Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2020 Ep 118

Episode Date: November 18, 2020

1. Gusto Police 2. Power Moves / book update 3. Battle of the Pokemen 4. Upset Andy ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A LISTENUP PRODUCTION Activate your internet Cause the Haymission and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering 1 One! What do you have? A hoyser. A hoyser. A hoyser.
Starting point is 00:00:27 And, whoa, I mean, we've got to start tying up some leases. We mentioned the last bit in the show, but there's only three to go before the mandated government break that happens to all podcasts, I believe. No one goes through the... We protested. We protested. The protest was overruled.
Starting point is 00:00:45 We appealed. Yep. They... Then it was just... What was it? I mean, we were all... It was getting the legal fees were... We took a peek at the legal fees, and then some people that also saw the number went like,
Starting point is 00:00:57 you know, I guess you can kind of for them, we went, no, we'll try. We'll try. We appealed again, overruled. Yep. And at this stage, it looks like the high court has said it's peace. Yep. And once there is some other high place we go to, we are going to have to take off a few months over summer.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Yeah. And we're going to have to tie it on that one. It's dead to knowing. But so three to go are, oh, hoi-de-max as well. Oh, hoi-de-boys. It's max here from Marinole Victoria. Today I'm doing some fencing on the farm. I had to go into town to get some supplies
Starting point is 00:01:26 and unfortunately my car had a flat battery. So I thought, yep, perfect opportunity to use my dad's very impressive Volkswagen TIG1. The blokes at the Rural Supply Store were very impressed. Congrats on the SP, hey? Cheers. Stay away from those darts Andy. Cheers. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Cheers. Um, that is. Wow. Another tick one on the road. Yeah, we healing him to walk a bit taller, don't you? The dads that have that amount of gloating power up in this, in this life. Because as a young man, you obviously grow up thinking.
Starting point is 00:02:01 When you're a little boy, you think your dad's a superhero. Yeah. Then you go through a phase of, oh no, he's just a man. And then some of us are lucky enough to see him revert to superhero status when he helps into a not top of the range, but certainly hard to find. Very hard to get. Very, very hard to get. Folks, make a tickle on. Guys, I don't want to start with a downer. That's why I want to clear this out. I will think. No, this is a great show. This is a time for less end of a sausage. Potentially, this came in from Locky,
Starting point is 00:02:30 no surname given. It just said simply this, gusto is downfellas. Oh, not again. Cheapest. Didn't we, I mean, we address this. We know, we started. We knew who it was, we've said it,
Starting point is 00:02:44 found out it was Jack. He's he's right at his ways. And now I thought I thought in the week. I know what we did on last week's show, but apparently the gusto of the show was down, according to Lucky. This is Nightmare Sonario because we started the year low on gusto.
Starting point is 00:02:57 I then think we picked it right up or Jack picked it right up. Our average was high. And he bought his up in line with the show mandate at average of gusto. And I thought I can't honestly say that I've been monitoring Jack's gusto levels to see if he's foot's been. I had actually had a message this week that said great gusto on episode 112. I could show it to you. Well 112 was a while ago and I wonder if you got a fat hair. I do wonder if you
Starting point is 00:03:24 got a fat hair from that. You relaxed for one 17. I would say. No, actually that gave you, to think I had gust on that episode and hearing the feedback gave me more gusts. That's not the jack I know. The jack I know is a bit of a rest on the rules. The only way we get to the bottom of this is something happened last week.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I don't know what it is. I wrote back to Lockheed and said, You think of the show last week, if it was fine on gusts? I wrote back to Lockheed and, I think of the show. I think of it as fine on Dust. I wrote back to Lockie and said, look, I'm shocked. But can you please identify three moments in the show that we could replay? I'd love to wait them out.
Starting point is 00:03:52 And I have put them onto our producers. We haven't heard these bits, but Lockie joins us now. Lockie, who are you? I'm Hoy Boys, commiserations on Pebble Bay Charney. Oh, what happened there? Well, a couple years ago, you didn't perform as well at the golf, as you hoped you might have. Yeah, Andy, Andy, Andy played one of the most exclusive courses
Starting point is 00:04:11 in the world, and obviously forgot that he did it. How's it going? No, yeah, I went, I went and played that course. I remember now. And I played it poorly. It was like, what is it? What is it? An opportunity to, you know, shake hands with your favorite person
Starting point is 00:04:26 and missing and falling. Missing and falling flat in your face is what I did is the gull for equivalent. What rank is it in the world? No idea. But it's very, very highly regarded. What are we talking for around 50 bucks? Not a private course, public course.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Right, yeah. Cheap, no, not cheap. The expensive. 350. A stroke. US. That's why you want to go around in a low stroke. Play another.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Wow, we have. I've got a golf stuff side. We've actually deleted it. In Keep It A Deleted, we've deleted golf chat before. We have. Lucky gusto down last week. It was a real kick in the guts to find this out. I wrote back to you and said, hey, would you mind isolating the three bits? You've done that. Was there an overall thing?
Starting point is 00:05:11 Would you want to go straight into the moments you picked out? No, I think we're going straight in. Yeah. It wasn't really an overall arc across the whole episode, just a couple of points at which the gusto was not as high as I would have liked. And you've had a jump on, and I appreciate you doing this because you do have to jump on this kind of stuff. This is early, otherwise it becomes accepted. Now, I'm correcting myself. It wasn't, I got the ammo during the week, but it wasn't from last week's show. It's a little bit, dating back a little bit, but Locky is picked out the episode 116.
Starting point is 00:05:41 116. So two weeks ago it was. So sorry, it took me a while to get to your email, I'll be lucky, but episode 116, apparently down on gusto. Locky, the first one, do you remember what you put forward because we haven't heard them yet?
Starting point is 00:05:54 Yeah, it was straight off the bat. As soon as the episode started, I could hear that Andy's instruction was low on gusto. Oh, this one against me. The one against me. Okay, let's all listen. The Hoi to my right hand man. The Hoi to my left hand man. And the Hoi to my left hand man.
Starting point is 00:06:11 The Hoi to my right hand man. We do shit in the triangle. The triumvirate. Okay, that's good. So I feel like I'll take that on board. I don't think I was, I think I lacked little bit of gust on the first one. And I think you did some heavy lifting to get us right back up.
Starting point is 00:06:28 By the end of the audio though, I felt like we're all back at Pete Gusto. Yeah, so yeah, that's it. It was a blip. It was a clump. It's a shits of fire. We appreciate it. You got it. If you can't nip out the blip, that's how it spreads.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Possibly two seconds. I thought I felt like you started the show with the energy you would normally reserve for a newsreader at the end of the broadcast with a shuffling the paper. Yep, yeah, you're right. I sort of had that tone as they're talking like, oh, was that Jeff?
Starting point is 00:06:54 Do we get that was a good show? And lucky, I mean, I was really hoping that I didn't get one against my name today, but I'm already down this three. Second part, what did you pick out? So during when you're talking about the electronic drum kit, Jaco, this is on you. Yes, this is really a trick.
Starting point is 00:07:11 It's been a week, attempt to criminalize Hamish on the broken hi hat. Okay, let's have a listen to that. And that brings me to point two, something on the drum kit is broken. Well, you just have to play for that. I don't know why, but you know how the high hats like close together and unclose?
Starting point is 00:07:27 I remember. Something's happened with that pedal and now the high hats just stay closed all the time. It's like, I'm going to use that to repair it for you to give it back. Did some of you did ever work under your... It did, I don't know what happened to that. You broke it.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I know what happened. It wasn't, it wasn't, it wasn't, and then it wasn't, and you were the only one who touched it. Yeah, Keena here he is that. That was just clear as day. Clear as day. Lucky I would actually say I'll take some responsibility. There was a little bit of low gusto for me. I thought Hamish's response to the question was very equally low gusto. I don't think you're right. I was trying to come down to your level to communicate with someone that which is an empathetic thing to do. Yeah, like when a top team plays a bottom one and the skills just go to the team.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Yeah, you're only as good as who you're playing against. So I tried to come down to your level to go, oh, can we try and understand you here? But what you were really explaining to me, what it was as a complaint over something was 100% your fault. I guess I was baffled and sometimes baffledment can take a bit of wind out of the gusto sales. Okay, thank you. They're not one lucky, the final one for gusto.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Right, oh, this is when you talked about the big four fruit. Yes, okay. This is on you, Hamish. I'm sorry. Everyone's just giving my way. It's grout to them. But yeah, just have a listen, have a listen. Here's the strange thing about the big five
Starting point is 00:08:43 I learned on safari in Africa. It's for hunting, like from back in the 50s or whatever. All right, you go. It was like these are the big five that if you shoot them or whatever, you can say you're under, because Buffalo is one of the big five. Oh, really? Oh, there was a favorite animal situation, but it's like, you know, it's terrible. It's like elephant, rhino, lion, buffalo.
Starting point is 00:09:05 I'm saying it's very clear. Right, okay. Just double checking here. We're not going to... You can't stand that on Jindsack Champions, you'd lose. Okay. So you're saying the fact you thought was, you didn't like the information. Because remember, like, it's not about discussing the hunting of animals for amusement.
Starting point is 00:09:24 You can't have too much gusto in that. If you're describing the tragedy of an elephant dying for sport. True, true, but it still stands, it was like gusto. It was like gusto, but it was more of a somber moment. Like as we thought about, you know, the lions that have been hunted over time and that are now no longer on the planet. I'll cover it, I'll cover it. I mean, but I'm also kind of equally glad I did not attack it with gusto.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Can I put something to you, Locke? Sure. You rode in gusto, was dear. Yes. I rode back fine three bits. Well, you didn't ride back, was Sarah? Yes, well, Sarah did, but I'm, yeah, Sarah rode back at my direction. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Signed off on by to get. Signed off. To get three bits. To get three bits. Off on by. You struggled to find three bits with low-gust. No, you're right. I know.
Starting point is 00:10:14 I'll play the thing. Always the thing is like now. Now, now, now, I'm not playing the fifth in itself. It's a huge lack of gusto. Now, I would like to you, Locky, that our show actually... Hey, I'm not the one with the show. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:27 All I'm saying is... You are the gusto police. Yes. Let me take the gusto accusation story. Gusta, poli. Yeah. Ha, ha, ha. We take the gusto accusations very seriously.
Starting point is 00:10:37 I think you've thrown it out frivolously. And what I'd remind people if they're going to do this again, often one's own mood can determine how they're hearing something. Yeah. And I feel like he's not just saying it's a very low gusto day. I don't know today. I'm not just saying this to further shore up our position. But the whole excitement of gusto is its peaks and troughs.
Starting point is 00:10:58 It's like a symphony. You cannot play the whole thing at full volume. That's the show. Yes. And then when it does come with the gusto, it's only the troughs that make the peaks so exciting. That is very fair. Thank you, Lurkey. Before you were, we rebut your accusations of low gusto with high gusto. Well done. Thanks, man. I'm obviously our loyalty card keeps ticking along, heading into Christmas heaps of bargains
Starting point is 00:11:28 to be had. We should point this out, in Melbourne of course restrictions have been lifted. The chapel street precinct were the original sponsors of the letter that was accompanying the loyalty cards that they went out. The loyaltyard was unsponsored. The letter had a sponsored quarter to it, at a billboard on it, and the chapel street shopping precinct did the right thing, and they stepped up and they said, yes, we will be associated with this Australian Red Cross for taking it down there.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I was gonna say, not just, I was pressing it down there. I was pressing it down there. But the store's on the precinct. It's a bloody, it's like it's the unofficial laudicard. You know, Mac and Sons, if you're going to go in for your groceries, MJ Bale nationwide, they'll also go out on Chapel Street. If you want a new suit, they're all accepting the loyalty card.
Starting point is 00:12:13 So, it's pretty good for a suit. I mean, I'm not surprised because obviously all stores in the world are accepting it. Yeah, but that's a very nice note, the cluster of stores that are really accepting it. The chapel street freezing. Also, our power moves book, the first batch arrived in the country, the 16,000, there were two weeks away from the rest of the arriving.
Starting point is 00:12:30 But they're out of the warehouse and Horg says that they will go out within a day. Here again, still send them all out immediately. So he's standing by with a team of elite shippers. Yep, he's gonna do the whole thing in one day is his bold claim. Now, we get it, we keep saying it's not a podcast, you know, we put the book up for sale so people can have a chance
Starting point is 00:12:49 to get it. Yeah. You know, there is a lag between purchase and receive. It's obviously different than a bookshop where you, as soon as you purchase that book, is in your hand, this was a slightly different scenario, but I tell you what, you don't get it a bookshop. The, um, Corrigate Tube. Oh, yeah, Corrigate. Exactly. The card they don't call it a tube pad. You don't have to send it back to us. Oh, no. That's yours to keep as well. That's a free gift with purchase.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Some people may have seen that we've sold out, which we had for a second. Explain this to everyone. Explain this to everyone. Then Horg's ring me. That was $29.990. Yeah, that was $29.990. $29.990.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Then Horg's play for me is is maximum amount of books we made. You never know how many books are coming. I don't understand. I said, what do you mean? If you order 29,990, you're sure you get 29,990. He said, no, the printers don't work that way. Why not? I don't think it makes sense to me.
Starting point is 00:13:37 He says, I think they just stack it with the reams of highest quality paper available, 144GSM, tri-finding high quality paper. You won't, but you think you have, you've actually found cardboard. They stack it high, and they print as many reams they can get out of that. I don't understand how this works. And then he says, it could be 100 less than you ordered
Starting point is 00:13:58 or it could be a thousand more. And I was like, well, that's bad news if it's less because people have promised this. And he said, the good news is a thousand more more so there. That's what I'm happy about I am happy we've got an extra thousand books, but this whole like what machine is this where you just put a random Assortment of ingredients on and press go and you're not allowed to know the number of books that it's making I think I don't know. I don't know, but I think it's what factory. I mean, I thought the point of fact is going so quick I don't know, but I think it's like factory. I mean, I thought the point of fact is,
Starting point is 00:14:23 I think it's going so quick. No, no. No, no. The machine must know how he books it's making. No, I think the machine, let's call. How many books do you make? 50ish. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:35 I just started. It's like the Toyota factory going, where Hammy Castle, did you make today? Doesn't, 2009, I don't know. Who can tell? Where it's factory? We're dealing round numbers. We're going to do power music, but let's know who you can tell. Where it's factory. We only deal in round numbers. We're going to do power music, but let's call hogs.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Of course. It's so much more important. But anyway, then there'll be another thousand available. That's true. And they will sell out. And then it will probably re-release next year, because everyone should have this book. So it's $30,990 an hour drive away. So it's like a slightly better model of a car
Starting point is 00:15:05 that would be 29990. Yeah, and it's like with all the factory extras. Yes. And so, no, driveway, that's including onwards. It's good. Hopefully, Hawkes picks up. Mark was speaking. Hawkes, sorry, we've called you unaware,
Starting point is 00:15:21 it's Hamish and Andy here. How are you boys? Yeah, good to go. I was just trying to explain to the guys that we've got another secret of 1,000 books If you've called you unaware, it's Hamish and Andy here. How are you boys? Yeah, good to know. Great. I was just trying to explain to the guys that we've got another secret of 1,000 books because the printing said it's going to be either a couple of hundred under a 1,000 over a month. Andy goes to me, Cog says, at the factory, you never know how many books you're making. You just chuck all the ingredients in the machine and then it makes as many books as it feels
Starting point is 00:15:42 like. Instead it's printing too fast. It's empty. It's printing too fast that the machine doesn't know how many it's printing. Well that's the, when you go to these kind of printers, like they can't just stop it on, you know, 20,000. Why not? It's like a printer at home can stop at 20 pages.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Why can't they- It's going so far. It's not about speed. Is it about speed, huh? It's about, it's about a few things. Well, obviously, you get some damages so they've always got to go over. So sometimes they just chuck a few things out.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Look at Hawke's. There must be a control panel where someone enters in how many, you must go select book, how many? How many? 30,000. There must be a little, you know, or 31,000 accounting for the errors. There must be, if it was someone puts in an actual number, it can't just be go and stop.
Starting point is 00:16:32 And then it gets. It is. I know we shine you hands. I wish I did speed of delivery. I wish you guys let me know what you're going to be talking about. It is called it, but yes. I just can't, and is it like this for every book? Oh, for every book we do. We write a purchase order and then the printers come back
Starting point is 00:16:51 and go, I know you've got to add that quantity plus or minus 5%. And so they don't know. So if you're running late-hem, you tell me you're going to be driving the five minutes early or five minutes late. It's always five minutes late. It could be early though.
Starting point is 00:17:04 So if you go right, let's say you've got five more press, you've got a cookbook coming out and you go, we want 20,000 printed. Does the printer then call you up and go, great news, we actually got 26,000 off the machine. Like is it like a half-it? Basically, we've got to wait until it's on the ship and then go, oh, by the way, how many is your print?
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yeah, and that's why. And that's the good thing. And that's why Hawke said the good news is, we got an extra thou. Now, is this the same with all factories like you? So they changed your things. So they called for the Apple factory going now, of course, you know, the new iPhones out.
Starting point is 00:17:40 We wanted 10 million of the 12. Oh yeah, well, we set the computer to make 10 million, but I only spat out an eight and a half, we don't know where the rest went. Hawgs. I think downhages has a big part to play. And then when they bind the books I think it's you know the sort of I don't think they ever, so I think they're always probably print 5% more to account for the damage. And if they have a good run, you end up with more. So we've had a good run to get this thousand more. Oh, they had the top of the range,
Starting point is 00:18:12 our binders, binder people, just really doing it. So not a mistake was made and we've ended up with a surplus. Yeah, exactly. Oh, fantastic. I guess that makes a little bit more sense. So we had a contingency in there, but yet we're using obviously the highest quality factory, the highest quality binders, the most top of the range equipment and we ran, we didn't have a mistake. I mean, I should be paying more for the book now.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I mean, it's just, I'm not putting the price up, but we're saying, there's a thousand more of a value. I love to see you doing home shopping hawks. Actually, just talking about this. This shouldn't be $49.95. This is the best vacuum cleaner ever. This is $100 minimum. Hawks, we'll do another order for next year. So people can get it, but they obviously won't get it.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Are you guaranteeing everybody's going to arrive for Christmas? Oh, well, basically. They obviously won't get you are you guaranteeing everybody's going to arrive for Christmas? Oh Basically, you were the last time you said it was a guarantee and absolutely guarantee Thank you. That's one of Christmas Absolutely for and T and then Hawkes next year when we do the next print Because I think it'd be great to obviously Commend the people that have bought the book in the first run. You want to know you've got a first edition. Could we add to a page or add a page, a page of shame where it says this book denotes the shame we had from taking this second print and put one.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Can you ever put one page in at low quality paper? Oh, yeah. All of the extra cost as far as we be more expensive. Yeah. We could put, we could put, actually that's a good idea. Anyone from the next year, we cover, because I'm worried if you had a page in a shame page, someone could cut that out to make it look like a first edition. What about on the cover, it will have like dishonorable second run.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Could you do that, Aux? Yeah, definitely. Because if you know if you don't have the dishonorable second runs stamp on the cover, you had one of the first editions. Love it. Disonorable second run. Will it be in spot UV or be in the matte finish? No, they don't get anything for that.
Starting point is 00:20:18 No, no spot UV. It'll be in the matte laminate. Okay. It's done. Hawks, thanks very much, mate. Thank you, man. The next sense. See you said they're not going to try. These people, yes, we tried easy.
Starting point is 00:20:27 But people can go there now. I imagine if you're getting the podcast early in the morning, you might be able to get the last few of the books. Otherwise, you may go in waiting for the dishonorable second run. Yeah, for the dishonorable second run. And should we, oh, that's going to be hard, but I wonder whether we should try and take those orders for the dishonorable second run. Yeah, for the Del Sionable second run. And should we, oh, this could be hard, but I wonder whether we should try and take those orders for the Del Sionable second run. Just let's just get this one out and then we launch that next year. I mean, it's late in the year to start opening you. Yeah, we're not doing that. Lucy and we've got no time for other palmas.
Starting point is 00:20:57 No, we can't do a palmas. No, even just one. You're gonna do, okay, do one. Oh, you got one? Yeah, okay, I've got one. Okay, go one. I mean, we, okay, get this two exciting. Yep. Far enough, Jack. When you are going to the male public bathroom, and there is more than one urinal, if there is a subject using one of the urinals, stand behind him and line up for it. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Good. Good. Look, I don't know why this made me laugh so much, but I just want to read this one quickly from clearly because it involves a term that made me giggle. Hoi Amish, who were with Andy, hello number six. Random power mover, fan of the wild here. Recently my grandma has been in hospital, however,
Starting point is 00:21:45 she's established her dominance over the nurses. She drifts while all of her tablets right in front of the nurses, after they've carefully laid out and poured her a glass of water. Why, you ask? Just a proof of point that she could be at home establishing herself as an alpha patient.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Oh, they really like alpha patients. I've got to go and pound this book too, that one. That's good. Hey, interesting, special skill has come forward and look to be honest, but this particular topic, I was surprised how enthusiastic a lot of our listeners are about it. I'm really glad that you've bought it to the attention of our show. Well, it's a world that I was never expecting to be part of I see karma as playing a part Um, the world we're talking about is Pokemon. Yeah for years we mocked Pokemon the world of small imaginary animals
Starting point is 00:22:42 Um, the I'll continue to Yes, and long may you. But I hope you understand, Andy, whilst I will pack your lunch and I'll hand you a six pack and I'll set you off on the HMAIS mockery. I cannot board because I must stay on the shore with my son who loves Pokemon now. Got a six year old, he's got into them, you had the whole world available to him to be interested in. He chose Pokemon as many others before. As many have, and I back him, and I've recently stand I found out from Mike, who is our Pokemon on the show.
Starting point is 00:23:16 He's a grown man, still very much into Pokemon. And Mike sent me a fact, it was like the highest grossing franchises of all time. Perkhamone's second behind Star Wars at like 72 billion. There's number one. Number one. Mike's just smashed his hand against the Vase outside and does it. Number one.
Starting point is 00:23:37 That's incredible. Is it $90 billion or something that it's made? Something like that. So more than a Mickey Mouse or just highest grossscrocing entertainment franchise, more than Avengers, more than world. You know, Superman's Batman Star Wars. Yep, unbelievable, right? So Pokemon's out there.
Starting point is 00:23:54 The Pokemon, what they say, they're having fun, but they are trapped in balls and they're made to fight each other. But they are, you know, people that are into Pokemon are having fun. So Jesse came forward him. So we've been talking a bit about, if people are up to date with the show and they've listened to them all, we had recently on the show Mike helping me in trying to impress my son with some Pokemon facts. Jesse went into the show and he's like, obviously he's a Pokemon as well. And he has been upset here, Mike, on the show. He didn't like, he said, hey, you got to, it's
Starting point is 00:24:24 him, you know, you guys probably don't understand. I'm paraphrasing here. I didn't like, he said, hey, you got to, it's him, you know, you guys probably don't understand. I'm paraphrasing here. I don't have his email in hand, but he said words of the fact, the effect of, you don't understand how insulting it is to hear this guy say he's at this Pokemon whiz, because he doesn't know anything about Pokemon. I am the Pokemon whiz. This is the kind of battle that I'm into. I am the Pokemon wins. You gotta get this guy off the show, this Mike guy. Now of course, Mike's our Pokemon. Well, he served.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Well, he served the show well as a Pokemon expert. That's why we thought we'd invite Mike into the studio. In fact, let's get Mike on the show right now. Let's get him off the show. And let's get Jesse up at the same time. First of all, a Hoi to you, Jesse. How's it going? Yeah, good. Really good. Mike, welcome in.
Starting point is 00:25:08 A hoi to you. Hello, hello, Jesse. Oh, how's it going? Mike, how did you feel about that bit of slander thrown your way from Jesse? Um, I mean, not great. Like do you have any specific examples of things that are said right? Yeah. Yeah. Um, I mean, when you were talking of things that are said wrong? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:25 I mean, when you were talking about like Venusaur, it was like, oh, kind of like a dinosaur thing. Well, literally saw is dinosaur basically. I know that. So it should be, and it's not kind of a dinosaur, is it? So I can't be interesting. So these are the kind of new answers that Jesse is getting right up there. I remember here, Mike, you're being called out here because you're going to be elite.
Starting point is 00:25:47 And when you're elite, there's nothing wrong. Everything's laizable. I don't remember making that claim though. Well, Jesse obviously does. Yeah. And then, they just go and stuck with him and it's burned into his memory. So for the special skill today,
Starting point is 00:25:59 instead of just getting Jesse, I mean, we saw this special skill and we saw, instead of just getting him on and quizzing him about Pokemon. Let's, as they like to do in the Pokemon world, battle you guys. Okay, let's battle our Pokemon against each other in three rounds. Yes. And Mike didn't know this, Jesse didn't know this, so it's fair.
Starting point is 00:26:18 You're both about to learn how it goes down. Yeah, it's going to be facts based. Okay, but first we've got a should we play the opener? Yeah, yeah. Okay. Oh the Pokemony battle, oh the Pokemony battle, oh the Pokemony battle, oh the Pokemony battle, facts are what it's all about. Three rounds of facts-based Pokemon battling. Are you guys prepared? Now, I know you haven't prepared for this, but we thought this would be the fairest way
Starting point is 00:27:01 to do it by just springing this on you, and it should just be all the facts that you have in your head about Pokemon's. What we're going to do is first round is bring your best fact. One fact. We're going to knock out Jeffy on a hold. Right, so you can't hear Mike's fact and try to outdo him. And between the three of us, Jack, Hey, Mission Eye, we'll just decide. We'll just decide.
Starting point is 00:27:24 As we go through, now that may not be in line with just decide. We'll just decide, as we go through. Now that may not be in line with Pokemon fans, but that is what we're going to do. All right, Mike, here we go. Round one, hit, act. Round one, best solo facts. Okay, so best facts about Pokemon, Mike. Well, can I do the one about the highest grossing threat?
Starting point is 00:27:42 That was pretty good. You like that. Well, do I want to take another one? I mean, better, better bad. You know, what about a Pokemon like a specific fact about a Pokemon? Like, did you know that like, great, Rinkasaur? There is no Rinkasaur. Here's a great fact that I actually think is, is quite interesting. The creator of the Pokemon franchise and Pokemon was originally going to be called Capumon, which was capsule monsters.
Starting point is 00:28:06 It eventually became Pokemon, which is Pocket Monsters. He got the idea for Pokemon when he was out catching bugs with his friends, and he thought it would be fun to catch the bugs and fight them against each other. That's how Pokemon was created. Bam. It's pretty good. You know what, it's slowly against Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:28:24 What's that? Mark on that one. What's that? I knew that. I knew that as well. Have you liked it before? No, but what about the Capoo Monbitt? I didn't tell you that last time. I haven't heard that before.
Starting point is 00:28:33 The only thing knowing Mike as we do, I worry that he's not confident with his own fact because he said bam at the end. That an overcurrent. Okay, Jesse, let's bring him back. Jesse, are you there? Yep, I am. Where you just give us are you there? Yep, I'm here. Where is Jesse? Where is he? Where is he?
Starting point is 00:28:47 Where is he? He was here. Singular fact. It was the best fact. Alrighty. Psychic Pokemon basically are the mind Pokemon, like intelligence. And they're weak to bug dark and ghosts because they're basically the primal fears. People are afraid of spiders.
Starting point is 00:29:01 People are afraid of the supernatural. And people are afraid of being in the dark. And so that's why it's weak to those types of Pokemon. Okay. Okay. Mike, did a huge eye roll during your fact there, Jesse, I've got to say. I didn't follow it. I got a bit confused by what were you upset about that fact. Two things there that immediately proved to me that Jesse doesn't actually know much about Pokemon. Number one, everyone knows the type advantages, so that's barely a good fact. two things there that immediately prove to me that Jesse doesn't actually know much about Pokemon number one Everyone knows the type advantages. So that's barely a good fact. Number two. He said that the reason
Starting point is 00:29:41 Dark is good against psychic is because people are scared of the dark incorrect the dark type in Japanese is actually evil type has nothing to do with darkness Wow nothing to do with darkness. Wow. I just brought something you know nothing. I would have said bam at the end of that. That's not true. Well, it's actually not true because there's a dark type is basically dirty fighting. Yeah, the dark type is actually the idea. You have nothing to do with darkness, which is you said it was because they're scared of the dark. Yeah, but they do when they translate it actually try to incorporate English things into it.
Starting point is 00:30:04 So it does change and it does change a lot of like English names are pun on English things. We don't just directly translate it over. Okay. This is great. Round one. Time. Now it's time for round two. Round two, stop the other Pokemon. Okay, now. Okay, now. Think of a question, whether you have to think of a question that the other person may not,
Starting point is 00:30:35 other Pokemon may not know. Right. Mike's not in. Mike, do you want to go first? He's got one. Go, go, go. What is the maximum amount of effort values one stat can have in the Pokémon meta game? Uh, 52. Oh he's got it! It looks like he's got it!
Starting point is 00:30:56 Oh, he's got it! That is correct! Oh my goodness! I was genuinely shocked there! Okay, Jesse, now you're turn to stump the other Pokeman Alrighty, um, what is Giratina based on? Giratina is based on a Japanese dragon ghost myth No, it's any matter Yeah, he's also based, like,, those legendary Pokemon represent time space in our team, but he that's a mixed question because it could be based on like whether it's based on a system.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Scramble. Scramble. I'm not scrambling. That was a big question. That was a big question. That was a big question. I see Mike. I think it could have been a vague question.
Starting point is 00:31:42 To be honest, I felt like Michael. I think it was a big question. I think it was a big question. I see Mike, I think. Yeah, it could have been a vague question. To be honest, I felt like Mike won round one. I was going to call it the time. I feel like I'm going to give this one to Jess. I can't see count.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Mike did win round one. You can call it a tie. I call it a point. You can call it a point. I am calling this round. This is a unanimous, I think, in Jessi's face. So it is really one round all. Okay, it's forced just around three.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Okay. Round three, okay. And three for all. And... Okay, here's how round three works. You have got 30 seconds to yell, facts, and superiority at each other.
Starting point is 00:32:21 You might want to wait and rebut, you can just choose what you want to do. Could be a bit like the first presidential debate though. No mics will be muted. It is simply 30 seconds to establish dominance. Try and bait the other guy, try and get some answers out of it and try and trap him. Try and show off your own superiority. Jack will have a honker, but he'll play at the end of the 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:32:42 We'll have to determine the winner. Are you guys both ready? Yep. I am. Yeah, free for all go When how much that's the megapo time I get when they mega They get an extra 100 starts. Yeah There was there was an episode of Pokemon that caused seizures around Japan but it was actually a big issue. My question, what is the title of the episode? It is not that. Oh, cyberspace, I can't remember. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I mean, it's not really a Pokemon set, but all right. I was in a extension. Time extension, keep fighting. How is it not a Pokemon fact? OK, Jesse. It's the anime. Jesse, go back and in, go back and in. I, before Megah Agar on what Pokemon had the ability filter?
Starting point is 00:33:29 Big on the ropes. Was it? No, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Okay, my question is, who is the current voice actor for Ash Ketchum? I don't know. I think I found the right spot.
Starting point is 00:33:43 It's the other side. The TV show. I mean, yours is just the I found the right spot. The TV show. I think I found the right spot. I mean yours is just the Pokemon itself because it was Mr. Mine. Oh cool. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So I think it's 5-0-1 and it was a new friendship. It was created. Yeah. It was like hugging during the fight. It was so weird. It was so weird. It was so weird. Because like Tyson hits Hollywood in the face. And then he's like, I'm not sure if I'm gonna speak to the speaker.
Starting point is 00:34:09 And that's a really interesting punch. He just did that. I love that. You should never see anything. You should never see anything. Great footwork. Really? Telegrap it with your hips.
Starting point is 00:34:17 By the way. I'm going to do this. This is very unconventional. I haven't asked Hayme yet. It sends you away for a weekend together. There is a... It's not an eight coin coin, but it's a singular coin. Wow.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Mike, do you think Jesse as this Pokemon deserves it? Did he meet the match your skill level? We know the MMA was your soft spot to me that you went to the cartoon, which to me was like, oh yeah, you're asking specifics about directors and actors in a cartoon. Yeah. They're a bit different to Pokemon, but up to you, Mike, as yeah, you're asking specifics about directors and actors in a cartoon. Yeah. A bit different to Pokemon, but up to you, Mike, as the Pokemon, do you want to bestow a coin on Jesse? Any hardcore Pokemon fan knows about effort values? I think a lot of casual fans don't.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Jesse did. You've got a coin. Yeah! Oh! Thank you. Oh my God, Jesse, what a played mic like you still stand Jesse we'll obviously connect you two guys off here and enjoy having some fun When he got the mega question right, you know, he knows what he's doing
Starting point is 00:35:22 And into the fight they both took a knee to each other. The two combatants bloodied and bruised, hugging in the octagon, admiring the effort that the other has put in. That is what Pokemon Facts Offs fail to test. All the guys. Cheers, Jesse. Well done.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I'll try. And thanks you. Spac. And don't. Coming to the end of the year. Yes. I think we do have time to upset you at least once more. Well, this is the last time. For the year.
Starting point is 00:35:52 What do you say? Everything is neat and practical, because that's the way it likes it. But what if it wasn't? Upset Andy. What's upset you my friend Tom Mina a hoi Tomina a hoi boys had to be with Andy no need got to write you Tomina I'm launched launch she's feeling I've actually
Starting point is 00:36:14 arranged upon it actually relaxed a lot the last week we'll see we'll see what do you got Tomina all right so when I go to save a file like when I'm on my laptop or if I'm screen showing something I just never file them away into correct folders so everything just lives on my desktop. Oh it's a computer still on the computer. That's not me. Do you have bits? I do that to time in and my screen savers and I'll picture of my son and I will go I remember I put that file like kind of near his head. Yeah, that's On sunny's eyebrow my desktop is completely covered like I've got piles on piles on
Starting point is 00:37:02 That's extreme for me that's that's that's UV I'm getting that's extreme for me. That's that's that's if you go by UV spectrum because you know what extreme danger. You know I have said since so much 50 plus it's because you've been messy in an area where technology has got you've given you many tools to be organized and I think Annie's in Sultan on behalf of the tools available to you under the folder system Bill Gates and I very disappointed. Good job. Next time we know for his furious Michael. Ahoi to you Michael. Ahoi boys, hey birthday Andy.
Starting point is 00:37:30 I need. So my mate, the fellow Andy, he bought a new fridge and instead of getting rid of the old fridge he's kept it in his kitchen, he's unplug it, and he now uses the next storage cupboard and pantry. Big one pantry. So, in his second fridge, you'll find lotion, flour, foam pepper shakers, and a kettle. I can't let a fridge never hot meat cold in a kettle for the ages. I hate it. Absolutely, I hate it. He's a cheap cupboard. I mean, it's a good use of a kettle because hate it. Absolutely, I hate it. It is a cheap cupboard. I mean, it's a good use of a cupboard because it's hard to,
Starting point is 00:38:09 I mean second hand fridge is easy, especially if it just died out. It's not a lot you can do, they take it away. The fridge guys, that's one of the best rackets going around because we've had a fridge that died and they go, I'll look, we can get rid of it for you. That's how it is even charged you. You know they're just fixing it up on sale again. So keep it as a cheap white cupboard. I think is a good win for the little man. Michael, I would hate that.
Starting point is 00:38:33 It's extreme. Did he have the shelves in there still? Still in there here. Because that'd be the only thing that would upset any more as if the shelves had broken or come out and it was just all piled up. Top of that. Thanks, Mike.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Hugh, I'll hoid you. I'm hoi boys and I can got some on the SP, I miss you. Very much appreciated Hugh and obviously deserved, but at the same time, putting it behind me, Hugh, what have you got to upset Andy? Yeah, no worries. So, yeah, when I'm wearing a T-shirt and a,
Starting point is 00:38:59 you put a jumper on, get to the end of the day and you've got to have a shower, you take the jumper off and the T-shirt comes with it, just don't separate them, just leave them and then you could have been the washing machine and... Wash the whole wipe. Separate them for the wash. Through the whole journey. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Yeah, but then you get the added bonus of you, you got to put the jumper back on, t-shirt or you. So they go to give it the whole journey, like Marlon Odo. It's over the waterfall through the desert. Come out the other side. It's like a beautiful movie. Yeah, but there were many Marlon Otis because it wasn't always work.
Starting point is 00:39:35 That was the sad part about it. That's why I don't think the t-shirt should stay inside the jump reed. It's too dangerous. Not going to be clean properly. Of course it would. Of course it would. It's extreme. It's extreme again. It's in the red side. How's this not going to be clean properly. Of course it would. Of course it would. It's extreme. It's extreme.
Starting point is 00:39:45 It's in the red. It's not going to be clean properly. The water still gets in there. The jumper can't protect it from getting cleaned. I think it can. Maca. Anyway, have you seen washing machine ads? Inzyms, mate.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Inzyms. Scott, oh, hi to you. Oh, hi boys. Oh, hi, Scott. What have you got to do? This is a red hot round. All right, boys. So whenever you want some bread, obviously get the bread out of the pantry,
Starting point is 00:40:05 take a little bread clip off, untwist the bag and take your bread out. Uh, a bit of mucking around in that process, so when I put the bread back into the pantry, instead of fuffin' about doing the twisty thing with the bag and fuffin' about with the clip, I'll just fold the bag and put it back into the pantry and gravity do what's thing. A bread fold is good. Moderate for me. Don't pressure the bread fold. Don't Moderate for me. Have done a pressure.
Starting point is 00:40:25 A bread fold. Don't mind it. As long as there is some kind of ceiling going on. I know. The gravity seal. The gravity seal. Sometimes the double seal, I'll squash it against the wall. There's certainly an end.
Starting point is 00:40:36 That's not it. And it can look meter as well. So I actually, sorry, Scott, not upset. No, no, no, no, there's a bad thing with a good thing that I've not upset you And sometimes I in the bag Extreme me doesn't love the cringles Good Scotty. All right, maybe you want me and a he's a bit of a trait Jeff the machine night
Starting point is 00:40:55 Oh, oh Canada a hoi Jeff. We haven't had Jeff on for a while. How are you Jeff? Oh? Doing well and happy with the candy. No need Jeff one of the longest contributors of the show, the whole time, Jeff, the machine night, Jeff, this is from the other side of the world, please upset Andy. Okay, so I just recently got a cat. Sorry, you've already upset me. I'm living in the lima house. It's a tall terrier. The tall terriers is a tall terrier, is welcome. But short, cat sounds short, do you cat sounds short. Sorry, Jeff, go ahead, continue. Okay, so every night when I feed him his wet food, I just grabbed a small plate from the
Starting point is 00:41:33 cupboard and instead of taking the dish to be washed when he's done with it, I'll just leave it on the floor and then stack the next dish, the next night on top of that, and then I'll just repeat that until I run out of dishes. We've got a cat cart reach. You've got to hope it's a tall cat by the end of the search. You should make sure I can be, cat's fate, hate that. I also don't love using human dishes for the animals.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Beck does that, Beck does that all the time with her family dog that comes round and we see, I see like the nice plates out there with you know wet dog food in and and I Don't love the fact that it just goes straight back in the dishwasher What's the difference in your nice plate and your bad plate at your house? Oh significant. Oh wow Not very nice plate, but what do you mean? What are we doing? Gold rimmed China? No, I just pottery kind of stuff like a
Starting point is 00:42:24 Robert Gordon. I like Robert Gordon. You know, Robert Gordon. I do not know. I do not know. I hate makers by their first and second name. Oh! I've never had a Bobby Gordon. Bobby G's good.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I would mind scraping some lobster off a Bobby Gordon. And then... LAUGHTER And then... And then... And then... And is it not chip the pearl cutlery like the mother of her? No, not every of that stuff. But then you've got... And then I've got, you know, the older plates from
Starting point is 00:42:53 Sharehouse, there's still got them that you can use for knockabout times. Yeah, knockplates. No, Bobby Gordon. No, it's a release Bobby T. It's a bit of a bummy Gordon. Yeah. She's...
Starting point is 00:43:03 Sheva. Sheva. Sorry, a dog. She's a dog. Yeah. She's a she-v-la. Oh, she-v-la. Sorry, she-v-la. Oh, boy, lad. A hoi, another US callie here from Toledo, and a hire as we say thank you to Jeff the machine night. She-v-la, what have you got to upset Andy? First off, I have to birthday, Andy.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Thank you, Pat. So, instead of blocking my car and taking my keys with me, I'll just leave my keys in my car and make a noise with my mouth, much similar to a lot of car noise. Is there any neighbor or crooked bandage around things? Oh man, well that car is definitely large. Can't break into that one. That's really hurt the machine.
Starting point is 00:43:37 She's like, I thought you got to do it for us. She's like, can you please make the sound? Woo-hoo. Woo-hoo. That just walked away. She's like, I love this, but guess what? I met the sound. Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! That was my go-way. She loved this, but guess what?
Starting point is 00:43:48 What? Good friend of the show, Hawgs also did this until he's car got stolen. He's car went missing. You heard about that. Yeah, when the police came and said, how did they think they got in and he said, I was just leaving my keys in the car. I think my voice broke, cheering my alarm at the personation.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Brilliant stuff mate, all the best, thank you. Andy's making that, the remembering project. You can find it wherever you're listening to this podcast, you can find it there. It's a look back at the boys nearly 20 years of radio and podcasting. They pick a date, each episode and look back at all of the run sheets from that day in their history of broadcasting and reminisce about some of the stuff that comes up. He is a great moment from one of the episodes from this week. 2009, we had Chopper Read on famous murderer. We had Chopper Read on a lot for a murderer.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Yeah. There's probably the murderer with the most appearances. Unless there's something you're not telling us Mike. Chopper Read's probably the murderer with the most appearances. Unless there's something you're not telling us, Mike. Jobber reads probably the murderer with the most appearances on the show. It seems weird that we had him on so often. I've seen his name in the run sheets a few times. I mean, very famously, he sort of did a bit
Starting point is 00:45:17 with my grandma, Lucy, where she... Yes, hopefully that day comes up. I love Thomas and he'd step up to him and go. She basically told him he had rocks of reins and we. She wasn't a fan of his. We were in. And a wise move from Lucy, perhaps going, why is my grandson getting this murder or on the show? But I remember though at the time, thinking it was funny, but also just in the back of my mind going, hey, Lucy, can you stop offending the murderer? Yeah. Might just put an unmarked car outside.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Lucy's house for a few nights. Make everything's okay. There you go, guys. That's the remembering project. Get it wherever you listen to this podcast every Monday and Tuesday. And we will catch you next week on the Hamish and Andy Show. Thank you so much for listening. Have a great week. Thanks for listening. The Hamish and Andy podcast will return next week.

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