Grass Daddies Podcast - Grass Daddies Podcast Episode 55: Am I okay? [Feat. Ben and Spencer]
Episode Date: September 17, 2024In this episode of the Grass Daddies Podcast, the usual suspects Ben and Spencer join Jake in the studio for another banger episode, while sippin' on some Colorado Kool-aid. The boys talk about zoning... out at work, specifically when Ben lost track of time while weed-eating on an edible. Jake probes Spencer on his favorite Minnesota Vikings players and quizzes him on who the internet says is the best. SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grass Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Spencer's Instagram: @spence2018 Tik Tok: @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11
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I didn't like getting in trouble. Like, I hated the feeling.
You were a rule follower.
That anxiousness of like, fuck, like we gotta like...
You're like, dude, we need you to finish this joint.
No, that happened a lot after...
Later years of high school. Like, freshman...
Did you see how I just pinpointed that?
Welcome to the Yahoo! Podcast.
I'm a spider monkey.
You said it wrong. It's not spider monkey. What is it?
Jumping spider.
Jumping spider.
You said it wrong.
It's from Monkey Island.
What is spider monkey?
I'm a spider monkey.
I'm Jake and I'm a grass daddy and i am joined once
again by you guys might as well just be grass daddies but i'll take it i'll take the title
i don't know do you would you guys consider yourself grass daddies or say i'm a part of
the family i don't know if i would like a cousin genus like it's not the you're in the grass daddy
the fun uncle okay yeah maybe not like same i don't in the grass daddy family. I'm the fun uncle. Okay. Yeah.
Maybe not like same.
I don't have the grass daddy last name.
So within the grass family, I'm a daddy and you're like an uncle.
I'm onk.
I'm onk.
Big onk.
You're a grass onk.
Shay, shay.
Grass onk.
Ben and Spencer, thanks again for joining me and sitting in for Cam,
who is currently undergoing breast reduction surgery.
His shirts have been getting a little too tight on him,
so he's trying to knock them down.
Got to get in contact with that doctor.
Trying to.
Oh, are you in the market?
Yeah, I've been looking for that, yeah.
It's more of a breast uh
increase in a stomach reduction but yeah breast increase yeah i'm going hourglass or do you
reshaping some double d's on you if i could yeah if i could i would or maybe just like a reshaping
toning a breast toning that'd be sweet fuck me do you remember the uh Have you ever seen like videos
From like the 80s
Gyms where it's like oh you gotta go on
The ab machine and it's just like a belt
That like vibrates back and forth and it's like
This will give you a six
How did anybody even think that was real
I think nobody knew what exercise was
Besides like
Yeah cause you see like the old like
Of when they were doing
PE class and they're just climbing
over monkey bars.
Yeah, like this.
We're going to do 50 jumping jacks, 50 sit-ups
and 50 push-ups.
Okay, have you seen the clip of that
Browns defensive line coach?
Where he's like...
He's like, we won two world wars
and all they did was jumping jacks, push-ups and sit-ups
and climb rope. Two world wars. He's like, we won two world wars, and all they did was jumping jacks, push-ups, and sit-ups, and climb rope.
Two world wars.
As he's like 400 pounds.
Same, man.
As his gut is like...
We don't need stretching.
His gut is like going up and down as he's saying, set hut.
He's like, set hut.
And it's like...
Yeah, dude.
You know what?
His body's not...
Bring it back.
I'm not a quarterback, as you can tell.
I think stretching is his skin on his stomach.
Oh, my.
Jesus, you're all over him.
We're going to –
Fuck that guy.
Who even is that guy?
I don't know.
That guy is a treasure.
He was an O-line coach back in the day.
I'm sure you know who he is.
I don't know his name, but I know he's the Browns O-line coach.
I knew that.
The more I think about that clip, the more I'm just like...
I mean, I guess I could pay him for his brain and his knowledge, but like...
What's this guy know about moving at all?
Dude, okay, if we're going to that point, Andy Reid...
Andy Reid has like three...
Dude, that dude was fucking huge when he was like 13 years old what was it
like six oh yeah the punk basket competition yeah he was like 13 and he was 6'1 like 200 pounds
that looked like that like loiter squad skit where the one guy is like a grown man and he's just like
trucking little kids yeah but this was like but this was like yeah this is real life i'm 12 i am
12 i am 12 um i guess this is the part of your side eye that i know you spent a lot of time on
on the mower today i did and you juiced up we um came back into the... You know what he did?
I don't know where you were.
You were, like, putting your hose away or something.
He was, like, walking out of the NGA, and he had his empty bottle, and he was just smacking
himself on the head with it.
Oh, my God.
I was like...
Did that shit make you go that crazy today?
I was just having fun, boy.
I just said...
I was just having some fun.
I just said, are you okay?
Like... I just said, are you okay? Well, I was sitting on 15 talking to Craig,
and I see Ben coming down the cart path,
and he just whips a U-ey and goes back to 14.
Yeah, because there was guys on 14 green,
and I had to do the approaches.
So I was like, I'm not going to go there.
You were dancing around golfers.
Yeah, and I was like, well, maybe 15's open.
Saw the tee box full, and I was like, motherfucker.
Not knowing. That thing around. Like, not knowing, and he just like, well, maybe 15's open. Saw the tee box full, and I was like, motherfucker. Not knowing.
Put that thing around.
Like, not knowing, and he just seemed like coming down, and he just whips it, and I'm
like, what the fuck is he doing?
You said, we'll be right back.
Yeah, we'll be right back.
God, you were getting some grass, too.
I saw him dump underneath 11.
It was a full bucket.
Oh, yeah.
I was taking some liberties, too.
I was like, that thing should be dumped.
I was like, I'll get the next one dumped.
It's a good thing our bosses don't listen to this.
But, yeah, I mean, I think this mini fridge opening is not only warranted,
but absolutely necessary for your own sanity.
And, you know, I don't want to lose you.
I don't want to lose you, so, Spencer, if you would.
I'm seeing red.
You're seeing red?
I'm seeing red.
What do we got, huh?
We got some little silver bullets.
We're going to be seeing Colorado Kool-Aid.
Are all of them?
He's just reaching for that mug.
Getting ready.
Are all of them silver bullets or are are just the aluminum Aluminum bottles?
Yeah I think it is just a can
Remember when we were talking about that?
It's kind of a slug
It's kind of like an aluminum slug
Versus the other one's kind of a bullet
That one doesn't want drink yet
That's what I get for dicking around with a
With the old bullet.
Oh, you're probably going to want three more here.
As previously featured on the podcast, Cam actually got me this as a Christmas present, I think.
No side pour, just go straight down the middle with it.
The first one does not need a side pour.
I mean, I don't know. The first two probably don not need a side pour. I mean, I don't know.
The first two probably don't need a side pour.
The first two?
I'm side pouring.
This thing holds four beers.
I'm side pouring mine.
I got to say.
I saw some asshole that's like, technically, eh, fuck.
I already fucked mine.
But he's like, you know what?
That was a side pour.
That is a perfect head.
Well, yeah, I'm just saying, me compared to George's over there.
Yeah, I don't know what I did.
I think the golf ball is thrown off the equilibrium of the pour.
It could be.
I didn't think about that.
I've seen some video where the guy's like, technically, you don't want to do a side pour
because then all of that carbon dioxide is going into your body versus...
Motherfucker, it's going gonna go in my body either way but he's talking about
you're getting the same amount of like enjoyment from your finger in it i got a lot of room pal
okay he's okay so that's a 48 ounce um mug if if anyone didn't notice the gigantic mug
no dude ben currently has in his paw over there.
This is a normal sized mug and I'm a midget.
This room actually has an optical
illusion effect.
This is 8 ounces. This is a teacup
You want to know
the hardest thing to pour
a beer out of is?
Is a tap.
A tap?
Like a wall tap.
Because when I used to bartend, oh my fucking God, dude, I could not get it.
Who lets you bartend?
I used to be a bar manager.
You're so squirrely.
How the fuck is this going to work without it getting everywhere?
I might have to move the mic.
Just take a sip real quick. Okay. just take a sip okay okay take a take a sip so there's a good
oh my god they're too cold there's three and a three and a quarter
yeah it's about three and three quarters. Three and three quarters beers in there.
And now there's four.
There's probably like three now.
Hey, I don't want you to lose your mind.
I know you've been cabin fever on that mower all day.
Just with my thoughts all day.
I started like, I realized. And he doesn't use headphones, dude.
I don't use headphones.
What do you think about when you're mowing tees all day?
I was about to say this. There was a point
where I was like, I haven't had a thought
in probably five holes.
Oh my god!
I was just like,
You haven't had a thought?
Besides like,
straight. Just drive straight, drive straight,
drive straight, next hole.
Drive straight, drive straight.
I wasn't thinking about anything.
Are you a very left brain
oriented person whatever that means probably like your left brain is your analytical like
like your right brain is like your creative side like i'm thinking like for example today i was
thinking about um like what i wanted to do this weekend And if I wanted to record a podcast and what I would talk about on the
but you were like,
I had a little bit,
I just got to drive over the next crack in the cart path.
I got to drive over the next crack.
I'm definitely left brained.
I was autopilot for a good five holes where I like just wasn't even because
when there's a moment where like,
I'm out like,
when I used to run track
i remember i just literally i don't even remember half the races like i would just like be not even
existing in the world yeah you just gotta like go in an oval was there a couple times where you're
like did i miss it like i hope i didn't skip a t-box there was some time when they asked me to
do approaches in the afternoon and i'd come back and like the grass was already kind of growing back and like did i miss like half these
holes like did i well they're growing pretty aggressively no i know but like i would get back
to and i'm like i can't even tell where where my last pass was really holy shit some of them some
of them were really that honestly happened to me this morning i was kind of i think i was kind of
zoned out it's either this morning or like was kind of, I think I was kind of zoned out.
It was either this morning or, like, maybe yesterday morning.
I was, like, driving to work, and I had that moment where I'm just like, oh, shit, I was just, like, I could have just ran a red light.
Did I run a red light?
Oh, for sure.
Because I don't remember the last, like, 30 seconds.
Is that light green?
And then you look behind you in the rearview mirror, and it's red you're like did I run through that or did it change after I drove through it
okay I'm gonna take a small sip now
we might as well just
crack open the old cooler
that was pretty tasty
there you go
got you another little cup
yeah the mountains turn blue when it's ready to be drained.
So is it a...
Why are these so...
They were in my backpack.
I tripped before I came in here.
What are you talking about?
Oh, that's right.
Well, they were on a train here from fucking Colorado.
Oh, okay, yeah.
When they got on the train.
They went over the Rockies, man.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure. That makes sense. Jesus Christ. That makes sense. From fucking Colorado Oh that Okay yeah When they got on the train They went over the Rockies Yeah
I'm pretty sure
That makes sense
That makes sense
Yeah they probably
Had to bust through some
You were an autopilot
Today weren't you
It's the first time
I turned my brain on
Now does the beer
Help you lock it in
A little yeah
He did quote one day
We're having like a
Like we're
I'm like socializing Right now so my brain Yeah Right But we're having like a conversation like we're i'm like socializing
right now so my brain yeah but right it's like by myself so it's almost like um it's almost like
putting headphones on yeah i was what i do is i think you get what i'm describing right now
kind of jesus christ uh what i do think of is like i'll get get a song lyric stuck in my head and just repeat it.
What are you getting at?
What I'm getting at is what kind of people get overstimulated and have to put headphones on to help themselves.
Severely autistic people?
You calling me fucking severe?
I didn't say anything.
I just asked you a couple questions and led you straight to it.
Jesus Christ.
I'm just like
I was confused.
I was like, where the hell is this
going? I'm not one of those Instagram
reels guys.
You know what I'm talking about.
I know what. Dude, you should
see his Instagram reels.
It's your algorithm feeding you some crazy shit.
Oh my. He sent me like
four of them and then I go to Instagram
and that's all I have. And I'm like, dude.
You just changed my algorithm.
That's good, dude. Spice it up.
Like what are they doing?
It's not
for the pod.
Have you seen the guy that draws those cartoons?
What's his name? Adam?
Hey. No. Hi, daddy. He always says that when he fucking. Hey, mom. guy that draws those cartoons yeah what's his name uh adam hey uh no what's it hi daddy he always
says that when he fucking hey mom that is that is so crazy they're just like trent trent yeah
have you seen those dude those are actually so satisfying he's just like okay and then he just
it's like it was like one stroke they'll just draw slip, and it'll be like a penguin riding a horse.
And, like, he'll draw a curve, and you'll be like, where is this gonna go?
And then you just see it, like, emerge, and then you're just like...
How did he do that without, like, with a Sharpie?
Yeah, he's pretty good.
It's been warned about Bob Ross.
It's amazing.
It's amazing.
Is Bob Ross autistic?
I don't know.
Because he was kind of the same way.
Should we look it up?
Because, like, that guy, he just, like, imagines it in his head,
and then just starts drawing, and then, like, halfway through it,
you're like, what the fuck is this?
Dude, I actually...
And then it's perfect at the end.
At my high school, there was a girl that was autistic,
and she was super fucking flexible.
Like, she could touch her elbow.
Well like she could like
damn near get her elbows to the floor.
Is it?
And she'd like bend and just like
It's just like autistic people do have like
different like
I don't know. Strength? Yeah.
There's another term.
Abilities. Abilities. So. I don't know. Yeah. There's another term. Abilities.
I don't know.
This is actually really fucking interesting.
Did I say that on camera?
It's so funny that you ask that.
So, Dr. Ross is the Senior Vice President of Curriculum and Research at Behavioral Education Assessment and Consultation Incorporated.
Is that Dr. Bob Ross?
Dr. Ross consults with programs and works directly with individuals with autism and Asperger's Syndrome.
I don't think Bob Ross is a doctor.
Is that not him?
Robert K. Ross.
Bob Ross had an afro.
We'll edit that out.
Is that guy alive?
It looks like him, though.
Is that guy alive?
Dr. Robert K. Ross...
Okay, but what would be the odds, though?
I don't know, but...
Bob Ross is...
Deader than shit.
Well, yeah, but this was an old article.
Oh, it is? Okay, I don't know.
He just...
It looked like he was looking through your soul
when he told you that.
Okay, let's get off this topic.
Oh, I have a
topic I wanted to talk about. Okay.
I thought of something.
Can I just first say,
because I know you kind of had a rough
week. Yeah.
It was a long fucking week dude
i just wanted to say and this is what i thought of i'm gonna put a positive spin on you know how
we never get to work the same weekend day here's how we can see it as a positive now we have an
excuse to drink friday night and saturday night true because you get to go hard tonight and i get to go hard
tomorrow night and i'm tagging along with you tonight sure and two days again i mean i don't
know what's going on tomorrow but trash game activities and you work both days oh yeah
he doesn't even care i show up like a fucking trooper. Yeah. Okay. So I just wanted to...
Just think about that.
If you're ever like, oh my God, we have to work different days, just think about that.
It does suck working every Sunday.
Well, that's not what I said.
Sunday's a tough day to work to.
Oh, God.
From experience.
Because you don't even feel like...
For some reason, when you get Sunday off, even when you get one day off a week...
Yeah, it doesn't even feel like you get a weekend.
On Saturday. But Sunday, for some reason, feels get sunday off even when you get one day off yeah it doesn't even feel like you get a weekend on saturday but sunday for some reason it feels like two days if you get sunday off yeah you feel like it's more of a weekend right compared then if you were then you work
saturday sunday it's like this yeah because by the time monday rolls around you're already two
days into it i would argue though if you don't have to hand water Saturday
and you just kind of get the Saturday done,
then it's like you have the rest of the day Saturday and all day Sunday.
Yeah, Saturday I feel like is a longer weekend than working Sunday.
With no hand watering.
But if you get put on Sunday, then think about this.
You had a long week and Friday feels like a true Friday
where you don't have to work Sunday.
So you just got to see the positive.
Then when your Monday blues hit, you're already two days in.
I think that's what I said.
It does.
Oh, their head glitched in me.
Okay, so what do you want to talk about?
Okay, so I know both of you don't have any but we've never no we've never
like i've never touched on the subject but i know with you i don't know about him
like would you guys ever get tattoos oh that's a good question because i have three yeah i don't
there's not a tattoo i've seen or thought of that i've felt that's warranted to
put on my body i have you know what i mean i'm gonna have a more psychologically in-depth response
okay but it's kind of along the same lines as yours whereas like i'm not against tattoos no
not at all but realizing that it's permanently on my body forever,
I would want to make damn sure there will be zero regret.
Yeah, I'm not getting a fucking sunset in a palm tree or some stupid shit.
I don't know.
You think one week and like, oh, this is kind of cool.
I'd get this as a tattoo.
And then a year later, you're like, Jesus Christ, why would I fucking do that? And part of the whole, I feel like, maybe not everyone's mindset,
but the mantra is kind of like, you're creating a unique look of yourself.
And I was talking to a guy I used to work with once,
and he's like, honestly, so many people have tattoos now
that if you had zero, you'd be pretty unique.
You're fucking cool, man.
I do forget a lot of the times that I even have tattoos.
I don't even.
His Jets tattoo, I forget that every time.
Yeah, I have one on my back I always forget about.
Until we go to like the pool or something, I'm like, geez.
Yeah, I mean, I rarely see you without a shirt.
I kind of, how many do you have? Three. you have the i know the leg and then i have one on my ribs and i think
it's on this i don't even know what you don't even know what side it's on oh there it is yeah
it's on this side and then i have one on my right shoulder go jets um i'll be looking at that later. But I don't even pause. Wow.
So my dad, I have thought about if I was to get a tattoo, this is probably what I would get.
My dad, when he turned 50, his sister, my aunt paid for him to get a, and he got a Boston B right here on his right shoulder.
If I was to get a tattoo, I think I want to get the same one so we could have the same tattoo right here.
That would be Red Sox, I'm assuming?
Yep, a Red Sox B, Boston B.
Not the Bruins.
And we're back.
We had a small technical difficulty uh spencer's buddy uh you gotta send
out a message to all your friends and family and say don't fucking call me stop the recording
no that's gavin anyways so i think it would be cool if like i got a i got the tattoo and then
if i had a son and he got it and then create a legacy of Boston B on the right arm tattoos
that go on for generations.
And then why do you shit on shit like that?
Why do you think that's so funny?
I was thinking my dad has a Van Halen tattoo.
So you should get a Van Halen tattoo.
I was thinking how stupid that would be.
Get a bunch of Van Halen tattoos.
Because first of all, I don't even listen to Van Halen.
Second of all, it's the dumbest tattoo.
Is a sports team's logo less cringe?
It's about the same.
I mean, my buddy got a bear's.
So you're saying if I got it, it would be cringe as hell.
No, if it was like where you're pointing at.
Right here.
You're good.
My buddy got a bear's tattoo on his thigh.
You're such an asshole.
He got a bear's tattoo on his thigh because he's a bear's
fan it looked decent you don't okay i'm i'm you don't think it would be cool if like
grandpa rudy no i get what you're saying my son all posing for a photo like with our
the boston b well okay but okay but you have zero feeling toward the boston red socks but with our Boston B tattoos. Maybe a different tattoo. I don't think that... The Boston B... Well, okay, but...
What if your son...
Okay, but...
Or daughter...
You have zero feeling
toward the Boston Red Sox.
But what if they aren't?
My dad grew up loving them.
Yeah, but what if your kid
My middle name is Yankees fan.
Yeah, what if your kid
doesn't like the Red Sox?
Kill him?
I was going to say something horrible.
Jake will kill him?
But I didn't.
it's not going to happen. It ain't going to say something horrible. Jake will kill him. But I didn't. Basically, it's not going to happen.
It ain't going to happen.
They're going to like the Red Sox or else.
Go Sox.
They're going to learn from a very young age to like the Red Sox.
And they're going to have zero, just like me, my whole existence,
I've known my dad loving the red socks so we all supported him yeah
unfortunately that's how i became a cowboys fan oh good thing see but i fucking hate the cowboys
i hate the cowboys but i have to root for them it's a weird place to be i don't hate the red
socks though no i fucking hate the cowboys but i can't switch i'm 22, but I can't switch. I'm 22 years old. You can't switch.
I'm just gonna go the rest of my life hating
the Cowboys. That doesn't make any sense
how you could hate a team but root for them.
Because I've rooted for them for
22 years. So why are you rooting for them?
Because my dad... Your family. Yeah.
For the family.
You should get a Cowboys tattoo. God damn.
I will shoot myself. Okay.
Tattoos are kind of addictive.
Like the feeling of getting them?
No, just like, I want another one.
Because like, I don't know.
Would you get another one?
Yeah, I'm going to.
What are you getting?
I'm getting one on, I'm probably going to do my initials on each tricep.
Do it like an S and an M.
Don't you love how he just scoffs?
When you're passionate about something.
No, I burped right in the mic.
That was my bad.
Oh, okay.
I thought you were laughing.
No, no, no.
I burped right in the mic.
But I'm going to do that probably.
And then I'll probably get another rib one.
Just because it hurt like hell and I kind of liked it.
Kinky ass.
Kinky mother.
Not gonna lie, the rib tattoo fucking hurts.
Yeah, anything on a bone is fucked.
Oh yeah.
I've heard no matter where it is, it fucking hurts.
No, but I think my leg didn't hurt my back.
I didn't even feel it on my shoulder.
Well, there's less nerve endings close together in your back. And it depends
on your artist. If your artist is
like, goddamn pressing down,
it's like, oh.
True. But if they have a,
they call it a light hand,
so they're not really pressing,
they're just kind of gliding,
it doesn't hurt that bad. Like Bob Ross.
I suppose.
What if your tattoo artist was autistic?
Before you answer that, I'm going to...
Commercial break.
You know, I thought of something funny.
So you were like telling me about...
So you're back at the Ridge, at the golf course.
Back at the Ridge.
Working with us again.
But you had a brief tenure at a happy hollow.
Happy horror.
I was getting some,
you know,
my people were talking about,
you know,
relaying with your people.
And I was,
I was hearing some stories about you.
I think Colin Peter.
Spencer told me that one day you were weeding on an edible oh I don't
know why it took me so long until just now to realize that you were weeding
after eating weed yes it was the best experience I've never had more fun weeding
it was
so you get
oh my
kind of like how I was
today on the team over
you just get so
locked in
to where
you don't even realize
you're weeding
you're just like a machine
please lord
let me get one more weed
didn't your boss
like come out
and go like
he pulled up on me
and was like
dude like
you can go home
yeah so we'd get off at like two was like normal like and go like on me and was like dude like you can go home yeah so we get off at like
two was like normal like everybody go home unless you were like hand watering then it was stay till
all the holes are done but for like when you weren't hand watering it's just like go at two
it was 245 or something and i just i'm weeding between like a grove of trees it's like a the
trees are like kind of like this,
and then there's a center that just has grass in it.
You know what I mean?
Like, it's kind of like a circle of trees.
Like pines.
And then in the middle is.
Scotch pines?
No, I don't know.
Fucking pines of pines.
Spruce, could have been a spruce.
Well, spruce isn't a pine fucking
oh shit i'm gonna talk no uh no but so how many beers have you had probably three okay um he's
lugging them down how many milligrams was the edible what was it a gummy it was 150 milligram
that i i took what So I ate 75.
Oh, my God.
And then was able to function at work is crazy.
I was flying.
Oh, was I functioning.
We would edge cart pass.
You know the curbs on cart pass?
When grass grows over them.
Yeah, Jim.
As you should.
Yeah, I'm aware.
I see the ridge doesn't do that too often but um oh yeah we do
have you seen the shape of those curbs check the curbs out next 75 milligrams no it's 75
what brand of weed eater medusa medusa that was no that was the weed eater. Weed eater? It's a still weed eater. It's a still eater.
He said Medusa.
Medusa was the edible.
Pink package.
Whatever that is.
Delta 8.
Whatever the fuck that is.
Do you turn to stone if you look at the package?
You get stoned.
I didn't even think about that.
That's a good one. that's a good one.
That's a good one.
Firing boys.
But anyways, I'm in the grove of trees.
I'm weed eating.
And I'm kind of on the edge of it.
And I just see a pink shirt behind me.
And there's a tee box.
So I'm just like, oh, it's golfers.
So I just kept going for like two, three minutes.
Because I had earplugs in.
So I think he was just yelling at me and I couldn't hear him
and there's a weed eater going so
I don't know what the fuck's going on around me
so I'm just going
and then he like gets real close to me
and I just whip
around I whip around
he's like you can go home I'm like
alright am I okay I said
am I okay that's what
I said you asked him if you
were right but like in my head I was like to go home but when I realized what
I said he's probably like are you yeah exactly like I don't know fuck are you
think are you having a problem did you you have, like, safety glasses on?
I had sunglasses on.
Sunglasses, so he couldn't see your red eyes.
Also, I had eye drops in my car.
Could you imagine if Ben whipped around with clear safety glasses on, and his eyes are just red, and he goes, am I okay?
Am I okay?
He's like, yeah, you're mowing.
Fuck, I don't know.
Jesus Christ, will you go home?
You're over here mowing with a weed eater.
You're kind of keeping me here.
Because when I came in, I realized I was the last cart in.
Like, the assistant left.
Everybody left.
He was the last guy.
So he's literally waiting on you to get back to the shop.
I don't know when he leaves, but I'm assuming, in my head, he was just waiting for me.
And he's like, where the fuck is bet like jesus christ did they come up with a do you guys have like cool nicknames for
each other i was loco you were loco but you had a bunch of hispanic people see who was it that said
do you ever stop moving our mechanic brian your mechanic. Your mechanic. Because he would drive the course in the morning when we would, like,
if we were walk mowing or whatever, he'd just make sure everybody's shit's okay.
And then he would, every time he saw me, basically, like, come into the shop
or leave the shop or if he just saw me anywhere.
You're just fidgeting.
I'd be, like, covered in dirt, you know.
I'm not a very, like uh cleanly awareness guy like some guys would
obviously avoid like mud or you know what i mean you show up to the shop caked in dirt and he's
like jesus christ like what happened to you it's like i don't know i was doing sods fucking like
i'd show up to lunch and everybody like everybody's head would just be like
and i'm fucking just
covered in like just shit like grass
because everything's mud
and they're like, good god man
I'm a jumping spider
jumping spider
I feel like, what the
just like this guy's just
going through the fucking trenches
right now
dude, happy holidays so cool going through the fucking trenches right now. But,
I look,
happy hollows.
So cool.
Great spot,
It was weird
having a boss
that was like,
like 40.
Just being like,
when I showed up,
I was like,
this must be like,
the assistant or spray tech.
He's like,
hi, I'm Peter, nice to meet you. Like, I knew his name. I was like, oh, this must be, like, the assistant or spray tech. He's like, hi, I'm Peter.
Nice to meet you.
Like, I knew his name.
I was like, holy shit, you're my boss?
Jesus Christ.
So did you ever... He's younger than the assistant.
Like, 30 years younger than the assistant.
It was crazy.
So did you ever figure out if he got denied the...
At Newmark.
The Newmark job before or after his big gig?
I never found out, but I'm pretty sure it was before.
Well, no, I think he applied...
He was...
Yeah, Ben's boss at Happy Hollow got denied at Newmark.
After working at, like, Medina, which is, you know...
150 milligrams. Were they gummies? They Medusa? Medusa. 150 milligrams.
Were they gummies?
They were gummies.
They were gummies.
What shape?
Was it like a, what was it?
Imagine the Snapchat ghost.
It was like a, yeah.
Because the shape actually, you might be thinking, why the fuck are you asking about the shape?
The shape matters because you want a symmetrical shape that you can know you.
They're hard to split in half.
So you're like, if I, you know.
That is true.
I didn't think about that.
Like, if you have a gummy bear.
Like, I've heard people of, like, they're 100 milligram gummy bears, and I ate a foot.
It's like.
What the fuck?
How the, what is that?
I ate the head.
Is that half of the body?
Is it, what is that?
A third?
You know what I mean?
So if it's, like like a symmetrical shape like that.
Like a square circle is great.
A square.
Or a circle.
Or a circle.
A triangle too.
Like what shape was it?
Like the Statue of Liberty?
It's like.
I'll eat the torch.
I'll eat the torch of the book.
I'll eat the torch of the book and her right foot.
And I think that's half
Who the fuck knows
I remember Pig had a nerd rope one time
And he did half of it
Waited like a minute
And goes
Fuck it eat the rest of it
The cardinal mistake
That's when I found him talking
That was the night I found him talking to the wall
And you were at a party yeah so he had two silo twisted teas and a whole nerd rope
edible and was just talking to a wall that's in the middle of like at least 100 people at this
party and you go what are you doing he's's like, I'm having a conversation. Yeah.
Like he was almost mad at you.
Yeah, like I just interrupted him having a serious conversation.
And I'm like, fucking with who?
You're like, are you okay?
And he's like, fucking yeah.
And he like turns to the thermostat and he's like, so how's your fantasy team shaping up?
You're killing my chances, man.
I've almost got her.
Do you see the fat ass on this one?
I've almost got her, and he slowly changes it down to 69, and he's like, oh, yeah.
You want to go back to the room?
Just rips it off.
Dude, our parties, they had a problem with touching the thermostat.
I would wake up in the morning.
Who the fuck gives a fuck about the thermostat during a house party?
Oh, dude.
Every morning I'd wake up and I would be like, it is fucking cold in here.
And I'd go to the thermostat and be like, fucking like 55.
If you turn the thermostat down too low, though, it'll actually freeze.
Oh, yeah.
And then you'll be fucked because then it won't
actually function properly that happened at men's or not at men's but in our like apartment my
sophomore year at midland oh someone turned it down too low yeah people would be turning them
down too are you okay uh yeah i'm at the bottom here okay our our landlord would always text me
after we had a bender and be like, dude, what's going on?
You're electric bill.
Because he paid our utilities.
He paid for our utilities.
He's like, did our landlord.
Oh, your landlord.
And he was like, dude, what happened?
And I'm like, I don't know.
I was like, Connor must have left the lights.
Did you always blame it on Connor? Oh, most of the time. I was like, Connor must have left the lights on. Did you always blame it on Connor?
Most of the time.
I was like, Connor must have left the lights on one night.
I don't know.
And he's like, okay.
One night?
It's $1,000.
More than it should be.
I mean, one time I hit him with, it's been hot out.
And he goes, oh, yeah, understandable.
It's on more.
Because it was like central AC AC and it was hot that week
$500 gas bill
electric I don't know
this morning
I sent my
Friday motivation
my Friday motivational video
I sent it to Connor too
and he goes
your motivational video makes me it to connor too and he goes he goes your
motivational video makes me want to run through a uh a student makes me want to run through a
student and i go i go you want to run through a group of students what and he was like no like
body checked him i'm like no yeah sure that's what you meant. I'm going to hit you with the three because that's your coin flip.
Seven is the coin flip.
Three, four down?
Four down.
Three going in.
How many are in there?
Oh, there's quite a few.
We haven't even got to the top row.
The top row?
There's five, eight.
I'm like trying to look through the cracks.
There's ten left.
All right.
Oh, we got five.
What's the math there?
Well, there's ten left.
Five has no part in that equation.
There's ten left and three of us.
This is actually fucking so comfortable.
I kind of want to get one of those.
It was on the sketchy site, wasn't it?
It might go Toro.
Well, it's here, isn't it?
Well, yeah, I'm just saying.
It was
This shirt was featured at the Golden Shower Birthday Party Cornhole Tournament.
If you guys missed that, it's because we didn't record anything or upload anything.
So that's why.
That will be only a memory in our heads and you guys will just have to imagine how it went but um vague the memories vaguely yeah and for some
people in this room I think that's the way they want it but I I don't even
remember it I don't know what happened Do you remember the Gronk spike in your driveway?
Or in his driveway?
With the big thing.
My lawyer says I...
My lawyer advised me not to comment.
Yeah, my lawyer's advising me not to comment on that.
Is your lawyer happen to be your girlfriend?
Oh, okay.
He might be self-representing.
No, no, no.
I'm representing myself um jesus christ it is foamy but we're talking it'll settle down okay it'll settle down
um yeah zane was saying how he wants one of these shirts and they had all kinds of different
designs on i mean if they have a John Deere fucking design,
they've got to have a pretty cool design for you.
Maybe like a Cowboys or a Van Halen, maybe.
Van Halen.
Is that what it was, or was it Van Halen?
Van Halen.
Van Halen's pretty cool.
What is your favorite?
They're a good band.
I just don't listen to Van Halen.
What is your favorite old school rock band?
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble.
There you go.
It's not really rock.
Probably ACDC.
If we're going rock, ACDC's definitely.
Play Thunderstruck.
Play Thunderstruck.
Hey Siri.
No, no, no.
Hey him.
Oh, me?
Hey him.
Play Thunderstruck on the guitar.
I'm playing Thunderstruck on the guitar right now.
Oh, I think I have my acoustic in my car.
Oh, my God.
It's at my house.
What would
Thunderstruck sound
like acoustic?
It's about the same.
It's like, you know,
without, like,
the distortion
and everything,
but it sounds good.
Fuck, what was
I going to say?
Can't remember.
Oh, you want to hear a funny story from last Saturday?
We literally get off work.
We don't hand water.
And I'm like, hey, what are you doing?
And Ben's just like, nothing.
And I was like, we're going to pregame.
And then he goes home.
And then I come and pick him up because he didn't want to drive to my house
and have to deal with that Sunday morning.
And when I picked him up, I was like, what did your mom say?
Like, he goes, you leaving already?
Why do you make me sound like Bruce?
Are your parents like, you need to get out and get friends.
Then you got friends that are like, where are you going?
You're like, going to hang out with my friends you told me to get.
Fucking tootie, man.
Is that really what it's like?
Especially like in high school.
Remember how I said that I like psychology?
Yeah, like.
I know you better than you know you.
That is kind of weird, though.
In middle school, kind of like going to high school. Like I had friends, but I didn't like, that is kind of... I know you better than you know you. That is kind of weird, though. In middle school, kind of, like, going into high school, like, I had friends, but I didn't, like, I don't know, going out was, like...
I didn't like getting in trouble.
Like, I hated the feeling...
You were a rule follower.
That anxiousness of, like, fuck, like, we gotta, like...
You're like, dude, we need you to finish this joint.
No, that happened a lot after...
Later years of high school. Like, freshmen... Did you see this joint. No, that happened a lot after...
Later years of high school.
Did you see how I just pinpointed that?
Freshman, sophomore year was definitely
when I was
I don't want to get in trouble.
And then I got in trouble.
It's not that bad.
You know that scene in Inglourious Basterds
where it's like, I've been chewed out.
You should be shot for this.
And he's like, I won't be shot.
More like chewed out.
I've been chewed out before.
And I was like, oh, so I'll just get chewed out.
I'll just go on my own.
You're like, your parents are going to kill you.
And you're just like, I don't think so.
More like chewed out.
I've been chewed out.
Yeah, exactly.
So, like, yeah, junior, sophomore year is definitely when the shenanigans picked up.
Oh, yeah.
That was fun.
And then moving here.
Well, like, at first, it's like I go to Southeast and it's like.
What's it like going from California to Lincoln, Nebraska?
It was a culture shock.
Fuck, what do you mean no?
I got a question.
Because I feel like I have family that lives in California,
and whenever they come to Nebraska, they're like,
this song was played in California like so long ago.
Did that happen at all?
Were you just like, oh, this song is so old.
The first time I went to the Brass Royale, I was like, holy shit,
we're still playing Katy Perry fireworks?
Well, okay, that's not a fair assessment.
That's different. That's not a fair assessment. That's different.
That's not a fair
assessment because you
hear throwbacks at the
bars all the time.
But I mean like on
the radio where you
just like oh shit
they're still playing
Maybe not the radio
because it's 2024.
Who's listening to
the fucking radio
Me when I'm not
listening to my phone?
Who doesn't listen
to their phone in
their car?
What if it's dead?
Sometimes I drive silent. I do that if it's dead? I drive silent.
Spoken like a true Cali boy.
Are you serious?
You would rather drive silent?
I listen to my MP3 player.
Dude, I don't...
My brain is a fucking empty void.
You just said, okay, you just said that you were in autopilot listening to zero music
and now you're talking shit about listening to the radio?
He said if his phone is dead shit about listening to the radio he said if
you're listening to something he'll turn the radio off no because yeah exactly i will sometimes
because it's like well first of all in lincoln you can't find anything that's not country
what you're talking about like do you know what the radio stations are yeah The only one I liked was 97.7 fucking... 97.7?
Uh, what's the Spanish one?
97.7. Yeah, 97.7
whatever the name is.
Fucking love that. I don't know. I can't understand that.
I was listening to that before work because all the
fellas at Happy Hollow would be
blaring that shit. Do you even
understand a word they're saying?
I feel like everyone listening to this podcast
keeps going, he's got a point.
no, he does have a point.
Like you keep going back
and forth between.
I don't listen to the radio,
but if I do, Spanish
stations only.
I love this.
I can't find anything that's not Christian
Again, do you know what the radio station is?
101.9 The Eagle is rock.
No, but even rock.
92.9 is classic rock.
Dude, I don't want to hear like,
Jake, box, hero.
Like, I don't want to hear that.
Alright, I want to hear ACDC or fucking...
ACDC, fucking ACDC.
Well, guess what?
Classic rock stations play more than just ACDC.
I know, and that's wrong.
That's why.
Every once in a while they play Eruption.
They play Eruption.
I'll listen to that.
If Led Zeppelin comes on, I'll listen to that.
They play Eruption, and then it goes straight into one of the Van Halen songs.
I can't remember.
And then it's like...
Something, yeah.
I think that's the one.
It's like twisted.
It's such a hit and miss with radio.
That's my point.
To where most of the time it's a myth.
So it's like,
I'm just going to fucking mute this.
And listen to my tires rumble.
Yeah, might think of something.
I don't know.
All right. I'm going to stop you right there because Ben, you. Yeah, might think of something. I don't know. All right.
I'm going to stop you right there
because, Ben, you've been doing a lot of talking on this podcast.
Oh, no.
Shut me up.
It's over now.
I'm just kidding.
But, Spencer, I thought of something.
It'd be a fun little game slash quiz slash whatever.
Oh, fuck yeah.
I love fucking games on here.
Oh, I get to play a game with Connor.
Games and quizzes for Spencer or just anyone in general.
I don't know why I started typing your name.
The last time we convened and sat down to have a conversation,
we quizzed you on your knowledge of NFL players, specifically Vikings players.
And, you know, I was just, you know, when I'm working, I like to be mentally active.
I like to cook things up in my brain.
You know, I come up with shit creatively using my right brain.
Fuck that shit.
And I thought of something that I think would be kind of fun.
So this is kind of like a two-part-ish type of thing.
One, I'm curious, since you are such a diehard Vikings fan,
to the point where, well, and Nebraska fan, to the point where we talked
about the other day, you would rather miss out on $19,000 than to see Nebraska lose to
And same for the Vikings, I would say.
Or is it even worse?
It's probably even worse.
Dude, if the Vikings won the Super Bowl, I would miss out on a lot of money.
Because that would be our franchise's first Super Bowl.
We've been to some, never won.
Okay, so you love the Vikings.
I want to know who your top five in your head, top five Vikings players of all time,
if you had to go five we could go five to one or
one to five whatever did i have to be alive for them brockless they do not have to be alive it's
no like did i have to be a fan when they played just in your mind well a lot of these are probably
going to be before you were born okay or some of them i would imagine um so first i got them all five i got all five
okay okay that was i got all five okay so thinking about so given that that'll be pretty quick um we
have then i'm gonna quiz you um i pulled up top vikings here and it pulled up like leaf erickson
and like ragnar uh lothbrok. Oh, like actual Vikings.
Vikings, not actual.
He's not the first.
What the hell?
So I want to hear from five to one your top five Minnesota Vikings football players of all time.
And then I'm going to quiz you and see what the internet thinks.
What the internet says is the top five and see if you can pinpoint what the internet thinks.
Oh, fine. So my five
is Jay Jettis.
Jay Jettis. Yeah, Justin Jefferson.
Oh, Justin Jefferson.
He's playing currently, right?
Yes. He's already on that list.
Oh, yeah.
That's crazy.
So he's number five?
He's five years. So he's number five? He's five years in.
He's five years?
So he's your number five?
Who's your number four?
Brett Favre.
Adrian Peterson.
Is Adrian Peterson on the list?
He has to be.
Brock Lesnar.
Brock Lesnar on that list.
Adrian Peterson has to be on the list.
Are you kidding me?
You'll find out.
You'll find out.
Okay, okay.
My number four is Harrison Smith.
Harrison Smith?
Okay, who's that?
Is he still on the list?
Give me a brief...
Give me a brief idea.
Harry the Hitman?
Hardest hitting safety in the league.
The white guy?
Yeah, and he is, after last week,
the current leader of interception leader in the entire league.
So is he playing currently?
Active player.
He has 35 interceptions in his career.
See how passionate he's getting?
You're passionate about eating edibles and weed eating.
He's passionate about Minnesota Vikings.
My number one might.
So he's currently.
Don't spoil it yet.
My number one's going to shock you.
No one's going to know.
How the fuck do you have a Jets tattoo but not a Vikings tattoo?
Because that's my high school team.
So you've named two current players so far.
We'll get there.
I'm hoping the top three are going to be like retired Hall of Famers.
We'll get there.
My number three, Randy Moss.
Okay. That. there we go.
I think a lot of people would have
been mad if you didn't name Randy Moss.
Did Randy Moss go
start at the Vikings?
Got drafted by the Vikings.
Went to, got traded to
New England. Right. And then played
a stint with San Francisco
and the Raiders.
It was bouncing around
before his retirement.
It was some like
let me get
a one year contract worth
nothing type of thing.
Worth nothing? It was $10 million.
I'm pretty sure he was on the Titans.
I'm pretty sure he was on the Titans
for a year.
Number two, AP.
AP, there we go.
Number one's going to shock the world and none of you are going to know who he is.
J.J. McCarthy.
He hasn't even played a regular season.
Give me a little bit of backstory about some of these guys.
You would have seen Adrian Peterson growing up. So you would have seen Adrian Peterson growing up.
He probably would have been your hero growing up.
So I remember watching AP in the playoff game miss the fucking rushing title by like 11 yards.
And he didn't even know where he was at.
Who were they playing?
I don't even...
It might have been Green Bay.
It was in a playoff game.
Seven Pro Bowls.
I'm trying to see how many...
It was one of the...
It was in the Metro Dome.
I remember that.
How many seasons did he play with the Vikings?
Quite a few.
Got drafted from Oklahoma.
I did know that.
Have you seen those videos where it's like,
stop when there's, when you see a-
Oh, say something when you see a better player.
And someone stopped on like, Darren McFadden or something.
And I was like, what?
Fuck you.
Over who?
I don't even remember.
See, Barstow did that a lot.
Dude, me and my old buddy in high school used to go at it.
Because he was a diehard Chiefs fan.
And he thought Jamal Charles was better than Adrian Peterson.
And I freaking lost it every time. Jamal Charles was better than Adrian Peterson, and I freaking lost it every time.
Jamal Charles?
They're both running back.
I'm not even sure who that is.
Well, he can't read, so I'm sure you're fucking bummed.
Jamal Charles.
Look up the highlight from this year's draft.
Jamal Charles trying to read.
It is insane.
Does he currently play for the Chiefs?
No, God, no. He was AP play for the Chiefs? No, God no.
He was AP's era. Chiefs
and Broncos.
The kind that say, Chiefs!
He can't read. Oh, well he's fucking half
an idiot. He's played football for 30
years. He's half a Momo.
He's half a Momo. Look on YouTube.
He can't actually read. He's never
been able to read.
I'm not going to look this up right now. Well, yeah. He can't actually read. Like, he's never been able to read. But, like, well, I'm not going to look this up right now.
Well, yeah, like, he can't, like, he can't even read Chiefs.
Okay, okay.
You can't even read a page of a Harry Potter book.
Number one.
Number one.
Oh, you're excited.
You're excited.
Fran Tarkenton.
Oh, yeah.
F-R-A-N. F-R-A-N.
One of the, backstory here, one of the first scrambling quarterbacks the league has ever seen.
Did you look him up?
He ran for 20 yards in 19 feet.
All right, all right.
Let me give you guys a-
Dude, that dude was a bad motherfucker.
Let me give you guys a...
Francis Asbury Targerton, born February 3rd, 1940.
Nicknamed Scrambling Fran, is an American...
Told you.
...former professional football quarterback...
I told you.
...who played in the National Football League NFL for 18 seasons, primarily with the Minnesota Vikings.
He is widely regarded as the first great dual threat
quarterback in the NFL.
I told you. What Instagram account
showed you this guy?
He played college football for the Georgia Bulldogs
where he was recognized as a twice first
time All-SEC and was selected
by the Vikings in the third round of the 1961
NFL Draft. After retiring
from football, he became a media personality
and computer software executive.
We weren't even in Vietnam.
tenure with the Vikings spanned 13 non-consecutive
seasons. He played for Minnesota
six seasons from 1961
to 1966, where he
was traded to the New York Giants for five
seasons, then traded back to the Minnesota
for his last seven seasons from 1972 to 1978.
At the time of his retirement, Tarkington owned many quarterback records.
He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1986
and the College Football Hall of Fame in 1987.
Can I do an honorable mention here?
John Randall. John Randall.
John Randall.
The end.
Where's Brock Lesnar?
Honorable mention.
Dude, he played a preseason game.
Let me spoil something for you.
I have the top ten here according to the internet, and Brock is not on it.
He's not number one?
He's not on it.
He played a preseason game.
Wait, what was his name again?
John Randall.
Absolute fucking demon.
Okay, do you want to...
I want you to guess what the internet thinks is the top five.
Like, fan voted?
I just searched top Minnesota Vikings vikings of all time ai overview some of the top
minnesota vikings of all time include well i'm sure like i'll give you that wise two of yours
are in the top 10
Adam Thielen probably in there
wow that's crazy
what are they basing this off of
I don't know probably just
I'm assuming just like infamy
oh wait hold on
because Randy Moss is there
probably John Randall's there
so if I scroll down a little bit Fran Tarkenton is shown Wait, hold on. Stephon Diggs in there? Because Randy Moss is there. Probably John Randall's there.
So if I scroll down a little bit, Fran Tarkenton is shown.
I'm seeing some names that you might have left.
Okay, I'm seeing Adam Thielen in a wider list.
Yeah. But just from the very top.
If they're doing, like, that's i don't even know if it's generative ai is experimental from sources across the web minnesota vikings maybe i'll go by
this one yeah maybe i'll go by this one. Okay, so Alan Page.
Do you know who that is?
Yeah, he's a D-tackle. I'm pretty sure he's a D-tackle.
Fran Tarkenton, John Randall, Chris Dolman.
Can't say I know that name.
Mick Tinglehoff?
Mick Tinglehoff?
You don't know fucking Mick Tinglehoff?
Chris Carter.
Yeah, he was a wide receiver in Randy Moss' era.
With the most receiving yards in franchise history, 12,383.
They played alongside each other.
AP, Randy Moss, Anthony Carter.
One of the best receivers in Vikings history with 7,636 receiving yards.
Carl Eller. No. One of the best receivers in Vikings history with 7,636 receiving yards. I don't know, Tony Parker?
Carl Eller.
Defensive end inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2004.
Bud Grant, head coach.
Oh, yeah, Bud.
He wasn't a player, though, was he?
No, he was just a coach. Just a coach.
He was a legend.
I suppose that doesn't really count since it's a coach.
He was a legendary. I suppose that doesn't really count since it's a coach. He was a legendary coach, though.
The Vikings are in shambles if they have a head coach in their top ten list.
Jesus Christ.
Steve Hutchinson?
Are you saying you don't agree or you don't know?
I don't know who it is.
Paul Cruz.
Oh, yeah.
Interception leader.
Safety. He's the all-. Interception leader. All-time. Safety.
He's the all-time interception leader in the NFL.
Quote me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure he still holds that record.
For a career interception leader.
It's just a black and white photo.
God damn, he looked tall as hell.
Is he black or white?
He's white.
He's white.
He played a long time ago.
Randall McDaniel.
Offensive lineman inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2010.
Oh, my.
I don't know that one.
I don't know that one.
Let's get some O-linemen in there.
Yeah, Jesus.
Gary Zimmerman.
Offensive tackle.
No what?
No, I don't know.
You keep saying no, and I don't know if you're like, I don't know. No. Offensive tackle. No what? No, I don't know. Okay. You keep saying no, and I don't know if you're like, I don't agree.
Like, if it's an offensive lineman, I'm not in this era.
I probably don't know him.
Ron Yerry.
I don't know him.
Chuck Foreman.
No, I don't know him.
Jim Marshall.
Chris Carter.
Oh, wait.
I already named it.
Who's he going to be? It was a different picture. He's on here in two different pictures. Okay. Oh, wait. I already named it. Yeah. It was a different picture.
He's on here in two different pictures.
Matt Blair.
Joey Browner.
Adam Thielen.
Steve Jordan.
Here's one that's on the list that nobody thought of.
Jared Allen.
Oh, that is true.
He was a dog.
He was a Viking.
The thing about it is he didn't... No. Purple People Eaters. He was after dog. He was a Viking. The thing about it is he didn't...
No, Purple People Eaters.
He was after that time.
But here's the thing.
He got drafted by the Chiefs.
Isn't it fun when you bring up something like this?
He just comes alive.
He got drafted by the Chiefs, though.
He did, originally?
Jared Allen was a Chief before a Viking.
So what does that mean?
You don't respect him?
No, it's just like I kind of enjoy players that were drafted.
You're so good at manning the mini fridge.
I just like players that were more drafted.
How are you feeling over there?
I'm feeling great.
I keep tapping his leg.
I was expecting an ice cold silver bullet.
I mean, I got like half a beer in here.
Okay, but how many is that?
Seven beers.
Jesus Christ.
So you've just charged through the coin flip.
We're not golfing.
If we were golfing, that's a different...
We should go to Double Eagle and see how this goes.
How does beer affect your game of pool?
I say it goes better.
I say it does better.
It's kind of the same thing where it's like once I can't focus on a point on the ball,
it goes drastically downhill.
Because that's all pool. You need to have one of those cue balls with all
the dots on it.
It's like 20 dots.
There's like
practice balls that have
pretty much a dot in every spot of the ball.
And it's like
you hit here for like a slight right spin.
If I can
see that white ball, I'm just going to hit it.
If I can just get it into focus and I can get my cue decently in the middle, I'm just...
Remember when I took the habanero shots at Cappy's when I played Rhino and those other fuckers?
No, that was a different night.
The night that you...
The guys said they would play you for it and you ran them out of the bar? Yeah. That was a different night, I think. Well, that was a different night. The night that you, the guys said they would play you for it and you ran them out of the bar?
That was a different night,
I think.
that was,
that's a time.
This dude literally ran guys out of the bar
because they said they would play him for the table.
They're being such dicks.
I'm like,
you didn't.
there's some assholes there that
tried to pool shark.
the one.
Can me and my buddy play a game of pool
and they're like,
put a dollar on the table.
I'm like,
what? They're like, yeah, it like, put a dollar on the table. I'm like, what?
They're like, yeah, it costs a dollar to play on the table.
He got so pissed off, he cleaned house, and they didn't touch the ball the first game. I was like, all right, fine.
I put a dollar and quarters on the table.
I ran an eight ball rack.
I don't do that often.
And then the second game, they only hit one time.
Yeah, and I was like
It was 2v1
I made
Dollar a table
I made 4 bucks
And then lost
To Rhino
Fuck that guy
Who the fuck is Rhino
His name was Rhino
He was good at pool
I missed an 8 ball
And then he had a stripe
And an 8 ball left
Made the stripe
Cleaned up the 8 ball That's the stripe cleaned up the eight that's
a dude that said i had nothing going on behind my eyes and said i was scary oh yeah he told me i was
crazy he said i know a dude that i wouldn't fuck with and that's that guy you know like me there's
not a thought between his eyes and he's ready to kill somebody so that sounds about right
and he was like he came up to me,
he's like,
you're a dude that
I would not fuck with.
When Spencer gets tuned up,
he's just a killing machine.
I was just standing there.
And then you look at him
and you're like,
do you have your affairs in order?
I was just standing there, man.
I was just like,
I don't know.
And him in the background
is like,
I don't know if you guys were there.
Do you remember there was that one guy.
We were there just hanging out.
It was the night Trace came.
We were just hanging out.
At Cappy's?
It was a while ago.
I've never been there with Trace at Cappy's.
I vaguely remember that.
And Zane came.
Zane was there.
Anyways, this guy, we were kind of hanging out, just playing pool.
I wanted to play with my friends.
We were kind of waiting for a table.
And then this guy comes up.
It was just this guy and his wife.
And he's like, you want to play?
And I was like, you want to get a partner and play?
And he's like, no.
He didn't want to play with a partner. play and he's like no like he didn't
want to play with a partner i can't remember if i told this on the pod or not but basically
it was very clear that this was all this guy had going for him because he took it so seriously
and he was very good yeah and he obviously beat me and he was like destroyed me and then he just
goes like straight faced like i would try to make a joke or something and he was like destroyed me and then he just goes like straight faced
like i would try to make a joke or something and he would just like stare through me like i wasn't
there and i'm like dude okay you're not a professional player and basically he was like
that was fun you want to play again and i was just like uh okay and he's like okay and he was like i was like and he basically was like not doing anything and i was like i guess since i lost maybe i need to pay
uh and i like loaded it and um
um then he like just ran through me again after I paid.
And then I was just like,
I went up to him and I was just like,
you're doing really good for your first time playing pool.
And he was like,
this isn't my first time playing.
Like he didn't understand that I was fucking with him.
There's no sarcasm at all.
Like he was taking it so seriously.
There's a couple guys that
When's the last time you absolutely
just got ran and pool?
Sorry Mr. I'm him.
It's been a while.
It's been a while.
I started practicing probably
a year and a half ago.
Like actually practicing trying to get better.
And before that, I never really played pool.
And you were just naturally good at it?
I wasn't playing anybody.
Oh, so, like, my dad fucking runs my shit.
Still to this day?
I was going to say.
It's pretty competitive now, but, like was first getting into it, like learning.
Because he's been playing.
Dude, he used to be a pool shark back in his 20s.
Yeah, you told me about that.
So he's kind of got the, he knows what he's doing.
So we'd be playing.
So for like a good year, he'd run my shit every time.
But now it's a lot more competitive
is it like pretty 50 50 split uh so we have a running total going on
um it's a race to 100 and a race is like basically first to 100 yeah and so um the first one he won, pretty convincing.
It was 100 to like 80, 89, I think.
I mean, that's not bad.
When you play 100 games and you're winning 89 of those.
Well, he beat me by 11 games.
But now I'm down two games.
It's 27, 25.
How many do you play in a row?
In a night, we probably play five and then
you just do it like and we have like a uh a score thing you like slide the number and everything and
so you're like fucking training i wouldn't say train i just it's playing regularly i would say
i have a pool table in my house and it's i have a pool table in my house and I play it frequently with my dad who's also good at pool.
But I don't train.
I don't like going to like let's practice.
I just like this will kill.
Well, yeah, you don't practice.
This will kill 20 minutes.
Let's play.
You're not like I need to practice my bank from this.
I do do that sometimes.
But with the cue.
It's training.
But you don't train.
Because it's like 1130 at night and I can't be just banging balls.
So I practice with the cue ball.
You know how there's diamonds on the table?
Well, those all add up to angles to go.
Dude, you're training at that point.
You're describing how you're training.
You're literally practicing pool.
Bank shots.
That's practice.
That's part of the game.
Dude, we're talking about practice. We. That's practice. That's part of the game.
We're talking about practice.
We're talking about practice.
We're talking about practice.
It's more of like a quarterback being like, I don't practice, but I have my receiver stand five yards away, and I try to lead him a little bit.
I guess it is practice, but it's more of like a.
Oh, there we go.
There it is.
But it's more of like if we go to the bar, it's like I kind want to just bust this out and like surprise people with it's like a party trick you're practicing a party trick
pretty much trick shot yeah it goes into it just goes into our old conversation where he's good at
any sport that you can drink at oh yeah i narrowed it down by the way, I golf and I drink a lot when we're playing.
When I play in PGM events, I just shot a 78.
Well, yeah, no shit.
Okay, okay, okay.
I shot a 78 sober.
That's pretty good.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
That's pretty good.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
It's not you're good at sports while you're drinking.
It's you happen to be very good at sports that you could also be drinking while you're playing.
Probably because those are the sports you gravitate towards.
So you happen to play them a lot.
Well, that does come from my dad, which not throw him under the bus.
But, like, we want to play, like –
Like, I'm just good at darts and pool and bowling.
But, like, we have a dart board.
We have a pool table.
Bowling, my dad was really good
at back in his heyday and you or him okay so maybe maybe let's revise it my dad is very good
at sports that you can drink out while playing and you just learned it when i was like this is
kind of cool just being and it is better so your dad is basically him senior and you're just him
junior pretty much because it is fun pulling up to a bar
like a pool table when it's like everybody so when's your dad gonna come out with us and
he does ask dude that where are we going tonight and i'm like dude you should shut up
he wouldn't he wouldn't come out i haven't met your parents yet i have not either well
they fucking been asking they think you guys are like crackheads or something. No, they don't. But when I first met them, they think you're normal and we're crackheads.
Oh, they're in for a treat.
Dude, they've only met Cam.
No, they met Cam.
What'd they think of Cam?
He was cool.
But we were both just shit-faced.
Who was?
Your dad or Cam?
No, he only met my dad.
And my dad was probably stoned to the gills.
Didn't he say he was just ripping a box mod?
He does rip a box mod.
Just clouding the basement playing pool.
I call one the sat phone, which is the box mod, because it legit looks like a sat phone.
And the other one's a situational vape, because he busts it out when he's in a restaurant or something.
Situational vape?
A sat phone.
Dude, it legit.
All right.
So the viewers at home.
Are you talking about like in World War II when they're going around in a radio backpack?
It's like three times the size of this.
Oh, my God.
And I'm like, dude.
Well, because one time he lost.
So what he does is like he'll leave it out.
And my fun thing I do is grab it and hide it
Probably not a wise thing to do to a nicotine fiend
No and he's like what the fuck
He gets mad and I'm like
Guess I'm hitting the situation
And I'm like what are you talking about
Where's my phone
Well I found like a sat phone
I found a sat phone on the couch
Like are you talking about this?
And he's like, give me that fucking thing.
He gets all pissed.
But that just became a running joke.
Like, sat phone.
Situational was for if you were in a restaurant.
Like a Hy-Vee or something.
A supplemental tool.
Like where you can't just be blowing a cloud of smoke.
It's a supplemental tool.
Yeah, supplemental.
It gets the job done, but it's not like the,
it's not like the heavy hitter.
It ain't,
it ain't the best,
but it works.
It'll get you back.
It ain't the sat phone.
You know,
you can't make long distance calls with it,
but you know,
if you,
it's like a,
it's like a phone booth.
It would get to 200 watts of power
ripping a vape with it.
which is insane.
this is probably eight 12 watts and he'll be ripping it at like 100 watts
like you know how powerful that like oh yeah you can like adjust it you can to the highest it goes
one time i ripped a uh trace used to have those mods ripped a cart, like a weed cart with one of those. Oh my god.
And like 100 watts.
It fried the coil.
It didn't work.
It was one hit and I couldn't use it anymore.
Because it like fried the...
Oh my god.
Jesus, guys.
A weed battery is like 8 volts.
We have to give a shout out right now.
I almost forgot.
You guys ran into into an avid listener
say your name and i'll say it again
dude we were both say your name last dude fucking um i want to see if you can guess it
i we cannot blame ben for not remembering the name.
Oh, we were busy last week.
I was on the brink of blackmailing him.
I did feel pretty...
Let me give you guys an idea.
Let me give you guys an idea.
The next day, I went up to Ben at work, and I go,
Oh, I see you met so-and-so.
And he goes, Huh?
And I goes,
You guys sent me a... She sent me a Snapchat of you guys
I did feel pretty
And then you go oh
And then you said her name
Oh my god what are you doing
I squeezed it in my bed
I did feel pretty
He got a little
I did feel pretty famous though
Because she recognized me by my voice
By your voice.
She was like, is that Spencer McClellan?
Or not McClellan, but is that Spencer?
And I was like, what?
Okay, stop dancing around it.
What's her name?
It was fucking...
Come on, you got it.
Dig deep.
No, I know it's not that.
It's a one syllable name
I can see her face
Vlad the Impaler
Vlad the Impaler
No I don't know
It starts with a K
Not Katie
God damn
What's up cat
You guys are such degenerates
Dude I was...
You can't blame us.
It was about...
What was it?
Second Chloe.
I got it.
Shout out Claire.
Shout out Claire.
We're back.
Claire, you're the best.
Shouts out to you.
You know, we're getting drunk again.
My first middle school girlfriend.
Shouts out to you. You know, we're getting drunk again. My first middle school girlfriend. Shouts out to you.
You met two of my current friends.
We've come a long way.
Not really.
Thanks for supporting the pod.
Well, it's still in the air.
Thanks for, I mean, you must be an avid listener if you can recognize my friends by their voices only.
Where they're in the, I wonder, what, do do you remember and this is a dumb question but
do you remember what you were talking about when she yeah ordering a beer yeah we're talking about
what we're gonna drink at the rail yard and then and then well maybe that jogged her memory because
you were talking about beer and we normally drink on here yeah i mean yeah so she looked around and was like Spencer? no she was behind us
and she said my name
and I was like
what the fuck
and then she was like
I'm the number one
fan of the grass tennism podcast
I've logged the most listening hours
and I did a good gesture
and we brought
her and her friend up
in line with us
oh you did?
oh yeah
who was with her?
I don't know she didn't with her? I don't know.
I don't know.
She didn't say her name, I don't think.
Shout out Shelby.
No, I don't know.
You just thrown out her name.
Yeah, I don't think she said her name.
Probably not.
I don't remember.
She's gotten some new friends.
Keep these psychos away from me.
Because we actually ended up going to Midland together, too.
She and Corbin went to Midland, and they were part of the reason why I was like,
fuck it, I'll go because at least I have a couple good friends there.
So shout out to Claire.
Thanks for watching.
Shout out.
Well, I don't know if she watches, but I think she listens.
She definitely listens.
If she can recognize my voice.
Thanks for supporting, and I hope you're enjoying the show.
It's fun.
It's kind of fun because she'll randomly, when I tell a story about someone from high school.
Oh, she'll just know.
No, no, no.
I'll leave it ambiguous because sometimes it's a crazy story like the guy that shoved a Bosco stick in his mouth during the lunch line.
And then she will Snapchat me after the episode
drops and be like, who was it?
And I'll say their name and then she'll be like,
that's hilarious.
Or like the one kid...
With the Trace.
Does she know the Trace guy at Trace's house?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She asked who that was that threw up in the dog bowl
after they got too high.
I don't know if you heard that.
You've been on this pod how many times and don't listen to any of the episodes.
You don't listen.
I like to keep it fresh, fellas.
Oh, fuck.
I'm hoarding them up so I can binge them later.
Oh, dude.
I actually just did that with a podcast I used to listen to and I came back to it.
You just told us you don't listen to anything while you're working.
That's okay.
He doesn't.
I see right through it.
He can prove it.
You're capping. Oh, no. He does not have headphones while he's working. I listen to them when you're working. That's okay. I see right through it. He can prove it.
Oh no, he does not have headphones while he's working. I do my listening when I'm home.
Are you that bored, my guy?
That's the opposite of how you should operate.
You listen to podcasts while you're
working and doing monotonous things.
I play Hell Let Loose.
Have you been playing that?
I fucking hate that game.
It's so hard.
I played that game one time and got bitched out by some fucking 40-year-old virgin.
It's Kate of the Gadison.
I hate that.
I got bitched out by some 40-year-old virgin.
And I deleted that game and said, what the fuck am I doing?
I got enough friends to where we're the, like, so there's a squad leader who bitches at you.
That's the guy you probably hated. So to where we're just, there's so there's a squad leader who bitches at you that's the guy
you probably hated so to where we're just you know we don't care you know we go whatever if
we lose you don't play it as if you're if we die we die eggs and eggs war but eggs and eggs baby
it's the perfect shout out matt rule it's a it's a when we get big enough to watch. Matt Rule, thanks for watching.
Kegs and eggs World War II.
Kegs and eggs Normandy.
It's kegs, eggs, and football.
Fuck Nazi Germany.
Kegs, eggs, and D-Day.
That's a good one.
Not really.
Not really.
It was a bad day But yeah
But when you have enough people
To where you're the
Entire squad
It's fun
Cause you're not getting bitched at
You're just doing your own thing
Cause you're like
I wanna be a sniper
And there's some guys like
I'm a sniper
You can't be a ham
Well there's actually
A recon squad
Well yeah whatever
Okay him
Okay him
Sorry I played the game
No but
I haven't played it in a while.
I think I still have it downloaded.
I was like one time.
I don't.
One time I was laying down.
I was just like laying down in some tall grass by a tank.
Just like,
just killing people.
And there's no kill cam.
there's nothing.
So they have no idea where they're getting killed from.
And I'm right in front of them.
That's what I like about it.
Cause you have to,
I hate that game. You keep dying. You're like, Oh, they're fucking, that's where they're getting killed from and I'm right in front of them. That's what I like about it. Because you have to... I hate that game.
You keep dying and you're like, oh, they're fucking...
That's where they are.
Then you ask the artillery, hey, we need some help.
I think what's most annoying, though, is there's no notification when you kill someone.
So you just have to, like...
You assume...
If you get a headshot, there's a sound.
No, body shot too.
What is it?
Just like a...
It's a thud.
You gotta listen for the thud.
As if you're not experiencing enough noises.
Well, when you're getting screamed at, when you're getting like, what the fuck are you
You don't hear a fucking gay ass.
As if there's not enough noises going on when you're in the middle of World War 2 combat.
Yeah, no shit.
But so, yeah, we go, me and my buddies figured out how to play artillery tank.
Tank's tough, because you have to shift gears.
It's manual tanks in a video game.
So you're like shifting gears.
You're shifting gears.
Trying to get out.
Dude, it's crazy.
Oh, annihilating Nazis or the Americans.
Sometimes it's fun to kill some Americans.
You just said, I mean it.
We're undefeated in World Wars.
By the way, we are undefeated.
2-0, baby.
But Germany...
By the way, this is coming full circle.
So much better in that game, huh?
Two World Wars.
Two World Wars.
No stretching.
Jumping jacks,
running in sit-ups
and push-ups
and climbing rope.
Wait, stretch?
Like, why did he go into
a Brooklyn accent?
He might be from Brooklyn.
Oh, I don't know.
I'm a little bit buzzed.
I don't know what I'm talking about.
I would fucking hope so.
Where are...
So, our girlfriends went to Target.
Do we think they're back?
Do you think they'd go to Cappy's with us?
I like how there are girlfriends, and you're like, no, there we go.
I feel like I've got it.
Courtney's got to work.
But did you want to get Chipotle, actually?
I thought, Courtney says she was picking it up.
She was just getting it for you?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know either, but I think we should probably end it.
Yeah, probably.
We've ran a little long.
Are we doing number two?
No, it's okay.
Part two?
Our video did cut out there for a second, but I'm going to hopefully edit it all together.
So there's going to be a lapse in the video where it'll just probably switch to the logo
or maybe Ben and Spencer docking each other's dicks.
John Deere.
Fucking John Deere logo.
John Deere green.
Never broke my heart.
No, that's the wrong one.
I don't know, but give me a scene.
Hopefully we get it all sorted out.
I'm going to just cut your guys' audio for this last couple minutes.
Thank you guys all for watching.
We do have an announcement.
I just today created a Grass Daddy's official TikTok account where I will be posting shorts or, you know, like just clips um just like funny moments from the show um hopefully
try to get more engagement and also provide a little more content for you guys um but
video video form on youtube um audio only on spotify and apple podcast um as always thank
you guys all for watching and all you loyal listeners thank you
for continuing to support us day in and day out northern iowa this weekend it's gonna be a
scrimmage we're taking it all the way we're going to a bowl game we're covering the spread we're
going to a bowl game this year we got to get nine wins so spencer can win his case of beer
better fucking kill him hit me boys
thank you guys all for watching
I'm gonna do you first
you first Spencer
it's the signature dab
it's not the regular dab
it's the white guy dab
slap and fist
can you handle that
no you idiot
you idiot slap and fist. Can you handle that? No, you idiot.
You idiot.
Slap and fist.
Thank you guys for watching.
Until next time.
Yeah, you didn't know what I was talking about. Jumping spider.
Jumping spider.
Jumping spider. to take these dreams and make them mine.
Can you take me higher?