Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 130

Episode Date: May 5, 2021

1. Plane party update 2. Kangaroo Island Tim Tams 3. Sam’s shy greyhound 4. Power Moves 5. Jeff and the perfect pour ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-naf production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi with a rumbling of excitement to you, haven't you? I know. And a Hoi to you, Andy. Everything's good over here.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Yeah, I was just trying to give you an extra little moment to finish up. Finish up. How's Eddie Brownie? I started it foolishly, because the music came on. Yes. But that bit where he goes, still buffering, what time I solve? Thank God for that. I need this.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I need this. A Hoi to you, Jacko. Hello. A Hoi. And a this. Oh, what are you, Jacko? Hello, Ooi. And Ooi to Charlie in Nana Goon. Ooi, boys, just witnessed the 2008 financial crisis two days ago. Um, hoping by the time this reaches you, everything should be good. Um, love the show.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Keep it up. Appreciate that. I mean, as we all, that hasn't no, he clearly is making a joke there. I'm a system-in-uploading audio. It's very good at homie.co. We lived through the GFC, and our member in 2008,
Starting point is 00:01:15 people called it at the time, the 2008 financial crisis. They had the foresight to speak about it as if it was already used in the future. So that checks out to me, and I appreciate the tenacity of what to speak about it as if it was already used in the future. So that checks out to me, and I appreciate the tenacity of what must have been a very arduous file search and upload period.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I don't know. That's lower than I was at. That he's lying, because we didn't have the system in 2008. No, he's recorded, obviously, in anticipation for one day. You begin the process like, while Disney froze himself, knowing we can't bring
Starting point is 00:01:47 him back to life yet. But will the technology exist one day? We hope so for Walt's sake. Hey, we're bloody excited today. I haven't given you too much away here. I, I, I, if you'd have asked me at the start of the year, what's the most likely thing to become a Peter out, which we are becoming known for. Famous for. Famous for on this show. We do enjoy a Peter out. Throw out ideas. Huge claim. Never follow it up. I thought this was a red hot favorite to be one of the biggest Peter outs.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yes, but instead, he's Peter's come back. And with gasoline. And as far as this thing right up. Hey, we're talking of course of our slide party. We threw out the other day, you and I've discussed before on planes This thing right up. Hey, we're talking of course of our slide party. We threw out the other day, you and I've discussed before on planes where you see them at the start of every flight, explaining where the emergency slide is,
Starting point is 00:02:33 at the emergency exit, you're like, God, it'd be fun to have a go on those slides without having to go through the trauma and panic of anything that is obviously life-threatening. It'd be great to slide down the slide with an almost 100% guarantee of living out the day. Yeah. Yes, and we thought, if we say we put out to the airlines,
Starting point is 00:02:52 if it is an airline out there. This is a bit where I thought, okay, so you'll add up, this is a Peter out because you're not gonna get Alan Joyce calling up, going, oh, there's a guy going, someone from like seven China airlines going, look, we're not doing heaps to Australia at the moment,
Starting point is 00:03:05 we'd happy to, we fly one out and keep it off the books for you as a second, have a slide party. Well, our preferred airline, particularly as of today, have Rex Airlines has reached out and said, yeah, we can discuss the slide party. This is huge. This is a huge moment for the people of the people's podcast because if everything goes to plan, the idea was, didn't we say we'd all enjoy a few beverages on board
Starting point is 00:03:31 the plays? And then I think we were going to yell evacuate evacuate evacuate and just in an orderly fashion with smiles. Yeah, fun. Not rushed at all. Take your time to get it. I mean, I might be missing an obvious example here, but I would say it's one of the only parties you ever go to hoping for the end. Yeah. Like hoping for the eggs. Because usually that's the sad part of a good party.
Starting point is 00:03:57 This one you're like, oh, I wonder when we get to leave. That's the bit of runs looking forward to. So when I saw the correspondence from Rex, I'm like, oh, but don't they just do the small, reachable planes? That was my worry. I don't want to go down to some emergency stairs. No, I don't, I could,
Starting point is 00:04:12 anything that you could just jump yourself. I don't want to, I don't want to leap off the back of a six-seater into the waiting arms of the captain. No, him. I was wrong. They do biggies. They do biggies as well. And joining us on the line right now is the fleet manager of the three seven the seven three seven.
Starting point is 00:04:29 That is a big. That is a biggy. Mark, panclists. How are you, buddy? Good. Thank you. Mark, we are wrapped. You got in touch with the show. Thank you so much for doing. So That's the quick, the first question I suppose is one you must get a lot in your line of work when you tell people question I suppose is one you must get a lot in your line of work when you tell people hey I'm in charge of Rex's 737s do you get people saying I didn't know Rex was doing Biggies? Yeah that's right, that's right well it's catching on but certainly initially they said I you only fly regionally but now they were operating 737s to Sydney and Melbourne, Kool Lagatta, Adelaide so, it's catching on fast. We're going to be Rex's new campaign. We do biggie too.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Yeah, the other guys are going to do biggie. SimCitter. Okay. So Mark, you and I have had a small chat on a Zoom. And I said, you know, you had some questions. I said, look, save it for the group. If it's okay to pick this discussion up as a group, someone can all go through the journey.
Starting point is 00:05:27 But there are a few things that you told me which got me excited. First of all, is you have slides. We do have slides. There's four slides on the aircraft at each of the four doors. Awesome. You were also saying though,
Starting point is 00:05:41 we could possibly do this party, but we have to wait for another slide to come in from Singapore. Now, explain that to everybody. Well, when you fire off the slide, they go off very fast. It's almost like an airbag without the powder. They fire off really fast. So they do take quite a lot of repacking and some maintenance once they've been fired off. So we don't want to leave the aeroplane on the ground, obviously, to days. So we need to get a spare slide through place to the one that we're firing off. That makes sense, especially when you're celebrating wrecks now doing
Starting point is 00:06:14 biggies, if you turned them to the airboard and they said, I look, there's a 20 minute delay on the flight and you look at the window and saw the ground crew rapidly rolling up the slide. That's hard. Back in the door like a sleeping bag. I suggest it to Mark that I've got a mate who has used his spare tire, it hasn't got a round of getting another one yet. That's. And there's a certain excitement. Yeah. That is a one. That can be. That's really going to be a bit.
Starting point is 00:06:38 That's the time excitement you don't look for in the aviation industry. That's what marks it. Yeah, exactly. So how would it be deployed? Like, what happens there? And basically, I should point out that you guys are happy to put on this party for us. We still have to iron out the details.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Yeah, well, there's a few things that we need to sort out. And basically, when we evacuate the aircraft, or when we evacuate you from the aircraft, we open the door and there's two positions armed or disarmed. So in the armed position, the slide's ready to fire off. You open the door, the door opens up and that pulls the slide out and then it activates. And there's an air bottle that drives a big pump and then that fires all the air into the slide. Mark, have you ever fired off one of the slides? No, I haven't as a matter of fact.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Wow, have you been down? I've slid down plenty of them, yeah, in training. Good fun. Yeah, it's great fun. It's like it seems like it. But it's funny, there's a few tricks to it. And one of them is that you actually, it's sort of unnatural, but you lean forward, not backwards.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Right. Would it bend sort of unnatural, but you lean forward, not backwards. Right. Oh, no, you would have been to go backwards, yeah. That's right, but if you lean back, you actually go faster. All right, so you want to go slower. You want to go slower. Well, you might want to lean back, but basically, if you want to slow it down, you just lean forward, and that for some reason, that just makes you go slower, and then there's sort of the
Starting point is 00:08:01 deceleration pads at the bottom that slow you again, and you sort of, as you hit the deceleration pad, it sort of makes you go slower and then there's sort of the deceleration pads at the bottom that slow you again and you're sort of as you hit the deceleration pad it sort of makes you stand up and you sort of run off the end of the slide. Oh, because I imagine that's what you want in an emergency. You want everyone to be able to fast is good to just, you know, my grandma had that on her lounge chair. You can't get your automatic up.
Starting point is 00:08:21 It kind of just pushed all the way up and she was standing up again. My grandma had to, I wouldn't say she ran off her. When she was using that feature and then she moved to the jog off. Mark, how quick are you meant to get off a plane in an emergency situation? So the regulations that actually drive the whole evacuation process and when they certify the aircraft, you have to get all the passengers off in 90 seconds through half the exits. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:51 That's a regulation. Wow. So that's assuming maybe the other half are not able to be accessed or whatnot. So yeah, they can, each exit is gonna be a pretty high volume of passenger. That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Which I imagine is obviously a very, not a panic situation, but an intense situation. This is going to be different, isn't it? Like it's going to be nice to have a slight situation where it's take your time. And it's sort of interesting psychologically because the flight attendants are sort of looking after you and provided service. And then all of a sudden in an emergency, the yelling, or not well, they're yelling to evacuate, and hurry, hurry, jump, jump. Giving straight instructions.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Gifting straight instructions. Gifting straight instructions. Gifting straight instructions. Gifting straight instructions. Gifting straight instructions. Gifting straight instructions. Gifting straight instructions. Gifting straight instructions.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Gifting straight instructions. Gifting straight instructions. Gifting straight instructions. Gifting straight instructions. Gifting the champagne. I was told. Right, it's okay. But in our example, let's go back to our party. It's going to be fun. I mean, we could go one at a time. We can, hey, if you haven't had you finish your champagne, you stay there. Jack, you go.
Starting point is 00:09:55 If you're ready, we'll give people nine minutes to get off. Yeah, well, you can have a huge window. You could do the slowest evacuation in history. Interesting, that a big, I'm very interested in that. Mark, are we able to board the plane as if we are going to take off? Yeah. And then we don't have to travel far, but can you roll around the corner or something?
Starting point is 00:10:20 Like, what is, how can it be set up for, you know, to just not get on and get straight off? There is some form of journey, but maybe for a couple of minutes or something. So what we could do is we could all get on and then we could hook up a tug to the aircraft. Oh, yes. You know, they push back from the terminal and then we will, we could get towed around the airport. I'm going to drive, I could be far from a joy ride. And then we could find a nice sort of quiet spot and have a party there. That sounds perfect.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Yes, we could. And then when the mood hits, just when you, because it's sort of all about like, it's like, it's like, climbing a good track on the dance for a party when the mood is where we are you know, and I probably been charged with a vibe Yeah, just to go I'm ready guys could be slide time boom mark how many we are we allowed how many do you can we can put on a plane For depends how you want to do it, but I guess you could put 170 on somewhere between 1670. That's a big part of it.
Starting point is 00:11:29 We're going to hit the cramp. We're going to hunt it. We're going to hunt it. We're going to hunt it. We'll come back to you on that. But I think if we're treating, if we've got an aisle each, that's... We've got to move. We're going to remember.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Jack's already gone. That's how I prefer to climb. I get back to Jack's side. Jack thinks he's going to America on it. No, I agree. We're going to be going to America on it. Jack's already done, Jack's like, that's how I prefer to fly. Yeah, I get back pay. Jack's the thing, he's going to America on it. No, I agree with that.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Like, per three seats, one person. That would be good, now about. Mark, we're going to have so many more questions. So you're waiting on a slide to come in from Singapore, so you've got the spear. So when, Drick, and that might come in. We. So you've got the spear. So when Drick and that might come, come in. We can get it within a couple of weeks. We just need to set a date to do it. And then we'll then we'll organize it. We'll come back to you. Thank you very
Starting point is 00:12:16 much for being so. Thank you so much to Rex that are now doing Biggies. Yeah, you're big especially. You're big especially. You're big especially. Doing big is better. I'm bad at doing big is better. So we'll swing, we'll come back to you. We've also got to determine how we formulate the party, how people come along to the party as well. So if there's no rush, you're in. Nope. We'll get our ducks in a row, Owen.
Starting point is 00:12:43 But Mark, thanks so much for joining us, bud. Pleasure. Cheers, buddy. Fantastic, mate. Thank you so much. Bye. Can't believe it. It's on. Can I ask you guys a question? I could have with my dad last night, actually two nights ago, and this came up in conversation. So, I mean, obviously, nowhere I sit, but I just want to do a bit of market research here. Would you, A, would you be interested in knowing where, and B, do you think it would be worth
Starting point is 00:13:14 celebrating? Would you be interested in knowing where all the wheat for the biscuit and Tim get in Tim Tam's comes from. And B, if you did know that, should that place be, should that be the main talking point of that, main piece of marketing for that location? I'd be interested in knowing now, like not, but not overly enthusiastic, just the fact that you've bought it up and now I'm like, oh, yeah, it's like, I'll hear the answer. Should it be the main? No, no, shouldn't be. Well, actually, it depends whether the town has anything else going on. Oh, they do.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Okay. So here's, so could I would dad a couple of nights ago was chatting. Now, a little while back, my wife and I went on a bit of a tour around Australia, making an advertourism Australia. So I think it was other out there was about to be out. In that ad, for one, for like a little bit of it, we go to Kangaroo Island in South Strait. Kangaroo Island, really beautiful place. Huge, right? I was surprised me how big it was. You've been to Kangaroo Island, you know? Amazing part of the world. So, dad is going, I was, so you know, he goes, I wasn't really talking about that trip.
Starting point is 00:14:15 You did the hell, you know, where'd you go? I'm going through a few of the places. I'm mentioning a few facts about Kangaroo Island. No rabbits. No rabbits on the island. Yeah, that was my fun fact for Ando. They're terrified of No rabbits on the island. Yeah, that was my fun fact, Franda. They're terrified of rabbits being on the island, Jack. I mean, this is the comparison in terms of what it should be famous for. I think no rabbits is right up there as a good, interesting anecdote.
Starting point is 00:14:35 They had one rabbit that someone bought over as a prank and put it out as a roadkill. And then the island lost their mind because you can't have a rabbit on Kangaroo Island and someone laid it on the road like a dead one. Then they did an autopsy on the rabbit and they discovered it had food and it's tummy that doesn't grow on the island. So everyone breathed the sigh of relief.
Starting point is 00:14:55 The other rabbit that had a better job. That's our foreman. So they check you for rabbits as you go. You know, that's actually what it is. It's a pretty, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather
Starting point is 00:15:04 rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather, rather It's an amazing ecosystem on the island. And then they had a magician come over once. And you know how they have, when you go into the EMCD or a big stadium, they have someone for the metal detector wand. Yep. They just hold a carrot out on your body all the way around. Or a wolf. Just sniff.
Starting point is 00:15:18 And if the wolf starts going wild. Yeah, he's onto something. Yeah. So they're very worried about it. They had a magician come over to the island with a rabbit. And so I imagine they went, I look, don't bring the rabbit to another trick and they go, I went, hey, it's the big trick. I got to bring the rabbit. So they allowed the rabbit on the island, but the rabbit had to have someone from Parks and Wildlife with it at all times. The rabbit
Starting point is 00:15:37 had a security guard. And the rabbit had to go to a vet before it could come to the island to make sure it was indeed a boy rabbit and not a girl rabbit that has pregnant and might just drop a ton of bunnies on the island. So they take rabbits seriously. Anyway, I'm telling you a few of these things. I didn't tell them the rabbit stories, but I'm telling you more about the natural wonder of Kangaroo Island and huge bounce back after bushfires. It's beautiful. That goes, now what about the Tim Tams?
Starting point is 00:15:59 I said, I'm not aware that Kangaroo Island has a Tim Tam connection. And it goes, you'm not aware that Kangaroa and Hazard Tim Tam connection. And he goes, you're not aware? It goes, mate, they grow all the wheat there, all the cereal that goes into making the biscuit, 100% of its man on Kangaroa Island. He said, well, that's a great thing. He goes, they didn't tell you that. I said, no, I don't think it's. Who was taking you around?
Starting point is 00:16:22 Well, actually, Sam was Craig. And he goes, you know, and he goes, and he's Well, it was just the game. Same was Craig, and he goes, and is he, did he grow up on, is he a local? I said, actually, I think he is dead. I mean, he was about 50, and he runs a Kangaroo Island tourism company, and he seemed very knowledgeable about the island. He goes, what did he talk to you about? He said about everything, the sheep, the bees,
Starting point is 00:16:42 the sea lions, the fish. A lot of the other, you know, the seafood. And he didn't mention the Tim Tam. He didn't dad. No, he didn't go, that's, because I find that very hard to believe because 100% because the Tim Tam is a very famous biscuit. I'm like, I know about the Tim Tam, and it's Australian. It's Australian icon. I can't say, yeah, get it, dad. But, you know, I understand you're upset, but it's not a huge stat that people really care about like where the biscuit comes from and chips. We're not traveling to Kangaroo Island to see the field.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Just because we probably drove past it. I was like, how about that? I might have. It's like finding out Matt Damon was at the airport the same time you were there, but you didn't see Matt Damon. I might have driven past the wheat that makes the team Tam. And he goes, they should have a giant Tim Tam. And he said, all right, I think I've actually think I have been kind enough here,
Starting point is 00:17:30 but I'm actually going to push back a bit on this, Dad. They can't have a giant Tim Tam, because I'll be honest with you, the biscuit is not the famous part of the Tim Tam, no one's going, you've got to taste these things. How's the biscuit? All right, to be honest, it's a chocolate. You take it all even.
Starting point is 00:17:43 It's actually the IP of the Tim Tam is the famous bit. It's the combination of To be honest, it's a chocolate. You take it away. It's actually the IP of the Tim Dam is the famous bit. It's the combination of biscuit, chocolate and that thin layer of whatever it is in the middle. That's what makes it Tim Tam famous. So for all your excitement about the cereal, not the wheat. It's actually not the wheat that anyone cares about. It is a minor ingredient. It's like growing the pigment that went to make the Mona Lisa. They don't care about the pig that came from. Anyway, dad's out right. That's, yeah, that's furious.
Starting point is 00:18:11 He reckoned there should be a big Tim Tamming Kegger Island and he's like, he goes, that's, he goes, that's such a huge missed opportunity for him. Well, it's like, he was like, you know, because of listening. I had a good time, but don't expect to see no bloke there. At times, I do a good time. It don't expect to see no bloke there at all. So do you fix it up? MUSIC Hey, funny occurrence happened to my brother. And it's to do with animals.
Starting point is 00:18:32 So I've got Dr. Chris Brown to help clarify it. He's there. As are the rules, anything animal-related in Australia and look probably the Southern hemisphere. I wouldn't say worldwide, he's the go-to animal guy, but definitely in the Southern hemisphere. Yeah, I probably the Southern hemisphere. I wouldn't say worldwide, he's the, he's the go-to animal guy, but definitely in the Southern hemisphere. Yeah, I would say Southern hemisphere. I mean, you've got, you've obviously got Attenborough.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Oh yeah. So he's probably the world leader. I don't say so. And I think Chris would agree with that, in a very controversial move he chooses to challenge Attenborough. Dr. Chris Brown, are you there? Or who are you?
Starting point is 00:19:03 I like, oh, boy. I was just willing to take this time zone. I know that's as far as I'm willing to. So it's just a lot of power. I mean, if I was in your booth, I, you could counter with, you know, technically, Edinburgh as much as he's done for the natural world, he's not of it.
Starting point is 00:19:18 So, are you, are you saying just on qualifications? I'm just, you might have, you might have it. You might have it. Now, DCB, before we get to whatever this is about, animal based, how many dogs and cats are you seeing to keep the old skills sharp regularly? Because you're in the jungle a lot. You have a lot of stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:39 You have a lot of stuff on. The living room. When was the last time you were kind of you know wrist deep in a dog? wrist deep I've got to tell you that that poses a few anatomical issues. So you know doing life saving surgery. Obviously I'm in there many enough to know that. Yeah that's good. I was in the test. I was in there the day before yesterday. Are you really still in there? That's great. But I get so many. I reckon I saw maybe 12 or say 14 different clients the other day.
Starting point is 00:20:13 And I reckoned over half when they walked in said, what are you doing here? And the people are genuinely surprised when I'm there. But it doesn't top the guy I saw maybe a month ago who I brought him through and I was just vaccinating his dog. And from the outset, he was on to me and he was saying to me, you remind me of someone and I'm just, I'm going to work it out, I'm going to stick with me, I'm going to get this right. And I was just laughing just thinking, yeah, maybe he'll get it.
Starting point is 00:20:43 By the end of the consultation, he goes, you know what, I've got it. I know who you are. You're the guy who plays Dr. Chris in that animal shop. He plays Dr. Chris. Yes, that's right. I'm an actor. And they still let me operate on dogs
Starting point is 00:21:02 to keep my acting skills sharp. That's great. Well, we're going to ask you to sit tight, Dr. Chris Brown. Listen to this next bit. Great to hear these still. We're going to call call call a friend of mine, Sam. Sam McClurey, he's a sports journalist, but he had my brother had, look, an encounter with him late at night at the park. Top of encounter. Well, I want to put it to Sam at the same time
Starting point is 00:21:26 as you hear at him and let's just see if it's true. So anyway, you got the number there. Every pick. How late. Give me a second. You're not mid-done. Around mid-done. S.S.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Sam McClure, Andy Lee. Hello, Andy. How are you, buddy? And I'm also here with Amish and Jack. Hi, Sam. This is for the podcast. I should pay you where. She's an interventionist.
Starting point is 00:21:51 It's not an intervention. But you should make me aware. Something happened in the park late at night. And I want to get to the bottom of it, right? OK. It was with my brother, my brother saw you at the park. Do you remember the incident? I've seen your brother late at night a couple of times while walking. At the park.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Oh, this is, we are lifting the limo here. Sam McClure after dark. Right, heart rate going up. My brother was having a late night working and he thought I'd need to just get out and clear the mind. So he went for a walk around the park and he saw you close to midnight walking your dog, right? Okay, yeah, that would make sense. And he said, what are you doing here, he's saying?
Starting point is 00:22:35 And you said, my dog only wants to go for a walk at night time. Yes, yes, this is true and it continues. What do you mean? Well, it's just like this new thing. We have this greyhound diva and she's a bit of a homebody but she used to love going for walks, albeit short walks. And now if you take her out in the day, she'll go 10 meters, she'll do her business. And then she'll just pull home. What she knows behind is really strong. She just says, she starts tapping your watch going.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Sun sets, not for four hours. And now if you take her out when the sun's down, she just loves it. Like she's pulling on the lead. She doesn't want to stop. She's a vampire dog. She's a nightcrawler. Was it expensive to build a small dog coffin for a display? So many questions about your vampire dog. Okay. Now, when you say that you've got a great hand She's a nightmare. Was it expensive to build a small dog coffin for this way? So many questions about your fare by a dog. Okay. Now, when you say that you've got a great hand, Deva, is that her name or is that her behaviour? Not well both. She's name and behaviour.
Starting point is 00:23:34 She's only two. So the trainer when they try to race her, they send the rabbit around and she just looked up at the trainers and said, we will make it a bit better. I'm going to be yeah nighttime capital city races During the day without lights The only grey underwear night vision goggles that tears around okay Surprise for you Sam. We've got standing by Dr. Chris Brown also on the line Hello, have you heard this Dr. Chris is it true that a dog could only want to walk at night
Starting point is 00:24:09 or as McClure got this wrong somehow? You know, you're actually, Deva is, is tapping into something that, that we're actually seeing a lot of now, which, which is, Deva is essentially experiencing social anxiety. So, so, Deva, Deva doesn't might, might guess on this. Yeah. I'm sorry, my informed opinion on this is that, is the, is the, Deva is a little unsure around other dogs, feels a little, a little insecure, doesn't like other dogs rushing up to, and, and so she's enjoying the freedom of, of going to the park when there are no other dogs. Sam, would this match up, was there an incident
Starting point is 00:24:47 or something? Do you remember, were there other dogs around that maybe were causing diva some stress? Now she is pretty shy around other dogs. That is true, but the other thing is that she actually gets very scared around traffic. So like we're just enrichment it. If we take her to the local cafe on Burnley Street,
Starting point is 00:25:04 she'd like a tailed guy, taileded guy between her legs, she starts shaking. Maybe she'd be fair as a different cafe. She used a D-shirt? She doesn't want the oatmeal to get that cafe out. Oh, sure. You know, but she'd take her at night, down a main road when there's no traffic. She'd mind for up and about. Yeah, so she's able to go to the park with freedom because she knows that the park isn't owned
Starting point is 00:25:27 by any other dog at that time. She can feel like she can get there and really patrol it all by herself and not experience into that stress of traffic or other dogs or anything else that might make her feel a little less comfortable. Right, so she's not a vampire, she's an introvert. Sam, during the height of Melbourne lockdown, when you were still allowed to take your dog for a walk, but there was no traffic and very little people around. Was she better at going outside or was she still worried about it?
Starting point is 00:25:55 Wow, no, that's actually, yeah, that's actually true. She was better during the day in lockdown when there was less people. Yeah, that's true. Oh, God, this is turning to a genuine AM radio signal. I'm positive I've heard this on AM radio. Like thanks to pet barn. Is it like an AM radio? No, there's not.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Yeah, there's not. There's an AM radio signal. I was just saying just before I wasn't expecting to div into it. I'm just saying, I think that's great to be here. Thank you guys. We've solved it. That's fascinating. Are there ways, Dr Chris, to get over the social anxiety? Well, you just slowly reintroduce that to, you know, to slightly busier times and slightly busier situations. And whatever a thing is, whether it's, you know, it's obviously not chasing rabbits, but whether it's balls or whether it's toys or whether it's treats, you know, if she handles a little bit of traffic, you
Starting point is 00:26:48 make a sit, you make it relaxed and then she gets a treat as well. Only let her drive the car a bit, so it's sort of like, well, see, they're not so bad once you get in them. I'm part of winner. Take a go-carding. Guys, thanks so much for joining us. Really appreciate it. I hope you're led to this.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Concludes in the head of a dog. Hame time for... Oh, I'm going to walk. Yeah, it's good to get the guitar out. There's a lot of power that's going on in the world, and we need to catalog it. And don't sniff of a volume two for the power moves book. You can smell it in the wind, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:27:31 Yeah. We're not sure what it is. And we're not sure where it's coming out. And we're definitely not going to do a pre-order situation because that was a debacle. If we do go here with a... If we do, and we don't even know what the smell on the wind is at this stage, it could be a neighbor and campsite
Starting point is 00:27:48 simply making lunch, or it could be the tasty smells of a volume too. We don't know. Noses to the air and stay tuned. Hey, this one comes in from Latoya Bowls. She is here. When you ask someone how they're going, after they're respond, simply say, glad to see you back on track.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Even if they say not that great, we'd say glad to see you more on track. Yeah, that's great. Ando comes in from a lessurch-contributed Charlie steel from Canada, and driving to a friend's house to pick them up. Text them here, five minutes before you arrive. Oh, I was going to have to go the door for no reason. After that, they're likely,
Starting point is 00:28:37 stay by the window, patiently waiting for you to arrive, like a dog. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Pretty good. We did that the other day. I was thinking up my bait, Tom Dunkard. I was driving, I said, I've texted him here, as we were turning in, I was like, all right, you just make sure he's coming out. You immediately got back. No, you're not.
Starting point is 00:29:00 That's good. I had a similar one with Mum, where I was having to pick her up from a hotel. She was visiting, she was up from Melbourne, and she was saying her hotel in Sydney, and I was a bit late. I was going to be 10 minutes late to pick her up. Yeah, no 10 minutes early all night, all early late. But only because she, it's an arms race with Mum, because she's always so late. Yeah. Anyway, it's like, I was actually probably more trying to be about six minutes late. She wings me at five past. I'm probably one or two minutes when she goes,
Starting point is 00:29:26 I'm just wondering, where are you? I'm very close, someone goes, okay, we'll call me upon approach. No, no, don't go back upstairs. Don't go. Just like, well, if you're not here, I might just go and do some things. So you have to, no, I was like, no, no, no, I'm here.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Then I had to lie and go, I'm pulling up out the front. She came out, I was late, and I went, but I know if I told you you had one minute. Yeah, if you go and redo your hair. I mean, they're not, they're not, they're not gonna take ages and I'm gonna have breakfast. I mean, it'll be midnight. Hey, this is from Finn to Hamill from New Zealand.
Starting point is 00:30:00 When you're going for a walk in, and you walk past someone that has a dog, as soon as you get close to them, so go easy boy. Easy boy. Yes, so it makes like they've got an aggressive dog. Yeah, that's good. People, you experience your sand dog. I mean, people will be running in terror when they see your dog coming down the street, toppling over power lines and stuff, because you can't duck under them, the tall terrier.
Starting point is 00:30:27 But with a normal necked dog. Big, big, big, sorry to interrupt, but we're at the foot of the other day, and Beck comes back and getting us a beer, and Beck goes, how tall do you think I've been sitting there? I said, what do you mean, telling people? I said, right, no, I have to sit.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Tall enough that we'll have to put a flashing red light on its head. So helicopter's don't fly into it at night. One of the bar turns the back as they're leaving with their drinks and when looking forward to seeing the tall terrier. That way are you nervous? Absolutely. Can't wait. Get your, uh, get your crampons on if you ever want to climb up
Starting point is 00:31:05 to attend the Brushes Fringe. And no. Here's a bit of a rip-up. This comes in from Cam Carroll. It's power move ideal for someone 30 plus. Okay. We're in the slot here. When Zingen old Jack,
Starting point is 00:31:21 so Jack, a old boy, Ray Bid. When Zingen old school friend who was more academic than you, but you haven't seen for many, many years, ask him enthusiastically if they still work at the same job they had during school. IE. Adam, how are you? It's been years. Are you still at Wendy's?
Starting point is 00:31:40 Gee, you'd be pretty high up there by now. Does it be pretty, didn't expect much from him and you there really successes would be shortly. I'm reticent to throw one more of the mix so I'm like, that's that's thousands of vaults. That's how this is that this is from Nate in the US. Power move. When setting up your new Wi-Fi, look up the nearby network names. If someone has named their Wi-Fi after themselves, simply copy their name, but add the word
Starting point is 00:32:19 superior in front of it. For example, superior Michael. Ando, we've had some wonderful special skills already this year. Oh yeah. That's the first throwing fellow. Yes. Robin Fruit. We in the fruit basket of rotten, and Robin's throw some rotten, on actually ripe fruit. Yeah. We did our bit. Um, and that's that that's really the joy of the special skill. Yeah. It's a, sure, it's a buffet, but it's covered.
Starting point is 00:33:05 You know, the silver lids they put on the curry, so you don't know which curry, it's like you go to the food court early. Yes. You guys open yet on Neely. Neely. And the Bamerie all has silver trays on the top. And you've never been to the shopping center before.
Starting point is 00:33:19 You don't know if it's going to be something delicious in the Bamerie or not, but as the year goes on, we uncover it. Yes, there's some rotten throes, a rotten thro with narn. No one's interested. But the same token. Yeah, there's some delicious dishes in there. Amazing lemon chicken. Yes, the probably the powertools guy would have been our lemon chicken. Absolutely. Hey, um, quick one on that just reminded me that any special skill involving an orange being a fail.
Starting point is 00:33:48 What's the other one? Remember the guy that he can peel an orange with one hand or something and I just did it just as quick. I know. He wasn't he peeling an orange in one piece. Yeah, the skin would come off as a perfect circle. Yeah. And that was just, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:02 I was a line ball, wasn't it Jack? Because didn't he peel it all and be put it together as a sphere? Which I think we expected him to do. We weren't like, expecting him to get the flesh of an orange out of the skin with no breaks in the skin. It wasn't a magic trick. But you just, you were, it was too slow, I think.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Was that now I'm remembering as a twist? Well, I just had a ghost straight after him and did the exact same thing. And that was the problem. But anyway, Ham, today, you've got another one. I remember saying, Pitha lot in that one. LAUGHTER And as to why an orange might be more impressive
Starting point is 00:34:33 than a mandarin. Yes. But yeah, right, I had forgotten about that one and a good remembering. We've also never had a successful duck-based one, haven't we? LAUGHTER No, norcoots. But they are essentially the same bird as we covered off numerous types. And today though, we have something a little higher class. It involves wine. More in your realm than mine. I'm learning the ways of wine, but it
Starting point is 00:35:00 has been a bit of a lullaby. You never really learn. You're always on the journey. So welcome to the park. Welcome to the park. Always model and anything. But we welcome you in your Samelia journey. This is from Ashley, though. There will be no tasting a woody bordo today. Ashley, it's more about the pouring. We've had many pouring-based skills.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I think you're like this one. She's bored to the table her father He is able to pour a glass of wine for people and then even From different rooms. I'm assuming here. She doesn't say but it's like a house party or Perhaps a pre-dead drinks before the formal. Yeah He can pour the same amount of wine in each glass Same it's at the same level in the same type of wine glass in different rooms, right?
Starting point is 00:35:46 Oh, yeah. To the exact mill or he can know the error. Okay, so he can go, hang on, that's two mill more than I go of Karen. What I like is it's the accuracy that's involved. Actually, I think it joins us on the line now. Ash, oh, hi. Hi, how are you boys? Very well.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Will you discover that your dad could do this? It's just something he's always been able to do. It's a bit freaky. He just around the dinner table at home, if he's pouring out wine. And he's not lining up the glasses. He's just going, yeah, maybe. Just from wherever they're sitting, they don't have to be lined up.
Starting point is 00:36:28 It can be from the kitchen into the dining room. If it's the same, obviously, the same style of glass. He likes the same style of glass. I understand. That's right, because otherwise, it's too hard to get a knife for it. Yeah, and it's obviously, he's attuned his eyes.
Starting point is 00:36:42 He's hand the weight. This comes after years and years and years of pause and we don't want We wouldn't we wouldn't mess around. I mean, I'm almost tempted to and we'll discuss this in a sec I think we're lucky enough to have him on right um I'm in fact he joins us Jeff. Let's get Jeff up Jeff come on in Jeff. Oh, hi. Oh, he guys. How are you? Yeah? Really well We're really good. We're just starting we're just hearing this skill. And we love it when someone nominates another person because invariably they do have the skill opposed to people that are self-nominate
Starting point is 00:37:12 and just want a chance to show off. We like a reluctant X-man. Jeff, your daughter says here, it's genuinely incredible, I'm reading from her email. We test him every week on family dinner night and he's always within a millimeter. Is this true Jeff, do you know that you've got the skill? I mean, is it a bit of a show stopper?
Starting point is 00:37:33 Well, I suppose the show stopper is something, I don't know how it came about. I just discovered it was my super power of some kind. Brilliant Jeff. Now, are you only good on your home glasses? Do you, or if you're a new set of glasses, you could still do it. Oh, no. As long as the same shaped glass, like all the glasses are the same shape, if I can do it
Starting point is 00:37:55 anywhere. Okay. I wondered about that because you do have your home wine glasses. And I wondered if you were just so, you just knew the curvature so well of the glass you'd know exactly where it's landing. But you think you could do it on a different wine glass. Yeah, absolutely. I've done it at different people's places as well.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I'm in a way. Take off your own road. She put one I don't like. Well, the Chicago Bulls back in the 90s. Yeah. The Japanese amazing. He's amazing. He's a Savka.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Savka Paul. Um, Ashley, question for He's amazing. He's amazing. Sav-cav-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p I'll be on that. Yeah, Andy, that's like my dad can fly, but you will see slight cable coming out of you, sure. Yeah. So Jeff, whereabouts do you guys live? Blue mountains. Oh, beautiful. Okay. Well, we can get in. We can get, we'd love to get you guys in.
Starting point is 00:38:58 What we want to do, what we want to do is set up the wine glasses in several different rooms. Yes. And, and have you, Jeff, what's, what's reasonable? Four, four, four glasses. Yeah. Four's okay. Yep.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Yeah, wonderful. Yep. So, Jeff, room to me, myself, and pour yourself a glasses. Well, you're still a glass, too. But we were, we've had a fight, and we're all in different rooms. So, okay. That's why you, you need you to travel to and from.
Starting point is 00:39:23 And I'm excited to hear, this is how I'm hearing it tell me if this is right Jeff So you will pour the initial one that's just that's just you go on off your vibe. You go. That's a nice one Yep, that's it Then you might move to room two and pour your then go hang on a sec. That's actually three mills more than room one or you'll go that's bang on Is that what we're saying? Yeah, that's about how it works here. Jeff, do you talk in milliliters more or do you talk in millimetres more above, say, the level of liquid? Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Millimetres, so if it's a milliatres. Okay, that's good. Oh, yeah, okay. This, I'll allow that. This is a visual guide going off the glass. Okay. Okay, so we're gonna see it really, we're gonna be measuring a meniscus here. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:08 We're thinking ahead, but you know, we are gonna, Jack, do you know what a meniscus is? What's a meniscus? A meniscus. That's all I couldn't say, cabs have before. So that's okay. A meniscus is kind of, a home this here,
Starting point is 00:40:25 but the surface tension on the side of a glass, so the water level will actually get a bit higher. It's got a little skate ramp, unless you're dealing with mercury, and it's in the inverse, isn't it, here? Oh, yeah, it is an inverted, it is a difference. It's between the glass and the fluid, it's the surface tension of both.
Starting point is 00:40:42 So it's inverted, it won't, it's in the glass, but then of course we want to, you can fill water up and it becomes convex. It extravagant. Because it's hanging on with the surface tension, until that tension breaks. Anyway, we will be measuring a miniscus. Again, probably one of the only shows you will find in the podcast universe that cares as much about minutes because it's we do. So we'll organize for yourself and you're daunted to come. Hey, what do we think? Is it all four glasses?
Starting point is 00:41:13 It has to be correct for the coin. What about? He's got four glasses. He's got, he's allowed four millimeters up his sleeve of error. Oh, it's a lot of error. So, okay. So if you're going to... I mean, so we'll be measuring, we'll be going, okay, you said this one was two millimeters out, you were correct.
Starting point is 00:41:31 That's zero. You've used zero of your millimeters. Right. You said this one was three millimeters off, actually, you only one, so you've used up two now. Right, you've got yourself... Is that work? Is that fair, Jeff?
Starting point is 00:41:41 Yeah, that sounds fair. We'll give it a shot. Okay, but I'm so excited, Jeff. This is great. The things that it's due for their toys. Okay, I got some pog, no, I think it's a meniscus based on the puzzle. What it is, I'm going to do the one thing. Yeah, but do you have a preference for the wine, Jeff? Yeah, it's a good question.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Different wines can be different, you know, densities. I can do it with anything, but it's been through summer and we've drank a lot of rosé, so I've probably got my eye in for a rosé. Is it full on a rosé? Okay, we can do that. Right. Well, all those will be in touch, guys. Can't wait to do it. See you.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Thanks, guys. Thanks, guys. Hey, guys. Hope you enjoyed this episode. Thank you. Thanks guys. Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this episode just popping in at the end here to remind you that Hamish and Andy's remembering project is back. You can catch episodes from season two every Monday. Here is a quick tease for this week's episode where Hamish and Andy talk about going to broadcast
Starting point is 00:42:44 from a war zone. 2008. We're getting ready to visit the troops. Oh, I've shrugged a cent. Yeah, there's a lot of secrecy around it. Obsec, mate. Obsec. Operational security. I believe we had to record a show as if we were still in the country. Yep. So on the day we left, they would play out a show, like we're still here for that same reason for security. Did not want to give the Taliban a sniff mic. We would play out a show like we're still here for that same reason for security. Did not want to give the Taliban a sniff mic. We would have been a primo duel in the crown.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Oh, yeah, absolutely. They still haven't got us. They still haven't got us. It should remind me that we're now over 10 years successfully evading capture. And proud of it. That's it guys. Thanks for listening to this week's episode. You can catch season two of Hamish and Andy's Remembring project. and proud of it. To return next week, catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com.

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