Hamish & Andy - 2024 Ep 254 - The New Original Pranksters

Episode Date: May 29, 2024

Hamish and Andy officially re-enter the prank game with Hamish's amazing hat prank finally being put to the test to some unsuspecting waiters at a cafe. Andy has an updates on acai bowl investment, wh...ich leaves the gang lamenting about their lost BitCoin again. Hamish has a question on an Uno ruling that caused a stir in his household, and some more of the most powerful power moves! 1. The hat prank 2. Loose ends and bitcoin sadness 3. Power moves 4. Ultimate Uno ruling 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A listener production. Activate your Internet because the Hamish and the podcast starts in three. Two. Sorry, still buffering. One. Ahoy to me, Jury-O, Hamish. Jury-O to you. Ahoy to me, Makushita. Jury-O to you, Makushita. Jacko.
Starting point is 00:00:36 No idea yet. Not really. It does seem Japanese, doesn't it? We could be... Would we be types of swords? No. Good guess though. I am the makuuchi. Are we levels of samurai?
Starting point is 00:00:50 Levels of something. Okay, levels of chef. Level of sumo, he's got it. We are levels of sumo. Makushita, which is Jack, the lowest division of the ones I read out, random again. Third-hardest. Currently 120 wrestlers in that it's your first step the lowest division of the ones I read out, in random again. Third hardest division.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Currently 120 wrestlers in that. It's your first step towards becoming a professional sumo wrestler. So it encapsulates you well, button boy. You don't really dip your toe in though to sumo wrestler. You're either in or you're out really with the body shape. I think it's a long term commitment.
Starting point is 00:01:22 You couldn't be an overnight success. It would be hard to be an overnight success. Yeah, you've got to literally build up. Yeah. I think I'm a young age, too. If you get enough peanut butter in you, you can come a long way off being sumo-sized. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Haim. Jury-O, second highest division, fixed at 28 wrestlers only. You can get, yeah. And then obviously the makuuchi top division wrestlers, six divisions, 42 wrestlers. I suppose it's like F1, only a certain number of seats that's in the ring. Were you the top, were you? Yes, it turned out.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Oh wow, sometimes that's just the way that the ceremonial rice will scatter. Oh, I've just hit the bell. Ahoy also ham to Ronnie from Queensland. Ahoy boys, Ronnie here. I just wanted to say thank you for the tiger head, which ended up being a whole tiger costume to my surprise. Was it?
Starting point is 00:02:19 It has provided so much entertainment in my fun little maternity leave life. Pranking my partner ended up getting a little bit old so it's now extended to postal deliveries and the Uber Eats drivers. So yeah, it's been pretty fun. Thanks boys. That's such a lovely situation. Great note went to a good home. Was it a whole outfit? Could have sworn it was just the heads. Because the actual package was just this big sphere.
Starting point is 00:02:49 But maybe it was packed. Packed, probably packed. Well yeah, because the other one, obviously the head would have been the structural part. That needed to stay intact. And then you'd imagine it was just more of a jumpsuit type thing. That just chucked in a onesie. That's nice of them. I never opened it because I had about 9kg of masking tape wrapped around the ball. I imagine it was just more of like a jumpsuit type thing for that. They've just chucked in a onesie. That's nice of them.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I never opened it because I had about nine kilograms of masking tape wrapped around the wall. Haim. Last week, the three of us went on a big adventure. We said we're going to. You had made the hats. It was a prank that we're going to put up on our channels. Pick your pipe.
Starting point is 00:03:23 We're going to put up on our channels today. The Daily Mail. And prepare the internet to be... We were worried that this would leak because just knowing that out and about in the world were five increasing in size hats, that's a visual that's pretty tough to keep a lid on. Doesn't seem to have leaked throughout the week, which is amazing. Astonishing, really. And we were able to now bring you the audio of what we did right after we recorded the show last week. Me with a bag, one, I put hat number one on,
Starting point is 00:03:54 and I had the four other hats in the bag, and we decided we're gonna go to a cafe. And as the waiter or waitress keeps returning to our table, that is when I will put the increasingly bigger hats on until the comedic tension. Yeah, until the comedic tension is just so huge that the place erupts as she goes, hang on. Or he goes, what is going on with those hats, man?
Starting point is 00:04:18 And then we have to reveal, we're professionals at this, don't feel bad, we do this for a job. We actually used to be on a show called Rove. This is, this is in our blood. We can't not prank. So armed with the props, the handmade props, the hand stitch props that you kind of can't go wrong when you have quality like that, but you still have to pull it off. Yep.
Starting point is 00:04:39 We'll put the video up straight away on hamishnade.com or any of our social pipes. But, um, Don't watch it if you work at a place where you're not allowed to scream with laughter. This is how it went down. Okay I don't think Jack was standing like further away from you. I don't think he would be associated with you wearing that hat. I just didn't want to bring heat on us. I'm not getting any heat on me. You're getting actually quite a lot of sun on the back of your neck and your ears. Because it's a nice bright sunny day here in Melbourne and I have the solid UV 50 protection of a denim hat.
Starting point is 00:05:17 It actually looks okay. We just ran into a listener of the show, Chris, right? He didn't say anything. Having a chat and I was like, oh my god, he hasn't gone. What have you got on? Well it's a silly hat. He just thought I was wearing a denim bucket. And so when we said to him, we said hey you know you're listening to the pod, five hats yeah. And I was looking at his eye and he goes oh my god is this hat number one? He said what number hat is this? It's one though. You're not across the pranks. You have to start at one, you have to start at a cool hat.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Yeah okay so we'll go in we'll take a spot where do you want to position yourself? Here's the thing guys you boys just need to play it cool okay because when I start changing hats it's going to be it's funny. Yes. Your job is to play it cool, get all your laughs out of it. Your job as prank accomplices is to you set the scene because once that broom starts getting down over my face and I can't see anymore I'm trusting you guys are out there. Yeah being all big like playing a straight bat. Yeah, what we're going for here Like ideally is a saucer drop. Yeah. Yeah, I seen like they're so in shock. That's such a what's happened They had saucer that'd be amazing. I might not get that, I want everyone to be ready. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:27 If we don't get that, we're gonna get... What's the success then? An inquiry? You'll know. A smirk? You'll know. Okay. You'll know. I think it'll be pretty clear
Starting point is 00:06:37 when the prank has been executed. Okay. This is fun. This is so fun. This is what you do it for. Yeah, good luck everybody. Good luck. We made our way into a local, very trendy Melbourne cafe,
Starting point is 00:06:49 wearing hat number one, no one blinked an eye, and we were seated by the very hospitable Matthea and Mia, two unsuspecting waivers, who were about to have their day and world rocked by comedy. Thank you. Thank you. Hi there, what's your name? Mattia. Mattia, Andy.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Hey Mattia, how are you going? Pretty good. Thanks man. Do you guys know the side of your coffee? It's like I got this hat, it's pretty sunny. Yeah, I'd love a macchiato, thanks. Yeah, macchiato. I'll do a hot chocolate, thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Beautiful day. I'll get a hot chocolate too, thank you. We might order food later, we'll have a think. Yep. And what's your name? Mia. Mia. Thanks Matisse.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Thanks Mia. Okay, we've had number one, is that number one? I think that's number one. Go for it, go for it. Number one, okay, click as you can. They're not looking, they're not looking. Hat one's coming off. He's dropped it on the ground. He's been here, picked up the hat one and now he's actually come back with a spot.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Oh, I'm keeping track. It's brilliant. I know. I can see some staples because of the way it's... They're not looking for the staples. Yep. Now this is important, Jack, for you and I to not laugh now. I find there are really hard instructions to be normal.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Be normal. Don't you find that hard? All of a sudden I'm second guessing everything I do is normal. Yeah, I've seen you like pick up the menu and- I'm just like- I'm just like, don't worry, you would pick up the menu- Jack, you keep mumbling rhubarb.
Starting point is 00:08:21 You're not an expert. I just feel like my, honestly, like I feel like I should play that. Hamish has got hat number two on. I'm going to order some food. I'll also order some food. As Hamish wore hat number two, slightly bigger brim, about eight centimetres now, we tried to decide what to order.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Jack, however, was struggling with the whole inconspicuous prank thing. And do we order what we want or should we order what our character wants? LAUGHTER There's no wrong choices once you're in the scene. Jack, why don't you practise ordering to us so it doesn't sound wooden when you do it? LAUGHTER OK.
Starting point is 00:09:00 One avocado toast. Oh, gee, you sound very matter-of-fact. Oh, and I wouldn't hold I-God deck of fact. And I wouldn't hold I got deck like that. And manners wouldn't kill you. I know, I think I was trying to get the attention of one of the waiters but I think I got the attention of a third waiter that's not part of the group. No, no, we need Matisse. Tis or Mia?
Starting point is 00:09:21 You're not acting cool at all, Jack. Yeah, I think it's Jack that's on it. You're acting like you're stoned. I feel very uncomfortable with the instruction to be normal. To see if she'd clock onto the prank, it was time to get Mia's attention to order some food. Mia? Oh, behold.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Is this how you got back? It's a Monday yell. Okay, I. Jack. So we are ordering now? We might order some food if that's okay. Yeah, that's totally okay. Great. What do you want to have?
Starting point is 00:09:50 What are you giggling for? Just having fun? I like it, I'm always laughing. You're laughing, I'm giggling. I'm giggling first, sorry. No, no, no, I like it. Perfect. I'll just have chilli scramble, thank you, with some avocado on the side and I'm going
Starting point is 00:10:00 to share half of that with a friend of mine over here. I like it. Perfect. I'll just have chilli scramble, thank you, with some avocado on the side and I'm going to share half of that with a friend of mine. And I'll order the pancakes if I could. I'll also share half with Jack. So I guess he's getting a full meal and we're both getting parts. It's so shiny and all. Pancakes. Yeah, so just those two?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and you got, I hope you should order them, didn't you? Yeah. You got my pancakes? Yes, I got them. Thank you got the hamish's order didn't you? Yeah. You got my pancakes? Yes I got them. Thank you. Thanks so much Mia. Just wanted to make sure she clocked the hat.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah, she really looked at you. Prank target well and truly acquired. Yep. Now that we were certain Mia had clocked onto the fact I was indeed wearing a hat, it was time for the switch to hat number three. Try to think of this one as a very large, broad brimmed hat. Slightly longer than the cricket brim, but of course with no structural integrity, so the brim just droops down.
Starting point is 00:10:51 If you got the right kink in the brim, you could still see out of the hat, and it looked pretty cool, which was probably an issue in this very trendy cafe. He looked like an old woman gardening. Whoops. He's dropped one hat. He's bending over. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I've just noticed now that's when he's flipping them around. That's cool everyone. Maybe put it a bit further back. How's this guy playing it cool? Put it a bit wider. Maybe put it a bit further back on your head so your eyes aren't so covered. That is actually perfect. That's great.
Starting point is 00:11:26 The suspense is killing me. I wish you could come back right now. Should we get her back in to collect the menu? Oh boy, here we go. Here we go, here we go, here we go. Hi! What have you got there? What's a knife? Oh yeah, it's for the... Chilli scramble?
Starting point is 00:11:42 Chilli scramble. That's this man over here. Thank you. And everything's still good with the pancakes? Yes. I'll cut out... To the scramble. Yeah, I'll cut out... To the scramble. Yeah, I'll cut out... To the scramble. To the scramble. That's this man over here. Thank you. And everything's still good with the pancakes? Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Okay. Thanks Mia. Awesome. She hasn't noted. Well, she looked. She looked. I don't think she's noted. Okay, let's move to hat number four.
Starting point is 00:11:59 This is it, boys. We didn't think we'd get this far. Can we f***ing go? Surely her meter for what's odd in the room is going up and up with every click. We didn't think we'd get this far. Can we f***ing go? Surely her meter for what's odd in the room is going up and up with every time she goes. Hamish has now dropped hat four and he's back and we can't see his face anymore. Okay, it's all on you guys. Okay, hat four was truly ridiculous. By this stage it was hanging over Hamish's face entirely
Starting point is 00:12:25 and he couldn't see a thing. I could still communicate with the table though if I used both hands to lift the brim up from under my chin and I could talk from underneath the canopy. We waited, straight faced, Jack still shitting himself for our coffees to arrive. Eventually Mia and another waitress made their way over. This is an undoubtedly larger hat that I came in with.
Starting point is 00:12:46 You can't deny that. This is. You cannot deny that. So I mean, it's the kind of place where you'll would just not be allowed to laugh at whoever's coming. As everyone sees, it's a cool cafe. It's a cool cafe, isn't it? See, she's like, hey ma'am.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Should we get? I doubt you're doing a prank, so you mustn't be wearing that for real. Here we go, get ready to get ready Hi there, how are you? So I'd take your pathway Yes please Try the piano
Starting point is 00:13:14 Thank you That's me thanks And then try the tea Thank you Don't be a man Anything else? Can I just also order some ice cream for my pancakes? Yes you can.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Thank you. And everything cool? Do you notice anything crazy about this room? Should I? Anything crazy about anyone's hats? Yeah like my hat? Has Andy's hat changed size no and notice about what about Hamish's hat has this hat changed so but do you notice
Starting point is 00:13:52 it's bigger do you notice it's bigger than when I came in it's kind of big but look when I take it off and I drop it, and I put it on, See how big that is? You got two of those? I've got five! You've got five? You've been pranked! It started at this size!
Starting point is 00:14:18 This was the original size! See? How do you feel? How do you feel? How do you feel? Welcome! I don't know how to feel. It's crazy isn't it? I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe it's a cool hat.
Starting point is 00:14:34 It is a cool hat. Two things can be true. It's a cool hat! Oh Mia, thank you so much. We are professional pranksters. We go around and we do, we haven't done it for a while, but we do professional pranks like this. And this is one of our best. This has been a few weeks in the making and it took a little while to get you there. I'm proud of the prank.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Yes, we appreciate you being such a satisfying victim. Mia, just a quick post-prank survey. On a scale of like 1 to 10, how shocked are you? 10 out of 10. Oh yes! It's a really good prank. I'm shocked of myself that I didn't even notice. They don't get that big. I think you did notice.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I think it was so that your brain unconsciously you did notice. And that's the layer it works on. Do you still want the ice cream? Yes. And you know what, I actually promised that hat to someone. I know you can have that hat. That's yours. Thank you so much, I appreciate it. Where are you from? Germany.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Germany. Das ist sehr funny. That was right. Danke schön. Thanks man, enjoy the hat. Handmade. Enjoy the hat. Handmade. Oh yes. Okay, another successful prank. For the record, I'm 100% certain that Mia knew she'd been pranked once she fully understood
Starting point is 00:15:54 what was going on. And no doubt, this will be a day she will never forget. 10 out of 10 boys, another prank victim. Congratulations guys. Well done. Well done to you guys. I thought we just had to pull the rip cord at Congratulations guys. Well done. Well done to you guys. Thank you. I thought we just had to pull the report at the end.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Oh yeah, no, no. When she realised that she noticed, how much did we get her? Oh, it was huge. Yeah, when she realised that she should have noticed. Yeah, that was funny. Look at her face when she realised she should have noticed. It was magic. That's what you get into the prank game for.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Maybe we're back. Maybe we're back. Amish and Andy, a new original pranksters and you... And you... And you... Captain Normal over there. We'll need you to brush up.
Starting point is 00:16:49 A couple of things to follow up on here, Ham. First one, this one came in from Chloe Egan. You can email us anytime, hamishneide.com. 50% of the emails go to Ham, 50% go to me. So unlucky if you're looking for Ham and you get me and I just delete it. It can happen. It can. But that's also, it's the sport. It's the sport of conducting the show.
Starting point is 00:17:08 It just shows that the final emails that get through, like people that win Ninja Warrior, or to a lesser extent, the floor is lava, because I think that's a bit set up. But for the people that get to the end, you know, you've passed the obstacles and you might make it to the show. Chloe Egan had a follow-up when I was talking about Beck's empathy, when she felt sorry
Starting point is 00:17:29 for the Castrol car. Oh yeah, the slow car. The slow car. At the Grand Prix, yeah. At the Grand Prix race, yes. She said, I wanted to touch base about Beck being an empath. I've never heard that in terms of empath. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:43 It's like a special skill. She goes, I'm with Beck. I'm one step more intense than Beck. If I chew my food on one side of my mouth, I feel sorry for the other side of my mouth. Have to give it a turn of chewing as well before I swallow. That's deeply caring. That's tough. That's where it's really getting in the way of life, isn't it? Chloe, that's lovely. And look, if there's any more people out there with empathy emails, I'd happily read a few more. Hey, the other thing I had to follow up on, and because unlike
Starting point is 00:18:18 Jaco, when I have a task, I put it in front of mine. Absolutely. Do you remember which one it was guys? I'm being so distracted making the hats. We had a certain investment opportunity that I was meant to be following up. Oh yeah, a CyBalls. It's a CyBalls. Oh right, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Jack, you were like, I don't know how to get in on this, but we're going to invest a thousand, do we say a thousand dollars somehow in a CyBalls? Because back in the day, that was the amount we invested in two bitcoins when we thought they were at the sky high price of $500 each. Yes. I also got, I hope this is not the same email that you're about to read, but someone DM'd me to say he imports a Cy and we're right on the money. Scam, scam, scam, scam, scam. Scam, scam, scam, scam. In high demand.
Starting point is 00:19:01 If you're saying send me the thousand dollars Jack, I really hope you didn't. Yes, yes, I actually know Mr. Asahi. For $10,000 I could introduce you. So I had someone at the footy the other day say to me, hey, where are we at? What are we investing in? People are trying to be at the bit. Mate, this could, we could, we actually, you know, could, this could be the next, like, GameStop here. Yeah. Like, this could be the next, um, like GameStop here.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Oh, we could artificially pump a Psy. Well, I didn't say that, Jack, but I'm just saying profits could be made. So I went to my finance team and said, Hey, can you please look at Psy for us and give us a report? We've told you before, we're here for, you've taken one home loan out with us. Please stop treating us like you're on succession. We're a mobile banking unit, you can't keep calling us out here under the promise of a new home loan.
Starting point is 00:19:56 They came back with no recommendations, right? And I said, can you just tell me who the major players are? Yeah. Oakbury. This came back. The major key players listed in the Syberry market report, as of this month, are their following companies. Zambazen, Asai Roots, Asai Fruity with a double O-T-Y.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Are these shops? No. Are these companies that import it? No, these are just, it just says key players. So I guess they're just big, big, bigger Psy. They're moving a lot of berry. Yeah. Nativo Psy, Psy Exotic. So I suppose that's like a bit more.
Starting point is 00:20:39 It seems that if you are in the game, you definitely put the word Psy in your name. Like it's not just like KJL Imports or whatever. This one brings, this one breaks that Jamba juice incorporated. I see that's that I reckon they've gone to America because that's the big, that's like America's boost. Sun food, phytonutraceuticals, the naked juice company. None of them we could invest in. They're all private.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Yeah. This is the tough game. The biggest publicly listed company that they could find that's invested in Asai is the Coca-Cola company. Okay. So the only thing- I wouldn't say it's a huge part of its portfolio. No. So from an investment standpoint- No, I say no to Coca-Cola. Coke is so popular. People already know about it.
Starting point is 00:21:24 It's not like we're getting in the ground floor. We wouldn't be. Yeah. We'd have to be upfront about that. We're going to give you a stock recommendation here, but it ain't a small cap. This business is well known. It's the Coca Cola company. So Warren Buffett loves Coca Cola.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Like, like I think owns a large chunk of the company. Warren Buffett loves Coca-Cola, like I think owns a large chunk of the company. And he's like one of his legendary stocks. But he was probably like, he probably invested in the company. He got in earlier than us. Far earlier than us. He's about 150. So as far as the investment in something, I think it's going to be hard. But I also don't like the idea of going back to Jack's DM saying, he had a thousand bucks, what could we have? Maybe your size, not it then.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Oh, hang on. You're the Oracle. You're the first. You're, we would, you're the one whose gut we're meant to be following. Let's not get talked out of this because back in the day when Bitcoin was around and we were like, it was hundreds of dollars, we could have easily talked ourselves out of it, but you do have to hold it for a significant period of time. So let's, all I would say is that's the market update.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Would we be upset? I mean, the most you're going to see a huge company like Coca-Cola move, like even in a glorious year is, I don't know, 10 to 30% would be enormous. If it's coming off a low. I mean, that's not a terrible return. No, but what we loved about Bitcoin, it was just aspinoic. Yeah, to the moon, to the moon. Of course, we all love Bitcoin. Yeah, that's why we're a bit annoyed that you lost the... Oh, I'm annoyed at that every day.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Every day. I wondered if you thought about that. I was actually happy on the phone the other day. He said, how have we been jacked? Don't bring this up with Jack. You do see that Bitcoin price just absolutely shooting the lights out. I know. Now there's just, there's no finding it.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Every now and again, I just think like, where haven't I checked, where haven't I checked? But now we live in a completely different house. So if you didn't find it in the move. Yeah. Checking to find it in your brain. No, impossible. Impossible. Sorry, bad news. It's only money.
Starting point is 00:23:30 But now so much. So much. Yeah, it's only so much money. Don't you find it so frustrating? It's like the next Bitcoin is out there, the next Bitcoin is out there, but we don't know what it is. And the current Bitcoin is out there. And we don't know where that is. So much to be gotten, so many missing pieces that need to be had. And you had some of your friends. Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:24:05 And we don't know where that is. When you think about it, each day do you think about me? You would never think about Andy. No, because I do, I do. Honestly, I think about my happiness, like I picture me finding it. I think of my happiness. And then I also think of, I imagine the feeling of telling Andy and seeing his happiness. I haven't forgotten you.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Jack, you lost seven and he his happiness. Yeah. I don't think that. I haven't forgotten you. Jack, you lost seven and Andy lost 0.19 or something. You're never thinking as if... I did sell some of those. I think I lost a bit over one Bitcoin. By the end. Still a lot. I was thinking seven.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Seven's a lot. I wouldn't. Because that's where we invented the eight coin coin. So we had one more Bitcoin. That's right. So at one stage you had seven, but you did sell them. I did sell some when we were doing the house renovation and I realised I couldn't do it all myself and that we needed to get contractors in. Somehow.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Good. How great. Yes. Isn't that amazing? Yes. If I was losing, like, cause that would be $700,000. I'm having a, yeah, I'm having a total change of mind here. I was just like, how's Jack? He has absorbed a $700,000. I'm having it. Yeah. I'm having a total change of mind here. I was just like, how's Jack?
Starting point is 00:25:05 He has absorbed a $700,000 loss. Like an absolute champion. Now a hundred still a lot, but it's a different game than me. And then you lost nearly a million dollars. Almost a million dollars. No, that would be harder to swallow. And that's why I hate seeing it go up. We're not having fun anymore.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Are we? I thought we moved on several minutes ago. Get it out, get it out. Safe place. Just so you know, there's the person we don't talk about, right? You probably have saved that amount of money, Jack, over time, from the person we don't talk about. No, the reason I'm bringing that up, Pam, is if he loses that.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Imagine. Imagine. A very sad weasel on our hands then, won't we? Let's tread carefully. Why is that weasel dragging itself around in a flood of tears? That weasel's got a hard luck story. I think we should move on. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill it.
Starting point is 00:26:02 No, no, we'll come back to it. We do need some, we need some Assai leads. Better than that. Should we put a little bit in Coke? Now I feel like it's gonna boom. Nah, nah. No, no. Hey, people keep sending them in.
Starting point is 00:26:20 It's one of the greatest gifts for us, but a gift that we give back to all the listeners, together as a community, will be more powerful in social situations than anyone else. Let's one of the greatest gifts for us, but a gift that we give back to all the listeners together as a community will be more powerful in social situations than anyone else. Let's jump into the power moves. I actually got one from my own personal wife, Ando. Right. To start off, you wouldn't think bedwetting is a power move, would you?
Starting point is 00:26:42 No. As an adult. No, no. Not often do you wake up in a wet bed and go, bam! Got you, honey. I didn't use the toilet. But I don't think bedwetting is a power move if you're an adult and you do bedwetting. I don't think it's a power move as a kid either.
Starting point is 00:27:00 It's just, you know, it's a phase you go through. But it can be a power move, we're experiencing experiencing in our house. If you're a cat and you're a new cat to the house. And especially if your brother potato is using the litter tray and you, Jimothy, wait till the door to the master bedroom is open and always jump up onto Zoe's side of the bed and piss the bed. That's a pound move because the human being that pays for your life to exist and looks after you then has to sleep with your piss in its face. That's quite the pound move if you ask me. Yeah, we don't know why he's doing it, but the vet said it's a-
Starting point is 00:27:42 Let's get Dr. Chris Brown back on because I've got some piss-based questions as well about Henry. Like that I just- Well, the thing is, here's a weird thing to say, but we all know dogs are a little bit more intelligent than cats. As a cat lover, I hope I'm not drawing too much Roth here. But it's like the great thing about cats is the litter tray. It's just like, they're so good normally. Like it's just so contained and it's so done. So it throws you for a loop when they start,
Starting point is 00:28:07 cause you can't really train a cat in the same sense. There's no cat obedience schools. Cats are doing what they want. So when the behavior starts moving outside of accepted bounds, I don't know what's going on. Cause it's like, well, you get all these people giving you different opinions, like, oh yeah, he's uncomfortable, he's nervous, he's alpha,
Starting point is 00:28:24 alphaing you. Like, I think he's uncomfortable. He's nervous. He's alpha, alpha in you. Like I think he's lazy. I don't know. I don't know what he's doing. I don't think he's even thinking about it. He just likes to do a piss there. But with a dog, it's more trainable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Like you've got a level of obedience for a dog. We'll get him back on. I'm just scrambling. I'm trying to make sure that cat people don't write in angry, but I think I believe what I said there. I mean, you don't see working cats at sheep farms and stuff. Like we all know cats and dogs have different levels of obedience. Cats are still good.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I have two. I adore them. One's a little bit in trouble at the moment. Hey, PowerMove here from Hannah Dore. So PowerMove, my partner introduced a star chart at work, brackets, he is not the boss. Occasionally he'll look at a colleague, silently nod and go and give them a star. Other times, he'll silently shake his head and go and remove a star. This comes in from Jay. Whenever someone's telling you something they're proud of, have worked very hard towards for
Starting point is 00:29:33 quite some time, simply reply with, that's a great place to start. For instance, Hey Jay, great news. I just ran a 5k in my PB time of 20 minutes. Your response, well, that is a great place to start. Love it. This comes in from Adam. It's a beach power move. So for those going on a European holiday, you might want to use this around this time of year. If you go for a swim in the ocean in the morning, afterwards go up to someone who clearly hasn't been for a swim.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Ask, how was the water? They will reply, oh sorry, I don't know, I haven't been for a swim. Then say, oh well, it's not for everyone. Jocelyn. Howdy boys, gusto to you. Gusto to you, Jocelyn. Howdy boys, gusto to you. She's witnessed a power move in the wild between her husband, she writes a very muscular, gym junkie kind of guy, and a store attendant at their local pool shop. She says a smaller chick with a little and skinny frame, Jocelyn's words.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Husband goes to pick up the 22 kilogram bag of salt. Store attendant says, do you want me to get that for you? Husband says, no thanks, I've got it. Store attendant says, ah, you must be stronger than you look. Here's the best bit. Husband replies, oh thanks. Then Jocelyn says, I had to go over to him laughing going, babe, she thinks you look weak as piss. He's, he's just heard strong and going, Oh, thanks. No, no, that's not a compliment, my friend. Gentlemen, I come to you for, I suppose I'm interested in a ruling, both a social ruling
Starting point is 00:31:28 and an official ruling. Yeah, what a great place for this type of thing. That's what I thought. And in fact, Jack, there's a chance here, this is to do with the card game, Uno, or Uno, depending on what family you're in. There's a chance here that I think we could broaden this out. It's one of those, this is like a keep it or delete it. It's a real 50-50 between like deeply interesting
Starting point is 00:31:47 or ferociously boring. Like, perhaps if because I was thinking you love board games, Jack. We love games. I'm already in. I know you're working on the Hey Mission Andy board game. We're excited on updates. As soon as he gets to tracking down the CEO of Mars. That's part of your large stack of work on your hobby inbox. But if this is interesting, like we, you know, the test could be like if someone came to
Starting point is 00:32:16 the show and they were like, oh, I've got a ruling I would like to dig deep on for settlers of Catan or whatever. Just for board games. No, it could just for board games. Nah, let's be very clear here. Any games. We're not going to be the place. Well, Jack said he was interested.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Board game, separate podcast. You know, like as board games get more advanced, like I told you guys about Everdell, the one with the woodland critters where you have to bring it, build a city. Yeah, I might have deliberately forgotten about that. There's so many, so each animal has their own individual powers. So a lot of the time when you're trying to like match one animal's power with another building's power, you do come across a lot like what happens in this scenario.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Cause it's great. Right. Okay. Sometimes people discuss it on forums, but they weren't. We're sputtering on the runway here. We're not seeing any wheels off the tarmac yet for this segment. However, I believe that Jack... But a great glimpse of what this show could have been if we'd accidentally... No, hang on. I'm actually not trying to say. I think there could be a rich vein here as being the show that will delve into the grey areas on some game rulings.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Okay. Mine's to do with, you know, fine. We know we're a big, you know, family, right? It's like this last but over the previous summer, I would say that's been a summer of, you know, right? Just with the kids are about that age, it's a it's a great one for taking out to dinner. If you're going out for like a five thirty dinner over summer. And you see it's, once you do it,
Starting point is 00:33:45 you see other takes, because 5.30 sittings are for people with kids. Like I often eat at restaurants and go, oh God, these guys aren't doing very well at all. Like there's hardly anyone in here. I like this restaurant, I don't want to go under. And then you go, might go back another week at 7.30, and it's booming.
Starting point is 00:33:59 And then you realize, oh, the reason I never see it full is we're always here at five o'clock. So when you look around at the other five o'clock is it's not uncommon to see other families with their GLAAD bag full of, you know, cards. Like it's a, it's a, it's a thing. Right. So we've had a big sum of, you know, played hundreds of games. Something happened the other week.
Starting point is 00:34:19 We're still going strong. Something happened the other, it was actually almost two weeks ago now. That was a clash between Zo and I. Okay. I think in front of the kids. Yeah. And, and I don't want to lead the witness here, but obviously I believe I'm probably right. Okay. What was the scenario? Okay. So we all know when it gets down to one card, you have to yell, you know. Yes. Okay. Now the rule, and then if you don't yell that once you get down to a card, if someone else yells, gotcha, you have to pick up two or four different families play different rules.
Starting point is 00:34:53 We go with four, but I've seen two. Okay. So you get penalized for not saying, you know, now I believe that the, the cutoff that is the next move, right? It's just to stop that scenario where as soon as someone puts it down, like if you put it down and they say, you gotcha. That was the most annoying part is everyone's like, I was about to say, you know, like my hand's still on the card.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Right. So this happens, right? Zoe gets down. We've got two of us left. It's heads up, you know? Okay. So Rudy's obviously like one of the kids has won. Probably both the kids have come first and second. We're playing for honor. So it's heads up, you know, we all know Rudy's obviously one of the kids is one, probably both the kids have come first and second, we're playing
Starting point is 00:35:25 for honor. So it's heads up, you know, we all know when you get skips and reverses, that's just back to you, back to you, back to you. That's the fun move of two player, you know, so Zoe has two cards left. And she plays a green skip, for example. So she thinks she's about to put the last one down to one down to one card, but it's like a yellow five. Yep. She can't play it on the green skip. She plays the green skip, comes back to her, she can't play it. She picks up. Okay. You then-
Starting point is 00:35:54 Listen to me, and I go, gotcha. Yes. And she goes, well, no, I'm on two cards. I go, yeah, but you dipped into, you know, and you came back. Yeah, yeah, no, no. Okay, and you came back. And you came back and your turn ended and I waited. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Now it's my turn. And I gotcha. Yes. I gotcha because you dipped, because you dipped into you. Cause you dipped in, you dipped in. She goes, I started my turn on two. I ended my turn on two. There was no window for you to call gotcha because at no point did I have one card in my hand where it was legal for you to gotcha me. That's
Starting point is 00:36:31 interesting. This comes down to the rule though of when you're allowed to call it. You're doing the polite weight rule. Yeah. Yeah, how we would play My House is you can jump in before the next go so you, while she was on one card, you could have said, Uno, by the time she's picked up the second card, I agree with Zoe, you're on two cards. She got away with it. She's on two cards. Yeah, that's a toughie because I've never played the polite weight rule. Ours is always a jump in.
Starting point is 00:36:59 It's a jump in, but then you get into that difficult area where you go. I hate it. That is difficult. The difficult area where you go, the difficult area where you go, well, I don't want to be a jerk and say it as soon as you can't hit the pile. So maybe there should be. Should I have left a sporting pause? Yeah, a sporting pause.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I think that's what we're looking for. It's our prior opportunity. So then it becomes us. It's our prior opportunity. It becomes umpire's call. OK, so joining us on the There's some great producing from Carl She has tracked down the lead product designer or Mike have been too busy trying to think of three things You know, I'm flat out Mike's flat out linking guitar oboe and cello. So
Starting point is 00:37:37 We've got the lead product designer from Mattel really, you know, right globally He's in the US. Yeah. His name, his name is Nick. Yep. Howdy, how y'all doing? Right. First one off the, off the rack for Nick. UNO or UNO coming out of head office.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah, over here we pronounce it UNO. And I think that's because we live a little closer to Mexico where they speak Spanish. That's, that makes perfect sense. And we of course little closer to Mexico where they speak Spanish. That's that makes perfect sense. And we, of course, live closer to Australia where we butcher vows. That's what we say, you know. Okay. Nick, you heard all that, hem?
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yeah, Nick, did you hear the scenario that played out? I did. I did. And it was a roller coaster. Yeah. Yeah. Before we delve into the actual situation at hand, what is the official rule of when you can yell, gotcha?
Starting point is 00:38:29 Well, I'm glad you asked. I actually popped open a fresh pack of Uno before this call so I could make sure I was quoting everything properly. The official rule is you have until the next player takes their turn to catch the person if they had forgotten to call it. So I think you know, for a player game. As soon as the card goes down. Right. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:38:53 If I am on my last card, I don't say anything. As soon as the next player plays their card, I'm safe. Right? So we were playing, you can't say anything during the turn. It's sort of when the next person goes to play. That's when you're like, hey, we've caught you because you missed your opportunity. Right. That's a little too gentlemanly. That's according to the official rules when you've lost your chance to catch someone is once that
Starting point is 00:39:13 next player takes their turn. Oh, okay. This is good. So in that scenario of my wife playing the reverse, the skip, she's down to one as she's reaching to pick up, the skip, she's down to one, as she's reaching to pick up off the pile because she couldn't get rid of that last card, that's when I should have jumped in and gone. Exactly, yes. Because the two player, Uno gets really weird rules-wise when you're playing just two players. So technically, she played her, you know, green skip or whatever, down to one card, and then it's her turn again. So she's the next player.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Once she plays or touches the card to pick it up, that's her taking your turn. So you had from after she played the skip up until she grabbed that card to get it. So Nick, how do you then combat, and I'm sure this is tossed around probably weekly at the big board meeting at Mattel, how do you combat people like as the card goes down, everyone yelling gotcha while people try to sell, you know, it's just a mess of sound. Oh yeah. Well, so it's, there's a lot of, and I'm doing air quotes here in the spirit of the game, you know, but we did tackle this once when we ran our uno 50th anniversary
Starting point is 00:40:34 tournament, which was a real tournament we held in Las Vegas, where we, there was real money on the line and we needed some real bulletproof rules. Yeah. Um, what happened under the competition rules. This is great. So this, again, this is, this was only tournament rules. Yeah. What happened under competition rules? This is great. Yeah. So this again, this was only tournament rules. This is friendly family rules. No one said anything about friendly for this match.
Starting point is 00:40:58 This was cutthroat. Yeah. The tournament rules were the person had to have had to let go of the card before the window opened. And then again, when the player played the window closes. Okay, so is it is it it was to be acceptable play in a tournament when you're down to two as you're placing your card down? You're saying, you're so you're you can't be got but you can as the card moves from the deck of two through the air on its way traveling down to the to the discard pile that's your window to call Uno. Yes and then that's how we actually do it in the office is you're saying Uno as you're playing your second to last card. Ah not after. That makes more sense.
Starting point is 00:41:39 That's the windows. Then people aren't gonna forget. Yeah because they can't jump in while you've got one in your hand. Right. It's that movement. It's the two to one movement holding both cards. Yes. Nick, this has been so insightful. And I'm not sure if you heard the start of the segment, but there was a chance that this was never coming back when Jack started talking about funny little critters. But you really made this a focus for us. And yes, we will be the home for any future board game
Starting point is 00:42:07 disputes and if it's Mattel, Nick, annoying for you, but we're going to have to call you. I'd be happy to join. There's one little thing I wanted to mention. You kind of touched on it. That draw four for catching Dezoy and Arcana, you know, that's a house rule, bud. Yep. So it's definitely two. Mate, if you ever come to Australia, come play in the big leagues at our house, mate. Wear a helmet, Nick. We don't muck around.
Starting point is 00:42:33 We don't muck around. That's right. My wife actually doesn't listen to the podcast. So when I tell her about this, I'm going to say Nick said I was right and it's meant to be 410. Thank you, Nick. Really appreciate Nick, really appreciate it mate. My pleasure. Thanks mate.

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