Guys: With Bryan Quinby - Guys: Episode 58 - Police Guys with Minion Death Cult

Episode Date: March 19, 2024

Welp, the patrons picked Police Scanner Guys and I tried as hard as I could to find stuff and I kinda did. I made the decision that we would broaden the scope of what we cover this time. I also wanna a CW for domestic violence, it isn't in poor taste but it does come up. We look at some scanner guys and then we have a cop comedian alond with the relative of the Scanner guys, the Live PD/On Patrol Live. You can find more from Tony and Alexander at Alexander is at and Tony is at and the show twitter is at It is a great show, one of the ones that I recommend to everyone if you like guys and leftists, their patreon is great There is much more Chris at and of course And for more Guys content, streams and SHOCKTOBER: a deep dive into shock jocks you can click and

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Guys, a podcast about guys. I am Brian, and I don't have an insult for Chris because I am flustered hey Chris how's it going oh well hey I listen I'm sorry you're flustered I'm sorry to hear that but it resulted in me not being insulted so I guess that's one for me let me think about what would what would cough guys say that is even negative, though? I don't even know. Are you a fucking criminal? I should have called you a criminal.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Yeah, a criminal. That's good. I brought on this week, I want to explain first, this is supposed to be police scanner guys, but police scanner guys are incredibly boring. In a way that you never even like i defy you to go find me five pages of them being funny because all they mostly do is say i'm on 4.963 uh channel and i'm here so it's kind of boring so it's been a lot of numbers would have been a lot of number discussion just random numbers too not even meaningful ones but i have this week tony
Starting point is 00:01:27 you've been here i don't know why i said it like that we have the guys from minion death pop cult oh boy oh boy and that is i mean i know normally i love the case but not when they interfere with yeah it kind of hurts you it's kind of like like, yeah, you find yourself where you're in the crosshairs now. It's like you were chanting flub, pounding the table every time it happened before. But it's not so funny when it happens to you. It hurts your bottom line, is it? But if you think about it, now we're in the same company of Yoda. And some great people.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Bill Murphy. Bill Murphy as well yeah matt diamond yeah definitely it is very cool he reveres so when he flubs minion death coal it's because he just admires us so much and i thank you i appreciate that and he did it really early and the flub heads go crazy for an early flop there's something about it like where he's like we just started how are you already off for the rails you know how did you already lose why i'm gonna tell you why this time okay i got here on time ready first of all i'm panicking all morning yeah i was talking to you i can i can confirm that i was getting a lot of panicky text messages from brian this morning i actually set my alarm and got up early i was in such a panic and then
Starting point is 00:02:47 uh i get home and i'm like okay we are just gonna work with what we have that's all you can really fucking do is work with what you have and so i accept it i sit down i pull the mic stand because i push the mic away when i get done because i'm working and i pull the mic stand because i push the mic away when i get done because i'm working and i pull the mic stand down the fucking thing breaks that's a mic arm just to be clear so if you guys are visualizing it properly it's like a one of those big professional mic arms and yeah when i joined the call um brian was on here and he was just so flustered trying to fix his mic arm and i'll tell you if i didn't take a number of screenshots to share on social media that's awesome i mean it was really he was really in
Starting point is 00:03:32 his element and he didn't even really know i was here he was just kind of like what the fuck you know um and just to be clear to everyone so you don't get worried and say oh we don't have any material this is how brian talks off mic about every episode. So don't worry. So we have material. I want to start out professionally with Alexander and Tony and talk about because they do a really, they're good guy finders.
Starting point is 00:03:59 They find more guy. They find, I think the only people that find as many guys as us are you guys and are there cop are there uh some interesting cop guys that you may have run into oh yeah i mean so i guess we are we talking about guys who are into cops or guys who are cops or both so it could be both i think mostly fans of cops people who are really obsessed with it but i i suppose brian correct me if i'm wrong but somebody who's a cop but is really into the lifestyle of being a cop and like you know really lives it all the time and is more importantly posting about it online a lot yes i kind of made the rule that i would rather them not be all like on duty guys but even
Starting point is 00:04:51 then like there's some weird fucking well obviously there's some weird fucking cops but are there like cop like celebrities because i found one guy but like uh i was wondering if you guys know of any cop celebrities sheriff david clark i'm thinking of those like famous like sheriff sheriff yeah mark lamb i had joe i i interviewed joe arpaio on my fake interview show they had to wheel him in to do the interview it was it when we started playing songs for him and stuff it was really yeah so he's one of them I think yeah Mark Lamb some of these like horrible conservative sheriffs or whatever you know I thought you were asking a different question I thought you're asking about my favorite celebrity cops which would have to be um Steven Seagal Steven Seagal and Shaquille O'Neal that's the only two right yeah I mean is there another one sometimes i forget that shaq's a cop and it's a
Starting point is 00:05:46 bummer when i realize that shaq's a cop he's like oh yeah he's like a real he's like yeah like elvis elvis was one of them as well where they had that they had like a uh they gave him a fake badge basically and told him that he was allowed to pretend like he's a cop that's the same as steven seagal and shaq right yeah so when i steven seagal actually like did think he was a cop that's the same as steven seagal and shack right yeah so when i steven seagal actually like did think he was a cop for a moment and there's like a couple lawsuits pending yeah he killed some people oh yeah that makes sense and stuff that he would um is that by the way yeah where's that i just hear a sound is that i don't sorry that's that's my heater let me turn it off okay yeah i think that it might be it might be a little bit loud where it might
Starting point is 00:06:26 be a little bit hard to take it out of the mix. Yeah, that makes sense that Steven Seagal would sort of get a little bit too into it and start believe... I think he believed that he was a lot of the things that he played in movies as well. I would have liked to see
Starting point is 00:06:42 him... The thing about it is if you're watching steven seagal law man and you're like how did he kill somebody it was with a tank right like okay hang on a second sorry he actually killed someone yeah okay i'm sorry to laugh at the death of someone it's not funny because someone an innocent person died presumably but that is kind of funny to get killed by Steven Seagal. It's a logical conclusion when you give a man who is a weapon a badge. That's what bothers me about it.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Listen, nobody should get killed by the police, and I'm not pro-police, but if Steven Seagal is going to kill somebody, he's got to kick their ass. He's got to do it. The ass kicking. Well, you can't bring a tank in. You know, he's not like kick him to death. Not an army guy. He should definitely do it with his with his weapons. Like you said, Tony, he is the weapon he should be killing with his bare hands every time.
Starting point is 00:07:42 He should absolutely be snapping their necks. That's the only way. That's the thing. And the cool thing is that if you are the, if you're the person whose neck is being stepped, I think that's honorable. I think that's a straight to heaven type thing. I think that you, it's almost like a blessing.
Starting point is 00:07:56 You've been, your neck has been broken by Steve Seagal. Oh yeah. You get to pass through the gates. Oh yeah, absolutely. No matter what you did. Even fast,
Starting point is 00:08:04 even Seagal, especially fast, even Seagal especially fat steven seagal brian put the thumb the light up thumb away please can you know it's magic it's not a light up i don't know why he always says put the light up thumb away it's my thumb is lit up yeah golly okay let's go to the well can i sorry let me answer your question about cop guys because we've come across so many amazing cop... One of my favorite episodes of MDC is the cop rap episode. We covered cop rappers specifically. Oh, that's sick.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Like guys that rap. Yeah, oh yeah. Cops that rap. Cops that rap. There was a San Diego cop we covered a lot called Forensic. I called him Foreskin as a joke. And he, yeah, just every song was about how he's a troop and how he's a wolf and how he's a sheep. He's actually not a wolf.
Starting point is 00:08:59 He's a sheepdog. But the sheepdogs look like wolves. He was just like putting every cop meme into his into his raps pretty good pretty where did he where did he put them up like where was he a tiktok guy guess where he put him go ahead and guess where he was posting these things is it wrong it's not rumble is it no this is all this is all older than rumble and tiktok this is uh he he had him on spotify he has his albums on spotify and on there's like lyric videos on youtube and shit i see because i have so he was trying to do
Starting point is 00:09:30 it for real i've definitely seen a lot of those like tiktok cops you know where they're in uniform and they're like whether they're doing like a little rap or some little like fun little tiktok thing meanwhile they're also a you know the apparatus of the state that yeah puts people away and takes away their freedom and they're being silly about it which is kind of cool they do you guys think that they want to stay cops or want to move into the rap field because i definitely want to move into the rap field because it's it honestly every cop i've ever seen posting online seems like they hate their fucking job seems like they're within an inch of spraying down you know their block of the street they live on yes yeah that's what i always wonder because it's like um do they lose credibility but i don't think they would with
Starting point is 00:10:22 the with the fans that aren't cops if they're not cops anymore is is kind of what my question would be no because another type of cop guy is the youtuber there's an extremely fam not extremely famous but like successful at least uh officer tatum who's a black conservative and his officer brandon tatum he has a call-in show and i have called it before yes i am well aware of officer tatum he's on salem media like the big you know he's on a huge network now he has like a radio show with gorka and prager and all that he was only a cop for six years he was a tucson arizona cop and once a cop always a cop if you're pro cop yeah yeah oh dominic iso is another one who i come across yeah where he was he was only a cop for a short time but he does the whole
Starting point is 00:11:14 blue lives matter thin blue line stuff and just the fact that he ever was a cop isn't gives him the cred i think yeah that that officer tatum like i've never I've only seen like very short clips of him but he has like the uh disquieting thumbnail practice down like he like some of the some of the most unsettling images I've ever seen are like yeah um a man like squinting his face like he's crying like a baby with next to the giant letters, Feminist gets destroyed by bodybuilder. I'm like, this is the most psychotic thing I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Well, he's turned it into a legitimate media career now working for Salem Media. Well, I went to the Ask Ellie page of Reddit. That is Ask Law Enforcement for all of you that don't know. Don't know why it's not Ask Leos.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Well, I guess because maybe it's not just officers. You could be asking other law enforcement agents, perhaps, that are officers. I think the astrology folk actually just got ahead of that one. I think Ask Leo is for asking Leo. Oh, I see. They already got it. Meeting other Leos. Smart.
Starting point is 00:12:30 I'm generally Pope-ly. I'm generally... I'm generally Pope-ly. Yeah. I'm generally Pope-ly. It's been a while since the flubheads have really had a day too so they're gonna be happy i'm generally pro police as evidenced by my post history but this is really nagging me i've been listening to chicago police scanner traffic and quote rough
Starting point is 00:12:58 neighborhoods for about a month now it seems their sergeants almost always authorize dispatch to quote code out drug dealing calls why i i don't know what that means code as it means ignore oh okay well i would imagine that it's just an issue of resources and and you're having to you know you're maybe spread a little thin and you have to look at the you know priority calls so that might be the reason why they have been defunded severely so that's true that's probably the biggest issue there yeah no they listen it's very cool that you've been listening to police scanners for a month in the worst neighborhoods of chicago though that is a very cool thing to do well it's interesting because the reply is from a cop the
Starting point is 00:13:45 first reply is from a cop and to hear a cop to find a cop that is less insane than the person posing the question he said i responded to an off-duty cop that witnessed a hand-to-hand drug deal one night i was right there and caught the car. Turned out they were selling some shoes. Yep. Like a cop tells the guy. Like, you know, sometimes people just think it looks like you're dealing drugs
Starting point is 00:14:15 and then they call the police. I was recently reading Nextdoor and this person was like, is it too much for the police to stop guys if they're walking down the street with a package yeah i mean honestly i've i well you you joke but like a lot of packages turn out to be weapons and or bombs and or drugs i mean oh yo don't even get me started on stolen packages yeah i mean there's so many instances where packages are unlawful, and I think it would help our safety and our security problems.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I hear they're just making boxes out of fentanyl now. Oh, that's scary. Yeah, so I wouldn't even, well, in that case, I wouldn't go anywhere near it then, because I don't want to touch the fentanyl and have an overdose from it. Yeah, I have a cousin who was a dispatcher, and I was talking to her about this kind of thing. And she goes like – she's like, listen, as racist as the police department is, even we know that most drug dealing calls is just a black guy just hanging out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Someone saw a black guy. Even we know that.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Like if you're calling in a drug deal, it's over by the time you get there, and it's usually just someone looking cooler than you can understand, so they must be a drug dealer. Well, Naraka Thomas 1212 tells this person you should watch The Wire. There you go. It's a good show,
Starting point is 00:15:39 so that's not bad advice just in general. I'd say it's worth watching. You know, season three is my favorite. I know a lot of people don't like the doc season, but I loved it personally. I found. Oh, sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:15:53 No, you go, Alexander. I was going to say something stupid. I did enjoy The Wire, but I find I didn't truly understand it until after reading The Art of War and then going back and re-watching the wire which i have applied to my policing technique is what is what this person's saying are they saying that the reason they don't show up to drug dealers is because omar's probably coming yeah it could be omar also yeah there could be a gangster who is gay but that doesn't even really matter it's just actually just a normal aspect of his personality. But then he's also super crazy, and he
Starting point is 00:16:28 could come and kill you. The next person says, if it bothers you that police ignore Americans who are engaging in private transactions without ID and information and internet, please never read the Declaration of Independence. It will
Starting point is 00:16:43 trigger you so hard listen that person i totally agree with but i also do kind of feel like maybe that person might be like a freeman of the land like the kind of person who's in like a trial and like you have no authority over me here and then they wrestle him to the ground and take him to jail it was funny to think like god damn it man like and and anybody who you know i was at a lot of the protests for black lives matter or anytime you've ever gone to a protest you're always kind of worried when a white guy shows up with like the uh vest and uh like their their rifle in their hand like they're just gonna stand there with you it's like are we on the same team because i don't fucking know what's going on because like you do end up on the same team
Starting point is 00:17:30 yeah as those guys those sovereign citizen guys they they won't show up to black lives matter protests ever yeah that i i i personally the country that i live in when you go to the protest people aren't allowed to bring their guns with them and hold them. It's like encouraged here. Yeah. So I'm not actually. Sorry. That's why you're so soft, though.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Yeah. Oh, I see. Yeah. That's why you guys need all that health care. Wait. When he was talking about like, oh, two individual citizens, private citizens engaged in free commerce or whatever. And it's like you said, Chris, I do agree with that. What's the opposite of like, you know, I don't agree with you, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Like, I do agree with you, but I don't defend the way you said it. Yeah. I hate what you're saying. The guy that says read the declaration of independence i'm not on his team ever you can't say it like that yeah on board yeah life pro tips this is from undead heart and he goes listen to your life pro tip listen to your local police scanner once in a while you can usually download an app that allows you to listen to police scanners i have one such app on my ipod
Starting point is 00:18:45 but you can get them for tablets and smartphones too the majority yeah it's cool he has one for his ipod yeah the majority of them are free and you can listen for problem areas or crimes going on in your area it's also easier because you can hear about problems going on in real time for example there's a local food store not far from my house i'd heard of at least five crimes going on there so my significant other i've heard of about it i've heard of at least five crimes going on who talks different are those different crimes or the different instances of the same crime yeah let's get a little more specificity about these crimes that
Starting point is 00:19:25 you're seeing yeah so i'm hearing it's it's got to be so unhealthy listening to this shit is like is like worse than next door it's just like a raw feed of everything that eventually gets to next door but a lot of it is probably filtered out you're just getting like again like shoe like people buying shoes is reported crime the radio is just telling you that's a crime what's next door it is a website in the united states it's facebook based on your geolocation so you sign up for a certain region and you get to gossip and fear monger about your actual neighborhood it's like a neighborhood watch premise yeah it's 90 percent that it's 90 percent people saying like have you seen this guy walking around a neighborhood watch premise. Yeah, it's 90% that. It's 90% people saying like, have you seen this guy walking around a neighborhood?
Starting point is 00:20:07 He seems like he doesn't live here. You know, it's usually a bad kind of situation. I think it's also the reason why you had a hard time finding police scanner guys is because they're just on next door now. And Citizen. And Citizen, yeah. I don't know how to use Citizen in order to mine for content, but I have it,
Starting point is 00:20:30 and it tells me that people are getting shot in my neighborhood every single day, at least once. All the time. Three blocks down from me, it's like, there's a guy waving a gun. Another three blocks, it's like, two guys are fighting. Well, that's their business.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I don't you know what I mean I'm not worried about that uh we love this technology to detect to quote like detect crime and it does nothing but give false positives yeah yeah the entire system but yeah we have something that they're trying to implement and I think already have implemented in Seattle uh where it's like microphones across the city that sense when a gunshot happens and so it can like instantly report on a gunshot and it gives nothing but false positives oh yeah it's like they still want to pour money into it it's so funny as security theater they call it or whatever where it's like it just makes these old ladies and i shouldn't single out old ladies all
Starting point is 00:21:23 old people feel uh safe you know but in reality it's doing nothing to keep them safe like at the airport or whatever well this guy also agrees with this he goes dude los angeles high priority traffic almost a week ago some guy robbed a gas station high on meth they were chasing him to his house three officers were waiting out front and calling backup swap team arrived the man moved into the shed in his backyard with the pump shotgun dude was in the shed aiming a shotgun at the door number one that didn't that is just that's a movie thing yeah that happens in movies it does not happen in real life and like well and like if it does happen in real life it's not going over the police scanner beat for beat. Oh, was he watching?
Starting point is 00:22:07 He might have been just watching a movie. Might have just had a film on and heard it from the other room or whatever. Is this heat? Is he describing heat? Tony, I would have never thought of that. Because I was just like, oh, you know, he's exaggerating the story. But there's no way this story would be told like this yeah not over the police scanner this is not how they describe situations hey we're we're running to his house now hey he's got a shotgun he's pointing it out waiting for us behind that yeah that
Starting point is 00:22:38 SWAT team held a strategic position from the left, right, from the left and right sniper far from the front. Okay. Yep. Yep. Totally. A sniper really tear gas. So sick. They used a grenade launcher that penetrated.
Starting point is 00:22:55 A grenade launcher. Hell yeah. Okay. A tear gas. Okay. Okay. It wasn't just a grenade launch. Okay. grenade launch okay tear gas that uh like i said it said uh they used a grenade launcher that penetrated the wooden door of the shed they did hell yeah
Starting point is 00:23:16 they didn't shoot one in from the window on the side of the shed because quote let's not shoot it in from the window the tear gas will vent out easily copy that moving in position in line with the door that's again that's not how these work that's not that's a different channel you're only you're only getting dispatch calls yeah anything else yeah yeah yeah that yeah you're getting them there you're not getting the conversations that they're having right no different channel totally actually hand signals like they're not getting the conversations that they're having no it's a different channel mostly actually hand signals like they're not even really saying those things yeah of course because they don't want
Starting point is 00:23:50 they want to remain safe if they're in that type of a situation or whatever and it didn't happen silence one tear gas grenade second one through the door silence the dude was yelling and he opened the door they sent the canine
Starting point is 00:24:06 in and a SWAT officer shortly after was the most intense morning from my own bed and uh a guy replies and goes my good the op replies and says my goodness that is intense that's actually pretty hilarious which okay yeah that's actually that's like i've seen some funny stuff that is that takes the cake that's like that's funny any any way you look at it that's funny yeah from any from either side you know oh yeah yeah yeah exactly it's funny for the cops and it's funny for the guy it's just a smoke grenade is that is that we're telling you they shot a fucking rocket propelled smoke grenade into into his shed is that a tear gas grenade through a launcher that went through the door which i listen i don't know what all tech these police have but i don't know i
Starting point is 00:24:59 i don't even i'm just trying to figure out what he meant by funny it's just funny that they that they had to batter batter the door, I guess. It's funny that, I mean, it's funny that, yeah, somebody is like so dependent on drugs that they feel the need to steal to support their own lifestyle. No, it seems odd, though, that the hole would go into the door. Like, wouldn't it just vent out through the hole that it made in the door? Like they said, oh, they didn't put it through the window because it would have vented out the window but
Starting point is 00:25:27 did it somehow go through the door and then not make a hole in the door i i the door is splintered inward and that's like the barbs of a cactus that yeah the smoke from coming through the hole yeah that's smart that's smart he says in my area it's nothing but drugs just weed mostly and heck i don't smoke it but go right ahead there have been a few shootings around in our area though and police officers talking about people in hoodies okay yeah i mean that one that one tracks not illegal at all yeah yeah and then this last guy goes yes i've heard my local cops kill a guy after a high-speed car chase it's better than cable what i got to listen like they again you're not listening in on this they don't go oh we just shot the guy we just we just fucking shot him
Starting point is 00:26:17 but you're here to hear if a person's died and i get it the world we live in now this true crime shit is like taken over and people really do but like i don't know i don't know if i would describe it as like better than cable an actual person losing their life well i don't know his his description wasn't very good because if you're talking about like a high-speed pursuit yeah sure they'll kill the guy at the end of it but you're forgetting they also kill people during the heist oh yeah and then i mean you could probably understand why it would be like a hollywood movie and it would be very very funny yeah i mean we can all agree mowing down a civilian or you know a bystander is very funny here's a cop caller uh on our police asking questions he says neighbor knows i am calling the police yeah probably i don't know but most likely if you judging the type of person who
Starting point is 00:27:14 calls the police on their neighbor all the time do you know what i mean like you know which neighbor it is you know you know who's doing it my parents call the police on me and my brother and our friends all the fucking time we'd be outside dicking around and they'd be like uh i'm calling the police and then a police would show up and they'd be like uh we heard you guys are out here making a bunch of noise and stuff and then we get into my parents and be like we called a motherfucker and it's just like why did you do that that's crazy yeah that is crazy you do that? That's crazy. Yeah, that is crazy. You should not call. My neighbor used to call the cops on us when we were kids all the time.
Starting point is 00:27:50 He was like this old Dutch guy. And he called the cops constantly. We did a thing where we jumped off our carport roof until we brought out mattresses and stuff. And we would just do silly stuff like that. But this is the worst thing he ever did. My dog was left outside for three hours one time and barked and this fucking old dutch piece of shit joseph who's thankfully long expired now called the fucking spca on my fucking dog like a neighbor of so many years called the spca because the dog was barking for i'm not exactly only three hours that was the
Starting point is 00:28:25 exact uh period of time fucking you're you're lucky you didn't live in America because they would have called the cops and the cops would just came and shot your dog yeah yeah they love shooting dogs yeah they just came and shot your dog my dog was a German Shepherd though I feel like I might have not gotten shot just because German Shepherd is very beloved especially shoot German Shepherds because they know that German Shepherds are weapons. Oh yeah, fuck, they wouldn't fucking kill them. They're super killing the German Shepherd. Do you think that lady
Starting point is 00:28:51 was just in her window with her phone out and just putting a big finger press and they're like, oh shit, she only did three buttons. She only did three buttons. She's calling the cops. What is she doing? Well, i have a neighbor that will party until 4 a.m with loud music and reverberating bass he often parties all night not to mention doing other
Starting point is 00:29:13 various inconsiderate things like parking his truck on the road horizontally so no one can get through every time i call it that's actually fucked up like this person sounds like a fucking menace. You just call the tow truck. You don't even need to. You can have something towed if it's blocking the flow of traffic like that. You're not allowed to
Starting point is 00:29:35 park your car. Here's where I think our narrator becomes unreliable. Every time I call the police, they stop what they're doing shortly after my phone call ends. It's as if they can hear what I'm saying or they have a police scanner on makes me look bad when the police arrive i see so the theory is that he is listening in on those calls and he knows that it's happening i love i love partying in at 4 a.m and then just but turning the music down every 30 seconds to check the police scanner. I didn't even consider that the police scanner could not be heard over the noise.
Starting point is 00:30:14 I love it. Yeah. Well, she goes, when the police leave, he will continue whatever he was doing before. What can I do? Maybe he might have seen those like flashing lights pull up on his street you could talk to the cops and teach him you know a little thing about discretion yeah you could tell him call hey can you bring an unmarked vehicle and use a little discretion when you come this guy is very crafty can you can you send a woman who looks like a paid dancer to the yeah
Starting point is 00:30:41 exactly and then yeah can you tell her to make a lot of sexually suggestive statements in the beginning, but then at the end of it not dance at all and actually arrest him and take him to jail? Well, I have a comedian. Vinny Montez. I have not heard of him before.
Starting point is 00:31:01 I'm not a Montez head. Just so you know, guys, I don't like to mention this on the podcast, but I used to do stand-up comedy myself. You've already mentioned it twice. Oh, well, before we started recording, though. But once we start recording, I never liked him. I'm really kind of embarrassed about it. I don't like to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:31:21 But I did a little bit of stand-up in my day and i can tell you this is on the dry bar comedy uh youtube page and that was every comic's dream when they're younger was get that dry bar special for sure it does have 2.5 million yeah they juice up their fucking views on dry bar. I watch a lot of Drybar comedians on Huckwatch because a lot of the Huckabee comedians, the Christian comedians, end up on Drybar comedy. They juice these views. They're not legitimate. They don't actually get this many views.
Starting point is 00:31:57 This one did pop, though. This one was popping for a minute. Yeah, I remember this guy. You guys remember this guy? I remember this guy, guy you guys you guys remember this guy i remember this guy yeah they're just they're they're guys guys they find guys so you got that's that is very impressive that you guys have heard of vinnie montez i don't know him by now i just seeing him in front of me i'm like oh this is that cop comedian and okay he does he does look like a cop yeah and he's he's huge and he's bald and he
Starting point is 00:32:27 like he's like round and bald you know i don't remember his particular stand-up and i don't want to uh derail us but yeah uh brian you came on minion death cult to talk about another stand-up comedy i remember uh the the guy doing the all cops ain't bad comedy show. Oh, yeah. I looked him up, Daryl Trippett. And yeah, one of his, like in his standup, he talks about his white partner saying the N word. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Now I remember that. Yes. All cops ain't bastards. Maybe we'll play a little bit of that too. But this video is titled Millennials Shouldn't Be Cops. Uh-oh. Am I right? Am I right? You're all in trouble.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I can say I'm Gen X if I want. Millennial cops are entering the police force. That's funny in itself. That got a laugh. That got a huge laugh. Definitely not sweetened in post. No, not at all. That was a legitimate full laugh. This might be the most sweetened comedy post no not at all that was a legitimate full laugh this might be the most
Starting point is 00:33:26 sweetened comedy channel of all oh everything is so it is crazy dude there's this guy claude stewart who we discovered on dry bar comedy he kicks a lot he has his hair styled super high um and he's just saying the dumbest shit ever just and it's just it's like it's like you're listening to a carlin special yeah yeah this is crazy one of the ladies i work with she's constantly you know as a cop uh i am a big guy i like to lift weights uh if you ever see me running that wasn't supposed to be a joke i don't think he doesn't he and he doesn't look strong he looks like he could be he looks round he looks like
Starting point is 00:34:15 he he has he has no neck at all like no neck to speak of at all and he's just actually looks super strong but in that like yeah like yes that you're heavy lifting type you're right i was just gonna say yeah he it's not he it's not that he doesn't he does he kind of looks like a strong man a little bit but his lack of neck kind of like makes those guys have necks you know those strong men but yeah he does kind of have that like no definition but extremely strong kind of physique like i just looks he looks tight he looks bulky and tight and i think that's maybe what we're confusing for he might have a really tight shirt on he might have a really tight shirt on that shirt underneath his dress shirt might be
Starting point is 00:34:57 so tight that it's just keeping it all tight you know yeah it's it's hard to tell if he's lifting weights or uh just saying he's lifting weights because it looks like it looks like he can get away because he can kind of get away with it. I listened to him earlier and I was like, well, he does have the look of like a strong guy that throws kegs on top of build like strong man stuff. Yeah, his arms are really short, though. That's what I really looks He looks like he has trouble moving. He's got the short arms that those strongmen have big arms as well. He doesn't have that. He's got the strongman
Starting point is 00:35:33 torso, but not the arms. His arms look like my arms. His arms look like mine. This guy deadlifts like 900 pounds, but you can lose him out of a steady jog oh yeah you can just like run around a corner and then that's the end of the chase you know
Starting point is 00:35:52 just be just be slightly agile just give him yeah he can only run straight he can only run straight like if he if you take a left turn during the he just keeps running straight and the chase is over he does let's see after somebody and you happen to see that site like to lift weights uh if you ever see me running after somebody and you happen somebody have you ever seen me after somebody i think there was one laugh after he said lift weights too and he's a woman laugh somebody and this is very early like how i just want to say how fucking embarrassing is this for him to start the special and almost immediately
Starting point is 00:36:29 flub one of the lines? That is humiliating. Why do I enjoy a flub every now and then? He's like, Chris is still making fun of the early flub. You're only allowed, you get 10 seconds after the flub and that's it. First off, I make all the flub rules. I invented flubs. Okay, Mr. This is going to be so out of place after the flub and that's it first off i make all the flub rules i invented flubs okay okay
Starting point is 00:36:45 okay mr what this is going to be so out of place because the episode where you said wolverine is oh but i i'm thinking people will not i promise you people are not going to forget that one i have been getting a lot of messages about wolverine i do have to come out and do a correction i think that we all we were both saying almond brothers band as a joke oh yeah i was i know they're the almond brothers yeah almond brothers we do have to clarify that because yeah sometimes people will call out like they call they try to call you out for saying rolly coaster and call and there's like certain things that we'll do like and also leg like i i said lego is the plural and
Starting point is 00:37:26 then i kept saying legos afterwards just as a joke so sometimes we do we flub on purpose you know yeah well also also like if you're if you're correcting people on the almond brothers like you're a huge loser well well like let's all like no who cares who cares well they care about they do it set up a world the flub heads care about it because it's like oh this is their oxygen this is how they survive yeah and so yeah they are always looking for that yeah exactly the almond brothers did right tied to the whipping post yes really sick song. That is a good song. And here's the thing. We've set up a world where our fans are just a pit of vipers trying to get us.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I'm trying to get you, just to be clear. Okay. I'm a big guy. I like to lift weights. If you ever see me running after somebody and you happen to see that sight, hit them with your car because they i wanted for a serious crime that's that's so funny as if that's not something that regularly happens where police kill people with their car during a pursuit i love this joke that i'm like i'm i'm
Starting point is 00:38:41 i'm the state sanctioned violence of a of a pretty awful government, and I'm so, like, what would you even call it? Like, I'm this figure. I can't even chase after the person that I've deemed worthy of death. I'm so inadequate at my job. Yeah. So I just, please just hit them with your car. Like, I know I could shoot them in the the back but that would look bad so yeah can you just hit them because god when we hit them there's a whole fucking trial now and stuff like that what part of this am i supposed to like worship you know
Starting point is 00:39:17 what i mean that's that's just what i'm i'm looking at it from a purely like impartial standpoint this does i don't know Where's the hero here? Yeah. The hero is the guy that sweetens the laughs. Yeah. The hero is the guy that's making this seem like it's going well. I mean, this is not foot pursuit material is what I'm saying, right? I mean,
Starting point is 00:39:40 downhill, we got a good shot at it, right? Stopping will be a problem. This guy's joke so far is like, I am way too out of shape to do the basic functions of my job. Am I right? And you guys pay my salary.
Starting point is 00:40:00 And it's a lot. I'm going to switch it up here because you guys like that. This is what we're going to do. I i didn't know i was gonna talk about this always do that always do that move always let them know you're switching it up you don't want them to be lost oh and also let them know what you're bringing he said he's i wasn't gonna do this i love when comedians say that when they're like yeah i wasn't gonna do this but you guys seem like such a cool crowd man and it's just like can you imagine the like one dumb who like believes that in the crowd he's just like holy man we're getting a little extra special here based on how good we are very cool he believes that wrestling is real and jam bands actually go
Starting point is 00:40:40 on stage with no plan at all that's right how about it millennial cops are entering the police force this guy he went there yeah they're gonna get dangerous unfortunately you know i don't identify as a millennial so i'm gonna say it one more time millennial cops okay this is proof that the laughs are fake yeah yeah he there's like a big reaction and then yet he reacts as if there was no reaction yep yeah i'm gonna say it again is definitely you know can i do a millennial cop joke i just thought of yes yeah yeah please uh Millennial cops are entering the workforce. Normally, cops die by eating a bullet. These ones are going to die by eating a Tide Pod.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Tide Pod. Yes. Okay. Okay. All right. Now we're talking. We're entering the police force. We were reading reports one night.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Can you back that up? Huge hacking cough. Huge hacking cough from the audience. If the sweetening guy put that in, that's just mean. Take that out. Can we hear that again? Listen to this. He completely awkwardly switches topics.
Starting point is 00:42:06 He's got no segue ability, this guy. So he gets really uncomfortable. But listen to this hack and cough. Millennial cops are entering the police force. We are... I'm going to say it. You can cut that out. You can use that on a soundboard
Starting point is 00:42:26 was that the audio guy was that the guy like beside like that was into the microphone also when did this come out this came out three years ago my guy millennial cops have been cops for a long time 15 15 years at least well here are some of the funny stuff that happens. I mean, this is what you have to understand about stand-up comedy, Tony, though, is that you'll write a joke and then you'll do it for 10 years and then you'll get yourself a dry bar special
Starting point is 00:42:54 and then you'll go perform it as if it's something that's happening present day. I was reading reports one night. It was a DUI report. And it was nothing but emojis god that's like yours that's like yours the one that you did as a joke and he's like doing this seriously as his freaking emojis it's pretty funny too like not to take this too seriously
Starting point is 00:43:21 or anything but like one of the you know i've never been a cop i don't have any cops in my immediate family but yet i still know that like second only to doctors handwriting are cops able to like put together a coherent scent you know what i mean like like cops are infamously bad at doing reports and and writing out their reports and uh it's like their least favorite part of the job something they always complain about um so yeah i don't i don't know it's it doesn't sound like much of a degradation from that to emojis it's that totally impenetrable language that they use where it's like we had ascertained that the suspect was i don't know any other well well i well i i watched a film called the beekeeper recently oh yeah oh yeah baby and uh at one point yeah oscar bait absolutely if it doesn't get
Starting point is 00:44:17 nominated i will be shocked but i this is truth i actually watched it and then ariel my girlfriend came home from work and i just started it again and watched it with her immediately. Back to back. Watched it twice. But in that movie, yeah, he says, I noted that there was something, a car in the driveway. And then the cop goes, noted. Are you ex-law enforcement? That's true.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Because he said the word noted that he must be law enforcement. Here we go. Wow, huge laugh. So like, what is this? The younger officer's like, what are you talking about, Sarge? Drunk emoji, drunk emoji, get to the jail, poop emoji, poop emoji.
Starting point is 00:45:03 What's drunk emoji? Is there a drunk emoji? Drunk emoji is there a drunk emoji trunk emoji is when you're like drunk or whatever it's like a person and they're kind of drunk you kind of notice that they're not like in the emoji you can see in their eyes that they're like thinking about past issues they've had oh yeah yeah ruminating on it and stuff i'm going right now. I'm going to send my daughter. I'm going to send her a thing here. Emojis and drunk. No results. Zero results.
Starting point is 00:45:36 So maybe they got rid of it because maybe they heard this. Maybe this joke became so famous that they like this. It led to the emoji because yeah i've never seen the drunk emoji either why make up emojis like yeah terrible comedy audience disagrees i guess it's okay then the funny thing is a lot of these guys and gals they don't want to drive normal cop cars you know like interceptors and tahos they want to drive priuses this guy is fucking awesome dude so these fuckers with the priuses and the emojis i mean this guy's hitting all of the men it's great
Starting point is 00:46:21 because he can't even do the automatic transmission, manual transmission, millennial joke because cop cars are automatic transmission because cops can't be trusted to drive manual transmissions. Yeah. So you have to go with, I guess, Prius. That's no, you don't. It has to be Tesla. You can't. Prius is a 19. Prius is a 2003 They like Teslas though And I also want to clarify That I'm sure he wrote Most of these jokes roughly 15
Starting point is 00:46:54 Years ago and then Worked them to the point where he could Get a comedy special so I think that's why Some of the stuff is outdated in my opinion If he did it now he might say Tesla Although you're right they do kind of like tesla yeah so and there are tesla cop cars yeah yeah yeah i was sure there's probably there's probably prius cop cars too in certain places i would imagine or like hybrid cop cars
Starting point is 00:47:17 definitely there's a lamborghini one in ohio i was engaged in a in a foot pursuit chasing after this guy and then all of a sudden this millennial officer whizzes right by me and i'm like how are you how'd you do that how are you so fast and he goes wheelies sarge he holds up his uh his they're they're they're issuing wheelies to these wheelies or whatever the hell it still works he just grinded past me on the rail but he didn't have a skateboard I was like how are you doing that and he's like they're the soap shoes
Starting point is 00:47:52 I had soaps I had soaps everybody don't worry Mr. Soaps I think that we should advocate for police to start using more Teslas because I think they're very fast and they do just explode sometimes should we should advocate for police to start using more teslas um because like i think because they're very fast and they do just explode sometimes yes that's the part we want is that if you hit somebody it explodes and it's a white hot fire um just stop they just stop and then they
Starting point is 00:48:16 get hit and then they explode so like i think this is a good idea i believe that this guy i'm just looking at him again and his roundness and i'm thinking that this issue uh his hatred of priuses might be a personal issue and that he cannot fit into a prius and he has to be in a tahoe or whatever well this guy i think this guy's also small sure yeah he's yeah yeah yeah for sure he looks very round yeah fit into a Prius. Yeah, you're right, actually. We're not allowed to talk about that. We can't do that. We can't talk about him being short.
Starting point is 00:48:52 That's rude. We're not allowed to do that. We're allowed. Why? How come? I get in trouble for making short jokes as well. But why? Is that an inside thing?
Starting point is 00:48:59 We're just tall people. We're supposed to be better than that. I'm tall as well. I'm also tall. How tall are you guys? I'm tall as well. How tall are you guys? Punching down, literally. How tall are you guys? I'm eight feet tall. Eight feet?
Starting point is 00:49:11 How about you, Tony? Well, the truth is I'm 6'4", and Alex is a taller 6'4". They're tall dudes. Are you guys actually 6'4"? Very tall guys. Fuck, I'm only 6'2". I'm not that tall. You're not 6'2".
Starting point is 00:49:26 Yeah, you can't talk about it. You can't talk about it. What do you mean I'm not 6'2"? You're not 6'2". You're 5'11". I'm 6'2". I mean... Actually, you're 5'10".
Starting point is 00:49:37 When we meet in real life... Are you talking about actual feet? Do you know how to do it? Oh, I know how to do it. Yeah, well, I mean, I'm 1.87 meter no i don't know what the actual thing is it's something like that 1.9 well here's what i know i'm 5 11 and there's no fucking way you're taller than me are we like 19 stones yeah i mean brian brian you're gonna see i'm i'm i'm six foot two you'll see when when we need it. I'll never acknowledge that.
Starting point is 00:50:05 You are one under me. To me, you might as well be six two as well. I'm a giant. That's funny. Our police. Here's a quick thought starter that nobody responded to, but I thought you guys would find interesting. I think it would be cool to have a cops and crooks update for GTA online
Starting point is 00:50:23 to support our boys in blue. Well, that didn't get any traction on the board you didn't get traction on the police nobody agreed that that would be cool i think i i do i also think i should get a new video game to support our troops overseas is there a video game i wonder if there is like a pro like like because they made a few video games during the afghanistan war about being in afghanistan there's gotta be one it's like the more realistic version of being a cop there's an amazing one people are yeah sorry i think you probably talk about it yeah that was like one of the early motion detector arcade games where you would it was called like it was just called police 911 um and it was like i think it was you know a japanese game but it was uh you would hold the
Starting point is 00:51:10 gun and shoot at the screen but you could also take cover you could take cover by ducking you know in like time crisis you step on the pedal to jump out of cover and then you release the pedal it was like that but you could actually you would actually duck instead of doing that very good very good it was an arcade it was an arcade game yeah it wasn't on it looks sick um but i think what he's talking about is there's like uh a bundle or a type of play on gta online where you can be a cop and uh and a criminal and you play against each other. He just wants an updated version of that. He wants new maps. I don't know if you've known, but they've unlocked all kinds of new ways for cops
Starting point is 00:51:53 to kill people. They don't even need the guns anymore. They can just do it with their... I would like that to be in the game. Oh, yeah. Updated. I've noticed that cops are a lot more vehicular homicides. Just some things like that. Is there a way that we could take the criminal and leave him in a cell
Starting point is 00:52:10 and just not pay attention to him for long enough that he dies on his own? That would be a cool update to add in there. If I'm chasing somebody and I'm clearly low health, I need the program, the game to know that a citizen should hit that guy. With a car. Absolutely. And to be clear, I'm, and I'm always on low health. So I was thinking about like, what?
Starting point is 00:52:35 Cause this was again, originally supposed to be police scanner guys. And I'm like, well, I can't find any interesting scanner guys, but then it occurred to me today there's a tv show called on patrol live and there's a tv show called live pd and they have very ardent fans and that seems like an analog to the the um to the scanner guys. So I went online and I looked for live PD reviews, which by the way, was canceled in 2020 and people are very mad about it because it's just like
Starting point is 00:53:14 cops like the show. I was doing cops. This person says my husband and I and then puts his full name and some old shit, man. Only the oldest of old people are putting their full fucking name on forums online. And I are avid watchers of this show.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Our five-year-old grandson also loves this show. Braylon will watch live PD over watching cartoons. Shout out Braylon. Yeah, get it, Braylon. Because he loves seeing the bad guys get caught he roots for the good guys all the time and when one gets hurt he gets mad at bad guys live pd shows little kids that the police aren't always the bad guys that people want them to be kids believe that they are what what that's no that all media shows them that yeah media is
Starting point is 00:54:03 constantly trying to get this message across that the police are good. What are you talking about? I was watching this show. It was called Lone Star 911, and it showed there was a Muslim cop, though. So tell me what they're doing if they're not trying to disrespect the police by showing a Muslim be a cop. That's weird. Yeah, that's inappropriate, in my opinion. Well, we're going to move forward sorry what's really impressing with brayden is brayden can actually now
Starting point is 00:54:31 identify a criminal walking down the street just by the color of their skin yes yeah he just he can just tell he just knows when a criminal when they're a criminal or not well here's the part where this gets interesting she, one more thing I noticed that y'all are in Green County, Springfield, Missouri. My hometown is Joplin. She puts all their information in there and where they live. And she goes, I moved from Joplin for a number of reasons, one of which was because of the drug problem and the theft problem in the entire area of South 43 Highway and the surrounding area. Jasper County is just as bad
Starting point is 00:55:06 the reason i bring this up is because i would like to see y'all in newton and jasper county as well as like as well as like y'all are in green county i honestly believe if y'all showed newton and jasper county as much as you do green county there will be huge response from viewers in those counties people that live in those areas especially Newton County want their homes and communities cleaned up as well as the communities of Jasper so she thinks that more cops show up if not just more cops but like like a media spectacle yeah around how awful your town is yeah that's one of the one of the uh controversies about live pd was that it yeah portrays like whatever cities it's covering is dystopian
Starting point is 00:55:51 hellish nightmares filled with crime you know that are dangerous to even go outside in yeah and why don't you do that with my town yeah come on ladies say you know bill n says the show is great only one comment about the officers some speak way too fast for either me or the perp to understand so wow you got all these slick fast-talking cops on here i can't understand me and the perp both of us neither of us can understand i mean come on i'm giving notes he's giving notes. I know it's just the repetition that causes that,
Starting point is 00:56:29 but reading the rights sometimes gets to be a speed test. Otherwise, I support all of them and recognize that not all are the same. I read a bunch of the comments and they are more disturbing than anything I see on the show. Such negative comments as searching women, handling suspects that are not cooperative, letting people go that should be charged, and flat out personal opinions on officer actions by people that don't have a clue
Starting point is 00:56:54 as to how police work goes. Example, stopping a stolen car and waiting for backup to approach the vehicle and extract the suspects. Many, many of the department show use the same exact procedure but yet some viewers whine about it other than some officers talking too fast i really like this program okay we get it yeah i get it oh and watch it in short spurts throughout the week pd cam and pd wanted are also great as is live rescue but i'm glad they got rid of banfield as she is cnn material that i don't like oh cable news guy he's a cable news guy as well we did cable news guys and let me tell you god the one thing they'd love to do is hate on cnn anchors the only thing they like to do more is font sexually fawn over CNN news anchors.
Starting point is 00:57:45 I told this story on Street Fight. I have a friend that I grew up with that we used to get in a lot of fucking trouble together. I mean, you guys have heard stories of what I was like when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:58:00 I'm going to call the cops on you. A couple years ago, I'll start out with when i we work together at the cable company and uh one day he goes i'm gonna take a ride along with this friend of mine who's a cop to see if i want to be a cop he gets to the police place he's the police department he's filling out the papers so he can do a ride-along and they realize he has a bench warrant out and they put him in jail awesome awesome and uh now it's funny because now his son was part of a huge controversy about carrying the blue lives matter flag out onto the field and it's just like
Starting point is 00:58:48 yeah these guys are all like ex-troublemakers who who don't know that you know they could have fucked up once it got shot and killed you know and randy's gonna tell you a little bit about that he goes i think this type of show helps other people see how many different types of different races break the law yeah very important you you can lose faith in all of humanity not just a specific race yeah yeah i did ride along in leon county in florida and they were straight and to the point the officer i was riding with was an african-american male that has been on the force for six years and was very nice and funny. Plus, when we did Traffic Stop, he was very nice to the people inside. Most of the problems occur when people think they can try to get away with breaking the law when they know they are in the wrong.
Starting point is 00:59:35 I was brought up with the background, or if you want to respect it, you give it back and earn it. So that's our live PD reviews. Truly crazy set of reviews if you're ever looking to read some very crazy reviews now they should put that on cop cars if you if you want respect you got to give it to earn it we got no oh sorry well no you go because i'm i'm gonna go to uh on patrol live after this. I was going to say, yeah, just live PD. Do you know why it was canceled? No, I thought it was just because people were not were protesting the police at that period of time.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Yeah, that was part of it. But there was a specific reason to news of the cancellation follows reports from Monday that live PD had filmed an incident between police and a 40-year-old black man that ultimately resulted in that man's death. They caught his death on camera. He was, I think, tased to death. Javier Ambler was stopped by police in Texas for failing to dim his headlights in March 2019 and was later held down and tasered four times while a crew from Live PD filmed. Ambler died in custody. The studio or the crew deleted the footage and the episode was never aired. Yeah, and plus some of the cops are talking too fast.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Yeah, that's exactly the point. They were all talking so fast. On Patrol Live's Reddit, this person says, questions on officer richie marr i've always enjoyed lieutenant richie marr when he's on patrol he striked me as being a seriously cool dude and yet it's and yet his presence on the live pd panel was anything but he seemed unaffected and detached am I the only one that sensed this? Probably.
Starting point is 01:01:28 I mean, that's what happens. Is something going on with my favorite police officer on live PD? I feel like he's got some personal issues that he's dealing with. Anyone else notice? He's usually a seriously cool dude. He's usually like one of the coolest guys I've ever fucking seen. And now all of a sudden he's like, fucking seems really fucking off. Interesting to me because a lot of people would consider cool to be
Starting point is 01:01:52 unaffected and detached. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But not a cop guy, not a cop guy.
Starting point is 01:01:57 No, no. He has to be like fucking, you know, authoritative, authoritative. Yeah. This per vor,
Starting point is 01:02:03 he says he's absolutely the best cop on the show he's absolutely absolutely hands it just it just shows like the emotional labor that police officers are expected to use on the force and even in when they're not on the on the street when they're just up in a panel oh he's got to perform for you like a little fucking monkey yeah people as well they take that uniform off and you know you you want to say like oh these guys aren't like regular people but they are they take their uniform off at the end of the day they you know they get their wife and corner her in the closet and scream and yell at her until she's so afraid that she has to leave and then they wake up the next day and they go to work like we do true he's polite he's calm he's genuinely interested in de-escalation love
Starting point is 01:02:50 him so much i totally see him retiring and buying some beach bar wearing hawaiian shirts oh my god like like what fucking fantasizing about his retirement like Even your retirement. Another guy's like, this guy's so fucking cool, man. I would love to hang out with him in retirement. I'm picturing a beach and I'm sitting there on the sand and I look up and it's Officer Davies walking over to me
Starting point is 01:03:18 and says... And he's got the coolest ass fucking Hawaiian shirt you ever seen. A couple Coronas in his hand, a couple C coronas in his hand couple cervezas in his hand passes me one and says good day to be alive op responds and says not to mention he's kind of hot just saying no don't we don't objectify yeah we don't they're not sexual beings, okay? Listen, they do not engage in any sex. The reason they have a wife is not to have sex with her.
Starting point is 01:03:49 It is strictly to assault her. Well, did Officer Davies give you permission to give you consent to fantasize about him? I don't think so. Someone you forgot to ask. Here's a perfect guy's response. This is a top-level guy's response this is a top level guy's response to that my wife and i would definitely not kick him out of bed oh yeah we got some we got are they in the lifestyle it feels like it's a very in the lifestyle thing to say right oh yeah my wife and i wouldn't kick him
Starting point is 01:04:22 out of bed a matter of fact i would go sit in the chair yeah i would sit in the chair and just kind of watch well he also doesn't hurt he and i look like twins oh man he's probably got a bigger hog and that's cool because like i need a bigger hog in my place yeah i mean we're basically like twins and he's super hot and i kind of fantasize about having sex with him and he looks exactly like me and i want to suck him off that's cool that's very cool two guys being like this is a cool motherfucker hot ass motherfucker man i'd love to see this guy pull down my wife yeah my wife i just want to say for anybody who's like really into this part of the episode you can definitely find a video of two twin cops double teaming a woman on online yeah and
Starting point is 01:05:20 yeah and i yeah i mean one of the big issues and i hate to hearken back to mean, one of the big issues, and I hate to harken back to this, but one of the issues is including a police officer in your threesome is, you know, you got to take your wife to the hospital afterwards because he's, of course, assaulted. Yes. I am the man, 85 says, I told my wife when they first started showing him first shift Friday night, he's extremely nervous. He never did settle down enough to be himself and rip's little core says bingo his comfort zone is out on the street glad handing 50 people who could be either suspects or allies not sitting under the bright lights wearing makeup he's a man of the people he's a man of the people and what he does is he takes away their
Starting point is 01:06:07 freedom yes and chris sent me blue lives matter a post from blue lives matter that i think yeah this was kind of interesting i just sent it over to you because i guess there's a big issue on the r slash blue lives matters um uh reddit and that is well, Brian will read it. Having a little bit of trouble over there. The mods of the server need to step up their game. I joined the sub looking for pro cop server, which is way too hard to find on Reddit. Just a few posts and realized the mods haven't done what they said. They want to remove all anti-police members. Mods, mods.
Starting point is 01:06:49 People are saying negative stuff about the police i mean that i love the idea that they have you try to put up this reddit fucking thing to like applaud the police and it just gets overrun by people saying how horrible police officers are do you want to there is one reply there though right i'm gonna go down next person i love i love it yeah no it's like you the thin blue line facebook or uh reddit is like israel you know it's it's like no you exist for our protection like you're the thin blue line between cop fans and cop haters and you can't even do that you can't like you can't even do your stated fucking goal why am i why am I visiting this sub Thank you He goes This guy goes 100% agree
Starting point is 01:07:30 Next guy goes 100% agree And then we get this person I definitely agree I got so much hate for my jeep It kind of made me stop coming to red After 4-6 I had When I saw that one it really Because we did an episode on jeep guys and found that they
Starting point is 01:07:48 are absolute freaks and so this was wonderful to me a person just just kind of popping in to say yeah yeah i mean i had to leave reddit because people made fun of my jeep too much does he have like a cop jeep does he have like a thin blue i don't think so i think this is just a different thing they're just saying like hey you know reddit it's overall is just a cesspool where you can't even go post about your jeep without getting mocked mercilessly by teenagers i gotta see this guy's jeep do you think like what do you think this jeep was because a lot of people have jeeps and i don't think people dislike jeeps people oh they do oh they do oh they hate them if first off if you're a dodge what what's the what's the other one bronco guy if you're a bronco guy you fucking hate them
Starting point is 01:08:36 and also like i like them all i'm a fan of all of them oh no no no if you understood what some of these people are doing they got these rubber ducks that they put on the thing. I mean, there's all kinds. There's a special wave. They put eyes on the front of their headlights. So they're doing all kinds of silly things. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. An average Jeep, I think, people are cool with.
Starting point is 01:09:00 That's a cool truck or a cool car. But yeah, they can definitely be but it's not because they're you can't drive you can't drive them in the city we can't rehash this whole thing but you can't they literally are not meant to be driven in the city they constantly there's a what's the thing called the death rattle yeah death wobble so there's like a thing that actually happens to them when you're driving where it'll just go out of control all of a sudden there what there's like there's like a dozen different kinds of jeeps they all have it they all have it every single jeep has that and so they're meant to be like off they're great for off-roading but if you're just
Starting point is 01:09:34 a mall crawler if you're a mall crawler um then it's not a good not a good car i'm just like if i saw if i saw a lifted jeep with like graphics all over it that said zombie apocalypse vehicle or whatever then i would i would bully that person off of reddit is what i'm saying yeah yeah and they probably did have that we we did this yeah some of them are like going real heavy duty with it and getting made fun of even by other jeepers as well before we go i had as we said was panicking and i sent. And I sent Tony and Alexander a thing saying, if you guys have anything, let me know. Like just sitting around. And Alexander sent me law enforcement today.
Starting point is 01:10:14 And he said, they're going after your people. So now I read this article. A business purportedly catering to adults harboring diaper fetishes has opened its door in the new hampshire city of atkinson spawning concerns among locals as to the sorts of clientele such an establishment would introduce to the area now i'm not an adult diaper guy i don't have any fetishes i've said it a million fucking times uh i think you should be allowed to have An adult diaper place To go to An adult diaper cafe specifically
Starting point is 01:10:49 Yeah yeah So it's just the idea is everyone's just got them on Under their pants and we all just kind of know Or It's got the big baby chair I think it's like an adults I think it's an adults only thing It's like a thing for it's a
Starting point is 01:11:06 it's a sex thing they're getting horny in there yeah well yeah it's a sex thing but i mean we me and you can't be all nasty about people doing sex things no no not at all i don't i never kink shame i've said like yeah we do all the time well i don't do it on purpose but i sometimes do you're right shame recently on the stream i kink shamed what was it what did i talk oh just just the i just said like the cutting stuff no accidental the accidental swinger who said he was in a line of 15 people getting his nipples electrocuted oh yeah well no yeah that was right it was electrocution where i was just saying that i i'm not shaming it but it does scare me like people who are doing like electrical stuff and sex it like it scares me if yeah it's dangerous it freaks me out it seems like a horror movie kind of to me you know i don't have you ever uh have you ever been scared while while erect have
Starting point is 01:12:01 you had both those feelings at the same time have I ever been scared and horny at the same time? Nope. Well, I walk around fully hard all day, so I would say at some point, yes. But then on the other hand, I've never been scared. Sometimes when they synthesize,
Starting point is 01:12:19 it's exciting. I've never been scared, too. I got one more thing here, real quick. Alec, I'm not a diaper guy at all. I'm not even. Okay. I must have missed it. I'm not even connected. Well, you are connected to it.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Yeah. Alec, you were right. You were on the right track there. He's into the sex type stuff, and he's willing to experiment with everything. I'm not willing to experiment with anything at all he's proud of where you where you live i think you're just proud of your area i think you're proud of your city oh yeah embrace the culture i think congratulations by the way yeah we've talked about that a bit but yeah we should uh give another shout out brian for you know
Starting point is 01:13:00 choosing to live in the swinger capital world. You know, that is bullshit. It's Kevin Smith. This, this is a meme I have to show. Maybe I'll make that the video. But Kevin Smith came to Columbus to do one of his live shows and somebody took him to an orgy. Somebody, Somebody. He said like a Lyft driver or something took him to an orgy.
Starting point is 01:13:31 And now he's like Columbus, Ohio is where all the orgies are. Which is so I've never met an orgy person. I've never. And you're always looking. Well, Brian, when you're a fish, you don't notice the water. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. There's only one sex club here that we know of.
Starting point is 01:13:48 And we all know that that's bullshit because plenty of them happen in people's homes and they just fix up the rooms. Right. I live in Southern California. I spend a lot of time in Los Angeles. I've never accidentally pawned an orgy. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:14:02 I've never stumbled into an orgy and if kevin smith is doing that in columbus i mean honestly just take the w i good job yeah totally i don't know why you're embarrassed by what else do you have going for you or vegas we recently listened to a couple this makes us sound like such creeps i was telling my wife the other day we have the nastiest podcast rolled in the nastiest podcast we listened just rolled into the nastiest podcast. We listened to a couple go to three different sex clubs in Las Vegas in a row. Yeah, Las Vegas. But Las Vegas is the gambling capital.
Starting point is 01:14:35 We also pose the argument that people from Columbus go to Las Vegas. Also, Las Vegas doesn't have a culture. Las Vegas doesn't have native culture. Las Vegas doesn't have native people, people from there. Columbus, those are homegrown freaks. You're probably right. Probably the reason probably what happened was many years
Starting point is 01:14:56 ago, some people, some extra horny people from Columbus were like, ah, there's too much stuff around here. We got to go somewhere where we can just be horny. And they all resettled in Las Vegas and created that community. Here is my last thing. I showed you guys a little meme. It says, Danny Brown's worst nightmare.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Danny Brown is a cop. Okay. Sorry. Yeah, I was thinking of the rapper because he's kind of a famous musician. He has a podcast as well. He doesn't pull people over for weed though it says danny brown he he does the i would say it would be he'd be on the opposite side of that yeah and it's a bit it's a car with a bunch of junk on it i don't
Starting point is 01:15:35 even think it's a real picture uh but it says danny brown's worst nightmare the van smells like pot, and now he has to find it. And it is just a bunch of junk, okay? Now, this lady replied, and she might be the most selfless cop person I have ever read. Here she goes. Who actually cares about weed anyway? I can't stand the crap, but know lots of people who really enjoy it. I think people who smoke it and drive are completely off their rockers. I cannot tolerate even being in the same room with it because this causes me very strange hallucinations. I can smell the crap a mile away, and it doesn't mean that there's any present.
Starting point is 01:16:20 The person might have smoked it hours ago, and the smell is so pervasive that you can smell it 20 feet away from the person yeah totally when i started to date my ex-boyfriend i actually called my condo association to report that there was a skunk infestation and it was overbearing it turns out it was the ex-boyfriend and yes he was overbearing as well and i finally had to dump his lazy lion forget oh dump his ass girl dump his ass now what are we talking about again this just seems like she's kind of talking about her life now she lost lost the zero she's gonna get with the hero now oh hell yeah how weed has it has affected her but yet she's still like who cares about you know stop pulling people over for weed i kind of like that yeah yeah i yeah, yeah. I do as well.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Yeah. That's good. That's like a lot of these cultural issues. That is how just like baseline America thinks. Yes. It's why it's so insane to see the right wing like get so much traction, but also make so much hay over their, you know, culture worship that at the worst, the average person is like who gives a crap yeah yes
Starting point is 01:17:26 yeah i just want to be able to afford groceries and like have a nice home for my family or whatever that's what they really care about like people in the fox news comment section when there was that like taylor half-assed taylor swift conspiracy theory about how they're psyoping everybody by being uh the world's most successful white american couple or what or whatever they're you know uh and then yeah most of the comments were just like let her fuck who cares yeah yeah it's weird i think a lot of i i always found that a lot of republicans are not they're willing to vote against the cultural stuff, but like most of them don't care what you do as long as you don't,
Starting point is 01:18:11 I mean, honestly do it around them, but that's just, that's them being selfish. Like when it comes to being trans and they're saying, don't do that around me, that's wrong. Or being gay.
Starting point is 01:18:23 And there's a, don't do that around me. But if it's something like smoking weed, don't do that around me. Then wrong or being gay and they don't do that around me but if it's something like smoking weed don't do that around me then it's like okay i understand you know you can't smell the crap your boyfriend's lazy i'm still gonna do it but i understand where you're coming from yeah yeah they should be around coke that's the that's the rough one so uh that was police guys i think we did get a lot of scanner guys in there. We got some stuff in there. Yeah. I mean, we went for an hour, 20 minutes.
Starting point is 01:18:49 So it turns out it wasn't an issue at all. Brian, you had no reason to be nervous. Most of the times I'm nervous. I have no reason to be nervous. But I want to say that Minion Death Cult is one of the best shows out there. They do that. They do the they should they're the heir apparent to Street Fight
Starting point is 01:19:10 I always feel like. I always tell people to go to you guys for that sort of stuff since this show is about sucking and fucking and coming all the time. Well, if Tony had his way I would get a little sucking and fucking and coming in MDC every once in a while. I'm just Tony had his way, I would tell you. You get a little sucky and fucking incumbent
Starting point is 01:19:25 in MDC every once in a while. I'm just saying, every once in a while, it comes up. It's just there's poop, there's cum, there's sucking, there's fucking,
Starting point is 01:19:32 there's Tom, there's Bunny. But you guys do, and if you're a fan of guys, I mean, they find guys on Minion Death Call like fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:19:42 They find all kinds of crazy guys. So I highly recommend listening to it it do you guys have anything else anything you would want to play it's minion death cult thank you so much um what when is this episode coming out oh who knows hold on let me give it i'll give it to you but it's not in the next week oh god no no you'll be lucky to get a 2024 release alex shut up it's not that small jesus it is i y'all know one second uh march 19th okay yeah i i'm i'm hosting a screening of miss uh ch Miss Me Yet for Chris Bell and Means TV, but that's in the next two weeks. So I won't point that. You should just watch Miss Me Yet streaming on Means TV about the George Bush era. A nice retrospective from a left perspective. minion death call thanks so much for having us on we got tons of episodes about cops uh we have that episode on cop rap uh that's that's insane uh we just watched crash for the first time in
Starting point is 01:20:51 honor of black history month so um and we did learn that yes cops a lot of cops are racist and do sexually assault women but did you know it's because of the health care industry in this country yeah and tony when tony danza's a racist you're like being racist you know it really breaks your tony danza i know you know we'll see y'all next week with i can't even say it might be game show guys might be crypto guys i i don't know how everything's going right real quick Can I can I say something? I'm really happy you got me on this episode with Chris and Alex and they're the expertise that is stemming from their cop mustaches
Starting point is 01:21:36 I have everything everything sounded more official coming from you two and I appreciate that Chris's mustache and Alex Alex onelex is one of the most handsome guys out there oh shut up he's easily he's kind of i mean listen i don't disagree but it's kind of weird where he's like hey chris and alex alex is one of the most handsome guys out there i was i was gonna say chris looks like he could be my twin yeah we do look very similar and i think that is being very kind to me so thank you a Alex has better hair is what I would say. Yeah, that's true. You bring a hat, though.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Yeah, but I just showed you my hair, and it is not as good as Alex's. He has better hair than everybody on the call, really. Sorry, Tony. Yeah, yeah. No, it's fine. It's fine. We'll see you all next week with either Crypto Guys, Game Show Guys, or one we're making up. Bye.

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