Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2020 Ep 85

Episode Date: April 1, 2020

1. Wayne’s World2. Another sorry song3. Long term talent quest4. Jeff Knight – GISS5. Wayne6. Tim the Shower King – new rules7. Bulbasaurus...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-naf production. Activate your internet. Because the Haymission and the Podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. Ahoy, do you, Haymish? Ahoy, sir. Ahoy, do you, HeyMesh? Oh, hoi, sir. Oh, hoi, do you, Jacko? Oh, hoi. And we've got another Jack that has used the upload system on the website.
Starting point is 00:00:33 He'd have saw fingers with it. And he'd have as stack of things in his inbox that have piled up through the time burnt. To tell, uh, what he's been up to. Oh, hey, hey, Mr. Andy and a hoi jack. This is Jack also coming from New Zealand with my girlfriend, Ryan, my sister Molly. Nice. Currently climbing up a volcano famous for being the filming location of Mount Doom in the Lord of the Ring series. Loving driving to the countryside.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Listen to the old podcast and also every time we've been going through a hearing of Andy Lee's fabulous match winning catch in the team Krieger vs Team Rugby match. Also love putting the audio online pretty easy. Took my laptop up to the top of the mountain with me. He's big enough. Don't think what's that would have been able to reach this far. Then what all the fuss is about.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Cheers. Okay, thank you Jack. Okay, he's found Andy's lost of a trolled hard to find one. But Jack started very strongly and then I think by the end and there's not my opinion but hard to find one. But Jack started very strongly, and then I think by the end, and there's not my opinion, but some are saying, he can, of course, it's a bit of a big note. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Ah. Try to get any on side with the catch stuff. Yep, pretty good move. But I think we all know, taking a laptop to the top of a volcano sounds about as hard as it would be to, to upload something. What's it, as you said, what's it, wouldn't reach that far?
Starting point is 00:01:46 Would have. Not my words, the words. Oh, it's a big note. I'm looking at the heat map here for what's it. Now it would have. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha otherwise. No, anyway, no drivers. And if you want to send in a whole opening messages for us, hit up, Hey, Mishnigg.com. We do appreciate it. Is the only system. Sadly, the only simple hands while we barely scrape one end a week.
Starting point is 00:02:16 And best luck with the rest of the trip. Okay, want to start today's show with a question to you guys. I mean, this could be shut down very quickly because I've found I've come across something that I can't believe I haven't come across it really. So it is like a lot of moral shit to jagged little pool. I know that. I know that. I know that. I know that. I'm in power. But the old stuff and this year's drop. I know in the music world. I don't know. In the music world. He comes in like, I don't, in the music world. Yeah, if I was coming in going,
Starting point is 00:02:46 look, you guys across Stan's monkey, because it's catching. I would get that I'm slow. I'd have a red flag. But this is not in the music world. This is in the shop name world. Oh, this isn't the outlet world. This is an Australian business.
Starting point is 00:03:06 I mean, yeah, I wanna privacy this by going, if people are like, yeah, mate, this is old news, everyone knows about this. Like, okay, maybe I missed it, I apologize. It's the first I've come across it. I've never heard you guys talk about it. And I think it's the kind of thing you would have talked about.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Yeah. Did you know in Australia? Yeah. Now maybe it's because we're Melbourne based because this is in Queensland. Yeah. All the stores is in Queensland. Yep. All the stores are in Queensland. There is a Wainsworld.
Starting point is 00:03:29 There is an actual Wainsworld discount variety store. There are several locations in regional Queensland. Now, he must know. They must know about the movie. The movie. Yeah. So, is it a money link? Like are they using?
Starting point is 00:03:44 Well, no, no, no, it's not a homage. Oh, it's not themed in the movie whatsoever. Well, it's Wayne's world. Like, for young listeners, Wayne's world, watch it right now. Pause the podcast, watch it right now. One of the great comedy films. One of the great films.
Starting point is 00:03:58 So, okay, so that's my first... Mike Myers is kind of first before he went on to do Austin Powers, all that stuff. Mike Myers. Jack, can you Google or Andy, what year Wayne's World came out? 92. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I know. Here's what's interesting to me. You go to About Us on the Wayne's World website. Yes. All about Wayne's World. At Wayne's World, we're at Discount Variety Chain, prominently positioned throughout the rural areas of Queensland and New South Wales.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Yes. Sure. That's different to Wayne and Garth's show. Yes. So, why didn't you in the film for everybody? There is no discount store. They run a community access show in the other region in Chicago. Founded by Wayne Clark in 1997.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Okay. So, you know, it's like a movie. Yeah. There was already Wayne's World One and Two, by the way. I think you'll laugh, you'll cry again. That already happened there. We're 100% locally operated in a family owned. And I mean, I'm just sitting here going, you must have known about the movie. You came out five years after the movie. Are you saying, are you mentioning Wayne Clark to prove you can't get us on
Starting point is 00:05:01 stealing the movie, subtle? I was, I might have started Wayne's world five years after you guys did Yes, but I was Wayne a long time before that. Yeah, I don't think anyone was just beauty that is It's a nearly renamed Fitted by Rohan Name to Wayne in 1993 the iteration and he's made Garth, no, there's no mention of a Garth, they're not homage store. I'm just a bit baffled here to go. Wayne's world has existed in Australia. Several locations, like seven or eight locations. And they knew they must have known about the film if not them someone else. Yes. In their circle of friends would have gone. I'm surprised they're
Starting point is 00:05:41 able to, because you know, I wasn't it. I wasn't. I wasn't. I wasn't. I wasn't. I'm surprised they're able to, because, you know, how it would it? How it would have very good at dragging people. Oh, yeah, like trademarks down, et cetera. If George Disney was trying to open his own land in the outskirts of Queensland, Disneyland, yeah, then, you know, I think founded by George and Maureen Disney, yeah, we offer a land of competitive entertainer, and we're not familiar with any other lands of the Ch else soon. I mean, I just don't think that's going to happen. Anyway, Wayne goes on to, you know, they don't do any party time excellence, they don't
Starting point is 00:06:12 do any references. They do just really go hard on saying, look, we're a family owned. We're likely operating them now. And go, did you know? Did you know? I mean, who would pick up? Do we speak to Wayne Clark? He's not pictured on the website. I don't I'll just get the contact us page I dad has got Wayne Clark's details. Well, why don't we just call whatever number and say hey, he's Wayne Clark there
Starting point is 00:06:33 Well, there was a head office. Yeah Yeah, Jack I'm shooting it over Now apologies. I think if we've got Queen Queensland pod houses, and I know we have a lot Um, they might be like yeah, mate. We know about Wayne's World, this is all news. Am I? No, no, it's new news to see. Is this fair to bring this to me? This is fair to bring this to the show as a tension.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Yes, absolutely. All right, Jacky. Good morning, Wayne's World Runderspeaking. How may I help you? Runder, hey, go. My name's Hamish. I was wondering a bit of a long shot. Could I talk to Wayne Clark?
Starting point is 00:07:07 He's actually not here at the moment. He's who should be back in about an hour. Can I get him to give you a call back? Yeah, I'm on the road at the moment. I might give Him a buzz back. So I'm just new to coming across the business. Hey, can I ask you a question, Runder? Sure.
Starting point is 00:07:24 You know when the company started in 97. Right. Obviously, there's the film Wayne's world. Yeah. Did we, as a business, does the business know about the film when the company started? Or was that a shock after the company? I would have had, actually, no idea.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I wasn't around. When they started back in the day. Is it all super? Yeah, well, see, I've only been here 12 started back in the day, but... He was about? Yeah, well see, I've only been here 12 months, so it's been established for a long time, so it probably wasn't bought up. It hasn't been bought up when I've been here since I've been here. And when you started, did you go,
Starting point is 00:07:54 oh, this is like the movie? I did, I knew the simularity, but I haven't even asked, to be honest. When I found out the owner was named Wain, I can't see what it's called, race world. Oh, that makes total sense. Yeah, no, I didn't think that they'd done it cause of the film at must. I just wondered, because the film was 92,
Starting point is 00:08:11 yeah, it's still 97. I was just thinking, oh, that's crazy. Like, Rhonda, sorry, it's Andy here as well. It's Hamish and Andy. Sorry. And, um, we'd love to chat to Wain. Shall we give you a number to call us back? Yes, sure.
Starting point is 00:08:27 If he's happy for it. We're big fans of the store. We're big fans of the store. We can't say that enough. We've just become aware of it. We just become aware of it. And we just can't believe we have a Wayne's word in Australia. I know, it is. It's been around a long time, too.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Okay, Ron, we'll give you a number off here and hopefully hear back from We're waiting an hour. I'll be on okay. No problem. All right. Thanks so much, Rhonda. Thank you. Bye. Okay fantastic. Bye Well, that's fine. I mean by the end of the pod by the end of the pod Well, we would probably get a tingle back from wine Rhonda she asked you question you at she she was was she shut down quickly We'll come back to this. We'll come back to this. Sput! Sput!
Starting point is 00:09:11 Sput! Sput! Sput! Hey, I'm so always nice when you know an apology is coming. It's good, isn't it? It's a real, an angry place to miss. It's an angry place to miss. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:21 In the studio, there's an erus from U Amanda, because we demanded an apology on the last week's show. Yep. I, if history has taught us anything though, will the smugness shift? Yeah. Because we think we're getting the apology. Jack had to write an apology song for us for crimes. He knows he committed it.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Maybe it will be a win-win smugness and we'll both walk out of here smug today. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare initial. Very rare initial. Very rare initial. Very rare initial. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. Very rare. It came to my attention that on your breakfast radio show that you do with Cristiano Connell. Terrestrial radio, old school media. We podcast the show as well, so we have a year. Right now I wouldn't imagine doing any large audience and look, I suppose, you know, it's
Starting point is 00:10:16 fine to eat microwaved hot dogs at the stove, if you have to eat something. It's just a reheated food, it is not the same as deliciously, carefully. Okay, cross-cars. You guys did a podcast of your show for 10 years. That was acceptable, but when microwaves were in, it's a lot. Microwaves brand new technology. Now we've moved out, and this is fresh, freshly prepared,
Starting point is 00:10:39 carefully prepared for the podcast enthusiast, not reheated slops for the masses. So last week on the radio show, Jack, you said this. prepared for the podcast enthusiast, not reheated slops for the masses. So last week on the radio show, Jack, you said this. Cristiano Connoblek for show, you know who starts the old Tuesday fling. Oh, it's personal training. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's all the other days of the week.
Starting point is 00:11:02 No, it's the return of his real masters. Hey, Mission Andy. I got the podcast to do with a team of 8,000 people working on it, wanted to carry Jack in. You guys are my true masters. This is one of Wano. No, they're showing more like a hobby that I do. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Oh, yeah. So, hurtful for us. We highlighted last week that Hobbie's normally, you don't pay. You don't get paid for a hobby. Usually cost you money. Usually cost you a lot of money. Usually put all your spare money in it. You usually do. And often, sometimes take a little bit of a line. I've heard of that. Exactly. The people's hobby is not this hobby for Jack. Mountain climbing. He said last week that he preferred to remain paved. Yep, paved. And we said that remains as well.
Starting point is 00:11:50 That's my feeling on this whole matter. I got a real hunch that you're going to dig in on that point. But we asked though, whether we could have an apology song. Of course, you've written apology songs for your dad in the past, your mum as well. And it's nice for us to be. I guess the loved ones that you sort of wrong. All right, well here is something I prepared earlier. I wake up and I sleep another sorry song Well it feels like I was just here Last year I did my dad wrong and had to sing a sorry song
Starting point is 00:12:30 Cause if he added up every present from his son From every father's day, well the total would be none I said sorry to my mom, Christmas morning wasn't fun When all she got from me was some bread, coupons And sorry to Andy Who can't trust me, I bought his cryptocurrency And now I lost his money When I house sad, I look through all these clothes
Starting point is 00:12:52 I wore his juppers on my breakfast show I'm sorry to Hamish, the snack king Every day on radio, he's bringing snacks in for the whole team With a bravo, but then at night I stole the avocados Can't you see it in my eyes? I want to apologize I'm sorry for all I've done is my sorry song I want to send a sorry out to Yamaha They sent me a guitar
Starting point is 00:13:25 Cause they thought that they'd go far with a sponsor Playing on the show But now people think their guitars are slow I want a sender, sorry out, to Rachel Finch A 10 year freeze out And I did in Flint She was meant to make her jealous But I guess it never did Cause now I'm married and she's got kids Am I a one trick pony? Sing song for apology Surely this is the last one
Starting point is 00:13:55 After this undone So I'm sorry for- When Amy's tried to kiss me, but I didn't want to kiss him For when I worked in hoids and things went missing When I took the Navy track suit out for a jog When when I missed a hole at break and I almost lost my job When it sounded like I wanted free mission chips, when I tried to get that peanut butter sponsor ship When I took a sign card from Hammond and Andy to get free sushi, salmon and geary When I asked Richard Branson for $100
Starting point is 00:14:26 When I meet podcastes and I don't give them a dollar When I join the cricket team But I didn't bring the pressure And I almost got killed by Andy's bait, Pezza When we were in a band, I didn't want to jump on skates And I'm sorry for the $100,000 paneling mistakes And after all this, I'm really very sorry I didn't mean to say the show was just a hobby
Starting point is 00:14:48 Wow Wonderful Heard at least over few but a few He's gonna get him all in there. He's gonna get him all in of course. No one needs another no membrane length song Unreal jack that's that's that standing. We absolutely accept Um, I think we do share this Magnus. That was a wonderful walk down the We were We were We were We were We were
Starting point is 00:15:11 We were We were We were We were We were We were We were We were
Starting point is 00:15:19 We were We were We were We were We were We were We were We were We were We were We were We were We were We were
Starting point is 00:15:24 We were We were We were We were We were We were We were We were We were We were We were We were Okay, well, this is something else we need to get to from last week. The idea that we each nominate a talent to learn that we would see, release, screw away our time and chip away some sort of amazing talent, something not tell each other. Not tell each other. Tell the listeners. I think we've kind of threw that around. I'm not sure what we would do. I like the idea of telling everybody now, and then the listeners... It's a secret.
Starting point is 00:15:48 It's a secret to keep. So the idea would be that we, two people leave the studio, and we're just taking an intense adjustment here by ourselves, telling the listeners what our plans are for our talent that we're going to hone and learn by the end of the year. We then hope that everybody keeps it a secret. Now, if you see us in the street by all means, continue to ask for a dollar, but the hope would be that you don't just lean over and go,
Starting point is 00:16:11 oh, you know, Andy's gonna pluck a hedgehog or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And eat all the quills. Oh, okay, well, that would have been a great surprise at the end of the year. Exactly. Now, have you not been doing that? No. You've stayed with the hedgehog?
Starting point is 00:16:24 Yeah. And so, yeah, but if you see us individually, feel free to go up and ask and go, how has a hedgehog going? Has a hedgehog been going? Yeah, I know that's your secret. I know that's your secret. But be really certain that you've got it right. You've attributed the right activity. Yeah, Jack has the right answer.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Jack has the right answer. Yeah. You've got a lot of bad dads, right? You know? Oh, 200 steps. What? Steppy up to learning. Yeah, and Jack. So, so we want to, do 200 steps. What, step of your up to learning.
Starting point is 00:16:45 And Jack. So we want to, do we do in this now? We're going to say, you said you wanted a week to think about if you wanted to do it or not. Yeah, and I want to do it. Okay. How you do, you've got Cole feed in it? No, well, the problem, you're the least likely
Starting point is 00:16:57 to go through it out of the minute. Well, the problem was last week. You said that's where it, Jack. Well, he told me before the episode started today that he hasn't thought of one yet. I assume that you came up with this. You thought of it because that was Andy's, some story that he's only doing those because he's got one. I like the idea of doing this.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Assuming that a great idea would pop into my head. I have a little bit of skills block here, talent block here. I thought I had one idea. It was terrible. You've already told Jack. No, I had told him what I'm not going with. This is the quality minor out at the moment is, I mean, I don't even want to say it because this is before I, there was all this talk about how now the last year could be some sort
Starting point is 00:17:39 of like Australia's got talent performance. And I think Jack's only thinking about stuff that has razzled as well. That's why he wants to do a dance. I have the splits was being bandied around like learning how to do the splits. Yeah. I think Jack is really looking for a show stopping move. That's not what my head was thinking when I see you in the last kill. Crochet or something. No. That is exciting though. No, it's something that I have thought that I would like to learn how to do. Okay. But what was it? Let's do a full drive course. A full drive course. A full driving like learning how to, like,
Starting point is 00:18:08 learn how to full drive properly. Like, we're just like, you're so interesting. I'm so boring. I have to show you. I ain't going to film this. It's fun, but it's probably fun for you. But like, how do we show it?
Starting point is 00:18:18 Can we back it, guys? I wasn't. I could watch all these drive course. It's this 30 degree incline. Yeah. See if I can get up. Now I know now that now it's become more of a pageant. But even if it wasn't a pageant, I would like to afford right.
Starting point is 00:18:31 No, he technically didn't want to. It's a problem. It's a problem. The point of this. We're doing all of this in our own time. Oh, but we're doing it in the current time of performance. I mean, it wasn't always a problem. I've got what you told us.
Starting point is 00:18:44 That's why we're doing it. You said at the end of the year we'll display whatever we learn. Exactly. I don't think I'm a performance. I mean, I wasn't always a performance. I've got what you told us last week. You said at the end of the year, we'll display whatever we learn. Exactly. You said that. And it was, so do we go down to a San June and watch you drive up and down? I'm sure there were questions at the end. Like, I'll wait. What they just like to thank here.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Anyway, do we know? Hasn't happened yet. So you don't know what? I've got it. Now I'm panicking, stalling a little bit bit trying to think of like what because I could just pick something like I can just go oh sure wouldn't it be cool to learn a routine on the Roman rings or something fantastic but I'm gonna fall through that that feels like a that 10 years of training and that so you don't you can go
Starting point is 00:19:21 first Jack well you get why don't you go first Jack man and you go outside and I'm just gonna quickly think of something. No, no, no, it's gonna be some sort of shot. Okay, and make sure you can't hear me on the other side of the glass of the studio. All right, this is Jack Oni's own, Hamish and Andy, and now in a soundproof booth. My skill that I'm gonna start practicing today and deliver at the end of the year will be some sort of dance. I haven't figured out what it will be yet, but I know what show-stopping move I want to have at the end of it. I want to do that thing where you go into a cartwheel and then that turns it into a backflip.
Starting point is 00:20:01 So the cartwheel gives you momentum to do the backflip and that will be the end of my dance. Also, oh please, if you contact me on Instagram, if you are anybody who can help me develop this skill. Okay. Okay. I couldn't hear what Jack said, that so I'm not sure if he's devolved to the full information which is that I rang Jack and said would you like to do a joint dance with me? So hopefully he said he's still doing a dance. He's the new news. It's going to be a joint dance.
Starting point is 00:20:43 It's going to be just Jack and I, just ripping it. Tearing the dance floor and you want to sit in the dance floor a lot. It's a shock of one-harmish bike. And, um, yeah, really look forward to it. Hopefully in a public forum. I'm going to send Harmish in now and, um, gosh, I can't wait to find out what dribble he says. I can't wait to find out what dribble he says. Mm. Mm.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Hey gang, Blakey here. Okay. Um, I mean, you heard before I'm up against the wall here a little bit.
Starting point is 00:21:15 A couple of options for me at this juncture. I could just throw a placeholder in, like fire eating. I've got no real interest in fire eating. And then I could change my plan over the later on. That's probably where I'm leaning. Here's what I'm going to do. Here's a few things that I think could be a cool skill to have. I've never been able to do a wheelie on a bike very well. I think a whole year to do a wheelie is, that's a bit easy. I'd also love to be able to play something just awesome on a piano. I always like the idea that like when you walk into a room and there's a piano there,
Starting point is 00:21:47 you can just do like 30 seconds of something incredible. So why don't I do a wheelie on to the stage? Write out, do a wheelie, park the bike, play something incredible on the piano, and then I'll do a wheelie off stage. I think that's, I think I might go for a combo skill. Sidebar, privately, feel free to hit me up if you do run a four-wheel drive in course because I'm obviously going to pursue that in my own time.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I'll go get the other guy. Okay. How's everyone feel about theirs? Yeah, good. Yeah, I might tweak mine a bit as things go on. But I think, I mean, our producer said she heard everything there is anyone doing similar thing No, no, okay, right? Okay, okay, okay, because I don't want us to both come out like if we're all doing full wheel driving We could do a dance with innocent patrols No, if we're all diving off like the 10 meter platform into the small tub of water
Starting point is 00:22:45 Is that better than good one. Yeah. Is that better than the one you actually chose last minute? That? Yeah, that's a death-defying stunt. Yeah. No, I'm happy with mine. I'm doing the wheelcatch of the motorbike. That's what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 00:22:58 So that'll be cool. By way of updates, I guess it's just how you go. Do we just do a tiny how you're going every six weeks? Yeah, yeah. I think it's kind of a question for you. Yeah. Do you need to start yours now? Well, you never need to start any home work assignments.
Starting point is 00:23:18 So do I. I think it requires a period of getting to and it over in your head, is there a better way to crack this? If you started yours in a few months' time, would you still get it done by the end of the year? No, I firmly believe I'll be cramming no matter what. It's not, like, if it was grow a tree or something, that's obviously you have to start that today. But I have the ability to crank up the effort late. Yep. And achieve higher returns. Is that true of you?
Starting point is 00:23:47 All you guys? I'm going to try and just start earlier than like the night before. Yeah. Yeah. For mine, I reckon I'll need to start. I can wait a couple of months. Right, OK. There was a time lapse.
Starting point is 00:24:03 No, I think, but I think it'll, I'll, it'll need. Has anyone done take a photo of themselves doing something every day? That's cool. No. Again, you've got some good ideas that have come like this. You've come a bit late. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Because I told my brain to something, you've ideas five minutes ago. And now, oh, who's this? The old, tardy brain turning up after the school bell's gone with a pretty good, pretty good idea for a project. Now I'm happy with mine, good. And a long haul listeners of the show, double manning a little bit there actually. As in, they've been in for the long haul, or they drive long haul.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Because a lot of the time people do listen to the podcast while they're driving, it's a known phenomenon that people will bank these up, bank the shows up for a long trip. So shout out to anyone on a long haul trip. Double shout out if you're a long haul listener. Would be where of a gentleman from Canada, Jeff the machine, nice.
Starting point is 00:25:00 A regular contributor. From right back in the day, got our attention with his nickname, self-imposed nickname, the machine. Even back on radio days, he visited the studio, came from around the world. I mean, he's got a long history. We pranked him. We pranked him. We pranked him. So much time. We, uh, we were talking about dogs, but we got a lot of victim of the show. When he visited the show, because he was out from Canada, we put Jim Equipment in the studio and pretended as soon as we went to a song,
Starting point is 00:25:27 you and I pumped out. That's what I'm talking about, that one. I thought we were doing about the prank where we said stuff to his house and then got his teacher, his principal. Schooly worked out to prank him. We got him many times. Many times.
Starting point is 00:25:37 So on multiple times, but he's hung in there. He stayed loyal as a blue heeler, and he, he, riding with an email, it's sort of a two-pronged email here because it's a gone in 60 seconds. Oh, wow. So, really warms my heart, you know, that Jeff's overseas. I feel so for people that send in the gone in 60 seconds and they land on my side, because I'm loved it so much.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Well, if you were a associate professor of a course at the University of life, you would love it too. It's what I've dedicated my life to and it's changing the world. I appreciate that. I do get back to that. It is changing the world. I'm very proud of it. It's obviously I haven't done a book, but if I did, it'd be in your time's best sell it. You just done the audio tapes. I've done 35 tapes and that's all you need. Jeff's done one, but he's also done another thing that we love on this show. I don't know if he's done this deliberately or not,
Starting point is 00:26:26 but he's told, he starts the story of this incredible guy in 60 seconds he's done. And then the story just stops halfway through the email. Wow. I don't know if something happened to the email system or if Jeff is such an experienced emailer to this show. He knows that we fall for this shit all the time. I can't believe it.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Joining us is Jeff the Mishade Knight, a Hoi Jeff. Hoi gentlemen, how are we doing? A Hoi Jack? Hoi Jeff, lovely to hear you. It's a practice from Canada for 2020. Now, Jeff, am I, was it a deliberate
Starting point is 00:26:56 stop the story in the middle? Or was that an accidental stop? That was an accidental, I believe, but I'm going to take credit for it. I couldn't decide, I couldn't figure out what you're going to do. I want to get the full story and I haven't heard it. I want Andy and Jack to hear it too. But another part of me was going, this is so meta. His Jeff decided to just type for 60 seconds.
Starting point is 00:27:15 I mean, he's going to finish the email at 60 seconds and just send it no matter what. Because it's about the amount you could write in 60 seconds. Anyway, Jeff, I'll set the scene for everybody. You were hiding at a surprise party. You taught the MMO by saying this belongs in the gun of in 60 seconds Hall of Fame. You're hiding at a surprise party. The birthday boys on ease weigh your one of the surprises. You get a text that says he's going to be there in five minutes.
Starting point is 00:27:42 All of a sudden, Jeff feels the all too familiar rumble in his stomach of a, I would assume persistent and immediate foul movement. Jeff take it from there. Okay, well, I mean, the preface is I have a terrible digestive system. So as soon as I felt that rumbling, like, I knew what was coming down the pipe. Like, I mean, I had two choices at that time. so as soon as I felt that rumbling like i knew what was coming down the pipe i mean i had two choices at that time like i could run the risk of ruining the party altogether
Starting point is 00:28:12 or i could you know stay hidden and me as a fully grown man puma pants in the dark also that's not really the part of the but i don't think you can't was really say you mean breaking cover and maybe like not ruining the party. I thought that was what your pen was ruining. So you mean breaking cover and maybe like alerting the birthday boy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:30 You can. So what do you do? So I made the decision and I didn't tell anybody what I was doing but I just got up and ran as fast as I could up the stairs. I threw up in the door. I ran full tilt to the bathroom and I closed the door and between the entry of the bathroom and the exit of the bathroom I was gone for literally no joke 15 seconds it was like a military air drop
Starting point is 00:28:57 can you repay that 15 one five seconds? 1515 seconds. Yeah. Wow. Okay. I went back downstairs and my friends were bewildered. And the one thing about this that I have to be. Well, what I was going to say, I didn't want to jump in to the Jeff, but when you said, I didn't say anything and I ran up the stairs, you failed a critical element, which is you have to say, I'll have a very loudly. I'm just going to do a way, I'm just gonna do a wee. I'm off for a big wee.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Or a quick wee. But, so did they know that you... I had waited too long to even say anything, that was gonna take too much time. Okay, understand. So when you came back to downstairs, did you say sorry about the guys, this had to do a wee?
Starting point is 00:29:43 You know what, I mean I broke the critical rule. I told them to back fly it down. Oh! Oh wow! Okay, Jeff, this is, okay, this is new information to life. You've technically evacuated your body in the required amount of time. I mean, you've possibly broken a world record.
Starting point is 00:30:01 But you've stumbled in the cell. I mean, you've walked through the Great Wall of China in front of everybody and then turned around and said to the crowd, hey, guess what? I just did it with mirrors. I mean, the trick is as in the flare. It's in the delivery to the crowd from the magician. It's the rope. That's what got in 60 seconds is magic for people.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Think it's a way. It's a poo hiding as a way. I mean, you took it's a two hiding as a way. I mean you took it's costume off. But having said that, you also broke a world record. What was the reaction from the grid? I would imagine no one would believe you. Yeah, well, I think this is why I broke the cool because coming down after 15 seconds, it's so much more impressive knowing that it was a number two. Yeah. Yeah, I can stand. When I got down there, I'm just never going to forget the amount of pride that my friends had for me. Yeah. They were impressed, they were confused, and they were just,
Starting point is 00:30:59 they were so proud of me. I mean, the whole party would have been bad news to the birthday, because him walking through the door would easily be the second most important thing that happened. I mean, people probably just were like, oh, hey Tim, good to see you a bit. You should have been here earlier, Jeff. I'll, Jeff Longbaugh's Jeff to the most incredible thing you've ever seen. All right, what Jeff, well done. He's a world record to my knowledge as this stands.
Starting point is 00:31:27 And I'm not encouraging people to try and break a world record. I'm not encouraging this thing, but never come back. You're the one the same. Yeah. That's kind of sounds like Andy is. There's a read between the line there if you choose to. At your own risk. Good to speak.
Starting point is 00:31:42 We don't want any pro. Good to speak, Jeff. Yeah, no, okay. Thank you, Jeff. See you later. Yeah, great to talk to you guys. See you later. We've just missed a call from Wayne Ham. Of course, from the top of the show of what the owner of Wayne's world. You are in the cold. Well, it's scrambled to come back in,
Starting point is 00:32:06 because Wines called, we can call him back. I mean, you guys have already been here before in Queensland. I'm Rhonda, who worked there. She knows about the film. Yep. She's been here. She's been here. She's been here.
Starting point is 00:32:19 We didn't know about the film. She's only been here for 12 months, but it did cross her mind as she went to work in the film, it is. It's the suicide. I was just about asking questions. Yes. The store started in 1997.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Film came out in 1992, 32. So Wayne's what one and two had hips in him. It's, yeah, by the time it's done. Hello, this is Wayne. Oh, Wayne, how are you? It's Amy Shnandy. How are you boys? Yeah, good mate.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Very good, Wayne. Very good, Wayne. Very much for calling us back. You good mate. Very good, man. Very good, man. Very good, man. Very much for calling us back. You're welcome. It's an honor. It's an honor to talk to you. We literally just today became aware of Wayne's world, the stores.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Yep. How many stores are you running with? We've got a handful. We've got 11 stores in regional country hands. Oh, yes. Two or three hands. Yes, exactly. Oh, the hands.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah. You're gentle, mate. That's great. Fantastic. It's terrific. Yes. That's great. Fantastic. It's terrific. That's good. Thanks. I'm home.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I'm had a question. I mean, look, I'm sure like I will we're Victorian boys. We grow up in virtuoso. We only, you know, I don't need to sort of come aware of the stores and the great work you guys are doing in Queensland. I went to the About Us page because of course my interest was paid. Wayne's were being one of my favorite films as a child. So I was, and still one of the old time classics, I was interested to see on the About Us
Starting point is 00:33:32 webpage. It said you were established in 1997 and then that seems to be five years after the movie came out. So my wondering was, did you know about the movie when you name the store or was it just sort of perhaps what you're attention afterwards? Oh, yeah, funny story. My wife come up with a name. I didn't like the name. Right. I wanted to call it Wayne Mart.
Starting point is 00:33:58 And you know, I thought maybe came out, we're gonna sit with that zone, let's call it Wains World. Yeah, a great idea. And did you know about the film? Yeah, great movie. Was it any more of the... One of the all-time classics. Is it? Is it?
Starting point is 00:34:23 Were you worried then that people say Hollywood might come after you Yeah, like approaching on there my eyes my go mate. That's our films name Well funny when you call we thought you were from I fear Australia the trademark center that we might be in trouble I'll see still living fear So you know 13 it's 23 years 23 years in the business now has there ever come up or is it just sort of in the spirit of, we're all having fun? Your name's Wayne. You've got your world.
Starting point is 00:34:53 That's it. We're Aussie Battlers. You're doing our best. That's what we do. It's in that category of we're just having fun. That's right. What is T-No? We love that category of we just haven't fun. That's right. I thought he's too close to the fence. We love that category.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Good category to have. And he's in it, because there's a constant. We did what wasn't a lottery. Definitely wasn't a lottery last year. Oh geez, they hit us with the hard with that book. Yes, and then it wasn't a licensed lottery, but it really was just a bunch of friends having fun. Yeah, exactly. And we used the same defense, and we were successful. Yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:35:30 We salute you. All right, now, one thing we wanted to ask you are in the, in the business of giving this counts, I just had a quick squeeze at your father's day specials from last year, a lot of stuff for $5. Pretty much everything's for five bucks. If it seemed to me, if it was cheaper than five bucks, you'd get two of them for five bucks, like a Link's body spray or whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Right. The only annoying thing I could tell from you in the ad was Cabri Favorites were ten bucks, because there was annoying, the every else was five dollars. So, but you would have still done well with favorites. I'm just saying it was the odd man out there. It's like you're in the age of the discovery. It was sold out, made it flew out. Yeah, great. I mean, that's the thing. You are the King of Discounts, especially in the age of the disc. It was sold out, made it flew out. Yeah, great. I mean, that's the thing. You are the King of Discounts, especially in the Queensland and New South Wales Regional area.
Starting point is 00:36:10 We have a loyalty card at the show, the Hamish Nanny loyalty card. Any listener of this show can apply for it, go to HamishNee.com. You can get one yourself. I don't know if the card actually that the stores love. It is the card the stores love. I don't know if you have had it presented yet at any Wayne's World outlets, but it is a 10% off everything card, which is pretty cool. But he will accept it.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Oh, why are you going straight on the list of your heroic stores? And the good news for you is you get 5% back. As a store that accepts it, the customer gets 10% and then they give you 5% straight back. So 5% for Wain and everyone in the world. And everybody's winning, it isn't a store, the car that stores live. Wain, thank you so much for joining us. We encourage everybody when they get their loyalty card to go into Wain's world. Obviously, you'll have to tell your staff, etc, to honour the 10% with a 5% kickback to
Starting point is 00:37:05 Stornt deal. And we just wrap that you call us back and thanks for taking the time. Mate, so appreciate it. Now, make good luck boys and thanks very much. Cheers, buddy. You're a legend. Party on. Thank you. Party on weight world. It's all honest for everyone. That's why I miss everyone. What's up, everyone?
Starting point is 00:37:22 What's up, everyone? What's up, everyone? I mean, we have to review a special skill that we talked about last week. Yeah. It was team special skill. He said he can get a shower spot on temperature wise. He said in a very quick amount of time, that was his exact
Starting point is 00:37:38 quite. And so we were like, okay, that's impressive. And we had a lot of this idea about this. Yeah, we talked to him and this is our band. We put our hands up here because in hastily we sort of agreed that I believe do we say 10 seconds. We arrived at 10 seconds. He joined us back now.
Starting point is 00:37:54 By the way, as a side note, that the Pokemon guy with all the sounds that he can identify 492 of the 492 Pokemon, just by the little sound effect they make, he can only invoke a Pokemon it is. He's gone quiet. He's gone quiet. He's gone. He's gone. He should have deleted that segment. Well, maybe, but also that maybe it's such it was so amazing of course it was worth listening to because maybe it's no one can do that. Yeah. Jack, who would you say is the most scared of all the Pokemons? Scared of all the Pokemons? Yeah, who's known as a bit of a scary character? I guess one of the early evolutions like Squirtle or Bulbasaur?
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yeah, people. He's acting like a little bit of a Bulbasaur? Or a Squirtle, in my mind. But who's the bravest of the Pokemons? Yeah, well, maybe Bulbasaurus. We'd like him to be a bit more of a Bulbasaurus. So, I'm coming forth. Yeah, if you can find you're in a Bulbasaurus,'d like him to be a bit more of a Bulbasaurus. So I can't. I'm coming forth.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yeah, if you can find you're in a Bulbasaurus, that'd be really handy. But in the meantime, we draw our attention back to Tim, the shower guy. Tim Ahoy. Ahoy, gentlemen, how are we? Are you okay, mate? Are you okay, mate? What's going on? I'm just a little bit crook. Coronavirus?
Starting point is 00:39:04 Yeah, yeah, more of them. I'm actually a student paramedic, so it could very well be that. Wow. Well, Tim. Sorry, just jumping in here. We've since talked to Tim, it wasn't coronavirus, and he's fun, which is great. Right, okay, well, Tim, unlucky bands for you, but probably good that we've delayed it a week anyway then, because we, unlucky bands for you, but probably good that we've delayed it a week anyway then because We this is me and Andy's bad when we were
Starting point is 00:39:29 Discussing the time that we would be impressed by for someone to get the temperature on the shower ride for quick refresher I think we landed on it was gonna be we'd get the hot water up and running then turn the show completely off Yeah, the new step in you have a certain amount of time to get it right I jump in and I either say yeah, that feels good or no too hot too cold. So there's a bit of a Goldilocks situation, but your responsibility as a person with this skill is to get the right tamp. Now, we said 10 seconds would be impressive. We've since we were chatting about it during the week, we keep coming back to it. We want to run a simulation here. 10 seconds watched 10 seconds. Is Andy's got the stopwatch? So you get it ready. Yep. Here we go. This is what 10 seconds would be like.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Okay. Turning on the shower now, him. A bit of hot tap, bit of hot tap, bit of cold. There's too much cold. There's not enough cold. I'm pretty happy with that. No, bit more cold. 10 seconds. Too long.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Too long. That's so long. That's just a human being having a shell. I actually have the same thought myself that 10 seconds was probably a bit too long. I can't. And I'm happy to probably cut the time back. Because I feel like, yeah, we've got, you know, everyone come down, fill up the SCG, we're going to watch evil Caneval. Yeah. Jump a cute comeback.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Yeah. I'm like, yeah, not the juice isn't really worth the squeeze. Yeah, but I. So, would you come at four seconds, Tim? Four seconds. I would look, I mean, I was thinking more like five seconds. Okay, let's try to simulation on five. Yeah, here we go.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Five. Give us an example of five seconds, Andy. Okay. Okay, you're turning a simulation on five. Yeah, here we go. Five. Give us an example of five seconds, Andy. Okay. You're turning it on now. Hot tap on. Hot tap. Bit of cold. Bit of cold. Done.
Starting point is 00:41:13 That's five. Five seconds. I think five is all right, but I'm letting it go. I think I ain't said done, but he was done at four. I actually said done in a, exactly when I instinctively went, this is where we cross over from being unimpressive to normal. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And when did I say done? At the four second mark. Well, I guess I can't look. Well, I mean, I'dging to be involved with Soros. We shared it with you. Tim, he accepts the four second challenge. You rest up. When you are well enough to go, we will, because obviously if you've got a temperate
Starting point is 00:41:57 and stuff, that's going to be very difficult for you to go. Look, I am on the back end of it. I should be right to go. Great. Well, we'll try and get you in the upcoming weeks. Tim, thanks very much for joining us, mate. And you are a bottle of a tourist. And I'm not good work for squashing your inner squirtle.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Thanks, Tim. Cheers, mate. Thanks, guys. There you are. All right. Quick, quick, quick, quick amendment to the show before we turn all the marks off and get out of here. Mike, you just had a revelation.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Well, I noticed you and Tim were talking about a Bulbasaurus that just said there is no Pokemon called Bulbasaurus. In fact, there's a Pokemon called Bulbasaur. He's number one in the Poker Decks. However, there is no Bulbasaur rest. All right, you've come in. It was funnier when you were nowhere near it Jack. And now you just say he's one syllable off. And how many pokies are there? There's over a thousand now. Right, so he's one syllable off and you meant to know all thousand. Would you know every one of them?
Starting point is 00:42:56 I can do the first one 51 by memory, but I will not do it on the show. I'm sorry. But I will not do it on the show.. I will not do it in the show. Wow. I'll give you 15% of what you want in private. Thanks, Marky. It's no more than one by the way. Mishnandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishnandy.com.

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