Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 146

Episode Date: August 25, 2021

1. Auskick basics with Max Gawn 2. Power Moves 3. Dog vomit 4. Sticker peeling perfection 5. Verbal email unsubscribe ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-naf production. Activate your internet. Because the Hamish and the podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. Hoi everyone, and a hoi to my Spiceman Hamish. One. Oh, everyone. And the hoi to my spark man, Hamish. Sit in him and spark him. Oh, hoi to my.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Wait, wait, wait, is it volleyball thing? Yeah, I hoi to my Libro. I wasn't sure if it was in reference to my U10 haircut. Oh, hoi to my Libro, Jack. Actually, somebody played a lot of volleyball. I was a spiker on my team, but I'll go to Andy. I bet now, and Jack, you are simply a Libro. Libro.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Do you want to explain to everybody what a Libro does, Jack? Yes, I actually just explained it to my wife, Drew Neal Olympics. It is a player on the volleyball team who wears a different colored uniform, and they can stay in the back court all the time, whereas the rest of the team has to rotate through the front. Do you do the rotation thing at an Olympic level, do you? I thought that was the start just to give a rascal to give a rascal to...
Starting point is 00:01:17 While you're playing you can be... Which the ball you can get you still can lose 21 nils. I really thought the rotation thing back when I played at high school and primary school was the end to give everyone a shot. Now, one of the rules except if you're the Libro like Jack who will stay behind his desk and net cause it Latin for Panther, which so you prowl up the back. Why is it called the Libro, Jack? Don't know that, Andy?
Starting point is 00:01:41 Yeah, I don't know that either, but anyway we've never been about looking into things or actual proper research in the show. What's our true name policies? A, we're very keen on volleyball, B, we don't look in the things. Ha ha ha ha. Home or a whole so, to Talia. Hi, hey, Mission Andy, it's Talia from Melbourne, and your podcast has been keeping me company at all hours of the night while feeding my new born baby.
Starting point is 00:02:04 As recommended, I started at episode one and look forward to hearing this message in a future episode. Oh, he's uploading during F1. And that's good. I wouldn't have thought she'd got it in before F200, but she's done it. Amazing though, because she wouldn't, if she did start from F1, we only bought in
Starting point is 00:02:24 the welcomes from our listeners. I think F41. No, no. People knew they were coming. I mean, we had some people celebrating the end of the second ball. They were recording the welcomes. So people certainly sensed they were coming. Can we get back to volleyball for one second, Jack? We've got to get to play football. We do have to get to have a football in a second. We've got a special guest that's joining us in a moment. Jack, you went to a high school that I know for a fact is very big into volleyball. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:49 That was your thing, wasn't it? We went to play really any other sport. We had one day to play soccer. Check into a special volleyball school. We went at one day a year, we could play soccer, one day a year, we could play football. But for every other day of the year, we played volleyball. What?
Starting point is 00:03:04 I didn't know about the one day a year. What? I think you have the one day, yeah. So at like crazy pants day, you can play for 20. Why? We just, our school loved volleyball. There was actually, there was a few schools around the States, around the state who loved volleyball as much as I... Yeah, it's like you're in your own federation. It is, it's Q-high.
Starting point is 00:03:21 This is Q-high, yeah. That's funny, because I played volleyball at... I'd be beating them. No, no, no. I would have played at... Up we finished school, and we had to go like after hours volleyball, was played at... Did the special center.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Was it played at Q-high? Well, we've got friends out there. A month ago, her son goes to Q-high, and he has made the team for New Zealand trip. Do you ever make the New Zealand trip, Jack? Well, I went nationals, but we never went international. Ooh. That's kind of nice.
Starting point is 00:03:47 We got, or, Horg's got banned, because he threw the volleyball into an opposition's back, person's back, right? You know, you know, I went, and then we all thought when Horg's was banned, they were like, well, let's just all sit it out. We can't keep playing. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:04:01 And if you, the constant reminder that Horg's is, and what he'd done, if you besmirch the good name of volleyball at Q-High I think you get your hands cut out Yeah, they still do that Jack. I was actually by the end of it and I'm probably gonna rob a new I'll regret saying this but by the end of it I was anti volleyball because we played in a grand final and my coach. He was also the science teacher We played in a grand final and my coach, he was also the science teacher. I guess he wanted to put his best team on and I didn't play one minute. I sat on the bench for the whole game and then afterwards a guy still my friend said,
Starting point is 00:04:33 hey great game mate. And I said, I didn't play. And so you turned your back on volleyball. Which of me is it? In the friends of his friend though, Ham. Yeah. He didn't say you played a good game. He was saying great game.
Starting point is 00:04:45 He said, did you hear about the good game? So he just said great game in general. Would that be like Harry Potter turning his back on Wizardry? He would. It would. Because it was a waste of six years of my life. You went to sort of like the volleyball version of Hogwarts. And I of Hogwarts.
Starting point is 00:05:06 I have Hogwarts. That's why you said I'm the bench you've caught on. Anyway, all right, we're coming off the number one sport in Australia. Can we cover off another popular sport? And we can feel 40 before you get to your A or Phil, because you said to me, Hey, Max gone captain of the Melbourne Football Club is going to come on. For a reason to, heading into finals. It shocked me because I was like, really? Because an alert listener sent in this vision of Max Gorn post the Port Adelaide match where they won.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Yes. This is the captain's post match speech, have a listen. What a way to cap it off. It was a good song too. Wasn't it? Yeah, I don't, Eddie. I don't think you'll see a Melbourne team sing a lack of gusto song. We've been on the wrong end of a lot of results over my sort of 10, 11 years. So that one had a bit of gusto and we enjoyed it. I didn't see that at the time. Great. Well, we get a chance to ask you. We get a chance to ask you about that. I have got Maxie going joining us because Ando as well as well as doing an amazing thing for the pretty club I've had this year.
Starting point is 00:06:15 The demons heading into finals. You follow them every year. I've followed them every year, I've followed them every year, but he's done amazing things this year. Yes, I'm not just rotating around club I've had this week. I'm lucky enough to get them. Heading in the finals, amazing season, whatever runs up and about. However, I have also had, you know, as well as being a fan of the game and mates with Maxi. This year I've had extra exposure to AFL
Starting point is 00:06:39 because it's my son's first year playing Os kick, which is like the little league footy that you, you know, you play on the weekends. And things have gone up this year because they play matches. Yes. Last year, Os kick. Glad attack with you. No, it doesn't come in for a few years. Okay. Yeah, there's a swarm of kids around you while you have the ball and you're given sometimes up to a minute to decide what you want to do with the ball. By the breath. However, we've, I've been on the sidelines, bit of a disrupted season with COVID,
Starting point is 00:07:07 we still got a lot of 40 in. And what's great about all those kick is, it's all the basics. Okay, like, you know, you watch the AFL, it's super elite, it's one percent, it's on one percent, it's where you're improving, you know, all the teams are so even. But it does kick, it's the beginning of the sport.
Starting point is 00:07:23 It's learning the basics of the sport. Now, as a D's supporter, very excited about finals. I wanted to get maxi up because I've learnt so much being on the sidelines of Os Kick, and sometimes you're even allowed to be the coach, but I've learnt a lot from the Os Kick coaches. Yes. I thought, critical thing heading into finals is,
Starting point is 00:07:41 don't forget the basics. Yes. Right? See, you've got a list of things that I've heard forget the basics. Yeah. Right. So you've got a list of things that I've heard throughout the season from the coach from the coaches that I was kicked to give to Maxi, the captain of the Melbourne Fuddy Club to just remind him because they're playing so well, but just to not forget the basics, we've got him up now. Maxi, a hoi, how are you?
Starting point is 00:08:00 A hoi lad, I'm good. I'm good. I'm looking forward to this. Thank you very much. I just played the Grab of You poster, Port Adelaide, the song sung with gusto. Obviously, make sure you come into this show with the same level of gusto, Gourney. Yeah, I don't think Amy should be able to say this as well. I don't think it will ever sing a song without gusto, Melbourne supportive flash plays. Shant won't and may we sing it deep into September and AC?
Starting point is 00:08:26 Also, I mean, especially, Shadow 2, makes you own and bought yourself a lost touch with the Colomand T-shirt. I have well and truly lost touch and and proud in a very proud lost, lost, lost touch. All right, so here's what I want to do. And this, look, let's be fair here to all the teams, all the AFL teams are here, you can play finals.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Good refresher for anyone that's listening. Can we know we've got a lot of different footy players across different clubs that do, we're lucky enough to have them listen to the podcast. And for my team, it's not going to the finals. I think this is equally simple. Let's look and take this into preseason, reset. Because it is about the simple things, isn't it, Maxie?
Starting point is 00:09:02 I mean, you've got to just do the simple things right. Mono, the sunning is the most well-rounded Osuke player I've come across. Yeah, really. It's not about goals with him. He constantly gets reminded by his old man, and it's about effort. All about having fun.
Starting point is 00:09:17 All about that, and being the best team mate. You want to hear that when you go over the draft. He's a well-rounded player. And he loves having fun. LAUGHTER OK, here is the no particular order. You want to hear that when you go over the draft? He's a well-rounded player. And he loves having fun. Okay, here is the no particular order. Okay, Maxi, you know, like, you know, get your captains head on because I'm relying on you didn't then take this to the rest of the team to disseminate this wisdom. Tendor. Number one, number one tip. This is again, legitimate stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I have heard you said, you know, with gusto to the under sevens I was kicked in number one tip guys Okay, Maxie. Yep, please remind the team no playing with the goalposts during the I don't push them over No plays. No, it's because it's disrespected with the other team and it just interrupts the flow of play. Yeah. Okay. So I do not want to see equipment and it will break. They will break if you keep doing it. Okay. And then you won't be able to play. So I just don't want to see that any of the finals campaign, no pushing him over, no, just keep your eyes on the ball, keep your eyes on the play. Good one.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Who is this coach? What a master. Okay. Number two, it is okay after you've scored a goal to pat each other and I notice and pat each other on the bombs, but when you start play up again, you have to stop patting each other on the bars. Okay, because again, you're too distracted at patting each other on the bars and the other team's getting the ball and they're kicking goals because we're all patting each other
Starting point is 00:10:58 on the bars. Is that fair, Maxie? Yeah, that one has been addressed at the professional leagues as well. During play, make sure it's high-five. Yeah, gotcha. Because sometimes it's running on for the next two or three passage at the play, everyone's still running around, adding each other on the bombs.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Then you get sure it's quite competitive. Shorten your celebrations. Okay, that's good. This is probably in the same vein. Okay, Maxi me please tell the guys It is great to be excited after a goal, but you do not need to sing the team song after a goal We wait till the end of the match I just don't think that I I I promote
Starting point is 00:11:41 We haven't sung a song much We haven't sung a song about it in the last 10 years. I'm all for it. I hope Ming will. It's long as it doesn't distract you for the next passage of play. You can sing it quickly then. What is it you're jogging back to the center? We're just a quick rendition. It's a grad.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Okay, this is important. One, two, again, just it really comes down to focus too. If you bought your own footie remember have your name on it and take it home. Take it home okay because it's not it's not Daniel's job to pick up your footies in the dressing room and change rooms. Yeah. Yeah that's true. Okay. Do you bring your own do you ever bring your own footie to the match Maxi? We do seem to have an abundance of footies provided to us. I wonder if very nice. Very nice. Wow. I wonder if Carlton doesn't have that.
Starting point is 00:12:27 That's maybe where we've gone wrong. Again, a lot of these, I'm realizing that the common thread is focus, which is critical in finals. That's the danger is you lose, you know, you can get distracted or whatever. It's like it's the time to ramp up your focus. This is a big one. This happened a lot of games.
Starting point is 00:12:44 And the coaches have ever serious chapter. The kids about this. We know that the sausage sizzle starts near the end of the game. Okay, but do not walk off the field to get a sausage before it's the end of the game. Okay. Promise. Yes, I am at at Casey Field, which is a VFL affiliate. They have the best bacon and egg rolls in town. They start getting them going and they record it. Let's apply to all food. All food. All food.
Starting point is 00:13:12 You know, that's not just sausage. Like, for God at the elite level, you would have different foods than just sausage. Max, can you promise me? I don't know. You try to get a loophole on us here, go ahead. It's all food. Promise me that you will not walk off me at the end of the game for a Soshingora bacon and egg roll. I was prepared to do the sausage sizzle wasn't as prepared to go all thinking of hammy. I've got the rooms.
Starting point is 00:13:34 We crossed down to the room. Thanks for joining us mate. All the best for the final season. I'll be rooting for you and the other my team's not in there. That's all the coaching wisdom. I've got it. So I guess it's on you from here, mate. Can you come out and get out of quarantine?
Starting point is 00:13:53 It's in you and come help us in the finals. Certainly can. You know, we can. Certainly, sorry. Certainly can't. I'm going to have to Darwin and start quarantining now. Yes. And then come on as a surprise physio. I'm going to have to Darwin and start quarantining now. And then come on as a surprise physio to get somehow
Starting point is 00:14:08 good exemption. Hey, it's time for... They keep coming in. How moves these little things, devices you can use in your life, social life, business life to give you the upper hand on any other individual. Life is what is living in a society if it is not a dance, a cultural dance of status and finding out where you belong and these palmoos often through the use of arseholery. Boost you.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Or can boost you or can take others down to a place where you think they should be more readily belong. I think that's probably more often or not. It's rather than boosting you. It's a level checker. It's lowering the status of others, which is kind of like what we're doing in our band. Yeah. None of us like practicing, but we do like pointing out floors
Starting point is 00:15:05 with the other person. 10,000 hours of practice, or 10 seconds of sniping. It's a lot easier to snip. I'll kick us off, Jonah Hamm. Write this in, pow mood for you at all office situation. Wait till your target coworker
Starting point is 00:15:21 is in the middle of an intense or important meeting. Inter up the meeting and say, your mum is downstairs with your lunch. Yeah. This comes in from Benjamin, great one. He said, my partner had a high school teacher that used this power move to great effect. They would walk through the busy hallways at school shouting, hot coffee, hot coffee,
Starting point is 00:15:50 hot coffee whilst holding an empty mug. He just wanted people to get out of his way. He's like, really like it. They could've got it at the footy as well, that. Hot, hot, hot, hot, sorry, hot coffee. Hot, hot, yeah. What? Lovely.
Starting point is 00:16:09 Tim, bonza, power move. When saying goodbye to someone, end with, and good luck for tomorrow. Well, have them thinking they've forgotten a very important in their life that's happening tomorrow. LAUGHTER G.I. like that. something very important in their life that's happening tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Gee, I like that. Yeah, I think I'm going to use that. It's just a great, it's really been a wrong foot, someone. I think I've... I think I've... What do I got? Look at Matt's exam tomorrow. This comes in from George Power Move submission, possibly in the Dick Move category, but powerful nonetheless.
Starting point is 00:16:47 This is from a friend of mine, nicknamed Tight Lips. Doesn't go into white. When he picks up his girlfriend after she's had a long hard day at work, he will strategically go barefoot. When they need to go to the shop for food and the way home he's behind us, he's forced to do the shopping. Oh, he gets the children's car.
Starting point is 00:17:03 As our town has a shoes of compulsory and the shop's rule. MUSIC I love that. But, and you know it. That is the old bear feet again. Oh, sorry, I wish I had mischievous. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:17:21 Sensational. Gee, they've been good today. This is good. Power move for the podcast is from Jason Tamling. sensational. Gee, they've been good today. This is good. Power move for the podcast is from Jason Tamling. Whenever your friend tells a story that is somewhat impressive about themselves to someone else, at the end say, he's lying that happened to one of his friends. A lot of these work, and I back this, a lot of these work on the fact.
Starting point is 00:17:50 You know when someone's like, well, we just see this person, and they're like, but they haven't done anything, we just time up and court. We just time up and court. Exactly. When someone finishes a great, so he goes, he's lying, we're having to one of his friends. Even if they go, no, it didn't. It happened to me. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:18:04 We've tied you up in an argument. We've been slandered. And it's already the front page of the Daily Telegram. The public knowledge. This is a good yando, right? Especially, you know, for the last couple of years, we've all been watching a lot of TV. How move?
Starting point is 00:18:19 When someone asks you if you're watching any good shows at the moment, tell them about a very boring slow show. But tell them it gets really good and to stick with it. Ha ha ha ha tell me whether you've had an incident this bad. I mean, I could help. I've got a cat. Perhaps there's a crossover. Okay, you can tell me whether you had an incident this bad. Possibly. I had a call for it.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Who does Andy almost play it on? No. I'm not the person with the dog. I'm not the person with the dog. It's not a sin about it. I'd like to tell me whether you've had an incident this bad. I mean, I I had a call for it. I don't know if Andy almost played on. No, no, no, that's not also another nickname that's not catching up. These are the moments where I'm sure you've had them and I know there's some parallels with kids and pets, but I'm sure you've had them where you partner having a nightmare and you're away with the kids.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I'm sorry they're having a tough time. Tough time. Back had an absolute shocker with a dog and I was just when she was telling me the phone all I could think of was what was God I'm glad I wasn't there in my head but I had to go that's bad but all I was thinking was gosh so for all I missed this. You start I mean yes the kids and dogs are different, but you do, as time goes on, because you knew into this world of, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:51 not everything going your way all the time, which is what it's like to be single, but like, you know into this world of like having to have something else. I won't remember that with kids at the start, like, you were like, oh, no, that sounds terrible, honey, but you quickly realized just if I haven't had been in a terrible one with the kids, I was like you were like, Oh no, that sounds terrible, honey, but you quickly realize just if I'm having a terrible one with the kids, I was like, great, I wasn't there.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Yeah. Then it's like, it's got the kids in, I'm like, great, great, I got to sleep. You do. Yeah, you do. Take them any win. You just take them. So, Beck, there's a curfew for Melbourne lockdown
Starting point is 00:20:20 and Beck goes up to the wine bar to try and grab some wine at quarter in your house. In your house. 8 p.m. Up the road. Wow. It must have been as if it was so big that moving to another part of a Brexit curfew is considered a city. To the wine bar shop, it's a shop called the wine bar where she's trying to get some wine before curfew. So it's a huge queue people in their minds. So she's got Henry the pup. Yeah. She's in the queue. Every wooden step home. Well, she was out with Henry, didn't
Starting point is 00:20:51 want to keep Henry in the car. Make a door pill. Yeah. So she's got Henry, she's waiting to pay for the wine. Henry goes and does a wee in the store, right? Which is inside inside the store, which is annoying, but like, oh well, you know, so Bix like, hey, can I please have some napkins or a mop, can I please sort this out? Yeah. The guy's like, yeah, no problem,
Starting point is 00:21:13 but a lot of people are worried about this. As- What's the deal with taking pups into a store? Because you don't really meant to take a dog into a shop, though. Well, I don't know the rules in that. It more and more stores are allowing it. In fact, more and more restaurants and pubs, and there's actually going to change, they're
Starting point is 00:21:27 actually changing the rules. You make a dog in. So yeah, even on commercial flights, as a December, you're allowed to take a dog in Australia, which is so it's really changing. But anyway, it's huge act dressing as a dog to get free flights. So, Bix, I'm not trying to mop up this way. And the guy contacted us, look, I'll do it, no problem. But as Bix was mucking around with that, the dog's
Starting point is 00:21:52 going to upset Tony and does a very large diarrhea poo. Yeah, I know a diarrhea. Hard to do a diarrhea. We in another part of the wine store. And it really barely smells and Everyone is queuing up to get there. I fought a wine before curfew and this is just holding up the video So the dog then has another one. So now there's three areas of interest For I told you that story of this happened we saw the dog do I saw a dog do a diary when I was walking with Sonny,
Starting point is 00:22:25 and then the guy went and got napkins. And I was like, what's this saying? There's not enough napkins. This guy's like, this guy won't be able to solve this. This is what Beck was saying. The store owner or those two guys working, one of them was like, we'll, don't worry, we'll do it,
Starting point is 00:22:38 because they just wanted to make sure they got all the people processed by the time. So Beck picks up the dog, has to apologize for everything and then goes and leaves. Does it run out? It's a two-person or two-person or one-store ride. And this is what blows my mind. This is where dogs do have a higher status
Starting point is 00:22:57 in society than human beings. If you're kidding, then you're gonna be like, you are a ferrule, mate. This is out of control. But we're all like, oh, it's a dog. They can put everywhere they want out. Well, our world is a toilet for them. So Beckett home very upset that she's left this people
Starting point is 00:23:11 in this situation. She wants to call them and they're not picking up to still apologise and so on. And what can she do? And she's put the dog down in the living room. And she's wondering why the dog has got this upset tummy. The dog then goes to our rug and vomits, right? And Bex, like, what's, what's he vomiting up?
Starting point is 00:23:32 She's gotten an upset tummy because she'd been eating her own poo. And the dog then vomits up its own poop. It's on your face. It's big shit. It's the worst smell she's ever smelled in her entire life I mean maybe this is turning into a keep it all deleted good So you're not meant to eat your own shit. It's one of the laws of the animal world Exactly so suddenly becks met with the worst smelling things she's ever ever encountered. I know I've been there to smell worse is amazing isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:05 The dog started. Can we just figure it out a way? Jack, have you ever ever become close? Does Luna eat her own poo? No, she does eat cat poo which is disgusting. And you have to keep an eye on her. Would you rather her eat her own or some other cats? No, cats, eating your own is like, it is against the laws of the animal kingdom.
Starting point is 00:24:26 It's sort of like a real shit. You're eating poo and it's kind of incest. Like it's like, it's... But also just for that question to Jack, purely on a supply basis. The cat's not around that often. It's like, you don't have a thing to capoo when you, a special treat for a birthday. LAUGHTER Oh, you've got many more teasers?
Starting point is 00:24:41 No, sort of. Ando, yeah. Interesting email landed on my side, usually. Usually when we look at a special skill, they form two categories. We immediately go, congratulations to you automatically, you know, you qualify for the Olympics. Yep. Gee, Wiz, we've never seen 100 in under five seconds. You're straight in. Don't worry about going to the Queen's Land. That's special. State champs, we believe you to have the skills.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Other times we go, okay, we're going to need to interview you a bit to see if you can do what you say you can do. Which I think, again, we do often like in the special skills to the X-Men. Yes. And I haven't watched a lot of the X-Men movies, but I know they have a headquarters, don't they, Dr. Xavier is the boss? Yep. He's kind of like the principal.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yes, he is the school. Yeah, pretty much. And you can't just call up and say, I'm this person and come and join the X-Men Academy without showing your skill, can you? Well, could you go on? It's pretty inclusive, but you do have without showing your skill, can you? Uh, well, could you go on? It's pretty inclusive, but you do have to be.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Maybe you would have to demonstrate your skill. Well, yeah, I mean, eventually you'd want to say the skill or else you just, there's a little kid. Of course you would. Otherwise, you just get fans calling up going, oh, my hands can turn into blades and fly off, zoom around the room, cut up anyone we want, and then those, the flight back can become hands again.
Starting point is 00:26:03 Yes. I just don't feel like doing it at the moment, but I promise you, after spending some time in the mezz hall, hanging out with the fellas, getting to know everyone, you should take your mission and just really, when the time comes I'll do it. He would go, that sounds great,
Starting point is 00:26:19 but if you do wanna stay here for free rent, free food, we would just love to see the hands trick. True, but you know. Dr. Xavier, again, this is so boring. I'm saying like, Mike. I'm the worst thing you can say. I'm like, sorry, Mike. He's not, he's not, no, but like, Dr. Xavier knows where all the mutants are. So he knows if you're mutin' before. You can't rock up. You could though. Well, you could, but he'd go, you know, I'm mutin'. And he knows, right? Well, he knows, because he's got a thing called cerebral that he puts on
Starting point is 00:26:52 his head and he can know his where every mutin' is in the world. Okay. Fair enough. I did not risk it. I was like, well, he's got a helmet that tells him where the mutants are. Yeah, so if you're helping yourself to a packet of twisties in the mess store, I'm gonna go, I knew it. I've got this guy just to wreck your first. I'm just even the twisties. Yeah, I am here for the twisties.
Starting point is 00:27:14 But what about this? What if I go, I get a mate, my name's Wayne. I've got this thing, my hands can fly off, they can be comeplights. And before you say anything, my other skill is that I'm invisible from your helmet. I've got a double, I've a double mute. So, you give swinging past, I'm going to hang out for a while and I'm going to come and live at the house. Yeah, look, he's a very inclusive guy, Dr. Yeah, he do keep saying that. He probablyulking me, but I think he'd question the ability to evade the helmet.
Starting point is 00:27:51 The helmet, yeah. Okay. Anyway, so what we're doing now, there isn't anything that happens. Well, yeah, Mike doesn't know what he's saying. I've looked over. You're looking to Mike for help. It's bit too grown up for Mike. He's more of a Pokemon Mario Kart.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Anyway, sorry, yeah. To M, bit to M. Mike's our sort of our GPG specialist. Yes, isn't he? Yep. And that's not a bad thing. That's not a bad thing. Certainly extremely valuable for me as a parent. Oh, you know, a seven-year-old kid.
Starting point is 00:28:19 I mean, Mike's just one phone call away for anything we need to know. He's a professor. Sidebar on that, Mike, we're about to download the Sonic Mario Olympics on Nintendo Switch and have a family tournament. Thumbs up, Mikey. Yeah, double thumbs up. Yeah, great. Yeah, he's pretty excited about it. Look forward to some off-podcast chats with Mike about how to get better at Sonic Archery or whatever. He went to make his way in here and I just wave. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:28:49 We've got too far off track as it is. The last thing we need to know is a cheat code for Mario hijump. And you know, go Yoshi in the swimming because he's tongue can touch the wall first or something. Okay, okay, sorry. The reason I say this is we've got another Michael, another Michael who's written him with a special school. It's fallen to my side of the fence and I, I want, you know, you know, the doctor is over here. We put out helmets on. We identify Michael as someone that can do something, but we need to have the classic Dr. Xavier phone chat. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Before they're allowed to come and live at the X-Men house, because I just wonder if this can indeed be done consistently. Michael calls up. He wrote in extremely short email, special skill, peeling stickers off in one shot. No reps. Wow. No reps.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Do you join us now? He joins us now for his classic pre-special skill screening. Mike, how are you? Are you guys? How are you? Yeah, good. Mike, sorry, we took a little detour before getting to you. I understand you've been on hold. That time you might have just worked up wiping the drivel from you now. And checking the clock.
Starting point is 00:30:09 He's my first question for your mic. Yep. With peeling a sticker off, do you use any outside lubricant? Oh, absolutely not. It wouldn't be a special skill if you had to. You could lift it. You could lift it so it, the classic isn't it?
Starting point is 00:30:26 Yep, yeah. Well, there's other techniques you can go to, but no lubricants, guaranteed that. What are the other techniques? Well, you know, a bit of hand rubbing with the, get a bit of heat underneath there, just, you know, pure with your bare hands, it's got to be bare hands to be special. Wow, surely there, and then there are some really stubborn
Starting point is 00:30:46 stickers. I can't, I bought a bucket, I bought a small bucket the other day, and the sticker on top of that, I ended up having to wash it in the sink and scrape it off with steel wool. I mean, there's that wild. So you would hate, you'd hate a sticker on plastic, wouldn't you, Mike, you prefer your stainless steel? Oh, a couple of categories, yeah, yeah. Glass can be a bit tricky. Plastic on plastic.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Oh, the ridges, the ridges sticker. How annoying is that thing to get off when you peel off? Oh, I've stopped trying now. And he's seen my car. I've just got three or four ridges stickers on it. He hates it. I mean, that's where it all started. As a young fella, you know, all the training that get and peel
Starting point is 00:31:22 on the stickers off your dad's car and then Then working at the video store, you know over night It's three days. Which video store did you work at a video easy? Of course, which is now replaced by a machine But do you want yes? I was I was at a video easy to not in the vending machine a bit too tall for that job Did you mark I was at steel as many magnum's ice creams as Hamish did while I shift? I can neither confirm nor do I. I know. It's like that. It's the one that went inventory.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I was sitting there actually still at the top of their game, Rental's wise. They just had just had a huge amount of leakage on the confectionery side of the business. As a 15 year old, 15 to 16 year old working at video easy, when you had to take the like overnight sticker off and change it to a three day or a weekly stuff. Yeah, it just I mean it's brutal getting those because that's where I discovered the Eucalyptus oil trick. To this day if I smell Eucalyptus oil it immediately takes me back to video easy, climb
Starting point is 00:32:21 lively and you go and get yourself a burger. I'm really I start celebrating about dance feel too tight. That's the main practice. Okay, Michael, I love this. I love this. I mean, I want to ask you one other question. I just don't believe it can happen every time. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I mean, the thing about a rip with a sticker is once it's ripped a little bit. You know, you panic and it's all over. You know, it's coming off in several pieces. Yeah, that is the undoing. I'd have to say the nemesis is paper stickers on glass where that is that's the trickiest one of all, but what? Yeah, that's the nemesis. Wow. Okay. So, um, if we put, so where about do you live, Michael? Uh, Brisbane. Brisbane. Okay. So we've, so whereabouts do you live, Michael? Brisbane. Brisbane, okay. So we've got to, obviously, there's COVID going on at the moment.
Starting point is 00:33:07 It's hard to fly people down, which has been difficult for us. But we would want to see this in the flesh, I think, hair. I think so. I think I'll wait for a window. Like to see, yeah, I recently bought some, um, some little coffee cups. So you're right, the glass, the sticker on the bottom of the coffee cup. Like these are little glass coffee cups. Okay. And that thing's been through the dishwasher, like three or four times, and the sticker on the bottom of the coffee cup. Like these are little glass coffee cups.
Starting point is 00:33:25 And that thing's been through the dishwasher like three or four times and the sticker's still on there. I'll a little bit of edge preparation comes in handy sometimes, but I'm here with the edge prep. This is what I wanted to hear. And this is why this is the, this is the level I wanted to hear. What's your nails like, Michael? Is it a fingernail heavy game?
Starting point is 00:33:42 I did get a little bit worried because I literally chewed a more off-last week and I thought oh this could be bad timing but fingernails have got to be prepped. If it's a rectangular obviously a bit of starting at the corner and good bit of tension but round ones maybe a bit of edge prep so you can find the weak spot to get in there and make it happen. Well you circulate the hole of a round sticker just to find it's it's a little chink in its arm if you feel a little bit like a sperm going around the egg.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Yeah, yeah, if it's a tough one you've got to do a couple of laps, right? Every time glossed past the analogy quite fast, but it does work. Okay, Michael, I'm a snowman word 19. Used to drink at this pub and we used to park next door to it out the back. And they put up a huge sign that said, anyone who parks here will get a hard to remove sticker placed on the list. That was the threat. That was the threat. And when you were parking overnight because we're obviously on our p's so we park out the back and it was just a it was much easier to we'd to car it in.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Park out the back. Get the hard to remove sticker. You knew you were going to copy the HTRS. And then, you know, cab home, and then we catch probably transport back in the morning and get the car with the sticker. Huge sticker, of course your whole windscreen. So you couldn't drive around with it. Huge sticker, you wouldn't be scared at all by that threat, would you?
Starting point is 00:35:15 Oh shit. I mean, free parking, here we come. Yeah. Yeah. We had a chisel from Mive's, didn't we? Yeah, we had a little, a little paint scraper. Yeah, that's a lot of paint scraper.
Starting point is 00:35:28 And I suppose if you're someone that's in a hurry, it would bother you, but we weren't in a hurry as no, it was still not in a hurry now. At the last 20 years of our life, not in a hurry. So it actually just gave us a fun little activity to do. Michael, we're going to book you in. We'll work out when it's a COVID safe time to get you down. We want to see this in the flesh and we'll place three, four items in front of you varying degrees of difficulty. And let's go with three.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Yeah. And if you get all them off, should we, are we going three from three guys? Do we think? I think we are. Yeah. I would like one of the sitting there and Mike, when you've, when you've removed the sticker, you put it on one of our heads and at the end of it, we'll have three clear items and a man with three stickers on his face. Or does he collect the set, go, Hey miss, Jack Andy, where this is Andy. We all have a sticker on our face. Then he has walked away with a coin. I like it. See you then. I hope this happens and it's not a peter app. Sounds good, guys. Thanks, mate.
Starting point is 00:36:28 I'm going to ask of you guys, this is without notice, to name and up to you how much shame you want to place on the company that I'll ask you a name. You can also name and praise. Oh, it could be a name, praise and shame, because that's what I'm doing. We all know we live in a world of too much unrequested email. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Too much spam. I mean, I wake up solicited email. Every, I answer a email. You're like, you sign up to buy something, we all know it. You know, we're all just, and then they sell on it in the back end and before long. Like, I just feel like I wake up every morning and I go through patches where for like a full month, I go, every morning I'll, I'll try and delete, I'll try and unsubscribe, I'll go deep, I'll try and rip these weeds out by the root. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:17 And you just can't get ahead of now. It feels like it actually reminds me of life and watch this. I think you have, Jack, you're a fan of the, the walking dead, aren't you? Yes, I'm zombies. It's like it's a zombie move. I think you have, Jack, you're a fan of the walking dead, aren't you? Yes, of zombie seasons. I feel like it's a zombie move. Everywhere you wake up, the garden's full of zombies and you go right. Today, heads of coming off, 50 cows through the blunt brain, just stabbing them with pitch forks, to capitate everyone. We've done it.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Big day, everybody. Go to sleep. You wake up with the mornings 100 balls on the front. It's just a relentless on-slught. And then there are some companies that stick in your inbox, right? And this is the thing I want you guys to give you on, because unsubscribing doesn't seem to work for these companies.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Somehow they like weasel their way through. For me, it's a company called Catnets. Okay. Now, I salute you, Catnets, and I'll give you, I'll happily, as a customer, give you a plug. If you have a space in your household garden that needs a net, a cat cannot get through. Go to Katnets. They do what they say they'll do.
Starting point is 00:38:18 They sell nets that are caproof. I bought two nets, I bought quite a lot long. I just needed a small amount of cat netting, but I think I bought five meters. And the rest is seeing the garage that isn't annoying, but who knows when I might need to net another gap? Thank you, cat nets. I appreciate the work you've done
Starting point is 00:38:36 for small gauge whole nets. It's up, zip tied on cat can't get out. But forget about the emails. Cat nets, you must understand For your customers. It's a one-time thing. Yeah, it's a free. We don't it's not a recurring use you're not shaving cream You're not face wash. Mm-hmm. You're not toothpaste. I don't need a new cat net every week if I did What sort of company would you be running? You'll be selling terrible nets. I would be down But my cats would be escaping all the time. It's a one-off thing, okay? It's like we had an affair, it happened and you won't let it go.
Starting point is 00:39:10 We were in a beef dinner or whatever. You can't text me then the next week and go, my grandma's nine years this week, would you like to come with me, be nice for you to meet the fair? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, You can't get outside, you can't get out. I'm in there now. I escaped the net. Yes. Mine is a app called SketchUp.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Right. I bought it once because I was trying to get the dimensions for a cardboard. Yep. And I thought it was. It's like 3D modeling software, isn't it? I tried to use it when we were doing our house, but it was too difficult to use. So you're like, are you taking photos and it tells you that you guys draw it yourself? Oh wow. And you put your wall, like basically I said,
Starting point is 00:40:12 oh yeah, wall would look good there, another wall there and maybe I could put some drawers there. And I was like, yeah, that looks exactly what I wanted and I sent it off the builder ride. I did that five years. Sketch up. Sketch up. Sketch up. It's hopefully they know I haven't opened the app ever again. So you've loved it. So I just, I'll give you permission for my data.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Yeah. Look how much I use it. Okay. Look how much. Go on, you have a squeeze. You'll be sure. I'm not a happy customer. It didn't work for me.
Starting point is 00:40:42 It's not for everyone. Nothing's for everyone. Yeah. You know, a lot of customers, it's for them. I loved it on the day. But I did it one time things. It's not what I think it at every day. No, so please, please stop telling me that I can join an interactive conference about the new lectures of Sketchup. I'm loving this. Because I'm not going to. Jack, here's your verbal unsubscribed too. All right, Hamish, yours, you're actually responsible
Starting point is 00:41:10 for the one that comes in my inbox still six years later. You very kindly, purchased, gifted me my wedding suit when I got married from a place called P. Johnson. Now, the suit was great. But, yeah, they make great suits. They're unsubscribe button. Do not work because six years later, they say, hey, you're thinking of buying a new suit.
Starting point is 00:41:33 You're in a new suit. What are you doing? You know, you're married now. Maybe you've got a new job, you know? How's everything working out in that marriage? You're looking after your butt. Yeah, they've got the wrong person. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. wrong person. Yeah, Jack, I mean, Jack is never,
Starting point is 00:41:45 and then can I just say, I mean, without disclosing the price, Jack's not part of me. No! He's not gone fat there. And good soon. Hey guys, it's Mike here from the Behind the Scenes team of the Hamish and Andy show
Starting point is 00:42:04 reminding you one more time that the final episode of Hamish and Andy's Remembring Project season 2 is now live. You can also catch all of season 1 wherever your podcast just type in Hamish and Andy's Remembring Project wherever you're listening to this. This week for the final episode, the boys revisit a journey that spanned several years and involved Andy's private parts. Tackle Talk. Oh yes, you look penis. Yeah, so I had ruptured my urethroidy young age and it was slowly closing off.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I'd have two surgeries. One of them woke up, quite intrusive, obviously, woke up. Nurse ghost me. How are you feeling?'s like, great, how we go, she goes, didn't work, which was a shame. Yeah. I said, well, how come we've just got distracted? You've got distracted. We just opened up. I've played on a finger.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Sorry, we opened up your ears. LAUGHTER So that's it. Season 2 of the Remembring project is done. And if you haven't binge them all yet there are 40 episodes of quality remembering waiting for you Season 1 and Season 2 where every podcast and as always we'll see you next Thursday for another episode of the regular Hey Mission Andy podcast. See you then
Starting point is 00:43:18 guys thanks again for listening. Thanks for listening, the Hamish Andyandie podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishnandie.com.

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