Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2019 Ep 74

Episode Date: October 16, 2019

1. We wish you a Merry Sticksmas 2. Chicken Fest FAQ 3. Power Moves 4. My Man 5. Chicken Fest - last bits ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. A hoi ham! On a very festive day. Merry Stixmas to everyone.
Starting point is 00:00:29 At a hoi to you Jack. Merry Stixmas. And it doesn't have that feel in the end up good. And a hoi to Ben in Brussels. Who sent in via the very convenient website, sorry, app-load audio app. Sorry about your time lost Ben. What has been up to?
Starting point is 00:00:46 G'day boys, it's Ben here from Melbourne, currently traveling around Europe in Brussels at the moment. I'm not sure if I pronounced that right, but anyway, I just wanted to wish Andy a very happy birthday to take some of the burden that Hamish has to go through every day. I'm just wondering if he would like me to pick up some cigarettes for him on the way back
Starting point is 00:01:05 through Judy Free, as I know that he does enjoy a flame-up, all the best last cheers. He's nodding there for you, if anybody. He's mouthing to me. Clearly not beating these. I'm not afraid of listening to these. AMAP, as many as possible. Thank you, Ben, no need.
Starting point is 00:01:26 You saw it today? Sounds like someone's got a way house shop. Never spoke to my life. Cruel rumour started by a close friend. You were never going to speak for the rest of your life. And we're proud of you for the US Hempstown. Hey, Smokfree. Let's jump into this. of you. Oh, I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give it a try. I'm going to give, make lots of sense. I, we had a lot of sticks at our house,
Starting point is 00:02:07 bigger than a twig, smaller than a branch, between a twig and a log. Yep. They were medium sized sticks, so next to the fireplace, which we'd be able to realize after years and years of not having a fire, is largely decorative at our house. It's very, it's too small.
Starting point is 00:02:19 My wife said, throw these sticks out, felt wrong. It can't throw sticks out, their nature. Chuck them in the back yard, it's gonna sweep them up and chuck them in the grass. What do you do with beautiful sticks? We launched sticks last week. If you would like a stick, one of these sticks right in, tell us why. Yep. Fair to say we've been overwhelmed with requests for a stick. I still haven't seen the sticks. They're so bigger than a stick to me last week. You know, I felt like...
Starting point is 00:02:43 But I sent around, I couldn't have stressed it more, was not from the collection. I sent around a picture of an intermediary log from the other conversation we had. You telling me and Jack, you go from kindling straight to logs. Yes. We excitedly told you there is another level of,
Starting point is 00:02:59 would you can use between kindling and logs? Yeah. Are you can have an intermediary stick? Yeah. Which is verging the wise stick. It was very, very thick. It was not a branch, it doesn't break out. It felt like a branch.
Starting point is 00:03:09 In fact, all branches are made of sticks. Mark thought it was a branch as well. Don't want to get into it. Anyway, keep it on WhatsApp, leave it encrypted. It's where it belongs. What we have is sticks outside. There is no two ways about this. Mark, bring in the sticks.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I wanted to do this live so you guys could see the quality of sticks. Oh yeah. Nice, aren't they? Yeah, yeah. Why do you get up close on them? They're quite thick. Why do you get up close? Why don't you just chuck them down there in the middle, Mike?
Starting point is 00:03:34 So I don't know if you get a good look at those sticks. And they do have various thickness ando. You will see that some... I mean, that is close. Jack, that is close to a lot. I bought the biggest one. Yeah, that's the biggest one lot. I bought the biggest one. Yeah, that's the biggest one. That's easily the biggest one.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And I mean, that's the thickness, more than the thickness of a, it's always a Coke can. I was like, I can't. I can't. It's not even a Red Bull can. Oh, you can. Please don't, Nisley, the audience.
Starting point is 00:03:59 It's close to a Red Bull can. It's close to a Red Bull can, but it's... Red Bull can. Mikey, you're gonna get a Red Bull can, but it's... Red Bull can. Yeah. Mikey, you're gonna get a Red Bull can, but the majority of the sticks are less than, obviously much less than, let's say, about around about a pool queue. Yep. Some of the biggest sticks of the pool queue fat end, some of the smallest sticks of the pool queue thin end, they do have fluctuating down to a variety of sticks.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I bought in probably the 12 best. Yep. As you can see though, these are originally intended for fireplace use. So some of the requests we got in are removed automatically because of the length. For instance, got one from Nick saying, I'd absolutely love four sticks which he acknowledges as a greedy offer to make walking sticks for us all. Us three get a walking stick. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:44 He gets one as well. Not long enough. They aren't long enough. A short, short, or a child. It would work, but. Yeah. Well, can I, I mean, a lot of the emails fell my side of the fan's hands,
Starting point is 00:04:55 because we get split 50 people. Sure, sure. Can I kick it off there? Yeah, yeah. It's from a lease. Hamish, do you have a stick that could be perfect for a magic wand? Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I'm talking Harry Potter style on the eldest of four siblings and there's a 12-year gap between, looking for the sticks. 12-year gap between the youngest and myself, but they all bond. What about this? They all bond, oh I haven't seen Harry Potter, so it's more Jack's kind of a potter.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Jack you love? I mean, this could be two stones. I got to say, I thought when you described them as like really beautiful sticks, they kind of look like Mike could have just gone out to the absolutely dark and just like, look at this. I totally think that's actually silver birch. I think that's actually silver birch, that's nice. That's dried out. I don't think it is.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Look at some of the curvature on this one. Yeah, we saw that. Some of the knob like you've got. These are really beautiful sticks. So she said could. She would like a perfect one. They all bond over the wheezing world. Yeah, sure. She'd love it for the next gathering.
Starting point is 00:05:57 You're going to have to knock a couple of knobs off this one, but I reckon this could make two ones. That's too long for a one. Yeah, but you could have that for a one? So that's going. Yeah, that's going to release. There you go. Okay, four. See you. See you. The world. Let them know it sticks, my style. Okay, Luke, quick one here. I'd like to
Starting point is 00:06:19 follow the request. One of Hamish's sticks. My wife has a small collection of sticks and shells, but I've collected for her from the beach, much like a crow mite. I know she would be impressed if I were to present her with one of Hamish's smaller sticks, which is not good at small, though. You're not going to ask for the question. No, it's a big, small, big one. Just pick anyone, and I know that you would think that's a nice one. That's one of my favorites, actually, because you can see the bark gives you an insight into
Starting point is 00:06:41 what's really going on under the stick, some of the barks coming off. Yep. I'll be happy to give that to Luke for the, that'd be good. That's sold, okay? give you an insight into what's really going on under the stick some of the barks coming off. I'll be happy to give that to Luke for the, that'd be good. That's sold, okay? Stick eight. I'm dreaming of a wild Sticks must. Merry Sticks, miss, everyone.
Starting point is 00:07:00 This is from Harry, here. Yeah. He says, hey boys, now this is golf for later, that's okay. So I'm a little bit biased, but I actually think it's got a good purpose. Was that what made it over the weekend playing golf? Game was tight.
Starting point is 00:07:18 And Dina was on the line for the winner. Right. He played a horrible shot. I know. He had to hell back all his strength from breaking his driver out of frustration. He said, it would have been great. I know, it was a breaking stick.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Yes. If I, in my golf bag, I had a stick where, if I'd play a bad shot instead of ruining one of my clubs, it would just happen in the past. I can snap the stick over my knee and obviously relieve myself of that stress. Happy for one of those six to be that. Why don't you pick the... I was going to mention that one. That's a really nice break.
Starting point is 00:07:52 And the thick thickness, and it feels a bit like the length of a club, and you could break it twice possibly. And one of my longer sticks, one of the longer sticks in the collection, that's stick number two, and I'm happy to say it better. I'm stick, smus, I give you my heart But the very next day you'll get it away Oh! Um, ando, durum. Canadian podcaster, Hoyboys, Hello Jack, Canadian podcaster here. Just heard about stickness, very excited.
Starting point is 00:08:18 I'd like an Australian stick to show off in my office. Okay. If it would go right up beside the summer office games trophy I won this year too, it would help me assert my dominance. So what a new pick. What do you think screams Australia here? That's a lot of pressure. Are we going something for Durham there? I would say it's going to be the gum. Is that a gum is it? Yeah. There's some slight damage to the bottom of that stick. That's normal wear and tear for a stick. Can you send plant? Yes. You can send a stick overseas.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Well, that's a longer one to you. You might need like a post-titude. It's a good post-titude. It's also straight enough to be able to get an opposed to tube. I think it absolutely adore that if it makes it through customs. It's going. Oh, this is sticks. Here you go, Jaran. What have you done? Send sticks out. You stick me some good sticks.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Now I'll stick you. Are you good, Jura? Bradenham, e-mailed in Mary's sticks with boys. Ha! Canally face the dilemma. Easily resolved by one of Hamish's prized sticks. You guys believe in a lot, I do throw boomerangs. And I was like, oh, well, none of these sticks
Starting point is 00:09:27 are going to what the boomerang shaped and help me. There are some bands. So I was like, I was about to delete it. It was like, oh, wasting my time. But he said the other week, I was tossing my boomerang. And fortunately, it was a poor throw. It swung left not right, making contact
Starting point is 00:09:43 with my father's Volkswagen Tigwagon, Tiguant. Oh no. Upon discovery, I've been discovering where he got it and when he bought it. I noticed the minor dent in the upper bonnet, my father takes prize in the Tiguant, has a lot of fathers with. He needs the number one car for dads. I'd like to tell you how difficult that would get. Which is the number one car for dance. Yep. I'd like to tell you how difficult that is.
Starting point is 00:10:07 It's only me out of time before you watch the car and notice that with your help, is there a big enough stick I could place on the bonnet? Oh, a scape stick. So to make it look like that the stick had dropped. Yeah. I think it's fatty. I think the one we thought was the size of the ribblekin. Yep. And I didn't want to mention this as that, the isim damage to the end of this stick, because
Starting point is 00:10:29 I dropped it on my way out of the house. This might have dropped it in the alley near our house. But I think if it's going, I don't think you can tell. And I think if it's going to be used as a scape stick. My worry is there are clean cuts on it. There are clean cuts that are like a chainsaw cut. That's not a clean cut on that end. Okay, so he, have seen like a chain.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Rough up one end, we'd say to Braden. I reckon we'd say to Braden, here's a big one, but you've got to rough it up yourself. Yep. So. Oh, sticks, there's triols, sticks, mystery. I love Lear, thy branches, made of sticks. And a really quick one here from Barry E's from the UK,
Starting point is 00:11:07 a Hoi Barry is a UK podcaster, Mary Stix and the Skies, I'm in desperate need of a stick. In the UK we've only got wet old British sticks, terrible for that crucial intermediate stage of lighting and regulation fire. And I can't imagine anyone in my vicinity has access to get me the stick I required.
Starting point is 00:11:23 So I officially request a single stick. Yep. If you could pick out the most Australian stick, I promise to use it to light a really class fire. Tough one here because I've been giving away a few Australian sticks. I would like what you've done there, and that is a stick 10. And that is a short curve stick with the beginnings of a fork. Yep.
Starting point is 00:11:43 It's been snapped off because it's an inferior diameter. It's an Australian native and should be straight enough to get in a post-pack. It's really lovely. You've picked a great stick. I saw three sticks come sailing in. One sticks, my stick, one sticks, best thing. So many people. Never heard that wrong.
Starting point is 00:11:59 You said, you said to me, I've got some bow. I'm going to re-word some popular Christmas carols. I've never heard that. No, no, I mean, Jack, I've got some bow. I'm gonna re-wards some popular Christmas carols It's daddy Don't for one more him real quick one here. I've got I've one. I mean, I've got two I've got to get to. Okay, I mean, there's a bit. I mean, there's a bit. Louis why? I haven't got to.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I'd absolutely love a stick for sticks this year. You've got one. My couch in the current position, where the lights which is too far away, and I can't reach it with a fully stretched arm and I'm six foot three with a big windspan. This should be nicely weighted, long enough stick. They could do the job nicely.
Starting point is 00:12:46 So I can, when I'm watching a movie, I can switch the lights off from my house. What do you always reckon about this? Stick five? Yeah, that'll do the trick already. He's got it. Oh, I want for sticks, no, it's here. That's for the classics.
Starting point is 00:12:57 That's for the classics. And I, this one's going to reshell. I'm going to hold up the stick that I'm thinking of. Hopefully, hopefully you you can make all my Stixmas Dreams come true. I'm getting married next year. I don't want to bouquet instead. I want a wedding stick. Oh, you'll have to. She's going to... That's actually the nicest one. So, Christmas is my favorite day of the year. I can only imagine what my wedding would be like, when blessed as well with a Stixmas stick.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Brilliant. So, it's thick enough she wants to attach some flowers to it, but I wouldn't bother. I wouldn't bother. I wouldn't I think if you catch a sticks must stick. You shall have many Mary sticks misses for the rest of the year and you'll be in the next to marry a tree. Yep. Happy returns.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Happy returns. I shall enjoy that. Like, quick last one here, ando, because this is an animal in need and we've got to help out an animal. You've got a fish. I've got a cat, Jack, you've got a dog. We basically run a zoo. From rain, hope I'm not too late for stixmas.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Just in time. I regularly click sticks to put in my bird's-zeph as cage as perches. Your sticks have you sent perfect for this? I usually go for thickness of about one to two centimeters. It's a thin stick. Like for a swatzer twig. Lengtheri's, but usually I get one meter and less sticks.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Yeah, of course you do. One that, well who's got a one centimeter stick that's a meter log? That's tough. No tree would ever grow such a mental stick. No. I really hope, and if they did, they could tease by the other trees.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I think evolution would have sorted them out. A long time ago. I really hope pointing your sticks a suitable ZFLB forever, grateful. Ando, we've got thicker sticks than that. You you pick pick what you're thinking. I would say this one Interesting. I the one you move was actually oh this one way more no this one here this with this crooked this band here Sticking on but that is that a big for a dog. It's a bird I think the bird one seven even that even dog's a maniac! I think it's a bird, a 170 meter.
Starting point is 00:14:46 They don't give a dog a 170 meter thick stick to sit on. Silver perch Peace of oak That's nice. It sticks my time in the city Oh yeah, that one's going, that's a good perch. Another bird related one if we we want, but I mean, this is madness. I think we've had enough.
Starting point is 00:15:07 I mean, Matt, you know, stop listening to the last one. Matt knows who he is. He's got a neighbor. He's got a dog that barks like this. This is a dog related one as well. But to a noise neighbor, he's set up a bird feeder outside the neighbor's bedroom. So in the morning, like a flock of birds wakes the neighbor up. He wants a stick for a perch for the birds.
Starting point is 00:15:26 So more birds can be nearly nailed. Well, that's only nice, isn't it? That you initial thought that is a great bird for multiple. Yep. On the fifth test, Xmas match, we're in love, give to me, Sticks, Sticks, Sticks, and five sticks. Five sticks, and stick, and four,
Starting point is 00:15:43 back to sticks, three sticks are sticking. And a stick's messing a stick tree. Perfect. Probably, it's crazy. The barrel. I will not challenge the barrel. And of course, an enormous event coming up next week. Monday next week is chicken fest. 730 Australian Eastern Standard Time. No, daylight savings time.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Yeah, so you get your measure off of that. Yeah. And wherever you are in the world, go to your favorite one-off chicken store in Blacktime. No franchises, but we covered off last week. Yeah, we'll Obviously that multi-location stores are... Hashtag chicken fest? Hashtag chicken fest 2019. 2019? Because this will certainly become a thing that happens every October 21st, to the end of time.
Starting point is 00:16:38 It's very, very exciting. Black ties are being dusted off at the moment. And here's a step if you've gone to yours. Tag us in, Tag Hameish home us now on the Instagram story. And then we'll be able to curate, collate and curate all the chicken stores worldwide that are being visited. And then we can make sure that it trophies out
Starting point is 00:16:58 to all the chicken stores. Now, there's a lot of FAQs flying around at the moment because at one stage, this event was, obviously going to be a centralized festival. It's now been decentralized, like Bitcoin. It's been decentralized. No government can shut it down.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Which in a solid way makes it feel like it's a franchise. No, no, it's a decentralized movement. Decentralized movement, sorry. It's people power, and it's very best. You know your chicken shops, you know them the best. By simply by turning up, that chicken shop will have won. If you turn up in Black time, ball game. But so many questions are flying around that I actually thought I'd write down for you
Starting point is 00:17:38 and Jack and give them to you and Kazoo. You haven't read yet, they're face down on your desks. Let's make a frequently asked questions segment for all the questions I find around about chicken fest at the moment, so people have a clear understanding of what's going to be happening next week, because us three as well, don our black ties and head to a mystery chicken shop that we have selected that will be the, that will be certainly our favorite, that we pick on the night and see how other people go. But here's an FA, I thought it did. So you've handed Jack and I cue cards. So you've written the questions for us?
Starting point is 00:18:06 These are common questions. Don't need to go first. You can go first. Okay. That's nice. All right. Okay. I will turn my cards over now. Yeah. What date is the event? 21st of October, Annie, next Monday, 7.30 pm.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Okay? Yeah, okay. Make Jack. I understand the event is global at any and all chicken shops. Right. Can I bring my mum? You can bring your mum. You can bring Jill along. She must wear a ball gown.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yes. Or a black tie. Okay, great. My turn. Yep. When is the event? Oh, okay. As I said, 21st of October, Monday, 21st of October, 7.30pm, eastern dollar time.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Okay? Okay, great. Jack? I understand the event is a black tie slash ball-gound dress code. Can my friends Chippo and Spanxi wear top hats? No, Chippo and Spanksy cannot both wear top hats. There is a one top hat per store policy. Black tie only, if you enter a store
Starting point is 00:19:12 and someone else has a top hat on, you must yield your top hat. But if you're the only top-handed person, you are the person for that particular store. Okay, and then if Chivo say walked out with the top hat, could I then enter as the new only top hat in the Yes, please don't do follow questions on the FAQs
Starting point is 00:19:30 Okay, my next one Sorry, just to clarify what date is the event again, right? Okay Can't stress it enough Monday 21st of October 7 30 p.m. East daylight time. Okay, cool. Okay. Can I flick a head of my heart? No, that's okay. I saw online tickets were $480.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Is that the proper price? Right, no, that's not. That's our old event. That was the old event that we were gonna have at a Valadrome. Tickets are now free. There is no need to purchase a ticket. Just turn up to the store and buy the chicken. Do not buy those expensive tickets. Okay. Should I eat a big bowl spaghetti before I go? So I don't waste the time at the event
Starting point is 00:20:17 queuing up and ordering and eating etc. No. You should go hungry. The whole point of the chicken store, of chicken fest, is to enjoy the chicken and chips that are being sold by the franchise. If you go and you filled yourself up and you don't eat any of the food available, you'll just be visiting a chicken shop to enjoy the ambiance. And may I say, a lot of the finalists
Starting point is 00:20:39 are not known for their ambiance, they're known for their food. So I say again, do go hungry. Okay, good. I'm chicken and chips intolerant. Is this the right event for me? No. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:20:55 No, it's not. The day before. You've come here by mistake. When I arrive at the event and assuming I'm right on time, if I were to immediately look at the day, day, day, at the time and phone, my phone, what would it most likely say? Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:11 For the last time, 21st of October, 2019, 7.30 p.m., Eastern daylight Australian savings time. The Australian savings time. Okay, okay, okay. I think that's a nice question. I think that's a nice question. Does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does that, does Come on on the top at thing would we in carriage
Starting point is 00:21:46 Chicken shops out there to have a top hat special Yeah, right where you get a top hat worth of chips So you have to go and they'll fool you out with So it's here's the rule vote You can't tell them about this special. If they see a top hat, they must gesture if you'd a hand over the top hat and they'll line the hat with foil and fill her up with chips, if you bring your top hat into the door.
Starting point is 00:22:15 So yeah, exactly. It requires the person behind the counter saying, do you want the top hat special? Having you worn a top hat? Could you at least prompt, say I get to the front of the queue with my top hat, could I put it down, face up? I suppose you could,
Starting point is 00:22:29 because if they don't know what it is, they won't do the other half of the equation. So I think this guy wants his hat filled up with chips. So chicken shop owners, if there are those listening out there, they would certainly get you, you might want to put up a sign that says we are offering the top hat special. Do you know what? And if you did that, you would then you would win one of the
Starting point is 00:22:49 gold and chicken trophies with distinction. Okay, okay, we've got a with distinction without distinction. Okay, because like, can we write without distinction? No, no, we're just, I think we'd put like a little ribbon around its neck for with distinction. Okay, because like in military, in the military, if you win the same medal twice, you don't get two medals, you get the medal with a bar. So it's like that, so it's like you've got the medal. Yep. You've got the trophy, but you get it.
Starting point is 00:23:12 You got it. Like a second-dan black belt. What a... Okay. You can win it with distinction. Great. Okay, let's cover that up. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:23:20 That's why you do FAQs. And the publishing of the book draws ever near. For Palmo, Samo, don't go to your bookstore this weekend to get the book. No, I'll wait for further instructions. For the launch in March next year. Big announcement on that coming up towards the end of the year. It seems like far enough away to not be able to count them all. next year. Big announcement on that coming up towards the end of the year. Seems like far enough away to not be able to count. And this isn't comes from Amy, this power move. She's ropeable at her boyfriend, Ben. He's power moved the whole AFL 9's team,
Starting point is 00:23:57 but they're playing in you yourself for an AFL 9's player. Love non-contact for both under 9's is a great way to play the. And also teach young kids about sportsmanship. And you feel like a hero if you're playing as an adult. He named the team, because he's never, and he's life-plied, AFL 9s or AFL. But he got Ben, got to name the team, and he named Ben's AFL team.
Starting point is 00:24:18 So every time the team's mentioned, it sounds like he owns us, and he's the best player on the team. He's not even a captain, and he only saw his first game of AFL this year. Well, yeah, that makes us out like, they'll know everyone on the team does bend personally and that is not the case.
Starting point is 00:24:30 LAUGHTER MUSIC Really like it? Lani. Or Lani. Yep. I'll take it, either. This comes from...
Starting point is 00:24:43 She said, my stepmom did this to me, power move. When someone uploads a nice photo to their social media, tell them the photo doesn't even look like them. Yeah. Even goes first far as to say, I had to look at it multiple times to see if it was actually them. It's a good neck. It looks really nice.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Yeah. It's a huge neck. And I was in the international power move here. Not familiar with the country codes. What's 9-7-1? Dude, that's a... She's all the way down. Plus 9-7-9-7-1. So maybe plus 9-7, but not a familiar country code to me, sir.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I would love to have gone Angola and just be... Well, thank you Anthony for your input from Angola. Jackie, you got to look on your face at your research. United Arab Emirates. Oh great. Well, Anthony's in the UAE and he's working in an office. So when you need to send an important email to a large group, intentionally leave your boss off the email
Starting point is 00:25:39 or the person in the most senior position that you want to dominate. Then moments later, reply all to the email, adding the person with the simple, sorry, adding this guy now on the next email. It makes everyone on the email including the target, think they are easily forgotten, and that you do not accept nor acknowledge their seniority. Good one. I really like it.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Fowl moves sent in. Hamish nanny.com, the way for anything. Pow move from Ben Robinson. When everyone is digging a song that is on, that is hard and quick lyrics. The most specific, the better with Pow moves. Start singing the chorus and as you begin to sing it quickly grab a makeshift microphone. So I'm sorry, yeah, yeah, end of a comb, you mobile phone stuff, right? He said, then when the hard bit comes around, pass you if you make your microphone. What else does that do?
Starting point is 00:26:38 It's good. It's great. Oh, really good. Clayton, this comes in from Clayton McDonald. I'm going to run this past your enda because not in my wheelhouse, but these allegedly a golf power moves. Okay. Now, you've been treading the blades for many years now, like it could. So you would have seen, maybe you've seen these, maybe these are classics. So they don't deserve a spot, but maybe these are great new powermost. You can, you can try on Barry and Louise and anyone, any of your other mates on the links out there this weekend or in early as convenience, arriving at the one T box.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I assume that's the first hole. Yep. If you're playing with a partner, you step up to T-off, but then notice if there's a group 350 meters down the hill, which is a long way, I'm assuming, pull away and say, you better go first. That is actually a good one. That's a good one.
Starting point is 00:27:44 10 years, you can hit this group. All right. Here's more. I do that is actually a good one. Is that a good one? That's a good one. 10 years you can hit this proof. Alright. Here's more. I do it the one T-box while they are finding their glove or ball or whatever. Quickly grab a sand bucket for you both and put it on the ground next to the make it clear. You would like them to take them sand with them.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Saying some sand there for your champ is a favourite. Yeah. Why is that a power move? Well, I mean, you meant to replace your divots with sand. So saying to someone, you're going to dig a divot. Yeah, I don't think it's a power move. I don't get that one at all. Try and get in their eyes is. Yeah. It's not power move. Okay. Here's another one that I guess you just got to be in the in the in the links. Go scale around the greens always getting to fix their
Starting point is 00:28:26 divots first. What's going on there? I mean if someone fixed my divot first there I would be absolutely humiliated and I know why but why do you think? I again don't agree with that one. I again don't agree with that one. I'm nervous to explain what that means because you go. You got it for everyone. So when the ball hits the green, it makes a little divot on the green. A little dimple. A little dimple. And you go up and use a tool to raise the dimple back up so it's a flat surface.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Cool. I don't know why going and repairing someone else's divot makes you more powerful because normally... Would it make them look like they don't care about the greens? He's a really nerdy power move to go, sorry about Jacob everyone. I think it doesn't care about divots. I think it's a nice thing to, like, to do you repair other people's divots. Yeah, or if I'm getting up there and someone's already up there...
Starting point is 00:29:23 You're a power move. They'll do it and I was like, oh thanks heaped for that. But it's not like, I feel like you're more of a butter in that, you're okay. Just a little bit more. No, it's obviously not a power move. No, I don't think that's the only thing. No, no. What would be a cool divot power move?
Starting point is 00:29:43 Oh, she... Putting a spider in cool divot album? Oh, shit. Putting a spider in the divot? Would be putting a tarantula in the whole being a palmo? I would say, if someone's putting in first? No, I would say that the divot-related one would be going, I didn't get much... I can tell by the divot you didn't get much spin I'm the careful mate Just looking around for a fire extinguisher here. I want to burn
Starting point is 00:30:23 I like a Jack played it really It's the best one we've ever had The book's gonna be gone You didn't get much spin on that mask I'm covering the book I'm on the power moves I can't believe I took the bait Sometimes the most disappointing thing
Starting point is 00:30:43 It's getting lighter than that We lost it late He used to be sharp as a tack. And it was just some power moves. Now this is a, I want to talk about something that's related to a power move, but it's a chance to try one. Try one. To try a high stakes power move. Now I wanted to run it past you guys because it's gonna be, it's gonna be tried tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Which I actually mean yesterday when this, when the podcast comes out on Thursday because we're recording this full disclosure on a Tuesday. It's gonna be tried tomorrow, but it's gonna have happened by the time the podcast comes out so the next week I can put the results in. So are you trying it? Or I'm going to try it tomorrow. And I'm going to tell you what it is. Got an email from someone. He knows who he is. Great listener of the show.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Lost his name briefly. He knows who he is. So, Mentiony goes, look, I've got a mate that runs like business seminars. Okay. And I'm like real estate workshops or whatever. Yeah. going to mate that runs like business seminars. Okay. And unlike real estate workshops or whatever. Yep. Often gets guest speakers to come. So I'm making this up now, but let's say a Boris might come and mark Boris. Yes. Or a go Aussie John might turn up a big name, a big keynote. Yes. The you know, it's not supposed to be a lot of money to come and pump up the crowd. Maybe the real wall for Wall Street. That guy could come. He could come. That's the Escholon we're talking. Yeah. Few years ago, get this, they had Arnold Schwarzenegger. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:32:09 You do 10 minutes, right? To come and pump up the crowd. So we're talking a proper convention here. But to your team, you're putting Boris alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger. I'm saying probably early days they got Boris, but it's got so successful now. But recently they had Arnie when he was out probably doing the Arnold games or whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:25 So they've got 10 minutes from Arnie, whoever. Here's the power move and I love it. He, he, he ends this game, see sort of runs the event. And when he brings on the big name guest, he will intro them as my man. My yeah, yeah, yeah. And then there's a, he introed Arnie as my man,
Starting point is 00:32:42 Arnold Schwarzenegger, right? So it comes out. So it sounds like he's his grand three zone personal file effects. Got Arnie's little card out and going, what should I call a home number? Or should I call the mobile number? It's unmissable. My man makes it sound like he's his personal security guard.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Like he rolls deep with him. We normally just hang out, but today I wanted to talk to you in a professional capacity and he's agreed to do it because he's my man. Yeah. Tomorrow in Sydney is the Channel 9 upfronts. Yeah, you and I both going. We're going.
Starting point is 00:33:09 We're presenting for Perfect Holiday, which is our travel show that's coming up the end of the year. The upfronts people that don't know, this is where the big wigs of Channel 9 stand. Everyone goes on stage and does like, it's like a little rocker steadford. It's for all the industry that people buy by advertising like heggs of media agencies.
Starting point is 00:33:27 This is what's coming up. This is why we're gonna win. This is how we're excited about Channel 9, where the best, these numbers, a lot of that stuff happens, right? Hugh Marx is the, all the other stations are doing the same, saying the same things though, they're the best.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Oh, sorry, yes. So the channel seven up front, the message isn't channel nine. It's the big one. They have a different take. They often say the channel seven's the best. And I believe that 10 do its civil leave. They have a bit of a channel 10 bias at the channel 10. Yeah, so it's not an objective look at television.
Starting point is 00:34:00 More of a subjective sort of a general, like a friendly brainwashing event with some party elements and free drinks. Anyway, it's a big deal. It's a big deal for Channel 9. We're very excited to sort of present our travel shows coming out in the next, you know, a couple of months towards the end of the year. The start, here's the thing though, I'm also there for Lego Masters. Yes. Lego Masters is kicking off the day. It's the first presentation. I introduce Humax, the CEO of Channel 9. Yes. I welcome Humong's day.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Should I go? Now would you please welcome CEO of Nine Entertainment Corporation. My man. You might just think you should. I would. I would. Because with Arnie.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Yeah, with all of that. Don't Arnie, you know, with all, but that don't you think that puts us in a hugely powerful position at the network, if the CEO's our man? Yeah, I don't think people view us as sitting there as like hanging out with the big week. They will now. I'll throw that out. I know, but I was sure.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I'm not sure. You're not CEO. I think people will think that you're taking the piss out of you, Max. No, they'll just go, Jack, I'd love to. Well, I love to snub authority, so I'd like it in that way. It's not a snub, it's just putting him on the same level as him. No, it's you going a little bit above him. I would say.
Starting point is 00:35:20 That is, isn't it? But are you talking to a bunch of his peers who know that you're not his man? Yeah, he's my man. Sorry, yeah, sorry, he's got your man. I mean, you can do it and I'll check the temperature of the crowd. That's right, because you'll be out in the crowd at that stage. I'll be doing our part. I'll be a little bit later.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Yes. So you record it. I'm happy, I'd love to say, I just think, if the my man gets a laugh, so if my man gets a laugh, it hasn't served the purpose you wanted it to. I think it's the lead laugh or not. It's in everyone's head that he... No, Andy's got a good point.
Starting point is 00:35:58 If it's a laugh, they've taken us a joke. If they nod and go, I didn't know that. Yeah, and then it's work. Then you're powerfully hanging out with you marks. If the love you're belittling the CEO, who's our boss, essentially? So I don't think it's any in any way belittling. It's just more, he says exactly the same level.
Starting point is 00:36:15 I'm more elevating yourself. Like, I guess I'm not belittling anyone. I'm I'm I'm pro-littling myself. I'm picking myself up. You're picking yourself up. The opposite of being littlelittling myself. I'm picking myself up. You're picking yourself up. The opposite of belittling. Yeah, yeah. I'm enhancing myself while keeping him at the regular level of CEO respect.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Absolutely, I record it. I mean, it gives me tingles just thinking about it. It's a thousand most powerful people in media. Can you give us it again? I'd love a pause before my man. So I'd like the my man isolated, so we can really collect the data. Well, anyway, to kick off proceedings
Starting point is 00:36:53 and to take us through everything the channel lines got coming up this year, which please make welcome. The CEO of Nine Entertainment Corporation, my man, Humax. Yeah, it's good. It's good, isn't it? It's good, isn't it? I think you just, you've barreled it out like that. And it's like, that's his man. Yeah, it's good. It's good, isn't it? I think you just, you but barrel it out like that.
Starting point is 00:37:07 And it's like, that's his man. Yeah, okay, we'll have the audio of that. Yeah. Next week. Next week. Ah. Hey, before we go, we do, I know we answered a lot of frequently asked questions about chicken fest, but it
Starting point is 00:37:26 will be our last time to chat about it, ahead of Monday, which again, on Monday everybody, 7.30 it's Australian, Eastern's Day, Dalat's Savings Time. Make it you dinner of choice. I'll make it, yeah, it's a big night. Head to your favorite one-off chicken store in Black Tie, and it keeps us updated, hashtag chicken fest 29. Rebecca Murphy, are we bringing dates? I asked my wife. one off chicken store in black tie and it keeps updated. Hashtag chicken first, 2019. Rebecca Murphy, are we bringing dates? I asked my wife and she is into state.
Starting point is 00:37:52 She lands at seven. Yep. But I said, honey, you know, I've organized baby service for the kids because I said, I will be gone. We have, who knows, might be an hour or two travel time to the chicken shop. We've got ourselves limo. Great.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Yep. Stretch hammer. I remember we needed to, time whisper this to no one here's, but did we need to do a plug for them? We will plug them later. It was only, it's, it's, it's, it won't be the longest plug. Because it's not, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow,
Starting point is 00:38:24 it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's a slow, it's not. It'd pay a fair bit. It's still a fair bit. It's kind of half price. So I think the plug will be, that's why I'd know it would have been so quick. It'll be a quick. Yeah. Jack, you do this sometimes when you're radio show, don't you? I've heard you guys in the morning, Christian O'Connell breakfast show.
Starting point is 00:38:35 So I was, of course, you know, thanks to you, Greg, guys at Officeworks, are we? No, not Officeworks, actually. You guys had a run in with them, didn't you? You couldn't, you didn't. But we do, we do a lot of Contra, which is know whatever we know what it is Contra exchange you get something for free and exchange of saying that your this is your absolute fantasy land if you if you were a Disney character and you got your own bit at Disney Land or Jack posts Contra land.
Starting point is 00:39:02 It's your dream come true yeah Yeah, the peanut butter deal, mission chips, I mean the list goes on, it's like a task. But he gave autographs, a feature of us. The sushi guy, the head's tears, let's get some sushi. Jack, would you be comfortable doing your quickest when we do mention the stretch, Lema?
Starting point is 00:39:21 I'll be happy to do the Lema, yeah. Thanks, man. And yeah, be a real brush, I think. It's a lay-side can do for all the time. No'll be happy to do the lemma, yeah. Thanks, mate. And as yeah, be a real brush over here. It's the least I can do for all the time. No, no, brush over, very grateful. Sorry. Sorry, my mistake. Sorry, he was thinking of the ads we were going to do
Starting point is 00:39:35 for those air brushes. Yeah. Hey, Rebecca Murphy has a huge problem. Okay. And she's emailed in. Monday night cannot be chicken fest. Right. It has to be.
Starting point is 00:39:49 It doesn't work, guys. No. Our local chicken shop, which is the only good chicken shop within a 10-kilowatt or radius. Yeah, right. It's closed. I have had a similar experience. You email.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Yeah. Yeah. This shop is so popular. It's generally sold out at, before 8 p.m. every night, and it's open till 9. I think they're gonna work out this dock inventory. You know, they should actually have a look at supply chain management.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Okay, okay. So, yeah, in Croydon Hills, I have seen some of them. I have seen some of them. In capitals, please change it to Tuesday. Best chicken skin, most ridiculously moist chicken. Great chips. We can't, but this is what you can do. Go on the weekend, casually, enjoy the chicken,
Starting point is 00:40:34 get dressed up on Monday night in black tie, and go take a photo outside the front of the shop. If you'd like to seriously give it a nod, Rebecca, we apologize. If you love the store so much, you would visit the closed shop and take a photo there. This is the passion that I'd like to see give it a nod. Rebecca, we apologize. If you love the store so much, you would visit the closed shop and take a photo there. This is the passion that I'd like to see. We changed the registration form
Starting point is 00:40:49 to which shop you'd be visiting at Chick and Ranch. Jeremy Taylor's going to Jolong West, and we've got so many of these. We're very excited that hundreds and hundreds of people are gonna be black-tie. He says their product is so good that we would eat the chicken and chips before every football trading session
Starting point is 00:41:06 it's around the corner. Despite knowing, well, full well that we'd be sick during this season. But we had to have it. He said, we are in the question what we'd be wearing. He says, black tie, well done. I like the idea of chicken and chips
Starting point is 00:41:23 as a sporting food. Yep. We briefly did a, I was involved with a bunch of guys, we'd go to boxing and then go to chicken chips by us afterwards. And I always thought the salt was a wonderful idea because these aren't gatorade full of salts. Exactly. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:41:37 That's kind of where my brain went, but it can do weird things to your body, post-exercise, it in quite a lot of chips, but I would not have played it for the word. So something had to go from that night it would have been the boxer size, not chips. We're getting so many people and nominating. Please do let us know, go to the nomination form because then we can get a gauge of what's going on. I know it's a little trickier
Starting point is 00:42:03 for South Australia Perth, once the time zone comes into it. But I mean, we're going to have people on the other side of the world. We're going to have a lot of people in the UK. I know chicken and chips is very popular through UK Ireland, Scotland. I don't know. We're not getting, we haven't had tons from our American podcast. I don't think chicken and chips is a bigger thing. I only saw, it might be chicken. I mean, chicken is a thing and it's not really what we're talking about. Yeah, that's rotisserie chalk is what we're talking about. Sure. I'm tame. So yeah, hashtag it chicken fest 2019. Hit us up in your stories on Instagram, Hey, Mishnanti, because then we'll we'll try and build the mega story. Yeah. He's no, there's two more things I wanted to ask go for it. Would we encourage because by people turning up in black tie,
Starting point is 00:42:47 immediately that chicken store has one and award? Would we encourage people to get acceptance speeches from the store manager and post them to us? Of course. Okay, great. And I would like next week, once we get a list of the winners and we will get an idea of which chicken shops, the dream would be that three, four, five separate groups of people, unbeknownst to each other, turn up at the same chicken shop
Starting point is 00:43:09 and they become friends through the night. And then you will know those stores, like say someone gets 10 attendees. Yep. I think we should ring around for some acceptance speeches too. Yeah, okay, that's a nice idea. Next week.
Starting point is 00:43:21 No doubt Super Rooster into Wumba. That life, all three of its non-franchised but separate stores will be recognized. I imagine. If anyone's getting ballads out the front, it's super super rista to manage the... I would be expecting a crowd of super rooster. Yeah. I wonder whether they'll roll out the red carpet. We don't know. Super Rooster would definitely offer the top at the top at the top at the top at the last one. Jack, Jack Post.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Hello. Remember we said last week, we know we're going to travel now. He has to go a bit early because he does the breakfast show. It looks like he's not coming with us. I've only had one late night my whole time doing breakfast right now is when you guys came to throw the housewarming party. Yeah, we'll work him up. And I don't really want to do that again.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Yes. But it was such a fun party. So Jack asked me just as a side, but he said, do you mind if I dress up in black time myself and go to my favorite one in my local area? A split maneuver. And I think that would be lovely. I think that's terrific.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Sorry, the only reason I'm hesitating is I guess we'll get Jack to do the only reason I'm hesitating is, I guess we'll get Jack to do the contra mention, not on the nine. No, no, it'll have to be, and there's a pre, it'll have to be back on recording next week. Right, yep.
Starting point is 00:44:35 So Jack, that's fine, I mean, will you go myself, or do you'll take a date with you? I'll go with my wife Bianca. And maybe I'll go, I can ask my mom, as we mentioned earlier in the episode, if she would wanna come. So you got a ball gown
Starting point is 00:44:45 She'll have something. Yeah, she won't dress as to weddings and stuff It was the best dress you've ever seen your mum in. Yeah She wore a really nice dress to my wedding Just give it crack the wedding gear out So I won't say which is my like cool chicken shop But I will encourage people that if you are in my area and you want to try and get to the same chicken shop That I'm out. I would love to see you down there You've had Jack also told me he's had people in his area inquiring whether he's going so there is a swell
Starting point is 00:45:14 It is a bet in the area. I live it's the best. It's known. Yeah, fantastic Okay, well that's great. I mean I was gonna say you can obviously sleep in the stretch hammer Yeah, could have been a nice like cash or way to get into the Contra you'll find another way. You'll be fine. You'll be fine. You'll be fine. We will have all the results and you can follow at my car. My only Instagram on Monday.
Starting point is 00:45:35 I'm already hungry for Monday night. Thanks for listening. The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com.

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