Hamish & Andy - 2024 Ep 255 - Guess Who's Coming To Hamish's House!

Episode Date: June 5, 2024

Hamish has a very special guest coming to his house and asks the guys to guess who it might be. Liv comes down to Melbourne to showcase her Treadmill Special Skill - so how will she fare under the pre...ssure of winning a coin? Andy thinks Bec is an Escape Room champion, and wants to see if she'd join a national team, and the guys go through the A-Z of special Aussie coins and wonder what took the spot for 'H.'  1. Guess who’s coming to Hamish's house 2. Liv the Milage Mindreader - Treadmill special skill 3. Will Bec compete in the escape room national championships? 4. Glasses are a scam 5. A - Z of Aussie commemorative coins 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A listener production. Activate your internet. Because the Hamish and the podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. One. Ahoy to my septicemic Hamish. Oh, that's bad. That's not a compliment. That's blood poisoning.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Ahoy to my bubonic. Oh, they're plagues. Yes, they are. And I'm pneumonic. How do you differentiate a plague? Buponic plague is caused by bacterium flu like symptoms. Septicemic is a systemic disease
Starting point is 00:00:49 involving infection in the blood. As Hamish just said. Had it in my ankle earlier this year. Shout out to antibiotics. Appreciate you and what you have done for us. Probably got bitten by an
Starting point is 00:01:00 infected flea. I didn't. Always. I had an open wound in water. And I actually had an open- You just snuck in, I reckon. It might have got done by an aqua flea, but I had an open wound that I then was taking
Starting point is 00:01:12 to harbour beaches in Sydney to, under my assumption- Yeah, saltwater. Saltwater kills germs. And then I went to the doctor and went, why is my ankle so puffy? She went, oh my God, you've got, it's gone septic. You've got, that's poisoning. It's got into your joint. I'm glad you got onto this, why is my ankle so puffy? She went, oh my God, it's gotten septic. That's poisoning.
Starting point is 00:01:25 It's got into your joint. I'm glad you got onto this, because you can die from this. Well, it's always fatal unless untreated. Yeah, well, it's one of those ones where like 100 years ago before antibiotics, you're dead from a scratch. There's just 100, or you're losing your leg.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Weak of antibiotics, good as gold. But I went to the, I was like, I can't believe it's got infected. Like I did get this kind of, I was on the top of my, where the foot hits the ankle on the top side. Like, yeah, I had this skin come off, but I've been going in the ocean to wash it out. She's like, don't go in the ocean. That's filthy. I would have done the same thing. And then I go, no, because, and I just realised this is my era. I was about to say, my dad told me. And I was like, uh-oh, this is one of those things that Nol's put in my head from a kid. Soon as you get a cut, my dad told me. I was like, uh oh. This is one of those things
Starting point is 00:02:05 that Nol's put in my head from a kid. Soon as you get a cut, go in the ocean. Wash it out. You'll never need a doctor again. Just go in the ocean for every kind of cut or abrasion. And it had got infected from that. Jack's the most famous of us. The bubonic plague. Yep. Black Death back in the 14th century. Took out 50 million people. Sorry about that. Yeah. thank you. Are you? Because it seemed a bit casual. And then mine's more of a lung infection, you know, shortness of breath.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Yep. Good fun stuff. That's toughy. Ahoy also to Kurt from Perth who used the very easy to use system, HamishNanny.com to tell us what he's been up to. Ahoy Hamish, Andy and little boy Jack. It's Kurt from Perth here. He's just a little boy.
Starting point is 00:02:47 On the weekend I drove off from home and left a basket of pegs on the back of my car which has now been strewn all over the road and I've lost them, couldn't find them. So now I've just got a bunch of pegs sitting on the ground at home, don't have a peg basket. Just hang up my washing with the pegs, throw them on the ground afterwards, fast and loose, baby.
Starting point is 00:03:11 It's fucking upset Andy in there. Grab another basket. Grab another peg basket. If time permits. In my head, that would be the thing, just to go, who's leaving the house to go on a peg basket mission? If I remember when I'm near the peg basket store to get one, maybe I'll get it. But unlikely you're ever getting another basket. And look, he's got a system that works.
Starting point is 00:03:34 He knows where the pegs go. They go on the floor. They go on the ground. Hey, I want to kick off today's show with an exciting game. Now we all, we all love it when Andy goes to Los Angeles and he comes back and he's seen some celebs. Yes. And he plays Guess Who I Saw.
Starting point is 00:03:50 And he gives us clues and we guess the celebrity. I played my own version. It was a bit of a hit last year in Denmark. I wasn't expecting to see someone of the caliber I saw, nor was I expecting to share the lift with her. But lo and behold, probably Bruce Springsteen's wife. Yes. What was her name again?
Starting point is 00:04:09 How dare you Jack? Ask him all. Um, no, Bruce Springsteen's wife, Maggie? I thought it was a P. Yes, could have been a P. Saw her twice. Okay. Had a conversation with her once, almost certainly her.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And that was a lot of fun. And we were like, okay, so you can do this too. But I took the feedback. The feedback was like, hey, that's not good enough for this game. And he's trying to run high caliber. And so it's easy to go to Los Angeles and see a big star. But having someone pretty big time come to your house, that's a different thing. This hasn't happened to me yet. It's about, so someone's coming to your house. But they're on their way. Guess who's coming to your house.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Guess who's coming to my house. Okay. Now I will give you guys a fair chance here. I'm going to start the clues are cryptic. No, but he does live nearby. Okay. He's invited me to his house, but he's away at the moment. And shooting a block. And very available outside of the block Okay. He's invited me to his house, but he's away at the moment shooting a block.
Starting point is 00:05:05 And very available outside of the block shooting. He's up for that. Have you ever had a celebrity come to your house, Jack? I have not. No, not really. I'm trying to think, like, besides you guys or besides Christian Aikonil, I do the breakfast radio show with, I can't say I've had a celebrity. Has he been to your house?
Starting point is 00:05:23 He's been to my house, yeah. More than us? It would have been, Go on, been to Jack's new house. We've guys not been to my new house. We haven't invited. It needs to be something that happens before you go to someone's house. I noticed you've been to Andy's Beach House a fair few times. So you know the thing that you did to get to Andy's Beach House, which is like, hey, can you invite me? Yeah, you just need to give us one of those.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I would love to invite you guys to the house. When will it happen? When it's right? We love to be out. My the house. When will it happen? When it's right. Who would you love to be our team? My hands are tired of this one. Is it because of our surprise housewarming from last time that it put a sour taste in your mouth when we all came over and woke you up? Yeah, I feel like every time you come, you're rascals in some sort of way. I actually have never had you guys at my house for like just a nice sit down dinner.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Not a dinner, but I did come for a nice drop in to see Gordy when you were born. That's true. That's right. And there was no tricks or pranks. So you think until you find out that that was the Gordy was switched when he was there. We, I came over with Sonny, we helped build the house. Now that was a long time ago. Well, I'm trying to think of a nice time. Okay. Well, I guess who's coming to your...
Starting point is 00:06:27 Andy, you've had Frank Stallone at your house. Frank Stallone. Well, we remember that. And then we had Kylie Minogue and Leia. We did too. That's true. In London. London.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Back in my chair house days, remember we did the show from my house. Russell Brand came along. Russell Brand came along. Missy Higgins played from the lounge room. Yep. I mean, that was a big show because we were waiting for the couch to come over. Yep. I was in. Russell Brand came along. Russell Brand came along. Missy Higgins played from the lounge room. Yep. I mean, that was a big show because we're waiting for the couch to come over. Yep.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I got someone coming to our house. Okay. Clue? On a scale from Bruce Springsteen's wife to Kylie Minogue. Fair question. Where are we sitting? I don't see scales. I don't see scales. I just know that this is an interesting and
Starting point is 00:07:07 big name. And we definitely know them. Yeah, yeah, yes. Would this person be eligible? Let's not start with too many questions. Can we play the game? Okay. My first clue is hammer. A hammer. It's not MC Hammer. It's not MC Hammer.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Chris Hemsworth and Thor. Jack, I thought it was pretty cryptic, but you are right in the slot. Chris Hemsworth. He's coming. Cat whisperer. How's that? What do you mean? So like, there's a guy that claims to be a cat trainer. I think it might be a woman. A woman?
Starting point is 00:07:45 One of our cats, Jimothy, is doing a few too many turds on Zo's pillow. We talked about this. And it's not stopping. And it seems tough thing about a cat. You just don't know why they're doing it. And we've got to stop this. Anyway. This person is not owned by Chris Hemsworth.
Starting point is 00:08:00 You said we would know them. That's why I stopped the game. I said you'd be aware of the name. My question was going to be, and I think the answer is yes, would this person qualify for I'm a celebrity, get me out of here? And I think that is about. That's about right. That is about right.
Starting point is 00:08:16 But the point being, so we've been like, okay, we can't sort this out. Jimothy, you're an absolute handful. Cue the button. We just got to stop the, we've got gotta stop the ones and twos on Zo's pillow. Then a friend of ours was like, oh, I know this person that is incredible with cats. They're the cat whisperer, they can change a cat's behavior. They even did it for Chris Hemsworth.
Starting point is 00:08:38 He loves them. Okay. So from what I understand, the Hemsworth family has had great success with this woman. I believe it is a woman. They've had great success with her to the point, I think she has been back and forth to their, to the Hemsworth's house many times, always successfully altered the cat's behavior. Well, so therefore she is.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Now that's a worry. No, I think they have separate cats. No, separate cats. How many cats does he have? Four. No, if he's have separate cats. How many cats does he have? Four. If he's going back all the time, you would hope. For each of the four cats.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Is it one of these things where they go... Like a chiropractor. Yeah, you've got to come back 10 weeks in a row. She's not like that. She's the best in the business. She's an A-list cat whisperer. So when is she whispering to Jimothy? Two weeks. Hard to get a booking.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Cause of the Hemsworth connection. Cause you're going back there all the time. He's unhappy. Cause of Hemsworth connection. He's wrapped. He hasn't seen her for six months. Just letting you know, things are looking up. Hemsworth cat's whisperer is coming over to our house. And if she does for us, what she's done for him, we'll be happy with Hemsworth.
Starting point is 00:09:46 That's the service I'm moving in. Wow. Gosh, thanks for still hanging out with us. Ando, this morning we went out, took the recording equipment out because we needed to record a special skill that had been previously nominated. People might remember Olivia. She is a treadmill enthusiast. Well, we assume she's a treadmill enthusiast because she spends a lot of time on the tready and she realized she covered up all the screens, all the digits.
Starting point is 00:10:24 She had a knack for being able to feel out distances. So her challenge to us was, you put me on a treadmill. She didn't know what treadmill she was on. No, she's like, you put me on a treadmill and you can set the speed. Like obviously don't set it at 50 kilometers an hour. You set it at a reasonable human speed and tell me the distance you want. And I will run. I'll like let the tremolo also the hard part is the tremolo has to get up to that speed.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yep. So it's not like it's not going. It there's also that variable bit at start. I'll run at that pace and I'll try and land it exactly on the distance. We're like, okay, this, this requires some seeing. We're going to give her three attempts and she was allowed 60 meters of error. Yes, across the three attempts. So the beauty of that being if you nail the first two, you know, you've got 60
Starting point is 00:11:13 up your sleeve, you know, we all know how it works. So she came in from a small town called Blaney. Tough, tough commute. She was very tired. Not available. She was available, was not kind to her, but it doesn't matter. The adrenaline of the, of race day pumped her up. We went out, we saw her this morning.
Starting point is 00:11:36 There was a girl called Liv who had a special skill. She do run, run, run. She do run, run. It involves guessing distance on a treadmill. She do run, run, run. she do run, run. It involves guessing distance on a treadmill. She do run, run, run, she do run, run. Yeah, we can set the pace. Yes, she'll know how far she's raced. Within a few meters, she is straight up ace.
Starting point is 00:11:58 She do run, run, run, she do run, run. Well, this is very exciting. We're on site, we're looking at a treadmill, and Olivia's with us. Ahoy. Ahoy boys. Ahoy. Understand, I mean we're here for some running, but you've had quite the run around today already haven't you?
Starting point is 00:12:19 Yeah. Cheapest available always, not the most reliable. I literally was getting texts at midnight, 2am, 3am. Was on the phone to rex at 6am, but you know, it's fine. It's all good, it's what we do. They do biggies. They didn't say when they'd do them. Just said that they'd do them. Are you here now?
Starting point is 00:12:38 Yes. Clear of mind? Yep, very clear. Okay, what I love about this special skill is everyone's been on a treadmill and they're notoriously not the most entertaining machines, although these days they put Netflix and stuff on them. But there are games you find to make the time pass if being on a treadmill is your kind of thing. What you're able to do is wonderful.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I think we all understand how hard this would be. We're going to start you from a standing start, so the treadmill's at zero. We all know when you hit go on the treadmill, it obviously has to warm up. It can't go straight into running at 10km an hour. The rules are simple. We get three distances and we nominate the speeds at which you have to hit those distances and you're going to stop the treadmill as close to bang on the distance as possible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:22 You've got 60 metres to use up total. Yeah, a variance. Across the three goes. 60 aerometers. How do you feel about this particular trebules? The one you're used to? No. Oh, foreign game.
Starting point is 00:13:34 In Blaney, they're not as flash as this. Right. This is flash. Where's Blaney exactly? Near Orange and Bathurst. Yeah, yeah. I would have thought that's decent treadmill country. Wrong. No, they're okay, but yeah, no big screen or anything like this, but should be fine.
Starting point is 00:13:51 So this is a city treadmill? This is a city treadmill. This is a Melbourne treadmill. Sorry guys, the treadmill I've been using has a bloke called Darren in a chalkboard and he writes the distance down and that's how I'm so good at guessing it. I didn't know you could do it digitally. Yes. All right Liv, well I think within 60 obviously it's a coin we're going to say within 10 meters of total distance it's an eight coin coin here. Five meters. If you get like 10 meters because it has to go in equals 10. Yeah 10 meters. If you can get all three and only use 10 metres of error. Yeah, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Okay, come on. I want to start things off with 200 metres at 7 kilometres an hour. Alright, sound good? Yeah. Go ahead. So we're going to start the workout. Three, two, one. Okay, three, two, one.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I'll set the speed. It's up to six, yeah. It's up to six. It's the warming up. She's doing that weird thing where you have to walk a bit. You set it. And now she's off to seven. Okay, now just for people wondering,
Starting point is 00:14:51 we have the distance covered on the screen. I'm peeking through the edge. So I can see the distance. The only thing that Liv can see is her speed, which is seven kilometres an hour, and time elapsed. Gee, it really takes its time to get going though, doesn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:08 It's seven kilometres an hour. I think so. It's a fast walk. Yeah, it is. It's an awkward bit between a walk and a run. She's power walking away. How many metres are we going here? 200.
Starting point is 00:15:20 200 metres. I want to let you focus, Liv. Yes. Okay, she's focused. Haim, don't give anything away. I'm just saying, do you want to pull it? I'll just hit this red stop. Yep, that should do it.
Starting point is 00:15:34 So Olivia, going completely by feel, Howell walked her way to what she vibed out to be 200 metres. An awkward fast walk. The slowest speed you'd ever see an athlete and the top speed you used to see John Howard walk at. Yeah! Stop. Wow, that was so good.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Oh! Oh, point one nine. She's 10 fingers off. I love how definitive you hit it and I reckon if you could take that to a next decimal place, it'd be like 0.194. I reckon that if it was play, if I hit play it would bang go to 0.2 like that. I reckon it would.
Starting point is 00:16:12 You can't though, stop though. You can't though, because I saw it go to 0.9 and I was like, oh hold it, hold it. And then she said, but gee that is really good. And she remained focused. Yeah, we were chatting. When I was trying to describe that it was a similar walk to when there's no running in a pool but the water slides open. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Okay, so she's used 10 of her allotted 60. Ham, what are you gonna put in next? Let's go longer distance. 6'10 top speed. 610 metres at your top speed of 10 kilometres an hour. Did you think we would take- Starting from a standing start, so again there's the variable.
Starting point is 00:16:45 How's when I was training hard because I've got two little kids, but I was like, ah, they won't make me run further than 200, I don't reckon. Oh! Ha ha ha ha! We've got them, we've got three people.
Starting point is 00:16:58 And I thought, there'll be one walk in there, there'll be a five or a six. I believe in you. Alright. So now it's a, an endurance challenge. We've got three, two, one. 10 K's an hour and how far? 610. 610 metres. Okay. Amish working his way up to 10 kilometres an hour. Huge 610 did you say? 610. People would think that that's a little unfair of us. We should have had it set out. I haven't asked her to run a half marathon. But my point
Starting point is 00:17:36 is it's not often that we invent the actual challenge after it. Normally people set it after it. Normally people sit in this. That's true, that's true. 610 you say. 610 feel it out. How far do you think you've gone now? 80 maybe. Liv was clearly a good runner and we clearly overestimated how hard it is to run 610 meters at 10 kilometres an hour. The treadmill was going pretty fast and it was taking a while. How far do you think you've gone now Liv? I'm not sure. I'll be with you in a second. Okay she's just feeling it out. Good. She needs to focus. She's just showing no signs of physical fatigue.
Starting point is 00:18:17 She's chugging along. I would have had a break I think. Stop. She stopped. Let's have a a break I think. Stop. She stopped. Let's have a look. 580. Ohhhh. Okay, you've used another 30.
Starting point is 00:18:31 You've used 40 from your... 40? Oh, there are a lot of 60. Your error bucket, you need... Only 20 left. You've got 20 up your sleeve. The confidence of the first one, is that still carrying through or is it all diminished? You'll probably make me run 800 metres now.
Starting point is 00:18:46 No, no, we won't do that. We won't do that. Let's scale it in between. You do only have 20 of your sleeves but you have no sleeves. So that is the tough thing about this. Let's get you, what do you reckon, Ando? I'm going to go 420 metres at 9 kilometres, Ham. I like that.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Now, where for you? Got that in the tank. Here like that. Now for you. Got that in the tank. What was it, sorry? At 9. Okay. Go. Han hits the 9 kilometre button straight away. Racing.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Again, we're through the slow walk. Like the kids are walking to the water slide. Then one of them just breaks the rules and is running. Again we're through the slow walk, like the kids are walking to the water slide, then one of them just breaks the rules and is running. So while we watched Liv smash out 420 metres, the margin of error for her was tiny. She could land no more than 20 metres either side of 420 if she was going back to Blaney with a coin. For those interested in Liv's running style, yep, really good.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Great arm biomechanics, great heel strike. She's concentrating. The longer the harder you would say, Han. As if we said go for 10 metres, she's already won. Stop. The tension in the gym was at an all-time high. Liv was sweaty. We were sweaty. A guy called Derek going for a PB on the leg press was sweaty.
Starting point is 00:20:08 He was looking over. Would she nail a coin? A few more seconds. This is interesting. Stop. Oh my god. 420. It's bang on!
Starting point is 00:20:21 It's bang on! You finished with 20. You didn't need them. No! bang on! It's bang on! You finished with 20. You didn't eat them. Whoa! Bang on! That is...that's unreal. Thanks guys. How do you feel? Yeah, very happy to be getting a coin. Yes, you should be. So are we because there's normally failures on this show.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Will it stop at security? Yeah, you don't know, only if you're going international because that's when you have something worth more than $10,000 on you But you can fly domestic with something worth eight. I mean, yeah, it's super valuable though There'll be eyebrows raised but no look. It's all yours now Let's do the coin presentation. We'll give you a unique coin number. Keep that safe For reasons that it's now been many years since we explained why you have to keep your unique coin number safe But and how are your keys?
Starting point is 00:21:08 20 months and just 12 weeks old. Oh now they're set for life. I didn't birth the second one my wife did so I take one bag of groceries she takes the next bag of groceries. Everyone's like 12 weeks and I'm like yeah don't explain it. I'm out here winning running competitions. I look forward to you explaining to you two little ones exactly what you've done today. Two boys. Awesome. Well, Mum's been off making that sweet coin.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Well done, Liv. Congratulations. Thanks, boys. Thanks so much. Hey, I'm going to attempt something exciting here with a friend of ours, Mish. Mish, welcome. Thank you so much for having me. Mishy Whitrup, if you can check out Mish actually, your stand-up comic and also a ride on the 100, which is awesome. But Bec and I went and did an Escape Room recently. Turns out Bec was actually really good at it.
Starting point is 00:22:06 And I shouldn't say that like actually really good at it, because, but Elliot, who I did, one of Bec's best friends and I, we walked out and we both said, we were really surprised with you, Bec. And she said, I was surprised with myself. If she's ever kidnapped by someone with a flair for cryptic clues, then... I won't be worried anymore. No, don't worry guys, She'll be home within the hour.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Exactly. And so she was chuffed. Yeah. You know, and so I said- She made the mistake of showing an emotion around Andy with a podcast to fill that very week. And I said to her friend about, Jess said, Jess, Beck and I, we did the escape room. She was, yeah, Beck told me, you know, and she was very good with us. And she was, oh yeah, she was.
Starting point is 00:22:44 This is going on the CV. She was trying to should be because she was, we did it afterwards. We're going for a drink after. And I said, let's do the MVP. Let's go through all the clues. I think it was 14. Beck got nine by herself without any help from others. I think I got one.
Starting point is 00:23:03 And I think the rest were kind of a group slash the, when you're going too long, the scape route just gives you a little bit of help. What about the corner? Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. I wonder if anything's there,
Starting point is 00:23:16 like when I'm doing Where's Wally with my daughter. I wonder if anything is right here where I'm pointing. Do you think Wally could be there? You know what we should do. After about two minutes on the page. What theme did you have? What was the... It was called the Abandoned Cabin. And it was very scary. Elliot is pretty flamboyant. He got scared at one point and ran backwards into a chest of drawers and badly bruised his back. point and ran backwards into a chest of drawers and badly bruised his back. This is like Jack when you crinked your neck on the way to the croc tours.
Starting point is 00:23:50 So yeah, a fun time was had. We had to fill out a waiver for going. Why? Well, for earlier. They don't want to get sued for people getting injured. I suppose if you never escape, if you die of starvation in there, they're covered. But we thought we could have some fun with this. Mish, when you leave the escape room, you realise someone's been watching you the whole time and they come out and they're always so lovely. No matter how badly or well you went, they go, oh, you guys were so great.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Yeah, that one's a tricky one. Even though they've had to give you five hints for that one. But I bet that they'll directing to Beck, going, you were really good, you were really, really good. Again, chuffed. So I thought, Miss, you could come in today. And we call as if we're from Adventure Rooms in Melbourne. And you want to offer, we'll go through a little bit,
Starting point is 00:24:38 but eventually offering Beck a chance to be on the national championships. Which is, just see how she feels about that. She's made the team. And if we get to a point where maybe she had to select one, maybe Elliot or I, who would she select? Or even if she wants to choose someone entirely different, be interested to see how she feels about that. Have you got everything you need? I think so. I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Okay, okay, good. Let's go. Good luck everybody. We've practiced 7,000 times. Hello. Hello, is that Rebecca Harding? Yes, it is. Hi there, mate. This is Michelle calling from Adventure Rooms in Melbourne.
Starting point is 00:25:10 How are you doing? From where, sorry? From Adventure Rooms in Melbourne. I believe you did an Escape Room with us a few Fridays back at our Bourke Street style. Yes. Awesome. How are you doing? Yeah, good.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine Rooms in Melbourne. I believe you did an escape room with us a few Fridays back at our Burke Street site. Yes. Awesome. How you doing? Yeah, good. Thank you. How are you? Very well. Thank you. So I see here that you guys did the abandoned cabin. Is that right? Yes, that's correct. Amazing. I just wanted to call and say that you were really impressive. We've done so many different escape rooms and I personally haven't seen anyone do it as fast as you.
Starting point is 00:25:46 You were incredible. And I'm assuming at this point that you've done plenty of them. But we just wanted to call and let you know that yeah, you're like the best that I've seen come out of the Burke Street site in a really long time. Our group. Well, to be honest with you, the two blokes you were with weren't so great, but from what I could see, you were incredible. And look, I got your number from the waiver form that you filled out.
Starting point is 00:26:12 And it would be my honor to offer your position possibly for our national championships team if you'd be interested. Oh, that's so nice. Thank you. No, you's so nice. Um, thank you. No, you're so welcome. Um, yeah, oh, is it okay if I have a think about it? Of course, you know, have a think about it.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Let us know if you're welcome to bring one of the guys that you came in with as well. You're obviously who we want. You can bring either one. We don't mind. But we would love for you to have a think about it because we really do think you'd be an asset. Thank you. No, you're so welcome. My partner didn't put you up to this, did he?
Starting point is 00:26:52 Does he work for Adventure Rooms in Melbourne? No, it's just something you do. Oh, okay. No, no, this was purely me and Vanessa, who I believe you worked with that night. She was there. She helped you out. Yeah, I think it was Vanessa.
Starting point is 00:27:08 She was so helpful. Oh, awesome. Yeah, no, and you're welcome to bring either of the guys that you came with. If there's one that you'd like to pick, you're welcome to pick one. Yeah, I mean, I bring my friend Elliot. He was really good. Yeah, amazing. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah. Well, yeah, look, have a think about it. We're more than happy to call you back another time. Um, but again, we just want to say thank you so much. It really was very impressive. You were the best I've seen in at least six months. That's so nice. Thank you. You're so welcome.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Not a problem. Thank you so much for like joining, joining the room. We really loved it. Hey, why would you pick Elliot over me? I knew it. That is so embarrassing. Why would you pick Elliot over me? I knew it. Oh, I'm so sorry, Bec. That is so embarrassing. For what it's worth, you really did sound like you were very good.
Starting point is 00:27:55 I think it was a good choice, Bec. I sound like Elliot was a much more open-ended person. And he was hopeless. From what it sounds like, yeah. And he only got one clue. I got five. You got nine. And Elliot got two. Yeah now you've got two.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah. She remembers the stats. Bec, you were pretty chuffed after that. So can you blame me for not bringing Andy along? No, no. I've done an escape room with Andy and the boys and he was, what can only be described, as overwhelmed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I know exactly what you're talking about. No, no. what can only be described as overwhelmed. I know exactly what you're talking about. No, no. If it wasn't for me, you would have never got out. It would still be there. There would be a skeleton scaring the next group of people. All right, Becca, sorry. That is so embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I'm not sure if there's a national championships. The good news is a date in your diary has just freed up. You do not have to put Nat champs escape room in. I actually thought that I was going to be like Australia's best escape room. I could tell in your voice darling. There's still a chance to be honest. Look, why not? You honestly like you convinced me. All right, let's make it packed.
Starting point is 00:28:59 There'll be no more pranking about this. Like, Mish is not going to do this again. If you do get another call from Adventure Escape Rooms, that is the real call. I would just hate for you to now actually get selected for the national team and you think it's a joke. And then turn it down. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:14 So, no more from us, no more mucking around. The next one's the real call. Bye, sweetie. You guys are the worst. You mean the best, bye. Another happy customer. Fellas, I'm going to mention a couple of our podcasting brethren here, but it's not a, it's certainly not a criticism. It's just more of an observation of the way society's moved.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Certainly in the last 10 years, podcasting has obviously become a lot bigger. And there are a lot of podcasts where you can learn a lot of things now, like a lot of science and stuff. You've got your Hubermans and to a lesser extent sort of Joe Rogan's and people pick up stuff like, you know, great scientific facts. And I think it's generally a good thing that everyone's more educated and they're interested and they're like investing in stuff like I want to make my body better. But there is a certain type of person who really ingests a lot of those facts and like doesn't quite remember them all. But it's just like now I feel like I might be a scientist because I've heard like a bunch
Starting point is 00:30:16 of different things from different places. And they're often just quite healthy things. But I'll give you, I'll give you the scenario. I was traveling and I was at a hotel, hotel had a sauna. Right. It's like, must be nice. It was connected to the gym. Was it, it wasn't the highest end of sauna.
Starting point is 00:30:34 No. So sliding back to common man after being in the gym, you go into the sauna and there's like three or four guys there traveling there from out of town. Hmm. English guys. And just sort of seeing quite a bit of it. But these gym, a couple of these gym guys, they'd heard some stuff on podcasts and they were probably in their 20s.
Starting point is 00:30:53 They were trading some facts and they're doing like, you know, bro, when you wake up, first thing in the morning, you got to look at 20 minutes of sunlight. You hear that? They're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, man, absolutely. And I'm like, man, you know. I can do it in 10. Well, then it's more like, man, I got rid of, you know, and they quite like, man, you know. I can do it in 10. Yeah. Well, then it's more like, man, I got rid of, you know, and they quite like, sometimes there's human people
Starting point is 00:31:08 that like to just tell you the stuff they're doing all the time if you're not interested. One guy's like, man, I got rid of my, I just only run bare feet. Got rid of my, any cushioning, terrible for you. It's not how we evolved. And they're like, yep, yep, yep. The other guy's like, bro, man, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Like fixed my, you know, hip problems or whatever. Like I just run barefoot. He's like, man, we just yep. The other guy's like, bro, man, absolutely. I fixed my, you know, hip problems or whatever. Like I just run barefoot. He's like, man, we just, like all this stuff, it's a scam. Like all the fitness gear, it's a marketing scam. Like you just have to like only be how we evolved. And to a certain extent, I'm like, all right. Did they say this while sitting in a sauna? They're all chatting, right? Yeah, yeah, they're all chatting.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah, yeah. So yeah, exactly. But this is the bit where I guess you evolved in a hot environment. Yeah. Then, and to this point, you're like, whatever works for whoever, that's fine. Then the guy goes, man, this, the alpha dog, who's kind of leading all these big prophecies. This is where I'm like, I think this culture is getting a little bit out of hand. He goes, bro, you know what the biggest scam is? Glasses.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Bro, glasses, they make your eyes better, they make your eyes weaker. Cause your eyes get- and then they're like, bro, exactly, I threw away my glasses. And then he's like, for real, man? And the guy goes, I threw away- now I see perfectly. And I'm like, hang on. Now we're veering into like products that do help people overcome something. And then, then the alpha dog, his main argument goes, man, you don't see birds flying around with glasses.
Starting point is 00:32:34 He goes, you don't see any animals wearing glasses. I was like, yeah, well, we don't see any animals doing chemotherapy either. But like we have, like we don't see donkeys driving cars, but we have seen some, as humans we have made some things that benefit us. But they were just like, as soon as that argument came in, like it's not natural. Everyone was like, yeah, 100%. Yes, if it was, horses would wear glasses. Then I would wear glasses if I saw a horse wearing them. Tough for a bird to get glasses though, because there's no nose to like have the bridge. Sure, sure. Even if there were avian optometrists. And I think, aren't their eyes quite wide for a bird?
Starting point is 00:33:15 Are they on the side of the head or what? Yeah, depends if they're true. Like you've got owls who are predators. I think predators have the front-facing eyes, binocular vision, and then the other ones are, yeah, the ones that are worried about predators have the side eyes. Even so, I take your point. So the market's split, so it's hard for the manufacturer. Oh, and then how do they pay for them? There's so many-
Starting point is 00:33:32 How do they even know about them? So many barriers for birds to evolve into a glasses-wearing species. And then even then, if they wanted them and had the money and could communicate, who's grinding the lenses. Yeah, exactly. The other part is I kind of, I imagine then they'd have to manufacture a pair of glasses that looks like headphones. For different, you know how you've got.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Because their eyes are on the side. It had come across a top band with two kind of lenses over the side. Yep. Well, that's it. I Well, that's the thing. It'd be different. You've got horses for courses. You've got glasses, different specs for different birds. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:10 You'd have to adapt to the bird. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think that's the reason that they never evolved to use glasses. I think some of them just have bad eyes. They probably would love glasses. That's something I wouldn't mind seeing this guy experiment with a bit more.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Leave a selection of glasses out in the wild and see. See if the sunburns take them up and they enjoy them. Hey, quick update on this front. Can I stress? I was gonna say, dollar, that's what I need. And I stress- I was gonna say, this must be so confusing for our listeners, because we are known for announcing grand plans with short timelines, that then get too crunched, peter out, and when I will achieve what we were hoping to achieve.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Here's one thing we gave ourselves a two-year breathing period on. By all rights we should have been feed up for six months. Well what I'm thinking is we go feed up after this week. Right? Because it's not gonna be a Peter out. We've got a two-year timeline. We're not gonna talk about this for a while but I've got this update for us. First of all where we things, we were going to get a note to Jim Chalmers, the Treasurer of Australia, to his hairdresser, who would then pass it on. It had to be on a card that couldn't be reusable, so he couldn't use it, so it couldn't be interpreted as a gift because we don't want to be a bribe. I did send off the note.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I wrote it from Hamish, Nanny and Jack. This is what I've written guys. Hopefully the tone is correct. Hi Jim, please enjoy this card that can't be reused so it cannot be deemed a gift. Hence it can't be construed as a bribe. Hope you're enjoying your... Don't say the, just don't even say the B word to a politician. Oh, it's already sent.
Starting point is 00:36:04 I say yes, that's fine. Get going. Then I tried to just buddy her up a little bit. Hope you're enjoying your... Don't say that. Just don't even say the B word to a politician. Oh, that's already sad. I say, that's fine. I'll keep going. Then I tried to just buddy her up a little bit. Hope you're enjoying your haircut. That style you've chosen really suits you. And I think we'd agree that it does. We did agree. I think we did agree that it was a, he'd done, it was either the hairdresser or him or them
Starting point is 00:36:17 in collaboration had come up with a good, had come up with a good look. Yes. Anyway, we're great. It'd be great to be on a dollar coin. Cheers. Hey, Miss Janie and Jo. Yeah. good look. Yes. Anyway, it'd be great to be on A Dollar Coin. Cheers, Hamish, Janie and Jo. So just pop that in the air. Yeah, I guess it has a bit of assumed knowledge maybe built in there. Or not, like it would be just cool to be on one.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Seed's planted, he's been inceptioned. There's no two ways about that. So that's with his hairdresser now. He didn't come in last month, but I did notice at budget time, he had a haircut. He had a haircut. You reckon so, you wouldn't go into the budget with him. I would say he could have a Canberra emergency person.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Remember how we were saying this? That's true. This is part of, this is a very in touch move from him in his electric to go and sit in the chair, gas bag in the salon, find out what's going on on the streets. But he might have, you know, people that go, listen, let's give you a little snip. This is your biggest gig of the year. Budget time. Where did we land? Did we talk about going for the coin?
Starting point is 00:37:17 Did we talk about paying for the coin ourselves? Yeah. Right. Because we can do that. I think, I mean, I think I just want to know the minimum run. Because unlike the pizza lotto hats that was too big. It was 16 million, wasn't it? Let's pause this conversation and come back to it because I want to throw something else at you. Okay. Comedian and friend of ours, Troy Kinney, he text me yesterday. He said, bought something with cash for the first time in years and got this dollar back
Starting point is 00:37:46 in change today. They can't be serious. Don't tell me it's us. I've just... A little beauty. That's why he's being quiet. He wanted to surprise us. That is so nice, Jim. That's so nice. And with all the budget stuff he had to organise too. That's impressive. Sadly not us. Just text you the same picture that Troy sent me. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:11 It's a nice bovo. It's a biscuit. It's bovo. It's biscuit. It's just a biscuit. It's literally- They've done to it too. Because they realised there's not enough visual excitement with a biscuit.
Starting point is 00:38:26 It's a biscuit with like a swirly design behind it. It's literally a biscuit on a coin. It just says one dollar iced Fovbo. That's what it says. Is that counterfeit? It doesn't look like Australian money. No, I know what that is. I know what it is.
Starting point is 00:38:40 They did a series of A to Z Australian icons. And I guess it was hard to come up with one. No, that's the I. See that bar? I was like, what's that bar doing there? I thought it was for one. That's an I. No, that's an I. That's an I. See, come on.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Come on. They're carrying on about how prestigious- So you guys admit, you admit that sometimes you just don't know what to put there. They carry on about how prestigious this is and they've just put a biscuit on it. Although, here's the worry. If they're doing so iconic Australia stuff, because I'm like, what else did you do for I? Ian Thorpe brings to mind.
Starting point is 00:39:17 But he is alive. It worries me that they would go a biscuit over the man that lit up the pool at the Sydney Olympics. Yeah, that is a worry. Biscuit wins over that. I mean, surely too, if you've given it to a biscuit, if T isn't Tim Tam, there will be, there will be hell to pay. There will be absolute hell to pay. Can you look up what the- Because Ice Fobo is not our best biscuit.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Is T a Tim Tam? Is T a Tim Tams? Is K Kingston? Is K Kingston? Because there are several biscuits better than an Ice Fobo. Koala, fair enough. I suppose the koala is slightly more iconic. Gee, it pays to be not that iconic with an obscure letter. Stitch up for the kangaroo though. Stitch up for the kangaroo.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Kangaroo can feel harder. They're actually on the normal one, Dahl. They're on it all the time. They're on it all the time. About time the kangaroos were given a break. Can you send me the list, Karls? All right, let's just do an absolute speed round, Andy. And you go through speed round. Have you gone, Jack, do you? No, Carly said they change every year. What else are you putting in for H? H, Hamish and Andy. Hamish and Andy. That's all we ask for. Yes. They they change every year. What else are you putting in for H? H, Hamish and Andy. Hamish and Andy, that's all we ask for.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Yes, they do it every year. Carly's spot on, they're doing it every year. Why hasn't anyone got onto this? Can you just get us last year's and go- Or P for podcast. Or W for weasel. Can you just go through fast and O? Yes.
Starting point is 00:40:40 You say what it is and Jack and I will say, are we, do we rank higher or lower than that thing? Oh, and for, in the podcast, and let's just be brutally honest. Do we rank higher or lower in terms of worthiness to be on a coin than that thing? This could come across as a bit arrogant, but I think it's fair. Try and be impartial. Yep. Gut feeling only. Okay. Not trying to be narcissist. We're just trying to get an understanding of what you've got to do to get on the coin. Go. A is three people holding banners that say Ozzy, Ozzy, Ozzy. Obscure.
Starting point is 00:41:13 I mean, it's not a thing really. It is a popular chant. Are they saying the chant? Fine. Fine. I don't want to wade into that, fine. B, book, B, Bush ranges. Well, should we celebrate them? That is iconic Australia. But I'm pretty sure Ned Kelly would have got his own coin before.
Starting point is 00:41:34 So have we covered off on them? Name the other. And you're right about them being bad guys. Yeah, bad guys. Let's not forget they did steal and kill people. So, Jack, name the other four in the top five Bush Rangers of all time. Okay, C. Cockatoo will give them that. This is interesting. D. Darryl Lee,
Starting point is 00:41:58 and they've just got some chalk. No. If he's on, we're on. I agree. Echidna will comment. Already on the five centre. Five? On the five centre? Scraping.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Scraping. We're just saying you're scraping. F. Farmers. Okay, that's good. Not going to argue that. Farmers in general. Me and farmers love farmers. Love farmers.
Starting point is 00:42:16 G. Great Ocean Road. Yeah. It wasn't good. I suppose it wasn't a big like civil protest that got everyone together. This is the one that we could be on. So basically this is us versus them. Us versus them. Hooroo with a guy waving.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Oh, that's so bad. F***ing hell. No. Hooroo. If it had been Hoodoo gurus, yes, they're better than us. They're a great band. Great band, not who-roo. Wow. Look, and here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Nothing really against who-roo in isolation. If someone says it, that's great. But as evidence that there's room for one year to give us a slot in the H's, that tells me they've been struggling for H's for a while. I've got another idea. Surely they're running, what do they do for X? X. Because they go like, that's the hardest. That's always, and you look in any kid's book and just before you turn the page, you're like, well, well, well, we're about to see a bunch of xylophones in X-rays here.
Starting point is 00:43:23 And just before you turn the page, you're like, well, well, well, we're about to see a bunch of xylophones in x-rays here. It's Crux, C-R-U-X. Okay. Which is more commonly known as the Southern Cross. Well, I think they've invented that. Okay. So what if we have- I'm in this poor barrel.
Starting point is 00:43:40 It's being scraped so hard. What if we have two people bowing across each other that makes the letter X? Jack. Cause we know they're going to be desperate for X. It's almost impossible to feel. That is a great plan X. Like that's a great second. So if you're like, if you're not giving us age, what if we made our bodies into an X?
Starting point is 00:44:01 That's a great plan, Jack. I really like the weasel. Don't you think the weasel won't be in there? It would just be much smaller so as not to distract the eye, but a very selfless weasel plan too, because that's reduced it to two people. I like that. It's like, and the X, it's like the seat at a concert that you can't sell. It's like behind the scoreboard or something.
Starting point is 00:44:19 No one wants it. Let us have it. They're going for words that have X's in them. Yeah. Like, you know, if they're going for words that have Xs in them. Yeah. It's like, you know, if they're going for like, oh, Nicole Kidman for X, she's Tom Cruise's ex. Like, we're getting pretty desperate. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:44:40 The Hamish and Andy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishandandy.com.

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