. We were working like a dog. And I hadn't had anything recorded. Got me working like a dog out here.
Starting point is 00:04:40 So, yeah. So, pardon me. Now you're back. Pardon me. we're back We'll keep it right here So yeah, let's just get right into this But before we do Who wants to say it?
Starting point is 00:04:55 So are you Too long You're the guy I feel like I've said I'm thirsty Maybe like three times I don't think you have But according to Spencer And this is actually something I want to touch on
Starting point is 00:05:04 According to you, I've said it every episode. I mean, it's a lot of episodes. You know how I know it wasn't every episode? Because we haven't even had this in here for all of the episodes. Yeah. And you know, when you buy it from, what, Venezuela?
Starting point is 00:05:20 It's got it. Guadalajara. Guadalajara, my bad. Takes a little time to ship across. That's some premium shit right there. Guadalajara. Guadalajara. My bad. Takes a little time to ship across. That's some premium shit right there. Guadalajara does it right. Everybody knows that. Hey. Been doing the Grass Days podcast.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Excellent. So I'm pretty thirsty. And I guess before we crack into this, I just, you said something right before we started. You're like, what did you say? We're going into murky waters. That was more about myself. You're on a little bit of an edible right now. A little vitamin C.
Starting point is 00:05:52 A little vitamin C. A little vitamin cannabis. God, you're sharp. That was a funny joke. That deserved more laughter. I feel like I'm also going into the weeds a little bit because, and I said weeds, but I meant murky water,
Starting point is 00:06:08 but because I'm on a little bit of an empty stomach right now. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. As Spencer knows, I do not like drinking on an empty stomach. He does not. He frowns upon it every time I do it. I love to set a foundation. It is what it is not we got it got a couple hours as you're in me and Ben's water what is it
Starting point is 00:06:34 there's like adderalls that are like just instant that's pretty much drinking on an empty stomach oh yeah yeah like in like how am I this fucked up I've had three beers and then you're like oh wait I've only had three beers. Yeah. Since like, my body is running off three Coors Lights right now. That's kind of why I wanted to get that
Starting point is 00:06:50 big ass burrito at lunch because I'm like, I don't know, I might need some, Yeah. A little game fuel will get on it. A little something in me.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Um, so, I haven't even had anything to drink and I'm already burping. Oh boy. It's going to be an episode of burping.
Starting point is 00:07:05 But I am thirsty and I think we should... Last one was crazy. Give it a little knock, see if anyone's home. You're in the hot seat. You said you wanted to sit here and man the mini fridge. This is the first time I've got to. I'm excited. You've been in that spot every time.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Yes, I have. This is your first time in here. So the camera can see you a lot better too. So, but last time he just like let's get it and you're just like yeah. Just rips the door open. Alright, let's see if anyone's home.
Starting point is 00:07:37 More of a breaking and entering type of guy. Oh boy, George, what did you do? What did you do? What do you mean what did I do? Are you after him? What? Are you after him? What? Are you after him?
Starting point is 00:07:49 What do you mean? What is that? The cut waters? Wait, hold on. In the Budweiser? Are you... Are you planning something? Are you fucking with us?
Starting point is 00:08:00 You're an asshole. What is that? It's cut water. What did you do? The mini fridge is It's cut water. What did you do? Mini fridge is a scoundrel. What did you do? Okay, give me a Budweiser and a... You can't deny
Starting point is 00:08:14 that mini fridge is offering. Give me a Budweiser. You can't deny what it's offering. Wait, it's me. Huh? What is it? It's just a cut water. Is this for me? Well, you can't deny what the magical mini fridge provided. Well, how many are in there? I can't see behind this fucking door. You're going to have to describe to me what's in there.
Starting point is 00:08:31 How do you put them in there? It looks like there's some Budweiser and two, four, five. I can't see. Is there any back? What is in there? I can't see. The fridge can't either. The camera can't either. There's a variety pack of cut water and some Budweiser. Oh, Lord in there. I can't see it. The fridge can't... The camera can't either. There's a variety pack of cut water and some Budweiser. Oh, Lord in heaven. What happened?
Starting point is 00:08:52 This is going to be a rough couple of hours. I thought we were drinking beer tonight. God damn it. Okay. It was all about the cut water. For those of you just listening, the Magic Mini Fridge threw us a little bit of a curveball. I'd say. In that these cans are so small.
Starting point is 00:09:13 I think we're going to pound these. What are these? This must have been a direct shipment from the Magic Mini Fridge because I don't know. Guadalajara action. How is that? It's not bad. I think these are. These might actually have came from Guadalajara.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I think so. 200 milliliters. What is that in ounces? What is 200 milliliters in ounces? Off the top of my head, carry the three. I don't know. Seven. Wait, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:40 So... Oh, my God. Cut water. Boy. For those of you that don't know what a cut water is, it's gluten-free. Oh, you're spilling. You're spilling. I'm spilling on my laptop, which I have a knack for.
Starting point is 00:09:51 What is the percent on this? It's right in the front. I think you go to 10 percent. 10? Yeah. I think they rate. This is literally just like shot. I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Look how small it is. Yeah, pretty much. I mean, it's like a sake or something. You need to get the lime. The lime is 12 and a half. Oh, my. Yeah, pretty much. I mean, it's like a sake or something. You need to get the lime. The lime is 12 and a half. Oh, my. Yeah, see? Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:10:09 He just killed that. Deleted it. Ugh. So the lime is 12 and a half. I've never said fuck you to the Magic Mini Fridge, but I'm about to. Yeah. The lime's a little bit more aggressive, and it's 12 and a half percent. Jesus H.
Starting point is 00:10:36 I'm trying to maintain the lore of the MIDI fridge, but it's making it difficult. There's a lot of things I want to say, but it would be breaking canon. So let's just get into this I did have a couple things Jotted down here Yeah you can get a Budweiser Liquor before beer Is that actually true? Yeah I think so
Starting point is 00:10:58 Would you do me a favor and Put your mic in front of your side I think it's to a certain extent Because I mean if you drink enough of both of them you're gonna do you have experience with that oh yeah like i feel like you guys i mean in college are experienced drinkers a little bit more than me so have you like have you ever been like yeah i drank this much liquor and then beer and i was fine but one time i drank beer and then started drinking liquor and then i got fucking sick
Starting point is 00:11:33 i did do that i did start at the bar in comparable amounts to which you could be like i drank the same of both but i did put one before the other and this time was worse because to add on your story i did do like i wanted to test i wanted to test this theory when i was in college okay okay so you did a scientific test on yourself i did this is great i love where this is going so i did it in a just when i went to peru we had fridays off school because they just didn't have Fridays on. So I started on a Friday. No. You never had classes on Friday?
Starting point is 00:12:11 No. Nobody had class on Friday? No. Wow. It was for like. Did you go to school? What is the president of your college? We're just like, I just hate.
Starting point is 00:12:20 No. Working on Friday. Don't you guys? The president said for sports teams to travel. So, like, for the football team, they could travel overnight games and not miss class. That makes sense. I guess if you're, like, those small colleges are kind of all just like, if you're not playing a sport, what are you doing here? Yeah, and you basically, like, run off of the sports team because they get the...
Starting point is 00:12:46 Well, probably 90% of the classes are athletes. Yeah, and all the money... No one would be here. All the sponsor money goes to the school from the sports team. So, yeah. But anyways, so Friday night,
Starting point is 00:12:58 I went down to the bar. That was a good one. Go on. So I went to the bar and I got three double Captain and Cokes. At once? No, like over like an hour. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:14 And then I went home. That cut water, man. And then I went home, and I drank like ten beers. At once? No! Like, over, like, a span of, like, a reasonable amount of time. Okay, okay. And I didn't feel, like, you know, I didn't feel awful.
Starting point is 00:13:35 So, I was pretty drunk, but, like, I wasn't, like, probably going to yak. Three, what would you call three double captains? That's six beers. Like six shots? I'm pretty sure a shot like one and a half ounces of liquor is the same as like a 12 ounce beer.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because captain is 35% alcohol. But that's also a fact. I don't know how that works. So since they were doubles six shots and then followed by 10 beers 16 16 drinks yes and then we're talking about liquor before beer yeah well have you ever done it the other way where you drink 10 beers yes i'm getting to that oh sorry and then that's getting to it and then that saturday night i did stayed at home drank 10 beers within a reasonable time
Starting point is 00:14:26 went down to the bar and drank 3 double captain and coats and i felt way more drunk like i felt like i was like insanely more drunk you know
Starting point is 00:14:41 i've heard the story of if you're downing liquor, it like does something in your stomach. He's getting all giddy over there. He wants to talk so badly. You got it. You got the stage. You were just in the middle. You can't stop mid-sentence.
Starting point is 00:14:57 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Go ahead. Fucking up the whole thing. I think what I was going to say is when you drink ten beers... Put your mic like right here. Oh, man. This is. Treat it like it's like.
Starting point is 00:15:09 God damn it. Treat it like it's your boyfriend. All right. You're good. You're good. No. Okay. You got this.
Starting point is 00:15:14 No. What I was going to say is you drink 10 beers, you already like, you got a good buzz going. Yeah. You're buzzing. So you down those Captain Cokes, I feel like way quicker. Like those just go down. So you're drinking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Maybe more drinks in a shorter amount of time compared to starting with a you know double Captain Coke I think in the first half though it starts getting easier and easier like the first night I mean such a degenerate statement
Starting point is 00:15:39 but like a good Captain Coke if it's made right you can hammer you can hammer it. You can delete it. Right. You know? So, I mean. Yeah, but I still feel like you're drinking them quicker.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Yeah. After 10 beers. Yeah, like, if you're loosened up, it probably has something to do with the speed of the consumption. I think so. I wouldn't say it was, like, sick by any means by doing it. Like, either which way because i think if you drink any amount of either of them together you're gonna you're gonna be sick yeah no matter what comes first yeah and honestly i think the mythbusters did do
Starting point is 00:16:20 are they really i'm i'm i might be making this memory up but I can almost I would say with 85% certainty the Mythbusters did a liquor before beer you're in the clear beer before liquor never sicker test
Starting point is 00:16:40 that's like kind of a kid show like when you think about it I would say young adult Maybe I remember watching a lot of that As like a 7, 8 year old Well yeah and then that episode came on And I'm like
Starting point is 00:16:55 Huh? What do they mean by liquor? Because they're also Since it's for TV they're kind of trying to like Cover it up a little bit And they're like not showing the labels of what they're drinking You since it's for TV, they're kind of trying to cover it up a little bit. And they're not showing the labels of what they're drinking. Oh, true, yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:08 So I'm like, what is... This is some spicy water. Yeah, what is happening here? And then they're dicking around because they're drunk. They're hammered. But it's like they have to film it because it's like... I mean, it is scientific in a sense because it's like the chemistry of what's happening inside your body. I mean, would they drink enough of liquor to get drunk and then start drinking beer?
Starting point is 00:17:32 I'm definitely going to have to rewatch that episode and I'll get back to everyone on that. Because now I'm curious. You should do a live reaction or something. Knowing what they did, and maybe I'll look this up, but knowing what they did and maybe i'll look this up um but knowing what they did or how they operated they were very scientific and they would always you know like we're gonna do the same thing yeah in different ways so i'm sure that they did like a we'll drink x amount of shots of this in x amount of time wait an x amount of time then drink x amount of beer yeah and then the same thing but reversed i just don't remember what the results
Starting point is 00:18:14 were mythbusters i feel like the thing with when you finish with beer too though is you start the the foam gets to you after like're like a full belly alcohol. Yeah, the hiccups. Yeah, the hiccups and then the drunk ups. Maybe you chug it a little too quick and you're like, I got to puke now. But it's usually just some foam and, you know, the good stuff. So there's like a Reddit post where a guy was asking about that episode. Episode result. Did we hear some of the Mandela effect?
Starting point is 00:18:56 No, no, no. It's real. It's real. It's like when like padding glitches. Like they both get up at the same time the same way. We just hit one. Okay, okay. okay liquor before beer you're in the clear the mythbusters tested a variation of it stick to beer you're in the clear
Starting point is 00:19:10 beer and liquor never sicker okay so it wasn't that what we're just talking about yeah it's a little different it was up to beer you're in the clear which i feel like well yeah no shit yeah beer and liquor so i don't know what about liquor so they must have drank beer and then they went on and drank beer and liquor together right and they were probably getting probably getting pretty sick they busted it finding in their small but hugely entertaining test, that the mix wasn't necessarily worse. Well, then. I feel like. I'm just talking shit, then.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Well, here's the thing. I don't think, though, because. Okay, here's the thing. I feel like it depends on the quantity. Oh, yeah. It depends on what liquor you're drinking, what beer you're drinking. Yeah, alcohol percentage.
Starting point is 00:20:03 If you're mixing them. True. If you're mixing different liquors. Yeah. There's so many different factors that could depend. If you go with your buddies to record a podcast without eating any food, and you just slam a cut water, and you're already feeling buzzed. Yeah. You know, that can also have an effect on it.
Starting point is 00:20:22 So, I don't know. Yeah, I mean. Sometimes with those sugary drinks, too, I feel like that could play a drink or, yikes, play a factor into, like, how sick you are, you know? Dude, the sugary drinks give me some hangover. You kind of got the chuckle. I did a little bit. A little bit. Sugary drinks give me a hangover.
Starting point is 00:20:41 No, I feel like you can get sicker, too, off that, you know? Tom was saying how Budweiser gives him a bad headache. Oh, Ultra kills me. Here's to Tom. But you love Ultra. Yeah. But the next morning. This is a perfect segue, guys.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Go ahead. The next morning. Oh, man. This is actually sponsored. By Michelob Ultra. Ultra actually gives me the worst hangover I've ever had from beer. That is true.
Starting point is 00:21:06 You switched over to Bush, and you were... Oh, you're a Bush guy now? I think so, yeah. I've been drinking Bush, and I haven't had a bad hangover like I do with Ultra. Some in the water. This is obviously so great because this is my first thing I have written down,
Starting point is 00:21:21 and it's so nice that we organically reached this. There we go. The question of, first thing I have written down. And it's so nice that we organically reached this. The question of, is there a certain domestic beer you can't drink? I asked you this question today when we were going to lunch, and you told me Miller. You can't drink Miller. No, absolutely not. And I have a little bit...
Starting point is 00:21:40 You need Miller. I like a Miller. It tastes sour to me. I have opinions about this, but Ben, if you would like a Miller Lite. It tastes sour to me. I have opinions about this, but Ben, if you would like to weigh in. If you have any. I wouldn't drink. Do you have any? Like a domestic beer.
Starting point is 00:21:53 I don't know if I do. America fucking rules. For instance, Courtney goes, I cannot drink Bush Light. Oh, no. I don't think there is. But she did. I hammer scowling, and i hope you're on the same but she did and we did we rocked out on the beer quite a bit like a champion like a
Starting point is 00:22:12 fucking doctor it'd be probably like some like like ipa or something domestic oh i guess it is it's okay to say no i don't't think I do. No. Perfect. Light beer is like... Me neither. Light beer is kind of like a fast food hamburger. It's not great. It's not the best. But it gets the job done.
Starting point is 00:22:32 It gets the job done. I'll fucking hammer for you. Does all beer taste the same to you guys? Domestically? No. Yes. Basically. That's why I'm like...
Starting point is 00:22:41 With you with your amount of taste that you have, I'm actually myself a whole right now. Yeah. Because I've watched the pod and you always are like big on how well you can taste. Okay. Oh, okay. Okay. That was with your sister, right?
Starting point is 00:23:01 You guys were talking about that. And me and my friends did a blind taste test one time where we did Coors Light, Miller Light, Bush Light, and Bud Light. Yeah. And I got all four right, blind tasting them in a random order. You couldn't say they all taste the same then. They have distinct tastes. However, they're so similar.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Yeah. No, it's like. And they're all, they feel about the same. Right. Basically, when someone's like, I cannot drink Bush Light, I'm just like. But Michelob is fine? They're killing that. How do they taste that much different where you can't drink them?
Starting point is 00:23:41 I don't know. Miller just tastes sour to me. What do you mean by that? I don't agree with that, but I know where he's coming from. You love Miller Lite. It's the most pungent of the light beers
Starting point is 00:23:57 I feel like. It's like the aftertaste of my mouth. There's actually something like, this is a beer, kind of. Yeah, when Cam and I did a blind beer taste test on this show, and we both went, it was actually really cool. When you watch me taste Miller, the aftertaste of Miller, it like creeps in and hits you after all the other beers.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Yeah, it's just like. Like, you could watch me, I would it and i was like hmm wait a minute like i literally took a second and then it hit me and i'm like this is miller life this is it you taste dude there's beer there's fucking beer taste well yeah you know i don't know like it like the barley or whatever the fuck. Right. It tastes like the... I don't know. Beer guy. The wheat. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:47 There's a flavor. I don't know. It's just like the sourness in it is just like... See, I don't think it's sour, but... Yeah, I don't know what you mean by sour. I know what you're saying. Like tangy? I guess.
Starting point is 00:24:58 I don't know. It's just like that dry... It's those dry hops, you know? It's like just the aftertaste of it. It's just like that dry, like... It's those dry hops, you know? It's like just the aftertaste of it. It's just like... Okay, so, but what you're saying is you can't drink it because you don't like the taste. I mean, basically, yeah. But...
Starting point is 00:25:16 I disagree. I understand. There are like fucking rules. It's just not... I mean, I would drink it if it was there, but I'm not gonna drink it in a large quantity like I would like Bush Light, Ultra, Bud Light. I understand when people are like, I had a bad night with this once and I threw it up. I get that.
Starting point is 00:25:33 There's people that are like, I can't eat a McChicken anymore because I threw it up one time. That makes sense. That's not me. But if you're like, I don't like the taste of it. I'm like, the fuck? They all taste close enough to the same. Or you're basically just buying it if it's on sale. I mean, I feel like Miller and Bud Light are similar,
Starting point is 00:25:53 but then you get down to the Bush Light, Natty, and Ultra. It's just a completely different. Or it's just cheap flavored water that gets you buzzed. Is Blue Moon domestic? It cannot. Well, it might be, but it's got some twang to it. If it is that, do not give me a Blue Moon. That's got some twang to it.
Starting point is 00:26:16 I fucking hate Blue Moon. Have you tried it with an orange? No. Wait, is that? Blue Moon's with the orange. But isn't Shock Top their mascot in orange? That also is like an orange wedge. But what is Shock Top?
Starting point is 00:26:31 It's a beer. That's an IPA though. No, I think it's. Are you sure? It's just one of those like fancy prick like. There was like a. I'm bougie drinks at fucking Shock Top. Probably.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Go fuck yourself. You know what I. Ask a frat guy i have friends that are like this and one of them might listen to this podcast um but i'm gonna see if you can decide who you are i have a friend that like exclusively not exclusively but they they tend to uh prefer ipa or not ipas but um craft beers like they're like i don't really like domestic beer and i'm just like why don't you grow up i mean there are people like that though craft beer also a domestic beer though you know like we got into almost an argument one time where i was talking
Starting point is 00:27:25 about budweiser um and i was like budweiser is the king of beers and he and he was just like maybe the domestic beers and i'm like well i'm not saying it's the best beer i'm saying like in terms of like it's on the can people of course i'm saying like what they're trying to say is like when it comes to drinking beer we're the bet like we're the king and he was just like adamant that just like but they're not but i'm like i don't think you get the point yeah when i when i used to work at the bar there were like people that would come in and if you didn't have like what they were drinking god forbid they drink another domestic beer
Starting point is 00:28:07 like most this is my discrepancy like most of the old guys like if there was no bush light they're leaving because they're that is god like god forbid they drink a bud light it's the same beer like especially
Starting point is 00:28:23 they would get pissed off. Between Natty, Coors, Bud Light. Actually, Coors Light will surprise you in how much it actually has a different flavor. Because in that blind taste test, we were confusing Coors and Bud Heavy. Really? Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:40 We'll do it sometime. We'll do it sometime. Maybe not record it. But we'll do it blind. And do it sometime maybe don't record it but we'll do it blind yeah and you'll be surprised at what kind of it is so it is so weird
Starting point is 00:28:50 when you're drinking something blind and trying to decipher it yeah when you're actually taking in the taste because you have
Starting point is 00:28:58 to taste it yeah I feel like I do pretty good though and that's my biggest thing yeah I buy I love Natty Light, Bush Light.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Give me an old. Keystone. Sure. Because they're homeless man beer. Yeah. I'm not drinking them for what they taste like. It's 20 bucks for 30 of them. It's like, you know.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I mean, they don't taste so bad. No. I mean, it's not like you're drinking dog piss. And they're light. Yeah. And I're light. Yeah. And I'm going for numbers here. I'm going for quantity over quality here. You can drink 20 and be like, I could drive. You know?
Starting point is 00:29:37 You're like, I shouldn't. I shouldn't, but I think I could. We may have to edit that out. Last podcast, maybe we have to edit this out too, but I think it was live on air, so I don't think we do. I talked about how I don't want to bring this up again, never mind. Good idea. Yeah. Good idea.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Don't need to go two times on this story. Can I throw a topic out here for you? Please. Shoot. Can I throw a topic out here for you? Please. So, I was on the phone with Ben today at work. And I go, hey, this would be a great time to tell your parents to just chime in. Because he always says his parents want to meet, like, who his friends are. Because the only friend that they've met is Cam. Fucking trashed.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Like, you know, like, we were both hammered. A fucked up Cam. We were both hammered. A fucked up Cam. We were both hammered. A fucked up Cam. A fucked up Ben. Stumbling into my basement. What was it after? Because.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Yeah, what were we doing? God love the kid. Oh, it was something at his house. I think it was like when he left or something. God love the kid. No, I don't remember that one. We went to Cappy's. Cam was the type of kid to be more fucked up than everyone else and
Starting point is 00:30:45 being like you're not driving to someone else true no he is i mean make bailey which is helpful i mean you know how are you getting home it's not a bad trait you know no it's great i'm saying god loved the kid it's it's funny but it's very it is crazy that he has the self-awareness to be like, you shouldn't be driving. We are getting you home. Yeah. I'm not letting you drive. He's going to... I'm not driving you, but I'm not letting you drive.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah, someone's going to drive you, maybe. No, he would... No, but Cam would offer to drive him. He would be like, dude, you're not driving. I got you. We'd be like, well, we don't want you to get to drive either. And he's like, no, I'm good. Dude, I'm the best best that's what we love oh we are 30 minutes if we have an hour and a half to go we will literally
Starting point is 00:31:34 have to get food in here if we want to finish this if i get it it's in your hand i mean also we were just talking about mixing beer and liquor. Hey, Drew, that one is 12.5%. Dude, when you hold that thing, it looks like Andre the Giant holding a beer can. It does. It's pretty insane. Just absolutely. Fucking meat hooks. I feel like he could just squeeze that thing and it is just blowing through the roof.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Yeah, I feel it. God, I want to do that, but you got carpet in here and everything. Intrusive thoughts. I just want to see you squeeze that can. As hard as I can to see if I can make it rupture? I think you would. Oh, you would. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I don't know. I think it would. How many more do we have? A lot. Why? Should we get some towels in here? Why don't we have a lot? Dude.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I don't know if I want to do it live on air. I don't do the fucking. Maybe we'll do it after. I think we got like five. Or something and we'll just cut in the video. True. I think we got like five. Over the sink or something and we'll just cut in the video. True. I think we got like five. Or can I just like rupture this over my laptop?
Starting point is 00:32:29 Don't do that. Just delete all the laptops. Yeah. But you can blame the cut waters on your little minion that you got cooking. Yeah, I definitely won't blame you guys at all. It wasn't us. I mean, I swear to God. I know, but...
Starting point is 00:32:43 We just came over And started a podcast Yeah I know And I told you not to look In the mini fridge But nobody I didn't Wait Did you?
Starting point is 00:32:50 No What did you Wait but what did you think Was going to be You didn't get those? What did you think Was going to be in there? So I'm sure you guys
Starting point is 00:32:58 Have also seen Andre the Drinking Videos Who has? Have you seen the clips Where they're talking about it? Where he's like Drank 64 beers. Uh,
Starting point is 00:33:06 yeah, just like, no. Like 100 or something? It was Ric Flair that was like, brother, I was with him the night he had 106 beers.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Oh my god. And then he goes, 106. Like, he repeats himself? Just to like, make sure. Um,
Starting point is 00:33:19 the, apparently there was a night, apparently there was a night where he drank, um, you know what, let's just look it up. We got our laptop in front of us.
Starting point is 00:33:26 But anyways. That'd actually be a fun challenge between like four people. This is, oh my god. I am so glad our brains are synced up. You thought of this already? I think we could. Ben Schmeling and I were talking about, I can't remember what we decided, but we were talking about Andre the Giant drinking challenge or whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Basically, we determined the greatest drunk on Earth, Andre the Giant. Dude, that would be like deleting a 30 rack per guy almost. Yeah, no, it'd be insane. We'd probably have to preemptively call an ambulance a 30 rack per guy almost. Yeah, no, it'd be insane. Yeah. We'd probably have to, like, preemptively call an ambulance just to make sure. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Like, ambulance on standby. What's that? 106 divided, whatever. You know, I'm not doing math. So, yeah, basically that's what happened was we... 30, 60, 90, 1... What if we had, like, 4?
Starting point is 00:34:22 Oh, okay, okay. Here we go, here we go, here we go. It doesn't matter. No, it'd be like 26 beers each time. Oh my God. That's basically a 30-rack. If you're at 26, you might as well delete 30. Listen, listen, I got the facts here.
Starting point is 00:34:32 All right. You won't, this is what the article says. You won't find it in the Guinness Book of World Records, but Andre the Giant holds the world record for the largest number of beers consumed in a single sitting. These were standard 12-ounce bottles of beer, nothing fancy, but during a six-hour period,
Starting point is 00:34:48 Andre drank 119 of them. It was one of the few times Andre got drunk enough to pass out, which he did in a hallway at his hotel. His companions, quite drunk themselves, couldn't move the big man. Fearing troubles with cops, they stole a piano cover from the lounge and draped it over Andre's inert form.
Starting point is 00:35:08 He slept peacefully until morning, unmolested by anyone. Why did they throw that in there? What a tidbit. Who's going to molest that? Dude, you see that piece of ash, you tell me you're not getting it. Could you imagine peeling up that piano cover?
Starting point is 00:35:23 Like, what is this on the floor? And you see a 7'4 mammoth of a human. that would be like i might want to touch a grizzly bear yeah like what about it perhaps the hotel people thought he was a piece of furniture think about it 119 beers in six hours that's a beer every three minutes nonstop. That's beyond epic. It's beyond the ken of mortal man. It's godlike. I wonder how many swigs he had per beer.
Starting point is 00:35:52 So this is what we talked about. Three minutes? Yeah. This is what we talked about. We have a beer a drink. Now, it would, like the article says, be inhumane to drink 119 beers no one could do that absolutely not but
Starting point is 00:36:09 the three minute like the beer every three minute pace try to do that with like a 24 pack or something like that oh call it the Andre the Giant challenge where you try to match his pace
Starting point is 00:36:25 with a certain allotted amount of beer, like a 12-pack. Let's say you start with a 12-pack. I still think it would be insane. We'd be fucking destroyed. We'd be half hour in. Wait, so what's 12 times 3? 36.
Starting point is 00:36:36 36 minutes? Yeah, we'd be... Drink 12 beers. Fucking trashed. That's a lot. We'd be trashed. In a 12-bounce can? Okay, start with 6. Just like work our way up. 18 trashed. In a 36-minute... A 12-bounce can. Maybe six... Okay, start with six.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Just, like, work our way up. 18 minutes. You drink a six-pack in 18 minutes. That seems okay. Yeah. Do you... Wait, you have Mario, right? What?
Starting point is 00:36:55 Hold on. I got something. Hold on. Do you have Mario Kart? Mario Kart Double Dash on the GameCube. Okay. Which Lena got for me for my birthday a couple years ago.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Shout out to Lena. It was last year. Was it last year? I'm pretty sure it was last year. She got it on eBay for like more than what it cost when it came out.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Oh shit. Well I mean they don't make those games anymore. That's a great gift though. Oh my god. I can't tell you how hard I never mind. No.
Starting point is 00:37:22 What I was saying so there's a game where you basically you play you do a race but you have to finish a beer before you finish oh yeah like drunk mario kart or whatever yeah we so like if you're not done you gotta just like sit at the you can't when you drink you can't drive so you have to stop oh man drink. Drive. But there's like certain rules. It sounds like a fun game. It sounds like a fun game.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Before I forget this point about Ben's parents. Yeah, go ahead. We were on the phone. Holy shit, that was 20 minutes ago. I'm sorry. We got a different topic going. But anyways, I told him since me and you, like me and Jake were both on tonight to have his parents watch this so then they could like, kinda
Starting point is 00:38:08 like, see who he's hanging out with Should we say hi to his parents in case they're watching right now? They're not gonna watch this? Fuck no. You're not gonna let them? No. Why? They do not need to know about what I'm up to What? What? The story's
Starting point is 00:38:22 No They know about that They know about that what the stories on 30 milligrams just drinking a couple beers with the boys they know about that they know they know about that they know about the milligrams no but you know
Starting point is 00:38:30 some of the stories I told last podcast just like the blacked out blackouts the pizza rolls oh yeah thanks the pizza rolls
Starting point is 00:38:38 they know about pizza rolls they know about the pizza rolls yeah but that one specifically the first one he brought up which i will never say they don't like you drinking and driving who does you know no parents like that right so i don't already yeah i don't need them to know about my what i'm up to at 2 30 in the morning you know like is this what you're doing when you're coming home late every Friday? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I mean, and I told them, I'm like, they got to know something's up, man. I mean, but they don't need to know the extent of what, you know, what happened. I mean, who would? Would you want, you wouldn't want your parents hearing that shit? No. Yeah. What are you talking about? They know.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Oh, okay. Well, never mind. All right, fine. All right, do you guys want to hear about Drunk Mario Kart? Yes. I looked up the rules. They're on Reddit. You've only had one cut, Walker, sir.
Starting point is 00:39:36 I guess I would say unofficial because we don't know, you know. But Reddit is pretty good about, you know, I get a lot of my facts from there. Yeah, it's a... No, is there another... Sorry, I didn't mean... No, you're good. We're having a moment here. Can I get a different Flamingo Kart? No, I get that lot of my facts from there. Yeah, it's a... No, is there another... Sorry, I didn't mean... No, you're good. We're having a moment here. Can I get a different flavor? No, I get that it's hard to multitask.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Are they the same one? Yeah. Just give me that. Just give me that. All right. We're interrupting the... While we're on the topic of me reading facts off the internet, I got a couple things I want to share with you guys.
Starting point is 00:40:02 But first, we'll go with Drunk Mario Kart. It says Drunk Mario Kart 8, but I feel like this could probably apply to any Mario Kart you play. Yeah. We call it drunk driving, and the rules are simple. Everyone starts with an unopened beer. When the race begins, then you may open and
Starting point is 00:40:18 drink from your respective beer. You may not drink and drive at the same time. That is illegal, Ben. You must set down your controller, then drink. Coasting is allowed. So you don't have to hit the brakes. That's kind of nice. Like maybe find a hill to drink.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Yeah, true. Or hit one of the boosters. Like if you hit a booster. He's already. I'm game planning now. This guy, when I tell you, you this guy when it comes to drinking competitions he takes them fucking seriously oh man my dad was just like dude he didn't say dude yo dog yeah your boy spencer spencer's got a chill he was talking about how at the beer olympics how
Starting point is 00:41:00 butt hurt you were not butter but how like upset you were when you were out of the race for the trophy. Oh, I was mad. I was mad. Because you wanted that trophy bad. Yeah, what the fuck? I was mad. I don't get that.
Starting point is 00:41:12 You may only cross the finish line. For freaking beer. Yeah. You know. For gold. For plastic. No offense.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Those were great medals, but I mean, you know. Do you still have yours I do did you get any I got a bronze on the the beer chug
Starting point is 00:41:28 or the pound and pint right cause everybody else got like three minutes and we snuck in at like a minute and we got bronze
Starting point is 00:41:36 I actually got 28 seconds congrats okay you may you may not drink and drive at the same time that is illegal
Starting point is 00:41:43 set down your controller you may only cross the drive at the same time. That is illegal. Sit down to your controller. You may only cross the finish line if your beer is empty. If the race ends and you have not finished your beer, shot. If you come in last, shot. If you come in first, you may pick the shot the loser takes. Enjoy, lads. Is this a Brit? Probably.
Starting point is 00:42:10 This has brought me many fun nights with MK64 to MKW. Note that a small to medium track is optimal. Three rounds with... What the fuck is that? Six plus percent alcohol by volume beer will get you going. That kind of played into an Australian accent. You know, it did but it made more sense when you did the accent like i it kind of did sound like it was like a brit yeah that was like i like to get the many fun nights you know like who says that i like to get
Starting point is 00:42:36 a load of scotch and get get with me fellow drunkards and have a bowl um yeah so i really spit the g i i actually heard this article this other article on another podcast but i really want to share this with you guys because this is insane and i is this what you've been trying to tell us since we before we started no no there was a lot of things. Basically, I'll think of something like, ooh, and then I'll be like, oh, wait, save it. Because, you know. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Because I was excited. You almost spilled them twice. So I was really excited to hear. Now, this is going to be quite a side jump conversation here. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. to be um quite a side jump in conversation oh boy oh boy but um you guys are both like sports especially spencer here loves um like nfl as i've talked about in previous episodes he's just tapped in and is always the guy to give me uh information but uh am lying straight to the nfl headquarters they swear you know there's a lot of stuff broadcasted on TV and mainstream media, but there's certain
Starting point is 00:43:49 things that people may not think about. And I'm curious if you guys have ever thought about, you know, like, what if I was in the locker room? You know, like, who has the biggest dick? You know what I'm saying have you ever thought about that or like I wonder out of the three of us what are you talking about
Starting point is 00:44:10 NFL players oh I thought we were all on the same team you kidding me can I have another beer you didn't drink that cut water yeah what the fuck you weren't looking you're hiding you're hiding in there on the corner
Starting point is 00:44:24 I watched you Yeah, what the fuck? You weren't looking. No, dude, it's over there. You're hiding. You're hiding there on the corner. You can't even see it. Pussy corn. I watched you. We might have to hold him down and pour it down his guzzle. Whoa. Strap him down. Strap him down and pour it down his guzzle. Go.
Starting point is 00:44:38 All right. You've been in a locker room before. I know where this is going Because we talked about this Did I tell you about this? Yes Oh had you sized up against NFL players? No no no No
Starting point is 00:44:50 Oh Which NFL player Not great Has the biggest dong Is where I'm trying to get Oh Um Do you have any guesses?
Starting point is 00:44:58 I'm trying to think of like Like a God damn I'm gonna stay out because I know Do you know who it is? Yeah Cause we talked about this at work Don't overthink it DK Metcalf. I don't remember that I bet he is hung
Starting point is 00:45:11 I'm sure he's hungry. I bet his dick Antonio Brown cuz I've seen I could see his dick doing bicep curls, huh? What are you looking at? No DK Metcalf supposed to come to Nebraska? Don't know it was like cattle on or something. No What are you looking at? Wasn't DK Metcalf supposed to come to Nebraska? No, I don't know. No, it was like Catalan or something. No, it was DK Metcalf. Anyways. Maybe. Well, okay, tell me the answer.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Wait, yeah, which year? Tamir Abdullah. Oh, no. No. That was the biggest dick Will Compton has ever seen. Oh, that's what we talked about. According to the internet. Seamus Winston. ever seen oh that's what we talked about according to the internet jamis winston no way it's tom brady no it's not tom brady and i'll give you another hint it's not a white guy oh really i could have god damn it all right let me in it this. It's Charles Haley. Do you know who that is? Who the fuck is that? So he was a defensive, I think defensive end for the Cowboys and the 49ers in, I think, the 70s?
Starting point is 00:46:18 No, 1990s. How would I know that? Ooh, he was with the Prime Cowboys. Yeah. Do you guys want to hear a little bit more about it? Because there is an interesting article. You got us tied down over here. I guess we have to hear.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Yeah, and I think Charles Haley might have too. Charles Haley is the only player in NFL history to win five Super Bowls. He was a tremendous player, and he was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Yeah, I know. He said that 30 seconds ago. Yeah. Thanks for the tidbit. Well, you acted like you were confused.
Starting point is 00:46:56 No, because somebody won. Tom Brady has six Super Bowls. Seven. Yeah. More than. Yeah. But he said they're the only player to win. Tom Brady has more Super Bowls. Seven. Yeah. More than. Yeah. So. He has more than every. But he said they're the only player to win. Well, I don't even know when this article came out.
Starting point is 00:47:07 He has more Super Bowls than every franchise in NFL history. No, but they said the only player with five Super Bowls. To win five Super Bowls. Right. I mean, probably. When was this article made? 2002? No.
Starting point is 00:47:22 No, it would be like 2019 or something. Sorry. Oh, okay. So fair enough. Fair enough. 2015. I'll shut the fuck up. There you go.
Starting point is 00:47:32 All you need. But lesser known aspects about him have to do with his penis, masturbation habits, and other disturbing behavior from his playing days. Masturbating? Oh my god. Is he masturbating in the locker room? Cranking in the locker room? Cranking in the locker room? Wait. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:47:48 This is an interesting article. I know I kind of threw you guys a curveball by going like, yeah let's play Drunk Mario Kart. Want to hear about a guy with a giant dick? Who the fuck? The reputation started with the penis. A fire hose of an organ that brought Haley more pride
Starting point is 00:48:03 than any game winning tackle. As he grew comfortable in the 49ers locker room. So this is when he started at the 49ers. So this was after the boys, right? Did he go there after the Cowboys? I'm assuming because you said Cowboys first. Well, I don't know. The picture of him on the article is him in a Cowboys uniform. I'm not sure which one he played for.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Anyways, as he would grow comfortable in the 49ers locker room, Haley would stroll up to unsuspecting teammate without his phallus and repeatedly stroke it in his face. Players initially laughed it off, but Haley refused to stop. Dude. He wasn't giving money shots
Starting point is 00:48:41 to his teammates, was he? He would jerk off in the locker room, in the trainer's room. To completion. He'd wrap his hand around his penis, turn around toward a Joe Montana or John Taylor, and bellow, you know you want to suck this, or you only wish you had this, baby. Dude, that guy had to have some CT. Saying you know you want to suck this to your teammates is... That guy had to have some CT, man.
Starting point is 00:49:03 These are quotes. God damn it, this is spiking. to your teammates is that guy had to have these are these are quotes these are quotes quote Charles used to beat off in meetings while talking graphically about players wives oh
Starting point is 00:49:11 respect respect respect respect dude um dude it got to
Starting point is 00:49:18 no I'm fucking around it got to the point of ejaculation oh no fuck Haley was socially awkward and unflinchingly vicious. He was socially awkward? He'd been prescribed medication to treat manic depression,
Starting point is 00:49:32 but would take the pills one day, then skip them the next two or three. Haley once exposed himself to reporter Ann Killian of the San Jose Mercury News, a pathetic attempt of gender intimidation. Dude, imagine being like... She did suck at those. Imagine being a cleaner and just like
Starting point is 00:49:49 going in there to clean the walk room and it's like, that's cum. And he's the only one in there. Or like after he ejaculated and just like, that's fucking cum. He rarely passed up the opportunity to verbally pounds on a teammate shortcoming
Starting point is 00:50:09 an ugly child a protruding mole or a lisp Charles was a great player in quote says Dexter Carter the former 49er running back quote, but there's only so much a man can tolerate Once he got going the words flew from Haley's mouth as if they were shot from a Browning.50 caliber machine gun. Anyone effeminate was a F-word. African-American players who became close with the coaching staff were House N-words.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Oh, shit. Whoa. Damn. Whites were honkies and hispanics s-words damn what's the s-word what I'm not gonna say it
Starting point is 00:50:52 what is it we're on layer know it or not know it I don't know it s-p-i c-s how do you pronounce it stop
Starting point is 00:51:03 getting drunk over here a joke Haley would... Getting drunk over here. A joke Haley told this particular brio. What do a Mexican and a hotel have in common? A mop. Wait, what was it? Sorry. That was a terrible joke, but it was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:51:17 We got another hour and a half to do. Yeah, sure. What do a Mexican and a hotel have in common? A mop. Oh. Whoa. Which is just a jab at cleaning people. See, this is where you get your Greek.
Starting point is 00:51:29 That's not funny. This is where you get your... I'm not throwing that Greek story in here. Twice his racial barbs. After this, you definitely can. No, you can tell it. Twice. I'll tell it.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Twice his racial barbs resulted in fights with 49er teammate Jim Burt a white defensive lineman who decked Haley both times
Starting point is 00:51:51 that's that's wild if you drive your teammates to the point of blows you gotta be saying some wild what kind of blows
Starting point is 00:51:59 are we talking about well he decked him with Haley it doesn't it doesn't just end there there are more tales about He decked it. With Haley. Sorry, dude. It doesn't just end there. There are more tales about disgusting Haley. On his first day at Valley Ranch,
Starting point is 00:52:14 Haley arrived in the conference room for a defensive film session, dressed only in a towel. On the first day, he's just walking around like this? That's outlandish. He's got to have established dominance in the locker room. The next thing you know, Charles is lying naked on the floor in front of the screen, entertaining himself, said teammate Tony Casillas. Haley quickly earned high praise as one of the league's dominant quarterback killers
Starting point is 00:52:39 and as one of its most imbalanced. Once Haley wrapped an ice bandage around it and strolled to the locker room screaming, I'm the last naked warrior. What the fuck? What is that even, like, what's that a reference to? I don't even know. Just an unstable person doing unstable things. It sounds like Antonio Brown.
Starting point is 00:52:59 CTE. Once in a team meeting, Haley came back from the bathroom, pulled down his shorts, wiped his ass, and threw his poopy toilet paper at 49ers linebacker coach John Marshall. What the poopy toilet paper? Yeah, I like how the article used the word poop. Yeah, it kind of makes it sound a little playful. Yeah, just having fun. It's just poopy toilet paper.
Starting point is 00:53:22 It's just poopy toilet paper. During another team meeting, Haley whispered to teammate Scott Case, Scott, turn around. I got to show you something. Scott, goddammit, turn around. You need to see this. Then Case turned around. According to Perlman, he saw Haley's erect penis stretched across the desk.
Starting point is 00:53:37 How big is this table, man? I wonder if it was a table like this. See, you know. I consider this a pretty narrow table it is with my length so I think drunk Mario Kart would be pretty fun it would be fun
Starting point is 00:53:52 I would like to is there no account of the size of this thing you know not to be weird but like you can't be like this guy's got the biggest dick in the NFL and then not say how big it is. Yeah. That's all I care about at this point.
Starting point is 00:54:08 I don't need to hear how he stroked it in the trainer's face. Well, because he's brought it up. How could you not be intrigued after hearing what I just said? That's just like a, you know. Well, in terms of what happened. But I guess the actual length, I'm okay with just picturing it that's weird than just knowing the length I feel like
Starting point is 00:54:29 well considering it was described as a fire hose like 30 feet long that thing's gotta be a fucking horse dong here's the other thing if a normal person was to put their erect dick
Starting point is 00:54:45 on a table it would say they put their dick on a table but when the article says stretched across a table I'm picturing at least I'm picturing like a foot like 12 inches I was going to say 13
Starting point is 00:54:59 13? that's an inch more than you were picturing I'll go 14 do I hear 15? 13? I'll go. That's an inch more than you were picturing. I'll go 14. Dude. Do I hear 15? 15. I mean, 15. Going once, going twice, three times.
Starting point is 00:55:11 So, 14. Snake of a cock. All right. So, this is where you run in with your Greeks. No. Come on. Dude. Dude.
Starting point is 00:55:20 This isn't podcast. It's not a podcast. It's you. Okay. What do you mean by What What do you mean He was watching a video
Starting point is 00:55:27 Alright Was it a video Or was it a documentary We're getting close To the end of the episode It was It was a podcast So what are the odds
Starting point is 00:55:34 That anyone's even listening I hope nobody's listening So There It was a podcast Start telling the story slowly And I'll Yeah you stop me
Starting point is 00:55:44 And here's the thing If it is Since it's's the thing if it is since it's at the end and it is really bad we could cut it out true or i can be like and then we can just stop yeah well okay so so it's basically enough start from the beginning it's basically not any more worse than what your story was kind of is no it's not really what No, but the Haley story. Which you were just... Well, I was reading an article. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. Same thing.
Starting point is 00:56:09 No, so what I was... I was watching a podcast, and they were talking about... I don't even know why I was watching it, but it was like ancient Greece and just like how the culture was there. Okay. Like what time period are we talking? I guess when you say ancient Greece, like... I think it was like 500 BCE.
Starting point is 00:56:28 300 BCE. Okay, yeah. So about Spartans, so 300 or whatever. Okay. I think about that time. Around that time. And they were talking about how, you know, homosexuality and bisexuality was, you know, except it was a common practice.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Yeah, and honestly, like hearkening back to, I don't know if we were recording when I was talking about, no, we weren't, when I was talking about Assassin's Creed Origins. Yes. Yeah. Odyssey. Odyssey. Greek.
Starting point is 00:56:58 It was in the game. I do remember that. Do you remember that? Yeah. It would give you options. Yeah, fuck a guy. You want to hook up with this dude? And I'm like, I want to see what this is you options. Yeah, you want a guy you want to hook up? No, dude, and I'm like And then no lately came out of there and I was like holy
Starting point is 00:57:11 Oh god No, I did it didn't give you the options quite a bit now that Jake mentioned it one time Lena and I Lena was watching Me play it and I was like the game asked me phone or fuck this dude. Should I do it? She's like do it Alright so I was like okay okay and i guess i could try i'm like i guess this is the closest i'll get to experimenting oh i suppose what the fuck was that no how it was, it wasn't so much of, I might be butchering this, but it wasn't just so much like, the Greeks would tend to, because it was also, you're supposed to marry a woman. Like that was like a part of the culture, like you need to marry a woman. But you can, it was like polyamorous relationships were also very common. Okay. And so they tend to have a woman. But you can, it was like polyamorous relationships were also very common.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Okay. And so they tend to have a wife and then they'd be like a, so an older dude, which, you know, it's like 40 back then, would be a mentor. Yeah, that's old then.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Right. Would be like a mentor to like a teen. A teen? Like a young boy, like 13, like 13, 14, very young. Sometimes it like a like a young boy like 13 like 13 14 very young sometimes it would be like a somebody who wanted to be a soldier or a um you know uh just whoever maybe you want to be
Starting point is 00:58:34 like a scholar or something and uh so in uh the trade-off for being a mentor like a big brother program like a big brother would be instead of monetary value okay maybe yeah maybe maybe the currency was tight little okay tight little teen ass all right so they were so they're like show me your ways and he's like but you have to show me stuff too yeah so i'm gonna plow you and then we're going to find out. We can leave that in there. I know, but you can use different words. Oh. When you're hesitant about telling the story.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Remember when I said, how am I going to make this funny? Yeah. I think I did. I think I did. You're like, maybe I shouldn't tell this on there. And you're like, yeah, okay. And you're like, so this guy's plowing a little boy. Yeah. Why don't you just use different words to describe it so it is a little bit having sex with a young male's ass you could have just said young male all right fine
Starting point is 00:59:35 i think we all know where it's going either way it's just as bad though you know oh my god doesn't does it change the, okay. And also this is 500 BC. Right. There were rules. I'm not saying it's okay. I'm just saying like this isn't. Back then it was. It's not like a current event politician.
Starting point is 00:59:52 No, no, absolutely not. This is like old ancient history. Maybe Don Lemon. Okay. Fuck, man. No, that was pretty much it, yeah. So you just basically were just like, yeah, so... I learned about how young boys would ask for help and then get just fucked by an old dude.
Starting point is 01:00:15 In ancient Greece. Yeah. What podcast was this? It was just some... You don't have to plug it. No, it was... Ah, what the fuck was it? It was just, like, things to... Ah, what the fuck was it? It was...
Starting point is 01:00:25 It was just, like, things to, like, know about ancient Greece. It wasn't, like, a... It was more of, like, a... Here's, like, ten facts about ancient Greece. It's, like... Well, because that's a big thing that everybody, like, goes back to. How many people did Leonidas kill? It's, like, well, we don't really know.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I don't know. But here's another fact. He didn't have sex with 30 young children. Yeah, no. Well, we don't know that. But don't know. But here's another fact. He didn't have sex with 30 young children yet. Well, we don't know that, but what we do know is. Yeah. He liked a little boy or two. When you said that about the politicians, it just sprung me to some conspiracy theories.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Oh, bring them up. Here we go. Oh, I suck. Thank you guys all for watching. I don't know, dude. No, come on. Conspiracy theories. This is a conspiracy theory theory champ it is not my whole goal would not be
Starting point is 01:01:09 political or not be i'm not the alex jones i mean there's a lot of conspiracy theories that aren't political true so okay do you like conspiracy theories oh yeah okay i love them okay what about did we land on the moon? Absolutely not. You actually don't think? No, there's no way. Holy shit. We may disagree on this.
Starting point is 01:01:35 You don't think we... I gotta leave. You alright? No. Alright, now I'm good. Alright, we're back. You actually don't think we landed on the moon? Yeah, we're back. I mean, we we have but not the
Starting point is 01:01:46 first time absolutely not look at a picture of the moon landing and look at the flag the flag is waving how does a flag wave with zero gravity well wouldn't I feel like I'm on an Alex Jones podcast. It would go. Sandy Hook wasn't real. I had a, when I was working for LPS, my guy I worked with loved Alex Jones. I'd be like, who do you listen to? He'd be like, Alex Jones. Like, he was like, he was white. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:02:21 But he loved Alex Jones. How is that zero gravity? Well, because wouldn't the flag, you know, usually in gravity, it sits. It just goes straight down. Yeah, it goes straight down. Zero gravity, it would go straight up. No, it would do nothing. It would float, wouldn't it? But they put a metal rod.
Starting point is 01:02:40 It wouldn't have a ripple in the flag like there was wind. Look at the ripples. You know what? I agree with you. It was obviously a Hollywood set. No, you don't. Aren't there? There's a movie coming out about it.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Is there really? Yeah. About faking it? It's a new movie. He's on Nat Geo Kids, by the way. I just clicked the first picture I saw. But anyways, also, like, look at the ripples. Look at how...
Starting point is 01:03:12 Look at the ripples, man. And look at how flat... There's no way. Look at how flat it is. There's no way that you would have ripples with no air. Like, some of these pictures have to be fake. But how do, like, things, you know, move in space? If there's no gravitational pull.
Starting point is 01:03:29 For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. Right, so maybe the, I don't know, fucking... There's not enough gravitational pull from a moon to make a flag go like that. Because otherwise the astronauts are going to be pulling into whatever would probably be the Earth's gravitational pull. Well, what if they just strung it out and then left it and then it kind of just teed? They put a rod for the flag. It wouldn't have three ripples in it then. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:03 I haven't looked at any moon flag pictures recently. I don't know. I haven't looked at any moon flag pictures recently. I don't know. I just think it was one thing for us to get ahead of Russia. Who shot JFK? I think this is just too much for me. Lee Harvey Oswald.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Wait, you don't believe in the CIA killing JFK but you believe in the moon landing? I don't believe in the moon landing. Dang it. I was... We're getting out of sorts here. We're going to need to gather ourselves.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Throw a topic in the air. We're going to need to gather ourselves. We're going on an hour, so we can cut it and start the next one. Oh, yeah, we can do a double episode. That's what we're doing. Okay. Thank you guys for watching. start the next one. Oh, yeah. We can do a double episode. Yeah. Yeah. That's what we're doing. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Okay. So thank you guys for watching. We're going to cut it here and start a new episode. Cheers, fellas. Thanks for watching. Cheers. The next episode might be a little bit sloppy since we're going back to back. And we only talked about one of the things I wanted to talk about. Hey, we got a whole other hour.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I didn't know I was going to... The beers are flowing, gentlemen. I didn't really know I was going to bring up the Charles Haley dick thing, but it is something I wanted to talk about, but I didn't know it was going to come up in that episode. You'll be fine. Just don't talk. He paused it.
Starting point is 01:05:20 That's okay. It's the ending. Thank you guys for watching and tuning in on Spotify and Apple Podcast for audio only. Subscribe on YouTube. Like and follow and all that good shit. Thank you guys all for watching. We love you.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Thanks for tuning in and we'll see you in the next one. So take these dreams and make them mine. Can you take me higher?

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