Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2020 Ep 110

Episode Date: September 23, 2020

1. Horgs reacts to expression of interest 2. Upset Andy 3. Impulse Club – first arrivals 4. Tallest buildings – special skill 5. Public private service announcement &nb...sp;

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Cause the Haymission and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi do you hear? Oh my goodness. On what is a very powerful day? A hoi-do-you-haaam. On what is a very powerful day, a hoi-do-you-jacko? Oh, hoi. It's gonna happen today.
Starting point is 00:00:31 What a day. I mean, let's before we get there, before we get the big announcement away, let's say a hoi-to-math-you, who believes in the UK and uses the very easy system of uploading. What are he, he's up to at www.hameshowdy.com. Good day boys, Jack, I'm just out for a walk with my son who was born about six months
Starting point is 00:00:52 ago, started a lockdown here in the UK and I just haven't got a message in here and sending this in but I thought it would be nice to let you know that I named him after you. Jack? know that I named him after you. Sure. You know, it would be nice to let you know that, it wouldn't be true. So, named him Porter instead. Good one. And I wanted to let you know that I have encountered zero tea them problems with the loyalty card.
Starting point is 00:01:18 It's fantastic news, I'm sure you'll agree. And I will get around to using it as some moisture. It's got to kill me, it's got to kill me. Well, congratulations on the SPA mission. Thank you. I will get a room to use it as some moisture Congratulations on the SP Wow, we hope you get out of here. We hope you get off that spot. You're not soon Taken as strong in the country using the wind tunnel is a testing aer a cloud, I think, is embracing rambles rights. And he's out in the fields. Thank you for doing that.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Hey, I'm an exciting day, because obviously, we put out expressions of interest with regards to whether you'd be interested in purchasing the power moves book. We did this, Mark. We did. We ended up both of us studied some of us briefly, some of us for the full whack, marketing at
Starting point is 00:02:05 university, and the great thing about technology these days is in the old days, if you had an idea for a product, whether it's a gold mining pan or a... And you got a horse bride or something. You had to hope. You didn't just hope that the market was there for it. There was no system. There's no clicker system that you could sort of accurately gauge the global public's appetite
Starting point is 00:02:33 for your market. I'm not sure whether people did put up in the town square on a piece of paper. Sign up if you've been there. Drop a little notch. Hammer and nail into this post. If you're interested with like a new bridal, 15 nails. All right, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I'll tell Mr. Jeffers to start tanning hard. And we'll hope that this thing doesn't, doesn't send us bankrupt. Nowadays, we've got technology. And so we have the ability, before we decide how many copies of the power moves book to print, the ability to test the waters, the ask the global citizens of the world who'd be in. We asked people to go to homestay.com and to click on, click on, it kind of represents a security guy,
Starting point is 00:03:13 click on, you might see at the front of a nightclub and just only click at once if you're interested in the book. Yeah. And we, look, I must admit, did get a direct message on Instagram, someone guy saying he accidentally clicked it twice. Yeah, I had sort of those as well. I was informed by someone saying, I wasn't sure if I was working.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I had someone saying I might have clicked it up to four times. Right. Okay. They're outliers, and they know they did the wrong thing. And they've let us know. So we can adjust the number according to that. So that's three on Mars, I the fence. I'd like to take off one on yours.
Starting point is 00:03:43 One of mine, Jack and E from you. I did see someone put a video up on Instagram where they clicked, I guess, for fun, being a bit silly clicked a few times. That is silly, so I didn't know about that one. How many extra times did you do? So I would say maybe up to five clicks. Okay, so let's remove 10, maybe 15 to be safe. Genoa 15's off the total.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And they accounts for the silly billies. Yep. And I think apart from that everybody else did what we are, which is have a think about it. If you have between $30 and $40 to spend on this historic tone and you would like one, let us know if you would be the kind of person that would be available as a customer and click once at the website on the clicker. How many clicks do we get up to?
Starting point is 00:04:23 As of now when we're recording this on Tuesday. Mine is the 15. Sorry, yes. We have 4131,671 clicks. That's minus the 15. Wow. Now that is why you ask the public. You didn't see 4 million plus nails in the post
Starting point is 00:04:44 when the Jeffers were proposing their new horse bridle. That's because they're bridal suck. That would have been absolutely music to their eyes if they saw a post with that many nails in it. This is fantastic news. It means though we've got a huge demand and again in economics, we're going to have to work on supply.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I mean, we should, sorry, just WebGaze are jazz. He's a Tesla fan, right? What, wasn't there like when the Tesla 3 came out, like Elon Musk said, let us know or pre-order, that broke records, I think that was like 50,000, 50,000, right? And that was like a world record for pre-orders, even more than the iPhone.
Starting point is 00:05:20 We scoff at you, Musk. I'm just saying, it's not competition between us and Musk, but thankfully for him. It is a nice other start, because he would have to hit a massive egg on his face. Let's give Hawke to Cole. He's the book publisher. We said that before that we have,
Starting point is 00:05:35 he, you child people, the Hawke's is showing this book at the point. Let's give Hawke to Cole. Jack, just with a shrug. Jack, there used to be a time, Jack Jack when you were a reliable archive of the show. I remember that. Yeah. Now every time I I've learned Jack's way since a quick shrug of like, don't ask me.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Don't worry. Responsibility. He he he's over there tuning in tuning out. I suppose as best as he can. That's why you that's why you have a hobby. It's a nice place to come and unwind. All right. I got a hoax. This number is already. Well, that's the way you have a hobby. It's a nice place to come and unwind. All right. I've got a hogs' number.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Okay, all right. Let's give him a bus. Okay. We'll get given the good news. You get four of the impulse. That's huge. How are? Hogs.
Starting point is 00:06:16 How much do you need here, mate? How much? And Jack's. If he's tuning in. How are you, hogs? Jack's present. Jack, physically. On the phone call.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Mentally, he does drift off. You can't ask a man to have a... He won't turn up, mate. If we keep making this a stressful environment for him, no, it was a stressful lobby. Paul, you rang me a couple of weeks ago saying, how many of these books should we get printed and bring out? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Remember I said to you, I'll get a gauge on the internet, we'll put a little expressions of interest, kind of click it up at the website. And remember, Hugs, this is just the number of people that could be bothered going to the website to click on a button. There's probably people that heard the podcast
Starting point is 00:06:59 and went, yeah, I will get one, but come bother going to a website, just to click a button, just to let the guys know I'm gonna get one. So you'd be, you know, when we turn get one, but come bother going to website just to click a button just to let the guys know I'm gonna get one. So you'd be, you know, when we tell them that number you're gonna give me, we're gonna print more or less in this number.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Logically, you should print more. Your, your, this is a fraction, but you tell us. Yes. Andy, how many clicks do we get at the website? There was, there was 15 people that double clicked Hawks. But we sort of, we were like, okay, they're being, they're messing around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:26 But we've got, as expression of interest, 4,131,671 people. You'll be able to. Yeah. I don't think the printers will be enough. I think we need to run this thing all night. What's the biggest order you've ever had? Oh, 50,000?
Starting point is 00:07:49 Double it. No, don't, double it. Like, we think there could be a fuel up the printer night, like, go and buy a 100 gallons of diesel or whatever it runs on because she's going to be working over time for 4 million books. So, you're guaranteeing me there's only 15 double clicks Well, no, well, they're came to our attention. I suppose it's the book We should lean and it's conceivable that you that people could click more than once
Starting point is 00:08:15 We just asked that we were pretty clear. We said very clear. We said please don't run don't muck around with it Right, okay As far as you got to you're gonna listen to them The demand is there. Yep. Halls. Yeah. Does this mean if we were to order four million books, does this bring the price point down from that 35? We were discussing earlier in the week. Can we get it down even further? Oh, you'd be in the 20s-hmm. I must say I'm not confident ordering four million books. But it has to be four million. Like only if you guys are prepared to commit.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Well, I think costs come out of your side, don't they? We just do the deal and I hope you've protected this. Yeah, no, we're not, we're not, we're not, but then we're not exposed to the fall. I'm just in charge of the spending. But this is what comes in. I'll be spending it. I mean, it's a salad return client deal. So if you only sell a thousand, I'd get $3,000, $9,000 back. I know that we wouldn't, you would. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:20 I was. So then we we have to figure out. Wow. Build a warehouse out of the books. Use them as bricks. They can house themselves. What do you... Okay. I think what we're saying here is we are cautiously optimistic, there'll be four million sales.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Could we start though with the normal run that you know, you normally have of whatever it is like 10 15,000 books And then just as this as the orders increase we increase and if it if it clicks over that 4 million when it clicks over that 4 million And the price drops we then just send out refunds to anyone that's already paid you know the full price so we go We're guaranteed to guarantee to refund that the $4 million mark. If after $4 million sales, $10 cash back for every purchaser. Or just can they can they wait two months when they buy? They've waited so long. They've waited so long.
Starting point is 00:10:24 We have spent quite a bit of time building this up. I think we just go, we're pulling the trigger now. Yep. Was it 36? What do we say? 33. Well, four, five. Hawks, what about $33?
Starting point is 00:10:37 Can you do, what if we bought in 20,000 books? That seems a lot. 15,000 books. Could you do $3333 a price? But how much is shipping? You told me like 11 bucks is something. Yeah, it's for $12. It's for $12. Make shipping a 11 mate, make shipping a 11. Okay, and then if you got a mate next door to you, put order two because it's the same amount of shipping. That's good. Yeah, so obviously So obviously, come your local hub. What is the point?
Starting point is 00:11:08 What is someone's orders 20? Yeah, that's still. That's $11. Still $11. Still $11. So we advise people to become book hubs. Book hubs to really stiff it to the shipping guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:20 33 $33. That price point? 11 bucks shipping. One bucks shipping. Once it becomes over 44 million sold. Once we click over four million sold, we've got everyone's details. Got all you banking out there,
Starting point is 00:11:32 that's $10 cash back on that day. Deal, Hawke? Right. That sounds good to me. Yes, it's fine. Oh, well this is fantastic. I feel like I was actually present for the business side of things there for a second and we prepared for this moment
Starting point is 00:11:47 It began as a humble music Do we make a goal for the year on the podcast to draw upon list? Because I don't have anyone's ever done this definitively the power moves. Oh, yes Okay, that's a great idea, but we could never have known that with a global army of brilliant minds It would lead to such an incredible and book worthy list First one comes in from Derek Carruthus Tim Leamon from Megan Michael Senses in Lockster William Scott Nick Dunn Another international one power move real simple one the ultimate power move meeting scenario chair house yoga palms office power move To kill a mockingbird the Odyssey Lord of the Rings my kids books
Starting point is 00:12:25 soon to be available in North America stay on task sorry um war and peace great expectations these are all books like ours but they don't have something we do none of those books took the care to spend over a full year planning their book well don't think we could say that. But we did and with over four million expressions of interest Even assuming up to five percent of those are bogus you can't deny the excitement is a very real When greeting or meeting someone Usually down with the spin of a roll you move my chair away from the table. Yeah, loud as loud as you can He bring her up a lot. That's always a fun
Starting point is 00:13:03 But a disapproving look on your face, you'd be up a hand or anyone in different situations. They'll be rattled and still really convinced. Yeah, it's turning your dominant. Last gaming beer, Ben. I like that. Absolutely no downside. It's such a powerful book that logically no human beings should ever have it in their possession. But we laugh at logic.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Pre-orders at www.hemishanandy.com are available. NOW! 3 orders at remissionerty.com are available. Now! Yeah, head on there. Unbelievable. We're going to accept the Allaudicard. We certainly will. 33 dollars. Allaudicard.
Starting point is 00:13:40 10% off. 30 off. 5% back to you. 965. It's a great deal. The loyalty card, it's an honesty system, but if you have a loyalty card just put in the promo offer on the website, I have a loyalty card.
Starting point is 00:13:54 That's fine. Not all caps or it does matter. It's gay caps. Caps. Because you would, wouldn't you? It's not a shout, but you're confidently saying it. I have a loyalty card, and I will use it. No, huge, huge.
Starting point is 00:14:07 It can be pre-ordered. And if you're listening to this, do it now. And notice how the wall next to you is completely un-punched. Yeah. Well, let's change that. Let's we fight. You're up set, you put your bloody fists through the wall, mate. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:14:28 [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ But what if it wasn't? Upset Andy! I've got an upset Eddie for you. He's got a hypothetical. Yeah. If we were paramedics, we didn't know each other. Okay. And we're going to sign to the same shift. Both straight out of paramedic school.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Yep. Maybe with flying colors. You just scrape through the chin. I'm the view. How long would it be? And so every time we pick up a patient, let's say you've got to get their vitals, right? So heart beat, heart rate.
Starting point is 00:15:04 How long would it be before you said something if instead of saying beats per minute I said this patient's heart is throbbing at seven Throbs per minute. We'd have a problem with that. Would you let it go? I said if you like a alright he's throbbing His heart rates drop down to 41 throbs per minute I think we're in the hustle that you'd be looking for medicines and stuff. So only during it, I wouldn't worry about it. I just interested when you bring it up first time, or would it be day two, day three, day four before
Starting point is 00:15:34 you went, Hey, can I just say something? Maybe when we're having a cafe or something, it will be like, I just say, you bothers me that you say throms. Oh, it would be it'd be it'd be've got everybody, everyone's sorted, got no calls. We're going through the drive thrower. Yeah. And I'd say, throms for community interesting, isn't it? Oh, that's what a heart does at throms. Yeah, but just in the thrower's everything,
Starting point is 00:15:56 I'd love it to use, you know. That's how I say it. And then I just have to be reassigned. And I'd find it here, you partner isn't going to go, hey, just one thing you love. Okay. Jordan, let's bring this back to the real world. Jordan, do you have something that would upset Andy? Yeah, so every time you go to the footy, I love a gem, don't I?
Starting point is 00:16:21 So I'm sure you guys too. Do you have... Do you have...ubs at the fort? Yeah. You can only ever go six. If you ever bought less, they've got the mini donuts. Yeah, they do. It's six or nothing, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Jordan, I love a donut, yes. Yeah, well, for all six, I just jumped my hand in the bag, grabbed it out, and take a bite. I don't pay attention to where that jam hole is. If the jam's just going to fall out, it's my close. I definitely do. Jack even gave me a win to the shake of head. I definitely suss out exactly where the hole is. I do not want a spurting jam. What happens if the jam spurt's Jordan? Just lick it off. I mean, there's a thing. We're animals, Jordan. We're animals, Jordan. I mean, you don't see a lion, like carefully going round a gazelle going on a bed not
Starting point is 00:17:08 bite it there in case the blood squirts that somewhere else. I mean, we're fierce animals. We have canine teeth. You don't see a lion at the football game. Buying yourself down. Thanks, Jordan. Jordan from Jordan to Justin. Justin or Hoey?
Starting point is 00:17:21 Do you have something to upset Andy? Oh, I definitely do. I had to birthday, and you by the way. No need.Hoy. Do you have something to upset Andy? I definitely do. I have to birthday, Andy, by the way. No need. I don't have a ready. Go for it, Josie. I actually straighten my hair every now and then, not too frequently, but whenever I'm finished with it, obviously, you just draw back in the drawer.
Starting point is 00:17:35 There's no need to do anything with it. They're not going to affect it. Do anything with it. You're hair. No, no, no, no. Sorry, when I straighten my hair and I finish with it straight, I draw back in the drawer. I finish with it. The not going to affect of that, though, is that when I pull it back out, it, no, sorry. When I straighten my hair, when I finish with a straightener, I draw a fine literal. Finish with it. The knock on effect of that, though, is that when I pull it back out, it's a tangled
Starting point is 00:17:48 mess. They do seem to tangle. They do seem to like my wife's hair straightener is very, very tangled. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, they come with a little swivel thing, though, but that's on the end of it for the call, but that thing's useless. It just doesn't work. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:00 But anyway, I'm there to straighten hair, not called, so I just plug it in and lean closer to the outlet and do it all the way. Yeah, I'm there to straighten hair not caught so I just plug it in and lean closer to the outlet and Yeah, I wouldn't like that. You're getting you're getting you're hair in the past But you know that I didn't use a straightener. I got the chemical treatment As a common man I kind of fall that though. He's right here with just that. Thank you, Justin. Justin, not even as straight as he is here, but he goes straight for the jugular.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Excellent. Thank you mate, that may be very happy. Hi, sir. Lisa. Hello. Hi, Lisa. Do you have something to say Andy? I do.
Starting point is 00:18:41 It's something that upsets me as well, because I'm like Andy. Which stuff? When my husband uses a tea towel when he's cooking, So it's something that upsets me as well because I'm like Andy. When my husband uses a tea towel when he's cooking, he doesn't put the loop back on the hook. He just sort of squishes it onto the hook, however he can get it on there. This is a good one, ladies. And if you have a tea towel or a hand towel that has a loop yet for the hook, you would
Starting point is 00:19:01 not disrespect the loop. If there was a loop. If there was a loop in hook system, you would never not loop in hook. That is truly so. I'm with your husband here because the thing about the loop in hook system is that loop can be very annoying to find. And when you're on the move and it's a sort of a run and gun situation, a hook, it's sort of insulting to the hook to go, oh, here you go, you need a loop.
Starting point is 00:19:26 They don't really, they just are there to hook anything. That's what all this is. So you can squash it on least. How do you feel about that? Well, it doesn't dry properly. Sometimes it falls off. Yeah, both of them. And then sometimes if you can be bothered to even put it up there,
Starting point is 00:19:42 he just leaves it scrunched up in a ball on the bench. Yeah, it's the, it's the, it's the, it's the, it's the, it's there, he just leaves it scrunched up in a ball on the bench. Yeah, it's here. Which is even worse. Cracker window, shield dry. Yeah. Good job, Alex. Thank you, Lisa. Thanks, mate.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Ruby, Ruby, just... Oh, hi, Ruby. Hi, Ruby. Oh, hi, beard boys and happy birthday, Andy. Oh, one, two. The aligns in fact. No need, thanks, Ruby. But what have you got to potentially upset me?
Starting point is 00:20:10 So making cereal of a morning, I'll you always have that bit at the end of a box that's, you know, a little bit too much to add to your final bowl. So I'm not fought, you know, fast and loose. I'm not measuring out my 45 grams of cornflakes yet my perfect serve of 15. Next morning, I'm opening up my fresh box of rice fobbles. Start having my rice fobbles. Same things happen, you know, again, that little bit at the end, pop it back in the pantry. How many little bits do you have in the pantry, Ruby? It's gone to the point where I've got about 10 separate boxes of cereal now, because you know, no, hit, hit, hit me out. Oh, I have. One day. No, because you know, no, hit, hit me out. Oh, I have one day Do it up times good to shops and get more cereal. Yeah, five boxes of cereal with a little bit left chuck it all in Mega mix
Starting point is 00:20:55 In-fight Packish people over for a nine cereal buffet because obviously not a awful ball But a tech estate Thank you Ruby. I actually don't, I mean I love cereals. I wouldn't mind. What about someone, I hate the fact that she's leaving just little bits, but I love the idea of the combo.
Starting point is 00:21:13 What about someone that doesn't buy the same cereal that is renegade and doesn't stick to the cereal of the household? I'm fine with that as well. I've been doing that lately. Switching, but if I try it. I've been on Sultanana brand lately. Yeah, are you coming from what musley flakes? Uncle Toby's you made the right choice Laura
Starting point is 00:21:34 Quickly Happy birthday Andy. No, um, thank you. Oh, yeah Laura, what have you got to have said Andy? In our house, we don't really have the heater on that bar. Is that because you're parents or? No, I live with my roommate. No, but is it come down from? Because my parents never had the heating on.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I was never allowed it on. So I don't have it on anymore myself. And Beck gets really angry with me. But is it stemmed from a whole generation of you having to not have the head on? No, my parents are pretty, they have a nice, nice, long story then for me. No, he wouldn't let up, they wouldn't let up. Sorry, let me really nail the origins of your head of preference.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Sorry, they're all right, play off. Yeah, get pretty rugged up, no hoodie socks and everything, but then cloth 24 sleep. Forget taking socks off. So in the middle of the night, you know, do the roll down with your feet, take them off. Don't get them out. So then when you wash your sheets, there's a big pile of socks looking pretty well.
Starting point is 00:22:40 You've got how many socks do we talk about Laura? I've been tall longer I leave between washes. Okay, so what I'm hearing is there's an abyss. There's an nest. I've seen a raster nest. Yeah, yeah, no. That's okay. No, you know where your socks are.
Starting point is 00:23:00 You're right. I think socks are just there. I mean, I assume you have an odd do you have an odd socks bag, Andy? Ah, yeah. How often do you go through it? Well, to be perfectly honest, they should never be an odd socks bag. Why? No.
Starting point is 00:23:15 The odd socks. The odd socks. The odd socks. The odd socks. I don't have a hand on every sock. I would never put a sock in that doesn't have a partner. What is this, that back? You try and live in that is unattainable.
Starting point is 00:23:29 It is like an analytical civilization. It's like, you know, we don't have a police force because there's no crime. Yeah, well, someone will take advantage of it. That person's Rebecca Harbing. She is, I couldn't find, she'd hidden, because I was like, we're not doing this one sock kind of utopia that they can go and hang out with.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I said, whenever they go in, they go in as a pair, they come out of a pair, they go. I bet they go. But then I found. Then you think it's more exciting for the socks. I found a big head at a renegade, little basket. He would have had 40 socks in there, single socks. It's just like, yeah, what's going on here, back?
Starting point is 00:24:06 It's like another club for socks. It's more exciting for the socks they go in. They come with, I don't know who they're gonna get paired with in my house, thinking in a blue. Have fun, have fun, enjoy yourselves. What's your favorite song? What's your favorite song? What's your favorite song?
Starting point is 00:24:19 What's your favorite song? What's your favorite song? What's your favorite song? What's your favorite song? What's your favorite song? What's your favorite song? What's your favorite song? What's your favorite song? What's your favorite song? What's your favorite song? And our joyous day here at Hamish Nadi headquarters as impulse club gathers pace. Yep. This is the club for people that have no impulse control like myself and have mercilessly preyed upon by the Instagram and Facebook algorithm.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Yeah, pesters them to keep buying things until we grumble and we buy something that possibly we didn't need, but we couldn't resist. So this has been in the arrivals, it's been how many weeks since? In two weeks, I think, two weeks. I was through weeks. It's first in post cloud, but traditionally, the impulse stuff moves slow. And I'll say that from first-hand experience,
Starting point is 00:24:55 sometimes months later, you can get a ding at the door and go, geez, what's this? Oh, the rainbow lamp. We've got about that. And do you still want it at that point? Sometimes you don't. Sometimes it is possible to have gone a bit cold. But that's what in Pulse Club was invented for. Yep. We're trying to reduce the amount of clutter in the world. I pay 60% of the price. I'll enjoy it for a month. Usually by that stage, I'm
Starting point is 00:25:16 getting it at getting the itch scratch. Yep. And I'll then pass it on to my partner, who's a listener that's paid 40% retail. They get to have it for the rest of their life. I understand you've got this house keeping. It goes back to me. What's that? I understand you've got some housekeeping to do. Do you have a little bit of housekeeping to do before we get to what has arrived?
Starting point is 00:25:33 Couple of things. Okay. People might have heard that there was the magical towel that didn't absorb sand, but would absorb water if you wanted it to, but not if you didn't want it to. It lay on top of, lay on water, but then if you applied pressure, it would absorb water. Yeah, it was pretty not if you didn't want it to. It lay on top of, lay on water. But then if you applied pressure it would absorb water. Yeah, it was pretty impressive.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Sold out. Right. Don't get them. Probably defunct, probably gone. No, I would say. I mean, this is the thing. This is the thing. The towel with pressure on it.
Starting point is 00:25:55 They gone under. They know they, and they won't care. They're very gonna act like the towel was sand on it. With that criticism, they just don't care. Because this is what you find with these great companies that will often just do what they need to do to make the world a better place than back off the not all profit driven.
Starting point is 00:26:11 But we do have some sad news on a few of the items that we purchased with gusto last week. Brody, people might remember the incredible solid slippers. Yeah, you could walk around the house and not be detected. It's completely silent. So, you know, scare you cat to piece.
Starting point is 00:26:30 It's sort of what they were saying, brody. Oh, what are you brody? Oh, you're brides. Oh, boy, mate. I was so pumped for these slippers. You and I had a bit of a sizing issue. I mean, US 12, which is normally quite impressive, but you're a US 13.
Starting point is 00:26:46 And I bow down to the foot size. Yes. Biggest they've got is a US 11, broads. Interesting. I still kind of want to squeeze our feet into that thing. Well, you do, because you were one size away. He's two size so I don't think it's worth it, broads. I mean, I didn't think it was worth it before all this, but I definitely don't think it's worth it, bro. I mean, I didn't think it was worth it before all this but I definitely don't think it's worth it
Starting point is 00:27:06 Bounce I will say one thing I I'm on a traditional Haviana I go two sizes Too small because I like to type it Brody we're getting them okay, we're getting them. I can't absolutely getting those soft slippers. Great. Great. Hold the trigger on that, Marky. Sorry, that's going to be a while today. Come in. Cats, cats beware. The sneak up is still. I'm going to be getting. I'm putting butterflies in my house, then sneaking up. I'm catching them. That's great. They're coming from China, brody. They're going to be a while. No, right. The history tells us, but, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:41 get excited for Christmas. All right. And then there was another bit of bad news. I had Tyler, a hoi Tyler. There he is. Oh, we talked. We spoke last week about the old Lloyd. Yes. What was that? The old Lloyd was the oddly shaped metallic object
Starting point is 00:27:57 that goes on the desk. Biggest piece of junk we've ever seen. You've never known. No, small, spiced junk. Yeah, we're very, they're quite neat and very interesting to look at. Tyler, they are their own proprietary shape, aren't they? Yeah, they're quite neat and very interesting to look at. They are their own proprietary shape, aren't they? They are, yes.
Starting point is 00:28:10 And they're bloody popular, aren't they, Tala? Oh, they're gone. They're all gone. None in stainless steel, none in copper. Hopped off here last week and tried to get them. You can't get an all-oid. Thank goodness. Well, I have a proposition for you. Oh, no, no. Interesting. I don a proposition for you.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Oh, no, not a new one. No, I don't know if you peruse the website much, but they do have a Kickstarter campaign that I believe is still running for the anti-oiloyd. What's that? It's a very similar shape, but very different. It's inverted? It's the opposite shape. It's a very similar shape, but very different. So it's inverted, it's the opposite shape. It's just inverted. So it still rolls the same, but it looks a little different.
Starting point is 00:28:52 In my mind, I feel like when someone tries to explain string theory to you and you're brain bends in on itself, I'm trying to imagine, it was a hard shape to imagine in the first place, and now I'm trying to imagine the negative of that of the inverse still rolls. It's still a shape, mate. Don't worry, don't do it. What a brilliant business these guys have got. Let's invent our own shape.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And then we'll start selling the ante of that shape to go go to Tyler in all seriousness. I will jump in on that and we'll. It's a kickstart, it's not even a thing yet. I'll take care of that for us, Tyler. I'll jump in on the kickstart, and that's gonna be a long play too, all that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on that and we'll be on lately inverted shape of the other alloy. Thanks, Tyler. I hate and I'm happy. That's a ride. Well, we had one thing arrive this week after a couple of those early disappointments, but no, it was still,
Starting point is 00:29:50 who is the partner for this one? Don't have those details in front of you at the moment. I'm excited. Being for them. Yeah, they know who they are, they're listening. Michael run those in for me in a sec. Good on your mic. He's just giving me a little nod there.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Do you remember the Pivo? I think it's Jackie's. It was Jackie. Yep. Jackie and I decided we'd buy the Pivo together. I hear the small camera that follows you around the room. It's a camera for the iPhone.
Starting point is 00:30:14 I am. So here's what you do. Look at this, how's the case? Yeah, it's like it looks like a case. Oh, pretty high end. Okay, it looks like the kind of case you get for binoculars, small binoculars, don't you think? What type of binoculars? Not like high end. High end. No. Here's the great thing. So it's a case, it sits down, comes with a remote. Gee, that's a nice remote.
Starting point is 00:30:34 What was that remind you of? A remote of a high end products. No, like a garage buzzer. Yeah, a garage buzzer. Looks like a garage buzzer. Hold it, you're asked. Look at that. Tell me you show me your garage buzzer has a matte rubber finish on it. That's a fine. Well, man's apple remote. Well, that's all right. That's still a very beautiful garage buzzer. It has a matte rubber finish.
Starting point is 00:30:53 That must be very nice. I mean, living in a garage, but there's that level. Mine is a piece of wood. I've been sharing mine with a sparrow in it, like on the Flingstone. It flies out the presses of that. Okay. Now, this p-vote, you mount the phone, remember you mount the phone on it? Yep.
Starting point is 00:31:12 And it's like a motorized base here. Yep. It kind of looks like it doesn't do a follow-up around the room. Well, we'll follow you around the room. Is it motion-tensive? Yeah. I see you inside. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:22 So I think you down the app, and then you start doing your dance or whatever, and as you move it What are you gonna do what we should do something together? Yeah, we can do something together if you want to put it up We'll put we'll we'll do a dance I know you're not I'm not doing a dance. We'll do a dance. We'll do it. We'll do we'll do some motion and it can track us yeah um and then I think we all really, really fall in love with the pivot. Don't get too attached, so it's only here for a month.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Geez, I won't. Thank you for the update. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, I'm obviously very important podcasters feel like the form let us know of their special skills. Lot coming in at the moment.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Almost like people are stuck inside. Yeah. And going things to do. What is something I've been thinking about doing for two years and I might as well do it today. Fresh off a few weeks back, and we had Matt and Van Cougar with a temperature-based city game. There's another city game that's come forward.
Starting point is 00:32:26 You know it, I know it. It's from a fellow in New York city called Grant. He says, knowing the tallest building and population brackets within a reasonable range of major cities around the world. Important, important granular to have. Yeah. The top building high combo.
Starting point is 00:32:44 He's joining us over Zoom. Yes, we've zoomed in. Oh, hi to have. Yeah. The top building high combo. He's joining us over Zoom. Yes. We've zoomed in. Oh, hi, do you, Grant? Hi, boys. Oh, hi, Chum, one, Chum, two. Chum, no doubt you'd be in the teens of Chumbers.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Did you ever get a Chum number? Grant. Unfortunately, I missed out on that now. Yeah. Hackers. Hackers took down the site. I mean, a quick recap because it's got, I mean, it's such a long story, we tried to take on Facebook without-
Starting point is 00:33:08 I did successfully. Successfully, we had Chums group. No one had names, only had numbers. And we had your Chums shack. And there was no updates, just flags of how you were feeling, but- Do you have the flags of different colors to symbolize the main 200 emotions or vibes or situations of human beings face. So bloody lovely system, was it Utopia?
Starting point is 00:33:27 Yeah. Got hacked, unfortunately. Yes, and a giant hot dog, I think, danced across the screen. Got, we got near a hundred thousand chumbers before we gave the official order to evacuate like Saigon at the end of the year, the Vietnam War. We think everyone out of Chumville, we're being overrun. We've held it for as long as we can, and we're out. And Chumsville, well, it could be a wasteland,
Starting point is 00:33:49 it's tapion wasteland out there. And dishonorably, hey, Michelle, we're the first to leave. Straight, Epson, the word Chum 1 and Chum 2. Not very, very much the opposite of an article captain, if you are Chum 1 and 2, you're first out on the Dancing Hot Dog. Anyway, Grant, that's a long recap for something
Starting point is 00:34:06 you obviously knew because you were the one that used the reference. It's great to talk to you, mate. How are things in New York? I'm a lot better now, but things back in March were bad as bad as they could be here. You're doing, I mean, we're gonna say a small part of your bedroom, this could be,
Starting point is 00:34:22 but you've got a green bay packers, American football helmet on the closet behind you. You wear any Yankees hat backwards. You've got like a gaming headset on, and then there's like a beautiful poster, it looks like the Brooklyn Bridge behind you. It's almost like you're not in New York as you've set up a set to trick us. This is all a stage in Los Angeles right now. That was so exciting. Yeah, Grant, do you prefer Grant or Grant? The first one. Grant, that's the American pronunciation.
Starting point is 00:34:50 The American way. You don't want to get too British on the very grand. Yeah, yeah. Grant, I mean, with love to know, I mean, so your skill is A, populations of cities, and then B, knowing the tallest building in that capital city, which skill came first? I would say the tall buildings first. I'm a structural engineer in New York City, so I've always had a passion for buildings, so it's just information that kind of picked up along the way and people were always impressed and confused by it at the same time.
Starting point is 00:35:19 That's special skills in a nutshell. Impress and confuse everybody in the planet. I'm going to ask a question to you here, Grant, on the building side of things in New York City, which of course is famous for. Lots of things with buildings that have to be one of them. What's your, what to you is the most impressive building in New York City? And my guess is it wouldn't be the Empire State. Sure, so the Empire State is not even one of the tallest anymore. There's so many disciplines going up. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I'm going to have to say Central Park Tower. It's an impressive engineering feat and I'll save the details for another. Yeah, please. Thank you. Thank you so much. I don't even know what. Great. Of course, that's the one news.
Starting point is 00:36:01 There was an email during the week saying, special skills are great, but how do we use these in real life? And that we scoffed at that. And we obviously knew that if the government requires, say, if aliens were invading, and we needed to get... Oh, a bit of backstory here. This was, this came from going, how can we, we love this special school that Grant has? But what is an actual scenario that this would be useful for?
Starting point is 00:36:24 Yes. And we obviously know that if aliens were invading, we'd need centuries that the tallest buildings of every single city and then the president would want to know how many people they are saving in every city. What's the head count of life saved? We're going to put you under that pressure today. Go ahead. Go with the police. We're going to put you under that pressure today. Aliens will be invading. Hamish and I will be on the president's team and we'll be yelling at you different cities. You have to tell us the tallest building and which we need to get our centrist to and then you'll have to quickly follow it up with the population. Quick logistical question here. Oh, we're assuming,
Starting point is 00:36:58 it doesn't matter, we don't want tallest building with rooftop access. Assume we can get to the top of all buildings. Plus, I assume we're going to the top of all buildings. Plus, I assume we're going to the top because that's where you stand with the binoculars. Yeah, and we'd be able to see them coming. Of course, getting gaining the advantage. I hope the second door's building. And a UFO scene early is a city protected early. Grant, I don't know why we're fighting. This is like a cross between Independence Day and the new movie with Tom Hanks Greyhound on Apple TV about Manning a World War II subhunting ship with binoculars. We're using old-school
Starting point is 00:37:36 technology. Do you find the invading aliens? Grant, there'll be five cities, four out of five, we'll be fine. We're happy to let one city perish. You know, you're not obviously gonna escape an intergalactic battle with a zero def count. Yeah. So, and the president... What you gotta do. The president has authorized the release of a coin,
Starting point is 00:37:56 should you save four cities? Good luck. It's a real thing. Radio signal from another world. The president... Radio signal from another world. President, I'm in tellin' his child's house the object has summoned to a stationery ward. Where are they heading? We should be entering our abyss here within the next 25 minutes. We're gonna need Grant.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Get me Grant. We've got him. We've got Grant. We've got Grant. What's the first city? The first city and Grant. Because you're obviously, we can see you looking at a computer screen just because we've had a few scandals recently on the show. Could you just close your eyes?
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah, hands up. It would be awesome. Or even close your eyes as you go to answer. And then we'll totally believe that. You're not using the spreadsheet. Which is, we can't just take non-investment like the cheaters, the favorite tool. Spreadsheet's Frenchy.
Starting point is 00:38:45 What do you use as Frenchy? What about Frenchy? So it looks like the Oracle for my not-your-port. You see the oldie times. It's basically like the golden spiritual Frenchy. He's one with a Frenchy. So yes, you've got a sort of, yeah, be like a sage here, just sort of go in turn or close your eyes.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Mm. And then that'd be fine. Quickly add the interview back. You're right, add the interview back. Great, close your eyes. The president wants to know, but he wants it off the top of your head. The city is Tokyo. That's constantly until you have sky-tree
Starting point is 00:39:11 of graduate population, 34 million. Oh, I reckon that's pretty good. Pretty close. Yeah, sky-tree is correct. 37 million, but it's never growing population. That's the answer. You look at Shibuya stations. Like everyone's moving around.
Starting point is 00:39:23 You can't really know if you've counted them a lot. I think that's a yes. That's a yes. Russia, we need to save Russia next. Moscow. Moscow's holest billions of federation tower and approximately population of 12 billion. 12,500, he's got the nose. Where are we going, Biggs?
Starting point is 00:39:41 You save Russia. US President will be so thrilled to hear. So thrilled to hear. I'm going to go to Mexico City. I'm Mexico City, the tallest building is going to be Mexico's Sky Tower and the approximate population is $260 million. Stop the clock. Stop the clock. Stop the invasion. Stop the invasion.
Starting point is 00:39:59 We've got written down here the Torre Reforma. Torre Reforma. Torre Reforma. Is that a different building? That's a different one. So sometimes those change. It's been updated. That's his one. We live in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Mexico's the president. We've lost Mexico City due to a mishap with measurement or possible, like someone put an antenna on the... We got to a certainly high tower. It was disputed as to where it was the highest. We couldn't see the aliens from there. But let's get one shed and shoot. Okay, back to the new. Back on my Beijing. Beijing. Beijing. Beijing.
Starting point is 00:40:29 It's in Tulsa, there's a China zone tower population approximately 21 million. Dolly's good. Oh, you're safe, Beijing. That's great news. This is for a coin and a safe Bangladesh, in particular, their biggest city here. Ducca. Ooh. I don't know either one. Oh, he's let it go. But I think he's dead. Yes. Ducca.
Starting point is 00:40:53 21 million in Ducca, which is comparable to Beijing. Surprised me. City center. Ducca is the tower. A 171 meter tiny one. Me no. Yeah. No wonder you don't give a hoot about it. I mean 171 meters in New York City. You're probably talking about right now. Oh, so close, great. Yeah, of course, of course, of Bangladesh and in Mexico City.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Well, a lot of good times in Mexico City said to see them get annihilated. Grant, we're going to send you a token of no value. It's the least we can do is the prep decisions. But commissarations, thanks for joining us from New York City population of. A 8.7 million. Well done, I'm counting. Save yourself, Grant. Thanks so much, Grant, great to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Oh, so close. Hey, guys, a bit of a public service announcement, actually. What's private service to us, isn't it? Yeah, well, I mean, this is going out publicly. Yeah, yeah, but it's not to help you. For private issues. I mean, I have public service now is helping them. Yeah, to the public.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Yeah, that's true, but you don't mean, I'm public service now as helping them. Yeah, to the public. Yeah, that's true, but you don't go, I hate public service now. It's been, I'd like the Windows clean. If you're saying it publicly, that's a public. I thought a public is for the public service. Like, I suppose it's a public service request. We are asking a member of the public to maybe perform a service for us.
Starting point is 00:42:20 For us, yeah. And we're announcing that request. It works, definitely works. A public private service. Yeah, a public fave. We're really asking for a favor. We're announcing that request. It works. Definitely. It's a public private service. Yeah, a public fav. We're really asking for a favor. We're doing something without we're trying to get our archives together at the moment, right? For a for like a thing that we're thinking about doing that will come up a bit later. But you know, we're doing that
Starting point is 00:42:40 radio days, early days, the show's been through a bunch of iterations. We've had you know, the Hamish Andy, the drive show back on the radio days, and originally it was just Melbourne, then it was national, then we did business branch, happy others, been a lot of different versions. We have almost everything, except. We don't have pretty much anything from 2006.
Starting point is 00:42:58 We just don't know. We just don't know what it is. And I thought Andy was in charge of this, and he thought someone else wasn't, it's been deleted or this place It's certainly well me we had we had a audio go back then that wasn't We love him love Dan out of pieces, but we it was clear that his main purpose for working at the radio station was Allegedly downloading stuff off lime wire for his DJ job And he did me to that. He did admit to that.
Starting point is 00:43:25 It athletes. So, we're the entire type of system was a rock solid. So, we don't know whether we did podcast that much in 2006, we think we did, but if you've got anything, you got the shows from 2006 up until May 2007. That's really a sweet spot. Yeah, anything before then, hit us up, hamishneney.com, hit us for the email and, um, we'll take area. If you got those files, we're gonna kill them. Bring them in, put them down, change your name, get you a new place to live. No,
Starting point is 00:43:54 we will, I reckon if someone could give us those shows, we'd look after them really well. We'll find you some sort of money can't buy incredible experience. Yep. Say, good luck. Good luck, hope you have a We Don't. So, unlikely you'll have them, but I hope you do. Listen up.

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