Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 135

Episode Date: June 9, 2021

1. Surprise impulse club 2. Business Class seats for the slide party 3. Health stars 4. 6 Degrees of Separation – Special Skill 5. Heavy blankets ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2. Sorry, still buffering. 1. Hi, Emma. Hi, my friend. My Mekita pal.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Hi. One! Hi, Emma! Hi, my friend. My my Keeta-Pel. Oh! Ooh! Do I have the my Keeta-jump as I'm? Are you still waiting? We do see...
Starting point is 00:00:34 We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see...
Starting point is 00:00:42 We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see... We do see... some, I saw a couple of McHed hats floating around the station here, which leads me to believe that the booty has been sent to reception here. And help themselves. Good on them. Yes, the vultures have got into the pack and ripping it apart. Like, I think there's a general vibe here, because we still do do the podcast from where we used to do the radio show.
Starting point is 00:01:01 And the old radio station building. And you know that thing where like sometimes like shipping containers wash up on a beach and it's got a Harley in it or something. And like, you know, through the like some like random like through the Galapica Islands, it's like a, I think people feel a bit like that sometimes if they see a Makator box sitting in reception for a week,
Starting point is 00:01:19 they just go, that's enough time. Let's have that. Let's drag it into the hallway and tear the sticky tape off with their teeth and they're all walking around in Makita hats. Ahoy, do you two, Jack O? Ahoy. Still regretful for your choice? I am.
Starting point is 00:01:33 No, well, I know a lot of sea I did still take big tools from Makita. So, sorry. Even though I pledged my allegiance on the show last week to do a wall, and they only gave me a backpack. Two weeks ago. Well, yeah. Makita was offering tools, and I did take the tools. So no surprises there.
Starting point is 00:01:56 It's a big, great size. Absolutely. Double agent. It's the Mavis monkeys for more I freaking. You never. Anyway, you never have... I mean, I'd love someone to run a chart, a comparison, like who famously flipped around a lot with the legions as a game of thrones,
Starting point is 00:02:15 because I reckon Jack would give him a run for their money. Little thing, Jack's little figure. Just constantly whispering in the ears, going, you know, Ferris. I can't. You get pushed to the agents to denaris at the moment. But what's to say, I couldn't also.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I could be swayed to the other side. But I'm not flipping allegiances. I'm just taking on more allegiances all the time. He's flipping. That's a good point. I'm multi-illegiance. Hey'm a Hoi Tu to Jumei. No, Jamie. Hoi, hey, Machine Andy, very exciting.
Starting point is 00:02:52 I just got my Power Moves book in the mail today, and I'm already getting so much use out of it. It's my husband and I as an anniversary today, and I forgot to get him a present, but I know he also forgot. So I think I'm going to use my Power Moves book to play the ultimate Power Move and give it to him as a present and then ask him what he got me already paying for itself. Love it. Thank you. Nice on Jamie. Yes, the dishonorable second run of the Power Moves books have all been shipped out.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Now I believe in people in their landing in labs. We missed them. Mr. Beep. We didn't print this honorable second run on the spine, so people can put it in a bookcase and it looks like maybe they got the first edition. Well, that happened again. Shall we go for an immediate recall? I don't know. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Considering how difficult the actual app called was, like the logistical nightmare that the recall would give us. Wouldn't it be great to call Hawks one day and just try and say we needed a recall for some reason and just see him sweat. But you just have an absolute meltdown remorse. Recalls are the tend to be the easiest thing in the world. Just what on that? I mean, do you often, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:06 I never read a paper anymore, but in case you see one open at a cafe, you flick through it, and then page 18. It's like, oh, by the way, anyone that bought a Volkswagen, no, Tiguan, but good luck if you got one. If anyone bought one of the more commonly available models.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Yeah, you break something like, so send them back. I think that's it. We use the vaulting there as an example. That is an example. It breaks very much to work. My father, I've seen my father both accelerated an enjoyable pace and decelerate at a very acceptable rate. You just speak to me, do you have a page 18 of the paper? Yeah, I don't know, I don't get that. Yeah, but I hate that. We ever need to do anything. That's where we're sliding it.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Yes, through in the paper. Particularly print media. We're going. Yeah, that's where apologies. That's where apologies. See, it's an age 18. We'll be using it. We'll be using it.
Starting point is 00:04:55 You want to control the start of today's show. I look, I wanted to kick something off because it's gone. We've gone for a few months now this year and we haven't touched on a feature of the show from Mars. We haven't touched on impulse club. Oh, cool. We haven't done few months now this year and we haven't touched on a feature of the show from Mars. We haven't touched on impulse club. Oh, cool. We haven't done an impulse club this year. And there's been a reason for that. There has been a reason for impulse club.
Starting point is 00:05:13 For people that need a quick refresher, this was, I feel that the Instagram algorithm in particular had worked me out as somebody that was quick of purchase and low of critique on, and they were just hitting me with everything. I didn't, I didn't, I didn't see any of my actual friends in my feed-in, just that. Hundreds of ads of them just going, the biggest mistake I realized I made in my life, because obviously Instagram buys your data
Starting point is 00:05:42 from other search engines too. So they're using your whole digital footprint to figure out how to get you out. And I'm an easy domino to fall. But like, what buttons do we push here to make this guy crumble and buy something? I should never have Googled Because that pops up everywhere. Yeah, right. That's in one of the dana package I am and they're selling online. They go, they've realized that this guy's looking for the world's best shots. And the amount of companies out there purporting to sell the world's best shots is,
Starting point is 00:06:19 you know, this one's got flags, this one's got pockets. I wish I'd have actually been like, I'm actually interested in the world's best short. I say this, the world's best short does contain pockets. Yes, but it doesn't contain zip pockets. That's what I should have googled. Yep. I should have said, world's best shorts with pockets, not zips, no zip pockets. What would you accept the zip on the back pocket? Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, but I don't like sitting on it.
Starting point is 00:06:43 I don't know if you like. So it's going to be a low profile back pocket zip. Yes. But anyway, that's really the only ads I've been serve. The reason impulse club has been going bananas, is I just get the general sense there's less. I'm just being targeted less. I haven't felt the urge. And I'll tell you what, do you think
Starting point is 00:06:59 there's been a lot of these less nonsense products? Maybe I just reckon maybe you're always thinking that at what is executive toys? I always get the transparent cube that no matter which way you look at the cube, it's a different color, do you get that? That's the one thing that's been coming here. This thing, I'll just show you, I've got a picture of it here on my phone, how do I look at this?
Starting point is 00:07:20 CMY said it, Siam Magenta and Yellow. Oh, yeah. Mesmerizing to say the least. I can bet that could, that actually would class as mesmerizing. It's a Perspex cube. It appears to be Perspex made of different colors. And what's your take on it, Jackie? Some people say you meant to hold it up to your eyes
Starting point is 00:07:39 and look through it so you can see the world in different colors. Yeah, think of a 3D cube. And then if you turn it on one face facing you, it might be pink and then you turn it to another face and it might be yellow even though it's completely see through. So somehow it's changing, it's different colors in the middle somewhere like it's got a refracting. Yes, something like that. So and you would say it's about three quarters of a Rubik's Cube size. That is tempting me.
Starting point is 00:08:08 He's where I began to get worried that I'd lost my impulsive ways. Wow. Finally, an ad came up the other night. And if something has the word canon in it, I'm usually a bit of a sure thing to like. If it shoots something, I'm very interested. The fun you can have around the house shooting, T-shirt cannons, the ultimate. Yeah, the fun you could have around the banana cannon,
Starting point is 00:08:30 that would be awesome. Any kind of cannon. This one came up, there's a product called the Pepper Cannon for black pepper. So it's fire like I fired a Speedy Bill in A's and... No, I don't think it fire, it doesn't fire the balls. That would be very fun, but painful. But like, do you mean like a small baby gun?
Starting point is 00:08:51 Oh, no, I wasn't thinking there. I was thinking like, if I said to, you know, when a waiter comes in says crack pepper and they spend all that time, yeah, just go crack pepper and they could just shoot it. No, so it's like, yeah, it's like, like it delivers a load of cat of pepper, almost like a shotgun, I guess. Yeah, so it's like, yeah, it's like, like it delivers a load of cap of pepper, almost like a shotgun, I guess.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Like, I can fire off. I didn't, well, it doesn't really show you from the ad, but I think that's what you meant to imagine. Because the pepper cannon comes up and then it's got a quote underneath it. Right, and this is the quote, right, that they're using to sell the pepper cannon. Quote.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Exceeds all expectations. My kids say I have a grin on my face every time I use it, which is a lot. That's the quote. So it is peppered to live with you. Is it a lot? So this guy goes, yeah, my kids say, I have a grin on my face every time I use it.
Starting point is 00:09:39 So he's using it so much, he's in a trance. We forgot he's not even aware of his face anymore. He's in the bed so much. See, he's having to rely on his kids for an eyewitness account of what he looks like, because he's like lost in a trance of enjoyment. When he's using the pepac, and like, how can pepper delivery bring so much happiness?
Starting point is 00:10:01 Yeah. This is usually the kind of shit that gets me right, but I want that feeling. Yeah. But I never the kind of shit that gets me, right? Well, I want that feeling. Yeah. But I never, I didn't think I used pepper anyway. And I can't imagine enjoying it so much that I've lost control of keeping track of where my body's at. And so I need my kids to tell me that dad, you were actually smiling so much when you were
Starting point is 00:10:21 using that, which is a lot, by the way, don't you? You're using it a lot? We visited Bex Grandmart the other day in home, and there were some people that didn't look like they're loving behind that much. Right. It's wondering where we get a peppercannon. Where is it?
Starting point is 00:10:35 Pepper cannons all round. Yeah. I'm actually bringing it up to ridicule it. I will buy a peppercannon. Yeah, I will, I will, that one can come from the joint account because I'm very keen to see you. Let's get a peppercannon. A peppercannon and then. Let's get a peppercannon. Yeah, I will, I will, that one can come from the joint account because I'm very keen to see you. Let's get a peppercannon and then.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Let's get a peppercannon and let's have a, like, we've got to give it a real shot here. We'll make some scrambled eggs. I don't mind pepper on scrambled eggs. Yep. And just in your own time, pepper it and see if you see what happens to your face and if you lose track of your face while you're using it because it's you're so happy It's a big great and if you can keep a control unit like a loved one nearby that doesn't know what you're up to and after using it walk around
Starting point is 00:11:14 That's where maybe we all get pepper cannons jack you want one? Yeah, yeah, no surprises Two minutes from now, I'll be on the phone as I've had the paper company ask you for an allegiance to them. I thought I'd use it for all. It's not my preferred paper cannon, but I will use it. I mean, let's be honest, all paper cannons are the same and are such other great endorsements you can rely on. Yeah, let's get through because I think it'd be good for us to use it without telling
Starting point is 00:11:40 you our partners. And then if our partners go, I don't know what what it is that this week has been gritting like a media. Get the transparent cubes too. Yes, mate. OK, I can pig. Hey, it happens next week. Our emergency slide party cannot believe that an airline's willing to do this. And Melbourne
Starting point is 00:12:06 airports is willing to do this. Making all our dreams come true, we take 80 people out on a jumbo, on a 737, we have a party, then we deploy one of the inflatable slides to hear about all the time, any emergency briefing, yet none of us ever get to ride down because you don't really want to ride down on because that means that something bad has happened. This way we get the slide without the catastrophe. Yep, absolutely. I've got an update. St John's ambulance service are going to be there. Just Frank Albertic. Oh, we've got to leave the anchor here. The anchor.
Starting point is 00:12:39 So we're very pleased with them. Special anchor. There's going to be a firefighting rescue team on the side of the day just in case someone gets a shot. Well, if you do snap an ankle, they'll be on hand to call your, call your ankles down with a refreshing jet of water. And if you choose to wear, say something that's so flammable that the friction comes down as you hit the slide. Should you choose to a jacket made of the heads of mansions, you'll receive a squirt. I'm not going to say just in time,
Starting point is 00:13:12 but certainly a welcome squirt from the fiber bar. I think by then the damage will be done by the time you get to the bottom. Yeah. But it'd be nice to have a squirt down nonetheless. We recommend just going normal long-sleeved and long-sleeved squirt those shoesleeved. It's close to those shoes. All happening in Melbourne Airport.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Hey, it's all part of this. It's emergency. Smile. Smile. Hey, one thing we haven't done, which I want to do quickly before we hit next week, is we said the people that registered and there was over 10,000 people that did. you've got to put in why you're such a common man and we'll review that as a team and see if they're eligible to take the business class
Starting point is 00:13:53 for the seats. Because you will be, I believe you'll be first off the slide. Are we going front left? I'd imagine so. Slide door? Yeah, I would say so. Yeah. So one of the perks as well as getting a slightly better meal is
Starting point is 00:14:07 Come on. Calm down the slide. More comfortable seat for taxing. Yeah. Yeah. And that's great Aaron wrote this in I drive a big blue van around and it's my only car. Oh, that's pretty color man That's very cool man. Let's go. I like that. Yeah, especially if you've done, especially if you've put the business name on the side as a tax deduction. So you bought the car in the company name and you're comfortable because the trade off there, the maneuver you pull there is like, are you comfortable going to family barbecue isn't stuff on the weekend or going out with your mates camping in the, you know, the commercial vehicle.
Starting point is 00:14:45 In the XRT solutions painting band. And if you're happy with that, then you can have the tax ride off, but it does mean all you drive is a promotional vehicle around. Yeah, very common man. I remember that. Aaron, you and your plus one, a sitting in business class on flight page 8254. This is from Ella. I've never been on a plane.
Starting point is 00:15:06 I've never visited Melbourne. I've never traveled outside Australia. That's like a conundrum. It's like, what am I? Oh, time. You know, I would say that's very... So can't, that's... Are we risking it for the...
Starting point is 00:15:23 But just think if she doesn't live in Melbourne by the time she gets to Melbourne, she'll have been on a plane by then and be familiar with it. Jack snatching luxury away from the common people. Also, he's very good point though. Yeah, okay. Well, she's here. Handing? Handing.
Starting point is 00:15:42 How many were giving away? I can reckon I'm gonna put six two and we can afford all six of them could fit, but I just wanna make sure they're worthy. So, yes, then I'll give it. I will give it. L is in. Ben Jack is right.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I hope that she hasn't got a taste for the finer things by then in life and it doesn't move the needle for us. This is from Jack May. I am six foot two and have never forked out for extra leg room. Yeah, that's just a tall man though. Yeah, that's just a tall man.
Starting point is 00:16:11 That doesn't, that means you'd like it. Of course we'd all like it. Yes. But we're asking for examples of a common man. I suppose if he's flying a lot, if he's flying, but this is, this even includes the emergency exit now because they charge you for though, as he's never forked down the exit 20 includes the emergency exit now, because they charge you for though, as he's never fall down the exit.
Starting point is 00:16:25 When he bucks for that, what do you think? Jack? Is a tight man a common man? I mean, I don't know. Otherwise, yeah, Jack's not, Jack's commoners like, come. I do hate sitting in, but as a tall person, you just got to put up with the no leg room. And I hate it. We're all tall. I mean, we're all tall.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Any more for the emergency seats that you have to pay extra. That is annoying. I mean, I used to love going to the desk and charming them by going, don't want to alarm you, but I'm extremely cool in an emergency. Should you be looking for people to sit next to the door on in the himself? I'm your guy. I'm absolutely. Yeah, they do miss those days, Jack. But what you're talking about here is again, just tightness. You're just misgetting something
Starting point is 00:17:12 for nothing. But it's tightness feels common. Like a lot of space feels luxury. I think you give it to him. I just think that you've sensed a kind of spirit in you, Jack. Some of the likes to get something for nothing. It's a notion of preference. It's a no for me. So Jack, me, you are down the back
Starting point is 00:17:27 and we probably won't even put you in an emergency exit off. I built, let him build the hunger up. Yep, Leana, this is, I have one dishwasher and no golf simulator. Andy, have you feel about that? Didn't you get your head around that? I can't fathom how you live. How would you go through life?
Starting point is 00:17:49 How would you have a 20 person, how would you have a 20 person cocktail party to watch you chip with your new gifted clubs from insert name of this week's golf sponsor? That's always been Taylor Bates. Chinging, chinging. Jack laughing, but quietly pondering of he shouldn't say the names will say he gets up. I don't play golf but you never know.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Could they track the mish soul on eBay? Let's give it to the ads. Wow man, that's common. Let's give it to the Antscombin. Thank you so much. Yeah, Miranda Morris. For the past three months, I've used my iPhone torch when in my bedroom, because I won't replace the light globe in the room. That's possible.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Thank you, Amanda. I like that. You're in. She's a beautiful part. Finally, this is Charlie Rose. Still using headphones with chords. Wow. Yeah, that I mean that's that's that's normal these days, but I think in the world of beats. Yeah Even yeah, like in AirPods all of it. Yeah, oh, we know what you've got that I saw the look on your face when I used AirPods non-pro in front of you
Starting point is 00:19:01 Airpods civilian will know Scrunch I in front of you. Airpods civilian. Will knows the crutch. Airpods amateur. Airpods bronze. I can't believe it. Yes, keep it profy Ken. Ah. OK. For Charlie. Charlie's around the boat prize only.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Charlie's definitely in. Yeah, Charlie's in. That's a good big surprise. Sounds good. Because Jack, the only person we can make Jack, you're back in. You're back in, but you're lucky. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:24 And you're... We're going to give you seat 1A, which is less. It's more legroom, but less than if you could run your legs underneath the juice. It's a bit more, you have to, is that, that's the CVF to be face to face with the, flight attendant. And so you have to come up with some small talk. Yeah, that's a good point. All right, that's for you, Jack. Fantastic. I think we're shorter. We'll have to come up with some small talk. Yeah, that's a good point. Alright, that's for you, Jack. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I think we're still doing both of those videos. We really have. Look forward to seeing you for the next week. What are you going to do with your golf clubs, Jack? Hey, follow up, little bit of info. Yeah. To something we talked about a while back when we were talking about the health star rating. Oh, yes. Product. On food. We played a game. We played the lottery game of guest
Starting point is 00:20:11 the stars. And the big question was, who does the stars? Who's in charge of the stars because there's a few we couldn't figure out. Like, I remember chips. See that chips were four and a half stars. Yeah. Well, remember, Crinkle Cup were four and a half, non Crinkle Cup were four. Yeah, so how did that work? But they crinkle out the bad bit. They cut out the triangles of badness on the surface of the chip. And then, Sarah Crim was half a star. Half a star. We said who does the stars? We don't know. And then we also realized some companies choose not to play. Choose not to play. Choose not to play.
Starting point is 00:20:49 And I would. Older Paso chooses not to play. Side no, no, no, no, no, Paso. I've got something I'd like to talk about. About them at a later date. I can soon if we have time. Well, I can wrap this up quickly. Yeah, wrap it up quickly.
Starting point is 00:21:00 And I've got something I want to talk about about Older Paso. The, and a little listener wrote in saying that they familiar with the staff system, where their company has to abide by it, they choose to participate. They choose to participate. The rating is against other foods in the same category. It's an intranet. It's an intranet. It's an intranet. Not an intranet.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Yes, so you don't have to, if you're making ice cream, you don't have to take on the celery. That is so misleading. That is so misleading. If that is true, that is a bombshell. So maybe we should probably got Delft deeper but that is I mean bit a bit of an ham bed Can a sour cream be? And it's only half a star again someone else in the same category. Well, obviously there are the category dairy There aren't the other sour creams working hard I'll create another sour cream and then doesn't it beg the question? There should be a five star in every category, but I don't think there is
Starting point is 00:22:03 Doesn't it beg the question that there should be a five star in every category, but I don't think there is. Yeah, good question. Shouldn't someone be the winner of each category? I should. Let's dig a bit deeper into this. We'll get an authority up on that. Sorry. I'm fascinating if that is the case because that is not what I don't think the general public
Starting point is 00:22:16 has that perception of the stars. Star 8C here. Can you get us the star rating guru up? Yes, she's not. Right. All right. While she's not in. Yeah, right. Right, all right. While she's doing that, while she's doing that,
Starting point is 00:22:29 while she's doing that, has anyone done a deep dive into the evolution, the progression of what the old El Paso people are doing? We love, we're a fan of El Paso. This is, don't say the stuff. Don't you say the stuff we're fine for? Oh. Jack's fault.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Jack's absolutely full as a good peanut butter. Admission chips. I actually have, if I can jump on the very end of this, I've got a bone to pick with Old Alpaca. Oh, well, we know you, you were sponsored by mission chips for a year, so we can't really take what you say. Anyone has gospel.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Oh, you can have a bone. I guess mine's not a bone, but were you aware they have now got, you look back at the very first of all of us, we had as kids. It was one product. It was the hard shell tarco. Exciting times when they came out, a lot of us it was our introduction to Mexican friend.
Starting point is 00:23:20 We loved it. Couldn't get enough of it. But of course you apply the lightest pressure to the outside of the shell. It ruptures a lot this fine. It had, and it's really a gun technology. No, it's a really crunchy sandwich. Like by the end of it, there's two distinct pieces of chip,
Starting point is 00:23:33 two large chips. No one gets to the end of a hard shell taco with the integrity of the structure of furniture. And of course, you're adding bean juice and minstries onto that. So it's just weakening it from the get-go. So they know, obviously, all the person at this, they are aware of course, you're adding bean juice and minstries on top of that. So it's just weakening it for the cocoa. So they know, obviously, all the person at this, they are aware of what they're making. So then they bought, you know, then we had the soft, right?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Soft or tea, is it great? Soft or tea is which will like a step up because these aren't cracking and you're getting most of the food in your mouth. But there was obviously- Just to still would like hard shit, if they're doing a family thing, so you guys, you've got hard shit like, why would you? Why would you? I know, and I like, why would you? Why would you? I know. And I like, I get the market for it.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I like the crunch of it, but can I recommend this to it? You do the soft tortillas, what we do at our house. Soft tortillas and a bowl of Doritos. Yeah. And you crunch up a Dorito for the crunch. Have the crunch.
Starting point is 00:24:18 But don't rely on it. No. Like don't rely on it. Don't build your house for it. Yeah, exactly. When you're a boy, you're made out of equipment. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:26 You drive a car with 20 wheels, you have an accident. You have an accident. OK. You have hard-shear wheels you have an accident. You have soft-shear. You have excellent grip. Well, an excellent grip in no one will hear you coming. So that's why if you're going to use a product for your wheels,
Starting point is 00:24:40 you use a soft burrito. Anyway, they had that, and that was going well. And then they had the stand and stuff, remember? So they went back to the hard taco. And they fought bottom taco and they went in the air for it. Yeah, the local, one of the town's favorite children got thrown up in the air on the air. We remember him invent.
Starting point is 00:24:58 You know, you don't throw a kid in the air for anything. Oh, shoot. And so it was a huge moment in the old El Paso. We know, the R&D lab, I assume that, you know, you're not talking to the air for anything. You're talking to the air for anything. So it was a huge moment in the old El Paso. We know the R&D level, seeing that, you know, that village is, you know, that deals with everybody in Mexico. Okay, have you come up with an idea? Will, and we like it, we'll come to your village and we'll throw the kit in the air. It came up with it.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Toss it to the air. Well, you're seeing the ad was inaccurate, represent day's been about. It happened. So the flat bottom was back. And the good thing about the flat bottom is, it doesn't have that pressure that you have of the normal high target. That's like from a V, you're trying to close in a V
Starting point is 00:25:32 to a more of a U. And you now can stuff it, you're not absolutely rupturing the spine. It had its problems, but it was a step in the right direction. Then they went to the soft shell boat, right? That was kind of last year. The boat?
Starting point is 00:25:47 They didn't know yet. They could do. Same kind of thing. But it's like now it's a soft canoe. So they were obviously still getting breakage. Yeah. They were still getting breakage. Because I think what we're talking about here is customers
Starting point is 00:25:58 going, I put my food in the corn or the wheat, the flour. I put my food in the wrapping. And wheat, the flour. I put my food in the wrapping, and I take the whole lot up to my mouth, and I'm angry when some of it doesn't make it to my mouth. I look back at my plate, and there's debris. That's not what I want. I want 100% of the food in my mouth. And that was obviously the huge problem with the early days.
Starting point is 00:26:21 90% of the food would end up back on your plate, and then you was picking it up with your hands and you know, licking the plate like a pig. So they're like, we want all the food in our mouth was the feedback. Yeah. So the person who's known from the get-go, you're making food back in here.
Starting point is 00:26:40 People didn't buy it to leave it on their plate. They're putting a lot of trust in you to transport the food from the plate to their mouth. They're putting a lot of trust in you to transport the food from the plate to their mouth. So if you had a saucy drool and you got up there, and there was no saucy food, you're just eating pastry. That's not what people buy a saucy roffle for.
Starting point is 00:26:56 You want all the food in your mouth. Like any good transport company, Lindsey Fox isn't going, we'll get 80% of your goods there. Most of it falls off the back though. Should've seen in the old days, when we had the hard shell drives. So we want everything to go from position
Starting point is 00:27:11 out of position B, B being the mouth. So I guess the boat, I thought the soft, I, when I saw the ad for the soft shell boat come out, I thought that finally done it, it can't crack. There's heaps of storage area. All the food has to be getting from the plate to the mouth now. Yep. The only area you can imagine leakage would happen would be over the sides of the boat.
Starting point is 00:27:33 User error. You're going to be reading little piglet. Really, really piglet. Yeah, that's it. And you call the hotline on the back of the first thing they say, it was user error. Yeah. And so you just think to yourself, this has got to work. Like four, four to fifth time round with this has to work.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Toss a kid in the air. I'm at Andy. Andy. Hold on to that kid. Don't let him, don't let him leave the ground. Grab him. Get his ankle. Bring him back to her.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Because it obviously, obviously against the wildest of our imaginties, some was getting over the edge. Right? Some's obviously smelly over the edge. So, older person must have just been blown away when they're still getting feedback from people going, I'm not getting all the food in my mouth. How? It's some's falling over the edge.
Starting point is 00:28:25 So you know what they have now? No. I can't remember the name of it, but it is essentially a soft-shelled tube. But it's a tube. What like a sealer? A sealer. Yeah, like a sealed up, one end sealed up.
Starting point is 00:28:38 The valve. Just an opening up, one end. Soft-shelled tube. I think they're called pockets or something, but it's just like all right. We've tried we have tried We've tried to explain to you you will have to do some work some holding some angles You clearly can't get the food to your mouth. You cannot get this wrong.
Starting point is 00:29:07 The next one's going to be a lid. We'll see what our little flappy lid that you filled up so none of the things. So now the tube exists and I can't see where we go from. That's a kid in the air. That's a kid in there. That has to be a kid in there. If you can't get it from me, just use a bowl and a spoon. Hey, a special skill has come forth from a fellow called Roby. It's pretty good. He joins us now. A hoi to you, Roby. Oh, hey, boys. Roby. I mean, I don't believe, I don't believe you on this one, but we want to hear how it would go into practice. Can you explain to us again what you think your special skill is? Okay, so I realized not long ago that I could devise the 60 degrees of separation between myself and anyone else in Australia.
Starting point is 00:30:04 In Australia, okay? Yep. And so what's connecting you like, like, you know, it obviously has to be personal contact, right, you can't go, oh, okay, you know, Scott Morrison, yeah, I'm sorry, Monteveri, you know, it has to be, Scott Morrison gets his pies from my dad Ralph
Starting point is 00:30:23 and my dad Ralph shook my hand. Is that how it works? Yeah, so for example, I know Andy because he once met my brother and my dad at Moonling Skull Course ten years ago. Okay, that would work. So that's connected, yeah, that's in two degrees there. And you're saying any person, so we'll pick celebrity. You're always saying any celebrity.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Yeah, pretty good actually, because now anyone Andy that you've met, he's got you in three links. Well, are we just found the loophole here that, I mean, I suppose we've got a trot, maybe we adjust our names here, and we've got to put in people we haven't met. Well, media, that's what I mean, like he we've got a trot, maybe we adjust our names here, and we've got to put in people we haven't met. Well, I mean, that's what I mean, like he's just going to go,
Starting point is 00:31:08 if I've met them too, he's coming for links. Because they've met me. I bought my pies off the dark, I've got Ralph's met you. Okay, Litz. That is a very, very big little, but I promise I'll be honest. Okay, Litz, change this up. Well, I want to just adapt to a pick throwing at him. Yeah, just check anyone.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Check anyone. People that we haven't met though. Yeah, it's gonna be people. It's gonna be well-known people we haven't met. Well, it's all right. It's all right. We haven't met. No worries.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Okay, let me go first. Okay, all right. If you're ready to do this, you'll have 60 seconds to create the link. That's what you said in your email. Are you ready to go? I'm ready to go. I'm, I'm wearing to go. Jack, let's get into this.
Starting point is 00:31:49 So please, Robbie, please. Link any to Aussies with just 60 greens Good on you, Roby So you know I forgot to tell you you sung that first and I was meant to go with marshy and sing it And I heard your version and I went gee he's got it. I just had I just had my bit at hand Well, okay, I can see your face there go hang in the sack. say, it came to us so over this, but I just heard it and went, don't mess with it. But I was involved with a good like Robi at the end.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Yeah, it's good. All right, Ham, first person, well known Australian to go for it, send it, Robi's way, and I'm Robi Natasha from the 2020 season of Married at First Site. Okay. I know. I've got a friend who plays in a band called Travalli. He went to school with someone who was on the Bachelor at. And I don't watch enough,
Starting point is 00:33:06 married at first sight, to know who the tassier is, but that's the closest I can get. Oh, pause the clock. LAUGHTER I guess the thinking there is, they've closed. Bachelor at a married at first sight.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Married at first sight. They're different, they're different networks, although although as I said it, because I was just trying to think who's the least, who's the person I've been more easily likely to have met in Australia. But what this is a tricky one because there is a link, obviously, I can see it immediately. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And I've made, I realized my error as I said this because I married a first sight channel nine. Mm. The head of publicity at Channel 9, I mean Terry, Terry would have met all of an Andy. Yes, and he's met. He knows us. You've met Roby's dad and brother. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:55 So that's the fastest link. I liked the excitement of going through the Bachelorette, but there probably was a faster channel. So probably a mistake from me there. Well, you give me a two-in? No, I won't take it. No, you shouldn't. No, should you?
Starting point is 00:34:11 Okay, let's do two more. I've gone here. If you can do it to the letter and where you can hear it out within 60 seconds, I'm used to get two from two, we'll get them a coin. Okay. You got two? Yep. Ready to go?
Starting point is 00:34:26 Good to go. Bindi Irwin. Bindi Irwin. The funniest thing is my brother, I was training for this only an hour ago and he gave me Bindi Irwin. You got 50 seconds left. Ah!
Starting point is 00:34:40 Okay. So Bindi Irwin's husband is a wakeboarder and one of my mates who I played putty with his little brother is second in Australia for his age group. And there would be a connection there, but I cannot give it to... I love the honesty. I love the honesty. I love the honesty. Because you come out of the gates absolutely flying. And then everyone just thinks he's got this in the bag. And then you just run off the course and sit in the stands, not feeling it.
Starting point is 00:35:16 I love the honesty, because yeah, there would be a connection there. But it's just slightly lacking. Let's throw. I can do it. Yeah. Yeah, you can I mean, roving man is roving to any any to your brother and your dad. We've got the same gear. Exactly. We're back to the same Channel, but let's throw one more or two. I'm sorry one more and I love the honesty. So good luck. Okay. Mark Weber. Go. Okay. Mark Weber. Go.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Mark Weber. Okay. Let's see how we go. He is a racing driver. Yep. So he would know, that's racing is Australian racing driver. Yep.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Ricardo. Do. Ricardo. Do you recardo? Dan Ricardo, who is good mates with Marcus Steunus, who is best mates with my good friend, Ben Abbotangelo. Yes. And I know Danny. That's good. So I'm even in there.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Yeah. So then you can go to me back to your dad. I'm in the links in the back. Take a victory like because you've got a few of the six under you, the sleeve. Obviously. That is good. See that's the six under you, the sleep. Obviously. That is good. See, that's good. That was a good one.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Yeah. That was a really good one. And my favorite part of this is that when you play the Kevin Bacon game with movies, it's like, it's factual. You can't deny Bet Middle was in a movie with Jack Nicholson. It's there. It's an IMDB. My favorite part about Roby's version is he would know, like he would have bumped into it's based on a...
Starting point is 00:36:49 I thought we would have bumped into Dan Riccardo. Yeah, of course. It's based on a high degree of probability of going probably around about the 2015 Melbourne Grand Prix, they would have seen each other at an event. Okay, let's do one more, since it's fun, but you're not winning anything. Okay. Let's go with Paul Acta Paul Hogan. Paul Hogan. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Hogan is a comedian, so he would know, hopefully Hannah Gadsky. I don't know if they move in exactly the same circle. I'm sure you guys know every comedian in Australia. You know, you do bump into people, but you're not really doing the stand-up scene host. Yeah, but anyway, we're Henna and let's let's a huge leap. It's say you made it across that cliffhanger like chasm and you managed to hold onto the other side. Where do we go from Henna Gatsby? Henna Gatsby, for the half of one of my good friend Fred. Look, it's great. It's great. It's not worth the other way. It's been a great leap from folks. It has been. It's been entertaining.
Starting point is 00:38:06 But, um, on this, we're really impressed with you, or maybe it's silly, but all these people were on Rose's show, like, Robert Manis, you know, the tonight show. So I was just, that was while I was finding it hard to go like, you know, Paul Hogan, Roadmaster, then if you've got your link from Rove, you're away.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Yeah. Look, it was entertaining. A token of no value has gone your way. Roby, thanks so much, buddy. Thank you so much. Good work, mate. Hey, I know you'll know about these because it's an impulse purchase. And my...
Starting point is 00:38:42 I've probably got one. You've probably got my my girlfriend loves an impulse purchase. She's one of you. You guys are kindred spirits. This package arrived and the doorbell goes off and big. Yes. It'll be like calming blanket. All the heavy blanket.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Heavy blanket. The very heavy blanket. I've seen them. I don't think I am a fan. They could be swayed. She goes, well, I go, what's this? Yeah, it's a heavy blanket. It's calming it. It relieves your anxiety. And you can't be x-rayed through it. I was like, well, go down and grab it. You know, I'm not going to get your delivery because, and she goes, oh, can you give us a hand? Because it's that heavy. No way.
Starting point is 00:39:25 No way. How heavy is this blanket? And she goes, oh, you can get them different sizes. I've gone for the 6.5 kilo blanket, but it goes up to 9.9. Right. So what point does Cammy and your anxiety take over and crushing your lungs? So I've got the blanket out for her. She's lying on the... So what point does Cammy and your anxiety take over and crushing your lungs, Kiggy and you?
Starting point is 00:39:45 So I've got the blanket out for her, she's lying on me. She's been under that thing for four days. Help me. So calm under there for two months. So I'm going to put this on, then it takes, I thought I'd throw a blanket on it. And I was like, oh gosh, yes. So I've put the blanket on her and she's loving it. I was like, oh God, yes. So I've put the blanket on it and she's loving it.
Starting point is 00:40:07 She's like, oh, this is great. I think so, I think for people that don't have and see these ads, I think the science, but all of the science. Yes, Nassar down to tools for a bit. We've done the Mars helicopter. What else can we do with science? The theory behind it is, it's like the pressure of a hug
Starting point is 00:40:29 in a blanket. So they're making the blanket very heavy for people that like a more attack tile, you know, a bit more force on them. Not just the softness, the lightness of a woolen blanket, they want more force, perhaps if they're being neglected by their partner or something like that. And they have a need for more hug pressure. The science is still unclear on that, but that's what it's for. Yes, and Beck does find it amazingly calming. It's like,
Starting point is 00:40:56 she needs to sleep with a thick dooner on like, does that pressure on that being hugged? So she's loving it right. And she posts about it. She's like, it was, you know, it wasn't, well, didn't get a set of free. She was just like, I've bought this. I love it. Got my cunning blanket. She gets a direct message from Brendan Friend of ours who plays the Tuskeye brothers. Oh, yeah. He goes, love, love mine. What did you go with? Because it'd be a bit of a bit, bit, bit, bit, bit, because he said, I have, I have trouble sleeping as well, been loving it since I've got my hefty blanket, right? Yeah, right. Beck said, I've gone the 6.5 kilo. He's written back pussy. I've got a 40. 14.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Yeah. So he, as you're sure he has a just got a tuna with a few kettlebells to gaffer tape to it. So, there's this crazy thing going on where it's ordering heavy, heavy, heavy, how, what can you sleep under? Could you just sleep under it, Chris? Now, when Beck goes, hey, would you like a cup of tea? I was like, yeah, great, she goes, actually, can you get it?
Starting point is 00:41:55 I can't get it. I just like it. She's been. And it is hard. So, I was like, come on, give me a go at this. So, I was under it. You can't just, I get hot quickly. So, I like kicking out a leg. Yeah, no, you go at this so I was under it. You can't just I get hot quickly so I like kicking out a leg. Yeah, no you couldn't come in over it. I can't kick out a leg.
Starting point is 00:42:09 No, you're a leg just for Echelis. So I don't really like the case wasn't coming for me. I don't like feeling all the judo blanket. But it's got it, it's completely got it in a submissive role. Hey everyone, Mike here from the Hey Mission Andy team. It's the end of another main episode of Hey Mission Andy, but make sure you go over to Hey Mission Andy's Remembering project wherever you podcast to catch a brand new episode every Monday a season one is also all there for you to Binge. Here's a little tease from this week's episode where the guys reveal that not all private jets are created equal. It wasn't as big as we thought it was gonna be. No. We were still loving it, honey. I mean, it was still fun to fly in.
Starting point is 00:43:06 It was a private plane, but it was a six-seater. It was a six-seater. We thought we might have beds and stuff in it and shouts, but it turns out. We turned up to the airport in Brizzy, and we were like driving to the private side of the airfield. There was a golf stream, a G7 there, and the guy that was in charge of helping
Starting point is 00:43:25 us, he goes, there's your jet, and we went sick. Like we were like, yeah, great, because that's what we were imagining, like this sort of like, show I am, well, an, well, an, well, like a Kim Kardashian type, like, golf stream jets. We're like, yeah, awesome. He thought he was making such a clearly sarcastic joke. Yeah. That like, like as if you'd be like, so when, so we're sitting there waiting, we're all pumped up, like, pushing each other and giggling, we've got our jackets on, that we got made for the trip. And then we go out to the tarmac and he's trying to put us in this six-seater.
Starting point is 00:43:57 I thought that was the joke. So we're like, oh, funny. Isn't that our plane? And they're like, no, I hate to hit the roof. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Thanks for listening. The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com.

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