Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 131

Episode Date: May 12, 2021

1. Power Moves 2. Emergency slide party update 3. Wine pouring Special Skill 4. Sonny’s Pikachu cake ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-naf production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi to the leader of the beard boys, Hamish. A rustling and bushy hoi. Yes. And I saw a hoi to...
Starting point is 00:00:33 I mean, not even. Are you two I see or you just one of the troops? Why did they... I didn't know we had a leader. I actually think this is a non-beard boys member, Hamish, trying to make us a rift between the beard boys. So in the vibe, I would never do that. He could have never ever split the leader in his alloyal.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Cady. My beard, Cady. I'll take you to the actual end boy and the Cady beard boy. Now yours is looking nice, Jacko, not as thick as I've seen it, but a certainly a nice tight prop. Well done. Not in a alliance. It's just a group of friends with aligned interests.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Uh, a hoi also to Ryan. Oh, hoi boys. Just got home from work. Was catching up on the podcast and thought, you know what, I'm gonna try and upload one of these straight from me phone. And yeah, we've done it. Correct it. What's up? throw that in the
Starting point is 00:01:26 bin don't worry about home no it tells like a book Andy Kings to you Kings and I guess seven and a two to me I mean I think it is a card term. I guess unless he's really giving you two monarchs. It's not a chess term. You would never have as king removals. Yeah. You never get two kings in chess. No. A huge move. Probably a card. I'm going to use it this week and see if someone takes it as a compliment or a baffle. Yeah, that's... And jacks to you, Jack. Thanks for you. Hey, we wanted to kick off today's show with this.
Starting point is 00:02:09 BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! So many good words coming in. In us at panchini.com, this is the first time you've ever listened to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Welcome. Welcome to people going to Back from Start. We know there are a odd few, an odd few. It's a very niche market who like to go and reverse order, but it is still very, the people that do go and reverse order that start at this episode then go all the way back through the episode number one, it feels very base jumping in the 90s. Who are these guys? You hear stories about them, you've never really met one,
Starting point is 00:02:45 but you know it happens, but it's wild. And it's reckless. And you better off doing this. And you better off doing it. You better off using the stairs. It's a more sensible way to get down. Do you want to keep our fenders? Shall I kick it off?
Starting point is 00:02:58 You kick it off. This is a cracker. If it comes in from Jacob Fitzgerald, he goes, look, this is a power move that will take you straight to the top of any social gathering. Works particularly well with friends, but not best friends. When you're entering a gathering or party where there is a group situational congregation of people in a central location, when you approach the cluster of people, start by greeting the first person with a handshake.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Then to a serve power, greet the rest of the group with a hug. This will leave the first person wondering, why am I not getting a hug? First, making them suck up to you in order to gain the status of hug worthy, alternatively, to game power over multiple people, make most of the greetings hugs
Starting point is 00:03:42 with a few scattered handshakes. This will create a small cluster of people yearning for the superior greeting. Really like it. It's from Hockey. It's a Hockey boys power move for you. When requiring volunteers from a group. Okay, good. For a task that's not so great.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Okay, so you're asking for volunteers? Are you in the group that's made for your asking? Yeah, you're asking for volunteers. Ask an unrelated question such as, who here wants to go skydiving? Or can I get all the motorbike license holders, please raise their hand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Proceed to hit them with the task. You require the volunteers for, they'll have their hands up hoping to go skydiving with motorbike ride. Instead receiving and annoying task. It's good. You're relying on a hand trap, I suppose. You're relying on, I guess, getting your question out. You want to go skydiving. Put out the bins, mate. So you do it.
Starting point is 00:04:49 You were lying on getting the question out faster than someone can lower their hand. So you've still got them in the moment where they've got a raised hand. And this comes in from anchor screams. It's simple. It's not high brown. It is a bit juvenile, it made me laugh.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I think it has to count as a power move. When you are getting into a crowded elevator with a friend, wait till you're in and turn to your friend and say, please, please don't fart again. I'm like, it's good. I like it. I like it. I like it. Rob Gibbons hands. We must have had that before. I don't think we have. It's just a place I'm far to go. It's a great one. It doesn't have to be elevated either. Rob Gibbons, power move. When ordering a coffee, will you take your name
Starting point is 00:05:38 and they wait to call it out? Yeah. Give them the name big dog. Good. You'll have the whole room's attention respect when they call out your order. I like that. I really like that. That's King's. King's the word.
Starting point is 00:05:51 That's King's. That's King's the word. King's the word. Okay, here we go. Last one. This comes from Juhee. His pal move for someone mowing their lawn for the first time with a new mower.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I guess in a suburban situation you just go, oh, hang on a sec, it's like Dave's got a new mower. Way to the finished mowing the lawn, uh, stride over. So I mean, this is in heavily, and this is a Saturday morning heavy investment power move. Stride over and go, yeah, the first one's always a bit scruffy. Are you together? Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh doing Biggies. Biggies, Biggies, jamming the sky full of Biggies. Rex is a dear Logan. Exactly. And if any gaps exist, because they obviously don't tessellate perfectly together, we'll slide a small leg in there too.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Now, jamming the sky full of Biggies, but not abandoning smalls. No, that's respect for where they came from too. I think that is, I think that is this logo now. It's like, yeah, Jam and Skye fall a biggie's, but not abandoning smallies. He came back, Marcus sent an email this time round with a few things for us to contemplate to have a chat about. They've been so good. I mean, I'm still vaguely a little bit in shock
Starting point is 00:07:29 that an airline, any airline came forward and said, you can jump down our emergency slides. So we do have a lot of love for them. Yes. He said we can confirm that the aircraft is going to be a Boeing 737-800. That's a big one. That's a big, that's a big, that's a big one. And, that's, good that we've got an all-starth meeting level of cheer, not as stadium-ful.
Starting point is 00:07:55 No, probably about the amount of people we have on the plane. It sounds about like the guest list size. So, Hank, playing capacity, 176 passengers. That's a max. But we think that's not going to be, obviously, playing capacity, 176 passengers. That's a max pass. But we think that's not going to be... Obviously, we discussed last week that we wanted to kind of... Go half that at least. Let's not forget, corner that, maybe.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Plains are not set up for party flow. They're not events basis. No, no, exactly. They are seasoned, trained, used, and travel spaces. So, he says, this is all stuff that you would know if you've been on one and you know, if you haven't, get on one and have a quick look. Yeah. They are travel spaces.
Starting point is 00:08:33 So there's no circulation at me at the party. It would just be a different sitting. But maybe what do we say about 60? I think we're going to go with that 80, 40, and you can get a plus one. I love that. That's exactly half capacity. He said that's not including two pilots and four flight attendants. Do we need both pilots?
Starting point is 00:08:53 That was mine. Taxiing. It's like, so if you missed this, we've got Rex L-ons, we've always been on planes and we've thought when the emergency slide kind of demonstration happens you think you'd be nice to go down there. Wouldn't it be nice to do one without the harrowing emergency situation you have to do preceding it? Yes. Well that's a question for Mark.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Well I'll put that down in the question mark. Do we need to? I mean is it towed around the airport? It's a tow isn't it? You don't need two people for a tow. We might not need any, yeah. We might be able to do it. It's just taking the handbrake off isn't it? Yeah, it's just taking the handpiece. It's taking the diagram of where the handbrake is. Yeah. Really? Yeah. What do they do when you know when a plane's parked illegally? They don't
Starting point is 00:09:40 put pilots in it. They just tow it. He said, do we want it catered? Um, I don't think so. Look, we want it off the rings. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. Look, we want it off the rings. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:09:55 I don't think so. Look, we want it off the rings. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. Look, we want it off the rings. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:10:03 I don't think so. Look, we want it off the rings. I don't think so. I don't think so. Look, we want it off the rings. I'm just going to leave some use for this trolley that might don't bought me. Well, I suppose we want, I mean, we do want many bottles of wine and stuff and beers. Yes. I miss it. So I love the half cans. He's the... I know this isn't a...
Starting point is 00:10:16 I know it's not a current day thing, the half cans. Yeah, it used to be half cans, didn't it? They've been beers in half cans. They did do beers in half cans, didn't they? I remember they do soft drinks in half cans. Half cans. Um, he is a bit of a thesis. He's always going to be a bit of red tape.
Starting point is 00:10:30 There was always going to be a red tape. Are you dealing with that one? And stuff. We can't drink or, I can't really part, well, you can party, but you know, and say you can't really party until we're stand, at a standstill. So while taxing, you have to go through normal taxing procedure. We're fine with that. We'll pre-game while we're tax a standstill. So while taxing, you have to go through normal taxing procedure.
Starting point is 00:10:46 We're fine with that. We'll pre-game while we're taxing. So we will taxy, they'll find a spot and then we party. Do we give people, I think you could have two drinks for taxing? Is that a, we just give everyone two drinks as they come on and you can just Taxi, is that a? We just give everyone two drinks as they come on and you can just. I can bring your own drinks, can't you? Can you bring on your own drinks? No, well sometimes you get service before the plane takes off. So it's, we could get a drink or two before we start taxing.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Oh, you know, another, another point, Jack? Oh, another fantasy that I've talked about. Jack's talking about business because I've never been offered a drink in economy, so it must be very nice, Jack. Things are looking quite nice in the order of home. I think the right time to build your own home, didn't you, pre-boom? Interesting.
Starting point is 00:11:32 So, okay. Well, this is an interesting question. And again, he said, there are 12 business seats and the 160 odd economy seats. I think we just all go to economy. But do we have a must be nice section? Do we have a must be nice section?
Starting point is 00:11:49 I think we have to have a lost touch with the car man section. Okay, do people get randomly selected to go in there, or do you get, do you job people in, or do you put forth an application? So I think I'd like to be in the lost touch with the car man section because of X1Z. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Or do we give it to people who don't get the privilege to go, of that? It must be nice. I've lost touch with the common man. Never had a biz. Give it to the commonest of men and women. Okay. You've got to explain why you're the most common man or woman.
Starting point is 00:12:21 And we will then give you the opportunity to go and lose touch up the front. That's a good idea. So in this uniform, there will be a form to go. We're just going to explain. We're going to explain. List your commonality. Do us how in touch of the common man or woman you are. And then if we do, you'd be the most in touch, then surely you'll be able to survive losing
Starting point is 00:12:41 touch for an hour as you go up. When you're in the business section, you're allowed to go back into economy, but they do, they do have that sign on plans where it goes, no one is allowed past here into business. Now that that sign that goes, you're not allowed past this point, unless in the event of an emergency, which we will have, which I always have enjoyed because it does make you think that one time there was an emergency and no one went into business We're not allowed to go out the drive Ah, we should change the sign, we should let them know that there is one time they can't come in business
Starting point is 00:13:16 So great, okay, that's a good thing. We'll add that to the form then and then we'll pick those people Can I just say back to the drinks. One of my fantasies I've always had in the plane, you know when they go, okay guys, you know, we're bad to take off, but you're I'm allowed to drink you duty free on the plane. Like you've bought you duty free, you know, we know it's just sitting up there, you got like,
Starting point is 00:13:37 you know, four liters of Johnny Black. Yeah. But you play you on Bali, it's that they really put a lot of emphasis on this I've noticed the flights to barley They really tell you like again and again. Are we all clear? It looks like it's almost the tone that I see the coaches that I was kick you with my seven-year boy Okay, everybody jet star flight whatever you know hands-on heads listening is everyone listening? You cannot drink your duty free. Hands on heads, Jason.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And so I really have that home, but would it be, do we say you can bring two cans or something along with you? And you can pretend it's duty free. Let's ask that. For the first time ever, you can drink your duty free. B-Y-O, duty free. I mean, it's gonna have to obviously be pretend duty free,
Starting point is 00:14:21 but down the building. Maybe we could get the bag, so you have that feeling. That's a nice one. Open the bag. Yeah, great. Okay, really like that. Mel Bonere Porter in.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Eric Rhinodavis. That is good. Yeah, that's a cheer. I think the problem with that cheer, Santa Fe, is it starts with... It starts. You just right at the start, you hear someone sort of sarcastically go, ooh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Can you make it one more time, Jack? I like to, whoa, it's like, oh gosh, that's good. I thought it detected an low gusto woo. The date of this will be June 16th. All right. No, that doesn't need her, all right. I thought we were waiting for the same. It's an outdoor event, We're going to slide outside, but there is a wet wing where the contingency with a
Starting point is 00:15:13 giant hanger that, but I like the idea of just, using the emergency slide outside. I assume it's an all-weather slide. Well, yeah, I know, but I think if it's really woolly, that's a good question. If it's really bad outside like a squall, what a slide. Would we like to still do an outdoor slide, or would we be able to come up with a...
Starting point is 00:15:37 Let's ask if we can decide on the day during the party. Can we decide? Can we decide your custom slide venue? How will we do that as a group? Like the same way you do it in an emergency. Guys, I'm so sorry. We've come down. Now we've got a few options here. Who would like to slide on the dry side? Like where would you like us to bring the plane down? Yeah. It feels a lot like organizing a wedding where you go, us to bring the plane down? Yeah. No, I really want to think. It's kind of, this feels a lot like organizing a wedding where you go, do we get a marquee? Do we knock it? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I mean, it's going to be an extra eight grand for the marquee. Yeah. Do we gamble and go, it's going to be good weather? You know, generally that happened, that discussion goes on for two or three weeks and then you always decide to get a marquee. Yep. So do we just ask, it'd be great to ask, you know, can we decide on the day if there is a spare hanger? If we have to make the decision now, we probably do want a hanger for the first.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Well, they've got one for us. They're saying that they've got the backup. Well, great. Well, let's just have one there. And if we need it, we need it. We park in there. And if not, we'd love to do it outside. Um, well, yeah, okay. I still, there is some logasto cheering in that chair. I think that's what's bothering us. Let's forget the cheers throughout. Yeah, okay. I still have there is some low gusto cheering in that chair. I think that's what's bothering us. Let's forget the cheers throughout. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:50 All passengers are red tape, bit more RT. Yeah, yeah. All passengers need to be seated whilst taxing, deploying to the location. That's OK. Within the input, we're fine with that. All passengers will board through a boarding gate, which is fine. My final question is, there was another email. All passengers were bored through a boarding gate, which is fine. My final question is, there was another email.
Starting point is 00:17:08 So not the bus and the stairs. Not the bus and the stairs, I think we're using a finger. Wow. I mean, we've got fingers and biggies. Yeah, that should be Rex's. I think we're using it. I just was showing we'd be on the bus and the stairs. I could confirm that, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Yeah. Because if they're doing fingers and big stairs. I could confirm that, but yeah. Because if they're doing fingers and big ears. Yeah, that's a huge isn't it? And then, infinite entertainment. We are the entertainment. The party's the entertainment. So we don't need anything else. Switch it off.
Starting point is 00:17:37 There's another email that came in that said, you need DJ. Yeah, that's something that's more like it. Yeah. What's the mic input for when you get on the mic and you do the announcement? What is that a 3.5 mil jack is it a phono jack? Is it an AUX cord? Yeah, yeah, that's it. Because if if a DJ could come and plug into the in flight system, I'd like, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:01 obviously the captain would chat and then go now hand it over to, you know, who is this DJ Sally or whoever? He's from Brisbane. He said he'd happily make his own way. Yeah, okay. Hey guys, this is Brad, he's got the Orcs cord. He's going to DJ. You know, I've done the safety stuff. Can you plug in your own music? Great question. Would we then have the DJ in business? would we then have the DJ in business class or would we run a long orgs court? I think I want him in the galley. All right, okay, so he's in the, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Cause isn't that where the phone is? Yeah, but everything would have to be strapped. So he would have to sit down, wouldn't he? He'd have to sit down. So basically he stows these DJ gear and then when we up in the air and save, we're safe after texting. He gets it all out and he plugs it all in his opinion. I think I want music for the taxi though. That's what I'm trying to figure out here. So
Starting point is 00:18:56 let's get a long orcs cord. That will ask back. Okay. This is my ideal scenario. He runs a long aux cord and can have a slimmed down DJ setup. And he's able to hold on to while we're taxing. I don't think we give him a DJ bar seat. A carry DJ set. Yeah, I think something that he can hold on to, I pad size because you're allowed to hold those during taxi. Yep. Anything big, I think you do have to stow.
Starting point is 00:19:24 So he holds it, he's got a slim down DJ set, he's running a long aux cord from seat, you know, 44 B or whatever. Well, we'll gaff it to the floor with the, you know, you know, do not trip up like, don't rip this out. This is the aux cord. This is for the DJ. We run it up to the thing and they plug it in there. And then because you don't get a bit, I mean, yeah, you don't get to sit in the VIP as the DJ, that you can play to the VIP. That's very true. He's there to work. Final thing that came up that I covered off myself and I hope I didn't overstep here. But Mark said, look, for safety, should everybody come out and do a safety practice slide on our practice facilities?
Starting point is 00:20:08 Or will you agree to just all do it safely? And I said, we agree to all the people. Of course we do. We absolutely swear to it safely. Because if we all do the practice slide, we'd definitely do it. Yeah, exactly. So I think that'll mean there'll be a waiver. I know there's a bit more red tape, but everybody that's thinking of registering and we'll open it next week. There'll be a... It would be, yeah, we will heavily waive you.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yep. Okay. Let's not have another brainstorm like this without Mark being on our reckon because he could have answered all those questions for us, but we'll get it back. We're good. Hey, we tested a special skill this morning. It's Jeff who was the father of Ashley, Ashley had nominated him saying their dead skills was just incredible.
Starting point is 00:21:03 No matter where a family member is in the house, it can be separate rooms. He knows to pour the exact same amount of wine in every glass. And when they all come back together and they put the glasses on a table, it looks like a dead straight line across all the wines.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Jeff knows the volume of wine he is pouring. Is it in the weight of the wine in his hand? Is it a visual thing? We don't. We don't know. We can't. I mean, that's the beauty. Try asking, like, you know, hey, Bruce Lee, where do you, where do you, martial art skills come from? Part of it's my body, part of it's my soul. I can't really explain it to you. Well, that's interesting though. You do start a school. I can explain it to some, but not to the level of me. Ha ha ha ha. Real conversation, I have with Bruce Lee. We went across the road to the pub that just allows us
Starting point is 00:21:54 to do special skills. What's the problem? It's a unique kind of upstairs. The pub, not often used, a bit of a function center, a strange kind of meeting room. And then we had used as a third room kind of a storage room where Jack was. Yeah, we did, we obviously wanted to test Jeff in a situation where he couldn't see the levels of what.
Starting point is 00:22:13 And we wanted to sort of try and simulate what we had described to us, which was, you know, roaming around at a family function. Yeah. We pick up the action over the panel. Jeff, Mark, thanks for coming. I understand it was Ashley that dubbed you in Jeff for this one. Yes it was. But Mark's been given the chaperone duties.
Starting point is 00:22:33 What happened there, Mark? Oh, she's got a final placement for Yeni. Right, so I'm just a feeling. What have you got on this week? Well, I'm sure people work, but... You took on your leave day, sir. No, I got off. This is it. Jeff, how are you feeling? Do you practice with something on like this? Or do you got on this week? Well, I'm sure people work, but you took annual leave day, so. No, I'm not. This is it. Jeff, how are you feeling?
Starting point is 00:22:46 Do you practice with something on like this or do you just trust your instinct? Well, we drink a lot of home, so it's easy to just keep practicing. Yeah, just keep going. It's been a lifetime of preparation. It's been a lifetime of preparation. Hands wise. Because what we often notice on this show is
Starting point is 00:22:58 we're testing things that people do instinctively. But then when there's a lot of attention on it, you can't overthink it. Suddenly you're looking at pouring a wine going, what do I pour the wine? I go for the thumb, do I tip it over the fingers? Which group? I'm just giving you their heads up.
Starting point is 00:23:14 It can get into your head. But are you steady-handed? Can I have a look at the pulse? Oh, look, it's great. No, that's still... That's still... That is a steady hand. It's still a steady hand. Jeff probably wasn't thinking about it. That is a steady hit. That's it.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Jeff probably wasn't thinking about it until you just told him that the people get some rights. But they're warning you not to get in your own head. I've put you right in there. When people play pool game at the pub, normally there's a perfect amount of drinks, which brings out their best game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Is there a normal amount of wines where you think you're at your peak pouring ability or can you do it straight off the bat dead sober? No dead sober. Yeah, you can usually start the night that way. Mm-hmm It's I mean just a recap for people what we're looking for here And you'll notice we have set up here at the pub. We've got a glass in here a glass Through there and what looks sort of like a haunted store room And then Ambi is gonna be in the other, up here in the other function center with the glass set up in front of him.
Starting point is 00:24:06 As we discussed on the phone, what we'd love to see to test this ability to pour an equal amount in different rooms. What we'd love to see is you pour a baseline amount. Now, that's Jeff's choice. You can just pour whatever you like. But then, from that level, they're all the same glass in all three different rooms. From that level, you are then expected to replicate it perfectly in the haunted store. And then perfectly over to our left in the conference in that.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Of course, the three glasses, we will give you three millimeters of error. Yep, fair and smooth. That says fair. Downs fair. Is there something that you'd want us to do to relax? You do want us to impersonate your family, like to see you're in your home conditions. Yeah, they're substance.
Starting point is 00:24:47 They're supposed to put on a lamb sausage or something. So this male gets you in the mood. Oh, you're happy just to do it in a rainy conditions. Oh, just do it as it comes. Good, okay. Well, before I get into it, Mark, you've seen this happen in the flesh no doubt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:59 What's the mood like when you notice how similar the glasses are? There's a lot of excitement when it brings a glass together. Yeah, is there a lot of cheat cries of like he's done it again? A lot of people are skeptical until they bring the glass together. Yeah, and it's just... Bad luck. And it's just, it looks just like it's been drawn like a line across. Yeah, it doesn't look real.
Starting point is 00:25:17 And it doesn't look real. And that's the excitement we're after today with the glass though. And then, do you get, is it something you can get bored of, or are you, no, every time, it's, every time. Just as exciting, yeah. Just as exciting and I have. Like having your dad work for Cirque du Soleil. Like, you know, I'll watch the show again, Dad,
Starting point is 00:25:34 because I just love it. Well, I've only seen Cirque du Soleil once, and I've seen this plenty of time. I've got to. I've got to. Better than Cirque du Soleil. Don't speak yet, maybe for repeat to Cirque du Soleil. All right, we're ready to go.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Yep. Fantastic. Three meals of air out over three glasses for a one coin coin fantastic. Good luck. Jeff, one glass of rosé, thanks. Certainly sir. Thank you. I can't waiting to drink Thank you, Roger
Starting point is 00:26:16 I can see Jeff coming into home isch now. Hello Jeffrey. Yes, sir Yeah, I think I'll take a rosé. Thanks. A rosé? But the same amount as Jack, please. Certainly. He's in with Hamish near pouring. Seems very confident. Beautiful. Pleasure. Feeling good?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Hopefully. Good luck. Good luck. Okay, Jeff's coming towards me. Oh hi, Jeff. Hi, Ely. Oh, yeah, I'd love a glass. Hi, Jeff. Hi, Edy. I love a glass. What do you... Thank you.
Starting point is 00:26:49 The exact same as Hamish and Jack, please. Certainly. Okay, steady hand goes in... It's a singular pour cutoff. How you feeling? I think the first one might be a mill or so a day on, but anyway. That's all right. You've got three mills of air to work with over the three glasses. You seem confident you're strut up. Was that provato or you're trying to stay in the moment?
Starting point is 00:27:13 Try and just stay in the moment. Yep. Just focus. Okay. Fantastic. Let's all meet back in the main room for the review. Home. Have you filled the ones? Have you ever seen a view home? Have you ever seen the wind? Yeah! At the moment we are sitting back in the main area upstairs at the pub.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I've got my glass of rose in front of me. I am looking what I deem to be a quietly confident Jeff. Fairly confident. I think the one the first one might be down about a mill or so. Okay. So Jacks, you reckon so Jacks is a little under, what about me and Andy's glass? I think yours would be pretty close. So that would really, if that's correct, I mean, you got three mills of error, obviously,
Starting point is 00:27:52 three millimetres of error, you'd only be burning one of them, you'd be riding the driver's seat for coin. You never know. You do, there's only one way to find out. And I hope you are correct here, Jeff. Okay, I've got my wine, I will now produce the measuring apparatus the six inch handy shenanity slight beveled edge promotional ruler. Wow
Starting point is 00:28:13 with millimeter increment Okay, should we get Jackson here and get the sting out of the way because it could be better Jack bringing your rosé Did you see you again, Jack? Good luck. Okay, I'm going to measure them together. Oh my God. Oh! It is under as you proposed, but it is the tiniest of sniff under just getting the measuring spice
Starting point is 00:28:49 It is exactly one millimeter That is exactly one millimeter as prophesized by this which Has the path is satanic hour of volume knowledge Don't celebrate too early Bring in your rosace Don't celebrate too early, but I cannot believe what I said look at this first of all I mean that's the store's not amazing. Yeah but I cannot believe what I said look at this first of all I mean that's the story isn't that amazing yeah I believe what you say yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yeah one mill isn't it yeah okay This looks high that one's high this looks high Well it's all I say don't celebrate too early It could be the anchor we're looking at it Oh you bumped it let it you bumped it, let it settle, let it settle, let it settle. If you might need both your millimetres here, no, that's way more. Maybe two.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I don't know, get level with it though, and it's very difficult to measure with a flat ruler. I don't like it for him. That is eight from the top. No, no, no. Look at the meniscus, yeah. They just ate from the top. Look at the meniscus. Yes. That's fine from the top.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Look at the top of the meniscus. Get right down level. I'm going to get leveled up because of the angle. It's an angle rule. Look at the angle of your ruler. No, you're like Jeff. I know you're like Jeff. I know you're like to. What am I saying?
Starting point is 00:30:27 No. And I just thought at the start, that is one millimeter. And then this guy. This, yeah. But even when you look at them visually, they don't look the same. Am I being a tough critic here? I mean, is this your dad's best performance? It's not his best, no. But...
Starting point is 00:30:48 No. God, I mean, they're so close. Yeah. I will say this though, after you poured mine second, and then when I was peaking around the corner and you poured Andy's, I did into myself that good, but I thought... LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:31:04 I just think... As harsh as I've been on everybody else's rules across the years, I just think that people are going to leave and look at that visually and it doesn't represent a straight line. So what are we talking about? One mill out. Four mills out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:18 For a total of five mills. Yes. Jeff, commiserations. Commiserations, Jeff. Never mind. It's my least favourite part of the job. LAUGHTER Sorry commiserations. Commiserations, Jeff. Never mind. It's my least favourite part of the job. Sorry about Andy there.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Tough, pretty. Tough. The angle rule of helping you to get times from what's trying to do. I was trying to cheat. I was trying to cheat. You won't walk away with a coin today, but we'll give you a token of no value. And I tell you what we would like to offer you you to on behalf of the Hamish Ambi Show, one of the last remaining slight beveled edge,
Starting point is 00:31:49 six inch rawers in existence. Do you rule much? Do you rule all the time? There you go, that's a good one. That's a good one. It's quite a lovely finish. Right. Ando. Last weekend, my little boy's birthday, Tony's birthday, and in a tradition that started on our radio show, the cake tradition started five years ago.
Starting point is 00:32:18 And you got a story at your insta, go check it out everybody. It has lived on. It has lived on as a highlighted story. I mean, it also with the edible hinge, didn't it? When I pledged to make the truck Mac from the hip Disney movie cars from my friends at Disney, he's a semi-trailer and we wanted to make the back open up. and I pledged an edible hinge. Back in those days that was enough. But then somehow the cake promise became this thing that the cake does stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:53 And so this year, the cake requests came in pretty late but they do, they chop and change for a while leading up to birthday. And then last week it was said, I want a Pokemon, a Poke Ball from Pokemon. As we've discussed in previous years, you and I have mocked Pokemon. I still do. You still do. I now have no choice but to love it.
Starting point is 00:33:13 And to fully support the world of Pokemon as I learn more about it. But it's karma that my little boy should love Pokemon so much. After it really being the only entertainment franchise, I scoffed at, and now it is a central part of our lives. You're not so big into Harry Potter either. Haven't got there yet, but I know that's on the horizon.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Haven't read a single book, but I'll be happy to get sucked into that world if and when the time comes. The Pokemon is like a, it's not a grenade, it's like a reverse grenade really, that you chuck at a Pokemon and it like sucks them in. Catches them. And it hates like a reverse grenade really, that you chuck at a Pokemon and like sucks them in, it captures them. And it hates that? Does the Pokemon hate that? No, I think we cover this off with Mike.
Starting point is 00:33:53 It's an interesting area, but apparently they like to be captured. Well, they don't really, because in the Game Boy version, you've got to fight the Pokemon first, get their energy down so that they're weak enough to capture them in the ball, which makes you sound like they don't want to go in the ball. It's not a good look. But once you get in the ball, then they do pledge allegiance to you because they become your fighter. But it's really not a good look. Yeah, it's not a good look.
Starting point is 00:34:15 There is. I reckon there's some stickiness here. Yeah, yeah. There's some slight stickiness here in the world of Pokemon. But might not have got a second look in the 90s when it was invented. Yeah, been there. The next day is it does say, oh, it seems a bit like we're forcing these, they're the five groups.
Starting point is 00:34:30 They're the five groups. Yeah. But you ask any Pokemon fan and they'll say, no, no, no, they absolutely love it. This is what they want to do. And I think you have to form a special bond with Pokemon. Yeah. The version that Sonny subscribes to is you have to bond with them and then they are asked to be captured in the ball and then they enjoy fighting for you.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Like how horse trainers go out and capture a jockey. But only if they bond. And the same size for you. Anyway, so the brief is the ball. It opens, you know, it opens up, then there's Pikachu in there, one of the more famous Pokemon. Fantastic smoke coming out. That was also because I wanted to, he wanted it to smoke and he wanted it to go, pss, when it opened up.
Starting point is 00:35:16 And he did let him know, said, hey mate, on the day I'm just going to have a can of coke next to it. I'm just going to make that's the noise. Anyway, yeah, that's fine. I'll take that. Here's the thing though, I got, you's fine. I'll take that. Here's the thing though. I got, you know, there's the quality of moving parts, this of course, I got, I was able to get brick band
Starting point is 00:35:30 from Lego masters to make the skeleton, a very inedible hinge this year. The skeleton of the ball out of Lego. And you would have someone else debate the cake. Well, that's, I mean, the cakes. I found, I managed to find the cakes in the kitchen. Yep. So, already done. I actually, I managed to find the cakes in the kitchen. Yep. So, already done.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I actually don't know where they came from. It's possible I made them, and I've... I love to go. You need an obstacle. I have forgotten in the flurry of excitement that was the night. Could be. There certainly was a lot of mess in the morning,
Starting point is 00:36:00 and the cakes were complete. You could make the argument that I made them. I have an unclear recollection of the night, but as we've been over before, that's fine. A builder does not make his own bricks. It doesn't really matter. Here's the thing though, I could tell Mike who works on the show here, who's known as Professor Mike to Sonny and our family because Mike knows so much about Pokemon. Can we get Mike in? Yeah, get Mike in. Love to get Mike in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Mike's just coming in now, Professor Mike, how are you? Good day guys. Thanks for having me back. Mike is known as Professor Mike in our house, Andy, because I don't know if we've talked about this on the show before enough, but Sonny has a book of all the Pokemon, it's like an encyclopedia. Yeah, I think you mentioned it. And we made to this, and then Mike found a mistake in it.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Yeah. Which, I don't think I heard that. You can hear that, right? So we call up Professor Mike when we have questions about, oh, what is this Pokemon involved in? And I'm like, well, Professor Mike, you know. And I didn't invent the name Professor Mike. So he just adopted that because in the Pokemon world,
Starting point is 00:37:04 there are some professors who's like, Professor Oak is the main one. He's the main Pokemon professor. What do you do? What do they do? He studies Pokemon. Okay. Yep.
Starting point is 00:37:18 It's already obvious. Well, not really. To be a professor of other things. Yeah, that's true. Well, to sunny Professor Mike's, the main professor. What was the thing that you found Mike that you were like adamant is a fault? Cause I, it's then I said like a picture of this thing
Starting point is 00:37:31 in the book going, oh, what's this mean? And then like, like that is a false, that is incorrect. One of the, the each Pokemon has a type, like fire, electric water. One Pokemon had a type that wasn't a type in like it was like and I said no that's wrong sunny. So like a genius like you know in a scientific kind of you're going to be different. Yeah yeah and the type was wrong. Right yeah it was like finding a footy card like for the AFL and it was like know, our buddy Franklin plays for the peanuts. That's not a 10.
Starting point is 00:38:07 That's not a 10. Exactly. You know, they wanted him, and he signed with the swans. So, yes. So it was, you know, I was like, he sure marked marks, you know, he's online, he's showing me stuff going on, absolute books rug. So it's a sunny, it's like, this guy, the books, the, you know, I was like a show mark, Mark's, you know, he's online, he's showing me stuff going on, absolute books rug. So it's a sunny, it's like this guy, the books, the, you know, he knows more than the book. Now, Mark, you seem very excited when you realize it was going to be a Pokemon themed cake.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Yeah, that was so excited. I think what happened because it's sort of like it was mistaken by the Pokemon community is me doing some sort of like fan art, I guess. And when you, when of like fan art, I guess. And when you do fan art, I guess you're like, it's a red rag to the Efficient Ardos out there, of who I regard you as the king of them, Mike, to start putting out faults to me. Yes. So was there a fault?
Starting point is 00:39:02 There was one that it looked, it's a little bit on the fence and I'll just quickly explain it. Essentially. I'm looking at you. I'm looking at you. I'm looking at you. I'm looking at you. A lot of times I'm actually, a lot of people actually
Starting point is 00:39:15 DMed me on Insta about this. One of whom is a football player called Lynn Jong. I just want to paint it out. For bringing this to my attention. Western Bulldogs player. Yes. We're ravaged by you. Basically, the main issue that us, Pokemon, having with the cake is that the main Pikachu in the TV show, which is Ash's Pikachu, Jack's nodding, he knows, does not,
Starting point is 00:39:42 and in fact, refuses to go into a Pokeball. So you, it's very rare for a Pikachu to be coming out of a Pokeball in the Pokemon show. However. Okay. Oh, this is what I'm after because I'm on the bad joke. I'm stuck in a cake bar. Yeah. So because, and where I thought I'd be getting accolades from the Pokemon community, going, wow, you've bought one of our favorite things
Starting point is 00:40:06 to life in cake form. And in fact, people were being enraged again, as if I'd made a cake of Buddy Franklin in a peanuts, it burns me. And they're going to go, what's the thing? What's the thing? It's like, what this doesn't happen in the game.
Starting point is 00:40:23 So... So... It's like, well, this doesn't happen in the game. So more generally speaking, Pikachu, the species would be fine with going in a Pokeball. It is specifically Ash's Pikachu that doesn't like to. So I guess the question is, so the heaps of Pikachu's. Yeah, it's a species. So what's Ash's Pikachu's yeah, it's a species. So what's ashes one's name? Pikachu there are other there are other Pikachu's in the
Starting point is 00:40:50 It's like going to the dog It's like going to the dog park and all the dogs are called dog Well, no, well there was actually all the Labrador's are called Labrador. So home could say in his defense Yes, he could say, no, no, no, I'm not talking about Ash's peaches too. She's peek-a-too. I'm talking about the spicy peek-a-too. Yeah, my retort to that, Hayem.
Starting point is 00:41:14 My retort to that. And it would be that violent. My retort to that, and I believe Sunny would back me up, is that I am almost certain the peek-a-too that Sunny specifically likes is Asha's Pikachu. Because I assume he's watching a lot of the show. He is, he is. There was also one other detail that I omitted that I am glad no one really picked up on.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I don't know if you saw the Finnish cake or not Mike. But there was, there's two glaring things. There's one thing that some people picked up on that they were unhappy about, that there's an engineering reason for it. I didn't include Pikachu's tail. He's famous lightning bolt tail. It's like a, which I made out of wafer, I glued a whole bunch of bits of wafer together. When I went to put it on at 3.30 in the morning and I was a little bit drunk. It snapped and I went up. It's a nice cake stop.
Starting point is 00:42:07 The cake's done. So the tail snapped when I went to put it on and it never got included in that. I actually glad it didn't go in because it would have hindered the opening of the ball. That you shouldn't have been. What are you doing in there? And also the, you know, the ball opens up and it's like half red, half white. Yeah, look at the ball. Also, it has a white disc at the front.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yes. That's actually attached to the red bit when the, when the, when the locomotive is open up. And I, my, I was attached to the bottom because it wouldn't attach to the red bit just due to the physics of the lid opening. Did that bother you, Mike? I, I didn't, to be honest, I didn't see the final cake. I stopped watching after a while, but it was good. I mean, did that bother you, Mike? I didn't, to be honest, I didn't see the final cake. I stopped watching after a while, but it was good. I would bother you. Would it bother
Starting point is 00:42:50 you if you saw the white disc at the bottom, not moving up with the top? Well, now that I think about it, yeah, because it doesn't work like that, but there are lots of different types of Pokeballs. You've got great balls, ultra balls. Let me just say this. So you and some of your mates, it bothered them. Yeah. Well, I've been a little bit about it. Yeah. I don't know if, hang on, is a little massive Pokemon fan?
Starting point is 00:43:16 I don't know, he always just messages me about all the Pokemon stuff related to your show. They were, I don't know. Second biggest entertainment franchise in the world, Behind Star Wars. Right. It bothers me how long we Second biggest entertainment franchise in the world, behind Star Wars. Right. It bothers me how long we've talked about it. So it's actually the first.
Starting point is 00:43:30 OK. OK. OK. Thanks, guys. That was a bit of fun. MUSIC Hey, guys. Welcome to the end of the episode.
Starting point is 00:43:42 My care from the show just just popping in to remind you that Hey Mission Andes' Remembring project is back for season two, they're out every single Monday. Here is a quick tease at this week's episode where Hey Mission Andes look back on one of their craziest stunts and one that I remembered really well. 2007, we were doing conjoined twins.
Starting point is 00:44:01 We struck ourselves together for whatever was like a week. Yeah, I think like a Monday to Monday. I didn't, I forgot this. My girlfriend at the time, Anna, it went over her birthday. Like, not even. Yeah, remember this. I'd tell you if you got that. You can go out to dinner for her family birthday party.
Starting point is 00:44:18 For her family birthday party. Yeah. And you were at the party. And Amish put a blanket over your head. There you go guys, new episodes of the Remembring project every Monday and all of season one is still there if you want to check that out as well. We'll catch return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com.

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