Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2020 Ep 103

Episode Date: August 5, 2020

1. Job Sweeper 2. Loyalty card hotline3. The Pack Man - Supermarket special skill 4. Horgs’ investors? ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Because the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. A hoi with a smile to you, Hamish. A Hoi with a wink to you and a Hoi with a grinder u-jack. And a Hoi with a cocktail over there to you, Jack.
Starting point is 00:00:31 A Hoi with a smiling face back to both of you. Yes, it's a triumphant day. We know that loyalty cards have been going out across the globe. Hitting the world raining down upon thee. We'll get to that soon. It's a Hoi to Nick first. I think he's a Melbourne A hoi boys and hello Jack. It's Nick here from Melbourne Hope you enjoyed your weekends. I spent mine trying to upload this audio file
Starting point is 00:00:55 I'm working and I've got a quick question about a gone in 60 seconds I was recently having dinner with my girlfriend and told her that I needed to go for a quick way Went to the bathroom and returned very promptly, completing a number two. Inform her of this and she was quite surprised. However, about 20 minutes later, I realized that I probably hadn't finished and had to go back again to complete the process. I'm just wondering if you would consider this a completed gone in 60 seconds or only a partially completed and therefore failed gone in 60 seconds.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Thanks guys. I think look what an emotional roller coaster because of course firstly well done. Yep. I am very proud of him and I admire all the students of the gone and 60 second discipline. Yeah, I mean, it's not going in 60 seconds back in another 30. Yeah, you know, he is gone in 60 seconds and you get the job done The heart rate for me in this situation here is very similar to when a jockey's won the race, but hasn't got correct weight Literally didn't have correct weight. Why are you a kilogram too heavy? Which I wonder if a jockey is ever done. If a jockey's coming in heavy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:10 As you too light, I'd use a jockey. You'd use a jockey. Too light as a jockey. Oh, you couldn't claim. I did a pull out of this. Then it's up to the stewards to go looking to take. Yeah. And then they might be going,
Starting point is 00:02:21 Hang on a sec. Oh, that's a horse. Oh. 50. Incorlusive. Anyway, no, I agree with the heartbreak. The question of going, isn't it a fail going as easy seconds? Look, it easy if you had to go back. I mean, if you didn't get it, if you got so little out
Starting point is 00:02:35 that you were forced back within 20 minutes, how long? How long? Like, I feel like a broken record here, but I'll keep saying it, and I might even have to release more cassettes before the end of the year. I cannot stress this enough.
Starting point is 00:02:47 It's not a comfortable one over. It's not comfortable. It's not enjoyable. It's not pleasant. If you want to have an enjoyable poo, do a guy in 60 minutes. But if you want a quick, elite poo, when no one knows you're pooing, that is what a guy in CC seconds for.
Starting point is 00:02:59 It's no peeing usually. I mean, you can't, you've got to be hard. Pretty hard, not to. There's ways. You've been doing that. That's not, you've got to be hard. You've got to be hard. There's ways. You've been doing that. That's not, that's not part of it. Well, it's not part of it. It's very fast at the same time.
Starting point is 00:03:09 It is no relaxing, it's no second contractions, no. No, no, no. You've got to be hard. There's no nothing. And you will, you will probably be getting off the toilet before you feel like the job is done because it's so fast your body doesn't have time to adapt. Yes, but hopefully enough's done to get you
Starting point is 00:03:22 through the rest of the social experience. What it really is, if you want to get very zen about it, it's about pulling you out of this sensory experiences. It's not about waiting till you feel good. It's about objectively, Jack knows. That's about managing your body, like an elite athlete. To go, well, of course, I don't feel comfortable,
Starting point is 00:03:40 but I know I'm fine. It's like an endurance runner, or like, you know, someone climbing Everest. I don't feel good, but I know scientifically, I'm okay. Yes. And I've got a process to go. I can go press on. Yep. Okay. That's the way to feedback Nick and I think it's pretty clear. Nick, have another go. Have another go. The beautiful thing about our movements as they come around again. Got your own little inbuilt totem tennis pole to train on every day. A little inbuilt totem tennis pole to train on every day.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Hey, um, big news last week. Obviously that, uh, Jack's, uh, Bitcoin, uh, compatriot was in a scammer, wasn't a scammer, but he had significantly less words than he'd hoped for when he was putting through a computer system. This is a situation you've just knew to the podcast. We encourage everybody to start from the start. But you want to understand the kind of things he's saying and stuff. But Jack has lost his
Starting point is 00:04:32 big compasse, my big compasse with as well. And he thinks he wrote words around his house. This is how kind of ended the last week. So pretty much there's 24 words. Unfortunately, we've only got half of it, I believe. Jack had advised me in his suit of stealth ability to hide parts of the words that he'd hidden around the house. I still look quite across Jack's face when you said the bit about hair, he'd hidden words around the house. And he could only find half of them. Is that true, Jack? That is one thing I think might have happened.
Starting point is 00:05:02 All I need is if he can find any word, could you have another look-to-face? No, I've looked. That's the problem. If I knew where the words were, I would use it. Could we, Jack, would you be comfortable? We hire two people to go in your house. Azeo officers. And just swing it. That's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Send him in. Send the guys in. Okay, well, then cause it a miss. Jack, cause it feels, Jack, he doesn't have to do any work in this reward, isn't it? Okay. But that's where we landed, Anna. We put the call out last week. Don't know what I said, too. I just think that's what you see a lot on movies and they wear, um,
Starting point is 00:05:32 and also, and it's over their feet. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. And also they keep each other accountable because someone finds the passwords then they, oh yeah, and he comes out and goes, hard didn't find anything. Yeah. And then goes away with the grin on his face. Of course. You need someone, a friend, a little fear is to lean on in the event of a scandal.
Starting point is 00:05:49 But also, I don't think any of us want a situation where Jack's house is being searched and you don't have the fun of someone yelling out clear. Yeah, that's true. From one room to the other and yelling, obviously yelling out of you, not a lot. So, Andy, we've got,
Starting point is 00:06:02 and what can I be discovered is an amazing response from a bunch of people who really, I know you don't read many of the emails these days, it used to be part of the role, but I don't have it synced up with my, no, it doesn't, I don't know, it wouldn't tell me the technology just these days, it's too hard to get it. Jack, overwhelming response. I mean, the level of qualification here is just phenomenal. Do you want me to throw out one first?
Starting point is 00:06:26 Well, let me, can I get quickly here, R-E-G. Okay. So I already like these, like, okay, not full name. Don't know if it's male or female. I mean, hi there, I am eager to apply for job sweeper. You might be asking, what is job sweeper? Good question. Job sweeper as a position in one would be sweeping
Starting point is 00:06:41 through Jack Cagling Jack's house, and attempt to find the missing 12 words of his Bitcoin password. I'm aware this job would be no easy task Cagling Jack's house. I attempt to find the missing 12 words of his Bitcoin password. I'm aware this job would be no easy task, but I'm determined to help. So Andy can get his share of the Bitcoin. Even that he'll probably just buy CDs with it. All the best. Job sweeper.
Starting point is 00:06:54 It is a job sweeper initiative. It's a job sweeper initiative. It's a job sweeper initiative. How would you like to sweep houses for passwords? I like that. He didn't really say that he does. No qualification. I just got to like the name of the program.
Starting point is 00:07:05 I will counter that application with this one from Peter Jury. I have had to cut it down because it was extensive. The good ones you were weren't they? The good ones ran to sort of a thousand words. Yeah. Good morning, gentlemen. I'm emailing you with regards to your call for the need of people to sweep Jack's house. I'd like to volunteer my services as well as my wife's. And start with my qualifications and experience.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Like a mystery, Mrs Smith. I've been a wife's fire team. I am a senior prison officer. I've been a prison officer for six years. My dad and day duties are requirements, including searching cells, finding contraband from the obvious jail made alcohol, okay, home brew to to the less obvious harder items
Starting point is 00:07:46 to find drug's weapons. All right. And Jack, did you write any of the 12 words on a sharpened tooth? Can you remember? You remember? It's possible. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I have not, I've really honestly over the week tried to think of where I could have hidden something and I'm drawing blanks all over the place. During my time as press in office, I've learnt the nickname Sniffed Dog Dory from other staff of the group because he gets the job done. He's also in the presence elite emergency response group, the ERG hair, which includes random late night searches under pressure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I mean, you can imagine the pressure. If you've got a prisoner there going, made up hidden my Bitcoin password and I don't know where it is And I'm out and I leave tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, I'm getting released and I need to find those 12 words. Pressure be on My you know when the prisoners be upset. No, exactly They might they need that money you need to get back on the way I'm going to go. Oh, it's never done fun the password Yeah, you know, yeah, then you got a whole problem on your hands Another qualification and port is include Riot Formations Commander.
Starting point is 00:08:47 And a subject matter expert in searching procedures and standards. I spend the majority of my days either searching or thinking of places and ways to hide contraband. I'll say he's things like a criminal. It's a matter criminal. Now onto my wife. She is a Victorian police officer. She is obvious experience in general duties policing. She basically, he'll be running the search side of the project. My wife will run
Starting point is 00:09:10 interrogation and questioning of the investigation. A lot of doubt. That's a good doubt, like, am I? I like the idea that even a Jack claims he's throwing a blank. Maybe she's such a good interrogator that she will like subconsciously force you to get something. She also has training and qualifications and a cover policing, so we could send her in with that Jack Malie. That's a matter of... Senderin has Jack's dog or something.
Starting point is 00:09:36 It's like a wolf, a wolf and a suit. Yeah. Luna, good morning. You seem bigger than mine, mate. So there's options there. That's really good. Nando, this is from Lee. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:48 He's included in his second name, but he does a lot of please don't say this on here. So I'll just leave him at Lee for a second. Listen to the podcast, I cannot be more adamant that I am your man to do this week of Jack's house to find the missing Bitcoin passwords. I've been in the security security for over 18 years. And I was the Victorian Regional Security Manager for a large shopping center company.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I mean, that's what I was talking about. I'm no CIA operative, just in case we thought, I have people heading up shopping center security. Sleeper spies. Yeah. But I honestly feel I have the skills required to find the missing words at Jack's place. I've got experience with working closely with police at many levels,
Starting point is 00:10:26 counterterrorism teams, trained hundreds of security staff, and I've written a half level security plans for all major shopping centers in Victoria. I am a bit of a burden from Nari Warren. So I know I interact closely with criminals on a daily basis. His words not else.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And I've got experience where Jack may have hidden the code words. Okay. Okay. I mean, so he sort of knows the way again, maybe Jack could be thinking. Currently, the senior operations manager for a different shopping center. I believe I'm man to get this done. I mean, can I just stop you for a second? I'm just thinking about now, but the Victorian government hired private security
Starting point is 00:11:01 when they could have gone and shot. We don't think it's Lee. We don't, we know. We don't, we don't, we don't, we don't, Lee obviously wouldn't have done what the COVID purposes. I'm fairly sure. I just, one of his lessons in his training would have been, don't, don't, you know, don't sleep with any of the stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:18 And he probably would have started with it, goes without saying, I'm going to say it anyway. Yeah. So that's my worry for that one. Yeah. This comes with, at the moment, it's would have started with it goes without saying I'm gonna say it anyway. Yeah. Yeah. So that's my worry for that one Yeah, this comes with at the moment. It's got bad press around it. Yeah, what are these and up but also I mean He I mean he sounds at standing yeah Why teen years experience? I think he's experienced. I mean see he said he can do the work solo He said he's gonna do it in a methodical way to ensure he doesn't miss anything. That's good actually
Starting point is 00:11:43 Yeah, so I mean in my younger years, when I was 10, I did steal a Toblorn from a shopping center supermarket and security was on to us. Because I think somehow we were working to the specuous. And when we got outside, I threw it in the bushes. It was a big Toblorn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Did you go back together? No. But we watched them from over the road and they found it straight away. So they have experienced in finding contrabale and they can think like criminals. Because I was hoping to go back and get it empty. Okay, that's a tick back in Lee's camp for sure. How about this one? I have a Toblerone last night.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Is this a good one? Why don't you, when you're shoplifting something, not that we encourage it at all, but why would you go for the big triangular Tobler on a not at all? Because we're not so expensive. It was the hardest to conceal. It was just down the pants, damn my trackie pants. But then walking, it was wobbling around like, I was only 100 grams or more.
Starting point is 00:12:38 It wasn't a small one. It wasn't airport size. Like it wasn't so big at the rapid in a rug or something. Like a dead body, but it was silly. It was too big. It wasn't airport size. Like it wasn't so big, I had to wrap it in a rug or something. Like a dead body, but it was silly. It was too big. I've got zero experience, except for the time you made me. I made you shop with downstairs, and you were very good at it.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I was, I was, I was, this is from Jake. You would have noticed I was in my element. Last candidate, maybe Jack will pick. I'd like to sweep Jack's house for the words. I'm in the defense force. Can't say any more, but I'll find those words. Unreal. Really good.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Really good. Here's the thing. Jack, it's up to you. I think whether we pick Arley or not, we should call it JobSweeper, the program. Who do you like, Jack? It's definitely between the shopping center expert, the operations manager, and the prison guard,
Starting point is 00:13:24 and he's wife. He's wise. He's a police investigator. Great example from our defense force legend that even when you're going for a covert job, there is such a thing as saying not enough. I mean, I know what he's going for in air of mystery, but you know, where the guy's hiring, you see, you need to elaborate. Well, there's no backstory or anything. No, I'm also a little frightened of him.
Starting point is 00:13:43 So, so that he'll be in the yeah, just a great example for anyone listening that is thinking of applying for covert positions. I would say the job interview is the space where you do elaborate. Yeah. And then you go, but obviously should I be asked about this? Yeah, I won't say much more. Yes. Jack, go, do you want to make a decision? I obviously will have to wait. We're in heavy lockdown in Melbourne.
Starting point is 00:14:04 So we'll wait. But to the government gives you the green light, but it'd be nice to have our team on standby. It's hard to go past the Snifferdog, the prison guard and the investigator. Yeah, I think so. And it's a double act. It's a double act.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, I mean, he's got experience tossing cells. I mean, I'm not taking anything away from the difficulty of like locking down shopping centers, but finding contraband. And that's what you've done, Jack. Essentially, it's like, it's a bit like the movie Memento,
Starting point is 00:14:33 which I haven't, I've only ever seen once, but doesn't he leave clothes around his house and he can't remember where he's like. Well, he's done, yeah, yeah. And that's what you've done, Jack. You've Memento yourself. And we need someone with a leap level. Yep.
Starting point is 00:14:43 It's the possibility to get out of you. And that's Pete and Ashwaldom. Oh, done guys. Tryumphant week. Uh, obviously in some hard times for some people. But boy has there'll be a lot of joy with everyone getting their hamish study loyalty cards delivered the lucky 2999. 2999. Yeah, 2999. I know 2999.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I'm 100% sure I'm sorry, dry boy. You're right. The first 29900 people to apply for the Hamish-Native loyalty card, which is, it's the card the stores love. It tells you to 10% off every store worldwide. Just fantastic. And then obviously 5% you give straight back to the store. You keep 5% everybody wins. Yep. That's what we need to get the economy back on track.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Absolutely. Globally, there have been whispers that the US Federal Reserve is talking to us about rolling this out throughout America. Really? Stimulate their economy. We can't comment on that. We can't afford it. We need to see a little bit of cops covered. Because at the moment, it's not the card that the HMJ backhand has loved. You just can't put Prasad in the box. It's certainly the card that fill our bookkeeper, hate. Even though we have one. That must be very nice for us. And before we've got it, we've got a little bit of a highlight to hear of. We've tried to contact
Starting point is 00:16:06 some of the people that are aware of the cut, obviously every store in the world is on board with the cut. We're sun-having teething problems. Amazon is probably one of the bigger websites globally. He's having a few teething problems at the moment. Had a bit of feedback there, we've been assured they're working on it. Absolutely. So that's always nice to get that kind of a thumbs up from JB. Jeff Bezos. Not Johnny Barker.
Starting point is 00:16:33 He's a former or Sena Harford for Horthor. James Brasher. Okay. But before we get to, before we get to, I texted James Brasher and I went, no, maybe you've struggled with Amazon. That's what it is. I'll have a look at it. I'll jump on the back end. Not a lot of people know that,
Starting point is 00:16:51 but he does have the code to the Amazon back end. Before we get to hearing about some of the stores, I've got two tiny bits of business for the rollout, a little bit of housekeeping. Justin Schmidt heart breaking here. And you can see, finally received a loyalty card. It's great, super stoked. My house got broken into last night,
Starting point is 00:17:09 and my wallet was stolen. Because one of the first things I thought was unknown, my hand shined the loyalty card. I know that has come to come by, and I feel so guilty losing enough to be lucky enough to make the cut. I even had the limited edition of Delvish. Oh, great.
Starting point is 00:17:21 He'll guilty asking for a replacement. I'd be more than happy to pay for one. Okay. I appreciate it. Possible. Otherwise, if this email gets you guys just know that I loved it while I had it. We have both safe. I hope you got some bargains while he had it.
Starting point is 00:17:35 But unfortunately, there won't be a replacement card. Justin, if you can tell us the number, we'll put out a message to all stores to keep an eye out for that number. So when the criminal goes to use it, that's how we'll track that's how we'll do it. Yeah. Hey, one other thing, Jez, could we get our web geezer in? When people are applying for loyalty cards, remember we're like, we've got to sniff out these fake names.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Yes. You know, we can't have too many ill squirrelsons getting the card. Yeah. Jez, you did an amazing job of sniffing out the names. I just want to ask how many, you know, were submitted for people wanting a loyalty card, coming in under, you know, a card in Maccardface or whatever. Oh, probably about 200? 200, right.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yeah, 200. Oh, we got them. Yes. Did we jazz? Could you please... Someone sent me this message when they received their card. Could you please read out the name on the card into the mic if you got big cock lock. No. No. Do you know if you're back for evidence?
Starting point is 00:18:39 Do we know for sure that that's what he's worth? Think cock lock is. It's big, that being the say, it's big cock is one word. And the being the say, a capitalized. Yeah, okay. Big cock lock is. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I feel like he might have snuck through. I mean, and he sent me this with the message. Looks like he didn't sniff them all out. So I do feel like. Yeah, I saw a few of my Instagram and Twitter, Wayne Colotte was in there for Wayne Colotte. Well done. He's fault.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Yeah. Just letting you know, Jason, couple snuck through, but mostly good sniffing. Yeah, exactly. That's okay. But it still went to the person that I can assure you for Wayne. Yeah. Wasn't his real name, but he didn't. What was his real identity?
Starting point is 00:19:24 But he said to me, he didn't apply for another one or his real name. he didn't, but he's wasn't his real name. But he said to me, he didn't apply for another one of his real name. It's just his card. It's okay. It's all right. It's got a personalized number. Yeah. You've got it now.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Well done. We said to Mike here, podcast Mike, to say, would you mind just seeing the feel for everyone riding in and perhaps instead of a hotline so people can contact us. We haven't heard these yet, but he's put this together a hotline for the general vibe as the loyalty car went out across the country. A whole way boys. It's lightened in Alex here from party on the green in Perth. We hire our portable mini-go for all events. So whether you're sponsored golf or like Andy
Starting point is 00:20:06 or more of a common man like the rest of us, we've got you covered. Like all businesses around the world, we're proud to accept the Haymas and Andy loyalty card. So if you're in the market for some mini-gov at your next Huawei, give us a call or check out our Instagram, party on the grain and flash your loyalty card for a 10% saving.
Starting point is 00:20:21 5% of which we'll happily accept back. Cheers. Hey, Haymas and Andy, the pulley here from Baker's Light in Kilsa. We are accepting the Hamis Nandie loyalty cards, but unfortunately we're not telling you about this, so Jack, if you listen for a present from Mum, you're going to have to look out for it. You're right, Donald. I was Christian here from kind of points of pride. We're all here to copy your own prints and needs. Come see me weeks at the H.A. Royalty Chart. 10% off for five to year and five back to me. Hi, I'm Miss Nandy. My name's Caitlin Paulis from Paulis Performance. We're a mobile mechanic business and we accept the H.A.R.D.
Starting point is 00:20:56 cars by the temper of us and by the continue. I am Miss Nandy, it's Jack and the Gold Coast. I'm your R.A.R.D. for the way. Thanks so much to your Lordy Charter. It went down to Milo for subway, 50 points and the lady on the register said a bit confused, but she checked the manager and she cleared it straight away. I took a hefty five to set,
Starting point is 00:21:13 but I gave five to set back, so thanks again to Ellis. I'm Koi Hamishanandi, this is Eleanor here from Dominoes. I'm just going to let you know that we happily will accept the Hamishanandi loyalty card. And if you stop by Dominoes' aspally in Brisbane, just ask for Ellie and I will look after you. the Hamish Nandy loyalty card. And if you stop by Domino's Asplie in Brisbane, just ask for Ellie and I will look after you. Hey Hamish Nandy, I just want to give a shout out
Starting point is 00:21:30 to Morgan's Group car for cleaning and house cleaning in camera, giving me 5% off my house clean and 5% back to them, what disclaimer? Dad would give me 100% off since he owns a business bar the 5% will help the... go back to me and go back go back in a little bit.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Cheers, boys. Keep the money flowing, the economy. Look at that money flowing around. Suddenly. Suddenly. What's that noise? The rush of money. Exactly. Examine around the country.
Starting point is 00:21:57 If we don't get recognized by the government for this, I mean, if there's ever a reason... Yeah, no, I'm on Australia. Come on. And 5% straight back to you. 5% of a quarter of a century. Straight back to the government. Email your experiences, just the contact form. Yeah. And perhaps we should get podcasts Mike to put another one I was together for a few two weeks, because it's certainly nice. They're fantastic how it's going.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Can't find the email I'd read it earlier this morning. Didn't keep it, but it's lost it's lost in the Maya, but there was, there's an Italian restaurant in Auckland that is having teething problems. Just to give you the heads up, sorry, the Auckland area. I don't know the name of the exact Italian restaurant, but the waitress was confused by it. The person who sent this email will know who they are here when they hear the story. Then they didn't see the waitress for the rest of the night.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I thought she'd left and gone, hope they tried another person. And then got referred to the manager, seemed like a family on business. And the kind of the matriarch, scavestone, no. No. Okay. Okay. He peed. I mean, that's being there in Auckland.
Starting point is 00:22:57 That's, well, balance reporting from you, him. Because we've just put together a package. It doesn't seem to be where we go. They're RTV problems out there. No, I appreciate that. We won't open the Trans-Tasman bubble until they're sorted out. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:10 And a... Interesting special skill came in. But caught out on it. Yeah. Young man named Tom. He... Has a special skill, I think, sort of, well, hits at the heart of a skill
Starting point is 00:23:28 that's only become a requirement in the last sort of five or so years, which is when you are leaving the house to go shopping. How many bags do I need? When you're shopping bags, so I need to take this over, I'm like, he says,
Starting point is 00:23:40 I can predict the exact correct amount of reusable shopping bags required based off the grocery list. And he's talking about the green calico ones, right? Green calico. Not the, oh, I forgot my bags. Here's a 15 cent one. Yep. No, the green calico ones, the official green environment or a comfortable bag.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I suppose they're painting green because you're not using plastic. I don't know what their impact on the environment is to make one, but the idea being you use it forever. Yes, those ones. We've got one other ones we're talking about. He looks at the list and he goes, yeah, I know exactly how many bags I need. You don't. That might be four bags. Four bags. That could be five bags. Yep, that could be because you don't want to be the person that takes too many bags. You still want to be the person that doesn't take enough. That has to sheepishly, and I'm too often this happens to me, sheepishly go back and get the 15th set of. Get the 15th set of.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Tom prides himself on nailing the bag volume every time. He joins us now, a hoi tom. A hoi boys. Happy birthday Andy. No need. And Tom, a hoi, do you great skill to have? Yeah. Also just remembering the bags is a good skill.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Remembering our many bags, that's exceptional. I always have to go, as I'm leaving to the supermarket, my life always yells, you got the bags, and I have to go, yes, and then walk really quietly. I have to slam the door really quietly to where the bags are and then tiptoe out again. So it's a difficult one to remember. Tom, I understand the way we're gonna set this game up.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Well, I don't know if Tom knows the rules yet, but this is what I thought, Tommy. Okay. I have a shopping list in front of me. Yep. The shopping's been purchased, so the shopping's in here with us. It exists in physical form. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Do you agree to the terms here? I'll read the shopping list to you. Okay. One clarifying question afterwards, I'll read the shopping list to you. Okay. One clarifying question afterwards, I'll let you. Um, okay. Okay. Okay. Problamo.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Do we have, um, like, just as an example, if you're saying two carnen's are milk, am I getting the leaters? You will. Yeah. Okay. There will be no ambivalence there. It will be. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Just checking. Of course. Yeah, good. Good stuff. Yeah. there it will be of course yeah good yeah yeah rather than going some bananas yeah yeah yeah 500 yeah it will be fair it will be fair above all yeah a fair few bickies no we'll be given specific amounts you that any reasonable man or woman would be able to visualize from. And no item has been snacked on it on their way to the grapes that will not be diminished, for example. From there, I've had Andy pack the bags. Now I would rate Andy as one of the world's best bagpackers. He prides himself on it, luggage in the back of the car. And just so you know, Tom, it wasn't about trying to get it all in.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I was making sure that the heavier or more robust packaged items were at the bottom. Anything that may be lighter, say a bread, that will be on tops that can't be squashed. He's packed. He's packed. I actually had to knock him back a bit, Disco. Well, well, well, remember, you're packing as the average person, not a maniac who's trying to leave no, not a square centimeter of air in there. So this is an average pack. Yeah. And I think you've made some confidence as a former IGA employee actually.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I'll say yeah. He would I promise you he's packing to at least the level of a five year employee at a supermarket. Okay. You'll have the option of choosing any number of bags. I'm going to read out the shopping list and you can choose any number of bags between zero, which I do not recommend, and seven. Okay, sure. So you've got to think to yourself, okay, what are we talking here? We're talking, I walked to the shops, you know, don't need to drive to the shops. You'll have to gauge that as well because that comes into it. So you have to get the number exactly right. Exactly. There is no margin of error here. You tell us how many bags this shopping was fit into. You've got yourself a coin. And you've got yourself a coin. Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Okay, let's do this. He's lost all for list Zero error, what so he says And he's gonna be right To delight us now Shuffling back man, guessing bags needed every time Shuffling back man, not a single item left behind He's a shopping bag man Oh, man, add a song Been annoying, never having haven't grown John.
Starting point is 00:28:25 You saw his concertando. Did the music ever stop while he was in the zone? He did have the advantage of that of playing. He was on the DJ. He would be surprising if he's had stopped. What would he do at ads? Okay, the list. Here you go, Tommy. Here's the list. Okay, here you go, Tommy.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Here's list. Two half watermelons, 900 grams of Greek yogurt, bag of oranges, full celery, two times six pack of Smith's chips, share bag. Spaghetti pasta in a packet, dolmyo sauce, 500 grams, four apples, two regular sized boxes of saladas,
Starting point is 00:29:10 one pack of Uncle Toby's musely bars, four cans of tuna, morning fresh, 900 mil, glad wrap, 90 meters of glad wrap, veggie-might 280 grams, one litre carton milk, butter 500 grams, loaf of tip top bread. So it's your regular size, Veggie might, it's not your small one.
Starting point is 00:29:30 That's a 380 year. Yeah. Okay. Usually bars two, I was in the spec of other ones, so it's the normal pack. Yeah, it's the normal pack. Any question? Right, yeah. Some clarification on the oranges, like a pack.
Starting point is 00:29:46 How big is the pack of oranges? It's the normal netted naval orange pack. I haven't say about it. But again, remember Tom, you're seeing the list before you leave for the supermarket. So, but I would know. You would know. I would say my gone for the three kilo. I've found my gone for a couple. It's a 3 kilo.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Just check. Just 3 kilo. You've seen the list. All right, let me just... Yeah. Okay, I'm just trying to think. Everyone's like, come on quick, we're going the shops. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:30:16 All right, all right. Come on. How many bags do we need? Don't get it wrong. I'm tossing up between 4 and 5 right now. You don't want to go too low obviously obviously because then you've got to buy one. What's getting me is the two half-water melons and the oranges because they're big. We thought they might get you.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Now, the interesting thing here is that you also don't want to go too many bags because then you look like a full. You look like a full. That's right. Do you have a name for those people when you went to the RGA? So you're plus bag or something? Bag full, fools.
Starting point is 00:30:49 No, I didn't, I didn't, because that was pretty mandatory bringing your R. Right, yeah, right. So back then people put bother and bags, which is zippies. Yeah, that's right, exactly. Okay, we're gonna need an answer. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:03 You know what? I'm gonna go with six. Okay. You know what? I'm going to go with six. Tom. Yeah. This can only be described as a blowout. Had you bought six bags to the supermarket, you would have been one of those people that was a bag full of fools. Do you mention? Andy fit that in two bags. In two? A whole water melon? Yeah, mate. What?
Starting point is 00:31:32 What can I tell? Yeah, and I put the water. Five kilos of oranges? Yeah. What can I tell you, mate? I mean, I asked him to send him back. I asked him, I think it's his fear. I'm a fool.
Starting point is 00:31:42 You know what I'm saying? No, Tommy, I'm a fool. I asked him, you think this is fear? And he said, yeah, I think that there fair. Nothing. You're not a fool. No, Tommy. I'm a moron. I asked him, you think this is fair? And he said, yeah, I think that there's nothing like nothing. No, it's not crazy. It's not crazy. It's just a good pack.
Starting point is 00:31:52 That's, wow. OK. It needs to recalibrate that skill then clearly. Yeah. I mean, OK, I would just don't tell you when you got it. I don't know if it's because of that. Yeah, I mean, you obviously can't say that for a while. But I don't know if it's because Andy's such a good packer or if you just got lucky a few times and
Starting point is 00:32:10 I think if that might have been it, I don't think a the shop assistant would have packed them that full, but it certainly wouldn't have been six. I mean, I thought one overflip, I mean, one overflip, I mean, so I also specifically wanted to get the multi pack of Smith's chips in there because they really can remember it was two times six. So maybe you're thinking of the 24. The boxes though aren't they? Ah, that's the, that's the 24's.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Six coming from the south back. Oh, right. Commiserations. Sorry, I'm sorry. I mean, I'm a real senior with a ton of no values. Hearing how bad you wanted it and seeing how far off you were. Oh, that's devastating. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Why don't we, we're going to send you a picture of the pack as well. Yep. That sounds good. Because it seems like I feel like the con guy that would appreciate it. We appreciate it back. Of course. And also, we'll send you a token of no value, mate. Oh, sounds great.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I have a long time. Thank you, Tom. That was a lot. Thank you Tom. Thank you Tom. Thank you. I'm excited. We teased this a little while ago and then kind of COVID took over. We never got around to follow up. We're going to be distracted and that's not unusual because it needs to do with the financial investment. To do with an exciting business opportunity.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Businesses have been disrupted by COVID, but we do our best moving on. And it'd be a great place to put your job keeper money. I would say, is this an investment you've not... This is going to stray a right back on track. In Org's invention. Org's... Org's...
Starting point is 00:33:43 Org's... Beautiful. Oh, what invention does he have? Nice. Now Spogs. Good. Hawks. Joining us now. Hawks, how are you, bud? Hey boys, I'm bad.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Good to hear. Good to hear Hawks. Now this has been a bit of, we've done this in a bit of a different format this year with the podcast. You came on in a previous episode. He's the genre of investment, which was something to do with lighting, I believe. Yep. Or by the way, I put a photo of you and I up on Instagram a few weeks back.
Starting point is 00:34:16 A lot of people didn't know that that's the voice. Now the voice matching that face, that face is largely the same, bit more bearded. People wondering what are the use of? A bit better looking out of hoax. You've improved. I don't know. What do you reckon has been your, you assume you're 30, 39 now hogs, same as us? What's your been your best looking year? Oh, probably a few years back. Only a few years back, James, when I was 19, 18, I was really, I was struggling. No one's been. No one's been.
Starting point is 00:34:50 That's one's been. We're generally not for guys. No, no, no. Just maybe got away with it, but the rest of it is not. That's why you become famous at that level. Because you are the guy. You're such a unicorn to peak at 19. Yeah, I agree, Hogs, probably 34 for me. Yeah. Ah, hogs.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Remind us what category this, this side, inventions from, or is in? Lights. Yeah, lights. Lights have been, yeah, been good over the years. Huge. Huge. And do you want me to continue on, or is there another question for you,ometer? No, let's? No, let's hear the pitch because we've got investors standing by, they can hear this. Yes. Let's hear the pitch. So they have been good over the years, they've
Starting point is 00:35:35 been really good to us. And they've been bad. I mean, they're really interesting to ask them as the villain. You've got to, you've got to flick them off, which is annoying. A cost lot of money. Electricity is a cost. You've got to change the lights quite a bit. Less nowadays with LED lights, but yes. Do you know if you're right now, I think about it. So what are lights?
Starting point is 00:36:06 The whole point of this invention, right? So, the thing isn't anything, okay, all lights are being disappointing over the years. What has been good over these? Obviously, paint is a good thing. Another good thing over the years is really we haven't taken advantage of blowing the dark. Right. Yeah, it's only really been utilized by the children age two to seven sector. Yes. Stalkers, stars.
Starting point is 00:36:34 You know, you can get a little the odd figurine, a unicorn, you can get, but no, at a commercial level, you don't see a lot of glow in the dark. So put the technology into the paint, paint your bed room, paint your whole house glow in the dark. Right? You walk into that room in the dark, it's basically you've got light, and you have, it's better than the lights, because the actual, the, the... Soft distribution of lights is just a perfect dim of, of everywhere, for the walls for the roof right so obviously there are some
Starting point is 00:37:08 issues. The big one is turning them off. Turning them off or you can't. Yeah that's true. So you wouldn't potentially do the bedroom. No you'd have to do the bedroom right but you know those you know those curtains in hospitals where you're all in the rough. Yes, like around the bed. Yeah. Just bring that up to the bed, flick it around, put a little bit of a roof on it, then you can sleep. No problem. So it's sort of a, it's a permanently illuminated wall and roof scenario with then an internal tent around the bed. with then an internal tent around the bed for night time. You said earlier, the one of your big points was turning the lights on and off was annoying.
Starting point is 00:37:51 So I'm not sure whether the tent situation is less cumbersome than say switching off a light. Oh, same, you've got to pull the curtain off. Yeah, you've got to close your curtains before you go to bed. Yeah. Right, so in the synactivity you're doing anyway. Yeah. So, the name, right?
Starting point is 00:38:12 Okay. Oh, right, that could be. In turn of cellies, no gaps. Yes. Well, this is hogs, there's no lights, right? Oh, yeah. Good. Good.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Well, it sounds... Hogs, there's no lights. I suppose you're right. It's it's no lights as we know them, but it does illuminate light like it like light itself is coming out. That's my problem with the name. No gaps. We don't want gaps. Great. I'll buy the no gaps. No, no switch. No switches, maybe. Are you changed. Switchless light solutions. We can work on the name. We've got to invest as standard. We've got to invest as they've probably got questions.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Holds one quick question, I'll address. Show investors we've got to. But what about the problem with glow in the dark technology as I understand it, when I'm playing with the kids and they've got glow in the dark stuff, you've got to charge up the thing, you've got to hold it in a light, usually like in a fluorescent stuff, you've got to charge up the thing, you've got to hold it in a light, usually like in a fluorescent light, that juicers it up,
Starting point is 00:39:08 then it glows in the dark after that. On the science side of things, are we just assuming that this will be solved? Well, the sun during the day is charging it up. Okay. I mean, that's not really the case of the moment with how Glow on the Darksuff works, but we're just sort of saying, that's how this one works. No, that is how Glow on the Dark works.
Starting point is 00:39:35 It's weak though. It's heavy, yeah. You take, like, you know, my daughter's gonna glow on the dark unicorn. I'll take that just from the backyard into, but, you know, sometimes I'll take in the toilet just to go, let's go and look at it glow. How much was the unicorn? Probably $2. Let's say it was. I haven't used the proper glow. Okay. Okay, all right. KC, this is
Starting point is 00:39:56 still a cheap solution, mate. No, I know. Okay, we'll put that in the adders along with where you were closing the curtains anyway. Casey, how are you? Roy Boyce, how are you? Andy and Congrats on your SP, haven't you? Thank you so much. Trying to put it behind me, although as we all acknowledge this, an impossible task. Casey, what's your questions for Hawkes before you depart with your job,
Starting point is 00:40:17 keep it check? I have a question about the in the curtains. You pull it across or is it a switch to sort of activate some curtains? No, there we're back to the switches. No, we're definitely not. We're not allowing any switches at all. It's just a pull over. And you're at the offices for this business hogs, like once it becomes ASX listed. Will there be any switches in the company allowed anywhere like?
Starting point is 00:40:43 Why are switches delivered? I mean,'s just it's not the motion of Swinging or switching it's just the motion of getting up off the couch when you know it turns to six o'clock and it's gonna be dark yeah I've got to get up and turn these lights on okay that's better it's hogs you don't have to get up and turn these lights on. Okay, that's better. Hugs, so you don't have to get up. Are you aware of nest, like that, where you can control all the lighting from your phone? Yes. Yes, so switches only, that's one of the downfalls of life. You know, like that's just...
Starting point is 00:41:20 I've talked about others. Yes, okay. Jordan, are you Jordan? I'm Jordan. Jordan, how are you certain? Now, have you got a question for hogs before you invest? Absolutely. You're a rip-robin invention.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I've used them right? Thanks, bud. What I would say, I don't think you need to get in. We're all created with these things called eyelids. Why don't we just shut them? This is a gravy invention. Inbuilt curtain. Or a blinking that you have on an applying. Yeah, just put them on. This is a gravy venture. Inbuilt curtain or a blinker that you have in an
Starting point is 00:41:45 applying. Yeah, just put them on. That's what you need. Yeah, that's, I just hate them. I can't. You prefer to have a company to stop you. He's trying to stop you having to install hospital curtains around every bed that you sell the product to. And Jordan, Jordan, Matt, think about the on-sell mate, right? The eyelids cost nothing. The face mask costs maybe $2. Where's the on the curtains for $250? A $250 bucks for the curtains. As an on-screen.
Starting point is 00:42:19 That is a thing there. Is it interesting business move to sell on a problem and a solution at the same time. What are these curtains made of? 250 for a curtain? Yeah, it's pretty expensive. Oh, it's hospital grade. You're a bit hospital.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Oh, the hospital's out in the center of my car. Technology. I think you mean hospital shape. Paul, can I ask, how much does the paint cost per square meter? Well, if you'd think, say, for example, a normal house would cost, say, $4,000 to paint inside. So this would cost 20, however, you've got to think about the savings. Do. You do. You're electricity saving and low
Starting point is 00:43:05 Glows and and that's both the man hours of the switching. Yeah, yeah And imagine the resale how long I haven't done the maths. I assume you have before you make up that $16,000 extra that you spent I'm imagining 10 10 years 10 years, but that's not but but when people buy souls, you know, you've got to wait about two, she don't you with those things? Oh, seven. Is it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:30 We're saying six. LAUGHTER Oh, I appreciate that. That's good. That's great. That's coming four years. That's good. All right, always good to know what we're saying to the customer versus what we know to
Starting point is 00:43:46 be true. Let's, let's, let's, I suppose we should just check back in with Casey and Jordan and go, let's start with Jordan. Jordan, do you want to invest? Oh mate, we do all the COVID stuff and the financial crisis. I've been looking for a station. It's funny. It's a station they come. So, okay, 30 years from Jordan. He's enjoying the cover. I've got to check some sarcasm. Jordan's just going out to the car to give you checkbook he promises he'll be back in the building soon.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Casey, having heard it, how are you feeling? Would you like to invest? I'm quite interested that my job is a design engineer. Oh, I've access to 3D printouts, so I could feel like I could help out at some point. Not your responsibility though, Casey. I mean, you're really just a financial backer here, but I mean, Casey, you know as a design engineer
Starting point is 00:44:35 what the public like, what they want. Do you think there's an appetite for doing away with light globes and instead having only glow in the dark paint covering all rooms. I mean, it would be a special kind of audience. Yep, I reckon. Yeah. So you're telling me, I'm saying you're telling me, we've got an audience.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Some kind of audience. Yep. And audience in that two to seven year old bracket. An audience that's heavily bothered by switches and an excess of $16,000. That's an audience.'s heavily bothered by switches and an excess of $16,000. That's the audience. Thank you. KC, thanks for your usual speech, Sean Bud. All right boys. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:11 That's good. That's good. catch up or contribute at www.hamishanandhi.com

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