Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2022 Ep 165

Episode Date: March 30, 2022

1. Upset Andy 2. Baby beard presentation 3. Café Gusto gusto check 4. Bug-a-Salt 5. A suspicious Special Skill submission...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A LISTENUP PRODUCTION Activate your internet Cause the Hamish and the Podcast starts in 3, 2 Sorry, still buffering 1 Ahoi to me, Franch Jack, Hamish. Uh-huh. And thank you for ranking your jacks in order of preference.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Ahoi to me, Taya Gunna, Jack. I should have been the Francho. You can be the Jack Jack. I could have gone with Franch and Re-A-Jack. There's also a side-jack. Any clues? Yes, we're a pit crew. Yep, got it four-miller one.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I'm a pit crew. That was a huge cast, actually. And I tried to keep my cool. I didn't last for a while. No, I couldn't handle it. Same thing happened the other week in Pub trivia. I played Pub trivia last week. And one.
Starting point is 00:01:04 We weren't really. Who was just my person in the team? There was always one person that's just a gamb. Same thing happened the other week in Pub trivia. I played Pub trivia last week and won. We won really? Who was the smart person in the team? There was always one person that's just a gamb. I don't know if you can see it. I got some absolute crackers and was on fire and then undid all the good work in the later rounds with an absolute head of cockiness. That was saying, one of the questions was like,
Starting point is 00:01:24 what is the chemical symbol, you know, K-O-N-H-2? Clue, it's in the room and I was just so riding on some of the earlier ends, like, I'm like, guys, guys, guys, salt, it's salt, salt, salt. And alcohol. And I really had a blue, a lot of our lead and we won by one point. So wish Front Jack and Rear Jack was there could be their next week of Pumperia. Also a Hoi to Jesse from British.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Yeah, Hoi right back at your boys. My name's Jesse and I'm from Brisbane sitting on the couch watching some Sunday other footy. And Hamish got a quick one for you. It's the man that feels music. What's the first song that comes into your head when I play this really simple beat? You reckon?
Starting point is 00:02:12 If you're thinking of Viva La Vita by Colport, you and me are on the same wavelength, my friend. Now we've done this. I'm not sure if he still does the show anymore, but hopefully he does. Haven't heard much from him. I do. I do. With gusto levels, but I hope you guys
Starting point is 00:02:26 are keeping well. Cheers. Quick little one more bar reveal. A little bit of it. What was it? Dun dun dun. What was it? The what had been was that?
Starting point is 00:02:36 No, what was it? I'm done again. I'm done again. I'm done to vote for you. Ha ha ha ha. The boys on fire. And I thought we'd break convention here. We know we did this later in the show, but there have been so many great ones coming in.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Which one? They do want to do a bit of upset Andy. But before we get to it, I have a live upset Andy that happened. Was at the park, was playing with the kids, and someone's timer went off on their phone. And maybe you were live demonstration, you're set my timer to go off in five seconds. So a bit of this. You could hear it going off. Oh, that guy.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Yeah, you know that timer? Yeah, yep. So this was going off in someone's pocket. Right. And I was like, all right, someone's time's up. That's fine. And you were a man, I hadn't said a time. No, I would be that simple.
Starting point is 00:03:29 And it just kept going. Right. And then everyone was pretty far with it, except for one lady. Who was looking around going, that's my way. That's absolutely me. Just, and everyone else was going about their business. And then
Starting point is 00:03:46 I was watching that it going this is wonderful. She is like even with it now. Sorry, I'm having problems with it. That's what I'm leaving it on. Just like, sorry, I think someone's time is going off. Right. Which is like even as you say, you know, it's not helpful. You just wanted to stop for you. Sorry, yeah, someone's timer on. And it was like, no. And it did seem to be emanating from perhaps one guy like in it's like she'd honed in on this guy. And then you could just see her staring at him. Everyone take your phones out and hold them above your head. She goes, I think someone's time is going off, looking at the guy and she goes, I think your time is going off and he goes,
Starting point is 00:04:32 no, I haven't set a timer. And she goes, it sounds like it's coming from your pocket because, well, sorry, I haven't set a timer. She goes, could you check? What did he check? It's like, it's not my timer. And she was like, I've turned off the internet. And then she was like, I'm telling you, I'm not going to be a fan of you. I was like, I'm not going to be a fan of you.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I was like, I'm not going to be a fan of you. I was like, I'm not going to be a fan of you. I was like, I'm not going to be a fan of you. I was like, I'm not going to be a fan of you. I was like, I'm not going to be a fan of you. I was like, I'm not going to be this better really and I was just like, I have this to be and I'm just sure and unattended to time is a for Forotiously upsetting event for no place in life for that for me I just love that I was just somehow at the park with seven or eight other people who were like we're the kids playing
Starting point is 00:05:22 Seven or other people who who were just happy to, that's all right, you can just operate with the timer going up in the background. Not my timer, not my concern. Are you sure it's not mine? It was mine. Everything is neat and practical. Cause that's the way it likes it. But what if it wasn't?
Starting point is 00:05:42 Upset Andy. I've won during the week that Beck told me to get over. She bought a hand wash soap for the kitchen. And when she does have a gun of a lag on it, when she hits the pump pack, she kind of gets the start of the soap and the rest drips. And... She kind of gets the start of the soap and the rest drips. What? What? And...
Starting point is 00:06:06 Yeah. And... I just said... So it's got a bad prostate. It's got a bad prostate. Yes, and I said, would you mind completing the push? No! And she...
Starting point is 00:06:19 What? This is the kind of... This is the kind of shit that married the first cycle to whole episode. And she's like, what? This is the kind of, this is the kind of shit that married the first cycle to whole episode out. LAUGHTER And she's like, what? Well, just it's dripping and like leaving a cake of soap that I clean up, you know, most days. Like, that's right, it's just soap.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Like, soap's clean. Yeah, actually, what you should do is keep collecting it there. And then at the end, you'll have a free little cake. You can use us another hand watch. So, yeah, so she's pulling out, she's withdrawing too quickly and still going. Yeah, she's still going. Anyway, she humbly declined. Respectable.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Respectable. Respectable. I want to go request there. Okay, here we go. Jess, why do you? Oh, what have you got, Twop said Andy? I have a few, but the one I have today is that when I move dental floss, you know how it has a little
Starting point is 00:07:08 silver thing to cut the dental floss into strips. Well mine broke off. And so I was using scissors to cut through every night and then I lost my scissors. Well now I just pull it and then use it and then the next night pull a bit more Yeah, you've got a long tail of you Like like you know you do ice-cold drilling and you have a history of See kind of like it your suit your mouth. Yeah, it's actually learn. Oh, yeah, that was last Thursday You're going to get your seat, your mouth. Yeah, exactly. Land. Oh, yeah, that was last Thursday.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I see. And just after a while, you would have the thought, look, if I just washed this thing and wind it up again. I didn't have that thought, but now I do. I'm sorry. Maybe I'm going to buy a new dandelion cloth. Yes, exactly. That would bother me.
Starting point is 00:07:59 That would definitely bother me. I'm going to give that a peri-peri-hot. That's, I mean, yeah, the soap if the soap is drooply soap on the day Unwound floss all right. Thank you, Jess Chris. What have you got for us mate? This one's for my wife She when she creates an eye calendar event on her phone she will Stop sorry Chris. Oh, I'm gonna stop you already. I know it all upset Andy Anything to do with the improper use of I count?
Starting point is 00:08:27 Well, this is no way what you're about to say won't upset Andy. Sorry, I interrupted it. Go for it. It's going to go really worse from here. When she creates an I calendar event, she puts the time in the title and the time which is not correspond with the actual against the line. It's factual! It's factual, I've never...
Starting point is 00:08:51 I would hate to see the time in the title even if it is correct. Yep. But the time in the title when it's not corresponded in, that would be... It's very close. It logs it as like a 9am and she's like, you know, dinner with Felix 7 food as the time. That's grounds I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. But I do what I do all the time, Chris.
Starting point is 00:09:11 He's big. I will put it as an all day event and then write the time. Like, you know, I'll put it as an all day event and be like, you know, nine o'clock catch up with Fitz. I think it's a fast-moose thing. When you've got kids, you don't have time to change the time. I calendar. You do. I often have eight confusion. I have eight things, eight things that are an all day of end, and they'll have the time written next to them in the title, because I get bored and frustrated flipping around that little dial. Oh, is it AM? Is it PM? It is finicky. It is finicky. It's finicky, Jack. It's finicky. Well, for no time. I don't have time for the time. I was just typing in.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Well, I will say about calendars, IKAL, particularly, is it seems to have been... This is an improvement. No, it seems to have been pretty much the same software since about 2009. Yep. And it's still having to think so much when you put it at a event in. Does anyone realize that when you even try to add an event or anything, it just takes so long. Everything else got quicker. Maybe mine doesn't do that, but maybe because yours has like 65 things a day. It's jam packed.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And it was probably got one minute, you know, walked the kitchen and then 11 or four. I know. You would like to have half. I reckon you would like it to have 11 or four, 30 seconds to begin making sandwich. I do respect the schedule. Yeah, respect the more a schedule. Oh, yeah. Have you ever done this? I'm sorry, dad.
Starting point is 00:10:38 My dad loves it. I like it. I like it. And he rang me one day and I was driving down the beach, he was like, oh, where are ya? And I said, oh, I'm just heading down to the beach, should be there in about 20 minutes. And he's like, oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:10:52 And then I get off and come and I arrive, a calendar appointment comes up and it's Andy at beach. I'm like, 20 minutes from there. He's like, okay, Dan, you know, we don't need to tell the whole family on the whole joint. Just want to let everybody know. Seeing him spotted. All right, thank you Chris.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Hello, Chris. Hi, boys. How are you, mate? Oh, hi, Hugh. What do you got to upset Andy? So, uh, Lads, we just moved into a new house. It must be nice. And, uh, we've got an air conditioning system that has different zones that are quite different
Starting point is 00:11:28 rooms. Oh, very nice. And at present, the rooms don't equate to the right zones. And so, instead of taking the time and changing the different room names, we just turn on each zone and then walk into the room, see if it can just go back, try the next room because you just don't have time to change it. Who has got time to get the air con guy out and sit through the lecture about how you program the rooms, you're never going to get that time back.
Starting point is 00:11:57 As soon as you said that the rooms, the names don't line up with the rooms and his head began, the the travesty, would that would kill you and anything improperly labeled. Well, yeah, someone the guy that did the the the sound system at the house one of them was for bedroom and he'd written lowercase B capital E lowercase D I'm going to get a nice D. And then the rest of the room. Oh, boy. Get an age to come back, Greg. Oh, sorry, mate. I'm actually with my family in New Zealand.
Starting point is 00:12:32 That's all right. Just looking at Skiscan. You can get a flight this afternoon. You could actually, you could be at the house with a good run by adequate. Thank you Listen Hi boy, hi What have you got around so I normally pride myself on being very fast and loose like a miss
Starting point is 00:12:59 But unfortunately I've had to switch to the other side. Good, welcome. So I was talking to my boyfriend the other day. He's on it. The back to the amount of room. Yeah, certainly was step by the end of the way in. If it is full, you can know that there couldn't have possibly been more room. So I was talking to my boyfriend the other day and we don't live together yet. And he was describing a problem. He was having in regards to posters. He has a lot in his room and they started to wait for the other day and we don't live together yet. And he was describing a problem. He was having in regards to posters.
Starting point is 00:13:26 He has a lot in his room and they started to curl at the edges. So I was suggesting, you know, the usual nice idea as framing them or, you know, re-blued tracking them anything. But he assured me, no need because he decided to staple the corners to the wall. There you go. Boom, boom, boom. Not a bad way to put a poster on. No, no, I think it is a bad way.
Starting point is 00:13:52 It's horrific. I mean, blue tack can damage your pain anyway. So if you've accepted that you're damaging the wall, would you blue tack something to the wall? I don't feel like you blue tack something to the wall. No, blue tack something to the wall. I can't believe it. Can you, and you would know the proper way to get the push?
Starting point is 00:14:06 Just once a year in a while. I might wake up and then I'd be like, what did I do? I'd be like, oh my god. Oh my god, look at that pelting and poster. How did that get up there? Well, Jackie Boy, um, Papa Post, you are a father now. So, sir, so we're going to make a few of our promises is the free wise men. The free wise men promised you on this show, Jack, that you, a bearded man, just like Joseph, pledged to have a child, just like Joseph in the Bible.
Starting point is 00:14:48 And me and Ian Mike, three men, just like in the Bible, who was just like in the Bible, did pledged to give you gifts of varying grandeur. Now, there was always the danger when we pledged this at the end of last year that we would either forget or it would peed or out, they had to be handmade gifts or that there would be a last minute panic. What a treat to find out that wasn't the case. Mark, of course, clearly showed a lot of thought when he made the laminated certificate.
Starting point is 00:15:21 He's a laminated paper. He was junk. Yeah. Wow. If you look closely, there. He was junk. Yeah. Wow. If you look closely, there's some Photoshop being involved here too. Andy clearly showed a lot of thought when he appeared in the moment to change attack on his present. I can't believe he's to commission an oil painting.
Starting point is 00:15:40 He actually saved me 800 bucks. Yes. So is the promising of a commissioning who's his gift to you at the time And he has since visited Gordon and he didn't bring his paint brushes I've been he would have been sizing up he would have been getting a night and I would be getting a feel for his head I did seem doing some looking yeah As a true artist And I
Starting point is 00:16:03 Pledge to make for young Gordon as Jackie and I have a casual acquaintance membership to a club, not an alliance known as the beard boys. I thought, well, he's the newest beard boy. I will knit to something a lot of people do for babies. I will knit him a beard, a woolen beard. There was some light trickery the other week as I cut up a cardigan I bought it a nearby store to give the illusion that I had made a beard. I did need a bit of extra time knitting is bloody hard. Yeah, excuse me, I'm just framing the excellent. I can tell by the run up that it's not gonna be the best thing on the stage. You have to be surprised.
Starting point is 00:16:48 You think there is a thing that's a disadvantage on you. Shame on you as you live and look and knitted gift-hors in the mouth. Here is the beard. Take it in. It's tiny, but like it's a small. It's not big deal.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I guess he's tiny. It's pretty good. It's pretty good. It's pretty good. It's the very good. Thank you for much better than I thought. Do you know how it's a little long this is seven hours of knitting. I'm not joking. And it even flares out. So it's quite a stylish beard. It's good. Yes. It's a little and it's a little rough around the edges Which is cool. It's not like manicured beards. It's like lumberjack. It's a beautiful beard, isn't it? It is a beautiful knitted beard. God, Gordon could work as a barista in a Keeps the cafe within a few days of putting that on. He's in the right summer. Jack lives in a very cool summer. Now, they cannot express how difficult I found it. I mean, this is the way the wise men didn't go in there
Starting point is 00:17:50 and go, they didn't go in there. You don't have a hard marriage to find. They're on the Bible, he's like, I've got everything that was said in there. They just take the online. If you got the separate story of the wise men, if there would have been a lot of, it was such a long wall, a one night, Ralph
Starting point is 00:18:05 had to sleep. One of our camels died, should have seen this time, we had to sleep in the sand. It takes away all the glory of the gift you have to, if you and Mary would have been very thankful to hear the trial. It was to get the. The mergo was sold out, but I kept trying for you, Mary, because you mean the world to me, babe. I really love it, and it's even got a little strap for Tatar on. It doesn't have a mouth hole, though. No, it doesn't, because that would have involved me learning how to do a buttonhole.
Starting point is 00:18:40 It's hard enough as it is, Jack, to do the knit stitch, which is what knitting is. I cannot believe, Grandmaster. I is. I cannot believe Grandmaster. I mean, I am just blown away. I saw someone wearing a knitted jumper on the way here today. I felt like I saw it, I was saying a man flying. I cannot believe it. It's so difficult. It's not the big deal.
Starting point is 00:19:00 It's not the big deal. Seven out. Yeah, because you're starting from scratch. It's the same way Stunned that they can do different patterns socks. I mean, how? How do you make it bend back on itself and all tie up and there's no listen? I mean this was me trying to do a neat beat I mean you've done a great job. Can we get a photo of Gordon? Of course, I'll keep it on him for a long, just for breathing.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Don't you, Jack? Don't, because send it, I'm gonna, I'll give it to you. You send it back to me, because I think it actually deserves. The more I look at it, the more proud I am of like that I actually saw this thing through for seven hours. I don't know if I mentioned that. I did hear that. I did hear that.
Starting point is 00:19:39 It was harder than you thought. I have been. I feel like it, I'm gonna frame it. And I'm gonna put a little plaque next to it. And I've given you the blurb. I've emailed you the blurb, Jack, just for you to... Well, I'd know if you'd have seen this on often, just so you can see what's going on the blurb. Like a kind of like a bronze plaque. Oh, it's a long plaque.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Well, it's a bit... It's like it's usually a sentence or a truth. Okay, well, it's not more of a museum description than you would see on a page. Okay, okay. This is... Imagine it's hanging in a museum description you would see on a... Okay, okay. This is... Imagine it's hanging in a museum. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Okay. Gordon Post's beard. Working wool by Hamish Blake, 2022. This one is about to script. It's an art description. It isn't work about, and it really took seven hours. This one of a kind masterpiece was handed by emerging wool artists, Hamish Blake,
Starting point is 00:20:23 to celebrate the arrival of Gordon Post, the newest beard boy. Carefully brought to life in a deep chocolate colour, the beard enhances its realism by boldly assuming an asymmetrical shape, with loose wool, thoughtfully emerging in carefully selected places to give the illusion of a real beard. Where other knit-based artists would net a uniform block following the encotations rules of knitting, Blake has daringly created imperfections
Starting point is 00:20:52 that to the untrained eye look like mistakes, but in fact, master strokes giving the piece a stunningly lifelike appearance. The piece is a limited edition, one of one, and one of very few wool works Blake has pledged to ever produce. It could be the only one. Could be the swat song. Price?
Starting point is 00:21:10 Priceless. Yeah, of course. Seen here generously unloaned from the post-family foundation. I put that mid in in case you do want to give it to a museum. Yeah. And you don't have to do a new thing for it. Sometimes even go overseas to famous galleries and that sort of thing and then come back to the house. If the Louvre doesn't be in Numpthos,
Starting point is 00:21:29 we get this made up. Can we contact as many big museums as possible if one of one piece. If one of one piece to see if we get it. The baby's beard. If we get any replies from a stunning piece of work from Hamish Blake I'll be in charge of that. I'll send out
Starting point is 00:21:50 Ultron getting good Accurated to send the emails on behalf to say that I think you're gonna start with going we heard you were doing a beard month You've done yourself Hamish The impression Jack it's the least I could do. How is he? Give us an update. How is the young sir? He's good.
Starting point is 00:22:09 His bald face will be ready for this beard to warm up his cheeks, but other than that, he's going great. Perfect for winter. Perfect head. That's really. You don't head out, you get your wipes, you make your booties, your baby beard. With some unusual things at our shop at www.havishnady.com, but if baby beard's coming up to him, make some, you baby beard. With some unusual things at our shop at HavishNeed.com, but if babybeards can make some more HavishNeed.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Mate, do you have longer to it? Seven hours. Hey, I've got this email on my side of the fence. They get split 50-50, and thank you for all sending your emails in HavishNeed.com. But Kelly writes in, said she was near mascot in Sydney, craving a pizza. And so, there we go.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Here we go. There's only one pizza store to go to that of course would be Zio Pino. The show's preferred local pizza restaurant. And so, it's famous from pizza lotto. And from, you you know in terms of Hamish and he's Official Stan. Delicious yes, sir. Yes, yes, so said she was typing in to try and find zio pino
Starting point is 00:23:13 Pets areia and work exactly what it was and when she was doing that on Google maps She noticed the one of the closest cafe to zio pino is cafe gusto One of the closest cafes to Xeopino is Cafe Gusto. Now, it might be Gusto because we learned it's not. I think it's Cafe Gusto. It's Gusto. And there's only one person in the world that says Gusto, my wife. She maintains that that's her's pronounced, even in the face of all available evidence,
Starting point is 00:23:43 she's hanging in there with gusto. So what do we learn with that gusto was Italian for a Greek office for food or something, so that's what worries me that they wouldn't be surprised with it. Cafe before at Cafe gusto sounds better to me than Cafe gusto, even though obviously when we're talking about normal gusto, it's gusto. Well, the thing is, I mean, there is, as a person has lived in Sydney now for a year, there's a few gusto coffee shops around, it's gusto. Well, the thing is, I mean, there is, as a person has lived in Sydney now for a year, there's a few gusto coffee shops around, because it's a brand of coffee.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Right. So there's gusto coffee in Sydney, and I was very excited when I got up here to just go, wow, look at this town, full of gusto. Regardless of gusto, I think if you have a... Are we calling for a pronunciation or are we just calling for a gusto check pronunciation or we're just calling to for gusto check I think we're calling for a gusto check. I just thought regardless. It reads as gusto to me. Yeah, and can I just say before we do this?
Starting point is 00:24:33 We have in here much like a carbon monoxide meter like a low gusto alarm hasn't gone off all year Yeah, I was never worried about you end up but for you Jacko well done Thank you well done to you guys because I was worried about you, and but for you, Jacko, well done. Thank you. Well done to you guys, because I was worried about you. I didn't want to say that I was worried about you. Well, just post-kinned for you, Jacko. I thought that we just looked at you. That's what we were going on.
Starting point is 00:24:52 You were starting at a low base. I thought the extra tiredness of having to wake up and feed, etc. We were going to have a sleepy Jack, but no. We're going to have people going, what's that thumping noise on the podcast? I was Jack's head. He keeps falling asleep and waking the desk. But no, a gust is through the roof. Jack O, got the know be here, but before we call it,
Starting point is 00:25:11 a couple of options for us. First of all, I'd like us to all out of 10 rate their pickup demeanor. As soon as they pick up, what kind of gust though do you feel they've got? We brought it down. I think we need to give them a slightly better chance than that, don't we?
Starting point is 00:25:26 I agree. There's a few phases. Oh, the few calories, okay, you're sorry, sorry. So then I was thinking, so that is on greeting. Yeah. Because this is like a gymnastics floor routine, this is the first tip. This is the greeting.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Yep. Then I thought perhaps we could say that there is... I reckon you should ask for the special. What's the thing you've come in for lunch? What's the best thing? Cause that's where you should expect masks in the gusto. This is the best trick on the floor routine.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Then I thought, okay, that's great. So greeting special, then I thought, we were thinking of having an event there. That's great. I was gonna say multiple people. Do they sell it? Do they sell it? Or do they show trevidation?
Starting point is 00:26:01 Yeah. To say, the thing you've come in with eight people. Yep. Okay. You know, would you even go so far as to say, why should we? Yeah, that's lovely. It's a real opportunity. Right. Looking at a few cafes in the area, why should we choose yours? Love it. Okay. And that's really, and then the goodbye is the dismount. Yeah. Yeah, then goodbye. So if we all open up, if we've got the greeting, the special, the group pitch,
Starting point is 00:26:27 and then goodbye. And then what would we say, if collectively, we average it out, what do they need to be called a gusto field cafe? Would we say a seven, an averaging seven out of ten across the earth? Can you really say seven out of ten is gusto? I think it has to be eight, doesn't it? Yep, it's okay, great. Because when seven out of ten is just energetic, there's a huge chasm between energy and gusto.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Go for it, Jacko. Hello, Cafe Gusto, Nikki speaking. Oh, Kefeg, good to meet you. Oh, hello, Nicky. It's Dwarf Sheer speaking. How are you? I'm good, thanks. How are you? Well, very good.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Just a quick couple of questions. I hope you're not busy. That's one if you can help with a few things. Yeah, what was that? What's the special today? Sorry, we don't have any specials today and the Salad bar and the Sandwich bar are closed, so we just have the kitchen food today. That's okay, thank you.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I was thinking of coming down from my uncle's 60th. There'd be 12 of us. Would you like to have a bigger group at the cafe there? He's a large of the life character. Yeah, so for now, you're saying 12 people, right? Yes. And when when is that? It'll be in about three weeks time but I just wondering if that's something you're open to. Is that a week end? No we do it on a weekday if that's suited. Okay and normally we take big
Starting point is 00:28:00 bookings but if it's a week day I think we could arrange for 12 people. Oh right and what's your name? My name is Tourshius. Josh? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. One final question. Yes. I know that's it. Goodbye. Bye. Sorry, I forgot the final part was just the good part. Well, I mean, you're lucky when I was going your gust, don't you? It was a flasto, a little bit at the end. Flasto, I mean, I could have so much to take in. Because we, you know, she was open to a group, but I see what I mean, do I speak for the group here with the initial hello? I was worried for her what I mean, that, do I speak for the group here when with the initial hello?
Starting point is 00:28:46 I was worried for her. I went, okay, that's not great, that's a six. Yeah, I had it as a five. I had a four. But I upgraded it. Wow. I upgraded it to almost a seven because it was just like, hello, how are you?
Starting point is 00:28:59 It was like, oh, hello. And then you said, how are you? And she said, I've written down here my notes. I'm upgrading it to you, the good things because she did display extra gusto when she was like, oh, good thanks, how then you said hello and she said I've written down here my notes. I'm upgrading it due to good things because she did display extra gusto when she was like, oh good thanks, how are you? Yes, nice. Yeah. Okay. Well, should we go to six? Yep. Now the special special obviously they didn't have one, but the way she said they didn't have one. Was great. Did we give her any points for that, Jack? What did you give her?
Starting point is 00:29:22 I gave her a one. I actually thought, well, I think you're judging on whether they have a special or not. I felt like she explained very clearly that they didn't get it. But they do have the salad bar. They had a salad bar and a lot of other. But is that gusto, though? I felt like she could have, maybe I'm thinking more of kindness, but I thought she could let you down easier. There is a very raw bit of information that you gave me.
Starting point is 00:29:42 I think you think you have kindness. I feel like. Well, she had to, I had that quite high at this stage. Yeah, this stage I was trying to root for her and I've got a seven to eight, but with Jack's ones, she's not getting anywhere near this. Like, we already know she's a watch out. It's a one such an outlier that we scrap it from the data
Starting point is 00:30:01 when in gymnastics they would to, I eradicate to you know how they go okay with this country had that country's winnable yeah yeah yeah because everyone else gave 9.9s and someone's given the three let's call it five then the group pitch I thought it was some confusion here yes but she was very open to having 12 people on a weekday. She was open to it, but she didn't pitch for it. Did she? There was no excitement about it. Exactly. I would say if I knew that, I would say like,
Starting point is 00:30:33 oh, we would love to have Andy, I don't know you, like, George Woshwa. George Woshwa, George Mool. You're love to have you and your family down. I mean, yeah, uncle's gonna love it here. That's true. That's a 10. That's a 10.
Starting point is 00:30:45 That's a 10. And really what we got was, look, Basel, he's got, I'm not saying no. And I don't think we can call that, that was just like, no, I'd say no, but you know what, fine. This is a three, is it? Three.
Starting point is 00:30:58 And the goodbye, and she scored better than you and the goodbye. Yeah, I had a negative, which I didn't get this possible. So, but I can't really, I can't didn't get this possible. So, but I can't relieve to get off the phone, but I don't know if you can count relief as gusto. And she didn't do a look for it as soon or yeah. So what's that? And you gave us such a bad lead and I think that it, you know, if you're scoring a zero, it doesn't give her much to go on. I almost think we can't score on the good bye because she was completely wrong
Starting point is 00:31:23 for it. You were, I've got one more question. And look at it. No, I don't. Good bye. My question is when's the time for this to end? The answer is now. Good bye. OK, we strict that from the record.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Six, a five, and a three. Cratch 14, divided by three. No, yeah, which... No, I can't. No, good. Yeah. 4.6. Yeah. Oh well.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Well, when do we try and get the cafe renamed? Tonight, but I tell you what, wouldn't mind doing Gustav's next another business. Yep. It was pretty fun. It was pretty fun. We'll do it again. Let's do it again, and then ring them back with the results. Ando, I've been trying to...
Starting point is 00:32:15 Yes, I think it's fair to say, I've been trying to pump the brakes a little on the old impulse bars. Really? And it's just been trying to exercise with your self-control. How'd you go? Well, let's acknowledge the intent first. Oh, no. I think that's a nice first step. Because it's very easy to come out.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Like we've always said, to go, hey, I'm going to do this. And we all sell it. In fact, this show is known for celebrating and saying they're going to do things. Yes. And they're not doing them. I think that in the group, we should probably hold hands and go, hey, let's do less of the celebrating the idea.
Starting point is 00:32:50 It is dangerous. It is dangerous to... I read an amazing thing the other day, which is why people don't follow through on stuff, it's because when you say, hey guys, everyone gather in, I'm doing a half marathon. Yeah, right. I was like, wow, we, but you're not known for owning it. Yeah, well, I'm doing one. Well, I'm doing it. And everyone's like, you're the wow, we, but you're not known for owning it. Well, I'm doing one. I'm doing it.
Starting point is 00:33:05 And everyone's like, you're the best, make good on you. Good on you, mate. Well done. That's a huge achievement. Good luck. You actually get about 80% of the satisfaction of an achievement if you announce it. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And then from then on in, there's very little reason to follow through and do all the hard work and get the extra 20. You better off just move you under the next thing you can get 80%. It's an answer. The next answer. What? I'm going to solo yacht around the world. Oh, Andy now. Where?
Starting point is 00:33:35 You've got another bloody jet. I'm going to want it on my hands here. I am. I mean, the second youngest person. And then you start looking into it going, oh, so many not so many training sessions, which way is the win going? Looks, if you can.
Starting point is 00:33:52 If you can. This way, the southern hemisphere, they get this way, the northern, I don't know, very cold out there. How far away are you from the coast? Not interested. So, yes, I'm aware that celebrating the intent is a dangerous trap.
Starting point is 00:34:07 So, I've been trying to pump the brakes, but during this pump the brakes period, people will often, a lot of the time, like one of the main things that I get DMed is just people going, how could you resist this, you know? Which is really unlucky for you. Because if anyone has problems trying to get off sale
Starting point is 00:34:21 for their alcohol, it's the equivalent of everyone sending you the latest drinks measures from Dan Moorby's and all of your mates going, hey, you love this new beer. Don't do that if you heard of that, but yeah, the craft awards are out this year. Sure you want to give up. So one of the things, you know, you can't get any sense it.
Starting point is 00:34:38 And I think it actually comes from when I bought us all the Peppa Cannon, which was the world's, you know, the most elite Peppa delivery system which was the world's, you know, most elite pepper delivery system. We call it all, according to them, and look, they have applied a lot of engineering and time and money to a problem that just didn't bother us. It was a robust pepper grinder, but you can't get better. You can't get a pepper grinder. You can't use the word cannon if you're not going to expel the pepper at a rate of
Starting point is 00:35:03 projectile. Yes, that's the problem. Just because heaps is coming out the end, you can't say it's a canon. No. The pirates couldn't call it a canon if they're just tipping heaps of balls out there. You need to have a projectile. Exactly, and that was a problem. It needs to be a force.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Many issues, and we're not here to kick the pepper cannon while it's down. But I think because we talked about the pepper cannon, a lot of people started sending me a thing called, which is essentially a salt cannon, but this is a cannon. It's called a bugger salt, right? I just want to say, like, everyone, people so many people have sent it to me like, I get it, okay? It's a thing where you put rock salt in, you give it a pump, it's like a pump action shotgun, give it a pump and it's to shoot flies in the house or spiders and stuff instead of using So it uses the rock salt as as as I mean kind of like shotgun shot. Yep So it's spring-wired and you blast the flies, you know, have to use flashright
Starting point is 00:35:56 I just want to tell everyone get it. I've seen it. You can stop sending it to me. Yeah Because I've bought a few because I've bought a few. You got me. You've already got me. It looks great. Okay, you wore me down. At first, I was starting to get them when I had been like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no break. But they wore me down and accidentally keep, I kept watching the YouTube video a few times
Starting point is 00:36:26 of the guy shooting flies with their bug assault and I just thought, who there are? I can't not enjoy this fun, they're on their way and I bought them a few days ago. Cracked, I got us two, one each. Great. I'm just, I'm excited. And it's actually put a lot of pressure on me
Starting point is 00:36:45 on a parenting perspective too. Yeah, that's nice. Got a little boy who's about to have eight. And for any kid that kind of hits seven or eight, like this is just where suddenly guns become fascinating. And of course, you run the old homemade no guns in the house. We don't play guns in the house.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Yep. But dad, you bought me a Nerf gun. Yeah, that's more of a Papa, more of a Star Wars. We always watch Star Wars, they're blasters. Yeah, we do, blasters are fine. And Nerf, the Nerf weapons, I suppose, are more kind of like, this sort of shooters, they're more foam shooters, less than a gun.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Trouble is, I'm excited for him to use it. I think he'll love it. And I am the bugger soul. Yeah. And I am trying to run a river no guns falsie. And I just accidentally forgot. But before I was imposed not buying anymore stuff, I bought a funded kickstarter for what is claiming to be the world's best and most accurate foam disk gun. It's called the Shelby Destroyer, or the Shelby Buster battery-operated ando. Right. Has a magazine of 120 foam disks, and Jack, don't laugh, because I'm just...
Starting point is 00:38:01 So annoying to pick up. Like, getting... picking up 104. Well, 120, you're not going to need to pick him up very often. It's getting pretty close to a battlefield simulation where you know, you're just shooting, you're not going to pick up your bullets after you've shot him, you're just purely shooting. Yeah. With your mind, battery, and I... I think it fires eight discs a second. Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:22 If you can squeeze the trigger that far. So this thing is just unbelievable. It breaks all previous records for disc ones. That hasn't been made yet. Yeah, they're good. So after two days ago, I got the email, we're going into production. I went, oh, completely forgot I bought two of those as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:40 I've got those heading marks. I thought that could be fun. They're not cheap. And I'm just saying, just put me in a tough one because I want these so badly. And I bought them. And they're on their way. You know, I'm just trying to how do I spin this into fitting our anti-gun narrative. But on one hand, Dad's saying no guns. On the other hand, I have realized that this week I've bought, well, really three. Yeah, three guns a leap weapons Coming into the house. Well the salt heard I think it will seems to kill a fly There's a lot of slow mo on the on the video. Yeah, right
Starting point is 00:39:13 Anyway, just a bit of an update bit of an arm bit of a weapons update We've got quite a lot coming our way and you know just quietly away from the kids get excited just quietly away from the kids. Get excited. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Yeah. And, oh, COVID restrictions as they gradually ease. Yeah. Now, it's been two years of up and down in and out, but as they gradually, and people moving around freely these days, and we begin to tentatively feel, could this be a return to being able to fly people back in to do their special skill. We had a few false starts last year, but I dare say we are, we're a go.
Starting point is 00:39:52 We're a go. We're a go. We're a go. We're a go. We're a go. We're a go. We're a go. We're a go.
Starting point is 00:40:00 We're a go. We're a go. We're a go. We're a go. We're a go. We're a go. We're a go. We're a go. Yeah. The void. I mean, you've got to be, we'll put you on the first flight in the morning. Yeah. That's usually dirt cheap and you'll be home as soon as we can get you back at it. Well, there's a lot of, as long as it's not PKO, and because we'll be hit for the taxi fare there.
Starting point is 00:40:14 So we're absolutely, you know, you know, the algorithm is getting you two and from Melbourne for rock bottom prices. And, but if you're up for it, we will certainly pay. We'd love to see you in person. We'd love to see you. And give you the chance to win a coin. You'd like to tend to one that would potentially fly in. Young man, he's a South Australian.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Okay. He's named as Miles. He's got something that he's in the food and drink category. What have I ever category? What have I ever category? He's a wonderful category. We've never seen this before though. Never seen a skill like this before. I'd like him to pitch it to you. I've got him on the phone, Mars. Oh, hi. Oh, hi, boy, so are we. Yeah, good
Starting point is 00:40:54 thanks, Mars. Very good, Mars. Talk is it food or drink? It's beverage related drink. Let's do it. Let's do it, you know, alcohol. Okay. Well, I especially skill is that I can pretty much predict the alcohol percentage in any drink put in front of me. Give me one sippinol, probably get it around the 2% either side mark. Oh, that's hard. Right, so plus or minus 1% is that what we're saying? Yeah, so you lower standard mixed drinks, probably 0.2% either way.
Starting point is 00:41:24 And then anything straight, probably 2% either side. That's quite in scale. So if we give you something that looks like a spirit, your, you know, your standard to go, okay, it could be, you know, 40%, but it turns out to be 38 kind of thing. Yeah, spirits got a ballpark, and then there's a bit of a range, a small range, and you've got to kind of figure it out.
Starting point is 00:41:42 How are you feeling about, so is it wave of new alcoholic beverages that are going half-strength on alcohol percentage? So there's gins, for instance, that are out that are now 20% rather than 20%. We have mid-strength gins. Mid-strength gins. So is that something we can put in front of you as well, Miles? Because obviously if you're tasting a whiskey, you know that most whiskeys would be in and around a certain extent. Always 40% for a whiskey, unless it's at barrel strength.
Starting point is 00:42:12 There you go. Or cast strength. That's the way. So usually when you distill, same with a gin, distill a gin or a whiskey, we distill a gin and when you pull the whiskey out of a barrel, it can be 55, 56%, but to sell it commercially, they're just simply out of water. You can't get it to exactly 40% in same with gin.
Starting point is 00:42:32 So, but you can buy them at casks strength and then it's different for every single brand. So you reckon you could pick one of those? Yeah, I think I could give it a good shot. What about some exotic Greek kind of, like your peritif? I can oozoo, I could do something like that. Maybe stronger, but yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:42:50 I mean, what if we plong something down in front of you and go, okay, this is a Thai rice wine used only for ceremonial purposes. You might have no way, you know, you might never have encountered that category for are your taste buds up for the task? Or you're pushing it there, but you know, I've got a week to prepare so I can I could get answer by you. Do do do do do do do my to help. Miles, you're on the next cheapest of all the flight.
Starting point is 00:43:16 I regard love to get you to town. Let's book it in the next few weeks. Five five drinks. Do you want something? Would you like something in between the drinks to cleanse the palate? Do you have a preferred palate cleanser? Oh, you go water, parade, and anything like that. Parade, I'm just saying, hydrate, this guy's taken it seriously. Usually that's the hangover cure. I think it's between the
Starting point is 00:43:38 drinks. Hey, Miles, got to, got to ask you just if we get you down. What has been the greatest example of this skill in the wild? Well, I'm a uni student, so you know, you're on a budget and you've got to get the biggest bank for your buck. I'm also an economic student, so you know, be the both. But only been drinking for how old are you? Twenty-two, just twenty-two. So four years of being legally out of drink. So it's it must have come to you very quickly natural skill Yeah, pretty much
Starting point is 00:44:08 Okay, yeah, it's gonna be 10 age years this wondering like you know, where do I fit in? What's my talent? What makes me me boom 18? I found it here it is. That's it. Here it is. Here's my here is my skill miles. We look forward to seeing you Only muscle that you go. Thank you mate. Easy, catch up. All right, lovely mate. All right, he's gone and out. The only thing that concerns me is he didn't identify a situation where he went, you know, we're all out and about. Someone hands me the Uzo.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I go 22% bang, it's on the nose. He did just highlight that he likes drinking. Which a lot of us do. You mean we would do anything for a free drink. I mean, still he's still coming. Yeah, he's still coming because I like the submission and I like the category of skill. I'm just flagging that we might be flying a young man halfway across the country to give him five free drinks.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Which, jam, if you're at uni, is a great way to spend the day. So I hope I'm proven wrong here. You'll never meet a bigger miles fan than me, but let's just see. Be aware, be alert. The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishanandie.com.

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