Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2020 Ep 94

Episode Date: June 3, 2020

1. Loose ends 2. Power Moves 3. Postcode special skill 4. Sonny at Andy’s beach house 5. Chit Chat Champion 6. Worth the weight? ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A Liesnav production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. A HOTDIU HEM! Blessings upon you. And a HOTDIU jack up! One. A hoi to you, him. Blessings upon you. And a hoi to you, Jacko. That's a mix of that a little.
Starting point is 00:00:30 And a hoi. Nice to have the blessings. And a decent of blessings. And a decent of blessings. And a fondue too. Not just next to you. Not to use at the time of your choosing. Straight on you.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I'll say a hoi to Alex. Would you like to bless her as well as we throw to this in the fight? Which is not too bad. She's gone through a very, very juicin rigorous process and will need not just the blessing, but a long, long rest after figuring out how to attach an audio file. Let's hear it out. Hi, Hey, Mishinandi and I'll give a hi to Jack while I'm at it. My name is Alex and I live in London and I'm currently in lockdown. I'm sure. It's taken about five weeks to me to upload this voice memo. So I think what's up might be a little bit easier
Starting point is 00:01:08 for us over here. We can't wait to give this up. I've been spending my time watching a lot of movies. So I just wanted to say to Hamish, heat that I watched the first time the other day, actually holds up. What's it all about? Oh, that's, mate.
Starting point is 00:01:20 We spoke last week about the car park. That was where you bought up here. It never doesn't hold up. Yeah. I'll do what I gotta do. Taken down, guys, like you. Hey, we wanted to kick off today with Lucy. Sorry, do there's a room at a heap?
Starting point is 00:01:34 I've got nothing more to add than this, but a heap, prequel or sequel is in the works. Is there a room... There's a room about every good film that was ever made. Give me all of them. LAUGHTER No, just, I mean, if... Manard, the studio's the thing, my vote would be prequel.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Okay. I think El Pacino could still pull it off. Yeah. Hat backwards on a skateboard. Fresh cop. Let after you use some AI on his face. I think it might be in your cast, I think. Al, someone tell me the other day, Al is 80.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Really? Alipay, he's 80. Good on him. We always knew he'd do it. Hey, I'm sorry. I'm loose ends. Yes, sorry. The last thing I needed to do was introduce a new end.
Starting point is 00:02:15 We've got a lot on our plate. A lot of our plates. A lot of them are loose ends. Yes. We haven't done this for a little while, but the good way to start the show would be a little bit of opening up the cupboards, looking at the loose ends. Does it spark joy?
Starting point is 00:02:27 Probably not. A lot of them are going into the bin. What have you got? Shall we start with the talent or the skill that we've planned on? We did promise to kick that down the road. Now it seemed like a few of us in the group voted it's over. They came close to being discovered by the others. We hadn't taken a huge amount of action on them, on our secret talents, and seemed that the consensus really was,
Starting point is 00:02:48 oh well, a bit of fun for a while, but maybe not 100% necessary to learn it. I am not to break the beard boy alliance here, but I had a sidebar chat with Jack during the week. That's not. I'm a lot of talk to him. That is true. That is true. Just not in a conspiratorial way. My feeling was, there's just no way you're going to do it. I'm a lot of talk to him. That is true. That is true. Just not in a conspiratorial way.
Starting point is 00:03:05 My feeling was there's just no way you're going to do anything. So I just felt like for me personally, I was never happy with what I picked. I loved the idea. I loved that we're all working on this secret thing. So I love those people so I was simply like, I'm not telling the other guys, but you're learning how to cast a fly fishing run. Yeah. I believe I haven't had anyone in California to be announced about it. and probably like, I'm not telling the other guys. But you're learning how to cast a fly fishing run. Yeah, yeah. I believe I haven't had anyone
Starting point is 00:03:28 come up to me and ask me about it. So I don't think it's worth today. I don't think it's worth five. I've had a few messages for people going, I could help you out if you're interested. Yeah, I mean, even that feels lukewarm. I don't want to be the show that says they do stuff and continually doesn't.
Starting point is 00:03:41 All right, so now it's an honor thing. That's the worst reason to keep going. Now it's no, no, no, no. No, that honor thing. That's the worst reason to keep going. Now it's not a joke. No, that's why I don't want to say we're going to. Say we're going to go pick a new one. I talk to Jack, like, I do have an idea for a new one. Oh, no. That was the problem.
Starting point is 00:03:56 We could. What about, okay, we could clean this to bed. We can clean the one. We're not doing the ones we said, I reckon. That's right. Let's say him, let's say him. Okay, Jack, do you want to say what you're doing? I Suggested that I would like to learn how to dance and I was going to do a dance. I think you would have got bored by that
Starting point is 00:04:12 When I saw the messages coming in from and thank you to all the dancers who reached out to me on Instagram I know what you've done here. I just let them lapse. Yeah, I didn I know, because saying it is the most exciting part. I was a bit... And then after that, it gets less and less. As you were going into, like, learn how to step, you talked to anyone on Dancing with the Stars, even they're like, this is for TV and everyone's watching. And they get paid to do it.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And they get paid to do it. And even then, they're like, it's not a lot. It's not a lot, because the network... It's not a lot, because the network gets people to do it. If Rim is a true, it's a huge amount amounts. I'm getting people to do it. If Rimm is a true huge amounts. So you were about to do something for free, but some celebrities are getting paid, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:49 many, many zeros, followed by a solid number. Yeah, yeah. Proceeded by a solid number. Yeah. Many zeros after it. Yeah. Yeah, you wouldn't have enjoyed it, Jack. Um, good dodge.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I on the sly had text Jack and said, I'll dance with you. I like you guys when you do a joint dance. Okay, I see what's happening here. Now that is portrayal from the dead boys' lines. That's a bit of a shame. I noticed you're going to be the thickest double LED. Anything you'd like to say there, Jack?
Starting point is 00:05:14 I mean, it is true. I've got to say, it's an alliance member. That's a disappointing answer. I was hoping for something more of like, it's true, but I was playing him, so I was a double agent. It's true, but isn't it good for all parties that it turns out that we're not doing this at all?
Starting point is 00:05:33 We put through no action of yours. You had seen in the audience that you would still hang for treason. For my inaction, it's helped us not do it. Oh, well, I've always wanted you to lay to date for that betrayal. I genuinely, I genuinely, I genuinely, I remember the day we did it. I remember it.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Where were you guys went in the other studio and I'm in here and you're looking me going, oh, he's just, he just wanted, you know, he's got something lined up. He just wants to show off. What was it? I was really in here drawing a blank. I mean, I was just free for him. I thought maybe learning a cool song on the piano would be something like just, I like the idea that any time you see a piano, you'd like oh right. Yeah, and I mean this is loose in
Starting point is 00:06:08 Like yeah, so that I combine that 10 seconds or something great on the piano We're doing a wheelie on a bike. I was gonna ride a bike in doing a wheelie because I've never I would love to be able to do a wheelie Yeah, and then we do wheelie in put the bike down to 10 seconds I was gonna be my act. Now, I would have liked to see, I would have loved to have got around to doing it, but I could just feel myself in the dead, the dead, the jacket I wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:06:32 So I Googled, I was like, how do you do a wheelie on bike? You see people doing wheelies all the time, you're like, it looks possible, but every time you try and do it, like it just feels like the front of the bike weighs a hundred tons, it lifts up and goes back down. I ride my bike with my little boy a lot, and so I googled where you put your pedals and how to do it and I've been sort of practicing it a little bit while I'm out with him but only two attempts.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Fail can't do it. Forget about it. So I was low on motivation. I wouldn't mind learning how to pick a lock. Oh that's cool. I could have read a novel about a lock picker actually recently. So I'm not saying it's, it's we're doing this whole thing again, but I am saying watch this space and don't be surprised, but that if by the end of the year I can pick a look. We could, we're tying that one up though. That's all done. That's it, that's a tied up end. Yeah. But I might pick it undone. Well, actually, if we are making new skills, I would, I would like to also introduce secret new one, but maybe I'll keep it a secret. Well, actually, if we are making new skills, I would, I would like to also enter a secret new one, but maybe I'll keep it a secret. Well, all, all, all, all, all of the same. I mean, how does us knowing, does us knowing affect it? No, not really, but okay. What do you want to do? I flip back flip. Like he wanted to do that in the dance.
Starting point is 00:07:37 That's not me. No, no. How does it feel, Jack? How does it feel to be betrayed? You started the trials. So you had an alliance going and now this is what happens when you align with someone without a beard. They will burn you at the earliest chance. Well I just mind it's really an amendment to my ritual. I was gonna dance and flip at the end. Andy already dubbed on you. Now, now I would like to just flip. You're welcome to flip in your own time.
Starting point is 00:08:03 No, no, you watch me. Oh, I'm not your mom. We didn't have to watch. I reckon we can get away from it. No. As soon as we see you going to a crowd and we're closing our eyes. If you put in the effort, I can't wait to not watch it. I can't wait to know, I'm going to bow. I'm going to bow.
Starting point is 00:08:18 I'm going to have to use paper in front of the unneeded watch. That's your challenge. You have to try and get us to watch you to flip. Find a way. And as soon as we see you crouch Yeah, we're coming out as we And I bet you are hundred bucks. I won't watch you flip You'll see me one day flip. I maybe one day but not by the end of the year
Starting point is 00:08:38 Certainly not by the time international flights out of the oceanic region international flights out of the oceanic region. Come around post COVID. All right, all time that, that's all that. Hey, we mentioned, yeah, I do have a couple of things. Really, really quick one. A few people were wondering about my USB HAT. I'm sorry, the LED HAT. LED HAT.
Starting point is 00:08:57 The HAT, the HAT, the USB connection to it. You need an app. It came with some very, very difficult. And you've really, you've ordered more of them. I didn't order more.. So that defrauding me Yeah, I started charging me for more hats have charged me for three new hats. Yeah, none have arrived But I don't want to cancel it before the hats get there because I need the instructions Yeah, how to make the hat work and show an early arrive will you give them away?
Starting point is 00:09:19 We will all wear it. We will all wear the march. We could have it And then you had all the prized hat for tell us someone you ever thought of for a while. That too. They're very good dance. OK. I mean, I'll give them a lot of and expect them to get here anytime soon. I do think the company's stealing from me.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Anyway, no real update on that front. Here is, I'm a little bit, we'll call it tie that. I've got another one. A quick one. Thanks for all the song sluthers out there sending this in. I just need to say this one out loud because it's come in and people are so enraged about it.
Starting point is 00:09:47 There's a new song by, I think it's called Gokoraya, it's like a remix, have a listen. I'm blue. Yeah. And people have suggested it sounds like this one. Which it does because it's acknowledged by the songwriter. People have suggested it sounds like this one. I'm moved, I've been here now. Which it does because it's acknowledged by the songwriter. Right, so she said, I've re-mixed our blues. She said, yep, I've acknowledged it, I've had to play with it.
Starting point is 00:10:14 They're getting their cuts. So just don't go after her. She has no pressure. She has no pressure. I'm aware of what I sound, all right. I will sort it out with Queen behind the scenes. Based up emailing podcasts. No case to answer for, but thank you for the extreme.
Starting point is 00:10:31 She declared it. Capital, a lot of caps lock emails coming in. Yeah, okay. No, that's good. I'm glad we've cleared that. We mentioned a couple of weeks ago when we were doing the show from the golf sim that we broached the topic. While we were talking about this very thing,
Starting point is 00:10:46 I think we were saying, look, we've got a lot of stuff in our plate, do we want more stuff in our plate? And we talked about maybe trying to find the youngest Dennis in the world. Yeah, I think we agreed not to. We agreed not to, and I backed that. And because we talked about how if we found one,
Starting point is 00:10:57 it would just meet expectations, it wouldn't blow us away. Didn't stop people. There's obviously, there is, even though we were made it very clear, we're not looking for the world's youngest Dennis. There is still obviously a first for people to report them. Beck wrote in, she lives in Australia, but she's reporting a very young Dennis, a friend of hers in the UK. That's why I thought it'd come from the youngest
Starting point is 00:11:20 Dennis. And it's actually, I realized, my brother and more, he's got a, I think he's got a brother Dennis and a Dennis Jr. Oh, but it's actually I realized my brother-in-law, he's got a brother-denus and a dentist junior. But that dentist is six. So when you were getting younger one than that, this dentist, as of the ninth of May, it's a bit of an odd email, three months old. So that's a 2020 dentist. And they said, look, I don't think, yeah, that's what I'm saying. I don't think you will find a younger dentist. So award the title on the spot I am. I'm giving it to that Dennis. The Dennis that was born on the 9th of May. Send out a token of no value.
Starting point is 00:11:48 No, no, not even that, just you get the title. Yep. There you are, you're the youngest Dennis. Where are we? You're the youngest Dennis we were of, and as suspected, it's just me, it's expectations. It's expectations. It's expectations.
Starting point is 00:12:00 It's expectations. It's expectations. It's expectations. Hey, I'm huge to use this week. Oh, I know. Because production for the Power Move book has started. Thank you. I mean, sorry, we've been working on it for ages.
Starting point is 00:12:17 It's continued, but it certainly seems like this week things have kicked up again. Yeah. To the point where we would queue up a pause for ourselves. And so that's a pause for everyone, because this is a book that is being crafted by the submissions that we have had over the years to this show. Wonderful submissions. Podcast Michael will be contacting people to say, hey, we're going to get you in the book. This will be volume one. Yeah, and people are going, oh my god, do I need to pay? You don't? one. Yeah, people are going, oh my God, do I need to pay? You don't. It's completely free to be in the book. That's a bit of proof of me. No, surely guys, it's going to cost money to make the book. That's all right. We'll take care of it. We'll cover that for you.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Oh my God. Yeah. How do I sign? Glad you asked. Mike will send it for. We plan to 100 in the first vote, 100 pounds. 100 pounds. Top 100. The illustrator has been most powerful 100 commissions. Ilya said, ready to commission. Beta down on price. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:14 That's a big deal. I mean, you handle that. But she's happy. She's happy. She's happy. She's happy. And she's starting. And we're hoping to get it out by the end of the year.
Starting point is 00:13:26 That's the hope. That is the hope. And that we talked about having a book lunch. This is where I wanted to bring up this theme off from Kevin Ham before we get into power moves today. We did talk about a book lunch didn't we? Yeah, and I said, wouldn't be great if people made catapults and we launched books. You said, and like so, how many people are really into building trebuchets. And we said, well, how about we toss it out there? Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And see if anyone comes back into Kevin, Borden. Yeah, sounds like he's always bored and that's why he's into this trebuchet. But he says, hey, mate, love the podcast. He just caught the show and heard the mention of the trebuchet. Layton, my team, probably has some sort of like, bot that sweeps, that sweeps all our ass feeds. On the internet, he and people talking about Trebuchets, which are of course, if you're not aware.
Starting point is 00:14:12 A type of French to catapult. Yeah, he said, Layton might teens, I'd be able to few of them, as well as as ballistics. We used to have a medieval day. Oh, ballisters. Ballisters, what are they? They're like a big crossbow.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Oh, okay. We used to have a lot of aircraft, mate. I mean, you will day and shoot each other with rubber-tipped arrows. We could shoot basketballs over 50 meters with the Trevigeis. Yeah, wow. That's not a band in the game. And he said, boys, I'd love to build especially one to toss a book if we want it. I need to know the size, but he says, don't worry about it. I'll be able to sort it out. I don't know whether we want a trebuchet yet, but we've got one in the back. It is nice to have a trebuchet guy. It is nice to have a trebuchet guy. So we don't know whether there'll be a public... Do you know what? I mean, it almost parlayes heavily into it being a power move in and of itself.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Right? See, I mean, this is submitted by me here. What was our man's name again? Kevin. When you go to a medieval meet up, right? Like, it sounds like he does a lot of role play or lapping Jack, as you're a bit of a fan of. That's right. Live action role play.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Jack came with us in America, he was a live action role play and was delighted to meet everybody. Yes. There is those slayed orks and stuff. If you're at one of the lapping, the role play places, obviously, we noticed it's a bit of a, it's a little bit of a one-upmanship, you know, oh, this guy's got a suit of armor. Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Oh, this guy's got a sword, like a real sword. Yeah. Oh, he's using a battle bow, can fire a bit further. So everyone's a bit competitive of what they've got. Ultimate power move, you would think at a lapping contest to be like, my trepidj guys called Kevin, what's your trepidj guys man? We'll bottle to bat, but hey kick us off. Okay, okay, here we go. This has been an asshole power move, but most of them are from Chris.
Starting point is 00:16:08 When I made uploads a photo of themselves on social media, comment, I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this.
Starting point is 00:16:19 I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this. I love your confidence to upload this. I feel as if something's wrong with him while casting you as a good name. Civil of pain here are reckon appearance based there. This is from Ali Morris. So his best use of the party, our soul move, when someone has obviously put a little effort
Starting point is 00:16:34 to their outfit, go up and say, oh, I love your outfit, looks really comfortable. Is it wrong to say that if I I just works way better on girls than girls? Yeah. If you come and do, you said, love your out of that looks comfy. Yeah. First thing I'd say to you is, yeah, it is comfy. It is, it is. It's great.
Starting point is 00:16:53 These jeans have elastic in them. And then you want to tell the one about it. And one from Ryan here, this is getting very meta. Because I suppose we're in our second or third year now of doing power moves. Probably it's been about two solid years since we've been doing power moves. This is a power move to use when you're talking
Starting point is 00:17:08 to a group of people that are Hamish and Andy podcasters who are discussing power moves. Like a wow. It's like, it's really inception. After someone has put forward a potential power move, simply reply, yeah, I remember them talking about that on an episode, implying that they haven't actually thought of it
Starting point is 00:17:25 But they've heard it on the podcast and they look silly for stealing it and that they don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of the podcast This is from Ben Brackett's Beno Have a rip-snort or a power move A bit behind the podcast. I really hope it hasn't come up yet. I don't think it has now. So legend power move, and it has to be done at a concert. So you've got to wait for those to come back. Yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:17:53 You've got to play it on the practice. Yeah. Works best when there is an Australian or a world tour going on. Okay. So, because most of the time, the playlist for the concert will be found online before the gear. So they'll take a photo of it or something or people will upload it.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Yeah, because I know when Pearl Jam came out, I was doing four nights and I was like, what are they going to play and you could see what night you could pick for the different songs they were playing. Did they really? Yeah, right. And I was like, okay, cool, I want to catch better man. I'm going to go on Wednesday. Oh, folk, folk music. And okay, I won't go on and watch them do folk covers. So download the playlist then all night yell out, play so and so and so on. The crowd will be God's Mac. They're answering every single request of yours. I love the crowd of the God's Mac.
Starting point is 00:18:47 100,000 people will turn as one to you. Hey, we love our all-elicitous, but the very important podcasters, the VIPs, it feel like the form we really appreciate. This one was slightly different. I've told you about it, but we're talking about special skills. Obviously nominate yourself, but you're allowed to nominate others. And Lewis did exactly that 20-year-old ham from Western Australia. He says, I myself am not special.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Whoever I can vouch for my mum, she knows every postcode in WA. Give her the name and she'll tell you the number. That is unbelievable. It's pretty exciting. So joining us now is Lewis. Are you there, buddy? Yeah, her holy cells. Oh, he made.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Oh, he made. Great work. And you're mum. Helen. She worked. Great work. No, no, no, hi, Helen. Oh, hi, hey, going.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I don't know everyone, Lewis. Thank you, but I'm pretty good at them. You have been thrust into the spotlight. It's a skill. Oh, it's a skill. It's obviously a skill that he's been very impressed by. Helen, how would this normally come about in the house? Would do you write a lot of letters? No, I worked at Australia Post 20 years ago and just have a memory of a lot of post codes and they just pop up everywhere and Lewis is Lee's favourite child at the moment to be saying to be honest.
Starting point is 00:20:10 How many do you have, Helen? Four sons, he's number three and he's lost on the list of favourites. Got your only number four ring. Who would be number one currently, Helen? All of the others, but him. So an odd podium. Nice to have someone so willing to play today, Helen. Helen, would you prefer us to name the suburb first?
Starting point is 00:20:33 Or would you prefer the post code number read out and you tell us the suburb? What would be better for you? Go the suburb and I'll go the post code. Great. Love it. And what are we saying here? The three out of five is pretty amazing. Four out of five.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Four out of five. Or when you, I'm a shenanicoy and Helen, and you can choose... And I might then too hard. You can choose to distribute that to Lewis or not, or give it to the other son that you prefer. I would say. You prefer to try all the other three. What it's three ways amongst the favourites. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, okay, I know they said don't make them too hard, but just like in who wants to be a millionaire when someone asks that before Eddie reads the question We can't take that request into a cow. Yes, but we're set to go. Are you guys good to go? Yes. All right best of luck Alan
Starting point is 00:21:21 Okay, Helen don't make her jingle be alive Okay, Perth suburbs only. We start with Woodvale. 6026. She's got it. Oh my god. She's good. She's real good. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Okay, at the 2016 census hand, 9,000 people in Woodvale and counting. Okay. Number two. Mount Lawley. 6-0-1-6. No, 6-0-6-0. Oh, I don't know. Sorry. I've choked on that one. That's okay. It was 6-0-5-0. So she does. Oh, you got close to 6-0-6-0. That's okay. It's okay. It's not a terrible joke. Number three, you've got to get the remaining three right, though, Helen, for this.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Yep. She knows the rules. She knows. Secret harbour. 6-1, 6-7. 6-1, 7-3. Oh. What was the secret?
Starting point is 00:22:24 It was quick. It was a secret. It was quick. It was a secret. Would you like the remaining two for honour? Yeah, you can be the remaining two. She's in now. She loves this. River Vale. 6148. 6143.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I love it. I do love how confidently you're going for the mowler. Yeah. Well obviously at my mother's much better. He's the last one. He's the last one. White gum valley. I never freaking heard of it. Great way to leave. Great way to go. No, you were pretty thank you very much. You had a valley in effort. Lewis, God, I thought we were in with a chance. He came out flying. Oh, I know.
Starting point is 00:23:06 He started pretty well. Yeah, I'm still impressed with this. Ellen, thanks. I was like, Lewis is a trainer. Post-right. Ellen, will send you a token of no value? You can put value to it yourself, but we attribute nothing, no value at all to it. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:23:22 To go to your son of no value. You can pretend it's a Louisville putting me under pressure. Thanks guys, well played. Thank you, bye. Thank you. There you go. Yes. And on a personal front, I have a thank you for you.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Woohoo. Would like to publicly thank you. You'll add Sunny and I. Mother will know to go and use the B-chairs. Yes, and we B-chairs. Just one night away, it was sort of a bachelor date. Just doing stuff, doing boy stuff. This is for people, people will be for me.
Starting point is 00:23:58 This is the house of the yoga mat drawer, isn't it? Not the golf simulator house, the yoga mat drawer house. So, must be nice. Must be extremely nice. We had a look. There's so many drawers we didn't actually find the yoga mats. Did you experience how nice it is? Well, we did, and I, and you know, Sunny sort of had some observations. He was, you know, as you can imagine, he was quite blown away by, you know, it's a lovely
Starting point is 00:24:22 you put a lot of, you've had it for many years. Yeah, you've made improvements over time and it's, you know, it's a lovely, you put a lot of, you've had it for many years. Yeah, you've made improvements over time. And it's, you know, for a little boy, twice the size of a house like that. So he's quite overwhelmed. And he had a lot of questions for me. Obviously, first time he's been there. I ain't worried.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I'd worried, Jack, that they'd be in the percussion. I'd be worried. I'd be worried. I'd be worried. And there'd be repercussions for saying, of course, go down there. I mean, and you know, as a like, boy, I think that... And there'd be repercussions for saying, yeah, of course, go down there. And you know, as a dad, right, you just, kids are asking you crazy questions all the time.
Starting point is 00:24:50 And most of fatherhood is just like, you're not prepared for him, you're trying your best to answer them. Managed to flick the phone on to record some of the questions that Sunny was coming up with, because he's a cut of curious mind. He's a six-year-old boy, and he's... He's mind-wonders, and he's... He says things he's not used to, and he, um, that's natural, that's a natural child's instinct to us.
Starting point is 00:25:09 So I managed to record a little bit of sunny, noticing a few things around the house. Hey Dad, this is a very nice house, Andy. But if we're here, where will I decleep tonight? Well, this is Andy's beach house. He will sleep at his other house. Oh, so this is just a house that he uses. If he feels like it. Yeah, that's right. Mmm, must be nice. Well, I guess it is, but you know, he's being very generous letting us use it for the night, so that's good of him. Hey, Dad, you know, tea towel on the oven door? Which oven? Good question, there's two ovens.
Starting point is 00:25:48 I know, must be nice. Especially if you have to eat your whole of that house. Hmm. Must be really nice. The tea town on the right oven. Yes. How come it had one normal, one thick? Well, that's because it's a thick tea towel.
Starting point is 00:26:05 It's a deluxe one. It's from a shop called Country Road. Wow, we look like things pretty fancy in the top end of town. Yeah, well, that's true. I know, we've just got normal ones at our house, but look, it's his special house, and I guess he just thought he could indulge
Starting point is 00:26:20 a little bit with a deluxe tea towel. And no one would say it. Hey, Dad. Yeah? Yeah, we had burritos for breakfast. The wraps that we had were not old alpaco. They were something else. That's true.
Starting point is 00:26:36 They were sort of like more of a boutique bespoke corn tortilla like from a higher end deli or top-end food shop. Did you like them? Not really. I have more common man tastes. Right. Hey, Dad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:53 No, I said it must be nice for Andy to have two ovens. Yeah. Well, yeah, I tell you, have free, doesn't it? Because yeah, it's like pizza oven. Oh, yeah, that's true. He does have that big deluxe oven out there, but that's, you know, again, it's very nice of him to let us stay in the house.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I don't just say it must be very nice out for him. That's not including any more that he might have hidden around. How do we know if he had more ovens? Well, I suppose we don't, because we haven't seen the whole property. How could we eat massive? That's true. Hey Dad. Yeah mate. You know the TV that comes out of the deck near the spa. Oh yes yes so we could watch a movie or sports in the Infinity Edge spa yes. I think Andy might worry if he's lost time with the common man. But I think he's not what's
Starting point is 00:27:45 such with the common man because we have to work so hard to manually get the TV out of its hole. Right. Well, no, it's not actually on a manual system to get it out of its hole. You don't really have to work that hard. It's actually, it is hydraulic. What?
Starting point is 00:28:04 Yes, the TV is on a powered hydraulic system. The TV is on a powered hydraulic system. Oh no, it must be there. It's very, very, very, No, that's enough. Who wants to pay tennis? Let's go use the tennis ball machine. Must be very nice to have an automatic robot to play with. Kids, they wonder the dungest things. I like, I did enjoy that. To my son, we study on the older Pasa Tauti,
Starting point is 00:28:41 is there much better than the ones that they've been? I think they were back. Yeah, but we still ate them. They crumble those artisanal ones. They're great, they're not great. You haven't lost such a big car, man. Prefer as the older Pasa. Or perhaps a home brand, Faiwa Tauti.
Starting point is 00:28:55 What's that? A shack of... MUSIC Hey, and we love this game. We're two people against each other. Never fails. Never fails. Something that should be very, very easy, which is the out of conversation or not even
Starting point is 00:29:13 conversation, really. That isn't art. Chit chat. Chit chat is more of a casual skill that doesn't get appreciated as much as it should. This is where we put people in a high pressure situation to gauge how well they are at maintaining conversation. With an asking question, can they add something interesting by picking up naturally on the spread of a conversation?
Starting point is 00:29:34 Chitney with your best shot. Not a rowage, chit chat champion. It's actually not just keeping the ball in there. It's moving the ball a little bit further downfield. Yeah, exactly. And you can't just pass the ball back. We want the ball to progress a little bit. Bianca joins us.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Oh, hey, do you Bianca? Hi. Oh, hey, Bianca. You fancy yourself as pretty good on the chat? Oh, yeah. I'm a bit rusty. I used to be a check out chick. Of course, right.
Starting point is 00:30:04 And then I worked in childcare for every evening. I'd have to talk to the parents about how great they could do. That's professional. That's good. But also your day to day, you do lose a lot of conversation skill because you're talking to kids doing kind of, you know, I'm asking, congratulating them on putting a bear in a box. So they were like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:23 You lower your chat IQ to their level. But then you can just take it well up with the checkout chick. So she's balancing it out with both jobs. Interesting. We interesting to see how that plays in the game. You'll be against Ricky. Oh, how are you Ricky? Oh, how are you boys? How are you?
Starting point is 00:30:38 Yeah, you're good. What's your chat like mate? Oh, mate. I think I've got a long beank here. But I don't want to go too confident to really have been in sales for a long time car sales. I can't manage your radio sales so I know that's a lot of a lot of cheat chat there. You get it, it's kind of going wrong and unforgiving and vital job. You're the
Starting point is 00:31:01 heroes of the radio world. What have you got? A lot of chat looking at a car. You're focused on the car, are you more trying to make a person connection? No. Tell that to people, tell that saying, well, I don't do that anymore. It's probably why I'm no good at it. But tell that just talking about them, finding out about what they did. I'm thinking we're going to car, I'm not going to get that all day.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I just want to know about them. Yeah, I can cast off your problems. Okay. Ricky, we'll put you on hold. We'll start with Bianca. Ricky seemed confident Bianca, are you ready to go? We're ready. Rules are the same for each person. You won't be able to hear each other's conversations, but as always, Andy begins the conversation. I will then add one piece of information and Bianca you just have to use your own radar to know when to pick up the chat and to make sure you add something interesting. It's not
Starting point is 00:31:52 a question after my bit of information. Good luck. Oh hi, Ham. Good to end it. I hear that the World Cup cricket for the men is not going to be played this year. I think it's going to be 2022. Ah, interesting. Can I get you guys another drink and we'll hit back in a few minutes? It's a leave! The first person who's trying to leave the conversation! Do you try and go, Bianca? Another cricket fan? Ah, damn it. You're so good. You're going to lack of human interaction for a while.
Starting point is 00:32:31 That's OK. This is good practice for us. You haven't lost yet. Yeah, but lost yet. At the moment, you are in the lead. A group will put you at hold. Ricky, are you back? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:32:42 OK, we haven't had our Bianca win. Good luck. You've got some beating to do. I'm not agree. Ricky are you back? Okay, we haven't had Bianca win. Good luck, you've got some beating to do. You have the same rules as Bianca of course, and you will say something. I'll add something using your own intuition. You decide when to jump in and add something that's not a question. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Good luck. Oh, hi, man. I hear that the World Cup for the men in the cricket, it's not going to be happening this year. Yeah, plus by until 2022. Okay, well, it sees me. He will be destroyed. I don't know if you guys watched the test,
Starting point is 00:33:14 but this Smith is a marvelous cricket, I didn't love that he's fast and he's sleep. Although I wouldn't be recommending to him that either. What do you think? Oh, I think I'm pretty good. Pretty good. Pretty good run on it., it was like watching someone face jump. Just go, go, go, go, what are you going to pull the shit? And you pulled it with a water you think, right before in fact.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Piancare, you didn't even know that's what I was exciting. Piancare, are you back as well? Yeah, I'm here. Piancare, we probably do have to give it to Ricky although he was a little bit like a runaway trolley though. He was gathering speed and started wobbling. It was a wild amount of information he poured out in a short period of time and as soon as he walked away, I mean, and if that was you and I in real life.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Yeah. We've gone. Whoa. That's the way it must sting, I've gone over Ricky. Ricky needs to lay up for the Vodka Ripple. So this is the telepide. That's the machine gun concover. Ricky needs to lay up for the vodka ripples. So this is still a pie. That's enough, Ricky. You have taken it out.
Starting point is 00:34:12 If you can't win with quality, you certainly win with quantity. Well done, buddy. I said you would take no value. Thank you. All right, and Andy, hey, just before we go, can I nominate someone for a special skill that could, once restrictions are easing further, get it, get the means. This could be a person that could come in and perform. I feel like this has to be one that we see before our own eyes.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Who's, who's, who's who you got in the barrel? Her name is Paige. She joins us on the final hoi page. A hoi. A ho on the final hoi page. A hoi. A hoi. A hoi page. Paige, I was I was drawn to your your talent. It's it's in a
Starting point is 00:34:54 it's in a field we've had before. Sorry, I'm sending a bit of cake. It's in a field we've had before. But it's a it's a not a skill we've had before. So it's in the it's in the field of site base estimation. People like those people. So it's in the field of site-based estimation. People like those. So Paige, you are confident that you can, in your own words, pick the weight of any raw food just by looking at it.
Starting point is 00:35:15 So just to quickly jump in here, your remind me of a loose end that we haven't, we're gonna get the guy into measure the distances. Maybe he could just see the square measure distances. He can do it anymore. He's lost the skill. No, he's lost the skill. Family issue situation, so he can't get him in. Lovely fellow and maybe next year. Yeah, maybe next year. Just wanted to just want to do. Could be back for our Christmas. Thank you for reminding us. Yeah, but he's going to come back for Christmas. Yeah, we're back. Yeah. Okay, sorry, Paige. Thank you for
Starting point is 00:35:43 holding on while we just dealt with another Los End. We've been talking about Los Ed's today. We're off from today. We're wrapping things up. Repeat it for me. She can, any raw food, you can look at a page, and you can go boom, that's how much it weighs.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Can you give us an example? Well, I like guessing like a piece of chicken, like a raw chicken breast. Okay, so no bones. No, no bones. So what about two apples? Yeah. How much? Well, no.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Let's see. Let's get the feeling. Page. It depends on the size. Two medium size cosmic crisp apples. Around perhaps three, 20. She's got it. What we would experience if she was here.
Starting point is 00:36:24 It's 318, well done.. Now, just so what about grains? Like say if I had a flower or some musely or something, is that hard for you? It wouldn't be hard, but it needs to be out to see when it's like put into the port in. Oh, okay. So if I poured it into a onto a plate, you'd like to see that. If you saw it already presented on a plate, hard, but if you saw it port into the plate, you'd be fine. Yeah, as long as I can see how big the amount is. Have you ever been in a position where someone's telling you the weight of something and you suspect they're lying? No, I haven't. That would be interesting. Yes, I had a great scene happening in my head
Starting point is 00:37:04 of you at a fish market and they were selling you a two and a half kilo of prawns and you're saying, I don't think that's enough. I think you're tricking the scales. Well, I often do that when I'm at the deli and you can see that I've asked for 500 grams and they have not put that in the bag, in the initial graph. I have no idea they're all across. They're at 420 in your life. You'll roll your eyes and we're like, okay.
Starting point is 00:37:31 That's good. That's similar to what I was hoping to say. So why don't we go, I'm a bit concerned with the pouring of the flour and stuff to bit of the haze. Why don't we just go whole objects, raw, outside of packages? No packages. I think that's why you wrote
Starting point is 00:37:46 raw, didn't you? Because it's not as impressive to just go, oh, two Snickers, 90 grams. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So it's got to be that sort of like, whole foods. Yeah, okay. Whole foods. Yeah. Well, as soon as, I mean, we, I think we're allowed to have, we're allowed to have you come into the studio. We're back in the studio these days, Paige, doing the podcast. If you felt comfortable coming in, you could set up a socially distanced food experiment. We'd be up for it. Yeah, definitely. All right. Great. Well, what's your favorite food to guess? Oh, probably a piece of chicken. Yeah, we're not doing that. That is how hard it is to get a coin on this show. Chicken won't be in there.
Starting point is 00:38:27 No chicken, that's just fun. Go and T1. I have a piece you can do off here for fun. OK, Paige, we'll be in touch. We'll get you in. Awesome. Nice to finish this show creating a new listen. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:38:43 The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com.

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