Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2022 Ep 182

Episode Date: July 27, 2022

1. Garage door prank - Who was really at fault? 2. Rudy’s Mr. Dinkles birthday cake 3. Chit Chat Champion 4. Another Shane Jacobson update 5. What were we up to in 2008? Hamish & Andy Unlimi...ted 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in 3, 2. Sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi to be natural killer, Hamish. Boom, baby. A hoi to be neutrophil.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Jacko. Don't learn what we are. Hang on, natural killer and neutrophil? Yeah. And I'm... We're a cancer therapy. I'm a tea helper. Are we a cancer therapy?
Starting point is 00:00:41 We are immune cells. Yes, we are. Inside the body. That's what we are. It was actually sent in by Flynn Gordon and C. Andy, there are so many of these to go, don't give up on a man. I like this game. I like this game. Hey, you are the natural killer cell. You immune cell, you hunt out human cells infected by the virus, and you take them down. I do. And there is a reality show about me coming up soon on stand. All seven mate, we're still in discussions, but it's just great a day in the life of a natural killer.
Starting point is 00:01:13 How I find the cells, following me, waiting round for orders, taking them out, and you also get to know a bit about me and the family and the rest of the cells that I hang out with. It's gonna be a really good show. As a Neutrophil Jack. show. As a neutral Phil Jack. You were in the show Jack. You were.
Starting point is 00:01:28 You were called to the side confection. So if Haynes there first, I guess he gives you a call or whether you guys have got, you know, CB radio or something. What do I do when I get that you eat Zelda breed? I'm kidding. He's such a good pig. I'm like, Haynes killed him. Yeah. Haynes can kill you. Yeah. And I go, you go eat that.'m going to eat the celery. I'm going to eat the celery.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I'm going to eat the celery. You're going to eat the celery. To be honest, Jack, when we had the first few screenings of the first couple of episodes of cell life, people did not like your bits much. They had it a bit disgusting. Even so, they'd kill something with graphic, but then you're like, they'll like it. Well, because I'm killing viruses, they sort of love no, someone's supposed to eat. Well, because I'm killing viruses,
Starting point is 00:02:05 they sort of love that, that's kind of the action here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That really tested well. And then the other guy didn't eat the victims. It just made people a bit squeezy. So I wouldn't tell y'all, I wouldn't tell all your family to get excited about the episode because the cut you've seen won't be in it as much
Starting point is 00:02:20 for episode one. Ha, ha, ha. Ahoy also to Bianca in Canada. Ahoj boys, just Bianca here from Canada. Just phoning in because I just heard the recent podcast about the bogus salt and it kind of left me a little baffled how you couldn't bring it in in the airport. I was in Indonesia one time volunteering at an animal refuge and decided to bring back the machete that I would cut down the trees with as a gift.
Starting point is 00:02:50 And the officer at the airport basically told me not to kill anyone in Brisbane that night, so maybe I just look a little bit more trustworthy than you, Hamish. Anyway boys, have a good one. Bye. That doesn't seem right. No, that does not seem right. I know some of you have a good one, bye. That doesn't seem right. No, that does not seem right. I've heard some of these other with Mischette I before.
Starting point is 00:03:08 You pack them. You pack them. Maybe that's what he's thinking. Because there's no way that as it went through the conveyor belt and being a big ruler. Very sharp ruler. Someone's catching up on making some graphs or tables on the plane. Let's have a look at that.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Oh, it's Meshetty. Do you promise not to use it on the plane? I promise. OK. We use the back edge for ruling. That's the back edge. I wanted to have the start of the show today, too, to fix something. Because I mentioned a few a while back now,
Starting point is 00:03:42 that Beck drove her car into the garage door and ripped a massive hole in the roof of it. It took out of me in Ariel. Her car still hasn't come back. Well, it seemed like it was pretty total. Yes, it wasn't quite. I mean, the roof got ripped off right? Yeah, like a can, I guess. A big hole, you could see straight into the back seats. I told that story about how it may have been me
Starting point is 00:04:06 sitting on the garage buzzer. And unfortunately for me, him, and I'm sure this might come as a shock to you, but some of our listeners have told back that I said this. So she snitched on me. So they said to me, she said to me. We do kind of, I mean, from my memory,
Starting point is 00:04:28 you were willing to attain the possibility to the listeners of the podcast that it was you. You just not willing to attain that possibility to backspice. Yeah, so I then she said, so you did, you did sit on the buzz, I said, no, no, no, I made that story out of it. I made that story out for the podcast, could be funny. And so she said, all right, okay. But she still couldn't believe me. So what we thought we'd do today to see whether we can test this resolve, then also test Beck's loyalty.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I think really you're hoping for a cake and eat it too, scenario. You would like to have a laugh with what you thought was our safe space, our loyal audience, about how you might have got away with this. But at the same time, to Beck, completely deny any responsibility. That's exactly where I am. So the goal really, the goal really here is, that's the ideal, that's your utopia.
Starting point is 00:05:14 The goal here is to hope that Beck has, that you fooled her enough that you'd be off the hook, whilst at the same time, privately, and this safe space going, wouldn't it be great if I'm off the hook? Well, at the same time, privately, and this safe space going, wouldn't it be great if I'm off the hook? Exactly. So the best way to test that is we've got a friend of ours, Ed, that joins us. Welcome Ed. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Beck is with GAO Insurance. So we thought we'd get Ed to call her from the insurance company. Ask a few questions, but then ask the ultimate question, who is it fault?
Starting point is 00:05:45 Okay, it is a top-ability lie. And we've also, we've given an end to the script here, we want to make it really clear, we don't want, we want to just make it really clear the back, I think it's important to go, it matters, it won't affect insurance claim at all. So she doesn't accidentally go, okay, it was me just because the insurance is in her name. We want to give her free reign to speak her truth about where she feels fault lies. I feel like I've done a good enough job of convincing her. It wasn't me, you know, last discussion.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I believe in your ability to wriggle out of this. Yes, and I also feel like her loyalty, like she is such a lovely person that I don't think she would blame anyone else anyway. But Ed, I think she'll take the insurance bullet for you. Are you ready buddy? I'm ready to go. Good luck. Hello. Hi, this is Ben from GIO Insurance. Am I speaking to Rebecca Harding? Yeah, you are. Oh amazing. Just let me know. I'm your case manager for your recent claim and I've been working with Audi Richmond for the repairs I've been told it's been taking a little a little while so apologies for that
Starting point is 00:06:52 That's alright. So I'll keep this really quick. I've just got four Questions for you and just let me know like it won't affect the claim or anything like that It's just kind of stuff that we have to do for our filing system. Is that okay? Yeah, that's fun Beautiful. So if you could just confirm the registration number for me. BEEP. Yeah, cool, that's what I've got here as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And then the incident happened at your place at BEEP. Yeah, that's correct. And is it right? The residents of the house include yourself, Andrew Lee, and then Eliza, Is it Pashky? Yeah. Cool. And it was about it. It was a garage door coming down and then was back into that's correct as well.
Starting point is 00:07:32 The garage door just came down on top of it. Okay. Okay. So as part of the claim, we just have to attribute fault to someone as well. So was it you who was responsible for the garage door coming down? Or was it Andrew? Or was it Eliza? No, it was my boyfriend and he sat on the remote from in his car. Right. So it was okay So I'll just have to put down it was it was Andy's fault that that happened. Okay cool and that's all bitch
Starting point is 00:08:03 Not there's not being confirmed that it was me. We don't know, Daly. Hey. Ha ha ha. We do now. We've got to have. We know. We know.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I think we have an eyewitness. I have denied that to you. Ha ha ha. You're now telling an authority, which is not really. You were happy to tell the authorities that it was me. Yeah. What? It wasn't.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I could have been. I'm back. Andy maintains it could have been just a ghost in the system. No, no, because we haven't had any other issues. He sat on the remote. Okay. Well, nice to know that you've got my back telling that you're willing to throw me under any bus if the chance comes up. But yeah, you didn't pass the test.
Starting point is 00:08:58 This just so you know back this is mostly what we do all day when we come into the box. Very busy. Very busy. Just setting up a lab for its games to once and for all sea. To abuse the system we have any here and good people like it coming in and pretending to be filled from insurance companies just to get better reading on the people in our lives and where we sit with them. We're there loyalty to the lives. We know exactly what it's it's a thank you darling bye. Don't you somewhere. No, well, you are. You do wish them work. Thanks, back. Bye. And on the weekend last weekend, last Saturday night, I
Starting point is 00:09:43 I got up to sleep, go back in, I saw this on Instagram, is this still up on your Instagram? I pop it in stories, I put the camera back in highlights. Go and check it out, I don't know. Go and check it out on the highlights. To me, I want to figure out how to highlight it. And there is something in the,
Starting point is 00:09:58 I've never done a highlight before except for the cakes. Yep. And there's something about you, when you make an Instagram highlight, just find that it's called a highlight. Especially when you're selecting the story, selecting all the stories. And there's a paper going, really. There's a highlight, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:10:13 Because it looks like it's just thinking about icing. Highlight, best you've got. Like I'm bringing lowlights. I'd like to just folk making a, or just it's a feature, featured. You're featured. We're not taking it to highlight, it's just featured. Just been just it's a it's a feature featured your feature not take it's on highlight the choice is featured just it's simply being chosen do you know what I mean the cake for anyone that isn't a you know the the situation I've got with my kids is quite a while ago for
Starting point is 00:10:36 sunny third birthday so five years ago I pledged to make his birthday cake and he wanted to back in the day it was a semi-trailer from the movie Cars, Mac. And it just sort of began this thing of like, okay, you're a symbol. You're a symbol. Okay. Every but they'll make the cake. It sort of makes a house. You buy. It doesn't make you buy. You buy.
Starting point is 00:10:57 You feel but it's simply, it doesn't cake part. You feel but it doesn't carefully grow the lumber. It's simply harvested and you put it into a house. It's made to the house. You ice a cake every year. I it into a house. Maybe made the house. You ice a cake every year. I certainly do a lot more than that, mate. Sometimes I'm icing Lego. Sometimes the cakes are Darth Vader S, where it's simply more machine than man.
Starting point is 00:11:18 And not very stupid Darth Vader. It's the idea. They're having points in the past where I'm like, I am I seeing Lego. What is this? And that was the... They come up brilliantly. That I have to acknowledge, which is a shame. I don't like acknowledging Neil Brilliant,
Starting point is 00:11:35 but I have to acknowledge... What was the character in this time? I didn't know the character. So this is the thing, trolls the movie. We have... I know for a fact you've watched trolls the movie because we interviewed Justin Timberlake for it back in the day.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Neil Patrick Harris. No, no, that was Smurf's mate. Smurf's a movie, Smurf's a better mate. Well, it's right back to the scene. You know, seeing the Smurf movies, they incorporate the word Smurfed, meaning anything in the movie. It's very confusing. Well, I wanted this team of pretty shit.
Starting point is 00:12:06 At least the whole Jack. I didn't, I really didn't enjoy smurf. No. It was, well, I mean, I think I might have had the same amount of fun in smurfs that I did in trolls. Or as trolls, I'd say that. Trolls is good. Is it?
Starting point is 00:12:18 Trolls is good. Trolls were world tour. The whole Trolls franchise. Trolls? It wasn't one of those ones where we sent one of us, but pretended both of us went. Oh, do you know what? I reckon I saw it.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Trolls, yeah, I'm not sure if I've seen trolls, because we went and I remember giving you the note that I remember this, because we saw it and then to interview Justin Timberlake, we were told like, oh, he actually wants to relax when he's in Australia. Yes. So like, hey, who doesn't? We love a relax. And so we said, we know he loves golf. We'll play, hey, who doesn't? We love a relaxed.
Starting point is 00:12:45 And so we said, we know he loves golf. We'll play, like, let's go play nine holes with him or something, and we played golf and talked about the movie. But I do remember actually on the first tee, giving you the, this is what used to happen, Jack. Just ask the rest of us that you've seen it. Yeah, one of us would go, and then it was responsibly for that person, to give the other person
Starting point is 00:13:02 a specific film based square. You could only know if you'd seen the film. and it was responsible for that person to give the other person a specific film-based question. You could only know if you'd seen the film. It's up to the waiters for specific as well. Yes, I think I love that red vest you're wearing in the third scene. And you always know at the end of it if you went, so I might haven't seen the film, you go,
Starting point is 00:13:17 oh, okay, man. Yeah. It's not like you pay to see them. We're not missing that $14.50. Trolls is good. I do, right. I've had to sit through it a lot because my daughter really likes trolls.
Starting point is 00:13:29 And the character she wanted from trolls is not even a troll. It's not the main character. Cool, the hair would really be easy though, with the very floss. That would have been exciting. Yes, but as I found out, here's a tip for cake makers out there. Furifrost does not last in the planet Earth's environment.
Starting point is 00:13:46 It's not made for this planet. It's like recondensors into sugar because I had quite a bit of ferifrost last year I had to make a unicorn and I made the hair this like glorious ferifloss mane. And I was like, God, like you magnifous and vast. Look at what a cheek. Like it was just this beautiful flowing pink mane Put her in put the you know the unicorn away at 4 a.m. Whatever come down the next morning at 8 o'clock to have a look at the horse at the The unicorn and it was just this massive bedraggled like Horse got a bad like a serious case of covert like just like real sweaty like Just a real rough unicorn.
Starting point is 00:14:27 So, yeah, very first dozen keep its fluff for long. We're learning. You live with it, you live with your own. However, Mr. Dinkles was the character. He's a world. What is that easy name? Mr. Dinkles, yeah. He's held by another troll called Big Inkles.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Mr. Dinkles sounds like a teacher that you don't really, that you want to be wary of. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Actually, more like a teacher's nickname if you're kids like, what's, what's, how's he going to teach you this year? Oh, his name is Mr. Smith, but he called it a lot of stuff. I'm Mr. Dinkels. He's going, no, no, no, no, no. Well, Mr. Dinkels, I mean, I don't want to start a lawsuit with dream works here. As far as we know, Mr. Dickles is merely an innocent worm. It just says me. Mr. Dickles is probably, I haven't done the maths on this, but he's just above an extra in
Starting point is 00:15:13 the movie. He's barely in it. So he just gets. He barely in it. And I really just, my little girl loves him. Does he have the same as actor voicing him? No, I mean, he's held by James Corden, or Biggie, who's voiced by James Corden. But he, honestly, the character,
Starting point is 00:15:27 it's like he's a little pet, this other troll. Right. And does he speak at all? Mr. Dinkley. The city goes literally just says, Mip. Like that's, and one of the conditions for Rudy's cake was the mouth had to meet. Like it had to move. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:37 The lips had to move. How'd you do that? Put, I made the lips out of icing, right? And then, you know, just sort of a circle. Then hot glued A. See, this is where they... Yeah, this is the bit of life. Don't hit the mouth, go sit in the mouth.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Hot glued a piece of toothpick, like to make a kind of a... Well, well, to fishing wire. And almost to make like what you'd hold onto if you water-scaled. So is that. Yeah. Tiny Mini, one of those, buried that in the top lip, iced around it, then the fishing wire ran up his face and over the back of his head.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Right. So you could tug on it and the upper lip would move. And that is glued, then I just icinged, so that was edible. Icinged the lower part of the lip to the cake, and the top lip could move. And it's not me. Which worked a treat at three in the morning whenever when that went on. Then overnight it sets and it was quite hard. So at the big reveal at the party. Again, and this is a tough bit with the cake.
Starting point is 00:16:33 This is really, this is the unseen part. Like I just sort of show the making. Most of the stress of the cake comes with dealing with the client, of course, my daughter. Yeah. And it's funny because I make a cake for my son, his older, cake for my daughter. My son is probably an easier client to deal with.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Like he understands, like he's the client and you're the creative team. Yeah. He understands the limitations. He I'm not saying he's perfect to work with. He gives you difficult challenges. He does like to stretch the creative agency. But at the end of the day, he's very happy with the product
Starting point is 00:17:03 and he's supported with it. Rudy is a tougher, much tougher client to work with. And you have huge nerves going into the presentation because you're like, this, you know, she could walk out. I mean, in the morning of the her birthday, like after I'd started to sort of three in the morning, she, before I showed her the cake, I said, you know, I got Mr. Dinkels done last night. And you know, he was in a candy store
Starting point is 00:17:29 that was the other part of the cake. Because she just wants lots of candy on the cake. And I said, you know, got Dinkels done and she was like, I'm not sure if I want Mr. Dinkels anymore. I think I want a jigglypuff from Pokemon. I was like, well mate, he's the thing. I mean, we've got to be coming in. Yeah, we've got to be.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I mean, I'll change with it. We thought you agreed on the scope of the project. I'll keep doing this. The delivery date was set and stone, and now you've shot the ad. We've shot the ad. Like it goes to air tomorrow. We can't reshoot the ad.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Like, you know, you asked for a Mazda 6 ad, we're on a cliff. You can't now change it to go, we want them the CX-7 in a forest. Yes, you know, you ask for a Mazda 6 ad, we're on a cliff, you can't now change it to go, we want them the CX7 in a forest. We've shot it. We filmed it. So you said you wanted it. And what that means is like, on the moment, when I present it to it, it's like, so I go so over the top, because she's difficult. She's a difficult client. I I Difficult client means lovely person, but just just to get the satisfaction out of it like it's 95% High for me. We've seen that It all sales briefed with that man
Starting point is 00:18:37 What frustrates me is I don't put as much effort into anything else in my life as I do for the cakes I don't really put much effort into anything else in my life, as I do for the cakes. I don't really put effort into anything. No, I've noticed. So twice a year. Twice a year, I have this thing that I actually put effort into, so I expect a little bit of, it's my chance to enjoy what it feels like to try very hard at something and succeed.
Starting point is 00:18:58 And to succeed. And she broms me up that little bit because she will not give me the results. So how did the mouth go when you... It snapped off and that was so I quickly had to cover for that, because the other thing she wanted was three cupcakes to fall out of his bum, because that happens in the trolls movie too, they pooped cupcakes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:16 So I spun that around and I'd initially hoped to have a flap. Taking us back to the very first cake handle that I made with the edible hint. Yes. That was the big deal on the back of the semi-trailer. It had an edible hinge. I didn't have the resources or time to put an edible hinge in this. So again, it was like six toothpicks and quite a lot of icing glue. You can eat this glue, but it's not great.
Starting point is 00:19:39 It's not great. Sugar glue. And I wanted the bum to be a flamad a sort of dug a cave in his sort of ass, hid the cupcakes in there, and then I made a separate bum that I wanted to be on a bit of a flap. And it would have been great to have the hinge because he's asked just fell off,
Starting point is 00:19:58 and then the cupcakes kind of came out after it. Right. Which is not, you know, we know, well, your bum's broken. Most people. Oh, I can see it. I can see it. Right. Which is not, you know, we know, well, your bum's broken. Most people are bald. I can say, I can directly see the people. That's probably happened to your head. This is a good doctor. That's probably happened to you. Now, I think about it. You know the feeling. You look back in the toilet. Both cheeks are in the bowl. You just spend your going. You're going back. You're going back. That shouldn't have happened.
Starting point is 00:20:23 That shouldn't have happened. So,'t have happened. So yeah, you and Dinkals have the shame of it. Okay. But one thing you don't have when you're both your cheeks are fallen off previously is me, they're cheering. Yes, look at that. Isn't that great everyone? That's what it's been to me. Got a flicker of a smile. Got a flicker of a smile and then you're in your retire. God, I don't know, but there's got to be an end game to this. Because, sure, at Sony, we'll get to an age where he cares not for the cake at all, I would imagine. I reckon we'll go through a dip and then maybe when he's back in his 20s,
Starting point is 00:20:55 we can do it together. I'm not recording. LAUGHTER Hame, if you think you're good at small talk, we'll put you to the test. It's time for this. Chitney with your best shot. Not a row way. Chit chat champion.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Chit chat champions where we put you in basically Olympic level conditions when it comes to small talk. And we do put people in difficult, small talk situations. That's what we aim for here. We're not asking you a question. It's about how can you get into a conversation that's already going, can you use your timing, can you use your sense of appropriateness?
Starting point is 00:21:40 Are you the perfect plus one at a function? Can we bring you along? Would you be able to hold your own out there? You cannot ask a question. No. Cannot ask a question. Although that is a good use of, of course, a loud in polite society. Can I ask questions? Yeah, I'm going to encourage. It actually shows interest in people. It does show interest. And it's not what we like. We like to put that condition because we just think it's an easy way out. And so it's like, can you actually bring an interesting fact
Starting point is 00:22:10 to the gets people thinking, or an interesting addition that gets people thinking in the conversation? In a tennis match, a question would be betting the ball back. Yeah, just buying it at a time. But what we like is if the ball's been hit to you, you throw your egg at a catch and start juggling. That's what our conversation wants to be like.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Well, I don't know if it's 100% that because that is a loss of the point. I know what you mean it. We're looking for something impressive. Grace, join us. Oh, what are you, Grace? Oh, I got it. How are you going?
Starting point is 00:22:42 Yeah, very well. Are you ready? Are you ready to catch and juggle? I'm not only very good at juggling, but I'll say, oh, my God. Yeah, good, Grace. I'm loving the custom. Yeah, Grace. What do you do, Grace, in life?
Starting point is 00:22:57 Yeah, I'm a brista and a property manager. Oh, gee. Oh, there you go. There are two high gusto jobs and maximum small talk. Yeah, lots of small talk on the daily. Peak conditions for you, well done, Grace, and preparation are curly. Ahoi, do you?
Starting point is 00:23:12 Hi boys, how are we? Yeah, good, curly. I'm nervous for you, to be honest. Grace came in strong and she lists two vocations that require a lot of small talk. What do you do, bud? I'm labor hire working construction, doing a bit of traffic control at the moment.
Starting point is 00:23:25 You don't chat much in traffic control. Are you doing the radio? You get everyone going by, you got to have a quick chat with, every driver coming in. Plus, I worked at bit of time in the zoo, so you got to talk to everyone there. Okay, Curly. Animal traffic control. Yes, yes, yes, not you mate, you're a carnivore over there. All right, we're going to put Curly on hold, he won't be able to hear Grace. Grace, are you ready? I'm ready, yeah. Good luck. Ah, hey mate. How are you going with that decision to start swimming this year?
Starting point is 00:23:59 You're not too bad, got some new goggles. Oh, I hate swimming, I've never been a good swimmer, but goggles do help. LAUGHTER It's true, it's true. We asked her a fact. LAUGHTER And it made me feel better about my decision to buy them.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I've seen the couple of times I could continue it. Well that's really. They got a wasted purchase. I have been up all night on Reddit forums where some people argue for them, some argue against and I didn't have a solid idea. You've got fun somewhere I know I'm trust. Like Grace, Grace, how do you feel? It's hard on the conditions, isn't it? It's so much hard. I wanted to do that fun fact about Cody Simpson. I thought that would
Starting point is 00:24:54 be a good one, but couldn't think of his name in the moment. So much going through your hands, right? That's what we put that pause down to because we did quite a big pause there. It was the only sizing up all. You've Cody Simpson was to do that on the blocks. He wouldn't not pull a five-footer limby. But, oh, you're not going to let go. Are you okay?
Starting point is 00:25:13 Here I go. And then after, and then with all those things running through your head, you went right back to goggles, couldn't help. Go down here. Grace, you're not out of it yet. We'll put you on hold, we'll get curly up. Curly, I'll hoyd you back. Curly, you ready to go?
Starting point is 00:25:33 Yeah, that's great, give it a crash. Exactly the same conditions as Grace had, good luck mate. Yes. Ah, there he is. Ah, can I make it? How are you going with that decision to start swimming this year? Yeah, not too bad.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Got some new goggles. You got some new goggles. What type of object? I hope you didn't get the old swimmer who's 400. There's a better one. Did you go to the full face mask? I hope so and I asked the question. Ah!
Starting point is 00:25:58 Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! I love it, too! I'm feeling it. Ah! Woo! I love it, Kelly! I love it, Kelly! Woohoo!
Starting point is 00:26:08 That's an absolute bonfire of the flymouth. Kelly! God, it was good though. Kelly, Kelly! I think you enjoyed how badly it was going to be. Kelly, I felt like I almost lost the question earlier on out just fine. Just half a minute on. I just loved it.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Curly, it was amazing. Just didn't even tell. Just didn't tell, Spin. You invented a Guggle brand? Yeah. The Swimmer Room 5000. I didn't go that. You know, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Because they didn't exist. I'll just kind of think if we were actually at a function and a guy has rocked up, instead of putting his saucy-droll in his mouth, he's turned to us and gone with that. What, I've got the same. I'm not sure how through would be, particularly on the disment,
Starting point is 00:26:54 I've asked the question, I'm out. Wow, take care of the good news for you, is that Grace was pretty bad as well. We had two, and like we said, we know we're making, we know that was a hard one today because it just, it delivered, it used tennis terminology. My return was an absolute drop shot. I could do it. Yeah, it just went for it.
Starting point is 00:27:17 It just absolutely, people go, no, that's not, oh my God, it's over. Oh, that's so, like, the ball is so far away. I don't think I'm going to get that. Hey, who do you think? I think Grace has got it. I think Grace Williams. I know. I know. I think he needs the final part of his journey. You need it to be yes. I didn't win. And it was one of the all time, all time over. Correct. I loved it. It's harder under match conditions, guys. You both respect that Grace. We're going to send you a token of no value. match conditions guys you both respect that grace we're gonna send you a token of no value
Starting point is 00:27:45 and I'm looking at memories forever Curly let's send one to Curly as well guys I don't know how this has become the place to do this, but I was really weighing up if I do this or not, but Shane Jacobson update Okay, yes, yes now Shane didn't ask for us to be the podcast that keeps a firm tab on his zings and zags He does in the commercial world, but it seems to be the case and unfortunately it wasn't his fault that we got dragged into this in the first place I didn't actually recognize that it was him on the Sydney water ad from last year that I saw on the bus. He can't tell you what the person will attack because he's not a person attack. I was having a go at the campaign. Didn't realize he was him. He had a shower cap on and I do alleged some photo shopping had happened
Starting point is 00:28:39 to that image. But of course, we've been through this many, many times, but the gist of that ad was But of course, we've been through this many, many times, but the the gist of that ad was that he was a guy Bob having a long shower Steam had gone out the window Firefighters had mistaken the steam for smoke and it come in through the window to save the day And it was actually Bob's fault having a very long hot shower Our issue of course was steam is not smoke and that is a temperature not a volume issue Exactly. He could have a little cold shower and no authorities would have been called exactly it doesn't quite work if it was if it was people having showers at a two heart gas issue or a solar issue. So it would have been an okay campaign. We're going to say good campaign, but we're going to be. Yeah. And we also just felt why we have to stick up the intelligence of firefighters here. Yeah. I mean, it makes them look like idiots
Starting point is 00:29:30 that they don't know what vapor is. So anyway, we covered that off a thousand percent. There were other campaigns that there were other other parts of that campaign, I think, that the chain did for city water. And he was playing a character, but he was dressed like playing a bob. He was playing a bob. Yeah, and Bob was an idiot. Yes. And Bob did dumb things. And I think generally where he just encouraged
Starting point is 00:29:52 to not be like Bob, with water, when it, and it was reminiscent of something we grew up with, which is don't be a wallet with water. And Wally back in our day, was that Peter Cook? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just got to. Was it? That was life being it.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Sorry. Anyway, let's not go down. Yeah, we're still getting to it. But anyway, Javier got to. That was life being it. Anyway, let's not go down. Yeah, we're still getting to it. But anyway, Javier Wally with water was again another way of just showing, you know, he had a moot. I think it's sorry, it's Peter Moon, yeah. Peter Cooke. It's an amazing breath before.
Starting point is 00:30:15 That's why I was. That's why it didn't sound right. Yeah, it was Dudley Moore. No, sorry, Peter Moon. It was Peter Moon and we were in Coz, he's a dickhead, don't you dickhead. No, Peter Moon. Not Peter Moon, sorry, the character. No, Peter Moon and we were in Coz, he's a dickhead, don't be a dickhead. Yeah, I'm not Peter Moon. Sorry, the character. No, the character, the campaign wasn't, don't be a Peter Moon.
Starting point is 00:30:30 It was a dickhead. It's a dickhead. It's a dickhead. Yes. With water. Yeah. They've tried to revilise that. I'm not saying it was our clinical dissection of the ad that has caused this. But there is a relatively new Sydney water campaign out. It's changed a little. He's fronting it.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Good. And didn't want him to get out of it. Didn't want us. No, we wanted Shane to get lots of work he deserves. He's a great actor, he's a great guy. And he's doing his job, he's doing what he's told to do on the call sheet when he turns up. The new campaign, he's been recast, Bob's gone.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And now it's Shane talking in a very practical knock about bloke next door. I'm Shane, not Bob anymore. He doesn't say that, but that's the time. That's the time. That's the time we're meant to pick up on. And he's talking, he's real down to earth now. So all the silliness has gone from the campaign
Starting point is 00:31:25 and the campaign is about don't flush anything that's not toilet paper or poo. Oh, I don't say that. I don't say that. And we, you're allowed to put weas in the door. Sorry, there's a lot of paraphrasing happening here. The Sydney Water Campaign is not, you're a still-al-ed, the whole way he's in the toilet. They're, their campaign is, you know, about flushing.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Far and, far and logics. Yeah, I think it's something like, you know, you know, wipes down the toilet. You've got to be flushing, kidding me. I like it. He's gone for this kind of like, hey, real talk. We've gone for a real talk angle. Like, real talk was shane.
Starting point is 00:32:03 And he's 100%. That's not a bigger problem is this. I don't know. Real talk. We've gone for a real talk angle like real talk was Shane and he's a hundred percent. A bigger problem is this. I don't know. I don't think that's it. Like for a whole campaign, have you ever flushed anything down the toilet that's not weathe crucial paper? Maybe if you're auditioning for the start of the ad, I don't know. Well, I think with babies, it comes with like wipes, Jack. You get the ones you get baby wipes, don't you get a lot of baby wipes that claim to be flushable and even
Starting point is 00:32:28 Shane's even having to go at that going even if they say it don't do it. Okay. I agree that we shouldn't but I do also understand Andy's confusion. A wipe is sort of just like a wet piece of paper and the paper is going to get wet. I wasn't saying that. If I wouldn't put it in the way Andy was saying. That's what he was going for. Oh, I said was... Andy wasn't saying, why can't you flush? I just said... I don't think we've got any water here at all. I don't think we've got a big problem with people flushing for an object.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Maybe I'm unaware of it. Yes, there's probably other sectors. I think for people not dealing with babies and then guys who don't have different sanitary products, we're probably just, we're just like, oh, we're always just doing weasepoos and paper. Weasepoos and paper. They're not.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Not use paper, toilet paper. Yes. Exactly. So yes, you know, no way for. Why would you? No, no absorbent. No. Risk of cuts. We get it. Yeah, that's why they have those little roles of that soft paper next to the toilet. That's the one I've been using. Yeah. So, look,
Starting point is 00:33:32 it struck me as interesting that it seems to be a massive 180 from the campaign. Same client, same message, brand new angle the campaign's gone. I'm not saying we've done it. It's hard for them here though, but because we thought Bob was a deal. Yeah. We thought he was. And we were specifically told not to listen to him. I know. I know he's chates like, but you people go, well, there's Bob again. We're told we're told to ignore him.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Just the mannerisms. And then he's telling us now he's shane. Now he's shane but James boots. Okay, but we don't know that Bob wasn't wearing that he was in the show. I know. I know we'd ever saw Bob clothes. I think we should have sworn in the show with a tail rep and a shower cap on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Oh yeah, great. This is the danger of mid campaign switch up shifting the focus. Yeah. But they've obviously decided it's important enough to re-brand Bob Shane, who was Bob now back to Shane. They probably saw his IG ads and went, actually, that's what we like that. That's what he's in real knock about bloke in the IG ads, talking about local zoom markets. It's interesting to see if they pivot again after hearing this.
Starting point is 00:34:39 I don't know. Back to Bob. Back to Bob. Wouldn't that be something? I've just thought of something. Yeah. He has a character called Kenny, who is up there. Oh, you're in with toilets.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Yeah, no people are there using it. But is he Shane or is he Kenny? No, no, he's Shane. 100%. Kenny has another character that we definitely listen to about toilets. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, true. He has a massive world famous film that we definitely listen to about toilets. I don't know. Yeah, yeah, yeah, true. He has a massive world famous film that we all go,
Starting point is 00:35:07 yeah, this guy knows to us, he knows about Flushy and they've chosen not to use Kenny. He would have bought it up with him, I think. He might charge more for Kenny, because Kenny was so successful. You reckon? I think he was a long time ago. Because remember, Kenny was 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:35:23 He was a long time ago. Yeah, but he's still doing stuff. People know Kenny. Yeah. I think it's gone because remember Kenny was 20 years ago. He was a long time ago. Yeah, but he's still doing stuff. People know Kenny. Yeah. I think it's even more interesting. I mean, it is interesting because he's coming in as, say, true. To the people not paying so much attention as we are,
Starting point is 00:35:39 they'll be like, man, this guy loves, he loves toilets. He's like, he's like, he's the whole film about him. Now in his own time, he's coming in as himself. He's picked up the passion in his civilian life and he's still thinking about toilets and he's passionate about toilet issues. He's trying to keep wet wipes out of pipes. And you're right.
Starting point is 00:36:05 You're right. There's an option for them anyway. There's an option. It's an option. It's an option. It's an option. It's an option. It's an option.
Starting point is 00:36:14 It's an option. It's an option. It's an option. It's an option. It's an option. It's an option. It's an option. It's an option.
Starting point is 00:36:22 It's an option. It's an option. It's an option. It's an option. It's an option. It's an option. Apple podcasts to the Hamish New Yeary channel. Obviously, our Pods Free, the Rembering Project is up in free now as well, but a whole back catalog is there for subscription. You can listen to any show you want from over the ages. If you're wondering what was happening in 2008, I mean, here's the little sneak peek for you.
Starting point is 00:36:38 2008. The world was in the grips of a global financial crisis. Stocks all around the world are tanking because of the crisis on Wall Street. Pink, Newton, Fort Leona, Lewis, the kings of Leon and Lady Gaga were all hot on the charts. And the USA made political history. That time was freed that sums up the spirit of a people. Yes, we can. 2008.
Starting point is 00:37:08 It was also a big year for Hamish and Handy, with the second caravan of courage across Australia. You live here, you swim here. One of us is going to have to do a swim, mate. So there will be a crock around. There will be a crock around. God, how's that end up? Not good.
Starting point is 00:37:23 As long as you're a drown, it's going to be right. Yeah. The invention of the people's gravy chip, which was initially in short supply. Joey, if you can just sum up how it made you feel missing out on a packet. I was devastated. Smith had the chance to basically end all war in the world,
Starting point is 00:37:40 but instead they started another one. Ah! Ah! The boys went on a trip to Beijing for the Olympics. There was one restaurant that just sold penises. Yep, one was as big as the Olympic torch. Giant, the footlong. Amy's throw it belonged to a rabbit.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Just a very lucky rabbit. Just the king of the jungle. Ha! Yep, 2008 was a big year for our boys. I've been honest with you, I wasn't really listening. Hahaha. So, that's Sorbonne ad came on TV with a kid's raise by dogs. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:38:14 You've got my full attention. Hahaha. I'm working with one of the best. I am working with one of the best. So, let's look back on their year of fun. Subscribe now to Amish and Andy Unlimited, only on Apple Podcasts or for Android users. Grab the Hamish and Andy app on Google Play. catch up or contribute at www.hamishanandee.com

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