Hamish & Andy - 2024 Ep 256 - The Ultimate Ear Witness

Episode Date: June 12, 2024

The boys are dumbstruck as a tradie walks into the studio and interrupts the podcast... but was it really an accident? The guys play another edition of everybody's favourite pizza based guessing game,... Pizza Lotto, and still wonder if Pino actually understands the rule. Bec drops her engagement ring in the toilet, and Hamish brings back Movie in a Minute with Oscar nominated French film, 'Anatomy of a Fall.' 1. Pizza Lotto 2. Ear witness - Can you pick a voice in a line-up? 3. Washing new clothes before wearing them 4. Bec's engagement ring in the toilet 5. Movie in a minute - Anatomy of a Fall 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A listener production. Activate your internet because the Hey Mission and the podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. One. Ahoy to my diatonic. Painish. Mm-hmm. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Diet tonic? No. Okay. Diatonic water? Thought we might be calorie saving beverages. Ahoy to my chromatic. We are musical scales. Yes, we are, but no, this might change it then.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I'm tremolo. I'm out. I'm tremolo. I'm out. I don't care about the theory of music, I just feel it. I just feel it. Keys of music? Different types of harmonicas. Oh, no. Oh.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Hey, you are the most common one, used by Billy Joel and Bob Dylan, piano man. Absolute favourite harmonica. Jack? More of a jailhouse harmonica. Yes. Chromatic, I assume, means you've got every note, so most versatile. You often have 12 to 16 holes,
Starting point is 00:01:12 yeah, where Haymes is running with 10. Where are they? Like, what have you got, eyes, nostril, mouth, ears, couple of others I can think of. Can you tell me the famous musicians who use the chromatic? I can't tell you that, my friend. Trebleau harmonic, two reeds instead of one. Is there a reed in a harmonica?
Starting point is 00:01:27 Yeah, it goes across, on the inside, across the whole thing. Cool, just thought it was a box with holes in it. Yeah. Mine's a bit more old timey sound, more traditional, so it's a bit of a stalwart harmonica. All right, yeah, good deep dive into harmonicas. Yep.
Starting point is 00:01:43 But again, you're speaking another, is this another language I refuse to hear, just feel. Just feel music, that's right. Ahoy also to Rob, who used the very easy use system at hamishnetty.com to tell us what he's been up to. Ahoy boys, I'm currently driving across the Nullarbor right now and unfortunately I'm down to my last snack, the dreaded Toblerone. With all hospitals miles away these could be my last words as the internal bleeding
Starting point is 00:02:11 may get to me first from those sharp edges. Be careful. Goodbye, may the gusto be with you, always. It really was a farewell note from the desert. You won't be playing too many harmonicas after eating a Toblerone. One of One of the safer places to eat them though, going across an elbow, obviously you can hold them out the window and let the sun blunt the edges ever so slightly. Take off the sharpness and move, I'm sure Jack you've tried before. A lot of work for a chocolate. I would just avoid it altogether. Safety first though. I've seen Jack when he's not aware I'm looking after we go home after doing the show,
Starting point is 00:02:46 sitting in his Tesla at the traffic lights with a Toblerone on a toothpick and a cigarette lighter, and just slowly melting the edges off. Then I look to my left, see Andy in the car, patting his pockets down, going, where's the lighter? I go, oh, my boys, my boys. I didn't see you there. I go, oh, my boys, my boys. I didn't see you there. Guys, I asked to start today. It's not quite a segment sleuth.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Well, it might be, but I'm not going to prosecute. This is where we see or hear another show doing something similar to what we've done, potentially lifted. This came in. Well, is this then Just a cautionary investigation? Is this just to let you know that we're watching? Is this just to let someone know we're watching? It is. It comes from Kiss 97.3.
Starting point is 00:03:34 They did guess the fish for Billie Eilish where they rang a restaurant and they'd guess what fish is the fish of the day that day and if that person could guess it. They got tickets. They got tickets. Okay. Now, Pizza Lotto. Pizza Lotto is a beloved food-based guessing game that does have a similar mechanic behind it.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Then I thought to myself, maybe it's on us. We haven't played Pizza Lotto this year and maybe people think it's fair game. Like we're squatters sitting in a house. Like how Disney lost the rights to eventually to Mickey and stuff. Yes, exactly. So I felt like we had to rejig, get Pizzalotto back out there today. So this is us coming back to the old property just to open it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Just to see if anyone's squatting. Yes. And joining us is Liv, who is desperate to play. Liv, ahoy to you. Always a good day. Ahoy. Liv, ahoy to you. Always a good day. Ahoy. Liv, it's so exciting. We actually haven't played Pizza Lotta for some time,
Starting point is 00:04:29 and it is always, it does always, you can feel the energy lift in the studio here when it's Pizza Lotta time. Liv, you've obviously heard the segment before. Yes, yeah, I'm super excited. I just want to say, before I start, I'm going to try not to mention Mr. Ralph while I'm here. We appreciate that, Liv. Thank you, mention Mr. Ralph while I'm here.
Starting point is 00:04:45 We appreciate that, Liv. Thank you. We really appreciate it. You've taken the pledge. Nothing finer than keeping your mouth tightly shut unless it's opening for pizza. Now Liv, do you have an idea of what pizza you're going to go with or are you going to vibe it just based off how Pino reacts when he picks up the phone and you can sense maybe from his voice that there's a marinara in there?
Starting point is 00:05:03 I think I'm going to go for my favorite pizza, but I'll see what the vibe is, obviously, at the time. Yeah, that's really good. Yep. So have a plan, be willing to adapt. Do you have a favourite past episode of Pizzalotto that you can recall a favourite moment, a favourite pizza that's ever come out? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I think I was just doing a backlog listen and I think I did hear one. I think the first somewhere is actually successful. It's a bit of a thrill because I know that's not Colin. It's very hard. It's very hard. Are you ready to go Liv? I am ready to go. All right, let's a lotto. Pizza lotto. Alright Liv, good luck.
Starting point is 00:05:53 We're about to call the number right now. Okay, I'm excited. Yes, I should be. What's Pino? Pino! Yeah? It's Hamish and Andy. Hey, how are you?
Starting point is 00:06:02 Hey! Hello, how are you? Alright. We're here. What's Pino? Pino! It's Hamish and Andy! Hey! How are you? Hey! Hello! How are you? Alright! We haven't talked to you this year! We miss you. Yeah, I miss you too! When do you come around? Very soon. Very soon. But we've got someone standing by, her name's Olivia, who wants to play Pizza
Starting point is 00:06:24 Lotto. Okay go ahead. Here we go. Tell me, tell me, I got a few pizza's inside. That's our first question, do you have a pizza in? Okay, remember Olivia you're guessing the next pizza to be ready from the oven. Olivia give Pino your guess. Olivia go ahead.
Starting point is 00:06:41 So you wouldn't be advising no pizza obviously there is. There's pizzas in there. Exciting, okay. That's is. There's pizzas in there. Exciting. Okay. That's exciting that he's given that away. We don't normally get that leg up. No pizza is normally an option. So Olivia, you've increased your chances.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I'm going to guess my favourite pizza order, which is a Hawaiian or a ham and pineapple. You got there Olivia. Yes, yes. You got a ham and pineapple. You got there Olivia. Yes, yes, you got ham and pineapple inside. But is it the next pizza ready? I feel like you're just wanting her to win. No, no, we got ham and pineapple inside.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Yes, yes. Is it the next one that's ready? The one that's ready, yeah. Okay. Yay! I'm gonna put it in there. All right. Hey, she's got it!
Starting point is 00:07:26 Get on, you. You ready? Thank you. Thank you, Peter. Tell Olivia she got a free pizza when it come in. Oh! This is incredible. Look at that, what a chance.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Thank you, thank you Peter. Okay, bye. Thanks Peter. Thanks, here you go. Thank you, thank you. Bye. Bye. Wow.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Never takes a day off. Olivia, even this never not there. Olivia, obviously Olympics are coming up pretty soon. You're not going to the Olympics? I don't plan on it. No, I was just thinking if you were on the team, like as a gymnast or something, boy, you'd be hoping for a judge as lenient as Pino. It's a 10.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Bars, 10. Yes, it's a 10. Ended on my back. You're the winner. Gold medals for everyone. Liv, congratulations. We'll send you out a winner hat. I think it's only funny. It might be the first one we've ever sent out since Hamish got the hats, mate. Got way too many of them. Min order 100. How did you, I mean, did you think Pino was telling the truth? Yeah, that's just interesting. I think Pino, I don't understand the mind of Pino. Obviously, we've had the controversy with him
Starting point is 00:08:34 being Australian or Italian. That was settled. That was settled. That was settled using wings and secret cameras. I do tend to feel like he's an honest man. I agree. I agree. I think we were just shocked how easy it was to get the win today. Alif, thanks so much. Congrats. Okay. Thank you, boys.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Seems like there's a wave of just celebrity products coming out. You can't have a product without a celebrity attached. Would you agree? I agree. You can't have a celebrity without a product attached. Yeah. Almost? I agree. Can't have a celebrity without a product attached. Yeah. Almost. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:08 And what are those two guys with the TV thing? That's clever actually. That is clever. That's just your classic two guys see a product, they fall in love with it, they choose to share it with their friends, family and public. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about more inventing your own stuff. Yes. And the area...
Starting point is 00:09:27 Well, we did a little bit of the technology in Hubble. We did a little bit. I did a bit of soldering. I did a bit of soldering and wrote a bit of the code and then was also like, but I'm not arrogant. And so sure, get some other engineers to work on. They did a wonderful job. A wonderful job.
Starting point is 00:09:42 The area that I feel is getting flooded at the moment is wines. Well, it was tequila for a while, wasn't it? But everyone's bringing out, Ricky Pontingboy had a wine. Pontingboy had a wine. And then Tim Robards at the moment. Do you reckon it's because- Scott Pendlebury, AFL player. He got a wine.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And they have to write something on the back of it to try and- Tell you that they were at the cellar door. Yes, yes. So like Ricky Ponting wrote something along the lines of, it's called like the end of the day or last session or something like that. Like, and then he goes, there was nothing better than sharing a red with your mates in the change room. And I'm like, oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:10:23 We don't ever remember that after an ashes win, spraying each other with a pinot. Alright boys we did it, we've returned the ashes. Hey punter, bring across the pinot. That's the one that gets too hot. Sorry mate, just doing a podcast. He's just had a bloke walk in at our fears. What did he say? Because that's the one that gets too hot. I think he's pointing at a TV.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Okay. Sorry, we just got interrupted. I don't know. We've got that on our... Anyway. Well, like actually, Jack, was that an accent? Or was it? Hit the card, Jack.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Oh, wow. Okay. Oh Oh really? Hamish and Jack, unbeknown to you, you are now both part of an investigative game. Investigative. Investigative. Investigative. Damn it. You are now both part of an investigative game.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Close enough. We are here to decide which one of you will be a more reliable witness in a police investigation. Yes, I watch way too much Law and Order SVU. I should have paid more attention. Police have confirmed that a male suspect entered the podcast premises five minutes ago discussing the temperature of the studios before robbing the Bar and Me store of all its crispy pork and I should have taken a breath leaving lunch goers devastated. I just went for a Bar and Me and they were completely out of pork.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Who would do this? Hamish and Jack, you are now ear witnesses. Can you pick the pork thief from the police line-up of four suspects? So glad it's not visual. First of all, well done. Awesome, I love this. More of this. More of this? Well, you're confident because you had a front-on view.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I did see the guy. So what we're really doing here is testing. Your ear witnesses. Yeah, but I mean. I didn't, I hardly heard him. Oh, man, when you can see the lips, you get a much better chance. Now. That's true.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I'll be getting based on peripheral, putting me well behind the eighth ball. However, I'm willing to play. I had a very I agree I had a front on view so I saw a lot hardly heard anything is when I'm on the part of my ears are tuned To you guys. Okay, so untrue. It's your hobby your arms are fast asleep In another studio adjacent to us. I have four suspects. They're each gonna step hang on So it's the guy that said that one's a bit too hot
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yes, they're each gonna step forward. I mean I was so shocked when he came in I was just like are we all seeing this? I was like what happens during something? Yeah, that's true But I was just like hey mate, what are you doing? Man stepped in in a hive is he said this phrase Is this the one that gets too whole cold And is this the one that gets too hot? Then sorry, sorry, sorry. So could suspect number one please step forward and give us the line. Is this the one that gets too cold?
Starting point is 00:13:17 And is that the one that gets too hot? Sorry, sorry, sorry. Oh wow, this is so hard. Go again? No, go to the next one. Next one, suspect number two, please step forward and say the line. Is this the one that gets too cold? And is this the one that gets too hot?
Starting point is 00:13:32 Go to number three. Didn't even get his sorry, sorry, sorry. Okay, this is number three now. Is this the one that gets too cold? And is that the one that gets too hot? No. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Can you put that bit in there? Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Are you saying to leave it? Can I have number two say sorry, sorry, sorry? Sorry, sorry, sorry. Yep. Okay. Number four, please. Who's running this? You're meant to be... Hang on, guys. Don't put other audio in my bandwidth. Is this the one that gets too cold? No, no, that's fine. The one that gets too hot? Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:09 This is a comedy between you and Jack. Oh yeah, sorry. I think it could be number four. Tell me if you were doing the same thing. I was, I wasn't trying to match it with what I remember hearing. I was just trying to match it with the guy that came in. A hundred percent was matching it with his face. Yes. And his.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Does this sound like the guy I saw? Now I've watched a lot of Law and Order. Is there any that you'd like to hear again guys? Well, I don't want to make any, this is where it isn't Law and Order because they never have competing witnesses to win best witness. They're actually just more interested in the truth.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Anyone else you'd like to hear again? Go through quickly one to four, no breaks. Wow. Points off. This guy is too indecisive. You can have one each, Jack. Who would you like? Okay, number one. Number one again.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Is this the one that gets too cold? And is that the one that gets too hot? Sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Thank you. Again, was that to me or was that... I thought they were rushing me. Sorry. I'll hear number three again, please. Is that the one that gets too, okay, that was the one. I thought they were rushing me, sorry. I'll hear number three again, please. Is that the one that gets too cold?
Starting point is 00:15:07 And is that the one that gets too hot? Sorry, sorry, sorry. Give us number two again just because and then we'll go to number four as well. Number two. Is that the one that gets too cold? And is that the one that gets too hot? Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Sorry, sorry, sorry. Did he just say that? That sounded more like a hey, hey, hey. That was a catchphrase. And number four one more time. Is that the one that gets too cold? And is that the one that gets too hot? Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:32 You can go home. I don't mind number four. That's weird. Then lock it in. Okay, you will both now text me who you think it is. One, two, three, or four. Jack. I've entered mine. One, two, three, or four. Jack. I've entered mine.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I've sent it to his. I've entered mine on the electronic keypad. Same, you can bring some of the 100 gear in here. You gonna send it through to me, home? It's his. Slow phone. Jack is selected. Yeah, you're gonna ban your Yam Slow phone. Jack has selected- Did it ban you Yamaha, Yamaha Plus?
Starting point is 00:16:07 Jack has selected number four. You're right to giggle, Ham. Couldn't have been further from number four. It's not number four. Number four. Number four, he was on the other side of town when this happened. Ham?
Starting point is 00:16:22 Wait till you see number four, Jack, standing next to our criminal, you will piss yourself. But number four is a taller guy, possibly with glasses. I think he's got it. Really? Okay. Trust me, I can hear crime. Haim wrote three with a hunch on two.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Now you're gonna have to. No, you can't have double guess. You can't have double guess. It's like Blackjack. Would you like to suggest? 25 on you can't have double guess. It's like Blackjack, I'm- Would you like to suggest- 25 on three, five on perfect guess. Would you like to do three or two? Look, I think, I think in the redo I liked two.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I think I actually liked two, sorry, sorry, sorry, the best. You've got it. It's two. He's got it. Wow, hey. He's good, could number two, can all of them please come back here? Gravely a voice. In order.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Bring in these sweet criminals. I was hoping we'd do... Sorry, number one was... Oh, okay. Number one was forward glasses. I sort of thought number one might have been similar to number four. Yes, thank you.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Number two, of course, is the hypis. There he is. Sorry, I was so mean before. I'm sorry, I interrupted your podcast. I was shocked. I was actually trying to read the name of your business because I was like, who are these guys? We've never had anyone walk into this studio.
Starting point is 00:17:30 It was the most blatant walk-in of all time. And an aircon trainee that has a microphone attached to them. We're trying to hide that as well. If I was paying more attention, I would have noticed the mic lump. Thank you very much. Number three, please show yourself. Yeah, see, similar. Bearded. And I'm not... This is just because the neck affects the voice. They have the same diameter neck.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Come on, you didn't know that. I did know that. I did know about the beard, but they both have the same gravel in the voice box. And number four. Oh, number four doesn't look anything like our suspect. Not what I expected. Not what I expected. Not what I expected. Not what I expected. Hamish, tremendous victory. You would be a more reliable ear witness.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Let's hope all crimes happen near you and not near Jack. Just quickly though, what's Ricky Ponting's wine? I did want to find out. I did actually want to hear about Ricky Ponting's wine. What does it say on the back of his wine? It was Tim Robards. Yeah, yeah. What's Tim Robards got on his? So he's got a rose out that Beck really likes.
Starting point is 00:18:29 So I want to preface that, called El Rose. And he said, every sip of this rose is a tribute to the overwhelming love and joy I felt bringing my daughter into this world. Which is nice. Well, it makes it sound like she was conceived under a slightly boozy haze. But then when he says, I wanted to share a taste of that, I tasted the wine. That's probably too much. And I didn't think as soon as I tasted it, oh my gosh, I've just had a baby.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I think this tastes like the bond between a father and child. However, I mean, you know, it's not the first time people have used flowery language on wine. You just have to put something. And look, I back, I understand what's going on here. You look at Clooney, you look at Timberlake, you go, OK, where's my 500ml? Yeah. I could do an alcohol. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:11 What do you want me to do? Install vintage cellars? I don't care. If that's what it takes, I'm there. Fellas, tell me if you have this situation. One thing that I get, no trouble, but I suppose some feedback on, I suppose some pretty cool, I suppose some like, I get notes on. The survey result would be not satisfied. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Is it a small, you know, frowning emoji. The feedback's verging on reprimanding a little bit. Okay, okay. Is if I buy something online, which is not uncommon, particularly, but specifically clothing, right, or new from the shops, if I have some clothing and I wear it straight away, I get heavy, heavy feedback on not washing something first. Wow, what? After buying a brand new.
Starting point is 00:20:16 No. Have you heard, have you ever heard that, Jake? Would you buy a t-shirt and wear, like you pull it out of the plastic, like let's say it's a t-shirt and it comes in like some plastic, vacuum seal vacuum seal it, like whatever, you know, like you open it up, take the tag off, put it on. I feel like that's where it's at its most premium. With every wash it degrades a tiny little bit. Bec also has a problem though. She says you should have washed that before wearing it. Why? Yeah, I keep coming to it's showroom condition. It's like a brand new car. You don't take your brand new car to the car wash.
Starting point is 00:20:51 It's the cleanest it ever is. Yes. And that's and that analogy actually holds up perfectly. Like you because those like, yeah, but it's the factory. You've got to watch the factory off it. You don't know who's been touching it at the factory. And I'm like, same with the car. Yeah, same with the car. And yet you'd be you'd be ridiculed should you wash a brand new car. Like, oh, I've got to get this new car smell out of it. No, you don't. You protect that at all costs. Maybe you should wear the T-shirt four or five times before finally giving in to its first wash. I agree. And who's touching it?
Starting point is 00:21:17 And what does it matter if they've touched it? Yeah, I mean, it's visually clean. Yeah, exactly. As soon as you put it on, people brush past you all the time. If you had the same theory, you couldn't touch anything. Yeah, that's true. I mean, but also, I'm like, you've got to see these factories, honey. Factories these days are just beautiful. Like the conditions. Like, when have you ever, you know, like you see little things pop up on Instagram from time to time, like how stuff's really made. Like, oh, did you know this is like, you know, like you see the little things pop up on Instagram from time to time, like how stuff's really made.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Like, oh, did you know this is like, you know, this is how they're making hairbrushes or whatever. Factories are quite incredible. Sometimes on TV, you'll see a docker come up like World's Gross Factories. They're all, I mean, the amount of stuff people have to make at the moment. There's no room for things falling on the floor. Like, apart from the chocolate factories we've covered on this show before before there are, there's the odd mishap or two. But you never get a t-shirt without sleeves or something like that. No, no.
Starting point is 00:22:10 That's the thing, and it's just like, honey, these production lines are mint condition. Yeah. And I imagine it's like a beer getting canned. I think it gets, it's self-folding and gets put in plastic. I don't think anyone's touching it at all. In fact, you'd be asked not to get your hands in there for risk of losing a digit. I agree. I reckon probably with most clothing you wear, it has not been touched by a human hand. If you're talking about something you get from the shops.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Can I throw in while we're getting another little fashion gripe, clothes based gripe. Have you guys ever put on the correct outfit first time according to your partner? Yeah, no. Force, yeah, force. I don't actually get it. I don't know anything that she hasn't bought for me, but now I don't even get the combos right, apparently. Like, so Sheila bought me her stuff and I put it on and she goes, oh, you're going to wear that top?
Starting point is 00:22:59 I'm like, what? She goes, with those pants, they're jeans. What do you mean? I thought jeans went with everything. I agree, Jacky. And they used jeans. They, what do you mean? I thought jeans went with everything. I agree, Jackie. And they used to, they used to. Used to be a time where jeans was the only pants
Starting point is 00:23:11 a man would wear. Now jeans have slipped into some sort of, you wouldn't wear jeans world. And I thought, here's the other thing that I'll never get right. I mean, I often, Zoe's sort of slightly given up a bit. Like, unless it's a giant error, I'm allowed to just generally, it's just generally accepted. I'm sloppier than her.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Yeah. But if we're going out for a date night or something, I will get, my argument is I see people out at restaurants all the time wearing t-shirts. Like all the time. I'm like, in this day and age, you look at the Grammys, right? That's a red carpet event. Season of the ship, people were at the Grammys. Like everyone's wearing sneakers in a suit.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Like we're actually moving more casual. Yes. That's my argument. I'm trying to pull. Sometimes I'll get from Zoe as I'm just getting ready quietly and respectfully in the background because she's doing like five costume changes. I'll just get ready and she would just see me at the corner of her eye and she'd be like, it's not a T-shirt, no.
Starting point is 00:24:09 And I'll go, no, no, no, it's just it. I'm putting something on over it. This is under T-shirt. This is a base layer. You will never see it. It's a base coat. I now walk to my wardrobe and open it up and it feels like a Rubik's Cube. I'm looking at all the things going, I guess I could try that with that. But I look at the wardrobe and go, I should be able to get this right 50% of the time. I'm like putting in a USB stick. I feel like I should be able to.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Which side is this? But I'm getting it wrong every single time. Like a USB stick. It seems to always go in the wrong way the first time. Even though it's a 50-50. I made the mistake of going, I can't remember what the outfit was, but it was something like I had like, I'd chosen an avant-garde day-like sneaker to go out at night. And so I think it was something like that. And so I was like, no, not for nighttime or whatever. And I go, Pharrell wears this. And Gigi goes, you're not Pharrell, mate. So there are even rules that other people can do
Starting point is 00:25:08 that I'm not allowed to do. And he styles gets all the rules. I'm not allowed. Yeah, yeah, he styles, he's a legend, he does whatever he wants when he goes to dinner. He's wearing Crocs with a bucket hat and everyone's like, oh, what a legend, yes. Love this guy.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I'm not allowed to wear sneakers and a t-shirt. I'm sitting there in a dumb polo shirt or a shirt. What are my rules? Yeah, anyway, but whatever you're wearing, wash it first. There's been enough time now that Bex fully agreed to be my fiance. I want to talk about the ring. The ring is a straight- Oh, mate, here we go. We're wedding planning, Jack.
Starting point is 00:25:41 This means one of us could be groomsmen. No, not the wedding ring. Like the wedding's a long way away. I'm talking about engagement rings. Do you want one? No, actually, that'd be nice. Yeah, I mean it's- Very one way, isn't it? No, it's fascinating.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Every, I know I'm stereotyping here. Every fellow I talked to just went, had it, had to go. Yep, 100%. Every girl I talked to goes, did she like the ring? When you sent me that first photo, as I told you, I was like, oh, great. Showed, we were actually in a public place. And so I quietly said to her, I was like,
Starting point is 00:26:14 hey, Andy just sent me a pretty amazing photo. And he proposed her back. And she's like, oh my God, is that really because I said, I don't want to show you here because it didn't come out until a bit later in the week. And if people, you know, would be a bit, a bit unlucky to see it. But anyway, when I showed her the photo, she goes, well, what does the ring look like? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:32 She goes, what do you mean? I was like, well, she's got one in the photo. She's holding up her ring finger and says, what does it look like? I said, I don't know. It's on there. I mean, I just registered that it was there, but I couldn't pick it out of a ring liner. And so as soon as Zoe got the phone though,
Starting point is 00:26:51 she zoomed in, it was like she was looking at a black hole deep in space, like zoomed in so hard on the ring and it was like eight pixels. And she was like, mm-hmm, yeah, good, good, good, good, good. Yes, it's a unique thing that I just, I didn't realize. The other part, and I'm not sure if either of you had to go through this.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I gave a joke ring. A joke ring? Yep. I gave a little, I gave sort of like a fake ring. Yep. Because then I just gave the diamond and went, look, I wouldn't, you know. It wouldn't, yes.
Starting point is 00:27:18 If I made the ring, you'd just undo it anyway. So let's just save the hassle. You're the boss. You like, let's set the tone early. You're the boss. Let's set the tone early. You design the ring. He is the diamond. Did you go ring with Bianca? I had a little bit of help Bianca had said earlier on. If I ever- Mrs. Ralph is a diamond dealer.
Starting point is 00:27:35 No, she had said the store. She goes, oh, wouldn't it, I would love this one jeweler who works at this store to make my ring if anything was ever to happen. Be it you or any other of my suitors. So I did have to do some guesswork, but I had all parked a plane. I mean, I think that is as strong as a clue ever gets. So you get the ring, right? And then you pick it up from the store. And then you're like, oh gosh, this is expensive and important. So I had to go to a meeting. So I had it in the car. I just had is expensive and important. Yeah, it's expensive.
Starting point is 00:28:06 So I had to go to a meeting. So I had it in the car. I just had it in the car. No, yeah, don't do that. I didn't like the idea of it's just sitting in the car under my seat for an entire day. Did you, how'd you know the size, Jack? I had to guess that and I got it wrong. Had to get it resized.
Starting point is 00:28:21 I, Could she go, could it get on? Yes. It was too big. We had to make it smaller. That's that. And that is what happened to me. I went, I was like, let's just get it resized. I still... Could she go, could it get on? Yes, it was too big. We had to make it smaller. That's, and that is what happened to me. I went, I was like, let's just make it slightly bigger. Cause I think on the day you do want to be able to put it on, and it's a better feeling
Starting point is 00:28:35 to go, Oh gosh, my fingers are so slender and this is big rather than, Oh dear. My husband, my boyfriend proposed to me, but he obviously thinks I have much more delicate hands than I do. Yes. So there's a period of time between the resizing and the giving, which is where it flicks off. Yeah. Because she's still trying to wear it,
Starting point is 00:28:57 even though it's loose. It was never coming off her hand. And this is where the area I want to talk about. So she walks around with a fist for a while. She's, yes. Yeah. So did that too. Like she got around with a fist for a while. Yes. Yeah. Zoe did that too. She got the ring made and it was a bit big.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And then we went on holidays and so she swam about two weeks overseas with every photo she's got a fist and just swimming around in the water with a fist. Got home after two weeks and prized her hands open like she was coming out of a tomb, like a mummy. Could you put another ring on that? That's a nice idea, a washer or something. This is where, this is smart. This is how guys think.
Starting point is 00:29:31 That's, that we're being smart again. A stopper. A stopper. Yeah, no, we didn't get that far. She was just holding her fist for the week. Yep. Two points where it came off. First one, at my, we've got the dog, we're out at my sister's place.
Starting point is 00:29:47 It's come off, well she's very excited explaining what's happened. It's flung off. She felt it? She felt it come off. We all watched it in slow-mo in the air. Dog loves eating anything that hits the ground. It's hit the ground, it's jingling along, and Fred, my nephew, slid in on his chest and beat Henry to grabbing the ring before the dog could. He's immediately Bec's favourite nephew and probably for the rest of time.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Forever. That's a huge move. Because searching through Henry's poos for the next week would have been troublesome. Proposal number two. Poo pros. Here's the second one. We've been celebrating again and we've got home. Bec's gone to the toilet and I've heard, cling cling cling. Oh no, Andy. And she said, I'm never going to tell this story, but it's been a month. This is marriage.
Starting point is 00:30:41 I get in there. It's in the toilet. She has dropped the wing ring in the toilet, just number ones. She's looking at me and she goes, don't flush it. I'm like... I love cleaning. It would be cautious. It would be an odd move at this point of life.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Let's give it a quick flush and then think about it. I said, I'm not going to flush it. And then she said, stand back. If you trip. And accidentally flush it. Stupid chin hits the button. Or maybe she fears that you love order so much that you just won't be able to control yourself and you need to flush.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Before we do anything back, let's clean up in here. And then without a moment, like it was just instinct after that. Oh yeah. Straight in, grabs a ring out of her own ear. I mean, it's just wee. I mean, you look at what they're doing, I'm a celebrity. They're putting their whole head in elephant poo for a burrito. So you can't put your hand in wee for a giant diamond. Runs straight across, washes it and says, fuel, and then puts it straight back on.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Probably had some sort of cleaning properties too. Yeah, it's sterileised. Yeah, it's certainly not getting tinier. It could be a thing. But now I see the ring for this short period of time, feeling like I know where that's been. It's been an adventure, hasn't it? Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:04 And that's why Bex said not tell anyone because I certainly don't want anyone else. that's been. It's been an adventure, hasn't it? Yes. And that's why Bex said not tell anyone because I certainly don't want anyone else. That's it. When people look at me like, is it an ethical diamond? Yes, yes, not a blood diamond. It is a piss diamond, but not a blood diamond. No. And are we the request coming for something
Starting point is 00:32:24 that we have not done for a very long time? Something wide open? Movie in a Minute. No, I'm still working on a few cases there. Movie in a Minute. Movie in a Minute. Movie in a Minute. Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:35 This is great because there's so many movies in the world. Too many. And to be able to catch up on all of them, impossible. So instead, tune into Hamish Blake, who will give you the exact feeling and all the information you need in one minute for any movie that he's selected. What movie are you going with? Hopefully haven't seen it. Well, I looked back at some of the best, like a few months, we had this request coming on email and I was like, yep, fair enough. Why don't I look at some of the best movie, like the Oscar nominated, like best picture films.
Starting point is 00:33:05 So then you can be a part of conversations at the pub and stuff. And it's good to know. It's good to get across. You'd know once you've watched all of them. But I assume you're Oppenheimer. I haven't been Oppenheimer yet, but I'm keen to. That's a body long movie to do in a minute. No, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:33:18 That's my worry. I could do it if you want. Have you salt burned? I've salt burned. That could have been interesting. Would have been interesting. We've got a barb sound effect. Um, gurgling. Have you seen Salt Burn Jack? I haven't salt burned? I've salt burned. That could have been interesting. Would have been interesting. We've got a bath sound effect. Gurgling.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Have you seen Salt Burned, Jack? That explains Jack's neutral face there as he was looking at us and sliding in the bath. Yeah, there's something in the bath, Jack. Something in the water. Something in the water. What about this? I thought this could be a good one.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Anatomy of a Fall. Oh, I haven't seen that. Okay, yeah. It's a French or possibly German film. Good start. That was nominated for best picture. So just say European if you're at the pub and you're pretending to after this pretending to do Alps.
Starting point is 00:33:55 It's Alpsy. Set in the French Alps. Okay. And so a bit of context here. I saw this before there was Oscar buzz about it. I watched it on a flight, would have been in like last December maybe like near Christmas flight from Australia to New Zealand. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:10 And it was on the plane and you know, I've got the kids and stuff. And I went, I saw the wreaths cause I think it did well at Sundance or Khan. Yeah. And you saw the wreaths on the press. I was like, look, maybe I picked this. It's a foreign film. I can. Got wreaths.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Got wreaths. It'll have subtitles. I can stay, like I can be. It's a foreign film. I can, it's got wreaths. It's got wreaths. It'll have subtitles. I can stay, like I can be doing stuff with Rudy next to me and I don't, you know, I can read it, I've got subtitles. So it was actually a good time to watch it. So I booted it up and we were like, good to go. But it was, we were flying Sydney to Queensland, which I think is about a three hour flight.
Starting point is 00:34:43 So I was like, I've got time. I've got time. Unfortunately, I paused in the middle. something must have happened with the kids. And I think for a while I was not going to finish the film. But it was so good it had got me. I wonder if I can finish this film. And I hit play again, but the remaining time on the movie was an hour and flight time was about 48 minutes.
Starting point is 00:35:04 So I went, I hate that. So I went, I'll keep going. And then at some point I'm going to have to jump forward and lose 15 minutes of this movie because I would rather miss 15 minutes and then see the end. Did you consider two times play and fast reading? I don't think you get that on a flight. Certainly not back in economy.
Starting point is 00:35:22 You get two times play but it doesn't give you the audio. And obviously it would be nice of course. I wasn't in a situation as lucky as some to go, hey Jeff, can we just circle for a while? I'd like to finish a movie. Of course did not know the pilot and had not been taken on board by a wealthy associate to fly to a football game as you have been Andy. So that would have been nice. Would have been.
Starting point is 00:35:46 But I didn't have the capacity to extend the fly time for my own personal reasons. Next time. Very nice. So would you like Anatomy of a Fall? Little bit missing. In a minute. But you know, there's going to be a lot missing because I'm trying to condense a very, very good two hour movie.
Starting point is 00:36:02 That's the beauty of this segment. You take out the fluff. I'll tell you this too. Once I got to the end, we were queuing up for customs. I said, does it, which is a really good movie on the plane, unusual choice of the plane to watch a foreign movie like subtitles. I said, it was, I said, it was all right. It was pretty good. Then when it got nominated for best Oscar, I really changed my tune. You're like, oh, I loved it. pretty good. Then when it got nominated for best Oscar, I really changed my tune. You're like, Oh, I loved it. I was blown away from the second I saw that.
Starting point is 00:36:29 But really in that, in that, in that customs, I was like, I'm going to say a crazy thing here, pretty good. As he's agreed to by the entire Academy. Yes. That's what I was trying to say. One of the best, one of the best. Okay. You ready for Anatomy of Fall?
Starting point is 00:36:44 Moving in a minute. Jack, is there, you've got some sound effects that will help create a One of the best. Okay. You ready for Anatomy of Fall? Moving in a minute. Jack, is there, you've got some sound effects that will help create a mystical wall of sound so you'll feel fully immersed in the story. Yep. Your time starts now. Okay. We've got a family, mum, a dad, and a boy.
Starting point is 00:36:59 He's vision impaired. Basically, I think, completely blind. They are possibly German, possibly French, think they're German. They move to the French Alps. It sort of seems like mum and dad have decided to get away a bit. He's about 11. He goes out for a walk with the dog in the Alps and even though he's got, yes, he goes out.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Yes. So he's, he feels around the house and, you know, gets out the door and goes off with the dog, the dog, the kid. Yeah, mate. Quick, quick, quick. This is like the opening titles. He comes back and there's something a bit, like runs into something as he's coming back to the house. They're in a little chalet, you know, you'd say, I don't know, five meters to the nearest neighbor
Starting point is 00:37:37 up in the French Alps. Something's on the ground. What is this? Not good, it's his dad. He's fallen. BANG Pfft! Oh, God, just... the ground. What is this? Not good. It's his dad. He's fallen. No, that was, I did ask. I asked for a card, but maybe it's an intensive. Sorry, I did not check these. Okay. Fucking handwritten note to Dcy to say out of context. I didn't even need it because you don't see the fall.
Starting point is 00:38:08 That's the whole point of the movie is out of the fall. It helped me to see it. Okay, great. So he's yelling out, Mum, Mum, Mum. This is not good. Well, he's just yelling out Mum subtitles. And she comes out, calls the cops. Good, Jack. It's not a call.
Starting point is 00:38:29 They arrive quickly. They arrive quickly. It's tragic. So the mum, the woman that plays this role, by the way, incredible actress, don't know her name. I do think she was speaking in German, but again, I didn't have sound on for a lot of this. That's tragic. Yep. Anyway, then it's like, then it's like, what, you know, how's this happened? We're lost, dad. Her lawyer kind of comes over, then they're having a chat.
Starting point is 00:38:52 It's like, well, you know, you'll be under suspicion. It's like, oh, yeah, well, I hadn't even thought about that. Well, sure, I'll answer the questions. I'm obviously grieving, but I'll do the right thing. Bit of a chat. The cops aren't as willing to just be like, I'm we sure you didn't do it? Really? They've got a few suspicions. How? But hang on a sec, what was he doing leaning out the window and you guys both work from home. She was home. Oh so he's
Starting point is 00:39:16 fallen from a top... He's fallen from the top floor it looks like. Oh I thought he just had a fall out the front. No, third story window. Sorry, hence the thump. Well, Jack. I just hope the director never used this. It is a beautiful film. Okay, court time. Yeah, go to the court. Well, now it's like, okay, court, we're going to court. So she's charged. I think she's charged. Has to be. Voluntary court. Yeah, charged. And she's like, this is ridiculous. Then they, her defense is like, no, no, no, we can come up with a better explanation. There's a little bit of blood splatter question of like, but he would have been pitched out of the window, like pushed too far to kind
Starting point is 00:40:03 of hit this woodshed where he's hit his head. How come the blood's there? How come there's no blood there? Maybe it snowed, maybe it melted. There's like quite a lot of, there's a lot of 50-50. Then they, there's a bit where they, like the lawyers go to the house and they're pushing a dummy out the window to just like see how it would have fallen. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I like the idea that the film only has this sound effect. It's a silent movie about that. Sweet for them to be able to pick up. Poor little boy, he's caught in the mirror.
Starting point is 00:40:34 He's like, what do I remember? What do I not remember? But then of course, because the mum's under suspicion, they can't discuss the case at home. No. So, but she has to look after him because she's a primary caregiver. So there's a quarter point of person that comes, lives in the house. Right. Kind of has to monitor things.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Very hard situation for her to deal with. No one's having a good time. Yeah. It's a great movie. Court, court, court. Then, unfortunately, this is where I lost track. Then the boy remember. So the whole thing was like, maybe that, you know, did the husband deliberately do
Starting point is 00:41:04 this or was he pushed? Did he slip? We don't know. So the whole thing was like, maybe that, you know, did the husband deliberately do this? Or was he pushed? Did he slip? We don't know. The boy remembered something else. Then they played a bit of an argument. Sorry, there's a bit of an argument thing. This is not in a minute, I know. There was a bit of, there was an argument that had been recorded. The dad had recorded an argument between the husband and wife. What happened in the argument?
Starting point is 00:41:23 Well, they were very angry with each other. And she's like, look, we all fight that's not that doesn't mean I killed him interesting do you want to know the end I suppose you have to know the end the boy remembers something what do you remember that's the bit I missed but he remembered something basically he gives up to he gets up to testify didn't hear what he said. But afterwards... This is like the most critical point of the film. Yeah, well, it's actually... I'm still leaving a bit of juicy stuff if you want to go and watch the movie.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I do recommend it. Afterwards, it seemed that she got off because they were back. I think she might have fallen in love with her lawyer. I think the end scene... I think... He remembered something. If they finished the film like this... No, no. He remembered something. If they finished the film like this. No, no.
Starting point is 00:42:07 He remembered something and it was enough doubt to acquit. Although there was some pretty powerful court stuff. And I got the impression he was a brave boy and stood up for mum and she needed him. He...then at the end, there's just enough to go. Maybe she didn't do it. Because she's having dinner with the lawyer. And she seems happy. And what's this for?
Starting point is 00:42:27 Dog barking. It was dog barking. That's right. Laughing. Yeah, that's right. Then he remembered something about the dog. Laughing. Nothing. It was just the dog at dinner. Last scene there's a dog in the restaurant while they're having dinner.
Starting point is 00:42:52 No, okay. Not my finest adding. I'll pick another one. Very good film. Worth a watch. I'll pick another one that's fully seen. Thanks for listening. The Hamish and Andy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at HamishandAndy.com

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