Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2022 Ep 190

Episode Date: September 21, 2022

1. Power Moves 2. Fish update 3. Aldi vs. The Majors - Special skill 4. School advertisements 5. Tell Us Someone We Haven’t Thought Of In A While 6. End of career headlines ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-knife production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi-dim-y snob, Hamish, buzz off mate I'm talking to you Ahoy to me cord wainer, Jay Yeah, that's an important position
Starting point is 00:00:36 Wain my cord, I'm not doing it myself I won't win your cord Who is more high ranking the snob or the cordwainer do you think? You'd think the snob, but perhaps it's the reverse. You're right. You guys are shooting. What are you? I can be St. Crispin.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Who? You're a saint. I'm the patron saint of shoemakers. And you are both different forms of shoemakers. Jack, I think more snobby, the cord waiter, he only makes new shoes from new leather. When you... I'll take any piece of damn tan I can find. That's why I'm ironically known as the snob.
Starting point is 00:01:15 You will, you'll repair them, Coblar and... But yeah, it took a new meaning. They used to call people snob, like a Coblar was a snob back in the day. Really? And type of snob. A type of, like a shoemaker is people snob, like a cobbler was a snob back in the day. Really? And a type of snob. A type of like a shoe maker is a snob. I think the fact that they were associating themselves with upper-class people, because they were making these shoes and helping out the shoes, people called them snobbs.
Starting point is 00:01:38 People called them even upperclass people snobbs, even though that was just the color. Oh, maybe getting your shoe repaired was a hoidy-toy to do it. Yeah, like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, But I think it was bio-sociated. Yeah, you know the address. Yeah, interesting. And so what was Jack doing with his wine? I was backing him for the common people, a new shoe and no. No, you will only make new shoes with new leather. Yeah. Why is it, what's wrong with you, mate? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Reuse, reduce, recycle. This is in the time before we knew about limited health and everything. But if I came to you until I can you repair this? You say piss off, go to the snob. What a confusing time. So glad we never gave it to 17 hundreds and now everything's okay. I'm a hoi also to Annabelle. A hoi boys, this is Annabelle. Just wanted to say a massive thank you for enlightening
Starting point is 00:02:37 us on the pancake wars as someone who frequents the Sydney pancakes on the rocks. I thoroughly enjoyed it and wanted to let you guys know that the savoury menu is actually superior and I've been countless times and never actually had the pancakes I always get the Caesar salad so don't knock it to you try it. Bye! Yeah, I will knock it back. I will knock pancakes on the rocks and never Caesar. I never had a pancake. I do have it. I mean I love that that she's participated and value everyone's opinion. I do have, I mean, I love that she's participated and value everyone's opinion.
Starting point is 00:03:07 However, I have a slight knock for visiting pancakes on a rock for the Caesar salad. Yeah. It's not a well-known salad venue. This is my issue. This is my Caesar salad or the rock. This is my problem that I, again, direct at management. Have you tried to please everyone?
Starting point is 00:03:20 Yeah. Now you're relying on word of mouth to pin Peggy with one of Australia's premier salad restaurants. Of course you sell pancakes on the rocks. That's the trouble you're in. Maybe you are the best in salads. So tell everyone. In your name.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Yes. Salons by the sea. Yeah. Lovely. Hick you thing. And name it that. Because you're actually just food on the rocks now? Yeah exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And don't put food in the tunnel of a restaurant. Because it's a scene. I'll put food service and tables on the rocks. No. All three were assumed. What else do you do? What do you do? Just specifically.
Starting point is 00:03:58 What's your thing? Yes. Because it's not pancakes, because you've got people coming just for the salads. Anyway, enough of my free business advice. They keep coming in, so it's time for us to do this. Yeah. Sorry, you did one.
Starting point is 00:04:13 You thought we could sell it off later. Some lies. See, if you have a friend who has placed well in a competition, good example is if they ran a big marathon and came 49th. That's great. That's great. That's great.
Starting point is 00:04:31 When they bring it up, but they participate in the event, everyone will ask, where did you come? You should go. He came first. And then he has to say, no, no, I came 49, which is still very good. You're very good. But you've definitely killed the joy. Reaping. You're re-packed. You're at that. You're at that. You can always follow it. He says, follow it up with still good though,
Starting point is 00:05:02 or maybe next time. Andrew Charmers. When studying a new job as an entry level employee, with no supervisory responsibilities, bring a world's best boss mug to the office on your first day and place it in a prominent position on your desk. Okay. Mm. Like it.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Um, from Aaron. Power move for guitarists. When listening to a guitarist play, when they're finished playing a song, ask if you could borrow the guitar for a moment. Strump two nights and go, no, it wasn't the guitar. Oh, good. From Jordan and O. When someone asks you to take a photo for them as you're preparing to take the photo, tell them to act natural. Wait a few seconds, then say, okay or not. Oh my phone! Even the sides of that can't be destroyed. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Oh my goodness. Don't. This is from Tim in the UK, he said, he's part of his granddad always does this. He lives with their family. When they have guests around, at the end of any meal,
Starting point is 00:06:24 he'll say, who would like Pavlova? Ah! There is no Pavlova. It was great away. I was just doing barris bars. Yeah. I have a vote of me. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Who wouldn't? Yeah. Anyway. I want some TV. And no. Larsen here would live from Lucas. Halfway through a phone call in which you have equal or higher status, e.g. someone is selling you something or speaking to a friend, simply flush the toilet and continue the conversation
Starting point is 00:06:57 as if nothing has happened. You don't even have to be using it. This gives the impression that you, perpping, is literally more important than anything they might have to say. Works extra when the victim has to pause or repeat themselves during an important piece of dialogue they're using to impress you as the toilet flush will have drowned them out.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Had this poured on me while I was telling a friend about my first time breaking 80 on the golf course on the weekend, they flushed at that moment and I've never felt so rattled. He finishes with, keep up the good work number six. Gotta start somewhere. LAUGHTER MUSIC
Starting point is 00:07:32 MUSIC MUSIC Fish update, guys. As we talked last week about Wolf, the May goldfish that has been spending time upside down. But not dead. But not dead. A week and a bit's gone. Well, week's gone by and still upside down but going fine.
Starting point is 00:07:56 So we've been again chatting to more fish people to try and work out. I'm still massaging the fish every day. Every day. Oh man. fish people to try and work out. I'm still massaging the fish every day every day At what point did you just try and move your eyes? We jig him Replaced his eyes on his eye Like he's upright or just draw some glue some goggles on yeah, so it's good I mean obviously now do a range. I Perhaps those two soft. Andy, first thing you ask in massages, how's the pressure for you? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:28 He doesn't like speaking during the massages. No conversation points. So there's two things that I've been told that I can start massaging a little harder. Perhaps those two soft. Andy, first thing you ask in massages, how's the pressure for you? Exactly. He doesn't like speaking. Sure, he didn't do the massage.
Starting point is 00:08:46 No conversation points. So there's two things that are happening now. So the recent fish guy said, hey, you might want to give him a salt bath. And I'm like, alright. And so we take the only for three minutes, but you take the fish out of the tank and you give them a salt, an epsom, essentially like an epsom salt bar. Again, Jack. The animals of Annie's house.
Starting point is 00:09:07 It's like, it's wild every day for these animals as a bachelor of a day. I would love to live one day as an animal at Andy's house. You should. So I gave Wolf salt bar, seemed to enjoy that. Then how do you know that? Oh, I can't smile at all.
Starting point is 00:09:26 And he might have been frowning because he's upside down. You thought it was a smile. Pop gave him, popped him back in. I'll start the massage him after the supper did that. I had to do the shelling of the pee still and then I'm making fart.
Starting point is 00:09:40 And then and then I hand feed this fish food every time he's got. Why would he write himself? Yeah, I mean, I mean, I have three second memory, but somewhere in he's like cells he'd be going change this. Yeah, they they do have longer memories of that. How do you know? Well, it's it's a myth, but how would we know what their memories? Well, I know because I can whistle and it comes to the top for food. So this might be primal. That's interesting. We did it.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Anyway, so it turns out that hasn't righted him. He's still spending time just upside down. Gotcha. Spoked to the fish guy again. He's like, look, it can happen that they never write themselves, but they can go on to live a long and fulfilled life upside down.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Work with what you got, no, you don't have, you know. Which doesn't seem fulfilled is interesting, but yeah. Yeah, I mean, what's he not able to do though? Yeah, he's just water. Well, he kind of moves around a bit only on the bottom, but it just doesn't feel, it feels like if you're upside down that your whole life doesn't feel like it's a fun time. But we don't like going upside down because of the blood rushes to our head,
Starting point is 00:10:48 but we're an up and down animal. He's a side to side animal. Yeah, yeah, right. So the blood wouldn't be rushing to easy, we wouldn't have a headache. No. I mean, the argument is there's like, you're in water, so you don't actually know really which way is up,
Starting point is 00:11:00 which way is down, because you can't see the sky or anything. So you can see the ground, but now the ground lives up there. And I suppose you're looking at the ground more often. It's not as fun to look around. It's really just changed the visual he's got of your kitchen. Let's just let's be honest here. Should I get a lid with something on it? And we'll put a more interesting ground in because he's looking at that more or get killer rocks because let's be honest. Or do I put it? So do I put on the bottom? Do I make it look like sky?
Starting point is 00:11:30 Yeah. And then put a lead that looks like rocks looks like rocks. This whole idea of him living a fifthield life. I mean, he's a prisoner in a glass jar. That's that's his whole day. It's not that gets a better daily. It's not like it's not like, you know, he was running, he was, wasn't even on the great barrow,
Starting point is 00:11:48 like he lives the worst life imaginable, because you're just stuck in a glass chair. So, I wouldn't say he's for film, it's changed a two-match, as he's life experience. It already sucked. He's life sucked, and now just sucks one or two percent more. LAUGHTER OK.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Nice to know. It must be nice thing. Yeah. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more.
Starting point is 00:12:19 I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. I'm not a 100% more. winning an H&A coin, the most coveted coin of all coins in the world. Zoe did exactly that. She wrote to us and said, she can identify Aldi based products alongside any of the supermarket products.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Any from the majors because that's why if people don't know what Aldi is a supermarket that prides themselves on making very close replicas of major brands. I think is there slogan you'll barely be able to tell. That's what I should be here. We had this set up, she came in today, let's jump into it. This is so exciting. Zoe joins us. Oh, how do you? Hi boys. This is user. We've got in front of us five pairs of very similar looking foods. I always find this place. Zoe is special skill. I think Aldi knows that.
Starting point is 00:13:14 She can identify one of the majors. One of the majors, or the Aldi copy of that food. They do great copies. Even down to the packaging. Yeah. What do great copies. They do. Even down to the packaging. Yeah. Yeah. What? Pretty sneaky. Now, to the average human, you could go to a party, you could go to a a nice lunch at Arnie Jans and you might not know you're being fed an healthy substitute. That's true. To the experts, like yourself, what gives it away? Just taste like Audi.
Starting point is 00:13:41 There's just something about it. I don't know, I remember when I was younger. We never used to have an Audi and then an Audi popped up in the town we went from and my mum was going crazy buying it and I remember eating did all my night, we had to pile something afterwards and I was like, it's taste like Audi. Don't be ridiculous, you can't tell. And I went to the pantry and yeah sure enough for an Audi. Wow. So you were alive for the switch from the mages to Audi. Yeah, we all were. It was like a custom to have products from that too. Young kids wouldn't know. No, true.
Starting point is 00:14:06 We don't remember a time pre-albie, but we do. Zoe, across the whole range, that was the part for me that I'm like, Bill, this is impressive, because there's a lot of different things. I'm so whole, super back at work. So have a look in front of you. We've got magic chicken noodles versus the simply chicken instant noodles. Sure. Aren't it's minced slice biscuits, people know those, against the
Starting point is 00:14:29 Belmont chocolate mincremes. Yep. Eclipse mince versus the blints mince. Yep. We're doing our own Pilgrims. The redo's mild salsa, al Toro medium salsa dip. Mm-hmm. And then finally, fantastic sea salt and balsamic vinegar delights to more a crinkle cut sea salt and balsamic vinegar. The last is a rice chip. Should we go four out of five, Hen? Five out of five is a coin.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Five out of five is a coin with honors. What's an honors? Just, just, huge honors. No, ink the nubles. We'll nod with honors. We've got to get you. Yeah, yeah. And, where do you want to start?
Starting point is 00:15:09 We thought we'd give it up to you because obviously there's mint. Because I'd end with the mint. Yeah. I'd actually end with the chalk mint, then I'd end with the a clips. That's a good strategy. I might go savory.
Starting point is 00:15:19 So, and then obviously take heat into a, to a cap. Yeah, we might know the noodles first. OK, so the noodles, they look yummy. And depending on how much I see you look at the fork or fiddle around with it, I will have a go at those after you finish. Here we go. Good luck. Let's get it in the noodles. Like it's dark with the noodles. Um, obviously it's the noodles. Which is magic, magic chicken noodles or simply chicken noodles.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Okay. I've never actually tried the noodles before, so. Oh, it's really amazing. Okay, well this really could just be, does she just have, you had already taste, the al dineus of something. What do you get on that? Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Okay, okay. All comes in. This is the comparison of the two. Can't she contemplate? My gut feeling is the first one's al dine. Okay, Andy, it is the comparison model too. Can't she contemplates? My gut feeling is the first one's Audi. Okay, Andy, it is written underneath. It's that gage. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I got rid of the veggies. I thought Audi might have seen it before. Go with your tongue. Yeah, you were thinking with your head. And you actually made a thing with the lower part of your head, the taste. Yes, yes. Okay, so don't try and outfox the marketing,
Starting point is 00:16:25 but you did say you never had that. I have never had that. The noodles? Honours? Yes. Honours? Yes. We will not be doffing our head to you
Starting point is 00:16:33 or bowing our head at any point. But you still get the coin with the respect. Yes. Um, tell us the next. Tell us. Are you sure? You don't have to. You know what I'm going to do?
Starting point is 00:16:43 I'm actually going to switch it up. I'm going to admit, because I feel confident with this one. Yep, and you just want more of the board. And I don't want to be the Simpson's guy. One other way, nerves are gone. Exactly, that's not bad. Okay, so this is the Arnett's Mint Slice Biscuit. One of the moral leap, if not the most elite biscuit.
Starting point is 00:17:00 It's gone in, one of the hell on in. It instantly goes outy to me, but I'll still compare. Okay, and why would you rob yourself of the chance to taste the mint slice? Yeah. First is the Belmont chocolate mint cream. First one, that one's definitely ready. Yep, picked it.
Starting point is 00:17:14 She's right, she's got a... Who knows what to do. What a play out form. Not the Simpson's guy, I'm happy. She's back on form. She's back on form. Where do we go to next? Chips, chips and ice.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Yeah, I might go these ones. Yep, okay. So this is tough. This is a fantastic sea salt and balsamic vinegar delight or the demora crinkle cut sea salt and balsamic vinegar Both have salt from the sea both have vinegar of the balsamic okay Mr. Mouth there for a second now is that nerves Okay so Is that nerves? It makes so much of you. Okay. So he contemplates. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:51 She now goes to the other bowl and places the rice cracker in. Mm-hmm. Getting out of the vibes from this one. She's got it, Ellen. She's got it! She has got it! Alan. She's got it. She has got it. Really impressive, because I assume is this the food,
Starting point is 00:18:08 this sort of a high-press puff rice chip you ate much? No. Well, I've only ever had that flavour like once a twice my friend loves them. Yeah. You've not a fan? I don't think it'll quite you test it. I've got to try that.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Make sure it's OK. Yeah. Yeah. Well, where do you go from here? Well, I feel like ending on the meant makes sense. And I've got to get the next two. My god, this is so. So she moves on salsa.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Oh, who has? With a spoon without a cracker. Without a cracker. Without something, but that's all right. Can give it a go. A teaspoon of the first type of salsa goes into the milk. You can put the chips. Do you want the chips to dip in?
Starting point is 00:18:42 Nice, dad. No. No. Oh, I Nice, dad. No. Oh, I... The second spoon for goes in. It measures tough to tell. It's one's tough. Like you think of it, even when you're buying food
Starting point is 00:18:55 from one of the majors, you've got Cole's brand, Salsa versus Doritos Salsa. Would you be able to tell? It'd be very difficult. I'm going to go with that Audi. Really? Okay. Now, before we look, I'm gonna go with that, Aldi. Really, okay. Now, before we look, I feel like when's in the bowl,
Starting point is 00:19:10 the one you haven't big separated more. And I was thinking, and I was, I'm using logic here, which we encourage you not to do, but I think is that separated more because it's cheaper? Or is it separated more because it's a Doritos thing? Also, quite bigger chunks, an Aldi cheaper, less feelable. know, break it up, less chopping, less money, spend on chopping.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yeah, but that's how their choppers as long hours. Possibly, yeah. Okay, and what's tricky, I'm not sure. Audi yes, that was easy guess first. Yeah, that was my guess. Altora, Audi. Oh my god. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I thought you were in stuff, I thought we're out. I my god! I thought she had stuffed it. I thought we were out of time. I was looking at the boat going this one clearly looks like the premium one. That's exactly why you go with your gut points. You spot on, they probably can only afford a half the chopping time. Which brings us down to two bowls of mince. And it's mint with a tea. It's not just mince minced.
Starting point is 00:20:10 It's in the infront of it. Now, this chicken mince has only been out for an hour. Please enjoy it. No, you've got two. So the flavour here, peppermint, eclipse mince, versus the blitz mince. Blitz mince. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:20:23 It's fun. It's fun. It's fun. It's fun. It's fun. It's fun. It's funny. It's funny. Why don't I edit clips all the time in the car? And then my head, I was like, I'm not. If you're a fan, you'd know. You see them in the bowl. You're second guess. I actually don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:32 One of them is Sky Blue. One of them is Light Blue. It seems to me. This is, you will deserve this coin. This is it. The final. What's the eclipse? What's the early version?
Starting point is 00:20:41 So he's put one mint in his mouth. And something that he quickly, so take some. She's gone. She chew. She's gone raw. She's chewed. She's chewed. I'm getting Aldi vibes, but I'm not making the toilet.
Starting point is 00:20:52 She's going to be crazy. Straighting for the another one, didn't bother clearing the pallet. Amy, she's eating another. Aldi. She's straight away on Aldi. This is for a coin, Amy've got you beautiful not to take one I think she's wrong, but that's why a lot last time really Aldi blitz she's got it
Starting point is 00:21:22 Oh, I'm so happy! Unbelievable! That's something else young lady. She was wrong as well. I just thought that was like that's not gonna make. Those are two pale. That's the deeper blue of the real eclipse. I almost didn't need to test the second one. I'm about to test the second one. What is it?
Starting point is 00:21:38 What is it about it? You just have an out of this. Out of this? It's just something about it. When you grow up on non-outie and then your mum introduced Audi at 13, 14 years old. You know, is this some way we could turn this into a positive and you work for Audi? Because they want it to taste like Audi. They do. I mean, it's probably not right to tell you. Audi to them is like, you know, they'd be proud of their brand.
Starting point is 00:21:57 I know, but they wouldn't, they wouldn't, they wouldn't. But they want it to taste the same as the North-Rex. Exactly. It's probably isn't a good car, right? Maybe that's as close as they can legally get it. Maybe. Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well And this isn't a new and I've talked about privately before. You might remember the exchange on text message. And it's a core I'd like to almost put out publicly.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I'd just see if we can start collating a little bit of A-on, a list on this. When you see ads for schools, ads for schools make me laugh because it's always a poster, definitely using current students, but I always feel like they're being asked to pose in a way that's obviously reflecting the school in the best possible situation. You see a lot of adds for schools on buses and must be at a certain time a year where like enrollments need to spark or whatever. I sent you a picture of an ad I saw of a school of a keep playing water poll.
Starting point is 00:23:06 So far out of the water like, after we like, that to his knees, to make it look really athletic and it was like, you know, whatever, like, you know, the, the, the mom's real school, you know, yeah, for the, the, the, the, the ex-Lensway, like, so far out of the water and just, it was impressive for like a year or 11 or whatever. And I never have played water poll, but I know hogs did. And so I sent the message to you and hogs going hogs, you played. It's just got jumping, because you know, I had to jump in water polo. You have to obviously swim and hogs.
Starting point is 00:23:35 And you wrote back going definitely a jump. Definitely a jump. We had to do a similar photo for the newsletter or photo. Okay, I'll go grab a little bit of a photo, which I sent back to you. That's right. And it was Josh Hirdman was the good pick for it. And he was jumping well out of the water. So in water polo, very hard to get you to show your baders at all.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Like that. That's a lot. Swim that fire. And some of the great players could do. I could never do it. In fact, our poor school, there was a shallow end. So I liked trying, playing defense and just got down and did a lot of jumping.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Boings. But, yeah, so any time you see a kid doesn't have that strength in any photo that is out there and well out of the water. Yeah. And another, another probably one, it's like, you know, all the kids like with lab goggles on and stuff like around the tattoo. Like, I always done it like that, the working for Jurassic Park.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Instead of just putting food color in vinegar or whatever, the impact you're at experiment is. So, I mean, I'm keen to hear from people that have been made to pose for their school by gender. Yes. Because also, we're looking at schools like for made to pose for their school program, because also, we're looking at schools like for the kids, like for the kids, like for you know. Does it drag? Does the photo affect you at all?
Starting point is 00:24:52 Like as obviously you're looking at schools, I always look at them and go, surely it's such a big decision. No, I can't get close out of the water, I better send. Yeah, I keep there for 25 grand a year. I can't get past knowing what we know about photo shoots. I can't get past imagining what we know about photo shoots.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I can't get past imagining the day, laughing about the photo shoot. And the other one you see a lot of and we'll count this too, if you've been asked or encouraged to act into one of these ads, you go on the school website, we're looking at a bunch of different schools at the moment and they have like a 20 minute highlights
Starting point is 00:25:19 real of the school. There was one, I wrote down, God, this made me laugh. I wrote down the language explicitly. You know, they're talking about school sport and the principal goes, Bristle's doing the sport. He goes, we see sport as a major part of the school. And we're pleased that every member, we'll almost every member, represents the school every weekend. who represents the school every weekend. Who's the kid? Who?
Starting point is 00:25:45 Damien's got it out of it. And he's got it. And Brindsel's like, I'm, if it wasn't for Damien Audrey, I could have said every man. But I was like, I was like, qualifier, but I was like, almost every man. The vast majority.
Starting point is 00:26:00 So don't give me stuff on Damien. Anyway, we're working through it. If he can't swim, so far by your, he's gone. But I'm in team. There's another great one in this, and in the primary, I reckon a lot of people would have been made to do this, to show that, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:11 there's like drama arts and lots of different things that's cool. It's not just all about sport. They show a chess game and Greg Internet, you'll like this. Joke of Life, this is in a chess fan. They show, you know, in like, it's like a real estate video ad, like, so the camera camera's tracking around the chess game.
Starting point is 00:26:26 It's like a drone shot of the chess game. So they try and make it like, it's part of this montage or the exciting things you can do at school. And there's Kim moves the chess piece and to kind of amp up the chess vibe. They've then clearly got the crowd to react. So it's like school, yeah, just came.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And one of the kids who's made the card, they take it way too far and goes to like drop, like, oh, oh, oh, oh, like goes to drop the F-pop. Like, like, half-swizz, like he's in a rap battle. Just, you can't see anything, you crazy chess man. So please, send me a V-back,
Starting point is 00:27:04 Amy Shitty. Amy Shitty, Amy Shitty, tell us what you had to do. crazy chess man. So please send me a video. I wish they'd tell us what you had to do. Andy, here's something we haven't done for a while, but could feature people we haven't thought of for a while either. Yes. In success for our contestants. And, aim, do you have someone in mind that you have a thought of for a while? Ah, not really. I mean, that's the hard thing. Let's do.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Dig around. How do you think of someone you can't think of? Because still people are still questioning the whether we knew Reese Maston. Yes. Or not? Oh, there was that. Then there was ever a problem. You've already forgotten him.
Starting point is 00:27:43 No, have we covered off? I couldn't remember if we did this on the show or not. There was evidence uncovered where we talk about him. We say we'd never heard of him ever, but we talk a lot about him in a show and an old show. Yes. Where we talk about it. Like, we mention him quite a lot.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Dead at that. He doesn't come on the show though. He doesn't go that far. He's definitely on the show. We do him to Fiji for a prize. No, we clearly had heard of him before in our life and it had faded away from memory. How many hat-top for grabs? How to have for grabs? We've got some classics. We've got a bucket hat which haven't really featured for a bit. This is Queensland Aluminum and Aluminum. I think they're responsible for this.
Starting point is 00:28:25 land aluminum limited. I think they're responsible for this. It's kind of a bunch of mining industry brands on the hatch. Okay. That is just a nice navy bucket. Cotton, like firm cotton bucket. And it says here for Gladstone. Yeah. Fishing. It's like, you know, it's a bunch of corporates. Don't really know who's leading the charge. Yeah, because he's quite a real 10. You got you got blind smelters, you got Queensland, the liminal limited. Yeah. Got everyone kind of joining forces to go, let everyone know that you're with us and pop this on your head, we did model on to do the fusing. Not bad, not a bad hat. As far as bucket hats go, you know, certainly got wearability.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Savick motorcycles don't know where they're from, but they've made the interesting gamble of going the flex fit fitted hat. We've got a smaller medium. Black pretty standard black. Look at your motorbike here. I mean, it's, if that's your thing, and you know, if you like what Savick do, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Great. Great. Great hat to wear if you were heading into one of their showrooms to show him you're one of the team. Then, that's, sorry, that's embroidered by the way. Like the logo is on the lower left-hand side. That's a classic kind of baseball flex fit hat. Logo bottom left-hand side, an artistic decision there to not go completely sandwiched. Will it pay off for Savig?
Starting point is 00:29:44 We don't know. Physio Crem, well-documented purple worst hat made. Flimsy Velcro, not by far one of our most derided fastening systems in the back. Yes, it's embroidered for Physio Crem. On the front, the white logo is embroidered. They are the world's number one Crem, the world's number 5,000 half. Here's the thing though, the people at Crem headquarters, at Physio Crem headquarters have gone, okay, no one's picking up that last purple hat. Yeah, that's been the baby prize for years.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Let's send the boys some politely spainy. Let's send them, no one's picking up our terrible hat. Let's send them boys some polo fleece beanies. Let's send them. No one's picking up our terrible hat. Let's send them an even worse beanie. I mean, this is so they go, here you go guys. You might be getting a bit chilly. Here are a couple of beanies. They feature amazing embroidery, logos, great stitching and shape. Do they physio cram? We're looking at the same beanie here. Yeah. Where I come from yeah, how is this It looks like a a medieval helmet That's a beanie if they model this off. I know a beanie is a dome shape. This looks like a medieval helmet shape
Starting point is 00:30:57 Yeah, put it on you put it on. I love good. Hey, why look it looks like I wouldn't put it on a cattle. Look at this. It looks like a ballcat. Absolutely. She is the worst video ever seen. So it doesn't cover ears, it's just the end. But the most important thing is, you're gonna cover your ears. This is the worst ad for the crème you've ever seen in King Kong.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Like this. It looks more like a swimming cap. Yeah, so it's the best way. And by the way, outside of like very technical mountaineering gear, I have never seen a beanie made of polyp. No need. It's not a popular, it's not a beanie material.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I would never recognize that as a beanie if you, if I was asked to describe you now, I wouldn't know what to say. He's on your head. I agree. It's like a teapot cover without a spout or anything else. It is the worst. We thought they couldn't go worse
Starting point is 00:31:45 with the hat in their hands. Great cram. Great cram. You actually look at the name a better cram. You can't. You actually look at the stitching of the polyphasis. That's one side's like the outer panels of thin. Like who sold them the pieces for this and said,
Starting point is 00:32:01 it's a hemisphere. Yeah. Who's done this to them? I'm, I'm actually baffled. If I know we've had a laugh in the past with physiocrame, but this is beyond the joke. If, if, if you're the person that works, or you know the person at physiocrame, is making the best that works in the promotional hat department,
Starting point is 00:32:21 just dig a bit because whoever's buying the hats, put it on. You put it on. Put it on. Let's try and be three adults wearing these hats. Cos they are. Oh, they're so bad. They're so bad.
Starting point is 00:32:37 We want the edge. Is this the easiest bono? Is this the ridiculous? Yeah. It feels like, it feels like, like when you go to a massage pal, or something, or they put, give you temporary pants, or like you go to like a spa, and they're like, they give you to be 10-
Starting point is 00:32:56 They're done, and now that I'm can see Andy wearing it, absolutely, it's the thing that you wear before you put special effects makeup on. Yeah, it is, it's a black ball cap. Yeah, or like you're going into some surgery or something, and they go, hey, you need to cover your hair with me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a black ball cap. Yeah, well, like you're going into some surgery or something and like, I hate, you need to cover your hair with this. Yeah, it's a little scrubby.
Starting point is 00:33:09 And you'll notice not one of these analogies have we ever gone, it looks like a cool bean you wear down the street. You would never wear this out in public. No, no, it's kind of like it, it's like almost like the LG fit of that kind of bean. Like, I know what I was going to say was like, have a little dig around.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Like let's say it's Ken, who's in charge of Primus stuff. And you'd be like, oh, that was weird, that purple hat he made. Oh, well, everyone has bad days, Ken. Yeah. Yeah. You got it wrong. You got it wrong. And we accidentally bought 10,000 of those.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Yeah. But now we're really branding with the beanies and Ken to serve this up, find out where Ken's getting this done. Does he know them? Is it a mate? Is it a family member? Is that how they're getting this business? Because it can't be someone with a design or a fashion side of things. Someone, it can't be someone making an informed decision. No, he's got too far now, Ken, or he hates the company. And he's trying to bring them there for the inside.
Starting point is 00:34:07 That was actually too far. That was actually too far. All right, so they're the hats in play. Let's jump in. I've got somebody in mind for the job. About Stephanie McIntosh. Yeah. It's been a while since I've seen them.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Yep. Steph Mac. Steph Mac. From Neighbors, then had the first reality show. Yep. I'm going to throw this up there. Have you used her in the intro before? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:34:39 No, I kind of feeling like the last time I heard her was in this segment somewhere, someone called in with her, maybe someone's already. One for someone on the Reddit. Yeah. One one of her like someone that goes deep and has a better knowledge, but I think your brain got you, you've got to have filed obviously under haven't thought of her for a while. Yeah, God for it. Rachel, tell us someone we haven't thought of for a while. The drumming gorilla from the Cadbury at.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Oh, sorry. Oh, really? Sorry, it's a great one, but you even talked about it the other day. I think we all the memorybury at. Oh, sorry. I'm really sorry. It's a great one. But you even talked about it. I think we all remember in Project. Yeah. Unfortunately, this is this is a really unlucky bounce, but we were recording the remembering project the other day and we were talking about the beginning of that song in the air tonight by Phil Collins. And of course, soon as you're thinking about that song, yeah. The gorilla comes to mind. You're not going to not think about the gorilla. And the reason we were talking about it was when in our band, Cool Boys and the Frontman,
Starting point is 00:35:28 everyone wanted a piece of music where you could show off individually. And we were discussing how in the 8th and 9th of a full concert, the perfect song for Hamish because he doesn't have to do anything for the first two verses. And then he comes in really, really heavy. And you are unquestionably the hero of that song on the drums. That really is what we look for. And when the cool boys play again, I mean, that's where all the arguments will center around.
Starting point is 00:35:53 You're trying to choose music that you're here with. Where the other parts are difficult for the other bands who's plenty to criticize them about. Difficult, you don't sound good. And your bits are easy, yet sound incredible. That's the perfect balance you're looking for in the music. So sorry. Rachel, thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Good suggestion. Bill, a hoi to you, Bill. A hoi to the SB, JP, and of course, happy birthday, Andy. Obviously. Tell us someone we haven't thought of for a while, Bill. Kaci Stoner. Oh, one, good one. I haven't thought of Kasey Stoner.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I'm new. We go. Ando, MotoGP. I played golf with him. Why did you think about him? He was right. I know. Hey, just listen to the show.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah, listen to the part. He was at the Mick Fanning Golf Day for the flight, for the flight effect of the areas. So really in the year, it's okay, so you know, obviously motorbike races are shorter than you expect. Yeah, he'd be a great golfer though. An absolute legend.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I'm not sure if you've seen the, the doco, the Brad Pitt Rurated Motor GP doco. No, he features. No, I have a needle. It's a cracker. And basically, I don't follow Katie that much because he's just a no fast rockup and win kind of guy and you need people. You don't have drama. Bad for TV, amazing for the sport. Sorry about that bill, but well played, I wish we could have given you one of these terrible beanies. I mean, I mean, I mean, if Casey, you mean if you use a list of prokets, it's a huge complement and it is the kind of thing. It looks a bit, well I was going to say it's like you have the flame proof balaclava that
Starting point is 00:37:39 goes under the helmet. Oh yes, the fire retardant. The fire retardant. But this actually, this looks so cheap that it was probably like you know, it's fire inducing fire and caraging. It definitely wouldn't wear it under the helmet. I've got to have one more of the him. Oh, why do you, Cad? Oh, he boys. Cad. Who have you got? I have got little bow wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's great. Yeah, I've been taught a little bow. I don't think I've thought of a little bow for a while.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Jack? No, haven't thought of him. Is that Snoop Dogg's nephew? He was in the dog house, the dog man. Yeah, he was the dog's family. Within the litter. Yep. And he had that, that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Did you have a song? Well, well, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that was dog's ass. Oh, yeah. Bark with me now. Yeah, I think that was a little bell. Yeah, I think that was a little bell. Yeah, I think he's got it Congratulations Would you like a terrible beanie The last remaining purple physio cream hat the seven motorcycles hat yet all the bucket hat
Starting point is 00:38:42 Oh, um, look, I have to say, Haynes advice. I'm about to be a dad soon, so I think I need that sort of dad advice. Would it be the hat, the motorcycle hat, Haynes? Yeah, it's a good idea. It is a small to medium. You're happy with that as a flex fit? Oh, I've got a pretty big head.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Oh, danger. Will you go and fit these beanie? Your child, your baby might like the beanie? Yeah. Let's go to the motorcycle, I'll come in. Yeah, bear it up. What's this, baby? Stop then.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Stop then. It seems like it's been a couple of years of scandals. Scandals are happening left, right, in the centre. And we noticed that coming up in the press a lot is a career ending, a career ending scandal. It's going to be more frequent. Yes. You just have one career end of year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Now it's one or two a week. So we gave each other the task of could they come up with a headline if they could pick up the paper and we realized that Hamish's career ended, Jack's career ended or Mike's career ended. We give each other the task of creating the headline and then an accompanying byline or story. Yeah. We've got the most... Sorry, yeah, Drinden Amdder, have we been randomly assigned one other member of the team to predict their downfall? Yeah. And we've gone for most realistic here. Most probable. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Jack, who do you pull out? I got Hamish. I got in your career ending hot headloan home. Look forward to this. So this is most likely to happen. This is like when people make predictions at the start of the 40s. Yeah. And are we thinking this will happen in the near what?
Starting point is 00:40:17 A couple of years? It could happen by the end of the year, sadly. Oh, okay, I am. I'm enjoying my time for you to listen to. I met the clear at the moment. Good luck. Lego Masters can't aimish Blake after host builds Lego Superior Penis. Sorry, I have a way for you to challenge this. Sources say Lego Technic was used to quote, bring life to the enormous structure.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Oh, yeah. Correct place to use to. Streamly white bearing. That would, yeah, I mean, I think it's career ending. I'd be weird. Yeah, it would be weird. Just thinking, well, it's edgy family, but we're not that edgy.
Starting point is 00:41:01 We think about being an edgy family show is um, that's over the air. I do know that. And brick man is so wholesome, I just feel like he wouldn't, I mean, it wouldn't break his heart when it just he's like a year in such a way. It's pre-recorded but I am since he's still in a wheelchair or someone's like, or someone's like, that's brilliant, that's the betrayal. Yeah, that's the betrayal.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Someone in post. Um, well, hey, that means you must have got me. Mine's a bit longer, so I thought we're doing a full power. So, yeah, sorry, that bit, you know, I can't hear Jack as rocked up to work. And not nothing. No, well, we got the headline out there and now someone, one of the staff writers
Starting point is 00:41:36 will do the article. All right, hit the music, this is Havish. Handsy Lee. In for a rough fall from grace. Television and podcast Nyskai and Ely has finally been arrested for being a massive pervert. In one of the most explosive and devious cases of all time. For years, he has misled his audience that tunes into his podcast, Hamish Nadi, co-hosted by Squeaky Clean Osteen, beloved Nascar Hamish Blake, and one other, that he owns the world's tallest area,
Starting point is 00:42:13 besieged by complaints that the dog is not tall enough. He last week organized a cuddle the world's tallest dog day in a local park to show off the size of the dog. Initially, part-girls were impressed, tweeting, wow, that really is one big dog. And jeepers, I was wrong. This thing is huge and very friendly. However, people began to get suspicious as there were several reports that the dog was cuddling them back. Suspicion that something wasn't right only grew when people noticed Andy had to keep going backstage to send the dog out and was never seen with the dog at the same time.
Starting point is 00:42:46 And when the dog appeared to be signaling to a young fan to Paddy's tummy, the poor fell off to expose a human hand under there. Police were on the scene immediately to color him. And when Ask How the Response was so fast, the chief of police said, we usually have a unit or two tailing him. I mean, you, it was only a matter of time
Starting point is 00:43:02 before he slipped up. Yeah, let's actually encourage me to be a bit more clandestine. Say now we know you're long gone. You could alert. That's accurate, that's fair. I picked Jack O out. Off you go, Jack. Good luck.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Poets finally get there, man? After 15 years on the run, what's finally get there, man? Post was allegedly embezzling money in the early 2000s and been invading authorities until now. They tracked Mr. Post to his co-berg property, which seemed unfinished. But that type of detail was in no use. They came with the boot in. The Post then found a hauled up in Andy's house. The police made it easy to enter because the garage door was left open. Jack was found wearing Andy's clothes and was last heard saying, doesn't any or everyone do this while house-sitting. Jack and his wife Bianca were taken to custody,
Starting point is 00:44:06 but their son Gordon remained at large. Pete's police later found Gordon in LIGON Street wearing a knitted beard. He's not Gordon, he went on the run. What are you doing disguise? He never worn. What is Bianca to get arrested for something I allegedly did in 2006?
Starting point is 00:44:24 I just think Prost prostate's a crime. Yeah, exactly. She must have helped Laundry. She's been breaking bad. Yeah, she was scarler. So she would probably... I don't think you have to testify against your husband. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:37 But they would be making a sweat in the other room. Can't Laundipop corn? No more comments. Thanks for listening. The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. No more comments.

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