Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2018 Ep 5

Episode Date: March 28, 2018

1. VIP power moves2. H&A Coin has arrived3. Mick Fanning4. Cheating test5. Andy at the Grand Prix...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knop production. Activate your internet. Because the Hamish and the Podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. One! Kunichi wa kunichi wa kunichi wa! Ah, I got the wrong one. I'm gonna see a Japanese policeman doing that. In real life.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I came in, I was there with a samurai sword. So it was my sworn enemy, Ken Araki. And we stared at him and he backed out slowly, because in you this was a feud between two samurai's and he was not authorized to get involved. Deepest respects to you, Kenna Raki, but I won that day. You know, you're still with him?
Starting point is 00:00:50 No, he's not. Okay. What a way to start a show. I killed him. Now, we don't condone killing a man with a Samurai sword, although in times gone by, that was a certainly respectable thing to do between two spawn and able foes.
Starting point is 00:01:07 But it is sort of a power move. Which is what we want to start talking about. I can't stress it enough. That's not a power move of the current times that we can don. But if you listen to the last episode we talked about a list of power moves. We wanted to build a list of power moves. I'd seen someone do something in traffic that I thought was outstanding. Rather than just let me into the flow of traffic, they pointed at me and then pointed at the gap.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Like they were conducting traffic. You were all good. Like they were a policeman inside a car controlling traffic. And of course I'm going to take the gap. But it makes it look like they're my boss. And they're the public browser. I just thought to myself, gee, that's a good power move because I can't find him. Thank you for sending them in, homesteadie.com.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Can I kick it? Can I kick it? Just come across this one. We've been giggling. We actually started Brooklyn in the show early because we have to start talking about those cameras. This is also a pointing baseline. So this comes in from a very, very incredible podcast
Starting point is 00:02:03 at Gavin Todd. Power move. I was at a conference a few years ago when a colleague slash friend, so he's kind of giving him an upgrade, but mostly a colleague accidentally dropped these keys impulsively, and in front of hundreds of people, I shouted, all caps, pick that up.
Starting point is 00:02:17 PICK THAT UP! PICK THAT UP! PICK THAT UP! PICK THAT UP! Everybody turns to see me pointing down at the keys and my colleague had no choice but to pick up his keys because they were his car keys. I'd be stubborn to have to leave him there. It could also be used with wallets, mobile phones, pens, etc.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Anything that the person has to pick up, they go, pick that up. It is the ultimate power move. Maybe there's a new class of power moves called power rebuttles where the guy kicks the keys away and goes, no, if I get to use a huge gamble for him because that's his car keys. No, he can't do that. Like so, he's in back against the wall.
Starting point is 00:02:54 That's why this works so well. That's why a lot of pointing-based power moves for things people were gonna do anyway. That's just a good move. But in my case, it would have involved in getting out of the car and going, no, I won't measure the traffic. Yeah, too hard.
Starting point is 00:03:07 It's too hard. That's a good aggressive. I think we should be categorizing them. That's an aggressive and attacking power. Well, there's soft power, there's loud power. Yeah, that's loud power. This one is not so aggressive. Smart power, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Patty howl has emailed this one in. He said, simple but effective. Always sit or stand with your back to the window in a room that's got a lot of sun coming in. Makes the people face and you having to squint. So, they can't really see you. He's not about that too much. Like that's what the FBI does in their interrogating people.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah. Good one, Good one. Kate Medley. Power move. Everyone's written power moves with exclamation marks too, which is a power move in itself. My favorite power move is looking at someone dead in the eye whilst farting. Is that what? Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:01 It's ideally its voluminous and trumpeting. A squeaky or short fart can undermine the move. Very good. This one, Michelle sent it in, but she saw it online. The forums she was chatting on. How much? She said, this is what the guy said. Just watch the man get half tripped up by an elderly lady while running a corner.
Starting point is 00:04:28 He dropped his drumstick. Ice cream. Either it is a funny visual. He dropped his ice cream drumstick as this happened. He looked at the woman who was apologising profusely, stared her for a few seconds, then pulled out another drum drum from his pocket and carried on without saying a word to anybody. The man of many drumsticks.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Always carry a second ice cream to save embarrassment. I think that's a really good call. I don't care. There's a great category. It's almost like he went out to do that. There's a great category for like confusing power moves. Like how did that happen? If you like, you know, like go lock the gates to somewhere and then turn up where there's a crowd there and pretend you can pick a lock but secretly have the key up
Starting point is 00:05:15 easily. You know, like pull a bobby pin out of you here and go, I'll have a go with this but it's pretty hard with a bobby pin and just unlock it and go, I got, I like it. It's a pretty mad ad bit. It's a nice car and round of spare drumstick. Well, yeah, he is. For this exact moment. He is one and, um, do we dare take the bait? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:33 From Tom Gilbert. Me and my mates have recently discovered the most ultimate power move. It's simple but effective. Call me. Oh, well, we said we'd try all these. We said we'd do that. We said we'd fall for this trick for as long as it paid dividends. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Because last week we fell for this trick. Well it wasn't a trick. Because the trick paid off. It actually was a great call. There was some fit of feedback given. Yes. We said it pitted out a little bit. It's a bit better.
Starting point is 00:05:57 But it had a hell of a high point. Tom we're calling. Yeah. Tom Gilbert. What's a power move, Tommy? Better be good. I hope it's not the drumstick. What? Yeah. I'd like to run around with? Better be good. I hope it's not the drumstick one.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Yeah, sorry. I'd like to run around with the spare ice paper. We've heard it. Jay-Tammer of Buffalo Bill. Hello, Tom Svigg. Hey Tommy. Hey, Tommy. Hey, Shandhi here. How are you mate?
Starting point is 00:06:14 Yeah, good. How are you? Very quick, mate. Quick pick up. Tom, yeah, release Swift call. Is that your power move? No, it isn't. That shows weakness. Actually, yeah, Tom Andy's right. Show's needy.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Show's eagerness. Yeah. But we're not going to criticize you on that Tony you save at a great power move. Yeah. Do you do stand by that? Yeah, I do I do. What is it? So, maybe my mates regularly have been you know the last month or so when trying to one up each other or Pretty simple and effective. Simply just addressing in this champ. Okay. Yeah. Champ feels younger, doesn't it? It does. Yeah. You're immediately put yourself above the other person. Yeah. You do because you're a footy player after the game. Trying to make a 13-year-old feel good about himself. Yes exactly. Okay champ. Thanks champ. That's the best version of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Like even I'm even thinking like was the last actual argument I had with someone it was over what pizza to get. It would work. It would work. If someone's seen they're going no want barbecue chicken. Okay champ. Well, we know you're welcome to eat really works. Thank you Tommy. Yeah, good Tommy. Hi, Mick Fanning. It's going to join us in the podcast soon.
Starting point is 00:07:32 He is Andy. With all due respect to Australia's greatest surfing champion, got some slightly bigger news. As you know, what only seems like a few days ago, but in reality, it was probably over a week ago. I ordered our very own currency for us, an analog coin, in actual fact it was January, that I spent an absolute pittance.
Starting point is 00:07:56 A pittance. No, not a pittance. A pittance. Thousands of dollars. Thousands. Yeah. And that's a pittance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Really, when you look at what I got in return, I'm not saying 1000s. We haven't been able to see what you got in return. The last couple of episodes have involved what some have labeled as padding, which I'm offended by. Yes. I think responsibly waiting is a better way to put it. We've been responsibly waiting for Hamish and Annie coin to arrive. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:08:21 With all the hyper and cryptocurrency and digital coins, I said down to what if? Yeah. with all the hyper and cryptocurrency in digital coins, I said, Dan, what if? Yeah, what if? The big wave is staring us in the face every time we fiddle around in our glove box and our cars. What if analog coins are the next big thing? And we're all racing to digital. The same way as fast-food cable,
Starting point is 00:08:36 everyone loves it. Now they're going back to cooking. Slow food. They've gone back to cooking. Oh, now it's, you've got to cook it for eight hours. All right, you've got to pull it apart. Don't slice it. Even Mac is the one, it's not ready. You're making it as you're asking.
Starting point is 00:08:47 And people are now paying more to what, oh, that's not true, but people are paying more to have it cooked by a non-er, out the back in an old pot. And they'll say, I'll wait two hours because I like the authentic feel. And that's, people are into crypto currents and now maybe they'll come back to the regular analogue currents.
Starting point is 00:09:04 It all goes around and around. Mum jeans are back. They were, they were, they were, come back to the regular analogue current. It all goes around and around. Mum jeans are back. They were, everyone thought they were gone, like analogue coins. Now, everyone's wearing their bloody waist up around their neck. So it all comes around. We made the right move. I printed on the back of the H&A coin just to protect us financially. Each H&A coin equals one Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:09:22 So by doing the amount of coins. What's Bitcoin been hovering at this week, Jack? Around the 10,000 mark. 10s and 12s. Oh, that hurts. Yeah, yeah. It's good for like a little bit, but it's not as good as it was when it was at 27 at this peak.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Yeah, more is better than less. Yeah. If you are that way inclined to make money, Jack. Which we know I'm not... We know it's not Jack versus Scott Pape, better than less. If you are that way inclined to make money. Jack? Which we know I'm not. We know it's not Jack versus Scott Pave, the barefoot investor. Jack's the anti investor. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Because we have 101 coin coins and 28 coin coins. Loosely speaking, we have over $3 million now worth of. It arrived. Andy, ladies and gentlemen, they have arrived. loosely speaking we have over three million dollars now worth of it arrived Andy ladies and gentlemen they have arrived would you please Put these allow me to put these robes on and put your robes on oh, yeah, and Enter the vault. Okay, where I've got all the coins in a small treasure chest looks like plastic bag just This is our subversely walking through the Yeah, there's the door. Oh wow after you sir after me nice to be in here. Wow good vault secure vault
Starting point is 00:10:40 That was the vault. Yes, but now I've got the coins You can tell us what we do it. Yeah, I just try to remember what's out of it You can tell us what we do it. Yeah, I'm just trying to remember what's out of fix. I can't. I've now got the, now it's a silent treasure chest. Okay. I look at this Mahogany treasure chest. Yep. Well, there's the finest of security.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Yep. This is the first time I've seen him. Wow, okay. I mean, no, apart from what I put him in here in the treasure chest, I didn't really get a good look at him. James, take them out of a cardboard box. Oh, geez. Well, look at them. Hames taken them out of a cardboard box. Oh geez. Well, park it that ando. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:11:06 A hundred of these suckers actually, when you include the eight coin coins, they're bigger than I thought that. They're pretty amazing aren't they? Jack hit the music. Coins. We got a hundred. Coins. One coin coins.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Rene coins. Not money. Coins. Look at that ando. Yeah. Look at this. One coin, coins. Renny coins, not mummy coins. Look at that ando. Look at, feel this. Here the analog aspects of that metal coin. God, that would be, it'd be so annoying
Starting point is 00:11:35 if you had to carry them. This is currency B. Huge. What, we're $12,000. We have a carrot wrap. What do you buy? A boat? Well, where you meant to use the net. You put them away for your kids.
Starting point is 00:11:45 You hold on for dear life. Jack, would you like one? Permission to look at one. I bet you would like one, but we haven't decided if we will give you one yet. No, I don't know if we will give you one, because you were the guy that bought eight bitcoins behind our back without telling the team you were buying them.
Starting point is 00:11:59 You're the Bitcoin weasel. So now you have to endure it as Annie and I literally swim around our coins like Scrooge McDuck off Ducktails. Okay? Now what's the unique code in the back of your own? No, the UCN. No, you never say that loud. Exactly, I was trying to trick you. That's your unique coin number. Yeah, what does it finish with yours?
Starting point is 00:12:16 Six, seven, nine. Great. What's yours? One, three. I know that coin. I remember as I sat down and wrote out all the unique. I was going to challenge you as to whether they were actually unique I thought you had been cutting They're all unique is fantastic and each coin comes its and it's own. Oh, you got the eight coin That's the couch feel this gold coin. That's fantastic eight coin coin. What did you say become is that jack about 12 grand?
Starting point is 00:12:37 Yeah, 10,000 72 no 96 thousand dollars. I'm holding in my hand here Wow, well, if you get to do that, that's amazing. Could I have a hold? No, you can't. Jack, here you go, Emma. Shouldn't have brought that Bitcoin behind her back. This one's actually mine, isn't it? We gave each other... We did. We did the Reserve Bank. And we released eight coins each to ourselves. That's incredible. Just to get this thing up and running.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Not often. I mean, you hold a $50 note. You don't think, oh yeah, well, that's $50 worth. No, you don't, that's the opposite. So what I'm experiencing with that. I haven't held something, I hold this and I go, would you, that's a $90 to $100,000 worth. Yeah, honestly, when's the last time you had a hundred, apart from the time when Jack,
Starting point is 00:13:17 when he sold a few of those bitcoins and he bought that diamond encrusted pistol. Yeah. When's the last time you had a hundred gram in your hands? No. Jack, you can hold a one coin coin that diamond encrusted pistol. Yeah. Where's the last time you had 100 gram in your hands? Now, Jack, you can hold a one coin coin, and this is on loan to you. It is not yours.
Starting point is 00:13:31 And I've just let the record show, I know they're not valuable. Oh, hand it back. No way, wait. Give it back. Because they are valuable, because they equal one Bitcoin. I'm gonna hand it back, but are you looking at the logo
Starting point is 00:13:44 on the front of the Hamish and Andy logo? Not perfectly centered. Oh, that would annoy me. I make some more collectible. I do, it makes some more collectible. Yeah, I like that. As I've been centered. Yeah, it's like the stamp with the queen winking.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Uh, like makes it worth more. Oh, I'll give it back. Ah, he's not giving it back. Okay. All right, guys, Mick found it in a second, but just a quick, we've just obviously some real time has passed here between those, a couple of minutes has passed. We got to build a registry up and because the producers came in, pass the bars have come in.
Starting point is 00:14:20 The coins are all spread out in the table, everyone's having a pick and a map and having a look guys, these are worth $12,000 a piece. Yes. Or $100,000 if you've got the eight coin coin. Yep. I felt like, you know what I felt like? The CIA, how they get pallets of money and we're just shipping it to a rock. Like, by the pallet, just the bribes
Starting point is 00:14:35 and like, we'll buy a power station and like, just to keep the government running. Everyone come down. Has anyone counted this? That's what they would have been yelling in the CIA, hang on. Has anyone counted this? Because everyone's playing around with money, haven't money. We need to count the coins and then we need to get a registry up. Right, every unique code. That's what they would have been yelling in the CIA, hang on. Has anyone counted this? Because everyone's playing around with money, having money for us.
Starting point is 00:14:45 We need to count the coins, and then we need to get a registry up. Write every unique code, and then the first unique coin number where write and then is the one we go for Jack as a loan. Yes. Did you see who took my coin when I gave it back? No, mate. We've got it on your side of the desk. Do not do that. We're talking cheating later in the show.
Starting point is 00:15:01 You certainly can't outcheat a cheater. All right, mate, give it back. Mick Fanny Mick. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Joining us on the podcast, three time world champion, so if a Mick Fanny, welcome Mick. Morning, how are you?
Starting point is 00:15:16 Yeah, good, buddy. How are you? How are you? Does anyone call you Michael? Yeah, a few people actually. Oh really? Really? Is it? Would Haine be a closer friend to you for calling you Michael?
Starting point is 00:15:27 And I've missed a trick. Oh, what? Into best way. I'm happy if we just want to wrap it up now. Absolutely. Because then if we wrap it up now, we're forced to use that as the grab. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:38 We're forced to use that as the product line. Mick basically came on and said we're best mates on left. Mick, well first of all, I mean, we want to talk about a lot of stuff with you this morning, but you are drawing curtains on the end of a stellar career. On behalf of Australia, let us join the chorus of saying congratulations, mate, and well done. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:15:55 I imagine it's nice to finish on home soil. Oh, yeah, definitely, definitely. You know, it's always being a dream of mine to finish down here, Bells. Bells was the event that I won my first ever event. And yeah, at home on the Gold Coast, it's just too hectic. So I thought I'd come down here and skate some people. Well, that's, yeah, I mean, it's a much longer drive to Bells. It really tests who your best friends are. People make the dream of Bells. Now now that's a rip curl event yeah do they go homemade do it at our events or there's none of that no they just sit there hoping crossing their fingers
Starting point is 00:16:36 what is there something people do when a surfer retires you know obviously in in aafil football they get cheered off the same with with the NRL and the league. And there's a guard of honor for the cricketers. What happened to the whipping of the leg ropes or something? Yeah. Yeah, in the last years, just the cheering up the beach. Did they cheer you on your board or is it just a... Nah, nah, just on shoulders, just on shoulders.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Whoever's the bravest to run down into the water and grab you. That's nice. Right, and you'd have to be careful the heat's finished and everything like before they swam out and grabbed you. Oh, sorry mate, we thought that was your last one. Right. And what happened? You were losing. Yeah, sorry mate, you should see the other guys killing you.
Starting point is 00:17:17 So we'll just, we'll just, we'll just cheer you now to save you some face. Now, what about the book? Is it a special board where you keep your last ever board or to you are boards just like napkins to the rest of us? Yeah, well, in my last event, I put Snapper, I was sort of, I just, I didn't really want to do autographs, so I just gave my board away to a little kid.
Starting point is 00:17:40 That's huge. Yeah, and then, and then my shape were coming in and he's like, Oh, I would have liked that one. I thought, oh, I'm better keep this one. But did you say to your shape, yeah, but what have you done for my career, that little kid? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:54 That little kid's been there with me through the thick and thin. Just checking eBay now, your shape, I can get it. Yeah. Well, I mean, I'll just, you know, obviously, costing codes a bit at the moment, because the cricket scandals has wrapped, I mean, I'll just, you know, obviously, causing codes a bit at the moment, because the cricket scandals has rocked everybody this week. How you-
Starting point is 00:18:11 And you just admitted to board tampering with your shaper? Would you shape up? Doesn't carry as huge a penalty. Hey, Michelin, I have fascinated with cheating, because we're not very good at sports, so we try and cheat. Unfortunately, our mind drift. Do you have, could you get an advantage?
Starting point is 00:18:23 Is there a way to cheat in surfing? Yeah, it's a good question. Can anyone cheat? A friend of mine once said if you're not cheating you're not trying. He's in jail for what? Color Crimes. And I'm so glad you switched accountants me. Could you get a like a longer fin or a How do you know so much about surfing me? Yeah, I you know that there was once there was someone who had like a microphone in their home it But it wasn't classes cheating at that time after that event
Starting point is 00:18:56 So you are then that but why so why's a mic in the helmet good unless you could hijack like the loudspeaker on the beach You mean it go it's another 10 wave I said another 10 little radios all right I like also I could see where the waves are yeah go right go this one drive the next one that's interesting yeah yeah but other than that um yeah there's not much else you can do oh that's a thingy you can't put a mug on it. I know. I mean, you do put a motor on it's pretty obviously when you're running back up the beach. You certainly want to hold your board facing inwards. I know what sees the motor. Hey, Mick, just coming up a few of you know, you've had so many career highlights. Obviously one that six and everyone's mind is obviously Jay Bay, if we could talk about for a second. What I'm fascinated by is going back in the
Starting point is 00:19:41 water after having an encounter with a shark the year before. What I'd love to know is I want to reckon probably a lot of people listening to this would love to know just in terms of the courage that that requires, the personal, you know, or the grit. Like no, I'm would have ever gone, why don't you get back in the water. What are you saying to yourself? Do you remember what like your mindset was in the morning of that event? Like what's your self talk? Yeah, look once it happened I went home and and yeah sort of had a few nightneds and stuff like that and it took me a bit of time. Like if I had seen sharks and stuff like pretty close after that but it didn't really freak me out. It was more or so just the splashes behind me. Yeah. You know, and a little fish jumping and stuff like that. That's what really freaked me out.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Which is normal, by the way, which is normal because it came face to face with a very big fish. And it's probably that physical presence that you start to understand the power of them. But then to get back in the water, like what do you say to make in the mirror that morning to go right let's do this. Yeah look it's all just about trusting yourself and trusting your instincts like you know to have just one encounter over 35 years it's pretty low so I sort of just go off that going okay well if that only happens one hopefully it won't happen again until I'm like 70. Yeah. Yeah right.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Flushed it out of the system. Yeah. Yeah. It's only going to come up double zero once and rule it. Like surely that's looking at having twice in a row. Well mate it was it was start. Incredible mate we were so excited for you in this last event and congratulations on the career before you go.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Hey mission I've always talked about learning to this last event and congratulations on the career. Before you go, hey, Mission I've always talked about learning to surf, yeah, right? Yeah. Like we're a city bound growing up. Yeah, my family is not a beach family. I was Pudgy, Payle, Sand, Stuck to where it shouldn't have been. I endured, you know, hours at the beach just gritting my teeth just to get a gay time
Starting point is 00:21:40 at the end of it or a coin at a... I just wasn't a beach kid. Like it didn't mess with me. I was more of a mountain boy, but it's still in the back of me. We spent no time in the mountains. He was a couch. We're just going to get on with it, Adela. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:56 My mountains are like low-lying comfy mountains that are off in front of a television. That had questions on the hill. So, you know, we just, it just wasn't messy. Neither are they. You know, we both got to schoolies and went, oh no, other kids have got way more beach experience. So it just wasn't part of our upbringing. But as adults, it's always something that's there in the back of your mind going, love to surf.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah. It's such a cool skill to have. And I'll be pushing my children to do it. We think that maybe, you know, the Beach Boys helped a lot of people surf by bringing out lots of songs about Let's Going Surfing, et cetera. We haven't had lots of songs about Let's Going Surfing, etc. We haven't had a good mainstream Let's Go Surfing song for a while.
Starting point is 00:22:29 We haven't had one about learning to surf. See, a lot of the problems with these surfing songs is it assumes knowledge. Because it's all very well and good to go Let's Go Surfing. But like, well, I can't make it because I haven't done my three days. Three days on the big phone board at Bar and Bay. Or whatever. I can go to the beach and you guys and I'll man the bonfire. San Francisco, you guys have to do the surfing. So we thought we might try and ride a song, Nick, about learning to surf.
Starting point is 00:22:56 And we're wondering what kind of aspects of learning should we put in the song part of the lyrics? We're at the lyrics stage at the moment. What we'd love essentially to do is I get you blessing for the concept. Yeah. We go for it. Yeah, because once we release it,
Starting point is 00:23:11 we'd love to have it at the bottom as conceptually approved by the Nick Fad. And then, you know, if we can get the track to your related date once we've, because I guess we just wait for our next musical guest to be on there with the music. Yeah. Stuff along the lines of like like I just had a little tool
Starting point is 00:23:25 around my watch hat in here and come and grab your training stick. It's okay if you look like a dick. You know, like you have to have something in there and it's perfect. About how it's okay to fall over a lot of times. Okay, yeah, yeah. It is. Don't you actually, Mick, don't you have,
Starting point is 00:23:40 didn't you create like new training boards? Yeah, I got some new soft boards. Yeah, we can teach your nose too. I think. And then you can get all the things that you'll need didn't you create like new training boards uh... here i've got some new soft boards we can teach you how to do it and then you can get all the things that you need to know and then you can write the lyrics after a day of surfing we don't want it we don't want to be a jingle about the soft board i mean we will give them a mention we want it
Starting point is 00:23:59 we don't want to sell it to early just throw one lyric at us what what would be included doesn't want to sell it too early. Mick, just throw one lyric at us. What would be included? Doesn't have to rhyme or anything. Just throw one concept at us. Oh, yeah. Like, when they start learning to get up, they have to go one knee up first or straight to your feet.
Starting point is 00:24:20 That might be one. Or, which one's the good one? Which one's the straight to your feet's for uh, straightier feet better. Okay, yeah, we'll put that in. We'll put suggestion for both, but we'll recommend straightier feet in this song. Yeah. Yeah, both are approved, but straight to the feet.
Starting point is 00:24:37 That's your groove or something like that. Yeah, it'll be better, Mick. Um, like I said, we this still tossing around ideas here? Mick, thank you very much for joining us. Well done on an amazing career and we look forward to following you at the RIPKILT Pro Bells Beach. Enjoy your life after surfing. Thanks very much, boys.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Appreciate it. Thanks, Lijndt. Bye-bye. Cheers. Bye. Hey, the biggest news this week has been the cheating scandal from the Australian cricket team. Yes, it's collectively across the nation.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Real head scratcher. Real head scratcher from everyone. And I was chatting to my mate of mine, Pears, and I said, we're both devastated. He said to me, mate, I mean, even thinking even thinking about cheating, being caught in cheating in sport. I just don't know why you'd ever think of it. I could never cheat in my life. I could never cheat. And I went, what about school?
Starting point is 00:25:31 He's like, oh God, I cheated all the time. Cheat on test. Cheat on test. In the academic world, absolutely. I tried it. That's where I, yeah, I've had the same thought where everyone goes, oh, but this is, you know, just cheating is flat out wrong.
Starting point is 00:25:44 And yeah, in quick, it is. And sport it is. But let's not pretend we don't love a good cheater. Outside of that specifically test, I'll give you an example just this week. I have to go and get a medical, right? And it's the old school like test your hearing, touch your toes, like knock your knee with a hammer.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Like a little rubber hammer, not the mafia medical with a knock your knee with a hammer. And as soon as I went in, and I, because I know I'm there for medical, the guy goes, okay, we can be hearing, I go, sure. In the hearing test is from the 70s, they put the thing over your ears and you have a button, and it goes, boop, boop, yep. Right? I finish hearing tests, I go, mate, when was this invented? It goes in the 70s. I go, well, it does it in tempo. I was pressing the button. You learn the tempo, you're going to have Super Sonic here
Starting point is 00:26:30 and go, oh right, you never thought about that. Really? First thing I thought of was how to cheat this game. And it goes, you wouldn't cheat it, because it's for your hearing, but I would. And I said, I tell you another thing, I've already memorized the bottom line of the test. Because I know that's coming up.
Starting point is 00:26:42 And it goes, real, he goes, it is coming up. I said, I already know what the bottom line thing is, because I know that's coming up. And he goes, real, he goes, it is coming up. I said, I already know what the bottom thing is because I was standing near it before and you didn't catch me. And I know there's no benefit to me. I don't get a prize for having good eyesight. In fact, it's a decent advantage. And he goes, thanks for telling me, you may flip it over. And I, well, yeah, don't flip it over and me, me, mate, you stand on the other side of
Starting point is 00:27:02 the room. Like, you can't be the first person in here that loves to cheat. We were disappointed with Australia for cheating in sport, because that's where we do the line. But I was also disappointed with the way they cheated. It was so... That's too obvious, guys.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Too obvious, guys. You can cheat better than that. We're the worst at cheating. That's where we'll ask which eaters. Two black marks against our names. So, we thought we'd devise a game today. It's Hamish Knight versus Jack. Jack, you'll
Starting point is 00:27:25 be a teacher, running a class, an examination, multiple choice, five questions. What was the subject? Environmental disasters. Yeah, Jack chose environmental disasters. Now to set this up, it was going to be recorded here at the Radist studio in this building in the boardroom. Jack had set up like we assumed we could give doing examination room, but before it began, before the test was to begin, Annie and I, knowing we were gonna cheat, have to get together to explore our options, our cheating options.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Well, this is high stakes because Jack's coming in here. He knows we're trying to cheat. He knows what this is about. Do I think he's terminus? They don't know that. It's already hot. This is like having prisoners in your jail who've said we're escaping tonight.
Starting point is 00:28:10 So we knowing that those eyes are on us. We still have to figure out how to get this done. We know it's on... What is your environmental disasters? Yeah. Two options. Number one. I respect the greeners' average use.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And I said, you print off the questions, give them a jack. He's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like, he's like questions given to Jack. He's like, he's like, he's like, he's lazy. If he falls out at Honeypot, she takes us in a second, he goes, yeah, he's taking my questions. We're home free. We're home free. I think so. He's an inside job and we've got Grinna's to help us out. Okay, if we go, he can't rely on that.
Starting point is 00:28:37 And I want the kind of guys that would rely on that. If we, is there a chance that Grinna's would step up? She could be a double agent. So in that event, it's gonna be on us. We're gonna be in here with nothing but our skills as cheaters to get us those five answers. What we've got in our pockets, his phones,
Starting point is 00:28:56 pockets, phones and the trip to the toilet. Trip to the toilet and you've got the Apple AirPods. Yes, get your AirPods. I want you to get one AirPods. It'll have it on you. Okay. If we don't get the answers before the exam, I'll get to the toilet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Call you. You have the AirPods in. I'll call you with the answers. Yes. You fill it out. So you look up all of them? Yep. Go.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Okay. Okay. It's going to be multiple choice. Then here's the system. Then when I get back in, yes, you do one blink for the question number. Yeah, and tap your nose. There's many times that ABC or D. Okay, so five blinks three taps. There's questions. I'm not tapping the nose. Because I know what it is. Yeah, but he doesn't know what it is. But he could try and start out. What about if I just I'm going to blink for the question. So like,
Starting point is 00:29:40 I'll look at noticeable blinks. I notice that. Don't notice. Okay, that's a question one. Right. How notice it. Don't notice, close one. Okay, that's a question one. Right? Howdoff will be D? You'll be able to see my shoes. Saturday, Saturday. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Why are you starting a D? Why are you giving me out of order? Okay, sorry. Left shoe off. A, right shoe off. B, A, B. Then sleeves. Slaves, sleeves. Slaves C, howdoff, then sleeves, sleeves, sleeves, sleeves,
Starting point is 00:30:05 see how to off B. Yep, I can't understand that. Good one. Blinking's a question. That's after I've gone to the toilet and called you and given you the answers. Yes, yeah. I knew it was feeding him back to me
Starting point is 00:30:15 if I can't remember him. Yep. Here's another question. If he takes our phone's office, put your phone in your shoe. Yep, okay, phone's shoe. The phone's shoe. You don't have a mask.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Great. And then, how do I answer the phone with you? If you've got the airport in, you need to have the airport in touch with your undies. Yes, as you see me going, you slide it in. Yeah, I think you just tap it, don't you? Yeah, I think you do. I think you just tap it. So I want to slide it out. And don't say me, obviously I'm going to go to the low-end, you speak.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Okay, great. I'll go for that. And I think what also is important is that we sit at very different spots, like don't sit inside beside him. So there's no problem. But also, try to sit as wide as possible so when he takes his eye off one of us. Perfect. Flank him. Yeah, we want him to be overwhelmed with the task at hand because he's getting those
Starting point is 00:31:06 somethings happening, but it's going to be like hurting cats. Great, the other thing I might do is plant my phone now in the top of the room. Yeah, so I'll be like, search for you, man. Great. I'm going to have to go and get my machine. Good luck. Let's check. Hey, Mish, did you put his phone inside a pillow?
Starting point is 00:31:22 I hid my phone in a cushion, which I then hid outside the room. So that was that. It really took me back. It's my kids get busted for cheating at school. I'm going to go right before I decide on the punishment. Tell me how you did it. And if it's a caper as high tech as this, I'm going to go, well, you learnt something today.
Starting point is 00:31:42 But look, everything was in place. We had our options. We thought that cheating's a lot about thinking about contingencies. I'm gonna go, well you learnt something today. But, look, everything was in place. We had our options, we thought that cheating's a lot about thinking about contingencies. I think we thought of a lot of the contingencies, but you never know. It's always last bit of problems. Hey, as they say, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:54 everyone's got a plan to get punched in the face. Now, Jack didn't punch us in the face, but things started going wrong during the exam. Okay, Mom, it's from the test. You have nothing to hurt the questions? No, I think Grin is as worried for Jack. Okay, so plan B's from the test. I've got nothing. Have I got the questions? No, I think Grinners is working for Jack. Okay, so Plan B, we now have to cheat using what we have in there. I've hidden my phone as we all know in the cushion.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Yes, it's a lot of problem. Putting the phone in my shoes was very difficult. It's a tight shoe. Yep, it's in there. I was standing on it, but I can't hold it. I thought he was just sliding outside. Oh, you can't get in the side. That's a secret. I'm just standing on it, but I can't hold it. I thought he was just sliding outside. Oh, you can't get in the side. That's a secret.
Starting point is 00:32:26 I was standing on it. Yeah, it's like an orthotic. It's a... It's $1200 orthotic. LAUGHTER You have to distract Jack when you walk in, because I can't walk properly with him. Just when you go in to distract Jack,
Starting point is 00:32:42 so I can get to him. No worries, whatcha gonna do? LAUGHTER All right, let's do it. So as we enter the exam room my plan is to greet Jack loudly so he's obviously not going to notice Andy limping to his seat because he's got a phone shove at any sneaker. Alright hey teacher, how's it going? How are you? Welcome to class, please take a seat. Thank you. As you know today's quiz is on the environment.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Yeah. An environmental disaster has pleased to not turn over the sheet yet. No worries. You also may know that if you've read the school newsletter, the school is cracking down on cheating. Oh, shit. That's the news to us. That's the news to us.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Doesn't matter. And swearing. Well, hey, and you know what? Honestly, I can always say it's about time. Yeah, exactly. Because there's one thing we did against creating any sort of advantage. Because it's really cheating ourselves though, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:33:32 Yeah, it's like the real fun is learning for us. Yes. As a first rule, please put your phone where I can see it on the table. Oh, I mean, bring your phone. No, they did that. I'm suspicious of that. I mean, please get ready for the exam.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Sure, can we have some pens? Wipe off markers a bit big, isn't it? Is there any pens? So, while Jack's distracted searching for a pen, I did see an impromptu opportunity to grab a piece of paper at the front of the room, which was folded up, and I assumed that was Jack's answer sheet. No, I guess that's an answer sheet. That's an answer sheet.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I thought that was Mark's answer. I'll be... I shouldn't have even bought that in. He got distracted by a pink pen. The name is nearly Stolly answer. Oh my god. No cheating. Remember?
Starting point is 00:34:29 Yes. Honestly though, that was my exam. All the tables look the same. Yeah, they've reached their goals. I was confused. Now, I have split you onto separate tables so you can't cheat off each other. I will also be looking for eyes to cheat off the other one. Sure.
Starting point is 00:34:42 How long do we have to finish this? Um, six minutes. Okay. There's five multiple choice questions. Yep. Good luck. Thank you. Showing our eyes. Good to...
Starting point is 00:34:52 Your time starts now. No signals. No signals. What was the signal? You're rolling up your sleeves. I want. He's getting on. I'm not rolling down.
Starting point is 00:35:01 No, you're rolling up your sleeves in a deliberate manner. He's getting hot. Jack was on to our blinking signals for answers we already knew, so it was time to roll out the main plan. I go to the toilet, retrieve my phone that I'd hidden in a cushion near the toilets, Google the answers, call Andy, and feed them straight into his Apple AirPod earpiece. Oh, no. It's just Tom.
Starting point is 00:35:20 I'm so sorry. I've got Dario. I'm very... I do, so do you want me to ship my pants? Or can I go to the toilet quickly? You were excused. I've obviously leave this here. Yes. Don't look at any phones or any devices.
Starting point is 00:35:36 I don't have any on me. I'll just go and watch him. Good idea. Good idea. Great idea. So Jack then I found out left the room to follow me and unfortunately noticed that I didn't go straight to the toilet. Instead I had be lined for an office computer. Okay, okay, okay. I think I'm gonna try to think I can't borrow this pen. Okay, I can see that hammer-tracking going into the toilet.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I'm gonna try to... Mr. Blake! Oh, shit! I'm sh**ing! If you had finished in the toilet, please return to your desk. I'll be back when I'm ready. I'll honestly be back when I'm ready. Thank you, that you can say. I'm watching you.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Let the record show that I don't trust him because Hamish ran straight to a computer. He just ran straight past the toilet. Meanwhile, with Jack out of the room, I retrieved my phone from my shoe. It was just googling answers. And then, just before Jack walked back in, Ham called me. So Jack, for some unknown reason, probably because you knew Andy would be back in the room cheating,
Starting point is 00:36:42 just left me at the computer. So I was free to then Google the answers and then feed them to Andy through the earpiece. Oh. He's followed you, he's followed you. No, no, no, no, you've come back in. Mr. Lay has everything going in here. Yeah, pretty good.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Pretty good. Mr. Blake was having difficulty finding the toilet. Oh, was he? Just shut up. Wasn't here, it comes. Just between you and me, I've got a good feeling that he's cheating Al Gore is wearing no tie in an inconvenient room. No tie Is that an option? I hope so just keeping in mind we need five correct answers. Yep from five to complete the quiz
Starting point is 00:37:22 Ingraduate to the next year The day after tomorrow got 44% on rotten tomatoes. Okay. Okay, good. I'm just trying to think of the other questions. You probably, at inside of time, we're at the start, we're probably three minutes. I'm just trying to get 44% of the stuff. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:37:40 Nothing. What's in your hand? I have to do it. Okay. I have to do it tomorrow. I have to do it tomorrow. Here was something released. Andy currently has his hand up to his head.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Mikey's on the phone. I can see, I can see you've got an Apple Airbud in your ear. I don't know how that got in there. Do you want to call me a scout that? Yes. Yeah, I was going to listen to some music and stuff, helps me do. I'll give you a pass for the Airbud. Maybe it was an accident.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah, thanks, man. Okay, so any ZIPs had been discovered, but in the meantime, I had Googled all the correct answers. It was time for me to race back into the room, fill them out on my sheet, and then using a series of winks and body moves, communicate the answers to Andy. Mr. Blake, thank you. Hold your in the hood. Good.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Sorry about that. That's right. You've got two minutes remaining, Mr. Blake. Sorry, but I quickly do this. Oh, you've become very smart after going to the toilet. Well, I get made a lot of room, but my brain can expand. Now, Heyrich is doing a series of... Foot taps.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Okay, one minute left. Okay. Mr. Blake, there's signals you're giving to Andy. It looks like it might be a good one. Okay, I know what signals are. Okay, please put your pens down. Okay. Wow, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:39:26 You've both correctly answered five from five. Wow. Thanks. Well, I'm glad our last study paid off. But I have a question for you, Mr. Blake. Well, I've already answered five today, so one more shouldn't be a problem. Did you get any time call Andy Lee? I have things to do.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Can I have a look at your phone, please? I don't have it on me. Like I said, I left it outside because no phones in the exam room, right? The school suspects you have cheating. What's your evidence? And you both fail. What's your evidence?
Starting point is 00:39:54 No, it's for it up. I drank it. Are you ready for a bombshell? We did cheat. That's also. When you left. No, it's fair to. If I take you, it was pretty obvious to be here.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Yeah. If we come clean, will we get points for honesty? Yes. No, they didn't work for this train because it was a... No, no. It was a more genuine member of our class. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Now we were forced into a bus and I'm old boys. Hey, Moe and to the Grand Prix, our last weekend. Yeah, well done. Check out the cows going very fast, etc. I would appreciate it. And he's not here, should we? Let's do a practice bit and then we'll get his opinions and when he comes later. How is it? Pretty amazing experience.
Starting point is 00:40:43 It wasn't what I was going to talk about, but it's pretty amazing experience, this wasn't what I was gonna talk about, but this pretty amazing experience because we've got to walk the pits, we're a pig laying with this, a lot of people that do that. But one of my friends, younger brothers, is an engineer from a Clarence, and I didn't know he'd been upgraded to being an engineer for aerodynamics
Starting point is 00:41:01 for actually on the ground. So he saw at the, and he saw me, he's like, oh, guys, do you wanna come on in? Come and do some calculus. Yeah, it was a good fun. It was a good fun. You can differentiate. If you want, you could do one of the sums for the drag.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Oh, the bit rusty. No, do it, I'm fun. I'm gonna hot lap on a calculator. So we got to kind of go into the McLaren little shed. Yeah, right. They got their amazing cast. You and I did this years ago with Red Bull. And you would think, like everyone's perception is like, oh, I bet you know, it's all secret secrets in there.
Starting point is 00:41:32 And you're like, yeah, but I bet in there everyone knows. You know what everyone's doing? And it's like, would be too late to change anything. But it is secret secrets. It's a whole secret. Like every team has like, clearly several people who are in charge of holding up sheets and keeping the secrets of the garage.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Exactly. And the cameras know whether they're allowed to go in and there's a point behind where they're not allowed to show because it is secret secrets. Anyway, Beck gets excited, loves Instagram. And they're testing this new part of their engine. And runs across as like, oh, this is amazing. What amazing kind of a situation to be in to be. So she starts filming the engine and I can see Eddie might make going, I'm
Starting point is 00:42:16 not my normal role to be the alpha male here and go across and get someone in trouble. Yeah, but that would be so against the rules. It is so against the rules. That would be like, if you're visiting a nuclear missile silo, someone kicking the head of the warhead to be like, how much pressure does it take for one of these to go off? So, so mean. Like, you really have to give it a kick,
Starting point is 00:42:34 right? It's not even going off. We don't do that, mate. One of them says it clearly. I'm sure it says it in the rules. So, me and Beck kind of doing a little bit of piece of camera is a selfie. Yeah, these are some stories. We love to hear these follows from Ferrari.
Starting point is 00:42:51 There are these Italians who love this. She yells across the window, says, hey, is this okay if I'm over here doing this? And he's like, I'm not going to say you can say no, because I think it's a no, isn't it? He said, no, he's like, oh, okay. And so had to ask a delete or all the thing. She felt bad, he felt bad, and then we were excited out of the car. And just be doing your meal,
Starting point is 00:43:12 though, what did the engine look like? Could you remember? Ferrari, that will pay so much money for that. He's what I want to talk about. There's a guy that I bumped into, who I see occasionally when we go to these type of functions, a real estate agent, real douchebag. Oh, I know this guy.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Like, I know, is this the one that we saw? Yeah, yeah. Real bottom, bottom of the barrel. Yeah, like if, if I was choosing people to not be stuck in the elevator, we have to be. Our girls numbers go down by one this week. This guy, I will know, we'll know he was a listener. Anyway, I've never given him my number,
Starting point is 00:43:44 you've never done that as well, but he says the same thing every time what you see him in group situations, actually could be a power move. Yep. He comes up, hey, he'll have very quick conversations so you can't wrap him up. Yep.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Like he makes sure he comes in and gets out quickly. I've only experienced him once and it was in a loading bay. Yeah, he'll cut at the back of like a concert. I didn't even know what he was doing. There was like, what's a real estate agent doing here? But he is a real estate agent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Like, if you had to dress for your profession in the Big Brother household, like at night time he's a real estate agent on the weekend, like he's just, that's my character. It's like we're playing a game online. And like, that's his avatar. He's like real estate agent 24 hours a avatar. He's like real estate agent, 24 hours a day. He's a real estate agent.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Okay, so he's come up. He's fighting a few questions. He never lets you get more answers out. And then he always leaves, and he leaves saying this. He always says, you know, he always says another function that he's going to be at. Yep. And that he might be helping organize or something.
Starting point is 00:44:42 And then goes, you're going to come to that before you say yes, you go, you're still on the same number and then just walks off. You don't have my number. Yeah, but it's a great move because in front of everybody, it looks like we're in number. Still on the same number. Yes I am.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Great, I hope to get it one day. It would be accurate but less of a palmy. you

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