Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2020 Ep 115

Episode Date: October 28, 2020

1. Impulse club - new arrivals 2. Song Sleuth 3. Pokemon Mike and the Sonny sting 4. Upset Andy 5. Tequila finish ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A LISTEN-UP PRODUCTION! Activate your internet! Cause the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1! Ohoy, Hamish. Ohoy, Hamish. And ohoy, do you jack? Ohoy. Ohoy. There is the reason why there's... I love the loose. This has arrived. Impulse Club arrivals have happened.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Yep. If you're new to the podcast, welcome by all means. Hello. But you've missed your chance to get involved in Impulse Club. This is a support group for people that have low impulse control online. See it. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. I'm going to go to the next one. but you've missed your chance to get involved in Impulse Club. This is a support group for people that have low impulse control online. See it, want it, need it, get it. Yes, online purchases usually Instagram ads. They've got me now, got me pinned up right up against the wall. Side topic, geez I'm getting bombarded by people trying to send me the world's best T-shirt. Right. Oh, I'm getting bombarded by people trying to sound with the world's best t-shirt. You're right. I get that as well. And I'm glad I'm interested. But there's so many competing world's best t-shirts. That must be the latest thing that you can make a quick buck off. Before we get to the end of the world's best t-shirt. I haven't brought the world's best
Starting point is 00:01:19 t-shirt, but let's see. If you really do know the world's best t-shirt, please email the show. We'll only submit it from email form. Yeah. I can't believe these ads, because they all look too good to be true Jack. And then the ones that measure strictly for your body. Yeah. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Ben also, a hoi to him, he's over. He said it just so you did not sound interesting. No, I'm not. Not. I'm interested in moving on. Interesting. I'm just referring to my own thoughts here. Ben in England, he uploaded this message to us. What is up to you today?
Starting point is 00:01:56 Hey, hey, Micheal Andy and one of your number three Ben here from the UK. Just got home from tennis coaching at Wimbledon. Must be nice. Just let me know that we accept the Hamish and Antigote card for lessons at Wimbledon. Just don't ask management. Make sure you come to the meet directly and I will do some loose change sorting, I suppose. Been a top year. My friend Jacob got me introduced to this podcast at the beginning of the pandemic
Starting point is 00:02:25 So thank you for that Jacob and as a reward or as a thank you I have bought him a panel moves book and now announcing it on the podcast. How cool is that? But he doesn't listen anymore because he won't listen until there's a WhatsApp These messages to go on so Andy if you managed to put enough effort into getting 100 Siggies down your day, maybe you could put that effort into getting a WhatsApp chat, eh? Because I've been doing this since episode 52.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I don't really know if this is working. See ya later. Right, working. Fed to be fair. Andy's a fair. He doesn't put 100 cigarettes down in my day. It's United East of his. He doesn't put 100 cigarettes down in a day. It's the smoke of 100. He doesn't eat the cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:03:08 So you certainly, he's not at that stage yet. Um, then, uh, you just don't want to get carried away with that joke. Um, all I'm going to say is goodbye and good riddance to Jacob. Ha, ha, ha. There will be at least, I'm not going to be bullied. I mean, I'm not going to be bullied or curtailed. I'm standing a little bit like Daniel in. No, we, we, but I'm not going to be bullied or curtailed I'm standing a little bit like Daniel and
Starting point is 00:03:26 We are not going to be bullied or curtailed by good ideas by is what is having like by someone who is the systems working Oh, you know continue work barely Well, I was you know record yourself on a cassette give it to the nearest person with instructions on how to pay it forward And you'll get to us eventually or would beat the system that we have currently not in COVID times. Don't pass on cassette's hands. So let's jump into this. I don't know what it is or who makes it, but it's got a snazzy ad. So I'm in impulse club.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Okay, so I hope some people have joined with you to purchase something, you get it for the first month and pay 60% of the prices at right. That's right. And then they get it for the rest. Forever more. Forever more. And a bunch of stuff is coming in now.
Starting point is 00:04:15 When our things are really standard heat up, the Hulk grips, which I agreed to go 60, 40s with Undarcy. They look really cheap. I will grant you this. There's an element of when you go from the Instagram ad to the reality, there's an element anyone that it was for me with getting showbacks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:35 There is a showback element where you go, okay, well that's not what I thought it was gonna be. But this whole grip, what you're about to see here is a man with weak hands. Okay, apparently. Ath the fame and I now, Oh my gosh. Stretching it out, so then one month, it's a strength enough. It's basically five circles
Starting point is 00:04:52 with rubber attached to all circles and so you put the five, you're in fingers to all the five circles and then you... Now, the traditional form of increasing grip strength is those hand as you squeeze together. This is the opposite. This is a pull out. This is a pull apart, which we all remember the famous scene in the Hulk, the movie, or use these fingers to stretch apart.
Starting point is 00:05:12 No, he doesn't. And that's why it's called Hulk grips. So that's going to be cool. Yeah. How much was that again? Wow. I put 22 bucks in US. 22 US. She puts cheaper. That's not the worst buy on the list. A rubber band would have thought that was the same thing. Could do Jack, but it doesn't have the bespoke finger loops. Don't I see will be so? Feeling a bit of a burn there on the back of the hand.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Feeling a nice piece of burn that should... Jack, Fliggas, one of your protein milks for after the show, because my body will need to repair after a lot of recovery. No, straight to an ice bath. Well, we know point doing that level of micro-tier. And then not, I'll need 12 hours sleep at about 300 grams of protein tonight. A whole chicken.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Yep. Tell a flow rider I want. I want to take that. Okay. Now, that's a reference. That's an old reference. That's a reference. That's a reference. that's an old reference.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Which I think one time we did a concert here at the radio station, Flowrider came and he wanted to 10 check. And he wouldn't go on stage until he had these cheekers. Not live, he's not a crocodile. But alligator, he would be, he would be, he was Flowrider. Yeah, of course. The neck is very good, Andy, yes. It's not really. Andy, and the other stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Something. What is that? That's the neck. That's going to be the one. This is called the neck save, yeah. What you do is you fold, I did a bit of this outside on the floor. You actually fold this up. This is a foam diamond.
Starting point is 00:06:41 It almost looks like a ninja snout. It's a big fat foam ninja star, but you fold fold it up like this it looks very much like a very cheap cakeboard that a kid would use. You have to colonize by this and you lie on the ground like this and see how it stretches your neck supports and stretches in the one motion. Wow okay I used it before on my neck. Yeah how's your feel? Saved. Next save you saved me. Next save you. So that's nice. I look forward to a month of that.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Oh, yeah, that's kicking in right now. You actually, it's actually got it behind his neck. The feeling of having your neck stretched out like that by the next saviour is, it's actually quite internally mesmerizing. Well, okay. Okay, so, so internal mesmerization happening there for the next saviour.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Mike, is that price you read down? Curious that what we paid for the next area? What is it? It's a brick. What is it? 57 pounds. Oh, what is that? That's a lot, mate.
Starting point is 00:07:36 That's 100 bucks. Yeah, okay. This is the bit of impulse call. This is why we're doing impulse call, maybe because in the eye of the storm, we buy. We get excited. This is the bit where you see theOS Clive Mb, because in the eye of the storm, we buy. We get excited. This is the bit where you see the invoice when it arrives
Starting point is 00:07:48 and you go, okay, it's not what I thought it was gonna be. And it's a lot more expensive than I remember. Hopefully it's proving to everybody. That is why in POS Clive exists, right? Okay. The slippers. Remember these guys? I ever advertised as the ones confused.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Confused the slippers. Now me and I think it was Brandon. We were working on the slippers together. I know Brody, Brody. And they look like great slippers. We had a bit of a bubble getting. I'm so shit. I know we don't say the answer to that much,
Starting point is 00:08:19 but it's not much more than a slip up. Look at this, all molded from one piece of plastic. If you thought if people had a problem with crocs being a dead-key slipper, this makes crocs look like Versace, it is the, that is a nice fit. It's even a slipper. It's like a slide. It's a thorn.
Starting point is 00:08:37 It's a sandal. It's a sandal. Now, he was a size 13. I was a size, I'm a size 12. We had to go a little on the small side for me, hoping that they got their sizing wrong. That's why I've tried it on straightaway and I'm going to just see it really move. It is slightly small. Right, and it's going to be really small for him.
Starting point is 00:08:57 But we don't know. I'll wear him in for a month and I'll shoot him. I'll shoot him his way. Who was it that had the slippers? Brody. They're only $28 US. Hey Brody, you're going to get them as new. Shoot him. Oh, shoot him. His wife. Who, who wasn't the head of the slippers? Righty. They're only $28 US. Hey Brody, you're gonna get them as new. There is no way Hayme is just gonna go around it.
Starting point is 00:09:10 You won't be seeing them publicly. Well, speaking of that, people might remember on a previous episode. I, if paparazzi's out there, if you get a, if you manage to get a shot of Hayme's in them, I'll pay your hands and we'll regret it. Yeah, me, I was put in a pap Stanley. Um, you might remember previously we opened up the Pivo.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yes. Which was a portable kind of a mount for a phone, for a camera. And then we promised that we were gonna go out and film something that we left and we forgot to. So the excitement didn't even last. Well, the end of the show. Jackie, I bought the Pivo for me to play with first. It's sort of, yeah, it was tabletop mounted.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yep. You put it in and using Bluetooth, it would track you. Yep, and swivel, so it's kind of like, you could just imagine the fun, the mesmerizing videos you could make with that. On that, though, and Jack, this is interesting. I don't know if I'm bringing direct quotes, but on the way out, you gave it to Mike and said, and I quote, I already don't want this.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Well, that's why Jackie joins us now with an exciting news. Jackie, a hoi boy. A hoi Jackie, now you bought the Pivo to my attention. You still very excited for the Pivo? Yeah, yep. I've got some great news for your Pops headquarters. Due to an oversupply of products recently,
Starting point is 00:10:22 we do not have time to fully use and appreciate all products and you will be receiving yours early. Oh, I've made it. It's not a stamp on the quality of the... No, no, it's more of an exciting bonus for being one of the earlier members of InBoss Club. You get to have your Pivo today, really, if you want it. It's coming your way.
Starting point is 00:10:42 You will need to download the kind of annoying in my personal opinion, Pivo app, to begin the setup process, which I imagine once complete, will allow you to use your Pivo. You will be certainly peeved once received. No, no, I'm not giving the Pivo the old Pivo, I'm explaining to you the joys. Sounds like a Pivo, you have to like, it's not a PFO. It's a, here you go, PFO. And you're gonna love it, Jackie. The dancers, the tracking, the most, it's got it all.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And you're gonna really, we'll experience it on of it. We assume it's in this, up where. Have a look at the ad. Again, I'm going to get you fired up and that's coming your way. Jack, what's the first thing you're gonna do with your pivo? Oh, I think do the roller skating video. Oh, that's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:11:28 The second thing's throwing it out. No, get me up though. Jack, do you paint up by light? Have you paid already? Yes, no, I don't know. Don't send it out. Don't send it out. No, Jackie, we're going to need that poem, though, because it's a very good product,
Starting point is 00:11:45 and I can't send it to you without payment. And we went into all of these things until they paid, Mike. Do we got a bit loosey-goosey? I think we're wearing a slight stock exchange situation here on the clearing house. But, all right, Jackie, you sound aligned. Mike's going to get your deach.
Starting point is 00:11:56 She was, man. We might need to sting you for 10% there for late payment. Thanks, Dad. Come in your way. Woo! I am. A lot of these coming in this one. Just you know, I'm batting a fair few of them away. What are we talking about?
Starting point is 00:12:18 But this one caught my eye. This sounds like this sounds like this sounds like this. If this sounds like that I'm your man Indie Lee song sleuth Call your own a court your ear You call his- There's a couple of you more actually Where plagiarism policemen
Starting point is 00:12:35 Andie Lee steps up and goes, wait a second In a world of only so many musical notes and chords You must endeavor to create an original sequence of them. Otherwise, I will still on you and I will prosecute. Too many artists these days are just basically taking risks from yesterday year. Like, do you really put the moment, there's an excess track that she's taken.
Starting point is 00:12:56 So people write in constantly about that. But they take that and they pay for it. Yes, exactly. So be sure to Google, yes, if you want to say, be sure to Google it because every time I go, oh, God, that is a good one. Google it. The artists themselves have gone, hey, big things to in excess for the main riff for this. They've taken it. It is enough to show a riff and they've paid it the
Starting point is 00:13:14 counter. You're looking for ones that there's not going to be a shot. I haven't paid for. This one came in from Shannon Reese from the USA and she's definitely on to one. I'm going to play you something. You tell me who the artist is, okay? I'm not. I mean, I know you're not great at this game. No, I'm 55 appearances and speaks in specs back in the day. Three correct questions. Let's get your heart. Don't use me as the litmus test here, but I will have a go. Jack, you can help out as well. What do you think this is? You know that one the other isn't it smash mouth is it a bit of that's interesting because it's actually the doors It was the doors. Yeah, I mean the doors doors loved a bit of that organ, and here is Smashmouth.
Starting point is 00:14:05 It's not looking. Was that Jim Morrison thing? That is Smashmouth walking on the sun, 1998-97. What we heard before decades after was the doors, Soul Kitchen, 1967, 30 years later. 1997 what we heard before decades after was the doors sold kitchen 1967 30 years later. It doesn't copyright only last Copyright limit. Yeah, I could play Beethoven today and he couldn't do a damn thing about it
Starting point is 00:14:37 I think it's over 75 years 75. I think it's an American thing I'm pretty sure that there's a thing where it's like, you know, you only get the copyright for so long. And that's true, but it's well more than 40 years. That's why Shrek can just use the gingerbread man and all these stories, and I don't have to pay for it. Yeah, they're just using all that stuff because it's like, it's gone. It's an ASAP Fable.
Starting point is 00:15:00 They don't have to pay anyone for using three little pigs even though that was someone's story once upon a time. And you know who keeps moving it back and making it longer? Walt Disney. Why? Mickey would come into public use because it's over-submarine. Well, Walt did meet Froze.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Yeah, that's what he wants to be around. He wants to be around once he wants to go. He wants to go, keep lengthen that please. Well, his motto is like a fine frozen, so it's the copyright. That's the Walt Disney rule. But yeah, it's given the stage now where Snow White, I mean, did they invent that or? Did you know what Disney loves doing?
Starting point is 00:15:33 Loves pouncing on, I say this is a fan of Disney, having been in a Golden Globe nominated movie with my friends there. They love poun dancing on an old, like a regional tail going, we'll do that. Like, you know, snow white was, you know, polka-hontas, you've been around for a long time, even bloody frozen. That's like a Nordic tail. But they just jump on and go,
Starting point is 00:15:58 is anyone using this? Because we'll, like, Kristen Bell to do this. I'm gonna say the doors still hailed. Yeah, they did. They did. So obviously you're going to take, you can't just listen to both of them, but you've got to take it to the lab. This is them alternating.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Yep. What are you thinking? I don't want to insult Jim Morrison or the doors. I don't want to insult Jim Morrison, all the doors. I don't know who the organist was in the doors. Yeah. Bob. Yeah. That's him.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Could be. It's all right. You can invent their names. Well, you know, it reminds me of a little bit. He's the smash mouth one actually stands smash mouth. He's sounds more polished. Yes. Because they're.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I know it's a bit rough on the doors. Yeah, but they would add a click. Try and get it I know it's a bit rough on the doors. Yes, but they would add a click track. I get it, mate. They would get off there. I just... I have acknowledged that it's rough on the doors, but it sounds like smash mouth is the original,
Starting point is 00:16:53 and the doors are the core boys in the front hand. That is... Ah! So this is... It sounds like us playing smooth. This is them... Lay it over the top of each other. Not normally we go down for song sleep, but this lay it over the top of each other, not normally we go down for songs
Starting point is 00:17:05 sleep, but this is then over the top of each other. I like it. Yeah. Thanks a good tune. So I was about to prosecute Smash Mouth. Yep. But then, Ham, came to my attention that there was another song that came out in 1966, one year before the doors by a group called Perry and Kingsley. And it was called The Swan Splashdown. Have
Starting point is 00:17:34 a listen. That's a bit like a swan honking. What do you, I mean, is it just one of those? Now it's getting to the stage where Jack, I can tell you're thinking, you think you could probably come out with that riff by yourself. Yeah, it's sort of like in everyone can use it. It's so simple, maybe everyone can use it. Yeah. I'm sure that's a wrong one. Well, I reckon if we go back, it probably was, like, their people, it probably was like a Mozart not one of your big hits
Starting point is 00:18:06 But he was probably tooling around with that What is it? You know what? A-A-B-B-A-D-E It's like a couple of notes You know why this is like my mind while you guys giggle? Peri and Kingsley from Swan Splashdown 1966 and how many? Cyton Trikoski from 1896 as do they took the song from? Trikoski. I mean, have we got to be in that?
Starting point is 00:18:31 No, they didn't take that riff. They took another part of the song's one. Like, so then they they they they basically was it's one like I think Trikoski writes one like yeah that's probably what's called Swan Splashdown. It is. This is some aluminum. one like. Yeah, that's probably what it's called one splash town. It is. This is some illuminated shit. Look at this goes all the way back to division. It's definitely falling in the three-year that goes all the way back to the touring trail. Guys, the other way kind of show we discussed that my son is into Pokemon, now my little six-year-old boy, and he's deep into them. He's going deeper, and it's going to the stage now where he's not talking smack to me
Starting point is 00:19:13 about, but he's definitely showing... Is he still pretending to be a dinosaur when he pretends to be a Pokemon? He's an aggressive Pokemon, for sure. Yeah, he was ripping the flesh off the other Pokemon's. Imagine Erily, imagine Erily fresh them, the couch cushions, and devouring them, no matter if he was a polite Pokémon or not, he did seem to every Pokémon battle ended in a feast of one Pokémon. But in real life, Jack, they don't eat each other, do they?
Starting point is 00:19:39 They faint. No, they battle, yeah, they can't die as a Pokémon in combat. Yeah. You just faint. Like your career, Jack. You can't die, it just keeps popping up. Jack, most career-fated, briefly. After a scandal, no doubt we'll resurrect elsewhere. He's going back into a Pokeball and regenerate.
Starting point is 00:19:59 So, that's, it's good to say, when we're at the park and stuff, he'll go, hey, I'm a, a like name of Pokemon Jack War total. Yep, he will say like that. You'll go I know I've got this power and he'll run off and and he'll go What are you and I will go? Oh? Remember one I'm a squirrel and you go to add like you know, they're weak and entry level entry He doesn't say that that's exactly what he's thinking with his eye. He looks at me and goes,
Starting point is 00:20:27 and I can only see like the disdain in his face going, my dad's picking entry level Pokemon. And I meant to look up to this guy, the guy's meant to be teaching me about life, being a man. So he already is getting a bit disappointed. So I thought to myself, how can I raise my Pokemon game?
Starting point is 00:20:40 Now Mike that works with us here, we've experienced on the show, he's level of Pokemon knowledge. Oh yeah, I mean, I'm lucky to have a grown man, assets like Mike, you know, a real, a Pokemon. Yeah, really. He's, he's a Pokemon. And that makes him a unique Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:21:03 And I thought, how can I engineer a situation where I use Mike's knowledge to impress Sonny through the, I'm the vessel. So I grabbed just the air pod, right? Chuck's been my ear. Sonny doesn't know what that is. The same way is Will Smith did it with Hitch. Yep. In that, where he is.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Oh, I was thinking more mission impossible. You've got someone in the van outside. Mine was a very visible earpiece, but the beauty of doing this trick to a six-year-old is, don't know. It's like just a white thing in your ear. So, I call Mike and I go, right, stand by. I'm going to go and grab Sunny and go, hey, is that for fun? So I'm jet to you about Pokemon, was it? So my instructions to Mike were just feed me stuff. I don't know where this conversation is going to go, but feed me stuff and I just want to come away
Starting point is 00:21:48 from this looking awesome. Okay, we recorded it last night. So I was just thinking about Pokemon's, right? Who do you think knows more about Pokemon's? No, only me. I don't know, I know a fair bit. I've been doing some... like I've been studying Pokemon's a bit.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Like... Who do you think knows the most about Pokemon? The person who knows the most about Pokemon is Professor Oak. The actual person that knows the most about Pokemon's is Professor Oak. I do know that. Did you know that? I do. All the Pokemon professors are named after...
Starting point is 00:22:25 Because they're different plans. All the Pokemon professors are named after different... Players. Plants. Plants. So there's O.P.L. The... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Yeah. The name of the best Pokemon you can name. R.C.S. is the God of allon. What about R? Siddlypeed. Siddlypeed? Sizzlype. Sizzlypeed. That's not a Pokemon. It is. Siddly-peed is a Pokemon. I've seen it in my cards. Yeah, is it really? Yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:22:52 pretty good, but it evolves from center-scorch. It evolves from center-scorch, doesn't it? No, it evolves from center-scorch. I'm sorry, what I'm saying is it involves scenters scourge. At level 28. But Arsimon, he's good. I don't even know Arsimon. Arsius. No, Arsius. Arsius. Arsius.
Starting point is 00:23:14 He's like the best of all the Pokemons. He's the God of Pokemon. He's the God of Pokemon. And how many different powers are there? Actually, Tappa Coco is the God of all the Pokemon. He's only the God of the Alloll and region, which is based on Hawaii. Yeah, he's the guardian of the island. He's the guardian of the island, the Alloll and region. Yeah, yeah. But all the... I think Tepa Coco evolved from a human when it died. I think all's not correct.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Capricote does not evolve. Pretty cool. Not quite correct. Capricote did not evolve. What I was gonna say is I actually know all the Pokemon powers. And they are. Well, obviously you've got electric power.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Mm-hmm. Thank you. Yep, there's poison, fire. There's poison, fire. Poison. Yeah, there's poison fire. I poison fire. Poison. Yeah, water. Oh, yeah, I do know poison. Water and salt?
Starting point is 00:24:12 Not salt, ice. Ice is what I meant. Ground, fire, rock. Firing, ground, rock. No, as it is, I just... Firing, ground, rock. Normal. Normal.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Yeah, normal for standard rock. Normal. Normal. Yeah, normal is the standard type. Normal? Is normal power? No. Normal don't mean anything. Some are normal in the sense they don't have any other powers. They're just powers.
Starting point is 00:24:37 For example, we lose the sheep Pokemon is a normal type. A sheep like a sheep Pokemon is a normal. Oh, it's a sheep to me. Who does the kick? Mudbrae. Mudbrae. Mudbrae is a ground type donkey Pokemon. Kidding. Mudbrae is a glountite donkey Pokemon. And it evolved into mud Dale at level 30. And it evolves into mud stay at level 30. That's not how people are going to wear it. Yeah, it is. It is not. They don't have levels. They do have levels. They do, mate.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I'm... You always think the facts about them. What? You're listening to facts about them. They stick to facts about the book of the... Oh, you think you are? That's a cup of in-blow. I really aren't. I can't hear anything.
Starting point is 00:25:24 No, no, no, no. I can't hear anything. No, no, no, don't take the UV. Don't take the plug out. Oh no, I need that back. I need that back. That helps me think. I know. What's going on, baby? Ah!
Starting point is 00:25:40 I knew you were hearing particles. Facts. How did you know that? I could barely hear them. I knew you were hearing parko facts. How did you know that? I could barely hear them. Could you hear them? A little bit. Yes. I had the sound.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I guess I had the sound too. I could hear them coming in yet. That's a lost out panic mindset. No, it's a cover beam blown. I think in the middle packing up all these computers, he's burned his house. He's gotten everything with line of fluid. Well done.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And a... How's he day? It's pretty good. I think I'm relaxed. I've had a good time, yeah. Let's make your ears pop with steam as we upset Andy. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Everything is neat and practical, because that's the way he likes it. But what if it wasn't? Upset Andy. Mm. And it had some rippers rolling in. It feels like this is a once a month thing for him. I would do it every week. Well, I won't.
Starting point is 00:26:47 I mean, the bombardment of stuff that just, I mean, just when you think, okay, we've probably had a mall now because, you know, as fast and loose people, who's got the time to write it to show and tell people, but people do. People do it and they're too good to ignore. Ebony, have you got something to upset Andy? Oh, hi.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Hi, sure, do. Hello, boys. Oh, hi, do you, Ebony? Sort of two parts here, Andy, so watch out. Oh, god. I just got it. Guard is out, but if you're guarding, you have too much, you'll sweep your nose.
Starting point is 00:27:18 So first of all, my boyfriend wanted to buy some new trackies. So he goes in and they didn't have his size. So you know what, fast and loose, I'll just get one size too small, if they're on there on. They're on there staying on. You know, do you want for small or other one size bigger, fast and tight? First one to grab. Okay, that's one you grab, that's good.
Starting point is 00:27:38 I would never do that. So then he goes to take him off when he's going to bed and obviously they're a bit small, so around the ankles It's a bit tight. Yeah, and one ankle just wouldn't budge. So you know what just sleep with it hanging off I'm just gonna put a bunch of borrow Exactly fast and loose. Oh, it's insane. So you're just gonna be the Patrachese pant snake hanging out the bed It's like a convict He's teffin
Starting point is 00:28:04 Like he's surfing at night. Evony, I hate you. Really good, Em. And I absolutely wouldn't do it. And then I do respect your boyfriend. I thought that's true. I mean, he's gonna have to shift into Nappy's because there's no way to change underpants.
Starting point is 00:28:19 But that's okay. There's just two tabs. No, there's only one leg. You could drag one leg through. You could drag, you could possibly drag. Yeah, but it's easy. Just a big gap, easy. Watch the other pants.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Thanks, Anthony Nick, or Hoy mate. Hoy boys, I'm the Fandy. No need. Good boy, Niko. What have you got to upset Andy? Spasky from going to the servo and going to open up the fuel cap. A lot of times, pull the bonnet lever instead and Don't really have time to go close
Starting point is 00:28:47 I'll just wait for a drive around hit a speed up and just let gravity do a thing What are you doing all this extra work for when people do figure out the gravity is there all the time and if you use it correctly It's your personal assistant I did yeah, that's all right It's your personal assistant. And I did. Yeah, that's the thought of being an Andy's car. If I was driving with him and the bonnet was up. How'd it up today?
Starting point is 00:29:11 I mean, it would be the same as asking Andy to drive with his hands over his eyes. The distraction level would be just insane. It would hurt me to the core. That one, I'm going to go, that's peri-peri-hot. Yeah, I mean, you'd rather have like a deer across the windscreen just in terms of not being able to focus on the road. Thanks, Nick.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Thank you, Nick. Ed, a hoi, Ed. What have you got to upset Andy? A hoi, loi, a cunt, holders, one, two, and six. Thank you so much. Still coming in. And the nine is the group. Just.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Yeah, well, when I come in, I don't actually cut them properly. I just cut a little bit and ripped the rest off of my teeth. Yeah, I'll be honest. But if you've got them there, surely it's fast, and more efficient. No, no, how? I just say time. It can't save time. If you're clippin' them. It's a bit of a more natural run for the things I think.
Starting point is 00:30:09 It's like when you're cutting, when you're cutting, wrapping paper to do a present. You know, you get the run on? Yeah. That's great. That's a risk, really. It's one snip and then you want the run on. It's a glide. Alright, I hate that.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Thank you for making it. He does hate that. Georgina, oh, how do you? Oh, oh, boy. Has it got the Andy? Can I need Georgina? Absolutely, no need. Oh, oh. Georgina. what do you oh? Boy has about the Andy Georgina what will upset Andy? If I want to wear a particular outfit, but I'm doing my laundry
Starting point is 00:30:34 I will not wait for it to dry. I'll just put it on my body wet It'll dry this one. I have done you have done this.'ve been having seven. This one I have done. You have done this. I don't mind. I bet you've done it with a golf shirt. Yep. Because you like that's my fav golf shirt. I'm heading to one of the courses. I'm a member of it.
Starting point is 00:30:51 And I would like to wear my blue boy. Like you. You're lucky, shirt. Lucky, you know. So, Gina, how often do you do this? Oh, very often. What temp does your body run at, Georgina? That's 36.6. Yeah, I would do this if I'm heading outside. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If Georgina's spending the rest of the day kind of lounging around on the couch
Starting point is 00:31:14 No, not for me. So yeah, but and then it's the thing about upset Andy. Sometimes you want to win her sometimes It's sometimes the only the only reason you haven't fully upset in here joy jenna is there's some level of Efficiency in the overlap and if there's if there's a level of efficiency to be found yes, then Andy sometimes we'll be tempted to be efficient Bad luck, but thank you a team wrap this up. Oh, do you mate? Boy, go ahead and be with Andy go on your team. Um, what have you got to upset Andy? I look so what kind of busy guy? I like to play fast and lose from my phone. So look what I'm done using it.
Starting point is 00:31:49 I don't bother locking it. I just put it straight on my pocket and it's ready for the use. Next time I'm about to use my passcode. But the downside to this is that often pocket dial people that my apps get rearranged or deleted and I figure out that some got loaded. But look, every time it saves me having to go into my passcode.
Starting point is 00:32:06 That's true. But you would, having to find out what app or apologize to someone that's called you back with your bummed-dile, then surely the net loss of time would be worse off with your procedure. I think it evens out, you know, each time it's a couple of seconds that I save. Yeah. And I'll try and managing guys like yourselves, you know, particularly Andy, he's probably got a nice new home with a facial recognition technology,
Starting point is 00:32:30 but that must be nice. But I mean, he's lost touch with the Column Man. We can't order full phones like that. Hey, Tim Paz, go ahead and came out about five years ago. He was fingerprinting a print before then. Yes, face recognition now. Tim, the thing I like about your system is, it's saving you seconds when they count, right?
Starting point is 00:32:47 When you pull your phone out, you're ready to go. Now, later on at night on the couch, sure you can reinstall a few apps or, you know. Absolutely. That's when you've got a bit of a tim tump. So it's actually a very smart idea. You're borrowing from present Tim, and just paying it back with catch tim.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Tim, very happy to have lost touch because it's facial recognition. You don't have to touch it at all. You don't have to touch it with the common thumb. See you later. Hey, and before you surprised me with Upset Andy just then I, you made me realize that I did have one last night that Beck called on me and I can't remember what it was. She upset you, you're upsetting. I think I was trying to avoid being upset. I think I was trying to avoid being upset.
Starting point is 00:33:31 She said let something go and I didn't. You told her how to not upset you. Like an Emperor. I can't remember what it was. But she was just blazing me. Do it not again. No, I think there was, I can't remember what was, you were a call, but I...
Starting point is 00:33:45 I didn't have to say that much, you can't remember it. No, but it was at the moment, it was a moment, something needed to be fixed, I thought, and she's like, don't worry, do it later, I'll say that. Go on, I'll be back. We're lucky to have her, Jack. She's in there. She's five or four times. Every day, like an insertion.
Starting point is 00:34:00 We're gonna have to put up once a week. Hello. Beck, it's, it's Andy and Amish here. I'm Amish. Andy's friend. How are you, darling? And Jackson, you two, of course, for full disclosure. Hi, Amish and Jack.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Never the call you want to receive, but it's one of those things. Have you got up? If you're smart, if you're Beck, Zoe or Bianca, you have your guard right, if you're back, Zelly, you'll be anchor. You got to run up. I lost night. There was something that was upsetting me or urking me and you said, leave it and I fixed it. And you said, that's such, that's such a you thing to do. And I can't remember what it was.
Starting point is 00:34:37 I'll be a huge less back of things that are candy. I know what it was. We were taking the camera card out of your computer and I was like, hey just take it out. And you're like, no, no, no, I need to go back and press the eject. Oh, and shexing it properly. And I was like, that is such an antileating to do. Yeah, I've taken those cards out to say, my whole life. And, well, careful, didn't eject properly. It's never been a problem. No, nobody presses that button. Okay, everyone's car is ejecting the car. Not ejecting the car and coming back to Hornby.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Yes, it has sometimes it can. And it has only has one memory card. Yeah, and she was shooting something and you needed that card darling. So I wanted to make sure that I have one memory card back. Well, yeah, I don't think. I get 10. I have stacks of it. Right. It must be nice. Very nice. It's gorgeous because every time you need one, they're floating around. I sometimes find ones with like three photos of five years ago. It's lovely to not need another one. They're
Starting point is 00:35:39 very cheap now. They're like at the supermarket. Yeah, they're a little 16 meg ones. Well, I guess if you reject it without pressing the button and you lose everything it doesn't matter. That's another great reason. Another great reason. That's why I was being cautious. Thank you for reminding me to like, see you. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Yes, you're worried because back in your floppy this days you probably did it, no. Yeah, that's a few. I'd English aside, I's a few. I think we should slide on something. Boys, boys, boys. Fun show. Yeah. Yeah. Fun show. Always fun. Always fun. Yes. I wouldn't really... We'd say we've had a bad show.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Jack, would you ever say you've had a bad radio show? Mm-hmm. Well, I... Oh, I named you. No, but you know, you walk out of some and you go like, that was great. And others you go, yeah, okay. Yeah. One for the ages. Never felt like we had a bad one, Andy.
Starting point is 00:36:31 No. But also podcasting wise, every week, what a treat. Yeah. But I was thinking, what's the only time I've walked away feeling, there's times of walking, we're feeling down. Have you? But I think that was a good listener experience. The time we got the guy breaking into the studio here,
Starting point is 00:36:48 as we asked someone to try and do to trick us and got us. Oh yeah. The song's wonderful though. A wonderful example of classic nows from a... What was his name again? Not the imposter. He wasn't the terrorist. We did have a list there at one stage. from a... What was his name again? Not the imposter. He wasn't the terrorist. It was.
Starting point is 00:37:05 We did have a list there at one stage. Many, many years ago on the show, Nick named the terrorist. Yes, no. The chaser, maybe? The chaser. Like he was chasing us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:14 We called the guy the terrorist because we were like, we will not negotiate with terrorists after this one. After this one. But he's the only one we're allowed to. We made the critical mistake of beginning negotiations
Starting point is 00:37:24 with the guy holding a ransom for something, and we quickly realized why that rule exists. Because you can't give them an inch. They're very sporting of you, because I left that day going, great, great fun for radio, by our podcast, but boy, did, do we have our guard down?
Starting point is 00:37:39 We got got. You got got. All right, no, it's sort of morse orders. Similarly, similarly when we thought we were getting dragon eggs from the set of game of fat, that was a mistake. That was too much trust. Yeah, the only thing we've ever been guilty of on the show. We too much trust, then we gave away some stuff in exchange and then got a parcel saying suckers as the roller-gaffer tape in it. That was a, that Russian knows it that that was a flaming dog food metaphorically
Starting point is 00:38:06 Yeah, I was just thinking you know we haven't ever done what's that finished the show Because I was actually thinking I was like what else you know What's some things we haven't done yet on the blog as I'm sure there's like millions, but we've never finished the show with tequila To kill. LAUGHTER It's been his board in to kill us. Let's finish the show with the drink.
Starting point is 00:38:29 The drink. Great idea. Exactly. You know what? The whole point of having a podcast is to just... Can you take the lid off again, close to the market? Make such a nice sound. Well, sealed.
Starting point is 00:38:40 I didn't just bring a bottle in from home, I... No! That was a bit... So, here you are. C-A-R, Dan Murphy's charge pop up on the old... C-C. Sipa or a shot. I think it's a...
Starting point is 00:38:56 I think we're finishing shots. I think we're finishing shots. I think this is presenting me a shot. Now, what are we going to hear? Drink responsibly, everybody. Yeah, of course, it's just one shot. Yes. It's a sharp, no.
Starting point is 00:39:08 And what, what do we got there? It's a Blanco tequila, which is your notice, it's a white tequila as opposed to the... Right, a saddle. Jack, you would be aware with a... I'm just, you said before we started recording, keep your wits about you. Is that interrelation to this? I'm just, you said before we start recording, keep your wits about you. Is that interrelation to this?
Starting point is 00:39:26 I'm just worried if is there any joke or a trick? I'm trying to see if you're pouring like me, something, and you guys, something else or... Well, we could switch. We could switch? Yeah. Like, we could switch. Do you know about this or?
Starting point is 00:39:39 Would you like to switch? Would Andy Jack, and then would you like to switch with me? Well, mine just smells like tequila, but... But that's the risk you run. I would like to switch with me? Well mine just smells like tequila, but that's the risk you run. I would like to switch just Okay, just the poison test, but do you think we thought you'd be suspicious? Wouldn't we have anticipated that because I did It seemed like a deliberate thing for me to say keep your wits about you smells Andy smells the same
Starting point is 00:39:58 Would you like to switch with me? Wait, did you know about this Andy? I feel like me I did not know about this Like I always use going to say that. All right, I'll settle back into it. Sorry, I was just trying to keep my guard up. Would you like to switch back? Would you like to switch with me? No, I'm happy with Andy's.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Oh, wow! OK, man. OK, you said it one more time, clearly, into the mic. I'm happy to drink what was originally Andy's in these now mine. And no matter what repercussions there are No matter Just having another sniff having to look at it. It looks okay to me It's okay. I shouldn't do this but last chance to swap I won't okay
Starting point is 00:40:37 Well, I'd like to make a small toast to the most suspicious boy in the world Literally nothing going on except... I thought it would just be fun. I'm sorry, I'm sorry to bring the mood down. To suspicion. Always and mugged friends. Well played, Andrew. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Aaaaah! That is the hell away to finish him. LAUGHTER Taste different points. OK, tasty for poison. I can't see this one. Oh, it feels good, doesn't it? It does. Have we started something here?
Starting point is 00:41:11 No, I don't think so. I don't think so. But maybe we do play the game that Jack suspected us of playing every episode. One is a poison shot. I like that. We'll do that one. We'll do that one next week, but at some point that'll come back. Listener.

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