Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2020 Ep 119

Episode Date: November 25, 2020

1. Secrets of Magic 2. Tell us someone we haven't thought of in a while 3. Big Man 4. Jack’s house sweep ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A Lysna production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. Ahoi to my fellow Treje Hunter in Hamish. Ahoi to my fellow treasurer hunter in Hamish. Ahoi to Jacko, you are going to look for the treasurer in your house. The treasurer?
Starting point is 00:00:31 The treasurer, really. The treasurer, yeah. But also on the hunt as well, I'd love to find it. Double agent. Today has been a big day. Big day. We obviously COVID restrictions have been lifted and we were able to go out to Jack's house and look for the password for his Bitcoin password and hopefully unlock what has been a
Starting point is 00:00:50 very good week for Bitcoin. Yeah, hopefully unlock tens of thousands of dollars. You could be right. The richest episode of the Hamish and Eddie podcast today. Yes, Ash and Pete were our two professionals that were going to go through Jack's house. We've got that for you later on in the pod. We should also say, a hoi to Ben. The hoi boys Ben here. Holland is a same bike who are called in on episode 100 to let you know that I was on the track to sound great. And there here we are again today back. This time we're harmless to that same crump on that exact same paddock and the
Starting point is 00:01:23 circle of life. Yeah, today I'll just be on the header all day. Obviously listening to the Hamish Airy podcast, only way to be. And yeah, we'll be doing this to Christmas time. Anyways boys, have a good one. Changes. That's a bloody big feel. That's a lot of... If you're in a head air, is that just corn or wheat, or can you head a lot of stuff?
Starting point is 00:01:44 I'm not sure. Cut the head off a lot of things. It's other an enormous farm or he's one of the slowest drivers out there. He goes very, very carefully to harvest his one acre. Good on you, Ben. Well, legend. Keepin' coming in, Hamsheed.com. And something, I know it's late in the year to start a new segment.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Oh, well. And the last thing we want to do is create a loose end before next week's show, where traditionally we do like to tie some of them up, or at least acknowledge by pouring out a small part of our beer, acknowledge a few of the Peter Outs that have left us throughout the year. But I think I can, I think the view this is more of a pilot for 2021.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Okay. So this goes well, you could see this return. Oh, that's great. In 2021. Almost summer programming. It's. It's like in the last week of ratings. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Um, here's, here's the idea. I know that you are a medium level magic fan. Yeah, medium to low, medium to low. Tolerance is low. I know that you are a medium level magic fan. Yeah, medium to low, medium to low. Tolerance is low. Me performing magic to you is a tough ask. But me telling you some stories from the world of magic might be more interesting.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Are you all you've been? Maybe. Okay. I have an idea for a segment where I've heard something interesting from the magic world that I don't think you would have heard. Okay. But it is out there.
Starting point is 00:03:11 So I guess I'm sort of re-telling it to you. Okay. Okay, this is the segment. Four centuries, magicians have been blowing our minds with their magic tricks. Now now. Now, prepare to have your mind unloved and put back together as Hamish Blake
Starting point is 00:03:29 reveals a secret of magic that has been previously revealed by an magician but that you probably missed in secrets of magic re-revealed. So it's a great open-air bottle like this. I mean, I'm leaving in. So I hear about a trick that has been revealed, but unlikely you've heard it. I'll re-reveal it to you. So I'm sort of the revelation middleman.
Starting point is 00:03:58 So I won't get in any magic trouble for revealing this trick. No, because it's already been revealed. Yeah. Here's what I heard. Right. You get ready. And Jack, I'm re-revealing it to you too. Yep, I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I thought you were on your phone. Those are the bits. So I'm going to try to get his attention. And Jack, you're involved too. Grab you for a sec. Jack and Andy, remember when David Blaine suspended himself in that glass box? Yeah, above, it was in London, I think.
Starting point is 00:04:28 And it was hanging upside down, wasn't he in chains? I can't remember what it was. I think it was just inner box. It was inner glass box of a frame. I think it was over a month. Right, and there was no food or anything. No food, no water, right? And can't remember if he had a pee and poop pipe,
Starting point is 00:04:45 probably he were with a shoot of. It was a perspex, it was a perspex cube. And he was just hanging off a crane in a channel. Maybe people were like, remember someone flew a cheeseburger up to him on a drone and like detour him, right? Do you remember that? I don't remember that.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I remember being in the ground, but maybe that's a different trick. He does a lot of this stuff. Yeah, he does long magic tricks. Yeah, but he's an in the air and in the ground, sort of the same one. If he came back and said, now I'm going to do the same thing in the air. You would go, I bet you're going to use some of the skills you used in the box. He's also jumped in the ice.
Starting point is 00:05:20 He was frozen in ice for quite a long time. Right. I think this is the long time. It was about 20 years ago. Anyway, I heard the other day. How he did that. I was quickly getting a photo up so he can, can, can, so this week we've been buying. Oh yeah, that's Xbox.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Yep. It's just a regular, it's just a regular, it's got a blacked out bottom and I, um, of the box. So I assume he could squat. I can't see a bucket or anything else. No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No, in there. No fun, no fun really. It does have a bed though.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Still no fun. He was up there for a month, was he? I haven't, I've just got the images. I should have done a bit of research. I thought we'd always just remember the moment in time, which was, you know, whatever was 50 years. 44 days. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:01 So I'm so would hit out. Yeah. He's solid hit out. Yeah. He's what I heard, how he did it. The inside of the box. This is a genuine secret that's been revealed, number of revealing it, was coated in a sugary clear paint and he was licking the box. He was having little licks. And that was just enough. Licking the box. He was having little licks.
Starting point is 00:06:25 And that was just enough. Licking the cloth. Yeah. That's how that was one of the tricks he had up his sleeve. Wow. Little licks. Little licks. That's true.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Little l... I mean, I got told by someone that it seemed like they'll tell me. The truth. Do you want... Wouldn't they have footage of him licking the walls? Because... I guess he snuck him in. I guess, I mean, I guess he knew where he'd licked and he was like, I'll come back to that bit. Maybe that's next week. I'll get over there. Like a snail.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Look at him, he's way around the box. As far as I know, that is true. Yeah, okay. That's, I was taught, I was actually taught by Brickman from Wigga. Oh, he didn't lie. As far as I know, that is true. Yeah, okay. That's, I was taught, I was actually taught by Brickman from Wigga Muscle. Oh, he didn't lie. Well, he didn't seem like a prank. No, and I was like, that's it. That's it. I should tell the boys.
Starting point is 00:07:11 I'll be showing. All right, I'll give this one sec. There's a, there's a, um. Okay, magic fans, if you're hearing this, Andy or Jack, or both have asked for more information for the secret of magic that Hamish is re-revealing and he's paused here to do a little bit more research. Thank you all for hanging.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I'm gonna have to move. No, I thought, I assume we'd pause the record. I thought, oh, sir. Do you want me to pause? Yeah, let's pause. Well, I'm doing a David's plane box licking. I think a David's plane, it says, takes a licking and keeps on tricking is the news headline, but I don't think it's to do with how he did it.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Right. All right. All right. Okay, pausing. I'm going to pause in here. I'm going to pause in to do with how he did it. Right. Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's in here. Paul's thought we had to start recording again. So I was doing a bit of Googling quickly. I can't find any solid turns out. I can't find any solid info on the licking the box. Maybe that's what we're saying. Say the glass. Yeah, okay. He I can't find solid info there on whether he was getting sustenance from looking for the glass, the glass box. People, he had water, he had no food. There was some speculation that he was getting sugar laced in his water. He said that was untrue. So I feel like, because he said it's untrue that he was getting sugar in his water, he probably personally hasn't come out afterwards and gone,
Starting point is 00:09:05 I was actually licking the glass on the inside of the cube. That's more of a speculation. Maybe that's more of a speculation. One thing I did find in the independent article was, you know, they're writing about how amazing it was. I think it's this is a 10 year retrospective. And this is Blaine underestimated the cynicism of the British public though.
Starting point is 00:09:23 During his box residency, Blaine was pelted with eggs and paint-filled balloons and golf balls were struck in his direction from the tower breach. Drummers kept him awake at night and tabloids ever skeptical of anything characterised or anything skeptical by anything he was doing, sees upon the stunt, staging appetite, wetting barbecues, beneath Blaine and even flying a hamburger up to his box with a remote controlled helicopter in order to taunt him. So that is the one thing that I guess stands out is that people hated him for doing it. Yeah, which is annoying if you get a span of 44 days
Starting point is 00:09:55 inside a box. But maybe he did use the cover of the egg or whatever, to just stink a little, stink a little lick on the side of the glass. I don't think you can say it's been re-revealed. No, I should have quickly researched it before I re-revealed it. Tell you what, when this comes back in 2021, I'll bring you a great,
Starting point is 00:10:16 I'll actually bring you a re-revealed, very great. That's great. That's... What's the next one? What's the next one? What's the next one? What's the next one? What's the next one? I'll actually bring you a re-revealed. That's great. Hey, second last show of the year. Actually, a side note, for next week, we'd love people
Starting point is 00:10:31 to send in their interaction with the loyalty card. We know it's probably all going to be successful. No, too, the issue is done. We'll just have a final, a chapel street precinct. Chapel street precinct, the sponsor of the letter that are coming to the card, a thriving precinct, you see cards down there, left front and center, if you're in the Melbourne area. The lottery card is going absolutely bananas on the precinct. We will get our last montage together of the stores that are accepting it, the success stories from across the world, as the world embraces the card the stores love. Yep. For next week,
Starting point is 00:11:06 so get a bit of this, we're kvcd80.com. This will probably the last chance we get to play this game. We love playing this. The games could tell us something we haven't thought I've been a while. It's a tough game. It's obviously a subjectively judged game because it's an honesty system between myself and Andy over whether or not, if you name a person of no to famous person,
Starting point is 00:11:25 whether or not we've thought of that person this year. So obviously getting to the point of the end of the year, we've done a lot of thinking, and often it's about people. Yeah. Hey, people, I've got the knack of it now on hamishanity.com just going, hey, I've got one, don't tell us about this.
Starting point is 00:11:40 And now we get a producer to get back to them because obviously we don't want to be thinking of it at the moment for the spirit of the game. This hat's available to win. Well, what a hall and a days hats are, I dare say, we haven't seen a hall like this since we had a physio crème, the most famous crème, a physio crème hat for up. That was a terrible hat. Yeah, a physio crème.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Great crème. Wonderful crème. Terrible hat. But we haven't seen a hall that sparks this level of emotion, especially since the physio cream. Great cream. Wonderful cream. Terrible. But we haven't seen a whole that sparks this level of emotion, as well as since the physio cream days. How's it available to win today? How's it available to win today? First cap of the rank, a Budgie smuggler, the, you know, Speedo's brand, which they
Starting point is 00:12:16 would probably not enjoy being named as, but they know what they made. And they know who is similar. Budgie smuggler, although I guess trying to own summer, because they're also doing hats. It's a Legionnaires, it's a flap, flap of the black hat. And sort of one of the five panel... Like only colourful. It's only colourful.
Starting point is 00:12:36 It's only hip. I mean, you see this in Music Festival, you just go... Donuts on it, it looks like. Alpha, alpha fun guy, or girl. So Donuts on it, bright blue with sort of pink donut logo on it, budgie smuggler, embossed, sorry, embroidered on the front panel, but in such a way that it's not,
Starting point is 00:12:54 the sprinkles and the donut of the had a so loud print, you don't actually see the budgie smuggler immediately. So, class for the back, Phil Crowe. It's Vel Crowe. It's not my preferred. It's not my preferred, nor is it obviously the most expensive flat back you can get. No.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I present you exhibit B, Mitch's lawn care. Oh, this, yes. People will remember Mitch from our loyalty card montages, where Mitch, if I remember correctly, Mitch from Mitch's lawn care, he said, we've got the loyalty card is up and running at the m-mitcheslawncare.com for merchandise. Yes. But they're having teething problems on the lawn care side of things.
Starting point is 00:13:36 So still figuring out the lawn care side of- If I remember the point, you're right. Anyway, so this is on the merch side of things. What a hat, yeah, to go right there. What hat and the merch side of things. What a hat, Andy. Yeah, it's a great hat. And the color is Commonwealth Games. 90s Commonwealth Games, Australian Uniform Colour. It's a deep gold. Yeah, deep gold.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Deep gold. It's got matches lawn care in a fluru, in a fluru yellow, not printed, embroidered. I'm taking one of these. Yep, home. You should. Because this is a great hat. And another Legion is cap.
Starting point is 00:14:03 And another Legion is cap. And I just think it's a, it is Velcro, but you can just show it. No, by the quality. It's a kind of a UV-50 high-end quality. Yep, you might, the kind of material you suspect, Jeff probes his shirt is made out of on survival. A quick drive.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Yeah, a typical material. Great. Great. So there you two, I would say there you one, I'd say that's number one, that's number two, and then number three. Look if you like the more American baseball style. It's 950 kind of flat pick head. This is a robot steel service. Great steel service.
Starting point is 00:14:37 We had mentioned before. We had mentioned before. It's a snapback. If you've got steel needs, they will service those needs. Robimes steel service. Should we jump into it? People standing by, let's do it. It's been a while since I've gone.
Starting point is 00:14:52 About Miriam from everybody. What's something about Miriam, the TV show? Yeah, it's been a while since I've seen there. I was about to say everybody loves Miriam. That was that confusing, you know. But you remember Miriam about to say everybody loves Miriam. That was that confusing. But you remember Miriam. There's something about Miriam, yep. Something about Miriam, that TV show that came out,
Starting point is 00:15:10 which a transgender person was put in a dating show. Yeah, she was transgender. She came on Big Brother too in Australia. That's right. I can't say I've thought about it for a while. That's the kind of area that you can play, but you can also get us with Hollywood stuff. Oh yeah, because a lot of the time,
Starting point is 00:15:29 you know, I might throw it at Gene Wilder. Now, he featured in a lot of musical films, so you probably have thought of him today. But Jack, you might not have thought of Gene Wilder. No, I have because I was comparing to somebody who'd only seen the Johnny Depp version of... Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, I'm the Charlie Depp, Charlie, Charlie, I've got to get the'd only seen the Johnny Depp version of... Oh, for Charlie, for Charlie, for Charlie. Oh, for Charlie, for Charlie.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Oh, that's wild. Daniel, who are you? Oh, I'm boy. Tell us something we haven't thought of in a while. I'd be the legend of children's television, SOTY. Oh, he's got me. Oh, yeah. Tricky one here, what of SOTY for ages?
Starting point is 00:16:04 I mean, I have Daniel this year. We tried. I tried. I'm sorry. He knows. And as Matthew Corbett, too, was Sude's friend, although spoiler alert, that's his hand up, Sude. Sude was a soft puppet. He was a little yellow teddy. Just wanted to be his friend. Very clear, for people who didn't know the Sude. I was like, yeah, Sude was a dog. Sweep was a dog, Sue was a panda. I was a big fan of the Daniels, trying to find someone on YouTube
Starting point is 00:16:30 to show my kids. Yeah, Daniel was a wild-quaid, but a great hilarious piece when I was younger at the kitchen table right about nine years old, where I do sweaty naked, and I just hold up my hand and make him wave to people.
Starting point is 00:16:44 The moment, what brought the house down? And I knew it was good, because dad, dad was into it. I do, so he naked, and I just hold up my hand and make him wave to people. And what would that be? What would that be? And I knew it was good, because Dad was into it. You know he's a tough guy. Oh, gosh, yes. Possibly my first thing, clinging up going, okay. Yeah, he's possible to get it. He can laugh.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Bob, how are you? Hi boys. How are you about time? Someone we haven't thought of in a while, Bob. I'm only a long shot, but the umbilical brothers Thought of the umbys for a while. No, I think of the umbys or Reason being is because there was a period Back then where I had long hair and you had short and people and it was on the very mean powerpoint
Starting point is 00:17:21 Presentation that went out or after the brown. I'm not sure if you remember this. I mean I do but I don't remember us. Yeah, you really know that one Tom. Yeah, there was always a power presentation. But you mean do anyone who went there? Yeah, and it called us the ambi-l-l-l-gl brothers and I'll take that. And so the reference for a long time. Right, so I'd be back in Iowa. Oh, it was a long shot. Yeah, so I'd come up.
Starting point is 00:17:42 How were you to know was one of and most tightly held cyber grudges? At least I upset Andy so I'm happy with that. Andy Tom, pass your credit for that. Tom, why do you tell it? Are you Tom? Always, always. Tell us something we haven't thought of in a while. Firstly, congratulations, Hamish, on the enormous penis. Thank you so much. Trying to keep things a little quiet there on that side of
Starting point is 00:18:04 things, obviously focusing my attention on other projects, but you can understand the gravitational pull is difficult to escape. Tommy, who haven't we thought of for a while? I don't believe either of you would have thought of former Australian Idol music director, John Forman. Oh, sorry, now we've said I've had this. Yeah, I don't think I have.
Starting point is 00:18:22 He pubs up. He was on the music for the home front. Music for the home front. Yeah, I think he was. I was hyping you wouldn't watch it, but I'm glad you're out. Quite a while ago. I think I didn't watch it. Have you had a good night?
Starting point is 00:18:37 I am. As long as Andy Lee is not watching this, I think I've got one in the torpedo tube. Tom, great one. Good one, Tommy. We don't see him as much on our telly's. He obviously is the conductor for the Logis. Logis was cancelled this year. So he had your own, yeah. He's on form into signaler. Wow, from the trumpet. On your top, Angus, oh, do you know ones being managed to get to it? I tell you what one of these hats they are good hats today. Angus, oh,
Starting point is 00:19:12 hoi, who have we not thought of for a while? Um, have you always not heard of or for a while? Jessica C. Leggers Watson. Oh, Jessica C. Leggers. I was thinking, Jerry, I thought it was hyphenated. Like Jessica C. Legs. I thought it was... I thought it was hyphenated. I thought Jessica C. Jessica Park and I thought you were mentioning someone Spanish. Like a long Spanish name.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Jessica C. Legs Watson. I don't know. It's one of those ones where you go, have I thought of her? Or am I just thinking of her now? It's Jessica Watson. Did she sail the globe like Jessie Martin did? You think, you're pink lady? She certainly did.
Starting point is 00:19:49 She beat his record. Circum navigated the globe. So low and unassisted. Pink coat icon. Yep, they are. I can't think of thinking about Jessica Watson. I think I'm going to say I haven't thought of her for a while, but at the same time say I don't want that to take anything away from her achievement.
Starting point is 00:20:05 No, but I don't sit there and think of, I think of Edmund Hill every day. Every single day. And, tens of Norge. I was more than one man on the roof of the world that day. I'm more of a Tim McCartney snake man, the first Australian to do it. Wasn't it Snape? I can't remember. That's why I think of it all the time.
Starting point is 00:20:23 What is it? Snape was Sna snake or snake? I'll tell you what it is though, because I think you've got yourself a hat. You've got yourself a hat. Well done. Well done. English, what hat?
Starting point is 00:20:35 How would hat eat you? What hat do you have to do? Getting the case in my piece, me stuck in snake snake. I do like hat, because it kind of makes you, you could technically say to someone quickly at a party, like hat. Because it kind of makes you, you could, technically say to someone quickly at a party, I'm working on a bit of a startup of a hat.
Starting point is 00:20:50 I was saying hat or a hat. A hat. What hat would you like? What do we got still left? All of them. All the matches long care, the Budgie's Maclub, Blue. We're sending you the matches long care. You want the matches long care, do we want them?
Starting point is 00:21:01 The matches long care. Yeah, I've got to do it. I've got to do it. Yeah, you, no one cares like Mitch. Yeah, well done. You'll be thrilled with that. Homes taking the other lawn gear. I'm taking the other lawn gear.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Heck, I'm the fan, yeah. I'm the fan, yeah. We'll move on to Shane Angus, congratulations. But Shane, how do you? Oh, boys. Bad luck about missing out on the Mitch's lawn care hat. You have a stylish shirt. That does a budget smuggle one still available.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Or, roby's still services. If you're a snapback man, Shane, who haven't we thought of for a while? Harold Bishop, neighbours. No, I thought of him. Shane, the problem is he plays a brass wind instrument. And if someone plays a brass wind instrument, Andy will think of them a lot more than the average man. Yes. Is that why you thought of him?
Starting point is 00:21:46 You've spot on my nephew. Oh, my. He actually, you actually have spot on. I know it sounds weird, but my nephew was playing the tuba. No, he wasn't. He's very small. He's very small though, but he was having mining, mining, playing the tuba over Zoom and Straito.
Starting point is 00:22:01 His dad Paul said he regular Harold Bishop to which the family really really laughed. George had no idea what we're talking about. But um, a last shame. That's a weird, that does sound weird. It is a weird, it does doesn't it, chain? And uh, an awkward glimpse
Starting point is 00:22:18 into the Harold Bishop based zooms of the Lee family. Yeah. Yeah. We didn't get that show picked up with a broadcast of our Zoom, so I don't know why, but chain commiserations on to Dean to wrap this up. Dean, two hats available.
Starting point is 00:22:33 A hoi to you. Yeah, hoi boys and a heavy birthday. No need. Good boy. Tell us some of we haven't thought of in a while, mate. Yeah, not sure if your boys are too familiar with the show. Brutans got talent. But a little old lady took the world by storm and her name was Susan Boyle. Yeah, unfortunately for you
Starting point is 00:22:57 Unfortunately for you, um, Jackie and I we're talking about the race to sleep. Yes, that's right. Yep. Okay, yep, this is, I know this is going to add in yet, the Annie and I in America, we did a TV show over there almost 10 years ago, had a, in an octagon, tried to race each other to sleep wearing brain monitors to see who would fall in a sleep in the octagon first. And who, Aime was snoozing boil.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Was he, was he his character name? Yeah, that's right. I'm sorry, boys. I figured Andy would have watched a few re-runs with all that spare time on his ants. Yeah, that must have been us. It must have been us. We can only imagine, but if you heard the joke on us about my snooze and boil. Watching. Still don't know if he's heard it.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Maybe we've got a bad phone line. But it was a very funny joke and that's why they were talking about it. So Dean commiserations. Yeah, I wasn't watching reruns of our show. That came up in conversation between Jack and I. Don't go. But here we go. What if I... What if I... If I'd queue up episode nine again for me. If I... Do you have some spare time?
Starting point is 00:24:02 What I think to watch. What I think to watch? Yeah. Yeah, no, you could do a lot worse for the whole family. If I did have some spare time, what I think to watch? What I think to watch? Yeah, you could do a lot worse for the whole family. Oh, I'm sorry. I aim love people contacting us, Hamishnee.com with anything you love people. Love people. We're the show that loves people. Not all. Not our nemesis.
Starting point is 00:24:24 We tolerate them. We encourage them to change. To come over to our side, but as a general rule. Love people. Yeah, absolutely, but we love people also contacting the publisher. Love the behaviours of those people. HeyMashani.com, people will write in obviously feel
Starting point is 00:24:40 like the special skills form, very important, podcast to form, but also people just want to help us out sometimes they do the mindless of something and generally much better than we do like we like the reminders are sharp you know they're much sharper than we can remember this one came in from Peter brackets the big man brackets and brackets Smith right here he is a professional doubt player is he He's a pure user, he's not a professional dance player. You're right, hey guys, just wanted to remind you guys about Andy's big ass for Jack losing his Bitcoin, make him squirm. Sure. Asclemation mark.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Sign the BM. New paragraph brackets, big man. Okay, great. Okay, so you've confused, please see form. All right, right there, my name. I'd forgotten about this, Jack You forgot about the big ass. Now we know it, look, we kind of are up to date with that. We know that I've got a weight
Starting point is 00:25:28 to fly to National Flites Museum. Yeah. Outside the oceanic region, I think it was. That was, that seemed like the fair deal. Struck at the height of the beard boys alliance. Yeah, so what caught locked up? And alliance, I would remind you, Jack, is this a good example?
Starting point is 00:25:42 Listening. That the alliance, where the alliance had your back. Yeah. Yes. And you then over subsequent weeks attempted to rock the alliance with Flaker in disregard for the alliance. And I learned my lesson from that. You know he's a rat.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I don't know why he rats, so say how to do that. I'm not a rat. Are you rat us out on your Christian show, Jack? On your Christian show, a rat with a rat. With a rat, I'm not a known rat. You should get a t-shirt. I'm not a known rat. You should get a T-shirt. I'm not a known rat, which implies you are a rat. You just thought you were hiding it well.
Starting point is 00:26:11 What's like my interest was the constant reference to the big men from Peter. Yeah. I, he's in Ireland. So, I mean, I don't know why, and I hope this is not a generalization, but when an Irish boy calls himself the big man, you feel like he's, I don't know why, and I hope this is not a generalization, but when an Irish boy calls himself the big man, you feel like he's, he wouldn't say that
Starting point is 00:26:28 if he wasn't the big man, the panel, feel like the penalty in Ireland, for naming yourself the big man, would be higher than in Australia. So I wrote back to his family, thanks for this, I'm on it, but I wanted to ask you something else. All right, looks like you're in Ireland, do you want to take a 1am call from us
Starting point is 00:26:44 or a 6am call from us? Tough for us to call Ireland with our time diff. He wrote back a ando. Can do either. Let me know which day paragraph the B.M. Okay, so he's sticking with it. And does he know we're calling about? He doesn't know what we're calling about. Well, what I want to ask you to is how big does he have to be? To be a big man. I'm willing to, I am not, is it vertical? Yeah, that's the thing. I'm not gonna impose my rules.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Rules on it, but of course, it could also not be physical. Could be a big presence. Oh, no, I'd be disappointed with that. He could be like the big deal. Would you? Would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you,
Starting point is 00:27:18 would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, would you, look, I'd be convinced. I'm saying is I'm not going to employ my rules on him just yet. What are the odds of it being already that he's a tiny bit ellipic on?
Starting point is 00:27:30 Yeah, I think in any other country again, not one, did you know that? I wish friends, if you were tiny, much more likely the in nickname would be the leprechaun. Yeah, yeah, for that specific. So I think we are not looking at a red-headed, bluey situation here. I do think it's probably literally in some sense. I'm gonna say, guys, that if he's not over six foot four,
Starting point is 00:27:57 what's about 192, 193 centimeters? Yeah, if he's not over six foot four, or he doesn't weigh a lot, do you need to be about 100 to 110 kilos? If he's low in height but wide, I'd call him the big man, but if he's neither of those things, I just got a question whether he should be going around. We can ask about the OG, but he joins us now.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Right. He hasn't heard any of that. Oh, I peep. Oh, I peep. The big man. The big man. Peep, the big man. How are you, sir? Not too bad.
Starting point is 00:28:28 How are you guys getting up? Yeah, great. You're getting on very well, Pete. First of all, we really appreciate you. A. listening to the show in Ireland. We do know that there are a lot of podcasts out there competing for your attention. We certainly appreciate you lending your ears to ours. And also for reaching out and contacting Phil
Starting point is 00:28:45 onto Andy side of the fence, and now you've been chatting to Andy. And staying up to one, saying up to one, what's your day been like so far for the big man? And it's nothing too bad. I went for a swim earlier today. So I'll clear, I'm going to say, the commensurations to Andy on having the scientifically proven small things. In fear, in fear of the IP. Appreciate that, Pete.
Starting point is 00:29:07 And that's a nice gesture to you. A lot of the time people are trying to congratulate me without hearing about it. Obviously, I miss you. You know what you got to know when you come and day. And there really is a man. And we try and put it behind us and we move on. Science to science.
Starting point is 00:29:20 You take it. You accept the judgment and you move forward in life. Not a length discussion. And in life not a length discussion and it's and it's really we just don't want it to define who we are one superior one's inferior who cares anyway peep we wanted to ask you peeps you obviously love being called the big man in the registration form you said peed out in brackets the big man then at the your sign off you said the big man and then a new paragraph, brackets, big man, brackets,
Starting point is 00:29:48 and then you called yourself the BM when you're applied to me. Is this something you've been... You've been talking up in honor to BM. The BM in doubt. You're in doubt. It's in a second down. Big man's small name. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:00 He talked to me about how tall you are. I mean, this is come down, Pete. So just see if you've been a background here. And as you know, likes a rule. And if you, and it does seem like you've sort of self-proclaimed yourself, the big man, I think, and it was keen to call up to get some dimensions. If you're comfortable talking about it, some physical dimensions to see if the nickname is warranted. Is it a height-based big M or is it a or is it a girth-based big M?
Starting point is 00:30:28 And high? Not too much. What girth does it say? Okay, so what height are you running with? And I'll tell you. Six hours at the moment. Six foot of time. For the moment, the guy that's planning on increasing that.
Starting point is 00:30:43 We're looking second quarter and looking at some outstanding growth. LAUGHTER And then, so are you a larger, more portly fellow? Yeah, exactly. Right. Right. All right. And so, is it energy as well? Hey, I thought it could be energy. Beat, would you say that there's an energy...
Starting point is 00:30:59 Energy more, so just personality. That's what I was thinking. I was just saying, it's more... It's very possible that you've got the nickname as the big man because you're bringing the energy of three to four people to every room you enter. Yeah, you've got to be an energy lifter. Right, so it's mainly energy is what you get to the big man. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Exactly. Oh, nice stuff. Well, that is that was not what I expected. It's not, it's not, I mean, some labels are physical. Yes, P, I pay. That's physical label, and that's signs. But others, they're less tangible, you know, like, but you're not a skinny man.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I wouldn't say you're a skinny man with big energy, are you? Well, yeah, that would have been harder, I'd say. That would be huge, I'd say. That's a couple of people worldwide. A couple of people? Yeah, a couple of, you'd want to be bringing a lot of energy. I'm not. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Thank you for joining us, mate. Really appreciate you staying up late for us. No worries, guys. We're up. We're up. Thank you, Pete. See you, buddy. Hey, it's time.
Starting point is 00:32:03 We mentioned at the top of the show that this morning was a very exciting day. An elite unit descended on Cacling Jack's house to apply professional level searching to a property that we know contains a Bitcoin password that AM locks your own personal Bitcoin fortune, Jack. Yes. A horrible time to have it locked away. It's just accessible. It's just reached its highest point. 25 grand, I think, I mean, it's recent highs. And a fraction of a Bitcoin that Jack purchased for you, Andy,
Starting point is 00:32:35 is also locked away behind those magical 12 or 24 words you couldn't remember with. So it's about, there should be about 10 grand of mine in Jack's house and he's got around about 25 grand of any his house that is locked away. When you put it like that, actually I wish you hadn't put it like that. That's more helpful. You're thinking of them as just bits of paper, aren't you? But really, yeah, there's like $35,000 in your house somewhere that you can't guess.
Starting point is 00:33:02 So we got two pork can you? Yeah, or can you? So we got two professionals in one prison guard used to flipping cells. His partner was go go called ash. She is in the police department. And she knows about these type of things. She's a bit of mystery around on the show profile and Jack. Yeah. And kind, you know, trying to police shade at you, calling you moderate intelligence. But that we were in a weird way. We're like, well, we hope you're right. Yeah. Because then surely it's easier to find a password hidden by a man of moderate intelligence than if she
Starting point is 00:33:37 did have labored your criminal mastermind. So we pick up the action. Pete and Ash, Ash, we're going to be giving two hours to go through Jack's house. pick up the action in Jack's backyard. Well the days come. How are you feeling, Jack? I'm nervous, I feel, I shouldn't be, but I feel like I'm under investigation. Like, yeah, don't you mean?
Starting point is 00:33:58 Well, you actually, what you stand to be potentially guilty of as being a terrible hider, even if it is under a couch cushion, or we do just find it written on the bathroom mirror, then it will be obvious that you didn't really look properly. But I hope you guys find it. Like I hope we find the password today. Feel it really.
Starting point is 00:34:15 I can't help but feel like, I don't know, in a cop movie where you're serving me with a warrant and you search my house and, yeah, I'm gonna stand up. You can feel horrible once we bring in the crane? I start taking the roof off and I think that's really getting it to it. Pete, Ash, thanks so much for coming out. We're going to give you two hours.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Sure. Joking that's sufficient amount of time. I think so. Ash, obviously you've been in charge of a lot of the psych evaluation of the curve being Jack. Have you delved any deeper since we last showed? Yeah, I've actually put together a profile. Oh, a lot of it.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Right here at Fischer's. Okay, like a proper profile. There's a lot of analysis. I do genuinely need to talk to you about your cyber security. In a good way? Yeah, that sounds like it's never seen anyone so secure in the government once tips on it If we'd like you to embrace you. Am I vulnerable?
Starting point is 00:35:09 Very, yeah, like how vulnerable turtle on its back? Seven pages long, and like could you get money from Jack? Yeah, yeah I knew your address before you sent it and I'd like obviously I'm not using any law enforcement systems, it's all open source, so Google, Instagram, your friends, family. But how do you get my, just because you know my address, how do you get my money? Well I know your data birth, your address I can steal, your identity, get a credit card and be on my way. And I use the same password for everything I know that that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:35:41 I know that they're friends upon that. That's the thing. I know that they're friends upon that. They're friends upon that. What are the big no-no's? You are failing your five eyes after the patient test. Okay, so what's the plan, guys? Are you guys going to go the same rooms at the same time or are you going to split up? How are you going to approach the search?
Starting point is 00:35:57 So when we search, we usually go in teams of two, sometimes teams of three, and it's just methodical, it's probably the keyword. And one person starts on the other room, the other person starts on the other, and we just meet in the middle. And if you find a box that says something like secret, keep out, you go, alright, I'll respect that. No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:36:15 What state do you keep to house it as you go? Because if you flip a cell, say a prison cell, then to the prison, you're like, you deal with that put back to the start of the day. I don't think they go, I think they go, I think they go, I think they go, do you put all the books back where they were?
Starting point is 00:36:34 Just like the clothes go back into the drawer? Depends how much you want this password, Jack. No, I want the password, but I just think you can like, you know something like a tidy up. No, but you look under a t-shirt, you look back. You look under a jacket, you look like a... I'll do my best to be respectful, Jack.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Thank you. LAUGHTER Just ask, please. Just see, you know. Full disrespect is also fine. I've been surprised there. Yeah, we won't be running any fingers over the dust to see if it's been just there. So Ash, you were saying you need a bit more information from Jack before you start? Yeah, I'll be looking to know where you keep your passport, where you keep Bianca's presence,
Starting point is 00:37:08 where her birthday and Christmas presents would be, because sort of that stuff, we're not going to to extreme as in to say that you're riding it underneath a tile that I'll need to flip over, I don't think that's something that you would do. Do you people sometimes do that? Yes. Yes. I mean they don't hide passwords, they hide drugs. Yeah, gotcha. So Jack, wherever you put your drugs, I'll check. Under the tiles.
Starting point is 00:37:31 No, don't, yeah, don't need, no need to pull up any floorboards or get through the walls or anything like that. Now, obviously the whole house is on limits. Is that fair, Jack? Well, I was going to ask if there's a room that I know doesn't definitely have a password in it. Could you not go in that room? How do you know? That's where it would be.
Starting point is 00:37:54 No, no, it's not in there because it was empty up until only two weeks ago and then... Like completely empty. Completely empty. But that's where you might have put it. No, no. Well, you know, it's when it was completely empty. Don't's where you might have put it. No, no. Well, when it was completely empty, when it was completely empty, I would have seen that I put it in there. I say, you think that you wrote it on a piece of paper or something and you've put that
Starting point is 00:38:16 paper somewhere. Is that what you think? That's right. So if a room is completely empty, you've moved into it now. I'm curious to know. Yeah. Okay, stuff they already own. So it's a good point. Yeah. Good point. I'm curious to know. Yeah, I guess stuff they already own.
Starting point is 00:38:25 So it's what it's all about. Good point. I'm pretty sure it's not. I'm young. I'm very interesting. Junk should be financed as that paid. If you had a prisoner going, I'm positive there's no drugs or weapons in that one.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Oh, sure. Don't go in there. You don't want to look at this. Well, if you're positing it, I'm going to go get the positives. I think that room is a lot available to them, Jack. I am doing you guys a favor by going, I've considered that room searched.
Starting point is 00:38:51 It's dead. Hey, Jack, if you got a sex robot, just say you've got a sex robot. I can tell you, we've seen far worse than sex robots. I'm not a sex robot. I think it's a very mainstream. There's no robots. Just the second bedroom, it was empty two weeks ago. I mean, if you're taking the batteries out of the game,
Starting point is 00:39:07 now she's on a road with just the dog. Whatever, mate, we're not here to split hairs. Just why don't you just let's see everything. He'll have gloves on, that's fine. Okay, so much. All right, we obviously, because of, we're still in COVID situation here, we're gonna leave you guys to,
Starting point is 00:39:22 we're not gonna be in around the house. But we feel like we wanna be around for the moment where maybe you find it. So we've got an air horn here. Like you're like, what's this in the sex robots mouth? Okay. Okay. We're going to go to the cafe.
Starting point is 00:39:39 If you think you've got a spot that you might find it in, we'd like you to sound the air horn and we'll come running. We've just done the mass, the cap-a is pitiful, so if you could call us, then sound the air horn down that, we'll come running. We're only about 200 metres away, but it's just questionable if that's horn-a-bore. That's for you, Pete. Good luck guys. Good luck guys.
Starting point is 00:40:03 We'll really get in there and rip it apart. Good luck in the secret room too. Yes, yes. It'll be all that stuff. So we wandered off to the cafe. I had ex-peneticked with a cafe made hash brown. Not important. But no sooner had we downed our first coffee, the phone rang.
Starting point is 00:40:21 And it was Pete with this message. Okay, so we made it seen the phone rang please. Is it, have you sounded the horn? We haven't sounded the horn yet, no. Are you willing? No, we can't. Are you, are you saying again, are you saying this is a horn wording scenario? I think it'll be your horn, but it is.
Starting point is 00:40:40 I'm trying to figure it out. I think it's a horn word. I think it's pump operated. So as we left our piping hot eggs Benedict and Hash Brown untouched on the table and scurry back around the block to Jack's house, it's worth reminding you what the guys were searching for. The password Jack needs to unlock the Bitcoin wallet is a series of 12 or 24 random words. So we're looking for a list of a dozen words
Starting point is 00:41:15 seemingly with no connection. Such an early horn meant that excitement was sky-high as we re-entered the house. We're coming in, guys. Where are we? We're in here. Gee, you're going out. You look very smug. Guys, you look super relaxed.
Starting point is 00:41:31 So talk us through what's happened. So we searched the bedroom. Yep. Very tidy. Jack. Thank you. Nice wardrobe's terrible. Sorry, I left it very tidy.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Then we moved to the music room, that second front room. Come across. What is this? Do you know what this is? I know. Sorry guys. I know what this is. Oh, check, that's... It looks like a bunch of passwords in... ...Jack, check the tits! Guys, these... It's in a manual!
Starting point is 00:42:01 I got these out to show you... Sorry, I was meant to show you these are example of what the password will look like I knew about the 12 words yeah, I know a 12 words I've heard all of these trust me I got all those out to show you what the password will look like so just to stop for everyone back home we've come in show you what the classroom will look like. So just to describe for everyone, back home, we've come in. We have presented, we have this is it. A huge manual that has 12 words on it.
Starting point is 00:42:30 And then another little piece of paper with 24 words on it, we have corresponding numbers that if you slide the piece of paper onto another piece of paper in the manual, it shows you the order that the words you go in. Like a divinci code, okay. Then another, what is this? The B-twice cemetery. The cemetery fly.
Starting point is 00:42:48 It's pamphlet with 12 more words on it. And you're saying none of this works. None of these works. Sorry, these are the... This... Password... I thought this was the password. So when I went to retrieve the Bitcoin, I thought, oh great, I've got the password.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Doesn't work. Then... It doesn't work, because it, oh great, I've got the password. Doesn't work. Then I've tried it every upside down, inside out every single way. You tried it to that every way, every way. Yeah, right. So, are there any more fake passwords around the house chat? No, where were they? They were in the forbidden room, the second bedroom. Is that what you told people were not going there?
Starting point is 00:43:25 What? What? The sexwear is left. And so you guys went in there brave the sexwear, but she would have been lunging at you. Oh, hey, I don't know. Yeah, whatever. And you... The teeth back to a real nice. It's just like, yeah, let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:43:38 All right, back to it guys. Sound the horn when you need us to. So there's nothing else that will be, like, so obviously the solution, but not the solution. Back to it guys. I'm sorry. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys.
Starting point is 00:43:50 I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys.
Starting point is 00:43:58 I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry guys. That was great fun for the love. No one, sorry, then all of us who left our breakfast warm at the cafe to come back to find you there.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Back to it. So we returned, dejected to turn our cold eggs and they returned to searching. Unfortunately, the two hour time are soon ticked down to zero without any further horning. We're coming back into the house now. See a ladder out. Hey guys. How you feeling Jack about there? Cleanliness of the house.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Yeah, it looks good. Thank you guys for not just having the book spread everywhere. We don't see champagne popped. Talk us through it. Is there any close calls? We didn't get a horn over the phone. So the only close calls we've got are there some random words written in these books that are that book is new. That's only a month and so old.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Riders and lovers by Lily. Jack! Okay, what's this? In the back here, but Elizabeth killed a city not. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, word term is it? We're looking at it. All right, here's a chapter. It's a Jack's wife's mind. For men to get, what is, why don't you even know what the word is? Inanity, infinitesimal, blive some veracity, ably, vitriol, gambling, and frippery, tough password, really tough password. It's not one that rolls off the tongue.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Okay, that is so unlucky. But you guys are so, it's so amazing that rolls off the tongue. Okay, that is so unlucky. You guys are so amazing that you found it. It's in the back page of a book. Is it on the bookcase? Yeah. Okay. What else have you found?
Starting point is 00:45:54 I was seeing some notebooks here. There's a few that say private, so I didn't like them. Yes, I did. That's all my radio ideas. They can't be exposed. Little notebook full of things. Six robot. Here. If six robot is jam Little, no beautiful things. Sex robot. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:06 If sex robot is jammed, this is how you reset her. Rotate left arm, six times. Bianca must write notes everywhere, because there are notes through all sorts of things. She loves to underline terms, and write stuff in the back of books. What I want to do is thank Ash and Peter. I cannot believe you've found this amount of evidence and none of it correlates. But during all this I could not keep my nose out of that private
Starting point is 00:46:33 notebook. Okay sorry sorry I've found something. It's his private. When it trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it, he's trying it Fane Chenai, dinner? Right, dinner, then next to a drawing? So we're going to do a drawing on this page, so he's gone dinner, seems expensive, maybe we can do a drawing for them. The delivered lunch. So it starts with dinner. And then he's, and he's workshopping, I think he goes, good work with those dinner.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I think he has a top, baby, I could get the, I don't think I've ever seen you think you guys I think you guys are the best I think you have the top baby I could get the best I think I've ever seen you think you from me I think that's what I was gonna ask you Do you really have a baby I can get it from you? I think I'm gonna give from Jack Sorry, I never think about it in God's Nah So it was on your mind and you chose not to give it to me
Starting point is 00:47:40 It's just a brainstorm I guess You did an abt all the odd gifts. Really? Really? Really? Please! What a way to win me here. Oh, jeepers, Jack.
Starting point is 00:47:56 What a way to win me here. Instead of the gift is you not giving me 10,000. Instead, Jack has pocketed $10,000. We're all nuts. I haven't pocketed it. No one can say. It's a lose, lose all around. And that was a private notebook.
Starting point is 00:48:12 It said private on the front. You shouldn't have been reading it. It could have had it in there, Jack. It could have had it in there. I'm honored to think that at least in your image, in an imaginary state, we qualify for a delivered lunch theoretically, if not actually. Tell everyone we're about to go as soon as we press stop on this podcast. We're going to lunch.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Who's paying? You guys are treating everybody who works on the podcast a lunch. Thank you. In the face of a cancel sports starter from last year to maybe by us lunch. The system works. Well, the big ask is still in play. The big ask is in play. Obviously it will be open as soon as flights.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Well, that's right. There's that. Remember early in the year, you thought that we thought that would be about June. Yes. So it looks like it could be next June. Yeah. And it can't fly out of the Asia Pacific region. So even when the New Zealand was only New Zealand bubble, don't go Asia Pacific. There's a fee, there's a fee gene flight there, then we're on.
Starting point is 00:49:08 No, I think it's outside Oceana. No, I'm pretty sure. Oceana, you're right. Well, we've only got three months off to check this. Let me show you next week. I was... Oh, look at that. I was thinking...
Starting point is 00:49:23 I was thinking the wrong day of the calendar. You're gonna check it out. All right, we'll check it out next week. See you, cops. Now there's one more for you. Episode 120, next week. This is 1.19. G'day, guys.
Starting point is 00:49:42 It's Mike here from the show. Congratulations on making it to the end of another podcast. Well done. I am here, just popping in very quickly at the end to remind all of you once you finish this one, check out Hamish and Andy's new side project, The Remembring Project, which you can find wherever you're listening to this, just type in the Remembring Project and you will find it. It is a look back on Hamish and Andy's nearly 20 years of radio and podcasting.
Starting point is 00:50:06 And each episode they pick a random date and choose one thing from a run sheet from that day and just talk about it. It's a lot of fun. Episodes come out every Monday and Tuesday. Here is a little snippet of what you're missing out on from one of the episodes this week. on from one of the episodes this week. Channel Elizabeth showed interest, didn't you? She did, didn't she? We just beat that to this day. We do not just feel that channel Elizabeth, do you remember American pie, Mark?
Starting point is 00:50:30 I have no idea. But do you remember American pie, the franchise? Yeah, yeah. Right, where you're getting warmer. Yeah. The publicist contacted Sam, I produced it, to say that channel Elizabeth thought that Hamish was cute, which just flabbergasted us all.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Who does she play in the movie? She plays the hot Nadia. She plays the international exchange. Oh, right. Okay, well. Now, it's got some, the first time ever, I think Mike respected me. Yeah. Now, I was thinking, they're going, are you sure she's got the right first?
Starting point is 00:50:59 Of course he was. Couldn't understand that maybe, just once, it was the pale chubby guy that had described the bad haircut, is that how you knew? No, she just remembered. No one ever mistake Amy Shinami, it's her that before and she got the name right and she remembered I would expect to tell you. No, she was. It got clarified, much to my despite, but yeah, so that, the end, it was like get her in
Starting point is 00:51:20 make and take a polygraph, It doesn't make any sense. And Andy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com.

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