Hamish & Andy - 2024 Ep 266 - The Best Timed 'Must Be Nice' Ever

Episode Date: August 21, 2024

A salacious headline about Hamish being in a police investigation sets the guys up to play another round of Salacious Headlines. Multiple bids have come through for a ConCon location, and Andy comes i...n with a brand new Song Sleuth involving an Australian classic. Plus, listeners try their best to tell the guys someone they haven't thought of for a while.  1. Salacious headlines 2. ConCon bidding locations 3. Tell us someone we haven’t thought of in a while 4. Turning to look at a fancy car 5. Song Sleuth - Up There Cazaly 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A listener production. Activate your internet because the Hey Mission and the podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. One. Ahoy to me snap. Hey, me. Oh my God. One. Ahoy to me snap. Amish. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Did you do this one? This is, after what happened last week. Because immediately, immediately we know it's crackle and pop. Exactly. After what happened last week, this is what actually gave me It's not good enough. Excellent joy when I,
Starting point is 00:00:39 like, just euphoria when I got back last week and it wasn't missed it, but it's not my job. And then Mike pointed at me and went, ha went haha Tom, Dick and Harry not good enough. He raised his fist to triumph and then a week later he sits down and offers to snap, crackle and pop as the threat. I mean, not that you should ever, you know, it's a creative pursuit. Things can die if you dissect creative pursuits too ferociously but let me be clear on what I think the fun of the
Starting point is 00:01:05 game is at the start of the show. Yeah, try to work it out. The first one should be very hard, impossible. You should not be able to work it out from just one clue. You should not be able to work out from just one clue. The second one, for a small percentage of the audience, they could go, okay, there is a bit of overlap there, there's a chance that this is something. The third one should still not solve it for everyone, allowing at least 50% of the audience to go,
Starting point is 00:01:27 oh, they're all types of aircraft carrier or whatever. And that's a fun, we gain one piece of tidbit. Yeah. And then after last. Don't incorporate a well-known, like don't do slip, slop, slap, because we know what's coming in that order. We've been conditioned through repetition and marketing to know know that we know what snap crackle and pop is
Starting point is 00:01:48 No one's getting the fun at the end of going really was it used for a popular cereal? I'd miss that after last week. You know how you had to go at me for not having extra detail on Tom Dickens Harry That's right. I think Mike's heard that in a last minute attempt to try and fix this. He's got Snap, wears a yellow shirt and has red hair. Crackle wears a blue shirt and has blonde hair. Pop wears a red shirt and has brown hair. Thanks Mike. Thanks a heap Ben. When you actually when you think of it it is kind of genius from the Kellogg's marketing team that came up with Snap, Crackle and Pop. Because it's, there aren't three distinct sounds that rice bubbles make. It's all pop. Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. It's actually not, you're not going, oh there's a crackle, there's a snap. We're led to believe there's a variety of sounds, but it is just
Starting point is 00:02:37 pops. Just pops. Just bubbles. Well, isn't crackling a series of pops? A series of small pops, he's probably right. How fun would we be in the marketing page? Sorry, me again. Hmm. I... I can't really, yeah, can't sign off on this one, guys. It should be, yeah, it should be long pop,
Starting point is 00:03:02 one pop and series of pops. Crackle of pop. The stack of pop. Crackle of pop. Ahoy also to Evie, from Australia, who went to HamishAndy.com, uploaded what she's been up to. Very easy to use system there. Ahoy Hamish, Andy and number six. I just wanted to let you know that the other day
Starting point is 00:03:19 I received a parcel in the mail with a T-shirt that I was very keen to receive. Obviously I immediately put it on and my partner's first response upon seeing me in my new t-shirt was to ask who's Mr. Ralph? Obviously I responded immediately I can't tell you did you read the shirt? Clearly he's someone who can afford full price airfares. must be very nice. Very good example of keeping it quiet in the wild. Hey, that must relax you, Jack.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Those t-shirts must have run out by now, surely. I've got mine on. Yeah, it's good. You do too. See, it's subtle, Jack, you know. It's just a nice little subtle nod pledge. Anyway, head to Hames. You're basically hypnotising everyone you walk past.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I don't know whether they've saw it. Go to hameshane.com to check that out. Anyway, you're basically hypnotizing everyone you walk past. I don't know whether there's, I'll go to HamishHanen.com to check that out. Hey, Jack, you'll love this because it got brought to my attention that a newspaper has made a salacious headline, which we love in this show. It's one of our games. But this one really took the cake for me because it said Perth now, it's what it's from, comedian Hamish Blake caught up in police investigation. Hamish. And then it's a story. You get bought in because you've listened to a lot of Truth Crime podcasts. You get bought in to crack one case. They say you're caught up in it. Do you guys have any idea what that is referencing?
Starting point is 00:04:48 No. Police investigation. The article is about the game I played where someone came in and you had to remember. Do you remember whether that person bought it? That's an even longer bow than we do as a joke on the show. Isn't that the longest bow? I don't think anyone even mentioned the word police. No, it's not a police investigation. No, it wasn't. It was...
Starting point is 00:05:13 So that is... We've gone to a new level now, because you know that the way like these websites and like, you know, like, you know, if you work at the Daily Mail, wherever, like they've gone, guys, here's the headline, here's the facts. I'm going to leave the room and come back in a few minutes. Whoever can produce the most outrageous thing that still is technically has one percent overlap with the story. Yes. You get today's cookie.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Well, they've put police investigation in quotation marks, which, which I now I think this means it's not it. It's not that. Anything but that. But we thought it'd be a nice way to kick off, and we haven't done it since the start of the year. Very good. Another game of our own Salacious Headlines. Very good.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Oh, that's lovely. Nothing wrong with that. That's perfect. No, it's not. Wait a second, there is something wrong with that. Salacious Headline. So the way this works is I'll just, you know, we each take it in terms to say one thing, don't we? A nice positive thing in our lives.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yep. And then we get to try and think of a salacious headline off the back. Do you want me to go first? I'll give you my positive thing. Sure. Okay. What's something we're doing? So our positive thing is, well, we bought a manual pasta machine and we're going to do make your own pasta
Starting point is 00:06:27 day this Sunday. Okay. It's like a family thing. Okay. I can go. Salacious headline, salacious headline in three, two, one. Hamish Blake and Zoe Foster Blake delighted to welcome new addition to the family. Great one.
Starting point is 00:06:46 That would work. They've done that before. Yeah, they've done that before. They did it with the cats, I think. I think my mum sent me this going, oh, I think you need to address this because they're saying you've had two more children. No, no, no. This is just clickbait.
Starting point is 00:07:02 If you speak clickbait, you'll know that this means that we just bought a rake or something. That's really good, Jack. I mean, I'm going to use the quotation marks. Salacious headline, salacious headline in three, two, one. Hamish Blake strengthens suspected ties to the mafia with another lunch with the family. Oh, that's good. Quotation marks the family. Do I have suspected ties to the mafia? Well no, but part of the Italian.
Starting point is 00:07:42 It's pasta. And this would be the conversation in the Daily Mail. Can we say he's in love you? He's eating pasta. And remember, we only need 1% overlap. Yes, I forgot about that. That's good. All right, great. OK, I'm happy to go.
Starting point is 00:08:03 OK, Jack. So the house that my wife and I spent four years renovating we finally sold it and yesterday Handed over the keys. Oh, yeah, I've got an easy one Financial troubles for Post? Question mark. Jack Post forced to give up the house he built with his own hands. That's pretty good. Yeah, forced to give up a good way of saying sold it. Sold it.
Starting point is 00:08:35 You sold it. You do have to give it up. We did make a choice to sell it. No, but once you've sold it, you're a contractor. You are forced to give it up. You would be forced. Technically, we are forced to continue the transaction. Yep, I got one. Weasel ads to already burgeoning cash piles made by getting products for free by selling
Starting point is 00:09:04 home made home. Because you made it yourself, didn't it? Didn't you? Well, you did a lot of it. Yeah. Well, you got people in. Listeners into making it homemade. What is homemade?
Starting point is 00:09:16 It is a lawsuit pending as homemade home passes on to unsuspecting buyers. Homemade home sold on regular house market. A lot of the time homemade is actually a positive thing. It's homemade furniture. That's true. Not for a house or a pacemaker or just a bunch of other things. All right, mine. Bit of good news.
Starting point is 00:09:42 We have booked family holiday, as in mum, dad, my brother, sister, their family, his entire family are going away holiday. We're going to Fiji and first time we've gone away for six years together. So we're very excited about that. Okay. I'm going to say, okay, I got one. You want to go first, Jack O'Kane? Amy, you go. Okay, here, no. I'm gonna say, okay, I got one. You wanna go first, Jack or Hame? Hame, you go.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Okay, here we go. Salacious headline, salacious headline in three, two, one. Puff Puff gone. The Weaver leaves Australia's harsh indoor smoking laws to maximize duty-free tobacco allowance. That's very good. tobacco allowance. That's very good.
Starting point is 00:10:30 All right, here I go. Salacious headline, salacious headline in three, two, one. Six years in the dark. Why Andy Lee is just now agreeing to holiday with his family. That's great. Jack, you're too good at this. Andy Lee is just now agreeing to holiday with his family. That's great. Jack, you're too good at this. He's too good at this. I like the...
Starting point is 00:10:53 You're going to get headhunted. I like the little phrase he does at the top. Yeah. Well, if there's a job of just doing the headlines and not having to write the article, I'd be happy to work at one of these clickbait places. I think it's still too much for you as well. Again, this is a good little taste for future employee already. Jake hasn't been offered a job that doesn't exist. He's trying to reduce the workload. Haim, con con. Gee, there's some interest in making sure people can get together, potentially
Starting point is 00:11:26 a sunny place for the golf course for a tax deductible business trip. Yeah. Can't stress that enough. And again, conference, Con Con is conference, conference is the conference that all businesses love and we'll have something for everyone. A conference for all, I think. A conference for all. Come one, come all. A conference for all, tax deductible, absolutely 100% under, just look up the actual code for
Starting point is 00:11:51 the tax file. In this one. Get your, get advice, but from where we sit, from our angle, looking very good. Yeah. Not only do people and their businesses wanting to come, which they've registered their interests, we've had thousands. We've had a lot of different convention centers from actually around the world bidding. When there's a new fish in the ocean, you can see the excitement where they're like, okay, how do we get this? Like imagine if Comic-Con were like, we want to do this thing,
Starting point is 00:12:19 but we don't have a home and San Francisco will be falling over itself. Get here, get here. So there seems to be excitement. And so I thought I'd put together a little dossier of the different places by location that have offered to host ConCon. These are legitimate convention centers that have reached out saying, will you guys come? Where will we network? And then that is also there's going to be there's obviously going to be sessions and the official activities, but there's so much off-program stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:49 You want to ensure you have a location that can help all the business development stuff that happens outside the room. Let's kick into the first one. The Sunshine Coast. As the name suggests, there will be sun shining. Not that we'll see any, as there will no doubt be a heavy seminar schedule. The Novatel Sunshine Coast Resort and Convention Centre has a 380 person theatre style auditorium and a 450 person cocktail party area. Sorry,
Starting point is 00:13:17 networking space. Thank you for your bid. The Sunshine Coast. So seats 380 but 450 for networking. So you possibly could sell 70 networking only tickets. Getting for the networking only portion. Sunshone Coast, obviously the climate is nice so you can be relaxed as you can take in the information. Can't network if you're freezing. Exactly. Our next one, Jack. Hobart. Or can you? Exactly. Our next one, Jack. Hobart!
Starting point is 00:13:46 Or can you? Not only does Hobart combine the names of the two most famous characters in The Simpsons, it's a great place to conference as well. The Rest Point Hotel and Convention Centre happens to be the home of Australia's first legal casino. A great place to network. While the sun mightn't shine, premium golf courses are a moment away where you can get deals done. Business! Thank you for your bid, Hobart.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Roll the dice on Con Con Down South. Yes. It's interesting, isn't it? I mean, at their convention centre, they're the first ever legal casino in Australia. I mean, there's Mona, the dark mofo down there. They can do a big festival. They can handle an influx. It's in the mix.
Starting point is 00:14:31 All right, next one. Fiji. Oh. Bula. Fiji has conference centres coming out of its atolls. Pick the size and shape you want, Fiji will accommodate. The golf courses, stunning beaches and perfect weather will go to waste as you take notes in the conference hall, but it's nice to
Starting point is 00:14:49 know it's just outside. Thanks for your bid, Fiji! I'm actually just looking at the schedule, Ham, and it looks like we might be able to get outside. Interesting. Yes, especially in that afternoon slot. Yeah, no, I think got the, I'm in charge of the Excel spreadsheet. And Jack, you remember you're still in charge of the WhatsApp? The WhatsApp, I do remember saying that. Yes. You like yelled it. You were so excited. I'm happy to take that role.
Starting point is 00:15:15 What's the maximum you can have on a WhatsApp? How many people? Don't know. I read the other day it's a thousand. Really? Yeah. It's a thousand. Okay, so we maybe have to limit our tickets to a thousand so Jack can offer it in there. To the administration.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Great. Okay. Fiji, really interesting. Don't they have a lot of rebates and stuff too? Like, I know that's why they filmed Survivor there and Fiji government, very friendly to outside investment. Okay, great. Which could be handy. We'll look into that. Next one. Gold Coast!
Starting point is 00:15:46 A city filled with tax-deductible activities that can help your teams connect and your business grow. Can I put a price on that? The Royal Pines Hotel and Conference Centre has a 300 seat purpose-built theatre-style conference room and large screen TVs. It's impossible not to learn. With a golf course attached to the facility,
Starting point is 00:16:04 you'll be networking in no time. And the more networking, the stronger your business relationships. Tea and coffee on arrival. Thanks for your bid, Gold Coast! Is that true, tea and coffee on arrival? They put tea and coffee on arrival, which is nice. Tea or coffee or tea and coffee? They say it and. Oh! Must be very nice. Double part. One of each, please. Now that's business.
Starting point is 00:16:27 That feels nice as well, doesn't it? There's definitely options for out, so for people that are going to organize their own networking sessions with their own businesses, there's plenty of options there. I am worried about airflow. Did it say that there, that you have to be inside and that there's no outdoor area? No, there was an outdoor area. Was there? Yeah. But what about a big outdoor area with little holes? Oh, yep. There was the golf course attached.
Starting point is 00:16:49 It's the closest, actually the closest to the facility there. Yeah. It's at. It's attached. It's attached. Could you do networking there? On the golf course? On the golf course or the Gold course? On the golf course.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Or both. Yeah, I think you can. But Jack, you know what it's like out on the course. Hit it, you know, stroke a bit of what are you doing, course? Both. Uh, yeah. I think you can. I think you can. But Jack, you know what it's like out on the course. Hit it, you know, stroke a bit of what are you doing, mate? Yeah. Uh, you know. Are you, do you ever, do you remember, do you play with other, other members? I do, yes.
Starting point is 00:17:17 And you do talk about your jobs. Yeah. Yeah. That's deductible. If the ATO was going back and listening to past episodes, why would Jack have said that if it doesn't happen? Exactly. Another one, Jack. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:33 While the cost of an international trip might shock you at first, realising it's all tax-deductible will turn that frown upside down. A conference destination that has stunning Mediterranean coastline views will be a picturesque and relaxing setting for attendees to really learn. Remember, the more you spend, the more you deduct. So this is an interesting proposition. There's also a guarantee that attendees will be saying, must be Nice. Thanks for your bid, Nice, France.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Wow. Love to attend Must Be Nice. That was the hardest one to get to that very enthusiastic Frenchman from over there who's a broadcaster. Who works at the Convention Centre and said we'd be perfect. Is there just a Convention Centre there? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I mean it's a very, sometimes it's like a destination wedding. You have to just get right out of your country to get in the right headspace to properly absorb learning. Interesting. Interesting. Okay. Final one, Jack. Melbourne. No, we're not doing that one.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Yeah, you're right. It was like, well, I'll nod along and highlight the wonders of my, until recently, hometown and your hometowns. But gee, you know, until recently hometown and your hometowns. But gee, you know, they'll miss the point there. I mean, if you're a long way from Melbourne, sure, go to the Convergence Centre. Great city, great city, but yeah, not special. Not top five in the world. Not for us.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Not hoss and golfing. I mean, businessy. We will ponder. Let's not make a rash decision, but let's ponder those. They are all, I want to stress this, they are all legit, they're all heaps more, but they are all legitimate. We could press button and go on any of those options. Okay, this is good. I think we want to, we're looking, the categories we're looking for is, we've obviously got very, very two serious sessions to present. Yes. The conference. We need the best facilities for that. We need ample accommodation maybe at the place, but also other places
Starting point is 00:19:25 around because you want to sort of take over the town a bit and have rolling networking happening at different hotels. People can choose their level as well then. Yeah, you can choose your level. And look, yeah, some sort of nice outdoor activity nearby, I think. I've always, that's how I prefer to network. Horses for courses. Yeah, great. Or players for courses, as it were. No, interesting. Really interesting, Andy.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Good business. Should we lock one in next week? We want to set that bar for us. Should we lock one in over a lunch that we taxed it up? Yeah, perfect. I am further into the year now, which makes this game harder for the competitors. For people to win. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:11 This is where we're asking people to tell us something we haven't thought of for a while. And the game is, if we've thought of them this year, it's a fail. It's a fail. And if we haven't, and it is someone that we acknowledge that it is possible to think about, so you can't just be throwing obscure people in there like my year three teacher haven't and it is someone that we acknowledge that it is possible to think about. So you can't just be throwing obscure people in there like my year three teacher or whatever. If we acknowledge we could have thought about them, you of course win one of the hats. We get many, many hats sent in to us from different companies hoping to get some sweet,
Starting point is 00:20:35 sweet exposure through the format of hats. Now we're at a conundrum here, Andrew, because it does make it harder to win the game, yet at the same time we wish to get rid of these hats. There's too many hats. Too many hats at the moment in the old H&A studios. So we want you to win, but we must play honestly. A quick whip through the hats then, Ham. Physio Kramer back with a new hat.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Nice try. And a new color. Not their old purple. Not the old purple. It's a black hat. They've gone for Velcro. Again, not their old purple. Not the old purple. It's a black hat. They've gone for Velcro. Again, they had a chance. We have...
Starting point is 00:21:09 Cheapest available. Cheapest available. They've got some aerated holes in the side, like, so I guess it's meant to be a running hat. It's not quite a mesh, is it? It's just some holes in a normal hat. Yeah. Stick to cremes. Yeah, stick to cremes.
Starting point is 00:21:26 World's number one creme for physio situation. But this hat is not the creme of the creme. No, equally as poor. But I think just outweighs it. A one pass hat, completely purple. I don't even know what one pass is. It's not this hat's fault for being squashed like that.
Starting point is 00:21:48 That's, you can't blame the hat for being squashed yet. Let us all admit it makes you think less of that. Yeah, it's a wrinkly hat. If it can't stand up to a squash, then what hope does it have at my house is what I'm thinking. Metal clasp at the back, which is our step up. It's a step up. Yeah. This one definitely stands out as the best hat today. Noosa beer. It's a step up. It's not huge. This one definitely stands out as the best hat today. Nusa Beer.
Starting point is 00:22:05 It's the yellow corduroy hat with just a clear font Nusa Beer. Snapback, which we appreciate. Also, Hems, speaking to the Crumpled One Pass, it's traveled with cardboard protector inside, which has allowed it to retain its structural integrity. Well done, Nusa Beer. It is great. I will say this for cardboard protector hats. You can sometimes fall into a false sense of security
Starting point is 00:22:29 thinking they will keep that shape once you remove the cardboard. And I have been disappointed on occasion with hats that I've bought under the assumption they had a good stiff front and then they've crumpled under regular life pressure. However, I'm sure N of news of era will hold up Um, they're the hats available. We've got people standing by to play. Hey, have you got one in the chamber to fire one? I think you'll say you've thought of him. Okay, but I'll try About Jamie Jury? Yeah. It's been a while since I've seen them. I have.
Starting point is 00:23:12 I have. Only because he was on the 100. As a... As a... How many people recognize... That's why it's an interesting piece. So we played the game, how many people remember this person, recognize this person and Jamie Drew was on it.
Starting point is 00:23:32 It's a fascinating thing because you can't say this on air, but like what percentage do you think people are hoping for and can you tell when they're disappointed? Very much you can tell. Yeah. Yeah. I won't tell, I won't state who was the most disappointed. Has anyone ever got Zero? No, no, no. I mean, that's if I mean, if we've thought to have them on the show,
Starting point is 00:23:52 Zero's tough. Guys, come on. It's it's Errol Winston. He bought he he built the bridge between Aubrey and I mean, he's one of the state's top 10 bridge builders. Yeah. Generally, it's the reality stars that are the most relieved. I mean, maybe it's the sad state of affairs. The reality stars that are most relieved because they come in thinking no one will know them on the most part. But we do consume a lot of reality. And they do get the high recall. Yes, they do get high recall. Sports stars for a one-off moment.
Starting point is 00:24:28 If you are like Olympic gold medalist or something like that, that's when recalls harder. I mean, I know you've won Olympic gold, but it's, it's, we have these moments and then they just kind of go. I feel like with the Olympics, every four years you have to remember everybody. You're like, yes, yes, McKeen. The hardest thing, the hardest thing, yeah, for someone that won a swimming goal, but say two Olympics ago, would be seeing someone like a Stephen Bradbury.
Starting point is 00:24:49 We'd be like, well, come on, let's be honest. He didn't cross the line first through athletic prowess. But we all remember him. He did very, very well. He was certainly Australia's best speed skater, but we all remember him because we don't win golds at the Winter Olympics and he kept the hair. Let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:25:08 He kept the hair and I reckon he knows it. The semi-final and the final everyone fell over so that is also something we can laugh. So he got lucky with the hair and he kept the hair. And I would be interested to see if you got him on the 100. We have. We've had him. He would have got a high recall. He still on the 100. We have. We've had him. Have you? OK. He would have got a high recall. We... He still had the hair. Yeah, he kept the hair.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Did you get him in a wig? No, we should have. We should have. You should have started with him in a wig. Who recognises this guy? 8%. OK, take the wig off. Oh. He's got the hair. That is him by brief.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Let's start with Emily. Emily, a hoi to you. A hoi, boys. Gusto be with you. Gust you. A hoi boys, gusto be with you. Gusto to you as well. Gusto be with you and forevermore. Tell us something we haven't thought of for a while. Gumby the green clay stretchy guy. Good one. It's good for me. Haim, you're more in that world with kids.
Starting point is 00:25:58 I think we showed it to the kids and Pengu. I think we showed them Gumby and Pengu this year. That is devastating, Emily, because I thought you had it then. Yeah, it pains me to say that we did a kind of a, well, you guys love animation. Have a look at where it all started. How did that track out? Yeah, crickets. Zero excitement.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Yeah, it was about stop motion. Emily, sorry about that. Um, very good one from Emily to Lachlan. Ahoy to you Lachlan. Oh, boy. Isn't a hoist a little boy. How are we going? I'm a little boy.
Starting point is 00:26:37 You seem disappointed, but you did bring it on yourself. Yeah. Someone, uh, Bianca came home from holiday a week later with Gordy, our son. Then I did. And I went to pick her up at the airport and because she had Gordie and all the bags, someone helped her bring the bags out. And so there's this guy following behind Bianca carrying our suitcases and when he saw me, his eyes lit up and he goes, I'm just a little boy. Yet he was able to help.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Usually, little boy is the excuse that gets you out of helping. Lachlan, thanks for that one. Tell us something we haven't thought of for a while. I've got Enrique Iglesias. Pretty good from me, unless... Yeah, I think I'm thinking of Ricky Martin, who is not Enrique Iglesias. No, it's a clear from me. It's a clear from me. Can I just get a confirmation that there's a, on Apple TV, there's...
Starting point is 00:27:31 No, that's Ricky Martin. ...Marm Springs. That's Ricky Martin. OK, great. Congratulations, Lachlan. What are you going to go? We've got Physio Creme, the one pass for the new sub. It seems like an easy decision here, but I'm going to go straight for the noose of beer
Starting point is 00:27:45 one for you boys. Yeah, smart play. Yep. That one's gone, which makes it more difficult for the next competitors. You will be living Davida Loca this summer in that hat, which is unbelievable. So Ricky Martin song, is that Ricky Martin? That's Ricky Martin. I think we had a Riké on.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Riké was my hero or I can be your hero. I can be your hero baby I can be your hero baby. That's right, yes. And we had him on at a Melbourne Cup show on the radio days, I think, Han. We had Enrique, very handsome man. I remember it well. Cameron, ahoy to you. Ahoy boys, and number six.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Cameron, we've only got two hats left, both pretty terrible physio creme and a one pass, but you're playing for them. Tell us something we haven't thought of for a while. I'm going to go across the ditch and go with Lorde. Oh, sorry. No, I think about her a lot because I love her song, Soul the Power, and it's a regular in our house still. Wow. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:28:41 When I say think about her, her look sounds creepy. Absolute knockout punch from Lee there. Barely got time to do anything else. It's one of our, it's actually, again, but we always share things that we regret. It's in Henry's bath mix. Oh my god. This is a misstep from you sir. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:28:57 As if you accidentally posting photos of your lounge room in Instagram stories that have vapes in them isn't incriminating enough. What else is on the bath mix? Bath mix? Bex put most of it together. How long's the bath? It's a 12 minute mix needs because there's 10 minutes of medicated wash that has to stay on her. So must be nice. Give him a heart.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Give him a heart. What happened to you? Why that was the best time you must be nice we've ever had on the show. Can I actually take a pizza, pizza Lotto heart? Yeah, absolutely. That pizza Lotto. You have, absolutely. That pizza, right? You have come into this place. Is my sister's Christmas present done?
Starting point is 00:29:48 Unreal. You've gone to the show, you're running riot. You've got yourself a pizza, Lotto hat. Do you want, we can probably only give you competitor. Yeah. Rather than the full color winner, but it's still a very good hat. Yeah, yeah. Could I, could I take two competitors?
Starting point is 00:30:00 Sure. Yeah, I'll take that. Just got absolute run of the show. Thank you, Cameron. And good to get off that topic and onto hats. Let's go back to Michael. Wrap this up for us. Tell us something we haven't thought of for a while, Michael.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Holy boys, I'm hoping that you haven't thought of the newlywed himself, Nicola Shay. Nicola Shay. We have not thought of Nicolaachey for a long time. Of course, he's not just recently married. He was from a TV show called Newlyweds, which was him and Jessica Simpson. We had him on the show back in the day, I think, in that old school radio thing where if you can't think of something good, just think of something that rhymes. We did paper mache with Nick
Starting point is 00:30:40 Lachey. We did. And wasn't he a confused good sport? That's what I remember him from that. I remember a pretty confused American, given at gusto. Well done, Michael. He was a singer as well, was he from a boy band or was he doing... Yeah, yeah, 98 degrees, I think. Oh, well. Okay, Michael, big fan. I'll put it in Henry's bath next. Temperature the anal cream needs to be at or something. Triple distilled goat's milk.
Starting point is 00:31:22 What happened, Michael? The one pass of the physio crème? Look, I'm a fan of the crème, so I'll take the physio creme. Smart. Get the creme, get the creme, because I actually think we've got to the stage now where if you wear a physio creme hat around the streets, it's as good as wearing a Mr. Ralph T-shirt. My apologies. A Mr. You-Know-Who T-shirt.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Thank you, guys. So you know when you see someone in a in a rabcar like in a Ferrari or Lamborghini or something, I mean I'm sure I'm the same as everyone else, like you try so hard not to look at them. Like you go, you don't want to look, like you just, something in you like, like just no way. I know why you've bought it.
Starting point is 00:32:04 And look, they're great cars, like whatever. On the engineering side. I know why you've bought it. Yep. And look, they're great cars. Like whatever. On the engineering side, I know what you're hoping for. Yes. And I will not give it to you. I will break my neck if it's in the wrong spot. Yes. And I just, you know, like, and I don't know if it works.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Does it work? But I also want to know that they didn't, I want to see the disappointment on their face too. So you're trying to be like, you be like, can I get him peripherally? I want to see a drooped head, like a Snoopy, like, oh, no one's looking. I'm in a convertible. I'm in a Lambo, I'm revving it. No one's looking. It's not working. What have I done? Because I think he secretly wanted to go home and throw the keys down and be like, you know what? This wasn't the answer. I think, I think I need to give more to my community or something. Like, you know, I was trying to fill a hole that can't be filled with this car. And you just somehow you hope that you're like the straw that broke the kettle.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Like, but when you have a young son, as I do, you know, a 10 year old son, he's like, dad Lamborghini, don't look, don't look, don't look. I'm trying to teach him, but he's like, but dad, like, you know, that's got yellow wheels and it's yellow. I'm like, I know, we have to try and find a shop window that you can see the reflection in because- They can't have the attention. I just don't want to support the attention seeking.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Like the show off in your classroom, hopefully we ignore it. Don't encourage it. Don't encourage him. That guy's going, go and buy another Ferrari because the whole body streets going to be full of them. So I saw the other day I was with Sonny and I saw the other I didn't I mean, we all know that phenomenon, right? There's something in us that yet there I also remember reading somewhere where it's like, there's something that happens to the human ego when they they see someone in a fancy car and they go like, what a dick, but they still want the car. And you don't put two and two together and go, but if I was in that car, everyone would be.
Starting point is 00:33:50 There's still a part of you going, no, no, I would be, people would be applauding, right? People would be nodding. Would we agree that there's a few more out there these days, fancy cars, because when like 20 years ago, you knew the guy with the car, like it was big news. And you'd go, oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:34:08 It was like a once a year sighting. Yeah. And nowadays, I feel I think you're right. Yeah. COVID, you know, I was like, can't go. Can't go to a holiday house in Noosa or by Ferrari. Then, I mean, we haven't even got Cybertrucks here yet. But when that happens, that's going
Starting point is 00:34:25 to be, that'll be the all time, did you see one? And that will be, I have to buy the family neck braces to make sure there'll be no looking at a Cybertruck. Are we thinking the Cybertrucks are cool though? I think that, I know that the standout factor is even more, I reckon, than a Lamborghini or a Ferrari just because of how different it looks. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I mean, that's on the horizon. Here's the thing. I didn't know there was a phenomenon on the other end of the spectrum. Walking along the street again with my little boy the other day and like street parking, stripper shops and a smart car was backing in to a tiny spot. And I was like, this is the same thing. I was like, and suddenly he goes, do you reckon he's going to make it? I was like, don't look, don't look, don't look.
Starting point is 00:35:09 This is exactly, this is exactly what this guy wants you to do, right? Do not look at him getting in, even though, my God, that's a tight spot. Because you're like, he's given up everything else in life for this moment. Can't give him the satisfaction of going, because he wants us normal length cars to look and go, you know, here we are. You couldn't do this. Yeah, we've got SCs. And he's like, well, not always good to have a superior car, is it?
Starting point is 00:35:38 Sometimes you need an inferior slot. Haim, plenty of these come in and I thank everybody for throwing them at my desk. Song Sleuths. Yeah. You've been doing some good song sleuthing this year. Yeah. I get the occasional blow something wide open case. I know I haven't done it for quite a while on the podcast and the cases are really building up.
Starting point is 00:36:07 They would be. No, I just want to say, don't worry. I'm working on something big. Oh wow. True please. Something wide open. Fashion. Can I just say we inject it oh wow.
Starting point is 00:36:21 It's actually. Can we inject it oh wow? That's the part of it that goes, yes, that's exactly what I'm after. No, I'm working on a biggie. Taking a little bit of time to reel in it. And if you've ever reeled in a very, very big fish, sometimes you actually have to let it out. It's not actually all one way. It's true.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Let's jump into this then in the meantime. This sounds like, this sounds like, this sounds like this. If this sounds like that, I'm your man. Andy Lee, Song Sleuth. Comes from Stefan from the UK. And ahoy to you, Stefan. He writes ahoy, gentlemen in the weasel. Have you ever been to a Derby County football match? No.
Starting point is 00:37:09 No. I was a no as well. Because I couldn't believe my ears. First time meeting my girlfriend's family was at the Derby Stadium. And it was for his inaugural match, as in him going, this is Stefan. Whereas my girlfriend's dad enthusiastically explained all things Derby Football Club to me on the way in. Different spots of significance, statues, etc.
Starting point is 00:37:35 He said, we then at the start of the match stood up for the club song and it was like it was a national anthem. It didn't take me long to realize that something was awry. I'm going to try and recreate that feeling for us all now. Okay. I've got their song it actually does naturally start on online with a crowd cheering so it really will take you there. Then I think the same thing that happened to Stefan will happen to us but enjoy. Our histories full of legends and football played on high.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Rach Carter, Peter Doherty, oh you should have seen them fly. Now we all just love football, but will we lift the crown? The noise goes up, the rams come out onto the hallowed ground. You know what's happening. Wow. Wowee. So for non-AFL fans, they might not know that. Like if you're not in a state or you don't follow AFL, that is of course up there because Ailey. Yeah, I've got a little grab for that of the original version. I got to put that very clearly. Which is the waltzing Matilda of the AFL, not the official anthem. No, but it's played every single AFL Grand Final.
Starting point is 00:39:39 They've taken Up There Kazali. What was their lyric they went with? Steve Bloomer's watching. Steve Bloomer's watching. Wow. It's clunky. Even for, even by our standards, we're the home of the clunky song. The up there is the fun part of it. The up there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Steve Bloomer's watching. Soers, he's dead. He's not distracted by his phone. What a good lad. You've got his full attention. It's, it's, so Stefan, as he describes it in the email, he goes, he couldn't believe what happened. Yeah, because did he get any read without giving any way? Did he get any read on when this song was written? No, he said, I didn't want to immediately call them all thieves. But he said after rapid Googling on his phone, it was with great joy that he confirmed that our song came first.
Starting point is 00:40:45 And he took great delight in telling everybody at the ground that they've ripped off an Australian classic, much to his girlfriend's dad's disappointment. Cause when, like when did it up there? Cause I only come out, was it the 70s? Late 70s. Yeah. This, there's, I'd, you know, you, you mind wonders how has this happened? Well, you know, you, you mind wonders how has this happened? Well, I know.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Well, I was going to say, is it just the, someone's been out here in 79 or 80 and gone, God, that's good. That one. Crowds love that. What are the chances? I mean, this is AFL, never heard of this sport. What are the chances of this, A, this song ever taking off and B, anyone ever caring about this sport in more than five years time?
Starting point is 00:41:24 Yep. I'll just take this back. Soccer's not going anywhere. I'll just steal this and it'll become our song because, you know. And he wouldn't have forecast the invention of the internet by then. I mean, he's- Happened all the time with TV shows in the 80s. Someone would go to America and go, that's a bloody good show. That's a good segment on Letterman.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Would it do that? Yes. So it was, it was two Irish guys that came out to watch a football match in Australia and saw it went. What a great song. Went back and- We've been looking for, look, yeah, looking for a song that fits the lyrics, Steve Bloomer's watching. This has the pattern.
Starting point is 00:42:04 And then to their credit in their hometown, similar to the way that Natalie and Brulio pulled it off with Torn and Daryl Braithwaite pulled it off with horses. They are known. They don't know it's a cover. They don't know it's a cover. And so they try and they do their best probably just to let that slide. As soon as you're known for it, you would be pushing that well side. Oh, it would be like, you know, if you're someone that committed a heist or whatever,
Starting point is 00:42:31 moved to another country, changed your name, dyed your hair, whatever. For anyone that watched Better Call Saul, the prequel and follow up had flash forwards after Breaking Bad. Be like someone coming to the cinema cinema. I know you know Walter Light. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. That's the past one. So for anyone that comes into those two Irish guys and go, up there, cause I think. Get out. Get out. Get out. I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, awesome. Thanks for listening. The Hamish and Andy podcast will return next week. Catch up or Oh, awesome.

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