Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2018 Ep 6

Episode Date: April 4, 2018

1. Noodle World2. Hamish meets an impersonator3. Battle of the mouth trumpets4. Power moves5. VIP skill audit6. Are you a musical VIP?...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-snap production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the Podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. Aloha, Aloha, Aloha Aloha Aloha I'm gonna have to call I'm gonna have to pull you up on that one there sir Yeah, don't know if hello is that hey, I mean that's hello. Hello in in our Hawaiian
Starting point is 00:00:34 Yeah, what do you get now? Give me two other words in Hawaiian. I don't know two other words Is that or I thought it just meant like nice pose it does mean hello? Does it mean hello or does it mean like tropical greetings? Or like, tropical greetings? Tropical greetings. Would a police, would a police men say hello, huh? Well, I guess they have to. They're laid back and it's there.
Starting point is 00:00:55 No, in Hawaii, if you're speaking traditional Hawaiian language, that's quick thing isn't it? Would a police, and you tell me this before you turn the answer, if you're speaking the traditional Hawaiian dialect, and I'm apologies for our Hawaiian listeners, I don't know the name of that language. If you're a police captain calling a detective about a case with a detective answer the phone with a lot of half.
Starting point is 00:01:16 How about I just give you the answer and you decide? What's the answer? It is a way of greeting somebody, but the real meaning of a low-harire means love, peace, and compassion. That's a cop's I'd say that. That's what I mean, it's tropical greetings. It's holiday greetings, not rhyme-scene greetings. So what's your wine for hello then?
Starting point is 00:01:37 Bear with me. Go again. Because if you can bring up another word for hello who no one, then I'll stand there and you're not going to get a good idea. Well, I'll shock you by saying, I think most Hawaiian cops in terms of Save America would just speak American. Yeah. Say hello, hello, hello.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Yes, yes, I'll wash up, wash up, wash up. But obviously, if they're going to go with their... Traditional dialect. Traditional dialect. What is the word for hello, Jack? I think, you know what, I think people use hello. Mojano, I'm just you know what, I think people use hello. Mugano, I'm just gonna say, I just think, you know, I think I like Kineshiva last week. Yeah, hello and Aloha is sort of what I'm getting.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Okay. Well, if you're a Hawaiian listener, have you ever had a policeman stroll around the corner? Well, but a policeman hasn't come in and go on Kineshiva, can you walk in Kineshiva? More likely. No, It is much more likely a point of this no one doesn't accept anything they do it in Britain anymore They can't they do it they have to do it. It's part of their training. No, it's not it happened in all of a twist It's about it anyway if you're a Hawaiian listener is there a different word for hello? What are the police been using well? I mean enough of our traditional greeting debate. Is that it? What's that? Do you want me to go? No, no, Kiko, you got 170 countries. That's right. I'm just saying a low
Starting point is 00:02:49 heart rate. I'm going to get like, like for instance, Dutch, it's it's hello, wasn't my bad, isn't it? Like it's, it's the same. Again, if you give me time to Google, you're family stuff. I don't know, but I don't know. I only know eight smart love, which means eat well. Eat smarts. Anyway, my point is for any country that's close to hello, you're not doing it? Not going to.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yes, okay. Because one of them is A.W.L.O. Yeah. But that is actually the coxing one too. Anyway, we all know about greetings. We failed it today. What are we starting the podcast with? I'm you and I exchange text messages on the weekend.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Yep. And the text message was, I was at... Yeah. You happen to be near, because we were called the podcast here, at the same studio as we used to do the radio show at, we just did a bit more of a dungeon. No, a dungeon? A high-tech podcast, one podcasting facility.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yep. It was at... I mean, it was a bit of a dungeon. 440 on a Saturday, and I sent a selfie of me with chopsticks in my mouth outside of Noodle World, which was the closest Noodle shop to where we are here. Noodle World sounds like a franchise. It's not a franchise.
Starting point is 00:03:59 It's a locally owned Noodle Emporium. You don't, yeah, exactly what you're imagining right now in your head, that's what Noodle World is. It don't, yeah, exactly what you're imagining right now in your head, that's what noodle build is. It's like definitely not the polish of a noodle box. No. But they know what they do and they do it well. I mean, Disney land, and it was noodle world.
Starting point is 00:04:14 That would seem exciting. There might be slides and et cetera, no, it's just. And also, don't be confused that the brand of branding saying noodle world is it noodles from every country. It's heavily Asian focused. I feel like they've favored the Asian continent more than say, you can't go and go, I have an Italian noodles with meat sauce,
Starting point is 00:04:31 which is a dish known as spaghetti to the Italians. They won't do that, despite the fact they claim to be noodle world. So it's pretty much yet. It's stand. You gotta go and throw to global noodles for that. The other shop, your own noodles. Not the website antivisits all the time. That's a podcast you can say. I think you would have said that back in the
Starting point is 00:04:55 days. Hey, I sent a picture of me outside noodle world. I just said noodle world on a Saturday. Yeah, that's right. Not often done. Yeah, not often done because traditionally for an over last 12 years of doing radio. Your weekdays are for your local lunch options of which Newtle World was a frequent contender. And your weekends are where you get to enjoy having a broader range of lunch options. And that makes a lot of sense for me
Starting point is 00:05:17 to get that message to go, this is outrageous. This is like someone going to work on the weekend. This is like someone sending a picture of them driving a digger on the weekend, go a guise on the site. Yeah, digger a ditch on the weekend. This is like someone sending a picture of them driving a digger on the weekend, going, guys, I'm on the site. Digging a ditch on the weekend. What are you guys up to? So you wrote back, I hope they've used the weekend spirit to get a little more generous with the prawns. One of the, I would often get a seafood meagre ang. And one of my gripes with Noodle World, if I could take them to the Noodle UN, would be,
Starting point is 00:05:50 I think you guys are a little stingy, with obviously a frozen and cheap prawn. Like for me, they had the King prawns, and they would do it in the big King prawns. The big King prawns, one or two, maybe you would get. Sometimes, you know how they put put it because it's the same every noodle shop. They put on ingredients in really, really fast. And they put heaps of bean shoots and stuff in. Yeah, all the tricks, all the fill, all the fill. Cheap fill, are they put tons in? And the moves so fast, I've seen him get the prawn, the guy was there. It fell out and he still put the sticks in. Like because he's preparing it and there's
Starting point is 00:06:21 no prawn in. So it's like a magic trick and I went, you dropped it to the prawn, if you're only putting one in, make sure it goes in. I've all, I've also seen them goose. Like that's if you keep ghost, he goes. Carry the prawn over your box or your dish and then go back and drop it back in the tray. Yeah, yeah. It's like a three card Monday.
Starting point is 00:06:40 He's doing to try and make you think prawns are going in your box. And they're not. They're not. So I have a similar issue with the shrimps. is doing to try and make you think prawns are going in your box. And they're not. They're not. So I have a similar issue with the shrimps or smaller prawns that go in a Singapore fried noodles, my preferred box. In the Singapore fried, is it a, is it come out of its own contain, on the hub in the window?
Starting point is 00:07:03 So he'll be like carrot, bean shoots, shrimps. Yeah, okay, he puts shrimps in and they're off for a bit. Well, I guess now that we're talking about this, the question being, was it true? So I counted them. I hadn't eaten it yet. So when I saw you say, did they get into the weekend spirit,
Starting point is 00:07:18 I counted them and I had 12 shrimps and that seemed a lot more than I would normally get on a weekday. That's a lot of that's what brings us to the day's experiment. Noodle world's just opened. Yep. When recording is on a Tuesday. Yep. Let's go down there and I'll go in and order.
Starting point is 00:07:40 So you can put a front noodles on a weekday. Oh, what's your theory? Do you think it was more generous? I reckon to the tune of four. I reckon I'm gonna see four less for less rooms. Do you think if I get over eight, I'll be surprised. What's our hypothesis? That they are feeling more fun on a weekend?
Starting point is 00:07:55 No, I think they know they've got a captured business crowd on the weekdays. They don't have to impress. Yeah, it's like a busy KFC or something like that. Sometimes they don't put as much time in's like a busy KFC or something like that. Sometimes they don't put as much time in it and you're sold in the adjeeps. True. Because they know they're going to get a ball thing at KFC. Everyone I do it. They're not going so there's anything else they can get you. It's like any fast food
Starting point is 00:08:15 franchise at the footy. Yeah, exactly. You're here. You can't go anywhere. Yeah, that I care. So really $9 what chips? Yeah, suck it. Suck them. They're cold. We don't, we barely even cooked them. We don't care. You have to eat them. Look at you fat pig. That's what I guess. I can, that's the vibe I get often. You'll eat them and you'll say thank you.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I do. I do. So they've got the captain racket on a weak end. Hard of a customer service. Oh yeah. It's like so hard. So they and Eric and they know jacket on a weak end. A little harder for customers. Oh, yeah. It's like so hard. So they and Eric and they know it's a different crowd. So they're hoping to get more weekend customers.
Starting point is 00:08:52 They're hoping that people to wake up at yet. Probably 10 o'clock in the standard, a morning goes, shall we noodle world today? Get all the kids. We're going into town with noodle world. And the kids are yellow, you're here, you're here, I'm going to see for a gring. Don't get your hopes up, kids. He might go to pro-warn. Let's go and test.
Starting point is 00:09:11 So the next, I mean, we're going to jump through time now, but the next thing people hear will be us. Who got us on? Got a week? I don't have a week. It's going to be $2 a week. Okay, that's what we're going to mustache on you. Because I don't want them going.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Hang on a sec. He's in, he's in quite soon to the last time he was in. Sure. He must be doing a test on the shrimps. That was the last thing I want. The next thing you'll hear is outside. Outside with the week is the stash. Okay, here we go. Okay, look at the new, the sun.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Noodle world's soundest Asian noodles. So, say noodle region. Noodle region. Noodle region. Just take away the world. Oh, perhaps the Antarctic noodles? Yeah, you don't do them, so change your sun. That's not what we're here to do.
Starting point is 00:10:02 We're not here to bust them. Oh, well, we're here to bust them, but about something different. I've got the wig. I've got the mustache for a second so I'm just going. Is this all, is this all necessary to do with him? Um, yeah, because I don't want him knowing. If it's the same dude, they do we know we say... He might go, but I'll show him what it's said that he might be doing that. That's exactly what I'm worried about. Put it on. Can you get me... What do I want? Chocolate chair, I want chocolate chow.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Yeah, chocolate chow, please. Chocolate chow. We'll stay out here and I'll commentate you going in. Put the mustache on. Great. That's good. I wouldn't recognize you as the guy from the weekend. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I got food. I'm done. Here we go. Okay, Andy's going in. I'm just looking through the window. No one's noticed the discolours. Everything's looking very good. Okay, come out to the canter. Hi there!
Starting point is 00:11:00 I'll have a chat with Chow, please. And just your regular weekday portions of Singapore fried noodles. Thank you. I've just realised that since I think we're going to go back up to the studio to do the shrimp count, we could have just sent someone to get the box of noodles. I Think we needed to come down here to film Andy getting noodles. It's like evidence That you can buy noodles, but it's still pretty fun. I'm gonna go for a walk past the window
Starting point is 00:11:35 Andy's given me a little nod. I think The disguises work so they didn't recognize me for the weekend Even I from the doorway here can see that there is in fact a large tub of shrimps available for purchase that the guys dig into with tongs. So it really comes down to I guess the two factors for putting shrimps into the enthusiasm with which you grip the shrimps and how deep you plunge the tongs in. Now that is a variable and could well result in either a large or small distribution of shrimps throughout the Singapore Friday notice. We'll find out. We are looking for at least 12 shrimps.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I'm sitting face in the counter and the shrimps are going in now. Yes, the eagle has landed or the shrimps are in the wok. He's another saying. Andy's waiting now and in these green podcasting tracks in these weeks and musta really does look like Italy's greatest soccer player from the 70s. The problem with wearing the disguise though is Italy's greatest soccer player from the 70s. The problem with wearing the disguise though is he may favor sports casual gentleman. And so hopefully we haven't stopped the test. I'm worried I made eye contact with one of the guys behind the counter.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I don't think that's going to affect the test because he had already put the shrimps in the Singapore fried noodles. And they're cooking as we speak. I'm going to call him. Hey, how's it going in there, man? It's going pretty well. It's going pretty well. I can see it and putting on a voice. But, does I do not? Clever.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Would you get me again? Chakwa Chao? Yep. Chakwa Chao. Are there prawns in Chakwa Chao? I don't think so. I use it as chicken and prawn. I think it's just, it's just like a chicken, I think. I can't even see the prawns.
Starting point is 00:13:42 They're not doing it. I don't know. They should be there. Okay. Anyway, that's a side mission. Just, hey, I was a bit scared that at the window before, one of the guys looked at me saw me. I'm pretty sure that was after your order had been put
Starting point is 00:13:56 in the walk and has been fired up. I don't think it contaminated the test. No, wouldn't have, if I had known that. Did you see him go and get more shrimps out of the bucket and put him in your dish? No. And I just sat by them all the whole time. So even if he suspects we're onto him,
Starting point is 00:14:10 it's too late. The dye's been cast. Correct. Yeah, we're fine. You know what else I was thinking? Could have just got someone to come and get the noodles. LAUGHTER Yes. Don't be mad. Don't let me laugh on the stash start falling off.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Okay, just get him and come out. He's got him. He's got him. He's got him. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go guys. I thought for a second they might have suspected.
Starting point is 00:14:38 I think because someone looked at me weird, then I must add something in my teeth. I mean, so small. Yeah. And then he must have cleared it. And that looks really good. I mean, I quite a lot, and then it must be clear. And that looks really good. I mean, quite a lot of the netting from the wig is visible, I get 40. Let's go to the studio, let's get out of here.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I love science. Back in the studio, with time has passed. With balls and head lunch. Yeah, sometimes, sometimes, as pals. Yeah, how was you? Look, I don't want the podcast to devolve into this, but I'll give you myusing at lunch. Yeah, we keep time, sometime as pals. Yeah, how was you? Look, I don't want the podcast to devolve into this, but I'll yes, I'll give you my highlights from lunch.
Starting point is 00:15:09 The Chakwae Chow was fine. I usually, as I said, I get a seafood meagering. I think because your test is seafood based at Nidawod, I've got to say, and you wouldn't have seafood in it. It's a beef chakwae chow. It's not the same that you would get from like a Malaysian takeaway.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I mean, it's what we love about Noodle World. It's a dense hot wet box of the world's hottest, temperature hottest, hottest ever noodles, absolutely saturated MSG and garlic. So hot, I think the idea is the policy is we can use any ingredients we want because you can't, it's the hotness where you chew it. So with such a wide mouth, you can't really take anything. You don't want it to touch your tongue because it'll burn you.
Starting point is 00:15:53 So just hot things are going down your throat and the result in shiny. And that was lovely. I loved my Singapore fried noodles. I ate it slower because I was picking out the shrimps. Yeah, it was like you were working in customs. Yeah, to make sure that I got them all. Trying to sift through people's singlets coming back from Bali if you want to find tasers and BB guns. Hame 12 was the weekend count. Oh yeah, God, here we go. God, this is happening too quick. I mean, it's been an hour, so.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yep, it's not really happening too quick, but I'm just trying to get back into the headspace we're in. I must say that I, because we'll first in. Yes, it's just important. I thought you raised, let's talk about this quickly. Okay, so pause this then, Jack. I'll keep the drone going. Okay, so, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Okay. Because we were first in, I thought, my, I could see exactly what I don't know, and the only customer there, I'm watching him closely. When it's bustling, they can get away with giving less. Fastix, yeah. Yeah. So you thought because you were first customer
Starting point is 00:16:55 in on a choose day before the lunch rush, he might put more shrimp or prawn in. Can I just clarify this to you, we've been having shrimp prawn argument? Shrimps are very, very small and fried rice. It's not them King prawns are very very big and you might only get one or two. Yes. These are the these are these are prawns I'll call them some very small prawns But they might be the kind that you find in like a popcorn prawn
Starting point is 00:17:18 Yeah, or an eb mayo at a Japanese restaurant. Yeah, a deep fried prawns eyes. Yes, so the top Like from maybe the middle knuckle to the top knuckle, I don't think they do. That's why I'm trying to help, because I don't want to confuse listener. Okay. You thought that because you were first in before the lunch rush, it may mean he's too generous. I respectfully disagree. I believe, think about what it's like to work at Noona World. You've got to set up all the buckets before the lunch rush. We've run out of drive. So just...
Starting point is 00:17:49 What reason? You've got to... I've got to hold you drone. What I liked about it as well is like, you've got to set up all the buckets before the lunch rush. I get your most pain. I get you. I was pained. You're on. You mess this up.
Starting point is 00:18:08 You mess this up. You're not coming back this way yet. You don't get the fun customers that choose to be there. So you're going to set up all the buckets instead of the day. Now they're brimming. I can imagine it's not much fun to recover bucket. It would be a train in the ass. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:22 You're like, oh, shit. You're out of prawns. Yeah. Whose job is this? No, you were last to touch them. So you have to go the way back at the core and get new prawns. Hence, you'd want to use as few prawns as possible. Yeah, but I think they do that later when they're in a barice middle of riches at the moment.
Starting point is 00:18:36 They're going to stay at the brimming their life. Any businessmen, they're running into a world of successful business. Well, they aren't being foolish and then frugal as they get through the brawn bucket. They're being frugal from the get-go. So I actually think you're more inclined. You see the full bucket and you go, good, I don't want to burn through this bucket. You're more inclined to be frugal with the full bucket. The initial count was 12. That was better, sir. The weekend count, that was 12. 12 prawns in a Singapore front now.
Starting point is 00:19:06 The weekday count was 15. 15! Jack, you don't even have a sound effect for that. You have a camera. Is that a winner or loser? That's a huge win for the people. Exactly. Hey, it's going against all our fears.
Starting point is 00:19:25 I feel bad. I feel bad that we challenge them. I'm gonna let them know. I feel bad that we challenge them. I want to apologize profusely to Noodle World. What has happened here? I have accused them of something they're not doing. And I was delighted with my meal again.
Starting point is 00:19:44 What has happened here? Why? Because I thought our with my meal again. What has happened here? Why? Because I thought our theories were airtight. You would be more enjoyable on the way. You would have be more relaxed on the way again. That's right, so you can roll in the air. And it's actually really good science, because you should never start.
Starting point is 00:19:56 You don't start an experiment with a goal in mind. You have to accept the findings. What we probably would find at a time, you hypothesis, is that I reckon in every Singapore fried noodles, you're looking at 13 plus or minus three. And so both of these are formed within one to two standard deviations. Or lazy Saturdays.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Or yeah, lazy Saturdays, all you hit him near the end of the bucket. What time do you go in? 2.30. That would have been close to the end of the bucket. He didn't want to refill it. I'm going to be a minute here this whole week. Remember last week, there was a thing at the radio station here. Oh yes.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Like an event. You and I came. We came having a chat with everyone. Just like a lot of the different, like there's some of the shows from the, like, radio from radio shows and a few different podcasts, one people. Having a chat, having a, you know, drinks on the roof, can I do?
Starting point is 00:20:52 Having a mingle. Good fun. As we finished our... I'm surprised our show's not chockers with sponsors. I thought we read really well. Yeah, we really pressed the flag down. Take your ears out though. Sponsors and no doubt coming.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Yeah. It's a very long pipe to get through. Like the sponsorship. Yeah, the sponsors will soon. Flooding. We've turned the tap on. Yeah. You know someone who's going to turn the tap on,
Starting point is 00:21:12 you're like, oh, when's it going to be warm? Don't worry. The message has been sent to the hot water system and just is going to take some time for the hot water to flow through. And when it does, everyone get your umbrellas up because the sponsors will be flooding this show. At that event though,
Starting point is 00:21:25 there was some sponsor people and then just I think there was just like, people there for a drink, like I don't know where they came from, but afterwards you know, you're now having a chat, saying hard or a few people, you left, you went to get a drink or something.
Starting point is 00:21:38 This guy comes up to me and he goes, oh, how much are you going? He goes, hey, I don't want to fight or anything. I was like, that's all right, you know? Can everyone? He goes, no, I want to give you something. Oh, okay, what have you got? I want to give an impression.
Starting point is 00:21:54 And I go, who are you, okay, who are you going to do? And he goes, watch this. So this is him now, he goes, watch this. And I was walking along the street and I saw $10 haircuts. I'm like, oh, sorry, are you doing me? And he goes, no, I'm doing both of you. I'm like, okay, so he goes back into it,
Starting point is 00:22:14 he goes, he's walking along the street doing $10 haircuts. And then he goes to me and then Andy goes, oh yeah, yep. And I'll go in, go and have a check it out, the $10 haircuts, so I open the door and I'm thinking, oh sure, enough'll go in, go and have a check it out the 10 dollar haircut So I have been the door and I'm thinking oh sure enough 10 dollar haircuts in it. So what'd you do? Ham, do you get your hair cut? It sounds like me, it does sound like me. Sorry, I'm just gonna see like, sorry mate. Sorry, sorry I'm like have we done that story before and because I'm going I don't think I've got a 10 dollar haircut I went from cutting my hair myself
Starting point is 00:22:40 For free for many years to then going to a professional hairdresser who does charge and I want to brag more than $10. So I'm like, have we done that? I've never said, yeah, but no, okay. So I'm saying to him, have we done this story before? It goes, no, no, no, it's part of the bit. It goes, no, it goes, it's kind of story you do though. It's kind of story.
Starting point is 00:22:59 It's my brain going, I'm going, where's the impression he gets? Yeah. So I was trying to do different voices. He was, but then this is the real kicker. So I go mate, sorry. So that's not from our show. He goes, no, no, no, but you know, it's all part of the impression.
Starting point is 00:23:18 It's just, okay. But no offense here, you're keywee. You don't sound like he's a keyway. Yeah, so I'm like You're not doing our voices either really if I had to be critical. I mean Not everyone doesn't know what they sound like but I hear my own voice a lot You're allowed to be critical. I mean if he's going to be critical. I am gonna be critical Can I show you this bird and
Starting point is 00:23:42 Another big big laugh a lot about that's two different color pairs of socks tied together with a tennis ball and a stick on the top, it's a bad bird. That's really showing me, actually something worse than that, worse than two socks and a tennis ball. So I said, go hang on, I said mate, thank you, I really appreciate the effort you put into this, but what am I listening to here because it's not anything we've ever said. It's not our voices. What's the impression? It's just the pace and the tempo that you speak at.
Starting point is 00:24:13 It's a vocal tempo impression. You've got to say the tempo. You've got the tempo. It's actually the 10th. That's the 10th. You've got the 10th. Not the most commonly known bitch. Hey guys, don't go with his live show. Who's this? It's not a tumor. Oh yeah. It's Anarch. What's it? It's 10th. It's his 10th. Hey, Mish and Jack, we love our valued and important podcasters.
Starting point is 00:24:46 LVIP podcasters, these are people that have gone to HamishNirty.com. I mean, we love all the listeners, but they have chosen to be more involved, they've opted in. They've opted in. I mean, everyone's opting in your right by listening to this, but they've gone deep. Yep, they leave their details so we can contact them.
Starting point is 00:25:00 And part of that form is special skills. This one caught my eye. What do you got? And it caught my eye for a couple of reasons. Jack, I feel like someone is might be encroaching on your turf here, mouth trumpet. It's a really. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:17 You've only ever... It's amazing that that's the only good skill I can think of. You've only had the skill I can think of. You have only listed one skill ever on the show. It's certainly not building houses. Rochelle joins us now. Rochelle, I'm reading it here.
Starting point is 00:25:30 It says, I can play, I make a perfect trumpet melody just using my mouth. The difference is unrecognizable to the naked ear. Rochelle. The human trumpet. Oh, hoi. Oh, hoi, Rochelle. And a hoi to Jack as well. Hi, Michelle Now, I could do mouth trumpet as well. I
Starting point is 00:25:48 Did not I don't really can't do it that well Certainly not to this the kind of status that you're boasting the difference is Unrecognizable to the naked ear the reason we've always hated Jack's mouth trumpet is the way he looks at us Looks at you like can you believe noise is coming out my mouth? And we can. We easily can. And you also... It's the co-hearsthick. It's a similar look that Hame gives us when he's driving, but at least I'm actually playing the instrument.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Yeah, that's true. Jack's like wiggling his fingers in front of his face, which would anger Andy even more because I bet he doesn't have correct valve positionings or whatever. But Andy, he's a trumpeter. Yeah. Well, Michelle, I want to dial in on that statement. The difference is unrecognizable to the naked ear. And I bought my trumpet in. How do we test this?
Starting point is 00:26:32 This is how we test this. I'm going to go outside. And Rachelle and I both going to be on the phone. Gotcha. I will have my trumpet. Rachelle will have it now. I have wondered why you bought you some little backpack trumpet in.
Starting point is 00:26:44 And he's got a little backpack trumpet in. And he's got a portable sniper trumpet. I'll talk to Rischel about who's gonna go first. Okay. Right. And so you go take it away. And whoever answers. And one of us will go.
Starting point is 00:26:59 And then either of you have to choose whether that's Rischel or real trumpet. You've got to go right down the other end of the building. Yeah. Because we'll hear it coming through this. I'm going to go far down. We'll go far down. During the, the breeding. I've got to drive a standing by.
Starting point is 00:27:11 We're going to go suburbs away. Yeah, right, okay. And then, Michelle and I'll have a chat. But yes, you'll only hear one thing. I don't know, it's 50-50. But you only hear one thing and you've got to go. Is that, Michelle? Well, why don't we do three?
Starting point is 00:27:22 Why don't we do three? Like, an instance one. Instance two. Instance three. Okay. And then afterwards, we've got to go, is that Rachelle? Well, why don't we do three? Why don't we do three? Like an instance one, instance two, instance three. Okay. And then afterwards, we've got to go, okay, well one was human, two was mini trumpet, and three was human or whatever. It's a better idea.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Well, that's why we were all the good team. Okay. So an IR. For podcasters, they won't hear me going to another subject. We'll be back in two seconds, Zach Lee. Okay, time has passed. We have transformed podcasters studios now into a makeshift game show. On the phone, we have Rachelle. Are you there Rachelle?
Starting point is 00:28:00 Yes I am. We also have Andy Lee, usually in the studio but now now on the phone, are you there, Andy Lee? I'm here, guys. Love the show. Just, just, hello, it's fine. We've got a pre-tike schedule to keep to. Hey, hey, the two... I just, just, you know, I've also chatted to Rachelle, um, linked up with her, and we know the order we're going. Okay, mate. Cool. Um, my brothers got two degrees.
Starting point is 00:28:24 So, I'm showing off. I wish, I had to reach for my brother to find an impressive start in the family. All right. How many degrees have you got in? Like I said, mate, we're in a really tight schedule here. We've got to get through this segment. So here's how it's going to work.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Jack and I will say, commence music piece one. That will sound like a trumpet. We don't know if it's human being Andy playing the traditional brass trumpet or if it's a shell playing the mouth trumpet. Then we'll say commence piece two, commence piece three, etc. at the end we will tell you to our the best of our knowledge using our ears, what we believe to be human or machine. This is a version of the touring test, which they use for artificial intelligence to see if you're talking to a machine or a person. But it's the trumpet version of the touring test. OK. Commence piece of music, one, please.
Starting point is 00:29:16 OK. Thank you. And commence pace three, pace. That will do, thank you. Pitya has been, thank you for your time. Thank you. I believe we won't need to deliberate too long in this case, because I think the jury knows what's what. As the foreman of the jury, Jackie, you okay for me to read the verdict, even without
Starting point is 00:30:23 conferring with you? I am okay, I am confident. Uh number one we believe to be human being One of the big giveaways for this was the noticeable intake of breath Before into the phone You breathe before the Trump. Yeah, but your your trumpets are gonna be next to you phone You probably got that you're probably on speaker You're phones are gonna be next to you phone you probably got that you're probably on speaker You have phones are gonna be next to your mouth. Well, we correct was number one human
Starting point is 00:30:51 correct In the second he's we're also voting human This is largely because we heard Andy cough over the beginning of the trumpet which would be incredible if He in fact was playing the trumpet are we correct? Yes Incredible if he in fact was playing the trumpet are we correct? Yes Number three by this stage we have ample evidence of what ratios mouth trumpet sounded like we were also voting human For a number of reasons. I think we could hear Andy giggling a bit during the trumpet and also There's no way Andy can play a song that good and complicated on the trumpet Yeah human three humans, no trumpets.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Oh sorry, Rochelle, we need you in the best direction. Do you want to take us out Rochelle with a bit more trumpet? If you've just tuned into the podcast, Andy's in another room playing trumpet, like a song no one cares about on an instrument even fewer people care about. Do you get back in here and a Heirishelt really good, really great attempt and far better than Jack, that's all we really care about anyway. Thank you. Thanks, guys.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Trump on. Hey, we've been getting a real giggle at the power moves. Building the definitive. So I was sort of quickly wedge one in here. I know it's not scheduled but terrific power moves last week. We are building the definitive list of power moves. What do you got? This comes from Samuel. We aren't building the definitive list of power moves. What do you got? This comes from Samuel. And he, it is a power move submission and Samuel, it's approved. Just go ahead.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Before we go to the full board, I think it's pretty good for you. No qualms here. This isn't, yeah, usually ones there on air. Yeah, they've got the green light. He said, if you know someone for a long time, yeah, but you can't use it with a family member, anything, but if you know someone for a long
Starting point is 00:32:45 time, quasi-know someone, you know, it's a great one when you meet up with them, particularly in a group situation, to go, hey, mish, isn't it? Get the name right. But also let them know that I haven't been thinking about your match. That is that is true, actually. And because throwing an isn't it on the end, it's a high-wire act. Because you would never, ever do it if you weren't sure. He said it. I would never go. If you actually are unsure of someone's name,
Starting point is 00:33:15 like if it's Carol, you'd be like, sorry, was it Carol? You would be like, yeah, Carol, isn't it? Because that's just such an unnecessary trapeziac with no safety net. Yeah, exactly. Because the whole crowd is there going, ugh.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Like, why would, why would you do that? Why would you yell it out so quickly? And then when you land it, you've caught the other trapeziac. The way Samo does good things great. He said, for the person doing it, oh, I say if you get all you, say if you receive it, it goes, it makes you seem unnoticeable.
Starting point is 00:33:42 In significant. In significant. And it makes them seem like some sort of big shot who doesn't have time to remember people's names. But has a knack of just kidding. But yeah, it makes it look like it's all skill. It makes it look like it's all on them. The name, remember, nothing's with your personality.
Starting point is 00:33:59 You're not memorable. I just have never great memory. So don't get too carried away. Like I also remember, I remember the price of noodles at the supermarket last night. I had love noodles. I just kind of helped. I was just going to photograph great memory. So don't get too carried away. Like I also remember, I remember the price of noodles at the supermarket last night. I love noodles. I just kind of helped. I just got a photographic memory.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Yeah, it's a good move. That's a really good move. It's a good move. It's a good move. Hand it just before we go. A special shout out to everyone that has participated as a VIP, a valued and important podcast
Starting point is 00:34:23 that my guide, these emails, never cease to delight us, because we are now a show that cannot be called in upon, but you can email, aponstus, and we'll call back. Sometimes we'll call you back. On the forum, when you fill it out, like give us some of your details, because the idea is we have a database here of a depth and breadth of knowledge we can call upon at any time.
Starting point is 00:34:43 The thing that always grabs our attention is what people often list as their special skills. Now, I was noticing, flicking through the VIP emails, two people listed an eerily special, similar special skill, and it's crying out for a contest. On one hand, you've got Damon Knight, of Australia, special skill. Can I answer my phone at any point in time? I never miss a call. Well, Damon Knight.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Damon Knight. It's Damon Knight. Let's see if we can do a funny joke for the next man. John Eric DeVries. When it rings he hears. LAUGHTER He's from... he's in Norway. But he also, he also lists that he never misses a phone call. Oh, correct.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And normally we go, IZ in Norway is going to be tough to track down together with the podcast. We do love our international podcast as in, we will try and get as many international podcasts as we can, but often the time diff hurts us. It's a skills audit. But it's a skills audit, and it's a head-to-head. We're basically Jack and explain this better to us. We're Pokemoning these guys. We're battling them against each other.
Starting point is 00:35:53 We've got John Eric Davies and Day and Night, Day and Night. Against each other. So this is... Let's start with an Norwegian. Let's call him. He fascinates me too. And if he picks up, he's been with an Norwegian let's call him he fascinates me and if he picks up He's been successful and
Starting point is 00:36:07 It's at 2.14 as we speak in the morning. Okay Just held that up as a sort of a helpful producer. Yes, and then let's Thanks Jack And then let's then call Damon If John picks up Damon will be out if he doesn't. That's right. If neither of them pick up, it goes to all they both fail. What's like Donkey, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:36:29 Yeah. So if one picks up, then the other guy does, we play next week. Yes. Both don't pick up. We play next week. If one doesn't, then the other doesn't, they win. We're going to both play next week. If they both answer. No, if they both...
Starting point is 00:36:40 Okay, yes. Then they've proved the point. If they both don't pick up, then they... I can they're both out We can't play Jack and secondly why am I agreeing with him when he's nodded like he's the designer If Jack says that's what we're doing can't argue with Jack, but you wouldn't you agree? I do agree Okay, you both fail at your special skill. I know you're saying if you both say you're spider-man Yeah one guy can't shoot web and the other guy can't shoot web. We're not coming back next week to see if you've
Starting point is 00:37:05 turned into Spider-Man. OK, this is John the Norwegian. John Eric Diveries. I'm nervous for him. Any drinks? Here he is. He also says that he knows more about the black hawk, helicopter, I think, and 9x-hour population.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Not engaged, he's on the phone. That's just the old Norwegian ring. I mean, it cuts our stacked against John. Don't lie to us, Johnny Boy. He also says he knows his further Norwegian oil industry. Alright. We'll claim it playing with his game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I'm doing the other. What percentage crew would you find? Windblast. Oh. John Eric Davies. I'm doing the other. What percentage crew would you find? Windmoss. John Harytavis. It rang, he did not hear. So the door is wide open for Damon Knight. This is huge.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah, this is huge. To now go down in history as certainly a home-grat advantage, but I mean, is there a coin on the line for this? Oh, okay. LAUGHTER Uh, the Hamish and Annie focus. Home. Rapidly proposing and approving rules
Starting point is 00:38:15 for games that are being made up on this spot. Is there a really a coin on the line for this? There's a coin on the line. Oh, that's over $10,000 on the line. Oh. Oh my God. Hmm. I need to perky a ringtone for some reason that makes me think he's more of a chance to answer.
Starting point is 00:38:39 That's not a good diamond, no. This line is big. Oh, please leave your message after the tone. I think that's just a day. Oh, day man. It's a much more tricky. We were testing your special skill of answering your phone at any time. You could have won a coin.
Starting point is 00:38:55 There was a coin line. You just lost yourself 10 pounds. If it's any consolation, there was also another liar involved in this segment. John Eric DeVee is from Norway. Yeah. Maybe you guys should say you're catching up, they're not, then don't, when the time comes. See ya. No, thanks for listening though, we love you.
Starting point is 00:39:12 What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? Look back in plate Sando, another podcast, this week.
Starting point is 00:39:20 You know how we were just saying, we just left a voice message, there's Damon saying we lied. Just so he feels better. Now I feel a little bit bad about that because he's going to hear it on these voice melodies here in the podcast. He lied. Yeah, I did a big lie this week. I've been doing polities twice a week to try and fix my back. I've got a few back issues from lifting up and children. And there's some guys like I live up in Alleyway they're building a house like we're
Starting point is 00:39:45 doing an apartment up the alley over so often I'll come at my phone to every morning and chat to the builders but they're pretty tough builders I came at my Pilatee's queue which is just like sports shorts and sports top and they looked up it was like nine in the morning the go you're for a run mate and I went yep because I didn't want to correct that's that is a Because I didn't want to correct it. That is a lie. I didn't want to correct him ago. I'm actually doing clinical pilates. So then, I was really conscious when I came back in an hour of being a bit more sweaty.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Well, you don't sweat. You don't sweat at pilates, so I'm stored, I doled, I then came back like an hour and a half, so I could have plausibly gone for running, cooled down. I got back, I got back.. I think I kept the liar pretty well unless any of them podcasted out. I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:40:31 can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me, can you tell me,'re like, oh, it feels a bit different without songs. Well, hardcore podcasts will never miss the songs. But people that were traditionally a more radio, they prefer to consume this as a radio format rather than blend it up condensed resin of a podcast, they do miss music between talking. So we had an idea. If our podcast is out there, if they're musical, if they want to submit songs. Go to hamishneed.com, we'll put up a little submission page.
Starting point is 00:41:09 They can only be originals. They can only be 10 to 15 seconds in length, and then we will play songs throughout the entire, or one of the podcasts, as soon as we've got enough songs coming in. So we're gonna have songs for podcasts, yeah, we'll play tracks. So if a little of that going, you know, say, you get us to send in our special skills,
Starting point is 00:41:28 we're doing all that bit. Now we're doing this song. Yeah, yeah, it's put on. Thanks, we'll see you next week. Catch up or contribute at www.hamishanandie.com.

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