Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2020 Ep 107

Episode Date: September 2, 2020

1. Copper sphere regret 2. Power Moves 3. Kalamazoo K1000 4. Lawyer for Nic 5. Matt the Temperature King – special skill ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. One. Ahoi hem. Ahoi. And ahoi to you, Jacko. Ahoi. Ahoi.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Very business like the two of you. Thank you. Well, let's get straight into it. Thank you. The reason why I bought you here. Well, let's actually go to, there's a psychic hand. Let's go straight out of it. Let's go straight out of it.
Starting point is 00:00:39 A psychic has uploaded their audio message. Psychic Ryan. Ahoi to you. Ahoi boys. Psychic Ryan, I hope you. Ahoi boys, psychic Ryan here. It's 2008, I've just finished eating my gravy chips, but I've had a vision that you guys are gonna need some voice notes. So I am here starting early, hoping that it gets to you
Starting point is 00:01:00 in time, but here are some tips of things just to keep an eye out for. The moment since to you now, but they will in the future, take plenty of sickness tablets on the tool ship, you're going to want those. Hamish, don't do the worm at the pie, it's not going to end well for you, mate, don't do that. Don't do that. Watch out for the cursed watch that's coming.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Oh, don't let jazz lose the bit coin password. I know none of this is going to make sense, but trust me in the future it will. Oh, and one of you is going to lose touch with the common man. So I don't want to say who, but try not to forget where you come from. Yeah. All right, please. Hopefully this makes it to you from here. Alright, please. Hopefully this makes it to you in time, but all the best. Good luck. It is a long upload period. It does take usually 12 years to puff up. Can I shock you, Andy? I've had a psychic tell me that in the year 2050, I travel back in time to 2008 and assume in English accent because I called psychic for right. Is that you? So the prophecy is playing out. Hey, I've got a bit of, look hard news.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Particularly I think for you. You've got a bit of Tom Glacenhard news. Yeah, for you to swallow. And I wondered whether you've been experiencing the same thing. I think it was a hard news for me to swallow. Just general hard news. You've already swallowed it. I think it's more hard used for you to swallow it.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Dislocating the joint now. I didn't swallow it any of it. I've taken it in, but it doesn't count as a prize. It doesn't count as a swallower. It's a surprise to me. So. Double standards. Got called Mark Hammond.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Is that that thing a bell? All names ring a bell, do they? Well, he was the man that won the Coppers fear. Yeah, that's why it rings a bell. Back when we had the Coppers fear of, I'll take you back. Mark, arise, because I have great pleasure in informing you. Oh, wow. Before you do, though, any new golf clubs from Taylor Made, you might like instead. Mark, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The need for the sphere is greater. I do need
Starting point is 00:03:11 some clubs though, but no. What about you? What about you? What about you? You're a new supplier of golf balls. Oh, no. Can't jump, can't be done. He was trying to slug with you, no? And you stood up. You're going to be absolutely nose-wracking. you see this thing? Oh, I know what's happened here. Behind the scenes Andy's chipped away to go, look, it'll be a very big coup for my sponsors if I could tempt you away from this fear.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Sadly, sadly not. So he did reach out to me here. He reached out on Twitter and he said, hey, I'm having copper sphere regret. Can I go back? You've got to work through that. And I said, hey, you've made your bed, you stick with it. And he said, can you put a good word in it?
Starting point is 00:03:49 No, no, absolutely not, mate. You picked this fear. You've picked this fear. And there were so many people that wanted to be in that position here. So I thought that was it. I mean, we already know. That was a couple of months ago.
Starting point is 00:04:01 That was ages ago. I thought we already know, though, from the spot price of copper that he's sitting on a small fortune. I mean, he can sell it for scraps in by 100 clubs. Yeah. Exactly. I remember the math script, please.
Starting point is 00:04:13 So, hey, I've like thought that's it. Yeah, that's it. Good on you, mate. Yeah. In turn, turning down an opportunity to plug the sponsor again for your golf clubs. Until I got a I'll plug opportunity for youuccine for your surfacing
Starting point is 00:04:26 from another mark, who is the product of marketing coordinator of that brand. I don't have to say mention them. But guess what? You might have to. He's got an email sent to him from Mark Hammond. Right, Mark, Stephen, no, I'm.
Starting point is 00:04:41 On their customer feedback, eh, well, it reads this. Hi guys, odd one here. I'd be very interested to see. I was on theitation first day. And I was offered a partner instead of taking a game which is Copper's fear. I took the Copper's fear, thinking it was some kind of test. It was, it was a thinking was some kind of test. It was, it was, it was, it was that,
Starting point is 00:05:07 it was the possibility test. And I passed up a free club or two. I'm not asking for a free club, Yes you are. But I'm living in recreation, I really would love a new part of it. Well you are asking for a free club. He goes on to then explain the time of party once,
Starting point is 00:05:23 you can get those in copper. Incalling, and he thought that could be the perfect product. He says he lives. And he really want this man associated with you and your sponsor's products. I mean, if the stock is in, I live in Clayton and I'm happy to come in, but can I cheekly ask for his count? I'll bring the coppers fear in with me as well.
Starting point is 00:05:49 It's a pretty mesmerise. This would make... Isn't it worth the most insane emails they've ever read? Because I assume the person you're dealing with to get this unlimited pipeline of swag is the head of the company. Not the person reading their feedback emails. This got very, very... There's a very, very confused person at an empty level.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Have we put in a drum and golf mag, some sort of sphere for powdered discount code? So that's the thing. So he's experiencing coppersphere regret. Right, interesting. And I'm just wondering, have you experienced coppers? No way.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Well, that's interesting as well because I didn't... I might not be mesmerizing him enough. Maybe I went online and I saw that some people are going through coppers fear. A great, I thought you might have been there. And then... I mean, it's... The ebbs and flows. I mean, I've got so many other things to be mesmerized by, but usually I come back to
Starting point is 00:06:40 and need to still be mesmerizing. Well, I found there was an instructional video online on YouTube, which was a, have you had to pay for it? Which was helping people with... That's a pay for the video. Yes, so I was a subscription based for CopperSphere, a gratin, I've got some of the details here. I just wanted to see if you're going through any of these things.
Starting point is 00:06:57 So, see how it starts. Hi. And commiserations on purchasing a CopperSphere. I need them. No doubt there are a lot of emotions that you'll have to work through. Mesmerization. Stage one is regret. Regret that you spent way too much money on something that is actually exactly what meets
Starting point is 00:07:16 the eye. It is natural to feel this way. So stage one, regret. Are you at regret? I don't think you could call it regret because being mesmerised is not a concurrent emotion you would feel with regret. And also knowing that you've got a nice, highly polished piece of precious metal tucked away from when the copper's price boomed.
Starting point is 00:07:37 It's got rockered. And it doesn't require a password you can't find. It's just actual commodities, real solid copper commodity. I don't need anyone's calling copper a precious metal. That's usually reserved for gold silver. For precious metals. I mean it's precious to me. Yeah. It's there. Precious to you, Bedouin. Like, you know, you're precious to your precious Jack, but you're not integral to Australian, Australian economy, but you know, to her, you're a precious person. That response makes sense, because I went through the video, this expert excerpt kind of jumped out at me.
Starting point is 00:08:10 The next stage is denial. You'll find you continue to deny it's a poor purchase. This makes sense, because it's essentially just a shiny ball that you spent several hundred dollars on. So you have to defend your position. If you actually don't care, you've wasted this money, you've probably lost touch with the common man. Or woman. And a lot of women are buying them too. And we know you haven't lost touch.
Starting point is 00:08:37 So I appreciate it for its value. And the thing is, this sounds like this voice over person, whoever they are that's made this, be they Sarah, our producer or not. It just sounds like this voiceover person, whoever they are, that's made this B-Bace error or a producer or not. It just sounds like they've never actually held it in their hand, because you definitely don't experience regret once you experience the weight of. That adds to the mesmerization. Maybe they're watching it, they're just seeing a picture of it. Which is, I understand.
Starting point is 00:08:59 No, it was a video and they were holding it in the video. She made a video. I don't have it on hand, but I do have another excerpt. Got two screens of 23. The next stage is referred to as doubling down. A coppersphere purchaser will often try and prove their decision was correct by buying a flippy square that is equally a shiny. No.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Jackson, it's not, it's Matt and I bought three. I don't think it's personal time I was on the talk. There's scams of hoi. Scams of plenty on it. On YouTube. Well, this is how it finished. For more help, please buy my audio self-help tape outlining on how to deal with Flippie Square Regret. What kind of packaging is there?
Starting point is 00:09:44 Take, come here. Fairly shiny. Square regret. What kind of packaging is there? Come in. Fairly shiny. There's more. It's really, really awesome. That's a real shame for Mark. Yeah. So I just said to Mark, I said, sorry, I went back to you.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Is it hangar seat? You know what? The Mark Ham and the guy from NCIS. Are you serious? That's one that finally came back to me. Yes, it's the lead character in NCIS. He's done the whole run. It's not him, I don't think we gave this him.
Starting point is 00:10:07 The cop is fear too. I would find that Mark haven't been looked after enough that he's not sniffing around looking for free puttons. I told the other Mark at the golf guy to go, he's made his own bed. So you're a cop-a-list? I was just like the black-list, but it's people that are chosen, copper-a-ringed.
Starting point is 00:10:24 And he wrote back, I thought you might say that and we'll abide by that. So I suppose we've got a man. Well, can't wish him all the best in Andert's completely up to you. If you want to, you know, squirt him with a bit of merch. No, no, not for me. Because you've got the, you've got the hose. Yeah, yeah. Not the merch hose.
Starting point is 00:10:41 No, he doesn't deserve it. I appreciate it. The Power Moves Hame, the Power Moves keep rolling in thick and fast. Our book is still on the way. Our book is rolling towards consumers thick and fast, isn't it? Yeah, absolutely. Shout out to Rodney Howell, who actually sent us a pictures landed on my side of the fence. He goes, guys, we've been hearing so much about this coffee table book, about Pound moves,
Starting point is 00:11:07 I've actually built my own coffee table. To get ready for it. Merry hand. That's fantastic. Lovely sort of a awkward look right on the back. A good one piece, yeah. He said he'd be happy to take a shot of the book on the table. The send it back in case we have people that are 50-50 about buying the book, but don't believe that it could rest on a coffee table.
Starting point is 00:11:26 He'd be the evidence. Well, just at the moment with the current designs, I think it would be a beautiful commute to that table. And any table, to be honest, it's going to work on most tables. We've asked the publishers to make sure it does. They've been telling us they've been putting prototypes on various tables around the office. Yeah, and so far it hasn't crushed a single table. And you can spend while supporting.
Starting point is 00:11:47 And the table seems to enjoy having the book on it. Love it. It's a nice symbiotic relation. Let's go. Let's go. Um, and those are from David. Okay, I'll, sorry, if I may. You can go for it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Uh, when someone has got a mortar and pestle out, you know, the thing for Grady up here. Oh, okay. I didn't, I didn't, but yes. Very specific scenario. Walk up to the go. Do you know which one is the more and which one is the Pessil? Whatever they say respond with no it's the other way around. Really like it. Don't think England's I'm not 100% of which ones. I didn't even know it's called a border in Pessil, but I can't watch.
Starting point is 00:12:25 It actually does. He goes, when everyone's got the old M and P out. Is it mortar? Yeah. I think it's a mortar and a... A mortar. I get. The which is which.
Starting point is 00:12:34 This is from Taylor. When you need help whilst buying an embarrassing item, from generally a pharmacist, often you're on the back fork very difficult to get the power back from this situation. Okay. From generally a pharmacist, often you're on the back fork very difficult to get the power back from this situation. Yes. Do you have a nicotine patch shaped as a full body suit? Yeah, you get maximum. So, you know, I fungus cream condoms, adult nappies you say. Fungus condoms. Fungoms. Yeah, if you got a rashussian, yeah. Yeah. We're a fungum for two weeks. Hopefully, fingers crossed. If they all take aerobics.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Start the conversation. Have you used a fungum deck? Never needed it. Not gonna touch with me, you never said. He says, start the conversation with, Hey, you look like you know. Yeah. It's great.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Very simple. Yeah, I need a fungum. Yeah. He looks like an other one of what. Slip one, it's very simple. Yeah, I need a fun job. It looks like a matter would have worked. Slip one back in. What's the job that's the best fun job in the world? Available for purchase. What are you, you? I want the one the farmer's to excuse.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Great. Oh, it comes in from Colton, from Canada. Oh, hey, we're all our intern Astals. When you're in a conversation with a friend,. Oh, hey, oh, all our international. When you're in a conversation with a friend, find a way to make a reference to Steve Jobs. Immediately after that, explain to your friend that Steve Jobs was the leader of Apple,
Starting point is 00:13:52 the company that made the iPhone. This would make them sound stupid and uninformed. The early option they have is to say, I know the most low-power thing there is to say. You know what I mean? the power thing there is to say. Who wants it? Zack here. Power move, if friend shares some small good news. Right. Nothing big, it says in brackets.
Starting point is 00:14:17 No, okay. Very small. Okay, like a bit of a, I thought I got a parking fund today. It was a, you know, the loose piece of paper. I think that could work. Always reply with, that'll be really good for you. Implying that life is on track because of a small significant win happened.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Example, I got tickets to a concert this weekend. Ah, that'll be really good for you. That is a good one. Yep. And, uh, Javin Jones. Mm-hmm. Boys, uh, Jaden Jones. Boys, I've got a power move that can be used while watching something with a group of people.
Starting point is 00:14:50 When watching a far-fetched television show a movie, turn to someone you want to belittle and go, remember when you thought this was based on a true story? They all become confused or defensive either way, looking like an idiot who thought Paul Blatt more cop was based on a true story. I like it. I really like it. A really good example used to. I'm going to dare go for one more, even though that was Stella.
Starting point is 00:15:16 This is from Ed Greenwood, him. Pow move. He's seen it done. He was genius. If you're attending a conference, then you want to get out of there. Way to the end when the host throws out for questions. Let only one or two questions go before you raise your hand. And when the host invites you for your question, start with, well, thank
Starting point is 00:15:37 you for a great presentation. And I'd like to wrap things up with this final question. Oh! Whoop! Hey, I haven't told Jack the backstory for this one, but I did send you an item. Yeah. The other day to go... Do you want to figure out what you were sending it for? It was a barbecue. It was a barbecue.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I said, if you're interested in a new barbecue, have a look at this one. Jack, I hear it, I was going to figure out what you were sending it for. Was it barbecue? Was it barbecue? I said, if you're interested in a new barbecue, have a look at this one. Jack, here it is. I've got a picture. You've got a barbecue system, isn't it? Because it's like stainless steel. It's got the tray up to the side. And the side burner.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I mean, a lot of people go, if they go the extra level, do they get that side burner thing where you can put a wok or a dead fire? Not something. For me, I don't have that myself. Having been at the beach has recently, and that's on wheels, so that tastes
Starting point is 00:16:26 the cylinder, but yours is plumbed in. Yes, but I don't have a screaming, but I don't have a side burner. Back to common day. So that's the barbecue, Jack. Yep, looks like a barbecue. It's the Kalamazoo outdoor gourmet hybrid, fire, free-standing natural gas grill with side burner. Yep. The whole Kalamazoo, if they say in the biz. Zoo outdoor gourmet hybrid fryer free standing natural gas grill with sideburner. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:46 The whole Kalamazoo, if they say in the biz. How much would you pay Jack for the barbecue? It looks exactly like a barbecue. Oh, I guess those ones with the full kick go above a thousand, hey, a thousand, 1500. They can go above a thousand. They can go. They just, if you're a little coy, They're just getting warmed up there at a thousand Have an outrage just get right 10 grand 109
Starting point is 00:17:12 $563 it's not even a rest We can't go any less than this we've got it there. It's a wild amount. It is Wow I mean that's right I'm not doing it several times hoping there be a clue like it's gonna diamond in cross-hand or something. It's a mate. It's a silver, but it's a mate of silver. No, it's a stainless steel. No, you think it's 24 karat silver, don't you? But I wouldn't be a good thing to build a barbecue out of because it was start to melt. It's $109,000 barbecue. It gives you an idea in the chain. In the chain. Brochus and I was getting it to the house. This is not even the expensive one. This is the expensive one.
Starting point is 00:17:51 And I said, yeah, but do you have any good ones? No, so my mate was in, winning appliances, that store, and saw the barbeque. I was like, oh, what? This is for sale for, this is in the store. I thought you found this on the internet. No, no, no. It's available retail. I thought it was, oh, I thought it was clickbait off. Oh, there was BuzzFeed.
Starting point is 00:18:10 You're like, these barbecue, top 10 barbecue prices that are made your eyes water. You won't believe the grill on number four. No, the mate Smilesy was going to have a look at barbecue. He said, oh, go top of the road, don't drink myself. Went down to winning appliances just around the corner from his house and has gone in and gone, okay, can you show us the top of the range? They went, this is the one
Starting point is 00:18:29 he's like, oh, that looks really great. What's the surprise on that? It's just shy of 110 grand. So I feel like we should ring them today. I've got a contact for the barbecue expert. He's like Kalamazoo. It's the Kalamazoo. This guy's named Russell Crossdale, and he's expecting our call. I mean, they just can't do it. He doesn't know exactly why. But, I mean, if he sold one, I'd be... You'd need to sell one a decade.
Starting point is 00:18:56 I'd be flabbergasted. What are Russell speaking? Russell! It's Hamish Nierdy here, mate. Mate, how are you? Russell, how are you going, mate? I hope we haven't caught you in the middle of any sales. Not, we're all good.
Starting point is 00:19:07 We are all good. Hey big fan of winning appliances. In fact, one I made shop there recently and was looking for a barbecue and there's a barbecue in particular we'd just like to drill down on a little bit. Yeah, absolutely. More on happy to help. Are you all familiar with the entire range of barbecues there? Yeah, I like to tell people that I am here absolutely.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I have any different types of barbecue to you you guys reckon you sell at winning appliances? Different brands it'd be 10 to 15 different styles probably five to eight different styles of across those brands and styles would you sell sort of one of each every couple of weeks or every week or there's some that sell more than others. Yeah, there's absolutely some that sell more than others. And there's some that are more of a considered purchase and some that they need to design as based the fit around their barbecue. Okay. Yeah. We're interested in the Kalamazoo
Starting point is 00:19:57 outdoor gourmet hybrid free fire free standing natural gas grill and side burner. Are you familiar with that product? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Beast of a unit. What was that Yeah, absolutely. Beast of a unit. What was that? It's a beast of a unit. A beast of a unit. Absolutely, beast. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:20:09 What's the retail price on that one? It comes in three different sizes. So it comes with three different configurations for burn it. Go for it. And what's, if we start at the top, full spec. 85,000. Okay, because it's listed here at 110,000. And I still think 85 is a lot.
Starting point is 00:20:31 So if you sharpen your pencil for it, that's not a four stock, is it? So the 110,000 one is the is the hybrid by a K 1000 in marine grade stainless steel. Yes, that's the dog for people who live by the water. So it's more corrosion resistant. It's a dead. You know, they've got to be chowseed. It can stick up for another 20.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Yeah, exactly right. So what kind of guarantee do you get warranty? Do you get if you if you shell out 110 large? So it'll come with a three-year manufacturer warranty. But you know, Kalamazoo is going to look after you. I mean, it's a lifetime purchase. It's a very large, considered purchase. They're always. If you're selling a house to buy above, can you? I'm not sure you've made the right decision.
Starting point is 00:21:19 And can you live in it? How good is the sausage that comes off for Kalamazoo? Does it do you have to do anything? Can you toss raw meat in? Or can you just get this yellows at you and say come across and have a sausage? That's exactly what you can do. Put a sausage in it, it'll do the rest for you. It's such an incredible barbecue that, look,
Starting point is 00:21:40 those sausages are gonna be the best tasting sausages you've ever had. Have you ever had a snag off a calamizoo? I have indeed. I have a taste. It was the best sausage you've ever had. He's a true what they say with the calamizoo that you could catch a live pigeon, close the lid on it. Opened it up two hours later, there's a perfectly roast turkey in there.
Starting point is 00:22:04 You're going to have a gourmet meal with that pigeon. Okay. Here's another question. How many calamas ooze of that we saw one today? Outdoor gourmet. Gourmet hybrid, fire free standing natural gas grill and sideburners to your cell. Say a quarter. Say a quarter. we do move a few of them I mean being the price point that it is and the size it is it is such a considered purchase and like I said It's the sort of unit that the clients that are coming in are building an area to fit the grill The K1000 weighs about 400 kilos Yeah, you compare that to it's just a regular run of the Mill barbecue that's about 85 to 90 kilos.
Starting point is 00:22:47 It gives you an indication of the size of it. So there's certain areas that need to be considered and built to fit the actual grill. It is a considered purchase. You wouldn't just have it near the counter for people to give gone in. I time to buy a few tongs and go tell you what I'll grab you. Okay, well, that's in as well while I'm here. How many people could it cook for? If you were to cook, I guess in a smart kind of way, you could feed 40 or 50 people with it. Right. So you're getting it down to sort of 2 grand ahead. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's done to work out more cost-effective. You're getting it down to sort of two grand ahead We're in with you know 50 of your mates and you sort of had a you know every weekend Someone gets it and suddenly you're looking at on a time share basis. Yes beginning to be a bit more it is heavy Those so the cranes you mean often to your mates hair cranes
Starting point is 00:23:44 It also need to have a crane have a mate with a crane. You need a central location where you can take your fairly. So it's a really ideal for say you live on a street with 50 of your best friends that has sort of a central part. Exactly right. That you could install the K1000 in and it's agreed that you get a weekend a year. It's all yours, but cook for the straight. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:24:07 And then you know, it's going to cook very, very well for all you and all your friends. Have you had a sausage off a webber? Yes, I have. How would you compare the two sausages? It's like comparing sports cars with family cars. You know, that's a great question. And it's not that good.
Starting point is 00:24:22 They both do them very well, but they just do them very differently. Yeah, okay. Yeah, nicely done. I don't know if you feel at the end of the day it is just adding heat to a sausage. Russell, one final question. Can we taste a K-1000 sausage unit taste test in a blind taste test? I reckon I could tell, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Yeah, final question. Absolutely. in a taste test, in a blind taste test. I reckon I could tell, yeah, absolutely. Final question, right? Russ, when someone walks in your shop, do you know if they're a chance for the K1? Can you look someone up and down and just go, I'm a chance for the K1 here? But before we had them, I reckon I could up. But now that I've started dealing with certain clients,
Starting point is 00:25:03 no, I don't think I could. You've surprised that the clientele that come in looking at them and people that are very, very well aware of them. They've seen them overseas, they've seen them in magazines or online. It's really quite a vast scope of people who are looking for it. It's a status symbol, isn't it? It's the Bentley of the barbecue world. Rust, I know you're busy.
Starting point is 00:25:30 We will let you go. Oh, I don't know. But I was just gonna say, do you have a partner? Rust, if it's not too much of a personal question, do you? Yeah, I do, yeah. Especially someone at home. If you sell a K-1000 at work, and it's all you,
Starting point is 00:25:42 no split-comish, and you go home and your partner says how is your day what do you say I mean we work for the same company show she's probably watching my numbers anyway do you recognize you have a Clinton arrive if you should be like there is there's my K-1000 salesman he's definitely not definitely not we're not at that point yet okay so you know the point yet. I'm not going to be blown away by my barbecue. Okay, so you know the point yet where you're putting through fake purchases of the K-1000 to refund at a later date just to impress your partner. We'll get there eventually, but not at the moment.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I'm actually at Russell. Final question, I know I've said that a hundred times, but we have a loyalty card here at the Hamish Nandy podcast and in entitles any card holder to 10% off any store worldwide. Probably seen a few of them coming through the doors. Of that 10%, the customer is required to give 5% straight back to you, Russ. Would you guys accept it?
Starting point is 00:26:41 I can't say why not. I mean, you know, it's not my decision, but yeah, absolutely. It's a card that's still in love. It's a card that's still in love. You got five. They get five. Everybody wins. Exactly right. Thank you, mate. All the best. Thank you so much for your time, buddy.
Starting point is 00:26:56 That's fascinating. Well, thank you, mate. Thank you, guys. Thank you, guys. Hey, I'm an ongoing saga that we're forced to come back to reluctantly, of course, because we're about up in this show and this one is certainly a downer, would you say? It's, well, it's a weight on the show. Yeah. If there's one thing the right brothers taught us, just before they took off on their
Starting point is 00:27:19 famous flight in the Kitty Hawk, they yelled out, hey, someone get that anvil off the plane because you can't get airborne with something weighing you down. Yeah, yeah. And that turned out to be one of my famous quotes. It's a Kittiehd, that's true. It's also a clown over the show, isn't it? It's a clown, and they also said, oh, why aren't we waiting for this storm to pass?
Starting point is 00:27:36 And we'll give us time to unstrap the anvil. And so in both of those things, I think helped that initial flight for the Wright brothers. And that's what we need. We need to get rid of a cloud. We need to unspap an anvil. And we need to unspap an anvil. Anvil, of course, is this deceiving scandal.
Starting point is 00:27:51 That's the cloud that's hanging over us. The scandal anvil. The anvil, and the scandal anvil is, we don't know what it's made of. It could be made of lead. It could be. It could really be an anvil that is weighing us down. Or it could be a hilarious film prop that's made of styrofoam and in fact would have been a funny thing to take on your mate and fly on Kitty Hawk.
Starting point is 00:28:10 So for people seeing the right one's going, gee, they're doing with an handful. And that's just a jussian with your girls. That's a great product. Straight from Hollywood. Anyway, Nick joins us again now. Nick, apologies to you as well, mate. It's obviously, I hoyd you and it's obviously been dragging on. Yeah, hoyd boys.
Starting point is 00:28:26 It is going for a bit. I just want to, just want to get my innocence out there. Yep. Well, it has only dragged on for 10% of the total time we've ever done the podcast. Well, I suppose it's pretty, I suppose it's pretty long. I suppose it's key to the stage of a long drag on now,
Starting point is 00:28:40 but people are joining the show right now. Nick showed you special skill of being able to recall every special skill that we have tested on this show and whether they got it right or wrong. Celebrated episode 100 with it. Yes, he has since, it was challenged as to whether he was cheating with some kind of spreadsheet sheet, maybe he used the app. Nick, where we are at this stage is we haven't gone to a formal grilling, which is the next step in the process,
Starting point is 00:29:06 but we offered you a chance to find you a lawyer, and that's why we wanted to get you back on today. Did we find one? We had some great contact from lawyers. I'll just kick things off here with Jordan, who writes in, as a professional lawyer, so already you get the vibe that he's a lawyer. That sounds lawyer.
Starting point is 00:29:22 I have grave concerns of the legality of the conduct. In episode 101 of the Hamish and Andy podcast, then he gives dates. It's all very kind of like giving evidence. With the tribunal phase of the hearing complete, I feel obliged to inform you of the necessary conduct for a fair trial hence forth. The defendant Nick must be allowed access to a duty lawyer, which the court must provide, I guess that's us. And if you cannot provide one due to his own financial hardship, or we've said all this, we can take care of this. He said, look, to this point, proceedings have been shambolic. And I have no confidence in this court to deliver a fast and fair and just fairly.
Starting point is 00:29:57 With the threat of a formal grilling and a witch hunt looming, the defendant must be allowed proper counsel. I support this. He's not putting himself forward. He says, I'm not going to be with the board, but I support the movement to give him proper council. And he says, nobody wants to see an innocent man sent to death row. So, wow. Jordan may be confusing this podcast with another true crime one. He's listening to it at the same time. But yeah, Nick, he's everyone's in support of this. Okay, Nick, let me put some people to you, okay?
Starting point is 00:30:25 And then you've got a peak one. This is William. Okay, I wasn't sure what an easy name. Could go with Will, but no William. So obviously he's very official. There's a Hoi Boys, I'm a lawyer willing to represent Nick on the allegations of the special skill, the special skill coin fraud.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Not a fancy courtroom litigator, like your sound TV. I've actually never represented a client in court. I'm more of a corporate mergers and acquisitions type of guy. Well, I suppose we're hoping to merge your good name, Nick, with the concept of truth and justice. See, it is a merger of types. And look, he's confident that he can do the job still. It's just the kind of lawyer Nick needs
Starting point is 00:31:04 to clear his name against these baseless allegations. He normally charges $530 per hour. That's very nice. But I'm willing to represent Nick for a token of no value and promises to not attribute any value to it. Kind of regards William, special counsel of a large national law firm. He does sound honest, Nick. I mean, I've got one here from Fraser. Doesn't actually say Zaloyah, but he puts forward a few defences. St Nick was called out of the blue.
Starting point is 00:31:35 He didn't have time to prepare a reasonable defense. He said, most of the evidence brought forth before the tribunal is character only. Character only. And it has no bearing on what's actually on trial. Said he should not be trialled. The trial shouldn't be about whether it's a devious or suspicious man.
Starting point is 00:31:56 The only job is to assess, sorry, the accused crime in isolation. I think that's fairly true. Then he said, look, I'd be happy to represent Nick. I would like to sue the Hayden Shinanti show. Should we be fair and innocent? For an eight coin coin, then he writes, I'll octop or nothing,
Starting point is 00:32:14 you'll find his very common in law, sir. I've not heard of octop or nothing, but he puts forward this concept of countersuing, which I don't think is fair, because I feel like we're trying to run a pretty fair trial here. Yeah, we'll hopefully Nick doesn't go with him. What was he's doing? That was Fraser.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Nick Jake is also submitted. Hey guys, I'm a lawyer, got a degree in shit, and if you don't believe me. Yeah, I'm fine, I can top my way out of anything. So that's his vibe. He goes on to say a few other things, but he says he's also... That was close to that 5G. He also says that he's the world's most expensive liar,
Starting point is 00:32:52 costing one billion an hour. Jesus, he's happy to do it for free for you, Nick. All right. So Jake, can I throw one more in the midget? Yep, okay. So the man we've got, Guy not submitting himself, Fraser, I'm unsure if he's Laura Marsai of things. We've got the mergers and acquisitions, Guy, Bill, and we've got, Guy not submitting himself, Fraser I'm unsure if he's lower on my side of things.
Starting point is 00:33:05 We've got the mergers and acquisitions going. Yeah, and we've got the lawyer and shit. Yeah. This is from Chris. And the reason I leave it to last, not to lead the witness, but it was a very good application. Long time listen, first time email,
Starting point is 00:33:17 I'm a lawyer of a top tier firm in Melbourne. My currently hourly charge is $429 now. I must be slightly less nice. Yes. Like Nick, I was once put through a formal grilling where I was wrongly accused of cheating on a test. I was ambushed by my accuses, and I was not offered legal representation.
Starting point is 00:33:35 This experience is what inspired me to become a lawyer. God, this is. Over the years of listening. It's just like Marley Custing, Will Smith, this guy. Over the years, I've listened to the podcast. I've noticed that Hamish is quite good legal mouse. There we go, that. And better than every stagging skills.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Therefore, when Nick was first accused of this crime and opted to do a no comment interview, I knew this bloke needed a lawyer, ASAP. I see and hear a lot of myself in Nick. I feel that representing him at his formal grilling is why I became a lawyer, hashtag free Nick. Nick, he'd like to go with. I don't know Nick, I like the guy that said I'm a lawyer and shit, but it's up to you. Well, the potential counselor was a bit appealing, but since I've heard Chris's, I think since
Starting point is 00:34:24 he's got that shared experience, he'll have the passion and the motivation to fully represent me. Yeah, great. We'll connect you guys. Yep, we'll connect you. That's fantastic. We'll get we'll get started on to this. And when now that we've got all the pieces in a row, when is the formal reeling?
Starting point is 00:34:39 Is it next week? So is the lawyer representing you at the affordable grilling? I believe so. Okay. He's where the I believe so. Okay. He's where the barbecue. And the lawyer is, I'm the, well I guess he's a heat shield.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Yeah. But 40, okay. Yeah. But we all have to. Is he a heat shield? Because we do want heat to be applied to Nick. Nick's the meat. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:00 And we're grilling him. Yeah. I guess the lawyer is the spatula. Yeah. He can save him when he's done. We'll work out the analogy Nick, whichever we thought that through when I count the concept of grilling. We're all in Tuxedo, so it's a formal grilling.
Starting point is 00:35:15 That is a formal grilling. I ain't been a cracker show, but obviously we need to continue our quest to locate and display the best special skills in all of the land. It comes in from a alert listener, Matt, he's in Canada, he's in Vancouver. Now, the fact he's in a different city gives us a good clue because he's, he's Gilly's city-based. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:42 So, it's, it's an amazing skill. It's not something you could learn. This is what interests me about Mount skill. It's kind of vibe based. It's intuition. And that's really, they're rare, those special skills, but that is the, you know, you're getting closer to the X-man type. Yeah, absolutely. Oh, attributes there because it's sort of like, I don't know how I do this. I was born with it. When I touch a playing card, it goes explosive. My fault is just what happens, right? He believes he can pick any, if we pick any city in the world
Starting point is 00:36:15 and we tell him the time, which would be kind of be now, he can tell us the temperature. Oh, that's easy. So that means world traveled. He's just always got a global feeling of what the temperature is. Yeah, okay. Over time, he's sort-traveled. He's just always got a global feeling of what the temperature is. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Over time, he's sort of like the NASA satellite that, you know, goes, I'll, the planet's heating up too much, but that's sort of in his head. He's got that capability. He joins us via Zoom now, I guess, from Canada. Ahoy, do you, Matt? Ahoy, good to be here. Head to MRTH Andy. No need, thank you so much Matt.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Matt, this is very exciting and I assume ham the reason why we wanted to kick this up with a zoom because it's the first one we've done this. Yeah, this is, we, is the reason we're zooming in. To show up our defenses a little bit, as you'd be aware, there's Bansom scandals. He's not. There's Bansom Racons scandals. You'd be across that.
Starting point is 00:37:03 We can very, very clearly see in your background that you do not have spreadsheets anywhere. No, no, no, no, you have any assistance We believe this to be something you can just tap into but just in case We might get a hot of a piece of paper or something in front of your face or close your eyes. Why that could be this pretty Shows that I Hold up the mirror spreadsheet wouldn't it be in front of your face or close your eyes. Well, that could be the spreadsheet. That's all possible. The show's the head first. But hold up to me, you're a spreadsheet. I think it wouldn't have been.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Would it be fine for him just to have his hands out? What if he's already clicked on that on the screen? Oh, okay. Can you do this first, Matt, just like a classic? Oh, yes. A blinded self-blind. Self-blind. That's what we need to see.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Yeah, how many answers. Okay. All right, we're gonna do five cities.. That's what we need to see. Yeah, many answers. OK. All right. We're going to do five cities. Great. And we'll take the time. People can play along. Hamish knows the cities I don't.
Starting point is 00:37:52 And so I'm going to see how my vibe goes, because it's nice to have. Oh, I need to see your hands up too. Thank you. It's nice to have a control. It's nice to have a control as well, because I'm a late player. It's fun, yes. I like that.
Starting point is 00:38:08 My fun. People enjoy playing along with things. Okay, here we go. Jack's got the up and down. Today, Matt, day knows if the city's feeling hot, hot, hot, or cold. We're going to need more than hot, hot, hot or cold. That's the perfect symbol there. We'll need more than hot hot hot or cold, but that's excuse the perfect symbol there I will need more than hot hot hot or cold. We'll need it to within plus or minus one degree Celsius That's the band I'll give that's tough. What do you mean? Oh, that is tight
Starting point is 00:38:34 Well, what do you want I can we go to mate? Possum minus two. Yeah, so if it's 25 you can be 20 as high as 27 as love's 23 Yeah, I think that's the ambient temperature Really band? Yeah, okay, but's the ambient temperature. Really bad. Yeah, okay, but anywhere in the world and you're just not at the top. You're getting pasta minus two, which means you're gonna get four out of five,
Starting point is 00:38:51 man, I think that's fair. Perfect. Yeah, perfect. Yeah. You're like, we've played straight into your hands. Okay, Matt, place your hands over your eyes to remove any accusations and a bit tighter to your face please.
Starting point is 00:39:05 It could be, just yeah, thank you, you could be peaking a bit downwards there. Or if he's written what he's had. Charles Yanns, show them to the camera. I can't. Okay, okay. Okay, and show us this thing. Can you show us your ankles so you don't have someone tapping more's code to your ankle like in a film box talking to his making barrels? Here we go. You're good. Can you show us your ankles so you don't have someone tapping more code to your ankle like in a film box talking to his making barrels?
Starting point is 00:39:26 Here we go. You're good. Can you show us your ankles? Yep, you show us your ankles. Please, ankles. Okay. I mean, if this guy's cheating, I don't know how he's doing. Okay. The first city is Santiago in Chile.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Oh, what time is it? Sorry, I should point out. It's 10.39pm in Santiago. Okay. Do you want a thought process or do you just want an answer? So you give us the TP. Okay. Hey, so it's winter in Santiago.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Highs, I'd say, normally around 15. Lowes close to zero, so I think it's seven degrees. Seven degrees? Yeah. It's nine. He's got it with the marker there. it's seven degrees. Seven degrees? Yeah. It's nine. He's got it. We've got it.
Starting point is 00:40:07 He's got it. He's got it. OK. We move on. We move on. Currently, let's jump down to Vienna in Austria. Where it is, I don't worry about�ing yourself anymore, because we've got the 440 am in Vienna.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Okay, mid-summer in Vienna, the highs are getting around 5 lows, probably 15. Did you say the high was sorry, man? About 25, I'd say, in Vienna. So the low at 440,'s gonna be close to the low So I'm gonna say it's 17 markers before dawn. Oh, it's 20. Oh But it's okay. It's impressive though. Isn't it good? It's okay really impressive Okay, because we're moving to Chicago where it's 940 p.m It's 940 p.m. Okay, I got him at summer as well.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Pretty human dead. Probably would have got to 25 during the day. Still pretty warm. I think it's 20. It's 25. Oh, God. Oh, God. He was gone.
Starting point is 00:41:19 He was gone. But he was gone. Unless you get the next one exactly right. Which flies you back in. We have to. Because it's so impressive. He's got two to go, doesn't was, unless you get the next one exactly right, which applies to you back here. We have to, because it's so impressive. Yeah, good. He's got two to go, doesn't he, here. Let's bring it down to one either side.
Starting point is 00:41:31 One degree either side. For the last two, if you get the last two, you still get the coin, because I'm... Mid game rule change. Mid game rule change. It's because it's fun, it's fascinating. It's great, I love it. Double and it's 341 A. fascinating. It's great. It's great. I love it. Dublin. It's 341 AM.
Starting point is 00:41:46 And drizzling. Dublin, I was mid-summer, but I have a shit summer. I think the highs are only 20, and I think it is about 16 now. Oh, well done. 15. Yeah! I thought I led you astray because I told you it was drizzling which you think is cold but for some somehow it's 15 degrees Celsius that's 341 in the morning. That's that's constantly the British weather, hey? Yeah. You got you
Starting point is 00:42:16 set it and I. Okay. Here we go. Okay, let's bring it home. He needs something, something exciting here. Do you also think about elevation of the city? Oh yeah, oh yeah. That's all in the algorithm. Don't worry about that. Oh yeah. We'll take it. Okay, it's 1042 a.m.
Starting point is 00:42:36 in the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong. What's the temp? You're okay. There was a curve along the altitudes. Yes, it's a sea level city. I was looking at La Paz and I Give it. Okay, 1042 Hong Kong is pretty consistent. I think it's 29. It's exactly I'm a little bit on the other side. It's phenomenal. Oh!
Starting point is 00:43:04 Oh, that's so good. And I don't want to immediately rain on anyone's parade, as we know is raining in Dublin at the moment. But for the last two, you did have your hands off the eyes. I told him you did. I know. I know you told him too. And we went from the magic of one, bang on.
Starting point is 00:43:21 No, mate. I'm not accusing anyone of cheating. I'm just saying the graph is gonna, people are gonna notice. No. But I believe, I believe, I'm just pointing out. It's the way he talked it through.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Yeah. I believe. Yeah. We can't have not. I've not. That, one second, because I can't want to celebrate you, so it's, I'm celebrating.
Starting point is 00:43:40 But we can't, who's the only guy out of you here? There's got to be, I'm celebrating on my point is, I'm going, I reckon we've got to. Who's the only guy out of his chair? There's got to be. I'm celebrating on my point is, I love you ongoing. I reckon we've got to go back to the honesty system because there's too many hoops at the start. There's too much rigmar, a red tape
Starting point is 00:43:53 before we get to the business and how good was the business? The business was amazing. Yeah. And then you bought a home bang on the nose with Hong Kong. What do you think Hong Kong will get to today at 29 degrees? Like what's the rest of the day hold for Hong Kong? Hong Kong will get to 31. 31? Pretty good. I'm looking at the upcoding five hours for Hong Kong will get to today at 29 degrees. Like what's the rest of the day hold for Hong Kong? Hong Kong will get to 31.
Starting point is 00:44:07 31, huh? Pretty good. I'm looking at the upcoming five hours for Hong Kong. We got a 30, 31, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 31. Oh, that's a pretty good idea. He knows. You know what's good. You've got yourself a coin, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:44:18 I just wanna give you. You've got a coin, I just wanna say to anyone that's noticing how accurate he got towards being. He got his iron, I completely believe that Oh, yeah, there's no ones that set with the rule change. I'm just I'm just throwing it out there to just cut this stuff off before it becomes a thing You're outstanding, Maddie. What can we just ask now that you are a coin owner and you've got one heading your way to Vancouver Why are you so good at this? I don't know I've lived in three, so I got a good feel and then
Starting point is 00:44:47 and then just constantly checking constantly standing touch and It's just nice. Let's retake the weather bands and have you ever accidentally do you ever go put a jacket on because you sound like you're a Kiwi? You're a Kiwi? Okay, we know. You have put a jacket on and go wait a sec. Not in Donnie even I mean Vancouver Just readjust the algorithm or you, you never slipping up. That's got on, spot on myself. Yeah, yeah, he knows. He's in Vancouver. Thank you, not as impressive as you always do.
Starting point is 00:45:18 What's he doing, I mean? Thanks for listening. The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com.

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