Hamish & Andy - Hamish & Andy 2023 Ep 201

Episode Date: March 1, 2023

1. The mandate’s over! 2. Jack’s pancake voucher 3. This fish, this fish - special skill 4. Bunnings sausage sizzle shock 5. Stand By Your Brand (F-Mania) ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A list-nuff production. Welcome back to the Today's Show. Joy around the world this morning is the government mandate and break is finally over. Hundreds of thousands swarmed the streets. It was like a sea of people. Now it's come together in a spontaneous outburst of emotion. I have never seen more grown men with tears in my eyes than any child in my life. Hamish Blake and Andy Lee,
Starting point is 00:00:27 known for their hatred of holidays, are finally back where they want to be most working. Someone must stand up to the government. I mean, it's been horrific for us, but I'm just glad I'm on the other side. Now watch this drive. Now watch this drive. The government thinks they can stop us working and they can at the moment, we will never stop fighting. Now watch this drive, it's very dark.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Now to some positive news, the government mandated break that holds Hamish and Andy back from working is finally over. I have to accept the party room's decision, but the Prime Minister has come out after that and he's talked about a plebiscite, talked about putting this issue to the Australian people, and if that's what it takes to get it through, then I'm all for that. Many Australians are confused as to why the mandate existed all, but we're thrilled it's now complete for 2023. I was literally so anxious throughout the whole thing, but I'm so stoked right now. Your government seems to be changing every day. Where do you think it's going? We'll come get it you on the new roads.
Starting point is 00:01:40 That's the government's problem, he says. not mine. Such an astonishing moment in history. For some, it was a special family moment. It was a wonderful feeling to call my son at home, who's sleeping because he's in exams and say, hey, guess what? Incredible. For me, it's, I can't describe really my feelings. It's something unreal for me. Like there'd be a thousand, what's those burdens for our top hits?
Starting point is 00:02:06 But I ain't spending any time, why don't? Because in the meantime, every three months, a person was taught a piece by a crocodile in North Queensland. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP Activate your internet. Because the Hamish and the podcast starts in three two Sorry still buffering
Starting point is 00:02:33 One The break is over thank goodness. Hey already Oh my god, I was actually just driving back in here to pick up a bit of stuff I left, to keep me going through the mandated break, which of course we spent. I think the reason it seems so quick, just because we've been the whole bloody thing in court.
Starting point is 00:02:57 And complaining. And complaining about players back here. But I came back in to get some more reflex, a rim of reflits paper to take to the legal officers just because we were printing another demand to the government to let us back on. I saw you guys anywhere. Well, I guess we abandoned the fight. I guess you know, put the paper back and let's get back to podcasting.
Starting point is 00:03:17 It's nice to be back. Ahoi to me piston, Hamish. Hello. Ahoi to me, Ken Sharf, Jacko. Doing a lot of work over here. Oh, hoi, I don't think, are you actually not? I think I'm as the piston. I do the work. You just sit there and take it. Well, I don't, I'm assuming you're from the shaft. Is the piston in me? Then I would, I wanted to. I'm just saying, I'm from the mechanic.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I hear we could organize really anything. I was just saying you we could organize really anything. I was just saying you would be nothing without me concealing what you do. No, you actually, no, no, you're, I don't think I'm in you. I think the camshaft is driven by the piston. Oh, thank you. So, you would be nothing. I mean, you just sit in there waiting for me to get some notion at me and then I drive you. I'm a connecting rod and of course we we're at a part. Without you,
Starting point is 00:04:05 and without you, obviously it all falls apart. We are of course an engine, and we're firing it back up for 2023. I heard of course an engine. And I would, none of us could probably take a part of car, but I do know there's more than that to it. I'm all electric now as well, so I only know how an electric, you still got a cam'm all electric now as well, so I only... Only three pieces.
Starting point is 00:04:25 No, how an electric. You still got a cam. You still got a cam. And you still have a piston. I don't really know. I think it's to do with magnets. Is it the electric car? It is.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Yeah, no pistons, no pistons. Really? I mean, this is not what people were expecting up to 12 weeks off, but my understanding is no pistons, back cams. That's where I'm seeing one. And one big on magnets. Yeah, I yep. Yep. Yep. Anyway, oh, I also to Nick This is definitely not what happened when Elon Musk sat down and went right
Starting point is 00:04:55 Henry T's model team Henry Ford started it. Yeah, I want to go electric. How do we do it? Well, I know we don't need pistons But I think it's big on magnets. Okay, well, you're ahead of magnets, you're ahead of keeping pistons out of the building. Ha ha ha. Oh, I'm all going from there. Oh, I didn't get, of course, it was the ETSU to use system at habishavid.com, tilts what he's up to.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Oh, hey, mission Andy. I just want to take it back to episode 100, where Andy, you had a special guest which was someone who's very popular in the podcast which was the Simpson's Guide and I'm sure Ham is you remember at the start of the episode you said you were going to bring a special guest on the UKAN Slim because Andy already had one and the actually said you're going to bring him back for episode 200. I'm hoping this isn't one of your famous Peter Outs
Starting point is 00:05:48 and I look forward to seeing your guests on this final episode of the year. Cheers fellas. What a bummer. Going just after the whistle there. So here we are at episode 201. Who lost the guest then? The special guest. Yes. Well I I do, well, I don't want to
Starting point is 00:06:07 part because he could come on for episode 300. He's free. He's free. But as soon as, because we of course, we did the slide party for episode 200. And as soon as I saw that getting to get that happening, he still came that day to the airport. Do you remember when you and I had our pilot tats on before we went down the air bridge to go on the plane? Yep. You might not have noticed that, but he turned up at he was there,
Starting point is 00:06:33 sort of 20 years old meters behind the person taking the photo. And I just quickly shook my head and he was not at the airport. What? He was ready to go. And I called him off. But he could, yeah, he's a semi-hungry, he's a good kid. He's a semi-hungry, he's a good kid. He's a semi-hungry, he's a good kid.
Starting point is 00:06:52 He's a semi-hungry, he's a good kid. He's a semi-hungry, he's a good kid. He's a semi-hungry, he's a good kid. He's a semi-hungry, he's a good kid. He's a semi-hungry, he's a good kid. He's a semi-hungry, he's a good kid. He's a semi-hungry, he's a good kid. He's a semi-hungry, he's a good kid. He's a semi-hungry, he's a good kid. He's a semi-hungry, he's a good kid. This year it's hard to know where to start with a new podcast here. But the big craze over the government mandate of break for us was chat GPT for those who don't know what this is,
Starting point is 00:07:10 a bit of artificial intelligence where you can kind of ask at anything and it very accurately can compose either letters for you or tell you what to do in your life. So I did take the opportunity to turn to chat GPT and ask them a few questions for us to do with your life. So I did take the opportunity to turn to chat GPT and ask them a few questions for us to do with the us-lads in the podcast this year. Do you know what, Anno? Can I, I don't wanna play a Drawful World
Starting point is 00:07:34 on a Drawful World here, but I did exactly the same thing. And can I just say, congratulations to chat GPT because straight away it's predicted number one in the top 10 things that I asked at what would Andy Lee talk about on the podcast this year. Number one, current events and news stories. So straight away,
Starting point is 00:07:53 how's chat GPT on Family Feud, survey says he's got the correct answer. So chat GPT, there you go. And as the weeks go by, I'll let you know if you hit any of the other 10. But that blows me away, that's straight away new. You were going to talk current events and news stories as well. I know a lot of people like this. So we'll just jump into it on our terms, which is the first question is how do we start the 2023 Hameis 90 podcast? Yeah. Well, Jack even
Starting point is 00:08:22 turn up, given it's just a hobby for him. Well, that's a leading question. What's the rule in court where you're not allowed to ask a question like that? That's not a leading thing. It's not a court, baby, it's robots. This is the future. You can ask leading questions in,
Starting point is 00:08:33 it's a kid, more of a curiosity. Yeah, yeah, this is a problem. And I think if the judge was there, he would say, I'll allow it. Jack can have a rule, I'll allow it. Commonly known trait. All right, what was the question again? How do we start the 2023 Howe Missionary Podcast year?
Starting point is 00:08:48 Will Jack even turn up given it's just a hobby for him? As an AI language model, I don't have access to insider information on the plans or dynamics of the Hamish and Andy Podcast team. However, I can suggest some general tips on how to approach starting a new podcast year and creating good content. Number one, plan ahead. Before starting a new podcast year, it's a good idea to plan out the content you want to cover in advance.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Yep, so. Number two, focus on your strengths. Hamish and Andy have a unique, dynamic sense of humor that sets them apart from other podcasts. I mentioned it. As such, it's important to focus on what you do best and play to your strengths. Number three, keep it fresh while it's important to build on your strengths. It's also important to keep your content fresh and interesting. Consider trying out new segments or bringing in new guests to keep things exciting.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Number four, with regards to Jack. Communicate with your co-host. If Jack is your co-host, it's important to communicate with him and ensure that you're both on the same page when it comes to the podcast. If he sees the podcast as a hobby, it's important to respect his boundaries and make sure that he's still willing and able to participate in the podcast. Thank you, artificial intelligence. Oh, I was really ashamed. I mean, like if he is a co-host, that's a great question. He's like, well, yeah, we like to think of him as that. But he, from Jack's framework, it might be that we're,
Starting point is 00:10:17 we're hobby witnesses. Yeah, exactly. Where I see it, I see two co-hosts. Yes. But from where Jack sits, he might see two friends who have turned up to cheer him on. He's like, yeah, it's all the same. It's all the same, man.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I know. You know what I mean? You want to see me fly a kite? I'm like, I could go or couldn't go. It's not really important to that day's kite flying. But to him, you might be a co-pilot. So, yes. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Okay. Second question I asked is, how do we get around this government mandated, right? I mean, we hate having this three months. We'd love it to not come back next year. And we'll cool boys in the front man our band be playing a gig this year. As an AI language model, I do not have access to information about government mandates. However, I can offer some general information on how to handle government mandates and how to address potential conflicts among individuals. Number one, follow government mandates. If there is a government mandate in place, it is important to follow it for the safety and well-being of everyone involved.
Starting point is 00:11:18 This may require adjusting plans and schedules to comply with the mandate. Number two, stay positive. It's easy to get discouraged when faced with obstacles. In terms of weather-cooled boys and the frontman will play another gig this year, I do not have information on their plans. However, by following government mandates and exploring alternative solutions, they may be able to find ways to continue playing music for their fans. Ah! The least rock and roll thing I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Ah! I haven't seen that whole of that Beatles documentary, but I do doubt that phrase comes up. I mean, I think if we just continue to follow government mandates, we'll be able to make music for our fans. I don't know. We're going to keep going. And we follow government mandates. We'll be exploring a few alternative solutions. So we hope this is pleasant music for our fans.
Starting point is 00:12:23 All right. One last question I had. Over the break, who has lost touch the most with the cover man, Jack, Hamish or Andy? It would be unfair and unwise to speculate or make assumptions about whether Jack, Hamish or Andy have lost touch with anyone or anything. Have a go. Whether it's through their podcast or other endeavors, Jack, Hamish, and Andy have likely connected with many people and brought joy to their lives.
Starting point is 00:12:51 It's important to recognize and appreciate these positive aspects of their work rather than focusing on negative assumptions or judgments. However, having said all of that, yeah, I'm very good. Hamish has probably lost touch with me. What? I was glad some tingling. That's not open AI. That is polluted AI. To me, to be fair, that kind of sounds like Jack. That sounds like Jack. Hey, last year was a very pancake themed year on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I am so glad we were revisiting this because I thought we'd put pancakes to bed. As I think Jack's about to mention, the location for our Christmas party, as a team, felt like a conclusion didn't. To go to the pancake. When we went to the pancake parlour in Melbourne. Andy was still a bit winshy, didn't you find, at the pancake parlour, that it was all pancakes. Yeah. I thought I embraced it. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:13:49 I tell you what, there was general excitement when we discovered there's a cocktail called the Tobler Rose. No, no one could believe. Two of the main themes of last year came together in one, 30 lunch. And Jack, tell the listeners what, Hamish and I, organized for us a special guest. Oh, what was the current general manager of Paypal? Keep it vague, because we promised in Stalfeer. Yeah. But someone who is there at the beginning
Starting point is 00:14:21 and could share the theme on all the lot of light, quite a lot of light on the inner workings of the term all that we covered. I think pretty thoroughly last year during the pancake was I do have some pancake related to Lodge as well, Jack, if I'm really glad you bring it up. I quickly wanted to because I was a big huge proponent of the pancake power last year.
Starting point is 00:14:42 I have a lot of love and I loved it as a kid. But then I got a little bit burned while. Your mum did struggle. It's fair, not everyone in the post-house hold had such a positive experience of the pancake power. Your mum struggled with their mix, but we, as it claimed,
Starting point is 00:14:57 they put the, they put the, she says it's not the same mix as they use at the pancake power. And it was also too sticky to get off the pan. But under cross examination, we found that she probably didn't put butter in the pan. Well actually by coincidence I've got another sticky story. So at the end of the pancake parlour lunch for the Christmas party they gave us a show bag of pancake parlour goodies which was the mix so maple syrup and about $50 of voucher to to the pancake parlour, that when you looked a little closer was expiring on the 31st of December.
Starting point is 00:15:29 So, we only had two weeks to use it. That's a festively quick return. Bearing an eye, we're hosting everybody at our house for New Year's Eve. And on the morning of New Year's Eve, we had lots to do by said, we have to go to the pancake parl because his voucher expires to not. So surprise you didn't give a DMR as a Christmas present. So we did, I took my son for the first time ever. It's his first experience at pancake fella.
Starting point is 00:15:57 We loved it. We got all the the delicious sweet pancakes, the Alice in Wonderland is my favorite. But then someone's got getting for a re-up on the voucher. Wow. Then we go to Scandervaacua at the end of the meal and the maple syrup had spilled into the show bag a little bit and it was stuck onto itself and when I opened the voucher, it ripped the barcode and they would not honour the voucher. and they would not honor the voucher.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Which, what I add, we ordered strategically for the whole meal to Aiko about $50. Oh, I'm sorry. So they would be no transfer. They would be no transfer. So we got money at the cashier, but I had to pay full price for the, what did you try to send it upstairs? What was that moment where it wouldn't
Starting point is 00:16:45 would? You would have. I tell you it was looking at, it was looking at my wife and I and they're saying should like show the guy upstairs will know. Yeah. And she said, let's just let's pay, let's just pay the money. And so she wouldn't let me escalate it. But how'd I bet on my own? Or if she'd already been at the car, I would have. Oh, yeah, you would have been, you've been a light on protest. You did. You would already been at the car, I would have. Oh, yeah, you would have been a light on protest. You would have been like the environmental protest where you just glared yourself to the counter with Maple Syrup.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I'm not leaving until you wanted this. Great update, Jack. Hang on. I hope in my heart that they actually did that. They were like, yeah, chuck a few of those Syrup vouchers. It gets him every time. Hang your up there. Okay. I want to, let's leave the pancake power behind for a moment, because this is, this was given to me, my friend of mine, Dan. And he was like,
Starting point is 00:17:35 how you still doing pancake stuff on the podcast? Oh, I said, look, we do other stuff. Just ask chat GPT. Like, we do keep it fresh. We have, and he's still got nine other topics he might hit but we follow mandates. But I think yeah, look, we of course, by default have sort of become a place for pancake complaints to go. I've got to go to be an issue with a with a shaken bake pancake. Yeah, okay. I'll look if it's the sticky thing, we did ascertain. That was really just Jack's mom. Yeah, I mean, I can't deal with, she's onto something. Okay. So this is ShakenBake, you get it supermarkets?
Starting point is 00:18:13 I'm gonna put in the name and change the brand because you got it. You got it. Greens, one of them, Greger, more popular brands of ShakenBake. And often you put water or milk or, or inside the line. to the line and then you shake it. Not off an end always. Okay. That's how you do a shaken bake. Jack, am I you with me?
Starting point is 00:18:31 I'm shaking. Yeah. Sometimes it's an embossed line on the plastic of the jug. Sometimes you can only assume to save money and the extra cost of embossing the jug. It's a printed line on the label of the back and you fill the water up to it and you have to sort of gauge it by eye sight. But, and you worry you do have that, like, what if they put the sticker on wrong here? Is the line gonna be wrong? Is the mix gonna be wrong?
Starting point is 00:18:57 But you still take it because that's, you're buying cheap pancakes and that's fine. On the back of the green shaken baked pancake and we are looking here at the cinnamon doughnut temptations range. The instructions of this, preheat frying pan and grease well, gel. I don't know, and that's on the back of the pancake bowl, but this is just normal, they assume people will do it. Shake the bottle to loosen the dry mix.
Starting point is 00:19:27 That's fine. Add 300 mils of porter and replace lid. There's no line. You have to measure your own water. Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. And so Dan's going, what's going on here? You have to measure your own water. That's cooking.
Starting point is 00:19:40 That's not what you buy shaking bag for. If we're measuring, we might as well just make pancakes. So we've got all the measuring gear out here. The whole point of shaking bank is we're taking care of the measuring for you. It's all in one system. Okay. They've now outsourced the measuring to you, the consumer. That is not your job. That's not your job for shaken bank. We said, right, this is a bit of a, that is a bit of a travesty, especially when they're building on the front that this is a premium pancake mix. You can't build a premium pancake mix if you're outsourcing the measuring. Well, during COVID, a lot of the restaurants kind of half-made meals and you had to do the end,
Starting point is 00:20:20 it was like making you feel like you're doing something. It's part of the experience. They were shaking back in a premium at the end. It was like making you feel like you're doing something. It's part of the experience. They were shaking back in a premium at the end. I think it was finished at home. Yeah. Do they think that this, they think by premium, they're giving you a little bit of, you know, something to do. No, no one's enjoying that. Okay. Well, how is this though?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Then she goes, look, I thought I was overreacting. Then look at this. Shook it up. It's full of chalk chips. Left stuck to the packaging on the inside. So the mix has chocolate chips in it. Yeah. You shake it up. It's full of chalk chips left stuck to the packaging on the inside. So the mix has chocolate chips in it. Shake it up. They're stuck to the inside. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:20:50 I'm like, that is terrible. So 300 mils isn't the right consistency to get the chalk chips out. Moving of. Yeah. The pack is literally 50 chalk chips stuck to the ends. You can't get them out, Jack. Yeah. Well, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:21:02 My problem with shaking backs in the first place is you never get all the powder. You can never get down into the corners. Don't you? Which is fine, which is fine. Which is fine. If you're including, if you're including a treasure like a chocolate chip, you've got to understand the disappointment that's going to arise, especially when you've got a C3 package. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:16 You've seen some of the chocolate chips on the inside. So it's taunting you. They're in there. But then this is for the real knives out slash glass onion fans amongst us. Hang on. Didn't I say the flavor was cinnamon donut? What's a chock chip doing in a cinnamon donut flavor anyway? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:33 So the crimes against pancakes stack up here with this. I kind of. Don't stack up because you can't make pancakes. Yeah, but yeah, I was shocked stack up because you can't make pancakes. Yeah, it's a bit true. Yeah. I was shocked that this is what greens is putting out as an acceptable form of pancake. You would think, if you get a job in the Shakenback to partner greens, that is one of the most coveted jobs
Starting point is 00:21:57 in the greens empire. I don't really know what else they make, but I think it's more to do with like, isn't it food coloring and like cake? No idea. Mixing. It's like packet mix and you know vanilla essence and right.
Starting point is 00:22:10 But that would be you'd start there like you'd start and food coloring. You'd work your way up and you'd be dreaming of the shaking baked department. And then to get there and to invent a flavor called cinnamon donut that you put chocolate chips in and you don't bother putting a lime on the packet for. I mean, come to us in writing grades if you defend yourselves because... The last thing I want is obviously to start that you're gonna get someone fired from their job.
Starting point is 00:22:32 But I can't see how this guy can change and make it keep their job. I can't see it. Hey, if anyone wants to contact the show, www.hamishnady.com is where you go. You can just drop us a line on anything, but also you can feel that a very important podcast of form, which allows you to be a bit more deeply involved in the show, particularly if you'd like to be recognized
Starting point is 00:23:00 for a special skill, something that you are uniquely great in and not enough people who've given you credit for. Over the government mandated a podcasting break as well as lots of gnashing of teeth and waving as fists from us. I did have a chance to go through the emails and g some absolute rippers came in. No no greater than this. I thought we had to start off with young man named Joel. Let us quickly read you his email. Hi boys, I have the most incredible special skill. I am a freak at fish identification. I am so with five O's, good. You should have me on the show. I'm pretty incredible. If you could show me pictures, describe its features, heck, I'd even attempt a description of its behaviors based off its behaviors, location and feeding patterns and feeding patterns brackets, although that might be a bit more difficult
Starting point is 00:23:46 Hit me out. You want this We do we do we do Joel how I am at oh boy boys. How you going very well? We are great Joel this this put a real smart eye face as we're putting the shading of this morning And we thought we would we came up with a system. Annie Jack and I have come up with and excited. Look, I don't know if there's spillover into possibly a TV game show, but I don't think we should rule it out at this stage. Alongside celebrity medicine cabinets. So we're building a little bit of a panorama. Do I get a percentage or am I more of a host or a participant? I can't go to the US.
Starting point is 00:24:27 You certainly are a very, very special first guest. Joel, the way this is going to work is we've each been handed a picture of a fish. We don't know what fish we've individually got, but we are going to be a lot of 30 seconds each to describe the fish, one at a time to you. And off our descriptions, you have to guess we have 30 seconds of within to guess which fish it is. Yes, okay. You can guess multiple times, but I don't know if you just to run through every fish in the catalog within 20 years. That would take a while, so yeah. How many fish are there in the catalog?ac? Oh I mean you would think thousands but
Starting point is 00:25:09 yeah there's lots of fish so I hope you haven't gone tube skewer. I mean I think I had a look at it this morning but I think there's like 160 grouper which are like they all look super similar. Now we haven't gone too deep. No we haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep.
Starting point is 00:25:31 We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep.
Starting point is 00:25:39 We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. We haven't gone too deep. I'm having group spaces at work because I need it to be a lot. Okay, okay, don't worry. We're on your side here. We want a good show as much as the people listening do.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And some important things to note, I think you're out. We're going to be trying as hard as we can. We obviously want you to win. So we're not, we can't throw it. We're on team. We're on your team. We're on team fish identification. For me too.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Yeah. And look, there are, so there team fish identification. I mean, two. Yeah. And look, there, so there are four fish. Obviously, there's a jack round. There's a hamish round. There's an antie round. Then there's an all-in, where we will all yell at you. The description of the fish and it will be your job to sort of filter out the most important
Starting point is 00:26:20 details. Yeah, because we'll be excited. I think we're all excited to play the all-in round and see how that goes to. Jack then did suggest there could be a fifth round where you pick your two favorite discribers and they do a double round and he squashed that I think the phrase was this is going to
Starting point is 00:26:37 go on for an hour. But when the TV show comes along that is. We'll need that exactly. We'll need that segment three. I will say this it's it's please appending on your description so hey we would expect no less than for you to be laying the laying the early foundations for the blame game it might be I'm sick with five. Alright, let's jump into it. It's an ancient movement, or it's also big. This fish, this fish.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Describable, this fish, this fish. It's getable if you're Joel Clifton. Joel, Clifton. Joel Clifton. Lovely. Are you ready? Yes, I'm ready. The guys will start their 30 second class. Who's going first? Is it Jack first?
Starting point is 00:27:32 Are you first, I can. Just listen, not me. You can count me in. Are you ready, Andy? Yep. Okay, good luck to everyone involved. Just be a subscriber or listener. Time starts now.
Starting point is 00:27:46 It's a bright yellow tail. It's got what looks like a black mow hawk that starts from the top of its crown's eyes all the way back to that tail. There's a yellow fin underneath, smaller one at the back third, and a big black fin at the bottom of it, which kind of angst is a rudder it looks like.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Tiny side fins, a bit of a stump nose, eyes look like a fish. Blue, it's a golden... It's black dotted. Okay, and a golden... Time is up. Time's up. Oh, I'm going to have to get... Okay, can I ask how long it is?
Starting point is 00:28:22 Is it... Is that my answer? The description time. It's it's it's it's it's it's also it's it's it's also it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's But either of those in the pool, it looks like a half an arm link. We'll go out of the 30 seconds here. But I never get this guessy. No, that's all I got, roosterfish. Oh, good eating. It's a Mahi Mahi.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Ah, you joking. You said it was green. He said yellowtail. Yeah, it's the whole green. He's a bit rainbowy. Like he's starting his green at the front now Unless I'm color I'm not a bloody yellow to me. No, but green at the front Yeah, it's me. I'll be in the come on. Joel the blame game
Starting point is 00:29:22 Andy has put in a what you'd have to say not a great performance be selected in the mythical to favorite discribers round who's next I'll go next Jack and go okay Jack good luck you ready sorry yes yeah come on Jack good luck okay Jack time starts now I'm opening my fish. Okay, cone head. Cone head is my first clue. But a more triangular at the head and then regular fish tail. Two fins at the bottom, one fin at the side
Starting point is 00:29:56 and then let's get into the colors. Pre-black stripes diagonal, running like, if they started the front, it is forehead, the run diagonally back to his tail he is Pink or a light brown he has a look on his face like Look at the fish people I thought we were meant to see for the first time I thought we were meant to see for the first time. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:30:24 I'm sorry. I mean, smiling doesn't really add anything, but like extra detail. Look what he's saying. And he's like, he's waiting for the bus. We're going to his face for a great day. He's going to face like he's just agreed to go camping with his wife, sister's family. But he's also just the guy who was meant to play golf and he doesn't know how to get out of it. What I was going to finish, he's going to look at his face like, he's giving you a nod like, you've seen him in the hallway
Starting point is 00:30:47 and he's nodding but he's not saying hello. I'm thinking maybe a type of snuff, I'm not sure what one it could do. Conehead, maybe I'm thinking more like a Wahoo because they've got very like long nose, those head. I don't know, I'm not brim. It's a crested, more long. Conehead. Yeah, is that a good one Joel. Oh, I mean there's about five different long species so
Starting point is 00:31:30 Hard but I will No, that's okay. Yes, what it's the game's not over you've still got it Tim around yeah, Andy's prediction now is making sense Maybe Andy foresaw a little bit of, but I'm confident I can see the picture. I've seen the picture. I actually have thought a little bit more, rather than describe say things like, okay, here we go. Get into the description now, which is a little bit of a time burner. I think I think I've got some descriptions that will help you. This is for all.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Try and do the most defining features, not this one. Don't worry, don't worry. I'll be right back. Which even for a clown fish, even a clown fish isn't smiling, so it doesn't help. Okay, I'll tell you how. You ready? Here we go. Go. Okay, large flat fish as in tall and flat, has a very large door-sulfkin at the top
Starting point is 00:32:26 and it's almost same size one at the bottom. It's gray, it's got a big, nobly head. I think I actually know this fish, and if I'm not mistaken, they're very heavy. It's got a small eye set back and it's just a flat side fin that almost looks like a bit of a clam. You're looking and then it very ugly tail, like a bunched up,
Starting point is 00:32:47 almost like a cloud shaped tail, not a tradition. Oh, okay, so very large, do you think around? You mean like almost perfectly round or not? Yeah, that's okay. Well, it's got to be like a sunfish or a solar flander. Ocean sunfish. I think it's a sunfish. I think it's a sunfish! I think it's a sunfish.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Here we go. Now we're cooking. Now we're cooking. Thanks, Hank. That was the beauty. That's what we want to see in the TV version. Yes. You had a very distinct looking fish, though. Yeah, it's very, very...
Starting point is 00:33:19 Yep. Well, are we going to have a 100 kilos? No, 100 kilos, don't they, Sunfish? They're very heavy. Are we bothering with the oil in? Yeah, I think so. Oh, yeah. I think it's... I think it's and they weigh about 100 kilos, don't they? Sunfish, they're very heavy. Are we bothering with the all-in? Yeah, I think so. Oh, yeah. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have.
Starting point is 00:33:29 I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. I think it's what they all have. This is why people stick through the ads to watch the last part of the TV.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Oh, quick, mum, daddy, all in. All right, are we ready? Yes, I'm ready. On your marks, get set, go. A very normal fish. Silvery blue color, blue along the top, silver along the bowing and thin. Long and thin, almost like a shark's profile, but certainly not as shark It's browning, almost browning, tiger likes, not dry like very faint tiger likes trubs all the way down
Starting point is 00:34:10 Has one of those little Mohawk fins that start just behind the gills and goes to the dorsal film then that's over And then at the back end of its tail it looks like it's got little chainsaws all the way down both sides Oh yeah, I love you to start What do we got? Oh, okay, it's got to be a Spanish macro. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:34:31 The all in! That's how you all in. What do you, that is how you all in. So, that's pretty good. That's very good. Very good, very good. The worm has turned on this segment. That is now pure excitement.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Even for people that this is like drive to survive. You don't have to be in F1 fan. You just enjoy the thrill of a man naming a fish. Well, I've got a question for you boys. Yep. If I can come up with a really interesting fact for the first one, the dolphin fish, Marri Marri, would that be coin worthy or pre-boring? No, it wouldn't, but thanks very much for your time.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Thank you boys. Guys, I saw the weirdest thing during the government mandate or break. In fact, you guys, you're not going to believe me. Someone podcasting? Not as wild as that. Checked by eyes. Would have been a mirage, sir. I think it's, I actually think it's crazy you've been seeing four people that look vaguely
Starting point is 00:35:40 like guys the best. Which never happened because it started this too and then it, you know, it had to have the story. It got more guys. Simple explanation. Simple explanation. Look a lot contest done. Quarter mile going to or coming from. Simple explanation. Now if you're about to tell me you saw three Tiguan's in a row. My dad's model of karma. Dad drives three hard to get as classified by a Volkswagen DLF. My question to you is, you sure it wasn't a T-Cross? Because they are. They were a similar model.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Not T-Gone related. In fact, I'll tell you both what happened. And if you believe me, yeah, you have to say, the first thing you have to say is I believe you, rather than any shocked, and I'll have to say, the first thing you have to say is, I believe you, rather than any shocked, and I'll turn to you, Jack, and you can say, I believe you.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Okay. Summit bannings. I believe you. Oh, you can exhibit. Something to pop up on Instagram to prove that hasn't lost touch before I started going to Boeing. Yeah, before I give this sort of butler service that can fetch tools for you. I was actually there for the third
Starting point is 00:36:53 time before calling McKinnie going, yes, I'm just healing at the stuff I want for free. It's a business. Pretending to eat a sausage through the bread, then getting out of these knife and fork when the cameras were away. I actually there for the third time because I bought the wrong plug three times, a laundry plug, and had to go back and sausage just were on. So I decided to reward myself with a sausage per visit, and I was lining up.
Starting point is 00:37:16 You accidentally incentivizing failure, right? Yeah. On some level. So you're right, I shouldn't have. I should have punished yourself. You know sausage for being a zillion sausage, you're getting shouldn't have. I should have punished yourself. He knows what's for being a zillie, just getting the wrong plug. When we'd say laundry plug, what do you mean? For the sink?
Starting point is 00:37:31 Yeah. Yeah. Hold it. Well, yeah, because it was, we broke. I actually broke the laundry plug, so I went back to get it replaced and then got the wrong one. It's Janusok in there. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I was just way until there's like three things I did. I always need five things in and of them from Bunnings and then I buy 20 because it's exciting. But I guess I'm just slightly pived and out because I'm in the legal offices every day I'm day over the holidays trying to fight the mandate or break and then I find out you've got time to give three plug trips to the bunny.
Starting point is 00:38:05 I was originally getting pickets and sorry. Good. Getting placards. Tiki torches to be standing outside the ministry of podcasting. Very good sir. Bye. So I thought I'll lie that for my third sausage, right? No, I'm behind this person in the line.
Starting point is 00:38:25 The person in front of me says, Hi, can I please have a bunning sausage? No sausage, please. I don't believe you. I don't believe you. I can't believe you. Did they say can have a bunning sausage? Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:42 They're not selling other brands. What do you want? You want to have a miter 10 sausage. Yes, no, he's selling other brands. What do you want? You want to kind of a minor 10 sausage? Oh, I wouldn't, we're out of bunning, because they're pretty old those ones. Quote, I know sausage. So a piece of bread, a piece of bread. I'm you, I'm you, and I'm a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:38:57 And the, and master the man. What are you charging? What do you charge for the, well, it was the same price, because it was $2 a sausage. But there's been no transfer of sausage. The man's true. The man didn't blink. As if he got a regular.
Starting point is 00:39:16 I expect to qualify you to hang on. You assure you just what a piece of bread was sourced the sausage. I understand. I understand there's a vegetarian issue here. Obviously, if you've had Joe, you're starving. What do you do? If he's a sausage sizzle, it's going to contain animal products. In that case,
Starting point is 00:39:38 I don't even think they would be vegan those things with this. There's no way. They're not really vegetarian because they're all cooking on the same grill anyway. But assuming there's a separate thing for the onions, you would have to, if I was a vegetarian, I would say you wouldn't order it like that. That's probably the bit I'm struggling with. If you're starving, I would say, look, I'm vegetarian. Exactly. So give me quantity. Give me a sausage-quant level of onions.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Give me more onions that you've ever seen before in your life. Because I'm not buying a sausage. Give me two or less worth of onions and bread. Make it feel like a sausage in the hand, but it's onion. Exactly. That's right. White pound pound, give me a sausage worth of onions, please. Instead they ask for a burning sausage.
Starting point is 00:40:22 No sausage. No sausage. Told you you wouldn't believe me, but I'd like people to anyone that runs. Is this the bit where you go? Because I'm making it. No, no, no, no. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:40:32 No, what I wanted to do. And I only had to travel there once. I got it right on the first go. I get my laundry plates for free, you idiots. No, I'd like if anyone runs any sausage sizzles of any type, rotary outside of soup market, outside of bunnings, how's it happened here before? Because the guy didn't flinch and it seemed to me as if that's fine. Unless he thought the sale was so good.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Like, you know, you're an auction house and some of walks in and goes, I'll give you 29 grand for that table. You know it's $1500 a You're like, mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah, don't flinch. He would have been looking forward to when they go and tally up the overheads at the end of the day. And you know, you assume that crew would have done hundreds of them. Like, okay, well, we know how many we sold, so we know how many sausages we are down, and he would have been, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, have been no, no, no, no, guys, big news today. We're actually up a fair bit because
Starting point is 00:41:28 well, we sold 500 sausages, so that's 500 down. It's not. We have a surplus sausage. A two bucks up because we sold the surplus sausage. And we've actually sold 500 and one sausages this party. We've done 501 in sales and we and we only 500 in overheads of sausages. That's why we're flogged. That's good.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Hey, you and I get a giggle at a certain, look, company names. It seemed to narrow themselves down to exactly what they're doing. I think niche companies are good because we need a man. We can't just slip into just mega stores selling everything. You need the small operations. But we wanted to know how true people will stand by their brand and then niche store. And we've got a little test that we run this year, have. Look, I mean, we have had fun in the past with things.
Starting point is 00:42:23 We used to have seen, we got Australia's only. We would like to find businesses that were like, you know, we're Australia year, hair. Look, I mean, we have had fun in the past with things. We used to do a same called Australia's only. We would like to find businesses that were like, we're Australia's largest laundromat, et cetera, and we'd challenge them for the title. Stand by your brand is in the similar vein where if someone says they only do one thing, we're in as a customer looking to move them outside, they're declared boundaries of business. If they stand firm and
Starting point is 00:42:47 they refuse to bend, then they will win. We decided a $50 commission, Andy. When does it expire? It is, it is got runs through to the right through the end of August. It is got runs through to the right through the end of August. Yep. Sorry. The net. The net. The net. The net.
Starting point is 00:43:10 The net. The net. The net. The net. The net. The net. The net. The net.
Starting point is 00:43:18 The net. The net. The net. The net. The net. The net. The net. The net. The net. The net. The net. The net. The net. How many have got Lee Shirt? Or you could exchange it for a two year, $25 out of it. So you can play around with, do I want 50 now?
Starting point is 00:43:33 Where a lot of stuff is out of stock, obviously. It's all over Christmas. Or would I like to take it two year horizon to see what else the boys might come up with, but I will be forefitting half my steak. Hang on, we're getting to that, that's all the small print. Mostly the game is a standby your brand.
Starting point is 00:43:48 MUSIC MUSIC Stand by your brand. MUSIC Hey, what have we decided to start with today? OK, this caught my eye the other day. Driving along the freeway, a promotional van for a company called Floor Mania drives past me. I always give a few-
Starting point is 00:44:08 I always give a few- There's company van. There's a company van, so I just like it's that's the van I guess they send out when you get new floors. I do love the idea of a van. Is it a huge, no, it's a huge couple of buildings. It's a floor mania. But I do love combining a very regular product, like flooring with mania. It's so wild in there.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Anyway, so Floor Mania Drosbus and they're loving their running with it because the number of ladies F Mania. So they really let you know and I thought, okay, he's a great candidate for stand by your brand. They're obviously very cannon form flaws, maniacal about them, but also would they give up that number play? Because you can tell they're pretty happy with the number plate. Would if I called from a company called fridge mania, for example,
Starting point is 00:44:56 could I tempt them away from the F mania? So what's the level? Do we think I think I've obviously been pretty in monetary offers? Yes, I would say if you can get it for three grants a lot about it, but if you offer him three and he doesn't take it. If he stands by his friend up to three grand, that's a win for him and he will get the choice of the two vouchers. Yes, he'll get 50 immediate dollars or get 25 longer-term dollars to spend at these fees choosing at the Hamish Andy. All right, yeah, with that three grand.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Jack's got his number off the internet. Jack's got a number. Good luck to our floor mania. Good job, sweetheart. How's that, John? Yes. No, my name is Greg Adley. Hey, going. Good morning. John, I haven't got you bad time, but I'm just going with a slightly left field request. Sorry, just checking you. Are you the manager or involved in
Starting point is 00:46:00 Flormania? I am yet. I'm involved yet. Great. I may, we're starting a business ourselves. Starting in Sydney, looking at me, Brisbane Officer in Melbourne office. Not in your game, but you'll understand what I'm asking for in a moment. I saw one of your vans with the number plate, F-mania.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Is that you guys? Yes, and he's one of those, yeah. Yeah, great. Looks terrific. I'm setting a company fridge mania and we're doing fridges, we'll do fridges as well, but predominantly fridges. Yep. And I'm looking at getting a similar setup
Starting point is 00:46:37 with a promotional vehicle and we've had a play around with different number plates. We're trying to get. With a one- one, Daniel. Well, I just can't think of anything else that fits in the six digits. Our slogan's freaky dig, but you can't make it work on a number plate. So yes, I humbly am coming. Fridge Mania is requesting for Mania yield to the number plate.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Would you give me the F Manminion number plate for $500? I definitely not, we'll pay that for 10, you'll be more than that for $500. $650? No, I've had that for 15 years. Have you looked at how much number plates cost on the line? Yeah, I've had a look, it's hard to get them, isn't it? Oh, I know you, I know it suits our business too, but everything's going to price on it. Yeah, I know. I know. Did you want to email me and then I'll have a think about it, or what best offers, and
Starting point is 00:47:32 I'll come back it off? Yeah, look, three. Well, because we're just starting up fridge mania and, you know, body, you know, shipping issues and stuff at the moment, it already were a bit squeezed. I think for novelty number plates three would be the biggest three would be as high as a would you do you think I'm in the ballpark at three would you would you would you I'm probably thinking more than five thousand marks so yeah these would have been I don't need to sell it I've had a 15 years you know I get it I get it
Starting point is 00:48:02 it's not basically not mine knows you know, is you know. Hey, John. You all. Guess what? What? You've stood by your brand. Well done, John. It's actually any new John. I'm actually an Andy here, John, testing your brand.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Oh my god. I know it's. Is that a machine? You hear the segments stand by your brand so much. And you never think you're going to end up out of one day. Are you scared? Yes, I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep.
Starting point is 00:48:28 I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep.
Starting point is 00:48:36 I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep.
Starting point is 00:48:44 I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm just checking to keep. I'm, if Mania, which is a terrific number plate. But you also personally, and don't try and split, don't let the other guys try and take this off you because you've won this yourself. You have won a $50 Hamish and Andy voucher to spend at the Hamish and Andy online store. Oh awesome, awesome. Yep. You've done expiring a few months. Or you can choose to have a $25 voucher that expires in two years time, so you're
Starting point is 00:49:07 going to be more time to think about it. Which would you like? I'll just get for the 50, mate. Yeah, he's playing hard. 50, he's good. Hey, John, you got one quick question before you let you go. Have you had any brothels ring you up at us for F-mania? I'm not going to expose that. I don't congratulate you. No worries mate.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Good on you mate. you

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