Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 142

Episode Date: July 28, 2021

1. Canteen Duty 2. Thunder Castle breeding 3. Who’s checking the checker? 4. Mario Kart – Special skill audit ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Cause the Haymission and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi-do-you-him, a hoi-sir, and a hoi sir, and a hoi to you, Jacko, a hoi, and a hoi to Travis and Julia in the United States. Hey, hey, Mesh. Hello.
Starting point is 00:00:36 An Andy. We're here in a glacier national park. Just finishing up a road trip through beautiful Montana and so far we've seen some amazing things. Such as a tonne of bison. Two grizzly bows. One Wolverine. Two moose and about 12 volks weighing a tick wise. Anyway all the best to the road. Actually kisses to you both. Respectfully. Travis. And Julia. Now first first of all, lovely to hear from them. And a lovely couple. And they're doing the alternating line like when you just do the
Starting point is 00:01:10 family answering machines, which was nice. Or if you're in one direction in the early years, and you're doing a radio radio station, yes. But having sent that, and thank you. That is good. Well done. I mean, you're out in the wilderness and you've done something even more difficult than seeing 12 Tiguan's in the wild, which is uploading the audio file. On the Tiguan, you've seen that many. You're lying, you're absolutely lying.
Starting point is 00:01:37 I don't think there's 12 made. I mean, there was that time I saw three of the same make, Anzane, Calina Row, the modicative Tig Ones, but one of them was my dads. We were leaving a run animal show, a rural show together. And so that, you know, I knew I was expecting one. I was surprised to see three in a row.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I just didn't know that it would be a thing. I don't think there's a way. Thank you. I'd be... I wonder if there was CCTV, we're partying a paddock. But I wonder if I could get the traffic light footage from nearby. But I don't think they saw 12. Wolverine is impressive though, let's see, Wolverine, we've had...
Starting point is 00:02:17 We've run into one in the wild. Yeah, not as fierce as you'd think, but they many heathen and say they're close, yeah, they take take your part. Yeah, the guy handling it certainly fester than us. Yeah, certainly more of an unknown than Wolverine. And he's made. For those who've seen it, perfect. For those who've seen it,
Starting point is 00:02:37 a little bit for you there. Hey, Ando, can I give everyone a quick update here? Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. You can, you can give it up. I'm sorry. You can give it up. Jack, I think it's ready for later in the show.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Like, like, like, you know, DJs do it and they obviously switch it to just so they can hear. Was that when you were trying to do, Joe? It's try to turn off on one thing and turn on on another. Yeah. Important. Like a DJ. He's not an international space station or something. Or we de-coupled.
Starting point is 00:03:16 And we should have closed the doors before we did. Sorry, sorry, everyone. You would have felt a little bit of a draft there for a second. That's just the void of space. I just very, very quickly opened the door. but it's all back now. All good now. Oopsie, doopsie. Can I give you a quick update? There's not an upset Andy. Okay. I've one they have been really quite enjoying lately or this year with my little boys in you one is doing canteen duty. And you get at out and he's probably scurred.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Don't have a few times down. I have a great time doing it. You've earned your in touch with the common man t-shirt by going and doing canteen duty for sure. As soon as you leave in whatever car you drive, it gets erased, but at the time when I get picked up in the hybrid Lexus by whatever the driver's name is. I switched t-shirts, but at school. I really in touch with the common man. the hybrid Lexus by whatever the driver's name is. I switched T-shirts, but at school,
Starting point is 00:04:08 I went in touch with the common man. Funnily enough, there are a lot of the kids ask, like how much do you get paid to do this? They seem to be quite fast-canty. The game is. Yeah, they're always at the window going, what are you doing here? Like do you work?
Starting point is 00:04:19 He was like, no, you're like, you're like, come and help out. You're probably gonna put your name on a roster. And they're like, what do you get paid? Well, nothing, and they were like, nothing. It's like, well, you actually, I actually, you do get, you can eat whatever you want. Well, correction on that, because it's a liner, is that you thought you made that rule,
Starting point is 00:04:35 that rule at video easy, but it's that you're just feeling. In this case, you can eat whatever you want, and the owners of the store can know about it. But in video easy no, we didn't tell Jill and Steve what I was up to. More for private project, where I was eating two to three magnum egos, a shift. But at the canteen, I thought you could, because you get a free lunch order for your kid. So I go in and I just make I feel like it's any London just have an absolute like supermarket sweep. I'm just cram in it full. Yep. Just loving it. You do his lunch or it's actually quite a lot of pressure
Starting point is 00:05:12 doing the lunch orders. Because you and I it's like working in a hospital because it's like come on, you know, we've got an hour, you're going to get like, you're going to get all the right amounts of stuff. And the kids can be placing their order or are you getting it on a like an app or a paper bag? I still think paper bags is the paper bag, yeah. I mean, it comes in on an app, but then you write it on a paper bag. And then you've got like 60 lunches to go, you know, two pizza scrolls in this. Okay, this one needs a juice. And there's a kid come up and show his ID. And then you, then you put them in the boxes and they get taken off to the class. The monitors come and get them just before lunch.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Then during lunch you'll get some of the cash transactions. The hecticness has gone, is getting it ready for that lunch rush. And then they'll bring their tickets for any frozen items. They might have a twisted, you know, or a, you know, a super duper type, you know, politically correct, super duper with a fruit juice thing. And would you be putting a ticket in the paper bag? You stay put to the front.
Starting point is 00:06:10 So you can know if you've done it already, because you clearly haven't done cantangety, because if you put it in the paper bag, you'd be, you'd look at the orders and you'd be ruffling through the bag with it, wasting a lot of time. You would love doing cantangety with a liner because her systems are phenomenal. Can it be improved? That was my first feeling. Is there a way you can be improved? Look, I'm probably can.
Starting point is 00:06:32 If price waterhouse coopers came in, I'm sure they could do a good audit and gun it, completely like, probably saccel art poor thing. She's been doing it for like 15 years or something, but they'd get rid of her and install a robot or whatever. But that's the fun of the canteen. Like it's always a liner. And then you go as the parent, you kind of learn
Starting point is 00:06:53 the ropes. Does she like you, Dr. Cun? As a hell. I think she, I think I'm not a bad helper, although did how I did have a mess hat. Well, I was under the impression we could eat whatever we wanted. It's the worker. I, she said it was never specified, but I was under the impression we could eat whatever we wanted. That's the worker.
Starting point is 00:07:07 She said it was never specified, but I was like, no, that. I thought we were sort of saying in a jockey way, because she just is like, she's all a cro... She knows every kid, across every ought to, she's a gun. And there's a little mini pizza scrolls. They're only a dollar, and they're kind of, they're like the size of a party sausage roll. Yep, but they are just very morish. And so I went on the hot food and I'm putting all the
Starting point is 00:07:33 like the sausage rolls, the garlic bread and stuff in the bag and you're burning through all the year levels and you're working quite fast on the hot food. Getting it out of the pot. It's great. Oh yeah, I especially feel those too. And so you're getting it out of the food warmer It's great. Oh yeah, I'll smash you a few of those too. And so you're getting it out of the pot, out of the food warmer and you're putting all the orders in.
Starting point is 00:07:47 And I'm just eating quite a few pieces of scrolls as I go. Then a liner gets to, then we switch over and I'm on toasted sandwiches or something. Then I hear her yell out, what's going on here? How, what have I done today? It's been a fostering a microphone. I'll stay out of it.
Starting point is 00:08:05 He's like, how have I done this? She goes, I'm in here. What have I done today? He's been a fostering my parents stay out of it. He's like, how have I done this? She goes, I'm in here, I'm losing it. There's one reason off pizza rolls. You're losing it to the fat guy at the other end. Sorry, a year down pizza rolls. She goes into three pizza rolls. I thought I had more than enough in here. Right, is there a specific amount of pizza rolls that need to be?
Starting point is 00:08:26 Gosh, and so then we did have it. We, that really caused a wrinkle in the production line because then we had to turn the oven, the pizza warmer up, get some frozen ones out, or racing the clock to get the pizza rolls ready for, you know, 3C or whoever was waiting on their pizza rolls. Got them in. Not a disaster. the pizza scrolls ready for, you know, three CEO whoever was waiting on their pizza scrolls. Got him in. Not a disaster. Well, she goes to fence and you.
Starting point is 00:08:48 But those extra ones, if you're putting more in, let's talk a few interesting. But here's the thing. So during the, during once the pressure had died down, I realized, oh, I need to do a poo. And you're at school. Now, kids don't put it school. Primary school kids, here's a little tip for you guys, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:10 even when the time comes and you're like, you realize you think they would because at all the time you're like, you know, you, as you're going through toilet training, you're like, you know, we're going to get you ready for when you go to school. And kids are like, no, no, no, no, no, no one goes at school. You don't go to school. You're time to pose for your mornings and for your mornings and you do a weird school, but very rarely would a kid go at school. Yep.
Starting point is 00:09:29 And until grade two, if you're doing a weird school, you pull your pants down to your house. All the way down. And your own knees all the way down to your house. If you're a boy, yeah, that's right. Until someone tells you that that's, it's not how they do it when you get to an office. So, yeah, so I'm sitting here and so I'm aware of this now
Starting point is 00:09:46 because it's amazing you won. I'm aware of the stigma that surrounds the poo. All right. And so two big questions in my mind. First of all, like, do I, I don't go to the kids toilet. Like they have little toilets. You think so, wouldn't you? They do have little toilets and I'm like, I can't.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Can I be put in this frame on that toilet? Especially not because you don't want a kid walking and going and then me walking out and then like this could, I'm, I realize I'm in a situation where I could ruin his school career. Like you could, he could be in year six and it would be the kind thing on the basketball court would be like, remember when your dad came to school
Starting point is 00:10:19 did he use food? And you're like, you know, if something went wrong, that kind of, you don't escape that. And I'm like, okay, well, I definitely need, there needs to be a staff type toilet. I'm sure there's a staff toilet. You ask the line, what's going on? Because I, you know, go out the turn left, turn right, whatever. Go down, it's just as lunch is starting.
Starting point is 00:10:37 So there's, there's kids milling around. And this staff toilet is very visible. It's like next to where everyone's playing down ball. And if, you know, you're not disappearing into the corridors of the school, basically the doors on the outside of the school. And it's white. And so they know what's going on in there. So I go, all right, like, if ever you had a gone in 60s, this is it. Because if those kids get even the slightest hint of what you're doing. This could be the thing where it's like, remember your day came to school.
Starting point is 00:11:07 So I, it loudly announced to teach, oh, is this all right if I was going to do a quick way? Right, very far. Like get the way you got to, and everyone's like, yeah, that's fine. Cause you know, that's, that's a normal thing to ask at school. Yep.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Jump in for like flying through it. Flying through it. Then to add a little bit of extra, this is a move I've never really discussed too much on the podcast, but to add a tiny bit of extra authenticity to why you might have taken so long coming out of the toilet, like, you know, why you might have been longer than a wee
Starting point is 00:11:38 in edging into poo territory. Once you've quickly washed your hands, don't have time to drive them, do a quick shirt drive, because drying takes up a lot of time. Do a quick shirt dry, grab your phone, and then I came out of the toilet on the phone. So it looks like not only did I, do I business there, I've been chatting on the phone. No chance did I do a poo in the toilet. So I come out then, I'm like, okay, mate, see you later. And then the kids, because they're just
Starting point is 00:12:01 kids, they're like, who you on the phone to? Because there's a lot of Lego chat. That's like, they just want to know about Lego. I said, brick man. I said brick man. Yeah. And we were talking about maybe doing kids Lego masters. In fact, we're like, oh my God, that would be amazing. That's it.
Starting point is 00:12:21 That's the story you should remember. It's not locked, not signed off on yet. Yeah, that's what we were talking about. So did you do a poo? Wasn't a poo. Wasn't a poo? So that's not the story. Hey, it's time for an update on this. Yes, our digital horse racing stable. It was meant to have grown this week. Obviously, Thundercastle is the main girl. And we put it out to breed just for a week. And joining us now, our trainer, Duffy, Duffy, a hoi to you.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Did you do a hoi? How you going? That's great. Mate, this is exciting. Tell us how do we go to be pop out two newies? We've read two pretty unnamed folds. Okay. It does sound like you're, you does sound like I'm sorry if you know you happily engage, man, but it doesn't make it sound like you're personally breeding with the horse yet. I'm from the White House. I'm from the White House. I'm from the White House. I'm from the White House. I'm from the White House.
Starting point is 00:13:30 I'm from the White House. I'm from the White House. I'm from the White House. I'm from the White House. I'm from the White House. I'm from the White House. I'm from the White House. I'm from the White House. I'm from the White House. I'm from the White House. So, do you have to buy a stud to send them with her?
Starting point is 00:13:53 Yeah, so what we have is the mare. So when you have the mare, you essentially pay a stud fee. And whether or not you own the stud, you still have to pay a fee. The owner of the stallion sets the stud fee. And so when it's our turn to go in and have a look in the breeding barn or the stud farm, it's our jobs to sort of go in and look at the race record of the horse trying to get an understanding of its attributes
Starting point is 00:14:20 and how good it is, and then try and find the best value for money without spending a ridiculous amount of money but find something that is really good at a good price that we want to then put our bear in. That's what they do. At uni Andy briefly worked at the stud barn and it was an interesting time in his career. Hey, do we get a Z like a Z1 Z2? We get we get we get we get a primo premar stud the best Z1's down to Z10s. It goes the other way. So you can't breed your way up.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Unfortunately. So when you breed with the Z numbers what essentially happens is you can go all the way up to 268. That's the maximum. Yeah. And when you have, for example, what we have here is a five, and one of the breeds that we did was with the Z4, it produces a Z9. Ah! Yeah, right. So you can, you'd said that no more Z1s can ever be made. No, but you could get a Z1 and a Z1 to create a Z2. Yes, okay. We're gonna see nine though in the top 10 I like that. Okay, so we've got two that we have to name and when can they race? How how young are they now and how quickly do they grow?
Starting point is 00:15:33 As soon as we have named them they can hit the race track. Wow that's straight out and straight out of mum and straight out of the track Pretty requisite as you have to have a name. Okay, ando, I mean, what are your thoughts for names? Well, I felt like we should think about show and famous things that happened in the show. So I've got three suggestions for you. All right, okay. Two foot Tony. Two foot Tony.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yeah, love. That's a good, that is a great, that is a great horse name, especially because it, will lull the other horses into a false sense of security. What about Cheat Chat Champion? Like that as well. What about The Simpsons Guy? It least if it comes last, we'll go.
Starting point is 00:16:20 What did you expect? The Simpsons Guy is's the universal benchmark of disappointment. I wouldn't mind seeing an L-squirrels and out there. Yeah. Over time. Yep, nice and easy Adam LeBriezz. It's another one I think. That would be good.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Yeah, as the O'Payno. The O'Payno. Any of those jumping out at U-Jack? I love the Simpson's Guy. And I thought, did we say early on that must be nice would be a great name for a horse? It sounds like a good one. Okay, the Simpson's Guy and must be nice. Are our two horse names please doofy into them in and may they race as swiftly as they can.
Starting point is 00:16:57 So we've got one cold and one Philly so obviously we'll go for the Simpson's Guy as the as the Colt the male horse. Yep. And must be nice for the filling there is there is there a backup in case one of these names and I'm assuming if any it's going to be must be nice. Yeah. I don't think the Simpson's guy is going to be taken. But it must be not. Yeah. People avoiding that. Well, which one let's go to. Yeah, people are voting that guy for Melville Gunn.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Well, which one, which one, let's go to, two foot Tony. Love two foot Tony. Two foot Tony for a girl though, my Tony, me. Yeah, two foot Tony Collette. Yep, it's one of her most flat. It's the exact number of feet she has. Brilliant. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:40 We'll check back in with you to see how they're going. We've got very low expectations for the Simpson's guy. We're hoping two foot Tony can reign supreme. We could have gone one knee-none if we wanted to be a female, but I think two foot Tony feels like it. We're going to have horses flying out of that stud barn. Don't worry, there's going to be more horses tonight. Thank you, Dave. Be good to chat.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Can you do it? going to be more horses tonight. Thank you, Dave. Be good to jack up. I'm the common mantichets flying at the door, stack them high watch them fly. As Hawgs always says, I think about 90% sold through. So if you wanted to get your hands on the last of them, go to Hamishney.com Joining us now though is hogs from distribution center He has been a top of an enormous Logistical program the government Seriously, I'm off to run the vaccination rollout after seeing what he this man is capable of Howie hogs. Oh, good boys.
Starting point is 00:18:45 I'm satisfied and good. Yes, you've been very happy with your work. On that, yeah, I mean, the change from book to T-shirts is all much being just, you know, seamless. Oh, great. Well, a very high quality scene, depending on which one you go for. For all of a set. And so, obviously, you mentioned that you've had your team of Packers, you had the checker,
Starting point is 00:19:12 it all seems to be. That's really where we focused a lot on last week. How's it all going there? System good. System's great. I think we did get one complaint. We got something. Just one.
Starting point is 00:19:23 And someone we've had to send out but if we didn't have the checker, you know, it could have been really bad. Right. It could be more. That's why we bring it up because we've got more than one complaint. Ross. Ross. So let me just do a sample here. This is from Patrick Goldsmith. I know you're talking to us from the products in my hair. Just pause the distribution here. Well, we quickly audit the process. Yeah, this is from Patrick Goldsmith.
Starting point is 00:19:54 I think Hawks is having real trouble at the distribution center. There's nothing more less than the common man than receiving two lost touch with the common man t-shirt when I only ordered one. Must be very nice. So I think he has he ordered in the in touch with the command that he's received two lost touches. I think that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Well, you sought that out with him as I move on to the next one. This is from Jack Hoi, not exactly where to send this, but figure out you guys is the best start. I ordered two in touch for the common man shirts. One for me and one for my brother. Was very excited to over the package, but there was only one shirt in the bag total.
Starting point is 00:20:34 That sounds like something that should have been shared. Is there a separate package coming? Unlike I would say, when we've done that. Or has the checker failed me? He goes, PS, I did not opt for customer service. Maybe I had this coming. So that is a good point. One of our riskier customers.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Was that the laugh of someone that thinks it's off their plate always? Jacob, last week I went and in touch in the common man shirt, I received it yesterday. It was quite delighted. However, today I opened my door for a bit of fresh air, currently in lockdown in South Australia. And long behold, there's another shirt, both with the same order number. Yes, he says, as a common man, I think it's my civic duty to notify you of the situation.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Happy to return one. Happy to pay for it. I'm not a jack. Very in touch. Yes. Very in touch. Not only from Rebecca, I won't read it out, but look, how many more? How many more? What do we have?
Starting point is 00:21:35 Look, that's just my side of the thing. We get 50% of the, I get 50% of the news. Hamish gets the others. And so. Stuff's coming in hogs. And we, you talked up the, the flawlessness of the checker. For people with problems, there is a web on the website, hamishanning.com, in the shop, there is the right customer service email call, send any
Starting point is 00:21:55 problems to them, don't send them into us. No, no, we're sloppy on this. We do want to we do want to reiterate though, you do not have to have purchased the additional customer service if there is a warehouse error. I mean buying a small and getting sent an extra large, you know, we're currently at the front T-shirt from some other line hogs is running. That's on the warehouse and you don't have to hang your hair and go, otherwise you would spend a dollar for customer service. The customer service only comes to play once you've received exactly what you bought and you wish to refund that item. So with strong issues like this on the show,
Starting point is 00:22:31 hogs, to try and get the point across and make it really clear, we often turn to song. Yeah, we do. And we turn to our best songman, which is Jack. We said, Jack, can you whip up a beat? Because we've got, we feel like we have to put these grievances in song The Checker, we're sold to us as the absolute gold standard of quality assurance. Nothing would slip through the cracks with the checker at the helm. It appears that's not the case. Doesn't seem like it's the case. Hence this song. But now your distribution center is the center of attention people are riding in.
Starting point is 00:23:31 They got the wrong thing. This girl Rebecca said, a strongly wooded letter said the t-shirt that you sent I never made it through her letterbox and all she got was debit on her credit card Instead of getting sent it She wants you to do better Who's checking on the checker? Hmm, it's basic Who's checking on the checker?
Starting point is 00:24:01 Yeah, let's play it down This checker is a god with ultimate power Let's play it down. This checker is a god with ultimate power, signing off on tees, hour after hour. It's not rocket science, see it's levels of redundancies, you need another layer, like lasagna needs cheese. You're dancing on hot coals in a game you cannot win. You're playing pizolotto and guessing dim sim. When you're lodging a nuke, you need two keys, which is why we come to you and we ask you please
Starting point is 00:24:28 Who's checking on the checker? Who's checking on the checker? What up? You said you had an early team, a team of dreams, but now it seems mistakes are pouring from the seams. Who is running this phrase? Do you mean the packing group you put in place? We formalize a strong complaint, but I know you won't pass on the letter. Because your nephew is the checker. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:25:00 That's right, Foxes, nephew is the checker. Who's checking on the checker? Your brother or sister's or your wife's brother or sister's son? Your nephew is the checker. Will, is his name? Willie or Wonnie? He won't. We have proof. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:25:17 Orcs. Well, here, I mean, maybe we need to get another checker. LAUGHTER OK, well, orcs, we want need to get another checker. But... OK, well, Hogs, we want you to respond in song. Here we go. Do do do do do do do do do. So, Hogs, I've blown the whole thing open. It's in there for you and he's made the response for distribution.
Starting point is 00:25:39 So, will you now use the checker, Hogs? That's why you are so keen. It makes a lot of sense now. You're so keen to protect this family member. It's a cover of the ghost all the way to the top. So Horne, what's your announcement with regards to that? Are you going to stand there? There was a slight issue on the first run that I didn't tell you guys because I thought we'd saw it
Starting point is 00:26:06 laugh but a few slipped through. So what we double printed just a few labels early. So we double sent out but what Australia post do is that when it gets scans twice they reject it and then send it back. So I thought the boys will never know about this. It's just right. But the Australia Post need a check. We're going to tell people to go to Habishany.com and if you've got any worries, use the customer service section there. Sorry, well no, the warehouse error section or the customer feedback section because again, it's not the same as the customer. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no to be strong and I'm going to, you know, and I'm here for the good and and I will improve. Define. Define.
Starting point is 00:27:12 As people call for his head, he is often the very popular. No thanks. When people call for your resignation, I'll pass. I insist on giving my job. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. And an interesting special skill fell on my side of the fence.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Now people that are, you know, devout listeners or analytical listeners to this podcast would know, sometimes the guys, sometimes the skills just happening. Other times it's being audited and poured over and analyzed and auditioned before it happens. This is one such skill. A young man was put forward by his friend that has a special skill that is Mario Kart related. Oh, now we have a young man on our team. We do, don't we? His ears have pricked up. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:11 And would you like him to come in? Yeah, just like he's had a mushroom. Got it. He's got a little bigger as he walks in. Because he's our gamer. He's our gamer. Mike is our gamer. Gamer Mike is jumping on the mic. Hello, Mike. Thank you for having me. It's our gamer. He's our gamer. Mike is our gamer. Gamer Mike is jumping on the mic.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Hello, Mike. Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure. Well, thank you for coming in the room. Thank you for having me. Thank you for having me. Thank you for having me come in. Mike, so when you hear that someone has a Mario skill,
Starting point is 00:28:42 without even telling you what the skill is, what percentage chance do you think you have that even telling you what the skill is, what percentage chance do you think you have that you could also do the skill? I wouldn't say I'm too confident with Mario Kart and more of a crash team racing kind of guy. I think that's the superior kart racing game. But I mean, I'd be willing to hear it out. What are the chances that what level of impressed you might be? Like it's a higher bar, isn't it? Well, I mean, is it a time trial kind of thing?
Starting point is 00:29:12 Does it mean he can race, is he skill that he can race the time trials fast? What if it was? Well, I've done all the time trials in crash team racing. So I'd be willing to do a Crash Team Racing themed. You're trying to check. You are pivoting the game.
Starting point is 00:29:29 You wanted to do a Crash Team Racing. Just just someone who has no idea what Crash Team Racing is. Yeah. By the way, yeah. By the way, everyone knows Mario Kart. No one knows Crash Team Racing. He doesn't know. He's not a give away that he knows to explode this week.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Because Crash Team Racing support is going to be huge. Do you know Crash Team Racing Kart? He's not a give away that miles to explode this week. Because the crash team racing support is gonna be huge. Do you know, crashing racing? He's not a give away that, Jack. You kind of, no, you kind of bought a line nerd. You kind of sometimes, he's not a gaming nerd. I was a Pokemon nerd as well, but I played, the only time I played crash team racing was at Mike's house and I didn't want to play.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Because when you play somebody who has the game they win easily and I said, well, you win easily. He's like, no, no, it'll still be fun. And then he won easily. And it wasn't fun. He was throwing the equivalent of the turtles in Mario's shell at me. What's the crash team raising version? I can't even remember. I've been played it for a while, but I'm confident I'd be really good at it. So it sounds a bit derivative of Mario card. Yeah. Yeah. It was certainly the PlayStation alternative to Mario Kart back in the day, but they remade it recently. Does it crash Bandicoot?
Starting point is 00:30:32 Correct. Yeah, crash in all these pals. Yes. Oh, the team. Crash. Yeah. Is there enough in that world to feel at what you would call a team?
Starting point is 00:30:42 All I played, I clocked Crash Bandicoot on the original PS. I couldn't remember any other. I can't remember a single you would call a team. All I played, I clocked Crash Bandicoot on the original PS. I can't remember any other. I can't remember a single other character in the world. There are a lot of characters in the game. Even Spyro the Dragon makes a guest appearance in this one. No, you're with him. He's not in the Dragon.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Isn't there a dragon in King Cooper? King Cooper. That's Bowser. He's named his name is King Cooper. Oh, thank you. Get your facts right, guys. Well, I try to be inclusive of the out diverse list number. So I'm so sorry that I didn't whitewash it for you.
Starting point is 00:31:14 LAUGHTER All right, let's get back on track. Who else is in the team? When you say get your facts. There's Crush Man to Coot, there's Kodak. He's a him-practice leader. He's a him-practice leader. There's Dr. Cortex.
Starting point is 00:31:29 He's the part of the team. He's the part of the team. He's the part of the team. He's the part of the team. He's the part of the team. He's the part of the team. No, Cortex. That's Gort.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Cortex is... Don't do Cortex. Don't do Cortex. He's waterproof. No, Kodex. Cortex is what the grooves in our brain are called. That's why he's named the O-Cortex. I'll be the judge of what mine's called, thanks mate. There are lots of, there's the crush bandicoot. The world is very expansive. Oh jeepers. I mean you've listed one character I knew which is Grashash Badacoo. By the way, Mark, I don't think the grooves in our brain
Starting point is 00:32:08 are called our cortexes. I think it's... Some weird cortexes, isn't it? Yeah, it's a load. It's a load. It's a load. So watch just while we're talking about emails blowing up this week.
Starting point is 00:32:18 You've watched the Euroside just get onto that one. And... Dear Hamish and Andy, I don't remember. Recent episode, you called it groove of the brain. I really hope it's not the name of the groove. I'm joking on that one. I'm pretty sure it is. Okay, let's do what we're probably a step back. We're a long way off topic. I reckon there'll be more crash team racing support in the emails than guess what mate. We're not talking about this game that no one's heard of. We're actually talking about Mario Kart.
Starting point is 00:32:46 The game that everyone's definitely as a non-gamer have played it. Love played. Al familiar with here. He is the skill that Sam's mate Tom can do. He can hear the soundtrack from any Mario Kart circuit until you the track. So you can hear the music that goes with the track and you can tell you the track. Is that impressive? Well, I couldn't do that but I could do it with many other games. Like I could say this is the theme from this world. But like there are lots of tracks in Mario Kart,
Starting point is 00:33:18 they all have unique songs. Well Tom standing by, Tom. I'm so sorry, Tom. I hope that you're not paying for a minute for this phone call. You're trying to phone card, you're calling for a bloody American or something. Tom, what do you? Oh, hey, I'm still awake. Ha ha ha ha. Just.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Tom, we went, we had a slight detail. We would, as we were sort of like driving Melbourne to Sydney and accidentally went through Perth to talk about Crash Team Racing. But do you know this, the Crash Bang Racing, whatever? What if it's... Crash Bang Water Race.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Do you know Crash Bang Water Race as well, that go? I have no clue. You have never heard of Crash Team Racing? Is that what it's called, Mike? It's called Crash Team Racing, yes. Tell me if you ever heard of it? No, no clue. No, no, No, no. Anyway, I feel like my skamers would have heard of it. So I'm already skeptical about your gaming
Starting point is 00:34:12 prowess. Tom, how many? Tom, forget the niggging. How many tracks in Mario Cart? There would be, you've got the the Grand Pre-Track and then you've got a few extra tracks that you have like a few mini games on. Just to help them. I mean, so he's going to wrap you up. You know, all my passion credits, we've got to give some floor to talk. Sorry, Tom, but my patient got Wayne, got stolen from Mike over here, banging on. 32 gone pretra. Oh, okay. So that gives me an idea of 32 songs.
Starting point is 00:34:51 That's what he knows. You know, it's 32 songs. Is that, is that it from... Oh boy, Tom, you know, I feel like we've got, we've had Mike in here, you know, going on about Crash Bandicoot cart. And... Why didn't they call it crash bandicoot?
Starting point is 00:35:06 Yeah. Too late? If you love him so much, Mike, why didn't you send him the letter and tell him that? It's probably not too late, Mike, because no one knows about the game. You can re-release, it's only been played by one person
Starting point is 00:35:19 and he's friend who didn't have a good time. LAUGHTER Think about it, Mike. So, 32, he's remembered 32 songs. Tom, is it an impressive skill when you show it to people? I think if they're familiar with my cut, the songs can kind of blend together a bit, so the expertise is picking up on those small little details.
Starting point is 00:35:45 What are the two of the songs that are closest together? What tracks? Well, there's four Mario, all this three Mario circuits and a Mario raceway, and they all kind of sound the same. OK, OK. But you were able to pick them? Mike, does that impress you? Well, the 32 number is that just coming from the most recent iteration of Mario Kart,
Starting point is 00:36:11 which is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, because there are seven more before that. This is from the Nintendo Wii. I'm a little school Mario Kart Wii from 2007. That's 14 years to learn 32 songs. Get me out of here. Get him out of here. I suggest he's re-doing it four times. And he's just finished.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Mike, he's not helping anymore, I don't think. No, I think Mike's cost-tobbers might just get out. Get out, thank you, Mike. Good knowledge of the date thank you, Mike. Good knowledge of the date of release, et cetera, et cetera. But Tom, it was unfortunate, but this is the kind of rigour we have to put these type of tests through
Starting point is 00:36:55 because we've got our resident Gamer here who does know these stuff. And I'm just worried that it's not going to make master. Still a great special skill, but, you know, is it more of an amateur sport rather than kind of a Olympic level? I would argue that it's towing the line a bit. I don't think it's a clear, kind of special skill, but in the right audience it'll be appreciated. Yeah, to the right point. But that's a good point, because what we try and do with special skills,
Starting point is 00:37:27 it's like the Olympics. It's sort of like, well, I don't watch rhythmic gymnastics all year round, but every four years, I will appreciate the best. Yes. So really the Olympics is about kind of taking niche sports and making them wildly accessible. So by your own admission, I suppose, if you are saying, OK, wouldn't might not be widely
Starting point is 00:37:46 accessible, I'd like to offer you this chance, Tom. Since Mike has been the cause here of BAPS, taking the wind out of the sails a little bit, would you like to issue Mike some sort of video game challenge? Some sort of, it can be Nintendo based. I know he's got a switch. It can be over in the crash bandicoot system, although I'd suggest not, that seems to be his specialty. Good like finding it. And he's got the only copy. Would you like to, what do you think you could beat Mike at? Would you like to nominate the challenge, or could be like it could be a quiz-based challenge too? Yeah, a quiz on Mario the World maybe Mario the World quiz. How do you feel about that Mike? He's not easy. He's just immediately nodding. Okay, no, you can't make us the guy in here Mike. We will book this in.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Next week, do we take on the Mario the World quiz? Yeah, let's do that. We'll organize. Tom versus Mike, it'll be a showdown at noon and bring your, bring your best facts. We'll work out, we'll tell you during the week what, you can't study it up, actually. We will just tell you on the day what the contest will be. Tom's, Tom's going to study. He's spent the last 14 years learning 32 songs. He's exhausted. Yeah, that's the truth. Tom, thanks very much, mate. And we'll's going to study. He's spent the last 14 years learning 32 songs. He's exhausted. Tom, thanks very much mate and we'll come back to you. Get let's do that.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Hey guys, Mike here from the Hay Mission Andy team. That brings us to the end of another episode of the Hay Mission Andy podcast. But if you wanna hear more Hey Mission Andy, make sure you go and check out the Remembring Project, new episodes from season two are out every Monday. And this week for episode 16, we hear about one of the boys, many community campaigns that they've thrown their weight behind. 2007, we were big for pushing kids meals for everybody.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Oh, great campaign. Well, yeah, one of the things we've been most passionate about, obviously, we've moved on to probably better charities to work for now. Did we get, still, it was a still a good cause. Let us have nuggets, let us have little spaghetti. Let adults order off kids menu. Slight backlash and understanding, we've moved from the hoteliers and a restaurant, going, hey, we don't have any money off the kids' meals, we're just given them because the parents
Starting point is 00:40:07 are usually drinking, that's where the cash is. Yes, we can't. But you feel like a mini-ballonase. I'll do all the time. My favourite thing to order off room service along with the Nazi curing. I can't have a full bowling aise and a full Nazi, but I'll offer an order and Nazi and a kid's bowlingnaise and then lie when the rubs as person gets you saying, oh thanks my doctor she's just in the toilet. She'll enjoy that. It's okay to work with you. I know, but you feel yourself conscious because you've ordered two names. So that was an important, from my memory we had Vanessa Ramarazzi, either personally singing Kids menu for everybody
Starting point is 00:40:46 Or we just sang over it, which is probably more the case Oh, what a week To hear the full episode just type in Hey Mission Andes Remembering Project Wherever you're listening to this podcast New episodes every Monday and of course The main podcast every Thursday We'll catch you next week
Starting point is 00:41:17 Thanks for listening The Hamish Nandy'll catch you next week.

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