Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 132

Episode Date: May 19, 2021

1. Digital business idea 2. Grab your boarding pass 3. Customer service test 4. Upset Andy 5. Staring contest ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. A maximum gusto, I'll hoi to you, Ham. 100% gusto from me, and I'll straight back at you. A medium gusto, I'll hoi to you, Jack. I'll drop the meat while I drop to a medium.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Where's where you are normally? I just thought meat you're in your level. And he did, and he returned to about 50%. Actually, Jack, where's your maximum gusto? Come on, give the list as a treat. Let's hear Jack, turn it right up to 10. Oh, how are you guys? Oh, he's a tentative.
Starting point is 00:00:50 What's the name? He's never taken it up that high before, he didn't know if it'd pop. Oh, how are you, him also coming in from Darwin? Yeah, Kyle. Tell us what you're up to. What's he doing? Hey guys, Kyle here from Darwin.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Today, I'm going to Hoistamaine, Unfelagib, and release a cunning ham. I'm sure Hamish understands as a fellow boat owner what I'm a raving on about. Sailing man. Anyway, I came to announce that my beer's hobby, better not say business for tax reasons, is now accepting at the HNA loyalty card.
Starting point is 00:01:24 My hobby involves designing boat logos from a photograph of said boat. HNA card holders can reap the benefits of boatlogo.co, fair winds and calm sea, Jamie. Thank you so much. What's it coming here? Cunningham is a type of a rudder. You're making this up. Did you understand the other bits? Fill the gibb, yeah that's the front sail. Unfill the gibb, so you fill it when you tuck it away. And you pop it, you slide it down, you're cuttingham,
Starting point is 00:01:55 which is a hidden pocket. A hidden pocket you'll wear on sailing shorts to steal the gibb or return the gibb. It's a bit of a tradition when you're going on a new boat. It's still a jib. Like smashing champagne on a brand new boat, you'll often steal the jib. The first new try and steal the jib.
Starting point is 00:02:13 The first time you're on a new boat as a guest and another captain will often yell, so she's coming in and you, the sporting thing to do is allow the crew to find the jib, you know, a bit of a laugh. It thought he was a little bit of a laugh. It's full of silly traditions like that sailing, but it's a good fun sport for all the family. Good stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:32 How many times have you actually gone out and sailed by the way you in charge of boat? No, never, never, never. You got your boat level. You got my boat license. And I came to learn how to sail. It's certainly on the list of things. But I went out with Jez, with Jez over summer.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And he shocked all on board with his able hands and skills in sailing skills. I tried to slip it into my cutting hand. He knew what to do. And he said, search the man and they found the cutting hand and found the cutting hand. Which is the same color as my sailing shorts had a laugh that sailing you know most if you read the book about the Australian America's Cup win there's two chapters dedicated to Nick and the two cutting out but yeah because it's one of those things where you
Starting point is 00:03:22 saw aware of how sailing centric it is. Yeah, you don't really talk about it much outside sailing circles. But it's the pre-short. That is a chance to share my thoughts. I'm going to forget is a joke. And then in a few years time, I'll be my dad tommy growing up. I'll be the part to tell me he was just making things up. Okay. Wait, is anyone tried to steal you,
Starting point is 00:03:45 you might have searched that man's cutting him. What? You're this man off the boat? All right, we'll be sure. You said you wanted to take control of the show at the top. Well, I've got something even more exciting than sailing facts. Well, something that's possible.
Starting point is 00:03:59 It's been happening for a while in the digital world that I'm surprised we haven't got onto. There's a couple of areas right. Let's rewind over summer and we mentioned this briefing on another episode, but over some of those, the game stop saga in the US, which was the, you know, the, the share price, you know, the share price of game stop, which is like the retail store you buy video games. You know, it was in the toilet, everything was did was close last year from COVID, blah, blah, blah. They had a bunch of people on Reddit, went, hey, everyone, let's just buy it as a laugh, and send it to the moon. Like, and the, you know, the share price went up like 30,000 percent or whatever,
Starting point is 00:04:33 with no reason to other than just the mass of people buying. And they also knew that they're, you know, there's a little bit more of a technical thing to it than that. They knew that people had hoped it would go down, so as the price went up, they would have to exit and that makes the price go up further. Anyway, a bunch of people were able to send a share price to the moon that had no right to go to the moon. Yeah. Why haven't we tried to send something to the moon?
Starting point is 00:04:57 Oh, yeah. I mean, it feel like with the podcast of your audience we've got here, I'm aware that, you know, it's slippery territory. Yeah, I'm aware of it. I'm it's, it's slippery territory. Yeah. I'm not sure. Because I have thought about it as well. I, I, I, I think it's illegal.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I think it's sublegal. Which is sort of just by the surface of legal. You shouldn't do it. Yeah. You know, it's still floating in the seas of legality. Yeah. I'm unsure. I'm just, this is a group, a great storm.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I'm sure. So you're, this is a group of great storm. I'm sure. So you're saying, so you're saying, so we can do that. So we can do that. Pick a company. Yeah. All our listeners go.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Yeah. Violin. Yep. And then what's the exit strategy? That was where the game something became a bit sloppy. Everyone thought it was going to keep going and then, you know, some people pulled out, which is the way to go, you know, some people piled out, some people hung in there. Could it seems to me a little bit like a pyramid scheme?
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yeah. For someone who will get left holding the bag. Yes. I think the excitement for those guys was that was going to be big faceless hedge funds that were left holding the bag. No, it would be nice. So, okay, I'm not saying we definitely send, you know, pick an Australian version and send it to them.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I'm just floating some ideas here. Jack, I know you've taken an absolute bath on Bitcoin. You've got to be smarting a little bit. Yeah. I mean, there's a... Well, my initial thought is, because I think it's illegal to do with companies on the exchange, right? Because you can't manipulate something and then they can prove that you did.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Like they could come back and listen to this episode and say, hey, you guys manipulated that and then you cashed out of it. Yeah. Is it a little, I don't know, but I was thinking, I was thinking, I feel like crypto is a more sublegal if we did it in the crypto area. All right, well, here's my next thing actually. I've got two more things on the list to this is for my, this is just why I wanted to discuss digital financial ideas with the team. Then there's NFTs, non-fungible tokens, you heard about these things, this is where people are a non-fungible tokens where you can essentially create a digital asset that you own, even like a work of our artists are doing, it's like half a million dollars, right?
Starting point is 00:07:02 So you can just like the Mona Lisa, we can all see it, right? For free. You just look at a picture of it right now online. So you can, you can see the image, but it's not the same as owning the image. Yes. If you own the Mona Lisa, you know, I don't know what they're selling it for in the gift shop at the Louvre, but I think it's something like half a million euros. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a bit bad. It's a bit bad. It's a bit bad. But you know what I mean, if you own a classic work about, that's worth a million dollars. Even though everyone knows what it looks like and they can enjoy the looking at it. It's the way you can actually own a classic work of art, that's worth a million dollars. Even though everyone knows what it looks like and they can enjoy the looking at it, it's the way you can actually own a piece of art.
Starting point is 00:07:29 So if you're living on wild with NFTs, just making non-functual tokens about everything, right? I looked into it, we could make parts of our show, an NFT. We could either create a moment that's an NFT and just sell it and then someone would own that moment forever and we wouldn't own that. Right. I mean, we could go down the path of going, we make each episode an NFT and then there's a marketplace and people are like, oh, I love episode 80, I'm going to own it.
Starting point is 00:07:57 But then we wouldn't. We wouldn't. Like, for example, I know the NBA is selling off moments, so you can bribe like a great dunk from LeBron And you don't own the copyright of the footage they can still use the footage, but you technically own that dunk You just own you just know you own it Like that's just crazy so, to my worry was the name, like, when they're showing a replay of the NBA,
Starting point is 00:08:30 it goes all the way up and this is little black, with little black hole, the tie-up comes out going, LeBron James with slam dunk, the basketball. It would later, it would later be taken by the referee, given to the opposite team. And then we use that footage.
Starting point is 00:08:46 We pick up the action now. Yeah. So that doesn't happen. The one way we could get around the worry of selling a whole episode of NFT is like we create a specific moment on the show that someone could own as an NFT and that would never be, we'd never be able to use again. Yeah. But it'd be their moment.
Starting point is 00:09:03 That's a possibility. We could do that. Yeah. If I was going off having, I know recently closed down, did paid the section of the only for your only fans, and I was going off the requests there. I certainly could tell you the requests that people would most like to have as a moment they own.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Well, it might be a small suck of a smoky stick. Oh, my God. Well, we just have that. We have a live. Yeah, they might like to own that live. That could be a valuable NFT as a new experience. But again, you might not want to go down that path. I don't want to encourage that.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I absolutely love the trajectory. You're on Mr. Clean Lungs. But that's an idea. Here's the one, whereas I was digging a bit deeper, I was like, okay, we could do this. Now, I know we've got H&A coin, which is an analog coin, and it's very successful. And I think we made the right move at the time in the market when everyone's going digital currency to mint our own analog coin, because they're going out of fashion. digital currency to mint our own analogue coin because they're going out of fashion. There is a way that we could create our own new digital coin, but it would be around like, you know, it would have to be around something that's only gaining in value. Would we mint Pino coin that you can use at Zio Pino? The home of pizza lotto.
Starting point is 00:10:22 And you could only use the coin at the pizza show. Well, that's where it's minted and then it would be traded off that we'd have a, you know, like a limited supply of life Bitcoin. And we mint. I don't think we need more coins. What token. I think about it though. We've got a coin.
Starting point is 00:10:41 We've got, we're going to make coin. We're going to make coin. We've got a token. No cap value. You've also got a log. They're missing an hour. We're going to create a coin. We've got a token. No cap value. You've also been there. They're analog. They're all analog. We're missing out. We don't have any crypto. And the world is moving on. Now, if you don't want to send something to the moon, I get that. If you don't want to make an NFT of you just, of just ripping down from tip to field of a winny red, I get it. But surely we could mint Pino coin as a digital currency that would be a fun thing
Starting point is 00:11:07 for people to buy, hold for their kids and just see the value boom. Jack, where do you land on the Pino coin? I do feel like we have a lot of coins already. We don't even talk about the IAU $1 coins. Yeah. Which was the last one that you got made. Costas of fortune.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Yeah, but that's the problem. They're not going up in value, but I think if we minted Pino coin, it would absolutely start then. No, I only like it because again, we can get in from day one and we stand to make the most money. See, that's the reason Jack wants it. I don't know. Jack has weasel natives. Yeah. And we still have do the Weasel off with whatever that guy's name is. Yeah, we forgot about the Weasel off. What's his name? Like Francis.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Like Francis Michael Brickley. Yeah, forget about crypto. Jack, when are we doing the Weasel off? It's not for me to organize. Okay, we're all going to organize it. Here's the other thing. The technology is there for us to launch peanut coin. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Jazz is across it. It's involved. Okay. Jez is across it. Let's put it. It's involved. Let's put a pin in it. Okay. But the hurdle I think we have is explaining it to Peno. Yeah. That's really tough.
Starting point is 00:12:15 That's probably the toughest. I also feel like, so I understand that our love for Peno won't be forever. But I think we're in a very high-excited Sure. We're at a more a Grande Amore at the moment with Piano. And you wonder. Interesting. Not dead though. Not dead. Hey, we're not far away from this.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Emergency. Smile. Yeah, please, I'm going to open it now. Dreams come true. Dreams do come true. This is happening. What started is just a wish of just one of those wouldn't it be great to do this? Suddenly, we are staring down the barrel
Starting point is 00:13:09 of everyone evacuating down in a minute and see a slide off a big plane. A big plane. A seven-three-seven. A Boeing seven-three-seven. When a seabing gets an opening, it's like a commitment ring from the show, isn't it? We're doing this.
Starting point is 00:13:22 We officially swear. You won't be a Peter out. Yeah. You will not be one of our world famous Peter outs. We're dating for six weeks. We like this official. We'd like to Peter in with you. Having said that, I bet an alert listener could tell us
Starting point is 00:13:39 a time we had an open up and still Peter. Yeah. But I've lived this show a bit of commitment. At least it shows an definite intent to not let his peed around. And we're all, I was gonna say, we're all engines going this. We're not, we're one engine idling
Starting point is 00:13:54 and we're getting a toe. Toe. So it's not like we're not a full throttle on this idea. We're a full throttle on the idea, but the plane will not be a full throttle. We will have 80 people on board, a Boeing 737 will be taxing to an appropriate spot somewhere at Melbourne Airport. Rex airlines are heroes here. They're now
Starting point is 00:14:11 doing biggies in the sky. Jam in the air for the biggies. Some smallies still available, two plug the holes that couldn't be soaked up by the biggies. Smallies weres were necessary. Smalls were necessary. Well, I suppose we're necessary. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it.
Starting point is 00:14:35 We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it.
Starting point is 00:14:43 We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. We'll play it as we see it. they're still summing up what it is. I mean, not crazy. Has anyone used plain and simple? Plain and? Just for like a low-cost airline? That's not. Rex, plain and simple. Now doing big ease. Now doing big ease as well.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Jam and the sky full of bees. Plus fingers. We use fingers at the airport. It's always wear-needed. Plain and plain and as you see it. Plain and as we see it. Plain and as we see it. Playing it as we see it. Thanks for reading.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Looking forward to having you on board with us soon. Mark is going to do our next week. He's in charge of all the flights and we'll ask him whether they've considered taking on any of the the plain and civil, but any of the other slow-moving stuff. We haven't, a few people have seen creating memes, doing mock-up designs of the Rex planes, like putting a now-do-and-biggie slogan on the side. Looks good.
Starting point is 00:15:35 That's very good. It scans your attention. Really does. We'll pop our work soon. In fact, we'll pop one of those up at our pipes. You look at the Rex, you look at the at the rec fan and it's still is wild to see the rec logo on one of the big E's on the big jet. And it's nice to see slogan going,
Starting point is 00:15:53 that's what I was thinking. You like to, I think a good slogan makes the consumer go. I was just thinking that. Funnily enough, him and another, I won't name what company, but another airline reached out, bit too late, saying, oh, we heard about the idea. We do biggies too.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I said, we've always done biggies. We know you have quarters. No, I'm not saying it was them, but that would be a poor campaign if they went, well, we've always done biggies done because it looks defensive. I said to them, sorry, thank you, but sorry you've missed the boat here on this one or the plane on this one. What's going on? We've gone with Rex, who great, and he said, really, they have a plane big enough and I've got to say he didn't know that they'll do it. Not even the other airlines have noticed.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Exactly. So they didn't at that point, they didn't know. And I got to say, no. Talk about bastards. I bet they did. They're just refusing to acknowledge. They're refusing to acknowledge that Rex are doing diggies now as a power move. They know for well they're doing biggies.
Starting point is 00:17:02 That's just a lot. I got to say, now they're doing biggies and it disrolled off the tongue. It was quite good. But it is a really good power move now because if someone steps up a level, you know, like it's sort of like, I don't know, you get your first game in AFL and you're made to go, what are you going to get a game made? I've played against you. I've played against you.
Starting point is 00:17:20 You've played against me. You've played against me. You've played against me. You've played against me. You've played against me. You've played against me. You've played against me. You've played against me. You've played against me. Keep playing, all right. Do you make it, do you get a game? Yes, three games now. All right, yeah. Do you know? Looking for that first goal. I've already got it.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I keep drawing, Dopeoon. LAUGHTER LAUGHTER Dopeoon. LAUGHTER Dopeoon. Rain. Rex, we love him.
Starting point is 00:17:35 And we'll talk to Mark next week about ironing out where they've got an orgs cord where we can plug the DJ straight into it. People, though, on the main part have been going, how can we get, and be a part, we want to use the emergency slide. He's here us. I'll tell you why you want going, how can we get and be a part? We want to use the emergency slide. He's here us. I don't know why you want to,
Starting point is 00:17:48 I know we're about to announce this, how we're going to do it. But I'll tell you another thing that occurred to me during the week of why you want to come to this party. So it's just the fun of the day, which will be fun. And it's not just the fun of the moment, which of course will be really fun when we go down the slide,
Starting point is 00:18:02 once the wave is signed. Well, I'm sure later, but there are some risks of quite bad injuries. But you're a real fine ankle stuff. Nothing life or industry to ankle stuff. Disackel stuff. And that won't be how it's worded in the wafers. I think it'll be quite specific in the wafers.
Starting point is 00:18:22 But you know, this is us also, and it's an extra layer of legal protection. This is us clearly broadcasting saying we did warn you of some ankles. We're a brace if you're super scared. Well, I didn't imagine you did it. That's what engine you just landed on. I might be moon-bearing. I don't know if I haven't actually haven't decided. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:48 But as well as the fun of doing all that, you know, getting, you know, going down the slide, running away with, you know, going on, you know, the rush of going, my ankles are intact. Like, I'm glad I wore a double moon. I'm glad I wore a double moon. Double moon booting.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And you'll get that feeling as well. But you know what the real benefit of doing of coming to the party is, from now on, whenever you're on a plane, for the rest of your life, and they go, okay, and they have an emergency, we deploy the slides, you can turn to the person next to you and go, you know, I've been on one of those. Which I never, I don't know anyone that's ever been on one.
Starting point is 00:19:24 And you will be a celebrity on every flight. You know, actually, I take it back. Don't turn the person next to you, sit up and turn around and say to the plane, you know, I've been on one of those. I never ever want to know about it. And that wasn't scary. And you go, yeah, break my eyebrows. Break my eyebrows. That's what I was wheelchaired to the planners. I was a few years ago and I was quite a few bit of bone damage. No, no, no, no, very safe, very safe. Very safe.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Just flagging. Just flagging. Any time. Hey, this is the end of the get it in your ankle. I'm going to put it in your ankle. I'm going to put it in your ankle. I'm going to put it in your ankle. I'm going to put it in your ankle.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I'm going to put it in your ankle. I'm going to put it in your ankle. I'm going to put it in your ankle. I'm going to put it in your ankle. I'm going to put it in your ankle. I'm going to put it in your ankle. I'm going to put it was another ankle warning. I was like, come on, we've over-eaked the ankle stuff. No one's gonna register. But all good on the ankle front. Well, I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm want to come. I come. This is one of you register. Just to be aware. Just to get there.
Starting point is 00:20:49 But it will be a short and a flight worth it. You'll be able to do. You'll be able to prop yourself up on the flight back up to where you've come from and say, hey, I've actually been on one of those flights earlier today. Yeah, exactly. But you have to get, so if you're registering, make sure you can get yourself to Melbourne. Yeah, June 16.
Starting point is 00:21:07 June 16. The reddened. Plus an accommodation. Absolutely not included. Not included at all. Immunicely slide. Access included. Party included. Here's how we're going to do it.
Starting point is 00:21:19 You'll go to hamishnoney.com. You can go there now. There's, there doesn't need to be a stampede because what we're going to do is there's 40 people per plane with a plus one. So register yourself at plus one. You can say, I don't want a plus one, that's fine, but we just thought, what a great experience to share with a friend. You'll find someone, you'll find someone.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Take someone to a party. There's 40 people per plane then plus there, but with a plus one, so 80 people per plane. Once those 40 people per plane, then plus there, with a plus one, so 80 people per plane. Once those 40 people have registered, that'll create a ticket for you for flight H&A 001. The next 40, HA 002, then HA 003, and so on and so forth, depending on how many people come in. You can only register once, but however many people register, let's say we get, I don't know, 400 people registering,
Starting point is 00:22:08 that's 10 flights. 10 flights. Only one of those flights will be chosen as the winning flight. Yes. On the next week's episode, we, it's up now, let's leave it up for, it's gonna be up for five days, okay?
Starting point is 00:22:23 So register, you gotta get there in the next five days because we'll pick the flight next week. So everyone can make their plan if they've got to get an album. So we will then have people up at my right in Sanisana. We get someone up from every single flight. Yep, a representative from every single flight. Then we can start then. Then. Cancel flights. We're just going to cancel cancel cancel. It's been Rex doesn't do. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, cancel, cancel, cancel, cancel. It's been Rex doesn't do. No, no, no. We can't stress this enough.
Starting point is 00:22:46 That's Hamish and Andy here, ways, canceling. Yes. Not Rex. Very well. They try their hardest not to cancel. They're very reliable. Yeah. Another potential slogan.
Starting point is 00:22:55 We try our absolute hardest not to cancel. And then, then we cancel, cancel, cancel. I mean, this is, you know, this is 2020. Yeah, if there's heaps and heaps of planes, we won't bother canceling so many, but we'll cancel cancel. I mean this is we won't you know if this is 2020 Yeah, if there's heaps and heaps of planes We won't bother canceling so many but we'll cancel a bunch and then we'll say one flight number is boarding soon You'll have your ticket your ticket will be emailed to you can look at that ticket and like a lottery I don't think it is though for terms and conditions you can go It's a game of happen sense. It's a game of happen sense. You can go. Yes
Starting point is 00:23:21 My flight is going and then you'll be on the emergency slide party head to Hamish nanny.com now Very simple and if you've got a plus one in mind let them know They can register and make take you as a plus one which will double your chances. Do you have a an anger friend with sturdy ankles? Yes, exactly. I think No, no age them. Oh Because you're thinking of frail uncles? Yeah, frail uncles. I was just thinking of someone had a frail uncle. No, angles.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Oh! LAUGHTER Do you think we'd be doing around uncles this whole time? Snapping uncles? I broke both my uncles. On my, my mum and mum side, what I'm dancing. Landed on both of them. I don't know what they were doing there, but they did warn us there could be a pile of
Starting point is 00:24:13 uncles at the bottom of the slide. Angles. I knew it was ankles, I thought we'd changed. Right. We thought we'd changed right at the end of frail, uncles of ours. And our safe grandmaster grandmaster. Yeah. No, just strong bones is what we want.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Leg bones specifically. Look, any age, because it'll be a waiver. Darn it. It's completely got a frail uncle. Bring him. Sit him down. Sit him down and listen for this now.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Ando, I had written it down. Don't freak out here and hit me. But I had to work out. Okay, I was just preface it by saying that. I had reason the other day to go to Roof Rack World. Oh, I said don't freak out. Now regular audiences of the show would know that you, your brother-in-law, owns and you used to work at, and still maintain a deep interest in through career systems. Through Fract Story in Melbourne.
Starting point is 00:25:16 And I went to Roof Fract World in Sydney. Look, and that's fine. Because I didn't, it was not convenient for me to travel the 2000 kilometer round trip to visit my preferred store Of roof carrier systems, but I would say this and that's fair Anything under 2000 it's worth a trip Anything else a Victoria yeah sure, but if you're within the we know under them under the the Murray within the, you know, under the, under the, the Murray, head on down, head on down, the suburban Melbourne.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Now it, it was a fine experience, fine, as in completely possible, we know, we know and love roof carry systems on this show, a for what they do for the, the over luggage community. But be also for their professionalism in the wake of the scandal that Jack's radio show provided it they were forced to give up a top-quality roof rack for free and with the character to a person who already had a roof rack. With the character of a mention, a bananaey-a-mension, from the question of Connell show, that was later sold like junk debt, like a junk bond. The sold, the ony-a-mension was sold on the secondary market
Starting point is 00:26:34 to later in the day on the radio station and that huggo. Just like, huggy, huggy, threw it out there, and your brother was meant to be happy with that. Yeah. Yeah. Still, I asked Paul recently, still no direct sales links to Huggy's mention. And you have to feel, Jack, that if that mention did spur anyone into action, the window is closing
Starting point is 00:27:02 of when they would have transformed the queue to the queue to action into actual purchase of roof rack. I feel that window is closing. But is Paul asking every customer what did you hear about us? Often I have hear of it. So I can please to announce that the English and any podcast has been driving. It's the real driving sales. The three. Have we had three?
Starting point is 00:27:32 Three, yeah. Wow. Yeah, it's a good one. It's reconverts. Yeah. So hard leads, converted. Yep. Now, so what I was actually on the phone, this popped into my head, Jackie, because I was
Starting point is 00:27:44 on the phone to Andy talking about the bike carrier that I needed to get for my car. And it just reminded me, you know, we've, this is 20 years ago that you worked at Roof Carrier Systems Andy, but popped into my head, you know, we've all come from a customer service background. From now, from now, we're now, you know, that we've been working radio and you've got a hobby here on the podcast, but before we did that, we did have experience in customer service. You were so essential. I was at so selling electronics. Jack, you were at Hoitz. You were selling the first of a plasma television, it's ever coming out for about $100,000. No, 14 retail, but we could do it for $128.
Starting point is 00:28:26 14. 14 grand. That crazy for a TV. People still got those hanging on the hoping for the. And they would have an LV for 150 bucks. I'd 12, the 48, sorry, 42, 42 inch. 42 inch. Not good.
Starting point is 00:28:41 As with TV. 14. 14. 14. Why are you heavy? This was $10,000 and TV. Yeah. Have a great, heavy, bloody heavy. This was 2004. Yeah. This is a customer service.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Yep. This is the background. And I reminded me, and I was speaking to you on the phone, even though we're friends, I probably got to be getting a very friendly tone, that you know, you, you, you, pride it yourself on customer service. Jack, I know you did too at hoids. Yes. I wanted to do a little test. In fact, almost like a clean self. You're very, you were to hands on me rewarded.
Starting point is 00:29:11 There's pre popcorn perth at a hoi. You didn't see just a tip from the company. You were able to get a little Christmas bonus. Little early. The hoi, it lights is aware of and I think believe they've all had a big laugh about it now. So, but I look at a prosecute. They've turned, it seems that the books from that era are easily accessed. But you don't put popcorn on the book. Well, we've put other things on the books. Here's what I wanted to do. You know how in back in the day, like with magazines, like Cosmo
Starting point is 00:29:46 and Dolly and stuff, you do the quiz to like to see what score you got like what you got. Yeah, I was interested in just, I've got a small quiz here, small, a few role plays. Okay, did you make the quiz? Yeah, I did, yes. But I want to play Annie versus Jack. Okay. Customer service test to see back in your old jobs, who has still got it? Customer service test. Who has still got it? Who has still got it? It's going to be a roleplay where I'm the customer for both places.
Starting point is 00:30:19 And I'll be judging you guys. You're going to score out of five for your chance. Okay. I'll start with you, Andy. Hello, I have 80 kilograms of roof luggage. Okay. What would you recommend? Is that too heavy for a roof?
Starting point is 00:30:31 No, no, that's not too heavy for a roof. It does take you out of a few types of roof racks. That's right. Some of the more slim line ones. So yeah, you'll have to fault it maybe a little bit of style, but it's worth it anyway. And the racks are easily removable. So you can just take a one and I can take a moment. That's great to hear. Well done, everybody.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Jack, what movies are on today? Hello, welcome to Hoitz. What movies are on today? And I mean, 2008 or am I... You're just, you're you, just customer service me. What movies you got? Well, what's good? Oh, obviously there's been many Oscar nominated movies
Starting point is 00:31:11 earlier in the year and they are still, well, they're still on. So no madland is still playing and Godzilla vs. Kong don't know if that was nominated for an Oscar, but that's still playing. What's a good kids movie? Despicable me. There's a new despicable me out. Is there three?
Starting point is 00:31:29 Yeah. Oh, I thought it was just... Okay, thank you. No, it is. I don't think that's true. Andy, do you do trade-ins? We certainly do. Okay. And it's a good reason to keep going back to the store.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Well, if you wanted to buy a second hand rack, we can do that as well. Oh, wow. Obviously people replace their cars all the time and then they feel like, hang on, spend all this money on a rack that just goes in the bin or they try and sell it gum, tree, second hand. We take that all off your hands and you can come in.
Starting point is 00:32:02 We'll give you an only half back on a second hand rack, three cell and four, round two thirds, all correct them all up. Thanks for being so transparent with your figures. That was a softball. Okay. Hello, the cinema's dirty. Which cinema were you in, sir? Two.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Okay, and is the movie still on? Is the movie still on? Is the movie still on? No, I didn't leave the cinema because it was dirty. I obviously paid for a ticket. I finished watching the movie. I was too distracted by the ball, by the jaffa, three hours over. I couldn't focus on the screen. So yes, the movie is still on and I've left to tell you that it's dirty.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Okay, I can have somebody in there to clear up for you. I'd like you to clean it. Yep, well, as soon as I can get somebody to take my place here at the podium, I'll be you. I'll watch the podium for me. We don't, we don't actually allow customers to look over the podium. What is the podium? Surely you don't work on a podium. The podium is where we rip the tickets. What is the podium? The podium.
Starting point is 00:33:16 When you get to work, you're like, are you on box office now and I'm on podium. Why is it called the podium? The podium is something great. It normally is a satchess in the pub, but it's since, you know, meaning the lectern. Yeah, yeah, but we call it the podium. Okay. Anyway, we'll make sure cinema 2 is claimed by the next time you come back to the stimulus.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Oh, that could be months. This is terrible. Andy. I've had a look at some of your racks in the store, but can't I just buy these online? You can. The risk you have is you have to get them yourselves. You spend so much money on a car. Why do you want to risk $20 or so? Having a properly fitted.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Also some racks can whistle, and if they're not fitted properly, and you have some noise problems. But, I don't like that. Totally. So hang on, how much is a cost for you guys to fit them? Well, obviously, we can do it for $20, $25. But you're welcome to take that off the price
Starting point is 00:34:18 and take the racks yourself. Oh, no, no, that sounds good to me. Thanks, thanks so much. Again, thanks to you Transferencing. Thanks for explaining it. Thanks. Thanks so much. Again, thanks to your transparency. Thanks for explaining it. Jack. Hello customer. My popcorn was called. Well, that can happen and I'm sorry that that happened. No, I am sorry about that. Of course it is. We live in there all day.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I actually hated that. We do like all, all the time, they said that popcorn that we made at the start of the day, try and get rid of that by the end of the day. And I knew it was going stale and cold, and I hated doing it. That's why you can't pull it. So Jack, you are lagging obviously. You're lagging because of the sex here.
Starting point is 00:34:58 So, no, no, surprise. No, this is for you to charge back. I won't go to Andy again, I'll go to you. Hello, sir. Hello. may I borrow your shoes? No, we have a policy. I just need them quickly to go to the bathroom. I'm in bare feet and I'd like to wear shoes to the bathroom. Well, actually, we, you know, we have two policies. And the first is I must be wearing shoes at all times. And the second is there is actually a no-bef foot rule in the cinemas. Well, it's too late. I'm in here now. And so please lend me your shoes.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Did you come with no shoes or are your shoes in the cinema? No, I got in with no shoes. I'm already watching halfway through the movie. I've come out to go to the toilet. Give me your shoes. No, I can't. Please. And I have to ask you to leave. I'm already watching halfway through the movie. I've come out to go to the toilet, give me your shoes. No, I can't. Please. And I have to ask you to leave. I'm sorry, because you can't be in here a bit. No, well, go and get your stuff. No, I can't. And then you have to leave.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Younger man. Unless you can find shoes. Why won't you lend me your shoes? Because if I'm walking around the cinema, and I don't have to tell you why, I don't. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, can I can I ask you something? Yes. Well, you not lend me issues because there's something in them.
Starting point is 00:36:12 There's nothing in them. I saw you put something in them when you thought no one was looking. After everyone went in the movie, I saw you at the cash register. You didn't see anything. I think I saw something. I don't want to play anymore. Give me shoes around telling you manager. What's in them?
Starting point is 00:36:33 They're stopping you my shoes and I have to finish early today. Wait, say, I have two policies. You're in breach of two policies. And these continue to flood in, and I gratefully receive them, because people do make it their personal Mission to enjoy living fast and loose at the same time knowing that they could be upsetting Members of the community who'd like you and a preferable ordered scheme of things and that is what an efficiency Rule the day. I should be German Here we go. Everything is neat and practical because that's the way it likes it. But what if it wasn't?
Starting point is 00:37:34 Upset Andy! You'd get an e-mail. Even the opener probably upsets you a little bit because it's a song, it's pretty much like a song about the opposite of what we're doing and then I just quickly go, but what if not? Upsetting because you should have made a song about things being fast and most. What have you got, have you got something that's going to you? No, it's got Neymar saying thank you for the tip of writing top left on the duna cover.
Starting point is 00:38:00 For, you see, to say that again. Basically, on my duna, on the doon on the doon yourself You're right top left so then whenever you're putting it in the doon cover. You never get it never get it wrong It's a Saving hours hours a week. No, well what about all the time you've wasted writing on the doon it who's got time not me Not me. I don't know who's like I got the investment. Ben, have you got something that will upset Andy? Oh, boy, boys. Oh, boy, my friend.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Happy birthday, Andy. Happy birthday. Yeah, so when I have my toothpaste and it gets down, gets down a bit low, you know, a bit where it gets a bit hard to squirt out, I just throw it out with some hot water, squirt in the mouth, dry brush, and knocking guys. Yeah, just squirt it straight in the old man. I don't mind that you don't mind Yeah, it's because what you're doing is you're using the whole light and evil like the All the job use all the buffalo. Yeah, you can keep doing it
Starting point is 00:38:56 Just you know, I think until it's just hop by sticking you know pretty much Yeah, and then unfortunately you've delighted me And what about this? What about this? I'll give you a dental base one. Of course, you know, when you get a chord between your teeth, you would have floss at your house when you had it. No one's got time to buy floss. And I tell you what, if you do buy floss, no one's got time to remember to ever replenish
Starting point is 00:39:19 it. Here's a nice trick. If you get a big piece of stuff caught in your mouth, you can use the end of the toothpaste tube as a nice digger. And you can dig it out. I find that quite a handy digger. I find toothpaste comes with an inbuilt digger. I don't like that. I'm not a big, a hoi-n-ic, have you got the same top set Andy? Oh, hello, how are you? Good, very good sir. Yeah, so basically the context of a bit of a bad habit of biting my fingernails. Half of it, I've had some food, tried a nice steak or something,
Starting point is 00:39:54 sort of going out of my way, getting up, going and get a toothpick. I'll just start biting off my fingernail and use that as a toothpick. It's another digger. It's another mouth digger. Yeah, and bonus, if you're still a bit snacky after the steak, you've just got some fingernails to do that. Oh, that's gross. And this gross.
Starting point is 00:40:12 It's not that there is a point where fast and loose becomes just sloppy and messy, far barricaded. But the fingernail is the inbuilt digger, not bad. Like a little mini wolverine. I'm not exactly. I don't hate it. I know it like there is a bit of ingenuity in that too. So again, you'd like the efficiency of someone using their body as a swiss army knife. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, let's I mean, this could be another mouth digger. Blake, you got something to upset Andy.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Oh, boy, how you going? Yeah, good. Oh, boy, Blake. Well, I've got to say, you go, you go something to upset Andy. Oh, boy, how you going? Yeah, good. Oh, boy, boy. Well, I've got this, you know, you've got three bins at home and then, you know, you've got to think about what one's going on out on what day and which one and what that sort of business, what an absolute mess. Absolutely. Not now. Yeah, what I do is I just leave all three of my bins out on the road.
Starting point is 00:40:59 All the car. That's where they go. There we go. There we go. I'll take them up to you. I have my three bins and above them. That's where they go. There we go. I have my three bins and above them, I have... No, you don't.
Starting point is 00:41:11 I have the council sent out what night to be at night, calendar set up. So it's a garbage ring and a job. It's a winters. Well done Blake. Thank you. That was epic. What do you mean? Well, doesn't the dinda council send it out on paper? What does it get?
Starting point is 00:41:32 It's a magnet. I was on a magnet. It's a magnet. And so, yeah, right. They have you magnetized it outside? No, because my bins are inside. What, you're wheelie bins? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Oh, where do they live? Well, they live in the garage. They've got their own little home. Yeah. Oh, where do they live? Well, they live in the garage. I've got their own little home Yeah, bins are outside materials. Well, I don't have an outside. Oh, right. Okay. Yeah, you live in a warehouse Yeah, it's going on the street. So yeah, it's it's the inside. Yeah, and inside bin Alex Alex are you gonna say to upset Andy? Yes, a hoi lads and happy birthday Andy. A hoi, do you mate, no need?
Starting point is 00:42:06 Good, good, good. A hoi, it's a number six if you're listening. A hoi? Hoi, yeah. Just got him. Just got him. A rare moment of attention. Love that, Jack.
Starting point is 00:42:15 If you spill a liquid, as you're walking around the house, mop it up with your sock. Which works best for new face drinks. Stimilk. Hey, we should do this for socks? If he's our one and five. Andy is very quick on the detection of a spill or a liquid on a bench or a floor.
Starting point is 00:42:38 A bit like, feel the memory, the mission impossible won. The Tom Cruise movie. I think that bit where he's on the wires and he goes into the room and he's like hanging above the ground so he doesn't set off the pressure sensor. Now he drips, he's the heat of sweat, that's the sister Mandy, how many of you say that? Eddie's village.
Starting point is 00:42:55 What Tom should have worn is explore a sauce to wipe off the sweat after he's wet it on the floor. Well, and Alex, yep, that definitely am, says me. What have you got to wear on this out? To upset Andy? Oh, please. Oh, do you? So I have like the book to log my hours as a learner driver. And soon, you know, I'm going to turn 18 and can go to my piece. But I actually haven't logged any of my hours in my book or like kept track at all of my driving. Yeah. Because you know, that just takes so much time.
Starting point is 00:43:25 So, I mean, logbooks are the worst. So, can you please have just seen another you've done the best? You're obviously a lot younger than us, but back in Adda, you didn't, we didn't need a logbook, did we? Yeah, we didn't have a logbook. You basically just said to the guy, when you got there, yeah, I've done me, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Yeah, we got, it was sort of a, I'm looking to my eyes, Trost test. Yeah, yeah. And yeah, we, I mean, there was horrific back in the air days. I mean, we hear stories about our parents going for their, like, learners just with the town cop who just goes, you know, when you were eight, they just put you behind it, put you in a tractor, and if you didn't run over a cow, you were given a, you were given a formula one last and so on.
Starting point is 00:44:02 My dad was with the cop going out and he pulled out and he's driving a log And then the cop got a call for an incident So the cop changed seats back here and drove out Rested a bloke and then turned to dad and went you seem to have it covered You seem to have it covered. Yeah, they didn't do it parkingly. Yeah, so that's what you're dead drives every around high speed and always arrest someone at the other end.
Starting point is 00:44:31 So yeah, I find this one hard to upset me. The idea of not doing it would hurt me, but you and I had these things. That's where my... Logbooks are my absolute worst nightmare. A consistent and measured. I mean, just that. I would have a system to solve. I can't even be bothered to finish in the sentence
Starting point is 00:44:50 if I find it so tedious. But I am back at uni days when we had to do these type of things. You and I always found a loophole and I was always up for that as well. I love it. Yeah, a log book loophole would be fun. As long as you are doing the hours, and we were obviously not advocating getting out there
Starting point is 00:45:04 with not enough experience. Yes. Get your family advocating practice. Then absolutely turning a blind eye to log book 10 to admin. I'll have to hand in like the book anyway. So I just like the night before I'm just going to have to feel in 120 hours made up. Oh, yep. Five pens. Yep, five pens. Half an hour. He's any further TV. He's your uncle. Use your left hand a bit. You'll have to pay your little brother to do it. Oh, good. Thank you, ma'am.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Yeah. Paying special skill for us to have a think about getting them in. Sydney based, Sophie. So it'd be a flight, but she wrote in Sydney. Oh, is he ever met it? I know you like it anywhere. Just you everywhere.
Starting point is 00:45:50 You the town? I haven't met Sophie yet, I don't think. She said, my boyfriend has never lost the steering competition. He is a freak, freaking capitals. Right. I want him to verse you both in a non-blinking, not blinking competition. What's his name? His name is Alex and Sophie joins us now. Sophie there. Oh, how are you? Oh, how are we? Very good. So for Hoya, you, so he's got fairly
Starting point is 00:46:15 wet eyeballs. He is a freak and I like he could literally burst you both and he would smash you. Okay, so this is the part I want to take to Delvin on. I want him to burst you both and he would smash you. Okay, so this is the part I want to tell Vinon. I want him to burst you both in a not blinking contest. Is does that mean back to back? For instance, like a real a, Hamish has his eyes opened and he starts. And as soon as Hamish blinks, I open my eyes. And he can do the duration of both our stairs without a single blink
Starting point is 00:46:47 I'm trying to stand absolutely wow Wow, is he as confident as you are? Well, we can find out him. We've got him on the line Alex I'm quite a believer I'm going to pet eyes himself I've been speaking to I'm good thank you. Obviously you've met so I can't be my girlfriend but I'm manager I think she tells us your eyeballs are sopping wet, but not with tears, just with the normal moisture of the human eyeballs, Loub. Can I?
Starting point is 00:47:15 Can I ask Alex, you say every day? And apologies, but these are just the normal checks and balances you have to go through. You don't have a glass eye or glass eyes at all. No, no, it's actually the opposite of being wet. I sleep with my eyes open pretty consistently. So they're going dry. They're going dry. They're going dry.
Starting point is 00:47:39 And they don't need to be lubricated. My mum's at boarding school, my mum's roommate slept with her eyes wide open. So they're absolutely dry as cross-cuts, your eyeballs. I've got it all wrong. So when you blink, does it make a sort of a scratching scraping noise? Yeah, it's like a rusty door open. So you don't, because you sleep with your eyes open they use you use to having a dry eye and so you so your blink reflexes gone your whereas a normal humans somewhere in our software we go oh getting a bit dry time to give it a sweep and sweep the old or that you just don't have that part of your circuitry. Yeah, that's pretty much it. I don't need to blink as much as the over-human.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Do you do one just for fun? What? Throw the pin. Why wouldn't you? Hard to trick. I don't know. I'm not a blinker. You know.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Why is this guy blinking your padded trick? Well, sorry, you do need to know the backstroke. He doesn't actually need to. He's doing it for fun. How often do you wink? Like are you less inclined to wink? No, I do love a good wink actually. That's more of a trait trading myself. That's an aesthetic. Yeah, that's a good idea. Cosmetic moves.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Okay, well, this is... We have to do it then. I mean, give us some, have you timed the longest spell without a blink? Yeah, we had a really big, probably my biggest contest, my thesis matches on New Year's, one of my friends back in self. And we went about four minutes, he was crying with his eyes open. Everyone else around us just kind of lost interest. But we got down a bit. Staring contest so long, the people watching lost interest.
Starting point is 00:49:28 This is incredible. All right. Can I ask you a quick question just before we lock in the battle? What is it like sleeping with your eyes open? What do you see when you come back to the world? Sometimes it's really open. It's usually so if you're filming me, pretty close up. So it just comes back into focus for. So it just comes back into focus.
Starting point is 00:49:46 It comes back into focus. Sometimes I've got really red eyes. I drop before I go to sleep. I've been told rather than after because of the difficulty drive. But nothing, no vision, or anything too interesting. When you were falling to sleep, could you mentally say to yourself, oh, better shut up the old eyes? Why can't you know you're like close the curtains before you mentally say to yourself, oh, better shut up the old eyes? Like, can you maybe close the curtains before you go to see them in the eyes of the eyelids
Starting point is 00:50:09 of the curtains of the head? This isn't good question, so yeah, that's... Could you just go, I just close these and fall asleep and your eyes will be closer, do they drift open during the night? Yeah, they kind of hang just a little bit open and then I feel like they open up as I go to sleep. I roll my eyes back so I can't... It look darker than it is really. I like getting real. I'm getting a different staring up staring upstairs. But the eyes the eye lead is to open a bit.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Right okay so what's happened is the curtain doesn't fully close so you send your eyeballs just to the action of the curtain. You've actually got shutters shutters that won't quite. Yeah it's that you do fix it up on the inside. Incredible. Well, Alex, we'll set this up. Do you want us to go through you or do you want us to deal with your manager, Sophie? I think the manager would be would love to deal with it. I think she does have a money to see. Okay. Okay. We look for, could you do three of us? Or was that too much? I'd say, I'd say two, let's line up a third, but that's called a win on the two.
Starting point is 00:51:10 I think it's fair to say. Is it a one coin coin for two him? And we get Jack in there for an eight coin coin for three. Would you take that deal? Manager? So you will take that deal. He will take it. Thank you guys for setting up soon.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Hey guys, it's the end of another episode. Mike here just popping in at the end to remind you again that the remembering project is back for season 2. Every Monday, wherever you podcast, take a listen to this. This is a quick grab from this week's episode where Hey Mission Andy Recall, a somewhat awkward conversation with Miss Universe. Early days, we did an event, we were at an event for Maya or something.
Starting point is 00:51:58 And Jennifer Hawkins was there and was like early on in Jennifer, like when she was like the face of Maya, she was huge, she just went Miss Universe. And a lady came up and was like, hi, Jen, I just want to say hi. And she's being very nice and going, hi, how are you going? And then the lady goes, I just have to say, my 14-year-old son is a huge fan of yours. And then she was like, thanks so much. And then the woman goes, I mean, yeah, he thinks you're amazing. He really loves you. And I've seen he going, well, this is awkward, because we know what we're talking about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:28 We're not. He's not hoping that you successfully then go on to do property renovations with your husband and he likes your business acumen. No, no, he likes. He likes. He likes it on, he's on. He does like it.
Starting point is 00:52:41 While he's by himself. And it was like in the mum. He's a big fan. And the mum must know what that sounds like. That's it guys. Thanks for listening to this week's episode. You can catch season two of Hamish and Andy's Remembrance Project.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Wherever you podcast and season one is still available there as well, go and check it out. We'll catch you next week for the main podcast. Thanks for listening. The Hamish and Andy podcast will you next week for the main podcast.

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