GYM GIRLS LOCKER ROOM - Gym Girls On Feeling BURNT OUT, ‘Punisher’ Workouts and Beauty Hacks
Episode Date: June 18, 2024EP15 - We know you loved the first one, so Syd and the girls are back for another gym girl chat. This week Syd and the girls catch up to chat all things burn out, side quests, fav beauty products for ...the gym and Syd opens up about her many lives pre-Sydgrows. WATCH the full episode on YouTube: connect with the girls: 💘 join the GGLR community: INSTA - FACEBOOK COMMUNITY PAGE - TIKTOK - 📲 find Syd on socials: INSTA - TIKTOK - Want to work with Gym Girls Locker Room? Email us: GYMSHARK - 10% off code: SYDNEY
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Hello and welcome back to the Gym Girls Locker Room podcast hosted by me, Sydney Cassidy.
We're back for our second girls episode. It was very well received, I'm not gonna lie. I was
really pleased actually. I kept sending screenshots to our like little group chat. We've got like,
guys, the girlies love it. And I feel like everyone enjoyed us just chatting a load of crap.
So two of the girls, two of the three are back lauren and alex we love you molly
molly she's still here she's here in spirit god love the nhs she's um crushing it
at work is she at work no she's on a yoga retreat she's literally on a yoga retreat
oh i love that for her but she's on a wellness retreat so she can be an even better midwife
exactly yeah exactly so yeah she'll be here next time I feel like we need to go straight
in with this burnout situation yeah okay fine guys I'm burnt out let's address the elephant in the
room I'm like the thing is it's like I know I'm not burnt out but I'm frazzled that's the word I keep using fried I'm fried yes that too sauteed I'm
I'm I'm really sauteed and I'm like on the cusp of being singed and like burnt on a pan um oh we
don't want crispy sid we don't honestly like oh it's just like you know when you're like that
level of kind of like yeah you're getting close
to the burnout and everything just feels really like laborious and like it yeah I just feel like
I am running on empty a bit and to be honest I'm not really sure why because I feel like I'm not
doing as much as I have done in the past but I think now since I have I don't know I'm in a new
season of my life I feel like so I have more
responsibilities that don't just revolve around work you know what I mean so like just trying
to balance everything and do you not think that that's like part of the the like what's the word
the makeup of people that get burnt out more though is what you've just said where you've gone
I don't feel like I'm actually doing that much yeah yeah it's like no if any other person like took a look at like an objective
look at your life you probably are yeah but you're like oh but I don't I'm not doing enough to feel
burnt out I haven't reached burnt out stage but that's not it's not like a level you have to hit
like you can't feel burnt out no matter what I know it's something I actually I definitely think
yeah it is a certain kind of person as well that's much more prone to
it I do feel like as a neurodivergent girly it's something that I've always like struggled with in
the past but I feel like there wasn't like a label for it even so it's like very much a thing where I
like ebb and flow like to be honest I feel like I have like I'll have like weeks on and then I just like burn and I'm like weeks off
whereas I feel like maybe maybe it's growth maybe we've maybe we've reached some sort of place where
like I'm not there fully that's why I'm saying like I know I'm not burnt fully but I'm I'm I'm
aware that I'm pushing it yeah and yeah I probably need to just like take a moment but anyway how are you guys
I mean I semi-relate and I was talking with my therapist about this and she says
she you sounded very much like her Alex just then like you know I'm always that person that's like
oh but like I'm so fortunate and blessed to have this job and like oh but I
know like there's never a day that feels like work because like you know you love what you do
but then also it is taking energy from you and you do need to like chill out sometimes and like
yeah like do you do you even do you ever take time off completely no um no however I do feel like I am doing better I
actually just literally yesterday went to an event in London and it was like a mindfulness one they
asked me on like the panel what um do you do like to kind of switch off and in the past I probably
would have just made up something because I like wouldn't be able to but I do feel like something I have actually been implementing honestly on like a
weekly basis at this point I think where it's kind of summertime as well um I've been doing it more
where I've been like okay total like detox for me it's like my job and my life is on my phone so I
think even just having it in sight is just like not possible for me to actually ever just like switch off so I've just been going
to like a like a freaking farm in an apple orchard and staying in a tent and switching off
um so yeah I feel like but no it is hard to I also feel like this is this is something that I
think I've like I feel like I've had a little bit of a breakthrough this week in realizing that I wasn't entirely aware of how much guilt I was holding on
to in terms of like my job that I work in and my career and maybe not being able to like fully
accept and receive that like maybe I've worked hard to be in this position so then I feel like I have to like
justify that I'm like worth being in this position by just like running myself into the ground
because if people see me working really hard then they'll know that it's like justified no I'm
smiling because this is literally what I've been like battling with yeah like my therapist on
the other day when I was speaking to her like I was like I feel guilty for going on holiday yeah
and she was like I was like I feel so guilty for going away because I feel like you I just worry
like what other people think and it's like but even going
away on holiday it's like you don't even switch off then a lot of the time and like oh you okay
I'm no I'm not okay I don't even know why I haven't been upset maybe yeah maybe I'm more
burned than I thought yeah this is like our therapy now I know this is what we needed I think
it's so nice to hear like other people going through it as well yeah 100% like I yeah I had
a whole hour with her basically talking about how I feel bad for going away and she was like
um I was like oh but I worry that other people think this and that I they don't think I'm a hard
worker because I like to you know perceive myself as a hard worker and does that make them not perceive me as a hard worker and it's like even appearances and
she was like Lauren like would you ever think that about your friend like going on holiday do you
like look at them and think oh they're just you know slacking because they're going away yeah
and you're like no actually you're like oh no and yeah it was it was partially triggered
by the fact that I had a couple of comments like oh you're you're off on holiday again but it's
like they don't know that we still work when we're away yeah and it's that's like part of the you
know one of the benefits of the job isn't it to be able to be so flexible where you were but yeah
someone like messaged me like oh another holiday and I was like do people think I'm this and that I even said that to you like when I saw you before I was
I was like oh you're going away again aren't you but like it's so funny that you you'll assign that
in your brain to like oh my god they think I'm being like lazy or they think I'm not like working
hard but that was that was never in my brain I was just like oh my god you're going away again
I was like excited for you but I I think when you have that and it comes up all the time is when you have that negative feeling in your head you
you assign it to what people have said I do it all the time like I fill any gap of knowledge
with negativity and it's so bad like with a friend like if they've taken long to reply or
if they've been blunt by text even if I have have no reason to, that gap of knowledge that I have
with them, I'm like, oh, it's negative. They hate me. Yeah. Yeah. Just feel that like, I can't,
I can't assume it's positive or I can't assume it's just neutral and it's nothing to do with me.
It's like, until I have confirmation that it's not something I've done wrong,
my assumption is I've done something wrong and it's my fault.
Yeah. There's, I remember there being a saying, and I don't for the life of me remember what it was,
but the sentiment I remember.
And it was about like kind of don't, I think a lot of people take, for example,
like even ignorance as like, oh, that's been like a calculated thing that that person has done
or like whatever.
And it's like, just try to not assume that because
actually for the most part it is just like an oversight or people don't realize you know I mean
I think I definitely do that I think it's like yeah why do we have this like well we've spoken
before about like that negative bias I wonder if it's some somewhat wrapped up in that like
just kind of like well it's you're your inner self-critic isn't it
yeah it's them work it's and it's you like listening to it and like letting it work its
way in it and it's just like you know it's there and you know it's wrong technically but you're
like oh but it could be right because I don't have the hard fact to prove it wrong at this time so
I'm more likely to believe you because I don't actually know for sure if they're not if they are mad at me or if they do think I'm like this or that so if you're
if you're telling me that maybe I'm going to believe it slightly more when I don't have
the truth at hand yeah it's based off your own insecurities a lot of the time as well even if
they're not like massive ones like even just like the little one that's in the back of your mind
like and then when someone kind of feeds to it it's like oh my gosh yeah they're right and it's so hard to tell yourself otherwise I've had yeah
I'm the I've really worked on my overthinking like I'm the worst overthinker I think like
working for yourself and like having a business that like you run as well it's so hard for someone
that you know I definitely take things really
personally and you have to learn to not but um but yeah like I just yeah I've had so many moments
like that and in my head like I've got one friend that's like really good at like giving that I mean
I think any friend's good actually at giving that um that distanced opinion makes all the difference like just having someone else to
tell you it's okay but it's hard when like you know you answer to yourself don't you so
not always got that other person yeah I'm someone that always like I would I'd like sit and ruminate
if I kind of lose control I'll just sit and ruminate in like my own thoughts and like my
negative thoughts and I kind of get like it's very much like this like spiral and then you just kind of get lost down it but um I remember speaking with
Lucy Davis actually and she just said she just like puts a button on it and just says like no
not happening today I'm not gonna even and when she immediately said that I remember her thinking
like oh but then is she not accepting
that part of herself wholly and it's like not really about that and I've been kind of implementing
that recently and I will say I've been a lot more like present I really something where I used to
I think overthinking and self-doubt and critical voices used to be really like it used to be a big sort of voice within my my head throughout the days
or like the dominant like the dominant yeah yeah the dominant voice yeah I don't even think that
that really has come in so I think it is definitely has been like a learning curve for me in terms of
like witnessing the power of just like uh what do you call it like rejecting it no like
the power of like the mind and like kind of like those patterns of like thinking you know is
interesting though I think yeah one of my old therapists used to say like when you notice
something spiraling in your head just like imagining like that imaginary stop button and
just hitting it oh that was like something that
used to work for me or she was like or do something that's really present like just go brush your
teeth or like go wash your hands um like that also is like yeah distract your mind yeah yeah
it's so interesting like I read something this morning and it was about like dating an overthinker
and I just relate to it so much I was like it is exhausting it can be like a positive thing in my
life sometimes the fact that I overthink because it makes me like very organized and very like my
people in my group always like oh Alex is the merman oh Alex will take care of it she's so
organized like I am like that but it's because like the reason I think of these things and I'm
always thinking one step ahead is because my brain is constantly hypotheticals hypotheticals hypotheticals
I'm constantly thinking that oh if that, what's going to happen then?
And yeah, it can be beneficial.
But oh my God, some days I'm like, I am just, can you just not?
Like, I would love to be somebody like that forgets things.
I just don't forget things.
I'm so aware of everything all the time.
And I'm just like, you don't have to be.
Like, some days it would really
benefit you to just chill like can your brain just stop for a second um so yeah I think when
I like get burnt out I know it comes from like the overthinking side and like being a perfectionist
like I like I have a mental tick box in my head of like things I want to get done in a day
and if I don't do it I beat myself up about it so much and then it's sometimes like well there might be a reason you didn't get through all
that stuff today Alex and it might just be that you weren't up for it today and that's okay I will
say it is weird though because um we were talking earlier about how it seems like certainly within
our sort of like space we're in everyone seems to be saying the same sort of things.
I feel like all of our peers and friends and stuff have been hopping on stories saying like, oh, feeling really burnt out.
I wonder why.
Is it that time of year?
The time of year, maybe, perhaps.
But we also like, I always wonder like with social media, whether we're all doing it but we're also all
feeding into it so you're doing you're doing more and you're doing the most and you're getting
burnt out but you're also sharing that you're doing the most which is then kind of potentially
encouraging other people to be like okay well they're doing more than me so I need to do more
and like you're almost it sometimes can feel like there's this we're all just pushing each other
further and further in the standard the standards being raised higher and higher it's like what what more can you do
like in every aspect of your life like social work yeah work everything how can I impress more than
the last person I know it does feel like it's been like ramping up and up and up and up and up
everyone's doing this this this this this and then it's like you know something has to give
like something has to give things that seem to get kudos are like the big achievements and it's like
yeah but also like be proud of like the fact you took a rest day today and like
actually like feel present again in the brain frogs like slightly cleared today and that's
that's a win but it's not like a tangible one that you can post about on your instagram and
stories and stuff and show off like to people and i think yeah maybe it's just because we've
like learned to celebrate the really impressive things and not the the things that are just small
but still mean a lot definitely well good i mean i didn't expect to cry oh maybe it was a release
i feel like i need to come give you a hug.
No, it's fine.
It's fine.
Yeah, I don't know.
I think, I feel like that was only the start.
I feel like the tears will probably come this weekend, but that's fine.
I have good people around me that are giving me permission to cry.
And also-
You might really need it and it might really help.
The thing is, I don't thing is I I said this before
but like I used I I've always been like a crier and for me that's like emotional regulation so
it's fine I'm not gonna feel like embarrassed about it or whatever you know I mean so
yeah anyway I think crying is embarrassing I think it's because I I dated someone that really made me feel awful about
it and would like be like you know fly off at the handle about me getting upset so I kind of
would like suppress it so now I feel like a lot of like shame about it and I still am like
I remember when I met my boyfriend I'm with now like I would literally
be like in my head I'd be like counting up like fingers fingers I'd be like oh my god I've
literally cried like three times since I met him so like is he gonna stop talking to me now you
know so um but yeah it's I I never want someone to cry around me in the sense that I never want
someone to feel that upset that they're crying like I don't want someone to be like when people are upset it's not a nice thing but I also
I when somebody cries around me I really I take it as like a such a nice thing it's like I I really
appreciate when people can be vulnerable with me and if somebody's crying around you and that you've
given them a space where they feel like they can do that I think there's something so nice about
that as well and the fact that they're kind of willing for you to be someone to comfort them
I think is a really it should be not celebrated I don't like as I said I don't want you to cry
but the fact you feel you can cry around me and that you think like maybe I can help him
that kind of thing yeah it's a nice thing I think it's all like acceptance as well like definitely like me as a person
like I'm someone that does feel things very on like I would say like a very heightened scale
I feel like it's like the beauty of it it's like a double-edged sword so it's like I feel like the
highs immensely but I also feel like the lows which I feel like is why I probably burn out more so than other people um so I think that's just like but that's why I cry because I think it's like
it like really does I think so it's just like things do affect me more than it's like the
physical element of like what's going on inside isn't it whereas some people don't ever like
manage to release it and that does more harm it's in emotions are meant to be in
motion you know like get it out I do feel like crying is a release yeah um yeah it means you're
feeling it yeah should we jump into the episode then is that not the we're not in the episode
yeah I feel there's an intro I don't know oh well I think it's an important thing to talk about
because I think
you wouldn't believe how many people are probably like oh girls same yeah honestly same yeah yeah
I know since the last episode we said okay right we're gonna basically just like write down ideas
as they come up almost like hot topics and we'll discuss them in the next episode with the girls so
that's kind of what we've done so I feel like we should just go through them as we feel let's go okay first things first is
I don't know if you guys saw um but there was a would we call them a creator or would we call
them a celebrity maybe like a influencer there was an influencer that posted a tiktok um basically
saying she'd spent a period of time off right having rest and then she was then going to put
herself through and to quote a punisher workout um did she say why she I remember she said she'd like barely moved she'd eaten a lot
and she said like I'm gonna do a two-hour punish a workout and she was very much like do I want to
do it no do I feel like I should do it yes like that kind of thing um and it was more like she
was forcing herself to do it because she was saying, I need to have this day of like sweating out everything that I've done wrong, potentially over the course of her holiday.
But I remember we were talking in the group chat about how it just like, it just leaves a really like, icky taste because she's someone who has, I would know for a fact has a young impressionable audience i'd imagine her audience
is probably young females um and all of i think there was i mean luckily there were a large
portion of the comments being like girl no this ain't it this is not we've moved past this yeah but I think it opens up an
interesting conversation about these kind of like trendy kind of tiktok thingies that come up every
once in a blue moon that feel like you've taken like three steps back from the progress you've made towards exercise and you know fitness and health and well-being
so yeah what are your thoughts I mean yeah the comments section was actually good for the people
that maybe got there because I I personally saw the video in a light where I thought she's clearly
coming from like she's clearly got issue like
issues around it herself that she needs to go away and address before talking on camera to
all these potential impressionable women about something that probably she's struggling with
I think I think she had actually opened up on how she's struggling with an eating disorder i don't maybe she had
i hadn't discussed that i think we know i think she'd mentioned she did a video about how to
combat binge eating because it's something that she's struggled with in the past right yeah however
to do something like a punish a day suggests that
potentially she's not left those like she's maybe still participating in those binging habits i mean
that's just what i interpreted at least the mindsets that the mindset's there like binge
it's not always um like that is very binge purge like it doesn't matter if it's maybe you know
just having some time off and then doing loads of exercise,
but you know,
doing that,
like the opposite ends of the scale of anything,
whether it's food or exercise,
that is that negative cycle that she was,
Trying to advise other people on.
It's not really hitting.
I think for me,
it's like I,
the, the bit that I didn't like the most was just about like the messaging I mean and also you know looking at like who our audience are but
also the messaging that like this narrative of like exercise being punishment and that it's you know I don't know I just thought like have we not moved past that
I don't know I remember when I first started exercising or like exercising in the sense of
like maybe going walking into a gym or that sort of thing or like kind of having a bit more
independence as a teenager that was very much like food and exercise was very much like a punishment a kind of
like imprisonment thing for me or like it was like these are the things I have to do yeah to
look a certain way um it was never ever about enjoyment in the way that it would have been when
I was a child you know go I loved PE and I loved
sports and that sort of stuff I think what she was talking about I actually found it quite
triggering and I think it's because it took me back to that space I was in as a teenager where
it wasn't actually about enjoying it or what it can do for your mind or whatever it's actually more that like i've i'm you know feeling
guilt or like oh you you need to you need to do this because you're you've done bad yeah and so
you need to enforce this on you yeah i i remember i used to go to the gym and i would like do the
elliptical because it was the machine in the gym that burnt the most calories you know like you see on the screen and I would like just try burn as many as I could like and then that would be like what I
could have additionally that day like I know I know chocolate or whatever but I think you know
what the scary thing is I thought was that is it just that we we think oh no we've passed that but is that just the bubble that we're
in like is it a bit like alex was saying about like we think everyone's running but you go out
the street and no one's running yeah like obviously that's in a nice yeah like is it
the circle just that you're in yeah like is there actually still a lot of this like negative narrative around
exercise and training because I don't I think there are still people that have that mindset
which is sad and like you can do your best to reach as many people but not everyone has tiktok
and you know there's the older generation as well that are very much from that past mindset that
maybe still pass that on to their their
children their people that are in their circles so yeah I thought that was interesting I have like
I have two thoughts on it um like my first one is that she obviously has such a large audience
and it's really disappointing that she's promoting that to a young impressionable audience and like
normalizing that and rather than kind of addressing it herself and being like, okay,
this, even if she was doing it behind the scenes, it's then like choosing to post that video and
being like, this is what you need to do if you've had a day or two, like where you've gone over your
calories or not really moved, then you need to, you need to make up for that lost time by doing this Punisher workout but then the other side of it is just I think it I just was so sad to see that she's obviously in
a place where she thinks that's needed and also I think it just kind of mirrors the problem with
social media and the fitness world at times and that actually she's just she's almost
just showcasing this vicious cycle and this like normalized behavior and the the almost the
pressures that are on society to look a certain way and like be a certain way and have that kind
of results focus mindset um so it's it's difficult because obviously I do believe posting that video was wrong and I
hope that like I don't know if she's deleted it now or what but on the other side of it it is just
she is a product of like what society sees a lot of the time and like what you said we are we've
maybe curated our feeds to have this positive like exercise for enjoyment and like all of this but
the the if you engage with the right
stuff I can imagine it can be a real dark place for exercise and that kind of thing and I was
also reading um an article about a woman that was like talking about how she thought we'd move past
this and that she thought exercise was um like we'd moved into this doing it for fun kind of
narrative and I don't know if you ever saw
the TikTok that is it Italian Bach Italian Bach like however you say his name the guy that does
the sketches and he was like women in their 40s doing anything and calling it exercise and he'd
like tied a resistance band to a tree and he was like punching and he looked ridiculous and this
woman had basically just said in her article she was like I love that people like she was like
technically it is exercise and I love that people are just doing it because it's fun and like I'll
like I'll try any workout and as long as I enjoy it that's why I'm going to do it so if that looks
silly and that looks it's not the most like scientific best way to look insane and like
have these results so what like I'm gonna keep doing it it's gonna make me happy and it's gonna be sustainable like not everyone is out there looking to get like an absolutely perfect defined body
uh some people are just using exercise literally to be like okay I feel better mentally today
because I've moved my body in a way that was really fun and that kind of thing so I and her
saying actively do I want to go and do this no should be like
she's asked herself that question out loud and answered it with no and still has gone to the
gym and done that to her body and like punished her body in that way yeah I I will say I do feel
like there's a difference as well in you know we say in the fitness community like you've got to do
the things you don't want to do but like sometimes those sessions that you don't want to go to are the best ones and like that sort of stuff but I don't feel like
how she was talking about it was giving that energy because I do think there are days where
you don't want to go to the gym but oh or that you're doing an exercise like that's really
bloody hard like if you're say for example I don't know doing more like higher intensity exercise you know but i think it's like ultimately at its core those people still love
to do that where i wasn't really getting that tone from her i was getting more
of kind of like this like i'm trapped within these wars or yeah i yeah it's a bit of frail
and like i also yeah yeah yeah you have to ask yourself what you're
pushing like in a way like if you don't you're not in the mood to go to the gym you're like oh
I really don't want to go and if you're if that lack of motivation is because you're just like
having a bad day or like if you were like aching all over and like desperate need for a rest and
you were going oh I should go to the gym I should go to the gym it's very different to oh I should go to the gym because I know it's going
to make me feel better today and like I I really want I do want to but in my head I'm just not
quite there yet but once I get there I'll do 10 minutes and if I'm not feeling it then fair I'll
go home but our likelihood is I'm probably going to really enjoy it and I'll be really glad I went
so I think there's there's, getting it done and pushing through.
It's knowing what you're pushing through.
I think at times, yeah, what she was pushing through,
I don't think is the same as what you were talking about with those days
where it doesn't feel like the thing you want to do,
but then ends up being, like, I wonder how she felt after that Punisher day
or like Punisher two hours.
Like, did she feel like because realistically what
is it actually it's not gonna have undone what she did like and it's it's that having that good and
bad seesaw is so negative like it's just life like just like some days you'll move less some
days you'll move more some days you'll eat less some days you'll eat more like it all will just by the
end of it all like it's balanced and you you just live life haven't you yeah and also like the people
that are coming from that approach where they must like burn you know all these calories like
it takes a like one weekend is not gonna you know undo all the progress that you know if you are on some sort of journey like yeah scientifically it's very hard to yeah i don't know i'll go with that it's scientifically
what she was it doesn't make sense like it's yeah if that was actually true and she could undo
everything she'd done that weekend with that two-hour punisher workout it would be a difference
it maybe do it be a different story but it's not the reality of it is it that's not gonna undo it and you don't need to undo it that's the thing
and that there's nothing that she's probably even like done that you know to you can't you know
consume that much in one weekend that's where I was trying to get with fabulous right let's go
yes onwards and upwards I thought it'd be an interesting question of like your dream workout like what your like ideal workout for a morning would be versus your
workout hell like if i could be like oh sid i'm gonna take you through my workout and then i
listed it of what we were doing for an hour and you just like looked at me like i don't want to
do that i'm sorry like or like what your or if somebody came to you and was like this is the plan for today this is what we're going to do or like your workout morning or like just
like a morning of movement or whatever like what would be your like dream versus your absolute like
I'm not sure I'm here for that well I was just gonna say I I feel like really honestly I can't
I I feel like you could hit listen to me in so many different episodes and I feel like I talk about doing a different thing every single time like I just you it depends on what honestly I was
gonna say depends what day you catch me on but honestly what hour um so I mean currently as I
am sat here I feel like my dream would probably be I don't I feel like I'm kind of into like dare I say it kind of like power things at the moment like
versatile not specifically like strength power but like just kind of I do really I'm excited
by like this whole like performance thing within a gym space that's exciting for me
a little bit of body weight stuff a little bit of weighted exercises trying new things I love
like my happy place is trying new things like which is so funny because as a little girl that
was like something that like filled me with dread and I would cry on the sidelines with my parents
so I feel like I've
really taken ownership of that um and so that's something that I really get a lot of joy from
I feel like my hell
I feel like my hell
it would I think it would be things that take a long time so there's two different like ends of
that there's like I think again hell is a bit of an extreme but kind of like the whole power lifting
like being there doing like which is so crazy because that's like literally my background but
like power lifting I'm just like not into the structure of the workouts anymore. Like
very kind of like static, your squat, your bench, your deadlift, kind of just working through those
like long rest breaks. I'm really into like the short bursts and like raising my heart rate and,
you know, working my full body muscles. I really enjoy that. So that just doesn't really light me up at the moment nor does
endurance because I just I'm not there like physically um I'm working on it but like I
I would I'd find that probably I'd find that certainly more of like a mental challenge like
if I was going to do like if I was even going to attempt anything above like a 10k I don't think
I'd find it pleasant I would find
I'd be really proud of myself and like afterwards I'd be like yo I just did that but it wouldn't be
something that I'd be like oh my god I can't wait because I'm just not there yeah yeah so it's like
for me I think what I like if I can draw conclusions from that is like I like to do
things that are new that are fun and like short stints of
things and make me feel like I'm like really pushing myself physically but not to a point
where it does feel like this is like really grueling and maybe I'm like a little bit out
of control of the situation so yeah how about you guys um I'll be really short and sweet with mine.
I mean, I'm still struggling to think of what my idea of training hell would be.
But I think for me, I'm like two ends of the spectrum.
I love like a incredibly hard team session.
Emphasis on team because, yeah, I'm just not loving training on my own at the moment.
Maybe that's my help
like currently um but yeah I'm just loving being around people and like being around people that
are fitter than me that inspire me and push me to be fitter myself um so yeah that is probably
one of my ideas of a dream and then also I'm just so into my hot yoga right now like I never tried that I never tried oh I'm going
tonight if you want to come but I just I'm obsessed with and there's you know starting
yoga instructors that I adore so yeah their classes you know they're going to be hard
they're going to be like enjoyable I'm like I can do a headstand now I'm getting good at handstands
like I think it's a bit like being a beginner again like seeing that progression playful is yeah is amazing and yeah even like
when I'm coaching people I'm like you're struggling with this movement now but you know if you carry
on doing these kind of things you're gonna see that progress so quickly so don't be embarrassed
that you're a beginner at this because that's the beauty of it
the fact that you are going to see that progression come and you'll be so proud of yourself um so yeah
that's kind of my dream and then yeah maybe just I still train on my own but I don't love being on
my own sometimes I think I spend a lot a lot of time on my own message me yeah it's like anyone
train with me oh my god if i
had my own gym we were talking about this yeah i've had these lockers in there there's options
in manchester oh no don't buy a house buy a gym don't once i lock in on an idea i was gonna just
say before we do alex's um isn't it just like what we're talking about that we're enjoying it's just like don't you
just find there's so much like inner child healing if you are listening yeah because you're so right
like I was that kid like the idea of trying something new I was like no no I'm not doing
that no thank you whereas now I'm like yeah yeah I want to do it I but I always say it's because
I think once you build a baseline of fitness and you believe you can kind of give anything a go,
it does become a lot less scary.
But when I was like really unfit in the past,
I would question like, am I actually going to be able to get through it?
And that was something I was like, oh, if I can't get through it,
it's going to be really embarrassing.
I think for me as well, it's giving myself permission to do it and look silly.
And I think for me, I am, although I live in constant state of chaos, I do, there's
something in me that's just like, I want control.
And I've, I really feel like that's something that I've had since I was a child.
Whereas I think like trying new things is basically just like being like okay I'm not in control of the situation
but if you really send it like a thousand percent then it's just like it pays um but yeah anyway
what's yours Alex? I mean mine would always be like a really good bar class probably sorry it just like it just it makes me so happy um but then i like like trying new things i really
really want to like try like a really good boxing class i really want i keep seeing girls on tiktok
yeah like like they just look so strong i know a class you have to go to okay yeah one of the guys
that coaches at f45 he's like you had that like very like brief interaction with him when you
came but the one that was like really charismatic yeah what's his name he's called cav and he's so
interesting i know yeah i can tell yeah if you checked out his Instagram you'd be
like well oh my god okay no but my parents growing up they used to do kickboxing classes together
and I feel like that's so slow like I really think that's really cool it's like a dance though like
yeah Stone did it on Stone's birthday it was like one of the things that we did on his birthday
but it was like actually kind of like you were dancing together because it was um the class was like based around like a rhythm and like it was like you're working in
partners and it was like you're working together so it did really feel quite intimate i know that's
what i literally that's what i think about like dancers i'm like yo how do you not fall in love
me romanticizing everything no but like i yeah wow yeah i want to do it i've only like i've done
all the sports throughout my life um growing up and everything and like everything i did
competitively was always a solo thing um a solo sport and i like obviously now i train with people
i like doing team things but it's still solo in the sense that you're not interacting with each other.
I was never good at contact sport.
I've never even tried it.
I've never even dappled.
And that scares me.
Like the idea of like,
if someone was like, oh, get me in a headlock.
I'd be like, no, I'm okay.
You know when people say to me, punch as hard as you can.
Or like even on the bags, people like so I that I can't do it really I'm like I love
that's something I know I that's that's that I could do but I was just like contact sport like
I was like if I'd play hockey or something and people would get like really aggressive about it
if somebody came to tackle me I just like take it yeah i'm good like i don't want i'm not i don't want to fight i always say this is stone like i don't know how you get pushed down so many
times and i make this sound like he's a bad i don't know how you get pushed down so many times
and you keep getting back up no but you know for context he's a rugby player lauren's boyfriend is
a rugby player you're just like what are you talking about? Just push down into the street. And all these people walk past you.
Get down there, Sloan.
Get on the floor.
Yeah, but that's like part of the game.
Like just constantly like in a scrum,
like you're down on the floor in the mud.
They always get back up.
I'm like, I think that would frustrate me so much.
Just like, oh, I'm down again.
I think a rugby game might be my workout hell
actually yeah playing a rugby game no there's a part of um in fact Oyinda asked me if I'd ever
done rugby and I was like no but like I could I did tag rugby yeah no I did netball but that's
that's not none of its contact I did tag rugby where you like oh the two strips on your side
and when people whip them off you,
like if you lost both your tags, you're out on you or something.
But also the other, before you said that,
my work at hell was, have you ever seen those?
Oh yeah, sorry.
Those machines where they're like a ladder that you like.
Jacob's like, I dream of being in a gym where they have those.
Just like a little hamster on a wheel.
Oh my God.
I just look like I'd hurt my back so much i think it's called one of my clients does it i
think it's called like versa and they do it at like bxr in london not the completely upright one
another right one i don't know the one that's like i think it's called jacob's ladder do you
have you ever watched the girl where she will like she's been she does the resurrection exercise
dude i literally was at a shoot the
other day and i was like because i just filmed some content about going into a gym wearing some
high heels and i was like trying to find a reference video and i was like who is this girl
that she like she wears like the most like incredible like bougie outfits like just regular
clothes in like um her name's like chase yeah it's something yeah yeah um she's so
cool but she's so cool um why were we talking about that oh she did that yeah yeah and i was
just like that looks like for like two minutes i'd probably love it but if you may if you were
like okay you have to do half an hour on this i'd be like no i love doing um i love doing like
little side quests at the gym now like like a little you know like in
gaming like a little side quest yeah are you a gamer no i'm not what do you mean by a side quest
you know like just getting your pull-ups or something i'll just be like oh i wonder if i
can use the monkey bars i wonder if i can go on the jacob's house you know like it's not at all
a part of my training oh i see but like if i want to go and see if i can do a pistol squat on like one of those balance balls then i will which you normally can yeah and so like yeah
that's the thing with me i'd be like if i can do this i'd go and give it one attempt to fall
on the floor and be like yeah i'm good that side quest failed yeah literally right on to the next
what we're talking i'm always intrigued because sid like i know when you like do your glam like
it always looks so nice like i yeah wonder like what products you like I know when you like do your glam like it always looks so nice
like I yeah wonder like what products you like because in my head like this is probably kind of
mean but in my head you're one of those people that has like had like the same products in your
bag for like years and years but I don't know if that's the case absolutely right
oh yeah of course I love makeup but I don't I I think it's because I'm I am a
creature of habit with everything so if I find something and it works why am I gonna even try
changing I don't know it's it's so weird because it's like I do the same eye makeup every time
like if I'm going out like to something really fancy or I'm literally going to the gym
or I'm going to the coffee shop or whatever I basically have the same makeup I just take more
care doing it depending on like like I'll just blend it a bit nicer or whatever but like I don't
want to be like that so your 5 10 20 minute routine is all the same it's just with more care
it's literally the same the exact same but that's why I said to you earlier like I do
I do want eyelash extensions but I just find it like I don't like how long they take to do
like even with my nails I was just like I just because I started doing that did I say this on
the last episode I don't know but I started like it's like my attempt at like carving out some time
for myself it's like okay I'm not really doing it for the nails I'm doing it for like the time
and I thought it was gonna be like this whole relaxing process but like the whole time I'm
there I'm just like when is this over can you get it over you know what I went through a real like
phase with that like I used to hate getting
beauty things done and now I religiously get my lashes and nails done and like that's kind of my
like my high maintenance things but it's not relaxing I don't find well the nails anyway I
think what I came to realize and same with like my hairdresser was that I think it was because I wasn't going to
someone that I got on with and now like when I go to my nails lash and hair like I really enjoy it
because I like the person that's doing it and my sister was making me laugh because she tried out
my nail lady and ended up like going to someone else um but she was like why do you oh she was
like oh but this lady's like like she does my nails like
and they've grown so much and I was like oh but I I actually go to my nail lady because I like her
not because I really care about the nails that much I mean that sounds so rude I mean you're
paying for a chat but I'm paying for the person more than the actual product it's fair it's fair
um I just feel like I've kind of again this is like a little bit of a tangent,
but like I've been having some not great experiences in my quest for carving out some self-care time.
Like I went to get my lashes done and I came out of the appointment and they looked exactly the same.
I went to get a lash lift and I really sat with it and I thought like,
and then I just messaged her and I said I'm really sorry and then she just took one look at the photo and was like oh yeah you're so right and then like and I was just like dude like it's
a waste of time I know you can mean my money bad but like my lashes I don't know what happened like
they just didn't curl them um but I actually used to be a lash technician so like I yeah I've had many lives yeah yeah I
had a lash business no way yeah why do I feel like you're pranking me no I'm literally not
do you want receipts no it's just like the way you said that and the fact that we've
talked about your eyelashes going wrong so many times and that's the first time you've ever
mentioned that where does this fit into the light like okay yeah I'll give a bit of context um so like the thing about me is I would
say I've always been quite like business like inclined or like entrepreneurial because I also
had a screen printing um like shop on Etsy that I used to do out my grandma's um spare room when I was in school
I also used to work in a knitting shop were you or were you not one of the kids that brought
cookies and sweets to school and sold them out of your pocket oh my god no but my brother was
yeah no yeah we've all been quite some chewies but anyway going back so guys I hope you don't
mind this tangent but this is a tangent so like I lashes weren't really a big thing then but like
I had the foresight to see that this was gonna be a thing so yeah I remember like I literally
was earning like I mean I was literally earning like I had a Saturday job I was 17 and I looked on Groupon and there was a like course to do lash extensions for like 100 pounds
and I asked my parents if I could have a day off school to go there and they said yes
if it was a mental health day or if it was and I never took piss with it but if it was like genuine
like I think they could tell they've always been like my biggest like supporters um and so they
were like yeah that's that well I don't know in my memory they said yes maybe I also bunked
I'm not sure we might need to ask them but I literally like this course was like miles away
like it I literally got the train for like so
long arrived there got um had lashes because then I ended up going to uni and I just did that because
the profit margin was so high because it's being you're being paid for your skill so I did like
all the uni students lashes then I trained to do like lash lift and tint then I learned to do brows
um I never really liked doing the brows I felt like it was too much responsibility but um you can't do lash extensions on yourself
but you can't because like I've tried but the fumes are too strong so um I always used to do
like a lash lift so I know I think I've got high standards because I know that like what it's
supposed to look like so anyway going back i was that i was meant to have some
like self-care and have nice lashes and i just was i just kept looking at people and going
look nothing's happened so yeah so then i went to get my nails done the other day and i thought
right i'm gonna get nails done biab everyone's on biab so and i grow my nails really like easily and they're really strong and i asked for ombre and
literally it was so bad oh that's not the cover up that they put over the top which is now why
their nails are so bulky i don't know what happened and i thought really i'd really have
bad luck
so yeah I'm on the quest but I think it's because I haven't found my person you know I mean yeah you
need to keep shopping around it's like finding the right instructor finding the right
yeah but literally don't give up the right shoe you know that real running shoe that makes you
just like but like yeah don't it's expensive that shoe, you know, that real running shoe that makes you just like, but like, yeah.
But it's expensive, that quest.
Yeah, it really is.
It is expensive.
I can't be buying 10 pairs of running shoes.
Yeah, that's why word of mouth is the most important form of referral because.
Yes, so true.
But I, yeah, I would like to get,
I'm thinking about maybe getting lashes just because it'd be so easy for gym
and like.
It is, yeah. Put together. What's your, like, if you had like, you're instructing, like what are you doing? get i'm thinking about maybe getting lashes just because it'd be so easy for gym and like it is
yeah put together like if you had like you're instructing like what are you doing what's your
can you run us through your little routine wait what are you on about with beauty i'm intrigued
as in like how do you look so fresh wait let's do products first yeah that's what you are yeah
that's what i mean and i what products are on the fastest tangent about like yeah go on what's your top three products oh top three for gym for a gym oh my god honestly guys
listen goose you just farted they're rotten um okay top three okay oh i feel like you guys aren't
gonna be able to beat these ones sorry i feel like i'm really picking good ones okay okay so got to be brow
um well no not actually brow gel but the hair gel the got to be one in the yellow packaging it
literally cements your brows in place like i used to use like bare brows or whatever and i went to
thailand and they just went and drooped uh but this stuff is like rock solid then use the stuff
in the tube or do you use the one
with the spoolie no i literally just use the one and then i have my own spoolie yeah um then also
i would say powder charlotte tilbury bigger also have that incredible absolutely chef's kiss
then charlotte tilbury takes the win again. That setting spray.
Oh my God.
It's incredible.
I've not tried it.
I only need it.
I wish we could get a freaking code right now.
Cause trust me.
You feel like your face.
I will take that to my grave.
Tightened don't you?
It's mad.
It's insane.
You know,
I'm someone that's always been like more oily anyway.
And then I'd like work out and obviously you're on camera so
like I do and I like to wear makeup anyway to the gym and like whatever but like and I wouldn't even
be wearing that much but like everything my you know for years has always just slid off my face
I tell you when you wear this stuff it just literally does not move it does not move and i'll have like a full on like i'll like get a train
i'll have a shoot and i'll work out and then i'll go home or like go for drinks or eat or whatever
and it's still there set in place and you don't get oily or anything it's honestly sensational
so worth the money and i found out about it because I was at a Gymshark shoot when I first
like signed and the twins were there Clara and Laurie um the French twins and they have like
beautiful makeup all the time like you know when you just look at that person you're like
I wish I could look like you and I said do you have any powder I can use and I tried it and I
was just like oh my god so they're my
products I could not live without and I will I think they're worth every single penny so do buy
maybe I need to come to Sephora as well tonight honestly get that sentence right I feel so
bougie as well when I use them yeah everything's so like natural collection yeah honestly i i love the packaging it does go on what's yours
though mine okay are we doing just face because no no you but i would say specifically for uh
what are your must-haves for gym for gym i would say my absolute number one thing that I pick up every single day pretty much is my hair gel.
Not for the brows, for the hair.
Just because I just love a slick back moment.
And it's just so easy.
My hair is a bit of a mess sometimes.
So I think just slicking it back makes me feel like I'm put together.
Which one do you use?
I literally just use use it's like the
l'oreal this in like a gray tube i've got on amazon subscription because i use it that much
and i forget to buy it so like it literally turns up like you know when you need something yeah it's
like oh there's another right on cue right on cue yeah yeah one every month i think as well sorry
just to like jump in there and say like, the thing is with having
slick back hair is that like you can, you don't have to worry about the flyaways because
if you've got a good gel and you've done it properly, like tip, do it, like wet your hair,
you know, whilst you're putting your hair into a slick back style.
But like, it just means that you don't have to worry about that, especially as someone
with curly hair, like my hair, like the moment i get like a little bit warm or the air is like humid it just
goes you know yeah like hair all over the place so so gel is my best friend yeah number two number
two would have to be the charlotte tilbury flawless filter is this sponsored by charlotte
tilbury that was gonna be in my top three as well because i've gone through like tubes of that Charlotte Tilbury Flawless Filter. Is this sponsored by Charlotte Tilbury? Is that the setting spray?
That was going to be in my top three as well
because I've gone through like tubes of that.
Is that the foundation?
It's kind of like foundation.
I use it like foundation,
but it's technically not.
What is it?
It's like,
it's almost like a skin tint illuminator hybrid,
but it's not glittery at all.
It's just,
it's like glowing a bottle essentially.
Nice. Because I don't like when they have those like shimmers. It feels really like, oh, it's not glittery at all it's just it's like glowing a bottle essentially nice
but it's because i don't like when they have those like shimmers it feels really like oh it's so
pretty it's oh wow so good so basically everything because my sister uses her foundation and it's
incredible and the lip um liners so is it so i think you can basically buy knowing that it's going to be good.
I also have the concealer, the blush.
It's nice.
That's cute.
That's a cute moment.
The liquid one.
Yeah, the little.
And the contour.
The contour is amazing as well.
But yeah, I'd say it's definitely the flawless filter, which is, yeah, the skin.
I don't know what to call it, but yeah, like a skin tint.
Skin enhancer.
And then the hair gel
and what's my last one
probably your lash extensions
the lash extensions
are my go to
I've been going to my lady
for years now
I feel like
I know everything
about her life
she does
great lashes for me
we get on
like a house on fire
love it um yeah i was gonna go off
on another lash tangent a little story about when i used to be a whole episode there yeah
since past lives yeah i know literally um been in many forms um yeah i mean flawless
felt was gonna be one of mine because i just can yeah but tinted spf
oh it's a daily for me no matter what like whether i'm at the gym whatever um just because i've worn
spf 50 every day since about the age of 15 so catch me at 80 looking fantastic because oh my god
i deserve to because i am it's a non-negotiable for me um so yeah SPF
uh flawless filter probably if like I if I'm not doing like if I have no time that's what I'm gonna
go for um but then I also bought the other day because I was really enjoying the rare beauty
liquid blush but I had a really pink shade and I've bought one now that's like this like deep
like warm like terracotta shade
so when I put it on it kind of acts as like a bronzer and a blush so I can like just like dot
dot blend and I kind of look like so yeah it makes you makes you I think bronzer is so nice
because it makes you just look more alive I love bronzer oh I've got the Charlotte Tilbury one
recently is it good I only use it once, but yeah, it's gorgeous.
It's massive.
Is it the cream one or the powder?
I've got the contour, but yeah.
I use YSL's bronzer and that's pretty nice as well.
I used the...
It's from 10 years ago.
No, I've actually...
I've re-bought it like several, several times.
I think it's NYX. they do like a matte bronzer no shimmer and I just like I don't do the whole do you remember
back in the days the three yeah I don't do that because I've got quite a big nose so what I
actually do that I think works for me it gives me like I like do it as if where I would have actually got a tan so like the high
points of my face so I will still do here around my forehead I will do around my cheeks but then
I also do it on my nose and then like even when I blush I blush on my cheeks but then I'll also
blush on my nose and my forehead slightly and I feel like it just like softens everything yeah isn't makeup just crazy makeup's
my therapy like I I'm not that into my makeup I must say I'm a bit like you like I do the same
makeup whether it I'm going out or staying in yeah like I think if it's not broke don't fix it
exactly I'm I just like to get it done as well i used to be that girl that would like at uni i would miss pre-drinks because i'd be doing my makeup really yeah wow which is so sad
i missed out wow i didn't expect that so you've done a whole yeah 360 yeah yeah you said
carving out the brows snatching the brows imagine if you still did that and to go to the gym like
it would be long no I don't have time you know things have to give and the makeup gave yeah I
yeah I used to have all the Anastasia Beverly Hills you know the cream contour oh my god the
dip brow all that like cream that cream moment it's the money it's so expensive like I just
go and look at it now and I'm like I don't need it I just it's just pretty like a microphone I think it's such a therapeutic process and I used to do like the
works but I think my face just looks better when it's got more like transparency like whenever I go
out sometimes I feel like I accidentally overdo it because I'm just like oh let me just like get
done up but then I put too much coverage on my face and I'm like oh the second I look too makeupy I'm like I want it all off my face yes get it off now yeah I don't recognize myself yeah who is this
yeah so yeah anyway that's um if you guys were looking for some recommendations it's Charlotte
Tilbury apparently basically it's Charlotte Tilbury and if you want to sponsor us Charlotte
Tilbury I mean I would absolutely not say no um okay cool you know what else is a top tip for just
beauty and gym it's just water yeah this is like whenever someone says like how do you get good
skin i'm like tell me how much water you're drinking firstly before i'm like recommended
them this this and this i'm like you got to start with the basics.
I agree.
This bad boy helps.
How much water do you think you get in a day?
I drink at least three litres a day.
Like, and if I don't, my body is like.
But that's also because I sweat a lot and I run a lot.
I don't think, you know.
Yeah, I do probably drink more than that sometimes.
I do feel like it's the right time to say just because I do want to say like I've been very like in case anyone's listening
who has been one of these people maybe now I can just say like I just want to say thank you so much
to like my audience and my community because I feel like everyone's been like following me on my
skin struggles so I feel like it's kind of related to this uh on my skin struggles which I've had for the past few years with just like really cystic painful acne um but it was actually okay
strangely enough it was like a year to like the day that I'd posted a story um the other day
saying like of me crying on my stories just like I don't know what to do and I just really I was so like I
was so bummed out about it and it was just like all consuming and very very painful um like
actually you know on my skin and um yeah so I just kind of re-shared it uh a year later
which was like the other day but I always feel so touched when people compliment me
because if you talk about like what's your ultimate compliment it's like oh my god when people say
like and I had it at the event yesterday like um people were walking up to me saying just to let
you know your skin's looking really good and I was like oh thank you so much it means so much but um
yeah I don't know I just thought maybe I should mention it now because I haven't really mentioned it on socials that if like you guys are struggling with your skin definitely go and check
it out because like for me I thought like nothing is gonna fix it like there's nothing I can do
my my skin is literally like resistant to everything I've tried everything everything
the doctors recommended or like prescribed me all the lifestyle changes I've tried everything everything the doctors recommended or like prescribed me
all the lifestyle changes I've made I drink the most I don't have much sugar like da da da da da
and then I just got uh I went to a dermatologist got on like some medication which I feel like
kind of gets like demonized a bit I feel like within the online space contraception
I don't know various different forms of medication
or whatever which I do understand but yeah I just wanted to say because I know loads of people do
ask like uh so many people do struggle with their skin that like for me getting some like medication
really helped so that was my little and your skin is looking so good thanks it's like the only
glowing the only bits that are really
left is just like scarring which if i wanted to pay for laser i could but this girl's trying to
buy a house so that's um but yeah it's been like really good and and it's so funny like
someone i saw someone at the gym shark story yesterday and he was like he was like you just
look like people have been really been talking
about my confidence and everything and I think yeah I've probably grown in confidence just because
of like life and experiences and stuff like that and just like whatever and the work I've been doing
on myself but then I actually was I think I was like peeing or something and I was literally just
thinking on the toilet like I think it is also that I've got clear skin
now which absolutely isn't a vanity thing it's actually just like for women for men whatever it
just it just I really empathize with anyone that is struggling right now because I've been there
very recently well I was someone that had clear skin like all through puberty everything like I
was always like completely spot free like
always like known for having insane skin and then like in the last I want to say like three four
years my skin just started playing up like really badly and I'd get like really painful breakouts
and like I've like now got scarring that I'm like I've never had before and it's made me have like
a complete new appreciation for my friends that would always be like I hate my skin and I need makeup every day because I need to cover this up like I I was so
I was empathetic before but then once you go through it and like you have like that and the
kind of skin where you're like I don't want to go out of the house without doing something about
this or like and I'm also really bad for picking my skin like I really have to be like no stop it um so yeah I
I can I can now like relate to it and I think I've got a bit more of a handle on it now but
mine's definitely like hormonal and it's like come in really late in life um so yeah I was like I now
have an appreciation fully for girls that were going through that in school and also then schools
being like you can't wear makeup makeup's bingo take that off like no like sometimes
makeup like it's fine to just have that little if that helps you go outside and feel like a bit more
put together and a bit more confident to take on the day then it like don't demonize people
kind of taking action to better themselves in that way I mean it's wild how much it's like
transformed my sort of self-confidence and like the way I see myself
in terms of like my my beauty I don't know it's like because I've been struggling with this for
like the past few years if I was like dating a guy I'd be like literally I can't wake up next to him like and not have
makeup like I he's going to think I'm disgusting and like he's gonna literally like he will just
walk out and stuff like that I remember actually with my boyfriend that I'm with now like he was
I remember he was staring over it for the first time ever and
I was like and I was actually really struggling with my skin there I don't think I'd gone to the
dermatologist yet and I was just like I think it was a real moment of like growth and like progress
within myself and an acceptance of like I can't do anything about this right now like what I'm
working with I'm working with and i remember just being like
right sid if he doesn't like it he'll leave and that's fine and obviously he didn't say anything
yeah if someone was to like actively not date you because of a skin issue that is wild yeah
but speaking of makeup but like that's because we talked about her earlier do you know charlotte
tilbury's husband has never seen her without makeup on what yeah she goes to she puts her
nighttime makeup on in the bathroom and then goes to bed like she wears a specific eyeliner for bed
and stuff and he's never seen her like completely without makeup what is that like how do you know
that because i'm i was like I'm like a beauty nerd like
I love this kind of stuff and she said on a podcast wait what yeah that's just wild mental
right that's like people that don't fart in front of their partners yeah although I do think that's
like a comfort thing I think not a comfort but I think I think as time goes on you find yourself
more like relaxed like I've only been with my boyfriend for a year
and I still don't think I would fart in front of him.
But what if it's involuntary and you don't have control over it?
Yeah, we approach that when it comes to it.
But I feel like you get more relaxed with time.
But also, there's fart-proud people and then there's fart- yeah whereas i am a fart shy person yeah i'm like if my if my
like no because my friends like i'm not gonna shout their names
imagine they're like the first shout out you gave me was about me being fart proud
you know who you are they fart so much like in front of my mates
who like think it's funny
and I'm like
I could never
and like if anyone
in my family does it
I'm like
your poop
like oh my god
yeah I know
we're getting down
we get it
no but
you know like
you enter into the gym
and everyone's like
you need to be having
all this protein powder
and then like your gut is like what is going on i remember one time i posted i remember one time
i posted a video and it was like for breakfast i had like i think it's like i had
and like protein protein powder porridge greens and coffee and someone went your
like your vows must be doing bits in the morning and i was like which begs the question how do you
not fight in front of jay because i i'm home alone a lot get it all out while he's not there I don't know
soon come
you know
maybe we'll do that
for my year milestone
big day
big day
you're like
I just want to give you something
but then there's some people
out here that
their husbands have never
even seen their face
what the hell
because it's just like
never she
really wants alex's attention she's jumping up on the stage like finish she's like we're done now
yeah what were you gonna say no i said another on the other hand you've got people that
their husbands have never seen their naked face yeah charlotte wow i wonder what her insecurity is about that you know like why does or maybe
just have it i mean maybe i i do think though like sleeping in makeup is wild i don't think
she sleeps in any skin makeup she goes and takes her makeup off and like cleanses and does all her skincare stuff
and then I know she puts eyeliner back on
she puts her eyeliner back on
but I don't know what else she does
she probably feels naked without it
just get some lash extensions
very true
get a bit of tattoo
yeah I guess probably
one thing I do think I'm like very like regimented about
and I kind of
I feel like it's one of the moments where you will see me being like no I'm like very like regimented about and I kind of I feel like it's
one of the moments where you will see me being like no I'm sorry this is not give like I will
not budge on this non-negotiable yeah like a non absolutely non-negotiable is like after I finish
exercising I need to go and wash my makeup off and wash my face off interesting yeah I can't do
but I because I'm acne prone and i feel like i just can't do that
and i double cleanse you don't want to risk it either with cera v cleanser big up again no
but yeah do you not struggle with that as in when i don't wash my face like can you this is pure
laziness and convenience today to be honest because i have been like back to back teaching
classes yeah out and about like i don't usually live out of a backpack I forgot to put my makeup in there but um but yeah
no usually I would but I to be honest no I mean sometimes I do get away with it yeah but if you
can but I just I it does make me feel a bit gross I would always go and wash my face but this is
yeah maybe I shouldn't be telling everyone that I've exercised and not
washed my face something that lives rent free in my head is that I used to go to the gym like
I did well I went to the gym maybe like a couple of times um back in uni with um one of the girls
at my uni and it like lives rent free in my head because we do like a sweaty workout obviously we were in our
like cardio bunny phase and then she'd go to uni in the gym clothes all day gym clothes did she not
smell no actually see i change because i don't like the idea of it at all and i don't like i
feel icky but i i like have i'm quite weird i don't like i don't really sweat so that i can technically
get away with it like i could go to a class and i could like sit in a coffee shop afterwards and
i don't smell because i but this is it's a double-edged sword because like i don't sweat
which also means i'm really bad at my body doesn't regulate itself so i overheat really badly which
is why i hate hot yoga and stuff because i can't like if I'm in a hot country I can't exercise I like
die yeah yeah my body just like I don't sweat like that 18k I ran in the sun on Sunday I just
came I came home I go in a sauna bone dry what yeah so weird that is wild no I sweat really a
lot which is good I'm just in between yeah she's normal yeah I mean I'm not
like yeah profusely sweating but I do sweat I like a sweat but yeah I do worry like even just
getting in the lift with someone after a session always just apologize yeah I do though that's my
like it's when people go for the hug isn't it and you're like oh i wouldn't hug me yeah no oh
you know when you hug people at the end of a workout and then they've got sweat all on their
back they're like sorry i'm sweating you're like it's okay and just like patting their back yeah
usually i don't mind it to be fair really yeah if i'm gonna shower anyway bring it in bring it in
if we're doing team workouts you're gonna have to get comfortable with that well we need to
hug afterwards but we're all sweaty so it's're going to have to get comfortable with that. We need to hug afterwards,
but we're all sweaty, so it's fine.
Some people are more funny about it than others,
to be fair.
We had a move today
where you had to put your face on the bench
and some people were being a bit funny
about putting their face
rather than other people would put their face.
Yeah, that would have been me.
Would it?
Your face, yeah.
Not the rest of my body.
I wouldn't care.
Just purely from like a acne hygiene point of view.
The battery has died.
I feel like we have spoke at length about randomness.
It was a range.
That's what you guys said you like.
So, you know, if there are any bits and pieces you do want us to talk about or anything you see come up, let us know.
Find us at Gym Girls Locker Room on Instagram.
We have a podcast specific page if you can't get enough of us between the week at GGLR podcast.
And I think apart from that, we will see you in the next one.
Thanks so much. Bye.