Hamish & Andy - 2024 Ep 264 - The Moonwalkers Return

Episode Date: August 7, 2024

Anji joins the show to vouch for her partner, who petered out of the show after claiming he could get completely undressed in less than 2.5 seconds. Andy makes a discovery about toasters that he puts ...to the test in Experimental as Anything, while wrapping up some Loose Ends in the meantime. Hamish brings back the Moonwalkers for a quick update, and we bounce around some location ideas for the upcoming ConCon. 1. Return of the speedy undresser 2. Experimental as anything - toaster time 3. Racing Sonny in the moonwalkers 4. ConCon location suggestions 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A listener production. Activate your internet. Because the Hey Mission and the podcast starts in 3...2... Sorry, still buffering. One. Ahoy to me, Athos. Or maybe Hamish. Okay I'll answer to either I know it's a difficult name I am so annoyed with my parents for giving it to me but yes you're not the first person to get it wrong. Ahoy to me Portos. You have pronounced that correctly well done. Do you know what we are? I do
Starting point is 00:00:42 not. All I know is what my passport says and how to pronounce my name. And I'm Aramis. Feels like gods. Oh yeah I was going to say Lord of the Rings somethings. No well you're in the realm there's only three of us. I reckon we're the most famous trio there ever is. Oh we're the Three Wise Men. Oh no that probably is the most famous one to be honest. Not to take anything away from the top three Beatles. Um, are we the father, son, and holy ghost? No, no, no, like, the word three. That's the most famous one.
Starting point is 00:01:13 That is famous. Oh, Amigos. The three. Three Amigos. No, no. Mate, learn your threes, because we've actually named the top three threesomes. What about Musketeer?
Starting point is 00:01:24 Oh, they're not, okay, that's fine, but that's not the most famous threesomes. What about musketeers? Oh, they're not, okay, that's fine. But that's not the most famous threesome of all time. That's just- The three musketeers, the three wise men- Yep, three wise men would absolutely be the three musketeers, mate. Three wise men are in the bloody Bible. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I misspoke. Three wise men, but I reckon gotta be second, don't you reckon, as far as when you say the three... Ask the hundred. We've got the wrong show. Top threesomes of all time. No, not like that. All right. Ahoy also to Casey in Australia,
Starting point is 00:01:58 who used the very easy system at hamishdanny.com to upload what he's been up to. Ahoy, gentlemen. I have just left my local Richie's supermarket buying a few items on the way home from work, got myself a roast chicken for dinner. A few episodes back I think we were talking about being overly empathetic in unusual situations and as I was walking back towards the car past the stripper shops here. I Walk past the local charcoal chicken and the lady was coming over to the window to look in my direction and I felt the Need to hide the roast chicken because I didn't Getting upset that I bought a roast chicken from somewhere else
Starting point is 00:02:42 Okay, I don't know what's wrong with me guys. Anyway, keep up the good work. Again, no worries about the chicken involved. It's been beheaded and cooked. At least that there is a human element to that. I think that's fine. That's just regular empathy. That's just actually probably small business empathy.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Yes. You know, as I mean, I know it's been a few years since we did Chicken Fest, but we are a show that has a great affinity. Chicken shops. Chicken shops. And you know, we ran a nationwide contest to find Australia's best small chicken shop. So we know how you feel if you've got someone
Starting point is 00:03:19 that's there that's dedicated their life to the sacred art of smoking a joke. Or rotating it. Or rotating it, charcoaling it. You go to a big boy and you've bought a pre-packaged chicken. Yeah, I feel bad too. You should feel bad. And why were you buying a roast chook from the supermarket if you have access to a good chicken shop? Oh, they're pretty good from the supermarket.
Starting point is 00:03:41 They're not bad on having to go to the supermarket and chook if you need a bread roll, if you need a platter. understand if you have access to a chicken shop chicken. Would you do two trips if you're already in the supermarket? Yes, if there's a specialty store next door, yes. Sounds like it was on the way to the car. It was. And then while you're in there, a little box of chips for the drive home and actually turns it into quite a nice day out. That's true, he's missed the opportunity for chips and chicken salt so. home and actually turns it into quite a nice day out. That's true. He missed the opportunity for chips and chicken salt. So, um, guys, speaking of missed opportunities, this is a great segue.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Speaking of things that we thought had perhaps receded into the distance. And like on the show, I feel like we bring up a lot of exciting things and some inevitably are going to peter out. Others we try and keep alive, but you know, like trying to light a kid's birthday cake on a windy day in a poorly shielded gazebo. Sometimes you just can't get the flame working. But we pride ourselves on a 75 to 80 percent peter out ratio. Like we don't. We do.
Starting point is 00:04:38 We don't care that swings, big swings. A lot of it makes the ones that don't. Home runs. That's why you take big swings. That's the excitement of it. I don't know what the best analogy for this is. We've got another shot at this pitch. Oh wow. Something that we bought up that I think we loved
Starting point is 00:04:58 and we just thought, okay, maybe this is not going to happen. I get this email during the week from Angie. You're going to lose your shit. I do like knowing where that is. Yeah, well, lock it down. Just pop it in a drawer. Put a tag on mine.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Yeah. Put two in. I'm the partner of the guy that can get undressed in under two and a half days. I never thought we'd go back there. Wow. This is great. I know. I heard you guys think it went cold because he can't do it.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Very much so. Well, very much so. Very much so. We ran a few tests, if people remember that episode. And, you know, side note, I did stop the clock exactly on 2.50, but at the same time, we were like, OK, this is just such a quick amount of time. Because we don't have time to map out again how much two and a half seconds is now. We're kind of a bit pressed for time today. But if certainly in your own time, go and start a stopwatch and just appreciate how
Starting point is 00:05:58 quick 2.5 is. That would be to take away your clothes. And we had reached out to them or him. And then radio silence. So that's why we thought, oh, he's reassessed it. And we went, you know what? He probably meant to write 25. Yeah. Yeah. And, and we've read it as 2.5 and gave us all a huge laugh and we've
Starting point is 00:06:15 just enjoyed imagining that. And if that's what we got out of it, that's what we got out of it. Not true. So Angie writes, he absolutely can do it. And she goes, for the, for the first time in his life, he just got nervous about getting naked in front of people. I've been gently pressuring him and we'd love gentle pressure on the show. I've been gently pressuring him since we heard from you guys, but
Starting point is 00:06:40 he won't do it in the studio. It's an unbelievable skill, she writes. Open to ideas on getting him there. So it's a... We get a hotel room close by. Yep, I was thinking of one of those, just even a curtain, like a dressing room that we could build in the studio. Alright, so I suppose we need to get an understanding of does he need a home, does he need a home ground advantage to pull it off? Like do we need to go to their house?
Starting point is 00:07:03 What do we need? What are the conditions? And I'd be fine with undies. Like I wasn't expecting him to get completely naked. No, no, we don't have to. He's Willy. I think it's... In my imagining of the skill, it was he remains underpants. Yes. Yes. And maybe in the speed of taking all the clothes off, he doesn't have a choice whether the underpants remain. It burns up. Well, could we suggest wearing tight speedo-like bathers underneath boxer shorts?
Starting point is 00:07:29 And so in the struggles at all, if we get him and we see him in his speedos, we're like, great, he's done it. We know what we would normally see, but for the purposes of this experiment. Well, you get those laser cut ones that the girls have, so it's extremely smooth. There's no chance his fingers could even grab a seam. Yeah, that's a good idea. Anyway, well, as fate would have it, we have Angie maybe to answer these questions because she knows him the best.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Well, yes. Angie, are you there? Yes, I'm here. Angie, this is exciting. So many questions we have. The first big one, I suppose, is have you seen him do it? Like all the time. He does it almost daily.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Right. Does he wear Speedos underneath or do you get to see the whole hog? No. And I have suggested that he wears like a, I don't think the willy part is the issue. That's not the skill we're after. Yeah. We're really after, again, like the thing that we want to see is the speed of clothes going from man to floor. We don't need to verify how the whole hog, as Andy put it. We don't need to know about the hog. We're sure it's great. But are you talking about, it's not even just genitals, it's more just whole
Starting point is 00:08:40 body situation that you might be nervous about. Yeah. So initially when I nominated him for the special skill, he was all for it, so happy to do it. Then Mike reached out, he started practicing and then once it became crunch time he was like, I don't want to get naked in front of a studio of people. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay, so if it's a body confidence issue, we can understand it, we can appreciate that. I mean, it's, it's funny because on one hand, you've got this incredible skill that you should be so proud of that involves you getting fast, undress fast.
Starting point is 00:09:13 But then at the same time, you end up in a state that you don't want to be in. So what a conundrum, what a power to have. If we, I mean, it's only an audio medium, so we're fine there for other public eyes. But is, could we, like if there was a curtain up and it was just me and Andy and Jack It's only an audio medium, so we're fine there for other public eyes. But is... Could we... Like if there was a curtain up and it was just me and Andy and Jack behind the curtain, and we're just describing it. I mean, I think we need to humanize on him to some degree to verify that he's got undressed
Starting point is 00:09:36 in two and a half seconds. Yeah, because it is a rather large loophole if he goes behind the curtain by himself. I did it. I'm done. Finish. Okay, guys, I'm in a full three piece suit. Now I'm nude. Now I'm back in the suit.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Wow. So you understand. But I guess you could do it, like there is a way to do it without any eyes on him. If he went behind a privacy screen and then he threw his clothes out within two and a half seconds. Because that's when David Copperfield went through the Great Wall of China. It was all so weird. What do you need the screen for Copperfield? Let's see you walk face first into the concrete.
Starting point is 00:10:17 That's right. That's relieving ourselves well up to the loopholes. That screens shriek of magic tree. Why are you putting the watch in the bag to make it disappear? Make it disappear inika of magic tree. Why are you putting the watch in the bag to make it disappear? Make it disappear in front of my eyes. So Andy, I suppose what do you think? Sorry, we've just gone on a bit of a tangent around Puppetfield, but what would your suggestion
Starting point is 00:10:36 be? Well, he said that he would do it when he loses five kilos. We're currently on a challenge, so I think that that will be pretty quickly. That's what I feel. Could we as a show offer a personal trainer for a set period of time? And then if he doesn't make it. So you say if we say 12 week program. Do we get Sam Wood involved? Yeah. Right. You got a free 28 by Sam Wood membership. We give a run way and then we've done all we can and at the end of the 12 weeks, no matter what shape he is, we can't sit around waiting for five. But is there some
Starting point is 00:11:12 other side of the fence here where we can just assure him we love him no matter what size he is? You know, like can we work on the other side of it? Like you don't need to lose five kilos to be comfortable in front of us. No. I think that that would work. He could nominate the person he trusts the most out of the three if you want, only one of us got, we only wanted to verify it. That's true. Does he feel the most confident in front of him? I think that that's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Okay. Well, why don't you run these suggestions, including the personal trainer, et cetera, et cetera, back to him and we'll just- Yeah. Sorry, can I, just before we let you go, An Ang, we've been a bit sidetracked here in vital, you know, important issues about body confidence. I'm still fascinated. We're talking to the one woman on earth that's seen a man get under 2.5 seconds.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Yeah. And including shoes from memory. What? Including shoes? Yeah, including shoes. How does he do it? How does he do it? Can you... I don't want to...
Starting point is 00:12:02 I reckon that's, like, don't say that, Ang, because that is exactly like asking Copperfield what's his trick. Just describe what you see before your eyes then. Take us through, let's say, I will give you a second and a half beforehand and a second afterwards, a full five seconds. What do you see happening? Okay. So he'll just take off. So he takes off as he's taking off his shirt, he takes off his shoes at the same time, like one foot on the other foot, takes them off. After the shirts off, hits the ground, he just grabs his pants and his undies, pulls it off and his socks at the same time. Wow, that's an amazing way to clip it all.
Starting point is 00:12:41 It's still two and a half seconds, doesn't it? It's still unbelievable in two and a half seconds. We used that, we had like a hallway in our bedroom and I would be a metre and a half behind him. He'd be fully clothed. As I got around, he'd be in front of me. After I got around the corner, naked. But that is David Copperfield again. You don't actually see it happening. You didn't see it. But don't be, it can't be graceful. Well no, no you can't be, it can't be graceful. Well, no, no, you can't be. It can't be graceful. But what is amazing, I would love the skill.
Starting point is 00:13:10 If I had a sense at all that Bec wanted me naked and if she just looked at her phone for like, to scroll for one moment and to turn back and I was naked, that would be an amazing trick. I'm in the mood, but I must warn you, I might not be in four seconds. Yeah. Oh, okay. that would be an amazing trick. I'm in the mood, but I must warn you, I might not be in four seconds. LAUGHTER Yeah, all right, Angie, go back and chat to your partner about that.
Starting point is 00:13:32 We will circle back, and if we can arrange something, that would be incredible. Whether it's building up his self-confidence by going through this body transformation or simply by telling him we love him as he is, we're interested in the most direct method. Yes, yes. Whatever you think is a fair thing.
Starting point is 00:13:47 We want to see this man hit the floor. What is his name, by the way? I mean, I'm sorry. Liam. Liam. We want to see Liam hit the floor, wriggle around. I mean, even if it's Algy. No, he doesn't look standing up by the same thing.
Starting point is 00:13:56 No, it sounds like he hits the floor for the second bit. No, no. I think you misread that. He doesn't hit the floor. He would lay on the bed. Doesn't hit the floor. No. So he needs the bed. He doesn't hit a four, he would lay on the bed. Doesn't hit a four, no. So he needs the bed, he needs to roll backwards to get the pants on.
Starting point is 00:14:08 No, no, no, he doesn't need the bed, he just gets naked and lays on the bed. Right. I think he needs... You let us know if you need a bed though. I thought Endo, he was taking his top off, kicking off his shoes, then falling backwards onto something and attacking himself. No, I think he just rips them all off in one go. Or does he need, is there a point where he needs any other object or structure to... No.
Starting point is 00:14:31 No, there you go. No. Oh my God. That's awesome. Okay. Well, we hope to eventually see this, Angie, and whatever way it comes about, again, we don't want to pressure anyone that this is encouragement, as we've said before, and we'll chat to you soon.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Gentle encouragement. Okay, awesome. Thanks, Angie we'll chat to you soon. Gentle encouragement. Okay. Awesome. Thanks, Angie. We'll let you go. Thanks, guys. Even I'm going to practice. We'll go, but I'm going to practice taking my shoes off into an ice cream.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Guys, something was said to me this week that blew my mind. And you may, you both may go, oh, everyone knew that. But I'm still unsure whether it's true. I mentioned the other day that with toasters, the early settings on a toaster, there's no need. You should just have the later settings. And someone said to me, you realize, like, it's one, two, three, four, five, six, because that's how many minutes it goes down.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Yeah. I've heard that. I have heard that. But that's a recent thing I've heard. That was a recent bombshell. There's certainly, if we were playing Tell Me a Fact I Haven't Heard in a While, I have only heard that fact in the last two years, I reckon. Yeah, I would say about that.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And I remember being shocked by it as well. Well, I want to verify it today. It was like on one of those memes, it was like, I was today years old when I found out that, you know, it seemed like maybe some kind of TikTok trend that I've missed that, that people have been hearing this thing. I don't know if it's a trend. I think it's just as, I mean, it's a very fast fact. Yeah, a very fast fact.
Starting point is 00:16:00 No one's doing the six minute challenge. So the opposite of what TikTok's about. I want to pull out a segment from yesteryear, Ham, where we actually use the show to test these things. It's time for another one of these. Experimental as anything. Experimental as anything. Experimental as anything. Got a toaster here. A toaster?
Starting point is 00:16:34 Brand new? Brand new. Well, it's an Office One, so it's been the last, I think, 18 months. But I see some crumbs, so it has been used. Has been used. This goes up to nine. Are you ever putting your toast on for nine minutes? Are you putting a crumpet in that's at zero degrees Kelvin?
Starting point is 00:16:52 Exactly. That is a cold thing to toast. So I'm already suspicious of this, but I'll set it to three. I think obviously we're just not going to wait here for three minutes. Here's the thing, though, is I can't say that's out of the... It's an analog dial, obviously. So that... You'd sort of...
Starting point is 00:17:11 Because, you know, like it's a pretty small delineation on the arc. Like anything from like... You could be bang on three, but it could be anywhere from 250 to like 310. You know what I mean? OK, so we'll give it a little bit of leeway. You've got to give it a bit of fact because it's a pretty small dial. It did just click onto three, like it seems specific. There's about a cent, for both of them, there's about a centimeter between each number.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Yeah, but that's what I mean. I mean, that's tough. Yeah, it's got a little like, you feel it, it's tactile. It's like a little ridge. A little ridge, so you like dock through. Haptic feedback. Haptic and haptic tactile. It's like a little ridge. So you like, dot three. Haptic feedback. Haptic feedback. This is a very good toaster. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:50 So now if I turned it off, number three. I'll just roll it back. Yes. And now it feels like it's locked into three, but we'll give it a bit of leeway. In the meantime, while we wait for the toaster to go, I thought I'd type a few loose ends. So if anyone's got loose ends. Yeah, we're in the loose ends, we can do that. But I...
Starting point is 00:18:07 Do you have to have a piece of bread in there? Will that change? Like can a toaster break if you're toasting nothing? I don't think so. To protect the other side of the elements from the heat going through? No. It's true, Jack. I'm just saying...
Starting point is 00:18:20 It seems reckless to toast nothing. It seems like in this day and age, it's a waste of energy to just be heating up the atmosphere for no reason. It's not reckless though, I don't think. Would you say like, this isn't going to explode or anything? It's true though, Jake. It feels like it's in the same category as like, you know, pressing the accelerator when you're flooding the engine when the car's not on or like dry firing a gun.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Are we ready? Have you started it? No. Oh, do you want me to start a timer? Um, I've got it here as well, but you can do the time. I know you do them together. All right. On your marks, get set, go.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Loose ends. Can we just put to bed? We are very aware that Scary Movie 3 had the big hat. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Had a scene. Yes, because obviously scary movie paranormal things are happening, but we are aware of that. And maybe that's where the- The author of K-Zone probably got inspired by that. Could have. Could have.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Yep. And we in turn got inspired by that author. But it was a great, and again, we stand by it, king of the pranks. Looking forward to having had- I was actually in that cafe again this morning. Were you really? They're still laughing. Still laughing. Still, the ripple effect, you know, it will ricochet forever.
Starting point is 00:19:51 It's sort of become, it's become like, yeah, the seat from when Harry met Sally. It's like, oh, okay, that's where that scene was. This is where that hat prank was. I did see a small bus pulling up actually into us. Hat fans. I haven't seen too many. We obviously, you know, I'm sure it's out there user generated stuff. People doing their own five hat prank.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Haven't seen any come in, but I'm sure people are, but I do know how hard it is to make the hats and I took a month. So they'll start rolling in soon. And Web Begiza Jazz is still wearing hat number two, I believe you gifted him. Or was it hat number one? Hat number one. Okay. Which I really, but that was the one that I put a lot of time into.
Starting point is 00:20:29 That's why I stopped. Then after that I started stapling them together. I just say- Oh, stop. A minute and thirty-six. I felt short. Really? I was today years old when I stopped believing memes.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Wow, the internet has lied to us. That's why you do it as any other. Honestly, honestly. I didn't even get through my two other loose ends. This feels like in my household where I go, Zoe, just cause it was, you've got to stop putting so much faith in TikTok and memes. Yeah. Cause she was like, I guys, we were like away recently with the kids and there was like chopper chops there. He goes, you know, we've been opening chopper chops all wrong.
Starting point is 00:21:03 I was like, what's, you know, cause we all know the normal way to open a Chopper Chop. It's annoying. Yeah. You have to pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, finally get a little bit, like rip it, you rip the top off. The bottom's not going like they're probably one of the most annoying confectionaries to open. But isn't there like a twist you can do?
Starting point is 00:21:18 Well, Zoe goes, no, you twist it. You hold, yeah, you hold the top and you twist in the opposite direction and they just fall off and shows me a guy like on TikTok doing it. It doesn't work. It doesn't work. You just twist it, nothing happens. Can I wrap up the last two loose ends? And because the toaster went real short. That is a bombshell though. So it was first a bombshell that we learned that there was minutes and now bombshell that that wasn't true. I think the age-old rule is like any tool, you just have to learn your toaster. You learn it and you go, look guys, what are you toasting?
Starting point is 00:21:48 What are you toasting? Bread. More information, please. Is it sourdough? Is it kids slice sandwich bread? Is it frozen? Is it frozen? Oh, it's a kid's wholemeal slice. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:55 That's a two. Yeah. How do you like it? Yeah. Do you like the change? There should be a little, there should be a little like graph, like laminated graph that comes with it and you follow it down. And I've got a mate that has one of those for his Nespresso.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Is that right? No, Marco. And he goes, what do you, like, what do you want? Do you want teacup? Do you want stronger? Do you want Arabic? Like, you know, it has all the different Nespresso's and it's a laminated chart. You and him don't spend nearly enough time together and you're
Starting point is 00:22:20 almost exactly the same person. Yeah. I draw the line. And, um, but I think you don't drink coffee. I think because you don't drink coffee. I was like, this is very handy to be so proud of the Nespresso machine. It's like the full flavor chart.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Quick loose ends then. Jason Alexander using the bell, you know, he couldn't work out while in Jason Alexander, his podcast, really? Oh, really? He was using a bell. Turns out whenever he says, really, he rings a bell. So if you're like, you were doing this show for 19 years and he's like, really? Ding.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Because it's like, I mean, I'm, I, who knows? I don't know if our audience finds the bell annoying. I think people enjoy the bell, but ours has a purpose. Like, you know, we're moving on. And the other part is, I know he said really, cause I heard it. Yeah. Like, why do we need a bell for really? I didn't hear a reminder. Anyway, that's what I was talking about.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Final one. This came in from Will in the UK. He said, since hearing the nickname guy on Special Skills a while back, who was giving all of us nicknames. Yeah, like Web Giza, the spider, because he lives in the web. Oh, well done. Good memory. He said Darcy's nickname was grossly misattributed. Obviously Darcy, who does the audio here, he said, I've got a far more applicable nickname for the pod's notorious audio trimmer, the Dar Snip.
Starting point is 00:23:39 And I quite liked it. Took a second, but I like it. Yeah, playing words of parsnip. Yeah. Obviously Dar Snip. He snips out yeah. Playing words of parsnip. Obviously, darsnip. He snips out audio. That's what he got too. So I felt like that is a much better name.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Didn't get the huge reaction in here. Well, yeah, it's one of those words where you're like, oh, I see what you've done. Yeah. So Will- And it doesn't roll off the tongue. Like I'm not looking forward to saying darsnip. Very much. I didn't know if I was looking forward to saying Dastnip. Okay. That's very much what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I didn't know if I was looking forward to it, but after I heard you say it, now I'm not looking forward to it because it didn't, it seemed like it took a while. Really? Oh, sorry. Automatic trigger. Gentlemen, it's been a few weeks since the euphoria hysteria is the wrong word, but I think it was euphoria swept the studio after I was able to show you and demonstrate to the class to the team, the moonwalkers, the robotic shoes that I bought. I had forgotten all about them. Hang on. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:24:47 And I do remember saying that I was excited. Things are red hot. Things are red hot. No, no. So when you say hysteria, I think we need to wind that right back to like the sugar hit. Yeah, it was. That's a perfect way to say it, Endo, because I remember after I saw the video, I was excited for in that moment.
Starting point is 00:25:05 It was so exciting. Guys, might I remind you of some of the quotes that were flying around? Those are amazing. I actually do kind of want a pair. That was Jack. That's right. Yeah. And then quick little sugar here. Like what? Amyl. Everyone got a little loose for a second second and now we've tightened our brains. Tighten right back up and realising.
Starting point is 00:25:31 As is my understanding. We've got what we want. It's out of my, it's above my pay grade. Sorry, yes, where are, how are they going? No, no, guys, back it up for a second because you loved them, you do love them. Have you used the beer? I've still got him. So we remember the joy of seeing me walk around the food court downstairs.
Starting point is 00:25:50 My god, look at that guy. He's walking at the speed of a run. Now that was my, I mean, then I sent you guys the video of me, like I went down to the car park, ran into a trading, someone like fixing up the building down here. He was filming me going, yeah, they're good. Where can I get a pair? So people see him and the excitement spreads. And, you know, everyone that sees him wants a little taste as you guys. We all remember what you were yelling. Let's all get a pair was actually one of the phrases. You said that let's all get them.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Wow. Did I said that? So it's like me looking back at a photo of me and the two people just going, why the hell were those jeans? Yeah, it's like, as a teenager I wanted an eyebrow ring. And now I look back at that and go, I'm so glad I didn't get an eyebrow ring. You said it, you meant it. So in that moment, you true desire, I thought it was actually a beautiful moment that the real you could come out and you could talk about what you really want as human beings. Yes. Well, we did band together for a small amount of time at that point.
Starting point is 00:26:47 You stop saying it was just then. It's how you feel. Stop putting a tense on it. Stop trying to pigeonhole it and make it a time capsule. It's current and it will remain into the future. So that's how your feelings are. I just wanted to let you know, I took the shoes home, um, took them into the house. My little boy was there. He was like, what are those? I said, I'm a check this out. Now you, the thing about the moonwalkers is when you put them on over your sneakers,
Starting point is 00:27:19 are they okay inside? I'd imagine you'd need more. We have tiling on sides inside. So that's fine. We have the same tiles that kind of actually run outside. Okay. But the thing is you got to start walking normally, right? You just, you don't have to adjust your gait or anything.
Starting point is 00:27:32 You just start walking normally heel to toe, heel to toe. And the AI in there detects you're moving and it starts its motors up. Look, this is just a, this is not a limitation of the product. It's just the limitation of science. It needs several steps to get into the vibe, okay. To get into the rhythm. Our patio is very, very short. So I'm, I'm walking for Sunny and the kids going, look, look at this.
Starting point is 00:27:57 And they're like, yes. And I'm like, you know, and I could feel it just starting to take off as I got to the opposite wall. And I'd like half a step and zoom into the wall and stop and go, okay, watch this. And then my daughter went, I don't get it. And then I went, yeah, no, I didn't understand that. Sunny, come with me. Let's go to the park. There's a car park there and I'll show you, we'll do them over there.
Starting point is 00:28:24 This is gonna... When Sunny eventually has his podcast in his late 20s, he's like, you know what dad used to make me do? He used to make me go and watch him. Watch him on Robotics. Yeah, that's him because he didn't want to have a go. He was just happy to watch me. Sunny's gonna go, hey, you know how we don't wear these robot shoes around? Back in 2024, we weren't positive that we weren't going to use them. It was still up in the air.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Anyway, and I showed Sonny and I think- He wanted to go home. He did ask if we were done. And then, and then it's a walk back up the hill. Actually have this thing where it's like bus stop to bus stop. We walk back up the hill to where it's our house. And he just loves to sprint bus stop to bus stop. And I time him like always.
Starting point is 00:29:11 So he goes, well, let's see if they can, let's see, cause if the shoes go as fast as a run, can you beat a race? What is he nine year old? 10. And I went in my head, I was like, they struggle uphill. I mean, they don't conk out, but they do struggle uphill. What a heart back for you. We had an old man come in when you first bought kangaroo boots to see whether you could jump higher than a grandpa and it failed. And now
Starting point is 00:29:37 with a robotic running shoes, you've got to try and find out whether you can run faster than a 10 year old. Uphill. It wouldn't make sense for the pride to work best on uphill because that's where we need the most help walking. No, Jack. It's just, look, there's a lot of, there's a, there's a, you're fighting against gravity here. And even robots struggle with that. Let's not forget we couldn't get out of the atmosphere of the sixties.
Starting point is 00:29:58 So ignore gravity at your peril, my friend. She's a worthy adversary. Ignore gravity at your peril, my friend. She's a worthy adversary. Yeah, that's fair. That is fair. So, and I'm now also, obviously, my son is also versus gravity. It's an even playing field in that sense. Anyway, I was a little bit nervous because it hadn't captured his imagination the way
Starting point is 00:30:17 I would have hoped. Because I'm well clunking over sticks and gum nuts and things. There's a couple of trips and falls and it just hadn't wowed him. So I go on the road, it's a bit of a smoother road and it's a low traffic area. He tags off from the get go. I'm like, this is no- You took your seven steps to the AI to kick in. Yeah, I'm clonking up the road, one car passed and I would love to know what they thought I was doing. I'm just clonking along with these shoes.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Eventually they kicked in and I'm taking big powerful strides. It's kind of about the feeling you get when you're in a travel aid or at the airport. You walk past people. So I'm taking big powerful strides, but Sunny absolutely thrashed me. No way on a travel aid are you beating somebody running alongside. But the other thing I'd argue is these are walk as fast as a run. I don't think they make you run faster than a run. You're not allowed to run in them. No, they're faster. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Does it specifically say not to run in them? Do not run in them. Walk your normal gait and you will walk as fast as a run. To be honest, I'm a man with longer legs as you both are. I was already happy with my walking speed. Like, if needs be. If needs be. I'm often man with longer legs as you both are. Yeah. I was already happy with my walking speed. Like if needs be. If needs be. I'm often having to wait.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Yes. If needs be, especially with a smaller wife than me, who's significantly less tall than I am. Yes. If I decide to put top speed on, that's, I get, yeah, yeah, I'm, I get in a huge trouble. So that's all stuff that was, you know, that's all interesting data to learn about
Starting point is 00:31:47 once you've bought the shoes. And now look, I know here, I'm not framing them in the best light, but I actually just want to rewind back to where we were all saying we loved them. For a second. If we can remind us. You say rewind or remind?
Starting point is 00:32:02 Rewind and remind, and think about how much we loved them them and you saw the video and you were saying stuff like, I actually want a pair. Do I have an offer for you? I thought this is really going, no. Boy oh boy. I don't want a violin. Yeah, well you said you wanted them and I don't want to have to sue you for lying.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Do I have an offer for you? I know you're coming over to my house in a couple of weeks. Boy, oh boy. I thought instead of us all buying a pair, maybe we all just pay a third and we can have some sort of rotating shares system. We're buying the existing pair. Yeah. I don't think we all three of us need to buy a pair. How much were they again? $1,500. No? $1,500. No.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Jack, that's for two shoes. You've got to remember, that's for the pair. So $750 a piece, knock off $50 because I've gone over the gum nut. So $500, Jack, and you can have them for two weeks. No. I can tell, I can already tell it's a one go. Get the most, you get the most out of it from one go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:05 How much do you want to pay for one go there when you get there? 10 bucks. Oh, you'll take it. Yeah, I will take it. I will take it. Haim, the support for ConCon has really risen in just two weeks. Conference conference we should point out to a few people last week. What does it stand for?
Starting point is 00:33:32 Reiterate conference conference. It's a conference full of mini conferences. Yes. A Buschka conference. And it's, I think you, did you say a conference for all, Ando? A conference for all. It's the premier tax deductible conference. Is that part of the slogan?
Starting point is 00:33:50 Yeah, it could be. It could be Australia's premier tax deductible conference. It's just the payers' person for us. With an abundance of networking opportunities, you won't be left wanting at ConCon. Here's something that I've been told during the week from someone who actually does run conferences. Normally a conference, say if it's in the tech space, they would have naming rights sponsors.
Starting point is 00:34:14 So like a bigger tech brand. Like the conference. Oh, so PhysioCreme presents. Exactly. We are getting a lot of people wanting to be the naming rights sponsor of Con Con. I'm not going to mention them because then they're getting a freebie. Yeah, but we'd be interested. But are we interested in that?
Starting point is 00:34:34 Sorry, sorry. I wanted to pose mine as a question as well. Would we be interested? I've come out too enthusiastic. What I meant was, would we like all that sweet, sweet loot? I would. I see some benefits. What would you, how would you envisage it happening, Jaco? We companies would submit to be the naming rights sponsor and whether or not they- I guess you just get one big exclusive one. Well, they normally have a primary and secondary.
Starting point is 00:35:07 And what they normally do is they dress that up in different ways. If primary and secondary feels a bit bad for secondary, they do platinum and gold. Yep. Jack, if a, let's say a drinks company comes to be the platinum presenting partner of Con Con and they say, here's our pitch. Let's say it's your favorite beer company. And they say, here's our pitch. And we'd subsidize half the cost of the hotel rooms and the venue hire and we'd take care of that. And that would be, that'd be our, that's our offer. Would you then go- Oh, sort of, so it's more of a running cost and not a money in our pocket situation.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Then that's up to you guys, because that's kind of falls on your side of admin. Would the weasel care to wet his whiskers? So for a beverage partner for the conference? Yeah, would you go? Yeah, sure, have as many as you want. Sorry, what's the question? Would you be expecting, you know, a few cases of beer? Oh, I guess like there would be like, you would assume that they...
Starting point is 00:36:10 Can't endorse a product without the tie in it first. Exactly, like they would send a bunch around and yeah, we'd pick and choose. I just... I want to get an idea of what you're hoping for as we take on a corporate partner, if we took on a corporate partner. All I can say then, we might be interested in a corporate partner. Yep. So that'll fall onto admin side, yes?
Starting point is 00:36:28 Well, it would mean that it would cost less to go. Like that's why we'd do it because people still have to fly themselves that time. That's what I meant. That is what I meant. Forget about the pick and choose of the free beer. That's where my head was. Because we're asking people to fly there. We're asking people to, you know, pay for a tea. Because we're asking people to fly there, we're asking people to pay for a ticket.
Starting point is 00:36:45 All we're doing is offering. If we can offer a lower con, although the cheaper the tickets are, the less of a tax deduction it is. But I suppose the flights and everything there. Well, it's hotel. It's going to add up. It's going to add up. And that's good news for you.
Starting point is 00:36:59 More of a tax deduction. Yes. That's the genius of this event. That's the benefit of this. The more expensive it is, the greater the benefit it is. It's the conference the tax man won. Conference, you're on tax return. Okay, well that's good. We've also had lots of, let me, again, that's probably on my side for admin, wasn't it? You're on merch, Ham. I'm on merch.
Starting point is 00:37:20 We've also had a lot of suggestions as to where to go with some hot leads. Some good ideas coming in. This one's from Peter. He suggests the Scottish Highlands. Oh wow. Now that is quite a fair way away, but he goes, listen, great place, but a bigger bit. Whiskey distilleries, golf courses. We do. Then he goes, also rainy enough to throw off the ATO if they get suspicious. I don't, I don't know if, I'm not sure what he means by that as if, so, because you know, like a Fijian conference might be a red flag or like, you know, I went to a conference in Hawaii or Douglas. It seems like too much of a holiday.
Starting point is 00:38:01 It's like, oh, hang on a sec. That's a holiday destination. I think that's what he means. Cause in my mind, it did conjure up the picture of the ATO chasing us through the highlands and us getting away from them in the rain and they give up their pursuit as they slide down. We make it through to the other side of the highlands and we have the comments, either I'll take. We make it through to the other side of the highlands and we have the conference.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Either I'll take. Well, that's interesting because I thought, I mean, I thought someone suggested Cape Town. They live there in South Africa and they happy to help organize the conference. They've got conference, these are hotel employees, got conference experience. But again, I felt that's just too far. Long way to go. Long hop. You'd love to be able to offer this business offering to fellow business people, I would
Starting point is 00:38:54 say in a Friday to Sunday turnaround. Yeah. I think you've got people going, obviously I'm away Friday at a conference, zero questions asked, but I'll be back Monday refreshed from my conference. And maybe even have a good conference. Yes. Angle for a couple of days in Loo because you've worked on the weekend.
Starting point is 00:39:13 That's a good point. Jack will be doing a side workshop on how to get more out of the conference. Can we offer that, Jack, in a side room? Yep. Well, can we agree then? So we've had people from Hamilton Island reach out and say that, that this could be a good place for Con Con. Then Heyman Island, I've just noticed there's another island.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I was like, oh, the islands are playing of each other. Battle of the islands. Tourism Fiji have reached out. That's another island. Tourism Fiji reached out. Yes. So again, that's on my side of the admin. Tourism though, sounds like we're tourists.
Starting point is 00:39:48 That is a red flag. No, no, but business tourism is big. Like half of Vegas' money is conferences. They need big conferences in town, being in that business. Can't stress that word enough, business, business into the Fijian realm. Fiji would be a real hotspot for networking and conferences. Should I just say that tropical is where we're thinking? As much as I love to the rains and
Starting point is 00:40:13 the soft... The defensive advantage of being in the rain. I think, yeah, I think if we're talking about a situation where we're going to have projectors and we're going to have equipment, they work well in a human environment. Yep. Okay. Well, that's fun. We'll gather more info. I guess that's, we've got to do a quick turnaround on that info, don't we? As in destination and location, because then people can assess and book. I think we want to give people about a month notice, don't we? That seems about... Only a month. Oh, is we? That seems about- Oh, only a month. Oh, is that too little for a conference?
Starting point is 00:40:47 Yeah, let's try and give as much as possible. But yeah, a month will be a minimum of a month. A minimum of a month. I was also thinking too, just to start driving excitement, it would be fun to have like a song, like a jingle for Con Con. Now can't stress enough that this is a placeholder. We can obviously, we can tweak this. You might have noticed me in here like five minutes before you guys came into the studio. This is a, you talk about fast turnarounds, this is a five minute turnaround.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Okay. Audio wise, but just tell me if you'd like the flavor of this. Okay. There's a cool new conference, no matter your beers. Venue TBC, we can't tell you where it is, but we know the venue is nice and warm. Will it have gold? First tea time is at dawn. Con Con. It's a professional production. Con Con.
Starting point is 00:41:36 And a tax deduction. Con Con. Tell us what you do. Con Con. Then we present it back to you. Con Con. The conference so nice you can deduct it twice. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,ing it twice. Yes. One would be a future deduction for next year, which I think you can do. No, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Well, I'm not going to say no. I'm going to say check with your local accountant. Even if they're not yours. I just got applause from outside, from the producers outside. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for someone. That can't be the phrase as well, check with your local accountant. from the producers outside. Thank you. Thank you for someone. Like you say.
Starting point is 00:42:26 That can't be the phrase as well, check with your local account. Your local account, I mean it makes it sound like you live in a village. It's not even your account. It's just the local account. Check with the local. I think you're confusing it with,
Starting point is 00:42:38 inform the local authorities if you're going hiking. I absolutely am. I absolutely am. I absolutely am. I absolutely am. I absolutely am. Just letting you know. Hello, who are you? I'm Andy, I live in the area.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Sorry to barge in, but I'm in your postcode. Yeah, I'm going to duck something twice because I might do it next year. Sorry, mate, I don't know. Yeah, just checking with my local account. See you later. All right, I think we progressed things. Yep. No, do.
Starting point is 00:43:05 And again, yeah, when it comes time to the write-offs and the TDs, those sweet deductions, do yeah. Give us two weeks. Go to the wise old village elder who knows these things. Give us two weeks. Let's just come back. Give us two weeks of just some more admin sorting. I think we're going to need at least 10 business days from now to come
Starting point is 00:43:25 back with some more solid info about the direction we're going because there will be a fair bit of organising. Not from my side of things, I think I'm good to go. Jack, if I'm doing, and if you're doing admin, I'm on merge, what do you see yourself doing, Jaco? Well, if I've got this side hustle room, that's plenty of work. I don't understand what that room is.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Hey, we suggested that I'd do a side conference on how you can maximize your deductions and days in Loo and that sort of thing. A little weasel conference. Did I miss that? Sorry about that. A little weasel pen. But I mean, you could run the weasel pen,
Starting point is 00:44:04 which would be interesting. But if you weren't doing that, like from an organisational perspective, because we'll all be presenting. I could run like the group chat, I guess, of everyone coming. Oh, that's pretty fun. That's great. Like a giant WhatsApp. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Love it. Just make sure everyone's like doing the right thing in there and knows what time to get to the conference, that sort of thing. Brilliant. That's above and beyond. That's a huge amount of work you've put your hand up for. Everyone's doing the right thing in there and knows what time to get to the conference, that sort of thing. Brilliant. That's above and beyond. That's a huge amount of work you've put your hand up for. It seems easy.
Starting point is 00:44:31 What's hard about it?

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