Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2020 Ep 87

Episode Date: April 15, 2020

1. Tail gating 2. Communal meals 3. Tim the Shower King’s big day 4. Andy Lee Pot Plants 5. Hamish’s secret project ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Because the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. Hoi, so hey, Mishav Blake. Hello. Hoi, Jack. What did I get a royal in town?
Starting point is 00:00:31 I mean, it's really just a night of your surname. You can have one a few hours. I don't know if it's going to open too many more doors, career wise for you. Oh, hoi. And hey, I'm kicked things off, then I'm getting straight into it. What we got? A hoi from Tim, it's a longing. Ohoy boys, as you three know,
Starting point is 00:00:50 the good weather days here in Melbourne, a few and far between. So when we get one, I jump on the bike and ride to work. Iran Christmas time was cruising to work past Khran and heard him felt my back wheel blow. So started the walker shame to footscrave with the flat and decided to ask the next cyclist to see if they had a pump to Hopefully get a bit of the way on the bike
Starting point is 00:01:07 Next bike that rides past is in a fierce like a kit. I thought surely he's got me He stops and waits for the lights and I jog over to ask We get chatting in the stranger offers a repair kit, but no dice on the pump. So I say thanks, but no thanks The whole time I'm thinking God this bike sounds exactly like Hamish, but the cycling gear and fancy shades threw me off. Ended up saying, mate, you sound a lot like Hamish Blake, and he slash you responded, that's because I am. Anyway, just want to say thanks for stopping and trying to help. Certainly, having the last touch with the common man. And despite the puncture, I still consider myself lucky that day to see the superior penis in all its glory.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Thanks a lot for getting up. What a treat. What a treat for a special young man. Lost taking for him on the day and for me now hearing an honest assessment. He didn't seem like in touch with the common man. Very much in touch with the common man. I think it's a very common man trait to want the very best for your eyes. I mean, find me a common man that doesn't care about his eyes.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I'm pretty. Get him in here. I think one of the great things that me and the rest of the common man have is going, look, if you're out there, you protect your eyes. Whether you're a tradie, whether you're a regular or not, you protect your eyes. I think eye protection is high on the priority. Of the common man. You can't see. I think eye protection is high on the priority. The common man can't see you dead, right? We are not standing. You do so in your eyes. You've really hindered things. What are the things that come man cares about? Look
Starting point is 00:02:33 at our family, making ends meet. Not harder to do without eyes. So the first thing you do is protect your eyes. I mean, your lack of understanding is how important eyes are to people. Really puts you further out of touch with the common man that's the worry. No, no. Did you get the other thing is I liked that's because I am. Did you do a mono? I was trying to wheelie bitch. Yeah, that I appreciate him changing the script there because it makes me sound way better than what probably happened which was oh good on your mate. Well thank you. See you later.
Starting point is 00:03:01 than what probably happened, which is, oh, good on your mate. Well, thank you. See you later. Um, hey, did offer me, see the thing is when you're on a bike, you've got often a, do you not carry a pie car? Yeah, you do, you do,
Starting point is 00:03:13 but the tricky thing is it takes a while to change the time. I said, look, I'll leave my kit with you. Do you know how to work one? Because there's little gas cylinder that, it's like an insta, it's one, you're good for one tire inflation. Well, that's not common man. Oh, there's very common man.
Starting point is 00:03:27 No, no, we use the pump. Yeah, we've got, I've got all the time. No, you use this, a little bit cheaper than a pump. Yeah. So I just said to myself, look, here's the situation. I was on my way to film Wago. It was like, I'm gonna be late. It's probably a 10, 15 minute change over.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I can't be late, because I don't want to keep people waiting. Nope, no common man does. But I'll leave you my kit. Do you know how to use it? You would have already been really late. I can't be more late. I don't know how to use it. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:57 No, you can't. We're stuck. You don't bother you well. We're stuck. Let's switching to other transport based things. Yeah, this is exciting, Jack. Something happened this morning here in this very building, which I think is universal, right?
Starting point is 00:04:12 Andy and I, as listeners of this show wouldn't know, we are fans of the car parking manoeuvre called the Ghost. Yes. Have been for years. Tailgating your way. Tailgating is the other way, what they call it at Melbourne Airport on the signs that says do not do this. I always remember reading that sign.
Starting point is 00:04:28 We think it's a suggestion because it's best before not used by. I can always hear the sounds of tires screeching burnouts happening from our car, laughter, as we read that sign. We do enjoy tailgating because, look, whilst rules are rules, in some areas of society, you can flaunt them. And it's fun too. And the flaunting is gone too long. We flaunt relentlessly here.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Back when we work, we do the podcast in the same building our radio shows to be. And back when we were doing old school media, radio, we were given a car park. We were given a car. Have a pass, but you'd still take it away just for the excitement. But the fun of it you would. And now every day we have to come in, we have to get a ticket. We rip the ticket up straight away, usually in front of everyone. We laugh, then we go, I don't know how you're going to get out of the car park.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Well we find. And we will go out either we pick separate cars, take out that, or quite often, I'm either I'm in front of Andy's in front and we'll do the double two car tail out, which when you have a passenger in the car, people freak out the two car tail out and you just have to say, don't look. Oh, I'm about.
Starting point is 00:05:33 You're fine. What about the boom gate? Yeah, it's a boom gate never touches you. Yeah, the whole system to speak you. Yeah, to speak him. So last year in pro-school, where you like stamp and pretend to put in someone to go scared of a butterfly,
Starting point is 00:05:44 which is not a butterfly, but that was a very gentle and then they're flinch. The whole game is about flinching. If you don't have the flinch reflex, if you don't pay for parking. Last week, Jack, we did Double Tailgate out behind Matt Black, who works here, who does have a pass, Works in radio. We got a text message from the general manager of the whole building saying,
Starting point is 00:06:12 hey guys, we've been both been cited following Black go out. We're going to remove Black goes pass. What? It's on his phone. We went, this was a wind up on us. So he said, look, that seems fair. We think you should, we should, you should. But he's not in on it. He's just driving out as an innocent. We think we should make an example of blacko
Starting point is 00:06:32 because if you don't, you'll just do it again. So then you might have had a bit of chat going around the building. They're putting in sensors. Yeah, they can read your number plate. Yeah. So we heard about this a few weeks ago. And it was like, oh, you guys worried they're putting in sensors. Yeah, they can read your number plate. Yeah. So we heard about this a few weeks ago, and it was like, oh, you guys worried they're putting in car boxes.
Starting point is 00:06:48 We were like, oh, it is frigging bluff in the book. Yeah, it's like the chemical that turns pink if you wear in the pool. There is no chemical. You just don't need to think there's a chemical so you don't do it. So I guys chill out about these cameras. They're not gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:07:03 However, we were wrong. And I went on either spawning, in the same car, we're driving in, and we got this bit of, who are around the boom gates? Oh, there's two, there's two, and then we're going to grind this thing. Exactly. And they're putting in cameras, Jack.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And we came face to face with our nemesis. And he knows. Because they know we do this. And we know they know, but there's nothing they can do. And it's been a fun game of cat and mouse for three or four years Yes, the security guard said to us. We're put hey guys with high-eye. Oh, we went. Oh, what's all this work? This is for you. We're putting in cameras number plate cameras. All right Okay, a lot of work a lot of work
Starting point is 00:07:41 He's like yeah, you know, reliable system. Oh, yeah, reliable. Get every boat seat. Even with low light, glare, car lights, what if there's mud on the number baited? Well, we've still know the makin' model of the car. Yeah, right, right. And what do you just send that to the traffic people? Do you, the big roads?
Starting point is 00:08:03 It is in Australia, RTA, kind of a equivalent. Big roads, do you send big roads again? No. Straight to the traffic people do the big roads. It is in Australia, RTA kind of a cool big roads. Do you send big roads again? No, straight to the police. We can send it. Oh, you can send it straight to the police. I can tell you. So that's what we said. It was a drive.
Starting point is 00:08:13 So I'll hope you get those bars. I'll be get them man. And he's looking at us and we're like, you know, could be wasting the police's time then you think and you don't really have any authority. You're just a you're just a part of a shopping cart. Well, why do you have the police's attention? I mean, what about real crimes? But anyway, good luck getting them.
Starting point is 00:08:30 And he's so smart of us and he was like, yeah, we're gonna get them. Well, we hope you do that. Yeah. Teach those bastards a lesson. We drive off going. This has just gone to another level because we will never back down. You know what it reminded me of and I permission to walk down memory lane a bit here
Starting point is 00:08:49 One of my favorite films of all time is heat. Oh, you love me. I've talked about 91 and I'll put you know Robby Nero first time no together in a movie. I think I know maybe it was gone farther a year a bit Bank robbery movie, right? Robert N Niro, head of an elite Bancrabbery crew. Al Pacino, the cop that's trying to catch him. Cat and mouse game the home movie. We're De Niro and the security guard. He's trying to take guys like us down. He's trying to bust our crew.
Starting point is 00:09:18 We are not dumb enough to get caught by him. We think, because we're the best at what we do. There's a scene in heat. There's a scene in heat where there's a scene in heat where Pacino sees Deneer are driving, sirens in, pulls him over and goes, do you want to have coffee up the road? So this is a great scene with his bank robber who is having coffee with the cop that's trying to catch him.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Now the cop trying to catch him can't arrest him or anything, but they're talking about who they are and what they do. Now you tell me if this conversation about to play, do you sound exactly like what happened in'm about to play, do you? Sounds exactly like what happened in the car to the security guard today. I do what I do best. You do what you do best, trying to stop guys like me.
Starting point is 00:09:54 It's that we both better go do some else pal. I don't have to do anything else. Neither do I. I don't much want to either. Need a do-eye. A stature set. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:11 We will never. Never. Stop tailgating. Yeah. Sput. Hey, I've got a... Not game-changing, but a handy move for a communal meal situation. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Well, I'm glad it's you. I mean, game changes very probably the docker over summer about going vegan. Yes. That's not as wild as that. Not as wild as that, okay, so. Would you make a docker over this called handy moves? Yeah, you could.
Starting point is 00:10:41 You need a pal at the table. You've got one in me. You and I eat often together. I want you to be my pal on this one. So a more than group table. Group big, big groups. Give me the idea, bigger the better. Four or up, four plus, but 20 too many.
Starting point is 00:10:57 No. Wow. So because I'm just wondering, is there an element of this where you need to control the situation? You need everyone's attention. No, I think you're fine. Okay, good. Is Jack?
Starting point is 00:11:08 You know? Jack? Good to know. Jack will know what we're up to, so he's not at the dinner. Right, so we're telling him about it. Did you were telling him about it? Best activated when there's share plates at the meal.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Yeah. Which is every restaurant these days. Dim sum. Dumplings would be a great spot. Sure, you don't want to come to this dinner? Spanish tapas would be another one. A bit of everything's share plates now. Family stuff is every restaurant.
Starting point is 00:11:36 It's actually weird to order. If you're at a restaurant, it seems quite odd to order. Your own meal, unless it's spaghetti. Or you go a steak, but then all the... People want a cup of steak now and share it. Yeah, they do a bit. And every restaurant is like, well, we do things here, we share it. But you still have to communicate.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Why do you do that? Potatoes in the middle, of course. Yeah, broccoli's, right. So I think it works best as well when there's a surplus amount of one item. Carrots often. Compared to the amount of guests. So if there's like six amount of one item. Carrots often. Compared to the amount of guests. So if there's like six dumplings, five people. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I'll steam buns often. You find that? Yes, I find that at Yamcha. Yeah. So think because everyone serves of two. So if you have an odd number, you're bound to have one over. And that's when everyone sits around and you don't dive in to take the last one traditionally.
Starting point is 00:12:26 You sit back and you wait for someone to go, Jack, go on. Let's take the last step. Let's do the four-bunk. Let's, let's, let's, let's, if I can just get specific for a second for this example, a yum cha, a six-person yum cha. It's a pretty standard number at yum, let's say seven-person, sorry, so we've got an odd number. We do steampalk buns, we get four serves.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah, there's eight. Yeah. Don't you think at a yum chow in particular, there's a generally accepted, everyone sort of, has a one card to play where you're the pig. You go two of one thing. Yeah, exactly. I get two of everything. So if you want to pork schumai, by all means, you have that last one.
Starting point is 00:13:05 But ethically, you wouldn't then dive in and have the last steamport bun. Everyone kind of knows they have one card to play, one credit for an extra dim sum. And you should use it on your favorite. But people don't know each other. Yes. Often everyone waits for the,
Starting point is 00:13:19 it's very true. So I teamed up with my mate, Duncan the weekend. Great. And we're heading to a restaurant which does the carve up the needs, carve up the chickens and all that kind of stuff. And I said, I love the chicken so much. And he said, I love this prawn dish.
Starting point is 00:13:32 And I said, tell you what, when it gets down. So it beats all the way around. Let's help each other out here. It's good to know. So early on, it was the prawns and there was two left. And everyone had had it. And I said, you finished these off, mate. And he's like, no, no, no, no, girls,
Starting point is 00:13:49 you're like, no, come on, don't you love this? And I've put the prawn on his. That's a good one to use. I know you love these. Yeah, exactly. He's way more powerful at restaurant than I love these. So I'm very rare for someone to go, can I have the last one there?
Starting point is 00:14:02 Cause I love them. Exactly, it's weird. It's weird, it makes it seem like you're there for the food, not the company. Yeah. Which is often true, but you're not allowed to say it. So I've poured the prawns and dunks, and you're pushing none. I was a bit, and dunks, like, oh no,
Starting point is 00:14:16 man, come on and show it to us. So he's wrapped with me and boarded me, have my back with the chicken cave round, because there was a spear, bit of chicken, and dunks like have my back when the chicken came round because there was a spare bit of chicken and dunks like Eddie you have the chicken and then once played this move I had the extra prawn so you definitely have the chicken. What does he say though to mean that the girls can't have the chicken? Well that's the thing was I started it because he loved it.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yeah. He came back to me. He returned. He returned the favor to me. So the table now has to give you the debt. That's good. I actually think it works best in that four to five persons now. Yeah, 22 pass too many. Because you do need the attention of the table to execute.
Starting point is 00:14:58 People need to remember that you, I was the guy that helped Duncan out. Yes, and done someone else's. And he must have revised hisazes food dead to you. That's good. Hey, special skills are a part of the show. Thank you very much for submitting yours, everybody, hamishnerney.com.
Starting point is 00:15:18 It's been an amazing journey, tracking people's special skills. And as we've said a few times, like they're now getting rarer and rarer. I mean, not that, like the flow is huge, but we've seen a bunch. We've seen them in so that it comes in that it's truly unique. So we're all, but I mean, the volume is huge and do keep them coming, but if the niche, the niche is what we chase now and we are getting some great niches. Tim came in today and we've already done this in the morning and he says he could and you would have heard last week on the show, he can
Starting point is 00:15:53 get the temperature of a shower correct within five seconds. Four. Yeah. Well, he said five, we gave him four because our bad as we explained on the show last week, initially the conversation was just brushed over the timeframe and we realized it all comes down to the timeframe. That's the impressive part is how fast someone can get the, I have no doubt with enough time anyone can set a shower. Our life, it's sort of like with enough time. Yeah. And even without access to the internet,
Starting point is 00:16:19 I could figure out how to peel a banana. Yeah, even if I've never peeled it before. I would get it. I'd get it. But if you can peel any banana in under one second, suddenly we're interested. Some skills, time is a factor. So we met up with Darcy's house,
Starting point is 00:16:31 our sales house. We had a real think about what showers to use here. And we didn't know what kind of shower Darcy has had, but as you'll hear, it was a good selection. We just wanted to make sure it started at like a house. And the way it would work is, we would run the water hot, of course. So there's no, there's no, there's no,
Starting point is 00:16:50 the beach challenge. Yeah. And then he would set, he's within, you know, four seconds, you would get him. You would get him. And I would tell him if it pleased me or not. All the six I think Tim, welcome. Lot of build up here Timmy. I'm, I'm,. I understand in his board shorts. I'm ready. Looking good. We are at D Looking good. We are at D like work showers? Sure, yeah, that does change a little bit. Yeah, notoriously not an enjoyable shower
Starting point is 00:17:26 to operate a work shower, although we are having there. So you're not off the hook. Right, that'll be the test. A residential shower. I don't know, it just seems a bit more reliable, doesn't it? Well, exactly, you're playing a bit of grade cricket before you hit the MCG. Yeah, the international match a little later on.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Because everyone knows at work showers, you're just fiddling with and I was just going, what is this thing? And you know, you subject to someone's using the kettle upstairs and you just don't know, you know. Those are the kettle's not on. I don't know what. We're going to start here. I'll get in and I'll set the temps how I like them, could take some time and I'll let you feel that as what we're going to call H-NORS or the baseline. Hamish's baseline level. And then it's very important when Tim feels that we put a cloth over where the knobs are orientated because I don't...
Starting point is 00:18:13 Well, should I go in and set it right? Yes. And I'll call you in once I've hidden the taps. Yes, they can be great. Because you're right. Otherwise, we're not playing a game of temperatures. We're playing game of reorientating days. We're a game of knobs. No, we're playing games.
Starting point is 00:18:28 We're playing game of precision knobs. Which we're all more on. We always say that to the end of the year as a special three. Fantastic. Well, I'll be back in to play that one. Let's clarify the rules. There'll be three showers. You have to get them perfect temperature for heinish.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Within about four seconds, you have to get all three to get a coin. Yep. Hum, hain, you ready to go in and set the temperature? Yes, I am. Good luck. I'm talking about she sells all now. I'm moving to Darcy's bathroom. Question. Yep. I'm in the bathroom now.
Starting point is 00:19:00 You guys are outside the bathroom. I can see the nobure. Yes. Am I allowed to tell Tim what see the nobbaray. Yes. Am I allowed to tell Tim what kind of nobbaray it is? Yep, go ahead. Tim, it's a single lever mixer. Oh, I love a single meter. That is definitely, that is a preferred method.
Starting point is 00:19:14 That's right. I think it's critical that I hide the nobbarian patient. Totally agree with that. Yeah, I'll talk to you soon. I mean, we should just close the door. He's going to have a share. What is going through your mind at the moment now? Team, I know the first one's always nervous.
Starting point is 00:19:31 The first one's a big one. I really just don't want to be the Simpson's guy. Sorry mate. If I can get through the first one, I'll be doing okay. Yeah, it's like just getting off the mark and cricket. That's it. You can come in, the knowledge of skewers. Okay, we can come in.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Right, right, right. Good pressure. Can you feel that? This is what I want. Okay, all right. Look warm. I class out as look warm. Well, it's not boiling, I'll show.
Starting point is 00:19:58 No, it's not. I need it. It's going. I think it's got sting on it. I mean, you know, being judged on you, yeah. You run a college show. I have a freezing cold one. Okay. But that wouldn't be the game. I mean, you know, being judged on your show, you run a college show. I have a freezing cold one. OK.
Starting point is 00:20:06 But that wouldn't be the game. I know, it would not. So this is the tent I'm after. Have you got that? Yeah. OK. I've got a, uh, yeah. I'm covered enough.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Alrighty. Scramble the knob. Scramble the knob. All right. We are both walking into what is quite a tight bathroom shower unit. Alright, so, look at Stuart, you've seen the dog, you've seen the lever. Um, just immediate thoughts. Do you know which way is hot, which way is cold?
Starting point is 00:20:36 Hot, I assume it's towards the wall. And then... I don't know if I get that information. Well, I mean, isn't it standard? Isn't it standard? Isn't it standard? And I think that's part of it. It has to be part of it. Well, I don't know, I don't know how time to get it hot.
Starting point is 00:20:49 It's already hot. Okay. Yeah, we've run them all hot, and I'm going to get my phone out for the toilet. Yeah, great. Oh, damn. I'm going to like it away with that. I can't do one cat dog, you, his brown, and the cat is brown, and the dog needs a side. Two cat dogs, and the cat's now and the dog needs a side. Two cat dogs and the cat's now asleep.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Where's the dog going? I'm adding now, he's back. Three cat dogs. Okay. I was hoping for. He just scrambled nov. Tim, as soon as you touch nov, I will. Tim just did.
Starting point is 00:21:19 As soon as you touch the handle, I will start the clock. And I'll step in and I'm I think gonna say that pleases me or it displeases me. Okay. Okay. you touch the handle, I will start the clock. And I'll step in and I'm I think in a say, I that pleases me or it displeases me. Okay. Well, if it pleases you, my lord, I might just start now. All right, here we go. You're touching.
Starting point is 00:21:37 That's four. Peace. What are you wearing? What are you wearing? Oh, it's too warm. It's weight. Oh! That displays a city! I'm sorry, I didn't wake you up.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Right? You're at about seven o'clock. Yeah. You actually needed to be at a 10 past six. I'm so glad. I just didn't feel it warming up and then it warmed up. Well, onto the second show. So I have bought that one. Yes, we also have the same. Yeah, I've been on my hand away for shell. So I have caught that one. Yes. Yes. We also have the same. I pulled my hand away before it got too hot because...
Starting point is 00:22:08 It was too hot for you. It was too hot. Yeah. OK, we'd play on it. LAUGHTER We've arrived at a hotel around the corner. OK. We've all digested it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I think what happened. And if we looked back at the tape, Tim, at Darcy's house, could you have done a few things differently? What are you reckon? Yeah, it just, it felt a little bit cold to start with, and so I wound it up, and then I was, I don't know if you saw me, I paused, probably roughly where I need to be.
Starting point is 00:22:42 You did, and then I was like, he's got it. But what it required was, because you're coming from cold to hot. And then I was like, he's got it, but what it required was, because you're coming from cold to hot, it required, I suppose, an insane level of balls to leave it at that, almost six o'clock position on the lever, because I never thought, I actually, that's very rare for anyone
Starting point is 00:22:57 that's six o'clock is not a normal one. That's not a common position for a mixer, and for anyone that uses it, and I know the position now when my kids up in the shower, and I just know it's about 8.30. It's actually quite a very far around. As is 7.30, cord to 8. Yeah, so 10 bus seats. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:14 I felt like I was pretty on the money. Yeah, and so that's when I saw you pass that, I just thought, look, no human being alive could be expected to know that's where you're going. I thought to you though, you knew that it was going to be hot and still went in. So that takes a lot of courage. I thought, I'll try. I'll try expected to know it. That's where you know. It's off to you though, you knew that it was going to be hot and still went in. So that takes a lot of courage. I'll let you go.
Starting point is 00:23:28 We've got a tough job with now. That's a four round. But I've got to throw something out here. Obviously, Tim cannot win the coin, because you had to get three in a row. And some people would go, why are you coming to the second? Well, it's to not be the Simpson's. Now, a greater prize is in place.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Now we play for the good old avoidance of shame. One of the most powerful motivators on earth. It is a big powerful motivator, yeah. It's all set in there if you want to go in and set the temp again. I will. Then the scramble and not... In fact, when you hit in, I've been seeing this one, but do you mind telling us what...
Starting point is 00:24:03 I don't know, just have a quick wonder in there. Yeah, just tell us what kind of... It's a single lever mixer. Oh, that's fantastic. You've been going to me, I appreciate that. Here we are again. Remember, don't... All levers are different, so you know where I had it last time.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Yeah. You started cold side and grew hot. Do you think you're gonna do that again? Probably not. I'll probably turn it to hot and wind it back. I feel like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hame.
Starting point is 00:24:30 We sitting at what stand by is Hame has you shower? Running in a hot, just running over to solid hot. Yeah, yeah, going to the hot. We're gonna get to the hot. Tim doesn't get your temperature again, does he? He got it. He doesn't. Same temperature.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Okay. Okay. Yeah, I appreciate that. Well, Scramble the knob, please, Ham. Yep, Scramble. Scramble, okay. A lot more room this time. Yes. This is hilarious. Oh, this is an action.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Tim, if you're ready. Yeah. You could hand me... We'd like to start it. Full heart, full cold. I think I'm going to start it full heart. Tim, as soon as you touch the lever, we're going. You could hand me to start it full hot full cold. I think I'm gonna start up full hot As soon as he touched the lever we're going He's on
Starting point is 00:25:15 Stop I wish he was looking at where he had it before. Oh, I feel good. You feel good with that? I feel pretty good. Okay. Ready, step in. Okay. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Let her wash over here. No, I come on don't grins. Touch her hard side but I'll wow it. Oh my god. He's not the same since I was. I'm serious. It's touch a hard side but all loud. Oh, my God! He's not the session's gone! Oh, it feels good. It feels so good.
Starting point is 00:25:54 I accept it. I'm pleased. I don't sound pleased. He has a loud though. I appreciate that. I think generously. I'd like to see something special. As we finish off. He has a ladder though. I appreciate that. I think generously. Hi. I'd like to see something special.
Starting point is 00:26:07 That's what we've been doing. I'd like to see. I'm going to go to the last one. Can't we? Well, I thought he's not the sipsest guy and he can't win. You know, I suppose that's right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:22 I suppose now thinking about it, if you just did it again, we just go, you could do that. And you can't win a coin. No, you've got a great point. And it's got a great point. That was a good tension. It was slightly hot. We know that.
Starting point is 00:26:37 But it wasn't terrible. Thank you. You did like he, isn't he? He's a bit like he. Good bounce. You remember the ADF, you're an ex-serving member, you do your own great bike. That stuff we just covered off here, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't playing into my thinking. Congratulations, you got a trophy.
Starting point is 00:26:54 That was very much. Thank you. I don't know about you guys, but that's probably the most fun you can have with two boys in the show. Seriously though, the MV, come back with PlayPrecision knobs. Yeah, fantastic. I'll be back for that one for sure. Thanks guys. The video is at HamishNani.com or any of our pipes. If you want to see Tim go at it.
Starting point is 00:27:12 He did a great job. Well, I mean, I love these attitudes. Yes, I love these attitudes. He didn't do a great job, but he was not able to stay anywhere. It's true. Again, if you always think of our special skills holders like they are in the X-Men. And this would definitely be when Dr Xavier had to say, look, man, absolutely love having you around the house. Maybe a wreck of a school.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Just out on missions and stuff. Really not finding. That's the one spot for you in the team with your skill. I'm your dad.covid. Hey, ham, question for you. Yeah. You remember your baddest today. I did. I had packed it out the pair for you.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I knew you would have. But you'd remember them. And I just wanted to ask whether it's today the turning point. No. No. This. No. This isn't me being impressive. It's me, as we talked about with him, dodging the shame of having to accept charity papers.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Yeah, yeah, yeah. No turning point. Still scrapping, scrapping and struggling every day, every week, and I'm never going over the fight. But, no, if you mean is this the day where I become effortlessly organised? Yes. Keep dreaming. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Hey, I'm not a fun one. Yeah. Not a fun one here, but alert listener Scott Nicholson wrote in said, found this place south of Brisbane. Yeah. There was a sign out the front of a, you said, found this place south of Brisbane. Yeah. There was a sign out the front of a, look like a nursery or something, it said, Andy Lee pot plants.
Starting point is 00:28:50 And then the number. Unbelievable. And obviously he'd be aware that I used to sell pot plants. Trubs. Trubs in pots. Box boxes hedges predominantly. Whatever, if it was a plant, you could pot it, you'd do it.
Starting point is 00:29:03 From grade four to grade. Yes, seven. We never officially gave up. Never. True. That was your domain, your Andy Lee, the pot plant guy. And it's sort of like someone that this has to be linked. You would think, I mean, all this person's
Starting point is 00:29:17 firing a deliberate shot or they've waited long enough. And whoever there's any guys has gone, oh, you know what? Things have been a bit quiet. since when did you say you stopped? I would have stopped to 94. No early 90s. Okay, 92. Right, things have been quiet for sort of 28 years.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Pop your head up. Yeah, you know, it's okay to do my IP and that's where you have life. I'm waiting with wait. Yeah, wait till five. But there's to be like someone can't saying Sarah Lee pies. Yeah. I've been waiting for five minutes. But there's gonna be like someone can't saying Sarah Lee Pies. Yeah, it's okay. Oh, no, I didn't, yeah, it's okay. I didn't realize.
Starting point is 00:29:51 So I was wondering if you could represent me, Ham? We've got the number off the sign. And just give him the call. Spoken a bit. Spoken a bit. Spoken a bit. Yeah, if they can, I know, at least change their name. Yeah. Well, I'm happy to, you have it in gauge me?
Starting point is 00:30:03 Yeah, absolutely. Happy to represent me. I will talk to these people and I'll talk some sense into them. The Numbajeko. And you don't mess with mumble. Good luck. Hello, I'm on mine, Stirr. Hello there. Um, um, my name is Hamish. I'm not as amiss, I'm just calling in regards to the sign I saw at the front of your, is it a nursery or do you sell pop plants? Yes. It's is Andy Lee Poplance for sale out the front. There isn't, I'm calling, is I represent an Andy Lee who is also in the Poplant game. a Andy Lee who is also in the pop plant game. And we were just wondering if it was a coincidence or not. Who does the Andy Lee refer to?
Starting point is 00:30:51 It's my granddaughter's name, Andrea. Oh, Andrea Lee, right, okay. And how have the pop plant been going? Very slow. Yeah, right, my Andy's finding the similar thing. You worried about the name, Are you registered your name? It's not registered. It's more sort of registered through the channels of being extremely well known, almost
Starting point is 00:31:15 sort of like a universally understood to be registered in that sense because he's such a popular pop-up provider. But unless it is registered legally, it's not a protected name. If you're with the concept of adverse position, whereas if you're on a property for over 10 years, it legally becomes yours. I'm just wondering if my Andy's got adverse position over the name Andy Lee Poplance because he's been in the game for over 20 years. Even if he hasn't registered it, it sort of becomes his by default legal. Where does he operate at all? Melbourne Victoria.
Starting point is 00:31:53 So, well, I wouldn't be worried, she's no threat, no competition for him. I know. Actually, she's only a part-time thing. I'm a tough farmer here. And she just operates a little nursery on the side there, she's registered with the Navy and all that but the name's not registered. I completely understand I hate having to make the courts, just I'm getting a lot of pressure from him to shut this down, so I'm sort of stuck in the middle as his lawyer. Well then if it's Andy Lee Popplant, she could just call herself Andy Popplant.
Starting point is 00:32:23 He'd hate that though. Why? I don't know mate. He's a shit, to be honest. Well maybe he needs to approach us with a legal letter than if he's so up to that amount. And that's the thing, I'm here in a legal capacity but I completely side with you.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I think, I think, you know, I think. Why are you a lawyer, are you? Yeah, I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry what? Sorry you're representing him, are you a lawyer? I'm representing him, Yeah, and a legal capacity, but I'm siding with you because I just think that what you're doing there's
Starting point is 00:32:49 absolutely nothing wrong with it. And I think he's a bit of a stink of a trying to pursue this, to be honest. So we're in a funny old spot. Well, look at last year's from something official. We'll just let it rest for now, but you're just telling them to get over it. There's no straight here. I tell you what, why don't I, and we don't often do this in the law industry. What if I switch sides, because I'm with you, I think your granddaughter should prosper with her pot plants, and I think he's had a good run for a long time, and he's being a bit of a mungrel with this.
Starting point is 00:33:20 So if he does push this, I'm going to switch sides on him and I'll represent you for free and I'll shut him down. Well yeah, well I'm home, I'm going to be that dramatic about it, I mean, you know, I'll leave it in your court then. Okay, good on you, I'll let you know if we get him. Okay, thank you. Bye bye. Oh, buddy, buddy, let's just a little girl, the worst lawyer. It's just a little girl, the worst lawyer! I just did a little girl!
Starting point is 00:33:45 What are you trying to do, John? I'm trying to do it for you. It's my been having a commission in it. I did say we don't do a bunch. I've given you an assignment. I did say no. This is a rare move. You don't see it a lot, but you do see it. I've got some bad news for you.
Starting point is 00:34:08 What's that? I was just... I was just... Sorry, I tried the baby. I tried the little girl. I just... Yeah, sorry, sorry, I'm representing. I'm representing.
Starting point is 00:34:16 And you have to change your nose. Yeah, I'm like, can you just shut your whole business out of my company? Yeah, sorry, man, I tried my best. You hurt me, I had a... I tried, but yeah, they're not bad. I tried my best. I tried my best. I tried my best.
Starting point is 00:34:24 I tried my best. I tried my best. I tried my best. I tried my best. I tried my best. And you have to change your nose. Yeah, I'm like, can you just shut your whole business out of my good mate? Yeah, sorry, man, I tried my best. Yeah, I had a try, but yeah, they're not budging mates. Now guys, you know we live in a situation here where we're a bit jammed, right? We're busy. We're busy. Oh, sorry. Busy. Yeah we're busy. Oh, sorry. Busy.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Time poor. Oh, absolutely. Time poor, but still a fun time every week to do the podcast. Yes. Jack, you know, you're busy. We're all busy. We're all busy. A little bit of stuff going on. Yep.
Starting point is 00:34:54 So I'm just sort of going, what can I do to help? I'm a helper. To help us. Yeah, and I see our situation of going, but at the same time, we can't just come in and mow in about being busy. No. Just what with this sounds like. Can't just come in and just and about being busy. Nah, just by what this sounds like.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Can't just come in and just, people don't want to hear that. No way. What are they tuning to the podcast for? Amusing conversations. Yes. Some humorous stuff. Quips.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Quips. And just basically just amusing humorous conversations. But to do that, you know, you've got to know what you're going to do on the show. That takes time, performing it takes time. How can I leave it this pressure, I thought. You guys familiar with the website upwork.com? You can hire people to do things.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Oh no. Like airtasker. It's a bit like airtasker, but it's for creative professionals, you know, all around the world. People can digitally, I feel like I was talking about this the other day with hogs, because hogs did have, yeah, they began fiver, his idea, didn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:46 So people were like, he's was like, got a job, needed a job, leave a job. Need a bit of work, I'll go with it. And so five is more like people going, hey, I can do carpentry, let us know. Yep. Upwork is different, you post the job, then creative professionals from around the world.
Starting point is 00:36:02 You're gonna put up like design a bridge and you can engineer doing it. Really? Okay. Put an ad up for us. Yeah, great. To write amusing conversation dialogues. Great.
Starting point is 00:36:14 How, what do you have to put a price of? Yes. Okay, how about $100? $100, of course. Now, I put this up this morning. I decided this morning because I was just in the same routine, I was like, oh god, you know, we just get slammed every week by this.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I was like, fine, fine, 45 minutes a week. Not easy. We find it. Yeah, just. But wouldn't it be nice if we had outsourced this a little bit? Someone sends it to the script. Well, just ingredients. It's pretty much the shift doesn't have to go out and get these ingredients.
Starting point is 00:36:38 It's just so right. Like no one goes, oh, the real work here was done by the chicken. It wasn't. We'll still read the script. Yes. I thought, let's get a writer who can write a three-man conversation. Yes. It has to be funny. Can I read you the ad? Yep. Right. Hello. We have an English-speaking podcast with three people who talk two more than the other guy. That's fair, isn't it? Fair enough. Yeah. A busy schedule is mean that sometimes there's simply not enough time to think
Starting point is 00:37:03 of something to say in the podcast. That's where you will help. Yep. We are looking for someone to help script casual conversation between the podcast hosts that is amusing in nature. Yeah, it's good. It's us. You will be provided with details on each person's likes and dislikes and the areas of conversation
Starting point is 00:37:18 in order to script dialogue that will sound genuine and sound like genuine conversation to the podcast list. I like that. You'll have creative freedom to create these conversations. The conversations only need to be about one minute long. Yeah. And ideally, contain a great joke or comedic moment. Yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:37:34 It's an exciting opportunity for you to show off your skills at writing dialogue and an exciting time for us to find a valuable and helpful resource. Yes. Good luck. Got a response. Oh, yeah. OK. Good luck. Got a response. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Okay. In comes Taya from Nigeria. He's keen. Hello. Thanks for sending me this. I've carefully, or thanks for posting this. I've carefully gone through the description and requirements need a few job.
Starting point is 00:37:58 It'll be a great pleasure to me and an attestation to my expertise if I'm worthy of the project. Please let's talk. I said, take this is great news. If I gave you descriptions of the three guys, you think you could write funny conversations for them. He says, I could easily do that. How many words are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:38:14 I've said, look, can I have three different conversations of about 500 words each? Yeah, okay, wow. He's very happy with that. I've initiated the contract. I've given him three days to finish it off from this morning. So next week we'll have three conversations. Now, I don't know if we use all our time savers at once
Starting point is 00:38:37 and we do three back to that. Or we keep a few of our sleeve for women a bit, press for time. We're particularly tired. And we just bring in one that we've TAYO's written for us. Yeah. And we can just have a TAYO chat. I love it.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Because basically it's like if say you've worked particularly hard one night or maybe you know, Jack's had a gig with his band or something. Is it late? Is it late? You're taking a bit blurry? TAYO, come on. Get it.
Starting point is 00:39:01 You know, TAYO's like, you know, yeah, don't push yourself. It's not good for you. The listeners are getting it short-changed because you haven't thought of anything to say. Totally. And you've had kids, if the kids are sick one evening and you're like, oh God, Andy, I didn't sleep all night. Can we just try and roll out something that we know will work?
Starting point is 00:39:18 Yes. It's been professionally written. It's got a good joke or a comedic moment in it. Yep. I think so. And look, these three go well. Could be looking at two or three taos of weight. I mean, that's the goal.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Then, that's the goal. Next, next. And then, I mean, I'm getting ahead of myself, but if he really, if he finds the groove and he's got our rhythm, once people become addicted to tao content, what's the diff really about him just recording that? It's becomes a full time. And he just does silly voices for the thing. If he can do three voices.
Starting point is 00:39:50 All right. He's ascending us. Or you can even outsource to another voice in personator. Teo writes them. He sends them to the voice in personator. That's true. We just find that it's someone that can do our three voices. Well, there's also that Adobe software. Of course. That record can recognize voices and create sentences in that particular world. I mean, we're getting ahead of ourselves here. That's the dream. Dream is the moment.
Starting point is 00:40:09 The moment there still is a requirement for us to spend a little bit of human time on this. Only just. But soon it will be automated. And I think Theo is an exciting first step in that. Can't wait to next week. Thanks a lot. And I think Teo is an exciting first step in that. I can't wait to next week. Thanks for the call. Now.

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