Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2021 Ep 154

Episode Date: October 20, 2021

1. Power Moves book update with Horgs 2. One burger, one bite ft. Hamish Blake – Special Skill 3. Any luck for Jack Post the horse? 4. Four'n Twenty game theory ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi-tom-e-lead Hamish. I'm always filming on the lead. Thank you, me lead, Hamish. I'm always filming on the lead. Thank you, Ando. Ahoi. Ahoi to me, Vice Jack. Ah, I've picked a curly...
Starting point is 00:00:32 Watch out for his pins. Alright. I thought we were actors in a play. Oh, okay. Yeah, so you thought you might have been... What's the VICE? Like supporting actors. Okay. Maybe it's a dear term.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Hamed the lead in curling them to... Oh, of course there's a... Oh, I'm sorry, is it? To the Winter Olympic sport where they brush the ice, you throw the first two rocks and you sweep the next six. Yes. Good leader will often sweep from behind. What?
Starting point is 00:01:03 It's the same we have in curling. The whole point is having in front of the rock. No, sweep the end of the set. I'll throw in the first few rocks guys, and then I'll jump on sweeping because my arms knack and bite in. I was just really worried that you were rolling a rock down and then behind it, cleaning up behind it.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I guess it did a poo. The vice, he throws the fifth and sixth rocks to the end. Must be good at all shots. Ah, yes, Jack. The spin draws. Oh, he's just assumed that the groomers were always the groomers and the throwers were always the throwers.
Starting point is 00:01:37 You're thinking of Quidditch. Yeah. And do you remember when we had, I remember it was probably an eight or ten years ago, for one hot minute, one afternoon, we were like, let's do it. Let's go to the Winter Olympics as the Australian curling team, thought we'd come up with a great loophole. Because we're like, surely enough people do curl.
Starting point is 00:01:57 No one cares about curling. What if we really cared about it and Eddie, the Eddie the Eagle? He was like, they made a movie about him like these winter Olympians that come from countries that don't have any snow. And they call runnings. There's a great thing. So like, let's do that. Then we were like, this is great.
Starting point is 00:02:13 It's gonna be like us two of our mates. And then we discovered that A, you only qualify individually for the team. So even if by some miracle, one of us made it on a be like, you know, us and like Warren Trevor and one team on the Australian killing team, too, despite all our yelling about how Australian doesn't have a killing team, we must be so bad at it,
Starting point is 00:02:34 that we're actually, we do have a two-hit killing team and they're pretty good. You have to be top 16 in the world to go to the Winter Olympics and we were like 19 in the world. So that was a, it was a real, I still feel really deflated over that. Yeah. I want to love together when we... That, and when we tried to buy the rights to Hal Bazar,
Starting point is 00:02:50 that song. Oh, yeah. Just because he says in the lyrics, want to know the rest, hey, buy the rights that we couldn't. I'm a bit deflated about both those things. He, he, he, ran into illegal troubles, didn't he? Yeah, well, I think he ran into life. Troubles, I think he, he might not still be alive.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Yeah, so anyway, you have ideas. You let him blossom live, and then you shelve them quietly off air, classic Peter Outs. Another couple of classic Peter Outs. Let's also say, oh, hey, to Courtney here. Oh, hey. Oh, hey, Hamish, Andy and Jack, Courtney here. I just thought I'd take the opportunity to say that for once you'll link
Starting point is 00:03:27 the upwards system hasn't failed you given the recent WhatsApp outage that could have been a disaster for you, so nice way to avoid that and a big thumbs up. In saying this, it was only a five hour outage, so I still might not have the other hand at the end of the day when I go to upload this voice message on your website. Cheers. Not worth risking it though. Good point Courtney, what's that piece? Slow and steady. up a hand at the end of the day when I go to upload this voice message on your website. Cheers. Not worth risking it though. Good point Courtney, what's that he- Slow and steady.
Starting point is 00:03:48 What's that you'd have an outage for five hours? No one would say anything. But then after that went back to the lightning fast secure encryption service we know it for and would love to have a set high of the show. I can't risk another outage though. I'd love to go to, I was actually thinking of going to what's out on that day. And then that morning.
Starting point is 00:04:10 There that morning. And then suddenly in the outage and you're like, well, you've done your dash here. Ever heard of email going down. So we'll stick with what we know. Oh well, well, yeah, can we use bad news to all those in excited to run the gauntlet. You know, as we always say, get a comfy chair,
Starting point is 00:04:29 get some trail mix. Keep your fluids up and enjoy the upload process. AveryShenady.com. AveryShenady.com, averyShenady.com, AveryShenady.com, AveryShenady.com, AveryShenady.com,
Starting point is 00:04:40 AveryShenady.com, AveryShenady.com, AveryShenady.com, AveryShenady.com, AveryShenady.com, AveryShenady.com, AveryShenady.com, AveryShenady.com, AveryShenady.com, announced it. Hugs, men of ideas, but also chief distribution officer for all of Hey, how much am I mentioned? I'll hold you, mate. Hey boys, how's it going? Very good Hologo. Better than you at the moment. Can we just tap into your last two weeks? Because
Starting point is 00:04:59 I've had a bit of a giggle with you. You've had to cancel a few plans for catching up. Why is that, big hugs? Oh, we had a COVID of a giggle with you. You've had to cancel a few plans for catching up. Why is that big, Alves? Oh, we had a COVID case in the warehouse. Mm-hmm, not good. So I have got on the tools. I've been picking books for the two weeks. So you've been back on the Forklift out there. What kind of hours are you doing, mate?
Starting point is 00:05:22 I'm 14 hours a day. Yes! I mean, I haven't seen you drive a Forklift for a very long time, Alves. What kind of hours are you doing mate? I'm 14 hours a day. I haven't seen you drive a forklift for a very long time, Hawkes. The last time I saw you drive a forklift, it was you setting us videos of you doing trick forklift stuff like fast parallel parts and things like that. Have you got time to have any fun on the forklift or is it just flat out? Plenty of fun on the fork lift or is it just flat out? Oh, plenty. It's all plenty fun on there obviously. But it's no longer the boss now.
Starting point is 00:05:48 It's the boss now. You own the place. You knock it to tell people to have fun on the fork with. It's high-vis. It's a hard hat. It's follow. It's a serious machine. The pallets go seven high now.
Starting point is 00:05:59 So if you knock the right, the racking over, it's like a domino effect. You just don't want to do it. But, hang on, have you done that? No. Has anyone done it in your factory? No. Oh, you'd basically kill everyone in the factory. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:06:14 Okay, so that's, it's a bit of a no-no. Yeah. I mean, to use your exact phrase from before, you don't want to do it. You don't want to kill everyone in the factory. I have a look online. Exactly. Vaze from before you don't want to do it. You don't want to kill everyone at the factory. I have a look online. There's a few YouTube ones where people of the Forklestrivers run into a racking and yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Shouldn't the racking be more secure? Yeah, but you can't guarantee anything, can you? I've got this. The bread brought disclaimer. There were safety guards around the end of them, but if you go to hard enough. Okay. You'll get it. Now, Hawgs, all this is happening at the warehouse on a day that you want to announce something with regards to Power Moves book volume two. Are you sure you're capable?
Starting point is 00:07:07 When do you get your staff back? Because we know there's going to be a huge rush for the volume two for Power Moves book. The first one sold out. Yeah, and it was also there was a flood, you know, early days with the first one too. And we, you know, we've been through this before, there was the the mistimed pre-order of us mistakenly thinking that six months out people would enjoy pre-ordering it and it just sort of came across as it was already available. And we just don't want any, you know, we don't have to be a frictionless system. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:37 No. Well, full staff's back tomorrow. Oh, so, orgs is off the forklift as of tomorrow. Oh, good. So, orgs is off the forklift as of tomorrow. So, everything's going to be up to date. The printer has announced today that they've finished printing. All right, and we don't know how many. Remember we said that last time where they just turn the machine on.
Starting point is 00:08:02 And it just prints as many books. And when they get roughly, it's like feeling out with petrol, you get roughly to the $50 mark, you don't care if it feels over. It's like they're doing a just the guessing amount of jelly beans in a jar, they don't know how many it's going to spit out. Yeah. So do you know how many they've printed? No, not as yet. We're put the order in. It could be a few thousand more, a few thousand less.
Starting point is 00:08:24 That's the part that I just put. Plankfeel. And these are the order in. It could be a few thousand more, few thousand less. That's the father notice. But thanks. And these are the best in the business, are they? No, best in the business. But you can't just then just stop like, and maybe they just do a day shift. So they get a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:08:39 No, no, but it's just a, I mean, we're acting like it's, it's completely inappropriate for a customer video ask for an exact quantity. Like at the bakery when you go half a dozen poppy seed not rolls and they go home mate. Well, I'm obviously not going to be land, I'm not going to land a number perfect. I mean, I'll just start my tongs going in when I feel I've done enough. I'll hand the bag over. You could get a living, could get three. How can I possibly stop it at six? So hopefully they're not short.
Starting point is 00:09:13 And you know, we don't find anything. When we find out, like when they come in, eventually when they're shipped, or do they do some kind of stock take off the back of the printer coming out of their warehouse? They basically let us, they'll put it on the ship and then let us know how we need their shipping. Right. So someone at the shipping dock is doing the counting. I have that guy to go and work with the factory if he knows how to count. Okay. So they've made an announcement, which I like the idea that they've
Starting point is 00:09:43 stopped the whole factory and made an announcement that the printing's finished. And then the guest in game begins. And that's how many we do. And so, when, like obviously shipping has been tough during this pandemic time, it's getting better, when can we expect them to arrive in Australia? Well, we've booked a ship, which is good. Yes. I didn't forget to do that. And it's going to arrive like November.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Have you forgotten book a ship before? Well, sometimes you've got it. So many parts aren't there, Hogs? I don't envy it. I mean, so many moving parts. Like, you know, as if UberEats didn't, wasn't inventing, you've got to call the restaurant, put your order in, then call the kitchen at the restaurant,
Starting point is 00:10:34 go, did you get the order? Are you cooking it? How many are you cooking? Not saying. And we're just cooking a bunch of curry. And we'll just start filling up. Okay, we'll keep doing that. I'm going to book the guy to come and get it.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Okay, so Hawg's late November, have you booked someone to take the books when the ship gets in from the ship to the warehouse? Well, that's basically just automatic. I just... Okay, so that'll do that for you. That'll start to part of booking the ship. Okay, the all service. Is it a tick box?
Starting point is 00:11:07 It looks like you're booking a ship. Would you also like to book a truck? And how many units do you have on board? Tick here for books. We know you can never know the amount of books. Or other items. You must have a specific number. All right. so late November.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Late November. Triumph. Well done. That was exciting. So do you think is, if we get the orders in early enough, then we can print out all the labels. First of December, we're just going to just be slapping labels on all these books and obviously in the beautiful packaging again. Yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah. As we say, it's
Starting point is 00:11:56 really two things for the price of one. Yeah. Carregate, uh, uh, cheap carregate, it's leaf. Yeah. So I can, why, what I'm doing, I'm, I've got, I'm aiming for December. I got it sleeve. Yeah. So I can my what I'm doing on I've got on aiming for December one releasing out of the warehouse. So therefore you've got Australia post got 24 days to get it to get it on the Christmas tree. Yeah. I think that's a great plan. So what are you saying? Are you requesting that we launch presales or something, maybe the last week of November, so that by December 1, you've got all those stickers and you've just got slip and send. No, I think we've got a guy now. We're going now for presales. I think we release now. Let's put people order now and then we put it in the system.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Yep, right now. Turn the system on. I'm looking across at Jeze, our web guy. He's giving us a thumbs up that we hit, they're all ready to go. They knew this day was coming. So people listening to this right now will be able to go and pre-order. How much volume two? The even more powerful addition.
Starting point is 00:13:01 It is a cracker. We've loved doing this one. We've had a lot of last fun. It is there. We've had a lot of laughs putting this together. So hang on. So Hogs, there's nothing. So smooth sailing from here. Did you say the books are on the boat? Yeah, they're ready to go to the boat. No, they're binding it now. So they printed it. So now they're binding it.
Starting point is 00:13:19 And give everyone a little bit of a... Give them a little cell about the binding because it is a good binding. Oh, it's top of the range With these two options with binding you can just do your Your glue binding or you can put a little bit of ribbon over the top Just for a bit of extra price obviously, but no expense spared We've got a little blue and white ribbon knowing we're doing nice Yeah, you can go slops or you can do it right. And we've decided to do it right.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Who are the ship slops? Spot UV on the cover again, I'd imagine. Spot UV. Matt Laminate. Matt Lamination. Yeah, beautiful. You're the first expensive cover you can go. How many GSM per page?
Starting point is 00:13:57 I think it was, I think it was around the 156 mark. Wow, that's a heavy page. It's a hip. It's a hip, okay. Oh, that's a heavy page. The hip. Okay. Oh, 16 plus. Kids can read for book, but haven't had an adult nearby in the pages. Re-in for all the laterals.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Full color, reinforced, you copy tables. Thank you very much. Our Orcs will check to you soon, buddy. Well, good luck to the boat. Do we need to talk about price, or is it the same price? Oh, I assume so. I think it's the same price where you look into, I mean, it's been tough for you and everyone you look into and fly it a bit. Well, no, what was it? I think it was
Starting point is 00:14:33 34. It was 33 for the regional and then, and then we're also, we've got, we've reprinted some, some more of the dishonorable second run so people can still get can get power on this book one as well. Yes. There's two options on the. Well they're 34 bucks because they're dishonorable for not getting in and I think the original was 33 which will stick with the current the current honorable price of 33 for the second edition. And there'll be no insurance with not required for books was required for t-shirts. Yeah, the customer service insurance was just for the t-shirts. See you, buddy.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Oh, my boys. And you're back. And I got another special skill that's fallen to my side of the fence here. Right. It comes with, it's an interesting one, because I think it's one of those ones in the area where you're kind of like, can that be done? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Actually, maybe, maybe no, that's, maybe that is incredible. I think it is fairly incredible, but I've organized a slight test. Comes from a young man named Sam. He joins us on Lamy Mars, we'll get him up. Sam, oh hey. Oh he feels. Sam, welcome. Yeah, you ride over here of what this is. Sam, you ride over there pretty incredible skill. I can eat him McDonald's cheeseburger in one bite, you say. Yes, wow. Now the technical term for that is you the whole thing in your mouth in one go, I'd say. That would be term, that we mean by one bite.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Yeah. Pretty much. I've taken cheeseburger. I open wide and it goes. Well, we appreciate it. We appreciate you breaking it down like that because I know you mean, Andrew, something. Usually a bite is, you have to bifurring something in two. Yeah. Or more pieces. So there is a remain remainder after the bite's taken. But what Sam saying is I take one bite, 100% of
Starting point is 00:16:32 the cheeseburgers in my mouth and the zero percent is left outside my mouth. And the bite completely, if it was a vent diagram, he's mouth completely overlaps the burger. Yes. And then I'll just want to further dig down. You then chew like other people do when they bite. And then you swallow. It's not a matter of, I've seen people with some foods like the hot dog eating challenges where they don't even... If they put in water or they don't even chew,
Starting point is 00:16:56 they just kind of send it down. No, no, I don't, not like a python. I just, I chew once a tender. Yes. Like traditional biting. Right, by and you don't squeeze the cheeseburger first to kill it. That's an interesting question though. Are you compressing it? Do you? Yeah, that's, is it, is it remain in its cheeseburger form? As in would you be happy to see it on the ad like that?
Starting point is 00:17:20 Or are you crushing it into a cube or a smaller ball to be able to fit it in your mouth. I don't crush it in. I sort of place it in and then as I'm closing my mouth, I just make sure it's all in there, but I don't have to mangle it before it goes in. Okay. So if it's a sleeping bag, you're stuffing it in, a little bit of stuffing. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:41 But you're not rolling it up like Andy would with a sleeping bag. Oh no, definitely. No, this is fast enough. Yeah, it's like, but you're not rolling it up like Andy would with a sleeping bag. Oh, no, definitely. No, this is Yeah, yeah, I mean, so I'm just laughing because I'm just thinking of this being on the We're you know, if I just family's Cheering and kids only happy me like the sun setting at the beach You know like we're all for family, we're like, oh, what the fuck was that guy doing? They're talking back to you. Back to your picnic.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Kids often, cricket training. We should cut them into an ad. We're going to get, if this goes well, say we're going to get, what are you doing? We should try and go shop for shop with the Mac as ad from whatever summer is. Jesus, put a whole book of his mouth. Well, hey, I mean, I'd want us, we haven't got a zoom in. I'd want to see, I want to see this in person. What I felt was like this sounds like an incredibly big mouth and an amazing feat, but how
Starting point is 00:18:45 can we tell? How can we understand what that's like can happen up here to an old person? And I ask any man in this room who, who is brave enough to say, oh, well, oh, you sir, what's your name? Amish. Oh, okay. You just so happen to have a McDonald's cheeseburger here. I was wondering why you got a cheeseburger delivered to you.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I mean, it's not that normal out of the real world. It's not that weird, but it's not that weird. It's not that weird. It gets food sent in. I mean, we've often seen, we've often seen Jack have 12 and a Geary swishy delivered to the, and him hand over a signature with a knowing nod to the swishy guy.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Not his signature for being a new list. No, no. And he's a Hamish and Andy Cards that he would stockpile for free sushi. Okay. So you're unwrapping a cheeseburger. I've seen you do this many, many times before. You and I have done it together, many, many times before. Just like a classic, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:19:38 It's big. It's like, I know it's designed to be in a happy meal for kids, et cetera, but it's still supposed to be a complete food. It's still big. Looking at it now. That is big. It's obviously bigger than a mouth, you know, bigger than what you think you're meant.
Starting point is 00:19:52 When you think about having a mouthguard is. Yeah. Wait a minute. The tomb are not the same. No. So, let's attempt this delicious test. Let's set some time with some music. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:20:04 How you miss Blake is about to try and put the whole They're old. See now I'm looking at you now, ham. You're showing me how wide your mouth can go And I don't think if I was a postman I'd be going oh no, my tank is back to the depth. Yeah I didn't get it in your box. I think I'd be knocking on the door and then going damn it. I'm gonna have to yeah I feel skirmish is coming with me back to the office. And I was hoping to knock off him. Yes, you know. Okay, here he goes.
Starting point is 00:20:30 It's going in. This is where the stuffing becomes part of. That's a loud, by the way. I'll take it back out. That's a loud. Not doing to do this chiming time because now we've got getting speed on the burger, right? Okay, that's a loud at the edge.
Starting point is 00:20:40 That's a loud. I'm just going to talk everyone through it. Mouth is going in. I would say we're close to 50% through. We're seeing some slight stuffing on the right hand side, but it's absolutely only at 50% max. Some gagging and it seems like it's hit the back of Ainsh's throat. He now is giggling and he's trying to compose himself, which makes perfect sense.
Starting point is 00:21:02 And we'll allow a little bit of time for some more Zen. There's some strange sound effects happening as Hamish still needs, I would say 55%. He probably thought that was a victory but he can't see himself. It's still a lot of burger hanging out of his mouth. He's gone for a bigger shove, 66% in 2 thirds and now it's gagging. No, he has shame. He's out, he's out, he's out, he's out. You may have told by the fact that he's saying shame. That wasn't him swallowing the whole thing and then just saying shame. Hame.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I just had to have a quick little bite there because it was too tempting when it was in my mouth, nice and hot. What you realize there is your tongue's got nowhere to go. It's actually more of a tale of the tongue because the tongue tries to lie flat. And then that's taken up too much room at the front of the mouth. So then your tongue goes to the back of the mouth. Sam, and there's no room there too.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Sam, what's your tongue situation like? Did you get your tongue removed? To be able to do this fatal if you got a tongue. I've got a tongue. An extra large mouth. So me, it's not the tongue. It's the breathing. Once your tongue blocks your throat, you're done there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:13 What happened? Do you have an extra large mouth and a regular sized tongue? What do you think your tongue is? You might have a paper tongue. Is that a thin tongue? I think it's a regular tongue. But regular, it a big mouth. That's just what your origin is.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Or is it a proportions? Is it my size tongue in a huge mouth which would make it a proportionately small tongue? I see where you're getting it, Andy. I think it's wider than the average tongue, but no longer. Okay. What's your point there? You're just reading off your CV now. wider than the average tonne but no longer. Okay. I'm not sure what that is. You're just reading off your CV now.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Other other stats. I have a wider than the average tonne but no, sure, you no longer. Are we going to be a position this year? Do you think before the show finishes to fly this man in so we can see it in real life? Sam, where do you live? Brisbane. Beautiful. Okay. It's going to be tough of you. It we can see it in real life. Sam, where do you live? Brisbane. Beautiful. It's hard to get me to have a few Brisbane.
Starting point is 00:23:07 You would bring me to the top of the streets. Queensland have really tightened up the borders. Look, it was, it was, now that I've actually, I'm very interested in it, and now that I've tried that, because I could feel, have you ever spewed doing it, Sam, were you doing something bigger? Because I felt like I could have accidentally triggered a spew.
Starting point is 00:23:23 No, but I've watched people say I could do that and then they procedure spew. Yeah, it was it was resting right on the trigger and I thought gee, we better and just cancel this because we're going to have the cross promotion no one asked for because I had grilled for lunch. So a cheeseburger flying out into the studio on a wave of three hour old grilled would have been. It would have just, yeah, would have been like in Uber Eats. Car accident.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yeah. Okay. Well, let's put that on the agenda again. This is not a Peter out. I repeat. No, I'm invested now because I've experienced how difficult that is to do. Guys out there, Sarah, Mike, we'd love to have this
Starting point is 00:24:01 on the agenda for when we can safely travel. And look, I'd be tempted to do two weeks, so do your quarantine to go up and see it. I mean, I'm not there yet, but I'll see how I feel. Give me a 24 hours to think. We can live in Sam's mouth. That's where it's going. It's going to be on your stomach. Okay, well, it won't be enough room for me leg flows, but it has width wise.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Thank you, Sam, we'll chat soon. Thank you, Sam, which had soon. Thanks, guys. See you mate. Hey, we have a digital horse racing stable. For people who don't know what that is, we have used digital currency, a bit like Bitcoin, to buy digital horse races, horses, and we race them in the hot. We don't buy the horse races yet,
Starting point is 00:24:48 but we are looking into fixing some. That's actually hard. But yeah, and we swapped money for Ethereum for horses, and it's a trade we've never regretted. How many digital horses we up to? We'll ask our trainer as we jump to this. Do this. Do this.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Do this. Do this. Do this. Do this. Do this. Do this. Doofy, digital horse trainer, sorry, extraordinaire, how are you, Doof? Digital Hoi, how you going guys? Digital Hoi, are you down at the stables at the moment just cleaning out the digital arm? Thankfully I don't need to do that. That's it. the bomb. Thanks for the other need to do that.
Starting point is 00:25:25 That's it. I mean, you are, but I assume you'd have several computer screens within your line of site right now. Yes, I do. And several computers, I think, is probably better to say. Yeah, yeah. You're basically more fierce, but you're a horse trainer. I feel like the only thing I buy is computers and computer screens and they just keep collecting more.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Do you charge for the task of assembling a stable? So a stable for us will purchase some horses. We've also been breeding these horses to try and create more digital horses. How many horses do we have at the moment? We're up to eight. Right, yes. Right. That is a real, that's a stable.
Starting point is 00:26:02 That is a stable, huh? Yeah, we're going well. That must be nice, I believe. What are you doing? Do you feel the big question is though? Jack Post, he named, we all got to name one of our horses. Hey, Misha, we stuck with names that reflected the podcast and the radio show from over the years.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Jack called his Jack Post. I think it was a kind of like, you got a big carry way didn't you, Jack? You got a head of steam up and you just want to be nice to have a horse called jack post. I'm still thrilled with it. How's Jack post doing, too, Fee? He's actually doing really well. Um, he had a big win under his, uh, under his belt as well.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Dungeon, I know. How many of you? How many of you as much as he won us? Oh, he's, he's hour one was sitting at about 200, 300 percent last time I checked. Oh, wow. So to be sitting at about 200, 300 percent last time I checked. Wow. So to be up around there again, Sue. Great investment.
Starting point is 00:26:49 My Jack put him in your self-made super-fun. First thing earns. All right, that's why we put him out there. We put him up in the stud band and we made it open for any other digital horse out there to come. People can get a slice of the action literally. You can buy a romantic engagement, a servicing, a stud servicing from Jack Post the horse in the stud barn, in the digital stud barn. Doofy, what's the ratio between the amount of time Jack Post is on the track and the
Starting point is 00:27:23 amount of time he's rooting in the sheets. What's the track's sheets split? So we'll look in the start band for two weeks total. Yep, right. He's only been serviced the one time. Hang on, isn't he a stallion though? Doesn't he do the surf to see? Yeah, well either way.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Is it a good or horrible mistake? There will be no babies. He's had a good time, but he's not making a baby. He's a beautiful China pink color, so we caught him in the corner, servicing himself. Stay focused, post. So I've had one intimate partner. One intimate partner yeah. Okay that's low isn't it? That's one. Someone buy it? Someone bought it but this was before we did the the advert and we tried to push him for a nice thousand dollar stud thing. Just I'm not confused. We did the advert where I said Jack post the horses open to route your horses
Starting point is 00:28:26 then he was in the stud barn for two weeks and nobody came. He would in he would in for a week before that. Wow. Yeah. Literally no one came. It was absolutely it was a drier bone in me. So I've scripted up something again Jack Jack. Now, this, obviously we went, your initial ad to entice mayors into the stud barn was, you know, you've turned them off. So, I've been hearing that ad turned them off. I think I've written up a new ad here highlighting the fact that you're now cheaper. Yep.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Not scared, not scared away by the high price we've put on you. I've just e-mowed it to you. Is it come up? Great. Okay, I've got it. Okay, I put the music on Jack Leave the script and let the barn doors fly open to the line of ladies that will be there after Jack successful And am I before I read this am I sexy voice again or am I a normal voice now? You're just you mean you are being the digital horse here We should point out this is obviously not Jack Post the human he's happily married. He's someone Jack Pay the price. Jack Post the horse has not had as much success as Jack Post the human at this stage when we want to change that so this is just however you embody Jack Post the
Starting point is 00:29:36 horse. The horse. Far the museum here we go. Hey all you fine digital lady horses. It's Jack the sexy digital stallion here. Just want to say that I'm still here, still red hot to root, still waiting for your call. There seems to be some price hesitation around my services, but I can assure you, no one will get the job done better than me. And when you think about it, I'm obviously fairly pantom. If you're the first to purchase purchase you'll get a heck of a load of my glorious digital seed. So search for JackPost Digital or SEX and
Starting point is 00:30:11 receive an absolutely five star service for backpacker hostel prices. What I'm saying without being desperate is this thoroughbred will thoroughly burn you for cheap. What? It's pissed. Nice. Not back. I think we have to go. I think we have to go. Oh, how cheap will we go in here? Well, just the head doesn't matter to the five of us.
Starting point is 00:30:33 It just feels like a bribe. It just feels like we've got Jack Post at the moment on a street corner in Arsla's Chat. What sell prices sounds like $22 a night topic? I think let's do if we would, we'd $140 be too much do you think? I don't think we can even put him in for that chain to be completely honest.
Starting point is 00:30:49 I think the least we can put him in for is probably around 250. So we can put him in a bear bottom, a bear bottom, a bear bottom. That's it. Do if he, is there like a first one free sort of thing that we can do like, Jack, you're amazing to create like,
Starting point is 00:31:04 they're not coming back for another one. They've already got your seed. Idiot. Jack, this was supposed to go in for pleasure. Or you get one for free if you can recommend two others to play full play. I saw you like that. Yeah, Pyramid's good.
Starting point is 00:31:17 OK, do we, when are we, when are we sending him back in? When are we sending him back in? So one thing we need to talk about, which we, which was sort of segue perfectly into that, is we're in the middle of a z-run tournament with a lot of money. So that finishes around Melbourne Cup Day. So I think that- How much money can we win with if we win this tournament? A $300,000 prize pool, USD.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Oh! And what, so Jack is Jack going well in that? Yeah, he's doing well. He's just outside qualification. He's about 10 horses outside, but he's only raced five times. So we've got a lot of time and a lot of races to get him into qualification. And he's started his campaign well.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Is Jack post the best horse in our stable at the moment? Two foot Tony would be. Two foot Tony, thanks. Two foot Tony would be OK, great. Is Jack racing so well because he's full of beans yeah you do hear that they tell soccer players not to have sex the night before a big match that should we keep him out of the studdard we keep him old juice up all right let's keep jack post pent up let's keep him out of the studdard for the
Starting point is 00:32:22 me but straight up we wound straight after this. Totally, straight after this. So, like, what are we saying? First week in November, he'll be checking... I want to do a Melbourne Cup Day. I want a great synergy. Great day. So, he gets to go back in the barn for some relief on Melbourne Cup Day. Yeah, and notably, a day after the tournament finishes in case he makes it through to the finals.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Okay. So, he'll be ready to go. Back off. Oh, yeah. Walk into it through to the finals. OK. So he'll be ready to go back. Oh, yeah. Walk into the, walk into the barn with the trophy. Jack, can you last till then? I can last till then. Are we talking? Ah!
Starting point is 00:32:53 Because Jack Post is getting so good, maybe off air, we've got to start talking about the split of like, all right. Yeah. Yeah. Surprise, it took me a while. That was so surprising. It took me a lot. LAUGHTER Hey, I want to quickly just touch on this last week.
Starting point is 00:33:11 We bought AFL Superstar Jonathan Brown to task on an ad for 4 and 20 meat pies. And where it appears like he takes a lot of pies. And he doesn't pay for them in the ad. Yep. And you bought up a great theory that maybe the vendor of the pies, the seller, just went, look, it's not worth arguing, I'll lose more money. You're not moving product at say quarter time,
Starting point is 00:33:36 where it's a high turnover rate of pies. So when you're in the pie game, especially the mobile pie game as that pie vendor is, you have a very small window to pedal your wares. Similar to the Easter egg business, but much, much tighter we go. Exactly. And their heart, you've got a hea-heart.
Starting point is 00:33:55 You've got a temperature, that's decreasing temperatures. Those bars are rapidly cooling. No matter how well insulated your box is, you've got a certain number of people that you can get to. And you see this person in the ad we believe, in the ad is Brownie takes three or four pies without paying. You see that it'll look flick across their face, they quickly make the calculation,
Starting point is 00:34:16 he's not giving me the money. He thinks he's on some sort of free deal. I don't have time to explain to him the franchisee wholesale purchase pie plan that I'm on, and explain to him that then I wholesale purchase pie plan that I'm on and explain to him that then I have to recoup my losses. I'm better off pursuing profit margin from the other customers who won't stiff me because they think they're on the celebrity pie plan. So that's a really stir egg in the app. Obviously most people enjoy the ad for the song and the pies and the
Starting point is 00:34:40 excitement, but we look at it for the pie cell as face. Absolutely. So we said something on the show we were like, well, is this the right call from the pie cell at a mathematical level? Yes. There's a thing called game theory, which I never studied at uni as aware of people that did, but the Russell Crowe movie, Beautiful Mind is about, as these things his name is John Nash, the mathematician who came up with Genter. And I mean, I'm making this up from my 15-year-old memory of the movie, Beautiful Mind.
Starting point is 00:35:09 I think it's something, I think it's to do with stuff like this, like a mathematical way of analyzing outcomes and who's it better for and what. And we put the call out to Adam Spencer. We said your Spencer know about this. But before he did did end it. Before I mean, I believe Spensel's got back to you. Has he come forward with something? He has, but nothing specific to our case. So I'd like this to touch on his first. Like are you touching it? Because I've got something from an economic student.
Starting point is 00:35:36 That is a two-day assignment. Really? Well, the Spensel was thrilled here. Because he wrote to me saying, a hoi pastry lover's, I had a quick scan of the mathematical literature showing potential game theoretic implications of hot pies selling it for football matches. He said, unfortunately, there's not a lot.
Starting point is 00:35:56 And of course, concerning that there has no one's investigate it this. So this man that you've got is better, but he said though, he sent a number of articles. He said, markups on staple foods. He said the best is snow cone profit at 92 to 9. How awesome is it? They're just selling water. They're going to go like water. 97% markup on a snow cone at the. I appreciate the 92% markup on the snowkinder because you know they're using premium cordial.
Starting point is 00:36:25 If they're spending eight percent of their profits, you like, thank you for using the good stuff. Would you say pizza is the closest to a meat pie? Because this is American stats. He said the markup, this article is the markup on a pizza sits between 69 and 75%. I say that would be probably close to what we encounter with the meat pie.
Starting point is 00:36:44 I think meat pies are a better business though, aren't they? They're because... Imagine so. I reckon the other one that was big here. Yep. Popcorn. Yeah, massive. It was a whole business.
Starting point is 00:36:54 It's the whole business. Jack knows he's been on the front line. They'd lose money on the movies to get you on the popcorn. So he says that that's to do with markups. We might be able to get some information. That was to 4 and 20 pies. You ever said the other example, though, of Game Theory within food sales
Starting point is 00:37:10 is the hot dog vendor paradox. Give it to us. Which states similar to service stations that you're better off. Why do you go for miles and miles without seeing any? And then you see two or three right next to each other. Right, like in New York or something, there's a heap of hot dogs.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Same with our folks. The example they set up was at the beach where it makes more mathematical sense for the two hot dog stands to both be in the middle. Of the beach. Of the beach, yes. Rather than forcing people to split. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:44 So it's like when you see, like for there's four dry cleaners next to each other, or whatever, of the beach. Of the beach. Yeah. Rather than forcing people to split. Yeah. It's like when you see, like, for this four dry cleaners next to each other or whatever, where you're like, why are they doing that? Like, why would number four come along and go, we're under something here? Yeah. But when you think about it, you're like, if it's the beach, you go, a combined, a double hot, I don't know, I can't put it, I'd say too many hot dogs in the beach. To be honest, a lot of dogs sell us at the beach.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Well, let's say it's ice cream trucks. I combined excitement of two ice cream trucks. Get to in the mood for the ice cream and you don't care which one you buy, but it would tip over people on the fringe of not buying an ice cream to believe that there are now many ice cream trucks there and it might bring more total customers to the trucks.
Starting point is 00:38:23 If a third ice cream truck or hot dog stand arrives, there'll be a continual jostle for position to get out of the middle position. You don't want to be the middle. You don't want to be the middle because people come from both sides and go to their first one. Loved it.
Starting point is 00:38:39 In my mind, all I'm seeing is just Mr. Whippy's backing into each other before. I'm like, like a demolition der, like nudging the other one into the middle and people just no one buying any ice creams in there just being in big jostle between Mr. Whippy's. Yes. Very interesting. All right. Well, Park, the would you rather sell pies or pizzas conversation another day?
Starting point is 00:38:58 I think pies hand down, hands down. You'd rather be in the pie game because you can freeze them a lot better than a pizza. Yes. Like a frozen pie, you game because you can freeze them a lot better than a pizza. Yes. Like a frozen pie, Trump's, you know, quality was. Yeah, I could also, you could, anyway, not the day for that. Not the day. And you just, you don't get many,
Starting point is 00:39:14 you don't get many, you know, you go to pay for like delivery and stuff with a pizza. I just, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, Iino's, okay, because you sometimes go all of that for 20 bucks in sales. Yeah. Motorbike guys, you got people taking the order. Like, you got people like hogs when you used to deliver pizzas, the pizza haven't got often leaving the pizzas on the roof. When you went into the shop, I mean, it's wild.
Starting point is 00:39:39 He would often get to the next house and go, where will the pizzas? Damn it, I left them on the roof at the baby's house. Man Andy's driving behind him, mouth's open, hoovering up his pizzas. Ando, this comes in from Lily. She, I think she's a graduate economic student, or at least in our comic student, she's given us a two-page assessment entitled,
Starting point is 00:40:03 the Brownie Pie Problem, which is hopefully one day has talked about in mathematical circles like the hot dog canundrum. So you've got players, Brownie, B, high lady, P. There's then a split chart with Brownie at the top, B at the chup splits off into pay and don't pay average. There's a lot of brackets, there's a lot of arrows, there's like quite a lot of notation that there's a lot of arrows, there's quite a lot of notation that I don't understand, it would be super boring to hear me try and theorize. So using backwards induction, which is a thing in Game Fury, she has come to the conclusion that
Starting point is 00:40:39 Brownie will choose, don't pay, even the options available to him. And the equilibrium outcome is that he doesn't pay and she moves on really. So she has made the right call rather than standing her ground and fighting for the moment. She's made the right call in that scenario. You can see why they looked at John Nash, you know, had so many laughs, if you see it. If I remember them, move you beautiful mind correctly. He just seemed to have a pretty fun time. Thanks for listening. The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com. Listener.

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