Grass Daddies Podcast - Grass Daddies Podcast Episode 58: Did we just become best friends?

Episode Date: October 22, 2024

In this extra-long episode of the Grass Daddies Podcast Jake and his usual suspects, Ben and Spencer test out their new sound setup and jump all over the map shooting the shit. Spencer talks about som...e spooking encounters he had at the house where he lived in college and Jake tells a story about a potential cult meeting being interrupted by the cross-country team at his high school. Eventually, the boys reach the topic of beer tolerance and how it relates to beer dependency (something none of us have). SHANKITGOLF.COM Code:grass Follow us on Social Media! Youtube: grassdaddiespodcast Instagram: @grassdaddiespodcast @kamdenwellmann @jakekillham Spencer's Instagram: @spence2018 Tik Tok: @grassdaddiespodcast @kandenwellmann (yes that's how it's spelled) @jakekillham11

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And I don't think anything good happened. Probably not. Because I'm sure it would probably give you a heart attack. Get air in your heart. I'm going to title this episode, what do we talk about? Everything but grass. Yeah, pretty much. I mean, we've been all over the map.
Starting point is 00:00:14 Dude, we're... But I'm fine with it. Talk about mowing heights. I'm good. welcome to the i'm drunk now podcast that would have been really funny if that was the first take but it wasn't because if you guys can't tell i'm jake and i'm a grass daddy spencer joining us once again. Number one mini fridge. The joke doesn't have as much gusto when you've already said it.
Starting point is 00:00:57 This is our second take because if you can't tell by what's sitting on the table in front of us, we have a new soundboard and we've got some new mics and some headphones. We're trying to up the quality on the Grass Studies podcast, up the production value a little bit, hopefully provide a little bit better product. It seems to be working. It's working pretty well. I like it. We did a little test run because I was worried that the audio levels
Starting point is 00:01:21 were a little too high. But they sounded pretty good, pretty crispy. Yeah, no, this sounds great. We're going to roll with it. This is awesome. Maybe not full volume anymore for you listeners. Yeah. Might be a little ear rape.
Starting point is 00:01:36 You might not have to blare. It might not have to be a common thing where you just automatically default to max volume. So you can even hear. Now you got options. You like options? I got hoes in different area codes. A lot. And this is one of them.
Starting point is 00:01:53 This room right here. This is one of your area codes? This is one of my area codes. We were testing this out a little bit. And you go, I may never leave this room. I believe is what you said. I'm going to start firing pods just on my... I'm not even going to record anything.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I'm just going to talk to myself with the headphones on. Good lord, man. And the microphone. I had... Lights off. Yeah. Just getting into your... You're listening to the sound of Ben Holdaway.
Starting point is 00:02:16 I'm your host, Ben Holdaway. My eyes are red. This is Ben Holdaway. Just start, like, going into the kitchen. Do your own little... Some shit. You could do your own little Russian sleep experiment. Yeah. That is so funny that you mention that,
Starting point is 00:02:30 because in the spirit of Halloween coming up, I was... Last year, I had Bookie Ben come on, and we ranked our top scary movies. Yes. So I don't really have any plans for what to do for this year, but I was thinking about, like, maybe I'll, like, just read a creepypasta and my favorite one being the Russian Sleep Experiment.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Dude, that thing's fucking wicked. But I don't know if that's – is that kosher to just like Read a story that's Not yours As content But it's not like I'm making money on this Give credit Give credit is public knowledge
Starting point is 00:03:14 Right If you read it off It's not like it's trademarked or something Well yeah if you read it off Just like someone No one's coming after you for reading this Someone could just look it up online And read the same thing Like it's not like true it's public knowledge public domain yes right
Starting point is 00:03:31 i don't know something it were it's still up in the air i don't know maybe we'll get a little spooky on this episode if we yeah that's play the play the ghost sound of i can't i was trying to i was playing with it a little bit trying to figure out how i could um like play sound effects or like sound clips from past episodes but i don't know i'm still i'm still workshopping it we're still we're figuring out that's just a lot of knobs for now it is a lot of knobs. It's not as confusing as you think. It's basically like, I'm not going to go into it. The same thing four different times. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Basically, that's one mic. That's another mic. Yeah. And then you can control the master volume and the high range, the low range. So if you're like, my voice is way too low and bassy, I could take out the bass and make it sound like I had my balls cut off. And you can also be like you're in a cave. Right. I can.
Starting point is 00:04:34 All of the sound effects are like, they're largely reverb bass. They're just like, oh, you can put reverb on your voice. And it's like like what function would that really serve spooky story oh kind of one night by the campfire the i mean tell me the children that's pretty nice i like that we're slain by i don't know i like that for like a scary story that's kind of nice and then there's different like i don't know amounts of echo i don't know but do you want to hear the really creepy one lena and i found while we were playing with this yeah yeah it sounds i believe it's i'm drunk now. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:05:25 That's not it. I'm drunk now. I'm drunk now. I'm drunk now. I'm drunk now. I'm drunk now. Oh, he's bouncing off the walls. He's bouncing off the walls.
Starting point is 00:05:38 That would be crazy. Hello. Hello. If I was drunk enough and I had no idea you did that, I would be like, I'm dying. Dude, you're like bouncing off the wall. Well, you can't get drunk enough if you don't knock on the mini fridge. Hey, I'll stay. I wonder how much this will pick up.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Pretty good. Is that right? It seems like it ran him out. Michael, can we enter dude he nodded his head that was kind of
Starting point is 00:06:08 creepy I think is he the guy who controls the mini fridge they're falling out holy shit
Starting point is 00:06:14 they loaded it up this time holy shit they're working double time hard ice twisted tea oh jeez
Starting point is 00:06:20 oh my god you know who loves twisted teas everybody everybody goes to twisted tea area you have God. You know who loves Twisted Tees? Everybody. Everybody goes to a Twisted Tee area. You have to.
Starting point is 00:06:30 But you know who really loves Twisted Tees? Mikey up there. Piglet. Pig. Pig does love Twisted Tees. Ooh. First casualty. He'll get all. Hit my pop up.
Starting point is 00:06:39 First casualty. Yeah, first casualty with the new set. We're still getting used to it. Pig does get pegg pickled up on some tweets. Oh, I've seen it. It's art. The drinking that you can hear through the mics is a little... Yeah, we may need to...
Starting point is 00:06:53 Wait, hold on. Oh, hell no, Ocho. Oh, hell no, Jake Stroke. Put that on a t-shirt. Oh, you know what you should do this, Pod? You should crack a tea with the echo on it. That might sound cool. That might sound kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Let's do that right now. Mini fridge. Mini fridge. Open it. Oh, shit. No. Let me not yell. Like a moron.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Like a Momo. Have a Momo. Have a Momo. Have a. There's different versions of it. Wait, pause. Test. Crack that moron.
Starting point is 00:07:41 It's like Jason. I've never heard a crisper twisted tea in my life. That sounded so satisfying. That was nice. I gotta finish this. That sounded like, oh my god, I just got another great idea. But that sounded like I was in a fucking cathedral. Dude, that was nice.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I mean, I was refreshed just by hearing that. I can't imagine. Hearing that kind of made me... This is what my mind heard when I heard that. Oh. Holy shit. We actually have so many capabilities now with the sound. Because you can put your own on there.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I just said a little bit ago I couldn't figure that out yet. But you could if you figure it. I might. I have like a... Put your mind to it. So there's like a left and right audio thing. Right here. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I have like a cord. I don't know even if it's in here but it's like i have that to an aux and i plug that into my computer and it and i couldn't get it i think it's laying down there so those are just pre-loaded on there those are just effects that I can switch through. That's nice. But, um, the other thing, too, is, like, if I was able to play music into it, I don't know how the whole, I'm playing music from my computer into it, and then recording that on my computer,
Starting point is 00:09:18 I don't know if that's... Because I do it with my computer when I play guitar, because I can record my amp and then record. Yeah, why don't you fucking help me with this? I could. We can maybe after this. We can workshop it.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Look at it. I got nothing. I'm no use with that. Yeah, you are a caveman. I have so many clips on the top of my head that would be so funny to just pipe in here. Right. With the headphones. You could make me hit the gurg up in the back.
Starting point is 00:09:46 That would probably be the number one. The first one going on there. You can definitely get a soundboard on your PC that goes into this that will play through there. I know a great second one you can put on there. I might be shit-faced. Huh? We have not.
Starting point is 00:10:03 So what we're referencing has not yet been released because we still haven't decided if we want to release it. Oh, yeah. Dude, that one's bad. I gotta listen to that. That's a grease one. I haven't released it.
Starting point is 00:10:16 No, but I need to... You have it and I can listen to it. Should we all sit down and listen to it and decide whether or not we want it? I mean, that's a full thing, but like, you would know since you edited it. decide whether or not we want it. You would know since you edited it. I did edit
Starting point is 00:10:29 today. I was thinking more like... You would know if there's bad shit on there that I might want to hold my I think I would more say we could edit that into shorts for TikTok or Instagram. But then people are going to be like, I want to watch that episode.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Hey, Patreon. If enough people can be like i want to watch that episode yeah well then if enough people and if enough people are like i want to watch this then bam you can fire one out when you're late one suppose i don't know true i don't know so the episode we just dropped was the rambling feud and then directly after that we were like we recorded another one ben's like i want to I'm down to record a second episode. That's what you said. You're like, I'm down to record a second episode. That was a great. And we were so, we were Larry the fuck up. You were shit faced.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Literally. And at a certain point in that episode, you know what you said? Let's just record a third. I was like, dude. Come to find out, You don't even remember What we did after No Shout out
Starting point is 00:11:30 Nevermind The song's about a flower It is about a flower It's about a flower man A flower named Erica And we'll leave it there If you know you know And we're over there do beware over there okay or send a prayer that's
Starting point is 00:11:50 okay okay too much too far so too much too far should we should we make this american one huh should we make this a little spooky themed a little bit sure i'm dead michael myers is looking because um right before we started recording lena goes did i tell you i saw a ghost at work the other day and i was like that was a wild bomb you might have forgot to mention that she's like oh yeah i saw an apparition by my desk and it walked about from there to there. It's like a good 10 yards, 30 feet. You were sitting right there when she said that. That's just something you just blow off.
Starting point is 00:12:32 I don't know. She slipped that into conversation. Did I tell you? Did I tell you I saw a ghost the other day? She saw an old friend. I saw Jessica. Yeah, right? I got some ghost stories. Oh, I saw Jessica. Yeah, right? Yeah. And then she's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I got some ghost stories. Oh, yeah. I got some ghost stories from college. I do. You got to get, was it Cole or the other guy who had the nightclub? Cole. Cole. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I've been meaning to have him on But his fucking Dude He works for Fuck I can't remember Don and Millie's Oh the yeah No no no Ollie and Hobbs sorry he works for Ollie and Hobbs And he works
Starting point is 00:13:23 He's like yeah Friday Saturday Sunday I work till close. It's like, that kind of really fucks. What's close? Not now. 10 at night? Wow. Well, I didn't know when they closed.
Starting point is 00:13:36 I've never been there. And you're usually there till after. Well, yeah, you have to stay after closed, ready to clean. And he's taking classes at UNL. So it's pretty hard to I don't even know it's pretty hard to but yeah
Starting point is 00:13:51 it could be one it could be one like you just record off like have him tell it when he's over one night just run into the studio real quick or not that you could just kind of like, I don't know. It's kind of too long to make it a short.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Well, there are, some channels do like highlights. Where it'll be like a 10 minute segment that they talked about. And they'll just post like a 10 minute video. Yeah. That could be a good one then. That'd be a good. Like. That's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Like buzz balls. Right. Well, because that's a good idea Like buzz balls Right Well cause that's a good Exposure to Graph studies highlights Cause some people Look at a You know Hour podcast
Starting point is 00:14:30 Say who's got the time But 10 minutes They'll give that a shot And then if they like it They'll be like Let's listen to the whole thing It's like kinda
Starting point is 00:14:37 It's like really casting A wide net Cause you're like You can watch this One minute clip You could watch A 10 minute highlight Or you can watch
Starting point is 00:14:43 The hour long Well it's just more things For people to click on, too. True. More engagement. Do a little clickbait. Clickbait. Ben said what?
Starting point is 00:14:51 Spencer puts his cock on the table of the podcast, and then he just doesn't. But they would think he did, and then click to see. A little clickbait. Put a little timestamp in the video, too. Yeah, a little timestamp. I'll be standing and blurred out, and time stamp in the video. Yeah, a little time. I'll be standing and blurred out and it never happens. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:09 It's a good one. Okay, anyways. Spooky stories? Yeah, sure. Okay. So my last year at Peru, we moved into a different house than what I had been living in for the past three years. And this was with Pig and Connor?
Starting point is 00:15:24 No, this was with Will and and connor no this was with will and lj so it was us three and my buddies had were living there before okay go ahead we were living there before and they were like dude like sometimes like shit happens and i'm like whatever you know so it's like is that better i don't know yeah that's better way better. Well, we have an interruption. Wait, you want the reverb crack? Yeah, can I? Here we go. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I think I had it. I think I had it on yours. No, it was mine. Was it? I don't know. I heard it through you. Well, we heard it, but it might have been through his. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:20 It was through mine. It was through mine. I'm the second. Yeah, it was good enough. But anyways, so... Some of the scariest moments I've had... It was always, like, super late at night, normally. But we would be, like, watching a movie downstairs,
Starting point is 00:16:36 and you would just hear someone running across the stairs. No thanks. One night I was sleeping, and... No. Yeah. But someone, like... like well not that you were sleeping but someone like full on like kicked my bed oh to where it shook and it hit the wall and i like sat up and i'm like dude like i was like half asleep i'm like lj just fuck off dude like what are you doing and I'm like, dude, like, I was, like, half asleep, and I'm like, LJ, just fuck off, dude.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Like, what are you doing? You thought it was one of your roommates, and you're like, dude, stop it. Yeah, because the door was wide open as well. So I'm like, dude, what are you doing? And I, like, get up and look around, and it is dead. Like, nobody's there. And I'm like, no fucking way, dude. I was like, I'm going to go fucking sleep in my car.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Did you? No. LJ's not even home. Because, like, no fucking way, dude. I was like, I'm going to go fucking sleep in my car. Did you? No. LJ's not even home. Because, like, I had a... LJ hasn't lived here for 30 years. No, but, so, like, my door was all the way open. And my closet door was cracked open, too. And the closet door was, like, it got stuck. So, like, you really had to fucking yank on it cracked open too. And the closet door was like, it got stuck.
Starting point is 00:17:45 So you really had to fucking yank on it to open it. But that was cracked open. I'm like, what in the fuck? What are you doing over there? Sometimes I just look at the camera and give a fucking... Are you even listening to me? I am. The closet door was cracked.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Oh, yeah. And then I just closed everything, went right back to bed. Sure you did. Oh, yeah, I did. I was tired. Was that before or after the 30 beers that were drank? That was on a weekday, so I didn't drink that much. It was probably like 12 or...
Starting point is 00:18:18 Just 12 or... I only had like seven. But then like... They were 16 ounces, by the way. so i only had like seven but then like they were 69 where will stayed he kind of like was like it was kind of underneath the stairs but like and not really but he said he would always like hear like in the middle of the night he thought me and lj were like running up and down the stairs fuck just, so was it like an old house? Oh yeah, it was built like, was there like a backstory behind it? It was built in like 1912.
Starting point is 00:18:48 I feel like, okay, I feel like that's always the, was the house old? But like, did anything like happen there? I don't know, we looked it up
Starting point is 00:18:56 and we couldn't find anything. Hmm. I feel like the older the place is though, just the more, the more people have been through it that have probably, right, died. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I feel like the older the place is, though, just the more... The more people have been through it that have probably... Right. Died.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Died. Yeah. Oh. One of Will's scariest moments is when we first moved in, and he was upstairs sleeping. He just had his mattress there, and he said, like, he woke up to the door open, and he said like he woke up to the door open and he said like the he had the curtains up but there's like a little light coming through and he said it like the beam of light like went to the door and he could just see like a dude standing no yeah and he's like he said he rubbed his eyes and he looked and he's like this dude was like as tall as our doors and this is like an old house so the doors are pretty tall and he said like he like got his phone out
Starting point is 00:19:51 and shined the flashlight and it just like dissipated vanished like as the flashlight passed over it it just like hit the wall behind there was well it was uh he like shined it at the door and he said it just like went and it was gone. And the, he said the light that was shining through the curtain like went straight down then. Like the light beam moved? Well, cause the sun was up. So it was like coming through the window and it was like angled to the door.
Starting point is 00:20:17 And he said when he, after the silhouette was gone, the light like went down. So like, where it was like supposed to be. So it was almost like the light like went down so like where it was nor like supposed to be so it was almost like the light like what yeah like the orientation of the sunlight was like a spotlight yeah kind of and then it like resumed its normal yeah it's normal path yeah what the fuck oh yeah he said he literally stood up got dressed Got in his car And didn't go back
Starting point is 00:20:45 Until someone else came Fuck I don't blame him Oh yeah he was He was like I don't believe in that stuff But Fuck
Starting point is 00:20:55 I was scared You get spooked enough Oh yeah Like waking up I start shooting Like Dude you wake up And see that
Starting point is 00:21:04 Like how long Has it just been standing there? The human's response... Jack off or something. Courtney lived in that house too at one point, and she said she heard a lot of things. He did? No, Courtney.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Oh. When Courtney lived there. We heard the same thing, right? I don't think so. No, I'm laughing at you being larried up on a tea and a half. Oh, wait, but you said you maybe had one beer. I had four tall beers at dinner. Okay, never mind.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Yeah, so he's probably pretty larried up right now. Larry the fuck up. So, I was going to say, I feel like the human response to danger, there's no sort of facade. There's no sort of like, I'm a tough guy, because that's like your personality showing through, and you're like almost acting. But when it's like guttural, primitive fear, you can't control what your response is going to be. In a paranormal aspect, there's no, like in your fight or flight, there's no fight. That's true too. What are you going to fight what are you gonna fight the air yeah like also your your mind is gonna quickly survey the situation and try to calculate your
Starting point is 00:22:35 odds yeah i mean and you're gonna quickly figure out that if i don't even know what I'm up against, how am I even going to begin to calculate how to defeat it? Yeah, it's true. Fuck. Fuck. Dude, I hated that house. I cannot. I'm still getting used to you in my ear. You're three feet away from me,
Starting point is 00:23:03 but it sounds like you're in in me have you done oh hell no what this is an experience hearing it like oh i hate this it's crazy it's really clear i hate hearing it and hearing it differently yeah because this is the first time you're actually hearing ben's little remarks that he kind of just like... I try... No, I do hear them. I just ignore them. But now I can ignore them. Yeah. That's true.
Starting point is 00:23:31 I don't know what you want to do. Oh, what? What was that? Wyatt on set. Ben, do you have any ghost stories? No, I wish I did. Just make one up. Well, I have a...
Starting point is 00:23:41 The girl I'm talking to... Sorry about that. She was like a haunted hotel. You want a FaceTimer? Or just tell it from your own rendition? Yeah, let's do that. She was staying at the Stanley Hotel. I think it was up in Texas, maybe?
Starting point is 00:23:55 I can't remember where it was. That hotel's creepy. The same thing. I visited there. That's one in Colorado, right? Yep, I visited it. In Estes? Yep.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Wait, I think it was that one. Nuh-uh. Dude, that one it was that one. Nuh-uh. Dude, that one's creepy, bro. We did a tour. It was sick. Was it creepy? No. Really?
Starting point is 00:24:11 It was cool, though. No, because I think it was. Ghost Adventures really blowed out of proportion then. Oh, yeah. I don't think she stayed there. It might not be the same. Whatever. She was going through a hotel, and she's not a big ghost person.
Starting point is 00:24:23 And she just started kind of... What do you mean? Like, she doesn't believe in them, or she doesn't like ghosty things? No, I don't think she believes in them. That's what my dad always says. She believes in spirits, not ghosts, which, you know... What does that mean? Don't ask me.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Okay. I think it's the same thing. It's just what you want to say. Right. Well, but when she... Whatever. So she starts taking pictures just around the fucker speak of the devil speak speak of the ghost that's oh this can't happen um side piece no it's my buddy works at a honda now and he calls me every
Starting point is 00:24:59 day to hit his quote and he's telling me he's about to call oh no wait he he's told he he works what at a honda like a dealership no this could this is a good thing because ben says some funny shit to him oh can it all be aired on the internet uh not all of it but some of it most of it okay let me finish this first part all right so she's going through the hotel, taking pictures, just of everything. And there's one where she takes a picture of herself in a mirror. Oh. And in the doorway, you can just see like a small person, like a kid's face is just creeping through. Does she have this picture?
Starting point is 00:25:38 She does. Can you have her send it to you? Yeah. I really want to see this now. Oh, man. I just turned my phone off. Because I don't want him to call me and I don't want to explain it now oh man i just turned my phone off but um because i don't want to call me and i don't want to oh yeah yeah but oh yeah yeah but yeah because i'm not a big
Starting point is 00:25:53 ghost believer because i've never really experienced it and right i watched those ghost shows and like when i was a kid i was but they're obviously tv shows but it seems fake as shit like i don't know you just scratched me every time they get scratched and a fucking demon what are the odds that every single time they go to a location enough stuff happens where it's able to fill a 30 minute runtime yeah but i wonder how many they visit that they just like i don't know they're probably yeah there probably is a couple i'm like we couldn't get any footage all the technology they have like, eh, there's nothing here? I don't know. There probably is a couple. I'm confused. We couldn't get any footage. All the technology they have, like the weird talking things.
Starting point is 00:26:29 EMF. Mm-hmm. Like, is that just somebody post, like edit, just like, eh. Some of it could be. Yeah. Nobody knows. Nobody will ever know, I think. Tell Zach Bagans.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Tell us the fucking truth, you dude. My name is Zach Bagans. Tell us the fucking truth, you dude. My name is Zach Bagans. My dad had some crazy ghost stories, and he, like, is bound and determined that, he's like, it's all in my head. It didn't happen. But I feel like enough people have had him at this point where something has to be real. It's kind of like Bigfoot encounters. Because, like, the last, his most recent one is when he had surgery and he said it was the middle of the night and his like he was at the hospital sleeping and the blankets just flew off of him
Starting point is 00:27:11 onto the floor oh my god and he thought it was the nurse and he sat up and he looked around and he's like and he's like you finally came around and then i was like i was like i was like what did you think? And he was like, I just jerked and kicked and pushed the blankets off. I'm like, they were on the floor. And he goes, yeah, it's all in my head. They probably didn't even get off. He just thought he was drugged up or sleep deprived maybe.
Starting point is 00:27:41 And when he was a kid, he saw something in a house and he's like, ah, just all in my head. Have you guys ever had like sleep paralysis? I'm waiting. No. I'm sure it's coming, but no. You're waiting. Yeah. Like you want it to happen?
Starting point is 00:27:54 I do. Why? Because I want to see the boogeyman. I want to see the ghost. I feel like I'm fucking looking at him right now. The way you're layering me down. Looked at me dead in my eyes and go, I want to see the boogeyman.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Because it's almost like ghost shit where it's like, come on. Are you the kind of guy that's like, I want to see if it's real?
Starting point is 00:28:14 Yeah. Or do you just like, do you just want to feel something or what? I want to feel something fine. It's been five years since I felt that. I just want to feel something.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I just want to feel. Have you ever like ever looked at a place, like driving by it or whatever, and just be like, that place is haunted. There's definitely ghosts in there. I don't know. Like you've never just driven by somewhere and If I get a creepy spot and it's
Starting point is 00:28:37 all dark, I'll definitely be like, let's hurry this up. Let's do the Fat Man Waddle. Well, I don't know because most times it's like you're talking about like an abandoned building or a run down place. And it's like most times the scariest thing you'll run into is just another person. Right. Yeah. Which in and of itself is just another person. Right. Yeah. Which in and of itself is probably almost worse.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah. I would say so. Because then you think it's real as hell, and you're like, oh, fuck. Or it's a fucking, like, cult or something, you know? I don't know. That would probably scare me more than a ghost if I walked into a building that had a cult in it. I've got something kind of scary. This didn't happen to me, but for a while I was really fascinated do you have any ghost stories no i don't not personally
Starting point is 00:29:29 not personally no there was a couple times like at midland where the men's dorm were like oh the men's dorm is haunted right and like there was some times where like the doors would open but like it was like the air because like you could tell you could tell it was like because you know there's like a difference in air pressure when like you open outside door yeah sometimes it'll cause a nearby door it doesn't have word yeah so like that's the extent see it's hard because like when i lived in the house like you have to weigh your options you know like did that really happen one like then you look around like what could have caused this sure that's what i normally do like how much of that was actually paranormal you'll never know so yeah like so i've got a story i mean it's in your head like yeah that
Starting point is 00:30:26 happened but how much of it yeah how much of it was real so this didn't happen to me but i had heard about something from some of my classmates in high school so i'll give you i'll give you guys the basic the basic rundown come on jord there was i think it was the cross-country team okay they were they saw this like culvert that was like fairly large and they like went inside to explore it and they went like deep into it like it's basically as far as they could and at a certain point they came to this spot in the tunnel where they saw like a bunch of like hand and feet prints i don't think it was blood it might have been like mud though i don't remember if they said it was like red or whatever. But they were like, dude, there was like baby's handprints.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Like really small hand and feet prints in there. Could have been a raccoon. So they were like, so they were a human foot. Well, the raccoon back foot is long. Let's say for the sake of the story that they were baby hand and feet prints. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, there was another day they decided to go back there or something. I think maybe like at night or something.
Starting point is 00:31:56 They went back in there and they crawled all the way down. So, basically, picture a really long tunnel. And I think it starts to get skinnier the further in it gets to the point where they have to kind of crouch and like crouch walk through and then i think it hooks to the right and then there's kind of an opening or something and that's where they were finding all these like crazy markings on the walls and footprints and shit they got a ways into the tunnel and then they're like do you guys see like a light and they they like saw light towards the end of the tunnel like it was the exit or like the where it hooks around there was like light down in there and they like kind of went a little bit further down and they were like shut the fuck up everyone shut up and then they were like and they had it recorded on video and you could faintly hear in the background it sounded like chanting. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:32:46 And they, like, and they got up close to it and then they, and then I think they, I think they said they, like, heard the chanting, like, kind of stop and they thought they heard someone say, like, do you guys hear something?
Starting point is 00:32:57 Like, just, like, real people down in there. And they turned around and they booked it out of there and they were, like, you had to, like, crouch walk through there. They were, like, I don't know how, but I was booked it out of there and they were like you had to like crouch walk through there they were like i don't know how but i was sprinting out of there you find a crazy way they got out of there there's always another gear apparently they like drove to like the nearest like i think they said they drove to like best buy or something and i'm like
Starting point is 00:33:19 you like i said you do crazy things, but it's very well lit. I don't know. I would kind of feel kind of safe there in a big public store. Yeah, I guess they probably have cameras in the parking lot. A big public store. And I think my one friend said, like, I just started throwing up. Because he was, like, so scared. Probably the adrenaline was real.
Starting point is 00:33:43 He was so scared scared he just started throwing up especially when you hear like oh fuck is that somebody and you're like and then they
Starting point is 00:33:50 and then they hear whoever that is coming towards them down the tunnel and for all we know they're sacrificing babies in there like
Starting point is 00:33:59 they don't know what's going on down in there could have been a fuck or maybe it was just someone what was that one what the mangrove or whatever mangrove yeah I don't know what's going on down in there. Could have been a... Fuck. Or maybe it was just someone... What did Alex Jones find?
Starting point is 00:34:05 What was that one? What? The mangrove or whatever. Yeah. Where Alex Jones... Mangrove? Alex Jones blew up the spot. Fucking...
Starting point is 00:34:14 Hmm? Yeah, look it up. Yeah. On here? Yeah. It's like where all the elites go and they have like a thing. Yeah, they have like... They're Illuminati.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Mangroves are a group of trees and shrubs out there. No, not that one. Followed that by Alex Jones. Is it called the Mangrove? I thought it was. There's some along those lines. Bohemian Grove? Yeah, there it is.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Bohemian Grove. Dude, it's a weird place. He blew up the spot. Yeah, he walked around in there when they weren't there. No, they were there. No, the one time he walked in there when they weren't there. But I think he has the video of them doing that. He does.
Starting point is 00:34:54 They were there at one point because they had all the flags flying. And then somebody was like, you gotta leave. No. No, I don't. No, I don't. No, I don't. The Bohemian Grove is a restricted 2,700-acre campground in Monte Rio, California, founded in 1878. It belongs to a private gentleman's club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, the Bohemian Grove hosts a more than two-week encampment of some of the most prominent men in the world. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Yep, that is the one. And Alex Jones was like, what the fuck's going on? He just, like, stumbled into it uninvited? No, he knew about it. Yeah, and he stumbled in uninvited. What the fuck is this? Have you heard the one from Yale, too?
Starting point is 00:35:38 It's like the Skull and Bones Club? I have not heard that one. That one's weird, too. It's the same thing. And they wear, like, black cape. Like, it's the craziest. America's got some creepy shit going on that nobody knows about. I'm looking up, like, crazy stories about it.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Are you a lizard people guy? I might be. Are you a lizard people? You got your top three lizard people guy? I might be. Are you a lizard people? You got your top three lizard people? I don't know. I am a major conspiracy theorist. I know that. Just like we...
Starting point is 00:36:14 But do you have anybody who you're like, that's a lizard? That's a lizard person. There's probably a few. No, but like... Not off the top of my head yeah I don't know I feel like you got some names you just
Starting point is 00:36:32 you don't you don't want to say they might come for you yeah they might get you YouTube's gonna flag you shout out Hillary Clinton if you've seen this
Starting point is 00:36:40 I don't think she is I think it's safe to say she's not watching this there's somebody on our team who's like, have you heard of this Grass Daddy podcast? Unless we just get flagged by some AI that if we say her name enough times, it might get put on something's radar. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice.
Starting point is 00:36:56 And the Mikey head just morphs into Hillary's face, and she just rises up out of the fridge. She does kind of look like that. What? If you put some blonde of look like that. What? If you put some blonde hair on that. What? I love when Spencer does that. I've been obsessed with that all week. When he goes, what?
Starting point is 00:37:16 When Ben says something fucking crazy. What? You almost get mad at him for just saying something what some might say, just a unique... I speak my mind. Some might say a unique perspective on life or the situation. Spencer just gets angry at it because it's stupid and he goes, what?
Starting point is 00:37:36 I think his brain can't comprehend what I said. Fuck! What you said shouldn't have been said. No one would say that. God damn it. God damn it. God damn it. Fucking open his mouth again. What are you fucking saying?
Starting point is 00:37:48 Jesus Christ. Has he ever shut up? What the hell are you saying right now? What the hell are you talking about? Fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:37:59 So, did you pay Cam for his... Yeah, I did. I just did. For what? For the bachelor party Oh I'm not going It's the It's the new Bohemian Grove
Starting point is 00:38:10 You might be going You should stumble in Like Alex Jones And be like What the fuck's going on here I had a The guy I used to work with At LPS
Starting point is 00:38:23 I'd be like What are you listening to? And he'd be like, Alec Jones. Alec Jones. He was a white dude. But the first time I heard it, I was like,
Starting point is 00:38:32 he sounds like fucking Hulk Hogan. He does. All right, brother. He does come in there. All right, brother, we're going to talk about radical liberals. Have you heard? Never mind.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Okay. No, because it's a sensitive topic that people want to like. It's a sensitive topic? You ever heard of Sandy? All right, maybe not. Maybe not. There's a lot of lizard people walking around. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:39:00 They're drinking baby's blood. Fucking A. I love that meme where it's like hold on let me talk to you for and he like takes off running at him but it's always like they they like overlay it on like minecraft or something i fucking love that you know what i shake your hand you know what i always thought would be fun starting your own conspiracy theory what me it's like anyone people are quick to starting your own so basically let me craft a crazy lie and see how many people i can get to believe it yeah that should be a podcast episode no like if you think about it every conspiracy theory out there someone's just like
Starting point is 00:39:42 that's not i don't think it's necessarily they're like i want to make something crazy up i think it's something that they honestly believe well yeah they honestly believe it but then they then they like post it out there and then get fall get a group behind them and then it turns into a big ass like it is is they have a thought and then they just believe it so like anything that's told to them they they don't believe unless it supports their belief. Like, one of the biggest ones is the pyramids. Right. That's a huge...
Starting point is 00:40:16 You think the aliens built that. There's no fucking way humans did. Listen, to say I'm not a pyramid conspiracy guy would be a lie. That's crazy. No, I'm not a pyramid conspiracy guy would be a lie that's crazy I'm with you I watch a dude on TikTok who is like investigating it still
Starting point is 00:40:34 and he said we I saw a dude on TikTok go ahead but he was like we still to this day have nothing in our arsenal to cut the limestone bricks as precise as they did. There is a lot of weird shit where they all line up perfectly north, like less than a degree.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Like if you look up the coordinates of it. It's like less than a degree, or maybe it's like a star. It's a star. What is it? Is it just a star? Constellation. Yeah, it's like a star it's a star what is it is it just a star constellation yeah it's a constellation yeah in the within less than a degree favorite constellation the big dipper that was the only one i can think of off the top of my head is that was that your nickname in high school uh i wasn't dipping back then but
Starting point is 00:41:22 dipping my fingers in some ice cream, maybe. Keep the chocolate bowl away from me. What? I can't even say it. What? Put my fingers in some ice cream, maybe. That's all I was doing. Like a jumping spider.
Starting point is 00:41:48 I'm going to have a heart attack. Oh, man. Is it a nacho cheese bowl? I don't know. I'm partial to the Little Dipper, so maybe we could get together and spoon later. Is it the Little Dipper? There's two. There's a Little Dipper and a Big Dipper.
Starting point is 00:42:04 The Santa Cruz Boardwalk has the Big Dipper? There's a Little Dipper and a Big Dipper. Because the Santa Cruz Boardwalk has the Big Dipper. What? What? Sorry. They have them both. What do you mean? The night sky has the Big and Little Dipper. How is the Big Dipper there but not the Little?
Starting point is 00:42:21 It's in the sky. No, I'm talking about two different things. Do you mean to tell me that it's only present in the sky of a... No, so the Santa Cruz Boardwalk has... It's an amusement park with rides. Right. So like GTA. With a roller coaster.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Many roller coasters. Many roller coasters? We got a lot of roller coasters. Great roller coasters? We got a lot of roller coasters. Great roller coasters. The best in the world. The best in... No, but one of them is called the Big Dipper. Oh.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Sorry. That's where you were going. And that's where I was going with that. And that's why I like the Big Dipper constellation, because the only one I can remember is the Big Dipper. Let's go ride the Big Dipper. It was the most rickety fucking... Was it a wood coaster?
Starting point is 00:43:09 I think it's built like 1910 or something. Like way... Was it a wood coaster? It was a wood coaster. I do like the wooden roller coasters. Oh, it scares the shit out of me. There's a little bit... It's funny because...
Starting point is 00:43:21 You hear Orange Creek? You're like, oh, fuck. It's real rough. They're not as fast. No, and there's usually no loops. I don't think they can be. No loops for sure. But they seem scarier because they seem like they're just going to fall apart underneath you. They probably will.
Starting point is 00:43:39 The wood's like 80 years old. Who's to say termites haven't gotten in the middle of that thing. And you, you might be that lucky number. That's a salt water. All the corrosion. Yeah. Dude,
Starting point is 00:43:51 fuck. There's, uh, I should all go to worlds of fun, dude. I was just going to talk about worlds of fun. There's the really tall roller coaster. The Mamba.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I can't do it. Why? I throw up every time. Right. When I get to this. Oh, there's no loops on the Mamba. Oh, I know why i throw up every time right when i get to this oh there's no loops on the mamba oh i know i get up that high and i just i i don't just get up high oh yeah when i'm up like about to go down the anticipation i just fucking so you don't like heights well i mean i don't mind them but I think it's the anticipation of going down that every time I just fucking crawl.
Starting point is 00:44:28 What about the one that you sit in the swing and it takes you up a high? Oh, I love that one. That one's fun. That's like as far as I can go. So what makes you sick? I don't know. The anticipation? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:41 So like if Courtney edges you hard enough, will you just puke? No. Like like you know the patriot where you do loops and stuff i think we should try it no you think the patriot you go in loops i i can do the patriot all day it's so fucking fun oh yeah i love that one we went on it where's that sorry where's the world's a fun kansas city okay it's about three hours dude but we went a couple years ago around this time so they had haunted houses and shit and they stayed open late because normally i think they close kind of around dark yeah they stayed open late so we went and they like turned all the lights on on the roller coasters it was
Starting point is 00:45:19 so sick we went on the patriot the second time we went on it so the first drop that you go around and then as you're coming up the g-force at the bottom sucked me down my seat so hard my legs started cramping because it was pushing into my seat so hard I was like oh fuck and your feet are hanging on that one
Starting point is 00:45:40 are you guys good at with roller coasters and like the picture taking yes I'm terrible on that one. Are you guys good at with roller coasters and like the picture taking? Yes. I'm terrible. I have a picture at my house when we went on the Patriot. I haven't been on a roller coaster in a while but the last one I was on, it was
Starting point is 00:45:55 me. I under hooked and like the bar and was like just holding on for dear life. Like this is me in the picture i was like like that was my still like you were trying to be funny or you know i was hanging on for dear life oh you were deathly scared i can't i'm i hate heights you don't like roller coasters no we gotta get him on one and hear him scream like a little bit patriot
Starting point is 00:46:22 isn't high though you don't really ever get super high i don't scream it's me clutching the bar going oh fuck oh fuck like it's just me cursing like it's not even dude the picture i have when we went on the patriot and connor's sitting here going like this like pretending like he's sleeping no he was like i don't know what i was doing oh like he might have been passed. He was like, I don't know what I was doing. Oh, like he might have been passed out? Like those videos where the people are passed out? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:51 He was like, I don't even know what I was doing. I'm just... I was like, did you... He might be a lizard person. He might be. Kind of. We should check on him. I saw him eating an earthworm on fucking when we golfed. He might be.
Starting point is 00:47:01 What? What? You know, you guys suck. I'll tell you that right now. God damn it. I should have played along. It was a you guys suck god damn it i should have played a joke god damn it no but no i don't listen i didn't no no i didn't think you were joking i was like you saw him eat a worm what does that say well i thought that might have been true oh i would believe in give him some buffalo sauce yeah like if you gave him some Slappy Mamas, he'd probably eat that shit up so quick. Yeah, have you gotten any atomic sauce from
Starting point is 00:47:29 Wingstop? Connor's the type of person to see a worm that's extra red and be like, I bet it's spicy. That was a stupid-ass joke. He might be. I think it's a red dog. It's a weamer. Anybody got a bun?
Starting point is 00:47:46 It's a Weamer. You dumb broad. Ain't along with... That was a great... Give me your best... What impression do you think you can do the best of any character or celebrity?
Starting point is 00:48:01 Let's hear it. Fuck. I got nothing. Shit. Then we're on a podcast. I's hear it. Fuck. I got nothing. Shit. And we're on a podcast. I got to think quick. Or not. I don't have one. Sweet. I might come back to that. That was a fun segment.
Starting point is 00:48:13 I'm going to come back to that, though. Can we put a pin in that? That was a great segment. Let's put a pin in that. Yeah. Let's put a pin in that. Maybe we'll come back. Here, I got you.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Just pin the wall. Yeah, pin that thing. I bet you could impersonate Michael Myers really well. Never seen it. That actually, that video is the first time. I got a cool down. I got your joke. I got it.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Don't worry. Michael doesn't speak. Oh. He does. That. That could be Michael Myers for all we know. Sticking out of the fridge. of the Jason's the one that He doesn't talk either
Starting point is 00:48:49 Well he goes He goes like this Yeah It sounds just like that Because it echoes through the woods That guy might be Jason That was pretty neat That guy might be Jason. That was pretty neat. That guy might be Jason.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Jason is a big dude. What? Jason's a big dude that's scared of water. Okay, let's do this. What are your guys' favorite scary movies? Oh, fuck. This is where Ben goes, I don't have one. Spencer goes, I got nothing.
Starting point is 00:49:19 No, I do have a lot. What? Paranormal activity when I was a kid. What? Jesus Christ, come on. You got something better than that. Iormal activity when I was a kid. Oh, what? Jesus Christ, come on. You got something better than that. I saw it when I was like nine, and I thought it was really shit. I thought it was like...
Starting point is 00:49:31 Oh, so that was really impactful and scary to you. Oh, it freaked the shit out of me. Okay. I'm sorry. I should not have judged. Like days. Like I couldn't... That fucked me up for a while.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Yeah, like what's the first scary movie where you're like, I can't sleep. Like I gotta sleep in my parents room tonight Well I used to watch like a history channel It'd be like ghosts of like the civil war or shit Mine's really bad No judgment Cause if you're young Oh it's not a scary movie though
Starting point is 00:49:58 If you were freaked out by Ernest Scared Stupid what No when I was like Dora I think my mom said... The first Halloween episode? Oh, Sixth Sense. It was the real Grinch.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Oh, fuck, man. Oh, the Jim Carrey Grinch? Oh, yeah. Dude, that fucked me up. I just saw that for the first time this year. That fucked me up bad. Less than a month ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I watched five minutes of it when I was a kid and Jim Carrey fucked my life up for the entire Christmas season. That had me scared. Because of the jump scare in the beginning with the thingy? No, just because the yellow eyes.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Yeah, like the real Grinch. Oh no, oh no. I mean, I guess he's gonna... You better steal Christmas. I saw you put those presents in that sack. I got my top five. Give them to me. So number one, the nun.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Yes. That one's scary, dude. Just steal all of his answers. No, isn't that a conjuring, though? Yeah, it's part of the... It's part of the conjure-verse. All the conjure-verse, fuck. It's part of the conjure-verse?
Starting point is 00:51:11 The nun, that one got me. Probably Annabelle Comes Home. That one's... So basically all the conjuring movies? No, the Conjuring movies? No The first Conjuring is my third They are All the Conjuring's pretty scary
Starting point is 00:51:31 They do a good job They do You wanna know what's funny about The Conjuring? In 4's The Exorcist Just cause I saw that the set Burned down like twice Oh like real life?
Starting point is 00:51:42 Oh yeah There's some crazy stories around That Yeah The Exorcist is really Kinda fucked up The one that scared me the most is Twice. Oh, like real life? Oh, yeah. There's some crazy stories around that. Yeah, the exorcist is really kind of fucked up. The one that scared me the most is Rust when Alec Baldwin shot that chick. That scared me. I haven't seen Rust. I haven't either.
Starting point is 00:51:56 No, he actually killed somebody, though. You guys remember that? I didn't realize. Yeah. During when they shot the movie, he shot. That happened in an accident? They say it's an accident? That happened in The Crow. It was...
Starting point is 00:52:12 What's the famous martial artist? Bruce Lee? It was Bruce Lee's son. Bruce Lee's son was the actor. And they were supposed to shoot him with a blank. Oh, yeah, and it was a real... It was a live round. Well, I don't know if it was a live round,
Starting point is 00:52:29 but there was something malfunctioned with it where it fired a projectile at him. Yeah. And it ended up killing him, like, in the hospital. At supersonic speed, yeah. So, like, he died within the shooting of the movie. Like, never, you know, got to see the movie after it was made. That'd be interesting.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Like, if you shot a grain of sand through, like, a.50 cal, you think that goes, like, through your head? Well, I don't know. Have you seen those movies? You can't shoot a grain of sand. You'd have to have multiple grains. Can you do a goddamn hypothetical one time? Can you open your mind a little bit?
Starting point is 00:53:05 Well, I mean, like... Have you seen the guy that will, like, he'll go on that program, he'll be like, I'm gonna shoot a grain of sand at the Earth at the speed of light to see what happens, and then, like, the world ends. Yeah. It depends on, like, the inertia.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Because, I mean... Like, the speed of the object. Prison, prisons use rubber bullets. And it... Right. I mean, it can penetrate skin, but... But that also is a softer object that's going to cushion some of the impact. Yeah, but it's still coming out of a 12-gauge.
Starting point is 00:53:35 So, a grain of salt fired at the speed of a.50 cal probably wouldn't kill you. It would probably... Oh, yeah, it probably would. It would definitely break skin. Because, like, a rubber bullet coming out of a 12-gauge breaks skin, but it won't kill you. It can kill you, but it most likely won't. So, The Conjuring.
Starting point is 00:53:57 There is zero deaths in that movie. There's no kills in the original Conjuring. Yeah. None. That. None. That is true. But it's still a scary movie. So that goes to show that scary movies don't have to have kills or deaths in them in order to be a scary movie. I feel like the scariest parts of scary movies don't involve a kill.
Starting point is 00:54:21 That's almost when the scare is relieved. Right. The scare is leading up to the kill, and then it's like, okay, he's stabbed, so it's over now. Can't believe he lived this long. That's like with the Michael Myers and Jason and all that. You kind of know when it's coming.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Well, yeah, and they're all cheesy 70s, 80s movies. Well, it's tough. The older movies are tough. But have you ever watched Terrifier? The Terrifier movies? Those are gory, dude. Those are fucking gory. I guess the third one that's in theaters right now is the goriest one.
Starting point is 00:54:54 We should go watch it. Is that with the clown? Is that what you showed me? Yeah, art. I heard that. It's like people, the whole theater left. What? It was like so bad.
Starting point is 00:55:03 For the third one? I guess it's so much worse than one and two. Dude, that clip she showed me when I had a good buzz going. Dude, he fucked me up for a second. Dude, in the first one, he sawed a chick in half. If Courtney would have showed me that as I was leaving, I would have had to spin the block a couple times, listen to like a...
Starting point is 00:55:26 I had to watch Family Guy or something. Terrifier 3. 11 audience members walked out of the theater, 9 during the opening scene, and one onlooker lost their lunch while watching the latest escapades of the series. Vascot. Art the Cloud.
Starting point is 00:55:41 God, dude. Jesus. It's like S saving Private Ryan. Have you heard that? They got a bunch of World War II vets. And they were like. To watch the opening. That's what it was like.
Starting point is 00:55:53 To watch Private Ryan. And they all left. They were like. They all had PTSD. I don't think they all left. But a lot of them were just like. In tears and emotional. And they were like.
Starting point is 00:56:03 That is the most realistic depiction of what actually happened. There's me. Look at me. That looks like what I did. Yeah, my buddy's brains were on me. Which is kind of cool to think about. I don't know. I get what you mean. Put yourself in those moments and you're like,
Starting point is 00:56:20 how would I have done on DJ? I probably would have been beaten by a great white by now. I've been fucking probably eating lead. I think Saving Private Ryan is in the Library of Congress because of how realistic of a depiction of war it was. Band of Brothers, dude. Okay, so what are some of your other favorite scary movies?
Starting point is 00:56:46 I mean, I like the The Nun Conjuring I like the Or Annabelle Annabelle Comes Home Annabelle Comes Home And then
Starting point is 00:56:54 Conjuring 1 I like Conjuring 1 I like The Jason series And the Freddy You like Friday the 13th Yeah and Michael's
Starting point is 00:57:03 You like Michael Lena and I are doing the Halloween. Yeah, I like those. We're on the we're moving we're going on to the 7th
Starting point is 00:57:11 which is H20. That's our next one. Have you seen them all? I don't think I've seen them all start to finish. I won't ruin it. Well, which one? The last one.
Starting point is 00:57:21 The newest like the newest one? The latest one. Oh yeah, I've seen all those. I've seen all three of those. Have you seen, like, Don't Breathe? I think it's called. It's like a deaf chick.
Starting point is 00:57:30 No, no, no, it's the blind dude, I thought. Or no, that's... No, she's deaf. Oh, that is Don't Breathe. Don't Breathe is something else. That one's weird. What? It might...
Starting point is 00:57:42 Don't Step? I don't know, whatever. Are you thinking of The Quiet Place? Hush? Hush. She's deaf. Yeah. And the guy's like outside her window and he's like knocking and she's like...
Starting point is 00:57:55 And they go into the POV. That's not her ex-boyfriend. I thought it was at the end of it. I don't remember. That might be a spoiler. I thought that was audio feedback for a second. I'm like, shit'm shaking with disconnect. What the hell?
Starting point is 00:58:07 What the hell's going on over here? What? What? What about you, Ben? What are some of your favorite scary movies? Well, Hush. There's one. Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Starting point is 00:58:18 God, you just stay away from those movies, to be honest. I hate scary movies. So you don't like roller coasters. You don't like scary movies. Well, it's like, why am I going to... Take a little thrill. You like the Big Dipper. I never really...
Starting point is 00:58:29 I love the Big Dipper. You've never rode the Big Dipper, but you like it. No, I like the Constellation Big Dipper. Oh. That's what we were talking about. Okay. No, I don't know. I don't get the point of...
Starting point is 00:58:39 I'm not going to sit on a couch and almost have a heart attack five times. You're not going to almost have a heart attack five times you're not gonna almost have a heart attack well you ever see me watch a scary movie I mean I guess
Starting point is 00:58:50 I guess I've never watched you watch a movie no anytime I watch a scary movie I have a loaded gun next to me I'm telling you what
Starting point is 00:58:56 fucking for yourself or anyone else well just in case how scary the end might be I'm just dude Kurt Cobain
Starting point is 00:59:04 that's crazy because you went to haunted houses crazy because you went to haunted houses. Just kidding. You went to haunted houses and you were fine. Wait, yeah, you went to Eagle. Because you know they're actors who are like getting paid to. And you know they can't touch you. But still.
Starting point is 00:59:19 It was the point like. Oh, shit. I was hammered. Oh, my God. You know what? I acted. This might not be podcast worthy. I'm about to say something when i was going there i was doing that oh you're pretending to be mentally disabled yeah i was retarded well i might have been retarded okay
Starting point is 00:59:36 can we say that i mean what's the difference i mean you've said it a number of times on this right the last couple episodes when you say mentally i think that's i think that's a generally frowned upon word but i don't think you can like go to prison for saying when you say mentally disabled i think everybody in their head's like oh he's retarded like you know what i mean i think you were trying to depict it the way to say the way to say it is i think i did it well mentally challenged and the medical term is mental retardation is like the proper medical i shortened the shortened part is what makes it offensive by nickname no but the group behind us was like uh like they were they were all fucking freaked out yeah for probably the first five for the
Starting point is 01:00:23 for the first five minutes. And then he would turn around and talk to us. And then turn back to them and just go, You're like, can I get in this car? And then you're like, so anyways, how's your fantasy team shaping up? Pretty good, actually. Mine's coming back. Anyways, let's not get off topic. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:44 So, I think it would be hilarious if you were single, because I'm not going to, you know. We got Zane in trouble a little bit. How did she listen? Yeah. She listened. He didn't say anything that bad. No, she just like, I don't know. Because I asked Zane, has any girl tried to steal your precious seed, given that you're a professional athlete?
Starting point is 01:01:07 And she was like, you were totally acting like you were in a committed relationship. Or something. I don't know. I don't know. Mike, get him back in the doghouse now. And I don't even know if I knew at the time that he was dating anyone. I can't remember if I knew at that point. I didn't either.
Starting point is 01:01:20 That's a pretty recent film. So, Zane's girlfriend right now, if you're listening, I would have framed the question differently if I knew he was taken. Anyways, I think it would be funny if you were single and you went to, this actually might be illegal, if you went to a haunted house, you're like, if a scare actor was trying to scare you, if you just like i know you can't like touch anyone and then you just go you can touch me that would probably be sexual you're gonna say like i get scared so hard i come or something like someone comes out of corner i'm just like well i'm sure there are some like real freaks that go to those that are, like, have fetishes for, like... Get off on them. Get a half chump in that porta potty and go to them. Like, I know they can't touch me, but if they do, oh my god, the forbidden...
Starting point is 01:02:11 The forbiddenness of it. There was a... Like, they have, like, kindest characters just walking throughout the park. Right, like, while you're in line. Yeah, and there was a chick... Dude, she followed us the entire night yeah what was with it because i kept seeing her in the haunted houses and then i just see her randomly like yeah that's what i would do if i was a scare actor is i would target like one specific group
Starting point is 01:02:35 to make them think like it felt like well she like saw us when we first got in there and then like ben talked to her to make them think like maybe like is this guy not actually a scare actor yeah right like who met this guy in well like ben was just like like talked to her right when we got in there and i'm like oh boy and then like everywhere we went like there she was i think she was into me fucking maybe what was the whole thing I was just talking about about Zayn being in a committed relationship and I wasn't. I don't know. I didn't want her, but there's nothing I can do
Starting point is 01:03:11 about her liking me. I didn't want her. She was touching me. I didn't like it. She tricked me off almost to completion. Babe, I didn't even like it. I think the best part of the night is... She tricked me off Almost to completion Babe I didn't even like it I didn't even like it The best I think the best part of the night I told you wait
Starting point is 01:03:27 This is crazy So they had a You should You should stop They had a bar Called the ER bar There I'll give you 30 minutes
Starting point is 01:03:34 To cut that out Alright go ahead That's where you got The cum syringe Yeah The fucking cock full But yeah So they had that there
Starting point is 01:03:42 And me and Ben We were pretty Larried up at this point walk in and the so she's dressed up in like scrubs like a nurse costume type thing the bartender was yeah and we were like a spooky nerd and we were like we were just like fucking around with each other looking what we were gonna order and she looks at us and goes, I hope you two aren't driving. And then we're like, yeah, we're not. I hope so too.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Because I think Courtney was right there. No, she wasn't there yet. And I was like, no, my girlfriend is driving us. And she goes, yeah, I've heard that before. And then Courtney walks through and I go, hey, there's our ride. That's what it was. Yeah, that's what it was.
Starting point is 01:04:24 I knew Courtney was a part of that. She was like, dang it, you have a girlfriend. And then we proceed to get fucking like $50 worth of alcohol. Jesus Christ. Because they had everything in baskets in front of us and we're just like. Yeah, it was like a. So like they have the like. That IV bag.
Starting point is 01:04:42 They have the glass counter and they have have it all, like, in that. So, like, you walk... IV bags? Yeah, IV bags of blood. No, it was blood bags. But it was just, like, bagged wine. No, it was cranberry vodka. Yeah, that's what it was.
Starting point is 01:04:56 It was blood bag, not IV. It was really good. Blood bag. But it was actually, like, real, like... Blood? No, like, a real, like, IV bag iv bag from a hospital like they actually got it oh so you have to squeeze it because you like if you just try to suck the straw nothing would come out so you had to like squeeze the bag to get imagine if they had like doctors on scene like
Starting point is 01:05:18 administering the alcohol through your veins and you could like walk around with the little like metal pole. Dude, I feel like that would be really dangerous. But like the proper amount that would be safe. And they're like, this will definitely get you fucked up quick. But it's safe. There's a Motley Crue story of them like running out of heroin and like injecting Jack Daniels and I think it went
Starting point is 01:05:39 badly for them. I would assume so. And then they were like, well, we could have just drank the Jack. Yeah, but they wanted it to happen quick. Well,
Starting point is 01:05:49 because they're heroin addicts, right? So they want to inject the feeling. Right. It's like butt chugging. I can't stop this thing. If you butt chug,
Starting point is 01:05:59 you know, a thing or two about butt chugging? I know someone that has been. It's an injection of alcohol. Keep talking.
Starting point is 01:06:06 I'm still pulling up. Wait, who fucking... Do we know? Yeah. It's not a pod. It's not for... Alright, can I start listing names and...
Starting point is 01:06:15 Oh, will you tell me after? Yeah. Alright, alright. We're good. Yeah. Injecting alcohol. Yeah. Like your little vape set up oh okay
Starting point is 01:06:31 it might be I don't know it probably can alcohol be injected the shorter answer is no whether it's rubbing alcohol or ethanol or alcohol that you drink as whiskey is not safe yeah cause it would bypass everything and probably
Starting point is 01:06:47 really... Because you're talking about alcohol going straight into your heart. Basically, that's where all the issues arise. It doesn't process the stuff like what it needs to process out.
Starting point is 01:07:03 So all the stuff... Yeah, what it needs to process out. So all the stuff. She's got, like, yeah. Because I'm sure, like, as it gets in your stomach and processes, like, the alcohol probably goes down a little bit and it processes out. It probably processes out, like, in the tea. It, like, separates everything. I feel like a lot of issues arise. It's like. If you inject something into you.
Starting point is 01:07:30 It's not good. But then once it gets to your heart. Is when the real trouble starts. That's when the fun begins. Like. I wouldn't say it's fun. Have you ever seen like. When. They like inject a little bit out.
Starting point is 01:07:41 And it's like. Why are they wasting it? Like when you're a kid. And you're seeing like a doctor do it. There actually i believe they're what they're doing is they're getting the air out yeah because if you get air in the blood and it goes through your heart it can like like fuck you up like there was like kill you like there was literally like nazi experiments where they would just inject people with air to see what would happen. And I don't think anything good happened. Probably not.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Because I'm sure it would probably give you a heart attack. Get air in your heart. I'm going to title this episode What Do We Talk About? Everything But Grass. Yeah, pretty much. We've been all over the map. Dude, we're... Talk about mowing heights. I'm good.
Starting point is 01:08:29 I, uh... You're a tenth of an inch. Sorry. So it's Friday. I'm kind of enjoying this whole recording on a Friday thing. I can get down with it. Especially now that
Starting point is 01:08:40 we have this. I feel like it starts the weekend when I know the podcast is coming. It's like, alright. weekend when I know a podcast is coming. It's like, all right. All the stress is going away. See, what I was telling Spencer was recording the podcast is fun,
Starting point is 01:08:54 but I also know in the back of my mind it's also work because there's editing and whatnot involved. So it's kind of a bittersweet thing. But now with this, I have one line of audio versus three different ones. You don't have to wait two weeks for me to send two audio fucking videos. Sorry, bud. I do want to publicly apologize for the tardiness. No worries. You'd be failing.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Thanks, buddy. Big big fat ass podcasting. He took that fat ass back quick. Let me mute his mic. Last time we did this, you guys didn't have to work Saturday. No, no, no. You did work Saturday. You didn't have to work sunday and um oh yes you were there's always something that happens when you guys don't have to work
Starting point is 01:09:57 sunday yes and that is you hit the fucking town on Saturday night and I get 1am snapchats and I go what the fuck did these boys get themselves into so is there going to be some of that happening this weekend or what actually actually I do have
Starting point is 01:10:19 something going on Saturday night real quick though I love how you and I are just like I don't't work tomorrow, so I can get fucked up tonight. And you're just like, yeah, I can get real fucked up Saturday night because I don't have work Sunday. And Ben, who works both Saturday and Sunday, just goes like, gets fucked up every day. No, but a weekend shift, for those who don't know, it's like a four-hour thing. At the golf course, we go in in the morning, get our morning job done, and then go home. Maybe another one, because, you know.
Starting point is 01:10:56 We're there until about 10. I've gotten three jobs on a Saturday before, which is not fun. It's 11.30, I'm leaving. I'm like, God damn, I can't get breakfast. I might as well take lunch. Fuck. There was one time I legit almost called Craig. Like, I'm going to take a lunch.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Like, if you're going to make me keep doing this shit. If you're going to make me stay. At 11, I'm taking lunch. Fuck. And then you really want to stay and wait for me? Yeah. And then I'll do my 30-minute job after my 45-minute lunch? You want me to mow that chimney greener? No, Craig.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Let's find out. Let's fuck around and find out. No, but Saturday night, I have an Oktoberfest in Sterling. Oh. Is that why you're taking it easy on the teas? How many have you had? This is my third. Oh.
Starting point is 01:11:40 This is my fifth. Honestly, I feel so full from my Chipotle. It's like... Chipotle, oh, fuck. I don't know. I maybe shouldn't have eaten that much. Double wrap? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:54 I wanted to set the foundation, but also I was worried about being too full. I've been at a constant state of fullness. Like, as the food is digesting, I'm replacing it with liquid. So it's like I've been full from the moment we started recording. You're just fighting demons over there. Yeah. No, but I don't really know what to expect from this. Because it's the first time they've ever done it.
Starting point is 01:12:19 What is it exactly? I don't know. Is it just like a party, just get just get together and no it's like the fire festival kind of the firefighters are hosting it and i know they get larried up and my cousin told me i had i'm so glad you've adopted that my cousin told me it's gonna no no this one i was checking the valentine but yeah i don't know He just said it's an Oktoberfest and might get greasy. Fuck. Is it at the fire department?
Starting point is 01:12:53 No, it's at the town hall. Do you get to drive a fire truck? I wish. I want to feel the power of a fire hose. It's pretty nice. They do that. What? My friend's power of a fire hose. It's pretty nice. They do that. What? My buddy, or my friend's dad was a fire captain.
Starting point is 01:13:09 At Sterling Days. We went on ride-alongs. It was fun. At Sterling Days. Okay, do my muting so I can hear. I'm just kidding. At Sterling Days, we do water fights with a fight. They plug in.
Starting point is 01:13:21 You shoot people with it. No, you shoot a bucket, and it's, like, on a little thing. Oh. So you shoot... They plug into each corner of the sections of the fire hydrant. It's pretty fun. This is... This is another moment where I'm like...
Starting point is 01:13:40 Fuck, Link. Like, I wish I would've grew up in a small town where there was just a whole element of camaraderie with the entire town yeah it's nice yeah like it sounds fucking fun like i have friends from wahoo um from when i played baseball and we co-op with them that were like yeah we'd play like cops and robbers but like we would use our cars oh yeah we played the entire town was the playing field yeah we did like the high school was base that's crazy so you'd start out like down by burger king yeah and you're trying to make your way to the high school we played car tag with our car we've talked about this before i don't know i've definitely mentioned this before
Starting point is 01:14:22 people over no so like run them over, Ham. So, like, there's one. We started downtown at the, what we called Evie's. So, the one card wait, we'd set a timer for five minutes. The rest of the cards would go hide. And then when you found people, you'd flash them, and then they would go back to Evie's. And you'd just play it all night. It was so fun.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Can't do that in Lincoln. No. Let's go drive up and down O Street. Find somebody. Find the wrong guy. It is pretty fun. Sounds like a good time. You know what?
Starting point is 01:15:00 You need to come with me to the Wine and Ale Festival in Sterling this year. They have it when we don't work weekends. So, like, later this month or November or December or January or February? I think it's in February. Okay. It's so greasy, dude. What happens? oh it's so greasy dude what happens oh i normally have about like just keep getting beers and then i go up and when i'm pretty larried up and then i go and
Starting point is 01:15:34 buy a bottle of wine what what's your record for the number of beers in a night that you've ever drunk. Yeah, I think it's 30. What's your record, Ham? Just like cans of beer. I'm not talking about alcohol consumption because it's tough to gauge when you're talking about hard shit. I don't know about what was last weekend?
Starting point is 01:16:02 Last weekend? I put a dent in... I had 12 beers on the course. Yeah. And then you had... Two 24-ounce twisted teas. And then he had three on the way to Eagle. And then he switched to hard alcohol.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Switching to hard alcohol after that much shit is wild. I had a lot of rum and cokes at Eagle probably had 3 or 4 at Eagle yeah no you had 5 cock shot
Starting point is 01:16:30 I had 5 you had 5 rum and cokes at Eagle a cock shot what's it 24 is that what they were called
Starting point is 01:16:38 cock shots I don't know what they go what's a 24 ounce twisted tea and beers 2 beers 2 beers dude I'm telling you that made a little more room actually What's a 24-ounce twisted tea and beers? Two beers?
Starting point is 01:16:46 Two beers? I'm telling you, that made a little more room, actually. That kind of felt good. That's two 12-ounce beers. So there's four beers, right, if we're just doing ounces? Yeah. So there's 16. Three more.
Starting point is 01:16:58 19. That stinks. And then five Roman Cokes, A shot of pina colada. Some jizz. And then... Some alcoholic jizz. Which I don't even know how much he actually got down because he spit most of it out.
Starting point is 01:17:16 I can't... I saw that video. It was pretty wild. It was pretty greasy. Watching you... Ironically... George. Christmas. You don't smell that?
Starting point is 01:17:29 No. You know what? Not yet. His fucking hair is wild, dude. Is it really? It's bad. I haven't smelled it yet. I'm kind of glad. No, your hair. Oh, my hair? I couldn't hear you. I haven't smelled it yet. I'm kind of glad. No, your hair.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Oh, my hair? I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. I couldn't hear what you said. Fuck everybody. It's probably worse. It's the same thing. Get comfortable.
Starting point is 01:17:57 I mean, do what you got to do. I don't care. You wear your hair how you want, but I may laugh at it. You got me sweating. You got me fucked up. You got me fucked up um so happy friday um i was what is your most you've drank in a night probably like 17 15 really 15 is like my number yeah was that but my nights 24 right is that my probably yeah my nights usually 24, right? Is that my... Probably, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:25 My nights usually take place around like... Like 8 to like 11, and I'm done. It's usually like a small window where I'm getting a lot in, and I'm like, I am good. I don't want any more. Dude, I didn't even know in college, the 20, like 22 mark of the beers, and then they just started tasting like water,
Starting point is 01:18:53 and I'm like, fuck, god damn it. When they start going down quicker is a risk sign. No, I don't even taste them at that point. You don't even taste it, and you're just like, all right, I got to get through this. Who says you have to get through it? Me. The little voice in my head.
Starting point is 01:19:11 Do you set a goal in your mind where you're like, I told myself I was going to drink a 30 rack. I'm at 22, I can do eight more. Yeah, probably. What? What? I mean, normally it would be about like 2am I was at like
Starting point is 01:19:26 20 something I'm like I don't really wanna leave some beers so we had a guy saving them for tomorrow fuck that
Starting point is 01:19:34 we had a guy I don't know fucking it was more like and then at the end of the night I'm in the bathroom so there's this guy that worked at Wilderness
Starting point is 01:19:42 a few probably three years ago two three years ago couldn at Wilderness probably three years ago. Two, three years ago. Three years ago, I would say. Is it Don Julio? No. No.
Starting point is 01:19:54 He was a kid. He was about your age. Maybe like a year younger, two years younger than me. That fart's wafting over you. Yeah. Is it still in? He did. He did.
Starting point is 01:20:04 He got some staying power. caught that late he yeah you got that late stage okay so he um he was in a i don't know if he was in a frat he might have been in a frat he uh well i kind of wanted to tell the story to both of you but no it's okay go full zane well fuck you then so he uh well fuck me it's weird saying like he was my friend because it was like you know how you can become kind of like work friends with someone for sure he was definitely a work buddy yeah he was uh there wasn't really any very many people my age that season or He worked a couple seasons. Anyways, he would It was not uncommon for him to come to work hungover.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Is it that bad? I'm sorry. As everybody, by the way, does. Like on a random Wednesday, would he show up? I think it was mostly after weekends. Yeah. Or on a weekend day, maybe. There's up? Uh, I think it was mostly after weekends. Yeah. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:21:05 I think. Or on a, or on a weekend day, maybe. There's been some days where I think everybody who showed up is still drunk. Anyways. He, he very,
Starting point is 01:21:14 he very much made it. Yeah. Sorry. He made it very clear that he could consume a lot of beers. And he wasn't like, he was like your build. Maybe a little bit beers. And he wasn't like, he was like your build, maybe a little bit taller. He was just like a guy that had a bunch of dude college roommates
Starting point is 01:21:33 and they would just put away beer. So there was one day where I finally was like, how many beers do you think you drink in a weekend? And he was like, probably like south of 60. And I was like, south of 60? And he's like, yeah, I usually get like two 30 racks and like that gets me
Starting point is 01:21:56 through the weekend. Like I'll drink one one day and then I'll drink the other the other day. Keep in mind this is also this is also the kid that would say, I don't know how I got home last night. I just woke up in my bed on time for work. And I was like, what?
Starting point is 01:22:12 And there was a couple times where he goes, yeah, I pissed my bed last night. And I'm like, what? That'll happen. He pissed his bed a couple times. And there was one time where he fucked up a nerve in his foot because he slept on it weird or something like that.
Starting point is 01:22:28 One of those situations where you sleep so fucking hard pass out from being blackout drunk and you like pinch a nerve that
Starting point is 01:22:38 makes your foot die for like a couple weeks. Sleep in shape as Oh! So I started a group chat with him and another guy and we called it South of 60. I have a question
Starting point is 01:22:50 for you, Mr. George. Yeah, yeah. I gotta take a piss over here. Yeah, you're good. This is gonna... I'm so sorry. So, you know... This is a piss segment.
Starting point is 01:23:00 I'm proud of you. Hour 22 in, you're breaking the seal. See, when I first started at Wilderness, we talked about it, and you're like, I don't really like becoming good friends with anyone at work because they all come and go.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Yeah. So, at what point did you kind of, like, start, like, might as well just make some friends to hang out with outside of work? Cam? So, Might as well just make some friends to hang out with outside of work. Cam? So, I can't remember if I've really talked about this at all in the pod, but I'll go into it. Basically, the way I meet someone new is...
Starting point is 01:23:41 I may seem like an extrovert, but I'm kind of a mix between an introvert and extrovert when i meet someone new for the first time i'm not and this isn't any offense to cam i'm not like cam where i'm immediately just friends with them i'm pretty quiet standoffish because i have no idea who you are what you're like as not only a worker but also a person so I don't know how much time or energy I want to put in
Starting point is 01:24:15 to you from me you know what I mean? it's like to meet someone and become friends with them requires a lot of not only social interaction but also like you're divulging your own life and personal shit to someone that you may say goodbye to tomorrow it's like do i want to waste my breath
Starting point is 01:24:43 do i want to waste my time and energy on someone that, that may be gone in a week? It's like being in the army. I guess, I mean, I guess. I don't know. I feel like I'm kind of like Cam though.
Starting point is 01:24:56 Cause like the first day I met Ben friendly. Well, I feel like I get like pretty well talk to anyone at work. Oh, we got along well. First time. Yeah. Cause like this guy, I'm like I could pretty well talk to anyone at work. Oh, we got along well the first time we met. Yeah, because this guy, I'm like, this motherfucker's weed eating with a black hoodie on
Starting point is 01:25:10 and it's 100 degrees outside. That guy's going to be my friend. Do you think you gravitated towards him because he's kind of a character? Well, I didn't know him. But do you think that made you like him? You're like, this guy's a little bit different. I don't know. I mean, you started the Ben quotes quick into me knowing you. But do you think that made you like him? You're like, this guy's a little bit different. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:25:30 You started the Ben quotes quick into me knowing you. Yeah, because the fucking first week we hung out, you drank a sleeve of Fireball and were blacked out. That was later. That was the first time I went to your apartment. Would you agree that this man is a different breed? Yeah Do you think that's what made you go I want to spend more time with this guy No
Starting point is 01:25:51 He brings some fire and some excitement to life Spencer likes the exotic You know what I mean? It's like if there's someone that's kind of just like a You're boring You don't want to hang out with them Can I ask something? Sorry
Starting point is 01:26:02 Absolutely You said Like how friendly they are and how they work. Does how somebody works at Wilderness Ridge affect how much you like them? Yes. Absolutely it does. If someone's lazy and doesn't want to do anything, I'm like... What if they're a great social hangman?
Starting point is 01:26:21 Every time they make you... I might not ever make it to that point because i'm like you're not worth guys a scumbag if you can't even i don't know i can't even rake bunkers i don't know what i feel like the effort you put into a job kind of translates like a lot to who you are yeah yeah you get that if you if you're're lazy, you might be taking the easy road in life, a.k.a. you might be kind of fake. You might be taking the easy road in social situations. I'm not naming any names, but those type of people, I just...
Starting point is 01:26:56 Can we name those names after this? Nope. No, not right now, but after this. Oh, absolutely. Oh, yeah. Okay, I want to know. See, but I think I knew... I'll be friendly and cordial with you, but if I don't...
Starting point is 01:27:10 It's basically... You're not going to actively try and hang out with me. If you want to be my friend, you've got to earn it, a.k.a. give me a reason to why I would want to be your friend. Correct. I'm not just going to be your friend just because you're a living, breathing person here sitting in front of me. I got to have a reason to want to like you.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Right. Well, we became friends because Cam basically was like, you got to come to Jake's. You have to. And I'm like, okay. The very first day, I remember Cam's very first day.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Yeah, you're like, who the fuck is this fat home? I said, who's this guy that was like i said who's this guy that i said who is this guy that plucks his eyebrows i was like who's this fucking kid sharp eyebrows and they sent him with darius to pop to pop um like yardage markers out of fairways that's when we still had those plates in the fairways because we're getting ready to airfy and i remember gabe being like go with darius he'll probably like you because you look like patrick mahomes and it gets good darius likes the chiefs
Starting point is 01:28:14 and i didn't really think anything of them i can't really remember when we started to become friends it's been a while since i've known cam but How long have you been at wilderness? Five years. A little over five years. Holy shit. No, but the first... I knew I would like Ben. I started becoming friends with you guys at the pool day. It was like the first time I started to actually become friends with you. Did we hang out before that?
Starting point is 01:28:36 No. Nope. Me, you, and Cam did. The first fire pit wasn't before that? It was after that. Because we were talking about how we needed to have a fire pit. Me, you, and Cam hung out before that. That was back when you called me dad.
Starting point is 01:28:46 Remember when you called me dad? Yeah, because you were the grass dad. No, no, no. You just called me dad because I was like the dad of the group. You were the dad. He still is. I kind of am still, but I was kind of the cool and collected one while you guys were being a little more crazy. And I was a little bit older being like, I'm still tagging along, but you guys are a little bit wilder than me rambunctious yeah i don't know if that
Starting point is 01:29:10 makes any sense so the first time i knew like me and ben were i was like we're gonna be friends is when i gave him shit because his first day was when that girl worked there and i was sitting there just like playing on my phone oh yeah i remember your first day and he reaches over and goes like over the table goes hi my name's ben and shook your hand i thought there was a guy by the way it was he shook the girl's hand and she goes hi i'm skylar did not realize that was and then he sat sits back down and just like it's just kind of like blew my mind. No, because I thought that was So basically. Until she
Starting point is 01:29:48 had a chick's voice and was like, hi, I'm Skylar. Because like at first. Jumping Skylar. But like at first I'm like, oh fuck, this dude is weird as hell. So what you're saying is. Introducing myself? God help me, dude. I'm at a new place. Don't know anybody. I introduced
Starting point is 01:30:03 myself. But that's like like a week into him working there i'm like dude are you what were you doing she goes hi i'm skylar you go don't want to hear it shut up you're ugly then i'm like i'm like what the fuck were you doing just like introducing yeah and then he gives me that like that same response and i'm like oh yeah we're gonna be friends who goes into a new place and just shits they're like me that's how you turn every single summer help that has been to wilderness well that's why they don't last because they don't make relationships they don't have friends. I'm a slow play it guy, though. Dude, it's so slow.
Starting point is 01:30:47 I like the slow play. Know your rank. Right. If you're the, what's up, guys? I'm the new guy. I'm going to be like, I don't like you. Well, I kind of did that. No, you did not do that.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Oh, I did it to one person. Shut up quick. It's like, oh, fuck. Let me get out of here. No, what you did was fine. That's what sucks. And also, you earned respect from me pretty quick, because you did was fine. And also, you earned respect for me pretty quick because you were a hard-ass worker.
Starting point is 01:31:09 From the trees? Yeah. This guy was not taking a break. He was sweating his ass off, and I'm just like, this guy's cool. Dude, I was like, I just went clean in like two weeks. I was like, I'm going to fucking kill somebody. Dude, my first week, I didn't talk to a single person. Actually, probably my first week i didn't talk to a single person i'm actually probably my first two weeks i think the first person i like actually talked to was bryce you were there before me right yeah okay first person i probably actually like can we can we dial can we go back a little bit
Starting point is 01:31:37 the first moment you knew you wanted you were like that guy's gonna be my friend is when he said hi to someone else no when i gave him shit about it oh and he like goes am i not supposed to say hi yeah and he fired back i mean i'm like oh hell yeah i like that i like that i'm like i'm gonna fire i'm like oh hell yeah i like that you gotta fire do you like bondage or something like what do what do you mean? I don't know. He was mean to me in the fucking locker. Yeah. I don't know. I hit him with my towel. He didn't fucking just, like, just sit there and take it. I didn't go full Sam on you.
Starting point is 01:32:12 Yeah. Shout out to Sammy Stratford. So what you're saying is you don't like someone who's a little bitch. Yeah. Like, you like someone who's gonna stand up for themselves.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Yeah. Is not gonna take shit. So that's what you respect in a person i'm also a psycho in the sense that i i'll think about something for five minutes before i do it like when i so me and her were we it was our first day was the same day yeah it was we both walk into craig's office together like we're the new guys. We're the new guys. No.
Starting point is 01:32:48 So we walk in like – I thought you guys were together. No. I thought you were like brother and sister or something. Should have been. No. Oh, boy. She'd work there for maybe two days, but whatever. That was her first day.
Starting point is 01:32:58 Right. It was her first – so like we went through a – Right. No, we went through like a whole a whole, like, with Craig, like, introduction, like, this is Will and Shreve, welcome. So I figured, like, why wouldn't I... I just sat in a room with her for, like, five minutes, never said a word. You had a special bond in the fact that you were both inducted at the same time. Right, it's like, you may as well...
Starting point is 01:33:21 And I also thought it was a guy up until I met her. No. Can every... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. You're like, you may as well. And I also thought it was a guy up until I met her. No. Can every. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yes. You're like, I'm Ben. She was like, I'm Skylar.
Starting point is 01:33:30 And you're like. You were like. Oh, shit. You want to go to the pants room or what? No. You're like, what's your balls dropping, bro? Yeah, Jesus Christ. I remember the first memory I have of you.
Starting point is 01:33:43 What's your first memory of me? Oh what did i do we were sitting in the morning meeting and that's when we were all learning how to walk mo and we're walk mowing talon and you go it's time for you boys to get off of the jv court and get on the varsity let's go and i'm like what yeah because we're walking on tal still. And they wanted us to go to champ. And you were like, it's time to get off the JV court and get on the varsity. Let's go. Oh, because was that the first day we were mowing champ? Walk-mowing champ?
Starting point is 01:34:12 No. Well, then what do you mean? Like, you guys were getting trained on... Well, it's probably his first time going from talented... No, we weren't going to champ. We were about to. Like, the next week we went to Champ. So was I complimenting you in your abilities?
Starting point is 01:34:29 I don't think so. I think it was more like, let's see what you got, motherfucker. Yeah, I think you were like, this is taking forever. Let's go. You need to get over to the Champ. Figure it out. I don't know. I mean, who gives a shit?
Starting point is 01:34:39 I don't know either. I'm drunk now. At the time, I was just like, oh, fuck. Are we talking way too long? I got a good question for you. When you first started, did you think I was a dick? I didn't talk to you. That's the only conversation I had.
Starting point is 01:35:00 That's definitely how I come off to a lot of people in the beginning i never like dick i never but it's not i'm not trying to be mean it's just i don't know what to think of you yet so i'm being standoffish the first conversation i had with you is at the pool day you think so oh yeah for sure i think this is the first time we ever like and i was like why the fuck do you have cigar burns on your arm check out this can. Why is this guy blacked out screaming at the lifeguard? Why do you call me fat? Because, I mean, you, like, me and Cam were working together. And, like, you'd come by and talk to Cam.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Right, because I didn't know what to think of you yet. So I wasn't friends with you yet. Fuck you, pussy. If there's one thing I'm not,'s i'm not fake no if i'm not friends with you yet i'm not going to pretend to be friends with you because once i am though i'm all in yeah because me the first day i ever talked to cam was when we were digging the roundabout up and cam was just fucking he was loving every second about like in the by the cart barn we put that irrigation oh yeah oh cam was loving every second of it he was fucking talking my ear off i'm like i remember that i'm like what the second day working there they taught me how to hand water with cam and
Starting point is 01:36:18 he's like you want to come to my birthday um yeah sure that is the cam and i are the complete opposite when it comes to meeting new people yeah because his this is the way cam meets you this is the way cam meets you my name's cam what's your snapchat yeah exactly like he's meeting a chick at a bar right no but it's a dude and it was i was pretty new to lincoln at that point like i and i was like yeah fucking i'll go point. Like I, and I was like, yeah, fucking, I'll go to your birthday.
Starting point is 01:36:47 Like I was so down, like, you know, cause I went to Southeast community college for a semester or two semesters. The first one was online. Cause I was like moving to Lincoln from California. So I was like still like in the moving process when the school started. So I was like online second semester i realized it
Starting point is 01:37:06 was a bunch of like 17 year olds i was like this is kind of weird you know i'm like 20 almost 21 like i'm not gonna be a bunch of friends with a bunch of fucking teenagers and then yeah and then i came to wilderness i'm like oh shit there's some people more my age exactly i'm like yeah i'll go to your fucking birthday and i'm gonna see them every day so it's like i might as well become acquainted acquainted with these people precisely yeah i remember digging with cam and what time of year would that have been his birthday's in december it was june dude it was like early june because southeast got out like may it was like june 2nd and his what it could be my birthday in six months. No, exactly. He's like, I'm having a party bus.
Starting point is 01:37:46 We're going to go. Yeah. And we didn't even do that. No, not at all. But I was like, yeah. So that would have been his 21st. Yeah. Oh, my.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Yeah, I was like, all right. Fuck it. Dude. And you did end up going. It's a funny thing. I did get Roka. Shout out Roka. Shout out to Scott.
Starting point is 01:38:00 The first time I met Cam, he was like... The first day I met Cam, and Cam's like, Dude, you gotta meet Jake. He's like, we'll have bonfires out there all the time. It's so fun. You just, you gotta come. And I'm like, I don't even know Jake. You're probably like, I don't think he likes me. No, I was like, I don't even know Jake.
Starting point is 01:38:21 And Cam's just like, I'll just bring you with. He'll be fine with it. I'm like, what the fuck? Turns out, no, he won't.'s just like, I'll just bring you with. He'll be fine with it. I'm like, what the fuck? Turns out, no, he won't. No, he won't. The last time he doesn't know you. Cam's just inviting me to someone else's house. I hate that shit.
Starting point is 01:38:36 It's like, yeah, you're good. It's like, I don't think I am. It's like, no, you're fine. It's like, no, no, no. What if I'm not, though? Yeah, exactly. And it's too late, and we're there, and then it's just awkward. Because I'm not just going to make you leave.
Starting point is 01:38:47 It was a prom party. I was a sophomore. Do we need to cut this? No. I was a sophomore. We're running long. I don't care. If we have to post two parts, so be it.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Sure. But I was a sophomore going to a senior's party i was like i'm i'm the shit show up nobody i'm a fucking nobody knows who i am and i like do i have a whale bladder yeah 100 i broke the seal it's over so were you going with a junior or a senior it was my sophomore no i didn't go to prom at all. Oh, you just went to the party after? I had, they invited me, so I showed up. I was like, all right. Yeah, so I lived near the party, and they invited me over.
Starting point is 01:39:34 So I was like, all right, I'll go. Show up. Nobody knows me. Not a soul. I'm like, oh, fuck. They're like, who are you? Like, get out of here. I'm like, uh.
Starting point is 01:39:42 And then the guy I knew showed up and i was like oh what's going on and then everybody was like oh fucking then i started drinking everybody loved me that's usually how it goes i gotta start drinking and like play beer pong and i make like a behind the bag i used to like practice i throw out a trick and everyone's like this guy's fucking sick which by the way is like on brand with me. I like to learn trick shots just to bust, like on the pool table. Wait, hold on, hold on, actually. No, yeah, okay, we're good.
Starting point is 01:40:12 I think we're good. Dude, you know I was like, this dude's fucking crazy is when he walked into my apartment for the first time and just started hammering fireball shooters. Because that was like right after you turned 21. It was a week.
Starting point is 01:40:27 It was like July 11th. I turned... Stop recording again. Okay, let's try it again. We're running a little long and for whatever reason, my... keeps cutting out.
Starting point is 01:40:39 Goddamn blister. But... I don't know why. Yeah, you were just hammering those fireballs. No, because I think that was my first legal purchase of alcohol. Yeah, probably. It was a six-pack of... They're not even shooters, but fireball sells double shooters.
Starting point is 01:40:53 Yeah, they were the double shooters, like the bigger ones. I drank three of those things. Yeah. And the tall mics, or was it a... It was one of those hard-sell shooters. Yeah, I think it was a Mike's. It was a 24. Wait, okay, so and then you were impressed by this
Starting point is 01:41:09 and you were just like... Mike, this guy can't get fucking drinks. And then we shotgunned him in the parking lot. And then we shotgunned Tweez in the parking lot. So that was another moment where you were just like, I could hang around this guy for a while. This guy fucks. This guy hard.
Starting point is 01:41:23 The scene from Brothers or Step Brothers. Do we just become best friends? Do we just become This guy fucks. Hard, hard. The scene from Brothers, or Step Brothers. Do we just become best friends? Do we just become best friends? I think so, dude. I've never looked back. I should've... I like how this episode has gone so many places
Starting point is 01:41:36 and it ended up at like... Do you remember how we became friends? I mean... I look back on the day that I went out to We eat with Ben on six, and I should have just been so pulled with him. Just walk up to him.
Starting point is 01:41:54 Did we just become best friends and see what he would have said? Yeah. Dude, I was desperate for a friend. I would have fucking. Yeah. Fucking, I was about to run. You would have been like, i thought we were already friends what the fuck no that was that was the first time we ever talked up until then that skylar chick was
Starting point is 01:42:11 my best friend that was my that was my best friend she was my rock because like the first thing i like i pull up and he's just where she's at i pull pull up to the stream on 6, and I just see him black hoodie just fucking whipping that weed eater. And I pull up to him, and I'm like, are you hot? And he goes, he turns to me. Oh, I'm sweating profusely. Oh, yeah, he turns to me, and he goes, yeah, dude, but I got a mean sunburn under here. And he's like, I got to mean sunburn under here. And he's like, I gotta wear it. You know,
Starting point is 01:42:47 what's funny about Ben is anytime he's doing something maybe a little on the bizarre side, he's always got a perfectly good explanation for why he's doing what he's doing. Well, because in my head it's normal. That's all that matters. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:05 This is my life. I'm gonna live it. I'm just trying to get it out of here. But like, in my eyes, I was like, oh boy, this dude might be fucking insane. A little mentally challenged.
Starting point is 01:43:21 You're like, he might have a screw loose, and that's exactly where I want them. That's my friend. He's a perfect candidate to join the Whack Pack. By the way, those are the people I see. Did we just come up with a friend group name? No, that's a Howard Stern thing.
Starting point is 01:43:37 Beetlejuice? Can it not be, though? You've seen my Beetlejuice shirt. I would feel weird about it. It's so good. What does it say again? It's just It's the Beatles Oh yeah the Beatles Our friend group name could be like
Starting point is 01:43:51 The Misfits That's a band Jesus Christ Well in high school We were the conservative brethren Not We weren't conservatives We weren't Trump fans
Starting point is 01:44:02 Well I mean we probably all were But we meant it Cause our name was We call ourselves the rejects So we weren't conservatives. We're Trumpettes. Well, I mean, we probably all were. But we meant it because our name was, we call ourselves the Rejects. So we weren't like the popular guys. We did the same thing. So we said the Conservative Brethren was our formal name for the Rejects. Dude, my friend was... Was Chase John Johnson a part of that? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:20 My friend group in high school was crazy. It was nerds, jocks, skaters, stoners. Was that your butthole? No, it wasn't mine. I think it was the guy sitting by himself. It wasn't me. Bullshit.
Starting point is 01:44:36 What was that? You farted. Fuck you. Did you see his face? He was so confused. I forgot about that. What? Did you see his face? Sorry. He was so confused. No, I don't think I did. I forgot about that.
Starting point is 01:44:49 You gotta get that checked out. I'm sorry. To the viewers, or the listeners, he has a... Did you cut it? His little thing? No, no. Dude, it's prominent. You're growing another Spencer off of your knee.
Starting point is 01:45:01 It's gonna be like Peter... I don't have fucking time to go to the doctor. You know that family guy when he has that lump on his shoulder and they cut it open? No, that's a different thing. The mini Peter or whatever?
Starting point is 01:45:11 Yeah. Maybe. That's what he's got going on his knee right now. I'm going to cut it out. Dude, that would be lit. We should get a case of Bershine.
Starting point is 01:45:17 Get my saws off. If I had a twin though, fuck dude. I always say if I had an identical twin I'd fuck him because it would just be like masturbating. That's what I'd say. But I actually think that twin, I'd fuck him. Because it would just be like masturbating.
Starting point is 01:45:25 But I actually think that's ethically incorrect to say. So I won't say that. It would be kind of weird when jizz is on your face. If I had a twin, fuck. Imagine. We could work so hard together. Imagine you and another you starting a concrete business. Not even that, dude.
Starting point is 01:45:48 I feel like it would be really bad if I had a twin. I'm really competitive. Oh my god, I didn't think about that. You guys would both probably die doing some sort of competition. If there was another you
Starting point is 01:46:04 and you and your other you had a competition, it would end. It would be literally a rock and a hard place. It would literally be last man standing and that is legitimate.
Starting point is 01:46:19 You'd have to start and be like, do we want Spencer or mini Spencer? Let's invite Spencer this time. We can't have them both. We can't have them both, yeah. But, like, imagine if me and my... Like, doors are going to be broken. I don't want them.
Starting point is 01:46:34 If me and my twin, like, started drinking together. That's how World War III starts. God damn. That would be really bad. I'm so full. I shouldn't have chugged it. How many are left in there? We've been going for like
Starting point is 01:46:53 a pert near two hours. You brought 12 teas? Like five. Some of these yours? I got 12. George got 12. So 24. Oh, you both got tweet.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Yeah. Oh, I was gonna say, did I drink a fucking tweet? Now I kind of wish I had a twin. I want to see if I could out drink that
Starting point is 01:47:17 little fucker. I feel like I could. What if he's like, what if he was worse than you? Like, he shouldn't be. What do you mean? What if he was like, what, 30? That's it? Fucking pussy? I drank 50
Starting point is 01:47:34 last week. Well, I feel like what would happen is there would always be an ongoing competition, and their tolerances would get so extreme. They both die at 30. Yeah, because they'd both be drinking 60 beers a weekend. North of die at 30. Yeah, because they both be drinking 60 beers a weekend. North of 60. North. Yeah, way north.
Starting point is 01:47:50 I mean, I wouldn't lose. I couldn't lose. Bring your own beer and they both roll in with a K. Thursday through Sunday? Normally Thursday I'd go light and do like 15 to 20. Friday night I would switch to I would do a 15 to 20. I feel so bloated. Friday nights, I would switch to a bottle of Captain.
Starting point is 01:48:10 What? Yeah, I have a 750. I don't even know how many drinks that is. 750? Yeah. Oh, my God. And then Saturday nights, I would go heavy. Is that a fifth?
Starting point is 01:48:21 Yeah. And then Saturday nights, I would go heavy and I would normally do anywhere from 25 to 30 Natty Lights. I was feeling heavy, so I drank 30 beers. So do you think your tolerance has gone down? Oh, yeah. Tremendously.
Starting point is 01:48:37 Because you used to be able to drink a 30 rack and not black out? I wouldn't say not black out. Pretty close, though? Oh, I would. Or would you be blacked out? Black the fuck out. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:48:50 I mean, it all depends on, there's a lot of factors. Time. Well, because that's one thing when you take an alcoholic serving test, is they tell you nobody builds a tolerance, but they just get used to the feeling. That's bullshit. That can't be real. That's bullshit. Listen, this is what the...
Starting point is 01:49:08 That is 100% bullshit. No, but it's... I don't know how to explain it. But they say... I know what you're saying, but I don't think that's real. I think... No, that's bullshit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:49:20 I feel like some people would be like, I was puking throwing up after a 12-pack, but it's like, now I can drink a 12-pack and be fine. True. Yeah. I don't know. Because, like, I... That's the word on the street. It depends on how fast you drink it, your body mass index, how much you can bench, how much McDonald's you had, and...
Starting point is 01:49:43 See, what is... And if your twin thinks you can bench, how much McDonald's you had, and see what is, is it if your twin thinks you can out drink, what? Is it bigger people can't drink as much? Like fatter people can't drink as much? Right. Cause the fat absorbs the alcohol? No. Or is it can or can't? Can't. It compresses
Starting point is 01:50:00 it, it hits you harder. So I can't drink as much as you guys? No. You can't drink as much as you guys? No. You could probably drink more because you're not fat. You are like a half a foot taller than both of us. I thought the whole
Starting point is 01:50:15 saying was like you're bigger so you can drink more. That's an urban legend I think. Well Andre the giant kid. Okay that's a good case scenario. Well, Andre the Giant could. Okay, that's a good... That's a good case scenario. He had to have developed tolerance. No, but I think...
Starting point is 01:50:31 Didn't he have a disease where he didn't stop growing? You're telling me he was used to the feeling of drinking 126 beers in a night? Yes. And the tolerance wasn't built up? Not if you're That size
Starting point is 01:50:46 Dude he had I don't know man No no no I'm saying The tolerance versus Getting used to the feeling Thing that we were just talking about No I don't think he had a tolerance
Starting point is 01:50:58 What? Can we Hey Jamie 126 beers? Jamie looked it up I have looked it up before with you guys, I thought. Yeah, you did. 106 or whatever.
Starting point is 01:51:14 120 or something. Oh, no. Yeah. I knew that. It's a tolerance thing. It has to be. Your body has to get used to that. But I think, on another hand, is he's so big that a lot of it just...
Starting point is 01:51:28 You would think 100 beers for anybody, that would be too much. I don't know. Is alcohol tolerance a thing? Yes, alcohol tolerance is a thing. It's when someone can consume a large amount of alcohol without showing obvious signs of intoxication. Alcohol tolerance can change suddenly due to a variety of factors including psychological factors, environmental factors, and physiological factors. Alcohol intolerance is an inherited metabolic disorder that affects how the body converts and uses energy. It's caused by mutated
Starting point is 01:52:05 gene passed down from parents but is that a like a what's it abc the alcohol no alcoholic by abv does that affect the abv the side um that simply defined alcohol tolerance occurs when the amount of alcohol that is consumed does not change but results in less of an effect. Right. Or when higher amounts of alcohol are needed to produce the same effect. But it's the same. So what it's saying is in order to feel larried up, you have to drink more because your body has gotten used to that much alcohol i was thought it well you know i always used to tell people in college i was like you know i wish i was a lightweight and then go dude what so they could only drink like three
Starting point is 01:52:59 and have just as much yeah and they're like why the fuck do you wish you were a lightweight and i'm like because i'm fucking spending a hundred dollars a weekend while you're spending seven that's that and that's probably why you don't like to eat before yeah you're like i'd rather get drunk quicker but also i feel like eating before helps me not be as sick because i feel like i well still get drunk but then not have only alcohol in my stomach but god damn at some point when i'm kind of like when i'm with ben dude i gotta out drink him listen to this article that's funny because i've never thought of that i've never thought about like i gotta out drink listen to this article i'm just like i am listen to this article no i gotta i gotta i'm just like especially
Starting point is 01:53:44 getting a drink i guess i'll get another one it I got to have one of you. I'm just like, is Spencer going to drink? I guess I'll give another one. It's no secret that one of the side effects of drinking alcohol is a feeling of happiness. And while the majority of UW-Madison students don't engage in high-risk drinking, many still believe that quantity is a secret to achieving that feeling. But in recent years, researchers discovered that the feeling of enjoyment that accompanies a few beers starts to completely disappear when you drink beyond the legal.08 blood alcohol content.
Starting point is 01:54:13 So are we saying that's when the real drunkenness occurs? Maybe. So I guess they're kind of trying to put a number on it. See... Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on. Drinking past a.05 BAC can also raise your tolerance to alcohol. Contrary to popular belief, drinking more alcohol won't prolong a good feeling. .05 is still your peak buzz.
Starting point is 01:54:35 It's just not the buzz it used to be. Environmental factors. There's a fucking chart. See, I have a story, I guess. Reality of biphasic response? What? So my cousin, he got a DUI.
Starting point is 01:54:54 It's alright. But, and when he blew, they go, how much do you drink? Alcohol dependence. Oh, shit. Because he was like,
Starting point is 01:55:04 really coherent and stuff like talking to him and he goes i don't know i have like 6 to 12 every night and they go okay makes sense because you're double the legal limit right now and you're not off the fucking walls on us and you're fine yeah like he like, when I was standing in there, he was like, the sheriff's office was shocked. That he blew the double legal limit. You were standing there?
Starting point is 01:55:34 No. He just told me. Yeah, because, like, you doubled the legal limit and fine. So this article is talking a lot about alcohol tolerance and how it relates to dependence. Because it's saying how... If you feel pretty dependent after a Saturday night of drinking and I wake up with the shakes.
Starting point is 01:56:01 What the fuck? Have you never woke up just shaking? Well, from the hangover,'m not like i gotta drink every listen every person can raise their alcohol tolerance until it reaches a trigger point where he or she needs alcohol to feel normal for individuals with family history of alcoholism this trigger point could be lower than others well i haven't reached mine when your body expects to intake a drug like alcohol it speeds up processes to accommodate it if your body gets used to having three beers at a bonfire in your backyard once a week during the summer it will start to anticipate that amount of intoxication
Starting point is 01:56:36 even before you pop the tab so oh so it's your body your brain knows like oh your brain knows what's about to happen and is firing on all cylinders to get that alcohol processed through your system. Because when I'm at home, like on a Thursday trying to watch football or something, I'll drink two beers and be like, this is plenty. Like, I don't want to keep yelling. But if you find me on Oak Street, I will drink until my liver fails. See, is that bad that I've never felt that? Like, normally when I drink, like, I'm going to drink until I can't drink another fucking beer. Are you asking if that's bad?
Starting point is 01:57:19 Yeah. Correct. In terms of your overall health? Probably. Probably. But, like, I don't need alcohol. Who's that good? I mean, I don't need alcohol, though.
Starting point is 01:57:31 You're not dependent on it, but your body has gotten used. Yeah. And your brain's probably... Why am I putting a T? Used. Used. I feel like your brain's at a point where it's like you've committed to getting fucked up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:46 Let's push the limit, motherfucker. I'm not like... You got full Dave Goggins on you. I'm not like... I only drink now on the weekend. Who's gonna fuck that can? Like, once I start, I'm like, here we go, motherfucker, let's go.
Starting point is 01:58:03 There's some Sundays where it's like... No, absolutely not. Are you an all or nothing? You're not like, a couple beers is just a waste of time. No, absolutely. I can... What? What was that?
Starting point is 01:58:20 God damn it. We're in the gas chamber. What? No, I absolutely cannot just have... God damn it. No. We're in the gas chamber. No. I absolutely cannot just have, like, if you told me, sit down here and have four beers. You're like, it's either zero or ten. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 01:58:38 I get that when I know we're going to get fucked up, It's like give me just keep feeding me drinks. Well, I mean look at this guy. Spencer's acting like he had one twist of tea. I think half of these are his. No, that guy.
Starting point is 01:58:55 Oh. It's fucking unopened. It's open. No. We've been going like I think over like two hours. Yeah. I think it's about time. Yeah, we should cut hours. No shit. Yeah. I think it's about time.
Starting point is 01:59:05 Yeah, we should cut it. Let's record it. I think it's time. Wanna play a game? Cut it, cut it, cut it. That's... That's such an orgasmic sound. I like that.
Starting point is 01:59:23 It sounds like you're in a cave and water's dropping. And then you just hit the curtain. Well, I don't hear any water dropping. It sounds like someone was in a cave and they found a can of Twisted Teas. And they're like, I'm going to open this and drink it. I don't know. I don't know, Chris. It's going to be close.
Starting point is 01:59:40 Okay, I think we should wrap it up. That's what Jake thinks when he's got the aggressive diarrhea He's trying to get to the toilet I don't know, Chris It's gotta be close Might be fiery Thank you guys all for watching I hope you enjoyed this new
Starting point is 02:00:00 Audio format Hopefully, I think I think it's going to prove to be a lot easier and better quality. Should be a lot easier. Should be a lot easier editing-wise and better quality production-wise.
Starting point is 02:00:17 It certainly made it easier on us. I feel closer with you guys, having been in your ear for the past two hours. You did the old cam kiss. Audio only on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. YouTube, subscribe, like, leave a comment. No one fucking leaves comments. Fucking come talk to us.
Starting point is 02:00:43 Fucking let us know you're there. Go leave a comment on the last video. Go leave a comment right now. Thank you guys all for watching. Until next time, know your tolerance, keep it south of 60. Put that. Jesus. Put that.
Starting point is 02:01:01 Got me up, man. Jesus Christ. I don't want to knock over the tower. Oh my God. See me up, Ben. Jesus Christ. I don't want to knock over the tower. Oh, my God. See you guys next time. Bye. Bye.

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