Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 151

Episode Date: September 29, 2021

1. Riches For All - The reveal 2. Name drop game 3. Power Moves 4. Wand combat ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-naf production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in 3, 2. Sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi to me Gunners mate, Hamish. No, sorry, I'm the Gunners mate, so I wouldn't be firing the gun. No, got on your demo, keep shooting.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I've been more just supporting my mate, who's shooting the gun. Ahoi to my missile technician, Jacko. I have been working on those missiles and they're ripen ready for you Andy. Ready for firing, Jack? Yes they are. And all the sub-array. Sort it out. Yeah, I got good. Yeah. Missiles on a sub. I suppose you clean missiles. You've been watching a lot of vigil, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:00:54 You were not watching vigil. Yes. Devin at the... Jack have you been watching vigil? I haven't seen it yet. I've heard good things. Yeah, okay. We won't give anything away, but certainly when the nuke goes off, you're not expecting it. LAUGHTER I'm also a Hoi to Georgi. Hoi boys, Georgi here.
Starting point is 00:01:15 I'm just checking in on the gusto levels from the show. Oh, yeah. Not naming any names, but I'm looking at you, number six. I'm absolutely loving it, the new T-shirts. I personally have a lost touch with the common man. It must be very nice. coming in in Ames, but I'm looking at you number six. I'm absolutely loving it, the new T-shirts. I personally have a lost touch with the common man. Must be very nice. Anyways boys, I'll leave it with you to weasel out in the lack of gusto.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Keep up the good work. Ah! Ah! Hey, Jacko, I mean, full gusto lately. Thank you. You've been great. You was slightly forced with the missile stuff, but... Ah!
Starting point is 00:01:44 I've been nitpicking, and I can only say that as a gunner's mate. Do you think, oh, he's speaking of gusto. Yeah. Here's a great one. So maintained, this pronounced gusto. What? It's just not.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Not gusto, mate. It's not even a parmy parmas situation. No. It's like, you're one out against the world. Yeah. There's no one else're one out against the world. There's no one else who calls it gusto and gusto. And in just a classic, husband and wife, it sounds like a Lithuanian wrestler.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Yeah, I mean, a thing she's thinking of a gusto's gluten. And it's the closest I can come to, she's like, no, it's gusto. No, maybe you're thinking of that very enthusiastic deep sea explorer, Jacques Gusto. Yeah. But you're not, it's, it's gusto honey. I'm so sorry. But you know, like when you have a kind of an altercation with your partner, they just don't want you to be right sometimes.
Starting point is 00:02:39 And it's, usually I am wrong. Is it like usually she's got many legs to stand on with this one. I'm almost don't know what to do with myself. I've been such a commanding position like this just absolutely no way. I'm not the champion of this obligation. So I actually enjoy watching it play out,
Starting point is 00:02:58 watching a flail around trying to pretend. Do you bring it up or are you just waiting for it to come up naturally and then you kind of do some more high eyebrows? It's come up several times in front of other people too, right? We're all saved of the group guys by the way. How would you pronounce the word G-U-S-T-O and they're like gusto? Everyone, it's not even a question And then still that gets That gets an eye roll from Zoh and like a can't believe I'm not around people that don't have at all
Starting point is 00:03:24 I That gets an eye roll from Zill and like, I can't believe I'm not around people that don't have a talk. I don't know what we're going to do in the future, but I for one, I'm enjoying the gusto from you today, Jack. I couldn't be enjoying the gusto, because that's not a thing. Hey, it's been enough time. We had challenges getting together for this. But, boy, is this exciting today? Binaig, Binaig small, it's precious for all. Finishes of a strange minor note, doesn't it? Like someone died or it's bad news at the end there. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Is that what you'd use a minor note for in a score? Sometimes. Again, I can only feel music. Technical aspects of who gets a dot in the note and who gets a line through them. And who's a quaver. And who's a half of that. You know, Cimic Lover? Yeah, that's one. I don't know. I don't know the rules. But I like the opener. I'd probably in disproportionate amount of effort put into that opener considering, I think we've never, we've only played it once, I think. I think we've kicked this down the road a few times. We don't play the opener very often, but Anna was very excited because the safe that
Starting point is 00:04:38 was found in the wall, the house that we were renovating, was dragged out over the wall, crowbar'd out, and it had something in it. The plan was to open the safe, crack open the safe, that's what Rich's for all is. I have pledged and I stand by my pledge, whatever we find in the safe, I'll donate to the show and it shall be Rich's for all. Used to hand and we were up to is that the builders at your house, which you were one of them, of course, name man the boys and you in the boys. Said there's something in it.
Starting point is 00:05:11 They pulled it out. They heard a rattling a phone. And it was rowy said that and you know, you don't know as well as I do because you're not on site, but he's known as a bit of a larykin, but not for shit like this. But he's known as a bit of a larykin, but not for shit like this. He knows we're the state series. Yeah. So what he tells you, there's something in there. Yeah, it's for real. It's for real.
Starting point is 00:05:32 We're going to let a play out here, because we couldn't contain the excitement as to how it folds. Obviously, riches for all, whatever comes out of the safe, which is very generous of your home. Yeah, whatever comes out of the safe, which is very generous of your home. Outside, we had a grinder, I believe, that's going to be out of that. But we pick up the axe. Demo grinder, Jack. Do you use one of those on your house? I didn't personally pick up the demo grinder, but I know what one he was. You shouldn't find my friends on it.
Starting point is 00:06:04 But I was nearby. So strap yourselves in everybody, because on the other side of this we'll be able to determine how we're going to split and what we're going to do with what may be inside this safe box. Gee, I'm there it is. Where she is, mate. Wow. Principal Boxers, isn't it, to have... Wow, it's millions of dollars in.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Big enough to have a lot of diamonds, though. Yeah, it is. It's... That's hefty. Two shoe boxes, that one, are you calling it? Yeah, we were... I initially said two shoe boxes. I think it is that, but I thought it was going to be like deeper. Um, quite a lot deeper. What would someone need to put it in like a pirate's telescope or something?
Starting point is 00:06:47 So when someone went shopping for the safe they went and went hey, I'm just leaving for a safe All the deeper because I've heard a pirate's telescope I'll be a pirate telescope. I think he's Jules and he's telescope So yeah, anyone here if any man be on site hoping only for a pilot's telescope You can leave now because it's not what we're doing, but Roe's joining us to Roe, Roe and I are building the house that we've taken a quick break.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Roe, quick one. How often is he out here on the tools? Ham is probably... He usually opens up for us, but then he usually takes off about two, 30 in the other. That's it. As a boss's want to do.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Go on, hit the surf. If the surf's running. Yeah. I'll, um... Actually, mate, that last check, Bounce, too. I'll try to be at that line. So, do I endo? He's...
Starting point is 00:07:32 He's in charge of my pay. No, but actually would have been one of Andy's days. So, I actually talked to Andy. Why don't you have any money in that account, mate? Rowan, this looks like a pretty big house. How many bedrooms? Hearts. I think it's 16, I lost count. He's counting the toilets, mate. You have any money in that account, right? Rowan, this looks like a pretty big house. How many bedrooms? Hearts.
Starting point is 00:07:46 I think it's 16. I lost count. It's counting the toilets, but it's 15. Some, yeah. It's actually 17 in the study. I was counting hallways. Counting hallways? Yeah, counting hallways, you can always sleep in the hallways. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:58 You can always keep down in the hallway. Most Airbnb's do that trick. Kitchen's a seven-bedroom. Yeah, I can't get you. If you're putting this on Airbnb, it's 42 bedrooms, seven bedrooms. Yeah, if you put it this way, Airbnb. 42 bedrooms, I mean, because you probably get eight people in this hall and you've got a cupboard there if you've got any friends that like standing up,
Starting point is 00:08:12 like leaning in this. When they sleep, yeah, it sleeps 150. I'll tell you what, there's a tiny, there's a little room for a little on-speat now because there's a gap in the wall with a safe of us. And we could tuck someone in there. Oh, I was a little bonus urinal. I know I should run this part, so,
Starting point is 00:08:28 but any chance you can put a Wii shoot. I'll do it. Yeah, I will. It does run onto the side of the board. It's in the wardrobe, yeah. And it does run out the side of the house to our least favourite neighbour. LAUGHTER Sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:41 No, maybe once we start parting tonight, after we find all the jewels, we'll build a way shoot it. The first question for us, when you took it out, you did feel like it had something in it. It definitely had something in it was I could feel something metallic rattling around, and then it felt like some soft paper in it,
Starting point is 00:09:01 like a saty bag sort of scurrying about inside there. Could it have been a felt bag? Yeah. I think it's deeds to a sheep's station. Oh. It did sound like that. I've dealt with it a lot. That's the hype.
Starting point is 00:09:16 It's not a VCR manual, although which are very valuable. You were put it in the safe. Yeah, I reckon it probably is deeds, isn't it? Well, we are hoping for a felt bag. That's what we're hoping for. We're hoping for a bag full of rubies, sapphires. We're looking at a two-level excitement build after this because it's going to be like, one, okay, there's diamonds,
Starting point is 00:09:35 then there's going to be just giving you boys a heads up. There's going to be like a bit of a hushed excitement as I inspect the quality. But... Because there's nothing worse. It's having a safe quality diamond. I'll be, I've bought the little, he pulls out his IPs from the holster you can see it on his belt.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I've got my Harry's at it all, Thomas. Ham is on one side of the tool belt and I've got whatever the jewels call it IPs. And there's everyone sits around and if I just yell out, she's clear. There's get ready for panda mode. That's what we go on. Unless they don't go early clouty or quality. My diamond. Take a bit, take a bit. What are the strikes? Here we go. I did warn you about this right and he get me nearly to dibs. No. Did the old nose be worried? He just
Starting point is 00:10:20 wiped his nose. It did it straight away. They're probably the next sentence is if it green, for all to share. If it's white, I flee through the night. No, no, I'm just saying what do you say? What do we be about to do? Do we call police straight away? We'll stop recording. What do you want to do with the drugs?
Starting point is 00:10:40 I've been watching a lot of money heist and high-stripe films and drug food. You can make a lot of money selling it. It's called drug dealing. Yes, I've heard of that. So that is an option. That was always an option. It was an option before the safe. If you were very...
Starting point is 00:10:58 That would be too much. But I would never know how to get coins on it. Well of course not. So, weak, weak, that's the, right? No, of course you wouldn't. I'm saying, like, he caused the beach house. Of course the tennis court, the beach house, it doesn't lift up from one end. And there's an underground lab there.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Of course not. That would be crazy. With this tackle, that's a tackle bat. A ladder with tackle bat with the fence. No, if it's drugs, you can have it if that's you. I don't want the drugs. I just say it might put it in. Naken enough in the lab.
Starting point is 00:11:24 So it's like a lab can have it if that's what you want. I don't want drugs. I just say it might put it in the lab. Taken enough in the lab. So it's like a lab has been observing COVID restrictions and it's in full swing. OK, here's another question for you. Here we go. How can I vent my second tennis court by the day? If there's something in it, you said riches for all. That's the name of the episode. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:44 We don't have to. Right. We don't have wishes for the lucky few. I mean, Jack's not here. And he's lost our Bitcoin part. So am I. I mean, he already owes me. Yeah. I just, I mean, I'm just enjoying the feeling of no, we'll be playing this back in the studio and looking at Jack's face as he feels, like getting cut out of the diamonds hanging in the balance. No, but who won't hear this bit because- Oh you're near the scene. If we find something, I think that's when we have a discussion as to whether we tell
Starting point is 00:12:14 Jack. Yep. Yeah, quite. If we immediately say something that's, you think it's too good for Jack. You just wink at me and I'll yell, well, all that for nothing. And then we inspect for the clarity. Yeah, I do have to say, right? I've got a little thanks to Roy as well,
Starting point is 00:12:32 and the fellas, for, no, do they get the safe out of the wall? But, came and hit it in the garage here, which has been used as a side office because, see, there's two little holes on the top. I was there to be a fellow leave it inside. Everyone's just going to draw a dick on paper and roll it up and little holes on the top. I was like, do you want to leave it inside? Everyone's gonna draw a dex on paper and roll it up and squash it through the top. So we open the save, a thousand dex.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Which we do hope for. Yeah, but finally carved diamond dex. That would be amazing. Or Ruby dex. Yeah, I'm not discerning when it comes to dual dex. Yes. We take some gold ones. A voicehead.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And I'll take whatever color dex you've got. It's a lot, it's a lot, it's some gold bugs. A voicehead. And I'll take whatever color dick you've got, as long as it's a precious metal. Okay, what are we cutting it open with? We've got a Hilti Damace already. Don't want to be my choice. Diminicator make one? They do, they're not as good, but... We're sponsored by Hilti, sir. Yeah, we appear to be sponsored by Hilti, but we're not.
Starting point is 00:13:20 It's not, it's not. Hilti is great. Jack sponsored by default, so he's rolling in his free small backpack. All right, so where do we cut it at risk of like, yeah, we don't want to damage the game. Like what if it is like an ancient scroll that very flammable? Well, yeah, it goes up.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I mean, imagine that. Imagine if it is deeds. Well, catch fire, we're gonna cry a lot of sparks. Yeah, a lot. You're right. We'll just have to angle it, we're gonna cry a lot of sparks. Yeah, a lot. You're right. We'll just have to angle it, so it doesn't burn. All right. God, I'm excited for this to be deeds to the sheep station.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Like one of the big ones that kind of goes... Past other. Yeah, like half of South Australia. Yeah. And then we turn up to the station with the deeds. And they go... Where's your cat? That's how I found her.
Starting point is 00:14:03 And they go, all right. And over the case, we'll run you through the ship tomorrow. There's actually a bloke here yesterday, promising that the place was his, but he couldn't find the deeds, but you guys have got it, so you keep the sheep. Be they big, be they small. It's...
Starting point is 00:14:21 ...wrapped just for all! Okay, this is bloody exciting, Handa. It's Okay, this is bloody exciting Uh-oh, do you want me to have a go? Have a go, spark senders. Oh, jeez. Alright, it's open. Gee, she's open. So, we're going to look at a fun there with her. Oh, jeez. Oh, jeez.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Oh, jeez. Alright, it's open. Gee, she's open. So, it's only a little bit of fun there with the sparks. Yeah, there was a lot of sparks. There was a lot of, how are your legs? Right. Don't worry. Now, imagine this, and be...
Starting point is 00:15:18 Look at this. Very, very hot. Very hot. Now, we might touch it real quick. Do we need tongs or a stick? Let's look in. There is something in there. What is that? Let's look in. There is something in there. Oh, what is that? Oh, that's the dicks.
Starting point is 00:15:27 What is it? It's something. It's something. It's a yellow piece of paper. Oh, not seen as many jewel dicks as I wanted. It is, we have... Oh, there's something. Is there anything else in there?
Starting point is 00:15:37 What's that? What's that? The shelf. No. Reemtonal shelf of the safe. That's what was rattling out. There's nothing in here for Jack anyway. Where's the dicks? Oh, no What is it? It's just the Extrations on how to use the safe
Starting point is 00:15:56 Instructions for all That's worth so much less than the dates. You know what? Jack and have all of this. What's that bit inside? It's in LNK, I think. Oh, you said we did there was nothing in there. A pirate's LNK? I'm taught. It's like a safe. It's like a safe.
Starting point is 00:16:19 It's a safe, a safe, a safe, a safe, a safe, a safe, a safe LNK. Yeah, it's like a key to, it would have gone into that. Into the back to set the lock. Shit. Guy, that's something. F***. Yeah, it's not good. It's not good.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I can't even sell it as a secondhand safe now. No. I'm just... Yeah, how well? Easy come, easy go. Yeah. Okay, guys, I reckon that sounds like we didn't find tons of coke and don't you take all the drugs? Row you and me get the gold pistols
Starting point is 00:16:51 That sounded good. That sounded like we didn't find anything All right, okay, all yours Pablo Allow of course of course Andy didn't Alas, of course. Of course Andy didn't. It really sounds like a deal. I was like, stay calm, move on. Alas, very exciting. I was in a Jack of course I would have cut you in.
Starting point is 00:17:20 What a shame though. I know. I was actually doing it. I saw you Jack, I could genuinely see you getting fired up and knowing it at the cutout. Yeah. Um, then refired up that it could be something that it is exciting thing to see though is the spark section. It was like it's own the biggest gift. Yeah, it was the biggest gift. Uh, we'll, we'll whack it up on our pub. Choose your pubs, homeshade.com or Instagram or anything, go and check out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:45 And look, you can buy the second hand safe, if you want, so it's still available home. Is that? I mean, I'm pretty sure it's in the skip. Yeah, it's kind of, we can't, we can't, we can't, we can't, we can't, we can't buy. It says not very,
Starting point is 00:17:56 you know what, it's actually still usable because we cut the square out of the back. And if you wanted to wall-man it again, I mean, no one's, you know, you'd just see the back of the wall through the end of the safe. It wouldn't, it would actually be still a fairly useful safe. I'm trying to get some money for you. It's a monster. You're the only one who's trying to sell your Audi back in the day of the first car you bought, which is from 1960 or something.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Yeah. Even if I said this is a fairly useful car, that would have been a heavily, heavily, vulnerable for being soon to false advertising there. LAUGHTER MUSIC Hame, we try to do requests from time to time. Yeah, we take requests. And this is a request for an old bit of phone fund
Starting point is 00:18:45 that we did many moons ago, where we kind of discovered that particularly country sporting clubs, yeah, facilities, generally have a lot of nicknames, particularly the older people use characters. Characters, yeah, real characters. So if we rang up pretending that we were from the past
Starting point is 00:19:04 and wanted to see if any of these old people were still around, I essentially today have written down a bunch of names for you to have to bring up. You don't know the names? Who am I calling? Usually we do like a cricket club or a... Tamba Rumba, Australia and Rool's football club. Where are they? I think it must be in Mario area.
Starting point is 00:19:26 club. What's been suggested? I think it must be in Murray area. I remember. You're going to be calling the president. His name is Monty. Monty Waters. Good name already. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, an additional bit of information here. They recently celebrated 50 years of the club in June. Big function. They June, big function. They did have a function. And they play on the upper Murray football league. So I'm just saying, I didn't make it in June. Great, and where any of these guys there? Yeah, I was just interested.
Starting point is 00:19:57 So the goal of a goal is, if you can get through, I've got eight names. And the fun of this is, I mean, you, I've somebody do this, the rules of this game are you have to turn the names over Gradually, so you never know what name is coming up and I'd say the names get harder at less believable as we go yep but um Sammy names you can get through before Monty smells of fish Hello is that Monty? Yes Monty done Bartley's, my name, hey, going. Not too bad, Don, was it?
Starting point is 00:20:29 Don, yes. I'm not sure if we have met or not, but I used to play for the Tamborumber. Don't remember it? Tom Bartley. I've not played for a Corwall 89. I Musa play with Barry Stax. Radio. The reason I'm calling is, I know there was a function, I've since moved, I'm in South Australia, but that is a function in June. Yep.
Starting point is 00:20:57 I wasn't not able to make it back for it, but I just wondered if any of the old crew were around like,, skipping Gibbons? No. What, how many people turned up? 170. Oh boy, oh boy. Is there going to be another one next year for the 51st?
Starting point is 00:21:15 No, look, we'll have a 2012 Premiership reunion. Good. But yeah, that's what it'll be called. It won't be a 51st year reunion. Good. But yeah, that's what it'll be called. It won't be a 51st year reunion. Yeah. No, who was there? Any of the big names? Bruce Forbes, John Cornish. Don't Cornish the Toad. Well, he was there anyway. Yeah, no, I always used to call him the Toad. All right, yeah. Spencer Sharp. Was he, did he make it? No. Yeah. Wonder if he'll be there for the... Yeah. You're throwing a lot of names at me that I've never heard of before.
Starting point is 00:21:51 These would be more my era, um, 80s. I remember playing with, um, Peter and Eunice. The penis. No. It's just I'm just driving. I reckon you've got the wrong club. No, no, I've made, I know what club I've played for. Peter and Eunice, the penis. Up front. Yeah, no. Junkins McDoodle.
Starting point is 00:22:16 No, none of these names ring a bell. Maybe, what, when did you start there? About 1975. Oh, you said there was 75, right? Okay. So do you remember Dan? Dan who? Oh can't remember his life. No mate you're having a go at me on your throne names at me that didn't play for Tom Brumber. Alright here's a name you're not going to forget. Seven Seven goals in a in a pre-lim. Sprog Futsi. Yeah. So you're later.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Okay. Oh. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Stop it. The penis. The penis. The penis. The penis. The penis. And for the forward, that penis. What a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great,
Starting point is 00:23:12 what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a great, what a No one wants to, like, who's this slide to get to the backline? Right through the path to eat. Fun times, Phoebe, you know. Hey, I feel like we can announce with confidence today that there's going to be another
Starting point is 00:23:47 power moose book by the end of the year. We can. We were worried about it. We've double checked with hogs. Which isn't he, he's never used to check. He's never used to check. He's never used to check. I know double checking with hogs is historically about five checks too low,
Starting point is 00:24:06 but we are confident. We're going to pull, pull, go. We are not one of the more exciting levers on the book making machine. Pull the go lever, you go, go, go. And but standby for details of when they'll become available to purchase or pre-order online, we're not going to get into the same situation as having too long a run up. What we did last time was, yeah, we said you can pre-order it, and we're very clear that this still means it could be two or three months away, but that message seemed to dissolve away and instead in its place, bubbled up frustration at Weasley Book. But actually, the people that thought they'd ordered it, and it was still taking three months to get there.
Starting point is 00:24:46 The frustration level was very low. It was kind of just like, my own, oh, it shouldn't have been here by now. Yeah. What we will do to pre-order much closer to when the book's available. And it's more powerful, isn't it, than I last thought? It is more powerful.
Starting point is 00:24:57 That's why there's just a few extra checks and balances. And there might have to be slightly thicker packaging around the book to contain it. They keep rolling in though, these ones won't be in the book because we've agreed on the next hundredth of a... It's been capped for volume two, but I wish you a jubbi do it. BAM! BAM!
Starting point is 00:25:16 I want to start with one that I would like us to check whether we think it deserves the power guitar chord or not from Albert Brooks. Message a short person at a time, say around 8pm. Message them. Yeah. Okay. Saying, good night. When they're response saying, I'm going to bed it's too early.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Respond with, sorry, just thought you'd go to bed for an early night to get maximum growth. Oh. Oh. Oh. It's my turn. I don't think it's a fail, but is it? No, I mean, if someone texts me good night, so you send me a text and good night at that o'clock.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Yeah. I don't think I'd be like rush to go, but I'm not going to be. Oh. I think I can. I'm going to prove that I'm staying up to watch two episodes of anything I want. Yeah. So we're not.
Starting point is 00:26:11 It's a good, I mean, it's a funny bird, but that's fine. I just wanted to double check it out, but better like next time. Andy, this is from KL. When pulling into a garage with someone else in the car and you're the passenger, hop out as fast as possible. Press the close garage door button and yell, Indiana Jones! The other person must now scramble to get out of the garage before the door closes
Starting point is 00:26:35 or else they're trapped in the table of doom forever. Works best when the other party is wearing a fedora. We love the specificity of a lot of the moves and especially as in as a footnote, yeah, works best once I was working for Dora. This one specific as well from Georgia. Hey fellas, pal move for a younger crowd. We're looking at a younger demographic here. If you happen to find yourself playing a game of truth or dare, and some popular youthful game these days, if someone chooses dare, dare them to go home.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Oh, I don't see the joke. I happen to be all the time I was growing up. Okay, guys, from Lockland Trip, this is a power move for people when you're watching AFL, watching the food with your mates. And your mates is something that you disagree with about the game. What you respond with is, now they've been paying that all year. It's as if Poise the other person does not know about enough about the game to have a different opinion and should have kept their mouth shut.
Starting point is 00:27:51 I like that. This one's from Josh. So this is a reclining power and a profession where power is not generally assumed, which I know stereotyping, but he's talking about garbos. Okay, yep. Oh, I mean, there would be a lot of good garbopalmos. My garb, oh, has done this to me in the past. And I have to go hats off to them.
Starting point is 00:28:18 He's since stopped doing it. But he's... Put the bin on the roof. My garbage man, Orman, each week will place my bin right in the middle of my driveway every time rendering me powerless to either enter the driveway, go home or get out when I need to. It's a great power. It's a great power move.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Hey! On the Garbo thing, Have we talked about this before? The correct way to put the bin to the curb. Everybody puts the bin facing out. So a handle on footpath side, bin facing out. But then you see the Garbo's grab it and they have to wheel it around and do 180. Shouldn't it be hand-aloud? Shouldn't it be hand-aloud for the Garbo's to grab it easier?
Starting point is 00:29:04 Great question. And I do put it hand-aloud occasionally, and you get the strains of looks from people. Because they don't like the messes up the aesthetic of the street. But I think for the Garbo, they would prefer it hand-aloud. But what about the electric arm? Don't you get the electric arm that picks it up
Starting point is 00:29:19 and then shoves it in the back? Sorry, Jack, not everyone lives in there. It's a hub of a rich enough 100-trane-er-for-large. You get the electric arm, it must be nice. Silicon Valley, by Donkey, and Stan and the Donkey come along very preferred. I'm in a manual grab. I'm in a quarter-sack, no way that you could fit an electric arm down my street. But you could fit an electric arm down your street must be very nice. I have to have up to the first. I would say the electric arm would have to work both ways, Jack. Yeah, it can't. It doesn't care. The electric arm just grabs the side of the bin. It doesn't care what by the time it's tipping in, it's over the back of it.
Starting point is 00:30:00 It takes it puts the bin completely upside down. So the lead just sits, it's kind of, I suppose, very quickly. One thing they don't want you to do with the electric arm is gaffer tape the litigabin shot. Yeah, I hate that. I don't like that. Just let's do that. And a grey power move to finish on here. Comes from Jordan.
Starting point is 00:30:16 When it's someone's birthday, Rapier mate's birthday present in very thick paper, one that is hardy and difficult to rip. Once you've wrapped it, make sure you tape up all the joints and folds, giving them no areas to get it. One slightly frustrated that I can't open the present. Make sure you walk up an edifice, such as struggling a bit there, are you were telling us there's a story of Harry Potter, your son being very into it and that you are giving broom sticks and sometimes ones to have to use when you're...
Starting point is 00:31:06 Sometimes the same stick at the part can be a broomstick or a one. I prefer when it's a wand, because as we talked about in the show the other week, when it's a broomstick, it's very, very small. Can I have to hold it between my crotch area and I've got to hold it with two fists? And I've got to make wishing noises and I get and I get led by it. You know, it looks like a wooden dildo is taken over my body and I'm now I get led by it. You know, it looks like it looks like a a wooden dildo has taken over my body and I'm now in a slave to that that that wooden member. Because no to the untrained eye, you wouldn't know I'm playing Harry Potter. You wouldn't know I'm deep in a game of quidditch or trying to outwit that rascal, um, Malfoy. It's okay, Malfoy.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Um, we hate him, don't we, don't we, don'tascal, Malfoy. Draco, Malfoy. We hate him, don't we, Jack? We do hate Malfoy. I look forward to one day hating him with you guys. This is exciting, because I love it when someone that's an expert in their field, no matter what that field is, comes to the show and they know to come to the Hamish Nerea podcast.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Ben McCarthy did that, hamishnerea.com. Simpli writes, hi, it's high. Regarding Harry Potter, I worked for Warner Brothers and was fortunate. He also has in brackets, own fortunes. He can read it, otherwise, to learn from the actual choreographer, choreographer, from the films, one to combat. Yes, you read that correctly. He was. I know. I know. You want to, on a stunt person's CV, it would be like, you know, what can you do? And they would probably do like, stifles, you know, car, you know, high speed reversing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Combat brackets, what? He says, I know and can teach the five basic in quotation marks. So they may be more difficult than you'd hope. One combat moves. It's something, if that's something you want or need, I figured him. Obviously in the backyard with Sonny, you might want to brush up on one combat
Starting point is 00:32:58 and teach him from a young age. And use the one we need. Johnny, it's now Ben, who are you? Oh, hi boys. Now I know. Hi Ben. This is huge to have a one combat master on the show Were you in the stunts department or were you working in another department at Warner Brothers and you were just Tort one combat over lunch or after hours? It is so much less impressive than all of those options. I was a tour guy that won a brother's in England, but they have all the Harry Potter sets. And we had to teach like families these five moves
Starting point is 00:33:32 that the choreographer came in and taught her. And it did a long time. That is impressive. The fact that he said I worked for Water Brothers is a great thing to say. Well, we've worked for Water Brothers. Oh, you must hang out with, you know, some of the big stars.
Starting point is 00:33:45 It's Daniel Radcliffe like. He doesn't actually need glasses. Well, I'm just kidding. Oh, I'm never seen him with them on. Oh, wow. Not all of a sudden. Instead, you were just, not just you were doing the tours at Water Brothers.
Starting point is 00:34:00 A vital part of the entertainment machine though. Yeah. Helping people get close to the action. So is it something that you can do over the phone? I mean, maybe it's like the herbs and spices. You're not allowed to give away all five of the one combat moves. And I don't want you to get in trouble with the two of people at Warner Brothers Club. Sure, it's one of the main reasons people flock there in England.
Starting point is 00:34:22 But can you give us a hint? Can you give us your top to say three combat moves? When I got taught it, it took legitimately 90 minutes for the choreographer to teach us these five moves. Is that because he was invoicing for that time? I mean, could he have done it quicker or it really took that long to learn one combat. Yeah, I had to stay after work for 19 minutes and I left at the 19 minute mark and they kept going. Wow. Wow. I think he was just indulging a little. So did you only get up to the fourth move, basic move and the others continued?
Starting point is 00:34:58 Oh, I definitely. I hit all five, but then he was trying to do combos. He was yelling three, three, two, one, four. Yeah, and he knew them. Well, tell us. He's asking, I was bad. Give us the title of each of them. Again, very disappointing.
Starting point is 00:35:15 It's literally one, two, three, four, five. Right. Okay, okay. If you had to describe them, if you had described them, what's one look like? One kind of looks like maybe you're less doing a cow. Okay. Why a cow? So higher than a calf. Yeah, yeah, I suppose it's higher. And what and what, um, Jackie, we're all doing it in here. We've all got that. What spell
Starting point is 00:35:40 is cast with that traditionally? Uh, whatever you want, but it's normally from the heroes, not the villain. Oh, so the difference, so villains decide to use a different technique. Yeah, that's dark arts. Yeah, they do kind of more sneaky things with their wrist. Oh, yeah. They might be, there's, there's, they might be like doing this up above. So you look and then they underarm you want like, all right, for the distraction.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I don't know, I don't know. I'm just guessing. Well, the distraction Well, what's the if number one is like a for the for the heroes? What number two use? The villains are using probably number five. It's like a little behind the back kind of like sneaky So I'm on sneaking up behind you kind of one. Okay hang on. So you're behind someone else's back or you're firing a What was spilling out from behind your back Yeah, yeah, this is the enemy is sneaking up behind you and you sneak them Kind of behind your back Who's doing the spell the one speaking up behind someone or the person who's yeah Describe it. They go back to the kind of cow analogy stuff that really worked for me visually
Starting point is 00:36:44 What what what how is that working? Like, what, what, what are you by doing with my wall? It's very hard, but if you, you, you're basically have maybe your non, this is the term of the choreography, your non-wanda, if you're right-handed, you got your wand and your right hand. Yeah. The left hand is on over your belly button. And I know. And then you use your wand on and you flick that behind your
Starting point is 00:37:08 back the other way. Mike was doing it before he read it out. Why is your left hand in your belly button for like costability or like I think just like a little bit performative. Okay. Okay. So number five, can we just click on your back? Can you just describe two, three and four as well? Okay, so one for lasso. Two is like a, is like a pivot from the lasso. They all flow into each other. So you've lassoed, you pivoted with your feet, and then you're shooting out like a tea.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Like you've made your arms into a tea. Oh, balance shot. Balance shot. So you've had to perform kind of a cartwheel. The arms are out wide. Yeah, exactly. And then number three, you have pivoted the other way, kind of crossed your tea the other way. And you're shooting under your
Starting point is 00:38:05 one-darm and you're on your knee. Right, okay, so you've crossed your arms under your one-darm. You're shooting with your one-darm underneath your non-one-darm. Oh, no, yes. Okay, so okay, you trust, yep. And then the fourth? Four is like you're kind of making an S with your arms. Your non-one-darm is like you're carrying a tray over your head. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then your wandarm is like kind of the opposite kind of Yin Yang to that by your waist shooting back on.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Ah, yes. I don't think we needed 90 minutes. Oh, obviously. At first I was gonna say this doesn't take 90, but I'm positive what I'm doing now. Isn't correct for a position for. You're doing my little tape on I might need to fall 90. Well, you said you're holding a tray over your head and your head. But you're left out. Yeah. And I'm shooting backwards with my one arm. That's I'm a little tape. I'm sorry. I don't have to tell you. Why would we do number four? Where does
Starting point is 00:39:02 that come into play? Again, someone sneaking up behind you. That's one of the villain ones. Oh, yes. I mean, I haven't seen anything past episode. We're only up to episode two in our house, Chamber of Secrets. So I don't think you've given me any spoilers here, but it certainly seems like there's a lot of sneaking up on people. It happened. And pivoting or like moving your feet doesn't footwork doesn't seem to be taught at Hogwarts. Obviously, it's more just moves to shoot no look shots. Is that a fair thing to say? Because it seems like you can just use position one for all of these instances if you just got a bit of footwork. Foot, happening. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And that's where the performance development
Starting point is 00:39:43 comes in. He was like a dance choreographer So it was very cheesy. Right. Nice. Nice. Um, then Did you enjoy the class? I mean, do you love that this is in your mind or would you prefer something else in there? In my mind? Yeah, yeah, definitely something else. Once I got to the 90 minute mark, I realized I wasn't being paid anymore And I will tell yeah, yeah, and also the fun of the Harry Potter world is they really do have magic ones and their casting spells. No matter how good this guy was, 85 minutes in, there would be a part of your brain going, these are just sticks. We are essentially doing this with glorified chop sticks.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Love it, everyone mate. Thank you very much. No worries, boys. Thank you, mate. I, thank you very much. No worries, mate. Thank you, mate. I will be using this at home. Listener.

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