Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2022 Ep 168

Episode Date: April 20, 2022

1. The Bug-A-Salt Review 2. Can you tell the Olsen Twins apart? Millie’s Special skill 3. Andy Airbnb'd a celebrity’s house 4. Hamish is open to golf sponsorships ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Cos the Haymission and the Podcast starts in 3, 2. Sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi-timi hand-flesh-a a homey. Hello sir. What's your hands for a penny? Flesh a not flesh. Flesh a flesh a hands for a penny. Of course after Jack's bone to them I wouldn't flesh an unbowned hand. Ahoj and say I've been working here for a thousand years.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Ahoi to me, Tanner. Oh, traditionally a job people hated the Tanner. Why? I don't know. I played this board game where the character that you didn't want to get was the Tanner. Was it what I was saying? It was the board game. Wow. It wasn't. Keltz and Furs. That's the round of Peltz Furs and Hives guys.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I hope I'm Furs. Don't want to be a Tanner. I don't want to be a Tanner. Oh no, I know. After my job to put the oil wash through the Peltz to get rid of the ticks. I've got wrong two. Sixes for a clean Pelt. The game is called Ultimate Werewolf.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Even better than you could have expected. So, you're catching werewolves and what... You're... ...skimming them for length. Well, one person in the group becomes the werewolf and we have to try to find it. It's been like Mafia, you have to try to find out who the werewolf is. Instead of just being villages, we can adopt jobs.
Starting point is 00:01:48 And the Tanner is the guy that you don't want to get. Oh, right. Why not? I guess Tannin was a terrible job at it. It's smell. He's Jack got it then today. He doesn't want to press the buttons on this show. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:02:00 But before you use the Tanner. But you'll never find out who the well for Monks' dishel is. But if you work as a diligent villager, you could. I'm the Phil Munger. All right. Which is the, we're talking about processing leathers. Yeah, we are. We are.
Starting point is 00:02:16 What is the handflesh? I didn't get, essentially, you're the front line of that, when you get the skin. I get, I get, I clean it. Yeah, yeah, so just refining it, but then obviously, tan, I mean, I mean, that's crazy. They're all pretty gris, they're all, they're all, they're all, they're all so,
Starting point is 00:02:31 they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so,
Starting point is 00:02:39 they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all so, they're all I think Andy's the world champion. I think he's the world champion. He's out there selling it, pretending he's not near the meet, but come night time, he's out back nibbling the carcasses. So is this the fun part of the game, Jack, where I go?
Starting point is 00:02:50 Oh, I'm not the world champion. It is actually this. We essentially are playing it now. We would gang up Hamish on Andy, and we would call him Werewolf Werewolf, and if he is, he's going to tell us. Do you say it twice? That's how we play, yeah. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:03:04 Oh, the first outf felt. Old school rules. Oh, the post-out felt. Old school rules. Oh, the post-out felt. Old school rules. Oh, the post-out felt. Old school rules. Old school rules.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. Old school rules. though, I've been a bit flat after hearing of the passing of my good friend King Tutankham and his family today. Thankfully, one of my 13 wives has agreed to go and purchase me a new solid gold chariot tomorrow to lift my spirits. I know what you're thinking must be very, very nice. However, I would like to point out that I have requested only a base model solid gold chariot so that I can maintain touch with the common Pharaoh. I wanted to thank you guys for the podcast, really enjoyed listening to it during the construction of these pyramids,
Starting point is 00:03:59 and as I carve hieroglyphics into solid chunks of stone. Keep it up. Look at that. Hamish and Andy, the podcast that's friends with Trady's for Nolenia, a Trady's mate, whether you're on the tools 5,000 years ago, or 5 minutes ago, we gotcha. It was ready up though, like a footballer who'd been caught in a driving,
Starting point is 00:04:20 and it was to apologize to all the gods. Ra, the cat one. Uh, it obviously, the joke is it's very tough to get the upload your audio at www.hameshaney.com and the duck came from, well, thousands of years ago, obviously not true. And he's had no problem.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Hey, we've all been waiting baited breath because the bugger salt you took home, the weapon that we were very impressed with that would shoot flies. You sent me a video that I was impressed with. You and your son were out. But in minutes of me getting home from the podcast, we were hunting our first kill downstairs at our house. And then as soon as you got a fly, you gave it across to the tanner. Yeah. And that's why Jack's wearing that beautiful fly skin coach today. Made from the pelt of a thousand flies.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Here's a quick recap for people because I know, even if you listened to last week's podcast, it's sort of like, okay, you've got to visually, you've got to understand the gun. And people are joining the podcast at all times. We recommend going back to the start, but if you're just joining now, welcome. Reverse order is always controversial, but we're not here to tell you how it can spend your free time. So if that's what you want to do, good fun. It's a plastic shotgun, essentially.
Starting point is 00:05:41 It fills up with table salt. So not rock salt. So this is the one that comes on the big plastic tub, not the one you grind. Which I felt better about because rock salt was worried would be too painful. Are you too painful? I don't think you could get the velocity you need with rock salt from a spring. I think it might be a bit too heavy. I think the iodized table salt works really well. I mean, I'm going to probably get deep into the probably compact bit. I'm going to go deep into the ballistics a little bit here today because I've studied the gun intently and it's absolutely the right salt for the ammunition, the granules of table salt because it also doesn't leave, it barely leaves the salt residue on the bench once you've blasted the
Starting point is 00:06:21 flight. The whole idea is it's pump action, you fill it up, you fill up at salt chamber, it says you get 80 shots out of it. My experience is close to 50, that's the G on the bench, once you've blasted the flight. The whole idea is it's a pump action, you fill it up, you fill up it's salt chamber, it says you get 80 shots out of it. My experience is close to 50, that's fine. It also fires much better when it's full, like rather than scrounging around for scrubs. You can have a few kind of like pretty empty fires. Essentially you are shooting a flight, it's a pump action, you know, loads one load of salt in with a spring loaded mechanism and then you fire it at a fly, it's a pump action, you know, loads one load of salt in with a spring loaded mechanism, and then you fire it at a fly.
Starting point is 00:06:48 And you've got a killing range of about 15 to 20 centimeters. Yeah. After that, you might stun the fly, sort of 15 to 30 centimeters, you might stun it. After that, you've got to get pretty lucky with the salt spread for a piece to rip through its wing or whatever. So essentially, you are hunting flies in a hygienic way, I was going to say safe, not safe for the fly, hygienic way, so you're not using fly sparrel over the kitchen. The reviewer in, it's a hit. Have you used yours?
Starting point is 00:07:17 Well, no, I haven't. And I was actually unbelievable. Well, hang on, let me just text my sister to see whether I can, because it seemed like you're having a ball with the sun. It seemed like there was a great... You don't need a kid for it. I mean, it certainly adds a level of father-son bonding. What it does, I tell you what it does. My wife is not that impressed with it being an ask.
Starting point is 00:07:41 She was trying to have a business meeting the first day that we had it, or maybe second day that we had it and I was walking around. I guess because I was in board shorts and socks and nothing else like it seemed like I was sort of 16 years old and I had my plastic garden and I was hunting a fly. And I do try to explain to her like, you know, I can't be working all the time. I do, you know, I do have to un? And what it does is you get so excited when you see a fly in the house. It changes the dynamics of a fly in the house.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Whereas a fly in the house used to be a pain in the ass. Now screams go up from around, even though it's getting involved now, it's like fly, fly, fly. So I have to, I go get the gun from the top covered because we're learning gun safety, never pointed anyone. Dad's gonna do it, I'll load it. Then the hunt begins. And I have taken one down from mid-air. No one believes me, no one saw it.
Starting point is 00:08:31 But the three all way down, no, because you'll get one down at the beach house. There's a lot of flies down there. We can't trust you though. I mean, you said you saw five guys the best didn't look alike. It's on the one two, one two, one two. Not all together.
Starting point is 00:08:43 What's verified? Not all together. That was true. What I'm gonna do is put a GoPro on the one to work if not all together. What's verified? Not all together. That was true. What I'm going to do is put a GoPro on the barrel. That's what it's happened like a call of duty kind of like vision. Then I'm probably going to start a YouTube channel flyhunter or something. And I might start twitching.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I might quit this because I am spending a lot of time hunting flyhunter. So flyhunter, HB flyhunter, that'll be the new channel I put up. Yeah. You can get an enemy there, but of course, you know, it's an absolute crap sheet. Like they're zipping and changing the whole time. Once they land, that's just when the party starts, because it's that beautiful thing of like, they don't know what's about to happen. So you, they think you're within a safe range.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Boom. I have shot flies from the bench into the open bin. Right? Really? I mean, that's a trick shot and that I wouldn't recommend trying that on your first go. But usually you're hitting, sometimes it hits the fight, depending on how much salt you've got in there and that is a bit of a luck of the draw thing. Yeah. It can like pulverize the fly. Really? Like it's really hitting your force. Other times, you do get unlucky with the salt spread and it flies off and you find it on the window and you sort of laugh and go,
Starting point is 00:09:47 you're never getting away from me. Yeah. I've killed a lot. I would say, I'd say I've got over 50 scelps. Wow. Which has been big. Yeah. To include Zoe to get her involved in the game
Starting point is 00:10:00 because she isn't, yeah, I can't say she's like as amped as I am to have the bug assault, salt gun. Every time I kill one or two, like a takeout whoever's invaded, she's usually in the office at home. Well, that's her office. It meant to be joint, but she does more work. She's in there like doing stuff and I'll walk in and whisper to her, the, the invaders have been you trolling. Like I'm secret service and I won't make eye contact and I'll walk out and then she keeps looking at it and I think she's enjoying that she's not she's not she's
Starting point is 00:10:38 working but she's started to nod like she's so I'm like someone just letting her know that that won't be a problem anymore. Here's my fault. How did Sony go? Oh yeah, yeah, he's good. He's good. He's enjoying it. I just feel quickly text my sister, have to say, is it okay to bring a salt, what was
Starting point is 00:10:56 she like called salt powered shotgun? Don't call it a shotgun, call it a zapper, blaster. Well, just a little blaster that fires salt at flies to to put him to sleep. Okay, sleepy salt. This is the bit where Zoe doesn't believe me. I reckon I think the word has got out amongst the flies because there's been a few times I've fired at a fly and they've just escaped. And I think they've seen me kill the other ones. I thought you mean they're not coming to be back to the house anymore. Well, now I see a fly, I go and get the gun, you can't find the fly anymore.
Starting point is 00:11:33 I think they see the gun and they go, oh, hardy's over, I told you guys, not this house, and they go and they hide. But I think they're waiting till nightfall to get out of the house. Because it really has started to have a lot more where I go and get the gun and you can't find the fly anymore. Like they are terrified. So it acts as a deterrent. What a great review. Yeah, I can't really, I really am having a, I'm having a ball.
Starting point is 00:11:59 You've bought. I'm going to get another one. This is the first one I need to. I'm just worried about the spring mechanism eventually filing. And I know you want one jacket and as well as needing the beard. I haven't got you and the anchor present yet for the birth of your child. And I think this could be it. Last question, him. Chip hot chips or anything. Have you used it to season? No, he wouldn't use it to season. And it's not I do prefer a ground salt or chicken salt on the hot chips It's coming out of the high-volce I tell you what though it it
Starting point is 00:12:29 Be careful shooting flies on the roof. I have had quite a few instances where you get blowback and you get salt in your eyes and That can be again, and it's again just for your wife to walk in you know, I'm 40 and When she comes in and you're rubbing your eyes and they're going to grab you. What's that? It's salted by eyes. It's hard. Hame time for another special skill. Amelia wrote in at hamishney.com and this one, I didn't even run by because I knew you'd love it. Straight off the bat. It's amazing. She says, with a hundred percent certainty, I can tell each of the Olsen twins apart, babies, full house, New York Minute, a runway show, can identify who is Mary Kate and who is actually
Starting point is 00:13:21 Olsen. I don't even know if they can do that. I agree. So I wanted to use if they can do that. Great. So I wanted to use you as a control today, Ham. You have to play along as well. But, for me, it's not going to be sheer guesses. I guess Amelia Slashmilly joins us now. Amelia, how are you?
Starting point is 00:13:35 I'm good for you. Very well. Amelia, this is amazing. I mean, the obvious question here is, are you a huge fan? I mean, I suppose if you're a huge fan of the Olsins, this makes sense. If you're not a fan, it's even more fascinating, that this skill has become apparent to you.
Starting point is 00:13:53 I was, when I was really young, I was a massive Olsins twin fan. I think very kind of 90s of me, like loving the Olsins twin. And yeah, I think it's just kind of sputting that I've been able to do. Yeah. So when, because of course, they sort of started on full house when they were both playing the same character because of child labor laws, they switched the twins in and out. And
Starting point is 00:14:18 us's viewers weren't meant to notice when that character was played by a different twin. And we never did. We never did. we never did. Because we never did. It was a kid. We were, we couldn't believe. We couldn't believe. That was a fun fact. It wasn't a pointing to your friends. You know why there's twins in the credit? That's the, that's the kid.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Carb member and I wasn't Stephanie. What was the, what was the characters name? Actually, it wasn't a useful health. I'm trying to think of it now, but it was more of a New York minute type stuff. I think it's all ours was a little bit too young for a whole house. When you see an old episode of full house, do you look at it and go, switched? They've switched. When they're switching, yeah, they are.
Starting point is 00:15:01 They're switching during the episode, which they would have to do. Definitely. switching, yeah, they are, they're switching during the episode, which they would have to do. Definitely, like the, you know, the fact that I knew that, you know, one of them with left hand and the other one with right hand and kind of pick up on the episode. So this is very tough for you because it's just our photos today. Now, five photos in front of you, because it's a 50-50 chance, though, I want to aimish to be the chance control. You also have to play the game, him. Yep, yep. I am going to ask Millie to give her answer first, him. And you can go with your own instincts.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I know you're not gonna copy her. But are you ready to go, Millie? We've got you set up on a Zoom call outside. So Mike, producer, Mike will show you the pictures as they come up. I get. And what do we say four out of five out of five ham for a coin? It's got to be, it's got to be four plus, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:15:53 Five out of five convincingly you've got a coin four out of five will be judge's decision. Okay. Good luck, Willie, let's jump into it. And she can tell everybody the correct old son. into it. Mine is ready to go. Is it Marricade or Ashley in this photo? Lovely, beautiful. Just long enough. OK. Can you see the computer screen there, Millie? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Mike, unleash picture one. It is a picture of the two of the boys. Say it's some kind of fashion parade. Oh, yeah. Don't, OK, I've got my answer locked in. I'm good to go. OK, so it's the two of them. So this one you need to say which one is on the left?
Starting point is 00:17:03 So the one in the scarf on the left is Mary Kate. She's got it. Yay! Hey, I actually did have that. I had Mary Kate left. That was a pure guess. All right. Well done.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Well done. What was the tell? What was the tell there, Amelia? Um, I just, I mean, obviously vibed out, but um, I think she's going longest for the space, the Mary Kate. I suppose it's a hard question, what's the tale? The tale is, that's her. They look exactly the same to me.
Starting point is 00:17:31 So, well done, okay, second one, we're going back to far younger. Oh. And it's only a single shot. Okay. We have for last days, I would say backwards. I would say late in the seasons of full house. I've locked my answer in.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Okay, I'm going to be fun some bit of a guess, but yeah, I've locked my answer in. Mm-hmm. Who is it? I'm going to say that is Ashley. I have Mary Kay. Hey, Michelle's now in the lead. Ah! Okay, okay, okay. Okay, that... Hey, Mish is now in the lead. Ah! Ah! Ah! Alright. Okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Okay, now. So you prefer them, you prefer them in a double shot. Do you rather than say? Yeah, yeah. The comparison helps. Well, Harrison does help. You did say you could tell the twins apart.
Starting point is 00:18:21 That's true. Okay, so let's go back to another double. This is early full-house days I would say. Cute shot of them both on a bed hands in their chin. Yeah gotcha. I've lost my answer in. Oh yeah I've got it too. Okay who do you think is on the left? On the left, I'm gonna say it's Ashley. Hey, Mish. Marry Kate. No, it's Ashley Ham, so it's fair time. So well done there, Millie.
Starting point is 00:18:53 That was a tougher one. That is a tougher one. I think the older ones, she's gonna get very easily, isn't she? But, let's run up. Move, this is the game. Let's go to, I would say, present day. Oh, yeah. Mary came live, strangely.
Starting point is 00:19:11 They are probably on the set of a talk show. They've got very similar dress with kind of a black power suit or jacket. And I've got my answer. Have you got your answer? It got my answer, but I think I could be wrong. I've gone, okay, who's on the left, a longer hair, Mary Kate?
Starting point is 00:19:31 I was also gonna say Mary Kate, I'm the last. You both got it correct. Oh! Oh! So we're proving that, I mean, the chance, element is doing pretty well off no training we've got to say that. So we're in the impasse here. Oh we're doing everyone to go. We do but if she we said that we've the discussion. Well this is
Starting point is 00:19:56 what I mean I mean if she gets one more that's 4 out of 5 and it'll be judge as call. If I also match that's not gonna look good when the judge considers the case. I hear what you're saying. Okay. I'm gonna get you to enter first in home. And so you can't dog over at home. This is a 2016 choice awards. Oh, I've got it. Okay, hang on. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:20:23 I've got to do my answer, Andy. Okay, that's Mary Kate. Who do you think? No, that's Ashley. It is Ashley. Okay, well done. Okay, well you got four out of five, which would be pledged, would be the judge's review.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Andy is the judge. I say to you, Sarah, I got three out of five by sheer guessing. I'm a man off the street with no interest in the twins. It doesn't seem good enough. I know it's harsh. You know the judge, I'm merely a man off the street. That...
Starting point is 00:20:53 Julie, I sort of agree. Too easy, too easy, 50-50s. You're the bailiff. So then a rare man. The bailiff is a good friend of the judge. I mean, you can't really call him a bailiff of the judge. Just come on. Mealie. When I claimed I had this skill, I told my partner and he said that is ridiculous because I have faced one.
Starting point is 00:21:13 You got faced blindness. I'm just a man off the street, but I sympathize deeply with the defendant. I have to. I know. I, yeah, so it was, it was a worry when going in. Well, you know why you might be so good at Emilia. Facebook is actually not a, um, it's not a disadvantage in this game because for people with Facebook, and it's we have to use a lot of facial cues to build information up of someone's face.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Like, I have to look at Einstein and go,. You don't know. You don't know. You don't know. No, that's offensive to me and the FBs. Mealy, I tell you what, there's two counts why I can't give away a coin today, mainly because they're so sacred. But B, you said with a hundred percent certainty in your email. And then the other part was, Mealy, you said on two of them, I think you said this is probably a guess.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Yeah, so, Milly, when you said this is a guess, I think you would demean it and came to me that you weren't entirely sure. It was like going to see David Copperfield and him going, before I reveal your card, please know, this is a guess. LAUGHTER Exactly.
Starting point is 00:22:23 But, Milly, at the token of no value coming your way, thank you so much. Tom Fon. Hey, and friend of ours is out from overseas. Vaughn is his name. What a praise to have a tourist. It hasn't been wild. I mean, we went to pick him up from the air, and I was like, guys, you would have no idea what this thing is that we're going to do is the international part of the airboard.
Starting point is 00:22:50 That'd be your kid. You know, I took the kids out, we had a little Australia balloons like, yeah. This is wild. Anyway, they're back. They're back in the country, tourists. And, you know, when guests come out, you've sort of shoved a few things, and so.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Absolutely. We, you had a vacancy of Vaughn, while he was in city, and things and so we you had what custody of Vaughn while he was in city and then happy had a nice time and exchanged him, exchanged our tourist and had I think we get on well for people who are the sharing custody. I think so. You curse words. Well you know, don't use that all night eating sugar. You didn't drop him off on top.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Well let's not get into who's doing what correctly. Well, you know, tell him, we use that all night eating sugar. You didn't drop him off on top. Well, let's not get into who's doing what correctly. After I spent a four hours waiting for you in the after golf, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Anyway, I grabbed Vaughan from home and we booked a house down the coast on the great ocean. I should point out it's because Vaughan was the main Sydney
Starting point is 00:23:43 I flew down to Melbourne, hung out back in Melbourne. Then I had to go back to Sydney. It wasn't because then I can't be together. No, no, no, no, we actually had great time together. And one night of excellent fun and then a year of one state. We went down and booked a house on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:24:01 And as we got in there, it became evident that it was a famous person's house that we'd rented. And so I want to turn this into a game right now that I'll give you clues and you guys could try and... I mean Jack. You and Jack, see if you can guess who is the famous... Was it one of your... had you forgotten your order? That guy in the photo looks familiar. Hey, what's all this? A loggie?
Starting point is 00:24:29 No, not a house. Wait a second. Okay, here's the clue number one. There was a trampoline in the house that I reckon she would have. Inside. Well, at the house, at the property. I mean, I was like, this is it.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Is it some of an ninja warrior? Yeah. That I remember. And then monkey bars. And okay, she would have used for her work. That could still be an ninja warrior. Out the back you mean. Yeah, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Do you want to fit the famous on ninja warrior? I only know the guy who was. Ben Poulsen. He was. Oh, yeah. Shane Crawford's done a bit. The hosts. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Um, and, and, and five Ben Palson. Ben Palson from elsewhere. Yeah, he, he did a special skill. You wouldn't know this, but this person was actually... I might know this, mate, be careful. He's person was on Inuoria. I did know that.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Yeah. As a host or as a contestant, contestant. But that's not what they're famous for. Had the poster of her documentary, I could film on the wall. Right. What were all me thinking? Obviously. Athletic.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Athletic. Yeah. Sort of single. I don't know why, but at the start I was thinking Janine Ellis, the founder of Boots. I think it's because I'm having a Boots. But now I'm going unlikely she was on Ninja Warrior. I mean, she was famous by the time Ninja Warrior came around. So that would have been like, you know, Janine Ellis the founder of Boots, are you?
Starting point is 00:25:56 There was a locked cupboard in the garage and Bruce the caretaker said, don't mind that cupboard, because there's gold medals in there. Gold medals? Gold medals? I've got a topic for Bruce's words. Okay, so it'll be an all-world champion. So wait, does that mean this person who is a world champion is renting out their first home?
Starting point is 00:26:19 I think so. Not a holiday home. I guess. Because you wouldn't put the gold medals in. Yeah, you wouldn't put the gold medals in. Where do I keep mine? Yeah, no, you wouldn't. Yeah, you wouldn't, your gold medal in the gold medals. Where do I keep mine? Yeah, you wouldn't. You wouldn't, would you?
Starting point is 00:26:27 You'd keep them. I mean, it's a funny one, isn't it? You just assume they'd be in the safe somewhere if they're gold medals. So he's gone, don't go and cover those gold medals in it. That is terrible security. That's terrible. I think it's pretty proud of it. Maybe don't look under the mask.
Starting point is 00:26:44 That's where the keys to the sports car is and That CCTV up there fake So we'd have no way of knowing who to And I've left the back door And of course the owner is out of the country and I'll be out of the country So any other guesses there No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'll list the camp one. Oh, in the kill. Bet newer version. I thought she could be a 50. It was like you were a fencer with that.
Starting point is 00:27:28 What is the Nyankel runs? One goal for the same discipline. Lydia Lussard. He's got it. Of course, Bruce. That's Lydia's caretaker. So I had some questions for Lydia about her house. That's Prane and I.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Yeah, so very exciting. I went to realize, oh gosh, she didn't do it. A husband must be into golf and you know, she had a sniffhando. Yeah, so very exciting. I want you to realize, oh, gosh, she didn't do it. The husband must be into golf. And you know, she had a, do you really have a snoop around it? No, yeah, absolutely. Yes. Really?
Starting point is 00:27:50 Hey, hey, have you talked to Lydia about this? Just to go. Hey, we accidentally jimmyed your floorboards up a little bit, why did he think? No, but what I did do is, I asked her to come on the show. She's overseas at the moment, timed difference disaster
Starting point is 00:28:05 for us. She's leaving. She's probably saying, Brusiness is well-ventrulling and charge. And so I sent us some audio questions and she's got back to me on the questions. So here we go. Hey Lydia, Andy here, congratulations on being the best in the world at something. Anyway, great house.
Starting point is 00:28:23 We loved it. Couple of questions for you though. When you're pooing in the master ensuite toilet, can you reckon people can see in? What do we just like miss where the blind was or something? It felt pretty open there. Well, this is probably my favourite room of the house. there. Well, this is probably my favourite room of the house. I love to sit on that Lou and stare out to the old ways and the ocean and just do my business in pure bliss. The only people that can see you is probably, we've got, there's a house down the way and they can probably see see from their balcony, but we have tested it from the road, so.
Starting point is 00:29:08 No one can really see and it's pretty quiet neighborhood, but yeah, we're not putting blinds in it. It's just too nice of a view. It would hurt the view. We don't wanna do that. The view's nice. The view's nice that way, but the view back up for neighbors.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Oh, around, yeah. You were bliss. That is what I, I'm, sorry, a real pang of jealousy. There was like, that is my dream for a toilet situation. Exactly. It was. We go in Puea bliss. Out on another question.
Starting point is 00:29:35 How good is the sauna? It looks amazing. You go in. When I say looks amazing, we didn't really get to use it because I wasn't working. Do you feel like that could be like a discount? What's the dollar value on that, do you think? So the sauna.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Tell me about the sauna. What the hell is going on there? It should be working. And it hurts me to hear that you couldn't have a sauna because the best thing to do is to have a sauna and sweat it out and then wash off and then go and jump in the pool. So we keep the pool cold for exactly that reason. So a bit upset and I hope it is working. Did you press the button? It says on. Maybe you missed it but I will check with the property manager and if the sauna is not working then that's that's a big discount, mate. You'll have to go
Starting point is 00:30:29 back on weekend or maybe midweek when it's free and have a sauna and a plunge. But downgraded on the offer very quickly straight away. We'd love to make it up for you with a week in a weekday. Actually complimentary medium medium price bottle of shirats. I tell you what the end is. Soreners, what were we talking like infrared, it was on the stones, water on the stones. Yeah. Look, you know, I am a sweater, so I know this is this coming from a bar's position. If I, if you had nebambian, you're like, we've got a sauna. And I mean, other people sweat in the sauna. Like, I absolutely saturate a sauna.
Starting point is 00:31:08 So you're like, okay, she switched it off on purpose. I would. I would. And they're a massive power sucker if it's electric. Yeah. So she's gone, hey Bruce, before the people get there, just for hygiene, switch it off, make it look like it's on. But yeah, save us on our power bill,
Starting point is 00:31:25 and let's not get into us on it, let's have nine different people sweat through it when we come home. Vehicle one last question. Also, how much to those little slippers cost that are at the front door? Uh-oh. Because Henry, uh, 8-1, still wearable.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Just, yeah, probably is a more of a throwout job, I would say. The slippers, the slippers, yes, they are a luxury item for guests. We provide slippers because they're quite nice to have and we're a no shoe house. I'm sure we can send in your care to you in the post, it's compensation for the lack of sauna action. Well, hang on, now I'm getting a shoe. Slippery, slipper. You're getting a shoe to slip up.
Starting point is 00:32:10 There's no laces involved. That's, she goes complimentary slippers in the house. Complementary slippers upon entry. Disposable, I assume? No, they seem like good. A rubber sole. Yeah. Fatched sides.
Starting point is 00:32:24 What's that? Fatched sides. What's that? Fatched sides. Is that like it's like a story kind of, you know, a little bit of a picture though? Yeah. I don't sound very comfortable. First lickers. Who's doing a straw slipper?
Starting point is 00:32:35 It's a good point. Kind of with, but also wooden box to sit in a straw slipper. And just as you make it that I went from a weekend away to a week, a week, a week, a week. No. Now I just get a pair of slippers, apparently, for the sauna conversation. It's gone backwards very quickly. And one thing we have not touched on this year is my pledge to you at the end of last year that when I turned 40, I would take up golf.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yes. It was a, that would happen in December, the birth date happened in December, and true to my word, in November, set the wheels in motion to make my own decisions about what company I would like to get my golf clubs from. That's true. Forget why for the remembers. For the membership with Taylor Bade. Well, Andy has a deal with Taylor Maid where he gets things for free and that's fine.
Starting point is 00:33:29 That's his prerogative as a golfer. I was interested in making my own call as it turns out. Good news for Taylor Maid. I made independently made the same call. So it was merely interested to get your contact there so I could discuss with them about the actually about it. Just acquiring clubs, happy to pay, they counted with a sort of quite a generous deal of much lower amount of money changing hands and that. Anyway, not what I was chasing, I started with quality first and boy, boy, if it's quality you want, that's what the guys at Tava made will give you. We were riding high, and we were riding my relationship.
Starting point is 00:34:09 They were riding high. When did the fitting, you get in the suit with ping pong balls. I don't think they're like, analyze your body, you do the swing, jack. It's just a great fun hour. I have a tower of you getting calculated. You were a dance while you've got the balls on so you can see yourself dancing.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I'm on, I don't play golf golf and I don't have any interest to but I see everybody getting free clubs and I really, really want to go to the big pool. I'm really going to be the big pool. The free aspect is what's appealing to you. What about time is a dad now? I can see why it's appealing to dads because if you look in four or five hours every Saturday to be on the golf course It's a time you're out You're out and it's Bianca will love it
Starting point is 00:34:52 Yeah, absolutely One time with the baby The new hobbies come along at just as you have a new born because we like this is what I wanted for you some time some jack time And I mean it is you get it. I get it. I mean, the whole, we were talking about this the other day too, this whole like, oh, can't be contacted either. Very bad advocate to answer your phone. No, you go and turn your phone off at golf. It's just full of wonderful tricks. For a few things. Remember, they don't care. No way.
Starting point is 00:35:21 No way. So I'm, they go, I go to the warehouse, the headquarters there, do the things, I can go great. Taking your measurements, and I go great, you're really looking forward to getting out there. Haven't swung a club yet, except for the fitting to get the sticks, the right length, right? The clubs are right. So, this was November. Then I go, how long? I go, oh, you know, supply chains, obviously not going to be this weekend, she's supply chain issues. But don't worry, we're going to fast track these babies.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Good, because I'm really, I'm hungry to get out in the course. Then a week later, they go, you know, I said, hey, just give us a ballpark for the clubs. Like, should I be getting a bag or you guys provide that? What should I be doing here? And they're like, yep, sorry. Just chasing up the clubs now should be with you shortly. I didn't push it too much because I actually tore my shoulder. I've torn a ligament in my shoulder. Unfortunately, during the golf fitting, trying to show off, I think that exacerbated it. As I pulled my arm across my body and was trying to just hit the living day lights
Starting point is 00:36:25 out of the ball to make up for no skill, to impress the guys in there. So I wasn't really pushing it too hard as the shoulder's healing, still got a few nickels with the shoulder, but as it got into January, I went, feel like, you know, they were really just measuring the length of the stick that goes into the club, like,
Starting point is 00:36:41 I'm no golf club cutter, but I think if you've got a piece of pipe that's two meters long and you need to cut it down to about 90 centimeters, I understand that there's several clubs, but you know, you get your knee on it, you get the hacksaw, you cut it to like, you know, you could knock it off in and afternoons. Yeah, absolutely. Lot of chat, they're like, oh yeah, getting straight onto that. Weeks past, they need to February, the story becomes, we're, we'll put the wrong's path. Then into February, the story becomes,
Starting point is 00:37:06 we'll put the wrong grips on. We're waiting for the grips. So I was just thinking, at this stage, just not really hindering my life because I don't play golf. I have not, I have not, it's not stopping me getting on the course because it's not part of my life yet.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Yes. By the time I got to March, I had begun to field, I'd begun to like jokingly vent my dismay and curiosity at how clubs could take so long. A competing brand heard this and they went, oh listen, Taylor Maid's not looking after you, maybe come to Calaway. I've heard of them. I have heard of them. Suddenly I find myself in the position where I am in the middle of a sponsorship battle. Wow. As a golfer, it's never seen up that. Yeah, suddenly I'm Jack. I haven't set foot on the course, right? I haven't even set foot on the course and I'm looking at switching spots. I'm certainly thinking to myself, do I start?
Starting point is 00:38:08 Do I? Callaway sounds reliable. I mean, they sound like they could give me the world. I have to go right back to the start of the process because I don't think I could call Taylor Maiden go, can you give me my measurements? I'm jumping to the back. No. So then I run into the Taylor Maiden guy again at the foot of you and I get listen, just letting you know there's other sharks in the water. They're trying to get me. I'm still fairly committed to you guys but I will need to see some golf stamps. At some point I mean I've been talking up that I'm going to take it up. We're getting into April. So Iga's year innet, we're on it. A lot of, they're
Starting point is 00:38:45 going to be with you this week soon, coming, coming. I'm literally picking up the phone to call Callaway, ding dong, ring at the door, the clubs of a rock. Okay. So, I go, okay, they've dodged a bullet there. Here's my questions for you. So, I'm very appreciative. There's lots of different clubs. The big one is a driver. Yep. That's the big one, Jack, that you see. That's the one you walk off like first tea. The wood, right? The wood? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The woods. That didn't... should there be one of those included in the set? There should be. There is not. I was like, okay, maybe that's coming. This was like five days ago, they gave me, so they haven't arrived.
Starting point is 00:39:25 That had the big sticks haven't arrived yet. But then I see alongside the boxes with the other clubs that did arrive, they've given me another box. And you'll know exactly what I mean when I say this end on the side of the box, it says TX-5, the most complete tour ball ever made. And it's a big box.
Starting point is 00:39:44 And I go, okay, now we're talking. This is what the sponsored golf life is all about. Yeah, you waited for your sticks, but in that box, it's got to be close to 200 balls. I will never want for a ball, and I know they're not cheap. So I'm getting excited. Open up the box. It's a box that used to hold balls. But they have sent me 11 hats. And three towels. The telonators give me 11 hats and three towels to make up for the delay on the clubs,
Starting point is 00:40:20 all of which aren't quite here yet. So is it a thing where you would see a man with 11 hats? No. The whole, so I know what they've basically done. You open up a box that has 11 hats and it's just going through like armfuls of hats and you go, they felt bad about the delight. Why is the logic ongoing? Not just give him a hat. Give him armfuls of hats and you go, they felt bad about the delay. Yeah. What is the logic I'm going? Not just give him a hat.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Give him armfuls of hats. Like they would have had to get go to the hat barrel several times. Exactly. So here's the thing. I'm sitting here now as a guy that has almost all the clubs. I'm very, very close to playing. I am sponsored. I'm happy with my sponsor.
Starting point is 00:41:03 I'm sticking with him. I'm not jumping ship. I've got 11 hats. You won't ever have a sunburn for it. I'm looking for a whole bunch. We won't say it talked too soon, but it odds with me to remain unburned out there. And I now am excited because I'm at the verge of stepping onto the course. And at the risk of becoming too much of a jack person, I'm only going to have one club sponsor. I'm not going to try and do the two. I saw the error of my ways, but you look at golfers. They are so, it's not just clubs and hats that you get looked after for. It's tons of stuff. And I wonder, have I
Starting point is 00:41:40 been too focused on that side of the game? And before I step on the links to the other areas of my golfing career, I should shore up. So I've made a short ad, I suppose, but more of an appeal. Okay. I'm more of an appeal, my first official GD as a golfer. Hi, I'm Hamish Blake,
Starting point is 00:42:00 11 Hatties, Future Golf Player. When you're famous for nearly playing golf as much as I do, you know you wouldn't get anywhere without your team. Whether I'm thinking about the greens, thinking about the fairways or some of the numerous footpaths that I know dot the courses, or even just imagining what it would be like to be changing into one of my other hats,
Starting point is 00:42:21 I know I would be nothing without the generous support of my sponsors. But there's room for so many more. I have openings for alcoholic drinks that I could enjoy before or after golf, shoe sponsors that I could wear to the course and on the course. And it can absolutely be different brands.
Starting point is 00:42:38 I could split brands between come and and leave in the course. What about cars that I could drive too and from the course? There's huge opportunities there. International airlines have a wonderful opportunity to sponsor my golf. Should the need ever arise to play this wonderful sport overseas? What about the tween playing? If you're a surfboard or wetsuit company, there are many exciting opportunities to sponsor my golf career.
Starting point is 00:42:58 By supporting an interest, I might take up and surfing to help get my head out of the complex game of golf if and when I play it. Just no hats please, very solid for hats. Alright, swing hard, play hard, I'll tend to eat, see you on the links. That's golf, maybe. Thanks for listening. The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamish and Andy.com.

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