Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 137

Episode Date: June 23, 2021

1. Meeting our ZED trainer 2. Danni’s accent – Special Skill 3. The greatest secret 4. Upset Andy ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Cause the Hamish and the podcast starts in 3, 2. Sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi to the digital racer in Hamish. Bipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipip You're in the thing, I know the show's a hobby for you, but you're in. I'm very excited about the digital horses. Yes, we got an uptake to come soon. We got a real ham.
Starting point is 00:00:49 We have a very exciting world of digital racing. Jack, I think Jack's excited because there's, we'll get to it, but there's a chance we could win crypto as prize money. Yeah. And is Jack ever you think in running the old third rule or across that or? Well, I mean, I didn't even think that was in conjecture. We'll keep the money. We win, won't we? Right. It's the horse is winning races. Don't we keep the money? The price money?
Starting point is 00:01:18 Of course, of course. Just when we were discussing inflows, you were quiet as a church mouse. Yeah. So since you were there, I guess I didn't put any money in, so I don't really deserve any. Good point. We'll see. Good point. I hadn't thought of that. I was more excited about the keepings.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I before you talk about a Hoi-2 Josh. A Hoi-2 you, Andrew. You bloody cude. How on earth are we supposed to find this audio file, general inquiries? Yeah. Anyway, ohoy to the beard boys or as I like to call you as Jackhammer. Hey, Mish, you wanted the world's best shorts. I reckon I'd look at the FX days. I'm a trading myself just got to work, flooring installer.
Starting point is 00:02:06 The FXD short shorts, fantastic. And I reckon they, a sponsorship from them would go great with your Mercader jumpers. Anyway boys, I'm glad that I finally got through this and, shall. Well legend, yeah. I mean, Scotty Cam is gonna come across a clip of our show on Instagram and go
Starting point is 00:02:25 What what what is this show that Amish and you're doing they've got Makina hoonies on They've got everyone's favorite shorts the FXD's on I think this has got anything to do with it You're also kind of going to try it Am I okay? Yeah, what's going on? Why are you grooming Amish and you just steal the block? I'm just going to be able to steal the block. We won't need your job, Scotty Ken, because we're going to be too busy, way too busy, heading into the digital horse racing world. We've been chatting about this.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I think it was a couple of weeks back, we talked to EBS, who was CEO and founder of digital horse racing. We've been trying to work out how to get into crypto him. This show back in there after two full starts with cryptocurrencies. We certainly our heart was in the right place, but our passwords were not. No. And now our high finger hearts in the right place again, as we jump on the not even cresting wave of digital horse racing, Z horses. Yes. I mean, we assume everyone's listening to the podcast in order. So you've been through
Starting point is 00:03:31 the this with us. But if you've somehow just dipped into the first time, give it a try. The, well essentially, you buy a digital horse. It's a digital horse. It's not a, it's on an analog horse. There's no fur and blood and bones in it, but by God, it's its own personality. And you can race it against other digital horses. We went through the algorithm of how it races. The thing that I liked about the model and I, because I know it was a very kind of detailed conversation. But when I went away from it and trying to explain it at the pub, you know, you and I the other night were at the pub watching the footy.
Starting point is 00:04:01 That's the origin, yeah. And we were like trying to explain to people at the table what we got into. And a couple of phrases I thought helped, provably safe or unpredictable, because it's the blockchain, you can, it's impossible even for the people that own the algorithm to know what's gonna happen. Because it's that thing where it simulates the race
Starting point is 00:04:21 a thousand or a million times and then just picks one of those outcomes. That's the bit that I like about this, because you're like, okay, well, when I outside a good win, simulates the race a thousand or a million times and then just picks one of those outcomes. Yes. That's the bit that I like about this because you're like, okay, well when I outside a good win, it probably won't because an outsider might only win 12 times in a thousand and that has to be the one that's picked, but it could still happen. Happens in horse racing and obviously it happens in digital horse racing. We had a lot of, we thought we, let's buy digital horse.
Starting point is 00:04:42 You know how lots of people, Jack, during the week have reached out and saying, hey, let me be your trainer. Let me be your trainer. And we thought there was one fellow that really stood up, cut amongst the rest. His name is Christian. He joins us now. Christian, you've been commissioned as the trainer
Starting point is 00:05:00 for the stable of A-Chinae. Ahoy, do you? Digital Hello, boy, boy. So I am digital holly. I can't believe we have a digital horse trainer. for the stable of H&A, Ahoy do you? Digital Hall of Boy Boys, how are you? Digital Hall of Boy? I can't believe we have a digital horse trainer. Question, we are just over the moon. And as that excitement peaks,
Starting point is 00:05:15 one question is popping up. Ahoy has popped up in my mind, which is, why do we need a digital horse trainer? LAUGHTER Well, need verse one always comes in here. Because I love having one, but I, but, but why? Because is the horse, so can the horse get better? So the horse itself can't, can't essentially get better,
Starting point is 00:05:39 but who you race it against and how you race it will determine how well it does. So you can have one of the best horses in the game, but continually riding at the wrong distance or against the wrong competition and a kid coming last. So there is a little bit of, oh, sorry, a lot of data that goes into how to figure out the best best distances and whatnot. So yeah, it's something that if you don't have a lot of time in your hand and you're not putting a lot of time in you can
Starting point is 00:06:07 You can do wrong by the horse, which is obviously no what we're trying to do here. No, we want to do right by the horse. Do you do this full-time? Full-time. Yep As of the start of this year this is not only my full-time job, but also my my wife has quit her full-time job to come on board as well So how do you're running like that. How did that conversation go down with your parents where you go? It's a big call. I mean, it's like, it's a thing that mum, I mean, we're struggling to understand it. We're in our third, one of us in our 30s.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And I just feel like telling a mum and a dad, I'm quitting my job to race, did you go with digital horse, race, trainer. What do, what do they say? Well, it comes from two sides to my wife's parents are actually actual horse trainers, right? So I've been love that for a well over a year about my pixie horses or like digital horses that they call them.
Starting point is 00:06:55 So a lot of laughing and a lot of me just going, I'll show you. But I think they finally start to come around what is 18 months later. What was your what were you guys working in like what fields were you in your wife working before you got into digital horse training? So I was actually a country manager for tourism brands for the few years leading up and I actually I lost my job. I didn't lose my job to COVID but I found it very, very hard
Starting point is 00:07:21 to get back into where I was. And so I picked this up as a complete hobby, right? And just to sort of keep me entertained, it was a... We know someone like that. LAUGHTER We don't keep you mentioning that. LAUGHTER OK, OK, this is... I think I'm saying to get a bit of a full picture here.
Starting point is 00:07:45 So let's just say we get a great horse, right? Let's just say, get an amazing horse cool, you know, lightning, captain lightning bolt. Even though we've spent the money getting a very good digital horse, unbeknownst to us, captain lightning bolt will have a favorite distance and like a preferred style of racing. We just will never know it is because like with real horses, you can't ask them. You have to figure it out for yourself. And that's where your job comes in training them to kind of figure out, okay, I think this is the kind of horse that prefers long distance.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Yeah. Do you feed them as well? Is there a preferred feed that we're meant to be giving them? They've been talking about it. They've been talking about digital characters and all of these sort of stuff. I don't think it'll come in, but it's been conversation for a while. But yeah, that's what you're trying to do.
Starting point is 00:08:32 You're trying to run it. So essentially, I call training the first 50 to 75 racists. And during that time, you're just trying to figure out. And you just keep in mind these horses never die. They can race thousands of times. They can do it race as long as they want. So 50 to 75 races. Yeah, I've got over 250 horses in my stable.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Well, hey, Mrs. Dad's got a VW TIG one. We're all here. Everyone's doing all right, mate. So horses for courses and noles for cars. I'll rate 10 to 30 of them at any given time. What about injuries? No injuries, no training, no vet fees. You're trying to be no updates.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. You're trying to be no updates. I'm trying to be no updates. I'm trying to be no updates. I'm trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. Hang on, you're trying to be no updates. the thing alive and it is actually by the horse. Yes. Christian, your email came into my side of the fence. Jack I rang, I rang, I said, hey, we should get this guy. He knows a lot more than we do. And then, obviously, Christian was, is this a scam? Well, it's in the volcano. We've talked on air about how we're going to bar this Ethereum.
Starting point is 00:09:39 We're going to buy three or four EFA. And it's a popular crypto at the moment. And I know some people's ears would prick up and go, oh, they're disgusting at what they're doing. Yeah. I'll email them. I'll promise them the world. And I'll, because I said, look, is there a bit, let me just ask Ando, is there, is, because Andy was in charge of getting the Ethereum? So is there a bit where we're gonna have to transfer our crypto somewhere else to get the horse? And I went, yeah, I think that's how it works.
Starting point is 00:10:10 We handed over to Christian. And I said, right, well, I used to thinking what I think, I'm thinking this could be the bit where we never hear from him again. And he said, no, no, I've got that cover, Jackie goes, it's okay, I've asked him. And he texted him and said, you're not going to steal it, I mean. And he said, and then he assured me, he wouldn't. It's been our layer of security. But he sounds like a trustworthy guy. That's, you don't sound like a fee-fishing, which is great.
Starting point is 00:10:46 That would be the biggest short term play. I think anyone has ever done trying to run off with 10 grand. Yeah. It's a funny, on national radio versus what it will happen if I did that. So, okay. We're all good here. How much money do you think we need to start a save?
Starting point is 00:11:03 Well, Ham and I are thinking, Christian, that we'd like to buy one goodie. Yeah, one absolute lightning quick. Like, you know, you mentioned that when you can even buy these second hat, like what's the best horse in the world going for at the moment of this won't be us, but like what's the most famous race horse at the moment worth? This is going to sound so biased,
Starting point is 00:11:22 but definitely my horse, Ducky Malin, is the number one horse on the platform. And I have had authors of half a million US for her. What? Christian Takers. We'll not sell her. You won't sell her. No. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:11:39 No. Well, and do you know that one of your awesome million US? She quit a job Christian This is we've got a fee to family This is it so well that's definitely a okay, well, we're not like common death Okay, wow okay, well, I buy that but this is good news. He's got a nice friend him Okay, but we want something like good but obviously not dahi melon level
Starting point is 00:12:02 We want one you know best we can buy with like one or two Ethereum. And then we'd like, we think six, half a dozen shippers. It is. It is. It is a shipper. Absolute misfits and shippers. Oh.
Starting point is 00:12:19 On the off chance that one of those six could be a fluke champion. So if we were to give you, say, $10,000, is that enough to get one potential, you know, a good-ish one and six misfits? Yeah, that's enough. We can definitely do that. We can also breed them out as well, you know. I think the important thing is the one that you buy, then this is going to hurt on our conceit already. What might end up happening is the one that we spend most of the money on might end up being the worst horse because it's all a genetic sort of genetic like lottery in terms of what you buy.
Starting point is 00:12:57 So just because you spend the most on that one doesn't mean it's going to be the best horse. That's like real life ideas spreading them across. Okay. Yeah. We like that idea of just a few speckies. Yeah. Which is exciting since they're digital. We have to buy more stables or anything like that. That's the fun of having a digital horse farm. Yeah. You can have as many as you want. We'll set all this up. Let's pause this week for this weekend. Let's catch up with Christian next week. Christian, you've got a week. Come back with the horse. Go shopping. Go shopping. Next week, we would like to hear what is the first horse in Hamishenai stable. Sounds good. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Look at that. Ham, a special skill fell to my side of the fence. Hamishenai.com, we love any correspondence, but it gets split 50-50. So Hane doesn't know what I know. I don't know what he knows as it comes in. And my hand has no idea what the left hand is up to. Danny Jack, Jackie is the brain. Jack was saying both hands. Yes, but I don't read any.
Starting point is 00:13:57 So, the brain is not watching the brain. The brains are, brains are optical nerves. Have a shutdown. So, we are tickled nerves, have shut down. So we are an interesting buddy. It's not only operated by, it's not in a coma, operated by three lazy drivers. Yeah, when did you stop? When we, when we, when we, we, definitely last year, it wasn't, it's not you, it's not you, you stopped day to go. Yeah, probably around COVID times. Yeah, that was the time that you had more
Starting point is 00:14:24 time in your hands. Yeah, like, yeah, okay? Yeah, probably around COVID times. That was the time that you had more time in your hands. Yeah, like, yeah, okay. Anyway, I think it's because Andy and I have more time in our hands, we started putting, we probably started putting more effort in. I, you know, last year, we always loved the podcast, but last year the podcast became very special
Starting point is 00:14:35 during lockdown, during Melbourne's lockdown, in particular, so, you know, we're tucked away for a hundred days. And you love the podcast, we've for the podcast. And I think it was, here's the way I think about it. If Jackie is the driver of the podcast because he sits behind the desk there, he had taken his foot off the gas.
Starting point is 00:14:51 We didn't notice it because you and I, the gusto from you and I was creating a downhill. So the show was zooming downhill. Only because you and I were creating a downhill. And so we took, we got to the flat that we realized, I didn't expect that. I did expect pressing the accelerator. But it was a lag on noticing, I think.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Like, absolutely. But we certainly, we know now Jack, with Jack's two feet up on the dash, even a cocktail, but he's got it in an auto-pilot now. If stuff trickles through to Instagram, though, some people message about the show there, I will usually write back to that. So, that's nice, nice Jack I'm catching it
Starting point is 00:15:26 You realize I mean again, we know it's a hobby but in your employment contract. It's specifically so it's read emails. Yeah. Yeah, interesting I could certainly be interpreted too was Your Anyway Your answer is, I don't know if it's a song. Does it say, who should read it? Anyway, this one came in from Danny. I don't know. It's getting from Danny. She said, she can very convincingly pull off at least eight different accents.
Starting point is 00:15:57 She used to use them all the time when she was in sales as well. So this is exciting. That's a great place to use it because I would be more likely to, I mean, I'm a pushover, but I would be more likely to buy something over the phone from a Scottish person. Well, apparently Irish accent is the most trusted. Is it? I reckon that's leprechauncer tricks. But it explains how you Insurance have gone, a lot of insurance companies go and I always say, I'm in it, I'm in it, I'm sorry, I love that guy.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think UE's a sheep. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, like that. Oh, I'm sorry. They're not as bonsai. Danny, Danny, we don't want to speak,
Starting point is 00:16:38 is she standing by? No, you explain, you come up with this camera, I really like it for this accent test. Yes, so Danny can hear us, you don't have to say anything Danny, but Danny, here's how the game's gonna work. You're gonna give us three different accents, but it must include your actual accent.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Yeah, you're new to whatever that is. The permanent country accent. You're gonna say, when we say accent one, you're gonna say the same line every time, which is, oh, my name is Danny, and as you can tell, this is my real accent. Then, Jack, Hey, Mission Eye, we're going to chance to ask you one question.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Per accent, we'll take it in turns between us. You have to answer that in the accent, and then we'll have a think about it and move on to the next one. If, and at the end, we're guessing the natural accent. Let's say we get a American, Armenian, and Azerbaijanian. If she's only operating at the top of the country's list, we say, okay, we think Azerbaijanian is your natural accent.
Starting point is 00:17:37 If we guess that, we obviously block the coin. But if she's, what if one of this guesses? I think we have to all come to a conclusion. Right, okay. So the odds are really against us here. Yeah. But it's only, it's a three to one shot though. Yeah, if there's a two to one for her to get a coin. Yeah. If she can be convincing. Okay, I get it. Don't worry, I'm working with you.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Don't be convincing me. I like the game. I'm working with you to build tension. I don't think you would diminish her. I wasn't. No, I was only... Okay, but I was like, well, that's part of it. Like is on her side, but let's see, right?
Starting point is 00:18:17 Let's see if she can be convincing. Okay, let's jump into it. Oh, Danny girl, a coin, a coin is calling Trick as three with a different accent. If we guess wrong, you'll stand in order your glory. Glory, but boy will we laugh at our poor attempt? Good luck. Jenny joins us now. Jenny joins us now. Jenny joins us now.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Take it away with first accent. Ahui, my name is Dhani and this is my real accent. Oh, it's got a shine for you. That sounded Eastern blocked to me. Jack, it's got a shine for the view. That sounded Eastern blocked to me. Jack, it's your turn to ask a question. All right, Danny, in that accent, who is your favorite member of friends and why? I'm fairly sure that everybody thinks Chandler is the funniest because Dwell is fairly obvious that he is actually a Nazi Paris amazing. Oh, you're right. At least in Europe, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:25 That was good. She hasn't had to do any more Russian questions. That's fine. Okay, accent number two, Danny. Oh, my name is Danny, and this is my real accent. Okay. Danny, well, you want to go in there? Yes, what's your favorite sport, Danny? I like kickboxing and more tie.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Hmm, me too. favourite sport, Danny? I like keep boxing in more tie. Me too. LAUGHTER And at the end, I will reveal I've told one more. LAUGHTER OK, OK, not that. OK, Danny, third accent please. Oh, you've made me dunnie and this is my real accent.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Oh, I wish. Got internet salesman. Danny, what shoes are you wearing and where did you get them? Wearing Converse, so that my sister brought me from a birthday. Very good. I'm wearing Nike's. Oh, from water over. Okay, well, I mean, she doesn't have to say anything. You have to say it in the light.
Starting point is 00:20:26 It's done. Okay, couple of things in the soil and around my head. The Irish came in fast, natural clean. It flowed smoothly, there was no delay on the delivery. Is that because it's her favorite accent to do? We don't know. Would you put your natural one last? We don't know. The Australian felt
Starting point is 00:20:48 a little turned up to 11, am I? I agree. My worry is you go extra-ocker is a red herring. Yes. Is that what you think? There's an ABC kid show called Kangaroo Beach at the moment that I have been in Dura have had horse to endure. And it's fine, but it just felt like a bit of a Kangaroo Beach accent. It'd be funny and does great work in Kangaroo Beach, but it just felt like a bit of... Or any Australian in the US TV show or film. Yeah. Do you feel a bit Simpson's Australian episode? A little bit.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Jack, what about the first? My thought is Irish. It really came naturally and most believable. The first one I was skeptical on. First, the Eastern European. For a little bit like a baddie and get smart, didn't I? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So good. I mean, a great accent.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Let's just say hats off all round. She certainly is a lady of many voices here. Which one is the real voice? I think Irish is her natural. I think Lilt. I'm thinking Irish, I just hope we haven't been fed. A two-dalled up Aussie. That's my worry though. Yeah, I am worried about that.
Starting point is 00:21:59 But I think the other thing to consider is, is it most likely going to be Australian because most of the listeners are Australian? That's, it is true, but it's unfair. Then we're not playing the game really, we're trying to play the odds. I think we have to lock in Irish. You guys are with happy with that. I'm not playing Irish. Okay, Danny, are you there?
Starting point is 00:22:21 Yes, I am, and I'd love to tell you guys that I am Irish but I'm born in Britain, Australia, sorry. She's changing all the steering wheel. She's getting changed. Did your sister even buy you those conversa? Are you just alive? No, it looked. I'm not a complete fever, she really did buy these for me from a birthday.
Starting point is 00:22:42 But very much Australian. So that is great. It's a good Irish. OK. Now let's go. You've got to coin down. Well done. Let's go inside the Actus here. During the accent, the Australian bit,
Starting point is 00:22:57 did you add perhaps one extra layer of Vegemite on the Australian accent? I think I added about 10 layers of Vegemite. Yeah. Yeah. that's the guy. I suppose you had to. But I mean, we smelled it. What was strange was I thought your Australian was your worst accent. It was only three. We got to choose from three.
Starting point is 00:23:22 So I think if there was a lineup of eight, obviously, you would have probably played your Australian a little differently, Eric, and you had the throw at the end. That's the game. Well done, congratulations, coin coming your way in a rare moment where there's been a success story and a special skill on that.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Thank you, man. Thank you very much, please. Cheers. See you later. See you. That's all I see. MUSIC And I wandered past the bookstore the other day and my eyes caught a book that I know you're a fan of.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Or a series of books that I know you're a fan of. The Secret by... Rhonda. Rhonda. I guess by Ronda someone. I'm sure that one. Yeah. And I remember when the Secret came out, you loved this book, raving about it going, all you've got to do is have a big wish. And what you wish for. Yeah. Which I think is that that's the only time you have the secret. So it was very popular self-help book about 15 years ago. And you can amplify your wish, can you? By cutting out a picture of your wish
Starting point is 00:24:29 and sticking it up on your wish board or something. Yeah, so the more pictures, the better luck comes. Or something. The more if you change dimensions from you're just wishing to visual wishing, yep, your vision board, things will come to you. Now, before people get too defensive here, I'm not put in the notion of positive thinking.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Of course, if you want to do this, if you want to run a marathon, or if you would like a new car, having a goal is a fine thing. Yes. I think the secret was interesting because it seemed to push the theory that once you've made the wish,
Starting point is 00:25:05 you've done your bit. Now it's up to the universe to just to receive the order and put the wheels into motion and to start filling out the new car. You know, you might in a dream the universe might appear and go, oh, what are you thinking? Hold on, cruise or like what do you want? Oh, more of a Tinguine place. Hold on. We can't. I mean that's what's
Starting point is 00:25:30 hopefully can. Would you be happy with a hold on cruise? Obviously everyone's wishing for Tinguines. So that seemed to be the idea. My mum was very into the secret. Yes, secret. It's cables into that stuff, though, your mum. Huge, huge. Crystal. Huge. Yes. Horus Goes. Angelims. Yep. Moonbeams, my mother-in-law heavily into that world.
Starting point is 00:25:53 So they love, they really resonate with them. Just can great, finally, a system I can get right behind. Wishing, forget. I've done my bit. Again, should you wish to, and you open a cake store? Good. That's great. That's great to be thinking about that. But I would say that more than when you go and talk to the builder or your friend who's a designer or a scout, you actually know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:26:22 You start thinking about that. That's probably more of a secret. Whether the cakes are good enough. It's the stuff that's probably helping you get there. Yeah, rather than just, well, I wish, and now I wish him wait. I will wait for the keys to arrive in the mail. Anyway, so the secret, I thought we'd sort of had the secret, the secret of common gone.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Anyway, I'm walking past the bookstore. There's a new one out. What's it called? It's called the greatest secret. Ah! Ah! Ah! Alright.
Starting point is 00:26:51 The greatest secret, which if I was one of the original secret fans, I would be annoyed at the greatest secret going, well why didn't you include this in the original book? I thought the whole, isn't the whole point of the secret? Like, there is only one secret. This is the secret to the universe. You just have to wish a bit harder. And that's everything we've taken care of after that. Now we find out there's a greatest secret. Well, it's like tech companies. When you've got a phone, you go, if we've got amazing technology that leaps kind of three phones in advance, like, no, let's bring out something in between.
Starting point is 00:27:29 So you make it, they'd already have the PS8, but they're just not bringing it out yet. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm going to try to, I'm not trading in, I'm trading into Qiterita here and I want to be sensitive to this. One of our very good friends, Sarah, she produces this podcast. She has her own podcast here. He's a life of greatness that plays somewhat in this world. I'm not saying she might not be a giant proponent for the secret, but say, come in here for a sec. There's coming in. There's coming in. Now, say, I'm wild, wild guess, wild guess here, say, have you read the secret? I actually interviewed Ron to burn about the greatest secret. Okay. I've got the greatest secret. Well, this is my question to you.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Can you tell me, are we writing our original assessment of the secret? Not really. Okay. Where do we go wrong? It's more, because it became more Hollywood style people thought, I'll just think of a parking spot,
Starting point is 00:28:21 and then a parking spot. My mum does that. Exactly. She actually sends a white light ahead of her life. parking spot and then a parking, I can get the parking spot. My mum does that. It's actually. She actually sends white light ahead of when we get there, she sends white light to the universe. And then when the parking spot turns up, she uses that as evidence of the existence of the system working. Oh, hilarious.
Starting point is 00:28:40 She's onto it. It's manifestation. So it's, you have your desire, but you have to actually feel like, like, it's happening or it's happened and usually do it when your eyes are closed and you go into kind of a meditative state. And then you think about what you want, but you think about it as if it's already there. So it's, so it's wearing, it's, it's wearing a suit to uni, going boys, boys, boys, I've already got the internship, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:10 dress for the job you want, not the job you have. That's not that, and then you, far off what we were saying. No, not far off, but then you actually have to kind of go about your daily life like you've already got it. Oh, so what? So we can turn it to the cake shop and start making cakes
Starting point is 00:29:25 and skill it dry cleaners. I think, what are you doing here? This is my cake shop. Not yet, it's not. But our lease hasn't ended. And this is... LAUGHTER This is...
Starting point is 00:29:38 This is Sewardine Row, when you say, I can't get with Giselle Bush and tonight, like, Oprah. LAUGHTER It doesn't exist. There's more elements in this. Say that. Sorry, Zuckerberg, this is my office now. I don't know if you know or not, but I have been wishing.
Starting point is 00:29:54 With my eyes closed, I've been doing it right. I've been doing it right. So, okay, so that's the secret 1.0. Yeah, can you tell what the great is? No, what's the greatest secret? It hasn't been improved. Yeah. So, I think she just goes basically into... I suppose fingers crossed.
Starting point is 00:30:20 But you are allowed to eat one I open once a month. Spoiler alert. I'm sorry sir. I think basically you're not far off. She just goes... Just toes, toes. She's just going into more depth about what the initial secret was. And I think she just talks more about how you really have to live and breathe what your manifestation is. I feel a bit like that.
Starting point is 00:31:00 She's living a breathing where people have been falling over. So is this because people are bringing up going, hey, I keep walking up to this Ferrari and it doesn't go, what? It doesn't know. It's not opening. And it's back on there and we'll live it and breathe it a bit more. So during your interview, Sarah, did you say that sounds a lot like the original? Yeah, plus, plus. Well, I thought that for a little bit, but then she mostly talked about her life story
Starting point is 00:31:30 and how she lives and breathes the secret. She had some very good points. But when you tell her to originally, she closed her eyes and crossed the fingers and wish she didn't, and suddenly... Even tended to Joe Rogan. And she living in LA. Yes, yes, she's living in America. Right, so the pressure's on for when people see her driving down Sunset Strip, whatever,
Starting point is 00:31:54 and she's looking for a car park. If she doesn't get one immediately, because it has people just transferring this power now and defining car bags, she would just drive home rather than the embarrassment of going, I can't let people see me, who's living and breathing at the best, not get a car park.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Over you, I'm just... Yes, over the horrible day for her. Well, that's it exactly, because she said that she lives and breathes everything in the secret, and she doesn't have attachment to any outcomes. Is there podcast out yet? Yes, the episode is out. People go check it out.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Life a great, nice to see you. We do love your podcast, so thank you. You're doing beautiful work in that interviewing her, not us. Well, that's the thing. That's, Sarah does beautiful work in that space. I mean, an inquisitive mind, taking all those guests on, but I can't believe living and breathing was the people weren't doing so eyes close, eyes cross, live and breathe. Can't go wrong. Close eyes full hearts can't lose. Ando. You seem relaxed. You seem un-upset. Shall we upset you? No. Yes. Everything is neat and practical because that's the way he likes it. But what if it wasn't? Upset Andy. All right. Do you, Darnest?
Starting point is 00:33:19 I see Ed's in the barrel. We have Ed ready to deploy a hoyer. Hey boys, how you doing? You're taking good. Very good mate. What have you got to upset Andy? I actually want to let you guys know, I bought an electric toothbrush over a year ago and as soon as it ran out of charge,
Starting point is 00:33:39 couldn't be bothered putting it back on the jar. I'm just using it as a normal toothbrush. As a small circular headed normal toothbrush. It actually, I'm in the middle of doing the same thing. It does the job. Absolutely does the job. That gives me hives. And it's right at the top.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Right at the top. The motorized scale for me. The motorized function is a nice value add. But it's like an e-bike. You can still pedal it. You can still get around on it. And yeah, it definitely got me congrats buddy. That's right.
Starting point is 00:34:07 You're right at the top for me. Hey, do I? Guys, I get frustrated. I get frustrated when we go away and don't bring the charger and it starts getting low like it slows down a little bit. Um, slow down. Really, slows down. I mean, but how many revs a minute do you think?
Starting point is 00:34:25 Because it's like a thousand revs a minute. Like, you know, five hundredths to a very good. Towards the last brush as it does to lose its mojo. Anyway, Ethan, a hoi-dina for taking it away because I just have one travel tooth brush that I have like floating around the backpack that I use to travel. And I will. Yeah, I do. And it's the old C-through plastic one
Starting point is 00:34:46 that you get with the mini toothpaste in the travel kit. And I'm not a grub. So when I get to where I'm going, often you'll get like a little kettle in the, like the hotel room. And I'll boil the kettle and sterilize the toothbrush. And she's good to go again. He's losing quite a lot of bristles though.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Has got severe baldness, that brush, but still, you know, doing the job. Ethan, Johoy, do you? I believe always. Um, only. So following the dental theme, I've also got one involving the empty tube of toothpaste like, you know how hard it is just to get that little bit out. And because Brandon's probably got something that you could buy online or at a market, like some sort of plastic clip that might.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yeah, I don't, I don't subscribe. I don't have seen them, ham. It's not my... It kind of thing you just use, I'm really not interested. If you practice proper toothpaste, it gets from the out, you won't need it. You won't need it, which is... And what is the toothpaste?
Starting point is 00:35:37 Toothproms, thumbs from the bottom, and always press from the bottom, making your way up. Why would you, though, when you can have the excitement pressing from the top with the fresh teeth? Oh, okay. Anyway, Ethan. Sorry, Ethan, what are you doing with the empty toothpaste? You just leave it there and just brush your teeth
Starting point is 00:35:54 with the toothbrush alone, because I can guarantee there is less go of a toothpaste in between the priceless teeth. Oh, I'm afraid it's going to be. And that's a guarantee. It's a guarantee. I rinse thoroughly and you... Yeah, but it's like we're in Singapore. I'm saying, Andrew, there will still be something there.
Starting point is 00:36:11 There will still be something. Let's keep it. That's got me as well, Ethan. Garrett. I believe coming to us from the United States. It's Greg from Chicago. Chicago. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:36:23 How things there, buddy? I do well, I do well. Chicago. Fantastic. How things there, buddy? Doing well, doing well. Good to hear. All right. We'll make things over here furious by upsetting Andy, please. Mike, I went out a few years ago that she had a cavity, which the dentist said was due to lack of flossing. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And this year, obviously, the floss is that you can't take it around everywhere and also who else is tied to find the floss in the first one. So pretty regularly, she'll just use her hair. No, nature's floss. God did not give us a head full of floss for us to have lamb in our teeth all the time. This is special dentist. My family. We found your F your hot button. Garrett, please
Starting point is 00:37:07 give your wife a Tisk Tisk from me. Could she get, could I get meat, I get, I've got to spot in my teeth, it's an absolute fiend for a, particularly a lamb, or a pulled pork, something with a long stringy meat texture. Is hair strong enough to get meat out from between the teeth? I have answered that before and the answer is yes. She's a wonderful woman. Thanks, Garrett. He's a gun. Jai.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Jai. Jai. Oh, he's Jans. What have you got to upset Andy? Yeah, so basically it's a pretty simple one. When I'm cooking with eggs, I crack open an egg shell instead of walking all the way to the bin and then all the way back to the cooking station. I'll just chuck it straight back into the garden. And then when
Starting point is 00:37:54 I've finished with all the eggs, I have this nice little cardon of 12 empty eggs shells ready to put straight in the bin fast and loose. Fast and loose And so you, however, but you would you put back in the fridge only empties and six, and six, six, four? Yes, I would, of course. See, that's where I was. Over days, he's talking about throwing, he's talking about throwing the show at days later empty. He's not cooking 12 eggs at a time.
Starting point is 00:38:16 That I'm not into this. Yeah, well, the way I see it is, you're not going to have 12 trips to the bin or just a one, so. Yeah, absolutely. He's got time for 12 trips to the bin. I mean, what about? What about the place that modern life is at the moment. If you bought the bin next to you when you were doing the eggs, we've dropped the bin dragon over. Oh, double. I'm quite a common man, Andy, and my bin is actually not really easy to move so. No, no, no, must be nice. I have a big throne bin on wheels. It must be very nice, mate. Why is this? It must be wonderful to have that sort of a tall MBB bin.
Starting point is 00:38:48 That's fine. That's fine, then luxury. Sorry about that. Sorry about that, darling. You dassy, wrap this up for a subhead out of this. Oh, boy. Oh, he dassy. What have you got for Andy?
Starting point is 00:39:02 I keep a little cup of chewing gum in my car. When it starts to run a little bit low and I'm next time I'm at the servo, I'll go in. I buy another tub of mint. I usually get a different flavor. And there's usually five or ten left in the previous tub. So I'll just chuck it in the new tub and shake it up. And I've got a whole variety of flavors. And usually by now I've got about three or four flavours in one tub.
Starting point is 00:39:26 This is interesting, Darn. A mould. It doesn't quite... The reason why it doesn't urk me is I wouldn't like having to run with two tubs of chewy in my car. So the efficiency of having it all in one container. It's got an efficiency bona. And I actually delight me.
Starting point is 00:39:45 And I think we're done. They would delight me more than the having a random flavor. Because all they're all good flavors. It's not like chewing gum brings out, you know, diarrhea, flabers, like, oh, I don't want that one. They're all perfectly good, chewable flavors. So you haven't upset me. In fact, you get even to life up.
Starting point is 00:40:04 I do. Yes. You've tried. Sometimes even to the top. I love the one. Yes, sometimes it backsfires, we never can tell. He's a strange animal. Makes out good job. Hi everyone, Mike here popping in at the end of this week's main pod to remind you all about Hamish and Andy's remembering project season two of which is coming out every Monday. Season one is all there for you to binge as well if you would like to go back and check that out.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Here is a little clip from this week's episode where the boys talk about how they used to get big-name artists and bands on the show. Seems a fun time of the year and a lot of the time. Yes, a lot of the time. Across the years. Because in normal rate you're finishing an idea. Yeah. And then all you have to do is work out whatever the end of the year party is.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Yep. Yep. That was a big one in right there, wasn't it? Yeah, what are we doing to finish off the year? I mean, you know, you got three weeks of ringing of pre-organized phone calls, calling bands. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, a powder finger.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Do you reckon you play? Oh, jeez. Boys, I'd have to check the calendar. Yeah, okay, I'll come and bands. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, a powder finger. Do you reckon you play? Oh, jeez, boys, I'd have to check the calendar. Yeah, okay, I'll come and play. Oh, wow. Thank you. I can't believe we secure a powder finger. Just keep on one-eighths and a powder finger, they picked up. It was really good at birding,
Starting point is 00:41:17 that it'd be very, very available. And now as a four-twinkie. And now as a thank you. Here's your new song. LAUGHTER Definitely in that order. Yeah. And now as a four-twink and now as a thank you. Here's your new song. LAUGHTER Definitely in that order. LAUGHTER Thanks, guys. Check it out wherever you pod.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Hey Mission Andes Remembering Project, alongside the main pod which continues to come out every Thursday, we will catch you next week. Thanks for listening. The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com.

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