Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2022 Ep 197

Episode Date: November 9, 2022

1. Slide Party safety video 2. The Guys are ageing 3. Chit Chat Champion 4. The Pleasure Fest budget ...

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-naf production. Activate your internet. Cos the Hamish and the podcast starts in 3, 2, sorry, still buffering. 1. A hoi-t me pivot, Hamish. Yeah, you want me to go in this direction? I might, but I'd be more inclined to go about 30 degrees to my left. Ahoi to my FICSO, Jack, yes.
Starting point is 00:00:35 FICSO. Yeah, FICSO, I guess a FICSO in Australia. Oh, yeah, yeah, it's in because we all have a lot of other. Yeah, oh, yeah. If you've got a pro blow, you'll fix it. We are playing a sport, and apparently these are key positions of this sport. Pivot fixer. Well we'd pivot in basketball, but it's not really someone's position. Pivot up.
Starting point is 00:00:50 The ball man, the netball is all about pivoting. Yes, they do. You can do it a little else. Yes, no offense to the netball is out there, but you know what I mean? Thanks, Vir, you've had it coming for a while. You can't run with the ball. You know the rules. You've got to be a little bit more careful. They do little else. Yes, no offense to the net balls out there, but you know what I mean. Thanks, Vir, you've had it coming for a while. You can't run with the ball.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Yeah, you know the rules. A sport where you pivot and you fixo a lot. I mean, there's fixed gears in track cycling. No, we're talking about a fixed defender is the fixed though. Often the captain jacks that the day is a lacrosse. Futsal. Futsal. Futsal, and I played Futsal as well. So that's what you said.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I thought you would have had the best chance for this. Aim your pivot, you're the goal scorer, you're the one that has the strongest shot. Thank you. Hence we've got you up front. I'd be in Ella, which is a left or right winger, right in my way, up on the other ground. Did sound like Ella, like Ella, I was the man of God.
Starting point is 00:01:46 No. You do often give yourself quite a high rank in these, unfortunately, the way it falls, and often in the job descriptions, you get a high rank. Jack, how come when you play foot saw, you didn't remember any of the positions? We never used any of those terms. We just called them, you know, like a soccer field,
Starting point is 00:02:03 striker, backman, guy in the middle anymore. And he didn't rise up the ranks. You weren't even sure what you're playing. Anyway, what language is Futsal? What is it, what is it translate to? Futs, but what's all? Like, does it come from... Maybe small ball, because it was a smaller ball. Well, this comes to wreck from the website from the Futsal Academy. So whether they're trying to establish their own brand and stuff and they don't quite like the fact that they're being aligned to soccer. What was the appeal of Futsal for you back in the day Jack? Just small soccer? Well you didn't need a whole soccer team so you don't need
Starting point is 00:02:41 five of you. Four friends you don't need to make up a four-eleven. All strangers? Two-said four friends. Yeah. Oh, you need four friends. Yes, I thought it was those four friends and one... ...ring up the rules. One rules one bit like you should.
Starting point is 00:02:54 You can't hold the friends. It's too much teamwork otherwise. It's a networking event. One person must always make four new friends. Ahoi also, to Tarek Ham, who's in Canada. Ahoi boys, it's T Terrick Ham, between Canada. Ahoy boys, it's Terrick from Ottawa Canada and I'm up late trying to put my newborn to sleep. His name is Safien and I was hoping it would help me broadcast a message for his birthday whenever this gets uploaded. That's all right, here we go. Happy 90th birthday Safien. I hope you had a fulfilled life
Starting point is 00:03:24 with lots of kids and grandkids. I hope you had a fulfilled life with lots of kids and grandkids. I hope you lived long enough to see Jack finally build his home, the tall, terrier, growing to the heights promised, and Hamish actually learning how to speak Italian. Love you. Anyways, keep up the good work. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:03:41 That's your Gule. Yeah. Well, it's obviously jokes on Newariq, because it's been uploaded much quicker than that. As people can do at hamishnow.com if they'd like to do the opening message. Hey, we're two weeks away. I remember how to say happy birthday. Tantiguli. Tantiguli, but one anniversary or something is that French.
Starting point is 00:04:02 There's something about an anniversary. Anyway, we got 90 years to solve this stuff. In two weeks' time, we are going on a slide party. We are going on our emergency slide, thinking about it. I remember how to say, I'm 12 years old, and that's an orthology, Arnie. See, see, see.
Starting point is 00:04:24 It's got a scratch this edge. Okay. Okay, well I'll pick it up to Steve. I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll drag this to Jack then. Yeah. One take. Jack. Good news.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Yep. Ah, one compley anna. Well, well worth it. Of course. Of course. I'm doing it for a 90 year old baby. Yes. Um, sorry, you're getting it.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Bring it everyone up to speed. A hundred percent attendance. Yeah, that's getting it. Bring it over on up to speed. A hundred percent attendance. Yeah, that's huge. Isn't live party. For all the people that won tickets, one hundred percent of them, are you still interested? Yeah. Be still aware of it and see available to come back. There was a board, Rex Biggie, if you're an interstate, Rex Airlines now doing Biggies
Starting point is 00:05:02 and they'll get you to Melbourne where the official slide party will be. Get you in here and we'll take you out and throw you down the slide. Allow you to gently slide following the croak protocols down the slide. And emergency slide, which we've all wanted to do and every time they've given that safety briefing at the top, you look across at the slide and go, wouldn't want the panic of it, but we'd love the fun of a slide. I'd love to have that badge on my scout.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Skirt. Skirt, skirt. We didn't put the badges. Skirt, skirt. Yeah, I know. Just put them on the shirt, do you? Yes. Just asking.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And we... I thought they had a kill. Do they ever get killed? No. No, no, no. Okay. Yeah, and you put all the badges on your shirt. Or do you put them on your shorts, too?
Starting point is 00:05:41 No, you can't put badges on your shorts. Oh, what will happen? I bet you could. What will happen? You win the Rebel badge. You win as the one that goes on your shorts. You would probably have a meeting with archaerla. Well, that's Cubs. That's Cubs. But yes, if it was in Cubs, Scouts, you'd have a meeting. You would get points probably, some form of point deducted from your six because you're in groups six generally for misappropriate But what happens if you're so beautiful miss badging if you're so highly decorated that you've got too many badges for your shirt
Starting point is 00:06:17 Where do they go after that? Familiar problem for me Jack So you you feel you should with me. So it was like a came out. You look like a lizard. That scales all over you. Yeah. You feel just got shared. You are meant to do them on one side and then you're allowed to travel across to the other sleeve. Right. But no, you wouldn't put them on your shorts. Oh. But again, Jack's question stands. What if you absolutely ran out of real estate?
Starting point is 00:06:51 What are you meant to do? I have tails. I feel like a jacket. Well, there was in scouts and going and even higher than that. You, basically, you would get the same. There wouldn't be as many badges like you, there was not enough activities. So I feel you showed up.
Starting point is 00:07:06 But you had a red, a blue and a green. So you could replace a red with a blue. You couldn't have a red and a blue sewing one on. I mean, this is my wife. Quicker, I can't. Quicker. Quicker. Quicker.
Starting point is 00:07:23 What do you do, Andrews? Swift explanation badge? This is anything. He hasn't got his switch explanation badge yet. Sometimes he can get bogged down in colors of badges. He's working on it. He's working on it. He's working on it.
Starting point is 00:07:40 You are. We did. Yeah, that's the pass away on us. We can't, we can't. We want to get it with wolves. We certainly are somewhat We did. And that's the past away on us. We can't. Can we watch the answers with wolves? We certainly are somewhat culpable. Well, they've kept in cost to just wandering around the paddock. But okay, we did start that by saying that you will now have the experience of sliding down
Starting point is 00:07:56 a slide. And if it was a Cubs category, you get the badge, but you put it on the left and on the right, what color it is. That's what you're going to have. And we're going to meet. We're going to board. We're going to taxi to a hangar, close by, we're going to then have the excitement of the slide going out and then in order fashion we'll go.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Can I just say, under 100% thing, back when we were on radio, if you had the standard kind of, you know, we're having a singles party or there's a fashion show over the radio station's holding, you get 75 attendance when you. Yes. There's always going to be people that call up in the moment. I think yeah that's very excited. Then it's two weeks where as it rolls around suddenly you don't care too much about going. Exactly. Easy come easy go. So they have 100% attendance is huge. What was the event that they put on at the radio station where they were giving people more tickets than they wanted?
Starting point is 00:08:46 Fox fashion. So when you were going to say, can I request the song? You got to, yeah, do you want to go to Fox fashion? Oh, yes, suppose I go. You got 25 tickets. Oh God, no, I don't even know. 25, 30.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Keep it up, we're giving 50. Good night, good night. Good night. Everyone, everyone, I'm a bookman of tickets. People didn't want them, they're getting sent. people to go. Everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone, a bookline of tickets. People didn't want them. They'll get in sent them. Wrong number of yet and half a dozen tickets. Have a different show. Yeah, even the complaint line probably at the right station. That's absolutely. Which probably would lead to more complaints if you went to the event. Anyway, Ham, what I wanted to say is that obviously, anytime you get on a plane,
Starting point is 00:09:23 What I wanted to say is that obviously, anytime you get on a plane, there is a safety video. Yep. And we haven't considered that they'll have to change the video. Will they have to change it? Well, because a lot of the things they're talking about won't be pertinent to us, because we're not actually taking off or going anywhere. You're right.
Starting point is 00:09:39 So I had to go. Okay, great. Because we're just taxing to a hanger. We're just taxing to a hanger. So I had to go at what potentially Rex would might like to replace their normal safety video with. Great. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard this non-stop drive to a hanger just around the corner.
Starting point is 00:09:59 On behalf of the crew, I ask that you please direct your attention to the monitors above. In case of an emergency, celebrate because that's what we're here for. Unless it's a real emergency, in which case sees all celebration. There are six emergency exits on this aircraft. Take a minute to locate the exit closest to you, and then ignore that, because we'll be laughing and looping and going out the front left door. Unless it's a real emergency, in which case don't ignore that initial close exit,
Starting point is 00:10:26 it may be behind you. Should the cabin experience sudden pressure loss? That would be really weird, as we are not leaving the ground. So it probably means the world has opened up and it's the end of all of us. In this instance, stay calm and listen to the instructions from your cabin crew.
Starting point is 00:10:44 If Hamish lets one rip, oxygen mask will drop down for a vascular seat. Place the mask over your mouth and nose as quickly as possible. Particularly if he's had a Nazi gore in for lunch beforehand. Or but a chicken. And the likely event of an emergency evacuation. Leave all carry on items behind, but carry on as much as you like on your way to the door. Make sure your ankles are secure. Or at least have been preconditioned with numerous months
Starting point is 00:11:07 a specific training dedicated to strengthening them. Thanks for choosing hand-in-the-earlands. Sit back and enjoy your small drive and hugely anticipated slide. It's good. Yeah. I think we covered everything. One thing I did want to do is, if there's a real emergency... We won't. No one will believe it.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Do we? Do we have a special word? No one will believe it will, but it'll be like, you know, like we like if you're at a, at a Metallica concert and there was a real fire, you know, you'd be like, awesome. Yeah, I mean, I'm not saying that, right now, the Metallica, you know, you know, I mean, you think it's power techniques, it's very hard to communicate with the crowd. No, this is unscheduled fire. This is exploding. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I often went, just under, I was on a plane the other day in the emergency aisle and they come down and they do the thing like you're ready to go, give me a solid thumbs up. Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss others in the aisle were. I think passengers would be hoping there wasn't an emergency. The one thing they gloss over, I reckon, in that is when they go, look, have a look out the window if there's fire or whatever. Don't use this one. Go to another one. I don't think they're dealing with the psychological impact of, because if I'm next to the window, I'm first in line to get out, which is a nice feeling. It's number one. I'm nearly checking. I don't think they're dealing with the psychological impact that if they just happens to be smoke
Starting point is 00:12:27 out the window, you're now back of the line. The last. You're the last to get out. That's a blow. That's going to be, that's a real roller coaster of emotion. On top of already having the crash. Yes. There will be a part of you going, I have a, you know, stay calm with crash landed.
Starting point is 00:12:42 It's okay. You're going to be, you know, your number one, get the door open, help everyone else out, but you can't stand there. You have to get out. And can you trust that the other guy, the other side's playing by the rules? I think there would be a small part of me. I think there's some gray area for interpretation there. It should be you look out the window, you know, and if you see smoke or debris,
Starting point is 00:13:03 go to another exit. But if it's seeming like it's jammed hacked in the play and no one's really moving, you know, use your best judge. Like roaring flames, obviously, that's a no-no. But if you think you could get around it, you would be back at the front of the lot. That's a nice place to be. That's a nice place to be. What's your best way to do it? And I want to discuss something amongst the three of us as friends. Sure.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Matt, for that to discuss something as enemies. No, I think we have to sort of come together peacefully on this one. And because it requires some honesty, there's some calling spades, spades within this chat. We're not getting any younger. Some aging is happening to us. I've noticed on both you and I, and I think Han Jack, although I have to look at him a little closer, he's on the other desk. Age splotches.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Yes. Facial splotches. You've got a facial splotch. I've got one. Yeah, who on here see this? Yeah, you've got a big one under your eye. Yeah. So that's two. Well, like a remember where friends remember where friends. You seem like you were going harder or surprised that you would point one to your eye, but you've got one left side on the cheek.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah. This is what happens to the human body. I suppose as it ages, you and I are both past 40 now, although I am less past 40. Less past 40? Yes. It doesn't matter now. Well, you're 41. You were all too deep.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Well, I spent most of last year at my 30s. Yeah. Ah! As friends. As friends. As friends. As friends. Yes. And somehow the skin just goes, oh now have a slight oil slick.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Yeah, it's just a blotch. And then of course, your grandparents faces and you go, okay, it's full of blotches. You look at young photos, you go, well, you can't, you know, it's only seep here in those days, but they'd be botchless at some point. It obviously begins, doesn't happen overnight, but it will happen. And it is happening. Now the blotch is one thing. Obviously, there's some, you know, there's some graying of the hair, something of the hair losing of the hair, losing of the hair, thinning,
Starting point is 00:15:18 graying, I've been going great for some time now. It was probably a few years ago, realized. Your beads are held pretty strong. You've got some great, but it's that might be it, well I can't really grow one, but it is all great. I'm talking about a mythical animal. Yeah, as friends. So you grow full great, great bead. All great.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Really? Yeah. I would recall look actually. Well, it's, it is in this detail. He's in very, That's what that's what it is until my view. Stars is jet black. Really? Yeah, I tried to grow one. I was going to surprise you after during the government. And it broke and it was no one can leave it. Yeah. It was a top deck. Well, bottom deck, but it was like, yeah, weirdly, the moustache stayed true. It was a natural color of my hair.
Starting point is 00:16:06 A bow time, I've been wearing it. And a white colon shirt, a lot of your chin. That's what was happening. It was a formal beard. Yeah, so I got rid of that. Because you wanted, because not a lot of it. Mr. Sheffield from the hit sitcom The Nanny, he had very great temples. But you'll say, yeah, like how many died?
Starting point is 00:16:22 I know you had a streak, didn't you? He had a streak. Like a skunk streak, which is a birthmark. Usually that happens on your head. Yeah, you get like an impact in your head. Like if you scratch your head or something. He might have had the full white beard to the center, but we only saw the beginnings of it.
Starting point is 00:16:36 It was the temples. That's the possibility. Anyway, there's that, I realized when Zoe, remember like years ago on Apple phones, Mimochi's came out and you could like make your face. Yeah. I made me. And Zoe goes, oh, that's, who's that? That's me. She goes, you don't have brown hair, mate.
Starting point is 00:16:52 LAUGHTER And it said, what are you talking about? I've been in Bruneh, my whole life. She said, well, not for the last little bit, have you? OK. Yeah. And you got what we have? As friends. As friends. As friends. As life partners. Yes. What would you say to your colleagues have you? Okay. Yeah. As friends. As friends.
Starting point is 00:17:06 As friends. As life partners. Yes. What would you say to your colleagues? Yeah. Great. Yeah. Okay. Your wife, Ham, obviously, has go to, is she have some potions for us to get...
Starting point is 00:17:15 Let's do it. I don't know. Blotches? Yes. There was, I don't do anything, which is, I'm now starting to worry. I imagine you do a lot. But I do, you know, random application, random results. I don't do, I don't have a consistent regime.
Starting point is 00:17:28 It helps, there's Brotu as well. Same products, gray bottle. I chuck those on when I see them, but I do struggle. It mystifies my skincare routine, because she often asks you, what do you do? And I say, honestly, I look at your side of stuff, and I, if I'm bored, I'll put it all on. I'll try. I'll try again.
Starting point is 00:17:50 So once I think once that pigmentation's in, it's in. Okay. I don't need you to get much to it. So we've got splotches now. Jack, have you noticed your body aging? No, I don't, I don't think I've splotches. I've got a mole, but I've had that since I was born.
Starting point is 00:18:03 They'll come. They'll come. The hair will thin too with gaudy, with children. Just that's gonna happen. Yeah, it's going a little gray on the edges, but not so much that I would have to change the emoji. It will. Give it time, my friend. Give it time.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I think the kid does set you back in the... Oh my God. In the... It's like how everyone aged over COVID. That's just kids. Like everyone that didn't have kids' experience was like to have kids just like two years. Oh my God, something that looked quite everyone aged over COVID. That's just kids. Like everyone that didn't have kids experience was like to have kids just like two years. Oh my God, something that looked quite a lot older.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Yep, that happens. And that's fine. We're all human beings, we are all age. I'll, as friends, admit, I've noticed in the last six months, I will have more instances where I will fart, not on purpose. No. Now I wonder if this is something I could get back on top of now and sort of retrain the muscles with awareness. I mean, it's not
Starting point is 00:18:54 like, you know, obviously in home, my who doesn't enjoy a fart. Yeah, but there are times when I go, okay, that one was, but I didn't pull the trigger there. How did that happen? There's been a few of those. Do you get any pre-warning? No, it's out. It's like, it's like, you hear the shot. We should check. We hear the shot.
Starting point is 00:19:15 The show has, it's preferred proctologist. Well, I mean, I know what's happening. The muscle is loosening. But I wonder if there's exercises you can do. And my question to the movie. You're in your exercise at the moment. I would just wonder if you take five minutes out of your pushups and delicat- Just think this stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Do you just do, like, is it pelvic, I guess it's not pelvic floor at the pelvic back door? Probably could do it while driving. Kegles. But I think it's, I think you go, I wonder if it's overuse for decades. It's more than an hour, a bit. Do not have any like you get. Yeah. So Jack's will be in a better situation because he doesn't have that.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Jack's could. Yeah. Twice a week. Twice a week. Like a bang fault. Yeah. So yours, you, yeah, I know what you're saying. Jack, your, your, your thinker muscles would be like when you see rock climbers who are able to hang on by two fingers like that, whoever will just drink. You did this key. Yeah. Things locked down. Yes. I tell you where we're not at.
Starting point is 00:20:11 This is another thing that fascinates me about being a, because a lot of this is just looking at old people, you know, like 80 years old and going, yeah. Can you stop it now? Like is there stuff we can do to put the brakes on now? Less splotches. Less un-un-arassed for flatulence. Yes. The one thing that I cannot see us getting into is old people's shoes fascinate me, right?
Starting point is 00:20:30 This is the type of shoe that fascinates me the most. And I don't want to generalize here, but mostly old women. The very thin black skulls completely worn out. You know what I mean? Like, the worst shoe you could wear. Like two lace holes, scrappy piece of shoe lace holding it together. And like otherwise, you know, like adequately dressed, but like what is it when people get
Starting point is 00:20:53 that old? They just completely about their shoe, like a thin sock and like ankles spilling out over the top of them. Like, get some sneakers. Just wear sneakers. Wouldn't that be what you want at an all day? Just wear some like delicious Nike like use there's great technology now. React. Yeah. Add it as ultra boost. Very comfy. Like you're in a spongy sock. Don't wear
Starting point is 00:21:18 these tiny thin pieces of leather from the depression. Yeah, yeah, I agree. It baffles me. Yeah. So what's out, I mean, we probably would have older listeners. Yeah, like, we're all encouraging try them out, even merrals, like I think that's a big part of the merral. I can't to merrals. My mom's all about merrals.
Starting point is 00:21:38 And I'd say if you're wearing these old flimsy black tiny, beaten up old person school shoes, they're not an official sponsor of the show, but really nothing is. Nothing is. Well, actually our sponsor is. Well, sorry, but I'm going to say of the products we mentioned, nothing is. Side note, have we seen the Dyson's yet? No, they're being dangerously close to getting a roasting.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Anyway, I don't want a flock of, I don't want a flood of marbles yet, because I think we're fine for shoes. Yeah, we don't need marbles. But if marbles listening, and they want to thank us somehow, get on the Dyson. Get it. Call Tyson.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Call Tyson. And explain what a good job we're doing over here. Yeah. Ando, it is time for a bit of chit-chat champion. Oh, yes. However, today I bring to the group a young man that nominated himself for chit-chat champion. Right. But in an unorthodox way. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:44 It was a live audition at the pub. Well, I was actually having a drink. I was having a drink the other night. Guy comes up, you know, can I get a bow? Very, very deep bow. Almost put my pint on the floor. It could almost drink it from the floor with straight legs. And then he says, listen, you've got bruise ribs at the moment.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Is that affecting your bow? I just grit through it. Yeah. You know, you've got to give the people what they want. There's absolutely no price you wouldn't pay just to deliver the bow. I, the thing goes, look, you've got to get me on chip champion. And you had a fair to say you've had a couple, this young man named was Isaac. It made a lot of people think that he was, no, no, I know that.
Starting point is 00:23:19 I know, I know a lot of people think that, but I've absolutely got what it takes. So I go, okay, give us a live audition, right? And I recorded it in voice memos, okay? So what we're about to hear is this is Isaac, and he's pitched to be on Chichachampion. Have a listen. All right, Isaac, what do you want? I want to be the Chichachampion. Why?
Starting point is 00:23:41 Because I'm a networker from way back. I think you can do it? I know I back. Yeah. I think you can do it? I know I can do it. I know I can do it, Hamish. I'm selling you right now. How many apps are the podcasts have you listened to? I'm 176. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:55 So you're on. You've got it. I'm well-loved. Do you reckon you would be better than anyone we've ever had on? Easily. Easily. I'm just a champion there. I know. Again. I can do it. I'm chitchat championed out. I know I can.
Starting point is 00:24:06 I can do it, I can do it. All right, the whole figure's crossed me there. I'm ready to go mate, I'm ready to go. Woo! Gee, I mean, you obviously had a few beers. Good gusto though. That was me. I mean, not.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And then like I had the gusto shield on the phone because we would have broken the phone. Yes, it's. I then go to my go, okay. Love, yes. I've been going in and I go, okay. Love the enthusiasm. I said, give us your details, right? Hand in my phone, open up notes. I go, give us your details.
Starting point is 00:24:32 He just writes down the Isaac in the notes. And it's in back. I'll need more Isaac. Yeah. I appreciate that note. What was it where of your name? Need your phone number? I guess, I yeah, yeah, yeah, cool.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I just feel like, no, this was the right thing to do. And I appreciate it, given in my actual phone app. But anyway, he writes his number down. I look at it today, as we go to this, he's written too many numbers. Mm-hmm. Ha-ha-ha. Which is in the double.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Is there any double in there? There's two doubles, great question. Okay. There's a double four in there there and it ends with a double five. I think the first few digits are 0447. That's definitely. That's definitely. I think he means 04471. Don't you reckon?
Starting point is 00:25:18 I don't reckon 04471? I reckon 0447. I don't think I've ever heard of it before. Then it ends in a double five. So we either cut one of the fours. Yep. We're concerned at the back because it's more likely that you just put an extra one on the end. Yeah, let's cut the one of the fives off the back. I reckon him. Okay. Okay. Jack, you got this. So if you cut the five off, there should be Isaac. Okay. The number you have dialed is not in service. Okay, cut the four out, Jack. Cut the four out. I think it's an 0471 putting the five back
Starting point is 00:25:56 Hello, is that Isaac? Hello, Isaac. It's Hamish and Andy here. How are you mate? Oh, yeah, I'm actually really good to hear how he made. Oh yeah I'm actually really good. Guys two seconds I'm just in the middle of a softball game with G7. Yeah, a lot of you say it off the stage they're mates. His eye's act is now a bad time. I can just click leave but I'm going to have to get going in a second. Now what when when's good for you? When's lunchtime? When can we, when can we call you back? Out in 40 minutes. So 22, so 10, so can we call you back at just like five to one? Yeah, that'll do.
Starting point is 00:26:35 That'll do. Okay. Bye, Isaac. Great, thanks mate. Yeah, good on your chin. I just want to make this clear. I put my neck out for Isaac, not because I believe he's the greatest chitchat champion, but because I
Starting point is 00:26:47 admire the enthusiasm of the audition. But thus far, I mean, what a power move. I mean, we literally we're calling for Chitchat champion and he's got so I'm in the middle of a softball map. He's like, I can do it quickly, but I think he's in charge of a lot. He's an absolutely there to teach. There's no way he's not a sports teacher. I think it's the right thing to do. All right, let's meet back. Let's go have lunch. Let's meet back here in 40 minutes. Yeah, great. Chitney with your best chat, not a real way.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Chit chat champion. Hello, I'm Eric Svegan. Isaac. Isaac Hammers and Andy, how are you? Yeah, good, good, good, thanks. I'll tell you. Yeah, really good. We didn't want you to do two, obviously,led because you did we just heard I just heard the
Starting point is 00:27:48 the audition you did for Hameis in the pub. Oh yeah, yeah admittedly It's actually funny. I'd like to apologize Hameis because the pure excitement got to me and I just I was talking to my girlfriend and she gets a timey's play and and I thought like before she could tell me not to write it I'd already pinched you on the bum and I just, I was talking to my girlfriend and she gets a timey's play. And I don't like, before she could tell me not to I'd already pinched you on the bum. And then he liked trying to ran and looked and I just went, I'm really sorry, like, about the way that came from. And it was just the, the, the, the arena got to me now. I don't want it to get to me now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:20 That's what we talked about in my, the, you're going to be, I'm r a bit You are You've tried to do a lot of time to think about it You've tried to do an initial rattling with the further wrap when you think about it That's a kind of I've got to be a peter out. I definitely thought it was going to peter out No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, So we can surprise you with ones that you think might be better out, but they don't. We can't confuse us with constant Peter Outs. Just frequent Peter Outs.
Starting point is 00:28:48 This one's a Peter Inn. And you're in the show. Isaac, you'll be up against Kastin, who nominated, it was Benjamin, I think, who nominated his dad, and his dad's name is Kastin. Kastin, how are you? Hello to you. Now, Kastin, what makes you an amazing chit chat person? How do you keep the ball in the air when it comes to conversation? Well, to me, the trick is
Starting point is 00:29:12 just focusing on what the other people are saying and we spine to precisely that. Very good advice. It's about listening, not talking. What kind of feel do you in, Castan? I work in MSI colleges. Oh my gosh. OK. Better than we've done a profession. What a hitter. What a big hitter. It's very, very rarely when you're talking to a psychologist
Starting point is 00:29:34 or a therapist, do they go, sorry, I don't know what to say. I'm kind of the job is knowing what to say. Yes. The trick is then to just wait. Okay. Yeah. Just, yeah. Well, we should let you know that as always, the case with Chit Chat Champion, one of us
Starting point is 00:29:55 will start the conversation. The other person will say something. We don't obviously signal when it is your job to pick it up. That's part of the test. You have to use your conversational intuition to jump in at the right moment. Have you heard of it? Yes, I know you've been nominated by Benjamin.
Starting point is 00:30:11 No, I haven't, but I did check with Benjamin and what it was all about. Yeah, okay, right. So this is going to be interesting. On one hand, you're a super power, you know, you're a big player because you're a psychologist and this is what you do for a job. On the other hand, you're against Isaac who has heard every single chit chat champion
Starting point is 00:30:29 and that's why he writes himself. I think it's a fair fight. Yeah, Isaac, you nervous knowing that you're coming up against a psychologist. No, I'm ready to go. Okay. So, Castan, we're going to put you on hold. We're going to start with Isaac. You guys will both receive the exact same conversation.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Um, Hayme, are you ready to go? Are we sure casting knows how to play? Uh, let's just double check. Let's bring casting back. Sorry, casting. We just have to be able to cheer. We're really clear. Here's how it's going to work.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Um, anyway, say something. I will then say another piece of the conversation. And at some point, there'll be a gap. That's when you pick up the conversation. Now, you can't ask a question. We should make that clear. And you will be judged on your timing and the interest content of the piece of conversation you provide.
Starting point is 00:31:20 OK. Great. Great. OK. We'll put caston back on hold. It's fun playing with someone that's nervous. He's saying OK, but I don't know if I... We'll see. We'll see. OK. OK. Are you ready to go Isaac? I was ready to do that, I'll ever be, mate. OK.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Good morning to you, Isaac. Hey, him. I hear Australian bird of the year is up for our grabs again. Oh yeah, the superb fairy-ren, why not last you? Oh, I didn't think it'd beat the black cockatoo again. Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it! Ah! I thought, thank you for flying! You were fine!
Starting point is 00:31:58 You were fine! We have to accept the damage. No, you were fine. You were great! You were great, but unfortunately we do have to take the damnits. We do have to take the damnits as part of the sample. Oh no. I've got to admit, Isaac, that if you were in conversation with someone and they often stop being,
Starting point is 00:32:21 and then immediately we're damn it, damn it,mit dammit dammit dammit that would be that is your problem it does factor in my sword yeah yeah yeah he kind of had it I mean you know black ock it is a great addition to the you jump straight in as a bird fan but we'll see if the four dammit's coming to play this point. I can't believe it. Oh no. All right. We'll put Isaac on hold. Casting the year there. I'm here. Casting, you'll hear a little bit of music
Starting point is 00:32:54 and then I'll start the conversation and good luck to you, okay? Okay, thanks. Okay. OK. Hey, hey, am I, I think the Australian bird of the year is up for grabs again. Yeah, will these superb fairy-ren why not last you. That's interesting because I heard it was Bob the Builder that won it last year.
Starting point is 00:33:15 WHAAAA! WHAAAA! WHAAAA! Kastan! Kastan! Interesting. I've seen going to be a person. I'm not going to be a person. I'm not going to be a person.
Starting point is 00:33:30 I'm not going to be a person. I'm not going to be a person. I'm not going to be a person. I'm not going to be a person. I'm not going to be a person. I'm not going to be a person. I'm not going to be a person. I'm not going to be a person. I'm not going to be a person. what you guys said. Oh sorry. So all I heard something I thought I heard about
Starting point is 00:33:45 building. Oh builder of the year. Yeah. That makes more sense. That it's actually good. It was bird of the year. And the same night. Bird of the year. Okay. Yes. Well I just thought I was the name of a building company. So now that. So now that I have very very reconstructions, Darrell speaking. And here's the thing, because I knew I couldn't ask a question. I thought, if I said, oh, can you say that again? That's a question.
Starting point is 00:34:16 That's true. Yeah, yeah, that's right. That's right. Well, given that, and then it's just purely for this, we're back, we're just training now, this is not in match conditions, but if I said, yeah, the superb ferry ran one at last year, what would you say to that? That's interesting. I'm a big fan of the Pint from England. Hmm. Okay, that would have been good. That would have been very good. Um, that cast that unfortunately mainly due to the fact that you couldn't hear, maybe we mumbled
Starting point is 00:34:41 it, but we have to give the win this week to Isaac. Isaac congratulations, my friend. Congratulations, Isaac. That's a very nice one. But, Justin, even though yours wasn't quite on topic, you didn't say dammit, dammit, dammit thinking that you'd mucked it up like Isaac. And when you agree, Ham, that Isaac was slightly better conversation. You'd probably walk away from Isaac's conversation going, apart from the dammit,
Starting point is 00:35:09 yeah, that guy had something to say about birds. Thank you very much for playing, guys. Wow, tune in. Very interesting players. Thank you guys. Ando, next week, pleasure fest will be upon us. And you will be buried under a pile of pleasure. Now, this is something that I have been getting to flex my favourite skill on. Logistics.
Starting point is 00:35:38 I've been rushing around behind the scenes. On that, how's the choir, the chomp choir? Chomp choir, go. We agree, that was a period. We needed that. Much to my disappointment, because that was another great area I was enjoying, logistics on. But I think we all, I think now that we're at the end of the year.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Oh, yeah. I think I speak for everyone going, that was a great moment in time. But be hard to keep, you know, be hard to keep wind in the sales to be charging towards the upper house if you're chomping. And also the thing we were imagining was not what was going to happen. No, exactly. That was the other thing I can't stress enough. There was only eight to ten legitimate entries, probably four of which were competent chomping. Exactly. And we need the wind in that sail. We need that wind to inflate a slide.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Yeah, exactly. I wasn't an ankle risk. And so, I think we've picked the right stuff to end the year with we're ending on the slide party. Now, before that happens, we'll have pleasure first. Yes. We've had some excellent entries. I mean, you know, something like a chomp choir,
Starting point is 00:36:42 10 entries is not really going gonna do it for the people. 10 great pleasure and a you submissions, and there were quite a few, and then a few people, it's not like not working out for the day, or how you gonna run it. Here's the way I'm gonna run it. You arrive, I've got a venue, I've got, so like kind of like a Prince William or something,
Starting point is 00:36:58 arrives at the show, I'll be met by. I do sort of, it does feel like a science fair, and I guess you're the visiting Dign Dutree from the CSI role. I mean, the whole school is very excited to have you there. So I'll be waiting for you. We'll greet you. And I'll try and do a series of things. Even before Pleasure Fest begins,
Starting point is 00:37:16 I'll try and do a series of things that are pleasurable to you. You know, the correct hot chocolate. Chasted ham cheese and tomato sandwich. No tomato. Thank you. Things like that. Things that I know you like to get you in the book. Um, you know, the correct hot chocolate, toasted ham cheese and tomato sandwich, no tomato, things like that, things that I know you like to get you warmed up, basically, I will be fluffing your brain, getting it ready to be pleasureed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Um, we'll then have, I might even have directions of the like neatly written and, and might even have, what about this, what if I had an elevator held for you? That would be nice. There's no way. Are you allowed to tell me one of the things? Just one of the, I know that it's meant to be a surprise, but like, just to wet the appetite,
Starting point is 00:37:52 just so that all the listeners know what to look for. Yeah, I'm just trying to pick exactly the right thing because, all right, I'll tell you two things. Okay. This whole thing started out with a guy that claimed he could appeal stickers off perfectly. Yes. I believe we're 99% to get him. Right, he's secured that deal. He's locked in.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah, he's one of the my biggest signings. Yeah, yeah. But trust you, we got 20. We got 20 for Craig Dave, but he's on the main stage. He's main stage. We've got to definitely got the support tents. Yeah, yeah. Having it all feel too, we have a double one of them is available. They just see your back up track anyway. But they will. You'll hear the other voices. You'll absolutely hear the other voices. And there's a lot of people dressed like gang members,
Starting point is 00:38:37 green dancers behind them. So that's fine. Pleasant gang members. I've got one stall with two acts. I've got one stall with two acts in it. And they're both about shoe laces. I like this. So I think you'll appreciate. There's going to be exquisite displays of folding technique. Yeah, that's OK. Go away. There's going to be amazing displays of organizational prowess
Starting point is 00:39:01 about items you'd be familiar with, but I won't spoil it for you now. Okay. There will be a, if things go well, there will be a golf based pleasure and where someone's bringing something to show you that's golf related, which will have you, I'm assured, not being anywhere near, I'm just the beginning of my golf journey, but I'm assured that when you see this thing, you'll go, okay, yep, wow, you don't see that every day, that pleases me.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Yeah, great. Okay, that's the kind of thing we're looking at. Now before we get to the excitement, It is the tend to keep your pencils. I've got that. Better than that, better than that. Wow, that's great to hear this. No, no, no, that will blow that out of the water. Great, won't great to hear this. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:39:45 They'll blow that out of the water. Great. Don't do you hear it, do you know? It is just a showing thing. It's not, he's not performing. A few people are performing the skill in front of you. This one's more of a get-alow to this. Now, that's the Olympics, okay?
Starting point is 00:39:57 That's the fun. That's what the public sees. That's the Razzle Dazzle. The reality is behind the scenes, there's numbers. There's numbers and there's logistics to organize. I have had to draw up a budget because, as you know, I've got keys to the cash register, and I'll be spending some money, spending some of the team's money, our joint account to,
Starting point is 00:40:17 you know, push your face, saying, can happen for free, is basically what I'm saying. Okay. And, and... Well, I've got a budget for you. Okay. You've got a budget for you. Okay. You've got a budget.
Starting point is 00:40:27 If you want the total, do you want the breakdown? Uh, can you hear a sentence, who do we? Yeah, here you go. Have a look at this. Okay. Should have it on your computer now. The total is $4,241 and 85 cents. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Let me break it down for you. Let me break it down for you. Thank you. Okay. Now, the pleasure of this will be in Sydney, but not all pleasure is our in Sydney. That's fair. Now I have gone through absolute ruthlessness and got cheapest available flights. No way, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Crack a dawn. Yeah, no, no, no. Crack a dawn flights, flying back at a really annoying time in the afternoon, not peak hour. So I've managed to get flights and as you see at the top there, for just $1365. Okay, no, I'm happy. That's pretty good. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Props for pleasure is, and please to report most pleasure is bringing their own. Okay. And I will need $160 for props. That's fine. You pay me. You pay me. Well, I'll be dishing this money out to the, you know, I'll organize the props. Signage, 500.
Starting point is 00:41:25 That is on the higher end, but I think you'll agree that it's going to be pretty dull if you turn up to the place and like it to feel. We don't know what's on. We want a banner. No, I'm happy with that. Just so you know, that's not a great banner for 500. Okay. It's decent.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Okay. Okay. So you're getting a decent bannerter. Uh, next one that you mentioned the banner company for a better, better, not worth it. Do you like explored it? Okay. And I don't know if we're dealing with the absolute top. Okay. So for five, for, for, for what's going to be a $200 saving? Yeah. I wonder if we keep our power to drive a shout out. I agree. Not that they've been that successful. No, have a good comparison. Still waiting. Okay. Don't say I'm again.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I just want to. I want to. Okay. Keep following into their trap. Yeah. Green Rim and Host Catering, 200 bucks. That's low. commemorative keep cup. I'm not sure. I'm not sure if we need to keep cup. Oh, I actually thought that was one of the most critical. commemorative Keep Cups $196. That everyone that participates in Poesha Fest,
Starting point is 00:42:30 Annu and Jack and the team, we all get a Keep Cup. Okay. Keep the memories. Mm-hmm. Just reading down. Lanyards $260 on Lanyards. Yeah. That's because it's a fast,
Starting point is 00:42:45 because we need to rush, you usually need like a month or so with, or a little bit more with preparation. But you push that through fast, 260 bucks for Lanyards. I think we'll look good if everyone had a Lanyard. Like a 50s and minimum of more to there. There's gonna be surplus Lanyards.
Starting point is 00:43:00 We can give those out down the track. Admin, that's sort of the expenses of setting all that this up You sell 330 dollars Doing this You gaze too closely sir This is sort of meant to be a fast budget read for it. Okay. Okay. We have time to stop at every point Admin 330 treasurer tables times 10 plus tablecloths 550 yep happy with that. No, it seems high At men 330, Tressel tables, times 10 plus tablecloths, 5.50.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Yep. Happy with that? No, it seems high. Well, it is high. It's a lot of Tressel tables too when you think about the sheer volume of Tressel tables were low enough to the event. Tressel tables are far-fucked.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, there are 45 bucks from Bunnings and 10 bucks to the tablecloth. Right. OK. Here's one area I'd be willing to scrimp. What if we had one dress up table and people merely took it in turns to come up and do their thing and then they sat back down?
Starting point is 00:43:53 That would mean we have nine less dress up tables at the end of this that we have to do something with. That's a good point. What I think I'd like then is for you to show me, like, because I'd like the idea of wandering around the festival or wandering around the festival or wandering around the fair, like, you know, a D-30 does. Okay, how about this?
Starting point is 00:44:10 Three Tressel tables. And as you go from one to the next, the one you've turned from, very quietly, back down, and then the other group has to get set up. So by the time you come round to them, it's as if they were there the whole time. That's perfect you're simply rotating around in a circle. Yes. And everyone's quietly quiet. Quite as long as they're quiet. You could probably get away from two then. Um, Andy facing one, someone quiet in the background. So then I'll walk across. So then I turn
Starting point is 00:44:37 my back. Yeah. Okay. And then quietly with each other. That's actually better Jack. Because if I was three, I could see the number of. Peripherally, there is a risk. You're right. Okay, that's great. Treasure levels, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five One Sunday haven't you, Jack? Sundries. So what's miscellaneous then? And what's upfront contingencies? Back end cash was up. Well, we're not upfront contingencies.
Starting point is 00:45:11 The cash you have in advance in case things go wrong. But a back end cash reserve is for an after the fact, freezing the palms, payments petty cash, that kind of thing. There's probably a thousand dollars there we could probably say. But, boy, we're looking forward to the yes well done. Do you know what I'm most happy about?
Starting point is 00:45:28 Right at the front, we glossed over green, red and a host catering for $200, which is basically just chickens and chips for me. So, you find out some of the chicken chips, other? You're a guest. You're not a host. What's just host catering? Oh, my host catering. You're a guest, you're the guest mate, you're not a host. What's Jeff Hattler? What's Jeff Hattler? What's Jeff Hattler?
Starting point is 00:45:46 What's Jeff Hattler? What's Jeff Hattler? What's Jeff Hattler? What's Jeff Hattler? What's Jeff Hattler? What's Jeff Hattler? What's Jeff Hattler? What's Jeff Hattler?
Starting point is 00:46:02 What's Jeff Hattler? What's Jeff Hattler? What's Jeff Hattler? What's Jeff Hattler? What's Jeff Hattler? .com

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