Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 149

Episode Date: September 15, 2021

1. Special BitCoin announcement 2. Horgs’s other gig 3. Power Moves 4. Common man check 5. Comprehension test 6. Uber eats can’t find Andy’s house 7. Ri...ches For All - update 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in 3, 2. Sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi to my wall Wall Class of Hamish. Ah, you're glad to be here head-shear-ally. There you go.
Starting point is 00:00:30 A Hoi Tamer Rouse about Jacko. Ah, a Hoi Andy. Yeah. Yes, you character. You are as you sound. You class all the walls, it comes off the lamp. That's a fluffy grade A. That's a smooth marino B. What are you doing, you class all the walls, it comes off the lamb. That's a fluffy grade A, that's a smooth marino bean.
Starting point is 00:00:46 What are you doing, Rouse about? Yeah, Rouse about is broad-based, non-specific skills. Just do the little jobs. Is that what he is? Yeah, just an ensman. Yeah, they used to call him the tar boys. Yes, because when you cut the sheep, you put tar on the cut.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Mm-hmm, that's right. Well, you're a mate, there's a wall classer I've been around. Yeah, put tar on the cut. That's right. So much effort people haven't put in the moment because one man refuses to engage. What's that? Much faster transfer protocol. Still, we appreciate the long and arduous slog that people are going through to a upload the audio file and be inventing machines.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Yeah. Quickly just back to the rest about. Jack, what do you find is the trickiest bit of tiring a freshly cut U. Yes, getting the tar to a heap that is not going to hurt the shape, but also is going to do his job of bonding the skin. What heat is that?
Starting point is 00:01:59 About 60 degrees. Oh, that would be hot, but he's probably about right. Thank God you're here. I'm mostly going back to my back. Thank God you're here. More like the ABC's historical thank God you're here. And then when you sleep, you sleep on a dirt floor and I attend sheolanes a day which I think you'll find is accurate.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Sheerat near the end of the century. You've got it. Oh, no, it's long to watch an accuracy. Yes, good. You know, accuracy based with a panel of historians going, I founded amusing, although interesting when you sent you drew your longsword, of course, longsword's not present at the Battle of Hastings, would have been a pike or a mace only.
Starting point is 00:02:43 LAUGHTER LAUGHTER of the Battle of Hastings would have been a pike or a mace only. I want you to be honest, the historical thank God you're here. I'm Kevin and you fall back. You fall back and you fall back and you're the history channel. Accurate crusaders. Guys, enough did he tell you? Got something really important to talk to you about. Jacko, this will come as great news to you. You as well, Hamish, and but more so to our web geezer,
Starting point is 00:03:15 Jez, who for years has felt bad about losing the password to our Bitcoin. Yeah, but I mean, don't get out of hopes up with that preamble because... Yeah, that makes me think we can find our Bitcoins. I started this almost six months ago now. I don't, I mean, now I think we've got it. We found a guy called David Vexla. We did a bit of background on him and then Jesa chatted to him first
Starting point is 00:03:46 because we did not want to be flea. Yes, one of our pet hates. Yes. I'm like sheering. Yes. How do we would have greater that we'll pour because we prefer to wear it? He rates himself the master of wallet recovery.
Starting point is 00:04:05 All he needs is time. He reached out to us this week. I've got though the audio from when I first talked to David back, when this had been, jazz probably February. My mind is racing here. I'm trying to calculate how rich we're gonna be. Ando wouldn't be, you know, we wouldn't be having such a long run up unless he knew he was about to
Starting point is 00:04:29 do the world record jump in the sand. This is me talking to David in favor of this year. Have you tried brute forcing passwords before? Brute saucy. What's what's pretty saucy? If you're entering each password on a keyboard, you're the hybrid forcing, that's just trying it over and over again. If you're using a password generator to automatically try passwords,
Starting point is 00:04:52 start as brute-sourcing. I mean, you've got before. We have it, we haven't brewed, we don't, we don't, our team as a rule generally doesn't have much brute-source. Jack is trying to, he's on a lot of peanut butter and protein at the moment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Yeah, it doesn't look like it's doing much. That's like it's doing. What I actually do is trying to, he's on a lot of peanut butter and protein at the moment. Yeah. But yeah, it doesn't look like it's doing much. What I actually do is just say, imagine yourself entering this wallet, have you wore that? And just I've been, as many passwords as you can think of, just keep going and add entering more and more. And summing that up with. Okay, so we do have to give you some kind of information. Yeah, I do not brute force with nothing.
Starting point is 00:05:26 The success rate depends entirely on whether your suggestions have the trip forward. Yeah. So if you say it's some variation on my birth date and the city was born in, but it's really not, there's nothing I can do, right? I will, what I can promise you is, if you give me some number of possibilities, I will try all of them. Okay. I can try on my computer a hundred million passwords per hour. And that's definitely more than our web guide. Yes. Is managed to type.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah, it really depends on how many possibilities your your ideas have. on how many possibilities your ideas have. That's great. Wasn't it what your guy was saying, Jack, the guy that worked at the bank? And he was. Yeah, but wasn't he saying it would take still two million years if we were trying a combination of every password?
Starting point is 00:06:16 Everyone in the world that exists, like every English word, yes, maybe, but if you go, well, this is the sort of stuff I use as my passwords, that's then he can narrow it down. So we haven't done it for the H&A bitcoins, we thought we had a better system, which was hypnotized in tears back in the day. So, Jers then sent David all the combinations of every single password that he could think of. And he might use.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Yeah. David, though, during the conversation said how many of us said, I think it was two, and he said, that might be worth a lot more than you think. It may not equal just to Bitcoin's anymore. And this was his explanation. You don't only get the Bitcoin, you also get all the four coins. So this was a few years ago, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Yeah. So if it was before the fork for Bitcoin cash, you are going to get also the Bitcoin cash and the Bitcoin SV. What is it? So you know, Bitcoin is forked. Bitcoin SV. You're not working. Okay. So in 2017, late 2017, there were copycats of Bitcoin. Right. They were called Bitcoin cash. And I forget when 2018 there was a Bitcoin SV, there was Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Diamond, a lot of foreign. If you held Bitcoin at that time, you also got the same number of Bitcoin Cash and then later Bitcoin SV. And what's the value of those? Bitcoin Cash is now worth $519.
Starting point is 00:07:43 That's okay. And the Bitcoin SV is worth $184. Okay. So you will also get that. Okay, so little kicker. He's priced for doing this 20% normally, but I got him down to point eight business snake jack hit the music he hadn't heard from david i mean jack i can't say if this is true i can't believe it this is insane you can say we've got he wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't good
Starting point is 00:08:21 we wouldn't have wrapped up knowing how much we want to pony for Christmas. There wouldn't be a horse-shaped present under the Christmas tree made of cardboard with a socket you're never getting one written on it. Like, I think we're getting it. We hadn't heard from David for six months until this week where he reached out and told us that it didn't work. He is. Horst Shane Cardboard.
Starting point is 00:08:50 He did. Right. So much for play. Oh, she's the one who supported the World Guy. Then there's a new chapter. The new chapter. Show, man. You're a pro show.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Show. Show. I like the show. I don't have the energy, the emotional energy to go through a rollercoaster like this. Jazza, come on in. Where are we going, Jazza? Obviously, disappointed. But, Jazz, we also talked this week.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Jazza, reach back out to David. Jizz, tell the guys what you sent David this week. Combination that came to me in a dream. A new combination. Just where was it? Where was it? Six years ago. Flaming the depths of Jizz's subconscious
Starting point is 00:09:39 went through hypnosis and dreams. He sent a new... Get someone get me, Christian Bailen here. We're inception in U.J.'s. We're gonna find you on a flight and we're gonna put you to sleep and jump in your dreams. Was Christian Bailen inception?
Starting point is 00:09:55 Wasn't was Christian Bailen inception? Leo? Leo the Coyote, can we have a Christian of a Christian of a Nolan Bayon? Ah, I thought Bailen was in there. I hope you haven't booked him yet. Jack, chance of Christian Bailen. Explain to him that I hope you haven't booked him yet. Jack, answer Christian bail. Explain to him that I was emotional.
Starting point is 00:10:08 He'll get it. But Jess, you have gone back to David and you said you saw it very clearly in your dream. You woke up, you wrote the numbers down. No numbers, Jess. Yeah, it was, it came as clear as anything. It was like a, I woke up with a startling surprise revelation. Yeah. Because it felt, it felt, I'm like, yeah, it's very clear.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Where did they explain the context of the dream? It was this, someone handed it to me that looked almost identical to me. And it was in a notebook of, like, more than an old notebook, so I took it the time and then it was like, Cheers. It's your subconscious. What me? Yeah, well, I mean, the guy that looks like you is you subconscious and he's going, I can't believe you forgot this. Yeah, all my future self, my past self, he had shorter hair.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Okay, okay. You never cut your hair, then we know it's past self. So, and it was on printed piece of paper and it had the details of a gibberish, mostly letters and numbers about 10 of them and then Hamish Andy or lowercase and then same on the other side. So it was like a sandwich of gibberish, but there's one or two other cases in that. But you saw this. So this is what we had from the hypnosis.
Starting point is 00:11:19 This is new. It's a new gibberish. The gibberish is new. And so Jesa could, he's written down the gibberish exactly. So like the different combinations of letters and numbers were sent that back to David and we wait again. Jes, thank you for your diligence in writing down. And we're talking 10, like the sandwich,
Starting point is 00:11:43 is it like 10 bits of random letters and numbers? Yeah, about 10 to 15 here, the side of the hamish and any in the middle. And you positive you got in the right order? Yeah, I wrote, I got my note pad out straight away and wrote it down because I felt like it was so clear to me. It's the moment I came out of the dream. Yeah, I just feel like, you know, even one letter
Starting point is 00:12:02 to many or two few. That's David Jop. It's probably Millie's. Yeah, he just, he, he know, even one letter to many or two few. That's David Jop. It's probably Millie's, yeah. He just, he's doing a billion a day, kind of thing. So he'll, yeah. So he'll work that out. So we like to search every letter and number combination between 10 and 15, either side of this.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Anyway, we wait. We wait. No, thanks, Santa. Hey, this one fell on my side of the fence with regards to correspondents. Hit us up at hamishney.com if you've got any emails, but they get split 50, 50, 50. So if you are trying to get home, it's 50, 50 chance because it may fall to mind. And I might delete it, particularly if it's something bad about me. Plus, I'd have to wonder past the computer and sift through all those blue dots and there's a lot of blue dots for unread messages and
Starting point is 00:12:57 you know, I'd have to make Tom's schedule, but I'm trying my hardest to get through all. Tom wrote in and he said, the Hoy boys, to run something past you. While listening to the New South Wales Police State Crime Command podcast, which we all do. Of course. Number one, number one in the Apple store today. He said also on the listener,
Starting point is 00:13:18 platform, sorry, that's what I mean. He said, I've come up something very curious. Take a listen to episode 19, He said, I've come up something very curious. Take a listen to episode 19, the case is Mary Willis, it's episode two, at the five minutes 17 mark. He thinks Hawgs is doing another voiceover. Those Hawgs is more serious in these ones, but apparently we don't have him exclusively to the haibis.
Starting point is 00:13:45 So hang on, so this is what was called the New South Wales Crime Police State Crime Command podcast. And they're doing old cases, are they? Presumably. I think they're doing old cases. You want to do new ones because then the criminal just hear where there are opportunities. Yes. And then you want, but you know how ahead you are.
Starting point is 00:14:03 And so he's this guy Tom is adamant that Is is is there hogs are standing by on the phone so he can see here this In fact, we'll quickly say get at him. Oh, do you hogs? Hey boys as a girl? Yeah, good And you as this come up before that you have a sound alike on the new South Wales crime command podcast No, I'll maybe Be a bit strange actually from the New South Wales Crime Command podcast? No. Or maybe be strange, actually. On that one. Okay, let's see if it is a match. There was a single page of childlike scroll
Starting point is 00:14:35 from Alpine came R.A. with MW and tow into MMA to see what's the go, not to Tremoyne, but Willoughby Weeko. Ha ha ha. That first, man, walk me. I mean, it's got the hogs draw. I'm going to send you the line that that guy just said right now, okay? If you can do it in a more monotone voice, because obviously you've got a lot more character. Yeah, that's true. But this person that sounds this person it sounds like they were they in person.
Starting point is 00:15:06 It was the voiceover of a killer's hand. I think that's what they were doing. Yeah. There's a lot of most flattering sound alike. Hawks. Yeah. Give us the reading. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:17 From Alpine came R.A. with MW in tow into MMA to see what's the go. Not to Dremont, but will a by we go. Okay. Obviously he did a bit more confidently. Like to say this. I'm not afraid as reading to us as policemen. I'm not my dad. That's a well known fact. Sorry, Your Honor. He's reading faster than me.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Well, no, I think I think also as bit of a stitch out there because there was the words Dremoyne and Willaby were in there which you knew that well suburbs, but you're obviously an Elven Boyer hogs. So that's why looking behind so they probably did get the right guy to do the voice over because I think, well, Killa didn't write it hesitantly to draw mine. Well, should we pass this off to Marshy quickly to put hogs in back in the original podcast. Go one for one. And to add how it sounds.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yes. Okay, we're back at one second. How it sounds. Yes, we should. OK, we're back at one second. OK, the quick hands of Chris Marsh, our sound production guy, has been through. Yeah, Hawgs, are you there? I'm still here. Come on, you're right.
Starting point is 00:16:37 We are back after he's put this together. Let's hear the original again. This is the Hawgs sounderwike. There was a single page of childlike scroll from Alpine came R.A. with MW and tow into MMA to see what's the go. Not to germine, but will it be we go? Now marshy has put that in the same context let's see Hawkes' compares. Yes, it is so funny hearing a hesitant voice. It's just because it's not so confident. It's just an editing tool to help,
Starting point is 00:17:32 especially in an audio context. It's just to like help paint the picture. And get information across infatically, isn't it? Yeah, you don't hear a voice over question pronunciation. Or if you do, you would assume they do a retake. But because we only gave you one shot at that hogs and we're making you pronounce suburbs that you've never heard before.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Yeah. Do you have the feel of an Attenborough documentary of going the Merkett Mirkett? Mirkett? Pokesies head, I think it's Mirkett. Pokesies head out of the borough. And we're only one takin' brother. And there we go. So here we are in the plans of Savannah. I know it's a target. Gotta begin to you. Gotta begin to you.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Hawks, thank you for doing the comparison. If you ever obviously need someone to fill in for you, on obviously voice calls, only meetings at work will try and track down that fellow foyer. Get down I'm going to voice over Gohogs. You shatter like a really good guy. It's me. I prefer yours. I think they've been flooding in. There's a second book apparently going to arrive by the end of this year, but we'll see. We at the moment. The second book is a dark shadow coming through the shallows of the water.
Starting point is 00:18:50 We think we can identify it. We think we know it's pieces. It looks like a book, but we just need it to come a little closer to the surface before we can absolutely say that it's here. Quite pointy, it's going with a black cover, so it is a dark shadow. Exactly what I do. Let's jump into the ball. the black cover. So it is a dark shadow. Exactly. Let's jump into the ball.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Can we kick us off? Everett. From Justin Mitchell, or do you mate? If someone asks you to do something that you don't want to do, for instance, help them move house. Simply apply with, sorry mate, my coach wants me to rest this way. Good. That's good. It's the entire tier of the level that there's a professional telling you, sorry. Yeah, don't be dumb. And it's so much better to say coach than trainer. Yeah. Trainer seems indulgent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Personal, because you have personal traits. Personal traits. No one cares. You're just doing it for you. Coach. Okay. Teams depending on you. You're right, it seems like you assign a trainer, but someone else assigns you a coach.
Starting point is 00:19:47 If I just said on my personal trainer, it said I can't lift stuff, you'd be like, oh mate, what does Snowfly do? Like who cares? Like that's just between you and him. Like, coach has got me on a pretty tight leash. I rest my eyes at the moment. You know what I was at the coach?
Starting point is 00:19:59 And, uh, this is optimistic. Um, we're gonna go with it anyway. It's one of those ones you're like, geez, it can be done. This is from Jeremy. Jeremy. Jeremy. When you've got some sort of lower body muscles slash joints so on and so on and so on. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Possibly. Possibly emergency slide, party course. Yes. So you've got two broken, dragging yourself into the doctors. Now, you're probably coming at this stage, you're probably coming in for the six week checkup. You have to, like, how the pin set in. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:32 And you can back to your ankles. Yes, like, can you get a little bit of flexion back in your ankle now? You know, it's a long road, but you'll be 18 months or fly by and you'll be back out there. When the doctor calls you into, here's all her office, greet them. and then slowly walk towards the patient chair.
Starting point is 00:20:49 When the doctor turns to close the door, quickly dip over and sit in the doctor. Yeah. When the doctor asks you to move, just tell them you two saw from the injury. Best case scenario, the doctor will awkwardly proceed to sit in the injury. Best case scenario, the doctor will awkwardly proceed to sit in the patient.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Oh, I could have been a tough to do with bad angles. I mean, you would have been nimble, but if you explode off one foot and you snap it again, I suppose that's the risk you run, worth it. This is from Benham, a hoiter, Ben. Pound move for you. It requires a group chat setting. WhatsApp is listed also Snapchat, where the victim is writing a long message while everyone's waiting, you often see, you know, Duncan Campbell is typing. Yep, right.
Starting point is 00:21:43 That's when you quickly write, yes, Duncan, you may speak now. LAUGHTER LAUGHTER LAUGHTER LAUGHTER Very good. OK, and then, from Ian,
Starting point is 00:21:59 yeah, we end up with a hoi and... Yeah, we. Um, when you're in a group and your mate comes up with something funny, laugh, then ask them, which TV show are you quoting? So no more. I like this one. Yeah, this is from Tom, very specific to his situation, but for sharehousing out there, it could work.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Yes, I've just been palmoved, and you can tell by the way he's written it that he's perplexed. And as my housemate just said, could he borrow the clothes drying rack from my room? I said yes, I've come back and he's hung up all his clothes in my room. I'm going to be a little bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of a bit more of It's what we like to do when we have the time. We say we do and we want the perception to be that we do very often, but in reality, we do it every now and again just to keep it ticking over. Yes. Hamishany.com, if you've got a plight that you need us to attend to,
Starting point is 00:23:19 it's definitely not like, you know, I didn't money your charity or things like that. We do that separately. This is more show related. And Rowan, I'll give you Andy's personally, Malcolm. We are like doing you 12 formal videos. Okay. Rowan did just that.
Starting point is 00:23:35 She's in argument with a friend of hers, Tom. Oh, how do you Rowan? How are you, William? Thank you for joining us. Thank you for bringing your case to us, Rowan. Essentially Rowan, you sent Tom a lost touch t-shirt. He'd already bought himself an in touch with the command t-shirt,
Starting point is 00:23:51 and you need us to just decide whether he, what category he's in. Is that fair to say? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is this man in your opinion, Row, Tom, your friend, is he incorrectly wearing an in touch t-shirt. Oh, 100%. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:07 And he's been, I mean, we're seeing a little bit of this out in the community. We're seeing, I mean, the loss touch of the comment he shirt, some people are self-reporting and buying one of themselves. It's usually bought to be given to someone. So the message is loud and clear. You've lost touch with the common man. And that's what you tried to do. You tried to do the right thing for Tom,
Starting point is 00:24:26 but he has snuck in and is trying to masquerade around as in touch. Yeah. We thought without necessarily just taking your word for it that Tom is not in touch, we have divided, devised a test to try and, well, get the real answer out of him. We want him to admit it.
Starting point is 00:24:47 I suppose that's what we're going for here. We could throw stones at Tom all day. And if he doesn't answer, we shall. That's always a plan B. But Ro, you're about to apply for a nursing position with South Australia Health, correct? Yeah, yeah, yeah. The beauty is you've put Tom down as a reference. I thought I might call as someone from South Australian Health, just? Yeah, yeah, yeah. The beauty is you've put Tom down as a reference. I thought I might call as someone from South Australia Health
Starting point is 00:25:08 just to ask him a few questions about himself, about you. And then we drop the hammer. Yeah. Then we've devised what we think is the one question that will determine if he's in touch or lost touch with the common man. Does he get his meat from a supermarket or a butcher? I mean, as soon as we find out that answer, we'll have enough to prosecute. For us, it's a one strike in your house.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Are we going to vegetarian, is he? No, no, definitely not. Worth checking. Okay, good. Otherwise, you have to be, you know, where do you get your um, falafels from? If he says spoke, if he's a whole foods pantry or if he's one of like sometimes each right. Yeah. Do we then follow it up with, you know, have you paid for your ironing? Do we? I don't know. What is the secondary?
Starting point is 00:25:56 Got a clue lady. Do you have a cleaning lady? Oh man. Um, avocado consumption is all interesting. And how many other how are you going to throw that in your reference of a, someone's reference? Have you eaten a cheese that's not cheddar this week? Let's go with that.
Starting point is 00:26:12 So go meet and to cheese. That seems like a cheese. That's where you'll want to go. That's where you'll want to go. That's where you'll want to go. That's where you'll want to go. That's where you'll want to go. That's where you'll want to go.
Starting point is 00:26:21 That's where you'll want to go. That's where you'll want to go. That's where you'll want to go. That's where you'll want to go. That's where you'll want to go. That's where you'll want to go. That's where you'll want to go. That's where you'll want to go. Like get a few reference questions out for Rowan. Yeah, you do reckon this will work well. Is that a fair assessment of these in touchness? Yeah, I mean, he's not a huge fruity, so I probably wouldn't bank on his team. Okay, what about a beer? Like what about a coffee?
Starting point is 00:26:37 I mean, you give us something here, Rowan. Where's his line? Where do you look at him and go, okay, this guy's lost touch? I think it's in a little things. He's a very big sports fan, so he got on the premium TV channel. And where do you look at him and go, okay, this guy's lost touch. I think I'm a little things. He's a very big sport fan, so got on the Premier TV channel. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Yeah, great. Dead to right. Yeah. And whereabouts is he from? Oh, he's Tom from? He's from Oyster Air. He does have a board of you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I must be very nice. Yeah, nice. So what's the sport he's mainly into? A footy, big target fan. Gotcha. AFL or NRL? NRL. Yeah, gotcha.
Starting point is 00:27:12 So, are you watching that on Channel 9 or you're watching that on Foxville? Yeah. That's an easy wonder weave in. What do you interest me? Okay. I'm good. I'm not ask people questions. All right, here we go.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Oh, nice going to blow it out of Tagsley home. Oh, Thomas Beechham. Is that Tom Beechham? Yep. Tom, my name's Greg Chadwick. I'm with South Australia Health. How are you going? Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Thanks mate. You're off. Yeah, very good mate. I've got your number here as a reference for Rowan Harrington. She's applying for a grad nurse position with us. Did you put your name down for that? Yes, yes I did. Yeah, lovely. How long have you known Rowan?
Starting point is 00:27:53 Probably going on 10 years now and we went back to high school and then from there recruited her to be part of our tutoring company, which has been part of for about three, four years now. Lovely. So you know in a professional capacity as well? Yes, yes, certainly. And what's your top line, but what's your take on her professionally? Yeah, no, she's been outstanding, obviously. We do academic tutoring in the local area, so she deals with other parents, and she's been
Starting point is 00:28:18 really good, certainly, yeah, really responsible and mature in her work ethic as well. Lovely. Is that your business? Yes, it is. Oh, wow. So I'm out of it with you. 21. And that's your business? Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Fantastic. I mean, just need to give a couple of background questions about yourself. Yeah, of course. What sort of things are you into? Sports or? Yeah, you'd know. Yes, very much. Sport is a big one for me.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Oh, great. You love watching the games? Yeah, absolutely. A big West Tigers fan in the NRL and a big one for me. Oh, right. You love watching the games? Yeah, absolutely. A big West Tigers fan in the NRL and a big cricket fan as well. So I'm really enjoying some of the sport on the moment. Yeah, and that's in the same boat. What channel do you watch it on? Fox Sports. Yeah, I'm a big Fox Sports fan. Yeah. Yeah, lovely. And these are just some just I'm just going to pick a few at random off list here.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Yeah, of course. Other one I can ask. This is just to give us an idea of your character. When you are buying meat, buy it from the supermarket or the butcher. Ah, the butcher. Okay, so just want to say if I get these answers correct here, 21. On your own business, you have access to the premium sports channels. You buy meat from the butcher instead of the supermarket.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Yep. Jeez, must be nice mate. You've lost touch my friend. Oh my god. You've lost me here in Iced-a-Dane having a gourmet sausage and watching and free siren to siren. Oh no. Top of I think we have found which he should you need to wear.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Oh no. I've been pissed off. Tom, do you accept that you should pass off the in touch of the comment shirt that you purchased and instead take back the lost touch from Rowan? Yes, or I don't. How do you feel about that Rowan? Oh great definitely. You're a good assay though. I mean you'd be a 21 year old that any of us would like to be, maybe you're running your own business, you're enjoying the Foxdale, you're having
Starting point is 00:30:18 a party. I wish we had a reference to 21 years old. I would not have been able to say any of those. Yeah, I wouldn't have been able to say our personally hired them. And I'd like to have a podcast. I don't like it, Tommy. Anyway mate, welcome to the team of Lost Dutch. This is nice to have you. Thank you, boy.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Actually, it's down the line. I might get the number of your butcher off you. I might do sound good. You tell me. No, I dare with. You sound good. You dummy. No, I did with... [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪
Starting point is 00:30:53 Right? Sure. And about a day later, she said, do you do end up getting that whatever it was from the Super Bowl? I was like, no, I don't remember you. When did you do that? I said, I asked you that, yes, I said, well, it's on the phone.
Starting point is 00:31:04 She was, surely you can listen to two conversations at once. Not that hard. Very hard. I think it's very hard. It is very hard. And you go, you were listening at the time, you weren't talking. And I was like, yeah, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:31:16 But like I was paying attention to my sister. She goes, you had, you looked at me. You had your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, I do, I mean, I claim I can do it when I'm watching TV and so it's like, you listen to me and I lie and say, yes, intently. Yes. I mean, she'll sometimes do the what was the last thing I said, which I can often get. Yeah, I've seen you get that.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I mean, meeting much of the annoyance of the meeting. Yeah, I've seen you get that. I mean, meeting. Much of the annoyance of the meeting. Yeah, always. Sam, our old producer, you would be away with the fairies I'm watching something on your phone. I think I, and you go, hey, hey, can we just have your conversation? I was the only, what the last thing I said, and you'd get it straight away. I'd get it.
Starting point is 00:31:56 And then an interesting stalemate would enter the end. He would go, well, I'm still annoying because I know you haven't comprehended it. And I'd go, but I passed you silly game. Yeah. So where do we go from here? That's what I will never admit that I wasn't listening. And so I said to Beck, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:15 the only person I think could do this is, hey, but this is because of the color, because it's this exact thing. So I thought as a test today, I've got Jack to lay down a conversation and I've got a conversation. It goes to 20 seconds and we're going to play them at the exact same time. Okay. And then we're going to do a simple comprehension test for you. We'll ask five questions. We'll work out what percentage of the conversations you can take in.
Starting point is 00:32:40 So you're both, sorry, you both saying individual stories. Individual stories. So you have to try and retain info. Try and retain the info from both stories. And like a speed reading test at primary school or high school, we'll then ask you the comp from tension questions straight after. Are you ready? I'm gonna say, okay, go. Your joint story starts in 3, 2, 1. I was at the park.
Starting point is 00:33:11 I'd love you to go to the shop. I'm here to learn and to see you. For a guy to celebrate the Bulldogs jump up, I definitely went up to try to do a while in while he's kicking. Scrabber some bits hesitant to kick because she was dumb and dirty. I don't worry about it. So, the bottle of the jury, she always gives me
Starting point is 00:33:26 any way to re-use the lemon through it. She doesn't get out the way. And it's definitely like, all mighty smothered with her face. Hello. How you feeling? How you feeling? Okay, first question. What was I celebrating? You wanted a double-endury on ice.
Starting point is 00:33:41 What was I, for what celebration? Because you're in touch with the common man. Correct. Wow. Jack. What day was I at the park? Saturday? Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:53 What booze did I want you to grab me? Double medurry. Jack. What was the AFL jumper the man at the park was wearing? Ah. Was it swans? Bulldogs. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:04 That was tough words. How many lemons did I rate lemons? He's got it! I'm gonna smother it with a face. As he went the kick through the wall. That was absolutely disgusting. Well done. So, I mean, we're unfair and you actually actually retained more than 80% but you did get four out of five. Proof that. Because we were actually talking about the city's ones off air. I think that's what it's stuck into my head. That was exceptional.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Tough to do. Tough to do. You're essentially what I started doing and maybe this would be the tactic to see if you could do this and start. I was like, I'm going to listen to one, when I listen to Andy, but then every two seconds they just start bouncing back and forth. I'm going to go back and forth because you can piece together a conversation if you hear little bits every now and again, every now and again, every now and again.
Starting point is 00:34:58 And so you're building up two narratives at once and you're heading, you're going, okay, file that away, okay. And he's talking about a shopping list. He's going to be giving me lists. I'll need to remember those, but Jack's got this thing, something's happening with him. He's a funny story. He's a funny story. So he's having a little, so then I actually diverted to Jack's story, which is about many got back and he's going to kick through the ball. And so I was like, okay, this could go anywhere. I just need to keep one ear out for
Starting point is 00:35:22 him, he's shopping list. I mean, someone, I'm sure neuroscientists are going to be like, this is what's happening in your brain. With like how much of your attention you're paying. I know I was watching something on YouTube. LAUGHTER MUSIC Hey, when real estate agents are advertising houses, I don't think they've changed their game really for a century. Do you think it's always like north facing, you know, where's
Starting point is 00:35:56 the sun? Well, the sun hasn't changed its alignment to it. It's not, I mean, so they're the important things listed. Yeah, I'll say it. Like north north has always been good. They were like, oh, and then they'll suddenly hemisphere house. I assume it's probably the opposite. If you're buying an Alaska. And then they'll go on to tell you how many bedrooms and bathrooms. Like that is a that's a common feature. Pretty standard. And then whether there's Austria parking will be in there. Big feature. I don't think they're taking it into the new age yet. And golf sims zero.
Starting point is 00:36:29 We have on almost all housing boards. Should you drop them in when you're there? Delta via golf sims. Oh, just one property I see available in Melbourne. Enter code, M.B. Nice to click, click to buy now. No, what I'd like is it should be in bold letters. Uber Eats can find your house easily. Or just level of difficulty. Level of difficulty for Uber Eats to find you. And it should say hard meat, you can eat.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Or in the, it should be in goots with Uber Eats and, you know, all the food delivery services. There should be governing. But A, I would like to set up a governing body for food delivery services. Yes. So you've got somewhere to escalate an issue with. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:21 B, once you have that governing body, they, you can trust them to give you the data. Yes. B, once you have that governing body, they, you can trust them to give you the data. So it would be, you would be able to have the count that the previous tenants had to leave, had to go outside the front door, times per year, they had to leave the property to find the delivery driver.
Starting point is 00:37:40 So it would be like, you know, driver assistance level or something. Exactly. Well, for this, it's only 4% of the time. So they have to, because I, every time, I mean, so has no faith in any delivery person. So even when they're like two blocks away, she goes, they're lost. Go outside, get them. Okay. I mean, even give them a chance.
Starting point is 00:37:59 It's like, go, come on, go outside, get them. I'm hungry. So I always have to, I'm always outside in socks on the, on the pavement, like, out of the front of your part, was just waving him in, going, sorry. And they're like, here we are, and they're always like, yeah, I know. I've come straight here. And I've seen every side of us. I still believe he wasn't.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Hey, we talk about this. Your number 24, it's right next to 22. It's very clear. I've got you. See mine isn't a knock at any of the delivery service. Not a knock at Uber Eats because it happens at Uber as well. It's maybe it's Google. I don't know what their mapping system is off of.
Starting point is 00:38:39 It's actually more of a Google problem. I've got a no-through road. Yeah. That Google thinks is a through road. Right? 100%. So for anyone who's coming up with that, it's actually more of a Google issue because we have this at our old place too.
Starting point is 00:38:53 We were down in Alley and they thought the entrance was on the other side. Yes. I've got the alley and you cannot. That's another, I was a kindergarten. I could through it. And so every time, if I order, beckon I now, ordering from restaurants on the south side because we know they'll enter the road at the right side. So you look at which way the winds blow.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Like an, like an, like an, like an, I'm able to take off. Yes. You look at which way the driver will drift. That's a, that's a clever idea. That's a good one. It's taken out a half of our restaurants because we can't afford to have the car come to
Starting point is 00:39:27 the other side of what isn't a through road and just like a when you're playing, you get it all the time and the guy just keeps running into a wall and not stopping. The car just sits there, just buffing its nose up against the brick wall going, well it says I'm allowed to go through, use your eyes, you can't find another alternate route. We were in 79A in the last house I lived in and that was down the alley. Paradoxically, it was behind 81. Not 71. And the amount of dramas that would cause for people who would think, see the alley and go, I must be behind 79. Actually, it's not. There's another trick to this. You have to think, I was on the alley. The amount of times I was on the phone to various drivers or the Adaluu people and they were
Starting point is 00:40:16 telling me, mate, there is no 79a. And I was sitting there in my house going, I'm in it. I'm telling you like, if there is no, 79A, I'm floating in the cosmos, maybe I don't exist. I'm a pre-big bang. I promise you, we exist, we are here. You must find us. The other thing is too, we've talked about this before, the penalty for the not find,
Starting point is 00:40:43 or you're playing with people's lives or you're playing with people's lives. You're playing with people's lives. The pressure on delivery drivers, and I do sympathize with the drivers, they do as best a job they can, so I could never do the job, because you know you're going to run into once a night someone you can't, Google slide to you. Google slide, they're not whether they don't know. Google doesn't know how you get there. And you're absolutely playing with people's lives. Yeah, people, and then you know what is. I'm in socks having to walk the block to watch a car that's just butting, it knows I've against a brick wall and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:41:15 I'm standing at an empty road going, should I just walk to a tire restaurant now? In socks because I can't go back in that house without food. I'll get killed. I'll get murdered. That's why you're playing with people's lives. [♪ OUTRO MUSIC PLAYING [♪ Hey, they're just jumping in on the back of the pod to say, we haven't forgotten about how you should safe.
Starting point is 00:41:35 No, we're on it. We're just getting our ducks in a row when it's appropriate for me and I need to go to the work site. And cut that sucker open. Yep. And we'll have the full spill out of jules. Should we guarantee by the end of September? So when it's appropriate for me and I need to go to the work site, cut that sucker open. Yeah. And we'll have the full spill out of jewels. Should we guarantee by the end of September? Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Just throw that out there. It's by the end of September, guarantee. Fact. catch up or contribute at www.hamishanandie.com Listener

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