Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 150

Episode Date: September 22, 2021

1. Hamish Potter 2. Frame of shame 3. $100,000 scam 4. Upset Andy 5. Finding lost money ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in three, two. Sorry, still buffering. One. A hoi-demil-le lead striker, hey, Mish. Striker, strike! No, not a guy that is striker, but I'm the leader of that.
Starting point is 00:00:30 No, no, as in like the guy we turn to. All the following pins. No, like striker and sock. Do you have what's a lead striker? Yeah, is there a lead striker? Yeah, so is there yet two strikers? No, you're the guy we turn to. We bring him on to score a goal the world cup.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Although, yes, you'll be struck I'm on strike 154 million euros a year not enough struck struck the rock solid backman over there Jack O'Hoy to you O'Hoy lampard good for those for those still thinking of playing Chelsea from FIFA 2008. I guess I'll probably be in a little early 2004. Yep, Frank Frank playing hard. The best back in it up to DDA Drogba. That's me.
Starting point is 00:01:15 He would never go on strike Lampar. No, he wouldn't. He'd get it up to Drogba, he's a favourite striker. No, one of the more successful teams I played back in my Xbox career. I'd also hoi to Tim I always I'm always surprised to see new players coming through. Am I having heard of this guy at all? Because he just wasn't on that version of fever I'll hoi to Tim
Starting point is 00:01:35 Good morning boys. This is Timothy from Orange County, California I always planned a few games on chess.com this morning. I was excited to notice that Jack post Also known as Greg Internet.com this morning. I'm just excited to notice that Jack Post, also known as Greg Internet, finally added me back. I, uh, Peru's profile and notice T is a diamond member. Considering he works, your show only is a hobby. I'm not sure how he afforded it. Weasel probably got it for free somehow,
Starting point is 00:02:02 but must be very nice. Anyway, love the podcast. Keep it up guys. And we bow before you at Dyn and member, James. I am a Dyn and member of com. I'm just a com. What does that mean? Bless ads.
Starting point is 00:02:16 It means you can, you have to be a member to play other people live. Get two queens. The more you pay, the better your piece of it. You don't have horns, you just have eight queens go across the front. So Jack, did you have to pay to be a diamond member? You do, you've had a monthly cost, and also you get access to the tutorials. Oh, I do like tutorials.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Learning are we my boy? You're allowed to betty yourself at something that you enjoy. Only natural skill? Otherwise, I try to quite sure I do. So do you worry of diving? Are you wary of diamond members? Would you go, oh, I won't play him. He's also a diamond member.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I want one of those coal members that... I don't know. You can check somebody else's member status. But thank you to everybody who's been adding Greg Internet on chess.com. I can't play everybody. Please. Don't use your hobby as some sort of.com. I can't play everybody, but... Don't use your hobbies, some sort of chess forum.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Have you won at all, Jack? Yeah, yep. But I've also lost a couple as well. Clutch, you're only human, that's part of the sport. I mean, I've desperate, I mean desperate, but I'm contemplating getting back into it, Jack. For one hot week in early January, when I put Jack onto it.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I'll have to watch in the Queen's Gambit. I was thinking that probably my future held a minimum of 45 minutes of chess practice a day. But it was just that couple of weeks over summer. Heady times. Well imagine that there's the Queen's Gambit and the Queen and the Jack. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:40 It's quite amazing. You're thinking of a deck of cards, right? Yeah. That's still going to be a royal family. Some of those, some of the members of a deck of cards do feature on the chess board, but not the full family. I'm thinking, read them a week, boys, four bishops. Hey, you wanted the top of the show.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Speaking of fantastical things. So the other thing, can I just give you a quick? The other thing is slightly putting me off. It's Jack's got a hat on that says, E, which is making me think of Ontarage. And it's making me think that if we were Ontarage, annoyingly, you'd be really chased just because of the looks. And if Jack's a turtle or a drummer.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Who do you think turtle or drama? I'm going to have to say turtle, but I'm not happy about it. I mean, drama is the bottom of the barrel. I didn't hang in there to the end of on tries. I didn't go the full, you know, eight seasons or whatever. Did you make it to the ND? No, I didn't. And this is an effort, I said in football club, but no, I didn't make it to then.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I didn't see the film. They never accoled that. They like, yes, they're a fissure. Is that a fissure? Is that a fissure merge? I bought it at the ground, I hope so. Yeah. I'm close to the ground, but you...
Starting point is 00:04:56 Is it out of the boot? What are my favourite things to do on the way into the MCG? Is there's one guy with the most quickly assembled dresserl table that sits outside Richmond's station that is selling things and he's got a homemade banner that says official merchandise and I always go up to him and go, now this is official yeah, just while I'm perusing and seeing him lie through his teeth every time. Yeah, the hologram sticker.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Why is asking? Hey, it's putting me off a bit because it, why be the most, why have you set up your store so you can pack it down within three seconds, my friend? Just because I have another game to get to, whatever to get at best deals. This means that technically, and Jack is your manager. Oh, he, he's in charge of Vinnie's career. Jack, would you want to be, I wouldn't want you managing me. No. No, you're too busy. You're doing always doing shows and
Starting point is 00:05:59 for a manager, Jack, that's a manager. Yeah, TV again. Yeah, there's a big such a great, every... Your city, Neuromozah, that is hand-to-hand, go away. So I can't get you to commit to this job unless I'm unemployed. Yeah. And Jackson, they go, I don't want any part of the success.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I'm not interested. Um, okay. Good. Anyway, we've got the hierarchy. Let's, I'm okay. Let's keep it as S and I don't want you being, am you, man? You're either. He's keep it as S and I don't want you being, and you've made it very, though. He's what I did want to talk about.
Starting point is 00:06:28 We've, I want to take you guys through a, almost familiar territory, a little bit. In terms of it's in a genre that we've dabbled before. Laughed out before. This same thing happened with Pokemon. Of course, you know, prior to having a son, I laughed, we laughed,
Starting point is 00:06:47 the laugh of the truly free when it came to Pokemon. Just endless, giggling at the world. And of course my son became for a little while, they got quite obsessed with Pokemon. That's faded. Like it should. Then, almost to spite me.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Jack and Mike. Almost to spite me. He seems to only want to be into things. And I've made no vocal client, you know. It's not like he knows he's doing this to upset me. Just something inside him gets drawn to this. Very into Harry Potter. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:07:19 The two things that you and I have titted at. Titted at. So much titting. A burst cycle of titties. And now, I know, titted at so much tittering. The best tackle of titters. And now, I find those titters raining on my own head. In defense for you, you did say when we talked about neither of us have either read a book nor watched a film. You said though, you said you'll save it for when it comes along.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I sensed it could have to be done. So maybe you have positioned yourself. Look, correct. And here's the thing. I know with tittas, but I'm just letting you know, obviously the tittering has stopped on this side of the fence because it's not bad. I mean, Harry Potter's pretty good. Oh, can you move his or read the book?
Starting point is 00:07:58 Just about to finish the first book. Right. I mean, it's one of those ones that you come to, it's something that is literally one of the biggest franchises in the world. You get into it and you go, yeah, this is is literally one of the biggest franchises in the world. Yep. And you get into it and you go, yeah, this is good. Well, yeah, I can see this has got promise. I knew it would be good.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Yeah, it's very good. Yeah, well, of course, because it's highly successful. Isn't it the most successful franchise of all time? I think that's actually Pokemon. I know, there's in books. I'd be for books, yeah, the highest selling book of all time. I think there's a bit where Jake A. Rowling beat the Bible at one stage for like most books sold as well. So it makes sense. Like it does make sense. So you all the way through Jack? Yep. I did get, I even watched
Starting point is 00:08:36 the movies again this year. Loved it. He's still hot for it. You went back and watch all the movies again. Yeah. Did you find Jack Jack, that, because I was watching one of them by mistake, it kind of flipped on. Did you try to enjoy Harry Potter, that's what you wanted to do. You don't have to look after all the tethery items that's giving you the hard to be. Come on.
Starting point is 00:08:55 To come across. We'll think about it. Did you find, though, when you, I watched one of the early ones for a little bit, and the effects. I have heard the effects are terrible in the early ones. You look back at the effects and go, why did I think that was good at all? Did you find that?
Starting point is 00:09:12 Yeah, definitely. Like, the flying on the brooms and stuff looks a bit CGI, but that's 20 years ago now. Yep. You can tell that they've just draped a green tablecloth off the broom and they're running around with it and they've just green-screated it afterwards. The Jurassic Park's credit. That's even longer ago and it still stands up. The Star Wars is credit too. First episode for us, that was pretty good for some in the 70s. Like unbelievable. Still can't hold up. Anyway, into Harry Potter now. Deep into it, Jack.
Starting point is 00:09:44 I mean, I don't want to, like, please no spoilers for the other 10 books or whatever that we've got to go, but we're getting close to the end of the Philosopher's Stein. That's the first one. That's the first one. And this is where you really get introduced to all the Potter stuff, because he starts off as a kid. He doesn't know he's magic. You know, he finds out he's magic. He's got to go to Hogwarts, the school for when and how to be magic. But you know, you find daddy's magic, could have got a Hogwarts, the school for when and how to be magic. But you get like a few of the things that become big, like they're just like hooked sunny.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I like obviously the wand, like you got your wand and you can start doing stuff with that. And then there's an owl, you can have an owl, they kind of use those as like mobile phones, like you send owls around, like Ravens and Game of Thrones. Okay, yep. But you just don't know who came first there,
Starting point is 00:10:23 actually because both use bird-based delivery systems or pigeons, I suppose, carry a pigeons from using the user. Yeah, a little out. But they're very similar. They just, you know, how convenient Ravens were in Game of Thrones. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:35 It's like sending a text. Yeah, it was just like very fast. And that seems to be what the hours can do. And the other big one, of course, is Brums flying. And you go hats off to Harry Potter. This is where I get, was like, well done, because they've taken the broom
Starting point is 00:10:50 and they've kind of like made it rad. Like there's different models of broom that the kids want that are faster and like better. And it's not just a given that you can fly around on one like you get, you have various skills and hence quidditch, like that's why it's such a popular like, don't, it's a big part of the book. Yeah, but it's a huge part of the book. You can't be into quidditch though. Well, I understand the rules now. I've got to dig up audio if where I talked about the golden snitch and you guys laugh at me.
Starting point is 00:11:18 We ripped you to shreds and we hung your guts from the freeze to confuse hikers that would come through these parts. We go, what beast? I've slain this man. Well, the good boys we've been stronger alive. We do. Now, here's the thing I've realized though. When you're a dad coming into Harry Potter world and you're seven, you're on is like, I am very into Harry Potter now and we must play Harry Potter all the time. I'm at home. I have in Quidditch matches. Then you get to the park, right? We're on a walk together day. And you know, it's not unusual now to just get handed a stick and to go. One is fine, but you get, suddenly, how's me sticking to go? These are our brumes. We got a fly around
Starting point is 00:12:00 on them. I'm like, oh, it's pretty busy. Everyone's outside because of COVID. He takes off on his. So I'm like, I'll just be a dog all the time. You're changing. He's like, Dad, get on your broom. You're a broom cop, right? So I'm like, okay, he hasn't handed me the longest stick. Like pretty short.
Starting point is 00:12:17 I mean, you're a grown man. Yeah. Just gripping the stick. You're pretty little. I mean, really making sure you're doing it. He's fine. He's off. Looks like you're running around holding a fake boner. But you're also making broom noise to the car. And then you're running around and you're running around. And then you're running around and you're running around. And then you're running around and you're running around.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And then you're running around and you're running around. And then you're running around and you're running around. And then you're running around and you're running around. And then you're running around and you're running around. And then you're running around and you're running around. And then you're running around and you're running around. And then you're running around only you running around holding yet a fake boner, right? Two hands, but you're also like making broom noise to the... And it's leading you, like it's guiding you around as... And then you're like making a contact with other parents, and stuff going,
Starting point is 00:12:57 I am here with my son. I promise you he's around. I promise you. I'm gonna probably see you around. I'm probably seeing you. Oh shit. Oh shit. I'm gonna probably see you around. I'm probably seeing you.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Oh shit. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I'm probably seeing you. I have very important podcasters and thanks for people going in there. Often, we come across a skill where I go, well, that's not very good. I think a layperson could possibly do that, and maybe I'm wrong. So you're sort of going if someone's skill is like, you give me any bottle and a sharp, hard surface, I could be able to get it open. Yeah, exactly. And you go, well, lots of people can do that. Yeah. This one came in from Ryan.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Tell me what you guys thought. If you were to give me a name, I could give you a well-known person with the same first and last name within three seconds. Yeah, that's pretty easy. Three seconds is a long time. It's a long time. So here he goes, for example, Roger.
Starting point is 00:14:10 I guess that's very easy. Roger Moore. Yeah. Yeah. So I just think that it's been hard to think of one that doesn't have a famous attachment, right? Yeah, yeah. Unless it's a completely, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:25 like a name that like you're only here in Finland or something. Exactly. So what I thought we might do is when we have these ones where people, I think, are pretty easy, I put them against you, him, or vice versa, you can put them against me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:41 And they are battling to not be shamed. Right. Oh, it's a new battle. It's not necessarily for a coin because it's got you. So initially, when people come to the show, they're playing for triumph, which is a Hamish and Andy coin, which we jokingly refer to as being equal to a bit. But this time, they're actually trying to get off the charges. They're trying to walk. They're All they want is to walk free. Yeah. So they applied for triumph. And now they're charged with not being impressive enough.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Not being impressive enough. So to avoid the shame of being beaten at their own game, they come into this forum. We offer them this opportunity. They can walk away and just go, I don't want to play. Yeah. So at the public shaving. But if they think they're that good at this, an impressive level. What if they do it really well?
Starting point is 00:15:29 They get off the charges, can they then play to be impressive? Oh, I don't think so with the in this realm. It is a bit like someone being like, and I'm not saying this is these people, but let's say you charge with bank robbery. You beat the charges. You then go, okay, you know, you're innocent,'s say you charge with bank robbery. You beat the charges. Yeah. You then go, okay, you know, you're innocent. You, sir, you may walk from court.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Great. Could I also run for mayor? No, we recommend you just take the innocence. I think that's the case. Ryan, are you there? Or are you? Or are you beard boys and happy birthday, Andy? Ryan, you heard all that. And I hope I didn't get you on under false pretense
Starting point is 00:16:07 as thinking that you're playing for a coin, but we just don't think... The temperature here is that we just don't think it's that impressive. And I think it's beatable. Unless I've misread it somehow. No, I think if I understood it pretty well, I just think it can be changed. Opinions could be OK. So, how does this make Andy says one? Well what I'd like to start in the studio is a frame of shame.
Starting point is 00:16:30 We have one person's name that sits in the frame. The first person put in there will be Ryan. Ryan, can I say your surname, Ryan? Oh, are you short-cam? Is it Mayon? I'm Mayon. Mayon, I thought I was hoping it was Ryan Mayon. Ryan Mayon would, if he loses, he sits in the frame of shame until someone else comes along.
Starting point is 00:16:52 So, men and women's guns can be breathing a huge sigh of relief that we didn't have this around in his times. Yes. So, Ryan, you have to agree to those terms before we start playing this game. Yep, I'm ready. Okay. He's doing this to dodge the frame of shame. It'll be quick questions.
Starting point is 00:17:08 This is we're just inventing the frame of shame here. And I'm playing him. I'm not in the frame of shame. No, no, no, no. You're the lay person. He's, if someone's saying I'm really good at something, if a lay person can be, you're not very good at it. Gotcha. It's a man on the street.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Ryan, let's jump into this. A common man. very good at it. It's a man on the street. Ryan, let's jump into this. The common man. The common man. Shave. This could hang over you forever.
Starting point is 00:17:30 You don't want to be that guy. Shave. You want to avoid it all together. So you better give it your best try. Ryan, I've got three names here. Try to get your attention there. I was playing here, Bas. Too focused.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Sorry, I'll watch it back. I'll watch it back, because... Yeah. It was really, I was really trying. Really trying, and you'll see me like... And then I'll text you a couple of things. Thank you. But I think you'll see me realize,
Starting point is 00:18:02 because there's a real thick base bit, and I was late to the bass So I was hoping it would come back and you look up and I was going hard on the bass and the bass didn't come back So I was just checkmate it because I my hand my hand sunk down going. He's not watching any of you does watch Yeah, it's not there's no base I will watch it all watch it live Webgazard jizz will be all over that I will watch it all. Do watch it, guys. Web geyser jizz will be all over that.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Okay, Ryan, three names to be truly shamed. You have to lose all three. Are we doing fastest in? Ah, fast, I see. Okay. So I'll give you a name. You've got to give us a famous person with that name. That's the simple it is.
Starting point is 00:18:42 You would normally do it within three seconds. I'd advise you to be quicker than that. LAUGHTER OK, first name. David, Abbra. Pfft! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:18:55 She's just that quick. We're about to come out with swim up. Yeah, come on, Greg. LAUGHTER LAUGHTER That is also good. LAUGHTER Chose to use your allotted three seconds. LAUGHTER That is also good. Chose to use your allotted three seconds.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Okay Ryan, that's one down. The start of your name is being penciled in the frame of shame. Okay, second name. Jennifer. Aniston. Aniston. Paul. Give it to me. Jennifer. Aniston. Aniston. Oh.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Give it to me. I can't give it to you. I will have to replay that one. I'm not gonna have to know who got it first. Okay. It's all on this one now. Ryan, if you missed a Hamish on this one, having claimed to be the best at this, you will go in the frame of shame. I so.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I'm just going to make sure that Hamish isn't looking at my lips for any, no, no, no. He was, I'm actually going, I was close because I'm just focusing, clearly, I'm going to hold the sheet in front of my face. Here is the name, are you ready? Yep. The name is Hannah. Gadsby. Gadsby... Oh?
Starting point is 00:20:07 Hannah, that's been... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you think of a Hannah at all? Darryl Hannah. Oh my god. I'm the Simpson guy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I think you are. But Ryan, look, you get a special place in the show's heart and you get a special place in the wall inside the frame of shame You've proven that some people you've got to be wary of what you put forward in the VIP section. Yeah, and hopefully
Starting point is 00:20:53 It's a it's a petrol trophy. Yep, so someone will come and knock you off the next person that gets it You're out of the frame. Yeah, so you're just hoping we play this again very quickly. Yeah, look it could be worse I could be a doob, folks, person. Oh, you could have a thin backpack for all your troubles. Thank you, buddy. Cheers. Thank you, boy. Thank you, ma'am.
Starting point is 00:21:20 And a other suitmaker the other day. Now, with what do you respect to people that might be into this kind of thing? Is anyone still buying the That's Life magazine? Like the mags and stuff. What was my mind? I mean, I don't know if the Logies would go ahead this year, but I think in with what do you respect the TV week and the global empire that it is? Crazy that they, that they own the locals.
Starting point is 00:21:46 That they own that, you know, that that man. The Australian television rewards are owned by a magazine, and a magazine still exists. But you're right, that's life. I don't think a lot of people grabbing them. And I think that's life would admit that they're bottom of the rung at the supermarket. Yeah, I've never seen anyone even peruse this.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Like, like, Jack, I've never seen anyone even peruse. Like, Jack, have you ever seen anyone buy that's life magazine? Never seen it. What's life or TV week? Bianca still buys like a home interior magazine every now and again. I think they're the last, I think the design mags are hanging in there. Because they look nice. All paper and those ones like if you renovating, you feel like you're doing something responsible by buying a decorating mag. I'll give you that. There's a life in decorating bag. There's also, they're the equivalent, I think, of flowers.
Starting point is 00:22:29 You can put them on a table or a coffee table and they look ornamental. You have a fight with your wife by a rolled-up design bag. I heard these were as beautiful as a flower. So I pop them in some water. They have other options. Well, if you have your Vats Life magazine on the coffee table, I don't think that's.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And it occurred to me that the real, the real, the yeah, that's not life. The real draw card is the $100,000 prize. It's always, always on the front, the God up you went out. You buy a scratchy. It's a complicated scratchy. It's a scratchy for the good reason. And you go, who's checking up that they're giving away at the
Starting point is 00:23:12 hinder? Who's checking it? Who's checking the checker? If someone is checking them for giving away $900,000, because just feel like this day and age, it is, you see that amount of money. And it's just a great way. I mean, that's really where their sales are coming from. I either proximity to the checkout and be that they're kind of like a legal scratchy. You couldn't sell scratches there, but you can sell a that's life. Is that, is that's life? The one that doesn't have a celebrity on the cover, like it's just, it has puzzles, I think. Or just a stock image of someone happy. Could be last week's winner. Or it's like a getty image. That's what I think it is. There's like eight people that rotate around.
Starting point is 00:23:52 And you think it's last week's winner. That these people live in America and they have no idea they're being used on the cover of that life. It's just that you know, you put $100,000. You're doing yellow font. You have some sparkles around it. You know, there's something that you know you put a hundred thousand dollars you're doing yellow font you have some sparkles around it You know there's something that it triggers you right you get it you do get you do sort of think oh, you know And I've I've felt it myself at the counter where I go, but then you go but then but there's no guarantee There's no who's checking it. Yeah, and it calls me to wonder Just the power of saying $100,000.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Would we implement it on our show? I'm not saying this is a scam. What we're gonna say, we're gonna give away $100,000. Well, we have to be careful. No, we're not. We have to be careful. We have to be careful. We're better.
Starting point is 00:24:38 I know that there's been, in the past. In the past. You know, it's caused me to have been a hit-ass one of these. We know in the past. In the past. You know, it's caused me to have an accident with this. We know in the past how we have been in trouble in a few different categories, where our counter argument is always words to the effect of,
Starting point is 00:24:55 yeah, but surely you don't believe. And then they go, well, you did say it. And then we go, yeah, but it's like in the tips and where they go, you can win the elephant or the money. Like, no, no, it's not the second elephant. I didn't that episode, but does get standing. Thank you. I remember, of course, what a blessing. He wants the elephant. So you do have to be careful you say, you certainly can't promise it. You can't go, you know, and Amazon show, we will give away a trillion dollars. Let's go ahead work out the wording. He's my suggestion.
Starting point is 00:25:25 What you can do if you can associate the show with a winning of $100,000. I think that is totally legal. What about this? We go, we just like officially get it out. There is the positioning statement of the Hamish and Andy Pogcast, where we go, Hamish and Andy Pogcast, it's out first days. And don't forget, could win a hundred grand I'm just through that life
Starting point is 00:25:58 Any of the average you have can win a hundred grand scratchy Lego master can win a hundred Going on the hundred with any leaves not my family a Little bit deceptive there in the name You know what I mean? Like it's more of a mind to say to me again. I hope you see any podcast. It's out Thursdays. And don't forget, you could win 100 grand. Elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:26:16 No, you don't say that. I need to say that. You don't need to say that. Yeah. Because don't forget, guys. You could win 100 grand. I'd forgot about it. Jack, honestly, had you, were you aware that you could win 100 grand?
Starting point is 00:26:29 Well, why even stop at 100 grand then? Couldn't you do, and don't forget, the big $40 million jackpot? No, because then that's like, No, it's the same thing. No, but what's that big $40 million jackpot? Then you have to be specific about like, You could win a $40 million jackpot. Yeah, but I suppose it's like that comes around every so often.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Don't we have to say you could that you could regularly win a hundred grand at like a scratchy well let's go to 250 because it can win 250 on a scratchy okay. Out first days and don't forget you can win 250 grand. I could say no just because. What do you mean? Just because of what happened last time and it's really good. At least one is airtime. And what's the worst thing that could happen? Well, it is always handy that has to deal with the issues though.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I mean, me having the problem with my emails that stop the legal ones coming through is one of the greatest founts of all time. Let's just add, if we can add something else to it, there are other things. I think that detracts from the marketing panel. Yeah, I know, but it's not through us. Remember, a hundred grand is up for grabs at all times. Somewhere. Somewhere. You don't have to say somewhere.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And I what's let's make you punch another hole in the wall Everything is neat and practical Because that's the way he likes it but what if it wasn't? Upset Andy You know so I saw a bed lady this month and months ago now we just reminds me of that I like to, but what if it wasn't? Upset Andy. You know, I saw a bed, I saw a bed leave it was months and months ago now, it just reminds me of that's his song. Played a charity night and we played that song. And all I could think of was the upset Andy.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Upset Andy. Yeah. Nice fellow bed leave. It's lovely, like, lovely, like. I've never met him, but he just comes, he just has that vibe. Floor was on the night. Floor was on the night. Floor was on the night.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I mean, the only thing he could have done more is just for one of the choruses, like change the lyrics and give him your week. But I'm, you know, I'm asking a lot. I'm asking a lot. Okay, here we go. All right. And we have so many people that write in and ask to be teed up.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Do we put in the torpedo tube to fire an aspect of their life at you to see if it rattles? The order and efficiency you like to see in the world, Jared, Hoi. Hoi boys, how are we? Very good mate. Do you have something to upset Andy? So I've got a microwave that I take around
Starting point is 00:28:58 to different worksites that are only works in 30 second intervals. We can look at the wall, wait five second, and then turn it back on again. Good. And so are you a builder here, Jair, is this just like if everyone heating up their lunch and stuff? Oh, yeah, just try to just climb up. So if you were to, so two minutes for you, you're, you're, you're, you're rice curry for the night before you have to do it in 30 minute,
Starting point is 00:29:23 in 30 second increments with switching it off at the wall every time. Yeah, because it's only the start button that works. So you can't actually plug in the time that you want you to start it. Yeah, but really who has the time or the money to be purchasing new microwaves? Oh, mate. No one's got that sort of time. Not taking it apart and fiddling around with the wires. I mean, you're a plumber, you know, the body's barking. If it's doing the job, it's doing the job. Absolutely, shit me that way. What have you got?
Starting point is 00:29:50 What have we made? Thank you, Jared. Isaac, who are you? Oh, hi, fellas. Oh, hi, Isaac. What have you got to upset Andy? Well, so I'm more like you Andy. I'm very much needing practical, but my life is not.
Starting point is 00:30:04 We've been doing some crosswords lately, but if she's filling them in, she will use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters. The other day we had a word that had a WP and she did one uppercase and one lowercase. She's doing it on purpose just to annoy you. I think she is now. She's discovered that it gets me red-hot like I'm sure it does for you, Andy. That would absolutely. Andy, after my first year of Crosswords with Andy too, he does not like a hasty entry that requires a script-alonged move.
Starting point is 00:30:39 No, no, no, no, let's confirm that it's right. We don't want to be. I enjoy blasting him and going, oh, hang on a sec. You're climatic, not enough women's. I don't know if you would like to crossword together any time, my friend. I think that it will be a relaxing, enjoy and thorough process. New single buddy, bubble buddy for ando. Michael, Michael, mate, what do you have to upset Andy?
Starting point is 00:31:06 Yeah, when I'm done having my glass of milk, or first of all, a high boys, when I'm done with my glasses of milk, and say, I just want a drink of water now instead, I don't bother cleaning out the milk because while I clean out the milk, I just put the water in there, have a drink, and that way I'm just not wasting any water, I'm just drinking the water. There's like, who cares if it's a bit milky cold water? It's all looks the same when it's new stomach. It does all get mixed up when it joins the party, and I. I, if it was, this is a tough one for me, Michael, I would rinse it on, you would rinse it on a milk. But if it was an OJ, I'm happy to have some clouds. But only because you, only because you would see it as
Starting point is 00:31:46 Yeah, as I'm right. Yeah, it's a cordial. We'll just put their nose up when it's the milk for some reason. Just what's it like? He's doing it with milk and a charge is against milk. You don't like it. You know, like it's cloudy. Yeah, it's found when you see a cloudy water.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Yeah. That fires you up because that is an imperfect water. It's impure. It's impure. And you like a you don that fires you up because that is an imperfect water. It's impurity. And you like a, you don't mind the cloud of the orange juice because it's like squeezing a bit of orange in there. But I know the way you're thinking here. I also do like imagining the day that, that Jared's having there was just, I've, have
Starting point is 00:32:19 my milk. Yeah. Check. Check list out. Fluids for the day. Milk's done. What's next? Oh, glass of water.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Oh, got it up to the brim. Yeah. I told the rinses. I do what the next phone's covered. What else have I got? Okay. Thank you. Adam, Adam, do you have something?
Starting point is 00:32:39 A hoi, first of all, do you have something? A hoi boy. I do. I think I do. So when I get up in the morning and I get ready for work, instead of lacing up each lace one by one and tightening them all, I just read from the top ones and just go on with my day. Okay, so you've got a tight top or a loose bottom of the laces.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah, yeah, I like that. Do you? Yeah. I was listening to this going, what's the alternative? Like, so you just like from the bottom, like make sure it's quite taught, it's snugg around your home. Playing professional sports. Like, it's like you're lacing up boxing gloves. You just try to get your shoes falling off. So you do actually go and think anyone in the world did that? Do you actually go through from the bottom and tighten the laces?
Starting point is 00:33:25 I will, I won't on like my sneaks, like, because I just, I don't even do the laces up, which I know sounds more fast than loose than it is. That sounds like that. But yeah, if I was in runners or anything like that, I would go from the bottom. You make sure each crisscross is adequately pressured. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Jacko, do you? No, I'm with you though, I don't like them to be too loose. So if they're too loose, you've got to tighten them up a little bit. But I wouldn't go into it. I'll do that if there's not enough lace at the top to make a bow. That's the only time I'll travel back further down the laces to go. All right boys, give us a bit up the top. Adam, that got me a good one.
Starting point is 00:33:59 It's good, Adam. This up Harry. Harry, how are you? Ahoi, Harry, have you got something to upset Ando? Ahoi, gentlemen. I would love nothing more than to upset the birthday boy. And then this party down. So I've got these two big subwoofers installed in my car. That's good, that's good.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Trouble is after years of use, the vibrations of loosens something in my rear view mirror. I hate that. Yeah, so that now whenever a lot of base hits, the mirror tilts down and faces the floor We're dealing with just a rattle not just All the way down which yeah, which is a bit of an issue when you when you're trying to drive So I thought to myself I could I come up with a solution here
Starting point is 00:34:39 First thing that I thought I was I guess I could go get a screwdriver and find the screw and tie it up. Tim, time, time. No, I got real with myself and I thought who has the time for that? Everyone, not me. The second solution I came up with is, now I just drive with one hand on the steering wheel and one hand on the rearview mirror. Oh, no, no. Problems.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Very, very good. Very good, David. I mean, better than my idea, which was know the songs that you're going to listen to and just make sure you don't need to review mirror during basey bits. So get all your lane changes out of the way during the while the fade is up. I hate this one. I totally would have tightened it up regardless. But also and those dreaming of the day when cars the whole car is 3D printed so it's one part. There are no interconnecting parts in any of the cars so there can be no rattle.
Starting point is 00:35:31 But if there is a rattle like if there's ever a rattle of anything, not just a revision for them, like say if there's a pin that's in the compartment that's rattling around or something, now I have to locate that. I saw a dashed rattle drive my mom actually insane in the magna growing up. It couldn't figure it out. And I remember learning at a young age, I think it might have what,
Starting point is 00:35:52 it could have been what tipped me into being fast on loads. Really? It's like, well, you can't sweat the small stuff. If it does, it's happening to the bottom. You can't, look at it. This is driven a grown woman insane. Like, a mom is, right, she wants to burn this car down.
Starting point is 00:36:03 But if I could somehow teach myself to feel for all this out, what an existence you did well, mate. Now I live on a mountain. in the street. Yep. Hand into the police? The police. Or keep that one. Keep straight to the cops. I mean, call the family lawyer, my brother, and have him accompany me and go, he doesn't practice anymore, he didn't like it, but I, he could dig out an old business card. take me to the police. And because my dad made me go to, I found 10 bucks when I was about 12
Starting point is 00:36:47 and my dad made me go and handed it at the police station. And then apparently the rules that you wait for a week, it's not, it's unclimbed. I think it's, I think it's, I thought it was a year. It was a year. I was in a way to find like drug money and barrels and stuff. Like next to the train line,
Starting point is 00:36:59 and then someone goes and hands it in and all I remember is asking dad repeatedly, when is the time off? In that instance, I understand from the dad's perspective because it's like you're trying to teach him about civic duty and there's a higher moral to it. Your dad would have been rolling. He's like, what a waste of time.
Starting point is 00:37:15 You get, I mean, you find yourselves in sitjos and like that all the time as a parent where you go, no, this is what we do. And then you're like, we don't actually do this. We don't do this when we're grown up. We don't care at all about this. So what level is handed in 100 bucks? Rubber band. If it needs a rubber band around it, 200 bucks. No, I mean like 10 grand. Okay. So no, Jack's laughing incredulously there. He's like, no, you take a rubber band. No, anything that looks like it could be part of a criminal enterprise.
Starting point is 00:37:47 I guess you don't want to muck around too much with that. I like around. Yeah, well, that's the thing. Yeah. If you found 10, if you found block, if you found it like a duffle bag with blocks of money in it, you're like, okay, well, this is some hitman stuff. I'm going to keep my nose out of this one. Actually, you think that, you know, that's actually probably where it starts getting dangerous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Yeah. It's to your safety. Yeah. But anything up to that, I mean, I went to an ATM when I was found, say, 400 bucks, and then knew it was your sword drop out of your pants. Yep. And you ran up to the end round, you said, hey, you just dropped $400. That's been nice. Would you give them any reward? Yeah. How much? $350. If it was in $50, it'd be hard to give an reward, because $50 is too much.
Starting point is 00:38:38 For jacket, isn't it? If it was in tens or 20s, then you'd be... If it was in the jacket, the rolls of 10s and coins in cardboard, Stanley Knife won off, got it off like shaving off a piece of Apple for someone. Well there you go. Okay, here's the thing, like, I say, the last thing I'll add to this is like, it's the speed of the dropout, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:58 If you lose your wallet and it's got like $100 in it. Okay, and someone brings it back to you and it still has the cash in it, I think the right thing to do is give them the cash. All of it. I would, because the hassle of replacing all your cards and all that, so it's a thing. Yeah, maybe up to 100. That's fair. But if it's like, if it dropped out of my hands and before I could pick it up, someone
Starting point is 00:39:14 would go, you know what I mean? Like the timeframe is an issue, is a factor. I promised Kate that I'd ask all these questions before bringing up the story just so I didn't kind of dilute or lead the witness. Kate joins now, Hoi Kate. Hoi, hi Mr Andy. Hoi Kate. Kate, you did some investigating. Talk us through what you found. Well, there's a website you can check if people have unclamed money.
Starting point is 00:39:41 So I like to think, who's faster than loose? Who's a bit behind on the life admin, and that's fair to be a name. So it's not like I was in home with Blake. Oh yeah, I've had this come up. And found a sum of $397 unclamed money from 2011. Oh yeah, what I do, I've had this come up before where people have emailed in and it was my super. No, this was, I bought that to air on this show is a super I think it was my super from when I went to general pants And this one happy to just let the company have that this is a dividend from Fortescue medals I did do you know what I do know you know what I did? I bought it. I bought for ski medals like a month with Whippa because I was like our mate,
Starting point is 00:40:28 we're like they're boom, they're gonna boom. And it was post GFC. Yep. And we're like yes, they're gonna boom. And I then I was like, no, I got Colfey and jumped out. Had I hung onto those? What has Cuba been killing us? I wouldn't know.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I would have. I would have. I would have. I admire the business strength of them. So, aim, $400. Yeah, great. What are you gonna give Kate for? Can you get it?
Starting point is 00:40:55 Like, how do you get it? You have to climb it. I'm not sure if I'm not a strong leader. I don't even think of a paperwork. So, should it be the shows? Is what I was wondering here. No, not if I'm doing the paperwork. Well, what if someone else did the paperwork?
Starting point is 00:41:10 I mean, I obviously hung in there long, however long you need to hang in for a dividend. I just remember selling them, I think it a loss because I thought, I thought, the iron or a boom might be over. Turns out, we're still using it. Do you not want to fall out of form to get $400? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:41:25 I do. I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I did say after $100. I'll do $100. Do you want the 90, what's the excess over $370? 9771. Seems about right. Do you want 97 bucks, Kate? Sure, okay, Dan, happy with that. Okay, bet and bet, but you need to really stay on me here to get this done. So, okay. So, what if you, can you send Hamish the link?
Starting point is 00:42:01 Yeah. And then what do you have to do to download a form? And I think it's just filling out a form. I've actually found another amount on you as well, which is from 2014 from PayPal and not about $677. From PayPal? Right. So you've got... Yeah, and that's two different amounts. So... But the thousand. Quite the entrepreneur. Just all these well interests with loading around.
Starting point is 00:42:29 No, I reckon 200 winners would actually grab. Take the money and invest it, not forget about forever. I'm more of a busker who's just in it for the music. And doesn't pick up his suitcase at the end of the day. I reckon the PayPal one's from Timonatic. I reckon Timonatic too. I have nothing to do with PayPal, some tibamatic tibamatic. Tibamatic tibamatic. I have no, nothing to do with paper. I'll accept for the tibamatic signatures.
Starting point is 00:42:47 So what, or is there something the show could be doing with an extra paper? No, you can't just go, I mean, I could highlight a thousand dollars that you're not using it. We can't just have that. Like I just go, you didn't know that. Yeah, but it's still mine.
Starting point is 00:43:01 All right, right down on paper, exactly exact dollar amount that you have in your possession. And if you're off, we keep the difference. If you find something that I don't know about, go for it. I'll find it. I knew exactly what that paper money was doing. That's my super. That was my tip of that it's easy to choose.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Okay, so what are you going to give Kate then? Kate, you're getting $97, but it doesn't come for free. You've got to ride me. You've got to stay on me. And we're about to do you live, Kate? Yeah. I was going to see if you could come in and do the form. Then you have people that can I care of these four years? No.
Starting point is 00:43:34 I asked my wife that she's from five years ago. Several people, okay. Maybe my son could do it for homeschooling. Thank you, Kate. We might have found Mr. B. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7.
Starting point is 00:43:49 You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7.
Starting point is 00:43:57 You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7.
Starting point is 00:44:05 You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. You got Dottie 7. sharp-o-contribute at www.heimrisenandee.com

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