Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2022 Ep 163

Episode Date: March 16, 2022

1. Choral scholarship audit 2. Chit Chat Champions 3. Jack’s had a baby! 4. Angus Brayshaw: wine pour special skill 5. Bobblehead Mike ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. Ahoi to be general practitioner, Hamish. GPHB at your service. Ahoj to be locom tenants. Ooh, he likes to go to houses.
Starting point is 00:00:32 He'll build by the hour. Mike. Ahoj. Do you know what a locom is, Mike? No. That's a house doctor, my friend, from the olden days. A fill-in physician. Yeah, I thought you were filling in for Jack.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Ahoj to be a good. Good end, very good. You're the local panel guy. Because Jack, as we say in the medical game, you'd be familiar with this as a local doctor. His wife, Doth, have pushed out a child. Ah, dark. So you're on the buzz today, Ray. I podcasted my, never has someone sat higher. Are you standing? No, he's sitting. No, I thought you my, never has someone sat higher. Are you standing?
Starting point is 00:01:05 No, he's sitting. I thought you were standing on a crate. You were so high. Why is he so high? I'm actually kneeling on the seat because I can't see you guys if I'm sitting normally. He is. He is. He is.
Starting point is 00:01:19 He is. He's on his knees. Like he's crying. Just, I don't know. I didn't want to disrupt you guys. You've never seen pretty focused. We're speaking down into a microphone. You were hanging me on a high seat.
Starting point is 00:01:31 But you were in the position, and if people might remember that we are known as the three wise men as brother Joseph, Jack, as his child, baby Jesus in the manger with his wife, Bianca, Mary. You were in very much a biblical kneeling position, like you're kneeling for the babies arrival. Well, if I sit down, I can't. I don't know. I just don't really have a vantage point. That's a man sitting across from to other men.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I can see five. Oh, sorry. Why do you need a vantage point? I just see you guys. That's not a forward century. You don't need to have our eye-ground offensive firepower position over us. There are not other podcasters that are going to storm the studio. I'm trying to use the mic.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Sorry, I don't feel comfortable if I'm in a non-defendable position. Are you going to tip oil on us? No, but there's... We try and get it in the buttons. If it's a day I'd prefer to kneel. I just feel more comfortable kneeling. Just feel like I can see you better. You defend the Saxon Castle however you see Finn. We promise his Vikings that we'll just stick to the coast. It's always fun when Jackson went. We should take a little bit later on.
Starting point is 00:02:41 He has head, your own. You're on the buttons. He's on the bloody bottoms. We should also say a ho O'Lady on. We're going to be honest. He has head turned out. You're on the buttons. He's on the bloody buttons. We should also say a hoi to Jess from Texas. Ahoi, Hamish, Andy, and Jack, this is Jess from Texas in the US. I just let my donkeys out of the barn, which is absolutely not a front for an illegal brewery during this prohibition era. My hope for all of us is that this ridiculous amendment
Starting point is 00:03:03 is ratified by the time this upload reaches y'all so that we can all enjoy adult beverages legally and together again. And also so I don't get caught bootlegging. Okay, bye. So send in during the prohibition era. Send it to the website is faster than that to upload. That's a sound like it. Because that isn't it? These time capsules we get from the past.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Which are now just hitting our servers. You hear the desperation in people's voices, and you want to reach back in time and go, thank you for listening, stick with it, you'll be able to enjoy a legal tipple soon. Hey, we're gonna move on because there's so much to show to get through today, but we do have that actually.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Podcast Mike is in the button pushing position because something off the top, we need to discuss with you Mike. We do have that actually podcast Mike is in the button pushing position because Something off the top we need to discuss it you might this is a very great chance to get to kind of dig a bit deeper on Like related issues because people would know Mike he ducks in from time to time usually if there's some sort of Japanese mega franchise involved whether it's Pokemon or Nintendo or anything anything related to that world, but you also do a lot behind the scenes too. We call you podcast mate because you used to be known as Radio Mike, you also do work on Andy show the hundred. You really cross platform my guy.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Almost media. Multi-media model. Multi-media model. Okay, on the very first show, we had, back this year, we had things we'd learned. Yes. And I'd learned that you sung Green Day in your audition for a choral group. Vocolon Sombal? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Do you feel like the fact that you had a half scholarship for singing at school. It's part of your identity, isn't it? I think so. It's a foundational part of my identity Yeah, yeah, I don't think about it a lot Just so only on this show really don't think about it. You don't wake up and go you got this Each morning in the mirror I mean that paid for me, but it was for the first time though, you could have quite performing with financial reward. Yeah. And not a lot of 13 year olds can do that. And then every semester, you get re-tested.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Yeah. That was that shocked us, didn't it? That was on the first show where you were like. Even through your pubescent, where your voice changed, you were still good enough to receive the half scholarship. Yeah, I was told I had a really good gear shift, which is where you can change between the boy soprano voice to a... Pre-pubic, toast pubic.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Yeah. It was what they called it gear shift. Sure, you can't say pubic too much around. Imagine as a high school teacher without, beginning to feel like you should be finding another word. It shocked me this week, Mike, when I found out that a good friend of mine, Tyson, it's also a DJ called DJ Generic,
Starting point is 00:06:01 also went to your school and was also on a scholarship for singing. Oh, my brother knows him. Does he? I think he joins us now. What do you mind putting your foot in his throat? Are you worried that he's going to come in and steal your thunder? No, I'd love to chat to him. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Sounds interesting. Nice. What do you guys call each other? Like, you know, scholarship, the Coral Scholarship Holders. Do you have a fun name like, you know, the Semi Quavers or like, did you have a name? Used to call them choir chums, actually. Used to call them choir chums, you know? I mean, that's confusing, I think.
Starting point is 00:06:40 And that's confusing, I think. You know, it's called CHon Qua, and thought it sounded like chums, like C-H on chant. I guess so, yeah. You don't have any, I mean, yeah, I don't have any chums from other activities in my life, like not too many. I was just like pub with one of my beer chums. Well, Hey, Tyson joins us now. Oh, are you Tyson? Oh, how are you, Tyson?
Starting point is 00:07:05 Oh, hey boys. Good on your ties. And we believe we've got a choir chum for you here. Choir chum mark. Hey Tyson, how are you? I'm good, Mike. How you doing? Really well. Now, first question I'd like to know,
Starting point is 00:07:19 Ty, is were you on a full scholarship or a half scholarship? Well, when I first started in grade five and 97, I was on a quarter. And then it moved up to a half. And then they moved up to a half. Really? So that, is that because you reckon they weren't getting the type of voices they needed just for a quarter offering? Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:07:43 It was a scam. Like, it was a lot of work for not much rewards. Did you, or did you outperform and you were at risk of being poached by another school? Yeah. And they had to increase their salary cap a bit to keep you and put you on a half. As much as I'd like to lie and say yes,
Starting point is 00:07:59 that was the correct response. No, it was just, I think they just wanted to give back to a little bit more to the boys that were doing so well. Because singing for God. Because you do. Well, and he would appreciate it. Are you do here?
Starting point is 00:08:13 You do here. All those stories. I mean, it's just, it's such a well-worn story of, you know, there's the kid in you six. You've got the choir scouts from another school, so you have the parents down. Hey, we want to poach this quatt-chorrester, there's huge money in choirs. Who do we go with? So there you go, Mike. I wanted to see if someone had out-scolorshiped you, but no, they're all on half.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Because Mike, Tyson Mike's, he ascertains he's stuck by this the whole time, because we were saying, you obviously weren't that good at singing you're on a half-scolorship. And he claims, no, no, that is the maximum amount of scholarship that you could get for singing work.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Now, can I add another, can I throw another cat amongst the pigeons here? Go for it. I was recently at the pub with a beer chum of mine. Who's name is PK? You guys might not pick a former head of your school, former head.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I do indeed. Tised you no PK? You haven't been similar. You level. I I do indeed. I do indeed. I do. You haven't been similar. You level. I don't. And I asked him, I knew this chat was coming up and I said, Hey, quick question about high school. One of our friends, Mark was on a half scholarship. So I can't congratulate you.
Starting point is 00:09:15 I'm like, you're good, but could you get more than that? What do you say? He said, look, I think you could. And not for singing. No, and that's what I was saying. I pressed in my eye, can I say that I said his recollection of events might be slightly mistaken. So push back here from the choir chums, but I mean, at a head boy day at a school captain out ranks the choir chums, I would have thought in terms of testimony we can believe. Yeah, but you can't know every scholarship can you as a head boy?
Starting point is 00:10:01 Yeah, I think it's your job. There's lots of us out there. So any choir chums listening, if you're on a full scholarship, write in, prove me wrong. Okay, okay, that'd be nice. I'd love to see some alpha choir chums. Do you know what? And I, and I, and I, I hope people can understand
Starting point is 00:10:16 what I'm trying to say here. I hope we don't get alley emails flooded by people making very convincing cases. They went to high school with you guys and say they're on a full scholarship, okay? So that's not what we want. We don't want to have to be sifting through those and reading it out on the show.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah. That's awesome. Tyson, did you have to reordition semesterly to retain the scholarship? That is very good. That seemed like it was a bit of a Pinocchio. Absolutely never. Never at all.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Never had to do that. It was once you're in, we were in. Wow. And did you go through to year 12? Yes I did. Oh, there you go. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I look hand on heart every semester, all of us. I spoke to a couple of my chums during the week and they were like, yeah, I remember having to do that. What year did you finish, Mike? 2012. What year did you finish, Tyson? Oh. What year do you finish, Tyson? Oh, four. Got more competitive.
Starting point is 00:11:07 So it's got more competitive in the year. So some somewhere in that eight years, the school's gone. How you know what's fun? Making these guys shit themselves for this one. Let's get it in daily. Let's get it. Let's invent words like gear shift and see how you know. Let's get it in the head.
Starting point is 00:11:24 OK, final one, Tyson. Yep. If you were on a scholarship, did it guarantee your position in any other choir? Yeah. Or did you have to audition? And what was your audition? What was your function?
Starting point is 00:11:39 What was your quartet? No, it was the senior vocal ensemble. That's not a quartet. Yeah, senior vocal ensemble. Sorry, I thought it was like the B-shops. Mike reckons that he had to audition. I was saying that there's no way if they're spending money on singers
Starting point is 00:11:53 that they're not gonna include them because they look bad. It's mud on their face if they don't make it. So Mike just probably got sifted through back to Ord. Tyson, is that a fair assumption? Yeah, we didn't have to audition for the Senua Choir. At all, we were, it was actually compulsory, as cathedral choir members, you had to do the Senua Choir,
Starting point is 00:12:14 which was on Wednesday afternoons. And the interesting part about that was... Not just not a used fist bumping. And joy and chet faker were actually in the senior choir they volunteer their time and effort And I just think we remember telling them what are they doing they're wasting their time they're gonna do nothing with singing and So there's Joey and Chet Faker were at your school and neither of them were on a scholarship for singing No, neither You've got a question to scout
Starting point is 00:12:41 If you've got a question to scout and Mike won't even pump out three bars of green day for us for this long now, meanwhile, Ben's choice, sellin' out international tours. Jetfakes doing well as well. The scouts are off. I'll roll off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:57 They're off. They're off. It's because look at the two guys that they did give scholarships to have gone and made a query out of pressing buttons. You got Mike Pressen buttons over here. You got Utah's an international DJ pressen buttons over in your corner.
Starting point is 00:13:09 So they understood some boys like music and have an ear familiarity. Just can't produce it with their mouths. Yet other boys at the school could produce it with their mouths and they went under the radar. Thanks, Tys. Oh, no problem, guys. Thank you, man. Bye. could produce it with their mouths and they went under the radar. Thanks, Totsu! No problem with guys.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Thank you, man. Bye. Hey, I'm, it's 2022, we haven't played this yet. Chitney with your best shot! Not a roway! Chit chat champion! I didn't tell Mike to have that ready. I didn't even point to him.
Starting point is 00:13:49 How smooth. He just went jacks not here. He hears these things and that's the advantage of working across so many platforms of media. It's just multimedia. He doesn't get thrown. He can hear audio. He also still knows how to navigate visual.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Yep. And that's he senses. Online. Hey, Chitchat champions, if you out there think Who else still knows how to navigate visual? Yeah, and that's he senses online. I hate chitchat champions. If you out there think you're the best at small talk, we'll put you to the test and pit you against someone live on the show. Today, Yasmin joins us. Oh, hey, do you?
Starting point is 00:14:19 Oh, hey boys. How are you going? Very well. Very good. Yasmin, what line of work is is it or is it more of a social situation that you're great at small talk? No, I worked on reception at a psychology practice and there was a lot of small talk there. So people are usually pretty anxious when they call up or come in. Absolutely. If you're going in to see your psychologist, it is kind of the unspoken
Starting point is 00:14:43 responsibility of the receptionist to keep the vibe up. Yeah. You can't be having too many awkward moments, people, for them to be going, oh my God. What'd you go to? You can't go. And what do you hear for? Of course you can't.
Starting point is 00:14:54 So that's what you've been up to. I have you been. Obviously, that's, what you can go external to. So what'd you go to? Question. Oh, go to, usually has a day vein sort of thing. Just keep a capsule, make them feel comfortable. Yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:15:08 It is, I mean, I had someone the other day give me the, I said, you know, how have things been. They're not great. You're like, okay, well, let's talk about that. But you're not ready. You're not, you're not, you're not often ready for a not great. It's really, it adds a bit more to the conversation.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Well, Yasmin, you are well equipped then. Carlo is your nemesis for today in the next three minutes. Carlo, what do you? Oh, boy, is that your birthday, Andy? And congrats on the SP, hey, Mitch. Carlo, he's gone fully loaded. Appreciate that, Carlo. Obviously, scientifically corrective you to notice it.
Starting point is 00:15:38 That I am trying to put it behind me. Carlo, talk us through it. How come you're so good at chit chat, you think? Well, I was on a daily basis by a couple of people's graphs, so I've had many of you. You're a lawnmower. That wasn't a euphemism or analogy, was it? You just go out and actually mow lawns. Oh, that's up to you to decide, Andy, mate. Okay. That's like Carlo enjoys a bit of both. But that's good Carlo. All right, so are you chatting to the owners of the lawns or neighbors or anyone that all stands still long enough?
Starting point is 00:16:11 Hi, anybody that wants to come up and have a chat, mate, I'm ready. So he really feels like he's away. Okay, Carlo, put you on hold first. Yes, man, you'll be up. Carlo can't hear this. Are you ready to go? Yeah, I'm ready. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Let's go. Oh, hey, Ham, did you hear that Tom Brady's coming out of retirement? Well, no, no. Do you see he's got unfinished business? Oh, Tom Brady. Um, I haven't really heard about him too much. Um, what's he, I wonder what he's getting up to when he's getting out of the time? And... Oh!
Starting point is 00:16:46 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:16:54 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!
Starting point is 00:17:02 Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh no, I don't know who he is. I'm like, he's very good, right? I mean, they're good scramble. A good scramble for cover, and a good, I wonder what he's getting up to. I don't care. I mean, what's the name of the guy that sings up there because, Ali?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Oh, no idea. Mike Brady. Sorry, you may have traveled down that path for a second. You didn't know Tomas. Yasmin, it wasn't great, but it doesn't mean you're out of the contention because things can freeze. Because things can go horribly wrong
Starting point is 00:17:30 in this segment for people, but we'll put you in hold. And it's back to Carlo. Carlo, who are you? Ahoy. You didn't hear that, did you? Not at all. Remember, you cannot reply with a question.
Starting point is 00:17:43 That's the part of chit chat. It has to be adding the interesting next piece of conversation and we will be judging it on just that. How much did it move the conversation? I don't know, was it interesting? Good luck, my friend. Got it. Got it.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Oh, hey, do you hear Tom Brady's coming back? Yeah, he says he's going to finish business. Boys, I am a massive Patriot fan. Send me to the grad, should well, any day of the week. and I'm a man-finished business. Boys, I am a massive Patriot fan. Send me to the... send me to the grad... should well, any day of the week. Ah! I love the confidence.
Starting point is 00:18:14 I can't send you any day of the week. I can't send you any day of the week. It's one day a year. I love the confidence. I have a few interesting elements there from Carlos. Huge Patron's fan, that's not who Tom Brady plays for anymore, but that's OK. That's all right. But then the double-pins send me to the sumo.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I do like treating the... Send me to the... Could remember the name of the big game. The two guys at the big game, follow the place me at the Super Bowl, eating down the week. This is miraculous, but I think yes, it's what you reckon. What do you think? I mean, it's interesting, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:18:51 I mean, I love, can I like treating the people you're in a conversation with as if, like I know we used to have a radio show, but as if they were radio show. Like, you know, I want those tickets. So, send me to the cinema. Look, it was, neither of you are elite. So that's something for you me to the cinema. Look, it was neither of you were elite. So that's something for you both to reflect on.
Starting point is 00:19:08 You can both get a token of no value. I think it's a token to no value. I wish it was fantastic. Yeah, very good. Thank you so much for playing. Thank you, guys. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, I'm podcast Mark Multimedia Mark actually. Yeah, it's a medium like is kneeling still. And very hard to say because Jack is a way he has had child. He has.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Congratulations to you and Bianca and he joins us now. Jack, how are you buddy? Hello, team. How are you? Woo! Oh, Jacko, say, Hello, great, good, babies, come on. You didn't like me to play the kind of music?
Starting point is 00:19:53 Why isn't he playing anything? Well, he's not Jack. No, he really is. No, Jack, the studio is so organized this morning and we came in, Kali was like, Oh, Mike, did you already do that? I mean, it's really, we're like two hours ahead on a show that Norbert takes us an hour. Hey Jack, congrats.
Starting point is 00:20:13 How is everything going? How's the young fella? He's great. He's so good. It's been a whirlwind in the chaotic few days, but he's happy, he's healthy, he's got all the ticks from the doctors and We're back home again. So everything's going well. Yeah, what's been your biggest surprise? Um, when people say like they they just don't sleep sometimes they really don't and I don't know why that didn't Like I don't know why wasn't ready for that. I don't know why I wasn't ready for that.
Starting point is 00:20:45 We tried. I just guess it at the back of my mind I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I have to get tired eventually. They don't. You know, don't you know about that thing where you like pat him and hold him and pat him and then they'll go to sleep after that. But sometimes they just don't. And that's those are the moments, Jack, where you go, oh, that's this thing's mine. I have to sort this out. The fun, the book, Jack, I saw the beautiful, you know, you send us some amazing photos. Gorgeous picture of you and B, and you click it on the amazing job.
Starting point is 00:21:14 You're there with your... You're there, Nick, you're there with your boy. It's the day one photo. I just want you to mark these words, okay. Because I've looked back at my day one photo with Sunny, who's nearly eight years old. I've looked back at my day one photo with Sunny, who's now nearly eight years old. I've looked back at my day one photo on my first born, and you will absolutely think,
Starting point is 00:21:30 and you're right for it in your photo. You're gonna think, gee, I had a lot of hair. And gee, gee, not a lot of it was great. I was a young man. Look at that, I was a boy. I was a boy with a baby.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I looked back at my day one photo and I go, I was like dying my hair. I guess I just had no gray hair. Just some sort of. I already felt like I've aged this photo because I guess on the first night they sleep a lot. Like the first time they're out, they sleep like six hours a week at a time. So that was taking the next morning and I was fresh. I was like, this isn't so hard. I thought I'd be the best of this. I didn't include. I didn't have any clean other parents for sucking. How are you going, Jack?
Starting point is 00:22:22 With the learning the holds of the baby and like, is it is it, is it, is it nervous like with the baby in your arms now? Are you guys sinking into one, one thing? No, the ink is very careful with him. I feel like I'm already cavalier and you know, throwing him up and down and moving him around. Spinning him a long finger like a basketball. Trick baby moves. They're all around the world. How many babies had you held before this?
Starting point is 00:22:47 Because Mike called his first baby two weeks ago. Wow. Yeah, honestly, not many, but my brother just had a baby nine months ago. So that was kind of a great training. I even changed his nappy. So I had trained one nappy held him a couple of times. You ready? And I'm ready to go. That basically is. Basically, like, yes, held him a couple of times. You ready? And I'm ready to go. That's basically it.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Basically, like, yes, we had a flat tie once. So I think I'm ready to drive a Formula One. Jack, I remember one thing that's always stuck in my mind. And I actually still say this to Sunny in my head. And out loud at home, and he doesn't know why. When we first had Sunny, so again, like we were talking like seven years ago, you and I lived very close to each other in Fitzroy in Melbourne. And I was like a month old.
Starting point is 00:23:32 And so I was like, look, we're in a routine error. I've got him in the prime and I got like at this specific time of day, if I take him outside, he'll sleep. And you know, if you want to catch up, let's do that. So I met you and Bianca at a coffee shop. And I had sent him the prime and he had slept. He was asleep when we got there and then he kind of woke up and I think it was maybe the first time you'd seen sunny. And you were not skilled in the way of the baby as you mentioned that you hadn't met too many babies.
Starting point is 00:23:57 He opened his eyes. I was like, oh look, he's awake if you guys want to meet sunny. And you beeped in the, in the, these like stroller, these little bassinet and he just went, hello young man. I'm like, I'm the king of the kids. I'd be able to lose that. And I still say that to Sunny sometimes in the morning, like you've come into the kitchen,
Starting point is 00:24:20 I was like, he doesn't really know that I'm saying because of you, but I always just stuck in my head. So I hope you're doing lots of outlaw young man. Yeah, I'll bring that back in. I'm going to be a boy. It's very formal way to address your baby. Good morning, young man. Yeah, Jack's running a boarding house from the 1600s. And his all of the twist is in there.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And Jack, you're a third of me only as you suppose. Mr. Farber. Jack, of course, last week on the show, maybe a couple of his go, I can't even remember now. Maybe, baby blue for me. The big ask was in play. Let's start with the first name for your baby. What is the, how do you know, we know now,
Starting point is 00:25:01 but for all our listeners, yeah. What is the name of your baby? Your given name is Gordon. name, he's Gordon. Right, tick. Beautiful. And he's last name? He's last name? Post. Conventional. Conventional.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Go, go, go, I'm trying to start. Yes, I thought that was good. The big ask was naming rights for the middle. In the middle, not obviously usurping Bianca's was a granddad or dad? Giancarlo a dad I believe? That's Bianca's dad? Yep. So he has his grandfather's name as a middle name. So it's Gordon Giancarlo.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Now is there any additional name alongside Giancarlo? There is a blank space and then post. So there's room for you. Do you mean a space like a one character wide space? Yeah, one character wide is in John Carlo finishes on the O. Space. No, right. Are you trying to sell into Andy that that space represents him? You trying to sell into Andy that that space represents him?
Starting point is 00:26:08 Jacob, was it discussed? You know what? It wasn't even a discussion with Bianca. 10 minutes in the car on the way home from the podcast. I thought, you know what? I'm not going to do that. I can't believe you even. Were you seeing them being like, oh, hey, let me make a guess. I was like, and he's not gonna do it tonight.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Even if some hair of Jack believes this, imagine Jack in the hospital as you went to fill out the birth certificate. If you went, oh, sorry, I didn't mention, but we're doing a thing on the show where for me to not feel guilty about losing something, yes, we need to slide Andy in there as well. So the big ask is still in play.
Starting point is 00:26:43 It's back. I'll throw this out, you're just not a weird man. Jacko Your middle name Don't have one you don't have a I'll pay for that would be more appropriate no and no only because I don't want to With the power sports like getting driver's license. I think that's a more admin for you. This is a man that couldn't even be bothered remembering 12 words when $100,000 was at stake. So we know he's not going to fill it up for him. Jack, I will you be back next week.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I'll be back. I'll see you guys in the next week. Thank you. Oh, Shane, the guy had the beard ready today, but now I guess I could, I'll do some final touches on knitting gopos beard. It can always get longer, but beard can always get longer, so keep kidding. I'm more refining the edges now. Let's not get too carried away. It's a barely stable, my friend. Could you send me a picture of your, I'm assuming we have same size hands. Your hand cupping
Starting point is 00:27:42 his ear to ear, just so I make sure I know I've got the dimensions right as I knit this beard. Is that possible? I'll take the photo right after this. Thank you. Jack, I can gratify it. So anyway. Hey, we're about to head upstairs because Angus Bratior, I have felt Premiership Player for the Melbourne Football Club. He's in the building. He's in the building and he put together a special skill
Starting point is 00:28:09 where he can pour wine in three different types of glasses, but they all go, the one will go up to the same level, not the same amount, but the same level across the three glasses, and they'll go back together. Distance from table to miniscus, the word that Mike enjoyed us using a lot last time. At the top of the fluid. It's obviously, let's go. Let's pick this up up there.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Look goes up a level today, doesn't it? This is professional. A professional athlete in under the pressure of a special skill on the Hamish Nani podcast. I gotta say, right now it looks pretty good. Angus pressure. Welcome to the show. Feels good, too. And what's the old adage? Look good, feel good. Like pretty good. Angus, Prussia, you're welcome to the show. Feels good too. And what's the old adage?
Starting point is 00:28:46 You look good, feel good. Like all good? All good, all good. Slosh good. Slosh level. You are good. You are here for your wine skill. Now, you came to the show in a slightly unorthodox way by contacting the show personally.
Starting point is 00:28:58 So I'm not sure what the adage kit is on this, but I feel I've got something I can offer. Sure. But we've since reviewed that, we're like it's a bit lost touch of us to just let any old celebrity contact the show and come in. We like it. We like the feeling. We like it. The door remains open.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Right, celebrities. So, you have to do that. The professional's world play. If you're a professional in any field, absolutely the back door. No, any field. Not any field. No, any field. I can't reveal you.
Starting point is 00:29:24 I'm a top lawyer. You're not gonna find a better rooftop than me. Yeah. So, but if you are elite, and something like beyond say, we chicken back door. Absolutely. Yeah, that's been a show policy for the years.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Yeah, she's got an open invite. Standing invite. Be careful, if you reach out, if you're the best at something and we're not that into it, it might and give you that straight-ass. The reason I was interested in Angus, because obviously it's as a premiership winning AFL footballer, hand-eye coordination is a big part of your job. Yes, it's true.
Starting point is 00:29:55 It has to be, right? So you're born with it, you train for it. Could we see something magical here in your special skill? Can you give it to us in a nutshell? Less of a special skill, from my perspective, it's just a poor, it goes level, it gets drunk. Wow. Okay, so that black superman going hate.
Starting point is 00:30:12 To me, I don't think Ced is flying around, I just see it as getting from A to B. Yeah, if you think it's impressive, sure. That's just how I move, five fly. Yes, so I pour it to the same level and we've got a few different glasses there. So three different wine glasses, who brought one in each, Jack was meant to be in,
Starting point is 00:30:31 but he's away at the moment with Kit, so Michael is stepping in. We're gonna be opposite into the table. Angus is gonna pour the wine, and we're gonna make it very clear. It doesn't, not the wine, it's red wine, that'll be definitely red and cold. That'll be a reverse Jesus if we made it clear. Turn you wine into water. I don't have that skill. That's not what I should
Starting point is 00:30:50 do. Jesus, if you're listening, we have a policy about celebrities and you're welcome to come on the show whether you turn water into wine or the other way round. It's not the amount, you aren't going to pour the same amount in every wine. No, glass. It's the same level, yeah. It's to the same level. So someone might have a smaller glass will end up with less wine, but when we bring all the glasses back together, there'll be a spirit level, a ruler that we could run across all of them. Yeah, absolutely. Henceforth, going public with this.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Yep. And it's going to be hard to pour another bottling piece. I'm prepared for that. I've done the cost benefit analysis. And you may never pour again. Well, that is why we salute whether you have plates poured in an elite level or you are like, you know, all the people that come up with special skills. So I salute them.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Sure, and we support them because you're sticking your head above the parapids, above the castle walls. And you could get narrows through the eyes. You could also catch your air with your team. And you could make the king happy. So you salute the courage of all our special school's fans, and you're no different. I suppose the difference here between this and playing
Starting point is 00:31:52 in our full game is that's a team sport. Sure. You're against another team. You're only against yourself here. Look, before we get started, because I, the thing came out last Thursday. The last podcast was last Thursday. And I've had a lot of backlash of sorts.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Oh, really? People just think people that are speaking to me about... What? That's all they think. So there's a few things I wanted to get off out there. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, A lot of people are lost common touching with me, because this is a wine-related skill. And putting it out there, but I would say, let's not discount what wine has done from the, if you look at the path from common boyhood to common manhood.
Starting point is 00:32:34 If you haven't had a sack of cast wine during the sake of the journey, can you really be common? So I've got this shirt here, I've been given this shirt. You were given it on last touch, sure. That doesn't, that upset me, because if I've still got my first gun I'm hanging up in my room. Okay, let's, let me put this to you. That has to be, how often have you done this skill with a car?
Starting point is 00:32:53 So my second point. I just wanted to bring him up just to talk about this thing. And I said, do I mean, you demanded range today, so I assume. Well, I actually spoke to Carlian and said, I should I get something to thank, and you know, the boys have him in, she said, Annie, only drinks Grain's. That's a bit too much for me. H&A currency, that's a coin you've minted.
Starting point is 00:33:15 If I do this, you'll get yourself an H&A coin. That bothers me. Well, on the back, it is pegged to Bitcoin, but you have to find your own buyout. We can't stress this enough. On the back it's going to test equals 1 BTC because that's our feeling. Sure. And if you can find that in the secondary market, good luck to you. There is no reserve bank. Sure. You cannot sell it back to the show.
Starting point is 00:33:40 For that amount, as we always say jokingly, it is equal to 1 Bitcoin. Just Just ticking off in my head what the lawyers tell us and I think we've got a good for that. Yes, one in four. Just have an incident with someone, sort of just miss the joke a little bit. And it's not it isn't a joke. It is a it is. It isn't. It isn't. It is a bit of legal use. Yeah. Stages set. Yeah. Angus is at one end of the never said that before. I've just thought it'd fit what we were doing. So if you've got a dinner party and you sat down and someone was like, would you like a glass of wine? Have you ever said something like that? I don't drink wine really.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Right. Right. I don't drink wine. I don't drink wine. I don't drink wine. I don't drink wine. I don't drink wine. I don't drink wine. fit what we were doing. So if you've got a dinner party and you sat down and someone was like, would you like a glass of wine?
Starting point is 00:34:26 Have you ever said something like that? I don't drink wine really. Oh, I have a beer guy. Oh, you have it really well. Often at a cellar door people will be like, very thirsty. Give me me. And good. Yeah, you're most first quenching wine.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Please. Um, take us away, Angus, in your own time. Sure. Well, the first one has to be the easiest. First one's walking the path. right? First one walking apart. Well, I think it's easy. Oh, a few dribbles. It's okay. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:34:51 That's okay. Now this is a nice slow pour. This one was a little bit smaller than the rest of them so I'm just going a little bit over. That's not the glass I'd probably pour usually but yeah, it was a smaller glass. And I'm just going to relax a little bit. Okay. I didn't know relaxing was part of it So do you normally sit back and take the other glasses in for people just listening?
Starting point is 00:35:12 Mike just so you know this doesn't normally happen in a restaurant The waiter has a separate table because Just gets gets off the opins for a while and rest the way to tell you what again Professional athlete they know when to rest they know and arrest gets off your pins for a while and rest. I'll tell you what, again, professional athletes, they know when to rest. They know when to rest. But also, recovering, exciting things up, Angus made his way to the right hand corner
Starting point is 00:35:32 as if the chair was and has sat down and now it's taking in his first paw. I bet he's doing a lot of calculations. I've been like, I've been like, I feel like Angus is doing like a magician when he does pattern. Yeah, he's just having a chat really. He's selecting the ace of spades behind his back. Okay
Starting point is 00:35:48 He's picked this one up this time. I thought he would definitely pour with this is really impressive Yeah Well, I thought what he was potentially doing is going along getting eye level across the table by sitting down He's poured another one. It looks pretty good That is amazing. I was happy with that. It's amazing that he thinks it up. He's picked it up, now he's having a look at the last one.
Starting point is 00:36:12 He's down to the Hamish's glass now. There is a bottle. He's swirling the bottle, he's feeling the wild. I'll be honest with you. This is it. It comes out, that feels good, that first one. This has to be the most weird looking of all. This is a glass that kind of, it's almost square isn't it?
Starting point is 00:36:26 Like it goes out of the bottom. It's on the flanges out. And Angus is now some 3.2 meters away from his original poor sort of you very hard to tell how high that is. And then he has to take the, I just want people to understand the difficulty. He's not keeping it on the table so he can get an eyeliner or anything.
Starting point is 00:36:43 This is all way, all feel, pure hand eye. Yeah, it's just touching feel. It's touching feel. I mean, the zone, in the flow stage, pun intended, it was the one. Ah! I'm about to do it. He's going to do it, he's going to do it, here we go.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Here we go. He's picked the glass. No, as he's leveled. Does he know the height of the stand, the handshaking a little bit, so the ease, it's over-taking in a little bit, the pressure. Doesn't he have enough one left? He does.
Starting point is 00:37:08 He does. It's a big glass. Oh no, he's giggling. He's giggling. He's giggling. That looks pretty good as well. How are you feeling about it? Do you want to top it up or?
Starting point is 00:37:21 It is up. You have to clunky way to move to Paul. Stop that a little bit. You can place look. One key way to move to pull. One step. Hold up a little bit. You can place it down that end. This is exciting. I swing around, aim swing. I'll be honest with you, Jens.
Starting point is 00:37:32 You feeling good about it? Let's move in Mike's class. One, two, the point. Oh, I reckon that. Wow. One centimeter raise. Wow, it centimeter raise. Wow, it's over three bears. And that's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Two and three are pretty close. The bigger glasses were the... It was Mr. Byel Myle. I've missed that first. You kicked it out my fault. That is. It's almost a different game, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:01 It's a close to double the amount of it. Unfortunately... Yeah, I mean, I know what I'm looking at. There's no way that's just, that's not a pass, but let's point out the... We can go to the excuse-making phase, if you can say that. Absolutely, yeah. We never, we never the excuse-making phase.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Let's just look at the glass. The glass, I'm pointing the glass off. You'd never, you'd never have a glass that small in life. You and I end up with lost touch. Yeah. And we don't drink out of probably glasses that small. That's tiny. That's a tiny bottle, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:38:27 Yeah, so that might be against. Look, Angus, no coin for you. That's our... We will give you a token of no value. Are they the same? I can't be the same if they're called tokens of no value. No, no, we'll give you. They have no value at all.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Absolutely no value. You can attach value to it. At a later date, sentimental value. But we won't remember it. We haven't got any preloaded. It's like a prepaid sim that has zero dollars credit on it. The things we're coming in for. Absolutely pleasure, fellas.
Starting point is 00:38:52 It did look good. It did look good. Happy with the big glasses. Never say. And it had a lot of fun today. Yeah, well done, by the way. Multimedia mic. Still kneeling.
Starting point is 00:39:07 High. I like it when you bow your head and clasp your hands, but then it does look like praying. Still the highest vantage point we've ever had someone press the button. We hope you've been able to see threats before they arise from your vantage point. And we thank you for not using it to rain down too much. Too many punishments upon us. You're welcome. I think you've done a great job in this show
Starting point is 00:39:29 and not just this shun particularly but over the whole period. Yep. You're a special guy and I know that we often get you in on a whim. You know, you're sort of, you're the someone who's like, oh, the thought pops into it and we go,
Starting point is 00:39:42 Mark will be great for that. It sort of occurred to me the other day, we're doing this whole three wise men thing for Jack or all making him presence. We've done plenty of stuff for me and Andy before on the show. We've actually got to give out your certificates because I couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Huge demand for those. Huge demand for your certificates. But again, a great example of Mark's selflessness because he's doing it for the listener. Anytime we've needed a Pokemon question, a Harry Potter question, touch typing, all these skills. You know, it's like egg boiling.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Egg boiling. You know, yeah, outside of the studio, he's using it to get the only, he could mark on his, he couldn't boil an egg. But the rest, you know, the Pokemon, the Harry Potter, all the, you know, all the babe, babe impressing stuff. Yeah, he's got it. But, and I saw, we never do, we've never actually done something for Mike.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Do you know what I mean? And I saw the beautiful effort you put into this tibia, and I was like, you know, he's got, he's done Photoshop. I want to get something for Mike. It's amazing, Mike. I mean, I told him he'd done this.
Starting point is 00:40:40 And that's the tender, like, what are you thinking, and he's like, this is awesome. Beautiful, mate. And I was like, yeah, sort of cheapest. Yeah. But he's worth it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:48 I organized a bespoke thing. That's what's taken a little while. I actually want to start of the year. Oh. But it is a statue of you from a company that actually makes bespoke bubble heads. Yeah. And I'll let you unwrap it.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Also be careful here. Okay. I'm just grabbing it now. It's covered in a lot of paper. Be really careful. That's my, I thought, what does my, like, my flight's bike riding? Let's get a bubble head of my,
Starting point is 00:41:20 that you can have on your desk. That's for me and Andy. Yeah. And we went, I don't love bike riding. Where'd you get that from? Ah, you like to ride a bike? I've got a bike, I ride it occasionally. There we go.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I hope we got the model correct on your bike. It's really nice, thanks Amy. There we go. And how's the really generous? How's the likeness, you reckon? Yeah, it's not bad. I don't have blue eyes. So I don't know why the eyes are blue.
Starting point is 00:41:43 That might have been lost in translation. I might have sent them a low res photo. But yeah, that's just from me. This is from me and Andy. What's the joke? No, there's no joke. Can't some friends give another friend a beautiful bike statue on here? It looks so much like mine.
Starting point is 00:42:00 It's just Santa Cruz on the bike. Is that the kind of bike you own? No, I have a black bike. I have just Santa Cruz on the bike is that the kind of bike you own no I I have a Santa Cruz bike so okay so this is a Bible head of you you have made no it actually it actually does it sort of does look like me so like you could get away with it. So much like mine. It does look fancy. You have happened for those damn eyes. We've got to go away with this. It looks more like me than Hamish, except with little eyes.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I'm okay. So do you know how? Damn those eyes. For the past week on the run sheet for this show, it said question for Mike. Is this the question that you're giving me this? The question is, do you agree that we're great friends for organising this personalized statue of you? No, I think you've re-gifted this.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Someone gave this to you. I mean, shop. It's so much like I'm going to... I'm ringing a bubblehead. Do you know what, we were filming the latest season of Lego. My birthday came up and then they were like, what can we get home? And I ride my bike into Lego. And they're like, let's get a bubblehead made of it.
Starting point is 00:43:04 A bike on a paymishes bike. So the crew, I hope they haven't put too much, but I would be very disappointed to find out people would put more than $5 each in for this thing. Anyway, took a few weeks to make, comes back. And the guy organising goes, oh mate, we go using few bits, they, it doesn't look anything like you.
Starting point is 00:43:19 It's still, I opened it up, I don't know, and it's really, it doesn't, but that kind of looks like my. I was like, we could get away with giving Mike this on the podcast. It looks, that's why I got the giggles. It looks so much like Mike. It's a bit like me. It is like the closest one. It actually looks a lot like me.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Exactly. There are bobble heads of famous actors, thores, you doites from the other stuff that look less like that looks like Mike. That is, so that's a limited edition Mike bubble head. So really the only thing you got to do Mike is just up your bike riding game. Can I have your bike the red bike you can't? But that's a real gift. But if you up your bike riding game, yeah, it's kind of up to you now to grow into the bubble head.
Starting point is 00:44:04 up your bike riding game. Yeah. It's kind of up to you now to grow into the bubble head. It's done its job. It can't be you anymore. Now you've got to be it. So you've got to get a red bike and wear, I guess they can't be like denim shorts. Can you get us a photo of your best replication of that stance on that red bike and we'll prove that it looks exactly like you. Yeah, I might paint the eyes brown. That's not brown, that's okay. That's okay. You might have to go to one of those like, what's that game like, like the Dungeons and Dragons game, where they paint their figure.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, you know, like Warhammer, like I think it's Warhammer, there's brushes that have one strand for painting tiny models. Yeah. Go and get one of those and paint the eyes brown. Yeah, we'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We'll go. We and get one of those and paint the eyes brown. Yeah. Bill, bill it back to us for the eye brown eyes. I will share to you a small brush.
Starting point is 00:44:51 That is amazing, isn't it? It's really cool. I'm going to put it on my desk. Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. Mike, Mike. Be like. Thanks for listening. The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamish Nandie podcast will return next week.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Catch up or contribute at hamishnandie.com.

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