Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2022 Ep 192

Episode Date: October 5, 2022

1. Jack’s solar panels 2. Luggage Tetris 3. The pizza smell test 4. Chit Chat Champions 5. 2 sip guarantee 6. Help us pleasure Andy ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in 3, 2. Sorry, still buffering. 1. Ahoi to me, Tycanot. Hamish. Ready forot, hamish. Ready for launch, my boss.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Ahoi. I'm just guessing there you'll be a boss. Ahoi to me Cosmonaut, Jack. Oh, I would be a Russian version. Not popular. I'm sure on the English space station, we're all doing a bit of a handshake and let's just keep the chat firmly space-based. We won't.
Starting point is 00:00:49 We're in chat about what's going on at home. What's a Tycanot? I think you're China. Chinese, you're a Chinese space explorer, and astronaut makes up the the the true, the US free. Yes, the big three. You've got French. Do you have any Frenchies on the International Space Station? Do they have their own...
Starting point is 00:01:09 Un-Aut? European Space Agency. No, but do they have their own... Frank and not? Frank and not. Frank and not. I've always thought. I mean, we...
Starting point is 00:01:18 You know, when do we get our first Oles Menort? Yes. Well, we've got a Space Station. We've got a space agency in Australia. Yeah, we don't have a station jack. No, that's a big lead. Well, of course, space agency, we haven't put it out there yet.
Starting point is 00:01:30 What are we doing in the agency? Well, that's probably more satellites and stuff, like, defense, communications. That's what I don't want to give too many secrets away to the Russians over here. That's what I would understand it to be. Exactly the kind of Russian question you'd be asking in the air. Yeah, he's such a Russian.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Oh, what do you got? What do you got? And yeah, you've been doing any watches lately? Yeah, right. And do you do your lot of stuff with America? What do they mean? How are those guys? How are they?
Starting point is 00:01:56 What do you hear? What are you hearing? Also, a hoi-ten Kate from Brisbane, who uploaded her message at HamishNew.com very easily. I already imagined. A hoi-boys Kate here from Brisbane, who uploaded her message at HamishNeed.com very easily, I would imagine. Hi boys, Kate here from Brisbane. My housemate, Danny and I have been benching the podcast lately and decided that I am the Hamish of the household preferring things vast and loose while she subscribed to a slow and tight
Starting point is 00:02:18 lifestyle quite like Andy. My husband, Jack, doesn't enjoy this game as much as he's now been demoted to number six of our three person household The dog does get spot three and spots four and five are open to application Number six of a three person our sold. Yeah, that's how Jack felt when he got number six That's how I don't feel like that. So you don't acknowledge the other people that work with us No, I acknowledge him definitely a bit in a hierarchy. I thought I would have been third. This is interesting.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Actually, you know what, Sarah, who took number three, used to be the producer of the show, is no longer here. Should she have to hand in her number three? She handed it to Carly. She handed it to Carly. Who really should be number one? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Head of the show. Andy and I have to acknowledge that. I mean, one man in the room. Actually, absolutely. Head of the show. Andy and I have you do it, knowledge that. Only one man in the room. Actually, bought up the word hierarchy. I found interesting. Well, it's been tough, Anne, because we've started by Gauley and Russian. We have a Gauley and he's not looking up for our team,
Starting point is 00:03:17 but we did what it's start today. We're gonna start. We're gonna spin this around. We actually got a present for you, Jack. A benevolent present. Oh, thank you, Hamish. Well, Jack, it comes. I know.
Starting point is 00:03:28 It's a joy of the times on the cards as well. Quickly slipped on. Doesn't look like he's hand-wrong. No, no, no. I changed hands. No, that is his. Jack, we had a lovely beard boys beard boys reunion the other day you me and Young Gordon your son that the youngest member of the beard boys he had his beard out and was
Starting point is 00:03:52 Showing it off proudly to everyone. He needed for him, which he loves took eight hours true I mean he was he put to the You said that's near it. We're a bit ago things. That's where you put things down. Oh, you saw that near where it would be, where you go. That's where you put things you love. And what things you hate in there, and that's true. So he's very, he still doesn't need a few, like, you know, he doesn't understand quite how to wear it, but he's a young, he's a young beard,
Starting point is 00:04:19 beard Jedi, he's learning the ways of the beard. He knows it's a face-based item. Yes. He's just, you know, but it goes around the hole. Anyway, he's gonna get it. He's gonna get it. He's barely six months old. So lovely to catch up.
Starting point is 00:04:32 And I was chatting to Jack Ambienker, Jack's wife, chatting about their country property. Because as we know, things are going fine for Jack. Oh, geez. That's where he keeps his fleet of cars. I'm the big off-grid property. So not a technical touch to the city power, no bin pickup. It's very common man.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Well, we know. We put your own, like a car, an island. He's a lot of things. He's a lot of things. I think he did it to not pay tax. He's hoping to succeed at some point. And Brandon's book he talks about, like, sitting everything up off-grid and stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:04 So yeah, Jack and Richard Branson, very similar type people. Very humble property. So off grid is, that's actually what I want to focus on because Jack's talking about this off-grid property and you know, family and stuff out there. Jack talks about the fact it's got solar panels, it's got a battery and then there's a generator. Like that is the only options they have for power out there. I tried to explain electricity to Jack because he was like, I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Like, am I right in saying, Jack, do you have all these issues going on? Like sometimes the emergency lighting will come on the middle of the night. That's right, yeah. We're not completely across the solar unit. And Hamish tried to tell us how the difference between faults, what's an amps,
Starting point is 00:05:45 and it was a waste of time because I'd already tried to do that lesson on YouTube several times, and it's just like water through my fingers, I just can't retain the information. And in your context, though, why do you need to know about any of these things for the running of your house? The guy who we got the house off gave us a run down
Starting point is 00:06:04 at the start and he's like, very important that you remember blah, blah, blah best I can do when people ask, why is there no power here? Is I go, I think. I am a member here. Yeah. Wow. Hang on, this is the part that you're skipping over.
Starting point is 00:06:36 So you go to your country property. Jack's got the family out for like Christmas holiday stuff. And we did Mum's birthday, but enduring winter is particularly hard because. Very cold. there's not as much solar power coming in. And so the power will go out for Mum's birthday, say, and some emergency beacons will come on, which to me is crazy because it's like if you got power to run the emergency beacons,
Starting point is 00:06:58 just use that power to run the lights. I don't know. That's what happens. We'd rather not know we were getting low. We'd rather just be playing Xbox with the full heating on. And I know, so everybody asked like, so what do we have to do? What's wrong with the power? Why isn't the solar working? I said, I'm pretty sure it's a low vaults problem.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And that's the best thing. It's a low sun problem of I reckon in winter anyway. I saw it. So then you're meant to do what? You're meant to like turn up the vault, so something's amazing. But then we could use the generator. So that, you know, you put diesel in the generator,
Starting point is 00:07:33 that goes on and that does make everything come back to life again. But you prefer not to be burning diesel the time. Well, and I'm just looking at the little screen of all the numbers again, what's amps, vaults, amps in, amps out, what's in, what's out. And I just don't really know what's going on at all on that panel. So I just kind of hack at the buttons for ages. And then eventually it comes back on again. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I mean, this is so opposite to how you would run a house. Am I right? Yeah. No. Like the, the, the, you know, you got Andy's family beach house and like the detail like the books, the instructions, the flow charts. And you would hate the inefficiency of this Andy.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Like if you were coming to stay, I would say charge up your phone and laptop before you come. It's not good to charge up here. Bring a power bank if you can. I bring two circumstances, make most of them portable batteries. My dad laminated the instruction manual for the bread maker. That's the, the lemon.
Starting point is 00:08:28 You go to the family, you go to the Lee family beach house and it's like, you know, like normal like Airbnb, so you go like, what's on in the area? Like walking trails and stuff. Like the list of detail in the house manual is like, you know, in the rear of the chemical attack. Soak the spare towels, not the good towels, but the spare towels and put them along the bottom of the doorways.
Starting point is 00:08:50 This will stop the nerve agents getting in. And so the level of instruction that we give to people is like, the water pump takes up a lot of electricity, so try not to have a shower unless it's a real emergency. Jack's detail is basically like, listen, welcome to the bush. You're lucky to have shelter. Not animals don't get that. That's it.
Starting point is 00:09:10 We treated this camping essentially. Wow, big real. It seems more comfortable on most of these TV shows. Hey, so let's get to our gift. So Jack, what I've done for you is I just heard, I tried to explain a bit of like you. You've got me more panels. No, I tried to explain you 10 science to you and you just like didn't hear any of that. You just gave me the blah,
Starting point is 00:09:29 blah, blah. I'm like, well, I'm not qualified. But someone that is joins us on the show. I thought the least we can do is get you someone to help. His name is Chris. He's a Sparky. He's contacted the show. He's part of he's on that he's in our database, Jack. Chris, oh, hi, welcome to the show. Hi, boys, how you doing? You're going Chris. We're good, Chris, but Jack's in some strife here with these electrically needs. Is there anything you can tell Jack that could help him run this property for future family
Starting point is 00:10:03 gatherings in a state of not power panic, which is like, I guess what you can't live in constant fear of Jackie. Yeah, no, when the power's better go out. Lots of torches, that sort of thing. Candles, which we just should just go to a park. No, well, you get the, like, you get the warmth of the fireplace, you get the shelter of the roof, you just don't, they've got that at parks. You just don't need to use the lights a lot.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Chris, what can I do? Well, that's, it talks to me, Jack, what have you actually got there, mate? Because all I'm here in is a battery. I'm here in some solar and a generator and it doesn't sound like you actually know even what you've got on the truck. No, I do know. Physically, there are three panels and three solar panels. Yeah, but they're being...
Starting point is 00:10:42 You can't give me three. Fuck you, you're making it. Yeah, but they're making it. I'm like, you're being pulled up all the time. Even I've in-holes bought a portable camping setup that's got four. That would power. That would power a funny hat with a windmill on top. And that's a bad idea. And I know, I know that we need at some stage to upgrade and get some more panels.
Starting point is 00:11:02 So, yet the moment we got three panels, they run into, I want to say six batteries like the size of power batteries. I wouldn't even need that many batteries. And then the batteries, even though they've got a lot of charging them, so the batteries will sometimes say 99% paying the lights go out. That doesn't make sense. So the vaults. And you think it could be vaults. The vaults in the battery aren't strong enough, Chris, does this make sense?
Starting point is 00:11:28 Like they're not strong enough to push the power through to the home. Yeah, so if your house is wired, well, they'll get away properly, we'll call it. If that's wired with all of your normal house appliances, they use 240 volts. A car battery is 12 volts. Yeah, so if you've got 12 car batteries, six car batteries, you're not even going to go quite to
Starting point is 00:11:55 a hundred volts. And only normal appliances will run at 240. So you might have some form of inverter in there, which converts it from 12 volts to 240. Chris, he did the word inverter. That's ringing bells for me. some form of inverter in there which converts it from 12 volts to 240. Chris, he did the word inverter, that's ringing bells for me. It has to be an 8-hastly, you have to change the voltage. Yeah, where you've got solar panels, you must have an inverter.
Starting point is 00:12:15 That's where we convert it into our 240-volt supply. That would distribute through your house. So, probably another container. Yeah, with three solar panels, I've seen Gray known ads with more solar panels and caravans, so I'm not surprised you're not actually getting too much there. But I said they're big, right Chris, they're big panels. How big? Like half a door?
Starting point is 00:12:35 That's not big mate. That is just a small, big stand panel. So we do solar jacket when we would put it on somebody's house, so if we put it in a six kilowatt system, which in terms know, in terms of like offsetting your energy bills, a medium size house, call it a three by two, if they had a six kilowatt solar system on, they would pay the bare minimal you would expect probably through summer and stuff towards their energy supplier. So, but to get that, we would put in 18 panels. So, you've finally got your own. You've got your language check. Nine doors worth.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Yes, sorry. Chris, so, Chris, running nine doors a power. You're only running one and a half doors of power over at your place. Simplify it for me, Chris. If I get more, Chris, if I get more panels, the lights will stay on. Absolutely. More panels and more batteries. You really need to look at getting a standalone solar battery set up, which would mean that your solar panels
Starting point is 00:13:33 will charge through the day, and then that will convert through your inverter into your battery pack, which will store the power, and then you'll be able to use it both night and day. Now Chris, Jackie's not some online spending money. Yeah, this is the, this is the, this is the, I was going to, I was going to go to Maythrow its next Chris. Do you sell the battery packs?
Starting point is 00:13:50 Uh, we can set, we can sell the battery packs. Yes, but Jack, what I don't understand is, mate, with all that popcorn you stole from Hoyt, you have to put them in a high interest account. So I could have been able to afford this. Exactly. Little, little less in here for a people working popcorn is popcorn. It doesn't buy solar panels. I'm sure this way you could have converted it to money. I'm using the codes there, man. Chris, what I want to know is like 18 solar panels and a big old battery.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Let's talk. No, this is not what we did not bring this on. Chris, Chris, he could fleece him like he's trying to fleece him. Like he's trying to fleece him. Like I want you to walk away with your popcorn. Let's make a Weasel pitch. Like let's get a Weasel pitch. This feels like ripe ground for Weasel pitch. Oh great, okay, I will do whatever it takes
Starting point is 00:14:38 if a solar panel, no, no, let me just ask you, no, I've got a big ask, up my up still, the main kind of Jack and he has not been that I will I will suit I'll just say like this. I'll super serve and I have been looking for Australia's best solar panel and battery company And I will super serve if they come to the party I'll do it. Any and I will do it. I'll do it. But if like just was telling a story and you will and I was like I turn the light on and
Starting point is 00:15:04 I'll be fine. Obviously. Can you guys organize some airpods for both Hamish and I? So if we ever get a whiff of the subject, if it comes up naturally, like, you'll hear a whiff on camera across the weekend, thanks to my good friends at Australian solar, whoever it might be. I hope to God, that's not your natural self. Chris, well, let you go.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Thank you very much. We really appreciate it, buddy. No, no worries, boys. Good luck, Chris. Chris from Handcook Electrical in Perth, and I appreciate the deal we've done on the side of the day, Chris. Handcook. Handcook Electrical, there, Amish, but here's what.
Starting point is 00:15:36 So Handcook. Handcook. Super handy. Handcook. For all your electrical needs out west. And if you're for that. And if you side with me, I will get your name right. Big solo panel companies, come at me.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Yeah. That reminded me of an upset Andy during the week that happened on our holiday recently. Yeah. And I must have just blocked it out of my mind because I was... You would have to. I was really, this one really got me.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Because the world is chaotic and the world is fast and loose. And to me and my people, we are in flow. Yeah. We're getting this blown around and that, you know, as the world gets crazy and crazy and you're... You are trying to hold on to order and it must be tough. So when we arrived in Mikanos, we booked a transfer car and it was just a guy with these station wagon, you know, or like a four-wheel drive.
Starting point is 00:16:32 And we've taken all our luggage and as he opened the boot, I saw him look at it and go, and I went, oh, do you want to hand? You know, no, no, yes, but, I, you've accidentally got a special. Yes, I, I, I, with all our trips, I was very much to pride in ourselves on like we can get me to, we can get me to this like it was packed well. And I said, you know, here's no, no, no, no, no, no. And he opens the doors and asks us to go sit in the back.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Well, he gets it done. And I was like, okay, okay. So I'm just, must say say again, so you have a special to you. You would be so fidgety in that moment, you're singing the back seat. So I'm in the back seat. Oh yeah, he and I see. And I see, I can see I was the other back, I'm going to back. No, he's not getting that in. And she goes, just leave him, just let him do it. So he'll never learn. So he's packed a bit of said in a way, he's got one left over and he's looking.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Oh, gosh. Oh, I can't wait to see. Sorry, lead is there mate, it's not going to go on that. He tries to put it in and tries to do that thing where you quickly, quickly close the boot, like, you know, shameful mood for a boot trucker. Exactly. I've never seen you do that. It falls out on the ground and it's one of Bex's new piece of luggage.
Starting point is 00:17:59 He's fed a lot of money and she was really excited about it and she's like, oh, I was like, yeah, so you know, I told you. I told you. And I said, hey, do you want a hand? He's like, no, no, no, no. And then he's looking at it again. And he's then trying to shove the luggage in, force it in. As a fan of survivor, particularly American survivor, this is a very familiar scenario where it gets right to the end.
Starting point is 00:18:21 They've got to, you know, throw a coconut, throw a hoop or something. And one goes like, I can do it. And the whole team is watching going, sub-a-send. Sub-a-send, I can do it. I can hit the target. And that's, would have been eating you up. So he's trying to force it again. And then I said, stuff this, I'm getting out, Vic.
Starting point is 00:18:39 And I went to get out, child lock on. Both. Both. Wow. I don't know whether the child lock on. Both. That's, wow. I don't know whether the child lock on was on the card off for my safety. Oh, he does have someone like me before. He did have someone like me before. So I'm going like really shoving the door like try,
Starting point is 00:18:56 because you know with child lock, if you do it 20 times, it opens. So I'm trying to get out and I'm trying to make it loud enough. So he can hear that I'm trying to get out and I'm trying to make it loud enough so he can hear that I'm trying to get out and have a custom. And then Beck gets the gig was because she knows that I am trapped in this world where I can't get out and help. And I'm like, you can hear the sounds of inefficiencies behind you. So I said, hey, I think I go, all right, I think it might be best to start with the black
Starting point is 00:19:23 piece of luggage and on the rock. He's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I think it might be best to start with the black piece of luggage and on the rock. He's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm sitting there. He's trying to work out the combination. Eventually he takes it all out and he puts the black piece in and I hear him go, oh, and I'm thinking, he's not passing off his idea, is he?
Starting point is 00:19:38 He is, like, he, I've told him this and he's just like, oh, great. Correct. And then puts all the luggage in, gets in, gets in the door and goes, I did it. The big smile on his face, like I should be congratulating you. And there was no congratulatory.
Starting point is 00:19:54 No, if it's again, if it's a survivor, yeah, well done, can you did it? But the Anjana team finished before us. The Buuela team finished before us. Or the three of the other teams finished before us. We're going to tribal. Yeah, you did it, but we're going to tribal. Do you understand?
Starting point is 00:20:10 I guess he's getting voted out. Do you hold the coconuts in the challenge? You're out of here. Ando, future special skill could be coming to the table. This film on my side of the fence and I like it. But then I wonder, do I like it? Because it involves a topic I like and is the skill easy? Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:20:34 So you've got to, sometimes I'll throw a skill at you and go, hey, this is, and you go, that's easy. I'm like, oh, really? And then you're proving right. Well, I'm not sure it's even because it's something I think I could do, but it's in the realm of, I had to ask myself this question and you have to as a scientist to go, I just get excited
Starting point is 00:20:52 because of your own personal history with the product. You have to be impartial. I like to think that what we do here is good science on this show. I think we try and put the right checks and balances in place so people are coming with an impressive special skill and our own bias isn't creeping in because it's to do with pizza. And I love pizza. Yes, you love pizza. Jack. I do love pizza. Yes, one of the, I mean, there's not too many people that don't love pizza. Yeah. Unfortunately, sometimes when she's really digging her heels in, but the skill is comes from a guy named Braden and he claims he's only 19 claims He can tell the type of pizza the flavor of pizza if you will purely just by smelling it through the lid of the box So hot pizza gets delivered and he doesn't know what it is like. He sees it a family gathering somewhere in my house and he'll put his nose onto the top
Starting point is 00:21:48 and go meat lovers. So immediately in my head, I'm going, is that hard? So because we all know that it's not a love pizza, but do we know the flavor of pizza? So that your question today is a worth bringing you in. No, no, well, here's the thing. Here's, I think it requires knowledge of the entire menu, which I think is impressive in itself. But that is only like huge about, let's say, 12 to 18 pizzas. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:14 To test this, ando. Surprise in studio skills test. A Liza is waiting outside with three pizzas. She is, and she's coming in there. She's bringing it in now. Can you do it, Anno? If you can get one, if you can get one. She's also going to get one.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Some coffee beans so I can clear my nasal palate. Yep. Yes. That, that, okay. First peaches in front of me. Okay, first piece is in front of me. If you can get one of these, because this is ordered from a pizza restaurant that has let's say 15 peaches. Okay. I think if you one of these, because this is ordered from a pizza restaurant
Starting point is 00:22:45 that has let's say 15 pizzas. Okay. I think if you can get one, maybe it shows it's not that incredible. Okay. Having a smell, man. Talk us through what you know is us telling you. Doesn't it feel like there's a lot going on in that pizza?
Starting point is 00:23:00 Right, so it's a low topping pizza. Yeah. So I'm topping it's a hard to smell. Like I don't know how the science of the works, but I don't reckon you'd be easy to smell capsicum on a pizza. No. I think my guess is margarita. Let's have a look.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Oh, it's a margarita! Oh no! Okay. Okay. I'm excited, babe. Okay, I'm excited for you, because that is a good skill, but you do like a Margarita, so... Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Let's get another one in. Okay. Another one coming in. Well done. Okay. Now maybe this is your skill. Go for gold here, and you could win a coin. I think I know this one as well.
Starting point is 00:23:39 One is it. The figure's an Aussie, Peter. Let's have a look. Oh, I've gone too early. It's pepperoni, it's an Aussie pizza. What's that look? Oh, I've gone too early. It's pepperoni. Didn't pick up on pepperoni. Well, that's confused. I got cocky.
Starting point is 00:23:54 You did. You thought the bacon was. You thought the bacon was easy. I think I might have got lucky with the margarita. Right. He just smelt pizza and went for margarita. OK, here we go. Oh, no, that's definitely a capricosa. I can smell olives and some stuff going on in that one. OK, let's have a look.
Starting point is 00:24:18 What is it? Capricot? It's a well done. OK. So do we do here? OK. Well done. Okay, so do we do here? Okay, well done. Very interesting. So you can smell the salt, I can smell the salt you've got.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Although from your, you thought the Aussie, you probably thought you smelled bacon, didn't you? And you actually smell so high. So then before, did you organize for? Well, I got one for you. Because I thought you could probably... Oh, yes, we can all have a pizza.
Starting point is 00:24:46 We hate waste on this show more than anything. Okay and I think I'm going to sort of a ton of pizzas. You've been doing very well so far. That's the Aussie. Against Melanie. Okay. Yes. Oh man, what a shame because it's not hard.
Starting point is 00:25:01 If you didn't just done that without us knowing about Braden, we would have gone, Jesus Andy's incredible. Yeah, no, and then now to try and see. Because it's like this can happen. So it is just a thing that can be done easily by most people. I'm glad. Actually didn't expect it to be that easy,
Starting point is 00:25:17 but I'm glad we did the test. Where's Braden from? He's Melbourne. Melbourne, I was okay. So wouldn't have been flight, the cheapest flight available in a combination to see him do something that everyone can do. Cally, Cally came to me and she goes, what do you reckon? Is this a good special skill?
Starting point is 00:25:32 I was like, I think it is. And Cally was actually phoned. He went, shawry's not just coming in for a free piece of life. I mean, I can even spell the Aussie from the other side of the desk. The guy that thing you do, is it like? Like, you go, hey, these guys, if you can think of a creative thing around food, like I'll have you into test it, who cares? If you fail, you're still going to free pizza. Like, that is a good use of a day.
Starting point is 00:25:54 So apologies there, Braden. Yep. And maybe we send in one of the two of you. One of the two of you. I mean, this. Take a short break since we've got these pizzas. I'm like, best. Take a short break since we got these pizzas. Hey, we haven't done this for a while, so let's bring it out.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Chitney with your best chat, not a roway, chit chat champion. If you think you're the best, it's more talk. Keeping the ball in the air during a conversation, no matter what the situation and what the group, we will test you right here. I reckon this is the number one topic, the number one recurring segment we have on the show where people listen, go, get a scene. I could, if you need some for Chitchat champion, it's the equivalent. You get that feeling from them of when someone's watching someone clumsily open up an email
Starting point is 00:26:48 or you catch them in your stomach and they're like, please leave me the mouse, please. Can I please do this? But it's not as easy as it seems. Josh, join us. Or are you Josh? Holy voice. What makes you think that you can be a Chitchat Champion? I'm pretty much always the person who has to sit in the front of a Uber or a taxi, so I
Starting point is 00:27:08 like to have it. You must have it. Okay, yeah. So your friend's no beforehand that you're in the, going to be in the front just because of your good talk. Like chat, normally it's just due to whoever got to the car last. Yeah. I think it's an anti-power move.
Starting point is 00:27:23 I think that I'm power moving then by sitting the front seat all the time. But definitely, definitely a little channel. So there's never any like, hey, you go in the front mate, we're a bit nervous to talk. We want the driver to have an enjoyable trip too, so we'll put our best man in. Yeah, lots of that happened. Yeah'm connected. Thank you, Josh. Jemima is your combatant today. Jemima, how are you? How are you? Jemima, what makes you think that you'd be the best at Chit Chat? Well, my boyfriend has actually signed me up for this, and he thinks that I would be good
Starting point is 00:27:57 at it because I'm actually a speech pathologist, and my business is called Chit Chat, so he was like, perfect. Well, that makes me so happy. It would be nice to add champion to the end of that. Yes. Chit Chat Champion Speech Pathology. Does it ever come up in the speech pathology world like the art of Chit Chat?
Starting point is 00:28:17 Because I suppose it's more sort of like, you know, helping people with their mouth shape and with their issues around speech but is chit chat like the end game really? Yeah, I guess, and like lots of older kids, you know, might need some help making friends, so you think about topics that we can we can talk about easily. Okay, okay, all right, great. Well, we've got two champions. It seems him, but only one
Starting point is 00:28:41 will prevail. You guys both are the rules. The front seat professional and a speech pathologist, all right. I will put your mind on hold. Josh, can you hear us? Yeah. You know how it works? We'll start a conversation. You'll be if the fellow at this imaginary party just kind of joining the group and you've got to pick up the conversation you cannot ask a question.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Yeah, must rely on your timing, get questions banned. Okay, here we go. Yeah, must rely on your time and get questions banned. Okay, here we go Hey, and on man the guys I do trivia with actually thinking of switching hubs. Yeah, you didn't really like the guy running and he was a bit into himself Yeah, well you don't like your host being into himself because then I'm making a trivia night a little bit You're definitely rather like have a trivia host who really cares about the clay out of me. It's good. I mean, did I detect a nervous trough clear in the middle? It's a good Josh. He did just for a paid exactly what I see. He did repackage the ocean and send it back to us. But put us in a position where we couldn't
Starting point is 00:29:44 disagree. Yeah, we couldn't disagree. Couldn't disagree. So it was a good, I don't know what the Jack can be able to tell us the chess version of this. It was a great defensive move. Yeah, taking taking any pieces in conservative play. It's probably a good trivia, but I do want to get any room.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Once coming up, well, I mean, no, Josh, the other thing you did though is you came across a little too needy for what you require of your pro trivia person to say you really need to win that really cares for the customers. I think just somebody who asked the questions I think you can tell you it up is probably enough but I like Josh as Jack said that was conservatively. You didn't take any pieces didn't lose any. Jemima are you there? Yes, yes I am. You didn't take any pieces, didn't lose any. Jemima, are you there? Yes, yes I am.
Starting point is 00:30:27 You didn't hear that. Are you ready? I'm ready. Okay, good luck. Ando, me and the guys I do pub preview with, we're thinking of switching pubs. Oh yeah, you didn't really like the guy running and he was been into himself. Oh gosh, you wouldn't want that in a in a later. You've got to be able to kind of take the pierce.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Also, here, the pierce can get really expensive at some of the pubs, so you know, test to move away. Good, tactic, funny tactic. Throwing an extra reason on board. I thought, I mean, bring back Josh. I mean, Jemima's lost. Jemima, it felt like you were trying to find the reason early on. But then you said, you do you use the term
Starting point is 00:31:27 leader? Oh, I actually don't think. I think, yeah, like the leader of the pub trivia, they told me. Yeah, yeah, the two. Yeah, I think so. You don't want to lead a next tune. Yeah, you don't want to lead a that's to end to themselves. He's not our leader. He's not our leader. When you are thinking of changing pubs to go to another pub to do it, and you said pubs can get expensive drinks, we're going to have that same problem with the new pub. That's true. That's true. That's true.
Starting point is 00:32:01 So I think it's a win to Josh. Congratulations to you, Josh. What on Josh Conserv, you's a win to Josh. Congratulations to you Josh. What a Josh Conservancy player has one today. But both very good competitors will send a token of no value to you both. What a guys. For good stumbles, some good defense. And you know how on a podcast day I, my math demands are boost. You always have a boost.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Or as a Kenyam William chocolate. It's just because from when we started and you are not allowed to have a ramen anymore, after I had ramen. I have ramen. I have to remind you everything. I think I want ramen and then I go, I don't know why do I do this. I have ramen. I have to remind you everything. I think I want ramen and then I go. Why do I do this? I don't know why do I do this. Yes. So I do this. It's not enough.
Starting point is 00:32:49 It's just enough food for me. It's too soupy. Mm. And I need something a little heftier. So a little bit more. We do do do do. You go, any while I have lunch, don't I say, not a ramen? And you say, thank you for a moment. And sometimes when it's time for lunch, I go,
Starting point is 00:33:02 well, I'm off to have a ramen. Just to test me. To see if anyone remembers, well, I'm off to have a ramen. Just to test me. To see if anyone remembers the rule, don't let me eat a ramen. I say, no, no, hey. No. But you also had a band on boost for a while, remember? Yes, I did, Jack. And that's what I want to talk about quickly.
Starting point is 00:33:17 You've lifted the band on boost. The band on boost was because my mouth, for 20, you know, 15 years we've been coming to this place, this particular radio studio. There's a boost downstairs, a chaos. And it used to be, because I mean, Sydney, it used to be a window when you and I came here together. We would, like, we'll blow our minds, there was a boost here.
Starting point is 00:33:36 We would, every single time get a boost, we'd remember at these studios. And that's, I've been conditioned. That's what my mom and I, Kim William chocolate for home, tropical storm for me. Yeah. And my mouth salivates when it gets to this area. It just knows what's coming.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Two guys. Backpacks, T-shirts, socks, shorts. Chains and phones, all those. Yeah, boosts. That was an outskirts. Yeah, for the absolute. Five years, yeah. The boost is next to the sketches store.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Yeah, we might go and have a look. Who's going to the sketching store? How are they still going? Yeah, it's still there. Still pondering. We'll never see anyone in there. Yeah, another point. So I like the King William chocolate.
Starting point is 00:34:15 It's meant to be a kind of a thick milkshake you kind of chocolate-flavored boost. So one of the healthy ones, but they're not pretending it is. It's one of the indulge yourself. It's off the treat yourself menu, I think. I, for a few in a row, right, I would get to the boost. I'll be like, all right, I'm off guys, want to break, go to the boost. And the team working there weren't of the standard, I think Janine Ellis would demand, if she was visiting. Janine Ellis is the creator of crater boost in one of the standard, I think, Janine Ellis would demand if she was visiting. Janine Ellis is the creator of Crater of Boost and one of the
Starting point is 00:34:48 charts on Shark Tank was one of the guesses from the panel on Mars. I thought, wow, well, she's a Shark Tank judge too. So she's true, but again, the channel 10 family. It's a tough one. It would have been a tough one. Yeah, it would have been a tough one. There's even been a time, and I know this is where the real debt because there was just a bit like kind of like just I go in a low peak time and they're just munching around and they're on their phones.
Starting point is 00:35:14 But it's one of the like the Westfield boosts that there's no other hype like you're not in a shop, you're in a chaos. Yeah. And they're out they're kind of there's the service bit and then there's the the blenders over the other. There, out the back. No, out the back three. I think there is. They think there is. It's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like,
Starting point is 00:35:32 it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like cleared my throat and gone, could I please order a juice? And then they've like slunk over with nowhere near the sorry about that that I had as a customer. And I'm not proud of this, but I started with, well, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I was wondering if I can get it. So a little bit snug. Anyway, there'd been a few times in a row where they made it too runny. I get the King William chocolate and go,
Starting point is 00:36:07 because I need it to last. I enjoy the consistency of the drink. I need it to last. And I drink and be like, this is a drink. This is a runny drink. This is like an up and go consistency. And it needs to be, you need to be able to hold the thing upside down.
Starting point is 00:36:23 It shouldn't come out. At the very least, you need to be able to put a straw in down. To think like that, it shouldn't come out. At the very least, you need to be able to put a straw in it, and the straw doesn't sink. Exactly. That's the consistency you need. It's just like, right, okay, well, they've forgotten to put the ice in here or the frozen you're going to get something. This is just runnier than water. I let it go.
Starting point is 00:36:39 I'm back the next week. I can't remember if it's the same people. Similar vibe there from the chaos. King William Chocolat, please, they do it again. I'm back the next week. I can't remember if it's St. Able, similar vibe there from the chaos. King William Choco, please, they do it again. Okay, this is real. Now this is ruining the pattern. So I go, right, next, the next time I go,
Starting point is 00:36:55 go, hey, listen, no offense, but last couple of weeks, it hasn't been great. It's been great. Oh, wow, the consistency has been not being up to scratch. It is, you know, do you guys know, is it change? Is it recipe change? Is there a new policy?
Starting point is 00:37:13 Because you're giving me very, very runny, king week. I'm talking to you tonight. I like the drink to last. I like to sip on it for the next half an hour. And it sends no chance of my mouth will just drink it all. So help me help myself here. No, I'm right. Okay. They're making again. It's not a walking away. I'm like, it's, that's it. They didn't do it again. It's running again. They're dead to me. I try a few weeks with boba teas, bubble teas.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Yeah. I'm the same. It's not really the same. I miss boost. And I was vocalizing this complaint around me, obviously. There's been a morale of what people last see. People would notice this year, gustome liking. It's because of a two running, two running abuse. Then someone goes, what about their one-sip guarantee? Like, what? Like, yeah, booze, they got a one-sip guarantee. If you don't like the way it's made, you can have one sip.
Starting point is 00:38:03 And then you demand them to remake it or get it back. Or whatever you can. You've got you have the you have recourse. If you're not able to, I was like, this is what I've been going. So then last week I fly down there. So excited to get up to the camera. And I go, hi, not sure if I talked to you a few weeks ago. But I haven't been coming back.
Starting point is 00:38:25 I usually get a kingwee on chocolate. I've never been happy with the consistency. I left. I've been drinking bubble teas. They're fine, but it's not what I want. I want a kingwee on chocolate, but I want it made. Probably I said, are you aware of the one sip guarantee? Because I've read about it on your website.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And I can just saying I'm just saying I'm sure you'll do a good job, but if it's not the right way, I will be asking yeah, I'll be asking for a change Yeah, I'll be asking for you to do it again But got the cute they finish you know, they give me the cup. I have a sip outstanding I have a sip. Outstanding. LAUGHTER LAUGHTER I It was the system works.
Starting point is 00:39:10 The threat. It was the threat of a garage. It was the threat of a garage. It was the threat of a garage. You have what a high-close or funny? Which goes to me. I have a close quickly to a little quick story. Yeah. But I need to tell you, the ones that guarantee it works. It works.
Starting point is 00:39:26 If you're not happy, you tell them. I'm trying to share my joy with you that I'm back. I'm happy for you. I'm happy for you for when you need to go there. Because you don't have to worry anymore. No, no, no. It's just really nice. I don't know anywhere else that does the ones that guarantee. And pleasure fast.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Coming up in a few weeks, pleasure Andy, after years of upsetting Andy, we have nominated a day. I'm excited for this. Yeah, you should be excited for pleasure fast, and I'm glad to know any of the exhibits yet. Yeah, so as a quick refresher, pleasure first will be, you know, let's say between six and a dozen, almost like a high school science fair. Yep. Set you up in a room. You have your own table, your own stall, and I'll take Andy through. And it's the opposite of upset Andy. It's things like the initial one was laying the screen protection on a mobile phone screen perfectly.
Starting point is 00:40:31 When friends house the other day, they had a Spice rack in alphabetical order. In the hell. That would be a great entrance for pleasure. First of you, that's just me. I've got the world's best organized Spice rack. I'd like to bring it in. And then when Andy, you know, you'll have your own
Starting point is 00:40:46 trestle table, like a booth. Andy, I'll bring Andy to Saul. Oh, hi, you know, my name's Catherine A. Catherine, what have you got? This is my spice rack. Yeah. Takes you through it in great detail. I'll probably tune out for a little bit, but it's okay.
Starting point is 00:40:57 I'm just there to shaperone. I'm not there to be pleasureed myself. This is a selfless act. Taking a friend to be pleasureed. You will be, you know, you run through, you know, the guy before, but the guy that couldn't nail the Tupperware, if we rocked up and he just had some stew at a pot, and he pulled out the exact size Tupperware that would fill it to the brim and clasp it on, I'd go, well done.
Starting point is 00:41:20 And so he'd be demonstrating that to you and you go, and this is how to look for it, look at that, this is going to regular, you know, meat pattern or something. This top where you would be like the efficiencies would be just be just you'd be barred up on efficiencies and stuff. Let's say with the spice rack, they go they have something crazy in the spice rack to be like and look, you know, this is a spice you can only get, you know, like in loose form. But I've went and got a blank jar that matches the other jars, and I've labeled it in the same way,
Starting point is 00:41:49 and I now keep that loose spice in the jar, so it's not in a glad bag, and it's in alphabetical order. And you just be like, yes, pleasure, pleasure, pleasure. That's an example of what pleasure fest is going to be. Now entries are coming in. Let's be honest. It's more fun to upset you than
Starting point is 00:42:11 we're going well, but this is my final call for entries before I start calling people back behind the scenes. Okay. Okay. I want people to think carefully about the skill I have. All right. As we've mentioned, yeah, the spice tracking, the theawaring, the weighing, the adhesive on the mobile phone thing, doesn't have to be big. It just has to be efficient and the best way of doing something. That's what it's all about. Andy likes to see the best way of doing things.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Here's some buzzwords. I've written a list of buzzwords, okay, that I want people to just tune into. If you have something that you can do, and it contains one of these words, it's probably going to be a great contender for pleasure fest, and you should apply at homishandee.com. All right. Flush. Get. If you're like, not toilet stuff. No, no, just if it's the angles are perfect.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Yeah. Like when Darcy showed us that picture of him putting the fridge in the cavity and it was just perfect. Yep. You want a millimeter to spare. Bang, that will get Andy going on pleasure first. Right on the money. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yeah, that's something's landing right on the money. Okay. With absolutely no wastage. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Clean as a whistle. Yeah, that'd be great.
Starting point is 00:43:34 That'd be great. Right up to the edge and not an inch over. Yeah. Yeah. Perfectly. Every time. That's good. Yeah, you don't want it to be a fluke It'd be good to see people repeat the skill will repeat their their action. Yep People often comment that's the most efficient
Starting point is 00:44:01 So if you've got those if you've got something that matches that kind of language, if people do often go, gee, that's the most efficient way of doing that out of the scene. He just said, hey, me showing you.com. Hey, me showing you.com, I will be making, I'm just saying people know that the entries have been great so far, but I'll be making my final decision spots are limited, booth are limited. Could we go to fly everybody? Sydney, yeah, we.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I think we are. Yes. Are we doing that? Yeah. Okay. So seven. Seven. No, it's the eight booths.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Eight booths. Depending on how cheap the airfares are. Yeah. At the time, you will be flying on the cheapest available ticket. Yeah. So expect to get in early. But we can organize props to if you need something to be here. We can organize that as well.
Starting point is 00:44:43 So yeah, you'll get to be getting in early. You might be leaving sort of before the business rush. Usually it's a six a.m. fight sort of 2 p.m. and turn. Our preferred off-peak travel times for contestants, but that could be you. Thanks for listening. The Hamish Nandy podcast will return next week. Catch up or contribute at hamishnandy.com.

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