Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2020 Ep 102

Episode Date: July 29, 2020

1. Bitcoin hacker Brad 2. Flippy square reveal 3. Emma the Human Lie Detector 4. Zoe’s song update 5. Power Moves ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and the podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. One. Ahoi, Hamish. Ahoi sir. And ahoi to you. Ahoi, Jacko. Also, ahoi to Bruce, who has uploaded with ease.
Starting point is 00:00:35 With ease, it must be added to us. It's myzerations, Bruce. Rest those hands. I hope you've got you. What a mouse finger in a bucket of ice. What he's been up to to share with us on the Hamish Nanny website. A good day. This is a message from Mr Andy Sir from Bruce, your butler. Hopefully this is your private voice.
Starting point is 00:00:53 I'm just trying to tidy up some new sense here around the house. And I thought I'd mention that now we're in winter. Some of your autumn clothing has been moved to the winter wardrobe. Your favorite goal for tire is now in the new sporting wardrobe. As requested, your sporting outfits have been categorized alphabetically from top to bottom. I do sincerely apologise for filing your football clothing all together. Under F, it's my mistake, it should not have happened, it'll never happen again. Please accept my apologies, I have successfully filed them now, alphabetically by their football
Starting point is 00:01:24 code. As always, be your helpful button on until next to us part. Thank you. Have a good evening. Bruce, I know you're apologised, but I fear you shall be whipped with the thin handle of a tail-in-ade pusser for your disobedience. And I'm sorry, you don't see a lot these days, which is a sponsored punishment.
Starting point is 00:01:44 LAUGHTER A sponsored vlogging. All right, all right. Thank you, bro. Well, no thanks to the Bruce and I should be vetting those the under the tyranny tyranny and trying his absolute best, putting football clothes next to fencing clothes. You know who must be extreme. Nice. You know who must be extremely nice.
Starting point is 00:02:05 You know who lives in fear him. It's not Bruce. Who is it? He's well looked out. Bruce doesn't exist. No, Brad. Someone who does his job is a children's safe. Someone who potentially doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:02:17 The guy that said he'd help Jack out. He doesn't live in fear. Jack lives in fear because he's dark web thief. He's dark web thief. Last week on the show, Jack, you bought up that you obviously have Bitcoin that is trapped. Yep. And I have both your and my Bitcoin trapped and a guy came forward to help me untrap it. And then I never heard from him again.
Starting point is 00:02:42 He came forward in the... And what we thought were maybe curious circumstances, his username on the dark web was Send Your Sneaky. So just in clean short, just explain what happened again. His name was Brad, he contacted me on Instagram and he said, hey, I know you're trying to get the Bitcoin password. I know a lot about Bitcoin and I can do a lot of hacking and stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Do you want to send me what you have of the password? And I'll try and essentially hack out the rest of it. So you send him your wallet identification number, which should be only yours, and then you sent him all the words that you thought the password would be. And didn't you have a computer running day and night trying all the iterations? That's why he said, he explained it is, I will write a program that tries your password
Starting point is 00:03:29 in many different variations to try and unlock it. And then in three weeks or so, when that has done that, I'll get back in contact and give you the Bitcoin. And how long has it been? And that has been three or four months. Yes, it's been a long time. Then you told Apple yourself what his name was and which financial company he worked at. Yes, he said he worked at a bank and if I wanted to verify that he wasn't
Starting point is 00:03:51 a scammer, I could ring the bank and just check that he was really. Any employee, which you Royal Bank of Nigeria. Which you did not do. I did not do, but I found that it was enough for him to say, hey, you can call the bank there to go, all right, well, you wouldn't say that if it wasn't true. It's good, Paul Jack. And we thought that that could be a great move by, if someone was choosing to con someone, you could be like, hey, I'm a cop. You don't believe me, call the police station, ask if there's a John that works there. Yeah. Yeah. But the thing is, there's two options here. Oh, it's true, you probably. he either does work at that financial institution very unlikely
Starting point is 00:04:29 He doesn't at all. Yeah, or he's stolen the identity of someone That's possible at the bank so you could easily ring that bank and go is Brad there and they go Yeah, he's the CEO Wow It's helping me. No, no, he's got back to me. He must be very busy. Yeah. So Jack did a bit of research this week. Okay, wow, thank you. It's going to cost you Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:04:54 That's, there is a Brad that works that bank. Good. Of the very same name. Full name, because I gave you this, I didn't say his name on air, but he came to the fair, yeah. The full name. Yep. And the employee number. Yeah. Didn't he have the employee numbers on? He did. He said use this employee number to verify that it's really me. It all checks out that that person does exist. He's real. Easy to the real person though and we've got him to join us for the line now Brad. Thank you
Starting point is 00:05:21 very much for joining us mate. Oh, hi. Oh, hey boys. Good day. Happy birthday, Brad. Thank you very much for joining us, mate. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, boys. Good day. Happy birthday, Eddie. No need. Ah, Brad, this is amazing. And you're joining us without a voice scrambler, which suggests to me that you're a fellow of above board character. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:40 So, Brad, have you ever been in contact on Instagram with Jack Post? That is correct. It's Brad! It's Brad! It's dark with Brad! Brad! So, where are my views? Are you not a scammer?
Starting point is 00:05:53 Oh, it's not a scammer, Brad, from the real internet. Wait, so Brad, you get hurt. Well, I mean, I wasn't sure if it sounded like the guy spoke to. So we had a chat, you're building the program to unscramble the password and you're going to give me back the Bitcoin when it's done that. Correct. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:15 How you feeling, Adj? Well, I'm just, I'm so surprised. Like, I, 100%, 100% thought you were scamming me. Yeah. Oh, God. I'm so surprised. Like, I, 100%, I, 100% thought you were scamming me. Yeah. Oh, God. I'm so, I'm so sorry and Brad, the fat is, we didn't think that at all, man. We were not, we were not. You were the record show that we, the whole time, were arguing for you to be recognized as
Starting point is 00:06:36 a man of an updated character. And while I say this, Brad, if you're offended by Jack's response and you now want to scare him in, yeah. Certainly we'll have all the tools in your disposal. This is a wonderful cover. No, so Brent, do you want to... Okay, so Jack, you probably got a lot of questions. What would you like to ask?
Starting point is 00:06:51 Yeah, okay, so Brad, many times I've tried to contact you and said, hey, how's the Bitcoin password scrambler going? Has it scrambled the password and I haven't heard back from you? All right. Do you want to stick with that many times contact a Jeff? Oh, well, I have contact with you. Oh, you're too. You're too.
Starting point is 00:07:11 It's a change of text in my brain. Okay, wait. Let me just play my phone and see how many times I've been. But surely as well, I've been calling you now. I have called you easily more than one time. Oh, I would say that you called, I have got a text, which if you check that text, 15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, I would say that you call it, I have got a text which, if you check that text, okay, 15th of June, there's a read date. 15th of June, Brad, you call Brad Bitcoin,
Starting point is 00:07:33 help her in my phone. Brad, explanation Mark, did you find the Bitcoin and steal it all? If you did, enjoy it. If not, so far. Yeah, cause I was trying to call you. Yeah, so this is, I going to quit the around you. So do you remember my first conversation? I do I was like, you know, this is kind of a project that kept me occupied throughout my annual age. Yep. This phone has been in the head office at the financial institution. Oh, it's a business phone.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah, correct. So what would then happen was I was then contacted by the producer. And that was last week Thursday. I actually had no clue that you had contacted me. If you was going to contact me, probably do it through Instagram. I did, I did not try that contact me, probably do it through Instagram. I don't know, I'm not trying that. No, probably not. Okay, why don't you stop posting on Instagram? All of a sudden your posts stop from the last time.
Starting point is 00:08:30 You're not in your leave as I'm a digital fan. It's sort of me going out to dinner and I can't do that. All right, great. Well, so wait, one more question. How did the producer find your other number? Oh, messenger. She asked me. Yeah, basically sat down for two, two, one minute. One minute, Jack. If you just met one minute, on Messenger. Hey, Brad, I guess the question is, now that the program's had all those months to run, what are we talking? Two thumbs up. Oh, you'd like to know the outcome?
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah. All right. So, no dice yet. Unfortunately, we've only got half of it, I believe. So, we have 12 words short. But I can have a hint or a clue that may help. So, Jack had advised me in his super stealth ability to hide parts of the words he'd hidden around the house. Yeah. So I did try and run something that were kind of guess the words.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And it took me a week of randomly, I think, four words and me pre-pubulating eight random words of my own. Right. I feel for you. I feel for you because I look in for a bit. I don't understand. I still look quite across Jack's face when you said the bit about, hey, hidden words around the house And he could only find half of them. Is that true, Jack? That's what that is one thing I think might have happened is that I He's even Half of a You're essentially trying and yes specific 24 words in the English language. So pretty much there's 24 words
Starting point is 00:10:03 So we've got 12 of them. But yeah, word 13, there's 2048 possible outcomes. So when you start multiplying it, it's number gets 548 to the power of 12. 2024. Oh my god. All right. So two muts, two higher. Brad, first up, what's your first up stop? Just don't waste any more of your time. It's your holiday. It's just so I'm free. I mean, I, I, I, sorry, I thought the program was doing all this hard work. You, you're making it seem like to Hamish and Andy that you're there doing. Yeah. 24 hours days of hacking. I thought the project that some the program lasted. Yeah. It's work to is. So he's right in the sense, I wrote a program.
Starting point is 00:10:48 So it grabs the 24,000-word and it just starts trying to guess. So it does, it does like, you know, a few million guesses every minute effectively. But when you're talking the number of six, yeah, six times, you know, you're about the possible outcomes, yeah. So that's why I said, I said, look, if I can get like, if we just fireworked short, we could be looking at a few weeks. Yeah, I thought it was 12. Yeah. Okay, Brad, you're amazing. How long do we have to wait now? Oh, he's cranky. He's angry. Jackson, no, he's annoyed at the time.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Well, Brad, first of all, do you want to keep using your computer power to do this? I've noticed my lights are dimming at my house a little bit. Just from the power you're using to try and break this password. You're welcome to say no longer. No more. No, I'm more than happy to. It's just all I need is if he can find any word, if I can find any word.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I've looked at the rest of my house. No, I've looked. That's the problem. If I knew where the words were, I would use them. Did you hide them one word in one spot? No, I think what I've done is hidden half the words in one spot, which I could remember and they're the ones I found,
Starting point is 00:11:53 and then half the words in another spot that I've forgotten where I've hit them. Can we, could we, Jack, would you be comfortable? Someone, we hire two people to go at your house, as your officers. And just, that's a good idea. Just, yeah, what if we hired someone,
Starting point is 00:12:08 you know, I am thinking CIA, G-R-U Russian special forces, if we can get someone to, professionals of this, just to go pretend that Jack's a spy. He's written down nuclear codes in his house. It's 12 words long. Where would a man of his
Starting point is 00:12:25 sneakiness hide them? Send a man, send the guys in. Okay, well, that's a big joke. The cause of the bills. Jackie doesn't have to do any work and there's a reward in it. Jack, are you also happy with sending money? You know what? Send the CIA. This is any money we spend. Yeah, it comes out of your coin. Oh, I'm hoping for free. Paul Brad's got to work for free. The CIA is Any money we spend yeah comes out of your coin Paul Brad's gonna work for free the CAA is gonna do this as a save no, I said I would give Brad didn't I say I would give you some kind of Bonus like vines me. I thought you said it was a privilege to be on the work
Starting point is 00:13:25 Jack or the Wayne's world I don't want any that they That's not false, it's a damn strong. I think you'll look really bad, Jack. Oh, Brad, okay, Brad, you are a legend. We'll let you go, so we know you've got to go back to work. Thank you for taking our call. Thanks, Brad. But we will then next up. Yes, Brad, you pause. I guess if anyone's listening and they are currently working for ASEO
Starting point is 00:13:37 or XASEO intelligence officers, do you have to come and do the sweep for NZX? Yeah. But you need to come with, like, you know, international espionage level. Where was your first one hidden? It was in a shoe box. Where my dress shoes are. That's not too... It's not on screen like bulbs and...
Starting point is 00:13:54 Yeah, right. I think he... It'll be just... It's too bad place I would, you probably could see the paper. I reckon... Central. No, I checked. I checked...
Starting point is 00:14:04 What about a floral border in a roof somewhere? Well, that's the thing. This whole Bitcoin gathering expedition came while I was building the house. I could have written it on the bottom of a joist or something. I don't think I did, but... Yeah, you can. Why would you have those someone go... I would have given it to you.
Starting point is 00:14:19 ...to the bottom of a joist and then I hit the other bit and she was exactly... When I think someone take your... ...you're plasterboard walls off. So, but, yes, singing out loud, I'd love to get an apple. Hamishany.com, if you'd like the job of the sweep of Jack's house and Brad will come back to you with some additional words. They get 10% to the sweepers.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yes. Sweepers. His brother said no to 10%. Like, nice. Nice. We all heard him. Last week, I brought into the team's attention that now that the internet knows I'm interested
Starting point is 00:15:03 in the coppers fears. They have obviously in the algorithm, I now fit the profile of someone that would buy any kind of mesmerizing metal object. Yes, lives on your desk. You look about the flippy squares. Yep, you expressed interest in the flippy squares. Jack and I definitely tried to convince you otherwise. It's too late. And then you revealed that you had bought the free for the price of two. Wow. Which means what was the price? Actually, there were 30% off.
Starting point is 00:15:31 And I think I actually did know a 50% off. Right. As a thank you to how successfully they're selling. It was three for the price of two. At 50% off. Yeah. So really three for the price of one. We all out.
Starting point is 00:15:44 So no one wants these then. No, that's what I want. No, you for the price of one. Wow. That was so no one wants these then. No, no, that's what I want. No, you're not listening to me as a thank you to how successfully they're selling. Right. So the owners of the flimpy squaring have obviously gone, blew us away beyond our wildest dreams, heavily, heavily discounted to get rid of the rest. I know too. Give the pub. Now that we're satisfied, we've covered our costs. That's really the public. We would like the public to enjoy at a low, low price. But basic economics, the price equilibrium states that if there's supply and demand, this is not basic. It seems like there's more rising economics.
Starting point is 00:16:20 It seems like demand is low and supplies high. That's how they're working the flipping industry. They're flipping that model. So they've flipped it. They've got demand is high. Let's trade every one, especially in these trying times with a good bargain as a thank you to the world. So have they come?
Starting point is 00:16:39 Oh, there it is. Now, Jack, I want you to watch for the first time. Small square. What are we talking about? watch for the first time. Small square. What are we talking about? Six centimeters. Yeah, square edgeboss. Yeah, yeah. So it's got a kind of a, it's engineered.
Starting point is 00:16:55 It's very high grade aeronautical quality engineering. It's stainless steel. I think these are steel. Do you remember what they were from the ad last week, Jack? I can't remember. I can't remember. Let's say it could be a high grade and aluminium. It could be a very high grade aluminium.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Watch this. Oh, yeah, flips over on end. Yep, sort of flips one my flips back. It was like a little silver tile. Yeah, that's exactly. You're going to get a hang of it. But when it starts flipping, it's quite... So it flips like three times.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Well, it's mesmerizing. Well, you get better at it. That's the fun. How many do you get lost on in Trimbeater? So it's kind of like a really expensive fidget spinner. It's not expensive. That's the great bit. These were, I think, all up.
Starting point is 00:17:39 We're talking 10 bucks a square. Oh, all right. So, and I've already had hundreds of dollars of fun out of it and I only got it two days ago. So at this rate, I will be talking, I'll be $10,000 in the black by the end of the year. If I just keep having fun at this rate. And I've hardly touched it. So imagine if I spend a whole day having fun with it, I'll be up thousands by the end of the day.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Now, I got him out at home and I was very, you know, the house I was very excited to. You were, your wife didn't care at all. They'd been some talk. Well, I think I got it at a bad time because I recorded it. I thought I'd just record getting this out and I'll capture the mesmerization from Zoe. So I chucked my phone on to record.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Just left on the bench. Now it's noisy, I'm getting dinner ready. Zoe's sort of sitting opposite me. She's having a drink. Kids, there's a fair bit of kid yelling in the background, but you can pick up a few of those vibes here. Lame shit for some board. People's gardening that's so shit.
Starting point is 00:18:36 At least the cobbables felt nice. I did it mate. Ah! So you're giving it really screaming with excitement at the end. There's like, yes, it's here. From like, I could make out, it's lame shit that some boring business owner would have on his desk. Because I'm like that.
Starting point is 00:18:52 I had a few positives in there for the copper ball, which is nice to hear from both. She said they made the copper ball look good. No, it's sort of her still remembering fondly the copper ball, which is great because that was a big investment for the household. Then there was more. I'm spinning. I'm spending business money on this.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Oh, I'm money. Oh, you're being money again. Business money. No. I'll just take some money. I might need a small reimbursement from the joint account. So she asked whether it's business money or our money? Yeah. I think business money. No. No. There's a no from me. Well, at the moment, but I will have to
Starting point is 00:19:30 access the joint account for some some a life in the embarrassing. There will be no light. A heavy reimbursement. Well then. And just you know, I've told Phil our accounts guy. It's field now accounts guy. It's not a field you drive. You drive at the moment, but not to listen to you. I've told Phil you've been on the trip after the IOU dollar coins. I told Phil that you've got to be stopped and he has to run anything by me for any time of reimbursement or joint purchase. Okay, well, I'll deal with that off here.
Starting point is 00:20:06 But then I thought maybe I'm doing the wrong target market here. So I go to sunny, check this out. I go this. I had to hear. Oh, is that good? It's super awesome. It's great. Tough to hear.
Starting point is 00:20:19 He says, super awesome. I've slowed down. I've slowed down and stretched it out. Okay, so I go, how was that? And he, of no forcing, what does he say? So another slam dunk from Blakey in the household bringing you, and everything. So I'm just sitting in the other room. Yeah, they were, what do you do? What's your job? And then they realized, okay, you're scaring the internet for mesmerizing. Okay. So you got three of them and you guys have one age. I would not like what you've got one. I did, don't you want a goal at least though anything like I would like to. I'm principle. He doesn't, but I'm going to give it to
Starting point is 00:20:56 him and you will take it home. I'll ever go. It's I'm not making this in essay contest. No, these are gifts. These are my, these are gifts. That's actually better, actually. You've, if I've accepted a gift from a nice, from a mate. And look at the quality of these, you know, a lot of it's written in Chinese, but the, the, the qualities, you get the gist from the packaging that, I obviously can't speak Mandarin. I think that is, but I assume these...
Starting point is 00:21:24 I'm using spy date on the back of the book. Why do they expire in November? So peculiar. Hmm, so no. Maybe it's... And that adds to the fun, doesn't it? So it's actually a mystery square, but... Play with it now, because it knows where to wall expire.
Starting point is 00:21:40 LAUGHTER MUSIC spotter. Hey, I'm picking up from last week. Yep. The tribe you're not hearing. Yes. For our potential cheating scandal, where alert listener and special skilled listener, currently with a frozen coin, Nick claimed he could name the episode of any special skill.
Starting point is 00:22:03 We had him on episode 100. We had a lot of people coming out, nor forms, lots of different pipes. Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, email. Lots of e-pipes, hitting us going, we think he's cheated. We think you had a grid or a table, and you guys had the wall completely pulled over your eyes.
Starting point is 00:22:20 We had the formal hearing on last episode, of course, when there is a claim... Has to go to a tribunal hearing. Sorry, we had the formal hearing on last episode, of course, when there is a claim... Has to go to a tribunal hearing. Sorry, we had the tribunal hearing. At which point, a lot of good evidence was presented for both sides. We've now got a few more people I see on emails that are on T-NIC. People believe NIC, they think he might have been unfairly thrown under the bus, but then a lot of people do think he's slippery.
Starting point is 00:22:44 So we had to upgrade it to a formal grilling. We are now at the next stage of the coin-disfute resolution process, which is a formal grilling. Nick will not be on trial today. He will not be grilled. We're getting our ducks in a row to formally grill him. We talked about a lighter tecta. Working out which grill we'd like to use. Maybe at what heat temperature and perhaps other tools we put on the plate. Yeah, whether there's tongs, there's a spatula or whatever,
Starting point is 00:23:09 those type of things, how we're going to grill them. We certainly don't want to just chuck him on and figure out how to grill him during him at the moment he's basiting, and he'll be ready to be grilled in good time. We asked last week though, we thought maybe we'll use a light detector. And then we thought, you know what, let's use the list, the very important podcast, the list, that we run at AmishNanee.com. So many people have gone on there,
Starting point is 00:23:32 they've written down their skill sets, they've written down what they know a lot about. And we thought, tens of thousands actually. Tens of thousands have done it. And we love each and every one of you. And we thought surely on our list, on our database, we'll have someone that claims to be a human lie detector.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Because it's a thing that pops up from time to time, sure enough with a quick search. But possibly like Nick did, we'd Excel database, we came to Emma Yurk, Emma Ohoi. Oh, hey, boy. Emma. It is an honor to have you on the show. Emma, you wrote in two years ago or almost three years ago with this form? Were you surprised to hear from us after all this time? I was, I was, I was. You never know when you're going to be caught off the bench and that's the fun of putting yourself on the register.
Starting point is 00:24:14 You list that you are a human-lider taxi. Yes. And what makes you say that? Give us an example in life of you being able to pull this off. Oh, I just call people on their sheet all the time. And, but often correctly, I'd imagine. Yes, always, always. And it's vibe based? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've got, I don't know really what it's based on, just some weird skill that I've always had.
Starting point is 00:24:38 If you do it, if someone's answering yes or no, or do you need more of a sentence, more of a run up? Oh, obviously it's a bit easier if it's more of a runner. It takes me a little bit of time. Sort of, it's not an instant thing. I can't go. Yeah, they're lying. I mean, have you listened to the podcast all those years? I mean, you wrote into years ago, you still listen? I hear in there not religiously anymore. Not everyone's got 45 minutes a week. I understand that.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Well, thanks for taking the call considering you're off to podcast, I used to listen to. Yeah, I know. I'll go. No, I think I'm very well, Em. Get back in there Em. You've got some good stuff. Get yourself out of Daniel here yourself,
Starting point is 00:25:21 coming up in 70 podcasts of time. Yeah. And then did you give you the backstory then? There's a fellow called Nick. I'm Daniel Hewisself, coming up in 70 podcasts of time. I mean, to give you the backstory then, there's a fellow called Nick. We do a thing called Special Skills, which you know of. He thought you applied. He thought he, he said, and he was successful. We tested him.
Starting point is 00:25:36 He knew everyone's special skill, what episode they were from and whether they were successful or not, if we threw a name at them at him. So he was very good at that. People have wondered whether he cheated, whether he had some kind of spreadsheet going that he could quickly look up and hence we're trying to get to the bottom of it. The jury is still out and that's why we're approaching this formal grilling stage of the investigation. Yeah, let me add him. We'd like to use you as a tool, Yeah, well that may add him. Yeah, well I would like to use you as a tool, and the tricky thing was even,
Starting point is 00:26:07 it didn't help his cause when last week on the show, we asked him, you know, just very simply, do you plead guilty or not guilty? And he said no comment. Oh. Yeah, no good. But then from there, it did actually seem more and more than he was innocent.
Starting point is 00:26:20 So we're still undecided. That's why we think we do need to apply human light detected to him. And to qualify you to be one of the instruments we use to formally grow Nick. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions. I asked Andy some questions just to set a baseline and then you tell me if Andy's lying and then we can get an idea. We can calibrate you. Yeah. I don't know how successful. I haven't put it to the test over the phone, Tim. Yeah, let's crank it up.
Starting point is 00:26:49 I mean, and it's not a big dandy because you have listened to shows. You want me to be truthful or lie. So if in the test, you've got to start. You've got to answer the first question truthfully. OK. And then you just say lie or truth after the answers. OK. And I'll keep score. And I'll try and give you a bit more than a yes-no, just And then you just say lie or truth after the answers.
Starting point is 00:27:05 And I'll keep score. And I'll try and give you a bit more than a yes, no, just because we know that that's what it means. Okay, so you have to answer the first one truthfully to set a baseline. And then after that, like up to you Andy. Okay, Andy, how old are you? 39 years age of age.
Starting point is 00:27:23 M, draw a false. True. So we've got the base five. Yes, very good. Andy, what star son are you? Oh, I am a Gemini. Pulse. Andy, how many golf clubs are you a member at?
Starting point is 00:27:43 I'm a member of one golf club. Hmm, trees, trees. Andy, can you juggle? Two, three balls of four. Three. I can juggle three. Tree. Andy, do you think you're musically gifted?
Starting point is 00:28:07 I might have reminded you you're on a live detector. I have above average musical egoistic. Do you secretly think you gifted? No, I don't think I'm gifted. Well, wait, hang on, race race, I think. I don't think I'm gifted. Wait, hang on, rephrase, do you think? I don't think I'm gifted when it comes to music. Fouls. Fouls. I've heard enough.
Starting point is 00:28:32 You're saying. It's not about whether we use or not, it's about whether you think we use. Yeah, I know. Okay, final question. Andy, have you smoked a in your words delicious cigarette today? No. I am not smoked cigarette today nor have I smoked well I've smoked two in a lot of questions. I've not smoked a cigarette today.
Starting point is 00:28:52 True, true. We hope so. Okay, well now it goes to okay great that was great answer. Well now it goes for the answers. Andy you said Gemini and you said false. Yeah, I am. I am. That, you said Gemini, and you said false. Yeah, I am. I am. That is true. Gemini. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Andy, you said you remember one golf club, and you said true. I believe that is false. Yeah, so I remember the more than one golf club. Can you please stay down here? No. That's been nice. Do it for God in how many golf clubs you remember at. Is it more than two?
Starting point is 00:29:24 You need more than two. Goodness me. Goodness me. Goodness me. Goodness me. Goodness me. And do these golf clubs have walls around them to keep the common man at? Don't answer.
Starting point is 00:29:37 It's in place. Andy, can you juggle, you said true. I can tell the three balls they're not for. Sorry, you said yes. And you said true. That is correct. That's our first correct. Andy, you said you don't think you're musically gifted and said that's false.
Starting point is 00:29:55 You do think you're musically gifted, which is in fact. That's why she's right. Andy, have you smoked a delicious cigarette today? No, I have. You said no, and you said, that's true, yes, that's correct. So you got three out of five. Out of five.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Yeah, is that enough to put her in front of Nick? Is she a finely calibrated machine? Well, not finely calibrated, but is she calibrated enough? I mean, you calibrated it in some way, but is it accurately calibrated? It's tricky one. I think we need to go level up and get the actual light detector.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Get an actual light detector. Sorry, yeah. I mean, it's just so serious. We're dealing with a formal grilling here. If the formal grilling doesn't work, you wouldn't have heard this last week, but if the formal grilling doesn't work, then we're going to find ourselves in a very unfortunate situation of a witch hunt. Yeah, and that's what we're trying to avoid. We don't get to stage three witch hunt, but I'm lovely to speak to you. I guess it's nice to hear from us the first time in two years.
Starting point is 00:30:55 I feel like I deserve a coin. Oh, no, you think you have it. You don't want it. And that is wild. You certainly don't have a lovely card'd be. You haven't listened to it. You don't even know how I'd be. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it.
Starting point is 00:31:08 You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it.
Starting point is 00:31:16 You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it.
Starting point is 00:31:24 You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. You haven't listened to it. Now, if you're, you mean everyone's playing with their flippy squares, but can I have your attention? You are between talking there is a significant playing in here. I had three goals in it. I saw you mesmerized. How do you feel about it, Jack? You were mesmerized, Jack. I've put my back in the pouch, and then we'll never open it again.
Starting point is 00:31:42 We have been playing with it. I was underwhelmed. This did not mesmerize me like the copper ball did. Yeah, if there's actually been a positive for the flippy squares, it's been re-casting the copper ball in a very romantic light, which it deserves because it was pretty mesmerizing bloody sphere. Yeah, look, put your spheres aside
Starting point is 00:31:59 because we've got other business to deal with, but I appreciate everyone playing with their gifts of the squares aside. Sorry, flippy squares aside, never put your fear aside if you're lucky enough to own one. That's just you and me Mark. And a few, well geez I must have been a month or two ago on the show now. We talked about those. I was in the lockdown.
Starting point is 00:32:17 When we were in lockdown. When you're golfing them. My wife had a dream. Work up. Don't tell you the update for this. I've got an update on my wife's song. She woke up, she dreamt a hit, she dreamt a hit song, which has happened before to the Beatles.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And they might have been honest, but doesn't, you know, however you get there, many parts, one goal. She dreamt a hit song, woke up, recorded it on her phone in her voice memos. We had had a few drinks the other night and she let's let some of the details. Great. Some of the lyrical details. Did you hear that you listened? You have not let me listen yet.
Starting point is 00:32:54 That is still something that I don't think I'll even get for my 40th birthday, but we're chipping away. That's chipping away. What I hope to do is over the course of the year through a concerted campaign of Martini's, slowly chiseled away and rise more and more lyrics out of it till we've built up a song. You're like Bond. I am.
Starting point is 00:33:14 You're just introducing the woman to get some information out of it. Using Martini. A Hanson legend. So what I've done is, I guess what we can do here is almost like an audio version of a police composite sketch. Ah, okay, so you got information out of zoe. And we build it up, piece by piece, like it. Till we have a rough version, which we can then give to a Beyonce or someone to go,
Starting point is 00:33:37 like you Beyonce, like you make it good, but she is the rough bones of the hit. Great, and then we go back to zoe and go, is this the song you're thinking of? Yeah, well, I'll just play it untilo, is this the song you're thinking of? Yeah. Oh, I'll just play it until go, how'd you get out of my head? Brilliant. We'll be James Bond.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yeah. So we're totally, we'll remember that scene at the end of Casino Royal. Replays the Russian guy. The song he was thinking of. He doesn't know how, you know, it's a great film. Should say it. I can't remember all the details. I actually watched it last night.
Starting point is 00:34:05 You watched Casino Royal last night. And how's that scene? That's great. That's it. That's great. It's deleted. I think it was after the credits, you know what? What about it?
Starting point is 00:34:15 It's where Bond's just putting the headphones in the car. He's going, but you're wondering how I got this on. So here's what I've done. Jack, I've got a file to you to play. Obviously not all the lyrics are in. I have only put in the ones I heard her. She gave away to me. Yep. So hit it and I'll let you guys know when it's coming up. At this stage, it's probably more my interpretation of yeah we're kind of something could be yeah so we'd be needing to put she hasn't given me any of this bit okay so she's
Starting point is 00:34:52 giving you some chorus lyrics bad yeah no no so this would be another verse yes as yet as yet we do not know this verse that you get it. I hope so. Hang on. And then this would be the bridge I guess. Yep. I think the bitchie game is coming up. Get ready. Yeah. I wonder if she'll ever know.
Starting point is 00:35:17 That's where we're at. So that's where we're at at this stage. I wonder if she'll ever know. She'll let it slip that that was part of the chorus. That lyric. It's good. It's a good lyric. I wonder if she'll ever know.
Starting point is 00:35:34 What, did she tell you what? And she clammed up. She clambed up. Yeah, she started meabling away. She started meabling away. Why, what's happened? What was, is she been, is the woman... So, the woman's been tricked?
Starting point is 00:35:44 Did she see... Is it a woman singing it at another woman? Is it a man going, I've done something and I wonder if she'll ever know? She's done something nice. Yeah. She's done a sweet gift for her and I wonder if she'll ever know. She doesn't tell you. You don't do anything. It's not, well, I said, you know, I think I was exploring that line and I said is it's
Starting point is 00:36:03 something like, she needed a kidney transplant, like a woman in the song needed a kidney transplant and they found a donor and they turned out to be a husband but he never told her. And then he hides the scar from her and then he's singing, I wonder if she'll ever know, it was me, but. And what did she say to that?
Starting point is 00:36:22 It's insane. It's insane cold. And I agree with that, that's not a great song. No, it's insane. It's insane. And I agree with that's not a great song. No, it's terrible. It's not terrible. It's actually not terrible. You can make any story a great song, but she started asking questions like,
Starting point is 00:36:32 well, why wouldn't he tell her? Yeah, I said I don't know. They don't want it to define their relationship. He just wants it to be better, you know. And we feel a little fight. So it's not bad, but the chorus is, I wonder if she'll ever know. And we build out from there.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Wonder if we'll ever know. I'm sorry. Hey, it's time for... Gotta wear a piping hot cow moves to round out the show, and... Yep. These won't be in the book. They missed the cutoff. We've already got a hundred.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Hey, we've, we've announced to the participants of the book the very special news. Have we? Well, if you are in the book, of course, you're welcome to buy the book. You can go and it'll be, it'll be ever and that's, that's either anyone can buy the book. If you get selected for the book, you go certificate. I don't know, you know, we announced that. Now I think that's a pretty special. That's a pretty special.
Starting point is 00:37:33 It's people that have come back and said, That's a pretty special deal. And you'll be the only person that has that. Can I have a book? Because I'm selected and it's going to be, it's going to cost them. We've got to search these costs in the loading cards and stuff and then send out a big, big book. A bit of out a big book. But rather than anyone going to have a book,
Starting point is 00:37:47 causing another book. It's a bar to you where they are. Yeah. That's easy. That's available for everybody. Yes. They'll be available on Lumber. I tell you what people won't have. Stepping it. Yes. For being in the book. Yep. And that will be in the book. That will send that out to you. That's personally created by me and Andrew. We might get just to make it, but we'll certainly, we'll cast another one. We'll oversee it. That's personally signed off on. Signed off on, not signed.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Because that's a lot of signatures, but personally signed off on by Hamish and Andy. Your buddy's Hamish and Andy, and that's just for you. The game, the kick-off. It's exciting to keep things up today. This is from Aaron and Olivia. Well, join Power Move, send in easy power move.
Starting point is 00:38:26 When playing a game of chess or checkers or backgammon, any game really, every time it's the opposition's turn, instantly say, oh, I know what I do. That's a good one. Funnily enough, this isn't at my official... Not an official submission, you bit from Brendan. Another chess-related one, that's right. I wasn't going to mention it, but it's for when you're playing chess online.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I mean, it's very good. Because I was playing chess online, I was winning by a large margin. Before resigning my opponent told me, you missed checkmate on F2. So you mean earlier in the game. Then they quit the game. So Brendan, you were just going to win, but you could have got me, then they quit the game. So you, like, Brendan, you were just gonna win, but you're like, could have got me, mate. You missed it.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Not a bad one. Anyway, I mean, yeah, still a visit. This is what I wanted to mention. Rupert, try and bring an ID board, I'm asking you. A applicable when you're on the run, and someone cuts you off. Usually, in the instance, where you'd flip some of the bird. Oh, I can't flip them to bird.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Don't flip them the bird. Give them a thumbs down. Just let the driver know that you're not mad, just disappointed. I really like it. Look more. If you're having dinner in a mates place, when the night is finished, ask your mates why for a girlfriend in front of everyone.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Hey, before I leave, do you need any open, do you need any jars open? I didn't do justice to the library. I just like the idea that before you have strength, leave the house. Can I assist? Hey, this is from Hamishot Gorman, my holy boy's power move. When somebody asks you a question about something, at the end of explaining it, once everyone's nodding and has understood the explanation, answer to top it off,
Starting point is 00:40:14 and I don't think I could have explained it any easier than that. You have to jump at the answer. I like this one from band. Put an anonymous note under your target's windscreen wipers. It simply says, there is a big spider in your car. That would work. That is cool. I wouldn't drive for days.
Starting point is 00:40:44 That's good. I wouldn't drive for days. That's good. I love this from Tom. It's for when you're em, em, em, seeing an event. Okay. Now we know one of the most famous power moves we've had on the show is give it up for my man. For my man, when you interview, when you introduce the most important person in the world. Someone of high status.
Starting point is 00:40:58 We've had someone do a tunnel towards that guy. Yeah. My man, I'm a towards that guy. Immediately your best friends. You do the C of Channel 9 at the nine up front. Skyman Humarts. Yep. Really worked, I was, was a mega immediately your best friends. You did it to the CEO of Gerald Knight at the nine up front skyman. He marks. Really worked. If you need to, it felt good.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Yeah. Geez, this isn't to do with my man, but this is the same situation when you're emceeing. The other reason I mentioned the my man move is, imagine if you can bind them, but I'll let you imagine that privately.
Starting point is 00:41:19 If you're emceeing an event and somebody's about to make a speech, say, but introduce him saying, give it up for him, everyone. He's a bit nervous. It's not bad. It's not bad. And actually it combined with a my man, an amateur for a channel like it.
Starting point is 00:41:35 All right, everyone, give it up for my man, the CEO. He marks he's a bit nervous. Come on out. Oh, work, fuck.

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