Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2022 Ep 167

Episode Date: April 13, 2022

1. The Bug-A-Salt arrives 2. David & Goliath 3. Gustomer Service: Roof Carrier Systems 4. The King of the Claw – Nick's skill tester special skill 5. Food heroes and vill...ains 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. This episode is dedicated to a mate of ours, Herty. He was larger than life and always said the podcast made him feel like he was back at home with his mates. That makes us feel really special. You'll be missed, bud. Activate your internet. Cause the heymission and the podcast starts in three, two, sorry, still buffering. One.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Ahoj to me stand by Hamish. Ready and waiting, sir, as always. It's what I get paid to do. Ahoj to me Tinder, Jacko, any 90s. He's very good get paid to do. Ahoj to be tender, Jacko. Any ideas? Who's very rare. Yeah. Tender sounds better than stand in this time. Maybe I've got a better position.
Starting point is 00:00:51 No, no, not stand in. Whoa, easy, easy tender. So I understand by not a, not a, not a, not a, not a stand in. I won't give away what it is, but the tender is entry level. Yeah, we're cry, we're required to perform maintenance and support us, Ham, you and I, with equipment, as he develops the skills, this has to become one day stand by.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I think it's something, we are Nordic Orlando. We, it's to do with the water, we are all tethered. What do you mean? We're together, we're boys. We're the poor, we're just three boys trying our best to stay afloat. It's in a beautiful analogy. Are a tethered smoothie team operating in the dark? Operating in an emergency situation.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Minimum 4 per team. So we'd have to throw someone else in there. You're the rope, basically. You're the tether. So as Jack the Spamman. Basically, so he's just talking to us. Well, you're actually, so there is a worker diver, which I didn't want to put you in front of,
Starting point is 00:01:53 because you don't love work as a general thing, but Stan by diver is just as important as a worker diver. He checks the work constantly, and if anything happens to the worker diver, he jumps in. The tether literally is just handing us tools and trying to learn his way to get up the right it's all important it's all important I like it when you're having a race in the Dio yeah yeah you rely on the different hierarchy's
Starting point is 00:02:16 but I mean when we're all down there I feel like we're all the same that's in lovely feeling to have I mean it, again, it should invite for a beer more often. If he's feeling that, yeah, you know how we always say, you know how we always say we're two-parched from breathing in all the dry oxygen. We do go for beers. Sorry, that's a bit rough from us. We have been going for many post-operational beers. The fourth member is a diving supervisor.
Starting point is 00:02:46 He's the guy really ran the show. That's right, Mark. A hoi to also J-Kip from Austria. Yeah, I could. Hello, Hamish and Andy. My name is J-Kip and I'm from Vienna in Austria. I love it, you've been. Since there have been so many complaints about the tedious upload form on the website,
Starting point is 00:03:01 I've thrown together a program that automatically submits WhatsApp voice messages to the website. In other words, you can now finally use WhatsApp to send in your audio recordings. Hey, Virgin Andy, you should have my number, just text hello and further instructions will be provided. Oh my god, is that a kind rant? Yes. Like a positive kidneper. Isn't that incredible?
Starting point is 00:03:25 So, suddenly, we look into that, although, I think these words before Yaku, careful, we'll look into it, says Ande. Let's be a higher alert that it's not like some hack. Any time someone tells us they've got technology to affect something we're doing, I'm like, uh... I trust Jacob, but yeah, if it requires us to simply enter a bit coin password, I mean, that'll be a dream come Yeah, if it requires us to simply enter a bit coin password,
Starting point is 00:03:45 I mean, that would be a dream come true, because it would mean we know it. That's true. But watch this space on that one. Hey, let's get straight into it, because there's a big announcement. Huge, um, huge news here at home, Schneider Keck orders,
Starting point is 00:03:59 mailed a mailed a mailed a, the post has arrived. That doesn't mean that Jack Post is here as a man. Oh, no, it could mean that. But now I know one of my shrewd online purchases has turned up. And this thing, sometimes on the internet, it can be not quite what you're hoping for. Sometimes you get lucky.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah, look at this. Sometimes you get lucky. Yeah, look at this. Sometimes you get lucky and it's a coppersphere. So it's beautifully, beautifully, perfectly round, ball, valuable metal, much heavier than you would expect it to be. That was the high water mark, but now the bugger salt has arrived. I've been getting to that, which is wild, because Hayne would normally be the first to grab the gun, but with your paper-ox scissors and I've won. You always go scissors.
Starting point is 00:04:46 It just feels like, yeah, I do as a scissors. Just feels like in this world, to fully test what this is, it's like, you put table salt in this toy gun. Yep. It's pump action, loads some of the salt in, and it fires a high velocity blast of salt at house flies. We got a lot of flies in our house, and they provide me with a disproportionate amount of frustration.
Starting point is 00:05:11 And I, for the beach house, cannot wait to get this home tonight, take my son on his first hunting trip. Well, where, the bride orange stuff that you wear, so you don't accidentally shoot another hunter. Obviously, talk to the government. Might ring up the government before I go look, you just want to do the right thing. Do we need a permit?
Starting point is 00:05:28 We're hunting flies. Can't wait to bag me, just string them up on the fence outside by their legs. Got them, blot them, just have a huge haul of flies tonight when we go hunting. But to test the power, it's still either I think to do it in here. Before you're son with it, but to test the power, it's still either I think to do it in here. Before you arm your son with it, we should test the power.
Starting point is 00:05:49 It's very well made. Often things online are very disappointing. This one, him. It's very... Have it to give this a good wrap. It seems robust, doesn't it? Yeah, and it hasn't got a kill with it yet, but it just seems robust. It was, and it's the Bugger Salt 3.0.
Starting point is 00:06:04 So they're vying out the Bugger Salt 3.0. So they're vying out the kicks. They're refining it. You keep pointing at that me as you're reading the side of it. I just don't want it to go off. Jack really nervous the entire time there. What happens if you go up and can't you with our guns? We don't know how to handle it.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Yeah. No, we're treating them all like they're low. But I mean, Jack, from your fake fear to my real fear, because I know I think you should just shoot me in the chest with it. I think so. It's got a safety jack. So that's why the safety on. Wow. That's not just pretty. It's just pretty keeps listing.
Starting point is 00:06:30 That's not the rule with guns. I know he's he's he's he's he's done. So that's all right. I don't know. I could point out I could wiggle it around. I could wait on it in your face but I've got the safety on it. Very true.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Okay. Hey, you're unlikely you're going to be the guinea pig, but it is for obviously safety at home. I, this is the thing I usually wouldn't want it to hurt that much, but the more it hurts me, the more happy I'll be because I know the more power I'll be unleashing onto those flies. So where do you want to strengthen? Yes, thanks, mate. Okay. Okay. Oh, sheepers. It's got's got it's it's a god. Yeah, you know that spring that springs for real Yeah, it's the real deal. Okay, are you ready? Yep. All right. Here we go. Here we go three two one Oh, yeah, oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:07:24 Oh, it's giving you a little a little wealth and some blood And some blood There is but salty blood coming out So at least it's cleaning the wound immediately. Yeah, it is straight away. It's funny because it like it's can get blood on my t-shirt But how do you get blood stains out you put table salt on them. Now we need a gun that fires soda water. That's... Man, that's no joke. That's no joke.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Oh, that's killing a fly. Yeah, so what was I about 30, 40 centimeters away there? And it's bleeding. Look at this. You're a little bad. No, don't. I'm happy with this. So that was 30, 40 centimeters away.
Starting point is 00:08:02 So I reckon you can get a five from what a couple of meters? I reckon it's probably got a lethal range of a meter. And you don't actually, I mean, you can easily get that close to a fly. It's the frustrating part is when you are in that critical 10 centimeters zone. That's when they move. Yes, but they'll get away from this. This is very exciting. It's actually a very small amount of salt in the, because I, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:24 salt costs are minimal. You're supposed to catch the God. My, I was like, I mean, are you only cleaning salt up or if I'm around the house, but you don't, you can't even see much of that. Oh, you worried about the, a little bit. Yeah, you were, weren't you?
Starting point is 00:08:36 I should have, I should have guessed that. Just, that's true. The, the nuisance of a fly, can paling comparison to the one grain of salt on a black bench tuple, something that could frustrate anybody. I think they've used a great amount of salt as my point. I think you'd barely notice it. And you know, for regular listeners,
Starting point is 00:08:54 they would know that obviously the pepper cannon was as where they started. That was classic cases over engineering. We just don't need that much pepper and no one asked for it. We do need this. And this is the right amount of salt. And it's not right amount of salt.
Starting point is 00:09:08 We don't need to be paying for getting rid of housewives. But you could salt your fish and chips from across the room. Wouldn't that be awesome? Wouldn't that be awesome? I mean, this is, this has changed the game, hasn't it? Took a while to come. I will say that.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Took a little while to get here. Might order another one. Just because you don't want to be down, you know, you want a, you want a case. Yeah. Back to you. Guys, I was thinking about David and Goliath, the other day.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Is it out of the bubbles, it's just an old chat. It's biblical, isn't it, David Goliath? I'm pretty sure it is biblical. I mean, well, yeah, it was, I mean, I think it did happen, but I think it gets exaggerated a little bit. Well, you know, the statue of David, he's David from David and Goliath. Oh, really? He's got every shoulder, the sling.
Starting point is 00:09:57 He was, because he's nude at the time when he slays. He's, everyone used to fight nude. Really? And I think it was just a general, well, it wasn't uncommon to fight nude. And I think it was just a general, where it wasn't uncommon to fight nude and it was a generally accepted, you know, no grabbing knobs like that. So you reckon they came out? So you reckon they came out?
Starting point is 00:10:13 So I will move on the battlefield, yeah. You wouldn't get like, Hank, there's more like sticky assortment, sticky weapons, sticky weapons, don't know twiddling. Yeah, right. Wait, he's not as much as a weakling as I thought he was then,
Starting point is 00:10:24 because he's kind of fit for Z. Yeah, yeah, he's that sort of right. He's not as much as a weakling that I thought he was then, because he's kind of fit for Z. Yeah, he's, he's, he's, he's jacked. I mean, he's absolutely straight. But that's, you know, he's got the thing every shoulder. That's the sling that he used to sling down and stone. And so because they paint it like he's a pub squeak. Yeah, but maybe Goli, it was more the impressive size of Goliath.
Starting point is 00:10:41 And more the fact that he was, I think David was a shepherd or like just not sort of near the battlefield in a support role, like, you know, sheep, I suppose, rather than a soldier. And he was like, look, I'll go out and I'll take on whoever they were battling the, the, the Goliath. Well, he's a kind of a meme that came to mind for me. Well done. Sorry. Just before we move on, well done. I think it was Michael Anjou that did the David. Yeah. As he's sitting down probably to do the sculpture,
Starting point is 00:11:09 very one of those smart decisions at the start of a DIY project or a marble sculpting, you know, you know, you know, Jack, for making your house, you make smart decisions early and they pay dividends. Yeah. If he got, I'm going to do a Goliath twice as much marble. So far. So far.
Starting point is 00:11:24 So much more work. And, you know, you've been also an odd person to choose. Because I'm going to some small decisions or else, but I'm just going to say, I'm going to do the loser. You know, like maybe you went to do both and he made David and it's like, well, that was a big job in itself. I'm not going to do Goliath now. It would have been awkward if people were like, oh, very good. And now I assume you'll do galife.
Starting point is 00:11:46 No, no, no, no. More of a, or of just one off, not a, not a, no sequel. Two things came to mind for me. I was watching the Winter Olympics, you know, obviously it's out of the year. And there's a lot of Bradbury chat. Steven Bradbury famous for getting very lucky to win a gold medal.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Did David, is David thrown a bit of a Bradbury? Like it's pretty unlikely. If he wasn't on his own sword. But he wasn't sitting there going, I reckon I'll kill him with this sword. Yes, it was. Yeah, he, he, he, because the sling, the sling. If you didn't rock to the head, I mean, exact position. That's what, but he was going for it. He wasn't just, yeah, he didn't, he was going. I mean, you can't take it away from David.
Starting point is 00:12:29 It was in a heck of a shot. It was the, it was probably the clutch shot of history. Yeah, you're right. Like, I mean, Steph Curry is awesome, but David had one, he had one, and I think he called it. I mean, it's been a long time since I've heard the story, but my remembering of the story is like, you know, there was a bit of hate but I was watching this. Like he just had one rock and the sling,
Starting point is 00:12:49 Spencer, he's had crack, one rock hits him between the eyes, got him. Even between the eyes is a very hard way to die. Like it's a hard part of your head. That is why we give props to David. Because if he went out there and he threw thousands of rocks and one got lucky, then it's a bit of a, you know, then he's, he's fluked it. But I don't think it was, that was the whole point. He kind of called his shot. Here's the other thing. Did he get Goliath at the end of Goliath's
Starting point is 00:13:16 career? It's like, you know, Muhammad Ali, the guy that beat Muhammad Ali right at the end, you're like, well, there's no doubt it wasn't the start of Goliath's career because he had a rep. Exactly. So he was feared and well-known. When Dermott Brayden came back, XAFL star, so just rapidly just chasing the analogy. When a guy said to me, I beat Dermott Brayden, it's like, well, what era? Was it right at the end of his career or was it the start? So I just wondered whether I'd love to know the stats. How many battles go either been to and whether he was just deciding whether to keep going or not? I think back in the day, as a sort of a feed, like, you know, you look at the Greek heroes and things like that, there weren't too many retimes. So you went out. Just in that line of work, you just tended to go out swinging.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Gusto, check him. Not on us. We have come back full as a goug this year. I think we're well rested. I was worried about the baby with daddy over here, but he's been finding a way. No, he's just writing high on love and love equals gusto, love for his son,
Starting point is 00:14:36 love for the show equals gusto. And as they say, first you learn and you teach. We have learnt gusto. Now it is our job to teach it to the world or to the very least to critically analyse it in other places. We did a gusto check on a cafe called gusto cafe, gusto cafe, cafe gusto, just throwing the us in there to my wife is a little nod. She remains the only person on earth to refer it to it as gusto, but she's not giving up. She's dug in in that position. We did a gusto check on cafe gusto. They did not do
Starting point is 00:15:11 great. They had some redeeming features, but the way it seemed to work and what we realized is after the show, we're like, I think we've stumbled upon something here. A gusto audit. It's quite fun. It's quite fun and it's like being a mystery shopper and if any shows the show to do it, I think we've stumbled upon something here. A gusto audit. It's quite fun. It's quite fun. And it's like being a mystery shopper. And if any show's the show to do it, I think we have the show to do it. So in fact, if we were another one. Yeah, if you've got any businesses
Starting point is 00:15:34 that you'd want to check, no gusto on, you might be a part owner, or you might be visiting there, or it's just a new shop in the street. Simpsley. Yeah, you might have, you know, you might have a carpet cleaning franchise that's just opened up around the corner.
Starting point is 00:15:46 And you think, do I want to go in there and talk to them about the carpets? I'd like to know how much gusto they're going to have before I go in. I think a critical part of nominating stores for a gusto audit is obviously there can be no heads up. This has to be a genuine double blind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:05 It's a great to want to know the gust of a storm, but you certainly can't let them know that some time in the next few weeks, they could be getting ordered. It doesn't work like that. Send them in a hurry. Send them in a hurry. Send them in a hurry. Send them in a hurry.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Send them in a hurry. Send them in a hurry. Send them in a hurry. Send them in a hurry. Send them in a hurry. Send them in a hurry. Send them in a hurry. Send them in a hurry. Send them in a hurry. Send them in a hurry. Send them in a hurry. Send them in www.hamishanning.com. In the meantime, we said we'd do another one of these with quick turn around, so I was a couple weeks back.
Starting point is 00:16:26 So we thought we'd go with our favorite roof rack store, roof carrier systems. Family owned and operated. What was the term used for the day where Huggie on Gold referred to them as dope roof racks? Don't roof rack roof racks. Yeah, dope racks. Haven't gone down the path of adding that on a big sign
Starting point is 00:16:44 out the front, I think they've missed a trick at roof carry systems, but my brother-in-law owns it my sister It's a family associated business here and oh and certainly the Well, I was gonna say the roof rack store of choice for us and jacks right our station We know that's not to be the morning I think that's not to be me mornings. I'm on relegated. Definitely taken out of prime time. Breakfast show is a choice of roof. Breakfast show has no interest, no need for extra stories.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Hey, you have to do this just in case my brother will pick up his name is Paul. He knows you as well, but I reckon you'll get around it. What do we want? Obviously we're judging gusto on the greeting. The greeting, how they take this. I think it was four categories last time. Yes. the greeting. So greeting how they they take this is four categories last I'm on yes, the greeting then then what do I ask for I think I might ask for
Starting point is 00:17:32 What does that bike rack you know all about your bike? Yeah, you need a bike crack need a bike rack What about a large order like you you want to get something that they wouldn't hear every day. Oh, yeah What about this just to go look? I'll be honest with you. There's online, there's you guys. I live 50 kilometers away. Why should I come into this? Love it. And then the goodbye.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Wow, that's great. So we've got, I just only two bike racks. Yep. Bike rack. And then we've got. Why should I come in? Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:03 So Jack, out of 10, we're going to write that down. Yep. And then we'll see how they went afterwards. Good luck. Here we go. Ruth Carrier system is Paul speaking. Hey mate, Ronco's my name, how are you mate? Good. How can I help? Mate, I am looking for some bike racks. What, I need two? What's your best ones? Best bike carrier is a tool of pro ride 5.9A.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Oh, gee, I'm pretty certain. Yep. Okay. Okay. How much are they? They are three, until they're three, fifty nine, third bike carrier. Okay, how much are they? They are three, until they're three fifty nine, third by carrier. Okay, pretty good. Look, I've got about 50k's away.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Could get it online. Why should I come in? Well, if you want to fit it up, of course, that's one thing. If you want to keep it like, we could do that as well. If you're in town, if you're in the area, then make it easy. It'd be a special trip in. Okay, well, sorry. What do you want me to do? Oh, I mean, should I make the trip?
Starting point is 00:19:21 If you'd like to come and get up, then sure. We've got to meet stuff. Where did it go? I think I'm going to come in. All right, no worries. OK, good afternoon. All right, thanks. Bye. It's very good, our friends. Hands were flying in here.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Scoring, rescoring. Keep this. God, there's a lot to unpack, isn't there? I mean, if this is a TV show, you go to an outbreak because... You can't do this. You can't do this. You almost have to have one of those, you know, after the show shows to discuss it. We're job-creasing, and someone else hasn't
Starting point is 00:19:58 shared about what happened. LAUGHTER All right, greeting was great, I thought. He was, yeah, very high spirits. And I know, you mean, you're easier brother and you see, you probably speak to Paul every day. And I was nervous for him. Seemed higher, more, way more energy than I was expecting.
Starting point is 00:20:15 So I'm going, Jesus. And you don't wanna have, you don't wanna be accused of nepotism here in like family favoriting, but almost a nine. Oh, I went eight years again, because I was trying to, I was trying to, I was trying to, I was trying to be, again, I don't want to be accused of being biased. Like when I was playing under age cricket, my dad was,
Starting point is 00:20:31 I'm throwing all the time and gave me out for nothing all the time. Because he'd come up here for the ball. Sometimes we've all the ball would be bold. And correct stands. Oh, dad, he hasn't even bolted. One time in the way I went to the car, I said, dad, you just got to stop giving me
Starting point is 00:20:46 any of your fellow accusers, fellow accusers of cheating. It was an LB, mate. And but to his credit, never an official probe, sardor or otherwise. Greetings eight. I thought, okay, sell us in the, I gave him a seven out of 10. I thought it was chipper, but there was room for more gusto, okay? Yeah, okay. The information on the bike. Give us your best bike racks.
Starting point is 00:21:12 With out of doubt, he knew what he was selling, Danny. And I thought he was, I gave that one a nine. Wow. I gave it a five. I wrote rushed next to that. Like he didn't want to spend the time with you. I gave it a set of bat. Is gusto ever't want to spend the time with you. I came, but he said it back. Is Gusto ever, I mean, let's just,
Starting point is 00:21:27 there's a difference between customer service and Gusto service. Yes. Yes. Yes. Gusto is just a customer service and what he gave, and then he's just a high impact before this.
Starting point is 00:21:40 I'd never ride actually. I was, yeah. I'm going, I'm going to go that to a seven. Okay. No, I reckon I reckon it's about a seven and a half, two, seven and a half. It was heaps of information. That's impressive. I also get the feeling he says that sentence a lot every day.
Starting point is 00:21:55 So I'm actually scoring him for, for trying to add a little bit of emotion to a thing. I think he says a lot. Now, this is where I come in. This is where we've got it. We've got it. We've got it. is where this is when we've got a different trading box. He did not want to stake his claim. He didn't want to go all in on saying, if you make a one hour drive, it will be worth your while. And I thought he could have had more. I think think he actually, he actually went the rule chilled out option there, didn't he?
Starting point is 00:22:27 Well, I, I'll probably, if I was replaying it, I thought he did a great job early and then got salty. So he went with, he went with, oh, he did. Didn't he say, what do you want me to say? Yeah, so he went, like, what are you looking for? I think he said you can get the same keys, someone get the fully fitted up, you know, all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:42 And I was like, oh, he's doing well. And then you went, you know, why should I come? And he I was like, oh, he's doing well. And then you went, you have a wife, like, how many, he's like, well, what do you want me to say? What? And that was, again, it is customer service, it's customer service. He said it with gusto. I'm sure you're right, actually.
Starting point is 00:22:58 You actually are right. I brought it with me before because it seemed short with you. But it was full of gusto. I'm afraid you might be able to add to an A to it. It's really, yeah it was full of gusts. I'm afraid my dad to win eight or so. Yeah, I think he was just sure to win the gusts though. So I think the actual gust of water is sky high. And then goodbye. I mean, he was feared annoyed with you.
Starting point is 00:23:19 I would have been at 12. So it is hard to have a high-custard goodbye. That's true. It-castle good bite. Best treat. It's not a good one. Oh my God. You've made my day. It's a very straight way to a good job. Now, everyone listening to this, if you work,
Starting point is 00:23:36 if you are near the phone in your place of work, you should start doing high-castle good bites with it. Just in case, I fail. Because it is an easy place to pick up a tent. It's one word and you can get a tent, but it is weird. I gave him a four out of 10 for a good point. Yeah, the four or five or five or fours.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Yeah, but it's a traditionally low scoring category. I would say seven if I'm average. He's average seven. And look, I mean, it's the afternoon of a, you know, just an average day. And if you can be pulling sevens, Yep. To a guy that is pushing back a little bit on you to sell in the distance from his house.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Mm-hmm. You've done it very good. He's done a good job. And a good shop in safe hands. Well, I'm actually proud of him. If you've got any more customer service, uh... And there's a please check your customer service. Uh, suggestions for us here check, he comes to us.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Suggestions for us here at www.havethingeity.com. Ando, this special school came into my side of the fence. I wafted it under your nose and you said, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, please. Young man named Nick, nominated by his buddy James. Because James' witness, Nick's magic. Nick is unstoppable on a skill tester. He sits in James' submission. He sits a lot of amazing instances, the big one being the Portferry pub, where he won six
Starting point is 00:25:02 kids toys. The legend has that adults were crowding around just feeding the boys money going, keep winning the kids toys, you're amusing the kids. We'll keep buying you guys jugs. James has gone, you've got to see Nick's skill to believe it. Hey, and we've got to thank first Carly, our producer out there,
Starting point is 00:25:20 because she's organized a skill tester to be in the building through the legends at Arcade Events, ArcadeHuy.com.au, that's where we get. Every time we need a skill tester, we go to them. Never gone to anyone else. And obviously, by mentioning their name, you know, we get it for discounted rate and by mentioning Kali's name,
Starting point is 00:25:40 we get her to work for free today. A little deal for us. That's the way he thinks he goes. He always a great thumbs up, but I'm just happy with that. He gets the name out there, so of course, no need for any payment for any remuneration. Hey, the skill tester is outside. We're going to go to a different part of the building.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Nick and his mate, James, are there as well. Let's pick up the action over there. BANG! Well, six items in here. This is so interesting, okay? So we've got Nick, you've come into, we've set up sort of like a little pretend arcade in the end. Yeah. How are you? I'm good, feeling a bit nervous, ready to go.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Yeah. James dropped you in, we've got James in the- James, come over here for a quick word. Can you talk us through, you've seen him do it first hand? I've seen a lot of, it's pretty special. He's always liked the claw of the shame, but in Port Fairy, when he won the Toys for the Kids, that's when it was cemented. Give us the Port Fairy moment, where are you stats from Port Fairy?
Starting point is 00:26:34 I think that was six toys for the kids that were there. And the parents were coming over, giving us money to play with, and giving us jugs of beer, because we were keeping the kids away from them for a while. And there was actually a few double toy grabs in there. There was two for one, claw grabs in there. He went to Bally, went to Bally to Fort Ferry on the weekend and they're still talking about it. In the pub. He's back, he's back.
Starting point is 00:26:57 He's a pub specialist, but... And you do sort of have like quite long Jesus-like hair. So, sort of like a mythical figure. Like, how did you guys agree? like hair. So it's sort of like a mythical figure. I can see you looking at the quality of toy and the skill test. What are your initial thoughts? Well, a few big toys and now I usually like to go for the ones with the big body, Liam Tang and I'll go close to the exit. It's a pain in the picture for people at home. We've got a few toy story characters in there.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Woody, Woody Doll and Jesse, Woody's friend from Toy Story 2. And then NBA... The pillars... So... I mean, kind of these weird... Yeah. They're meant to look like NBA players,
Starting point is 00:27:35 but they're really just like kind of an oblong with arms hanging off them. Not the highest quality, I'm not sure what tango is, man. Yeah, I wouldn't put that through the wash. Yeah, neither. But then again, I would definitely wash it before you gave it to Kim. Here are the terms.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Heyman, I have a number in mind. Toad of three has got your coin for sure. A coin, yeah. Anyone getting anything of a skill, Tissus? Yeah, okay. So let's go three then. Three has got your coin. We've got another number in mind,
Starting point is 00:28:00 which will give you an eight coin coin if you call it off. But what conditions do you need? It sounds like we need to have a jug of beer in here. Yeah, probably. We should point out that you, this one ham is omnidirectional. It's not like, you know, some skill testers are, you only get one turn right and one test.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Yes, I was gonna say that these are the good ones in. Yeah, the joy stick type. Yep, that's one. Can do you think if you get a woodier or a Jesse out of this? They look pretty heavy, I don't know. I guess we're gonna have to wait and see, but would you Yep, that's one. Can do you think if you get a woodier or a Jesse out of this? They look pretty heavy, I don't know. I guess we're gonna have to wait and see, but would you grab Woody Bay's head? Yeah, I think I'm gonna have to get that toy out of the way first.
Starting point is 00:28:32 That flat one there in the middle, and then I'll go with him that way, but... Cheap, it's just like an Xero, thinking two or three layers deep. Yes, play, you know, you got it, that. Okay, well, hand is got 10. Point number one. Point number one.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I've handed Nick his first coin. He's called James in to the side on position. James, you're spotting. What are you looking for on the side? I'm just looking for his coin. He tells me, am I too far right? I'll call him out. I'll just listen to what he needs.
Starting point is 00:28:57 All right, we get what a spotter. You see this, okay, good luck, Nick. Let's go. All right, before we start this, this is a game of skill and it's a lot of luck So I think you both owe me a dollar bring the total up to 12 Yes, I don't I don't have any more dollars on me. I can give you a bow But I know that's something you're asking we give you 12 total. We're going to 12 total. How's it last?
Starting point is 00:29:23 Okay, pretty to go? Yep. Let's do this. Let me just, look at it. I'm fascinated. But it reckon Jimmy. How's that looking? Yeah, I reckon.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Let's just test the waters first. Oh, looking good. Oh, geez. Got some great movement. You just need a couple dollars in before I start grabbing, so here we go. What are we looking for the basketball? I'm gonna go the same one.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Just let it drop. Here we go. Oh my God! Oh my God, Jesus Christ! Oh my God, Jesus Christ! Oh my God, Jesus Christ! Wow! He's going up! Oh, John! This is the... Wow! He's got it! You are!
Starting point is 00:30:07 He's on! John, he's watching the show tonight! Oh, I've been making... James, you didn't even call help in here! What do you always want to see in here? I actually think this one's a big fan. This one's working alright. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:30:19 No, he's looking, Jimmy. Who more left? That's close. Oh! So he's one from three. One from three. There you go, seven. One track then.
Starting point is 00:30:29 As long as you share the toy with your sister. What do you get under it here? It's so much of it comes down to win that when the claw drops, it's got a bit of twist down. It has a bit of twist, so you really know. Are you allowed for a twist? Sometimes, yeah. Okay. Wow, he's allowing for the twist.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Oh, my phone. My phone. Oh! Did it to tuck under the head, can I? So after some initial success, Nick was one win from four goes. And he'd really honed in on one particular woody doll. They'd like the look of. Back towards the back of the box. Do you like it?
Starting point is 00:30:59 Good. Oh, thank you. I'm going to have to move on. Shhh, sheep-ish. It's a tough box today. It is. It is. Sometimes I got to do it.
Starting point is 00:31:08 It is pretty tough. Usually if this is full of PCs, Ks, maybe a double. Yeah. Oh, that's good. That's good. That's a big draw. Oh, that's a draw. Oh, we're going to go one more.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I don't know if it's going to go around that. I think the Woody's legs are so stuck underneath. Look at Woody's face. He's just daring you to get him. Yeah. Okay, looks like Nick's having back to the same one. He's had a number of goes. Oh, I have time on this doll.
Starting point is 00:31:36 It's a big investment. I wanna make sure it's worth it. Oh, just the 80. Great, he's strength to 80. Come on, it's all right, relax. Despite James' encouragement and some very close calls. That looks good. Nick was struggling.
Starting point is 00:31:56 I'm getting a bit frantic now. Nick's obsession with the Woody Doll had left him needing two toys from only three remaining goes. And I thought there was time for some help. It's free to go to required. It's just hard at selection at the moment, isn't it? It's a bit of a crap shit. They're really in bad positions.
Starting point is 00:32:13 It looks like a tough box. I'm going to go reshuffle him. I know it's controversial, but... Do it. It's what you're drawing off. You're not allowed to, obviously, at the... Hala, but we're in charge of this one. No excuses now. It's only fair.
Starting point is 00:32:27 So after a quick reshuffle of the toys, Nick had his own a new prize. It was game on. All right, Nick, he sent the claw back. It's a bit to the left. Looks like he's going for the flat. What is it, Oklahoma City? No, Warriors, doll. Warriors, Brian. Are I going to slip down the side? What? What, Oklahoma City? No, Warriors, Doll.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Warriors, Pong. I reckon it'll slip down the side. What do you reckon? Palace of the May. George Holtzkill. Oh no. Oh dear. That was that the right idea though, Megan.
Starting point is 00:32:54 We can just tweak it from there. Yeah. Okay, you need two from two. Pressure, pressure. I didn't work all week for you just to shove it in this machine. Yep, that looks good. Oh! Okay, you need two toys in one grab now.
Starting point is 00:33:14 So it's happened before. Oh, you've done it before. We've been in the position before. What are we doing? You've got to go for it. Do you have two toys? Two, what is? Two, what is? Two, what are you?
Starting point is 00:33:25 Two, what are you? Two, what are you? Two, what are you? Two, what are you? Two, what are you? Two, what are you? Two, what are you? Two, what are you?
Starting point is 00:33:33 Two, what are you? Two, what are you? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for?
Starting point is 00:33:41 Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for? Two, what are you doing for Oh, it's Snags, it's Snags. Oh, it only went deep. It's over. Oh, wow. You got the one? Did you say four of them?
Starting point is 00:33:49 No, it's OK. We were sad. Nick was devastated. However, with the keys to the claw, naturally, I wanted to explore the ancient secrets of this machine further. I know this didn't end the way we wanted it to, but I want to give you the chance to do something.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I don't think you ever would have done. It's real for a skill testing champion. Because we have the keys to this thing, we could open it up, and you can actually feel the grip strength of the claw. Which you would never would have thought. That's what insides do. No human hand would ever felt the grip strength.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I don't know, I didn't. And I want to feel it too. I don't know. All right. I've got a theory that you have to pump a certain amount of money into them before they actually grow up. Because I get stronger. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too.
Starting point is 00:34:36 I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too.
Starting point is 00:34:44 I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. I'm gonna see you on it too. Just go forward a bit now, Ian. That looks good. Alright. Nick, you are about to feel something. No human being ever gets to feel let alone a skill testing champion. Grip strength of the core. Oh! No, Jack, actually got my... What?
Starting point is 00:34:59 It's a storm! It's actually a storm choice! It's actually a storm choice! I don't believe it. I's actually strong choice. I don't believe it's that second on series. I believe you did it on series. I believe you did it on series. I believe you did it on series. Unless that was the one grab that it does, that was dead serious grab bomb.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Oh wow, they're aesthetically weak. That's so weak. It was his start, that must've been the grab. I mean, you feel it, I know that. I've got maybe a mind was to hit. He picked up his hand. I mean, you feel it, and I mean, I mean, I'm... I've got maybe a mind with two hands. Pick that be his hand! I mean, was it? It actually did pick my hand up, huh?
Starting point is 00:35:30 It's just a little bit of a mind. Yep, very much. I'd expect it. It's like a dead fish head shake. It must have been a good grab. Oh, good morning. Interesting. Yeah, let's just see if it can actually hold the strength of this. Oh, I on. Oh, come on. Interesting. I, here, let's just see if it can actually hold the strength of this.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Oh, I got it. I'll just see if it can actually hold it. Yeah, go. All right, so I'm feeding the booty doll into the claw and... Hold it. I'm not going to hold it. Hold it. Where do you mean?
Starting point is 00:36:03 I actually can't hold it. Nick, thanks for coming in. No worries. Token of no value for you. Thank you. It's quite amazing to be able to operate inside of this. It is. No arguments over the teddy.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Okay, I'll keep that for the rest of my life. It's a fair playoff. Monday. Monday, we'll split it. Saturday. Yeah, you should set Thursday Sunday. Okay, enjoy it boys. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Ando. Mm-hmm. We haven't visited the health food stars for a little while, and nor will we in this segment, but this is supermarket-related. Something that's come to my attention. A couple of... I suppose awards that I want to hand out. No couple of, I suppose awards that I wanna hand out. No, I don't have an official award, mate. Oh, wow. So you're gonna, you're giving the awards.
Starting point is 00:36:50 I would like to recognize a category, actually. Um, well, two of our things work. They're like awards ceremonies are just made up, generally by the community or the sector of businesses. And we just want to be out of rank. Yeah. Name to me in a award that isn't made up. And I'm not having to go here, but you know,
Starting point is 00:37:10 Olympic gold medal is made up because we invented it. We made up a thing called the Olympics. Now I have a lot of respect for the hoops you must jump through. Well, not yet a sport, but you know, we know. But to get it, but that's how these things work. You know, you just put a bit of time and effort in, you've got a governing body, BingBing Boom, you've got awards.
Starting point is 00:37:30 All right. Hamish Bakes, name and shame, super market, Heroes and Villains Award. Oh, well. So there is a light villain. A bad award. Do you know I would like to recognize? It's not a specific company,
Starting point is 00:37:43 but I will name some that do it. I think we should all appreciate the source companies that produce an upside down bottle, a flat top bottle. Right. So it's always ready to squeeze out when you get the source. Now not every source company does it. I've some only do it. Some only do a flat top bottle.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Here's why we must salute them. A, of course, of course it makes more sense for it to be upside down. It's ready to go. You don't have to do the part part on the back of the bottle. Gravity does the work while we're having free time. We're mucking around watching TV or outside in the garden
Starting point is 00:38:20 all the while gravity is pushing that source to the tip of the bottle. So we don't have to waste time doing it when it's sausage time. Yep. So these companies, that's a clever invention. Yeah. But when you think about it, they are taking a hit. They're taking a hit because we don't use as much sauce.
Starting point is 00:38:38 You don't. We don't use as much sauce. Come on. It's our faster. In the hands of an unskilled squirter, maybe. You're saying you can portion it easier because it's ready to go. Whereas when you're doing the big squirt on a bottle that has a pointy top, you get way more than you need.
Starting point is 00:38:55 I was thinking, it deserves a huge well done. Clear, clear sourced things too, because you can see the volume of sourcing that you know. They're making it easy for us to do the right amount. Yes. When you've got the upside down bottles, you've got the screw top bottle, you do leave source in there. You know, it's more annoying and you get the explosion.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Has any? Has any source explosion? It's coming to my mind that no one's got it perfect. Every time you're describing a bottle to me, I'm thinking of a different bottle. Is there a clear flat top out there for sauce? Sweet baby, Rose. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Sorry, I thought this was one of my favorite sauces. Yeah, the tomato world. Tomato world. Tomato world. Don't know. A hinds, I think, you might say a hinds, see through. Or do you see a hinds? Or just have a see through window slit.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Yeah, feel the rage. Feel the rage. Yeah. Feel the rage. Like you have on lawnmowers. Yeah. We just want to see how much fuel could be in there. Here's the thing because you don't have the source explosion.
Starting point is 00:39:50 The source explosion, they must know it's source headquarters. So should the glass bottled, you know, the glasses, the glasses, the the glasses, the glasses are cheap and they must know like keep it there guys because every third or fourth use of the source, someone's using ten portions and they can't get it back in. That's why we make the top so small. Yeah, and they can't get it back in so they have to keep buying more. So they would know when you go an upside down bottle, we're going to get less customers. That's right. We're going to get happier customers. But people on the glass bottles, the ones that you have to kind of, you know, it's like a
Starting point is 00:40:22 five-and-a-mule buddy top, top mouth at the top, you always give up when you get to the bottom of that one. That's what I mean. Yeah, you read it and you leave source in there. You leave source in there because you're like, I can't be trying to work this all the way down. That's what I mean. And that's why you're back at the supermarket faster for a re-up. So those glass bottle companies know you're spending more on source. You're visiting ten times to a squeezy six
Starting point is 00:40:51 Yeah, sorry for us to repeat what you say, but yeah, no, that's that's it. I'm glad that helps So kudos to the upside down source community because I think you're taking you hidden your bottom line So we can be a happier customer. So you win my hero's award if you're making that kind of sauce. Interesting you mentioned the buddy, the Coca-Cola buddy bottle. I mean, just run through a few brands and you just tell me the classic volume of the bottle. I mean, like a Coke, a bottle of Coke. What else have you got? You got your 390 these days? You've also got a can at three, six, five. Go up from six hundred for me. Oh yeah, so we're looking at, isn't it go straight to a liter?
Starting point is 00:41:31 1.5. 1.25. 1.25. 1.25. That's the classic, isn't it, Jack? 1.25. That is the classic soft drink. And then a two liter.
Starting point is 00:41:39 And then two liters, three liters, mega tanker. I think so. They dabbled with a four for a while. What about Schwab? Jack, when you get you 500, 600 mil bottle of Schwabs, and then what about if you go out from there? 1.25, I'd say. Yeah, that's what I would thought. Jack, 1.25? Sounds good. Yeah, yeah. Schwabs does not make a 1.25. What are they? Schwabs, he's 1.1. And I reckon, I only realized this the other day. I reckon we thought it was one point two five four decades. Yes. They do not make one. I would have thought you would
Starting point is 00:42:14 think the most bottle of coke like a bottle of Sprite is the same as a little lemonade. It's just like which flavor do you want? Yeah. Right. It is I think they I reckon they I reckon they're keeping it quiet. I don't think they ever talk about it. I mean, the viewer they have to legally put it on, but it's pretty small. Yeah. And it just is in the kind of a font, which gives the impression that they know they're getting away with it. And it's not shorter. It's thinner. It's thinner. And it's thinner. And it's a bit more. And it's a bit more. And they cone the bottle. So it looks, it's made, it's definitely made to look the same as a 1.25. And when you look at the 1.1, I mean, I was just, I was staring at it in disbelief, going, how long is this been going on?
Starting point is 00:42:57 But I'm like, this is the normal Shweb's bottle. Yeah. Because we just had some lemonade. I was like, this is the normal Shweb's bottle. And it's 1.1. When did they shave 150 no out of this? Well, hang on, they always have. They've been doing this for years.
Starting point is 00:43:12 And now is at the guts to call them on it. Hey, and you've point that wide open. We have ever not. Without the seven minute patty that normally happens at that. I've accidentally blown something wide open. You look at next time this supermarket, look at the shreds and look at the font Shwep's, then look at the font.
Starting point is 00:43:26 And you tell me that's not the font of someone that when it says 1.1 liters, just trying to change the subject, they're trying to pretend that they don't know why you're asking, like, it's written in such a way that you can hear it pronounced, like, one point, what's the big deal? What else, what else, what else, what else,
Starting point is 00:43:42 has your day been? Ha ha ha. What's the big deal? What else? What else? Have you died, Ben? you

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