Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2019 Ep 49

Episode Date: April 24, 2019

1. Strongman Eddie2. Power Moves3. Random Riches Prank4. Proctologist visit5. Fit Bit VIP...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-snap production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and Andy podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. 1 A Hoi Tall! To you Hamish! Thank you, Ahoi! Thank you, Ahoi! Thank you guys!
Starting point is 00:00:34 Thank you very much! Thank you, thank you Jack! You know me? Thanks to you, Ando too! So, I was going to Jack there, thanks to you Patience! Jack, thanks to you Patience! Ando, thanks for your patience while I was thinking Andy. Play on Andy. Thanks to Tim from Detroit for sending us a message of what he's up to today. Thanks to Tim because we're not complicated. Hi, I'm Hamish and Andy.
Starting point is 00:00:52 This is Tim Fletcher from Detroit. And I'm going to be spending most of the day at my dad's funeral and related events. So it's kind of a bummer, but I'm killing a little bit of time this morning listening to the latest episode I'm hoping to hear some good power moves that I can unleash on the unsuspecting well-wishers at the wake today Keep up the good work and Maybe I'll say hi to you guys afterwards. How about goes? Well first of all Tim. Oh Fletch if we may.. We'd love you, sorry to hear me, Dad's passing. Best of luck today.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Never had, we have not received a funeral power move request. But boy, he did a great thing for us. I mean, obviously he can go with a lot of handshake once in a while. He did a lot of the general ones. We will have powermers on today's show. Let's keep it in mind to see if any would be appropriate for Fletz.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Yeah, all the best Fletz. I love the idea that he's going to spend the afternoon just thinking of what he can pull. Just wait for him to, you know, put one of the classics like drop in his keys and yelling at someone to pick that up. Um, hey, last week on the show, I bought up this after I threw my nephew in the, I bought up this. Yeah. I want to know, I know we've got a lot of great listeners out there Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:08 Is there someone out there that could he's strong enough to throw me or you or whoever wants to go you can be the guy Yeah, okay. Yeah, throw you in the throw us in the throw me in the air and see if it's enjoyable see if it's enjoyable Because you know my nephews love it. Hey, you mentioned for the mountain from Game of Thrones. For the Onsen, the world's strongest manor. For instance, along with 2.1 million other people, mate. And I mentioned him. I also said, good luck you're never going to get for. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I mean, he's the world's strongest man. He's got much more important things to do. The game of Thrones is coming out. Our producers came in after that and went, so we'll contact Chris Hemsworth. We say, we wasn't really listening. Do you want us to sort of present with?
Starting point is 00:02:50 You can talk to him. We'd have much more chance of getting Chris Hemsworth on the show than throwing you in the air than Thor Bjornsson. Thor Bjorn. Yeah, you're not getting Thor Bjorn. Put it out of your mind, I said. He's far too big for this show. He would barely even do Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I believe was a comment comment I stand by that. And so I said to the British, no, we'll let's try and I want to stand the face of the homeless here. Let's get Thor on. What a waste of time. Sarah, I mean, we've wasted a lot of people's time on this show and that would have been the biggest waste of time.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Sarah said to me, we've heard back from Thor's management. As an academic exercise. Yeah. And I, you know, we raised that. It still means we can get him on. Yeah. But apparently, she wouldn't tell me the price, but she said me. She's whispered it. She told you, okay.
Starting point is 00:03:28 So she wouldn't tell me the price. But she said to me, got to understand, and he used the strongest man in the world. Yeah. He's got a lot of people that would like to see him perform these feeds of strength. And he's got a lot of strong stuff to do. There's rocks that need to be moved. There's people that might have a washing machine. Yeah. There's also a guy over here that needs to be thrown in the air
Starting point is 00:03:44 like a toddler. I know. It's enjoyable., there's also a guy over here that needs to be thrown in the air like a toddler. I know, it's enjoyable. But there's probably a Saudi billionaire who needs these washing machine quickly chucked on the roof. That's the kind of gig Paul's doing. That's where all the cash is. And I don't blame him at all.
Starting point is 00:03:57 He's the world's greatest affable. We've spent silly money on silly a thing. Let me just say for your own, just so you're not upset, move on. I've seen the number. I think it's fair that Thor's charging as much. You can remember, I'm pretty sure he lives in America. Even though I think we have to fly him out, and he wouldn't come on the show unless we
Starting point is 00:04:18 agree to do it, fly him out and pay the phone. I think if we booked him, you then get to have a phone call with him to promote the upcoming trip. Which makes it sounds about right. Yeah. Book anyone the top of their game. If you book your same boat, you would expect an interview. You would expect a moat. Our phone call to go, yes, I'm coming.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I'm looking forward to coming out to race Andy. Yeah. Even if, you know, we know he's not. Otherwise, if you were looking forward to it, you'd do it for free. Yes. But you know, you'd expect a bit of a chat to pump up the event. Yeah. So we're not even going to get anywhere near that. Not get. Yes. But you know, you'd expect a bit of a chat to pump up the event. Yep. So we're not even going to get any near that.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Not get the chat. No, we could, depending on how much money we're paying. Well, let me just say you'd have to fly Thorball first class. Yes. He's enormous. That's 20. There's almost seven foot grand probably from America. 20 grand minimum.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And he's probably going to want to mate. Well, he's making fly economy. No. Not if you're traveling with Thor. Two embarrassing. Yep. So there's 40. Just in flights and costs, I'd say we're looking at 50.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Then there's his actual just fee for doing it. Yeah, what's the fee for throwing a person up in the 80? 50 grand. 50 grand. It wasn't for throwing, so he doesn't have a prize listed for throwing someone in the air. But it's 50 grand to come out and go. All right, you wanted the best in the world, here I am. I actually think that's very fair. He's the best in the world.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Yep, I mean, well, otherwise, if it was like a thousand dollars, he'd be spending every spare minute at 21st, throwing everyone in the air, or juggling kegs or whatever. He's not a circus act, he's a high performance. He's breaking records, no human beings ever touched before. So, Syracur, did you, in turn into his manager?
Starting point is 00:05:47 They were laughing, they were laughing, they were like, what are words, did they say you're not getting full? Come, come, come, come in. Come in. Come in. Did you say, Syracur, did you say what we wanted him for? Yes, I did say what you wanted him for. And then actually took it very seriously, like the emails back from his agent was serious.
Starting point is 00:06:07 And they said, if you want him, then the fee was part of the phone call, like you mentioned. And then they said that will be 50 grand. Do you throw him in there? He would throw you around like a rag doll. What are you, 90 kilos? Yeah. He's dead, lifting close to 500.
Starting point is 00:06:22 He's over 500. Well, I don't want him to throw in like a ragdoll. I just wanted to throw you around like I'm actually a ragdoll. He could probably do it one handed. If we got you in some overalls, he'd grab a hand full of the back of the overalls. Yeah, parents would know that's a good place to scrunch the kid because it clenng. Yeah. Grabbs them by the straps and just piff you in the air.
Starting point is 00:06:39 You might throw you over the building. Okay, thanks here. Well done. Rather than spend 50 grand plus accommodation expenses, so very little change out of a hundred. We thought before we jump at that to good option, we'd look into other... Well, luckily.
Starting point is 00:06:56 ...strong men. Luckily, we were contacted by a striker's strongest man. I don't know he's stats. Yep. I bet you they're impressive. Boy, if you, yeah. He's an eddies, he's known. Maybe he's his name. I don't know he starts. I bet you they're impressive. Oh, if you're, yeah. He's Eddie's, he's known. Maybe he's his name. I don't know anymore about him than that. I just know he's Australia's strongest. So you'd say if you're Australia's strongest, you'd be in the top 10 in the world. Well, it's just asking. We've got him here. We've got him here.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Now he joins us on the phone. Eddie. Eddie. I'm not sure if you just heard my intro there. I presume since you are Australia's strongest man, and thank you so much for joining us, Eddie. Hello Eddie. I'm not sure if you just heard my intro there. I Presumed since you are Australia's strongest man and thank you so much for joining us that you would be in the top 10 of strongest people in the world. Is that correct? Yeah, well I think 11 of the strongest men in the world at the Arnold's composition recently. So I can't sit. Fifth. Oh, that'll make you happy. I mean, this is huge. And then that, at the time, bando,
Starting point is 00:07:48 it's probably a hair separating everyone. Have you met Thor? A Bjonson? Oh, I haven't. You know who I'm talking about though. I've been talking about Thor quite a bit. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Yeah, yeah. I mean, I told Andy, I mean, Eddie, first of all, we're really lucky to have you on the show. I mean, to have the number five strongest man in the world. And two time Australia's strongest man, I'm just, I mean, Eddie, first of all, we're really lucky to have you on the show. I mean, to have the number five strongest man in the world and two time Australia's strongest man, I'm just saying here now, this is a huge honor. And just on the weekend, I won some tennis-teer stomps net.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Oh, we've got a guy, a heart. You can probably lift up the hemisphere. I thought I felt something shake on the weekend. It was probably you putting your dead lift out. So, I have- So, it was my plane landing. So, what, Eddie, what? Oh, how much do you weigh?
Starting point is 00:08:29 I weigh 190 kilos. Wow. Andy's worried last week when we were talking about this. Andy was worried you might have heard that you'll be short. He's worried because Andy and I are quite tall guys, around at 190. Andy's worried that no one will be, quote, tall enough to throw us in the air at
Starting point is 00:08:45 which point I said to him mate, Thor could easily do it. He's the mountain from Game of Thrones. Are you tall enough do you think any to throw Andy in the air like a toddler? I reckon it's possible. I think I'm just going to teach you how to become a barbell like just to be stiff. Yep. I'll go out. When I go to press you, if you're moving around, you won't go as high. Yeah, hang on.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Press me. So are you thinking Eddie to do sort of like you make Andy go flat? Like you might see in the Olympics, so like a cleaning jerk. And then I'll just throw him in the air and then hopefully try and catch him again. Now that's not, and I'm sure Andy doesn't, when I chuck my kids in the air and then hopefully try and catch them again. Now that's not and I'm sure Andy doesn't I that when I chuck my kids in the air. I won't do an Olympic lift. I will usually grab them under the armpit. Yeah. Piff them in the air that way and that seems to be an exciting way for tollas to fight. Is that a possibility to push Andy up into the air like that?
Starting point is 00:09:40 What if you are up on a platform, go to the could you do it that way? Uh yeah, well we can play around with it. into the air like that, what if you are up on a platform, go to the, could you do it that way? Yeah, well, we can play around with it. I can't do it. But my, my idea was I was just gonna, like get you to lean with my arms, into my arms, onto my hands. And then I was just gonna throw you up in the air. That sounds about right.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I mean, it sounds kind of like, I guess we can another, so we're having to get you down, like to get you here to the studio for next episode. How many kilos can you lift above your head normally? 160. Wow. Yeah. 160. That's above us. Okay. And now I have just been handed a quick fact sheet here for you Eddie. Sorry we should have done a research a bit quicker. You eat 4,000 calories on a normal day and 8,000 calories near a competition.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Yeah probably more leading up to competition because the weight-care heavier for my training so my coach will program because there's no point doing heavy weights every day because you're just wreck yourself. That's a mistake, I'm like, Commentation. Sorry man, I was so annoyed, I got a voice. Every day, I've been bench-pressing 500 kilos a day at the moment. You just get fatigued, honestly. I feel for you, man, I feel for you. Yeah, well, the reason I bring up the calories is because I had a conversation with Jack yesterday. Jack is what we call a thin man.
Starting point is 00:11:00 He wants to be a strong boy. And Jack's got a trainer at the moment, you know this? And he's told him to up the calories. So my goal is 3,000 a day. And so that's a lot of calories I thought. Like this is the opposite of people that want to lose weight. Do you have a tip for Jack on how he can get his calories in? I've blend everything.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Okay. Not everything, but you know, we share the calories. I'll do like fruits. Yep. Like, yeah, you can't do like fruits. Yeah, just blended on that. Like, porridge, you know, like things that can be blended in fruits. Would you blend meat? Like breakfast.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Ah, not really, because that is the thing that Brian Shaw does. It's called Monster Mash. And he gets minced, he kind of turns it into like a soup Oh, and then he puts rice in it so then it's like a Carrot kind of thing. Okay, Minci Rosado. Oh, I'm in so we cooked cooked me Monster Cooked
Starting point is 00:11:57 Because I was like a hot mint rice milk Jack, I'm going to take it. All right, it's what it takes. All right, are you ready to do that? Jack, I'm not ready to do that just yet. I'm doing a lot of peanut butter. Oh, you mad dog. You're in no time. What an animal.
Starting point is 00:12:17 I'm so... It's killing the Jack. It's killing the Jack. It's killing the Jack. It's killing the Jack. Oh my gosh, cold, hopefully they can stock it up. Jack's probably angry for some sort of peanut butter sponsor knowing his form. Oh yeah, I'm doing a lot of picks, peanut butter, I really do love shark jack soon. I got the brand in first and now I get the sponsor.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I'm sorry, back to the task again. When you toss me in the air, multiple tosses are just the one toss. I'll throw you in the air and then I'll catch you like a dandruff in the stretch. Okay, so yeah. That's exactly what we want. Can I need Nanda? I'd like to make a suggestion no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, more, more, and until your back gives out. That's the traditional child's adult relationship. And do you guys? That's your really, really funny thing I do with my son.
Starting point is 00:13:32 And instead of holding his hand and spinning it around, I hold his hand and his leg. I don't think that would be my own airplane. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, I like that. I love the airplanes. We could do that with any type of... But that's more like an amateur.
Starting point is 00:13:47 If any one's some Airoplanes, he can ask Uncle Eddie to do Airoplanes too. And Eddie remember, you've got the right here as the grown-up to go, no, no, no, that's it. We might go much the food. Well, should we be getting... So, Eddie, we need to ask you, so you're happy to come down to Melbourne. Where else you live? I live in the central coast. Okay if we organize flights you're happy to come down and toss me in the air. One that's
Starting point is 00:14:13 the first question. Yeah great I felt that the amount of thought you've been doing seems like yours. Do we need any padding should I be should we be getting we thought we might just do it on the balcony here like the rooftop. Do I need any padding that we can organize or you're confident? Well, that's a lot of padding because if you go over the edge of the roof, we've got a whole week to pad the whole string. No, no, no, no, we'll be good. We'll be good. Okay, you catch him. You catch him. All right, all right, but we'll be good. We'll be good. Okay, you catch him, mate. You'll catch him, mate. All right, all right, mate, we'll see you next week. I'll get Andy to practice his dams or, dams or catching. Thanks, buddy. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I've had a plan this way. Okay, good. We can tell what makes my, it's my, it's my, it's my. Hey, it's time for this. It's time for this. The look of satisfaction in Jack's face is prices. We have to put it online one day. When he actually fires off an effect on time. Because we sort of go like the one we requested.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Here's the way the show's going to go. We don't actually go get it ready, Jack. Yeah. Because you shouldn't have to. It's only been in radio for about 10 to 15 years. Like Jack. So he's always wrapped to know that he's doing the same level of achievement that basically a year, one radio novice would be doing.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Yeah, he's got it. He's got it. Paul Moves, the coffee table book is coming together. Thank you very much. Everybody's sending them in. It's, I think we speak for, I think I speak on behalf of Andrew here in Jack when we say we're so grateful for them.
Starting point is 00:15:47 We thought when we announced the coffee table book, people would go, well, they've obviously got enough. It is in spite of flood and the quality has risen. It's like, I always see a lot of double ups and we just think so many great unique new PMs coming in. It feels too early to say this, but it could be like an encyclopedia of actually, they could just be able to use. We've got a volume. I think we should good, but it's really good. I don't know if it's really good, but it's really good. I don't know if it's really good, but it's really good.
Starting point is 00:16:06 I don't know if it's really good, but it's really good. I don't know if it's really good, but it's really good. I don't know if it's really good, but it's really good. I don't know if it's really good, but it's really good. I don't know if it's really good, but it's really good. I don't know if it's really good, but it's really good. I don't know if it's really good, but it's really good. I don't know if it's really good, but it's really good.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I don't know if it's really good, but it's really good. I don't know if it's really good, but it's really good. I don't know if it's really good, but it have to approach and get in the group. What you do is you walk up to someone that's in the group a friend or colleague and go, here you go, mate, have a mint. Essentially, yeah, the group now looks this person and establishes that this person is bad breath. And you're you've come into a system. Yeah, that's good. You can even bury it to here's the mint you asked for. You could even bury it to here's the mint you asked for. You could bury it to, because then they go, They're lying. But if you have a mint, isn't lying. That's true, it's not lying.
Starting point is 00:16:49 I don't have too much of a problem with sometimes lying in pow n'oves, because if you go, here's the mint you asked for. They'll go, I didn't ask for a mint in Higri-A. Oh, sure. Of course not. Ultimate pow. Ando comes from Chris Clark. Very simple, easy to execute.
Starting point is 00:17:05 A lot of people in a lunch situation, if you're a work and person, you might eat at, I don't know, cafeteria, you might be somewhere behind your lunch. This is for when you're in the queue, waiting to pay for your lunch. Let's say to small business or a cafe, no chain store, for reasons of becoming apparent.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Make sure your mate is in front of you, in the queue, and as you're lining up in the queue, ask to borrow a couple of dollars. I'm sorry, I got to three or four bucks. Then when you get to the front, put it straight in the tip-jaw, and make sure the servant noticed you do it, and they noticed you made dim tip.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And the amount's so low, you'll probably not get asked for a bath. That's definitely an asshole move on. This one, I don't think it's asshole. And they said it's asshole? I think it's up to the interpretation. That's why I think we'd have to make a group decision on it. He said, sorry, it's from Katie Mellie, so it must be Mellie. Katie Melloy, maybe.
Starting point is 00:18:08 All right. We'll get it right when we're accredited in the book. Yes. She says note, requires a generally placid pit. Okay. She's sleeping baby could be used as a substitute. Oh, sorry. Is he like lizard or something?
Starting point is 00:18:20 That would work, but mainly a cat or a dog, but it's not too hot. Yeah, a low energy cat. When I'm on the couch and feeling hungry or thirsty, but mainly a cat or a dog, but it's not too hot. Yeah, a low energy cat. When I'm on the couch and feeling hungry or thirsty, but I can't be bothered getting up. I call my cat in to sit on my lap. A few minutes later, I get the tension of whoever is around and alert them that the cute creature is on my lap resting. Good. And that I'd love to get something to eat or drink, but I can't move Alfie.
Starting point is 00:18:44 He looks so comfortable. Cat is better than lizard. Like, people usually then go, oh, okay, we don't want to disturb the cute pet and they go and serve you. Great, yeah. Really good. That's not awesome.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I don't think it's awesome. That's just clever. Yep. That's just using your cat for the good of the world. Colin Tubb, you're self-factory. Good of your world. Good of your media will gain. Colin Tubb, Canadian podcast or endote. Now, this gives us a little insight into those
Starting point is 00:19:17 that live in much snowier climbs than us. Because obviously we're in a straying podcast. We don't have the situation where snow falls. On our homes. Snow-based power moves. No, this is a snow-based power move, but this is for like in suburban areas, we, you're at risk getting snowed in.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Now I know a lot of our audience that could be applicable to, so we include it for that reason. Got a power move for you that I'm sure will benefit a lot of your international podcasts, as you said, I live in Canada. Whenever there is a small, only capital, very small snowfall, always go at them
Starting point is 00:19:47 almost immediately, very early to shovel your sidewalk, then shovel your neighbors. So, it's best you make sure they know it's you doing until waved through the window. Keep this up, and every possible chance you get when there's just a skiff of snow or ice, where it's really light and fluffy. Then when the big heavy snowfall comes,
Starting point is 00:20:08 make a warm cup of coffee and sit inside, while you wait for you and able to go and shovel the sidewalk because they know they are too. You really like it. The End of the World Dimos writes in him and he says, make a statement that another person would absolutely agree on. But then at the end of it said,
Starting point is 00:20:33 and I say, and I don't care what you say. The example, I said to my wife, we have the cutest little baby boy, and I don't care what you say. She was immediately on the defensive go, I think he's cute as well. And I was just saying that because I'm powerful. This is good end, I.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Glenn Robinson, all right. He goes to Glenn Robinson. I thought it was for a sec. But it is Glenn Robinson. He's cleared the background check. I like this because we could do it. Here we work in a building when we come to the podcast with various people in there
Starting point is 00:21:07 and everyone has name badges on. So, because this works best in a commercial building or an office building where a lot of people wear name badges or security tags. I like a power move that uses this because people forget they've got their name on. I do it on planes sometimes, or a fantasize about doing it on planes.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Because you see someone like by never satchel that has a name tag on it, and you're looking, oh, Jennifer, right. My favorite one was- Because then you could be like, Jennifer, right? And they're not gonna go, you've seen the msatchel tag. Yeah, my favorite one was at working at the tennis
Starting point is 00:21:34 where everyone had their photo as well. Yeah, if you didn't know someone's name, all you go is go, oh, give us a look at that photo. How funny is that photo you've got? Darryl, great, yeah. What are you using for your lanyard clip? Yeah. Just the normal one.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Feet all. Yeah, really good. Yeah. In a symbol of a catch a sneaky glance of there, which is easy in an elevator situation too, because everyone's looking ahead. As the person exits the lift, just before the door is closed, call out their name. The person's left stranded on the other side of the lift wondering what's going on. You can add, is this yours?
Starting point is 00:22:09 So a bit of like, you know, oh, Rebecca, is this yours? Door's closed. Ultimate power move, it causes them to sit there, wondering and doing a personal stock take. If they're out of eyesight, they don't know what they've left in the lift. Very good power move. You never get. You never get caught. Here's the other reason I wanted to bring this up. Glenn Rodeon, I didn't see the start of the ML. He wrote in and he goes,
Starting point is 00:22:33 oh, I, two power moves for you, both involving elevators. First power move, the one I just told you. There is no second power move. I think your power moved us by telling us there was two. Yeah, because he goes one of two. Yeah. And then I'm scanning the whole rest of the email going, oh, he's got me. He's got me. He one of two.
Starting point is 00:22:55 That's a good power move. Hey, um, obviously a lot of people go to HamishNeed.com. We really appreciate that and they reach out to us for anything. Favours. And, uh, and sometimes favorites, favorites, um, on our form for our valued and important podcasters. Uh, obviously, Favours are very, really asked, but they basically tell us about their lives. This happens to be a favor. Um, special skills are listed. Then, uh, there's also a question what's your biggest secret. And also what have you put off for so long it's awkward? Tim joins us now because that was the question Tim that spiked my interest.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Tim, welcome, Hoi. Hoi Hoi, how are we going? Hoi Tim, you were very good. Tim, tell everybody what you put down for in answer the question, what have you put off for so long it's all quit? I need you guys to bring this one out. So a couple of you go a friend of mine for some money. Yeah, $700. That's a tune. I forgot to pay it back. So you're worried that she's forgot to pay $700 back and then you said you feel like You're a bit of a tie to ask you actually mentioned. I seem Jack level tight to go
Starting point is 00:24:12 To go and ask for it. I mean I personally thought of the sort of Jack lending $700 Feels me with pure sterics So Tim I get it is quick to ask for money back. Yeah. So we thought we'd do... 700, though. You can't let 700 slide. Yeah, let's have it under slide. Tim, what's the friend's name? Flora Fonella.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Fonella, is it? Yeah. Okay. So you've given our producers Fonella's number. What we thought we'd do, Tim,'ve got kegs here who is an afternoon jock on Hit Music Station here. Kees, welcome. Get our guys. Kegs is one of the best in the business. Yes. We've known Kegs for a long time. Based out of Fox FM in Melbourne, Broadcasting, Coast to Coast. If you've got the equipment. Specifically round the Melbourne Metropolitan Region. Part of you in WA? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Sure, there's ways to get it. Tim, what we thought we'd do is we've invented a new prize giveaway, which we're going to randomly give to Fonella. Yep. So Kegs will call her number, say it's Kegs from Fox FM, ask her a name, so obviously we hear it. Then we'll go into the rigmarole of giving away this random amount of cash. That cash will be $700.
Starting point is 00:25:29 We'll use it 700 bucks. And then we'll see if that promscent of thing of anything she may do with the money. Because really what we're going for here and what the objective of this is, is it's to jog her memory, isn't it? It's to get her thinking about two things. $700 and debt. And if we can do that, hopefully the thought bubbles to the surface and Keeks is very, very good at this.
Starting point is 00:25:52 One of the things that you would do, agree that when the absolute staples of your job is the phrase, what would you do with the money? I've said that more times, like, I can fix it in the house. It's the first thing you practice when you join an FM and how would that change your life
Starting point is 00:26:07 and what would you do with the money? So, Kegs knows what he's doing. You're in the hands of the very best. Tim, you stay put, we'll put you on hold. Do you have to hear it? And good luck, Kegs, obviously. We've always doing this. I go, Finale, how are you going?
Starting point is 00:26:21 You don't know her name. It's a random giveaway. So definitely ask us at the top. Oh, that's true. That's true. Good us it. That's true, that's true. That's true. Good luck, buddy. All right, here we go. BEEP.
Starting point is 00:26:29 BEEP. Hello, Finella, are you speaking? Hi, is that Finella? Yeah, hi. Finella, how you don't know me, it's KegC from FoxFM. How are you going? Yeah, good, man. How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:26:43 I'm doing really well. Have you just got a quick minute? Trust me, this is you really want to be gonna be gonna be a part of yeah I'm just about to go into a lecture, but you can make it quick Okay, we're gonna make it quick and you are not gonna regret it because That is so random! FoxFM! Give me some money! Random Riches! FoxFM's random riches finale!
Starting point is 00:27:08 We have randomly punished in your phone number into the computer here. We've drawn your out. And we're about to give you some cash. Are you ready for this? Yeah, sure, I love cash. And the best part is you have absolutely nothing to do, right? We are going to just fire up the computer, find out how much cash you have won,
Starting point is 00:27:27 and then it is all yours. Are you sure? I am sure, I am dead-set serious. Your number has come out. Is this a lucky day for you or what? Oh, it's been a pretty good day, but it's a $1. I know, it's better than a lecture, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:27:40 It's pretty cute. All right, here we go. Finella, are you ready to find out how much cash you have won? I am. Finella, here we go. Finella, are you ready to find out how much cash you have won? Finella, here we go. Foxifem's random riches is paying you out. This hour's random riches amount $700. $700! What?
Starting point is 00:27:58 You won $700. Are you for real though? I am for real. Can you believe it? We are giving you $700. I Are you for real though? I am for real! Can you believe it? We are giving you $700. I actually can't. I mean straightaway, what are you gonna do with that amount of money? I'm gonna buy some textbooks.
Starting point is 00:28:13 You're gonna buy some textbooks? I'm gonna keep a boring, very, very easy. Yeah, I mean you could do that. That's something that, I mean, I understand you're at uni. Textbooks are expensive. You, uh, I mean... Oh, I could buy my Splendor ticket, but I could also go towards that.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Splendor tickets. You like music festivals? I can't help myself really. Yeah, I mean so many things you could do with it. You know what, something else that people are doing with money a lot these days, they're paying off debts and things. Do you have any debts? That's also a really, really good idea.
Starting point is 00:28:41 I should probably do that. Yeah, any, what do you want to pay off anything in particular like? I surely 700 off my heck that takes it down to what like 38,000 dollars. It's a lot of money. 700 dollars, specific amount. There's no one else that anyone else that you want to give 700 dollars to. I don't think so. I don't think so. Your mum? I don't have me. Yeah, okay. Anyone else, you owe $700? I don't think so. No.
Starting point is 00:29:08 No, it's up my head. Okay, you don't have me. Do you have a name? Do you have a name for me? Do you don't want to give Tim Greaves $700? No, that's so funny. I f***ing know it. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:18 I'm sorry. It's all time old, just like, the sounds of Chibitogi, Tim's at that work thing back in the code. The time is shan't any here, Fonella. You're on the podcast, Tim reached out, he didn't have the guts to ask you, so he didn't have the guts to ask you. I did, if I could so pay him that while I pay him off back. Tim's live, and all we can really work off here is that we sort of we said is there's something you put off a so long it's awkward And he said yeah, I just don't know how to ask for now for this 700 days back
Starting point is 00:29:52 So we were trying to jog your memory a bit with Tim did she pay half back? Oh in teams here Do you want to say hello to finality? Hey, I fell What is it? Yeah, yeah, it's a stitch up. I mean, to be fair, I do deserve this. Yeah, it's been a while. It has been a while.
Starting point is 00:30:12 We'll let you go. No big a assume, no interest, which is good. We'll let you guys discuss that. I think our job's done. I think your memory has well been truly been jogged. I definitely hate myself, yeah. Well, Jack pointed out this is really a $1400 swing because you probably thought you had $700
Starting point is 00:30:29 and now you don't and you're down $700. So it's a real kick in the pants. I'm fine, I needed this. You need the kick. Okay, well we're going to send you out a token of no value. Yep. It's got no value. It's certainly a thank you.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Well, you can see. I think that towards the 700, just be clear on that. Certainly has no value, monetary or otherwise, but you can assign it value later. For now, what subject are you doing? Under the construction management. And I thought we'd maybe not have had an old textbook we could help you out with.
Starting point is 00:31:01 But our make whip-a-dit construction management. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, if you'll see-it construction management. Yeah, yeah, I'll do. If I'll see. Don't want to use Tec's fix, nor he's not. Guys, thanks so much for leaving to it. Cheers guys, good luck on Keating's fix. Thanks, thank you. Thanks, Solid.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Thanks, Sonoa. Yeah, so I mean, random riches then turned into maybe we can give you a 10-year-old Tec's book. No, not as cool with contest. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Hey, I'm... question for you.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Yep, going medical. Yeah, great. Smart to come to me. Is... Is a responsibility of the doctor to say they're going to put their finger up your bottom before they do it? Er... Who's the doctor?
Starting point is 00:31:42 GP. Er, no, I went to a proctologist, so I knew. Oh, that definitely changed things. I knew that it was coming. That was the area that he might play in. We've not played. I knew that he arenaed, though. Well, I doubt he was whistling.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Or, no, but, or, if did he bring in another mate and go, No. If you're a server more, if you're giggling, and you could feel a very small soccer ball rolling around in your colon, then that's not on. That's absolutely not on. No, he said, let's have a look. Yeah, that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:32:17 We're gonna feel. No, with a protologist. No, he said, let's give you a look and it was something what I thought was going to be superficial. I've got, I I had an abscess. I don't know, anyway, look, a look is a visual thing. Yes, and an abscess that hadn't really healed so well
Starting point is 00:32:32 and so you guys let me have a look. He said, drop your strides. He always call them strides doctors as well. I think it's to put you in ease. Okay, so it seems foxy. Yeah, drop your strides, hop up onto the trousers. Yeah. Drop up off. Causeides, hop up onto the trousers. Yeah. Drop up, because if they call them ass hiders, it would make it sound like he wanted to look more than he does.
Starting point is 00:32:56 He's in pop up onto the table. Yeah. And he's all I'm going out and I'll come back in and have a look. I don't know why he left for that. It is. It is. You feel better, don't you? Maybe he's, because especially, you know, the human body is all good when it's getting undies off. Yes. And he's like, I'll let you have your dignity there.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yeah, yeah, but I won't let you have it all day. Yes. But I'll let you have it there. So he came back and said, okay, okay. And he's telling me to look around. So he's like, is it there on the outside? And I was like, no, no, it should be higher than that. And that's when he put his finger up on.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And I thought, oh, and he's like, yep, yep, okay, great, I found it, yep. Of course, there's entered the building. And I thought definitely there was a situation where he had to go, all right, cool, I'm just gonna have a look inside. Maybe, he hasn't, he hasn't done anything wrong here. Well, he's not at worst, I would say,
Starting point is 00:33:51 he's just, he's got questionable protocol, because, hang on, here's another theory. The thing is, I think it's Andy. Maybe, maybe people tense. Maybe he fell over. Oh yeah, yeah. So you have to do it. Maybe people, maybe it's like,
Starting point is 00:34:03 when you wanna scare someone, but the hiccups. The flinch reflex is, I know, that's a good theory. But I think the sphincter flinch reflex is so fast that it doesn't matter. It wouldn't matter. If as soon as you detect something on the outer shields, everything locks down and you're in emergency mode. So a lot of people that aren't expecting something to go in there and I think it wouldn't
Starting point is 00:34:28 make it different, it actually would make more sense for him to go, here we go, fingers coming in, I'm going to put a finger in your bum or I'm going to digitally examine you whatever the word is. But having said that, this is because he's a proctologist who's been to medical school, proctology school, bum college. No, let's stick to the real way. I'll pull myself up there. He's done a lot of gastrointestinal stuff. He's done.
Starting point is 00:34:55 And they, and he chose, he chose this area. I always thought that was interesting as well. Did they choose that they get it assigned? Cause I've got a mate that's an eye doctor and he got that assigned to him. No, you, what? Yeah, you get it assigned. No, you can't get it assigned, because I've got a mate that's an eye doctor and he got that assigned to him. No, you cheat. What? Yeah, you get it assigned. No.
Starting point is 00:35:07 You can get it assigned. No. Topic for another day. Okay. I can get it assigned. I'm going to get it assigned. I've got ophthalmology assigned. I think your preference is in there.
Starting point is 00:35:15 All right. Because in some fields, they limit it. All right. So they go. We're only going to have fear to get into. We're only going to have five ophthalmologists. Yeah. And they make it, but we need 25 proctologists.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Yeah. So you've got to feel the field. Okay. So you might have literally got a bum steer and you've got an eye on them. But let's just say, because he's a proctologist, from the moment you walk into the room, it is understood to the reasonable person
Starting point is 00:35:36 that a finger could be going in there or it should be going in there for some testing. Now, really if you like, if you extrapolate it out and you go like, well, he should have asked, it kind of in first that you've got the right to say no. Which you do, but what are you doing in there in the first place, if you get to say no? I don't think he asked.
Starting point is 00:35:55 It's more just, hey, now I'm gonna do the warning. A warning. So really what he did is he skipped the warning. But there's no, I don't think anyone's suggesting he is obliged to ask, because it would be a weird day for a proctologist, so I'm gonna come in and go, I don't think anyone's suggesting he he's obliged to ask because it would be a weird day for a proctologist from the coming ago. I think something's wrong with my bum and they go, can I have a look at it and you say no? And he goes, well come back when you're ready because I will need to see it. Or if they go, here, here, you can look
Starting point is 00:36:18 but you can't touch would also be a weird thing to say to a proctologist because at some point it's a hands-on job. Yes. That's true. So I think he skipped a protocol. Or he skipped a warning. I'm going to ask him, I mean, this, again, this week, unfortunately. So I'll ask him, I asked him, did he get it assigned? Yeah. I asked him that.
Starting point is 00:36:38 And if he says no to that, just to be fair, I heard ophthalmologist, I heard eye doctors do get it assigned. So you get a full story there. And then I'll ask him, do you warn, is there a theory behind not warning? Yeah, warning. For that question. Yeah, great. Hey, last week on the pod we talked to a guy called Jake, who, a valued important podcaster, had listed as a special skill.
Starting point is 00:37:06 At any given time during the day, I have a great feel for how many steps I have done according to my Fitbit. And he gave us some great reenactments too if you remember the episode. He really took us into the moment both of an unsuccessful one, which sort of surprises and a successful one. And that's what we were hoping to recreate today. There was enough for us to go come in that's what we were hoping to recreate today. There's enough for us to go come in here, Jake.
Starting point is 00:37:27 We want to see this. We want to see if you can pull this off. And we caught up with him. We got in early. We said we flew him in. Easy flying, yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I was just saying it now.
Starting point is 00:37:39 I don't think he was a flying. He was a flying. He was a flying. Why the oh he was? Jeez, look at us. Just go and remember what was cut through the cover there. We got it very, very, he was a flying, he was a flying, why the oh he was? Cheese, look at us. Just go and remember what was cut for the common man? We got him very, very, that was bad. That's, we got him, we were flying in books.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Now, we can though, so we just managed to quickly reach back out to the common man and hold them. You didn't, you didn't remember either Jack which disappoints everyone the most. We thought you would be the last person. Very common man. You're not at all. No, you're not. You pretend You pretend that he get free things on Instagram and on your radio show, but you're not common man. It's a ruse. Anyway, we flew in. As we all remember, we're still trying to recover from
Starting point is 00:38:19 the financial work. We flew Jake down to see if we could test this special skill we caught up with him this morning. Jake welcome. You've got your fit bit on. When was the last time you looked at it? You would have looked at it a little. I checked the time on the way in so that was a rough idea. Did you check the steps? I don't know how they worked. The steps always come up with the time. Yeah the steps always come up. So you can't check the time without the steps. No. They really get in your head about the steps, don't they? So since we time without the steps. No, they're really getting your head about steps, don't they? So since we, you know, decided that we're going to bring you in here, have you had a practice, have you gone for long walks? Is it just naturally in your everyday life that you're pulling
Starting point is 00:38:53 this thing up? That's the key. I think I've tried a few different techniques. Obviously, the most obvious is just physically counting your steps, but that's pretty off surprisingly or off. If I count count 50 out for example, it'll probably come up with a 44 so it's not very trustworthy plus it in one of ways to day Melbourne going. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's beautiful day out there, I mean we've got you in early to go and enjoy the day, enjoy the city. So it's more really not to get too yotere about this but the more you try the less successful
Starting point is 00:39:22 it is. Yeah, exactly. I can't even pause the help you just use your heart. Use your Insta-4000 and I'm just pretty good. Right, it's a good one. So if you use it in intuition, so that thing is plugged somehow into your intuition. Exactly. That's it.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Even the engine isn't fit right now, it's scratching in the head's going, she's did you put an intuition in on it? I did it. We're going to have to update our quick wrap agreement. Fitbit 4 is gonna have intuition, intuition mode. All right Jake, so if we send you out for three or four hours now, that's the plan.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Would it rattle you now to ask you to do a steps count? Or we shouldn't even do that though, because the excitement, I mean, if he gets it now, we've lost the excitement for a long time. You're right. If he does it, it's a confidence trainer. Yeah, it's a confidence trainer.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I don't do one, don't do one internally. Yeah, so because we're about to seal up your fit bit though. We're about to encapsulate it on your risk, so you can't look at it. Yeah, just double checking. We sure we don't have a quick look now to have a baseline check. Oh, we need't look at it. Yeah. Just double checking. We sure we don't have a quick look now to have a baseline check. Oh, we need to look at it. Yeah, yeah. But I don't want him having a guess.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I always want you to have a look at it. I just have a look. Is that how it happens? Ah, click that look. Sorry for tapping your wrist. Okay. You're at 3994. Great.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I just guess 4,000 in my head before when you did say it. Oh, but I had a... You did say it. You did say 4000. Okay. Covenant's builder. So Jake, what did we agree on was the plus or minus? We remember, so I'll do 50, 50.
Starting point is 00:40:53 We remember running on that. That was a test. We definitely remembered. That's from last episode. Good. You passed the first test. Okay, so plus or minus 50, that's good. We will secure now with a padlock and some electrical tape.
Starting point is 00:41:09 With a padlock on it, change the way it reads. You mean the bumping of the padlock or something? Or just a heavier mead with my bag behind a bit. I might just think he's jumping or... No, I think it's going to be OK. It's a pretty light padlock. Yeah, the lightest we could find. You know, we know an impede you, but it's the same knowing I completely trust you.
Starting point is 00:41:29 LAUGHTER So, 3994, that's our base line. We look forward to seeing you back here in four hours. Yeah, just take a, I mean, say mobile if you can. Have you got good shoes on? We have good enough for walking shoes. Yeah, say mobile. If you go down and have a coffee for three hours
Starting point is 00:41:47 and then come straight back up. Because we do want to see, if we just a mile, if you lie on this couch, I think we want to see another, at least double. Don't mean we want to see another 4,000 steps on this, so let's get moving. Well, if I get to 10,000, it's going to start vibrating in celebration
Starting point is 00:42:03 of reaching 10,000. Yeah, right. So that would be a big indicator. So do you want me to try and stay below that? Yeah, just smash it. Yeah, 12,000. Keep it below that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:13 So I mean, between five and 10. Love it. All right, good luck. And now let's take it up. So we taped him up. We did, and we put a padlock on it. Mainly for looks. It was for looks.
Starting point is 00:42:23 I mean, no, I think the padlock is worthwhile because we taped, GAFA taped around the fit bit to completely seal it up. Then we pull punch to hole through some of the tape at the end, it might wrap it back around and around a few times. And it would be very hard to replicate it. I think that's what we're going for. I mean, it was largely for looks because we just trusted him. Once we met him, we trust him, but we say that, the second part we did today was also based on low levels of trust. But we can help it because we just trusted him. Once we met him, we trust him, but we say that, but the second part we did today was, it's based on low levels of trust. But we can help it, because we think like cheaters.
Starting point is 00:42:51 So, we can just see glaring, you're the worst at it, Jay. You can just see glaring opportunities to cheat. I mean, it's for a coin. This morning I walked in and I said, hey, my feel like you might just be counting steps out there. And you agreed. And so I said, maybe we combat that,
Starting point is 00:43:05 at least before we met him. Maybe we combat that by giving him a call while he's out there walking around and trying to mind-jumble him. Yeah, jumble his thoughts. Yeah, my thoughts. And just so he couldn't keep count, this is out with. We've ducked back in the studio before the show,
Starting point is 00:43:22 and because Jake's out there with this fitbit. This was your idea, and I really like it. And it was any lady to go, what if he's out there counting? Now, having met him now, it just doesn't seem like he just seems very honest. But this happened before we met him, it was like if he's out there counting. We've got to call him to distract him. Should we just start yelling numbers as soon as he picks up? Who is that Jake? And then just go numbers. Yeah yeah because the point of this is a mind
Starting point is 00:43:49 jumble. Yeah. And I scramble his brain in case he's he has been counting the numbers. Yeah counting the steps. All right. It's worth doing just to make sure that the experiment is sound. Hmm hmm. What are you doing? Is he getting a coin coin. We haven't discussed it yet. We've got to figure it out on the pictures. He gets an eight. That's a good idea. How old? Is that Jake?
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah, it is. 56. 1226. 22 15. 425. 38. 3952. 85.
Starting point is 00:44:22 5.5. Yeah, infinity pie. E. 5.5. Yeah, infinity pi. Hey. Oh, friend. We got the enemy jumbled him. Okay, you obviously know what this is. This is a mind jumble just to make sure. To make sure you're not camera. Yeah, you forgot to read.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Oh, we didn't want to jumble you that bad. We're traveling with a magic that's too powerful for me and me. We do need you to come back here. About an hour. I'm feeling good, mate, getting some good steps under you. Yeah, I thought I could have jumped out of the blocks a bit hard. So in terms of keeping under the tenth hour, I'm slowed down a bit, sitting down for a bit of a lunch.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Yeah, lovely. Good, just alright. We'll see you later, mate. Yep, that's a lot of fun. Thanks. So we've jumbled. Yeah, lovely. Good, just alright. We'll see you in a bit later, mate. Yep. That's a lot of fun. Thanks. So, with Jumbody's thoughts, Ed. We've obviously given him the trip.
Starting point is 00:45:13 He's just arriving back in now. Jake, come on in. The last few steps, hopefully they're calculated. Here we go. He comes Jake. Take a seat. Take a seat, mate. Welcome It comes Jake. Three, two. Take a seat mate. Take a seat mate.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Welcome back, Jake. You can put them on if you want, because we'll probably will play a drone type sound effect. You want to hear the SFX add to the problem. How did the... How's your day? How's your day? It had the padlock hold up.
Starting point is 00:45:41 I was pretty worried about it because that real thin thread. You didn't hold it. I think when I was pretty worried about it because that real thin thread, so I did hope it. I think when I was first walking it might have thrown the steps a little bit out because I was probably on the right, one side, but it's my walk.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Is this what you were talking about though, with you, you just over thinking this now, you've got to put that out of your head because your skill is the intuition. Yep, isn't it? It is, so you know, it's the vibe. I haven't tried to guess anything yet. I know I haven't done 10,000
Starting point is 00:46:04 because I haven't, hasn't gone berserk. Okay. So that's the only real I haven't tried to guess anything yet. I know I haven't done 10,000 because I haven't hasn't gone berserk Yeah, so that's the only real indicator I have. I'll be wow. Is there anything we can do to put you in the right state to access your intuition better? Or I can just at some point in conversation go bang and just ask me that's nice Surprise. See yes, that's harder because we'd love a build up for like, you know Yes, that's harder because we'd love a build up for like, you know, that we do like every one of that to circle around. Can we ask where you went today? Did you do, did you just cut a loop or did you have some things you wanted to see in Melbourne? Well, I started out walking aimlessly and I thought that was the library up there, girlfriend, so that was really good to check out. Yeah. It wasn't a library, so the library's a lot longer further away. Of course,
Starting point is 00:46:40 I know all the libraries though. Yeah, well I assume he's talking about the Victoria Library. Yeah, one of the best. Because you wouldn't go, let's go check out, you know, the Hidal books. Oh that is good. That's good. Really good. Anyway, Thursdays are like, or Mariel reads a book to everyone. Jake, and it's meant to be for kids but you can sneak in as an adult. Jake, let's discuss the terms.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Fifty either side, steps either side of your what you suggested the mark will be a 1 coin, 8 and 8 coin. If you get an end coin, prices write style on the exact dollar or step amount on the nose. That's the 8 coin coin. Wow. Stay in the 8 coin coin now. Actually Jack, before we do the drone can I ask you you'd go the library Where did you go Then I swan down to the yara
Starting point is 00:47:34 So it's a crown that was a quarter hawks. I was a bit worried then look you didn't close your 10,000 Yeah, how many steps? 9,315. I think I saw your eyes roll back into your head a little bit. You're accessing true intuition. I don't know what I said. Hey Andy, don't tell me it's possible to get the gaffer off without the keys to the padlock. And he's just tearing the padlock through the gaffer. I'm taking off any, I don't care anything. Here we go, and he's unwinding it. Hopefully it's working.
Starting point is 00:48:14 9,315, so we can see it and we're sitting, looking for 9,365, 1,285. He's got, it's available to look at My Lord is still intact. Wait is a gentleman of the court it is available to look at You're right. I didn't quite need the keys Who wants to press it? Who wants to press it? I'd love to.
Starting point is 00:48:46 And I had the fun of pressing before. I've never touched one. You have a go. It's going to face you, though, isn't it? 9,000. And 78. No. Oh.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Some 200 off. That's not that close. That's really close. Is that close, Jake? I don't know. Sorry. Have you never worked with numbers before? No.
Starting point is 00:49:15 And this is a good loophole for you to get it. That's actually only one number off. Nothing to do with the Roman numerals. That's... That's... I'll be relatively happy with that guess. Yeah. On a normal day. On a normal day of vibing it out.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Yeah. That's the big time. Yeah, it is the big time. It started with a 9 and I think when we heard that, I can speak for every one of us saying, you're like, great, he's on. He's on. He's on? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:41 And it was within 200. I mean, it's rather 300. It's 350. It's 350. It's 350. I mean, that's rather 300. It's 350, within 250. I mean, that's really impressive. I thought it was at 250, I was like, yeah, it's pretty impressive. It's not impressive enough. You get a token of no value. No value. He's one for you.
Starting point is 00:49:54 We attribute no value to that whatsoever. I can see you're already adding a small piece of sentimental value as you hold it in your hands. Your three minds move, the failure, sir. A lot of negative value. Negative sin in memory. Which you ain't here for. I'll judge where that out.
Starting point is 00:50:11 That's got a lot of negative sin in it, a value for the family. That's the iron that was thrown at Grandpas arm to break it. Jake, thank you very much. It was really good. It was as good as you can get without taking hand. Thank you. Thank you.

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