Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 140

Episode Date: July 14, 2021

1. New ‘Common Man’ merch 2. Thunder Castle’s first race 3. Horgs: Head of merchandise distribution 4. Fake Plants, yes or no?...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A LISTENUP PRODUCTION Activate your internet Cause the Haymission and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering ONE What do you hem? How are you my boy. Uh, how do you jacko? The hoi boys.
Starting point is 00:00:27 And... Oh my other boy. Hoi hoi. Oh hoi boys. If it isn't the hoi boys. Australia's favourite trio. What would be Australia's favourite trio? There's not any hoi boys.
Starting point is 00:00:39 The hoi boy. The hoi boy. But there's not many. There was no awesome for some. Scared with little guys. Are these the skaters? scared with little guys They were They were too they were tripod Try for
Starting point is 00:00:49 Try for try try I think scared with like little guys originally had three and one got so scared Wouldn't go on stage So there was always there was always a third our international listeners had some googling to do for and want to treat their Singing what I'm a troll. Probably anyone under 30 as well who listens to the Australian. True, but if you're also, if you've got time up to sleep, if you're enjoying the Googling of the skates and tripod, flying time for the umbilical brothers as well also in the same. Yep, yep, but also. But it also. But it also. It's on the duo.
Starting point is 00:01:22 So trio, yes, could have been Trevor, but can you name another big trio in Australia? I can. I mean, the three tenors were it for internationally, but they're also there. They're strong. Big four banks, that's four, that doesn't work. In the kids TV show, bananas in pajamas,
Starting point is 00:01:41 there was three bears. Obviously, the bananas are just two, but they're all in. And no one's beers. Obviously the bananas are just two, but they're both. And no one's been in Australia's favorite trio. Like they're from Goldilocks in the three beers. That would've been, I don't know if they were Goldilocks related. They were just friendly bananas. I'm not even following.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I'm not talking about the trio. It's like, all right, well from neighbours, I mean, Toady, Bouncer and... Yeah, look at him. Dr. Cal, ever as a favourite tree. Or, once. That's the scumly way of the dog. What was it discovered though, which is interesting,
Starting point is 00:02:14 is if you are about... It's wide open. If you are about to start any kind of comedy team, or even a band... Well, I was going to say anti-donor, but you know. I thought it was too obvious. Anti-donor, but you know I thought it was too obvious I'm going to throw it away I didn't know it did anyway let's say
Starting point is 00:02:31 I'll wait and see you do it because I know you helped them with their shows I thought the right thing to do here is to give Andy this face but it wasn't on the top of your mind you're instead be tripod that's showing you tipping your hand a little bit on the top of your mind. Who knows? You're in STEM. We need to be... Tripod. Tripod. That's showing you tipping your hand a little bit,
Starting point is 00:02:47 showing you you would have rather worked with. Ha, Lara Hamer, who'd have heard as well, Lara. Hello, Hamish and Andy and Jack. Be a whole voice. I just woke up and I had a really weird dream. I was listening to that episode of the Remembrance Project the other day we are talking about where you came up with nice and easy, out of LaBrieze. And then I was having a bit of a laugh about that. I went to sleep and I woke up and in my dream I kept saying to people, keep it peachy,
Starting point is 00:03:22 Christina Ricci. And I just, that's the only thing I remember about the dream, was that I kept saying, keep it peachy, Christina Ricci. And I didn't even realize she was still in my head. I haven't thought about her since, like, Casper, the friend of those people. Anyway, enjoy that nugget. Thanks guys.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I thought we're at first of all, because you've won your own game. Some of you haven't thought of it a while. I'm watching you play that soon. We should play that soon. For those that haven't had the remembering process, this is another podcast we do. We go back through the yesterday year of radio shows and trying to reminisce about stuff that we usually have forgotten about.
Starting point is 00:04:01 But nice and easy Adam, we're breezy. You still very much in my head, almost on a daily basis. Yes, guys, when it was actually LeBriszy, that doesn't work. And we kept saying nice and easy, Adam LeBriszy, and we thought it went to air, but Jack forgot to record the entire podcast that recorded a lot of special memories
Starting point is 00:04:18 about that particular piece of audio. But the reason we do the remembering project is for that very reason, we it's twinception you, and to make you dream about your own catchphrases. So have a listen and sweet dreams. Nice to see you, Christina Ricci. Hey, this is, um, is it, is it Ricky or Ricci, but I don't know. You know, Adam Lever, Eugene Levy, you should leave. Which I think do we mention that on that episode? Eugene Levy's situation.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I can't remember. Now I can't remember the episodes of the remembering project. But that problem. So we need a new podcast to remember those episodes. Huge news. We've taken the long way to get here and we're so excited about this. We keep getting asked for different merch and people have asked us whether there's some, there are some famous and any merch stores online that aren't us and they've alerted us to them.
Starting point is 00:05:08 But we didn't want to come out with just, you know, the Hamish and E logo on a beer holder or something like it was like we'd been for a while now, Ham, working what would be the best type of merch? Well, like the reason we'll come to us with that. Let's not just, yeah, like, splash the logo ever. And as Anna said, there are other sites that we have tried to take down. They are slippery, possibly hosted in Russia. I don't know. It's like trying to catch a bloody bar of sight. You can't really, you know, you jump the head off, they pop up somewhere else. So you go, okay, you can't beat those guys. But they're doing a very, very poor quality. What, you know, I haven't checked for a while. I mean,
Starting point is 00:05:42 it's not, it's not, it's technically not our very first foray into wearable merch. We had Andy by Hamish t-shirts, which were a that was not that wasn't sanctioned Hamish. Well, all three of Hoy boys weren't on board there, but that's certainly the beard boys were that doesn't. That doesn't come. All subcategory of the Hoy boys. But we did very well out of that. Didn't we, Jack? And then we also created a surfsup, T-shirts. That's right. Which was usurfing me on a wave. I was like, I'm a f***er. And like pirates, we sold them on our cruise ship adventures.
Starting point is 00:06:18 As for cash only. And then went to the casino on that cruise ship. And washed the money. As they say in the tax game, and certainly declared it all. LAUGHTER Shougi wished to pour back over records. So that's all happened.
Starting point is 00:06:39 So we see this is our first official. This is nice to be doing it officially. Now of course, people will be listening to this going, what about the Power Moves book? An amazing edition, whether you've got the first or the dishonorable second edition of the Power Moves book. Of course, that counts as an item available from the show, but it's not technically merged.
Starting point is 00:06:57 No, it sort of sits on a higher level. Absolutely. And we're talking about wearable merch here that often known as Clothes. Yes, we're looking into getting book head-based book braces so you can mount the book on your head and wear it around and that wood canna's wearable merch if you were to turn the power moves book into a hat or a wearable shelf. Well, it would be something to be purchased then the very expensive chicken hat that I've
Starting point is 00:07:23 Well, we want something to be purchased then the very expensive chicken hat. But I still have one in the warehouse. So yeah, again, we haven't had of a all three of us, the Ohio boys all together, coming up with merch and we came up, we came up with this. We can't with the T-shirt idea. We thought, you know, the phrase lost touch of the common man or in touch of the common man has been saying that gets bandied around a lot on the show. Now people know you can of course move in and out of those zones. It's a practice.
Starting point is 00:07:52 It's not, it's sort of like, you know, it's like, it's like exercise. You sometimes do exercise, sometimes flip. Sometimes you let it slip. It's a constant practice, like meditation. You can keep practicing. You don't just do it once in your beer. You must stay with it. Depending on which camp you want to be in to, some people are yearning to lose touch.
Starting point is 00:08:09 So some people are doing everything they can. Social media is full of this. Rappers can't lose touch fast enough. Sometimes they tell in the world they've lost touch with the common man, they have to have a common man behind their own. They go, I've still got a finger on you. Like, I was off mate, I'm trying to get bad for the brand. Exactly. Then on the other hand, you've got probably
Starting point is 00:08:29 the more common camp, which is people that are in touch with the common man. Yes. And what have been in there? And of course, man here is interchangeable, genderless humans in touch with the common man, any human who's in touch with the average person on the straight now Hey, we've bought out two different t-shirts. We do based on this based on these two phrases
Starting point is 00:08:53 You thought you got the black and white ones over there. I got a bike. He's here We thought isn't isn't it time that we we had a t-shirt that if you feel you're in touch with the common man You can proudly wear that just simply says, the bike t-shirt here, it simply says, screen printed on, which is very common man. The cheapest form of printing you can get. Well, the most humble form of printing you can get. Clearly says on the left breast,
Starting point is 00:09:17 in touch with the common man. That's all the t-shirt, it says, and it says nice little nod, if you're walking around the streets or the office or the work side or wherever you are, around the house, around your share house, whatever it is, around the house, see your house, mate, square guys, see them, T-shirt. I wouldn't have this if I wasn't.
Starting point is 00:09:32 So, you know, should we all pitch in for a box of cornfakes or something very common round? You might want to do it. You might want to work around your kids to just go look, you know, you probably think that during the week, dads are high flyerer, or Mum's off, you know, she's working, she's running a company, just letting you know, she doesn't lost touch. It's exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Check out the T-shirt. You've got that option, or you've got a T-shirt that looks exactly the same, but instead of screen printed, it's beautifully embroidered at a much higher cost. The least humble printing you see. And it says, Loft touch with the common man. You can buy a white tea with the red writing or a black tea with the white writing. Yeah, white and black as yeah, red online.
Starting point is 00:10:18 And you don't even really need to say Loft touch with the common man when you've got this tea shed, I mean, because people see the embroidery, they'll read the law and the guy, I know where this is going, this guy, look at it, walking around with all those letters and you do pay part of the letter, we paid part of it as we organized this when you, that that was necessary. And then what I'd like, and what I think might happen is I also think that the loss touch of the Comment Hishirt is something it's a way of telling people that they have lost it. I feel that the sales for the loss touch of the Comment Hishirt will probably skew about 98% gifts gifts or it's not even a gift is it really I mean it's more of a message. Yeah, it's like not like a horse head in the bed, but it is that it's a wearable intervention.
Starting point is 00:11:07 But I mean, it's a gift. I think I see a lot being bought in doubles, where you buy, you might think yourself, why am in touch with the company? Would we do a value pack? Let's have definitely have a look at it, because we probably should talk pricing next, shouldn't we?
Starting point is 00:11:22 But I would like to see the lost touch of the common man, Tisha, be Australia's most gifted T-shirt. Yes, that's a good point. Or the world's most gifted T-shirt. So you can get, by the way, 100% organic fabric we didn't want to have for both of them. We don't, you know, we don't want the wasteable fashion that's going to come on.
Starting point is 00:11:42 We do not. We're going to be planet conscious, but you've got your choice. In touch with the common man, you can get one of those screen printed, $25. And can we just say before we announce the next price? We spoke to the T-shirt guys and we said, what is this? What is a good basic T-shirt? What should it retail for? And actually, first, with a screen print. They were naming some crazy prices. Like they had a four in front of them. No, no, but what's, we want to, you know, past, this is a common man t-shirt. They won't look 30, 30's your price point. You know, great,
Starting point is 00:12:12 we're taking five off. That's very common man. Yes. And it's very common man. That 25 does, these are rock bottom price. And that's in touch with the common man. Yep. But be wary, because the second one, the lost touch for the common man. Just see, no, we've talked about the embroidery costs. Then there's also, we also know that the market that's buying these, you know, $475. Look at you can have price. No, $35. 35. So you're going to $10 jump there, which makes a ton of sense now that you've thought about it. You got a rock bottom price for the Intouch of the Comment.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yeah. They come in, I assume the full gamut of sizes don't they? Yep. I mean, you've been handling the warehousing stuff. Yep. All up at hamishanney.com right now, the shop is live. You can go there. We're going to check the hogs a little later on in this pod.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And then he's running the distribution again. He's moved from books to shirts. She's not happy. No question. He's not happy with shirts are harder for hogs than books. Yes. And we've already had a book in a grumbling one size fits all. Literally.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Yes. We've had a few grumbling from hogs about this situation. Can I just say, and when you, the great test is to, like, let's say a few people go, hey, let's get, you know, let's get Sarah or Lost Touch with the Color Man T-shirt for a birthday. If you buy it, right. And you know it's a $35 T-shirt. So far more expensive than the Color Man T-shirt.
Starting point is 00:13:34 You buy it, you give it to Sarah. She unwraps it. And if she's like, okay, thanks. It just proves what you're already new. She's like, she's must be nice. She's just brush her side of $35. Where is Sarah? All right, he's what I want to do to you guys.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Mm-hmm. Which one do you feel that you would purchase? Purchase? Which one do you think that you will wear? Hang on, we're buying them or are we getting given them? If you were bought, which category do you think? Oh, because I didn't ask we're buying them or are we getting given them? If you, which category do you think? Oh, because there isn't a ask, because I think Jack expects to be given one,
Starting point is 00:14:09 which means they've actually automatically be lost touch with the government. Jack, which category do you think is, did you expect to be given one? I, I'd be honest. I would be disappointed if I had to pay full price, but that aside, doesn't that answer?
Starting point is 00:14:23 Doesn't that answer it? I believe if anybody on this show should wear an in touch with the common man T shirt, I should wear the in touch with the common man T shirt. When you had the truck, when you had the youth, yes, do you still have the youth? I sold the youth and what card do you have? For cash, no. Sold it on Facebook Marketplace.
Starting point is 00:14:39 What a common man thing to do. Oh, yes. You get a clip. You get best mate Mark Zuckerberg. What card did you get half of that. I've got a bag of a clip. What card do you get? You get best made markers. What card did you get after that? I had to move to a base model version, a base model version of a Tesla.
Starting point is 00:14:54 A base model. I must be a base model. Wow, a base model. That's very nice. A base model. Jack, can I ask a question, when you bought the BMT? Did you... I mean, I know you don't have a charging available at your house.
Starting point is 00:15:12 You have a PowerPoint. What's a BMT? It's a mobile Tesla. I don't know. So, when you got the BMT, I can't charge it home because that's a common man. That's a very common man. I don't have a driveway. Sure.
Starting point is 00:15:23 I can. Not a lie at the moment. Because that's a very common man. I don't have a driveway. Sure. I can. Not a lie at the moment. Um, um, I'm bloody renting. Nothing's more common than that. But we'll get you out of the way. We'll get you out of the way because there's 15 builders trucks in there.
Starting point is 00:15:34 That's right. I can't get into my driveway at the moment because it's full of youths. Because I've got some friends over and we drive youths. Very common man. I'm bloody surrounded by youths and bloody work boots at the moment. That's as common man as he gets, but what I wanted to ask Jack on Tesla front, did you or did you not ask Gold FN where you do the rodeo?
Starting point is 00:15:53 She did you petition them to put Tesla charges in the basement under the guise of environmentally friendliness, but knowing that you just wanted to steal electricity from your employers so you could charge your car for free It is all my choices with the Tesla environmentally conscious. I do not want to The world not only did he get it. He's from the pension electricity from work I also thank you to my local council who does give free charging all of wind energy So I charge for free. I charge for free, thanks for the Mullins City Council.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Oh, here we go. Watch out, Mullins City Council. He'll pick another council that he also likes for charging, because he's not scared to have two sponsors. Loss, jack, beef, beef, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no have another car? Well no my wife drives a car and have two cars myself You literally were just telling me off here that you own another car and you've forgotten you own another car I mean what sort of baron and what sort of robber baron has another car that I have to wear Very nice to have a fleet
Starting point is 00:17:04 You literally just tell me about the Hyundai. You've got it. Oh my god. Let me show Andy. I'll show Andy what this car is. It looks like that's what he's referring to. It doesn't have doors, it doesn't have windows. It must be nice to have a fleet in the car. It has corrugated iron as the bomb. How many cars do you have, sir? I don't know. I don't know. I mean, my favorite's my team is,
Starting point is 00:17:25 but I have several. I have a Tesla that I have a funny car. So you've got a weak ender. You've got a nice little weak ender that you drive. It's practically junk. It doesn't start when you drive. It starts. Oh, it's driving around.
Starting point is 00:17:38 You drive around. You can't believe you've got a car. Okay, Jack, you've been issued. That's crazy. I actually have people come up to me on the street and say thank you for staying in touch with the common man. Well, this is, they're gonna be shocked when they see me wearing this.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Hey, where do you think you sit? Like I probably am in touch. Same. What are you, what are you, what are you, what are you, what are you? I got a bass bottle too. Can't remember his bell quicker. Yes, same, no, no. Same here on a coffee-wanted bike.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I'm time for an update on this. Yup. Our digital horse racing future is bright, and our career has started on behalf of the people. I'm just going to need these stables, but up there you can go check it out. And joining us now is the trainer Christian. Oh, what are you Christian? Digital Hoy, how you going, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Digital Hoy Christian, we are so pumped. And I for one, I think I was big for all of us, all of us, all of us, all of us listeners, when we say, excitement hasn't diminished across the weeks, has it ended? No, not at all. To know that we are part of the digital horse racing world, we own a wonderful beast, a digital beast and she's run.
Starting point is 00:18:54 She's run. She has run. Christian, before we get into it, we want to we can talk about this for ages with you. So we're going to try and keep it concise today. We want you to give us an update in a couple of weeks time of whether how you're going with purchasing some misfits and dipshits. These are just the junk horses. The junk horses that were of library stock. Yeah, just, you know, they basically wander in from the digital highlands like a wild brumbee. And sort of go, you know, they basically wander in from the digital highlands like a wild
Starting point is 00:19:25 Brumby and sort of go, you know, like to try and me hoof sit running. We're looking for the needle in the haystack, aren't we? We're looking for that gem. We're looking for gem and they do exist, but that's why they are the misfit shipbirds and indipchants. But we have one, we'll purchase a few of those. So do we have any of those yet? We don't have any yet.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I've been waiting just for the right. I'm beginning patient. I don't want to. That's all right. Let's put that aside. We don't need to know about that now, because we did purchase with them. I don't know how many Ethereum it was,
Starting point is 00:19:58 but how many grand horse have we got? It was about 1.5 Ethereum, so we used nearly half the budget on this one. So around about five grand or whatever. Thunder Castle. Thunder Castle is her name. Without telling us the result you ran her in her first race. She's a Philly. How did she look just when you saw how did you feel when you saw it in the gate, ready to head out without telling us the result. I was actually really stoked on this. Without telling you the result, there are a couple of things that you can look at
Starting point is 00:20:31 when the race feels like odds. And again, with hopefully not speaking out of turn, I was quite excited on the first race to see her run. Right, okay. Did any big hitters step up into the race as well? Because from what I understand, you go on the website and you pay a fee or you can jump in for free,
Starting point is 00:20:50 but you just sort of, you look at a race and go, okay, we'll have a go at that. You put your horse in. You can see the other horses that are in the race. So did any like royal good ones kind of step up? What was their main competition? Could you tell before the race? Yeah, so the first race,
Starting point is 00:21:04 everyone has to enter a Griffin race. So that's only for horses who have never race before. So it's very hard to sort of judge the competition at that point in time. I can say that we were the favorite in that race. And I have done. Yeah. That's right. I have done some research after to have a look at how the other halftops have sort of compared in the greater community. And again, I'm not excited running away to the bank going, we've got a champion here,
Starting point is 00:21:38 but I'm quite the confident that we've got something. Something's just going to have some fun. Well, okay, I got to hear it, Anna. I'm itching to hear this race. It's Thundercastle. It's our first hit out. Well, when you go to Z Racing, there is no race caller. It's just some cool kind of techno music that plays under the digital horses that run in
Starting point is 00:21:58 the sky. Neon horses galloping through the infinite space with some meteorage marking. So we reached out to a friend of ours, Jared Wightley. He is synonymous with horse racing in Australia. He calls the Melbourne Cup on ABC Grandstand. Of course, he's got his own show on SCN Wightley, nine on midday. And we asked him, would you call the race for us?
Starting point is 00:22:23 He said, yes, Hamish and I haven't heard it either as Jack so I will be hearing this for the first time. Thunder Castle is the name of our digital horse and this is the first race. Good luck everyone. They're set for the time on on the Enfield Grand Prix. This highly anticipated debut run of the Hamish and Andy owned Philly Thunder Castle. The colors of Everd, the track futuristic. I must say I have no idea what I'm looking at, but I could hardly be more excited. Racing at the 2000,
Starting point is 00:22:54 Thundercastle jumped with them in the middle of this 12-horse field set down the straight track. Baramillio leads from pipe-taking, Ipsen handy to them. Now Thundercastle was momentarily back in 11th, but is sharply on the improve into 7th and 8th. Baramilio is the Cereescalipa closest to camera, and leads past halfway.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Now where's Thunder Castle? She's back to second last as the chase ramped up and the field spread. Her backers will be having some nervous moments as they put the 600 a stern. In fact, she's gone back to last. The race is right on now and Ipsen shows an impressive turn of foot to snatch the lead. Thunder Castle has passed Bonschill on at the back of the field, but she'll need to be the digital reincarnation of Farlat to feature from there. Ipsen making every post to winner of the 200.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Thundercastle's till 11. Now she's starting to come to the rear. The people's horse up to seven. Now four, taking giant strides. Ipsen will win. But Thundercastle's storm's on in the seconds. And in the end, every digital racer's black book. Ipsen first from Thundercast Castle, quite remarkable in seconds,
Starting point is 00:24:07 and amazing racer fills the placings in the Enfield Grand Prix. And I'll be like every list of right now, how do we get a share of Thunder Castle? First of all, terrific call. I want to cover that. That's, terrific call. I want to cover you. That's a tackle call. Have you heard a digital race call ever like that, Christian? You see, I was getting shivered. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I mean, this is the unbelievable thing about digital racing. I mean, last week I'll be the first to me and then when we were doing the show in here, you guys were talking to me and then everyone went, hey, so, so guys, I'm just watching the races. I mean, they're taking off every 10 seconds and they're amazing to watch. You know, you get drama like that. Well, we second, well, we've lost with 200 metres to go. Second, last I think. Yeah, last with 200 to go, she had an absolute burst of speed and I was, I was screaming in real life when I was watching it as well in life. But I felt it again in that. That was awesome.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Hey, Christian, do you think I'm believing? So, you're trying to work out what length of track we want to run her on. And I guess we're saying it seems like longer the better, she's a stale. Well, that was a 2,000 meter race. So the first thing I did was test the 2,224,400. The thing is she was in class four at that point, but she's had a few races now. Right. And so what we're trying to do is just really get an
Starting point is 00:25:36 understanding, at first you think, right, she just needs it a little bit longer, but as you change your distance, you come up again, different horses. Yep. And you know, just because she does win at the 2200, doesn't mean that she's not a 1400 meter right. She could just be up against a really weak field. So that's when you really sort of have to look in a competition and who you're racing against and what position you come. That's when we're lucky to have you, mate. We're lucky to have you. So how much money did that one cost us to go in?
Starting point is 00:26:04 That one, that's a free race. So always the griffin's are free races. And you run for about $40 USD. What's our share as the second? So 20% of that, can I do that? Eight. Eight dollars? Eight dollars.
Starting point is 00:26:18 So, okay. So talk me through what we would like to put. Pick, can you grab us a race this weekend? Pick the time, a big buck one, not huge dollars, but just one so we can tell everybody listening if they want, they can tune in and watch the race. Yep, we can do that. I'll be able to give you a… Do you have any mind?
Starting point is 00:26:39 About an hour's notice. Oh. The way that they work, the way that they work is a little bit difficult to do that. They are working on a large event schedule where a couple of weeks I think away from that happening. But what we can do is essentially pick a time and date and I can actually make sure that I have loaded her into a decent sized pool and then let you know what it is with that hours notice. What about this? Why don't we just go Saturday, this Saturday, lunch time, other lunch time. What if we said to people,
Starting point is 00:27:11 just check our Instagram, right? We'll put it up in stories at like we'll give it a time. We'll give it a notice. Midday this Saturday, the race details will be there. It's so easy to like, we've just been doing it all week. You just go to just search ZZ race ZED. I think is it ZED to be there. It's so easy to like we've just been doing it all the way. You just got to just search Z race ZED. I think is it ZED dot race like yeah run run. Don't run. So we'll do that jump on there. We'll tell people what time the race is going to be on. People can dress up. Yeah, yeah. James Romarcha. Oh, Bobby's recipe. Don't worry about that. Um, and then Thompson Tails.
Starting point is 00:27:41 And then we'll see that we'll have the first collective race where everyone's watching together. And Christian will talk to you next week after that one. Fantastic, sounds good. Cheers buddy, good luck. I am tingling. later in the pod, because the exciting news that the first ever wearable merch, official wearable merch has been launched on the show. It is the Lost Touch with the Common Man Slash in touch with the Common Man T-shirts. By one, by both, by one for you one as a gift, if you need to send a message to someone,
Starting point is 00:28:22 you know there's Lost Touch with the Common Man. By three for yourself, even if you need to send a message to someone you know there's last touch with the common man by one by three for yourself even if you only needed one if you have lost touch with the common man. Exactly. Flogging around the variety hot one up to show to prove that you've lost touch with the common man. Don't recommend that. I mean, it's obviously used for fashion. Yep.
Starting point is 00:28:40 100% organic cotton really. We've gotten to a lot of effort to reduce waste. Yep. So don't buy them to cut them up. Hey, I'm HamishNani.com. The varieties are all there. You've got your white option. You've got your black tea option. Joining us now is head of distribution. Hogs, or what do you? Boys, hello. Yeah, good. Now this is huge. For a lot of people, they would know you first as the show's inventor, then somewhat left of field as the show's book printer and distributor.
Starting point is 00:29:12 And now it seems you're just in charge of all distribution for the show in any purchase that anyone might make in relation to the show. This is because you run third party warehousing, don't you, Hawks. You've got the capacity to take in order and to get in order out. Oh, we can get it out. Don't worry about that. Not on time, according to last week. I'm going to say on time. He said he can get it out. Get it out. We know where he is and we can get it out of there. When I said I'm going to get Hawks up to discuss the distribution, it was Jack,
Starting point is 00:29:45 actually, whose eyebrows at least shot to the back of his head, went past his forehead through his hair line and went, what hogs, what was he doing that for? Like, can he do t-shirts? Yeah, well, I'd prefer to be known as the eventing guy. Yep, it's been a while since a goodie though. Right, well, are you rejecting the time that maybe you're shaming the gig? No, I can definitely distribute.
Starting point is 00:30:14 There's no problems with that. Well, you gave me a call during the week and this is why I wanted to get you up. You said to me, what are we going to do with returns if they're sizing? Is it right? Yep. I'm likely to get a return with the PowerMove's book,
Starting point is 00:30:30 which is the last thing you distributed for us. Yeah, because the side, you're saying, You're saying that's it all. Yes, and we've been pretty clear about how big it is. People had seen it in our hands. It was a coffee table book. We didn't have any instances where someone's either said, I have a micro coffee table and it's too big for the table.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Or my coffee table's enormous and it's embarrassing. We're smaller than the coffee table. I think from a size perspective, we didn't have a single complaint. No, it's photo. So that was a huge success. So this is an area we've never run into. But T-shirts is a different thing.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Hugs. And I mentioned to me that you were a bit nervous about the prospect of return. Tell everybody what your suggestion was. I, Eric and we do a look. Get it right the first time. My dad taught me a good thing once when you know, measure once. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:31:24 What was it? measure once by twice measure twice all the ones yeah and that is it like this you know I think if we can get some good visuals on the on the Mm-hmm. Of size guys. Of size guys guys. Yeah, okay. I do like, I do like those size guys. Five, eight, five, ten. So we have different people wearing two inch increment.
Starting point is 00:31:55 There's only four size. And you started at five six. Okay, so, that's a baby. And you're a big guy. And you're a big guy. You're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge,
Starting point is 00:32:08 you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're
Starting point is 00:32:16 a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a huge, you're a T-shirt and that'll show off people that people that people kind of know hey Misha and Jack a similar size will be we will get one of us in that I think I think what bothers me a lot of the time in the you know you go to those fit guides when you're buying stuff online because I've been here before hogs and not so much that I mean I've never bought online clothes from a company that's explicitly says no returns tell we're saying, that seems to be what Hawgs is saying. Is that what we're saying? With order once, measure twice the order once. As a distributor, that would be my preference.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Oh, I'm not. The whole company is just bending towards purely making it easy for the warehouse. At Hawgs, no matter what website you go to, and he joins purely making it easy for the warehouse guy. Like, Hogs, no matter what website you go to, like, catch of the day, like, or like the ones, I always seem so unlike, you know, far fetch and all those like online shopping ones.
Starting point is 00:33:17 The whole thing is, there's one I can't remember right now, but what's the big one? I don't know. You know the big one? The girls are always on. Oh, iconic. Oh, the iconic baby. Yeah, no, there's another big one.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Maybe it's their whole stick is, hey, return it straight away free. It's something you want. Like, get it right. We care about you. We want you to get the clothes right. If you try your dress on four times and it's just not there, that's what we're here for. Box it up, return it free of charge. You know what our issue is? One man in the warehouse who doesn't want to be there.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Our issue is that you've only printed a certain amount of t-shirts. So, they're all going to be sold out. And then so if they want to change over, it's like, no, you can't change over because there's done left. Right. Okay. So what I think we need to do here, hogs? Do we start a separate website where people trade? I see. I see. I see. The secondary market. There's just a secondary market. It's just trade your t. Got a t needed t? This is just a secondary marker. It's just trade your tea.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Got a tea needed tea? Yeah. Or we organize a date night at the local RSL. Yep. And everyone can just bring their tea shirts along and on. Oh, that's the change. Hey, where's Debbie? Where's Debbie?
Starting point is 00:34:37 I'm flying down to Melbourne, because I got one size off with my tea. Do you live in cans? Yeah, well, so I'm going to change it. God forbid, we ever put any extra stress on the warehouse guys. So yeah, I'm off for a week, and I'm going to one ourselves. My catch is showing down. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:56 So what are we, sir? I reckon we're, sir. I've got a few ideas, he-hawks. I think what we, to me, the basics equation is this, a normal company that's selling clothing would offer the customer service level that you can purchase with confidence because you know, through no fault of your own, if you've made an error, you can exchange. That does seem to be the absolute baseline in the t-shirt game or in the clothing game.
Starting point is 00:35:20 We're obviously looking for a workaround on that rule. I think you have to give the customers, that's, we have to show that we care in some way. Now a couple of ideas I just put up in my head as we speak, this might not work. Do we make everyone pay an extra 50 cents insurance on the purchase price? So you build up a pool and you acknowledge that if you're happy that's great, you've just donated to the pool. If someone isn't happy with their purchase, that money kind of funds the running of the exchange scheme. What about this? What if you pay the 50 cents, you have the right to exchange and you're kind of a customer that's like, I know I'm paying insurance.
Starting point is 00:36:08 If you pay, maybe you make it a dollar. I'm paying change over insurance. Yes. But if you pay flat retail, it's like flying on a budget airline where it's like no ticket changes, no luggage. You said you wanted it, couldn't make it. It's diffshit. Yeah. Oh, that's it. Well, you do have insurance. That's good.
Starting point is 00:36:29 You happy with that, Org's? Yeah, I'd not have with a 50 cents. Yeah. Dollars? Yeah, I'm happy. I'm happy with the dollar. Okay. Can we do this thing? Can we do this thing? If you pay the dollar, you've got the right to return. Not necessarily swap. You can return it. But then you've got the right to return, not necessarily swap, you can
Starting point is 00:36:46 return it, but then you've got to shop against. What? Hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on. What is the dollar get? What does the dollar get? The dollar gets them the right to return and we'll give them their money back. I'll refund, okay, sorry. So if someone buys a T-shirt for 26,
Starting point is 00:37:09 we go, congratulations, you're part of our return scheme. And they go, and they pay for postage on top of that. They get the T-shirt, they go, sorry, I bought an XXL, I'm actually a small. I'm returning it. Yeah, they'll get a refund, but they have to go on the shop again because then we go to the front of the 25 dollars. We keep that dollar. That's true. Otherwise everyone will just pay
Starting point is 00:37:32 26, get 26 back. Yeah, that's true. And then they'll be silly to pay the 26 next time because they be pretty spot on it. They've got the large medium. large, they're pretty confident so I doubt they would pay. They won't take insurance, they won't take insurance. Suddenly this is turned into blackjack. Which I like to take insurance against getting the wrong size. Okay. Perfect. That's exactly it. So Hawks, 25 bucks for the in touch for the common man, 35 bucks for lost touch for the common man, the superior t-shirt, $1 changeover insurance, but it doesn't entitle you to another. You just have to shop again. Love it. We'll make that
Starting point is 00:38:23 pretty clear on the website. I mean, I love being... Are you sure hogs this hasn't complicated an issue? You were looking simple. All the hogs have bolstered up the complaints to public. I can't understand this. This is a web of No I was in exchange because I know that you've already shopped again. Hey, nearly at the end of this show, there's something we want to do though. It came up a suggestion from an alert podcast listener. More of an nostalgic listener. More of an nostalgic listener.
Starting point is 00:39:02 We used to do a segment and we have them on the podcast called the International Fraize Book. Well, pick a saying, Ham, like, specific something like, you know, he's a few tools short of the toolbox for, you know, and a person that's not intelligent, for instance. Yeah, so he'd be like, okay, well, you know, are you from a different culture? You just speak a different language. Do you go up into different country? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Do you, is there an equivalent saying for someone that's not that bright? And there always is. You realise that the reason sayings come about is that they're universal, but different cultures will interpret it a different way. This is often, often we found some guys to do with camels. So I feel like a disproportionate amount. Yeah, like a couple of short of a dromedary. Hi.
Starting point is 00:39:44 If you've missed it in the past, here's how it's gone. Look, in Australia we might call it letting fluffy off the chain, cutting the cheese or dropping your guts. In Japanese it's hana gama gara. Yes, very good. And what does that directly translate to? My nose is bent. You have fed my nose, sir.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I'm so hungry. I could eat a horse. Well the way to South America, sir. I'm so hungry. I could eat a horse. All the way to South America, Chile. Oh, Spanish, that's it. It took a lot of the umbre. I am soiled from hunger. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I'm so... I'm sorry, dinner took too long. And that's why you see the mess you see before you. One person being way more attractive than the other in a couple. Beautiful. Why, I didn't find. What is it, literally, man? Means rose on manure.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Well, it's not too cryptic, is it? No. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. In Arabic, the phrase is, it feels scabier than you. It does feel scabier. That means the ball that you have doesn't have any soup Just in it
Starting point is 00:40:49 You can't have your cake and eat it too French To put the boi le beur, it'll arjonde you beur It just means you can't have butter And the money you would get from selling the butter Being in a bit of a pickle Turkey Go take it in, shim si archill muz
Starting point is 00:41:04 I'm burying the bum when I open. Ooh. Oh, yeah. I hope it doesn't. Ugly people. Croatian. Poku, Shay, Brice. Do guzice na pravi, lice.
Starting point is 00:41:14 It translates to, Barbara's came to make a face out of an eye. Ah! Ah! Ah! The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. India. OK. We're doing India. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Starting point is 00:41:25 India, okay. We're doing India. The phrase is a goki-bee-vi dal-barabha, or ki-bee-vi-nak-di-ya murki, which translates into my own wife is like a lentil soup, but someone else's wife is like a chicken-tea-gut dish. Is that really a common saying for? No, no, no, no, no, very common thing. It's like there's a song in a ball of movie based on the same. The song about how my wife seems like a lentil soup. But someone else is a delicious chicken ticket.
Starting point is 00:41:57 A succulent Indian meal. We were talking about the phrase. It was a while back now, but the phrase all downhill from here. Oh great, yeah, I mean, it has been a long time, if you've got to follow up on that. You were, the someone said, let's find out if there are sayings in the international phrase book. Right, okay, yeah, great. Yes, four, things going bad. Is there a saying in your language, your culture, for things going bad? We're assuming that the all down here from there, because we were wondering which interpretation we use,
Starting point is 00:42:29 we're going, let's assume it's a bad thing, like things are going from bad to worse. What is your phrase? What is your phrase in your culture, in your language? Yeah, what part are we choosing here? Just straighting up. Yeah, go for a straightie. Straighting up. That is our preferred part., go for a straightie. Straight in now.
Starting point is 00:42:45 That is our preferred part. It really is our preferred part. It really is. I will look at some of the other parts, but. Yeah, absolutely. We'll get to that next week. Hey, before we go, you wanted to submit another special skill for to tender to potentially get in to test them.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Does this interest you? Someone that can, they believe 100% of the time accurately detect whether a plant is a real or fake. Does he say how many meters from? He doesn't. Oh, Jack. Oh, Jack. Oh, my boys, how you going? Yeah, good. We're outstanding, mate. Look, thank you for contacting us. Thank you for coming through the pipes. Your message caught my eye. Yeah, I love it. So field we haven't played in, but the first question from the man on the street, A.K.A. Andy Lee, was from how many metres?
Starting point is 00:43:36 I don't know. A couple. A couple of metres. That's close. It's pretty close. I think Andy might have been hoping for further life than that. No, just like the Jack, how long ago did you first realize you could do this? Oh, in a while, normally when I go into pubs or if he was houses, I can't really not see them, so.
Starting point is 00:43:56 OK, so my worry is that you're not the skill you asked for, but the skill you have. My worry was that you discovered you could do this 15 years ago and you haven't really tested the sins because fake plans have come a long way, him, in the last few years. I know. He has. He has to. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Fake turf. So, Jack, the more recent model of fake plan, are you familiar with those? Oh, there can be some convincing ones But you're still hard to get past me. You'll still sniff them out Right, and I just like I like the way and this is what's exciting me about your skill here jack is It almost sounds like yeah, you wish that it wasn't taking up so much bandwidth in your head And you wish you could live like a normal person that it's like you have a sense that that others don't Yeah, it's a gift down the curve Jack. do you need to see where it enters the soil?
Starting point is 00:44:50 Or I mean, it would help, but probably not. You don't always get that like, let's say a pub that often have an indoor plant. And so you often, but you assume a pub's indoor plants, most of the time are fake. Yeah. Do you do have to call it out? Is it almost like an involuntary thing? Or do you wait until do you go up to the bar tender and go,
Starting point is 00:45:12 look, just, you know, a couple of beers, thanks, by the way. Nice try with the eye. LAUGHTER Failed to fail. I try my best not to make a scene, but... LAUGHTER That's good of you mate. Attention, pubgoers.
Starting point is 00:45:25 You haven't been fooled by the greenery. Yeah. Please place your drinks down and move to a more natural environment. So, I just want to get clear on the rules. Often, the stem is a giveaway. Yeah. And the underside of the leaf. And the underside.
Starting point is 00:45:43 So, we will pop them in soil. If they don't come in soil, we'll underside of the leaf. I know and the underside. So we will pop them in soil if they don't come in soil We'll put all in soil. Right. I like it. Um, there will be five plants. Yeah, and an unspecified amount of fake Yeah, do we do you get to see all five at once him and go? No, I think what we do. I think ideally and I like so far We are making this experiment up on the fly, but this must have been how, I don't know, during the project Oppenheimer of the Oppenheimer Project Manhattan when they're doing the inventing the atomic bomb, where the guys are just scribbling on the board and you know, Oppenheimer's going, I'm so, I love what you're doing. Oh, geez, look what Miehl's balls are doing.
Starting point is 00:46:22 So far, loving the brainstorm. Here's how I think... Probably happened at the very first Olympics. Yeah, what do you mean? Okay, so what distances should we have? 150? Oh, no, that's two. Close to 100.
Starting point is 00:46:39 At least 200. At least leave 100 between them. Yeah, a 50k? Too much. 40, not quite enough. Yeah, 42 least 100 between them. A 50k? Too much. Too much. 42. 40? Not quite enough? Yeah, 42, that's good. So, it's all the event is going together well.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Here's how I imagined it. I think we have all the five plants in the one room behind a big black sheet. And you and I as the epithels are in the room and we move the hot plant around in front of the sheet like it's doing a photo shoot. And Jack walks in, looks at it goes fake or real because he just has to call it straight away the hot plant around in front of the sheet like it's doing a photo shoot. Yeah, Jack walks in, looks at it goes fake or real,
Starting point is 00:47:07 because he just has to like call it straight away and he might be from the doorway, we're at the back of the room. Yeah. Then he moves out, we move that plant back behind the sheet, we move the next one out. Love it. We can come back here. Really?
Starting point is 00:47:17 Sort of like a very low budget version of the gear. Let the room. Yeah. The room. The room. Let's put a line on the ground like Darts that he's not allowed to go over. But I would like to go and see him point his toe on the line. And then you can, and can his nose go over the line? Yeah, as long as he's full. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Yeah. And let's make that line three and a half meters away. Yeah. Is that sound fair, Jack? Yeah, that sounds fair. Great mate, see you soon. Right, all right, all right, all right, all right, bye. Good stuff, guys. We'll be in touch. Thanks, bye. Bye. Hey guys, Mike here again at the end of another episode reminding you about
Starting point is 00:47:59 Hey Mission Andes Remembring project. Season two is currently coming out every Monday. You can also catch all of season 1 there as well Wherever you podcast just type in hey mission and he's remembering project Here is a little grab from this week's episode where hey mission and he talk about a conundrum that a lot of musical groups must face 2006 10 tenors were 2006, 10 tenors were... 10 tenors. So I guess we had some tenors on to have a sing. I think there was another group of tenors
Starting point is 00:48:31 that were more famous. You think of the four tenors, which is Pavarotti Domingo, Jose Carrera, those guys. Right. That's what surprised me about the 10 tenors, because the four tenors seemed to be enough tenors. So for someone who come along and gone with 250%, and now with 250% more tenors seemed to be enough tenors. So for someone to come along and go on with 250%, and now with 250% more tenors,
Starting point is 00:48:49 I just couldn't imagine this. Almost enough money from the gigs to go around to all ten. Yes. And why didn't someone in the group, if you have to go to the gig, if you're getting paid, you know, a thousand bucks a night,
Starting point is 00:49:00 you're all walking down with a hundred. Like, my, you know, minus expenses. I don't know why someone in the group didn't speak up to go. I had a guys. We could do this with seven. Well, there's no record. There's surely there was no 10-part harmony. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:13 It's not enough notes. I've no-one in the world for everyone to skip. LAUGHTER That's this week's episode of the Remembring Project, everyone. Thank you so much for listening. We will be back with the main pod next Thursday. See you then. and he.com.

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